A person who can teleport. Teleportation

  • 30.04.2021

This technique will open a new world for you, where there are no usual laws of nature! You can learn how to teleport and be in different places instantly!

Our imagination speaks the truth!

The phenomenon of teleportation¹ has always lived in people, mostly like a fairy tale. In ancient legends, heroes were described who had the ability to move in one second over vast distances.

What is it: just fantasy or memory? The fact that these legends are found in completely different cultures, unrelated to each other, suggests that once people were able to teleport!

In the same way, there is now evidence that some masters, such as Indian yogis and Tibetan masters, can do it!

In fact, this ability to teleport is inherent in everyone, people just forgot about it. This is largely due to the fact that teleportation requires a very high level of internal energy² and a well-trained mind.

At the present time, old knowledge is beginning to wake up, and now you are reading an article that outlines one of the ways in which you will discover a unique technique for moving in space!

It must be said right away that teleportation is developed with long practice. Some people have been working on it for years. It is necessary to make your will³ pure, and your thought absolute. You can find the necessary practices on our website.

When you can learn how to teleport even over short distances, you will realize the real power!

How to learn teleportation? Technics

The bottom line is that our reality is made up of many different sub-realities.

Having learned to move between different realities at your own will, you will be able to dematerialize your material body and “collect” its original appearance in another place, without paying attention to the usual laws of physics!

You will discover physics of a new order!

1. The practitioner starts the session in a darkened room. He sits down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of his body and face.

2. Soon the person will feel an immersion in a relaxed state of consciousness. He focuses on the process of his breathing, his feeling: an even deeper trance will arise.

3. Now the practitioner visualizes a place that he knows well and that is not far away: for example, the next room.

4. It is necessary to create the effect of "full presence". For this, you need good development and.

A person is completely immersed in an imaginary picture, he feels the hardness of the wall, the smell, all the sensations. The mind must believe that it is there!

5. Then the practitioner makes himself want to be in this room. The desire must be very strong, complete, as if everything depends on it!

He creates the belief that his material body is dissolving here and now, becoming pure energy and taking shape in the right place.

Gradually, after a lot of training, you will be able to believe in your feelings, and they really will arise! You will begin to feel how the body begins to "dissolve" in space, to become incorporeal!

This can be accompanied by a feeling of great pleasure, the main thing here is to maintain awareness and “gather” in the intended place.

When you learn to move short distances, you need to gradually increase them: incarnate on another street, in another city.

You need to know the place to which you will move: the technique of moving in space is based on the exact detailing of the terrain. Gradually, the power of your superpower will increase, and you will be able to teleport to much more remote places - for example, the place of your past vacation in another country.

You need to do no more than 45 minutes a day. In order to learn teleportation, you need to perform the exercise every second day.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Teleportation - a change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time (

The article tells about what teleportation is, whether it is possible. Its hypothetical ways of implementation are considered, for which it would be useful.

What is teleportation?

According to the scientific definition, teleportation is a change in the coordinates of an object. In this case, the movement cannot be justified and described from a mathematical point of view or a function of continuous time.

But what is teleportation? This is the effect of instantly moving an object or person at any distance, at which it disappears from the starting point and appears at the end.

From the very beginning of mastering the world of physics, as we delved deeper into the secrets of nature and matter, humanity dreamed of the incredible. Some things and phenomena, years or centuries later, came to life in the form of things familiar to us: telephones, radio communications, organ transplants, etc. appeared. But some dreams of science fiction writers or popularizers of science have not yet come true. And one of them is teleportation. Is this phenomenon scientifically possible? Let's try to figure it out.

Does it exist?

Unfortunately for most science fiction lovers, scientists are not engaged in a targeted search and implementation of some incredible idea. It's the same with teleportation. At the moment, it does not exist, and it is not yet very clear at all how this can happen. There are several hypotheses, but so far it is impossible to test them. But nevertheless, we will analyze a few of them in order to understand what teleportation is, whether this phenomenon is possible at least in the distant future.


The first is the so-called transport beam. With such teleportation, all molecules in the body of a person or object are scanned, their state is recorded, after which the original is destroyed, and in another place, such a machine creates a complete copy based on the stored data.

People who are at least a little familiar with physics already understand the impossibility of such a method at this stage of human development. Yes, and in the future too. Let's start with the fact that the number of molecules in the human body is incalculable, and even more so the recording of all their states, transmission and reproduction in a split second. In addition, from the point of view of quantum mechanics, it is impossible to create an exact copy of the derived quantum state. In addition, when the original is destroyed, the consciousness, which is inseparable from the physical body, is also destroyed.

It is from this process that teleportation, most often mentioned by science fiction writers, consists. Is this possible in our time? No.


Another type of instant travel is portals. A certain physical state of a certain area of ​​space, being in which throws the object into another, previously known. Most often, this method is mentioned in computer games and fantasy.


Such a transfer of an object or a person is not explained at all from a scientific point of view. Therefore, it can be considered only as an attribute of non-science fiction in various works of art.


This is another type of teleportation that can be more or less justified by science. Its meaning is to open a window to another special dimension with a certain device, the coordinates of which correspond to our world, but the distances are compressed millions of times, and, having made another “puncture”, a person appears in a completely different place. For example, in another city or galaxy.

This method was widely described in his books by Arkady, and according to the same principle, their heroes made interstellar flights.

How to learn teleportation?

You can often hear this question, especially on the Internet. Answer: no way. Of course, if we consider this topic from the side of materialism, discarding all magic and other paranormal manifestations. You can even find communities that claim to teach the process. Naturally, not for free.

If we continue the mystical theme, then there are a lot of historical records of a person teleporting or simply disappearing from, for example, a prison cell. But all of them do not stand up to criticism and cannot give weighty facts of this phenomenon.


If humanity one day develops to such technologies, whether it be a puncture into other spaces or something similar, it will be difficult to overestimate their usefulness. After all, then the centuries-old dream of instantaneous travel anywhere will come true! Be it another country, continent or planet.

The last point is especially relevant, because even with the construction of the fastest and most reliable spacecraft, it will be very problematic to reach neighboring stars, even at the speed of light, all the more you need to remember about the relativity of time. And instantaneous movements in space greatly facilitate this activity.

In the meantime, to the question of whether there is a teleport, the answer, unfortunately, is no. And most likely, if it is invented, it will have completely different fundamental properties.

What is teleportation? The word is a mixture of the Greek tele (-far) and the Latin portare (-to carry).

I like the movie Teleport. Haven't reviewed it for a long time. Usually it is this spatial movement that is called teleportation. Is teleportation possible in this form?

In academic science, there is only one term associated with teleportation - this is quantum teleportation. Of course, scientists and philosophers consider theories about wormholes, parallel worlds and spaces, and so on. But I'm only interested in theories that have been confirmed by experience, or a good theoretical justification, which can become a real basis for technical implementation.

quantum teleportation

The essence of the phenomenon of quantum teleportation (briefly, further CT) in that we do not transmit energy or matter over a distance. There is only information transfer. And it does not contradict any hitherto known principles.

It remains to be seen how the possibility of information teleportation is combined with the principle of locality, according to which only its close environment can influence the state of an object.

The transmission of information using QDs requires the transport of quantum objects (one of a pair of quantum-entangled particles) and additional transmission of information by conventional communication channels.

Therefore, CT does not even pretend to be an instantaneous communication channel (null transmitter).

Data transmission in space

There are well-known problems with communication with satellites remote in space. Signals propagate at the speed of light, therefore communication delays even with the Moon are several seconds (at least the signal must reach the Moon and then return some response).

And if we take Mars, for which various missions are now preparing, then the time of the signal from the Earth on the way will depend on the relative position of the planets and can reach tens of minutes.

In this regard, in our time, an autonomous spacecraft must itself make decisions on the spot.

Perhaps someday the use of CT for null communication will become a reality. Theoretically, the device can fly away with a "reserve" of bound particles, which it will use as needed. And there is some way to replenish them.

I will return to this topic (zero connection) later.


So far, physicists do not see opportunities for teleportation. Why? At least for the simple reason that there are no prerequisites to make changes to the principle of conservation of energy. The principle was introduced empirically, therefore, perhaps, physicists still lose sight of something :), and the law may not be observed under some conditions. Who knows?

We cannot "delete" an object at one point in space and insert it elsewhere. All "transformations" of an object must be smoothly connected to each other. A transmission channel is required.


Let's see what the alternatives are. The first idea, which is also present in fiction, is copying.


The teleportation object is scanned at the point A, and at the point B a full copy is created. What to do with a prototype? Apparently, the prototype will have to be disposed of.

Imagine a kind of bio-printer with a shredder :).

The task of scanning and copying is very complex. It can be simplified, taking into account that some parts of the object require more accurate reproduction, and some do not. For example, copying the lunch that is digested inside your digestive tract is an unaffordable luxury. And copying pathologies, acquired mutations, defects is generally stupid. You need to copy the brain of the object, the rest needs only to be reconstructed.

Consciousness and container

What is our sense of presence at this point, here and now? This is just a set of impulses from our "biological sensors" to the processing center of these sensors - the brain.

Our consciousness is formed by the brain, the rest of the body is a container, a shell for our nerve center. If it is possible to separate the functioning brain from the shell, and then create a mechanism for remote “connection” to the synthetic shell, then switching between carriers will be perceived as “teleportation of consciousness”.

Coming back to earth

Returning from "heaven to earth", it is interesting to look at what stage the required technologies are for creating alternative teleportation.

Null bond

As for the null link, which is required for fast data transmission over cosmic distances, fundamental physics says that this is possible.

Bio scanner, printer, shredder

Subatomic scanning particle by particle with the creation of a copy is not yet a feasible task. In general, this is a subject for a separate flight of fancy.

There are several difficulties here, and not only technical ones. I have already mentioned at least one thing - the “prototype problem” - where to put it then? The second problem is the definition of scanning speed. How quickly do you need to analyze the prototype so that the vital activity of the object does not affect this process? Given the subatomic nature of this process, the times can be pico and even femtosecond ranges.

But compared to the subsequent task of creating a copy, scanning is child's play.

Perhaps I am overcomplicating the task, and it is enough just to scan the positions of the cells of the body. How the brain works is not entirely clear. How detailed should it be “photographed” in order to be able to copy the person imprinted in it?

Cyber ​​container

Imagine a bunker where the brain is stored. Nothing superfluous - only the brain, without the usual biological container. And the containers that are remotely controlled by the brain are somewhere far away.

Teleportation- a word coined by Charles Fort to describe the phenomenon of moving objects from one place to another without the apparent use or participation of physical force. A very large amount of material has been collected over the centuries about how people, other living beings and objects are sometimes transported over long distances, as they say, in the blink of an eye.

In his book The Silent Road, the black magic specialist, the late Wellesley Tudor Pole, spoke of a case of teleportation that happened to him. “In December 1952, I got off the train at a suburban station about a mile and a half from my home in Sussex. The train from London arrived late, the bus had already left, and there was no taxi. It was raining nonstop. It was five fifty in the afternoon. At six o'clock I was supposed to receive a call from abroad, and it was a very important call. The situation seemed hopeless. And what was really bad was that the telephone at the station did not work, because there was some kind of damage on the line, and I couldn't use it.

In desperation, I sat down on a bench in the waiting room and began to compare the time on my watch and the station clock. Considering that at the station the clocks always go a couple of minutes ahead, I decided that the exact time was 17 hours 57 minutes, that is, in other words, there were still three minutes left until 18.00. What happened next, I cannot say. When I came to, I was standing in the hall of my house, which was a good twenty minutes' walk away. At this time, the clock began to strike six. A minute later, the telephone rang. After I ended the conversation, I realized that something very strange had happened, and then, to my great surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them, and my clothes were also completely dry. that Pole was somehow mysteriously transported to his home, because he really wanted to be at home, and he did not make any conscious effort for this.If it could happen like this spontaneously, then why can't teleportation happen by will? maybe!

The Chinese Zhang Baosheng possessed psychic, psychokinetic and some other unusual abilities. He repeatedly demonstrated the phenomena of teleportation, materialization, dematerialization, when an object disappeared from one place and appeared in another (or in the same one). The most thorough observations of these phenomena were carried out in December 1982 - May 1983 by a group of 19 researchers led by Professor Lin Shuhuang from the Physics Department of the Beijing Normal Institute. During the observation, video recording of events, transceiver radio devices, X-ray equipment, various chemical marks, etc. were used. Under these strict conditions, Zhang Baosheng's ability to "extract" from one sealed container and "transfer" to other various pre-marked small objects was confirmed: watches, photographic film, sheets of writing paper, chemically active substances and even live insects! Sometimes objects simply disappeared for some time (from several minutes to an hour or more), after which they reappeared - in the same place or in another place. It turned out that during the "transfer" the photographic materials were not illuminated. During the entire time of their disappearance (by 30 min 43 sec), the course of the mechanical clock did not change, but the electronic clock for the 9 minutes for which they disappeared was 7.5 minutes behind. Fruit flies that disappeared for 11 to 73 minutes remained alive for several days.

But perhaps most interesting was the result of 15 observations of the disappearance and reappearance of a small, matchbox-sized, self-powered radio transmitter that broadcast in the range from 1 to 193 megahertz. The time required for the disappearance of the radio transmitter varied from 1 to 56 minutes, while the duration of its disappearance ranged from 24 to 88 minutes. Everything that happened was recorded using a video recorder, the operation of the transmitter was taken by special equipment. For the duration of the disappearance of the radio transmitter, the radio signal also disappeared. It was noticed that after the appearance of the transmitter, its batteries turned out to be almost discharged.

Since 1984, Zhang Baosheng, like some other outstanding psi-gifted test subjects, has become a staff member of the 507th Institute. He lived on its territory and enjoyed many benefits inaccessible to ordinary Chinese. His unusual abilities were repeatedly demonstrated to the highest party and military leadership of the PRC. For those civilian researchers who had previously worked with him, he became almost inaccessible. In the meantime, the 507th Institute was getting highly unusual results in its work with Zhang Baosheng. In 1987, a film shot at 400 frames per second was made public showing the passage of labeled drug tablets through a sealed glass vessel, including the penetration process itself, which took only three frames. The film was awarded an award by the Chinese Space Research Authority, which is considered an important sign of the military's support for psi research. Of the mysterious cases associated with human teleportation, I would highlight the story of the prisoner Hadad, who was held in one of the most severe prisons in the United States - Fort Leavenworth.

Hadad was black. His imposing appearance and refined manner contrasted with the way the other inhabitants of this gloomy place looked and behaved. Perhaps this was due to the fact that once Hadad studied at Oxford. The prisoner from time to time caused concern to the prison administration, disappearing either from a locked cell, or from a carefully guarded and severally locked prison car.

True, the authorities of the prison managed to put up with such disappearances and did not raise an alarm - every time Hadad himself soon appeared at the gates of the prison, asking to be let in, apologizing that he got lost on the way or was forced to leave the cell. In one of the cases described by the researcher, Hadad disappeared from his locked cell with all the prison precautions in order to attend a concert in the nearby city of Kansas City. This is how he explained his next disappearance to the director of the prison, before whom, as in other cases, he himself appeared, returning after the concert. The director, who was beginning to get bored with all this, began to gloomily reprimand him that the sentence he was serving ruled out such absences.
“But, sir,” Hadad objected innocently, “I have returned. I always return. I'm not going to avoid punishment. Who did I hurt by doing this? No one even knows that I was not here.

What administrator, what head of the prison would be convinced by these speeches? Two weeks of solitary confinement was the punishment given to Hadad this time. A week after Hadad was placed in solitary confinement, study author Wilson and another prison doctor were rushed to the floor where his cell was. It turned out that for several days Hadad had not responded to requests through the window. When the door was opened, everyone saw Hadad hanging from a noose made from a uniform prison belt worn by the guards. At the same time, it turned out that the guard, who had just opened the door, to his own bewilderment, suddenly found himself without a belt. Both doctors examined Hadad, stated the complete absence of signs of life, and the body was transferred to the prison morgue.

A few days later, the same doctors, accompanied by two others, came to the morgue to perform an autopsy. But when one of them raised his scalpel to get down to business, Hadad suddenly got up and sat down. The doctor dropped his scalpel in horror and crossed himself. Hadad opened his eyes and said, "Gentlemen, I would rather you didn't do this."

Wilson and his colleagues spoke with him several times after that. He once again demonstrated the ability to voluntarily completely stop all the vital functions of the body: his heart and breathing stopped, the pupil did not react to light. During the incision on the body, which the doctors made, there was not even blood. Hadad also demonstrated other amazing abilities, and at the end he invited his interlocutors to introduce them to his art. It was, however, not about mastering some skill, knowledge or techniques, but about some kind of ritual ("bloody ritual", Hadad explained). Having passed the initiation, a person, according to Hadad, receives the whole range of inexplicable abilities that he himself possesses, including the ability to teleport - move in space at will.

However, according to sources, the teleportation of people most often occurred regardless of the desire of the object. The book by J. Mitchell "Phenomena of the Book of Wonders" tells about the court of the Inquisition over a soldier who unexpectedly appeared on October 25, 1593 in the city of Mexico, although his regiment was quartered in the Philippines! "He could only tell that a few moments before that he was on guard duty at the governor's palace in Manila (the capital of the Philippines), who had just been treacherously killed. How he appeared in Mexico City, the soldier had no idea." A few months later, people who arrived from the Philippines by ship confirmed the soldier's story.

At the beginning of the 20th century, an American family, mother and daughter, came to inspect a new house bought the day before. The daughter entered the door and, in front of the astonished mother and the assembled neighbors, disappeared. A second later, she appeared from the rooms overlooking the balcony of the second floor of the house.

British army major Tudor Pole in the spring of 1952 was desperately hurrying home. Realizing that he would not be in time, upset, he woke up and found that he was sitting at home in his favorite armchair ...

On January 4, 1975, Carlos Diaz, a young Argentine, felt unwell on his way home from work. In order not to fall, he sat down on a nearby lawn. He woke up 500 miles from home on the grass by the road on the outskirts of Buenos Aires! Passers-by, after listening to the poor fellow, took him to the hospital.

The aforementioned discoverer of the phenomenon, Charles Fort, noted in his writings the side effects of teleportation. Most people who have experienced this phenomenon said that immediately before the transfer they felt weak, dizzy, nauseous, after which they lost consciousness.

The famous American ufologist John Keel cites a case that happened to the Vidal spouses in May 1968. They were driving from the Argentine city of Chascomus, following their friends' car, to the city of Maizu, 150 miles away. Friends, having arrived at their destination, waited for a lost couple for several hours, but they never did. Vidal showed up two days later, calling from the Argentine consulate in Mexico City from a distance of 4 thousand kilometers! Later they said that during the trip their car broke down. The car was covered in thick white smoke. Both became ill. When the malaise passed and the fog cleared, they found that they were in a completely different place, not where they had left off. Residents of a nearby village threw the young people into complete confusion, saying that this area is located in Mexico.

An extraordinary story, for example, happened in 1996 to a resident of St. Petersburg, Eduard Galevsky. In the autumn morning he went to the forest for cranberries. On the way to the swamp, the man had to cross a wide stream over a bridge. And then the incredible happened: Edward suddenly saw that the landscape around him had changed in an instant.

The man found himself not on the bridge where he had just stood, but about 50 meters from the stream, on the other side. How did he cover this distance in a split second? It is impossible to explain this case otherwise than by teleportation. And there are many such stories that have happened today.

An elderly Muscovite Lidia Tarankova, who was resting in a sanatorium, during a walk instantly found herself five kilometers from her building, near a church in a neighboring village. How this happened, the woman did not understand. At some point, her heart just sank ... And the Muscovite went back to the sanatorium for two whole hours! What was it?..

In September 1999, a young resident of Rome, by some miracle, ended up on the New York subway. Before that, he simply went down to the Tiber River, looked into the water and ... was dumbfounded when he saw roaring trains around him and a crowd of people speaking English. The police, having heard this story, mistook the Italian for a lunatic, but psychiatrists did not find any abnormalities in the guy ...

Mysterious movements of people took place in the distant past. In 1593, for example, a Spanish soldier who was on guard duty in the Philippines was instantly transported 9 thousand kilometers to Spanish Mexico City. According to him, this happened after the governor of the Philippines was treacherously killed before his eyes. The story of the serviceman was then considered nonsense, and he himself was put on trial ...

There is a version that the mysterious disappearances of people are also explained by teleportation. In 1915, for example, hundreds of British soldiers of the Norfolk Regiment instantly disappeared in the mountains of Turkey, whom General Hamilton sent to help the Allies to capture Constantinople. According to eyewitnesses, a strange cloud thickened on the mountain road in front of the military column. The soldiers who recklessly entered it were never seen again, either alive or dead... To what point in space could they move? Researchers of anomalous phenomena draw terrible fantastic pictures: people, probably, were brought into unimaginable distances - they could be soldered into the thickness of ice in Antarctica or burned alive in the center of the hot earth's core. Could this really be true? And why does spontaneous teleportation still occur?

One of the first to formulate it was the American scientist Ambrose Bierce in 1899. He suggested that in the material world there are some kind of holes and voids, and compared the space of the Universe with a knitted sweater: "You can wear it, although, if you look closely, the sweater consists ... of holes."

Bierce also wrote figuratively about how the teleportation mechanism works: “Suppose an ant got on the sleeve of a sweater. He can accidentally fall between the loops and get into a completely different world for him, where it is dark and stuffy, and instead of the usual spruce needles - warm, soft skin ... "

The fact that the Universe is really "leaky" is evidenced by the existence of so-called "black holes", which, with their gravitational throat, suck in all the matter around them. It is believed that "black holes" are a kind of gateway through which you can instantly get into another galaxy.

The great physicist Albert Einstein expressed the same idea in a slightly different way. He suggested that there are "bridges" in the Universe that connect different points of the three-dimensional world along a shorter path - in the fourth dimension. Einstein considered the fourth dimension to be time, which unites space into a single whole.

And his lesser-known colleague, physicist Ralph Harrison, suggested in 1938 that "bridges" for teleportation are points of contact between parallel worlds. According to his version, in three-dimensional space, in addition to our world, there is one or more parallel ones. Sometimes the channels between them open, and then people and objects can move back and forth.

“Imagine yourself ... a caterpillar that has fallen on a man’s boot,” Harrison popularly explained his theory. - Suppose you need to move to another shoe. The journey through the leg, the pelvis, the other leg will take a very long time ... But if a person accidentally crosses his legs, then you will instantly fall on the other shoe ... "

According to Harrison, channels between parallel worlds most often open under certain meteorological conditions in places where large flows of water or air swirl into funnels. But is it possible to control these mysterious processes? Until recently, this was considered fantasy.

Scientists seriously started talking about teleportation only in the 90s of the last century.

The event, which was then compared in importance with the flight of a man to the moon, occurred in 1997: it was the first experience of quantum teleportation. In Austria, under laboratory conditions, for the first time, it was possible to destroy several tiny particles of light and absolutely accurately restore them at a distance of about a meter. And by 2011, scientists have learned to transfer the so-called quantum properties of atoms already for tens of kilometers!

True, during quantum teleportation, according to Viktor Zadkov, a professor at Moscow State University, it was not energy or matter that was transmitted over a distance, but only information about their quantum state. In this case, the initial quantum state of the teleported object was irreversibly destroyed.

Therefore, according to Viktor Zadkov, today "it is too early to talk about teleportation in the understanding of science fiction writers." However, optimists among scientists suggest that over time it will be possible to learn how to transport not only quanta, but also atoms and molecules. And there, perhaps, to reach a person.

Of course, for now it looks fantastic: you need to take apart the trillions of trillions of atoms that make up a person and reassemble them elsewhere in a split second. At the same time, do not “screw up” anything in order to get an exact original, and not some kind of hybrid of a person and an insect, as in the science fiction film “The Fly”, where the hero made a fatal mistake during teleportation.

So, in the best case, optimistic physicists believed until recently, science will be able to start teleporting a person no earlier than in 100 years. However, the latest sensational reports from CERN that matter can move faster than the speed of light have forced them to reconsider their views.

If this discovery, recently made by scientists from the European Nuclear Center, is confirmed (now it is being experimentally verified by specialists in other countries), then, as physicists say, the long-standing dream of mankind about teleportation can come true much faster.

Used publications:
J. MITCHELL, R. RICKARD, "The Phenomena of the Book of Miracles", Political Literature Publishing House, 1988; Natalia VOLGINA, "Movement in space" for 11/15/2011; Tatyana OLEYNIK, "UFO", No. 46, 2000; FOX "PARANORMAL NEWS" for 11/21/2008; David Darling, "Teleportation: Leap into the Impossible", Eksmo, 2008

Among the many mysteries and myths that exist today, one of the most amazing is the phenomenon of teleportation. This term was introduced by Charles Fort and implies the instantaneous movement of a living being or inanimate object over a certain distance. The word "teleportation" itself comes from the Greek "tele" - far and the English "portage" - moving, dragging. We will not delve into the scientific explanation of this phenomenon. Let's just say that scientists are quite skeptical about this, although they are interested in unraveling cases of time travel. In the narrative, some evidence will be given about the disappearance of people in one place and their appearance in another.

It is known that the very first case of teleportation dates back to October 25, 1593, when a soldier dressed in the uniform of a Philippine guard appeared in the middle of the Plaza Mayor in Mexico City, with a large crowd of people. He introduced himself as a guard at the governor's palace in Manila named Gil Perez. No less than onlookers in the square, he himself was surprised and confused, and when he gradually came to his senses, he told the following.

The day before, the governor of the Philippines was brutally killed by an ax blow to the head, and he was a witness to this. He was accused of manifesting the machinations of the devil and thrown into jail. Gil Perez was unspeakably lucky, his story was confirmed by the sailors who arrived some time later in Mexico City. Indeed, on the eve of the tragedy, the serviceman was seen at the post at the governor's quarters. The soldier was acquitted and sent back to Manila.

But history knows cases of teleportation that occurred much earlier than described above. We are talking about the 1st century AD. The Roman emperor Domitian arranged a trial of the then famous philosopher Apollonius, who, inexplicably, disappeared from the courtroom in front of the eyes of the assessors and the emperor himself and found himself a few days away from Rome. Unfortunately, the details of this disappearance are not known.

A novice of one of the Catholic monasteries named Maria about 500 times from Spain to Central America. During her so-called "travels", she kept a diary, describing in detail what she saw and where she went. From the side of the church, Mary was attacked and distrusted until her stories about distant wild tribes were confirmed by travelers. For example, Alonso Benavidez, returning from America, where he performed missionary work, told that the local inhabitants of the prairies described in detail a strange woman in blue robes, who was kind and friendly to them and even gave them gifts. Proudly showing the traveler the bowls given by the foreign lady, they recounted her stories about the Old World. And indeed, such bowls were made only for the monastery, in which Mary lived.

What can be said about the famous magician and magician, esotericist and spiritualist researcher Erich Weiss, better known as Harry Houdini? Let's remember how many times he surprised the audience, penetrating through the walls and materializing in another place. And what about the ridiculous "trick" with the Russian policemen? During a tour in St. Petersburg, the tsarist secret police did everything they could to imprison the great master of illusion in their cramped casemates. But invariably he managed to disappear in the most incomprehensible way from the camera and appear before the eyes of astonished spectators. It is clear that Houdini was a brilliant master of his craft. Behind him is a trail of mystery, not only in the technical aspects of his antics, but also in his use of magical techniques, which he learned throughout his life from numerous books on magic.

Turning to modern teleports, we should mention the Chinese Zhang Baosheng, who repeatedly showed the miracles of instantaneous movement of objects and even live flies. A group of skeptical professors followed the course of his manipulations. In their research, they used the most sophisticated modern technology, such as X-ray installations, video recording of events, radio and transmitting devices, and much more. After this experiment, Zhang Baosheng was enrolled in the staff of the 507th Institute (Institute of Applied Medical Space Research).

For science fiction writers, time jumps are a favorite topic. This phenomenon happens not only in science fiction films and this is not a trick (forerunner).