Herbal Legends. "Green Pharmacy" Scenario of an extra-curricular activity on ecology An event with children is a storehouse of traditional medicine

  • 13.06.2019
Holiday script

"In the world of medicinal herbs"

Objectives: to develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants, to cultivate a careful attitude to their health, to bring children the joy of participating in the holiday.

Equipment: pictures of medicinal herbs, costumes for children and Baba Yaga, collection of medicinal herbs, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" June.

The course of the holiday

1. Introductory part.

Teacher: Hello, dear children! I am very glad that you have gathered today at the “In the World of Medicinal Herbs” festival.

Healing herbs

The days of healing herbs have come -

Mint, Ivan-tea, St. John's wort.

Gathering them in fragrant bundles,

From the forests I bring flowers with me.

Everything is healing: forest, meadows, fields,

Plantain, thyme thickets,

Generous beautiful land,

Like a doctor, he heals our wounds.

Kuklina E.E.

2. The main part.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that sick animals leave to find some kind of grass, after eating which they recovered. So man and man began to seek help from different plants. Our ancestors knew beneficial features many flowers and herbs: the sick and wounded were treated with herbal balms and infusions, they drank tea from various herbs. Let's learn more about medicinal plants and why a person needs them?

1. We will find out how ordinary herbs can help human health. And the well-known kind doctor will help me and all of you. Guess who is he?

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor .... (Aibolit).

Since Dr. Aibolit is busy on calls, you will treat the animals.

  1. The squirrel got sick. She has angina. But she doesn't want to take pills. Can you help her?
Chamomile comes out.

Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,

There is not a spot on beautiful clothes,

If you happen to catch a cold:

A cough will become attached, a fever will rise -

Move a mug in which to smoke

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction.

(Children advise.) If your throat hurts, then the best doctor is a decoction of meadow medicinal chamomile

  1. And our Chanterelle has a cold.
(Children advise.) A coltsfoot decoction is very useful.

  1. The monkey has no strength.
(Children advise.) A decoction of St. John's wort will help her.

  1. Mishka has insomnia.
(Children advise.) Valerian officinalis is used for insomnia, for diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract.

These are the miracles herbs can do.

Well done, kids, you already know a lot about medicinal plants. But who among you can tell about the rules for collecting this natural gift. Medicinal herbs are harvested at a certain time, away from roads, grazing. When collecting medicinal plants, one should not forget about respect for the environment, that we come to visit the House of Nature and must follow the rules of conduct and good attitude towards all the inhabitants of this large House.

Remember, guys, that medicinal plants need to be collected correctly.

Rules for the collection of medicinal plants.

1. Underground parts of plants are harvested in dry weather, after the dew has subsided.

2. Dry under a canopy so that direct sunlight does not fall. Why? (children's answers)

3. Do not collect diseased and pest-damaged plants.

Baba Yaga suddenly appears.

Teacher (surprised): Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Well, I’m not that kind of Baba Yaga, and now I’m not Baba Yaga at all, but a witch and healer of forest herbs. Want to check it out?

2. Quiz "Medicinal plants".

1. What garden plants are medicinal? (Onions, pumpkin, beets, carrots, garlic, dill, parsley, etc.).

2. A medicinal flower, on the petals of which all lovers guess. (Chamomile.)

3. In what period are medicinal plants harvested? (May-September)

4. What plants with antimicrobial properties do you know? (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula)

5. What plants heal wounds?

6. Medicinal plant, which is part of almost all chewing gums. (Mint.)

7. The Russian name of this plant comes from the Kazakh word "dzherabay", which means "wound healer". What is this plant? (St. John's wort.)

8. The plant, which has healing properties, is popularly called "cat's potion", as cats are very fond of its smell and even eat the leaves. (Valerian.)

9. The Latin name for this decorative and medicinal flower is calendula. In Russia, this flower was named for the shape of the petals, similar to the shape of the plates on the fingers. (Marigold.)

Teacher: Thank you children and Baba Yaga! I think that the guys learned a lot about the benefits of medicinal herbs. And now let's hold small competitions and determine the best connoisseur of medicinal herbs.

Didactic exercise "Identify by smell" (mint, oregano, tansy, plantain, chamomile, celandine)

3. Cognitive game "At the doctor's appointment»
Game description
"doctors" - children who will help the "sick" in choosing a plant that helps get rid of the disease;
"sick" - children who will name the symptoms of the disease.
Cards used in the game:
1) a sick heart - drops of lily of the valley, a remedy that soothes a strong heartbeat;
2) poor appetite - dandelion root stimulates appetite, salads are made from leaves;
3) frequent sore throats - medicinal chamomile;
4) sick stomach - yarrow is used for diseases of the stomach;
5) warts - sundew, celandine;
6) wounds and scratches - fresh plantain leaves, crushed, applied to a bruise, scratch;
7) deterioration of vision - blueberries, this is a medicine and vitamins;
8) cold - raspberry infusion, medicinal chamomile, coltsfoot;
9) cough - thyme, coltsfoot, plantain;
10) bleeding - yarrow;
11) what to use instead of cotton - sphagnum moss was used in the war instead of cotton, applied to wounds.
12) beriberi - currants, cabbage, wild rose, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries.
Where can you find out about medicinal properties and how to use plants? (in reference books and encyclopedias)

4. Riddles competition

In the heat of the stumps

Lots of thin stems.

Each thin stem

Holds a scarlet light.

Unfolding the stems

Collecting lights.


White bells.

White pots on a green leg.

(lilies of the valley)

White basket -

golden bottom,

There is a dewdrop in it

And the sun is shining.


Rye is earing in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.

Bright blue and fluffy.

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant:


Whoever touches -

It clings to it.

Affectionate and prickly,

Needles stick out all around.


This boy is wearing it!

Yellow sundress.

Grow up - dress up

In a white dress

light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.


Evil as a wolf.

It burns like mustard!

What is this wonder?

It's (nettle)!

5. Poems about herbs. The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" sounds

Meadow grasses

We will go far with our grandmother

In the meadow, where all kinds of herbs are familiar to her,

Hands flash, not getting confused in the herbs,

In thin and sharp, in thick and curly.

Here from a cold, but from an oversight,

This will save the headache!

We are happy to learn from grandma

The wise science of her herbal.

Let's grow - grasses from our meadow

Let's heal, get rid of the disease.

(E. Feyerabend)
forest tea
I do not want tea with cookies, with cake.

I miss taiga tea again:

With oregano, with smoke, with strawberry leaf,

Brewed in a large copper pot.

So that the pines whisper and the birds cry

About something of his own, in the language of the forest.

(Yu. Mogutin)
A traveler's friend, a plantain, a modest, nondescript leaf.

You lay down on a cut finger with a wet patch.

Traveler's friend, plantain, many of us are unaware,

That the cure was found right there, on the path, at the feet.

(V. Rozhdestvensky)
6. Staging "Medicinal plants"

Rusya Belaya

I heard today

A hot spore of medicinal herbs.

Like blueberries with strawberries

Figured out who was right.

Which one of them is more useful,

Who will save from all diseases,

"I'm much better than blueberries," -

strawberry says -

Though I grow in a dense forest,

I improve my appetite

I still quench my thirst

And I help the stomach

My medicinal infusion

For colds, the recipe is simple.

I lower the pressure

I help the heart beat

Wounds will heal quickly

I will prolong youthful skin!

Blueberries objected to her:

“I’m more useful, no doubt.

Because for people I

One answer for a hundred troubles.

My syrup reduces sharply

Human blood sugar

I have the skill

Treat sore throats in children

For gastritis and colitis

My infusion will help everyone

For burns, stomatitis,

I'll get everyone out of trouble!"

"I'll argue with you, girls, -

Lily of the valley suddenly stuck in this dispute, -

Nobody better than me heart

Haven't healed in a long time.

Let someone judge us,

May lily of the valley suggested.

And they all went together

Look for someone to judge them.

Everyone they met

Only stalks shook:

They said that they

Both useful and necessary.

And wild rosemary, and oregano,

Clover, asparagus, lungwort,

Both lavender and thyme

And violet, finally.

Turned out to be wiser

Only medicinal sage.

He said: "You are all useful,

You are medicine for people

Help from diseases

Only each from his own.

Stop arguing quickly

And don't waste your time

And get ready for the road:

Every family is waiting for you!

3. The final part.


And so our holiday came to an end. We would like to end our conversation with the following lines:
Here on earth is a huge house,

Under a blue roof

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream,

You live in that bright house,

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

the nature of the native land,

Kirilenko L.K.

teacher additional education

Donetsk ENTS


round table in a circle


Topic: "Apothecary garden"


To consolidate children's ideas about medicinal plants, their health values, rules for use;

Cultivate respect for plants.


To acquaint students with the variety of medicinal plants, the rules and terms of collection;

To develop the cognitive activity of the circle members;

Develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom;

Cultivate love and respect for nature.

Preparatory stage:

- a selection of poems about medicinal plants;

A selection of illustrations of medicinal plants;

Preparation of tea and dishes for its tasting.


Illustrations depicting medicinal plants;

Exhibition of herbal collections of medicinal plants;

Video "Medicinal Plants"

Poems about medicinal plants: E. Evtushenko, Y. Kim, N. Zabolotsky, E. Wax, A. Barto.

Members: Chairman of the "Round Table", head of the circle, guests, members of the circle.

Introductory speech of the head of the circle. It has long been noticed by a person that many plants cure ailments. I began to remember what helped. I remembered that animals are also treated with plants, and among the great multitude they find the ones they need. The healing properties of plants have been passed down from generation to generation. Even 4 thousand years ago, recipes for the treatment of 450 plants were described in Egyptian papyrus.

Look around you when you are in the forest, in the field or in the country in the summer. Here is a rosehip bush with fragrant pink flowers, and nearby thickets of white chamomile, which looks at you with a yellow eye. The birch rustles its leaves temptingly, inviting you to rest in the shade of its branches, and somewhere you are met by a hawthorn bush…

“Healing herbs, healing herbs!

There is no useless grass on earth!

All plants need to know

Protect and protect them.

After all, from the herbs of the forest kingdom

People make medicine!

Now we will hold a round table with you, which is dedicated to the kingdom of medicinal plants. Guests came to the round table: a florist, an ecologist, a tourist, and, of course, a phytotherapeutist. And he will be the chairman of the round table.

(Then the chairman of the round table introduces the participants of the meeting).

Chairman: The choice of medicines in the natural pharmacy is rich and varied. The healing properties of medicinal plants are due to the active substances that are formed in plants. They are the most valuable, although they are found in plants in minimal quantities. These substances help the sick body cope with the disease (these are glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, micro and macro elements, and others).

And now the floor is presented to the participants of the Round Table.

Florist(shows a drawing, which depicts a wild rose, and there is a glass with rose hips on the table). Asks the hall a riddle:

"There are flowers on the bushes

Just a miracle of beauty!

Spikes - claws

Flowers guard."

No wonder this thorny shrub got its name: sharp thorns will cause trouble to anyone who thoughtlessly wants to get to know this handsome man. At the beginning of summer, the wild rose bush is decorated with fragrant flowers that resemble a rose. Fruits are medicinal various shapes and size (shows a glass of fruit). Rose hips are harvested before frost at their full ripeness. At home, the fruits are dried at a temperature of 90-100 degrees Celsius, preventing burning. Properly dried fruits should have a brownish-reddish or yellow. Preparations from rose hips have a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hemostatic effect. They are used for stomach ulcers, ulcer prevention, and diseases associated with vitamin C deficiency. Especially in childhood. Flower petals boiled with honey have a preventive effect.

folk healer(shows an illustration of a mother and stepmother plant):

As soon as the snow melted in April

On slopes or along roads

Look! Spring is already trying on

Of the mother and stepmother wreath!

What is this plant? The snow has just melted, and the first yellow flowers on bare stems have already appeared on the sunny sun (shows the drawing of the plant). When the flowers bloom, white downy balls will appear in their place, and parachutes with seeds will appear in them. At the first slight breeze, they will scatter in different directions, and where there were yellow flowers, green leaves will appear. (Asks a question to the audience: “Which of you knows why the plant got such a name?”)

Circle members from the audience: One side - the lower side of the leaves is pubescent, warm when touched - "mother", the other side is green, cold - "stepmother".

Folk healer: Leaves mother and stepmothers brew as tea and drink such tea for coughing.

Tourist(shows a drawing of valerian officinalis) and asks a riddle:

cat grass -

Sick amendment,

Spine in the first-aid kit,

To help the heart.

Well, of course, you immediately recognized this plant. And that's what it is

represents a. This is a slender plant with a height of 15 to 45 cm with a short creeping rhizome. Beautiful pinnate leaves, pale pink or pale lilac fragrant inflorescences - umbrellas. It is necessary to look for it in damp places, near water bodies among thickets of bushes. Medicinal raw materials are biennial rhizomes with roots. A lot of raw materials are required, so the plant is now grown in the fields. Valerian officinalis is used for insomnia, nervous shock and severe feelings.

Enters into conversation Biologist. I'll give you a riddle:

"Glue Buds

green leaves

With white bark

Standing under the mountain

Of course, you all guessed that we are talking about birch. And what is this tree?

(a circle member from the audience: “This is a forest beauty. There are about 120 species of birches on earth, but they are not all with white bark. Some birches have it yellow or completely dark, almost black”).

Biologist continues. For many centuries the birch has served faithfully, benefiting not only the soul, but also the body. Since time immemorial, Russian people have taken a bath with birch brooms. Birch leaves have the ability to kill pathogenic microbes in 2-3 hours. Infusions of birch buds and young leaves were used internally for colds, aching joints, for stomach diseases as a diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic agent. Especially useful is the use of birch sap, which is collected in early spring. It causes a general strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance.

Ecologist. And what harm is done to a tree when collecting birch sap! The bark is damaged, the protective function of the tree is disrupted. The collection of birch sap is carried out only from old trees that are subject to cutting down.

Chairman: " Good people, by honor I bring such news.

That listening to them is not a sin Joy will be here for everyone.

A wise, glorious great doctor has come to you,

That will heal any ailment.”

Doctor(sets a riddle and shows the drawing to the audience).

Paired leaves -

amber flowers,

The fruits are insidious.

And they heal and hurt.

(from the circle members of the audience: "This is St. John's wort").

Doctor: " Yes, it's St. John's wort. The people consider it a remedy for 90 diseases. “Just as bread cannot be baked without flour, so some diseases cannot be cured without St. John's wort,” says folk wisdom. The medicinal raw material is the herb. It is collected during flowering, cutting off only the upper part 10-20 cm long. It is dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 degrees Celsius in attics and under a canopy. This plant has a strong bactericidal effect, is used as an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent, for rinsing the gums and mouth. St. John's wort oil lubricates the affected areas of the skin, wounds.

Come out pupils who have drawings of plants in their hands with the words: “Why did they forget to invite us to the round table? What is the pharmaceutical garden without us?

First student with a picture of a plant "shepherd's bag":

On the wastelands and on the roads

With an inflorescence a little white weed.

But study its properties,

Perhaps you don't see it that way.

The bleeding will stop

In China, it is a salad to the table.

The weed is alive

There are so many seeds in the fruit

Looks like a sum.

Second student. And I'll tell you about the linden.

Linden - a remedy for colds,

Everyone knows about it everywhere.

Though the linden color is plain,

But there is no better tea!

For sore throats and colds

Drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

"Come on, linden, help me out!"

third student(shows a picture of a dandelion).

A mod like this one

Haven't seen the earth yet.

He loves very much in the summer

Show off in a downy hat.

This is a dandelion. The ancient Greeks also knew about medicinal plants of dandelion and used it widely and in various ways. In folk medicine, dandelion is considered the "elixir of life." Infusions of dandelion roots are used to stimulate appetite, improve the activity of the digestive organs. Jam is made from dandelion flowers. And what spring salad without dandelion leaves?! After all, this is a storehouse of vitamins!

Biologist. Ripe seeds are dispersed by the wind, hence the name "dandelion".

Fourth student: And I will tell you about such a plant as celandine.

This weed is not easy

Both green and yellow.

Purifies the body

He is boldly friends with Moidodyr!

The aerial part of the plant and roots are used in celandine. Preparations are made from it for the treatment of warts, diseases of the liver and gallbladder. It is a perennial herb with beautiful leaves and bright yellow flowers. Celandine grows in parks, gardens, vegetable gardens and cottages.

Fifth student. Well, what kind of pharmaceutical garden without viburnum (shows a picture and holds a viburnum brush).

collect my bark

Need early spring.

Stop the blood

When I bleed.

miraculous decoction

Can drink and young and old!

Well, in the fall a gift,

Fire berry brushes,

Tear for the winter, guys,

Lots of vitamins in them!

The aerial part of plants accumulates the maximum amount of substances most often during the flowering period - at this time they need to be collected. Roots and rhizomes - in late autumn, after withering of the aerial part. The buds are harvested in early spring, when they are swollen, but have not yet started to grow (March-April), and in birch and pine - even earlier.

The above-ground part of the plants should be collected in fine, clear weather, as they deteriorate and lose their medicinal properties when moistened with dew or rain. The underground parts of plants are harvested in any weather, and before drying they must be washed from the ground.

How to properly dry medicinal plants? After all, their beneficial properties depend on this. Before drying, the plants are sorted. Branches with buds are cut and tied into bundles, which are dried on outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. After drying, the plants are threshed. Plants dry quickly in the attic, Store in paper and cloth bags, boxes, in dry, dark, clean rooms.

The word takes Ecologist. Medicinal plants are plants that come to the aid of a person. But we must not forget that these very plants can disappear from the face of the earth if a person destroys them barbarically, not caring about reproduction. Here is what the May lily of the valley can tell you about this.

Sixth student(with a drawing of a May lily of the valley, he addresses the audience):

I have a persuasive request to the guys:

They tear us everywhere in the spring, we wither in bouquets in vain,

Everywhere extermination threatens us now, friends!

I must tell you all that you can not collect us!

Ecologist. When collecting flowers and harvesting leaves and stems as medicinal raw materials, it is necessary to leave several flowering plants for seed propagation. When harvesting leaves, only the lower ones should be collected so as not to damage flowering and fruiting. Bud harvesting is carried out in densely planted cutting areas or during tree felling. When collecting the fruits of perennial plants, it is impossible to uproot plants or break branches, and when collecting seeds of annual plants, it is imperative to leave and sow part of the seeds.

Chairman. We discussed many issues related to medicinal plants, learned a lot of new and interesting things. Well, now I invite all the participants of the Round Table to our cinema hall to watch a video about medicinal plants. And after watching the video there will be a surprise - a treat with a decoction of wild rose and linden with apples and cookies.

“I don’t go to the steppe, I go to the pharmacy
Sorting through her herbal filing cabinet."
S. Kirsanov

Initially, plants were for people not only a source of food, clothing, tools and protection. They helped a person get rid of diseases, maintain vital activity and longevity. All doctors of antiquity turned to plants. Medicinal plants were endowed with a mysterious power, their healing effect was associated with supernatural properties. There is not a single useless plant in nature. The whole green world is a kind of pharmacy.

On April 22, in the Pokrovskaya rural library, together with the Nemirovskaya rural library, as part of the all-Russian action "Library Night - 2017", an ecological holiday was held for readers of the older generation.

The guests in the library were met by Marya the herbalist (Vorotnikova M.A.), she invited the guests to go into the hall and there she shared seeds and medicinal herbs with them.
Then the head of the Intercession Library (Malysheva L.V.) spoke about the first herbalist Saint Panteleimon, about the medicinal herbs of the Moscow region and their benefits.

Then all the participants of the holiday were invited to a tea party. Various competitions were held at the table: “Find out by description”, “Tell me about your favorite recipe”. The guests listened with great interest to the story of Deputatova L.I. about the timing of the collection of medicinal plants. Everyone enjoyed reading poems about nature, about native land. It was very interesting musical competition"Sing a song about flowers or trees."

Book exhibitions, stands on the topic of medicinal plants were organized for the guests. The exhibition of the participant Sergiychik G.I. “Wonderful beads” was a great success. The evening passed in a warm and friendly atmosphere, all the guests were very pleased.

15 people attended

Prepared and held the event Malysheva L.V. and Vorotnikova M.A.

MR Kaltasinsky district RB Babaevskaya secondary school

Extracurricular activity on the topic

« Medicinal plants are a wonderful wealth of nature. Protection of medicinal plants»

Completed by the teacher MOBU Babaevskaya secondary school

Akhmadieva Tatyana Vasilievna


Subject: Medicinal plants are a wonderful wealth of nature. Protection of medicinal plants

Goals: introduce children to medicinal plants; compose environmental regulations collection of medicinal plants; develop thinking, memory; develop respect for nature.

Equipment : drawings, photographs of medicinal plants, herbarium, crossword puzzle, rebuses, environmental signs, recording "Voices of birds".

Lesson progress

I. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with the amazing inhabitants of the kingdom of Flora (plant world). These inhabitants are medicinal plants. You will learn what plants are called medicinal, where they grow, how to collect them correctly.

II. Eco stop.

We have an important guest in a hurry. Guess the riddle and you will know his name.

There is one such flower, you cannot weave it into a wreath.

Blow lightly on it, there was a flower - and there is no flower.


Guys, what does this ecological sign mean?

Why can't you pick flowers?(They did not have time to give the seeds.)

The most unpleasant thing for a traveler is to hurt his leg and lose the ability to move. But the Green Pharmacy can help.

By the roads grows a nondescript plantain flower with a rosette of leaves, from the middle of which a stalk with green balls of seeds rises. Tear off a leaf, apply it to a sore spot, and you will feel how the pain gradually subsides. Soon you will stop limping and forget about your savior. What to remember about him? After all, it's just a plantain.

3 Rules for the collection and processing of medicinal plants.

Students write rules and draw environmental signs.

R e a l o f o r f o r e : what to collect.

One must precisely learn to distinguish the plants to be collected from similar species. You also need to know which parts of the plants have medicinal value; some take only flowers, others take leaves, and others take stems. Fruits, berries, seeds are collected only when they are fully ripe.

Rule two: when to collect.

Medicinal plants have the most healing power in certain months. Valerian, for example, is recommended to be collected in April and September, dandelions - in May and September, coltsfoot - only in May, wild rose - in September, etc. In addition, you need to consider that it is better to collect plants in dry weather .

R u l o t e r t e: how to collect.

Stock up in advance with everything you need for collection (scoops, knives, scissors, bags), arrange with the pharmacy so that it will definitely accept the collected plants. All participants must wash their hands after collecting medicinal raw materials.

R u t f u r t u t: where to collect.

Each plant has certain places of growth that you need to know. Easily accessible gathering places, such as slopes near highways, should be avoided, because the flowers and leaves of plants accumulate harmful substances- products of car exhaust gases. It is also impossible to collect medicinal plants in those places that have been treated with pesticides. If you notice a single plant in a clearing and there are no similar plants nearby, you can’t tear it. You can not collect in those places where there are very few medicinal plants.

R e a l o f f e s: collecting, preserving.

Many medicinal plants have become rare, for example, the medicinal herb valerian has almost disappeared in a number of areas. Even wild plants a lot at the place of collection, be sure to leave a few strong, healthy specimens. Take exactly as much as you need, do not tear in vain, and know how to properly save the collected plants.

Air dry medicinal plants in the shade. Especially good places for drying - country attics.

When drying, lay the plants separately, the plants should not be mixed up with each other. Make sure that neither earth, nor sand, nor dirt gets on the plants. Then everything will go to work, nothing will be wasted.

4 Quiz "Green pharmacy under your feet."

The teacher reads the description of the medicinal plant, the students name it and talk about its use.

Description 1. I am both a weed and a medicinal plant at the same time. My Russian name comes from the ancient Russian word "koprina" - silk. From my stems, fiber was obtained for the production of fabrics. Even fairy tales talk about it. Remember Andersen's fairy tale "Wild Swans". I can perfectly stop bleeding, saturate your body with vitamins. That is why in the spring, when there are few vitamins, you can cook not only tasty, but also healthy dishes from me.(Nettle.)

Description 2. This berry is one of the favorite berries in Siberia, it is called the grape of the North. Indeed, in terms of nutritional and medicinal purposes, it is not inferior to the solar berry. In Siberia, it grows in the zone of coniferous forests. Berries are harvested twice a year - in autumn and spring.(Cranberry.)

Description 3. This is a beautiful deciduous tree with dark bark and spreading crown. The flowers of this tree are ancient folk remedy with a cold.(Linden.)

Description 4. This plant is used in medicine as an expectorant for coughs. Anyone who has been to peat bogs on a hot summer day will surely remember the strong intoxicating smell. The source is the leaves of one of the plants. Its name comes from the ancient word "bagulit" - to poison.(Ledum.)

Description 5. In the old days in Russia, this plant was considered "herb from ninety-nine diseases." By a special royal decree, the plant was brought from Siberia to Moscow. However, as it turned out, in vain. There is also a lot of it in the forests of the European part of Russia. Popular rumor endowed the grass with a "terrible" power - they say, it mows down any beast to the right and left. Hence the name of the herb. What is this herb?(St. John's wort.)

Description 6. In the old days, this plant was called soldier's grass. And indeed: it is bold, hardy, not afraid of either heat, or frost, or bad soils. It stops bleeding and heals wounds. According to legend, Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, healed his friend Patroclus with this herb. Therefore, the plant was called "Achilles grass". And how does the Russian people call this grass?(Yarrow.)

V. Rebus "Medicinal plants".

6 Summary of the lesson.

What plants are called medicinal?

How to collect medicinal plants?

Solve the crossword and read the key phrase.

Question r d y :

Sick amendment:

Spine in the first-aid kit,

To help my heart.


2. Who doesn't know you

Wild flower:

white eyelashes,

Golden eye.


3. Oh, don't touch me

I'll burn without fire.


4. Leaflets - paired,

Flowers are amber

Fruits are insidious:

They heal and hurt.

(St. John's wort.)

5. Alenka is sitting

In a red shirt;

Who walks past

Everyone bows down.


6. Steppe grass bunch simple,

It also smells dry.

And at once steppe over me

All charm resurrects ...


7. In the forest and in the swamp

You will find weed.

And on it a bunch turns blue -

A handful of sweet and sour berries.


8. The traveler often hurts his legs -

Here is the doctor on the road.


9. By the river, in the meadow,

Barefoot in the snow

First flowers -

Yellow eyes.


10. The claw is short,

And passed through the earth

Found a cap of gold.


11. Berries are not sweet,

But the eye is joy

And gardens - decoration,

And thrushes - a treat.


Key phrase: medicinal plants.

He's a weed, he's a flower

Helped me from my illness.

How to sit on the sofa

I remember yellow ... (dandelion)

light blue balloon,

Though prickly, but not evil.

And in a bouquet, he is not bad.

Who it? (Thistle)

Everyone is fighting me

Can't calm down

Everyone shouts: "Trouble, trouble!"

What's in the garden? (Quinoa)

Inconspicuous among the herbs,

She has a calm disposition.

Who is proud of usefulness?

Fragrant ... (oregano)

If something hurts

Not even the beast can resist.

With what herb to drink infusion?

With miracle grass ... (St. John's wort)

Tasty tea and fragrant,

With her, he is light and pleasant:

The leaves are torn and dented.

What are you breathing in? - The smell ... (mint)

If you cut the grass

You know, you can't wipe your hands.

Doctor of all pharmacy affairs,

Who heals wounds? (Celandine)

The sun dries the grass in the heat,

Warms dark oak forests,

And in the forest the spring is ringing,

In a hurry to drink the herbs,

Strength will give them to be reborn:

It will smell like honey ... (lungwort)

You will meet him along the paths,

You will heal wounds, abrasions,

Pluck off the leaf carefully.

Who will heal us? (Plantain)

If the stem is broken,

It's hard to wash your hands!

Yellow juice in leaves

In little flowers

That juice for good clean deeds,

And what kind of weed? (Celandine)

1. Grass that grows on the slopes
And on the green hills.
The smell is strong and fragrant
And her green leaf
We're going for tea.
What kind of weed - h ..., guess. thyme

2. In the garden, a fragile umbrella
Slowly growing up.
What is your name? "Prokop" -
Will tell us loudly...

3. Bitter in the hay,
And sweet in the cold.
What is a berry? Rowan

4. Here is a green coquette,
Celery neighbor.
Pointy-nosed old woman
We know you, ... parsley

5. Here is the green arrow
To the light, to the sun rose.
We put it in soup
After all, seasoning is ... onion

6. The berry brush is beautiful,
yellow or red,
I'm afraid to get it -
I'll prick on the thorns.
But I respect from childhood
Heart remedy.hawthorn

7. A family lives underground,
We water them from a watering can.
Both Polina and Antoshka
Let's dig...

8. A mod like this one
The earth has not yet seen
He loves very much in the summer
Show off in a downy hat.dandelion

9. This vegetable pumpkin brother -
Also looks chubby.
Lie down under the leaf on the barrel
Between the beds ... zucchini

10. Sits on a stick
In a red shirt
The belly is full
Briar stuffed with pebbles

11. There is a crooked root and a horned one,
Healing power rich.
And maybe two centuries
He's waiting for a man
In the thicket of the forest
Under the cedar pine. rose hip

12. Burn without fire
And you and me
And he lives by the wattle fence.

13. Bitter weed,
Correction to the stomach
And fragrant herself
And sweeps clean.

14. You hurt your leg while hiking,
Fatigue won't let me go
Bend over: soldier on the road
Ready to help you along the way.

I hope that solving the riddles was not difficult. After all, we are well acquainted with them. Below are the correct answers to riddles about plants and very short description their healing activities. I think that they will still play an important role in the life of each of us. But remember that each plant has not only healing properties but also contraindications. Therefore, do not forget to consult your doctor before using them.

1. Thyme . It is considered a very strong antiseptic. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antispasmodic, mild hypnotic, used for worms.

2. Dill . It has choleretic qualities, instantly relieves headache and helps with insomnia.

3. Rowan . Recommended for atherosclerosis. Rowan phytoncides are deadly for Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella bacteria, as well as for mold fungus. It is often used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent.

4. Parsley . Parsley contains magnesium and calcium salts. In medicine, it is used for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, loss of appetite, loss of strength, to improve vision.

5. Onion . Bactericidal and antiseptic plant, improves appetite, digestion, increases the body's resistance to infections.

6. Hawthorn . It is prescribed for atherosclerosis, hypertension, arrhythmias, heart weakness, anxiety and constant stress.

7. Potato . - Improves metabolism, curative for burns, eczema. Its juice has a beneficial effect on gastritis with high acidity, promotes scarring of ulcers, and lowers blood pressure.

9. vegetable marrow . Contributes to the normalization of water-salt metabolism and blood purification, as a diuretic and helps to get rid of excess water and salt.

10. Rose hip . They include vitamins C, K, A, E, P, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, as well as cobalt, molybdenum and copper, pectins, sugars, org. acids, and many other elements.

11. Ginseng . Can be used for sickness diabetes Type I and II, complicating diabetes necrosis and trophic ulcers, malnutrition, chronic fatigue syndrome, to restore the body.

12. Nettle . It is used to stop bleeding, with purulent wounds and small ulcers, as it has disinfecting qualities.

13. Sagebrush . In folk medicine, it is recommended for stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, anemia, insomnia, rheumatism, obesity, flatulence, migraine, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, hypertension, ascariasis, fever, edema, bad smell from mouth.

14. Plantain . Its leaves contain carotene, phytoncides, lemon acid, glycoside aucubin, enzymes, tannins, as well as bitter components. Plantain is used for bruises, wounds, insect bites, burns, as a means to stop the blood. It has good anti-inflammatory properties.