What is the danger of low hemoglobin for a pregnant woman. Reduced hemoglobin during pregnancy: causes of low levels

  • 02.07.2020

The hemoglobin level of a pregnant woman is checked at every routine laboratory blood test. It is an important indicator of the patient's state of health in position. The danger to the full development and normal intrauterine life of the fetus is a low level of the substance.

Why does hemoglobin level drop in patients in position? How can you increase iron during pregnancy? What drugs are best used to prevent anemia?

What is hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that is a component of the red blood cell. Its level is extremely important for the body, since iron forms compounds with oxygen and carbon dioxide, that is, with its help, the entire body is saturated with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. Optimum oxygenation ensures healthy appearance, physical and mental activity. Hemoglobin deficiency is called anemia or iron deficiency anemia.

The disease threatens a pregnant woman with the following complications:

  • risk of developing preeclampsia later dates;
  • delayed growth and development of the baby;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • placental abruption, risk of preterm birth;
  • fetal death in 12% of cases;
  • difficult childbirth, the threat of bleeding, weak labor activity;
  • lactation problems.

Norms of hemoglobin levels for pregnant women

Low hemoglobin during pregnancy is dangerous for the development of anemia, so a blood test with the control of this indicator is mandatory before each scheduled visit to the gynecologist. The level of hemoglobin is measured in the following units - g / l (grams per liter of blood).

In a pregnant patient, the normal value ranges from 120-140 g / l. In obstetrics, the normal hemoglobin level depends on the trimester. With the growth of the fetus in the female body, the amount of blood increases, so a decrease in hemoglobin is a natural phenomenon. If a decrease in hemoglobin is observed in the analysis of the patient in the third trimester, the pregnant woman should not be alarmed. In gynecology, there are the following indicators of the norm:

  • first trimester - 115-135 g / l;
  • second trimester - 110-130 g / l;
  • third trimester - 110-125 g / l.

If the patient's hemoglobin dropped for no reason and sharply, the doctor diagnoses her with anemia. Anemia has three forms:

  1. mild degree - 90-110 g / l, the patient does not have a deterioration;
  2. the average degree is 70-90 g / l, the woman has the first symptoms of the disease, which most pregnant women attribute to fatigue;
  3. severe degree - below 70 g / l, at this stage the patient observes all the signs of the disease.

A severe form of anemia is dangerous for its consequences for the child. Such a decrease in hemoglobin levels threatens miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death, so this condition requires emergency hospitalization and medical care.

Causes and symptoms of a decrease in hemoglobin

A low hemoglobin level is a fairly common problem for expectant mothers. Anemia is most often diagnosed in the second trimester after the 20th week. Reasons for low hemoglobin levels include:

  • strict diet, malnutrition;
  • insufficient amount of protein food;
  • elevated calcium levels, which prevent iron from being properly absorbed;
  • internal bleeding;
  • pathologies of the digestive system, problems with the absorption of products;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, their exacerbation during the period of bearing a child;
  • a short interval between the birth of children;
  • an increase in estrogen due to hormonal disorders;
  • unsuitable working or living conditions, stress, fatigue.

All of the above signs are non-specific. Specific manifestations of anemia include:

  • change in the color of the skin, the appearance of characteristic pallor, cyanosis;
  • discoloration of the mucous membranes;
  • the occurrence of shortness of breath during a normal step;
  • dizziness, tinnitus, fainting when changing body position;
  • lack of appetite, loss of interest in familiar and favorite food;
  • change in taste preferences - patients want to eat something that is not suitable for food (coal, chalk, earth, etc.);
  • pathology of smell - women begin to like a sharp and rich chemical smell;
  • impaired attention, memory, disorientation;
  • sharp jumps in temperature without symptoms of SARS;
  • seizures in the corners of the lips or weeping wounds;
  • change in the structure of the nail plate - it becomes soft and pale;
  • noticeable hair loss.

How to increase the hemoglobin of a pregnant woman?

Many patients in position are interested in the question of how to increase hemoglobin. As soon as a woman in position begins to notice specific and non-specific symptoms in herself, indicating a decrease in iron levels, she should immediately contact a gynecologist. Despite the existence of a huge number of pills to increase hemoglobin, a pregnant woman should never self-medicate.

At the first suspicion of anemia, the doctor will refer the woman to a laboratory test, the results of which make a diagnosis. Therapy of anemia should be aimed at eliminating its cause. The use of drugs with iron with low hemoglobin in most cases is insufficient. Patients in position who have a reduced level of hemoglobin, as a rule, are additionally prescribed medications for the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Products to increase hemoglobin

In order to quickly raise hemoglobin in the blood, a woman in position should normalize her diet and replenish her diet with healthy foods.

With a low rate of iron-containing protein in the blood, adherence to a hemo-diet is a necessity, since not a single vitamin complex can compensate for the intake of nutrients from food. Foods that increase hemoglobin in the blood include:

  • beef, veal, turkey;
  • any legumes - red and green lentils, asparagus, beans, peas, etc.;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal which are especially good for breakfast;
  • nuts - walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, good for snacking;
  • any green vegetables;
  • beets;
  • all greens;
  • apples, grapes, watermelon, pomegranate;
  • blueberries, cranberries, strawberries;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, hard cheeses;
  • dark chocolate - in a small amount;
  • yolks of chicken or quail eggs;
  • seafood - shrimp, cod, squid - heat-treated.

Meat and seafood must be subjected to heat treatment. Fruits and vegetables for pregnant patients should be consumed raw.

Vitamin complexes

In order to understand why hemoglobin falls and what needs to be done to raise it, this process should be analyzed in more detail. The bone marrow produces blood cells when the body lacks oxygen. At the same time, the kidneys begin to produce a special hormone that sends a signal to the bone marrow, they say, new red blood cells are needed. Before getting into the bloodstream, the erythrocyte must mature, develop and accumulate hemoglobin inside itself. The maturation of red blood cells is impossible without B vitamins:

  • cobalomin - B12;
  • folic acid- AT 9;
  • pyridoxine - B6;
  • riboflavin - B2.

Vitamin C also contributes to the high-quality treatment of anemia. Thus, the hemo-diet during pregnancy becomes effective only with the simultaneous use of vitamin complexes.

Iron preparations to increase hemoglobin

With moderate to severe anemia, doctors resort to prescribing medications. Patients with an average degree of iron deficiency anemia can take tablets and syrups (we recommend reading:). Women whose hemoglobin level has fallen to 70 require hospitalization and intravenous medication. Drugs that raise the level of iron-containing protein in the blood are:

  • Sorbifer Durules;
  • Maltofer;
  • Ferrum Lek;
  • Totem.

There is no single answer to the question of which drug works better and faster. The choice of medication depends on the overall clinical picture of the disease. All of the above drugs have one common feature- their action weakens against the background of the use of dairy products and black tea. To increase the effectiveness of drugs, doctors usually prescribe vitamin C and folic acid.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is based on the use of special vitamin decoctions that have a beneficial effect on the body. The best way to raise hemoglobin is a variety of mixtures based on honey and nuts, freshly squeezed juices. If a pregnant patient has a low hemoglobin level, doctors may prescribe the following remedies to her:

  1. A decoction of the leaves of strawberries and currants. A handful of fresh leaves must be poured with 500 ml of boiling water and kept on low heat for about 15-20 minutes. The drink should be consumed 200 ml half an hour before meals.
  2. Honey. An effective remedy is 1 tsp. honey with a crushed clove of garlic, which should be eaten on an empty stomach.
  3. Honey based mixture. 0.5 st. green buckwheat and harvest walnuts should be ground with a blender or coffee grinder and mixed with 500 mg of honey. The mixture should be consumed in tsp. in the morning before meals.
  4. A mixture of freshly squeezed apple, beet and carrot juices. Juices must be mixed in equal proportions and drunk twice a day.

Prevention measures

The best way to prevent low hemoglobin levels during pregnancy is to be attentive to your health even at the planning stage of the baby. Firstly, the expectant mother should take a blood test 1-2 times a year. Identification of hidden pathological processes at the planning stage or in the early stages of pregnancy allows you to adjust the intake of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Secondly, the patient should be promptly treated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially dysbacteriosis. Thirdly, future mom should take the necessary vitamin complexes in accordance with the duration of pregnancy. So, in the early stages, the patient in position should not be neglected folic acid.

Pregnancy is the happy expectation of the birth of an unborn child. During this period of life, a woman, more than ever, should take care of her health. After all, any problems of the mother can affect the fetus.

Low hemoglobin (or anemia) during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. It occurs in about half of expectant mothers. But there is no cause for great concern, this indicator is easily corrected and returns to normal.

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A decrease in hemoglobin levels may indicate problems in a woman's health or malnutrition. We list the reasons due to which this indicator may go beyond the lower limits of the norm:

  1. Bleeding (for example, ulcerative or traumatic). Due to the loss of a large amount with blood.
  2. Indigestion of iron. In particular, a violation of the structure of iron-binding proteins or the processes of its deposition.
  3. hereditary predisposition. That is, the presence of anemia in close relatives.
  4. Not balanced diet(lack of protein, vitamins or minerals).

Fast food should be avoided

Why do pregnant women have low Hb levels?

The reasons why hemoglobin drops in pregnant women, despite their full health, are understandable and obvious. During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases significantly, since now the woman's body is assigned double work. This happens mainly due to plasma (the liquid component of the blood), saying plain language: The blood is "diluted". It is also connected with the formation of its own blood, the fetus needs a large number of gland.

With its relative deficiency, the hemoglobin content cannot grow in proportion to the increase in plasma, so the protein concentration per liter of blood decreases. The World Health Organization even established a separate norm for pregnant women in connection with this fact.

According to WHO, the hemoglobin content should be at least 110 g / l throughout the entire period.

If hemoglobin does not correspond to the above number, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor.


Decreased hemoglobin in pregnant women can directly affect the health of the mother. And also cause certain consequences for the health of the child.

What is dangerous for a woman?

There are also enough explanations why a low hemoglobin level is dangerous for the woman herself:

  • increases the risk of preterm birth;
  • the volume of blood loss during childbirth increases significantly;
  • possible weakness of labor and the need to move to stimulation of labor or to a caesarean section.

Even loss of consciousness is possible.

What threatens the child?

We list how a decrease in the indicator can threaten a child:

  • intrauterine hypoxia due to insufficient oxygen supply;
  • death after birth, due to insufficient development of vital systems;
  • weak immunity and frequent infections;
  • developmental pathologies.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of anemia are quite characteristic and easily detected:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Frequent fainting.
  3. Shortness of breath physical activity, and in severe cases it is possible at rest.
  4. Rapid heart rate (tachycardia), which develops to compensate for the lack of hemoglobin.
  5. Headache due to lack of oxygen delivery to the brain.
  6. Insomnia. With a decrease in the level of oxygen in the arterial blood, the sympathoadrenal system is activated to compensate. Adrenaline doesn't help you sleep well.
  7. Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes due to oxygen starvation.
  8. Noise in ears.
  9. Brittleness of nails and hair.
  10. Lack of appetite.

If you find these signs, you should consult a doctor, describing in detail the complaints and well-being.

In which trimester does it decrease most often?

In the 1st trimester, the indicator may even increase due to the cessation of menstruation in pregnant women and the absence of blood loss associated with them. In the 2nd trimester, there is not a very large decrease, since the fetus is still developing at a not so fast pace. In the 3rd trimester, almost all body reserves go to the needs of the fetus, so most often it is during this period that the clinical picture of anemia is observed. Therefore, in the final period of pregnancy, enhanced monitoring of this indicator is required.

The best thing an expectant mother can do for herself and her child is to see a doctor and describe the situation to him. Depending on the severity of the condition, the specialist will choose the tactics of treatment.

The most important links in the treatment of anemia are:

  1. Eating foods rich in iron.
  2. Reception.

Spend more time on fresh air, practice daily exercises - standard recommendations of what a pregnant woman should do for health, her own and her child. Less stress and stress important tips for every expectant mother.

It is very important to eat well

The list of what to eat with low hemoglobin is not so long. It mainly includes meat and fruits:

  • pork or beef liver;
  • eggs;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • pork;
  • beef.

Most of the diet should be meat products, because iron is much better absorbed from them than from plant foods.

The reasons why low hemoglobin can be found in children are not so few. This may happen due to the following circumstances:

  1. Low hemoglobin in the mother during pregnancy.
  2. Multiple pregnancy.
  3. Abrupt and early transition to artificial feeding. Doctors advise breastfeeding as long as possible (within reason), and if this is not possible, give babies apple juice.
  4. ARVI transferred in late pregnancy.

Useful video

Are there psychological aspects development of anemia during pregnancy - learn from the video:


  1. Low hemoglobin during pregnancy adversely affects the formation of the fetus.
  2. The level of hemoglobin should be taken care of even before the onset of pregnancy, since the lower the indicator was, the more it will decrease over the next 9 months. Preventive measures should be taken in advance.
  3. The main thing that every mother should remember is the number 110 and the prevention of a decrease in the indicator below. Blood loss should be avoided and nutrition should be monitored.

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Most women are familiar with such a problem as low hemoglobin during pregnancy. Expecting a child is an exciting moment, and in a pregnant woman, low hemoglobin is of particular concern. What danger does this represent? In this case, everything is individual.

Hemoglobin is a component of the blood particle, which, with the help of red blood cells, supplies oxygen to all cells. human body. During pregnancy, the health of the fetus depends entirely on the hemoglobin level of the expectant mother. What to do if low hemoglobin is dangerous for a child? There are some cases where this needs to be done quickly.

A normal hemoglobin level is 110 g / l and above. If the indicator is slightly lower than indicated, then we can talk about anemia. According to statistics, approximately 40-45% of women suffer from low hemoglobin during pregnancy. For this reason, it is imperative to donate blood for analysis to detect a decrease in the volume of red blood cells. Often a woman can independently identify the symptoms of low hemoglobin during pregnancy.

There are three levels of anemia in women during pregnancy:

  • 1 degree (mild), hemoglobin index 110-90 g/l;
  • 2 degree (average), the indicator is 90-70 g / l;
  • 3 degree (the most severe), the indicator is too low, below 70 g / l.

It should be taken into account the fact that many expectant mothers have low hemoglobin. With the help of an experienced specialist, this problem can be completely solved. How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy will be prompted by the attending physician based on the results of the necessary blood tests.

signs of anemia

It is important to remember that any malaise, poor health of a woman is transmitted to the child. Any mother does not want the baby to suffer. For this reason, you should not delay a visit to the doctor at the slightest suspicious symptoms. The cause of the disease is easier to eliminate at the very beginning than in a neglected state, which is simply necessary during pregnancy.

Symptoms have their benefits. Reduced hemoglobin in a pregnant woman is a kind of signal that a pathology is present in the body. It is a mistake to believe that such a condition is the norm during pregnancy. These are not the whims of a child, as many people think. The signs and symptoms of low hemoglobin during pregnancy are initially understood. Understand what is at stake for any woman:

  • palpitations and shortness of breath;
  • severe headaches, sometimes with spasms;
  • insomnia or vice versa, excessive craving for sleep;
  • feeling of complete physical impotence;
  • problems with bowel movements (constipation);
  • too pale skin on the face;
  • loss of strands and fragility of the nail plates;
  • darkening in the eyes and fainting;
  • loss of appetite or, on the contrary, a desire to eat incompatible foods.

Causes of a decrease in hemoglobin

You need to know your hemoglobin levels, whether it is normal or significantly reduced. In pregnant women, the total blood volume is increased. Therefore, the concentration of red erythrocytes, of course, decreases. The fetus grows and develops, it needs a lot of iron. It is necessary to increase the hemoglobin of a pregnant woman.

Women are especially at risk of getting anemia during multiple pregnancies. If there are several fruits, then they need a lot of nutrients. Iron begins to be poorly absorbed if there is a deficiency of vitamin B12, copper, zinc, folic acid.

How can you raise your hemoglobin levels during pregnancy? To answer the question, it is necessary to find and establish the cause of the decrease. A reliable preventive measure is the correct diet of a pregnant woman. A balanced diet is the key to health, especially for a future mother. After all, she has to eat for two.

The reasons can be very different:

Additional factors

In the first trimester of pregnancy, iron levels are often normal. The shortage manifests itself in the second trimester, during the intensive development of the fetus, which requires more and more nutrition.

At about 20 weeks, iron deficiency occurs in most cases due to an increase in total blood volume. A pregnant woman needs to increase hemoglobin.

The lowest hemoglobin levels are usually closer to 34 weeks. Such a sharp decrease is considered normal. In this case, there is no need for treatment. This is due to a strong increase in maternal blood volume. If the viscosity remained the same, then there would be problems with circulation. There is a process of reducing the concentration of red blood cells, which is completely natural.

Hemoglobin starts to decrease. But before the onset of the birth process, the required level is independently restored, increasing to normal. Low hemoglobin in pregnant women must be normalized in a timely manner.

Norm and pathology

Should be considered important point. There is a natural drop in hemoglobin due to anemia, physiological. In this case, treatment is required. This can be dangerous for the fetus. Due to the lack of important and necessary substances, various complications can occur.

With a lack of oxygen, the baby may suffer from hypoxia. In this case, low hemoglobin during gestation is a serious danger. But it can go down as well as up. He cannot descend on his own.

What are the dangerous consequences

Concepts such as low hemoglobin and pregnancy have long been synonymous. A specialist will tell you how to treat and not confuse a pathological drop in hemoglobin. With the initial symptoms of low hemoglobin in a pregnant woman, you should visit your doctor. In this way, unwanted complications can be avoided.

The main danger of anemia is the threat of premature discharge of amniotic fluid. Late toxicosis can also significantly complicate the life of the expectant mother. Based on the results of the tests, it can be established that iron deficiency occurred during pregnancy.

During childbirth, various unexpected and additional difficulties can arise. They manifest themselves in the birth process, which began much earlier than planned, in the weakening of labor activity. There is also a place to be severe bleeding, representing a direct threat to the life of the baby.

Children born in such cases are born with low body weight, weak, very susceptible to infections, immunity drops. It is in order to avoid these consequences that all experts strongly recommend that you carefully monitor your well-being and treat a lack of hemoglobin.

Elevated hemoglobin

High hemoglobin levels during pregnancy - is it good or bad, how does it affect the fetus? Despite the lack of iron in most cases, it still sometimes happens that the level exceeds allowable rate. This happens if a woman spends too much time in the mountains, that is, she is a resident of the highlands. This can cause an increase in iron levels in the blood.

We know that extremes are always bad. In this case, if the rate is too high, exceeds 170 g / l, this is a serious danger for a pregnant woman. She has a risk of erythrocytosis, which can lead to very sad complications:

  • cardiopulmonary insufficiency occurs;
  • contributes to the development of varicose veins, the formation of blood clots;
  • causes death of the fetus in the womb;
  • can be the cause of the birth of a child without signs of life.

In some cases, the presence high rate iron is the cause of problems associated with intestinal obstruction. It also has a close relationship with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

An important link is the so-called glycated hemoglobin. Its normal level or a slight deviation indicates the degree of presence of sugar in the blood during the last 4 months. If a person is healthy, then an indicator of 6% is the norm. If the level is 6-6.5%, the expectant mother is at risk of getting diabetes. Accordingly, if the indicator is higher than 6.5% - this is clear sign diseases.

It must be remembered that excessively elevated or reduced hemoglobin needs treatment. Self-treatment is absolutely unacceptable, it is better to leave it to experienced medical specialists. It is not only about the health of the future mother, but also about the life of the child. Therefore, the doctor must control the situation, and do everything so that the iron level drops.

Treatment and preventive measures

Any problem is easier to prevent than to cure. It is known that low hemoglobin during pregnancy is no less dangerous than high hemoglobin. How to solve the problem, what needs to be done should not be decided on your own. It is necessary to protect the future baby from possible complications which often happens during pregnancy. Therefore, only the opinion of a doctor is a competent solution to an important issue about hemoglobin.

When making a correct diagnosis, it is important to pay attention not only to nutrition, but also to taking special drugs to increase the hemoglobin of a pregnant woman. Iron-containing vitamin complexes should be selected by the attending physician. No need to listen to the opinions and advice of friends and relatives, you can only harm yourself and the unborn baby.

In most cases, drugs such as actiferrin, maltofer, sorbifer are prescribed. Iron is not easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, you need to take additional components that can speed up the absorption process. It can be the well-known ascorbic acid. You can also take fructose, folic acid. This will cause a gradual increase in hemoglobin.

To avoid indigestion while taking the drug, it is advisable to take daily walks. A little physical activity in the fresh air is very useful during pregnancy. This will bring great benefits and fruit. Pregnancy with low hemoglobin needs to be monitored by specialists.


From the first week of pregnancy, you should remember the importance of compiling a diet. For many women, taste preferences change significantly, so iron levels may drop. Then it must be raised. Should be found golden mean. How to raise hemoglobin during pregnancy, and maintain the desired level, the attending gynecologist can help.

He will help you compose sample menu, including useful and iron-containing products. Today it is quite possible to buy tropical fruits in winter by visiting the nearest supermarket. It is best to have a special notebook, and clearly control the type of food consumed. It is very convenient.

  • boiled beef, or any red meat;
  • walnuts, almonds;
  • eat at least a handful of dried fruits a day;
  • vegetable dishes (potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.);
  • any sea fish;
  • fruits (pomegranate, persimmon, peaches);
  • wholemeal bread;
  • some dark chocolate.

What is the danger of indiscriminate eating? How does it affect the body? With low hemoglobin in pregnant women, protein food is especially useful, it significantly accelerates the absorption of iron by the body. That's why it's so important. But foods rich in calcium are best reduced. These include cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, etc. Many people like to drink coffee or tea with food, which is better not to do during pregnancy. You need to get rid of this habit.

Most women are less enthusiastic about taking doctor's advice on taking synthetic drugs to normalize hemoglobin. The gravity of the situation should not be underestimated. Sometimes this is not only necessary, but vital. To avoid undue risk, all medical recommendations should be followed. Iron deficiency poses a serious threat to both the expectant mother and the fetus. That is why it is so important to regularly donate blood for analysis.

Any medicine taken after meals. The reception is washed down with a large volume of ordinary mineral water. This is necessary in order to avoid nausea and indigestion. So gradually you can increase low hemoglobin during pregnancy.

Experts say that it is possible to increase hemoglobin only with the help of special drugs. How can you increase hemoglobin in the blood? Of course, the right diet is good. But with food, in any case, only a small part of iron enters the body. The drug must be taken long time. The first good result is usually observed after 3-4 weeks of daily use.

In case of severe anemia or if there is intolerance to the drug, injection therapy is carried out. Do not be upset and worried. An experienced doctor will select the appropriate type of treatment that increases the level of iron on an individual basis. Do not underestimate the low level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The formation of the fetus from the first weeks requires female body mobilization of all resources. The main role is played by blood. It is with its help that from the moment the placenta is formed, a growing person eats, breathes, and receives the substances necessary for development. One of the common problems for women who are expecting a baby is low hemoglobin. Why is low hemoglobin dangerous during pregnancy, what causes it and how to deal with it?

What is hemoglobin?

Human blood consists of a liquid medium - plasma and formed elements, small bodies various shapes and coloring, performing the functions assigned to them. One of the formed elements of blood are erythrocytes - red blood cells of a biconcave shape.

Erythrocytes contain the substance hemoglobin, which consists of a protein part and an iron molecule. Due to its structure, hemoglobin is able to bind and carry gases - oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Every student knows that oxygen is necessary for cells. The growing fetus develops "at the expense" of the mother, which means that the needs increase as the gestational age increases.

Since the volume of circulating blood increases, it is quite natural to expect a decrease in the concentration of formed elements in it, including erythrocytes. The norm for a pregnant woman is lower than the generally accepted one. The lower threshold drops to 110 g / l, and by the end of the third trimester - even up to 105 g / l.

However, a decrease in hemoglobin levels below these figures is dangerous for both the child and the mother. That is why the direction general analysis a woman receives blood in the antenatal clinic quite often.

The gynecologist monitors the level of hemoglobin in order not to miss its decrease, and to have time to adjust nutrition and treatment in time.

Why is low hemoglobin dangerous?

Anemia (the so-called stably low amount of hemoglobin), for the treatment of which timely measures are not taken, has serious consequences for a developing pregnancy.

What threatens anemia:

  • a decrease in the immunity of the mother's body - she becomes susceptible to viruses and bacteria, she catches a cold easily, which in turn affects the child;
  • blood clotting is disturbed, nose bleeds for no reason, gums bleed, further increasing the lack of hemoglobin;
  • significantly increases the risk of toxicosis and gestosis - late toxicosis, a condition that is extremely dangerous for the health and life of the mother and child;
  • against the background of a decrease in hemoglobin, fetoplacental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia develop, it lags behind in size and development;
  • anemia in the early stages significantly increases the risk of spontaneous miscarriage, in the later stages - premature rupture of amniotic fluid and early delivery;
  • increased risk of bleeding during childbirth;
  • the intensity of labor activity decreases;
  • newborns have a high risk of infection with purulent-septic diseases, they slowly gain weight, lag behind in development.

Symptoms of anemia during pregnancy

Signs of a decrease in hemoglobin levels are manifested not only by numbers in the conclusion of the laboratory, the woman's health worsens:

  • the skin becomes pale, even cyanotic;
  • there is weakness, dizziness, headaches;
  • dark dots flash before the eyes, noise in the ears;
  • there is a feeling of lack of air, there is shortness of breath, tachycardia, pre-fainting and fainting;
  • the skin becomes dry, the nails break, the hair exfoliates and splits;
  • disturbed sleep and appetite;
  • pregnant woman suffering from constipation

Perverted taste desires

  • eat plaster,
  • combine incompatible products in the usual sense,
  • craving for strange smells

so calmly perceived as a strangeness, characteristic pregnancy in principle, in fact, they also indicate a lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

Causes of a decrease in hemoglobin levels during pregnancy

In addition to the natural decrease in hemoglobin due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood necessary for the needs of a growing fetus, a decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy leads to:

  1. Deficiency of B vitamins;
  2. Multiple pregnancy;
  3. Lack of copper, zinc;
  4. Unbalanced diet;
  5. Pathologies of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  6. Toxicosis of pregnant women;
  7. Injuries, blood loss, bleeding;
  8. A short period between two pregnancies following each other (less than 3 years);
  9. Hormonal disorders;
  10. intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  11. Reception of some medicines;
  12. Mental tension, stress, depression.

Most often, anemia begins to make itself felt from the 19-20th week of pregnancy, during this period there is a rapid growth of the fetus, and its needs are constantly increasing.

The maximum decline occurs at 31-34 weeks. At this time, such a phenomenon is considered a variant of the norm, does not require treatment, but control by a doctor is necessary. By the time of birth, the norm should be restored.

If low hemoglobin during pregnancy: what to do

What to do if the hemoglobin level fell below the permissible value, how to increase it - the doctor decides.


With a slight deviation from the norm, it will help to correct the situation proper nutrition.

What to eat to increase hemoglobin:

  • meat - beef, veal, turkey, chicken;
  • vegetables - carrots, potatoes, cabbage (white, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), tomatoes, pumpkin and natural juices from them;
  • pomegranates, pomegranate juice, dried apricots, apricots, apples;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • oily fish, seafood.

In order for iron to be better absorbed, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B6 and B12;
  • copper, zinc, manganese


Iron preparations are indicated for moderate (90-71 g/l) and severe (below 70 g/l) degrees of anemia. What to drink and in what dosage is determined by the doctor, based on the results of the analysis, the condition of the pregnant woman, body weight and other parameters.

Iron preparations are available in various pharmaceutical forms: tablets, capsules, syrups, drops, mixtures, injection solutions. In various preparations, iron is contained in a divalent (available and easily digestible) and trivalent form.

  1. Tardiferon - tablets in which iron is in the form of sulfate (II). Gino-tardiferon in addition to iron includes folic acid.
  2. Sorbifer Durulex - tablets that combine iron (II) salts and ascorbic acid, which promotes its absorption.
  3. Analogue of Sorbifer - Ferroplex, coated dragees containing ferrous sulfate and vitamin C.
  4. Ferrum Lek is a dark opaque solution for intramuscular injection, in which iron (III) is contained in the form of hydroxide.
  5. Drops for oral administration Maltofer - a solution of ferric iron in the form of hydroxide. Produced in polymer tubes with a dispenser or dark glass bottles.
  6. Ferro - III - dark tablets in which iron hydroxide is reinforced with polymaltose.
  7. Ferretab COMP - gelatin hard capsules containing iron (II) fumarate and folic acid, due to which the drug is absorbed faster and more efficiently.
  8. Totem is a dark brown liquid, which, in addition to ferrous gluconate, contains copper and manganese salts, which are necessary for the drug to be absorbed by the body.
  9. Feroglobin-B12 - capsules that combine iron salts and vitamins of group B, C, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine.

Prevention of the development of anemia in pregnant women

A pregnant woman who knows why the level of hemoglobin decreases, what pathology affects, must take preventive measures to prevent health risks for herself and her child. Among preventive measures:

  • Proper balanced nutrition, including foods rich in iron and vitamins, trace elements. The diet should be rich in greens, fruits, vegetables, be sure to have meat and walnuts. Vegetarians should pay special attention to their health: the percentage of iron absorption from plant foods is much lower than from animal foods;
  • Useful leisurely walks in the fresh air away from roads, noisy streets;
  • Pregnant women, regardless of health status, are recommended to take balanced vitamin and mineral complexes Pronatal: Vitrum, Elevit, Multitabs or others;
  • A pregnant woman should get enough sleep, rest during the day, maintain mental peace;
  • In cases where the doctor prescribes iron supplements, they must be taken. You should not independently replace one drug with another without the consent of your doctor.
  • Hematogen, which is sold in pharmacies, contains a large amount of sugar, condensed milk and is far from the bars produced in the USSR. They can cheer you up, but the level of hemoglobin is unlikely.

Glycated hemoglobin during pregnancy is a type of protein responsible for transporting blood through the vessels. The decrease leads to the development of anemia (anemia) in the 2nd trimester. The determination of the level of the substance is carried out through a special analysis that reveals the level of red blood cells that are the carrier of the protein. Further, drugs may be prescribed to increase the level.

Very low Healthy and delicious to level up
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Anemia in pregnant women is common. Ignoring leads to significant problems for the mother and fetus. It is dangerous to lower hemoglobin during pregnancy in the first trimester, when the formation of the organs of the fetus occurs. Rarely occurs in late pregnancy, so fetal hypoxia develops.

The norm of the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin during pregnancy in the second trimester is in the range of 120-160 grams per liter of blood, which is typical for absolutely healthy women. An indicator of at least 110 hemoglobin per liter of blood during pregnancy does not create complications. If the level is below the specified norms, then the situation is considered to be anemia.

When very low

There are three degrees of anemia in pregnancy.

  1. A mild form of a decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy in the range of 105-90 g / l.
  2. Average: hemoglobin during pregnancy in the range of 90-70 g / l.
  3. Severe below 70 g/l.

Approximately 50% of pregnant women have low hemoglobin levels - 92, 93, 95, etc. The problem is successfully solved. It is strongly recommended to carry out all prescribed tests and take medications in a timely manner. You can also visit forums for women with low pregnancy rates to support treatment. Hematogen during pregnancy with low hemoglobin may help some women.

Downgrade symptoms

What threatens low glycosylated hemoglobin during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? Malaise contribute to the rapid detection of pathology and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

Signs of pathology include the following:

  • bluish lips, nostrils, mucous membranes, bruises under the eyes are sharply formed;
  • constant weakness, nausea, ringing in the ears;
  • dizziness, darkening in the eyes;
  • fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • migraine;
  • palpitations, shortness of breath;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • fragility of nails;
  • hair loss and brittleness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • chair problems.

Reasons for the downgrade

The main reason for the decrease in red blood cells is the rapid increase in the amount of blood. Hemoglobin does not have time to develop and the level drops sharply. Anemia most often occurs in women carrying twins or triplets.

Tomato juice will help increase hemoglobin levels

The lack of red blood cells leads to a lack of trace elements: copper, folic acid, B vitamins. Deficiency leads to poor absorption of iron. Other common reasons include:

  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • toxicosis, useful substances do not have time to be absorbed;
  • a short break between conceptions, it takes three years to restore the level of the substance;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • nervous exhaustion.

Possible Complications

A low level usually develops before 34 weeks. Before this period, treatment is not required. However, the development of severe anemia requires immediate medical intervention.

Why is low hemoglobin dangerous during pregnancy? The following pathologies are formed:

  1. Weak tribal forces.
  2. premature birth.
  3. Intrauterine fetal hypoxia.
  4. late toxicosis.
  5. External bleeding.

What is dangerous for the child? The consequences for the child at a low level of the substance are the death of the fetus on the first day after birth.

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Enhanced Level - back side medals

A high rate leads to erythrocytosis, which causes blood clots, varicose veins, dead birth child, fetal death in the womb, intestinal obstruction, pathology of the cardiovascular system. It is important to prescribe treatment in a timely manner. What to do in this case? Therapy is prescribed only by the attending physician.

A high level allows you to determine the level of sugar in the blood. The norm of hemoglobin during pregnancy is 6%. If the level is in the range of 6-6.5 - high risk diabetes. More than 6.5% indicates the presence of diabetes.

Treatment and prevention of the problem

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What increases hemoglobin during pregnancy? To avoid the disease, it is necessary to follow the rules of nutrition, take iron-containing complexes of vitamins and minerals. You should also make time for walks and physical activity. What is recommended to take? To increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, the following products are recommended:

  • red meat;
  • fatty sea fish;
  • cereals, whole grain bread;
  • starchy vegetables: potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • apples, peaches, pomegranates, persimmons.

We are treated with peaches

Where to buy medicines

What also increases hemoglobin during pregnancy? Eating protein foods will speed up the absorption of iron. In addition, it is recommended to minimize calcium-containing products: milk, cottage cheese, kefir. Tea and coffee should be kept to a minimum. As a preventive measure, you need to regularly visit a doctor, timely conduct prescribed tests to find out the level of the substance.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist