Folic acid use during pregnancy. Folic acid: rules for taking, dosage, risks of developing cancer

  • 02.07.2020

Most often, folic acid deficiency is invisible, but after a while, a sick person loses his appetite, he has increased fatigue, and sores appear on the oral mucosa. Many organs and systems suffer from a lack of folic acid, and a serious deficiency can even lead to death.

Folic acid, also called vitamin B9, can be produced in small amounts by the intestinal microflora, but this is not enough to cover the body's needs for this vitamin. That is why it is very important to provide a sufficient amount of folic acid, which enters the human body with food.

During a woman needs significantly more folic acid than before. The thing is that vitamin B9 plays an important role in the formation, because of which its deficiency can cause placental insufficiency and even premature termination. The complex of vitamins B9 and B12 is vital for cell division, so folic acid is especially needed during the period of inception and growth. In addition, this vitamin is involved in hematopoiesis and the formation of nucleic acids, which are responsible for the accurate transmission of hereditary traits.

Folic acid is especially important for the formation of the neural tube. Deficiency of this vitamin invariably leads to severe malformations, such as hydrocephalus, cerebral herniation, congenital malformations, absent brain, physical and mental retardation, dead birth child. The lack of such a useful vitamin also affects the well-being of the pregnant woman herself, as she suffers from toxicosis, anemia, depression, pain in her legs.

The laying of the foundations of the physical and psychological health of the child takes place at early dates pregnancy, so folic acid must be ingested in sufficient quantities throughout pregnancy.

The best source of vitamin B9 are green leafy plants such as parsley, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, broccoli. It is also found in avocados, citrus fruits, melon, beans, apricots. In winter, a lack of this vitamin is especially likely, since there is not too much in the diet. fresh vegetables. As animal sources, it is best to choose the liver, as well as fish, cheese, meat.

The article discusses folic acid during pregnancy. We tell you why it is needed, when and how to take the remedy, the recommended dosage. You will find out the reviews of pregnant women about the use of folic acid, whether it is possible to drink it in the early stages, what contraindications exist and how an overdose of tablets manifests itself.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is one of the most important vitamins for the human body. It is involved in metabolic processes and the formation of red blood cells, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems.

Appearance (photo) of folic acid

According to statistics, from 20 to 100 percent of the world's population are deficient in vitamin B9, it is especially common in children and pregnant women. The lack of this substance can be asymptomatic. But over time, it manifests itself in the following signs:

  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • depression;
  • decreased immunity;
  • memory impairment;
  • fainting;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • the formation of ulcers in the oral cavity;
  • hair loss.

Severe folic acid deficiency leads to the development of megaloblastic anemia, which in some cases is fatal.

Causes of Vitamin B9 Deficiency

The main reasons for the lack of folk in the body are:

  • insufficient intake of the vitamin in the body along with food;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, which lead to problems with the absorption of the vitamin;
  • genetic disorders due to which the body lacks enzymes that affect the conversion and absorption of folates;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages.

Why do pregnant women need folic acid?

Vitamin B9 is necessary for every expectant mother. This is the only substance whose importance and usefulness is not denied even by the most ardent opponents of artificial vitamins.

All the processes that take place with the participation of folic acid in the formation of the fetus, the laying of its organs, mental and physical health, occur in the early stages of pregnancy, when a woman is not yet aware of her interesting position. On the 16th day after conception, the neural tube begins to form. This process is especially important, and vitamin B9 plays a huge role in it, so it should be enough in a woman's body. It is recommended to take it during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. But it's best to take.

In the event that you found out about your interesting position a little later, do not despair. The neural tube undergoes various changes during the entire first trimester, so the drug is at the recommended dose.

Lack of vitamin B9 during pregnancy is accompanied by:

  • the appearance of gestosis;
  • spontaneous abortions;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • miscarriage.

A useful vitamin can be found not only in pharmaceutical preparations, but also in food products, which we will discuss below.

Folic acid in food

Folic Acid Products

Vitamin B9 is found in the following foods:

  • wholemeal flour;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • salad;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • asparagus;
  • broccoli;
  • green pea;
  • citrus;
  • carrot;
  • yeast;
  • bananas;
  • cottage cheese;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • melon;
  • pumpkin;
  • beans;
  • a fish;
  • meat.

If you are not deficient in folic acid, then in your case it is enough to take a multivitamin for pregnant women prescribed by a gynecologist. In all other cases, try to eat more of the foods that we talked about above - this will help to avoid a lack of vitamin B9.

How to take folic acid during pregnancy

Vitamin B9 is produced in tablets in its pure form, in combination with vitamin C or with cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). In preparations, the dosage is 400-1000 mcg.

Popular products with folic acid in the composition:

  • Foliber;
  • Mamifol;
  • Askofol.

Various vitamin complexes and biological supplements containing this vitamin are also produced. The tablets should be taken with or without food, with plenty of water and without chewing.

When to start drinking

Taking folic acid at the planning stage and early pregnancy helps to avoid various complications during childbearing.

WHO recommends taking iron and vitamin B9 supplements for all pregnant women. Depending on the characteristics of the body and the presence of certain ailments, the gynecologist determines the required dosage of folic acid. According to studies, taking vitamin B9 in the first trimester reduces the risk of developing CNS malformations in the fetus by 70 percent.

How long to take the drug

Many pregnant women are concerned about how much to drink folic acid. Experts recommend taking folic acid without fail from the moment of conception and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. At the end of this period, the vitamin can be stopped if there is no deficiency, and also provided that the expectant mother does not want to continue taking it in the second and third trimester.

The norm of vitamin B9 differs at the stage of planning and pregnancy


According to the instructions for use, the scheme for taking folic acid looks like this:

  • when planning pregnancy, the recommended daily dosage is 400 mg of the drug;
  • the daily intake of vitamin B9 in the first trimester is 600-800 mcg;
  • from 13 weeks until the very birth, you should drink 800 mcg of folic acid per day;
  • when breastfeeding, the norm of the drug is 400-600 mcg.

In some cases, the dose of folic acid may be doubled. Namely:

  • if the expectant mother has diabetes and epilepsy, the dosage of vitamin B9 is increased to 1000 mcg (1 mg);
  • if a pregnant woman has a history of spontaneous miscarriages with malformations or children were born with mental retardation, neuropsychiatric disorders, then in this case the daily dosage of the drug is increased to 4000 mcg (4 mg).

In all other cases, the exact dosage will be called by a specialist.

The benefits of vitamin B9 for a child

Each human body in the normal state of the intestinal microflora is able to produce a certain amount of vitamin B9. But this volume is not able to cover the needs for folic acid, so it is important to additionally take vitamin complexes or products containing folk.

Vitamins B9 and B12 are needed for cell division, which is especially important for tissues that are actively dividing (during the formation and growth of the embryo). Vitamin B9 is important in hematopoiesis, important for the formation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), which are involved in the transmission of hereditary traits.

Folk plays an important role in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus. Lack of vitamin B9 leads to the development of serious malformations in the fetus:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • anencephaly;
  • delayed physical and mental development;
  • congenital deformities;
  • cerebral hernia;
  • stillbirth;
  • spinal disorders;
  • termination of pregnancy before the due date.

Therefore, it is important to take folic acid both at the planning stage of conception and during childbearing in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.


You should refrain from taking folk in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lack of vitamin B12;
  • family history of oncology;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • pernicious anemia.

An excess of vitamin B9 is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bitterness and metallic taste in the mouth;
  • sleep problems;
  • irritability and marked excitability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach upset;
  • bloating;
  • lack of vitamin B12 and zinc in blood tests;
  • malfunction of the kidneys.

The likelihood of an overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is quite small, since it is a water-soluble component and is absorbed by the body only in the required amount. Its excess is partially deposited by the liver, the rest of the excess is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Usually, an overdose of the drug with its toxic effect on the body of a woman and fetus is possible in the case of a daily intake of vitamin B9 over 15 mg (25-30 tablets), as well as in the presence of severe renal and hepatic disorders.

Important: In Norway, it was held Scientific research, in which scientists found that women with increased level vitamin B9 in the blood 1.5 times more likely to have children with a tendency to asthmatic ailments. At the same time, scientists did not name the exact dosage at which an excess of folk occurs in the body.

As a rule, after taking folk side effects are not observed.

Useful information about vitamin B9

Below we will share some secrets regarding folic acid:

  • Removal of folk from the body during pregnancy is accelerated.
  • Strong tea promotes the rapid removal of substances from the body.
  • As with any medication, an allergy can occur to folic acid.
  • Lack of vitamin B9 is transmitted from mother to fetus or newborn as a result of insufficient folic acid during pregnancy in the body of the expectant mother or a lack of vitamin B9 in breast milk.
  • Folka is found most in raw or steamed vegetables.
  • The need for a useful component is increased by some drugs: antacids (Almagel), estrogens, anticonvulsants (Phenytoin) and zinc preparations.
  • Vitamin B9 is used to “repair” and replace approximately 70 trillion mother cells due to their constant renewal.

Folic acid is good to drink throughout pregnancy


The cost of preparations containing folic acid is low. The average price is from 30 to 150 rubles per pack. Also in the pharmacy you can find products with vitamin B9, the cost of which exceeds 600 rubles, for example, Solgar "Folic Acid". The price of such a drug is 642 rubles for 100 tablets and 1400 rubles for 250 tablets.

Folic acid (vitamin B 9) ensures the necessary growth and development of the unborn child, especially in early pregnancy. Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy significantly increases the risk of congenital malformations in the fetus, in particular neural tube defects (for example, cleft vertebral arch), hydrocephalus, anencephaly, as well as malnutrition and prematurity.

Who is deficient in folic acid?

Folic acid deficiency is present in every second woman. Their proportion is even higher among women taking hormonal drugs and alcohol.

Folic acid before pregnancy: when is B9 most needed?

The body of a pregnant woman needs folic acid most of all in the first month after conception, that is, up to 2 weeks of delay, since the neural tube forms on the 16-28th day after conception, when the expectant mother sometimes does not even suspect that she is pregnant.

How to prevent folic acid deficiency during pregnancy?

Even before conception (three to six months before it), as well as throughout pregnancy, a woman should take at least 800 mcg (0.8 mg) of folic acid daily to prevent developmental disorders in the embryo.

Who needs to take folic acid?

Folic acid is prescribed to all pregnant women, regardless of the nature of their diet. If a woman has already had a child with such a defect in the past or there have been cases of similar diseases in the family, the dosage of the vitamin should be increased to 4 mg per day. Malformations such as cleft lip and cleft palate can also be the result of vitamin B 9 deficiency in pregnant women.

Is there too much folic acid?

If the accepted dose significantly exceeds the daily requirement for folic acid, then the kidneys begin to excrete it in an unchanged state. 5 mg of folic acid taken orally is excreted from the body after 5 hours.

How much folic acid to drink during pregnancy? The norm of folic acid when planning pregnancy

The limitation of the prophylactic dose of folic acid to 400 mcg outside of pregnancy and 800 mcg before and during it is due to the fact that in patients with vitamin B 12 deficiency (this is a completely different vitamin!) Excess folic acid can cause irreversible damage nervous system, since the use of folic acid in high doses (5 mg / day) prevents the diagnosis of pernicious anemia (i.e. vitamin B 12 deficiency) due to the fact that folic acid can reduce the neurological manifestations of this condition. Thus, folic acid is not the cause of pernicious anemia, but interferes with the timely diagnosis.

What dose of folic acid to take before and during pregnancy?

Not less than 0.8 mg - this dose is not questioned in any country in the world. Moreover, modern research they talk about strengthening the preventive effect of congenital malformations when taking large doses of folic acid - 3-4 mg per day. It is this dose of folic acid that should be drunk by pregnant women who are not at risk of vitamin B 12 deficiency, that is, those who also take "pregnant" multivitamins. So, we look at how much folic acid is in your multivitamins and we achieve a dose of 3-4 mg, evenly distributing folic acid intake simultaneously with meals throughout the day.

How much is it in tablets?

Usually folic acid is sold in a dosage of 1 mg = 1000 micrograms. That is, the minimum dose is 800 mcg - a little less than one tablet. But, given that many doctors recommend taking 3-4 mg when planning, it’s definitely not worth breaking off a small piece :)

Should men take folic acid?

Since folic acid plays a huge role in cell development, folic acid deficiency in men can reduce healthy sperm count. Therefore, a few months before conception (at least three), a man should start taking folic acid at a dose of not less than prophylactic - 0.4 mg.

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Folic acid belongs to the group of vitamins B, is vitamin B9. It should be noted that today more than half of the world's population suffer from a deficiency important element. The deterioration of environmental conditions influenced this, and the food culture also changed.

More and more people prefer quick snacks that are rich in salt, spices, animal fats, but not in vital substances. Sources of folic acid are traditional vegetables - beets, carrots, cabbage, onions. A huge amount in greens, legumes, dairy products, cereals - oats and buckwheat. Pork, chicken, liver, fatty fish are also very valuable. A future mother should make a similar menu for herself, even if she is only planning a pregnancy.

Importance of folic acid

Vitamin B9 deficiency is also associated with malfunctioning of the digestive tract. The use of antibiotics affects the beneficial microflora. Intestinal diseases impair the ability to absorb acid, and therefore interfere with its entry into the blood. If, before pregnancy, a woman can feel normal with an insufficient amount of folacin, after conception, the daily rate should be regularly received. At balanced diet, as well as taking folic acid, it is possible to prevent deviations in the development of the neural tube that occur in the first weeks after fertilization.

Many women try, only after learning about their special situation, to refuse to take any drugs. Synthesized vitamin B9 in a complex or in a separate form is absorbed much better than natural counterparts. In addition, sufficient concentration allows a pregnant woman in the first semester to avoid toxicosis, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and blood pressure surges. The dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is from 400 to 600 mcg, which is equal to one tablet. This is the most optimal form for absorption by the body.

Mechanism of action

After fertilization, a special zygote cell is formed. It contains the genetic material, and the development of the embryo requires doubling the DNA helix. It is in this process that such an important acid takes an active part. During cell division, separate layers are formed, one of which will later become the brain. This happens in the early stages, up to 4 weeks, so the expectant mother may not even know what violent processes begin in her body.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, constant renewal of the cells of the mother's body is required. Thanks to vitamin B9, the circulatory system works smoothly, protective functions protect against pathogenic factors. Good health, a stable emotional state of the mother, this is also the merit of folacin, but mood swings and increased nervousness, may indicate its insufficient amount.

Folic acid is prescribed for the prevention of neural tube pathologies. Its formation occurs in the first weeks after implantation of the egg into the uterine cavity. The woman still does not feel any changes, without measurements of basal temperature and an hCG test, she will remain in the dark for some time.

If there is a significant deficiency of vitamin B9, this can lead to the development of embryo pathologies:

  • absence of a brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • cerebral hernia;
  • spina bifida.

The concentration also affects the state of the placenta. The probability of its exfoliation, fading of the fetus, miscarriage increases. To prevent such deviations, it is important to start taking the drug even before the onset of conception.

Dosage of vitamin B9

The daily human requirement is about 50 micrograms. But when planning, as well as after the onset of pregnancy, the doses increase several times. It must be remembered that folic acid intake does not end at the stage of childbirth. The required amount of vitamin B9 for future mother- 400 mcg per day. If a woman practices breast-feeding, then she should continue taking such essential acid, increases to 600 mcg. This will allow the baby to grow calm and healthy.

The dosage in tablets depends on the release drug:

  • if folic acid is included in the multivitamin complex, its volume is from 300 mcg to 1 mcg, which replenishes the daily requirement of the pregnant woman;
  • there are separate forms in which 1 tablet is equal to 1 mg, which is quite enough to replenish the daily allowance;
  • for treatment, higher doses of up to 5 mg per day are used, therapy is carried out for no more than a month during the period of preparation for fertilization or after conception, in order to reduce the risks of already occurring pathologies of the neural tube, as well as to improve health indicators if women have hypovitaminosis or anemia;
  • it is recommended to take folic acid for expectant fathers at the planning stage, the duration of the course is 3 months, the dosage is prescribed individually based on the anamnesis, with normal values ​​it is about 200 mcg, of course, after the onset of pregnancy, you can no longer take drugs.

Proper nutrition is of great importance, especially during pregnancy. Vitamin B9 is found in the liver, spinach, greens, legumes. But heat treatment partially destroys useful elements. The most optimal way to ensure the norm of folacin is to take pharmaceutical forms.

How to use

Folic acid is not toxic, so a significant excess of doses is not dangerous to health. With prolonged use (more than 3 months), it can affect the levels of vitamin B12, leading to its decrease. The drug is taken according to the instructions:

  • taking the pill is carried out at about the same time, after eating, washed down with water;
  • taken regularly, if one dose was missed, there is nothing wrong with that, you can resume it as soon as the opportunity arises;
  • best absorbed with vitamins B 12 and C, and additional bifidobacteria contribute to the synthesis of folacin in the intestine;
  • Aspirin, antacids, antiepileptic drugs, as well as alcohol, significantly reduce the concentration of acid in the blood.

A balanced diet, along with the intake of a vitamin complex, is the key to the health of the expectant mother and baby.