Parking of different breeds of pigeons. Meat breeds of pigeons

  • 23.09.2019

Like any other activity, breeding pigeons requires preliminary preparation. This applies not only to the arrangement of a place and a room for birds, but also to a thorough study of the whole process, because they have a lot of nuances and features that cannot be ignored. This information is especially important for beginner pigeon breeders.

No matter how simple it may seem at first glance, breeding pigeons at home, in fact, the process requires serious time, physical effort and a well-planned system of actions. Those who believe that the pigeon business brings great profits, this is not entirely true.

Breeding pigeons at home is not a way to earn money, but a hobby.

Basically, domestic pigeons are bred for one kind of pleasure or another. Different goals can be pursued by doing such a craft, but the stages of preparation, breeding and care are essentially identical.

Much depends on the breed that will be chosen for breeding. It is primarily worth dealing with this particular issue, because there are a lot of breeds and varieties of such birds.

First of all, they are divided into:

  1. Wild. Such pigeons are very demanding on the conditions of detention and care for them requires special efforts. The breed of birds accustomed to living in the wild cannot be changed, therefore even the most spacious dovecote will become flour for them. This kind of pigeons is bred only for some specific purposes.
  2. Home. Breeding domestic pigeons is the most popular. Keeping and breeding birds is quite simple. In this variety, there are many breeds bred for specific purposes, for example, for meat or for exhibitions.

Pigeon breeds are divided into wild and domestic.

Depending on the purpose for which this or that breed is intended, they are divided into three types:

  1. Flight.
  2. Sports.
  3. Decorative.

We suggest you read the article. In it you will find popular Russian breeds, their description and main characteristics.

List of some breeds for breeding:

  1. Crowned dove. The wild variety of these birds, and one of the most exotic, is no larger than a canary.
  2. English modena. Decorative variety, which is intended for breeding for meat. Weight can reach 950 g.
  3. Berlin Longbeak. Very interesting view breed intended for pigeon racing.
  4. English quarry. An athletic breed with an unusual appearance. Post pigeon.
  5. Saxon priest. Very beautiful dove exterior, intended for decorative purposes.

Crowned pigeons are wild birds no larger than a canary.

Birds have differences in plumage, coloration, size and many other features that you should familiarize yourself with and choose the one you need. If breeders have a desire to participate in bird shows, then it is better to choose any decorative or summer breed. For fighting competitions, a sports variety is suitable.

Important. At this stage, do not forget about counting the number of acquired individuals, depending on the tasks.

The breeding process is:

  • natural type;
  • artificial type - this method is chosen if strict requirements for the breed of bird are necessary.

Pigeons are bred in two ways: artificial and natural.

If there is a desire to engage in artificial breeding, then it is better to be guided by the following recommendations in the process of selecting a pair, because it is this moment that is the most important for future offspring:

  • choose a male and female of the same breed;
  • birds should not have flaws in the exterior;
  • the health of both partners must be in good condition;
  • birds must be energetic and strong;
  • it is better to start deciding with a couple before the mating season in the autumn-winter season;
  • the female should have a body weight not exceeding the norm, because a fat bird often lays unfertilized eggs, and the egg-laying process itself is difficult, an emaciated female is not able to hatch eggs and feed the chicks on time.

If there is a desire to engage in various experiments regarding breeds, then the first item on the list is skipped and prepared for mating various breeds. In this case, it is necessary to keep a special accounting diary.

The formation of a pigeon family is evidenced by their constant presence together and courting each other.

After a pair is matched, it is transferred to a steam box for one night. To understand whether the mating of individuals has occurred, you need to place them back to all birds after the night and observe their behavior a little. The formation of a pigeon family is evidenced by their constant presence together and courting each other.

After the stage of selection of pairs and mating, you can immediately begin preparing the nests. The basis of such a process is to provide the birds with conditions as close as possible to the natural environment. the best options light wire frames or large tree branches will be used for organization, which will allow females to feel themselves in natural conditions. This solution is suitable for breeders of wild pigeons.

Those who breed domestic pigeons should come up with a way to organize nests in a hollow. To do this, you can use any box, which you should choose depending on the size of the bird itself, and a basket placed on its side is also suitable.

After the selection of pairs and mating, they begin to prepare nests for doves.

If several pairs of pigeons are preparing for nesting at the same time, then it is better to place such boxes or baskets as far away from each other as possible. Label each box first. different colors or any convenient labeling in order to know exactly which offspring is located in which.

The doves build nests on their own, while only females are engaged in this business, males only bring material. Nest material should be scattered throughout the loft. To do this, you can use various branches, both large and small, as well as leaves and dried grass.

The laying period lasts approximately 9 days. The dove lays eggs at intervals of one and a half days. The first egg can be seen within 6-8 days after mating. When the second testicle appears, it is very important to control the incubation of two eggs by the female at the same time.

Usually female pigeons incubate two testicles.

To do this, you can do the following manipulations:

  • When the first egg is laid, it is taken out. This must be done very carefully, without damaging the fragile shell.
  • Place it in a warm place, without light.
  • Instead, put an artificial or labeled one in the nest, but from another female.
  • After the second egg is laid, the first can be returned to its place.

Attention. Do not forget about checking the eggs for fruitfulness. They do this after a 4-5 day period, looking through the testicles through the light. Those that have been fertilized have a black dot with branched veins from it.

In the case of a very hot spring during the incubation period, which lasts up to 20 days, care should be taken to increase the humidity in the nest in order to facilitate the exit of the chicks from the nest. Moistening the bottom of the nest with plain water is enough to soften the egg shell.

The period of incubation of eggs by a dove lasts up to 20 days.

The discarded shell from the nests will indicate that the offspring have hatched.

pigeon care

This period of development of birds is the easiest for their owners, because no special care is required for them, adult birds take care of this. Only after a monthly period, babies are given finely crushed grain, for example, millet. This will accustom the chicks to future food and add strength.

When pigeons are bred at home, it is necessary to adhere to certain requirements and have the appropriate documentation regarding the dovecote and birds. We are not talking about a simple registration of IP - this is a personal matter for everyone, but when breeding pigeons for the purpose of selling, it is necessary to go through some activities to obtain a sanitary permit. Such information can be obtained from the local health authorities.

When breeding pigeons at home, you must have the appropriate documentation regarding the dovecote and birds.

In addition to the sanitary permit itself, care must be taken to obtain a veterinary opinion. It is issued separately for each bird. And the third document is a quality certificate, regulated by GOST, which is necessary only for those who breed pigeons for meat. In any case, it is worth dealing with such an issue in the case of a large scale of activity.

Reference. Payment for a sanitary permit is about 20,000 rubles, and for a veterinary certificate - 200 rubles. for each individual, a certificate of quality will cost 5,000 rubles.

Such procedures are necessary because pigeons are scavenger birds, through which various life-threatening viruses can be infected and spread, including bird flu.

In order for the breeding of pigeons to have no problems, and for the birds to feel good, it is necessary to provide them with proper conditions.

Before you get pigeons, you should prepare all the conditions for their maintenance.

Pigeon room

An aviary or an equipped dovecote is suitable for organizing a poultry house. A simple solution there will be the construction of an aviary, however sanitary norms tougher for him. The nesting period requires special preparation of the bird habitat, this should be remembered at the time of its creation.

First of all, the room with pigeons must be disinfected. Such an event should be held at least once every six months. It is necessary to maintain acceptable conditions and ensure the health of the pigeons.

For this process, you can use potassium permanganate mixed with slaked lime or caustic sled, for a ready-made special preparation. During the procedure, the birds are isolated and the floor, walls, nests, trellises, etc. are treated.

It is very important to regularly inspect pigeons for various injuries, injuries, and to identify sick individuals.

Pigeons are periodically inspected for injuries or damage.

After discovering those, they are urgently removed from the common dovecote and treatment is started, if appropriate.

Nutrition should be competent, balanced, contain all the necessary substances for the healthy life of the bird. Nutrition is selected depending on the chosen breed of pigeon, and, accordingly, the purpose of breeding. For slaughter breeding, the feed and feeding system will be different from those bred for ornamental purposes.

Besides important point there are strictly fixed hours in feeding, for ease of understanding of such a process, it is better to adhere to the following recommendations:

The diet of pigeons includes: wheat, corn, some vegetables.
  • in summer feed 3 times a day, in winter - 2 times;
  • when the chick breeding period begins, the birds are fed for the first time at 4-5 in the morning, the second at 13 o'clock, the third time they are fed an hour before dusk - at 18-20 o'clock;
  • for the winter period, the hours shift to 8-9 in the morning for the first meal and to 16-17 for the second.

The diet mainly consists of:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • dressing from lettuce;
  • top dressing with cabbage;
  • carrot feeding.

The amount of daily food for decorative varieties pigeons is 40 g, for pigeons bred for slaughter, the rate is calculated individually.

It is very important that the birds always have access to fresh clean water in the required quantities.

The winter period of keeping birds has its own characteristics and the need to provide birds with the following:

  1. Cold protection. To do this, the dovecote is insulated with foam or drywall, mineral wool.
  2. Enrichment of the diet. Enrichment of the diet is carried out with grain, in which there is a high concentration of fats. It can be rapeseed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, oats.

In summer, pigeons from dawn to 17 pm are in constant motion, walk and fly.

In the summer, it is easiest to take care of pigeons. They must have a place for free flight and a place where they can land without hindrance. At this time of the year, from dawn until 17 pm, pigeons are in constant motion, walking and flying. It is only necessary to clean the dovecote on time, feed and change the water more often.

The advice of pigeon breeders who have been engaged in this troublesome business for more than a year and know all the intricacies of the process will also be useful:

  1. It is desirable to ring pigeons, someone considers such a process even a necessity. In addition, it is better to keep a special record of the pedigree of birds.
  2. You should not give preference to any one quality of a dove, leaving the rest without attention. For example, it is worth keeping an eye on the color of plumage in pigeons intended for summer, because in some cases you can end up with an outwardly ugly bird.
  3. Do not be afraid to breed chicks in the winter. Many pigeon breeders have no problem breeding pigeons in the winter.
  4. The greatest attention should be paid to the feeding of birds and to maintain not only the stability of the composition of the feed itself, but also its quantity and feeding hours.

We offer you to watch a video about keeping and breeding pigeons at home. We wish you a pleasant viewing!

Pigeons and doves have been known since time immemorial and inhabit all countries and continents, except for the polar regions. They belong to the Pigeon family (Columbidae).

Appearance, structural features of the body

The length of individuals is from 14 to 74 cm, weight is from 32 grams to 2.9 kg. The structure of the body is dense, a small head on a short neck. Wide wings, rounded at the edges. The tail is elongated, usually it has 12-14 feathers. The beak is small, expanding at the base, there is a cere - an area of ​​bare skin. Such skin is present around the eyes. In most species, there are no obvious differences in plumage between male and female. The legs are short, four-fingered - three fingers in front, one behind. Columbidae do not have a gallbladder. This is a generalized description of a dove. Of course, each breed has its own characteristics.

The dove is a symbol of peace and love

Everyone knows the image of a Caesar carrying an olive branch in his beak. These birds are certainly present at wedding ceremonies or on emblems symbolizing peace. Pigeons have a unique charm. They can be a worthy companion, gentle and devoted friend for a person.

If you breed decorative breeds of pigeons in aviaries, they breed easily and are extremely hardy.

Historical facts about gray-winged

Man began to breed them, to hybridize for various purposes a very long time ago. There are many breeds of domestic pigeons. Their representatives differ in size, body structure, plumage color and structure, flight qualities, character and many other features. There are more than 1250 breeds of domestic pigeons in the world.

The oldest existing image of a sizar dates back to 2600 BC. Aristotle mentions it in his writings. For many thousands of years, man has used this bird for food, sport, and messaging.

Dr. Matthew M. Words, a world-renowned expert in the field of ornithology, in the book "Pigeons - all about buying, breeding, feeding, diet, diseases and behavior" expresses his point of view. In the world, numerous breeds due to selective breeding for about 50 centuries have descended from one wild species - Rock Dove (rock pigeon, lat. Columba Livia). In our country - a gray dove.

Pigeon Racing

It is an international sport, spread all over the world. Only special, specially trained individuals compete in flight speed. Birds are taken to a predetermined distance and released at the same time. The flight speed of each flyer can be calculated by knowing the distance and time it took to reach the target. A microchip or a special electronic device fixed on the foot of each competitor helps to determine the winner.

This sport originated BC. It became widespread in the 19th century. For the first time the competitions were held in the Netherlands, then in France, Belgium, Great Britain. Nowadays, such championships are held all over the world, as well as in our country.

What to feed domestic pigeons?

These birds are granivorous, so they like sunflower seeds, corn, wheat, barley, millet and peas. Birds with the same appetite eat these seeds at any time of the year, but some of them are preferable in a certain season. What to feed pigeons in winter? IN winter period birds require more seeds with a high oil content to help them survive the cold season. For periods of molting and breeding, a suitable diet is needed. It is best to feed your pets with a mixture of seeds so that they get all the necessary substances. If there are offspring in the pigeon family, they need a more varied diet. On average, one individual should consume 35-50 grams of food per day, depending on the breed.

Pigeon feed must be properly balanced

The main part of the diet should be cereals. They are approximately 70% carbohydrates, 10% protein and 5-7% fat and minerals. They are rich in vitamins B and E, but do not contain vitamin A. On the other hand, there is a lot of vitamin A in corn. So, what to feed the pigeons?

  • Wheat is rich in carbohydrates. It must be given in small quantities, otherwise your wards are threatened with obesity.
  • Corn must be included in the diet. The queen of coarse grinding fields is distinguished by its high energy value and high protein content. The cereal is highly digestible, rich in calories, which can lead to weight gain. The amount of corn consumed must be controlled.
  • Oats are not the most favorite type of cereal for pigeons, but they are good for the health of feathers and muscles. Also helps birds feel good in cold weather, good for blood and nervous system. When doves are laying eggs, it should be reduced in quantity, because it is not very useful for eggshells.
  • Barley in the diet is good in cold weather in January and February. Due to the peculiarities of the digestive tract, young birds cannot eat it, so only adults can eat it. Barley has its own benefits - it has a calming effect on the stomach and reduces diarrhea.
  • Rye has a lower nutritional value than wheat or corn but can be used as forage.
  • Legumes are low in fat (1-5%) and carotene, but high in protein (22-40%). They are useful due to the high content of phosphorus, calcium salts, B vitamins.
  • In peas 22-26% protein, 0.1-2% fat and 4-5% fiber, rich in minerals. Birds digest it easily. Peas have a beneficial effect on the development of the body, increase resistance to disease, and reduce fatigue. It can be from 15 to 20% of the daily diet.
  • Vika is an excellent food for strengthening the nervous system. It is good to introduce these legumes in small quantities, no more than 15% of the daily diet. If given in large quantities, then problems with the intestines may occur. It is not recommended to give as feed to young animals.
  • Fruits and herbs can be given once or twice a week.

When bird owners do not know how to provide the right diet for their wards, how to feed pigeons, the latter may experience health problems. To ensure their long and healthy life, a good owner must have information about rational nutrition and constantly expand their knowledge. Keeping domestic pigeons is quite laborious.

Feeding devices

Pigeon feeders have enough simple design. They can be made by hand. When creating a feeder, follow a few rules:

  • The feed in it must be protected from droppings and debris.
  • Other parts of the body, except for the beak, should not be included.
  • There should be convenience for the birds and the breeder.

How much water to give?

When birds live in the wild, they get water from natural sources. If kept in captivity - they need only fresh every day. If the water becomes dirty, change it immediately. Contaminated fluid is the cause of many diseases. Pigeons drink every day immediately after eating, and then a second time within an hour. During hot and dry periods, they drink more than during cold periods.

If the couple is rearing chicks, the water intake increases. Drinking should be arranged so that it is not spoiled by droppings. Vorkuns drink by sucking up water. Sometimes he may be thirsty because he cannot find water. It takes several times to lower his beak into the drinker. Water should be left on open places, close to the feeder.


The building materials for the pigeon nest are small twigs and pieces of garbage. Doves can build a nest in any quiet place. Usually they build on technical floors, ledges, under bridges, inside barns. Pairs are monogamous, breeding several times a year. One family can raise 3-4 broods per year. The female sits in the nest for several days, until the first egg. Usually there are 1-2 pieces in a clutch.


On the eggs, both parents sit alternately, replacing each other. After about 18 days, the first chick hatches. 29 days after hatching, the pigeon chick will be ready to leave the nest. Young animals are most at risk of contracting infectious diseases, so fresh water and a clean bowl for food are the key to preventing ailments. It is necessary to add vitamins to the water for better development. What to feed pigeons that have just hatched? Juveniles should be fed a protein-rich diet, supplemented with enriched compressed food until the end of the plumage change.

Feeding during shedding

In autumn, plumage usually changes. In order for this difficult period to pass quickly and as comfortably as possible for the bird, the number of cultures containing protein should not be reduced in the daily norm. Some breeders increase the amount of wheat and barley and decrease the amount of corn. During this period, the frequency of flights decreases, you should carefully monitor the weight. It is best to feed at this time in the morning and in the evening.

Dovecote device

The nursery must first of all be safe, protect from predators. It doesn't need to be filled. The nest for each pair must be built in such a way that it has 0.5 cubic meters space.

Ventilation is very important, you need an influx of fresh air inside. It should be an air current, not a draft. It will help remove feather dust. It is desirable to have a letok to the east or southeast. Birds can tolerate cold quite well thanks to corn or other fat-containing crops, but they cannot tolerate dampness. If the nursery is very humid, then your wards are likely to develop an intestinal bacterial infection, coccidiosis and other diseases.

Conditions, for sure you will be interested in our material about breeding pigeons. Consider the details of the comprehensive care of these birds at different times of the year.

Growing pigeons, of course, begins with what kind of this bird you would like to breed: meat, sports or decorative - just for beauty. For breeding birds, it is important to choose the right breed, as well as to establish the reproductive process, creating optimal conditions for pets to live, and, therefore, for reproduction.

How to choose a bird?

Birds can also suffer from lice. For this purpose, the area under the tail and beak are usually examined - they should be even and uniform in color. If you choose sports pets, study the quality of their flight, manner of staying in the air. Naturally, pigeons are always purchased in pairs, since with an already chosen partner, the bird has much higher productivity. The highest purchase price will be in the spring, and the cheapest in the fall.


In domestic birds, reproduction usually begins at the very beginning of spring, and is specially prepared for this purpose. The room is cleaned, washed and dried. After that, special branch skeletons or ready-made wooden boxes with small sides. These boxes are filled in the corners with plaster and small sawdust. It is there that the pigeon offspring hatch.

Birds breed in several ways: random mating, inbreeding (related mating), the linear method, as well as mating unrelated pigeons and simply similar in appearance. The random method of reproduction usually dominates in nature, however, other methods are more often used to obtain beautiful, strong and healthy offspring without defects. When the female is covered, she is looking for nest material, and your task is to provide her with small twigs, down, remnants of feathers and woolen threads.

Hatching is done together by the male and female, they alternate so that the partner can rest, eat and fly. On average in total the term of incubation is a month. Usually pigeons are not disturbed while sitting on the nest, and the condition of the eggs is checked when the birds are not present. The total number of clutches per year is about three, the number of eggs is no more than two pieces per clutch.

Sanitary standards

If you are breeding birds at home for sale (for breeding or for meat), make sure that the dovecote is as clean as possible. In our time, it is not uncommon that birds are kept without registration of individual entrepreneurs, this is already a personal matter of the breeder. But if your business is large-scale, then you will definitely need a sanitary permit. Pigeons are considered scavenger birds that spread many types of dangerous viruses, including the sensational one.

Based on this, it will not be superfluous to visit the sanitary control authorities at your place of residence and find out what needs to be done in order to legally keep pigeons in a private household. The total cost of such a permit in Russia is about 20 thousand rubles. In addition, a veterinary certificate will be required for each bird - its cost is about 200 rubles per bird.

In severe winters, be sure to take the trouble to insulate the room in advance, so your feathered friends will be much less sick and will not lose weight. Make sure that the flyers receive a moderate amount of light, but not an excess of it - pigeons love a cozy twilight.


When the room issue is resolved, it's time to think about feeding. Now there is a mass of specialized compound feeds and mixtures enriched with vitamins. In winter, it is best to give them to pigeons. The basis of the diet of these birds should consist of barley, vegetables and fruits, in particular, potatoes, carrots, apples. It is possible and necessary to add chalk, sand, crushed shells or egg shells to the feed in small quantities.

The average dosage of feed per day for an adult bird is 50 grams. If pigeons are fattened for meat, be sure to include peas, an egg, and various natural fats in their diet. In winter, the nutritional rate increases so that the pets do not freeze. Water at any time of the year should change every day, be fresh.

To strengthen the immunity of poultry, you can give them herbal decoctions (chamomile, succession, thyme). Meat pigeons are fattened for at least 10 days, after which they are slaughtered when they are 28 to 35 days old.

It should be as comfortable as possible and protected from the cold. The dovecote must be insulated. Birds generate enough heat, but no amount of natural warmth can protect them from being constantly exposed to the cold in winter. Use foam or drywall as insulation for cells, mineral wool or OSB sheets.

In summer, it is better to keep flyers in fenced areas, separated from the rest of the courtyard by a lattice. Be sure to equip the arrival window so that the birds can land after the flight. Summer maintenance is the easiest - birds walk and fly from dawn until 4-5 pm, returning to their native yard, after which they go to bed at sunset. In summer, the most important thing is to change the water of the pigeons in time and clean the cages of litter.

Video "Keeping birds in a home nursery in Dushanbe"

An interesting story about various birds, their features, an overview of the content and appearance.

There are 292 species of wild pigeons on earth. We have wood dove, stock dove, ringed dove and rock dove. These birds feed on plant seeds. They nest in trees, in hollows, in burrows. Wild pigeons lay eggs 2 times a year, usually 2 eggs each. Both parents incubate them alternately.

All pigeons are easily recognizable. The pigeon appearance is unusually characteristic. The bird has a special gait - fractional. The dove does not run, namely, it goes, finely seeding and shaking its head. All lines of the body are streamlined, the neck smoothly passes into the goiter. The beak is small, thin, curved. Birds have strong wings. By hitting them against each other, they create a loud popping noise.

No one can say for sure how many breeds of pigeons exist. Today there are about 800 of them. There is a classification of breeds of domestic pigeons.

The largest breed groups:

Sports (postal)

Currently, there are about 50 meat pigeon breeds. They are divided into two groups: giant pigeons and chickens.

The most common meat pigeons are:

Kings have a short body and a well-developed chest with a long keel of the sternum.. The breed was imported from the USA. The plumage is white, silvery, yellow, blue, dark gray, black. The head is large and smooth. The eyes are medium in size, in white birds they are black, in colored birds they are yellow, the eyelids are thin, dark in color. The neck is short and flat. The feathers are short, coarse, close fitting to the body. White and light pigeons are more valued.

Kings are distinguished by a large mass of slaughter age chicks - 600-800 g, fleshiness, fertility and rapid growth.

The Roman breed is very ancient. These pigeons are distinguished by inactivity, gullibility, relatively low fertility, and are not pugnacious. The body is large, oblong, the plumage is thick, dense, the feathers of the wings and the tail are long.

As can be seen in the photo, the head of this breed of pigeons is large, smooth, the forehead is high, the beak is long, powerful with a bend:

The eyes are small. The neck is thick and short. The chest is wide, the legs are short, strong. The tail is long, wide at the end, rounded. Pigeons have brown, blue, red, white, silver plumage. The largest pigeons are gray. Roman pigeons do not fly well, but are resistant to disease. The mass of pigeons reaches 1.0-1.4 kg.

Strassers or "ostrich" pigeons were imported from Germany, but their origin has not yet been studied. The body is large, massive, the head is large with a wide convex forehead. The beak is medium, strong. The neck is of medium length, thick, the chest is wide, rounded. The back is wide, straight. The wings are medium, wide and lie at the ends on the tail. The legs are strong, widely spaced, bright scarlet in color.

Strassers are distinguished by a special plumage pattern: underside, thighs, chest and neck are pure white; head, wings, throat and tail are colored. They do not fly well, are temperamental and prolific. With decent care, these pigeons already at the age of one month gain weight up to 600-650 g, adult pigeons weigh up to 1 kg. This breed is most beneficial for meat breeding.

Polish lynxes were bred in Poland in the 19th century. Pigeons of this breed have a smooth head, with a high and wide forehead. The beak is long, the eyes are red-orange, the eyelids are grayish. The neck is short, the chest is wide, rounded, the back is straight and short. The tail is short, horizontally directed. The legs are short, widely spaced, red. The most common coloration is speckled on the wing feathers. Pigeons can also be plain blue, black, yellow and red. All pigeons have two white bands on their wings. By nature, pigeons are calm, but mobile, they fly well. The mass of these pigeons is 700 g, the advantage of breeding this breed is that they themselves can get their own food.

Mondvins bred in France and differs from other breeds in high fertility, viability. The plumage is silvery with black inclusions. Young pigeons reach a weight of 450-480 g, adults - 900-1100 g.

Maltese pigeons are very similar to chickens. They have a broad, domed chest and a short, broad, strongly concave back. Wings and tail are short. The legs are long and without feathers, red in color. The neck is long, thin. The head is narrow, oblong and smooth. The most common colors of feathers are white, blue, black and red-brown. Pigeons of this breed do not fly well, so it is better to place their nests on the floor. Pigeons weigh an average of 500-700 g.

Hungarian giants are real giants. The name of this breed of pigeons is given because of their large size. The birds have a broad chest and feathered legs. The head is large, the forehead is wide. There is a tuft that descends to the ears in the form of a round rosette. The beak is large, slightly curved. The neck is short and thick. The back is broad and tapers towards the tail. They have a variety of colors: spotted, variegated, bluish, reddish.

Texans. This breed is one of the most productive: pigeons grow quickly and have good meatiness. In these pigeons, you can determine the sex immediately after hatching: in males, the beak is light, the fluff is short or absent; females are covered with long yellow down, there is a spot on the beak. They have a powerful, fleshy chest, a medium-sized head, a medium-length neck, and a wide, deep chest. Taxanes have a calm temperament. The weight of pigeons is 700-900 g.

Breeding pigeons for meat

The essence of breeding and keeping pigeons is to fatten the young to a live weight of 450 g or more. In a year, from one pair of meat pigeons, you can get 5-7 broods, or 10-13 chicks. For their fattening during the month you need 5-6 kg of feed. Pigeons are killed for meat at the age of 28-35 days. At this time, they still do not fly and they have tender meat: fine-fibered, juicy with a pleasant smell and specific taste.

Depending on the breed of pigeons and the conditions of their maintenance, the live weight of young animals can reach 600-800 g, and adult pigeons - 850-1400 g.

To make the meat white, a few hours before slaughter, pigeons are given sunflower oil, and to give the meat a special taste, a few days before slaughter, the birds are fed dill, cumin, anise seeds.

Breeding, keeping and caring for pigeons is a very interesting and complex business that requires experience, knowledge, perseverance and patience.

Initially, it is necessary to make the correct selection of pairs, which depends on the goal set for the pigeon breeder: to improve the breed, to consolidate the existing properties or to obtain new signs.

Externally, male and female are almost indistinguishable. Features are detected by the cooing of a dove and by the nature of its behavior. The dove, cooing, inflates its goiter and makes strong, sharp sounds. The dove cooes quietly and does not stick out its goiter. When keeping pigeons, keep in mind that males planted together behave aggressively, and females calmly.

Pigeons are capable of breeding from 6-7 months of age to 7-8 years, but it is better to start mating at 10-12 months. After mating, after 6-9 days, the female lays eggs. Incubation lasts 16-19 days alternately. In the morning and evening, the male incubates, the rest of the time - the female.

The chicks hatch blind. For the first 18-20 days, the parents feed the chicks from their crop with liquid food (bird's milk), subsequently adding softened grain. On the 20th day, the plumage of the chick is formed, and it can peck food on its own. From the age of one month, the chicks begin to try to fly.

Small chicks are first fed with softened food with a small amount of sand, in the future you can switch to feeding with moistened grain. It is better to feed them 3 times a day and separately from adult pigeons.

It is necessary that these rooms are always clean, and the air is dry and fresh. Routine indoor cleaning should be carried out daily or 1-2 times a week. General cleaning during care when keeping pigeons is done in spring and autumn. All inventory (feeders, drinkers, nests) is periodically boiled or treated with boiling water and soda. Sick pigeons should be immediately separated from healthy ones.

Feeding pigeons should be rational depending on the time of year, on the breed of pigeons, age, physiological state and conditions of detention (free or aviary). If the feed does not contain all the necessary substances, the birds can get sick, while overfed, they get fat, reduce their flying qualities and lose their ability to reproduce.

The main feed is various grain mixtures from cereals, legumes and oilseeds, animal feed. Be sure to add vitamins and minerals. Pigeons also need to feed root crops, green plants. There are different diets of feed mixtures.

In the spring and summer, the diet for feeding domestic pigeons should be as follows: 10% - wheat; 20% - barley; 10% - oats; 10% - corn; 10% - vetch; 20% - peas, 20% - millet. In winter: oatmeal - 40%; barley - 40%; lentils and corn - 10% each.

When caring for domestic pigeons, feeding should be carried out regularly, at the same time, preferably 2 times a day, and the chicks are fed 3 times. Drinking water should be clean and fresh.

Pigeon diseases: photos of symptoms, treatment of gastroenteritis

Pigeons, like all living beings, are prone to various kinds of diseases. Whole line diseases of pigeons is characteristic of many birds. From non-contagious - beriberi, blockage of the intestine, catarrhal gastroenteritis, diarrhea, fractures, obesity; from infectious - ornithosis, paratyphoid, mallophagosis, pasteurellosis, smallpox and others.

These photos show signs of pigeon diseases:

Catarrhal gastroenteritis affects older young and adult birds. The cause of the disease is poor-quality food, dirty drinking water, various infections.

The main symptoms of this pigeon disease are: depression, loss of appetite, diarrhea, intestinal atony, anemia may develop.

If pigeons are sick, contact your veterinarian.

For treatment, depending on the disease of the pigeon, apply: antibiotics, sulfanilamide preparations, feeding with mucous decoctions of rice and flaxseed, aloe juice, castor oil, washing the goiter with disinfectants.

Pigeons are bred for various purposes. Some train birds for sports, others feed them and then use them for food, others simply enjoy the beauty and grace of these birds. But regardless of the desired result, a novice breeder should know that domestic pigeons require special conditions of detention. Therefore, before buying birds, you must definitely figure out how to care for pets and where to settle them.

These birds are bred for aesthetic pleasure, sports or for eating.

Those wishing to start breeding pigeons (or pigeon breeding) should decide for what purposes the birds will be kept. There are three main areas:

  • Getting meat. Pigeon meat is considered a delicacy and costs a lot of money. To get the most return, meat pigeon breeds are bred, characterized by rapid growth and active reproduction. Birds gain body weight well, sometimes over 1 kg. Popular species of such birds are Roman strassers and kings.
  • Sports. Experienced breeders are more often involved in breeding and keeping sports pigeons, since birds have to be trained. Preference is given to fighting and mail types. This area includes pigeon hunting, during which breeds of pure and tumblers are used.
  • Decor. These birds are raised for sale, use at ceremonial events, or simply for their own pleasure. Pouters, Jacobins and Uzbek breeds of birds are considered popular because of their extravagant appearance.

Below is all the information about breeding pigeons, starting with the creation of a pair and ending with the appearance of offspring.

Buying a bird

When buying a bird, pay attention to its plumage, eyes, behavior, breathing and lack of lameness.

Before buying, a beginner pigeon breeder must make sure that the birds are healthy, for which you should pay attention to such signs that are normally present in each bird:

  • shiny eyes;
  • active behavior;
  • breathing without interruption;
  • lack of lameness;
  • even symmetrical plumage;
  • proportional breast shape.

Pigeons carry ticks and lice, so you need to make sure that the feathers on the wings are intact and the color is uniform under the beak and tail. It should also be noted that an unscrupulous seller may pass off a cheap breed of birds as an expensive one.

Pair selection

Pigeons are monogamous, so it is recommended to buy an equal number of birds of both sexes. As a rule, they are acquired in already formed pairs - so the reproductive abilities of birds will be higher. They breed in the spring, and experienced pigeon breeders prepare for this in advance. To get the desired offspring, the birds are paired artificially. This allows you to maintain the purity of the color or certain hereditary characteristics. Some experiment, acting as breeders and getting chicks with new interesting colors, feather shapes or flight qualities. For example, Kirovograd pigeons are used to strengthen other breeds. At the same time, it is desirable to monitor the results obtained by entering the signs that appear in a special journal.

When pairing, it is recommended to keep the pigeons that are planned to be crossed during the day in separate room(steam box). During this period, the birds will have time to determine their predisposition to each other and, if circumstances are successful, they will spend all the time together.

To increase the reproductive capacity of birds, you should buy them in already formed pairs.

Many beginner pigeon breeders are interested in whether it is possible to understand the sex of birds by appearance. The male pigeon is larger than the female and during the breeding season, he is the first to flirt with his partner. He sticks out his goiter and performs a kind of mating dance around her.

If you decide to pair birds artificially, choose medium-sized individuals. Problems often arise with the laying of large females, and too thin ones are not able to hatch eggs normally. In order to effectively breed pigeons in order to obtain strong offspring, it is necessary to create pairs between healthy active birds that carry pronounced characteristics of the breed (endurance, speed, beauty of flight, and others, depending on the destination).

Nest preparation

The nesting site should match what the birds prefer in their natural habitat. So, in the wild, a domestic pigeon chooses a hollow tree, a wild one chooses its branches. The last branches are replaced with wire frames, and for domesticated birds, boxes or baskets of a suitable size should be selected. In order for couples to be in relative privacy, nesting sites must be located at a distance from each other.

The birds make their own nests. The pigeon breeder is only required to provide them with the necessary raw materials. Thin branches, last year's grass and foliage scattered around are suitable for this. Females are engaged in arranging the laying place for pigeons. Males bring them the required materials.

Incubation period

A week after fertilization, the female pigeon lays 2 eggs with an interval of 1 - 1.5 days. It is necessary to ensure that the bird begins to hatch both at the same time, otherwise the chicks will be born sick. To do this, the first egg is replaced with a dummy, putting the real one in a warm, dark place. After the appearance of the second "original" is returned to the nest.

After 3 - 4 days, the pigeon masonry is checked for the presence of embryos. When examining the egg in the light, you can see a darkening with veins through the shell. If the weather outside is too hot for birds, it is recommended to add water to the bottom of the nest 2 weeks after the check.

The appearance of the brood

Pigeon cubs are not at all like their parents - they are blind and with fluff instead of plumage.

Chicks are born blind, with little to no plumage. At first, they are fed by adult birds from their beaks, regurgitating partially digested food. After a week, the kids are gradually accustomed to the feeder. When the pigeons can feed on their own, a stable two-time regimen should be established.

You need to feed the chicks at the same time, changing the water every day. You can not skip the distribution of food, because with active growth, small pigeons need even more nutrients than adults. The diet should be varied and rich in vitamins. Both babies and all birds in the winter are recommended to additionally give fat-containing grains:

  • pumpkin or sunflower seeds;
  • peeled oats;
  • rape;
  • wheat mixed with corn as a base.

Requirements for the premises

Construction types

Breeding pigeons at home is not always possible due to the special requirements for the premises in which the birds are kept. Its common name is dovecote, although depending on the breed of birds and the capabilities of the breeder, there are several types of structures:

  • Attic. In a residential building, it is best to keep a dove in the attic near dormer window. For this with inside a two-meter-high room is fenced off, and a mesh paddock is attached outside. The arrangement of such a dovecote is carried out according to standard rules.
  • Ground. This design is installed on the ground, so it is more suitable for countryside, although it is also found in cities. The principle is similar to the previous one. The outbuilding serves as a nesting place for the birds, and the aviary adjacent to it serves as a walking area.
  • Stolbovaya. Such nurseries for pigeons are mounted on logs or poles two meters high, and small structures are ideal for beginner pigeon breeders, since it is irrational to keep 1-2 pairs of birds in outbuildings. The dovecote should be dry, well ventilated, with light. If you plan to breed a lot of birds, 2 floors are built, on one of which adults live without pairs (usually the upper one), and on the other - pigeons with chicks. For human access to the nursery, a ladder is attached.
  • Suspended. This is a small design, designed for 1 - 3 pairs of birds. Depending on their number inside, such a box is divided into the corresponding number of compartments. It is hung under the slope of the roof of any building, mainly in rural areas. Since the female pigeon lays 2 pairs of eggs (with an interval of 16 - 18 days), she has to look for an additional place for laying, for which 2 nests are provided in advance in each compartment.
  • Volnitsa. Such a dovecote is designed in an urban setting. The nursery has the shape of a polyhedron with a sloping roof and is mounted on a pole. Depending on the planned number of pairs of pigeons to be populated, the structure may consist of several tiers.
  • Tower. These structures are common in Western Europe. For example, in Germany, the state is mainly engaged in pigeon breeding, constructing such nurseries for sports breeds. Most often they are made of brick or concrete slabs, have the shape of a polyhedron and a height of over 4 m. Pigeons in the tower dovecote nest on the upper tier, and warehouses for feed and tools are arranged below. This design provides a person with free access to the laying of birds, which makes it possible, if necessary, to catch birds, remove their eggs to control the population or clean the premises.
  • Cell . If you decide to keep a pigeon in an apartment, a cage will be the only option. It should be spacious, a feeder, a drinking bowl, a perch and a bath are placed inside. As a place for walking for birds, you can use the balcony.

A home dovecote is not easy to build because of the special requirements for keeping birds.

General rules

The dovecote should be bright, well ventilated, without drafts and located south. Depending on the size of the pets, the amount of space for each pigeon must be calculated in the range of 0.5 - 1 m3. If you have more than 10 pairs of birds or birds different breeds, the building should be divided into compartments.

Since keeping pigeons in winter involves a temporary separation of males and females, appropriate premises must be provided for this. It is also recommended to make a compartment for young animals, a warehouse for feed and tools. The floor of the dovecote should be raised 25 cm above the ground, otherwise the birds may get sick from dampness or freeze. Meat breeds do not tolerate cold at all, so heaters are installed for them in winter.


Dovecotes for keeping meat, sports and decorative breeds of pigeons are equipped with an aviary. There the birds bask in the sun, bathe, eat green grass. It is installed next to the main structure or above it. The minimum size of the enclosure is 3 x 5 m. As a material for the facade, a wire mesh with such cells is usually used so as not to let other types of birds inside, the walls are covered with plywood. A feeder, a drinking bowl, a bath, boxes with green grass are placed inside.


Many people ask why bother with perches if pigeons in urban conditions live in unequipped attics and at the same time breed successfully. When a bird sits on a rail, the tendons of its paws are stretched. With a strongly lowered torso, the tension force exceeds the allowable one, due to which the bones of birds bend over time, affecting the health of the adult and future offspring.

The correct design of perches in the dovecote affects the health of birds and the quality of future offspring.

Feeder and drinker

Pigeons are recommended to put food in feeders, and for different types feed use separate compartments. For one individual, the approach length should be at least 60 cm (depending on the size of the bird). It is necessary to provide for the possibility of cleaning and disinfection of the feeder, as well as a cover that prevents its contamination.

When arranging a drinker, the main rule is to prevent debris or pigeon droppings from getting into it. Its design should include a cover and a tray so that the pigeons do not splash water on the floor. It is also unnecessary to name materials harmful to birds from which drinkers are made. They are the same for all animals and birds (for example, with impurities of copper or zinc).


Proper care of pigeons involves not only arranging the premises, but also providing the birds with a complete diet and appropriate conditions in different times of the year.


The main food for pigeons is barley with the addition of potatoes, apples, and carrots. It is recommended to introduce peas, eggs and fat-containing grains into the diet of meat breeds of birds. The minimum amount of food for one individual should be at least 50 g per day. Since birds often freeze in winter, the rate increases.

To strengthen the immune system, birds are given decoctions on herbs - chamomile, thyme, string. For the same purpose, the water in the drinker is changed every day. To improve the quality of meat, pigeons are fed compound feed with mineral supplements and vitamins.

Birds need a balanced diet of at least 50 grams of feed per day.

Features of breeding and care in winter

In winter, the dovecote needs to be insulated. The material used is foam, special cotton wool or drywall. Although birds produce heat, their own reserves are not enough at this time of the year. A freezing pigeon will not produce offspring, so the temperature in the nursery must be above 10 °. Birds should also be provided with a 12-hour daylight hours, for which the room is artificially lit.

Breeding pigeons in winter is possible with the proper arrangement of nests. They are deepened to 40 cm, then the ventilation is moved closer to the floor and the entrance to the dovecote is insulated. But novice breeders are advised to plan the purchase of birds for the spring.

Pigeon breeding requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, before deciding to breed birds, a person needs to answer the question: is it possible to provide birds with affordable means suitable conditions And proper care. After all, pigeons are living creatures, the responsibility for the health of which the breeder takes on.