Work program for theatrical activities. Work program (senior group) on the topic: Additional education program for the organization of theatrical activities for children of senior preschool age "Magic World of Theater"

  • 30.09.2019

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic secondary school No. 17"

Agreed I approve

Deputy Director for VR Director of MBOU "School No. 17"

L.V. Senina _______________ M.V. Permyakov

"___" _________ 2017 "___" _________ 2017

Working programm

extracurricular activities

in the general cultural direction

"Theatrical activity"

N.V. Shavrina

primary school teacher

Polysaevo -2017

Explanatory note.

The program was developed in accordance with article 12, clause 7 of the Federal Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" and on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the planned results of primary general education. The game of various directions, playing with a doll is the main activity of a child of primary school age. It is in the game that different aspects of his personality develop, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, and character is formed. Puppet theater is the starting track for the formation of success.

Relevance of the program due to the need of society in the development of moral, aesthetic qualities of a person's personality. Puppet theater contributes to the comprehensive development of the child's personality. Theater as a stage art combines all types of artistic activity, helps to create a system of comprehensive humanitarian and aesthetic education, in which the boundaries between individual disciplines are erased: literature, the outside world, music, and fine arts. The work on the creation of the performance is united by a goal that is significant for all participants and is aimed at the final result, where the success of both the entire team and each child separately is visible. Theatrical activity, which gives scope to the child's imagination, fills the inner life of the child with a special meaning, helps to develop a certain attitude towards the team, and perform simple and complex tasks independently. The creative atmosphere contributes to the development of individual abilities of children, helps to develop interpersonal relationships. Theatrical activity gives every child a chance for success and good luck.


formation of skills of cooperation, creativity, communication, self-realization through staging performances.


    To acquaint with the features of theatrical art, with the history of the theater.

    To develop creative abilities, observation, attention, technique and culture of speech, imagination.

    Cultivate respect for each other, a culture of behavior

    Involve parents in the interests of children.

Theatrical activity contributes to the comprehensive development of a person capable of self-determination, self-development and self-realization.

    Planned results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities

The proposed program allows you to organize the active work of schoolchildren, to form a relationship of co-creation between the teacher and pupils, who from the first moments of training set the need to show independence, initiative and creativity as a lifestyle.

During the training under this program, students acquire the following skills and abilities: the ability to explain the condition of the task to 2-3 children, organize its implementation by a group, maintain a dialogue with a partner, describe the emotions experienced by the character of the etude ( artwork), to be able to interpret these emotions. The result of the third level can be considered the participation of students in the production of performances, the acquisition of experience in acting as a director, decorator, graphic designer, actor.

Children should be able to:

    perform acting training exercises in the presence of strangers;

    build on the basis of the task a plot story of 12 - 18 words with a plot, an event, a denouement;

    come up with a household plot using key words denoting action;

    find an excuse for any position;

    develop within 2-3 minutes the topic proposed by the teacher;

    tell how today is different from yesterday;

    tell or show your observations of the world of people, nature, objects;

    move in a circle randomly and in a rhythm set by the teacher;

    build an etude in tandem with any partner;

    explain the condition of the task to 2-3 children, organize its implementation by the group;

    maintain a dialogue with a partner;

    describe the emotions experienced by the hero of the etude (work of art), be able to interpret these emotions;

    describe your own emotions;

    interpret the emotional state of an animal and a person according to its plasticity, actions;

    to keep in memory a chain of words related in meaning (up to 18) and unrelated (up to 12);


Your places during 3-4 movements;

The location of a group of 5 - 8 items and return them to their original position after the teacher changes their place;

Text of 2-3 poetic stanzas, written in simple size, during the exercise;

    know 7-10 works from Russian folklore, be able to tell the plots of 3-5 Russian folk tales, be able to retell 3-4 plots of fairy tales from the folklore of foreign countries, tell 5-10 poems.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students

The study of the circle is based on value orientations, the achievement of which is determined by educational results. The educational results of extracurricular activities are evaluated at three levels.

The course is focused on achieving personal results.

Students will have:

The need for cooperation with peers, a friendly attitude towards peers, conflict-free behavior, the desire to listen to the opinions of classmates;

The integrity of the view of the world by means of literary works;

· ethical feelings, aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings based on the experience of listening and memorizing works of fiction;

awareness of the importance of classes for personal development.

Metasubject outcomes studying the course is the formation of the following universal learning activities (UUD).

Regulatory UUD:

The student will learn:

Cognitive UUD:

The student will learn:

Communicative UUD:

The student will learn:

· ask for help;

articulate your concerns

listen to the interlocutor;

expressive reading;

develop speech breathing and correct articulation;

types of theatrical art, the basics of acting;

· compose etudes based on fairy tales;

the ability to express a variety of emotional states (sadness, joy, anger, surprise, admiration)

Personal UUD: readiness and ability of students for self-development, formation of motivation for learning and cognition, value-semantic attitudes of graduates elementary school reflecting their individual-personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities.

In the learning process, the reward for diligence is the joy of performing in front of the public, the opinion of others about the performance. Moreover, not only the assessment as a whole is important, but also the individual assessment of each participant. After the premiere of the performance, each child expresses an opinion that he did very well, and where he still needs to work.

This program is included in the general cultural direction.

Participation in theatrical performance increases the motivation for learning. Helps to solve the problems of the educational program on literary reading. Children increase the pace of reading, expressiveness. Artistic taste develops. The use of various theatrical performances reinforces children's knowledge of the rules of the road, ecology, the Russian language, and the world around them.

The proposed program is built in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The Puppet Theater program with a total volume of 33 hours is studied throughout the year. 1 hour per week.

Activities: making scenery, puppets, staging performances. Performances at school holidays, in orphanages.

When conducting classes, methods are used: verbal, demonstrative-visual, practical, problem-search.

Forms of accounting knowledge, skills for assessing the planned results of the development of the program : performance reviews; registration of the annals of the theater; Children's drawings. The main form of debriefing is the performance.

Mastering the course involves attending group classes, visiting the theater, performing in front of children and parents.

Forms of organization



Gaming activity;

cognitive activity;

Leisure - entertainment activities;

Artistic creativity;

Scenic speech

learning the basics of stagecraft

image workshop

costume workshop

dramatization of the read

Gaming activity;

Artistic creativity;

staging a play

attending a performance

work in small groups

acting training



Gaming activity;

cognitive activity;

Problem-value communication;

Leisure - entertainment activities (leisure communication);

Artistic creativity;

    Thematic planning



Number of hours

Fundamentals of theatrical culture, culture of communication

Scenic speech

Working on a puppet show

    Calendar-thematic planning

Topic title.

Number of hours

Lesson form

Planned results

Fundamentals of theatrical culture, culture of communication.


understand and accept the learning task formulated by the teacher;

plan your actions at individual stages of work on the play;


Use the methods of analysis and synthesis when reading and watching videos, compare and analyze the behavior of the hero;

understand and apply the information received in the performance of tasks;


Engage in dialogue, collective discussion, take initiative and be active

Acquaintance with the history of the development of puppet theaters in Russia.

Theater outside and inside.

conversation showing

How to communicate properly.

How to communicate properly. Mini scenes.

General rules of morality.

round table

Give people joy.


Scenic speech.


work in a group, take into account the opinions of partners that are different from their own;

Theatrical games.

Game: Crocodile.

The game "Day night".

The game "The sea worries once."

Game "Funny Monkeys".

Game: "Cook".

Work on the play.


· carry out control, correction and evaluation of the results of their activities;

Analyze the reasons for success / failure, learn with the help of a teacher positive attitudes such as: “I will succeed”, “I can still do a lot”.


· show individual creative abilities when composing stories, fairy tales, sketches, selecting the simplest rhymes, reading by roles and staging.


· ask for help;

to formulate their difficulties;

offer help and cooperation;

listen to the interlocutor;

agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities, come to a common decision;

· to formulate own opinion and position;

exercise mutual control;

Appraisal of one's own behavior and the behavior of others.

The distribution of the roles of the play "Goat".

Scenery making

design conversation

Work with actors: goat, grandmother, dog.

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Working with actors: wolf, mouse, squirrel, woodpecker.

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Goat"

conversation scene monologue dialogue

conversation scene monologue dialogue

The distribution of the roles of the fairy tale "By the command of the pike."

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Making decorations.

design conversation

Work with actors: Emelya, tsar, princess, pike.

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Working with actors: doctor, boyar, nanny.

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Rehearsal of the fairy tale "By the command of the pike"

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Presentation to parents and children. Game analysis.

conversation scene monologue dialogue

"Once upon a time, there were". Distribution of roles.

conversation scene monologue dialogue

design conversation

Work with the actors of the play-fairy tale "Once upon a time".

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Once upon a time"

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Presentation to parents and children. Game analysis.

conversation scene monologue dialogue

The distribution of the roles of the production "Lesson of politeness".

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Production of scenery, costumes for dolls.

design conversation

Work with the actors of the production "Lesson of politeness". Rehearsal of the puppet show "Lesson of politeness"

conversation scene monologue dialogue

Presentation to parents and children. Game analysis

conversation scene monologue dialogue


    Etsenko, V. G. Puppet theater at school [Text] / V. G. Etsenko. - Novosibirsk: Lada Publishing Company, 2001

    Karamanenko, T. N. Puppet theater for preschoolers. Picture theatre. Toy theater. Parsley Theater [Text]: a guide for teachers and musical directors of kindergartens / T. N. Karamanenko, Yu. G. Karamanenko. - 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

    Krutenkova, A. D. Puppet theater [Text] / A. D. Krutenkova - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 200 p.

    Lebedinsky, A. Theater in a suitcase [Text] / A. Lebedinsky. – M.: Art, 1977.

    Miryasova, V. I. We play theater [Text] / V. I. Miryasova. – M.: Gnom-Press, 1999.

Student aids.

1. Beginning actors [Text] / ed.-comp. L. I. Zhuk. - Minsk: Krasiko-Print LLC, 2002.

    Polyak, L. Ya. Theater of fairy tales [Text] / L. Ya. Polyak. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2003.

    Plotnikov, V. Dolls. "History in pictures" [Text] / V. Plotnikov. - Chelyabinsk: Ural, 1996.

Equipment: screen, glove puppets, scenery, fabric, cardboard, gouache, scissors, thread, braid.

4. Implementation of work on the program.

6. Forms of work.

7. Types and classification of theatrical games.
8. Technology for organizing theater games by age.
9. Preparation and holding of the performance.
10.Individual work with parents.
11. Individual work with children.
12. Scheme of building game activities with children.
13. Plan of work on theatricalization of the fairy tale.
14.Diagnosis.Expected result
15. Concluding part.
16. Bibliography.

1. "The role and expediency of theatrical activity in the development of preschoolers."

The transformations taking place in society give rise to new requirements in education. To work with preschoolers in a modern kindergarten, theatrical activity allows you to develop feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. Develops memory, thinking, imagination, attention; allows you to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children, which is an important tool for preparing children for schooling.

One of the requirements is: the development of creative abilities in children preschool age.

Creativity is one of the components of the overall structure of personality. Their development contributes to the development of the personality of the child as a whole. Based on the analysis of the works of domestic and foreign psychologists that reveal the properties and qualities of a creative personality, general criteria for creative abilities were identified: readiness for improvisation, justified expressiveness, novelty, originality, ease of association, independence of opinions and assessments, special sensitivity.

A unique means of developing the creative abilities of children is theatrical activity. Solving problems aimed at developing creative abilities requires the definition of a different technology for using theatrical techniques.

Currently, more and more teachers of preschool institutions use information and communication technologies in working with preschoolers in various sections of the program.

Life in the era of scientific and technological progress is becoming more diverse and more complex.

And it requires from a person “not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility, flexibility of thinking, quick orientation and adaptation to new conditions, creativity to solve big and small problems. If we take into account the fact that the share of mental labor in almost all professions is constantly growing, and an increasing part of the performing activity is shifted to machines, it becomes obvious that the creative abilities of a person should be recognized as the most essential part of his intellect and the task of their development is one of the most important tasks. in the education of modern man.

After all, all the cultural values ​​accumulated by mankind are the result of the creative activity of people. And how far human society will advance in the future will be determined by the creative potential of the younger generation.

Since today there is a social order for a creative person, in his pedagogical work with children, much attention should be paid to this problem.

Creative potentials are inherent and exist in every person. Under favorable conditions, every child can express himself. In order for children to begin to creatively apply the knowledge they have previously acquired, it is necessary that they feel the need for the activity proposed to them. Motivation for action must be organized. Creativity is not only manifested in activity, but also formed in it.

One of the most effective activities that create conditions for the development of creative abilities of preschool children is theatrical activity.

2. Goals and objectives:

The main goal: this is the development of the child's creative abilities, psychological liberation through theatrical games.

The program is compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in sections:

1. "Fiction", where children get acquainted with literary works, which will be used in performances, games, classes, holidays, and independent theatrical activities. To improve the performing skills of children in creating an artistic image, using game improvisations. Improve the ability to coherently and expressively retell fairy tales.

2. "Ideative activity", where children get acquainted with illustrations that are similar in content, the plot of the play. They draw with different materials according to the plot of the performance, or its characters.3

3. "Introduction to the environment", where children get acquainted with the objects of the immediate environment, culture, life and traditions of the peoples of the north, which will serve as material included in theatrical games and performances

4. "Musical education", where children get acquainted with the music for the next performance. They note the nature of the music, which gives the full character of the hero, and his image. Teach children to evaluate their own and other people's actions. Cultivate the desire to play theatrical puppets. Develop the ability to use game improvisations in independent activities.

5. "Development of speech", where children use tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes. Clear diction develops. Develop a steady interest in theatrical play activities .. Consolidate children's ideas about various types of puppet theaters. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech. Develop dialogic and monologue speech. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, attention.

3. Forms and methods of work

1. Watching puppet shows and talking about them.

2. Dramatization games.

3. Exercises for the social and emotional development of children.

4. Correctional and educational games.

5. Exercises in diction (articulatory gymnastics).

6. Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness.

7. Games - transformations (“learn to control your body”), figurative exercises.

8. Exercises for the development of children's plasticity.

9. Finger game training for the development of hand motor skills.

10. Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions.

11. Exercises on ethics during dramatizations.

12. Playing out various fairy tales and dramatizations.

13. Acquaintance not only with the text of a fairy tale, but also with the means of its dramatization - gesture, facial expressions, movement, costume, scenery.

4. Implementation of work on the program:

1. The program is implemented through circle work.

2. Work with parents, where joint theatrical performances are held,

holidays, puppet theaters, sports competitions.

3. Interior decoration of the group and the hall, theater studio where children live and are brought up.

4. Costumes and attributes for performances and games should be available to children and please them

with its appearance.

Consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part reveals the task, forms and methods of work, the content of classes, research using diagnostics. Corrective work with children to eliminate the identified shortcomings is outlined. As a result of the work done, conclusions, suggestions, recommendations for parents are made.

The practical part of the work confirms the theoretical validity of theatrical activity. It contains class notes, creative exercises, transformation games, finger game training

At any age in fairy tales you can discover something secret and exciting. Listening to them in childhood, a person unconsciously accumulates a whole “bank of life situations”, therefore it is very important that the awareness of “fairy-tale lessons” begins from an early age, with the answer to the question: “What does a fairy tale teach us?”.

In the soul of every child lies the desire for a free theatrical game in which he reproduces familiar literary plots. This is what activates his thinking, trains memory and figurative perception, develops imagination and fantasy, improves speech. And re-evaluate the role mother tongue, which helps people - especially children - to consciously perceive the world around them and is a means of communication - is impossible. S. Ya. Rubinshtein wrote: “The more expressive the speech, the more it is the speech, and not just the language, because the more expressive the speech, the more the speaker appears in it: his face, himself”. The use by children of various means of expressiveness of speech is the most important condition for timely intellectual, speech, literary and artistic development.

Expressive speech includes verbal (intonation, vocabulary and syntax) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, posture) means.

For the development of expressive speech, it is necessary to create conditions in which each child could convey his emotions, feelings, desires and views, both in ordinary conversation and in public, without being embarrassed by the audience. Great help in this is provided by classes in theatrical activities; this is a game, and every child should live and enjoy it. The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are enormous: its subject matter is not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity - through images, colors, sounds, music, skillfully posed questions encourage them to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters’ replicas, their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech, its intonational structure is improved, dialogic speech and its grammatical structure are improved.

Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child,

introduces him to spiritual values. Theatrical classes develop the emotional sphere of the child, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out. Thus, theatrical activity essential tool the development of empathy in children, i.e. the ability to recognize the emotional state of a person by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations, to find adequate ways to help. “In order to have fun with someone else's fun and sympathize with someone else's grief, you need to be able to transfer yourself to the position of another person with the help of your imagination, mentally take his place,” B. M. Teplov argued.

Theatrical activity allows you to form the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, courage, etc.).

Theatrical activity allows the child to solve problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. It helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, theatrical classes help to comprehensively develop the child.

Therefore, it is theatrical activity that allows solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. It is an inexhaustible source of the development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of familiarizing with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. In our world, saturated with information and stress, the soul asks for fairy tales - a miracle, a feeling of a carefree childhood.

Having studied modern methodological literature, choose material for introducing them into the practice of your group, working with children in a theater group. By systematically conducting theatrical games, you can increase interest in theatrical and gaming activities, expand children's ideas about the surrounding reality, improve the ability to coherently and expressively retell fairy tales.

Theatrical games require from children: attention, ingenuity, speed of reaction, organization, ability to act, obeying a certain image, transforming into it, living its life.

6. Forms of work

1. Group lessons

The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the children.

Classes are held twice a week. Time of classes: 3-4 years old - 15 minutes, 5-6 years old - 20-25 minutes, 6-7 years old - 30 minutes or more.

Principles of conducting classes:

1. Visualization in teaching - is carried out on the perception of visual material.

2. Accessibility - the lesson is made taking into account age characteristics, built on the principle of didactics (from simple to complex)

3. Problematic - aimed at finding solutions to problem situations.

4. Developing and educational nature of education - to broaden one's horizons, to develop patriotic feelings and cognitive processes.

Part 1. Introductory

The purpose of the introductory part: to establish contact with children, set up children to work together.

The main procedures of work are reading fairy tales, stories, poems. Games “A hare ran through the swamp”, “A squirrel is sitting on a cart”, “A skating rink, skating rink, skating rink”, “The wind is blowing in our face”, etc.

Part 2. Productive

It includes an artistic word, an explanation of the material, an examination of illustrations, a teacher's story, aimed at activating the creative abilities of children.

Lesson elements:

1. Fairy tale therapy, with elements of improvisation.

2. Sketches, poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, short stories are played out using facial expressions and pantomime (Korotkova L.D. Fairy tale therapy for preschoolers)

3. Games for the development of imagination and memory - games include memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, pictograms, diagrams, short stories.

4. Drawing, applications, collages - the use of various types of non-traditional drawing, the use of natural and waste material.

Preschoolers, as a rule, are happy with the arrival of a puppet theater in kindergarten, but they also love to play small performances themselves with the help of puppets, which are always at their disposal. Children, having joined the game, answer the dolls' questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, and transform into one or another image. They laugh when the characters laugh, they are sad with them, they warn of danger, they cry over the failures of their beloved hero, they are always ready to help him. Participating in theatrical games, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds.

7. Theatrical games of preschoolers can be divided into two main groups: director's games and dramatization games.

TO director's games can be attributed to the table, shadow theater and theater on the flannelograph: a child or an adult is not a character, but creates scenes, plays the role of a toy character, acts for him, depicts him with intonation, facial expressions.

Dramatizations are based on the role player's own actions, using puppets or characters put on fingers. In this case, the child plays himself, using his means of expression - intonation, facial expressions, pantomime.
Classification directorial games:

Desktop theatre toys. A wide variety of toys and crafts are used. The main thing is that they stand steadily on the table and do not interfere with movement.

Desktop theatre pictures. Characters and scenery - pictures. Their activities are limited. The state of the character, his mood is conveyed by the intonation of the player. The characters appear as the action progresses, which creates an element of surprise and keeps the kids interested.

Book stand. Dynamics, the sequence of events is depicted with the help of successive illustrations. Turning over the sheets of the book stand, the presenter demonstrates personal stories depicting events, meetings.
Flannelgraph. Pictures or characters are displayed on the screen. The flannel that covers the screen and the reverse side of the picture holds them back. Instead of flannel, you can glue pieces of velvet or sandpaper. Drawings are selected together by children from old books, magazines are created independently.
Shadow theatre. It needs a screen made of translucent paper, black plane characters and a light source behind them, thanks to which the characters are thrown onto the screen. The image can also be obtained with the help of fingers. The display is accompanied by the corresponding sound.
Kinds dramatization games :
Dramatization games from fingers. Attributes the child puts on his fingers. He "plays" for the character whose image is on the hand. In the course of unfolding the plot, he acts with one or more fingers, pronouncing the text. You can depict actions while behind the screen or its briskly moving around the room.
Dramatization games from dolls bibabo. In these games, bibabo dolls are put on the fingers. They usually operate on a screen behind which the driver stands. Such dolls can be made independently using old toys.
Improvisation. This is acting out the plot without prior preparation. In traditional pedagogy, games - dramatizations are classified as creative games in which children creatively reproduce the content of literary works,

8.Technology for organizing theatrical games
Main requirements to organizations theatrical games

The maximum activity of children at the stages of both preparation and conduct of games.

Children cooperating with each other And from adults at all stages of organizing a theatrical game.
The sequence and complication of the content of topics and plots chosen for games correspond to the age and skills of children.
IN junior group the prototype of theatrical games are games from role.

Toddlers, acting in accordance with the role, use their capabilities more fully and cope with many tasks much easier. Acting on behalf of cautious sparrows, brave mice or friendly geese, they learn, and imperceptibly for themselves. In addition, role-playing games activate and develop the imagination of children, prepare them for independent creative play.
Children of the younger group are happy to transform into dogs, cats and other familiar animals.

However, they still cannot develop and beat the plot. They only imitate animals, copying them outwardly, without revealing the peculiarities of behavior, therefore it is important for children of the younger group to be taught some ways of playing actions according to the model.

For this purpose, he recommends holding games: “The mother hen and chickens”, “She-bear and cubs”, “Hare and hares”, and in the classroom to play small scenes from children's life, organize games based on literary works: “Toys” by A. Barto, “Cat and a goat” by V. Zhukovsky.
Forming interest in dramatization games, it is necessary to read and tell children fairy tales and other literary works as much as possible.

IN middle group you can teach kids combine movement and word in the role, use the pantomime of two or four characters. It is possible to use training exercises, for example, "Imagine yourself a little bunny and tell about yourself."
With a group of the most active children, it is advisable to dramatize the simplest fairy tales using a table theater (the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"). Involving inactive children in games, you can dramatize works in which there is a small number of actions (the nursery rhyme “Kisonka-murisenka”).
IN senior group, children continue to improve their performing skills. The teacher teaches them to independently find ways of figurative expression. Dramatic conflict, the formation of characters, the severity of situations, emotional intensity, short, expressive dialogues, simplicity and figurativeness of the language - all this creates favorable conditions for dramatization games based on fairy tales.

Fairy tales are reflected in children's games in different ways: kids reproduce individual plots, older preschoolers - the whole fairy tale . For preschoolers of 6-7 years old, a dramatization game often becomes a performance in which they play for the audience, and not for themselves, as in a regular game. At the same age, directorial games become available, where the characters are dolls and other toys, and the child makes them act and speak. This requires him to be able to regulate his behavior, to think about his words, to restrain his movements.

Art. educator: Alimova Yana Vladimirovna 2015

Block 1. Theatrical game.

Block 2. Culture of speech technology.

The main directions of the program:

1. Theatrical and gaming activities. Aimed at the development of children's play behavior, the formation of the ability to communicate with peers and adults in various life situations.

Contains: games and exercises that develop the ability to reincarnate; theatrical games for the development of imagination fantasy; dramatization of poems, stories, fairy tales.

2. Musical and creative. It includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of the natural psychomotor abilities of preschoolers, their acquisition of a sense of harmony of their body with the outside world, the development of freedom and expressiveness of body movements.

Contains: exercises for the development of motor abilities, dexterity and mobility; games for the development of a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements, plastic expressiveness and musicality; musical and plastic improvisations.

3. Artistic and speech activity. It combines games and exercises aimed at improving speech breathing, the formation of correct articulation, intonational expressiveness and logic of speech, and the preservation of the Russian language.

4. Fundamentals of theatrical culture. It is designed to provide conditions for mastering elementary knowledge of theatrical art by preschoolers. Your child will receive answers to the following questions:

  • What is theater, theatrical art;
  • What performances are in the theater;
  • Who are the actors;
  • What transformations take place on the stage;
  • How to behave in the theatre.

5. Work on the performance. Based on author's scripts and includes themes "Introducing the Play" (joint reading) And "From etudes to performance" (choosing a play or dramatization and discussing it with children; working on individual episodes in the form of etudes with an improvised text;

search for a musical and plastic solution for individual episodes, staging dances; creation of sketches and decorations; rehearsals of individual paintings and the entire play; performance premiere; discussing it with children). Parents are widely involved in the work on the play. (assistance in learning the text, preparing scenery, costumes).

  • Participation in skits, performances and theatrical holidays.
  • Preparation of scenery, props, posters (we ourselves invent, draw, glue!).

Work on sections of the program continues throughout the entire education of children. The content of the sections, depending on the stage of training, expands and deepens.

The result of the work of the studio are performances and theatrical holidays, in which all the studio members, without exception, take part, regardless of their level of preparation and training.

Explanatory note

Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the content of the educational process of a preschool educational institution and is its priority. For the aesthetic development of a child's personality, a variety of artistic activities are of great importance - visual, musical, artistic and speech, etc. An important task of aesthetic education is the formation of aesthetic interests, needs, aesthetic taste, as well as creative abilities in children. The richest field for the aesthetic development of children, as well as the development of their creative abilities, is theatrical activity.

Theatrical activities help develop the interests and abilities of the child; contribute to the overall development; the manifestation of curiosity, the desire for new knowledge, the assimilation of new information and new ways of action, the development of associative thinking; perseverance, determination, the manifestation of general intelligence, emotions when playing roles. In addition, theatrical activities require the child to be decisive, systematic in work, hard work, which contributes to the formation of strong-willed character traits.

The child develops the ability to combine images, intuition, ingenuity and ingenuity, the ability to improvise. Theatrical activities and frequent performances on stage in front of the audience contribute to the realization of the creative forces and spiritual needs of the child,

emancipation and self-esteem.

The alternation of the functions of performer and spectator, which the child constantly assumes, helps him to demonstrate to his comrades his position, skills, knowledge, and imagination. Exercises for the development of speech, breathing and voice improve the child's speech apparatus. Theatrical games and performances allow children to immerse themselves in the world of fantasy with great interest and ease, teach them to notice and evaluate their own and other people's mistakes. Children become more liberated, sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and cognize the world around them more subtly.

Using the program allows you to stimulate the ability of children to imaginative and free perception of the world around them (people, cultural values, nature), which, developing in parallel with the traditional rational perception, expands and enriches it. The child begins to feel that logic is not the only way knowledge of the world, that something can be beautiful that is not always clear and usual. Realizing that there is no one truth for all, the child learns to respect other people's opinions, to be tolerant of different points of view, learns to transform the world, using fantasy, imagination, communication with people around.

This program describes a training course in theatrical activities for preschool children aged 4-7 years. (middle, senior and preparatory groups). It was developed on the basis of the mandatory minimum content for theatrical activities for preschool educational institutions, taking into account the updating of the content for various programs described in the literature.

The purpose of the program is to develop the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical art.

Tasks for the formation of artistic and aesthetic consciousness in older preschoolers, the development of creative abilities.

  1. To create conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in theatrical activities, as well as the gradual mastery of various types of creativity by children by age groups.
  2. Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees of preschool educational institutions, organizing performances by children of older groups in front of younger ones, etc.).
  3. Teach children manipulation techniques in puppet theaters of various types.
  4. To improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.
  5. Introduce children of all age groups to different types of theater (puppet, drama, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.).
  6. Introduce children to theatrical culture, enrich their theatrical experience: children's knowledge about the theater, its history, structure, theatrical professions, costumes, attributes, theatrical terminology.
  7. To develop in children an interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

The program includes one class per week in the afternoon. Lesson duration: 20 min - middle group, 25 min - senior group, 30 min - preparatory group.

Pedagogical analysis of knowledge and skills of children (diagnostics) held 2 times a year: introductory - in September, final - in May.

The program is compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in sections.

  1. "Musical education" where children learn to hear different emotional states in music and convey it with movements, gestures, facial expressions; listen to music for the next performance, noting its diverse content, which makes it possible to more fully appreciate and understand the character of the hero, his image.
  2. "Visual activity" where children get acquainted with reproductions of paintings, illustrations similar in content to the plot of the play, learn to draw with different materials on the plot of the play or its individual characters.
  3. "Speech Development" , on which a clear, clear diction develops in children, work is underway on the development of the articulatory apparatus using tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.
  4. "Introduction to Fiction" , where children get acquainted with literary works that will form the basis of the upcoming production of the play and other forms of organization of theatrical activities (classes in theatrical activities, theatrical games in other classes, holidays and entertainment, in Everyday life, independent theatrical activities of children).
  5. "Getting to Know the Environment" where children get acquainted with the phenomena of social life, objects of the immediate environment.

Expected Result:

  1. The ability to evaluate and use the acquired knowledge and skills in the field of theatrical art.
  2. Using the necessary acting skills: interact freely with a partner, act in the circumstances offered, improvise,

focus attention, emotional memory, communicate with the viewer.

3. Possession of the necessary skills of plastic expressiveness and stage speech.

4. The use of practical skills when working on the appearance of the hero - the selection of makeup, costumes, hairstyles.

5. Increasing interest in the study of material related to the art of theater, literature.

6. Active manifestation of their individual abilities in the work on the performance: discussion of costumes, scenery.

7. Creation of performances of various orientations, participation of studio participants in them in the most varied capacities.

Mechanism for evaluating the results

The emphasis in the organization of theatrical activities with preschoolers is not on the result, in the form of an external demonstration of theatrical action, but on the organization of collective creative activity in the process of creating a performance.

1. Fundamentals of theatrical culture.

High level- 3 points: shows a steady interest in theatrical activities; knows the rules of conduct in the theater; calls different kinds theater, knows their differences, can characterize the theatrical professions.

Average level - 2 points: interested in theatrical activities; uses his knowledge in theatrical activities.

Low level- 1 point: does not show interest in theatrical activities; finds it difficult to name the different types of theater.

2. Speech culture.

High level - 3 points: understands the main idea of ​​a literary work, explains his statement; gives detailed verbal characteristics of his characters; creatively interprets plot units based on a literary work.

Average level - 2 points: understands the main idea of ​​a literary work, gives verbal characteristics of the main and secondary characters; identifies and can characterize the units of a literary work.

Low level - 1 point: understands the work, distinguishes between main and secondary characters, finds it difficult to single out the literary units of the plot; retelling with the help of a teacher.

3. Emotionally-imaginative development.

High level - 3 points: creatively applies knowledge about various emotional states and characters of characters in performances and dramatizations;

uses various means expressiveness.

Average level - 2 points: knows about various emotional states and can demonstrate them; uses facial expressions, gesture, posture, movement.

Low level - 1 point: distinguishes emotional states, but uses different means of expression with the help of a teacher.

4. Fundamentals of collective creative activity.

High level - 3 points: shows initiative, coordination of actions with partners, creative activity at all stages of work on the performance.

Average level - 2 points: shows initiative, coordination of actions with partners in collective activities.

Low level - 1 point: does not show initiative, is passive at all stages of work on the performance.

Since the program is developing, the progress achieved is demonstrated by the pupils during creative events: concerts, creative shows, evenings within the group to show to other groups, parents.

Characteristics of the levels of knowledge and skills of theatrical activities

High level (18-21 points).

Shows a steady interest in theatrical art and theatrical activities. Understands the main idea of ​​a literary work (plays). Creatively interprets its content.

Able to empathize with the characters and convey their emotional states, independently finds means of expression reincarnation. Owns intonation-figurative and linguistic expressiveness artistic speech and uses in various types of artistic and creative activities.

Improvise with puppets various systems. Freely selects musical characteristics for characters or uses DMI, freely sings, dances. Active organizer and leader of collective creative activity. Shows creativity and activity at all stages of work.

Average level (11-17 points).

Shows an emotional interest in theatrical art and theatrical activities. Has knowledge of various types of theater and theatrical professions. understands the content of the work.

Gives verbal characteristics to the characters of the play, using epithets, comparisons and figurative expressions.

He has knowledge about the emotional states of the characters, can demonstrate them in the work on the play with the help of a teacher.

Creates an image of a character according to a sketch or verbal description-instruction of the educator.

With the help of the leader, he selects musical characteristics for the characters and plot units.

Shows activity and coordination of actions with partners. Actively participates in various types of creative activity.

Low level (7-10 points).

Less emotional, shows interest in theatrical art only as a spectator. Difficulty in identifying different types of theater.

Knows the rules of behavior in the theater.

Retells the work only with the help of the leader.

He distinguishes the elementary emotional states of the characters, but cannot demonstrate them with the help of facial expressions, gestures, and movements.

Does not show activity in collective creative activity.

Not independent, performs all operations only with the help of a supervisor.


Creative task number 1

Playing out a fairy tale

Purpose: to act out a fairy tale using a table theater, a theater on a flannelograph, a puppet theater to choose from.

Tasks: understand the main idea of ​​the fairy tale, empathize with the characters.

To be able to convey various emotional states and characters of the characters, using figurative expressions and intonation-figurative speech. To be able to compose plot compositions on a table, flannelgraph, screen and play mise-en-scenes based on a fairy tale. Select musical characteristics to create character images. Be able to coordinate their actions with partners.

Material: sets of puppet theater puppet, table and flannel.


1. The teacher contributes "magic box" , on the lid of which

illustrated illustration for a fairy tale "Sister Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" . Children will recognize the heroes of the fairy tale. The teacher takes out the heroes in turn and asks to tell about each of them: on behalf of the storyteller; on behalf of the hero himself; on behalf of his partner.

2. The teacher shows the children that in "magic box" the heroes of this fairy tale hid from various types of theater, shows in turn the heroes of the puppet, table, shadow, theater on a flannelgraph.

How are these heroes different? (Children name different types of theater and explain how these puppets work.)

3. The teacher invites the children to play a fairy tale. There is a draw by subgroups. Each subgroup acts out a fairy tale using a flannelograph theater, puppet and table theater.

4. Independent activity of children in playing out the plot of a fairy tale and preparing a performance.

5. Showing a fairy tale to the audience.

Creative task number 2

Creating a performance based on a fairy tale "Hare Hut"

Purpose: to make characters, scenery, pick up the musical characteristics of the main characters, play out a fairy tale.

Tasks: understand the main idea of ​​a fairy tale and highlight plot units (premise, climax, denouement) be able to characterize them.

Describe the main and secondary characters.

Be able to draw sketches of characters, scenery, create them from paper and waste material. Selecting musical accompaniment for the performance.

To be able to convey the emotional states and characters of the characters, using figurative expressions and intonational-figurative speech.

Be active in activities.

Material: fairy tale illustrations "Hare Hut" , colored paper, glue, colored woolen threads, plastic bottles, colored shreds.


1. Sad Petrushka comes to the children and asks the children to help him.

He works in a puppet theater. Kids will come to the theater to them; and all the puppet artists are on tour. We need to help the kids act out the fairy tale. The teacher offers to help Petrushka, make a table theater by himself and show the fairy tale to the kids.

2. The teacher helps to remember the content of the fairy tale from the illustrations. An illustration showing the climax is shown and questions are asked: "Tell me what happened before that?" , "What will happen next?" This question must be answered on behalf of a bunny, a fox, a cat, a goat and a rooster.

3. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the fairy tale will be interesting to kids if it is musical, and advises you to choose musical accompaniment to it (phonograms, children's musical instruments).

4. The teacher organizes activities for the manufacture of characters, scenery, the selection of musical accompaniment, the distribution of roles and the preparation of the performance.

5. Showing a performance to kids.

Creative task number 3

Script writing and storytelling

Purpose: to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, select musical accompaniment, make or select scenery, costumes, play out a fairy tale.

Tasks: to encourage improvisation on the themes of familiar fairy tales, creatively interpreting a familiar plot, retelling it from different faces of the heroes of the fairy tale.

To be able to create characteristic images of heroes using facial expressions, gesture, movement and intonational-figurative speech, song, dance.

Be able to use various attributes, costumes, scenery, masks when playing a fairy tale.

Show coordination of your actions with partners.

Material: illustrations for several fairy tales, children's musical and noise instruments, phonograms with Russian folk melodies, masks, costumes, attributes, scenery.


1. The head announces to the children that guests will come to the kindergarten today. They heard that our kindergarten has its own theater and really wanted to see the play.

There is little time left before their arrival, let's figure out what kind of fairy tale we will show the guests.

2. The leader offers to consider illustrations of fairy tales "Teremok" "Kolobok" , "Masha and the Bear" and others (at the teacher's choice).

All these tales are familiar to children and guests. The teacher offers to collect all the heroes of these fairy tales and place them in a new one, which the children will compose themselves. To compose a tale, you need to come up with a new plot.

  • What are the parts of the story called? (Introduction, climax, denouement).
  • What happens at the beginning, climax, and denouement?

The teacher offers to choose the main characters and come up with a story that happened to them. The most interesting collective version

is taken as a basis.

3. Children's activities are organized to work on the performance.

4. Show performance to guests.


middle group

They are able to act in concert.

They are able to relieve tension from certain muscle groups.

Remember the given poses.

Remember and describe the appearance of any child.

Know 5-8 articulation exercises.

They are able to make a long exhalation with an imperceptible short sigh.

They are able to pronounce tongue twisters at different tempos.

They are able to pronounce tongue twisters with different intonations.

They know how to build a simple dialogue.

They are able to make sentences with the given words.

Senior group

Willingness to act in concert, including simultaneously or sequentially.

To be able to relieve tension from individual muscle groups.

Memorize the given poses.

Memorize and describe the appearance of any child.

Know 5-8 articulation exercises.

To be able to make a long exhalation with an imperceptible short inhalation, not to interrupt the breath in the middle of a phrase.

Be able to pronounce tongue twisters at different paces, in a whisper and silently.

Be able to pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations.

Be able to make sentences with the given words.

Be able to build a simple dialogue.

Be able to compose etudes based on fairy tales.

preparatory group

To be able to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups.

Orientate in space, evenly placed on the site.

To be able to move in a given rhythm, at the signal of the teacher, connecting in pairs, triples, fours.

Be able to collectively and individually transmit a given rhythm in a circle or chain.

To be able to create plastic improvisations to music of a different nature.

To be able to memorize the mise-en-scène set by the director.

Find an excuse for a given pose.

Perform the simplest physical actions freely and naturally on stage. Be able to compose an individual or group study on a given topic.

Own a complex of articulatory gymnastics.

To be able to change the pitch and strength of the sound of the voice on the instructions of the teacher.

To be able to pronounce tongue twisters and poetic text in motion and different poses. To be able to pronounce a long phrase or a poetic quatrain in one breath.

Know and clearly pronounce 8-10 tongue twisters at different paces.

Be able to pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations. To be able to read the poetic text by heart, pronouncing the words correctly and placing logical stresses.

Be able to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic.

Be able to make a sentence of 3-4 given words.

Be able to choose a rhyme for a given word.

Be able to write a story on behalf of the hero.

Be able to compose a dialogue between fairy-tale characters.

Know by heart 7-10 poems by Russian and foreign authors.

Children's theater studio equipment

  1. Desktop toy theater.
  2. Desktop picture theatre.
  3. Book stand.
  4. Flannelgraph.
  5. Shadow theater.
  6. Finger Theatre.
  7. Petrushka Theatre.
  8. Children's costumes for performances.
  9. Adult costumes for performances.
  10. Elements of costumes for children and adults.
  11. Attributes for classes and for performances.
  12. Screen for puppet theater.

13Music center, video equipment

14Mediotheque (audio and CD discs).

16. Methodical literature


  1. Kutsokova L.V., Merzlyakova S.I. Education of a preschool child: developed, educated, independent, enterprising, unique, cultural, active and creative. M., 2003.
  2. Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten. M., 2001.
  3. Merzlyakova S.I. Magic world theater. M., 2002.
  4. Minaeva V.M. The development of emotions in preschoolers. M., 1999.
  5. Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.A., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten. M., 2000.
  6. Anthology on children's literature. M., 1996.
  7. Churilova E.G. Methodology and organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers and younger students. M., 2004.
  8. Emotional development of the preschooler. M., 1985.

This program describes a training course in theatrical activities for preschool children aged 6-7 years (preparatory group). It was developed on the basis of a mandatory minimum content for theatrical activities for preschool educational institutions, taking into account updating the content for various programs.



MKDOU "Novokhopersk kindergarten of a general developmental type" Rodnichok "

I approve

Head of MKDOU "Rodnichok"

E.V. Kobylskaya.

Adopted at a meeting of the teachers' council

from "___" _________ 2013

Protocol No. _____________

Additional education


In the circle "Petrushka's friends"

(preparatory group)

Compiled by:

teacher Chashkina E.V.


Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the content of the educational process of a preschool educational institution and is its priority. For the aesthetic development of a child's personality, a variety of artistic activities are of great importance - visual, musical, artistic and speech, etc. An important task of aesthetic education is the formation of aesthetic interests, needs, aesthetic taste, as well as creative abilities in children. The richest field for the aesthetic development of children, as well as the development of their creative abilities, is theatrical activity. In this regard, additional classes on theatrical activities have been introduced in the preschool educational institution, which are conducted by a teacher of additional education.

This program describes a training course on theatrical activities of preschool children aged 6-7 years (preparatory group). It is developed on the basis of the mandatory minimum content for theatrical activities for preschool educational institutions, taking into account the updating of the content for various programs described in the literature at the end of this section.

Target programs - development of creative abilities of children by means of theatrical art.


  • Create conditions for the development of creative activity of children participating in theatrical activities, as well as the gradual development of various types of creativity by children by age groups.
  • Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees of preschool educational institutions, organizing performances
    children of older groups before younger ones, etc.).
  • Teach children manipulation techniques in puppet theaters of various types.
  • To improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.
  • To acquaint children of all age groups with various types of theaters (puppet, drama, musical, children's theater, etc.).
  • To introduce children to theatrical culture, enrich their theatrical experience: children's knowledge of the theater, its history, structure, theatrical professions, costumes, attributes, theatrical terminology.
  • To develop in children an interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

The program involves one lesson per week in the first or second half of the day. Duration of the lesson: 30 minutes - preparatory group.

Pedagogical analysis of knowledge and skills of children (diagnostics) is carried out 2 times a year: introductory - in October, final - in April.

The program is compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in sections:

1. "Musical Education"where children learn to hear different emotional states in music and convey it with movements, gestures, facial expressions; listen to music for the next performance, noting its diverse content, which makes it possible to more fully appreciate and understand the character of the hero, his image.

2 . "Visual activity",where children get acquainted with illustrations that are close in content to the plot of the play, learn to draw with different materials on the plot of the play or its individual characters.

3 . "The Development of Speech"where children develop a clear, clear diction, work is underway on the development of the articulatory apparatus using tongue twisters, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.

4. "Introduction to Literature"where children get acquainted with literary works that will form the basis of the upcoming performance and other forms of organizing theatrical activities (classes in theatrical activities, theatrical games in other classes, holidays and entertainment, in everyday life, independent theatrical activities of children).

5 . "Getting to Know the Surroundings"where children get acquainted with the phenomena of social life, objects of the immediate environment, natural phenomena, which will serve as material included in the content of theatrical games and exercises.

6. "Rhythm", where children learn through dance movements to convey the image of a hero, his character, mood.

Block 1 - the basics of puppetry.

Block 2 - the basics of the puppet theater.

Block 3 - the basics of acting.

Block 4 - the basic principles of dramatization.

Block 5 - independent theatrical activity.

Block 6 - holding holidays.

Block 7 - leisure and entertainment.

Work forms.

1. Theatrical games.

2. Classes in the theater circle.

3. The teacher's stories about the theater.

4. Organization of performances.

5. Conversations-dialogues.

6. Production and repair of attributes and manuals for performances.

7. Reading literature.

8. Making an album about the theater.

9. Showing views.

The work plan of the theater group of the preparatory group

(October - May)





Week 1

"Summer is over."

Purpose: To bring children together after the summer holidays, enjoy a warm meeting, activate auditory perception, show children a familiar fairy tale in a table theater

"Masha and the Bear"

2 weeks

Conversation with children "What is theater".

To give children an idea about the theater, to introduce the types of theaters

Display of illustrations, photographs and posters

Rehearsal of a scene for the autumn holiday.

(artistic, dramatic, puppet). To form a steady interest in various theatrical genres.


Children's stories about visiting theaters.

3 week


Activate cognitive interest in theatrical professions. To introduce children to professions: actor, director, artist. Cultivate the desire to learn new things.

Conversation-dialogue with children. Questions for children of a search nature (Why do we need scenery?)

Guessing riddles (by topic).

4 week

Acquaintance with the screen.

Showing theatrical performance at the autumn festival.

Tell me about the device of the screen. The purpose of the theater screen





Week 1

Speech technique.

Learn to use intonations by saying phrases sad, joyful, angry, surprised. Cultivate endurance, patience, complicity.

Using the Kolobok icons.

Games with pictogram cards: Transmitters, Draw and Say

2 weeks

The amazing world of dolls.

Story about the types of dolls. Demonstrate how to act with a doll. To develop in children an interest in creativity.

Display of types of dolls.

3 week

Rhythmoplasty, psychogymnastics.

Develop the ability to use gestures in children. Develop children's motor skills; dexterity, flexibility, mobility. Learn to move evenly around the site without colliding with each other. Encourage children to experiment with their appearance, (facial expressions, gestures).

Sketches by M. Chistyakova: for the expression of the main emotions - "Curious", "Round eyes", "Old mushroom", "Ugly duckling", "Angry wolf".

4 week

Showing by the educator of the "Turnip" table theater





Week 1


Develop resourcefulness, imagination, fantasy. Cultivate kindness. Prepare children for actions with imaginary objects.

Game "Pass the pose", "What we did, we won't say"

Etudes by M. Chistyakova: “I don’t know”, “Friendly family”, “Pump and ball”, “K”, “Three characters”, “Harmful ring”.

2 weeks

Start work on the album "All about the theater".

Preparing for New Year's party(distribution of roles).

To teach children to generalize the experience gained, to share impressions of new knowledge. Develop aesthetic taste in the design of the album (joint work of children and parents).

3 week

Music performance rehearsal


Rehearsal of child actors performing at the New Year's performance.

4 week

Children's show of the musical performance "Turnip" (for children of younger groups)





3 week


Start practicing showing images of animals with the help of expressive plastic movements. Develop the ability to sincerely believe in any imaginary situation. Develop creativity, imagination and fantasy.

Game "Show who it is"

4 week

Work on the album "All about the theater".

Develop aesthetic taste in the design of the album.

Joint work of children and parents.





Week 1

Story on the table.

Introduce children to the script

new fairy tales. Sun-

nurture skill

listen to

the opinion of others,

develop endurance and patience.

Reading a fairy tale.

Discussion and pre-


2 weeks

Working out dialogues.

Develop the ability to build dialogues between characters. Develop

connected speech of children. Cultivate confidence.

3 week

Distribution of roles.

Teach children to agree and negotiate together. Cultivate a sense of teamwork. Measure your capabilities.



Analysis of selected


4 week

Show puppet theater "Kolobok" (for children of younger groups).





Week 1

"A trip to the puppet theater."

To acquaint children with the device of the theater building, pay attention to the original architecture and beautiful facade. Enrich children's vocabulary.

Examination of photographs depicting the theater.

Theatrical dictionary: ticket, program, poster, box.

2 weeks

Acquaintance with the fairy tale "About a little kitten"

Learn to listen carefully to a fairy tale, answer questions about the content.

Reading a fairy tale by a teacher.


3 week

Actor's workshop.

To develop the ability of children to independently make attributes for a fairy tale. To cultivate accuracy in working with fabric, cardboard.

Individual work: work with scissors, development of accuracy, demonstration, explanation, encouragement, help.

Develop memory, attention, creativity and imagination.

eye development.

4 week

Theater Day (last week of March).

Theatrical performance for the Theater Day

Presentation by teachers.





Week 1

Actor's workshop.

Continue working in the workshop. To develop the ability of children to independently make attributes for a fairy tale. To cultivate accuracy in working with fabric, cardboard. Develop memory, attention, creativity and imagination.

Show, explain, encourage, help.

Individual work: work with scissors, development of accuracy, development of the eye (with other children).

2 weeks

Costume work.

Teach kids how to dress up for themselves. Prepare them for the show. Develop independence, creativity, imagination. Cultivate a desire to help a friend. Develop aesthetic sense.

Costumes, masks for the fairy tale "Teremok".

3 week

Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Determine the readiness of children to show a fairy tale. To develop in movements a sense of rhythm, speed of reaction, coordination of movements. Improve motor ability.

4 week

Scenery making

Teaching kids how to set up decorations

Show, explain, help in solving problem situations


decorate the scene. Develop imagination and faith in stage design.





Week 1

General rehearsal of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Determine the readiness of children to show a fairy tale. To develop in movements a sense of rhythm, speed of reaction, coordination of movements. Show images of animals. Practicing dialogues, expressiveness, intonation.

2 weeks

Showing the fairy tale "TEREMOK"

3 week

Preparing for the prom




4 week

High school graduation


The requirements for the skills and knowledge acquired as a result of the study are given in the table


base component

Dow component


Should be able to:

Independently organize theatrical games (choose a fairy tale, poem, song for staging, prepare the necessary attributes, distribute duties and roles among themselves);

Play performances, dramatizations, use means of expression (posture, gestures, facial expressions, voice, movement);

Widely use various types of theaters in theatrical activities

Must know:

Some types of theaters (puppet, drama, musical, children's, animal theater, etc.);

Some techniques and manipulations used in familiar types of theater: turntables, reed puppets, floor cone.

Must have an idea:

On the theatre, theatrical culture; - theatrical professions (chaperon, dance director, etc.)


1. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood.

2. Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics

3. Kutsakova L.V., Merzlyakova S.I.Education of a preschool child: developed, educated, independent, enterprising, unique, cultural, active and creative. M., 2003.

4. Ledyaykina E.G., Topnikova L.A.Holidays for modern kids. Yaroslavl, 2002.

5. Miryasova V.I. We play theater. Scenarios for children's performances about animals. M., 2000.

6. Mikhailova M.A. Holidays in kindergarten. Scenarios, games, attractions. Yaroslavl, 2002.

7. Petrova T.N., Sergeeva E.A., Petrova E.S.Theatrical games in kindergarten. M., 2000.

8. Pole L. Theater of fairy tales. SPb., 2001.

9. Sorokina N.F., Milanovich L.G.Theater - creativity - children. M., 1995.

10. M. D. Makhaneva “Theatrical classes in kindergarten”, Moscow, Creative center “Sphere”, 2003.

11. T.I.Petrova, E.Ya.Sergeeva, E.S.Petrova"Theatrical games in kindergarten" Moscow "School press" 2000.