Why does irritability appear and how to get rid of nervousness? Irritability is increased.

  • 11.10.2019

Irritability is a hypertrophied reaction to any factor that caused negative emotions, it is explained by the increased excitability of a person, which can have physiological and psychological reasons. The state when an attack of irritability occurs in moments of overwork, trouble or feeling unwell is familiar to everyone, even the most healthy and mentally adequate person.

However, it is known that bouts of irritability and aggression are accompanied by many mental pathologies, so if they occur frequently and for no apparent reason, then you should seek medical help. Increased nervousness and irritability in women, in addition to exposure to stressful situations, can be caused by hormonal imbalance or metabolic disorders.

There are quite a few factors that can cause attacks of irritability and aggression in women. Among them, the leader is excessive workload, which most often concerns working women on maternity leave, who are forced, among other things, to take care of the household and children, which leads to overwork and causes irritability. Often, this condition is also present in menopause and in older women in the postmenopausal period.

Aggression, increased nervousness and irritability in women can be explained by the presence of low self-esteem, when a person constantly compares his achievements with the successes of other people. To overcome the psychological factors of nervousness, it is useful to attend auto-training sessions, master relaxation methods (meditation, head massage and yoga).

Physiological causes

The cause of increased nervousness and irritability from a physiological point of view is the excessive reactivity of the central nervous system, which occurs under the influence of many factors: internal (mental pathologies, hormonal failure, metabolic disorders), genetic and external (stress condition, infectious diseases).

The main causes of nervousness lie in physiological features female body and are caused by hormonal fluctuations. The female psyche reacts to cyclic changes in the hormonal background during PMS, pregnancy, as well as during pre- and postmenopause. Also, a factor influencing the appearance of irritability is hyperthyroidism, in which the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones is increased.

Physiological nervousness can be caused by a lack of important nutrients (glucose, amino acids) and beriberi. Genetic irritability is inherited by the following generations, as it is due to hyperexcitability nervous system. Aggressive behavior becomes part of the character, and the woman begins to constantly break down on loved ones.

Symptoms such as constant nervousness and, on the contrary, an aggressive state, may indicate the development of pathological processes in the body, for example, infectious diseases, diabetes, post-traumatic stress. In addition, they may indicate a metabolic disorder or a latent course of mental illness and somatic disorders.

Preparations for irritability and nervousness in women

Pharmacological therapy of excessive irritability should be prescribed by a psychotherapist after a preliminary examination of the patient. If there is severe aggression and signs of a mental disorder, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. In a state of depression, antidepressants are used to improve mood and eliminate nervousness (drugs Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline, Prozac, etc.). With irritability caused by the pathology of the endocrine organs, hormones are prescribed after the examination.

More rest

With nervousness and irritability, a sufficient amount of sleep and rest is necessary, since it is often main reason these states. In order to provide the patient with a long night's rest, sleeping pills or tranquilizers (Clozepid, Phenazepam) are prescribed. In a state of anxiety, daytime tranquilizers-anxiolytics are used - drugs that do not cause drowsiness (Grandaxin, Rudotel).

If no mental pathology is found, but there is a nervous breakdown that complicates the life of a woman, mild medications are prescribed to improve the adaptation of the body. These are drugs such as Novopassit, Adaptol, Notta.

In addition to drugs, it is advisable to use diverse psychotherapeutic methods for teaching relaxation (breathing exercises, auto-training). Or methods that correct human behavior in different conditions (cognitive therapy). Sessions will help to understand what this condition of a woman is connected with and help develop self-control.

Traditional and alternative medicine

If nervousness is not associated with a mental illness, but is caused by the influence of menopause, premenstrual syndrome, overwork, or some kind of trouble. You can remove it with the help of folk herbal recipes. Alternative medicine offers a wide range of sedatives to overcome nervousness. Among them are tinctures and decoctions from medicinal plants and spices:

  • oregano herbs;
  • coriander seeds;
  • valerian rhizomes;
  • cumin and fennel seeds;
  • herbs motherwort and others.

For the purpose of general strengthening of the body, foods rich in vitamins and microelements are used, such as walnuts and almonds, dried apricots, prunes, honey, citrus fruits. Phytotherapists recommend taking short warm baths with oregano, motherwort, and wormwood to improve sleep.

In the case of a mental pathology, treatment at home can be carried out only after an examination and with the permission of a psychiatrist. Otherwise, symptoms may worsen.

Yoga classes can give a good result with increased nervousness and irritability. It is known that such sessions teach to control emotions in non-standard situations and not be nervous for no reason.

Nervousness should not be ignored a permanent state of irritation negatively affects the nervous system of a woman and often provokes a nervous breakdown and, which leads to aggravation of problems and social isolation. In this case, a woman may become addicted to in order to relax and relieve irritation or “seize” stress by absorbing excessive amounts of food.

In the case when increased nervousness and irritability occurs for no apparent reason and lasts for a long time, and especially if insomnia, anxiety, depression or inappropriate behavior joins, urgent help from a specialist is needed. Only a psychotherapist knows what to do in a particular case and how to treat a mental illness in order to avoid the progression of pathology and problems in the future.

In scientific terms, being irritable means overreacting to some stimulus. Fortunately, this is quite manageable. You can overcome this overreaction if you know a few tricks.

First of all, it is worth learning that irascibility and irritability are inherent in everyone without exception. modern people. The reason for this phenomenon is high stress loads in the form of an excess amount of absorbed information. The brain is not able to cope with such a volume of information and refuses to adequately respond to newly incoming stimuli.

Before dealing with them, short temper and irritability should be carefully analyzed for possible causes their occurrence. In particular, it is important to exclude a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, the presence of organic pathologies of brain structures and the central nervous system. In women, similar periods can be observed in certain phases. menstrual cycle.

How to get rid of temper

Rest whenever you feel irritated or realize that emotions have stirred up in you, try to remember that you just need to relax. Such knowledge may seem annoying in such conditions, but do not forget to do it. And this will already be a great help in the fight against your excessive temper.

Before you get rid of the temper tantrum, start breathing deeply - this allows oxygen to enter the brain, which allows it to function more efficiently. And drink a glass of water. Such actions will stop your irritability and temper for a while.

Don't be afraid to comfort yourself, surround yourself with things and activities that you enjoy: it could be a big bowl of your favorite pistachio ice cream or a new season of a comedy show. You can still inflate balloon until it bursts - often with it all the negativity that has accumulated inside you disappears. Whatever it is, do it when you feel that fire of resentment and discontent is growing in you. This will balance your emotions and make you feel less irritable.

How to overcome irascibility with simple methods?

In order to know how to overcome irascibility, you need to learn that you should not allow any negative thoughts. If possible, do not think about anything at all, or think of something pleasant and good. These simple methods used by all professional psychologists, and even young girls recently, too, to drive away all bad thoughts.

Play with your child - it gives an incredible outburst of emotion and charges with positive for a few days ahead. Let kite, jump, run, play ball, pick flowers, play with your pet and your child. The game helps to relieve stress in your brain, which causes irritability and short temper.

Get exercise, especially yoga. Researchers have long recognized that the latter helps to control not only their actions, but also emotions. Physical exercise, on the other hand, helps trigger happiness hormones from the inside, which will obviously make you feel happier.

Go visit, or take a car or bike and ride to the nearest beach. Or you can go shopping if the weather does not allow you to make a trip to nature. If you find yourself getting irritated just thinking about work, then it might be worth taking a short three-day vacation and poisoning somewhere with the whole family. And it does not have to be a foreign country or a beach, the nearest mountain, meadow or other beautiful place near you is quite suitable.

Talk to family and friends, especially those who haven't been seen in a long time. They probably miss you very much, and a pleasant conversation will distract you from any irritants for a long time.

Sometimes the cause of temper and irritability is a banal lack of sleep. There is only one way out in this situation - a long and high-quality sleep. For many people, this is one of better ways overcome irritability. Perhaps this method will work for you too. As soon as you feel the first notes of irritation, then for a start you should just relax. And in the next situation, just sleep, and you will see the effect when you wake up. It won't make you forget the cause and the irritant, but at least you will feel better.

It is better to spend your time producing all these things than to waste your time and nerves on gentle irritability to anyone.

Increased emotional outburst

Increased emotional irascibility is more characteristic of the male part of the planet. Hot temper is a hell of a mixture of irritability and emotional incontinence, which is characteristic of very temperamental people.

Doctors believe that this is increased excitability, a tendency to negative emotional reactions in response to situations that are inadequate in their significance.

What is irritability?

We all tend to get irritable from time to time. And no wonder, because every day we are haunted by stress, trouble at work, problems with home. Yes, and sometimes we feel ourselves, frankly, it doesn’t matter. But it’s one thing when a person gets nervous and calmed down, and another thing is when, for the slightest reason, he loses his temper, screams and snaps at others, finds fault with trifles.

They usually say about such people: "heavy character". Literally everything annoys these people: bad weather, minor traffic problems, soft reproaches of the wife (husband), innocent pranks of the child. But why do people react differently to similar situations, why do some have enough self-control and restraint, while others give free rein to their nerves? What is irritability?

Irritability is largely determined by the type of human nervous system. It can be congenital, hereditary due to a character trait, or the result of adverse influences and certain environmental conditions, such as:

  • severe stress;
  • responsible work;
  • an impossible task;
  • constant lack of time.

The most surprising thing is that a person does not know why he loses control over himself. Subsequently, he may regret his words, spoken in the heat of anger, and some reckless actions. Often irritable people are aggressive, which makes others treat them with caution. But aggressiveness is already an alarming symptom, since many mental disorders manifest themselves in this way.

If the irritability is only temporary, chances are your "thick skin" has suddenly worn out and you've begun to notice things that previously left you indifferent. A sudden malfunction of the car causes an outburst of rage, and you respond to some well-meaning criticism of your colleagues with such a tirade, which they then remember for a long time.

However, irritability can accompany almost every disease. Very often, people who find out that they are sick with something become irritable and angry at the whole world, without themselves understanding why this is happening to them.

Causes of irritability

Irritability can be a sign of:

  • colds;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • stress
  • schizophrenia.

Interestingly, in schizophrenia, irritability and aggressiveness are directed only at close people of the patient.

A special form of irritability observed in premenstrual syndrome- 2-3 days before menstruation, a woman becomes nervous, suspicious, restless, does not tolerate the slightest discomfort.

Thyroid diseases with strengthening of its function are accompanied by:

  • severe irritability;
  • impulsiveness;
  • significant weight loss;
  • feeling of rapid heartbeat.

Irritability can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Treatment for irritability

Since too many factors contribute to the appearance of irritability, if these disorders are repeated or persistent, they should be brought to the attention of a doctor.

Which doctor should I contact?

Irritability greatly spoils the quality of life of a person and his loved ones. Constant nervous tension can cause problems at work and in your personal life.

Here are some tips to help you deal with irritability:

  • endocrinologist;
  • psychiatrist;

Folk remedies for irritability

Dried mint leaves or lemon balm pour boiling water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 glass, leave for 1 hour and drink half a glass three times a day before meals.
Dried valerian root grind on a grater, brew one teaspoon in a glass of boiling water, let cool and strain. Take a whole glass before bed every day.
Take 20 gr. dried willow-herb leaves, pour into a thermos, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for half a day. Then drink half a glass of decoction 3-4 times a day.
Take 50 gr. viburnum berries, pour 600 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours and drink half a glass each time before meals.
Calm the nervous system and boost immunity honey. Take 500 gr. of this product, the pulp of three lemons, 20 gr. walnuts, 10 ml of tincture of valerian and hawthorn. Mix the ingredients and store in the refrigerator. Eat 10 gr. every time after meals and at night.

How to get rid of irritability?

If your irritability is a condition that they say that the person got up on the wrong foot, or you just feel out of place, try using the following recommendations.

If you feel like you've become more irritable, take some time to think about why.

Establishing the cause will help you recognize the temporary nature of irritability. You must understand that you just need to be more patient and considerate of those around you. This will keep you from saying and doing things that you may regret later. If you know in advance that every month, two days before your period, you will become overly irritable, it will be easier for you to control your emotions.

You don't have to hide your feelings

Instead of hiding them, simply warn others that you are angry on certain days. People get worse if they do not admit their experiences to others. If you do not explain to others that you have increased irritability, they will perceive your behavior with complete bewilderment.

But if you tell them, "I want to warn you that I might do something wrong today. If I seem too rude, please excuse me," it will help people understand your actions and defuse the situation,

Try to distract yourself from the things that annoy you by switching to another activity.

There is an old saying that says: "A man busy with business does not harm others." Some people just need to find something to do. Go for a walk, do laundry, write a letter to someone, water the lawn.

You need to do something to reduce stress and kill time. This will only take you 15 minutes or an hour, depending on how quickly you calm down. In this way, you can prevent impulsive actions.

You must make sure that your thoughts and actions are subject to your conscious control.

If you have any of the above, it is likely that You are not ready prudent to do difficult situation. If at this point you have to run into someone, you are likely to cause even more disagreement or complicate the situation than you will be able to settle things.

Learn to restrain yourself

When someone annoys you and you feel ready to explode if you join the conversation at that moment, wait a while. Postpone discussion of this matter until you feel you can do so in a calm manner.

Set yourself up in a positive way

When you find yourself having dark thoughts like, "Looks like today is going to be a terrible day for me," try to replace their positive thoughts.

When you wake up in bad mood close your eyes for a minute and try to imagine another picture how calm and wonderful you will spend this day.

Have conversations with yourself positive direction. Ask yourself: “I would like to know what good awaits me today?”, “I wonder what new things I have to learn today?”.

Repeat phrases with words such as "achieve", "succeed" more often so that they are imprinted on your head and help overcome

Irritability in women

Increased irritability in women may be associated with character traits or be a sign of the development of a disease. The appearance of a problem is said to be when a person abruptly changes his typical behavior.

However, only a doctor can determine the cause of increased irritability after examining the patient. The problem can be associated with both the nervous system and diseases of some internal organs.


Women suffer from this problem much more often than men. Irritability in women is due to the fact that their nervous system has increased excitability.

In addition, the constant hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle significantly affect mood swings. Experts identify pathological causes of irritability in women:

  • ovarian diseases;
  • drug addiction;
  • thyroid disease;
  • mental illness (neurosis, schizophrenia and others).

A nervous person is characterized by repetitive movements. A woman can continuously walk around the room, swing her leg or tap her fingers on the table. Such actions help relieve emotional stress.

Irritability and aggression quite often speaks of psychological overwork, severe stress or anxiety. Such manifestations are considered quite normal and disappear after the resolution of the conflict or problem.

A woman cannot independently determine the cause of irritability and aggressiveness. Only a qualified doctor can cope with this after a comprehensive examination of the patient. Diagnostics will help to understand what exactly caused the problem.


After examining and identifying the causes of the problem, the doctor will develop for the patient individual therapy plan.

To cope with irritability in women, the following methods of treatment will help:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • hypnosis.

If the problem is caused by any disease, then the therapy will be aimed at treating the underlying cause. For example, in case of depression, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and homeopathic anti-stress drugs are prescribed. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of sleep, diet.

In addition to drug therapy, various modern psychotherapeutic techniques are also used. Auto-training, breathing practices and other ways to deal with irritability help the body cope with difficult stressful situations.

Hormonal disorders in women that affect behavior are also treated with medications. If the problem is related to malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, then surgery may be prescribed. Removing the node or the affected part of this organ will help to cope with irritability and aggression.

Irritability in men

Male irritability syndrome is the result of stress, lack of sleep, fear of aging. Moreover, men over 40 subject to testosterone fluctuations. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • prostration;
  • premorbid condition;
  • mood changes;
  • sexual activity or inactivity.

With testosterone surges, a man behaves like a woman in PMS, sometimes even worse. Boys are taught from childhood not to cry, and they get used to holding back their emotions. But, hormones will change even the most brutal man. Increased emotionality and a tendency to sort things out is not only a women's priority. The insidious testosterone makes strong man weak and vulnerable creature.

At first glance, this problem is solved quite easily - testosterone injections. But, this is a rather expensive pleasure, which not everyone can afford, besides, only a doctor can prescribe these injections. But again, not everyone can inject testosterone, since an injection can provoke a hypertensive or heart attack.

With SMR, men need a patient, attentive attitude from loved ones. Their nutrition should contain a sufficient amount of protein dishes - meat, fish. Definitely needed good sleep(at least 7-8 hours a day). Useful moderate physical exercise.

In some cases, irritability and aggression are treated with medicines but only on doctor's orders. In addition, traditional medicine methods are often used to combat irritability. Very helpful medicinal herbs in the form of tinctures and decoctions (valerian, borage, motherwort, coriander), as well as in the form of therapeutic baths.

Questions and answers on the topic "Irritability"


Answer: Read the previous answer.

Question:Hello, lately I have become irritable to any little things. When they take it from my plate, when they pinch, tickle, and so on. It didn't annoy me before. I think it's because of PMS, but I've never seen anything like this before. What should I do?

Question:Hello! I'm 28 years old. I have two children. The problem is that lately, I have become very irritable and nervous. I love my children very much. If earlier I reacted calmly to the pranks and whims of the child, now it pisses me off. As a result, I can break down and scream. As soon as I calm down, I begin to regret my act. I don't want to hurt my family and friends. I want to be a normal, adequate mother for my children.

Answer: Hello. You need to check the thyroid gland, as problems with it are a common cause of irritability and consult a psychotherapist in person.

Question:Hello. At work, they are loaded with work, my partner is on sick leave and I alone do all the work for two. I get terribly tired, I come home and collapse from fatigue, I don’t want to do anything at home. Tell me what to do, how to cope with this condition. Maybe take some medication?

Answer: Hello. Joking with health and working hard is quite dangerous - it is fraught with a nervous breakdown or a severe breakdown. We recommend that you eat right, get enough sleep if possible, walk on fresh air And do not abuse coffee. To maintain physical strength and mental capacity, Glycine and multivitamin courses are recommended. These funds are prescribed by a doctor during an internal consultation. Self-medication is dangerous!

Question:Hello. Please help, I don’t know what to do, I’m terribly irritable and psychotic, I became so after giving birth, the baby is already six months old, but I should calm down already. I constantly break down on my husband because of every little thing, because I know what I'm doing wrong, but no, I can't restrain myself. Every day I tell myself that everything is enough to hysteria and no, it doesn’t work - as my husband comes home from work, I begin to cling to every little thing. What should I do? Please help, give advice.

Answer: Hello. Do not be afraid of irritability after childbirth - this is completely normal. Many women find it hard to get used to the fact that now they are not left to their own devices, from now on (especially during the first year of a baby’s life) your regimen will depend entirely on the needs of the child. From here arises confusion, and then irritability. But excessive irritability is due not only to psychological, but also to physiological reasons. Feeding and caring for the baby entails lack of sleep and overwork. Lack of sleep and severe fatigue are in no way compatible with a good mood. Increased irritability is a kind of signal expectant mother that you need to learn how to relax. This valuable skill will come to the rescue not only during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth, but also much later, when you raise your baby. The easiest way to relax is to turn on soothing music, lie down in a comfortable position, and focus on your breathing. In addition, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is very important during this period. It reduces irritability, aggressiveness of the mother, stimulates the work of the heart and kidneys. If the condition worsens, you should consult a psychotherapist in person.

Question:Good afternoon, tell me what can help me, if possible. I'm 34 years old. The problem is that I am often irritated for some reason, I get aggression or anger from this, I can express myself in bad words, and I catch myself that this is not right, but I continue to “hurt” my relatives. Is it a clinic or is it still possible to get rid of it?

Answer: Hello. You can get rid of it - you need to consult a neuropathologist, endocrinologist, andrologist and psychotherapist in person to determine the cause of irritation and prescribe treatment.

Question:Hello, my son is 9 years old, he is very mobile, but does not restrain himself, when the teacher reprimands him in class, he starts banging his head against the desk or bursts into tears, he can obscene a high school student.

Answer: Be sure to show the child to a psychoneurologist.

Question:I am a very emotional person. Recently, she has become very irritable, psychotic. Any little thing can take you out. Already she was exhausted herself, and tortured her husband. They broke up a few times. On nervous grounds, I lose weight very much. What to do?

Answer: In psychology, it is believed that our feelings arise in response to events in the outside world. They help us navigate what's going on so we know how to act. Irritability is a signal that some of your needs are not being met; something is not going the way we would like; Some relationship doesn't suit you. Such emotional outbursts, like bells.

Question:Hello! I have a problem, for like 3 months I have lost the desire to work, enjoy something, relax ... Although if you look at everything, I like my work ... I don’t care about anything anymore, neither with relatives, nor with me, nor with friends, it’s absolutely indifferent ... I noticed that everything irritates me very quickly, it really infuriates me ... (whether it be an ordinary telephone conversation, or chatting with friends). I don’t even know what to do… please help!

Answer: The reason for this state of yours may be an age crisis. You have achieved something, but this is no longer enough, most likely there is a feeling inside that you want something more from life, more colors, etc.

Question:Please tell me, during an illness with acute bronchitis, can irritability, panic, anxiety increase? I just heard a version that in acute bronchitis or any lung disease, the body does not receive oxygen in the amount it is used to, or it receives it but with great effort. Subconsciously, this is perceived as suffocation, which is why anxiety, panic, and irritability arise. Tell me is it?

Answer: Hello, in fact, any illness is perceived by the body as stress, and therefore nervousness and irritability during the period of illness is quite normal. Regarding the theory of "lack of oxygen", we cannot say anything affirmative, since a significant disruption in the supply of oxygen to the body occurs only with very massive and severe broncho-pulmonary diseases.

The modern world is full of irritants - from the banal escaped morning coffee to global warming. At the same time, the perception of these stimuli can also be different. For example, it is much easier to unsettle a tired or sick person with even a minor trifle. But fatigue or illness are not the only factors that can cause irritability.

Reasons for increased anxiety may include:

  • Chronic fatigue. The inability to organize one's time and balance work with rest will inevitably affect health over time. An exhausted, chronically sleep-deprived person becomes weak and lethargic. His nervous system also becomes weak. As a result, any task seems overwhelming, and any trouble - unbearable.
  • Anxiety, fears. Expectation or fear of something unpleasant creates internal tension, which "stretches" the nerves to the limit. So provoke an explosion negative emotions maybe even rubbish.
  • Dependencies. Addictions to alcohol, nicotine, drugs, food can cause increased aggressiveness. Or rather, situations when an addict is deprived of the opportunity to satisfy his need or tries to cope with the problem on his own. Workaholism can also be a cause of irritability. The workaholic who considers rest an unaffordable luxury becomes nervous and irritable at home, on vacation or on sick leave.
  • External factors. Sudden bad weather, someone's unpleasant words or deeds, problems with transport (traffic jam, breakdown, etc.) can spoil the mood. Even news heard on the radio or seen on TV or on the Internet can affect the state of the nervous system.
  • Unstable psyche. A tendency to be acutely aware of one's surroundings may be part of one's character. It can be given from nature, that is, from birth. And it may appear in the process of life - due to mistakes in upbringing, mental trauma, or difficult living conditions.
  • stress. Chronic stressful situation- another reason why irritability may appear. Constant troubles at work or at home can unbalance for a long time.
  • Violation of rules, rituals, plans. For people who are used to planning their lives or creating rituals and rules in it, excessive nervousness can be caused by any circumstance that prevents them from being fulfilled, or by any person who does not want to do them or stands in the way of their implementation.
  • Physiological Needs. Unsatisfied natural needs - hunger, thirst, sleep, sexual desire can make a person nervous and aggressive. Here you can add a lack of love, respect, attention, lack of comfort or constancy of living conditions.
  • Hormonal disruptions. The cause of irritability may lie in the body itself - in its hormonal background. These can be "coming" states - PMS, pregnancy, menopause. Diseases of the endocrine system can also unbalance the nervous system - diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland (tumors, thyrotoxicosis).
  • Somatic and mental illnesses. Increased nervousness and irritability can be the result of diseases of a very different nature. From the usual SARS to oncology. This is facilitated by restrictions (diet, bed rest, etc.), unpleasant symptoms (pain, runny nose, cough, etc.) and procedures. Especially if they are tight. An inadequate response is often accompanied by neurosis, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, dementia.
Separately, we note the causes of female irritability. In this case, a tandem of psychological and physiological factors works. The life of the fairer sex is subject to hormones - from puberty to old age. She experiences a “dance” of hormones during each menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and after childbirth, as well as during menopause. This is superimposed on the "everyday life" in which most women live - the kitchen, children, work, laundry, cleaning, etc. All this is additionally exhausting and makes the ladies more vulnerable to irritation.

Important! Perfectionism can be manifested by excessive nervousness towards others. The inconsistency of a person with the expected qualities or parameters causes irritation in the perfectionist.

Symptoms of the development of irritability in humans

Irritability is the rejection of a certain situation, the unwillingness to come to terms with it. It can manifest itself hidden, without going outside - inside a person. And it can be expressed very brightly and aggressively. It all depends on the significance of the stimulus and the conditions under which it appeared.

The main symptoms of irritability:

  1. Hidden signs. They are felt only by the irritated - everything literally boils inside him. Although others may not notice it. Such suppression of emotions can cause physiological problems in the form of headaches, nausea.
  2. Clear signs . Dissatisfaction can be manifested by isolation and unwillingness to talk, a sharp rejection of planned deeds or intentions. Tears and reproaches may come into play. Irritations of a higher degree of tension can be expressed by raising the voice, sudden movements, tapping the fingers on the table or swinging the leg, fussy behavior. A person on the verge of a breakdown can be angry and aggressive - with the use of physical force, insults or damage to property (breaking dishes, throwing the phone, etc.).
  3. Concomitant manifestations. Most often, irritability and fatigue go hand in hand. The latter is not only a cause, but also an accompaniment of emotional outbursts of nervousness. Sleep and appetite may be disturbed - both in the direction of strengthening, and in the direction of absence. nervous tension affects memory and the ability to concentrate, that is, on performance.

Pharmaceutical remedies for the treatment of irritability

The pharmaceutical industry offers its help in restoring emotional balance. Exists a large number of preparations for the medical treatment of irritability - based on plant materials, synthetic components, as well as combined agents.

We list the most popular of them:

  • One-component herbal remedies based on valerian, motherwort, peony, St. John's wort, incarnate passionflower (tinctures, tablets, extracts).
  • Multicomponent herbal preparations: Fitosed, Persen, Novo-Passit, Dormiplant.
  • Combined liquid forms: Valocordin, Corvalol, Valosedan.
  • Synthetic medicines: Phenibut, Afobazole, Tenoten,
  • Homeopathic remedies: Leovit, Notta, Calm, Valerianahel, Nervohel.

Important! Regardless of what components the drug is made of, it is a remedy. And it will bring the greatest benefit if it is prescribed by a doctor.

Folk methods of dealing with irritability

Problems characterize not only the modern world. They accompany humanity throughout its existence. As well as constant irritability. So ethnoscience has its own recipes for such a case.

Recipes folk remedies from irritability:

  1. Decoction of coriander seeds: pour 1 tsp. plant seeds with a glass of boiling water, hold for 15 minutes in a water bath, cool and drink 2-3 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
  2. Hot infusion of motherwort, valerian root, fennel and cumin: Mix all herbs in equal parts. 2 tbsp. l. pour the resulting collection with boiling water (400 ml). Take the cooled infusion three times a day or, if necessary, 50 ml.
  3. Infusion of motherwort with lemon: mix 1 tbsp. l. plants with the zest of one lemon and pour everything with a glass of boiling water, set aside for 3 hours and take 4 times a day, 1 dessert spoon.
  4. Soothing mixture with nuts and lemons: mince (blender) 2 tbsp. l. walnuts or almonds and 3 lemons, mix with 500 g of honey, 2/3 tbsp. l. hawthorn tincture and the same amount of valerian tincture. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. before meals and at bedtime. Keep refrigerated.
Tea with mint and / or lemon balm, known to everyone since childhood, is no less effective. A good relaxing result is given by herbal baths with valerian root, motherwort or yarrow.

How to get rid of irritability

There are people who have their own express method of how to get rid of irritability: some smoke, others drink, others break dishes or eat sweets. But this does not solve the problem as a whole - it only reduces the level of nervousness to the next stimulus. Therefore, it is very important to identify the real cause of nervousness and choose the most effective way to manage it.

How to get rid of irritability for men

Men are by nature more emotionally stable. Therefore, they need a stimulus more strongly, and their “flashes” are more powerful. Accordingly, they need to work on themselves more.

Ways to reduce irritability in men:

  • Reset adrenaline. The ideal male way to "let off steam" is physical activity. It can be sports or any work that requires physical effort.
  • Day plan. Learn to allocate your time rationally so that it is enough for things that are significant to you (family, relationships, hobbies, work). It is very important to balance work and leisure. And be sure to get enough sleep - at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep per day.
  • Proper nutrition. Employment is not a reason to feel hungry or “hammer” it with snacks. Wholesome nutrition will give you the strength to do whatever you want to achieve. And further strengthen the nervous system.
  • Healthy lifestyle. Do not abuse, but rather give up completely bad habits. Alcohol or cigarettes soften the reaction to the problem a little, but do not solve it.
  • Abstraction. At critical moments, use distractions. It can be an internal count of up to 10, a walk, cleaning. Find something you love to do and make time for it regularly.
  • Real perception of the world. Accept the world the way he is. And myself in it. Set realistic goals. Develop the most strengths. Learn to forgive.

How to get rid of irritability for women

A more labile female psyche is very sensitive to non-standard or unpleasant situations. In order not to complicate life for themselves and others, the beautiful half of humanity needs to be able to manage their emotions.

Ways to relieve irritability in women:

Important! In principle, both female and male methods of reducing irritability are equally effective for both sexes.

How to get rid of irritability - look at the video:

Excessive irritability is a poison that poisons life. But not a verdict. You can get rid of it - you just need to realize, accept and find the most effective way for yourself.

Man constantly faces stress in his life. The nervous system is forced to constantly be in excitation, which naturally becomes the cause of the development of nervousness and irritability. Symptoms are vivid when a person is out of his element, because in this state he is definitely not afraid to prove himself. If the conditions in question become permanent, then treatment by a specialist is necessary.

The online magazine site does not exclude the presence of nervousness and irritability in every reader. If these experiences are not constant, then periodically they definitely arise in a person’s life. What is the reason for their appearance?

Irritability is a consequence of a person's dissatisfaction with ongoing events. When circumstances arise that are unpleasant for a person, then he becomes irritated. Nervousness can be called a consequence of prolonged irritability. How longer man irritated by something, the more nervous he becomes.

It should be noted that irritability has a specific object on which the emotion manifests itself. However, as the nervous system is depleted by constant irritability, due to the inability of a person to eliminate an external pathogen from his life, nervousness arises, which can already manifest itself in absolutely everything.

What is nervousness?

Nervousness should be understood as the extreme excitability of the nervous system, when a person reacts sharply to any stimulus. Moreover, the external stimulus may already be insignificant in order to unbalance a person. The companions of nervousness are restlessness, irritability and anxiety, which are often the causes of its development.

Nervousness can be recognized by headaches, insomnia, a tendency to, increased suspiciousness, pulse and pressure lability, and decreased performance. Nervousness so overwhelms a person that he can no longer think, do and think about anything, but about the object that caused him the state in question.

Increased nervousness is perceived by others as imbalance, bad manners, incontinence, promiscuity of a person. However, we are talking about the properties of the nervous system, which for certain reasons cannot maintain balance. That is why it is recommended to contact a specialist who will help identify the cause and eliminate the nervous condition.

Why does anxiety occur?

An experienced specialist always begins his treatment by finding out the causes of nervousness. The state itself does not arise. A person does not become nervous just like that. There are always reasons that can be conditionally divided into physiological and psychological.

  1. Physiological reasons may be:
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lack of nutrients, minerals, vitamins.
  • Hunger or thirst.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  1. Psychological reasons can be:
  • stressful situations.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Sleep deprivation.
  • Fatigue.

In a state of nervousness, a person can react sharply to any stimulus that comes from any object. And it all starts with irritability, when a person unbalances a certain object. When irritability gets to extreme point its boiling, everything can irritate.

Many admire the fact that people are able to control their emotions. However, it is not noticed back side medals. When a person is forced to control his emotions, he often simply does not show them. However, they boil in it, seething, they simply have no way out in external world. As a result, this leads to nervousness, when a person gets tired, exhausted and is no longer able to pacify his accumulated emotions that he did not throw out.

Restrained people often become nervous in the future. The inability to correctly splash out one's emotions without harming oneself and others, or the fear of throwing out one's experiences that will be misunderstood, makes a person accumulate them in himself. In the future, a minor irritant will cause such a storm of emotions that even the person himself will no longer be able to control himself.

Nervousness can be the result of some serious illness, when a person is worried about the mortality of his outcome. You should also consider nervousness as a pathology in the nervous system:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Post-traumatic encephalopathy.

Mental illness can also be accompanied by nervousness. These include:

  1. neuroses.
  2. Depression.
  3. Various kinds of addictions: drug, gaming, nicotine, alcohol.
  4. Psychoses.

Psychologists note that nervousness is more inherent female gender than male. And the reason lies in the workload, when a woman takes on too many obligations, worries and affairs. She must be successful everywhere: housework, raising children, and in relationships with a man, and at work. Everywhere she is responsible for everything, tries to participate in everything, to bear responsibility. Since a woman cannot keep up everywhere or she is not able to do her job perfectly, this annoys her. And in addition to physical fatigue, she also becomes nervous over time.

Why are men not prone to nervousness as a result of being busy? They don't take responsibility for doing everything. They shift most of their problems and worries onto the shoulders of other people, including women. They do not try to control the progress of their assignments, but they always ask about the results they expect to receive.

The so-called delegation helps men not to bring themselves to irritation, unlike women.

Another reason for female irritability can be called hormonal changes. They are periodic in the life of every woman, so they significantly affect her mood and condition. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause - everything entails hormonal disruptions that a woman is not able to cope with.

Nervousness is also a consequence of a person's disagreement with the norms and rules that are imposed on him by society. If a person wants to live differently, then he will get annoyed every time when people impose their rules of life on him.

How does anxiety manifest itself?

Nervousness is a manifestation of a number of symptoms, emotions and sensations that are practically not controlled by a person:

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Bad mood.
  3. General weakness.
  4. Irritability.
  5. Aggression.
  6. Headache.
  7. Sense of anxiety.
  8. Fatigue.
  9. Tearfulness.
  10. Anger.
  11. The same type of actions: swinging the leg, tapping the fingers, walking back and forth, etc.
  12. Loud shrill voice.
  13. Sudden active movements.
  14. Raised voice.

A person resorts to various kinds of actions and a raised voice, because in this way he tries to get rid of the tension that has appeared in him. Nervousness is no longer possible to control and hide, so a person either gets nervous silently through active actions, or loudly through screaming, crying, anger, etc.

How to treat nervousness?

Nervousness, which a person cannot eliminate on his own, no matter how hard he tries, should be treated together with specialists. First, the cause of its occurrence is clarified. If the cause is physiological pathologies of the body, then a specific drug treatment is prescribed to eliminate the disease.

Nervousness is treated according to the following principles:

  1. Normalize and stabilize the daily routine. Caffeine, chocolate, cocoa and other stimulating foods should be eliminated from the diet. You should also give up alcohol and nicotine, which do not calm, but only excite the nervous system.
  2. Eliminate factors that destabilize a person.
  3. Add moderate exercise.
  4. Take advantage of psychotherapeutic techniques: art therapy, psychotherapy, dance classes, reflexology, yoga, meditation.
  5. Go to bed early so that the time of sleep falls on the usual time of rest. Before going to bed, it is better not to drink anything strong and not to eat stimulating foods. You should also avoid watching TV and talking about disturbing topics.

Some people try to cope with nervousness on their own. They use drugs (Valerian, Valocordin, Phenazepam), which are addictive. Also, one should not get too carried away with sleeping pills, without which a person will soon not be able to fall asleep at all. It should be understood that taking medication gives only temporary relief. However, they do not solve the problem, so a person again and again encounters factors that irritate him.

What is irritation? This is the level of dissatisfaction that is constantly expressed in the form of discontent and anger. It occurs when a person cannot satisfy his need for a long time. In this case, dissatisfaction arises inside him, which then develops into anger. Nervousness is a consequence of constant irritability, so it should be eliminated in time so as not to accumulate.

Anger is a feeling that is intended to induce a person to change the situation that has happened. A person faces difficulties, there is no satisfaction, there is a lot of anger. It is dangerous to express the accumulated dissatisfaction, because people are everywhere, and they do not teach to express anger without harm to others. What to do in such a case?

There are only two options here:

  • Refuse the need.
  • Find a way to release the tension built up inside.

The first option is unrealistic. Giving up needs is tantamount to death. On a psychological and physiological level, this event is experienced as a deep depression.

Therefore, many prefer the second option. This method is known, but not the only one.

The best option for stress relief is non-aggressive sports: swimming, running, equestrian sports, etc. An interesting effect can appear here - a lack of strength and desire to play sports. Like, “I can hardly come home, but here I still need to do sports.” However, it is sport that helps to relieve fatigue. Fatigue occurs when, trying to protect loved ones, the individual restrains his own irritation. And such containment is done due to muscle tension. Sport, on the other hand, relaxes the muscles, which is why it is no longer necessary to restrain tension.

There is no irritation. After that, you need to find ways to satisfy your needs in order to no longer go through the stages of accumulation of dissatisfaction, anger and release of tension. Better to prevent than to fight later. Therefore, start satisfying your needs, then you can forget about irritation.


Irritability is a frequent companion of a person who is constantly faced with events that do not suit and do not satisfy him. If it is not released in time, then nervousness is formed, when a person reacts sharply to absolutely any trifle, even to one that he would have previously reacted calmly to.

In order not to reach a nervous breakdown, it is better to learn to splash out your emotions, eliminate irritability. And if nervousness nevertheless arose, then a psychotherapist will help to eliminate it, whose services should not be neglected.