Influence of emotions on labor and educational activity of a person. How negative emotions affect a person's health

  • 11.10.2019

Pedagogical experience:

« Emotions, their impact on human health and behavior ».

Prepared by: Kirichenko Lyubov Ivanovna, teacher-psychologist at MBDOU No. 16 "Swallow" of the village of Novorozhdestvenskaya.

A person in the course of his activity experiences a number of emotions, both positive and negative.

Emotions are a process that includes neurophysiological processes, subjective experience and its external expression.

Emotions on the impact on human activity are divided into:

    Stenic emotions that help a person in his activities, increasing his energy and strength, give courage in committing actions and statements. A person in this state is capable of many accomplishments.

    Asthenic emotions are characterized by passivity, stiffness.

Emotional states depend on the nature of mental activity, while at the same time exerting their influence on it. In a good mood, cognitive and volitional activity person.

The emotional state may depend not only on the activity performed, but also on the act, on the state of health, a piece of music, a movie, a performance, etc. A person's well-being, in turn, depends on his emotional state. After all, even a person who is in a serious condition, at the moment of emotional upsurge, can feel completely healthy.

Emotions are characterized by strength and depth, i.e. how more value for a person this or that phenomenon has, the more important it is for him, the stronger and deeper emotions and feelings it causes. Another leading characteristic of emotions and feelings is their polarity (joy-grief, love-hate, fun-sadness, etc.)

The combination of several fundamental emotions, which manifest themselves frequently and stably in a certain complex, determines some emotional trait characteristic of a particular person. The development of such complexes of emotional traits is due to both biogenetic prerequisites and cultural and social factors (norms and rules adopted in a particular society, conditions of education). However, fundamental emotions are innate. Their cultural context, to a greater extent, influences the rules for the appearance of emotions. Depending on the prevailing historical traditions these rules and, conversely, the most open demonstration of others.

Emotions and feelings have big influence on personality. They make a person spiritually rich and interesting. A person capable of emotional experiences can better understand other people, respond to their feelings, show compassion and responsiveness.

Feelings enable a person to better know himself, to realize his positive and negative qualities, cause a desire to overcome their shortcomings, help to refrain from unseemly acts.

Experienced emotions and feelings leave an imprint on the external and internal appearance of the individual. People who are prone to experiencing negative emotions have a sad expression on their faces, while those with a predominance of positive emotions- a cheerful expression.

Emotions form the main motivating force and by their influence are able to change the way of life, actions and communication; they affect the organs and tissues of the body, and, consequently, affect our spiritual and bodily health.

Interest is a stimulus of attention and a necessary factor not only for the normal course of the process of perception, but also enhances the physiological functions that are necessary for long and tedious work. But at the same time, sustained intense arousal caused by the activation of interest, as with negative affect, can cause insomnia.

Joy Any activity you do with joy improves your mental health. Physiologically, it is facilitated by the acceleration and increase in the depth of breathing, the improvement of the general gas exchange in the body, the feeling of one's own strength - one's own superiority. Having a specifically relaxing effect, joy normalizes the overall tone of the body, is a kind of antidote to the destructive effects of negative emotions. Joy calms a person, facilitates interaction with other people and enhances responsiveness.

Astonishment - can often destroy depression - a very persistent and complex complex of emotions and feelings. Thus, the sudden appearance of a speeding car in the path of a person in a state of depression can change his emotional state and contribute to saving a life, avoiding injury. Surprise has the function of bringing out the nervous system in which it is currently located and adapting it to sudden changes in our environment.

Suffering includes 3 main psychological functions:

    Suffering itself informs the person and those who surround him that he is ill;

    It encourages a person to take certain actions, to do what is necessary to reduce heartache(eliminate the cause or change your attitude to what caused this condition;

    Suffering has a certain resistance to achieving the goal, giving rise to negative motivation.

Anger - decisions made by a person in a state of passion often contradict not only generally accepted, but also narrow professional concepts, often not corresponding to views, beliefs, morality, and often contradict them. Therefore, in a state of passion, one should not make any decisions, especially responsible ones, and even more so immediately implement them.

Disgust - at the same time, a person shows a persistent desire to move away from the object that causes disgust, or change it so that it ceases to be disgusting.

Experiences of fear and anxiety can cause long-term neurotic or mental illness. Long-term anxiety and fear can turn into depression, especially in patients who are in the hospital for a long time.

Shame makes a person sensitive to the assessments of others, receptive to comments.

Guilt has a special impact on the development of personal and social responsibility, aggravation of conscience, it complements shame, as a result, psychological maturity is strengthened.

From the above, we can conclude that emotions have an impact on the whole life of a person, on his behavior and health.


1. Biological and psychological significance of emotions…….4

2. Development of emotions and personality development…………………………8

3. The influence of emotions on human behavior…….………………10

4. Emotional life of a person…………………………………………………………………………………………12




Emotions- a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, sensations of pleasant or unpleasant, a person's attitude to the world and people, the process and results of his practical activity. The class of emotions includes moods, feelings, affects, passions, stresses. These are the so-called "pure" emotions. They are included in all mental processes and human states. Any manifestations of his activity are accompanied by emotional experiences. In humans, the main function of emotions is that, thanks to emotions, we better understand each other, we can, without using speech, judge each other's states and better tune in to joint activities and communication. Remarkable, for example, is the fact that people belonging to different cultures, are able to accurately perceive and evaluate the expressions of a human face, determine from it such emotional states as joy, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise. This, in particular, applies to those peoples who have never been in contact with each other at all.

This fact not only convincingly proves the innate nature of the main emotions and their expression on the face, but also the presence of a genotypically determined ability to understand them in living beings. This, as we have already seen, refers to the communication of living beings not only of the same species with each other, but also different types between themselves. It is well known that higher animals and humans are capable of perceiving and evaluating each other's emotional states by facial expressions.

1. Biological and psychological meaning of emotions

We call emotions a person's experiences, accompanied by feelings of pleasant and unpleasant, pleasure and displeasure, as well as their various shades and combinations. Pleasure and displeasure are the simplest emotions. Their more complex variants are represented by such feelings as joy, sadness, sadness, fear, anger.

When we suddenly find ourselves near an abyss, we experience the emotion of fear. Under the influence of this fear, we retreat to a safe zone. By itself, this situation has not yet harmed us, but through our feeling it is reflected as a threat to our self-preservation. Signaling the direct positive or negative meaning of various phenomena, emotions reflexively regulate our behavior, encourage or inhibit our actions.

Emotion is a general, generalized reaction of the body to vital influences (from the Latin "emoveo" - a wave).

Emotions regulate mental activity not specifically, but through the corresponding general mental states, influencing the course of all mental processes.

A feature of emotions is their integration - arising under appropriate emotional influences, emotions capture the entire body, combine all its functions into an appropriate generalized stereotypical behavioral act.

Emotions are an adaptive product of evolution - they are evolutionary generalized ways of behaving in typical situations.

It is precisely thanks to emotions that the organism turns out to be extremely favorably adapted to environmental conditions, since, even without determining the form, type, mechanism and other parameters of the impact, it can respond with saving speed to it with a certain emotional state, reducing it, so to speak, to a common biological denominator, those. to determine whether a given particular effect is beneficial or harmful to him.

Emotions arise in response to key features of objects to satisfy a specific need. Separate biologically significant properties of objects and situations cause an emotional tone of sensations. They signal the meeting of the body with the desired or dangerous property of objects. Emotions and feelings are a subjective attitude to objects and phenomena, arising from the reflection of their direct connection with actualized needs.

All emotions are objectively correlated and bivalent - they are either positive or negative (because objects either satisfy or do not satisfy the corresponding needs). Emotions induce stereotypical forms of behavior. However, the characteristics of human emotions are determined by the general law mental development of a person - higher educations, higher mental functions, being formed on the basis of lower functions, rebuild them. The emotional and evaluative activity of a person is inextricably linked with his conceptual and evaluative sphere. And this sphere itself affects the emotional state of a person.

Conscious, rational regulation of behavior, on the one hand, is stimulated by emotions, but, on the other hand, it opposes current emotions. All volitional actions are performed in spite of strong competing emotions. A person acts, overcoming pain, thirst, hunger and all kinds of inclinations.

However, the lower the level of conscious regulation, the more freedom emotional-impulsive actions receive. These actions do not have conscious motivation, the goals of these actions are also not formed by consciousness, but are unambiguously predetermined by the nature of the impact itself (for example, impulsive removal from an object falling on us).

Emotions dominate where the conscious regulation of behavior is insufficient: with a lack of information for the conscious construction of actions, with an insufficient fund of conscious ways of behavior. But this does not mean that the more conscious the action, the less important are emotions. Even mental actions are organized on an emotional basis.

In conscious actions, emotions provide their energy potential and enhance the direction of action, the effectiveness of which is most likely. Allowing greater freedom of conscious choice of goals, emotions determine the main directions of human life.

Positive emotions, constantly combined with the satisfaction of needs, themselves become an urgent need. A person strives for positive emotions. Deprivation of emotional influences disorganizes the human psyche, and prolonged deprivation of positive emotional influences in childhood can lead to negative deformations of the personality.

Substituting needs, emotions in themselves are in many cases an incentive to action, a motivating factor.

There are lower emotions associated with unconditioned reflex activity, based on instincts and being their expression (emotions of hunger, thirst, fear, selfishness, etc.), and higher, truly human emotions - feelings.

Feelings are associated with the satisfaction of socially developed needs. A sense of duty, love, camaraderie, shame, curiosity, etc. are formed in a person as he is included in social ties, i.e. as the individual develops as a person. Experiencing certain feelings, a person operates with historically developed moral and aesthetic concepts (“good”, “evil”, “justice”, “beautiful”, “ugly”, etc.),

Thus, feelings, to a greater extent than emotions, are associated with the second signaling system. Emotions are situationally determined, feelings can be long-lasting and stable. The most stable feelings are personality traits (honesty, humanity, etc.).

The fact of the close connection of emotions with life processes indicates the natural origin of at least the simplest emotions. In all those cases when the life of a living being freezes, is partially or completely lost, we first of all discover that its external, emotional manifestations have disappeared. An area of ​​skin temporarily deprived of blood supply ceases to be sensitive; a physically ill person becomes apathetic, indifferent to what is happening around him, that is, insensitive. He loses the ability to emotionally respond to external influences in the same way as in the normal course of life.

All higher animals and humans have structures in the brain that are closely related to emotional life. This is the so-called limbic system, which includes clusters of nerve cells located under the cerebral cortex, in close proximity to its center, which controls the main organic processes: blood circulation, digestion, endocrine glands. Hence the close connection of emotions both with the consciousness of a person and with the states of his body.

Bearing in mind the vital importance of emotions, Charles Darwin proposed a theory explaining the origin and purpose of those organic changes and movements that usually accompany pronounced emotions. In it, the naturalist drew attention to the fact that pleasure and displeasure, joy, fear, anger, sadness are manifested in approximately the same way both in humans and in anthropoid apes. C. Darwin was interested in the vital meaning of those changes in the body that accompany the corresponding emotions. Comparing the facts, Darwin came to the following conclusions about the nature and role of emotions in life.

1. Internal (organic) and external (motor) manifestations of emotions play an important adaptive role in human life. They set him up for certain actions and, in addition, this is a signal for him about how the other living being is set up and what he intends to do.

2. Sometime in the process of evolution of living beings, those organic and motor reactions that they currently have were components of full-fledged, detailed practical adaptive actions. Subsequently, their external components were reduced, but the vital function remained the same. For example, a person or animal bares his teeth in anger, tense his muscles, as if preparing for an attack, their breathing and pulse quicken. This is a signal: a living being is ready to commit an act of aggression.

2. Development of emotions and personality development

Emotions go through the path of development common to higher mental functions - from external socially determined forms to internal mental processes. On the basis of innate reactions, the child develops the perception of the emotional state of the close people around him, which over time, under the influence of increasingly complex social contacts, turns into higher emotional processes - intellectual and aesthetic, which make up the emotional wealth of the individual. A newborn child is able to experience fear, which is revealed with a strong blow or a sudden loss of balance, displeasure, which manifests itself in the restriction of movements, and pleasure, which occurs in response to swaying, stroking. The following needs have an innate ability to evoke emotions:

Self-preservation (fear)

Freedom of movement (anger)

Obtaining a special kind of irritation that causes a state of sheer pleasure.

It is these needs that determine the foundation of a person's emotional life. If in an infant fear is caused only by loud sounds or loss of support, then already at 3-5 years old shame is formed, which is built on top of innate fear, being the social form of this emotion - the fear of condemnation. It is no longer determined by the physical characteristics of the situation, but by their social significance. In the future, joy develops as an expectation of pleasure in connection with the growing probability of satisfaction of any need. Joy and happiness arise only with social contacts.

Positive emotions develop in the child in the game and in exploratory behavior. Buhler showed that the moment of experiencing pleasure in children's games shifts as the child grows and develops: for a child, pleasure arises at the moment of obtaining the desired result. In this case, the emotion of pleasure plays the final role, encouraging the completion of the activity. The next step is functional pleasure: the playing child enjoys not only the result, but also the process of activity itself. Pleasure is no longer associated with the end of the process, but with its content. In the third stage, older children develop an anticipation of pleasure. Emotion in this case arises at the beginning of play activity, and neither the result of the action nor the performance itself is central to the child's experience.

The development of negative emotions is closely related to frustration - an emotional reaction to an obstacle to achieving a conscious goal. Frustration proceeds differently depending on whether the obstacle is overcome, a substitute goal is found. Habitual ways of resolving such a situation determine the emotions that form in this case. It is undesirable in the upbringing of a child to achieve his demands too often by direct pressure. To achieve the desired behavior in a child, you can use his age-specific feature - instability of attention, distract him and change the wording of the instructions. In this case, a new situation is created for the child, he will fulfill the requirement with pleasure and the negative consequences of frustration will not accumulate in him.

A person judges the emotional state of another by special expressive movements, facial expressions, voice changes, etc. Evidence has been obtained for the innate nature of some manifestations of emotions. In every society, there are norms for expressing emotions that correspond to ideas of decency, modesty, good breeding. An excess of facial, gestural or verbal expressiveness may be evidence of a lack of education and, as it were, put a person outside his circle. Parenting teaches how to show emotions and when to suppress them. It develops in a person such behavior, which is understood by others as courage, restraint, modesty, coldness, equanimity.

The brightness and variety of emotional relationships make a person more interesting. He responds to the most diverse phenomena of reality: he is excited by music and poetry, the launch of a satellite and the latest advances in technology. The richness of a person's own experiences helps her to understand what is happening more deeply, to penetrate more subtly into people's experiences, their relationships with each other.

Feelings and emotions contribute to a deeper knowledge of a person himself. Thanks to experiences, a person learns his capabilities, abilities, advantages and disadvantages. A person's experiences in a new environment often reveal something new in himself, in people, in the world of surrounding objects and phenomena.

Emotions and feelings give words, deeds, all behavior a certain flavor. Positive experiences inspire a person in his creative search and bold daring.

3. The influence of emotions on human behavior

Human behavior is largely dependent on his emotions, and different emotions affect behavior in different ways. There are so-called sthenic emotions that increase the activity of all processes in the body, and asthenic emotions that slow them down. Sthenic, as a rule, are positive emotions: satisfaction (pleasure), joy, happiness, and asthenic-negative: displeasure, grief, sadness. Let's look at each type of emotion in more detail, including mood, affect, feeling, passion, and stress, in their effect on human behavior.

The mood creates a certain tone of the body, i.e. its general mood (hence the name "mood") for activity. The productivity and quality of labor of a person in a good, optimistic mood is always higher than that of a person in a pessimistic mood. A person who is optimistic is always outwardly more attractive to others than one who is constantly in a bad mood. With a kindly smiling person, those around them enter into communication with a greater desire than with a person who has an unkind face.

Affects play a different role in people's lives. They are able to instantly mobilize the energy and resources of the body to solve a sudden problem or overcome an unexpected obstacle. This is the basic vital role of affects. In an appropriate emotional state, a person sometimes does things that he is usually not capable of. A mother, saving a child, does not feel pain, does not think about the danger to her own life. She is in a state of passion. At such a moment, a lot of energy is expended, and it is very uneconomical, and therefore, in order to continue normal activity, the body definitely needs rest. Affects often play a negative role, making a person's behavior uncontrollable and even dangerous for others.

Even more significant than that of moods and affects is the vital role of feelings. They characterize a person as a person, are quite stable and have an independent motivating force. Feelings determine the attitude of a person to the world around him, they also become moral regulators of actions and relationships between people. The upbringing of a person from a psychological point of view is to a large extent the process of forming his noble feelings, which include sympathy, kindness, and others. Human feelings, unfortunately, can be base, such as feelings of envy, anger, hatred. Aesthetic feelings are distinguished into a special class, which determine the attitude of a person to the world of beauty. The richness and variety of human feelings is a good indicator of the level of his psychological development.

Passions and stresses, unlike moods, affects and feelings, play a mostly negative role in life. A strong passion suppresses other feelings, needs and interests of a person, makes him one-sidedly limited in his aspirations, and stress in general has a destructive effect on psychology and behavior, on the state of health. Over the past few decades, a lot of convincing evidence has been obtained for this. The well-known American practical psychologist D. Carnegie, in his very popular book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, writes that according to modern medical statistics, more than half of all hospital beds are occupied by people suffering from emotional disorders, that three-quarters of patients with cardiovascular diseases, gastric and endocrine diseases could well cure themselves if they learned to control their emotions.

4.Emotional life of the individual

The totality of moods, affects, feelings and passions of a person forms his emotional life and such an individual quality as emotionality. This quality can be defined as a person's tendency to emotionally respond to various life circumstances that affect him, as his ability to experience emotions of different strength and quality, from moods to passions. Emotionality also refers to the strength of the influence of emotions on thinking and behavior.

Speaking about human feelings, we have already noted that they can be primitive and high. What are high feelings? These are emotions that are based on the highest morality accepted by a person, on moral standards and values ​​of behavior. The nobility of feelings is determined not by the very nature of these feelings, but by the goals and final results of those actions that a person performs under the influence of these feelings. If a person, having accidentally done something good for another, feels joy because of this, then such a feeling can be called noble. If, on the contrary, he has regret that someone has become better from his actions, or, for example, the feeling also depends on the fact that someone feels good, then such emotions cannot be called noble. The highest emotions of a person are the motives of behavior, that is, they are able to induce and guide a person, stimulate him to perform certain actions and deeds. This was once vividly described by the famous Dutch philosopher and psychologist B. Spinoza. The nature of people, he argued, is such that for the most part they feel compassion for those who feel bad, and envy those who feel good. Compassion and envy are difficult to combine emotions. However, they, unfortunately, occur almost equally often in life, sometimes making people emotional two-faced Januses. At the same time, throughout the centuries, the great and noble minds of mankind have constantly fought and called for ignoble feelings to be excluded from people's lives.

Emotions are the impetus for achieving goals. Positive emotions contribute to a better assimilation of cognitive processes. With them, a person is open to communication with others. Negative emotions interfere with normal communication. They contribute to the development of diseases, affecting the brain, and those in turn on the nervous system. Emotions are associated with cognitive processes. For example, with the perception of emotions, the connection is direct, because. Emotions are expressions of the sensuous. Depending on the mood, emotional state of a person, this is how he perceives the world around him, the situation. Emotions are also associated with sensation, only in this case sensations affect emotions. For example, touching a velvet surface, a person is pleased, he has a feeling of comfort, and touching a rough surface is unpleasant for a person.

If everything that happens, inasmuch as it has this or that relation on his part, can evoke certain emotions in him, then the effective connection between the emotions of a person and his own activity is especially close. Emotion with internal necessity arises from the ratio - positive or negative - of the results of an action to the need, which is its motive, the initial impulse.

This relationship is mutual: on the one hand, the course and outcome of human activity usually evoke certain feelings in a person, on the other hand, a person’s feelings, his emotional states affect his activity. Emotions not only cause activity, but are themselves conditioned by it. The nature of emotions, their basic properties and the structure of emotional processes depend on it.

The influence of emotions on activity in its main features obeys the well-known Jerkes-Dodson rule, which postulates the optimal level of stress for each specific type of work. A decrease in emotional tone as a result of a small need or completeness of the subject's awareness leads to drowsiness, loss of vigilance, missing significant signals, and slow reactions. On the other hand, excessive high level emotional stress disorganizes activity, complicates it with a tendency to premature reactions, reactions to extraneous, insignificant signals (false alarms), to primitive actions such as blind search by trial and error.

Human emotions are manifested in all types of human activity and especially in artistic creation. The artist's own emotional sphere is reflected in the choice of subjects, in the manner of writing, in the way of developing selected themes and subjects. All this taken together makes up the individual originality of the artist.


Main biological significance emotional experience lies in the fact that, in essence, only emotional experience allows a person to quickly assess his internal state, his emerging need and quickly build an adequate form of response: whether it is a primitive attraction or a conscious social activity. Along with this, emotions are also the main means of assessing the satisfaction of needs. As a rule, emotions accompanying any motivational excitation are referred to as negative emotions. They are subjectively unpleasant. The negative emotion that accompanies motivation has important biological significance. It mobilizes the efforts of a person to satisfy the need that has arisen. These unpleasant emotional experiences are intensified in all those cases when a person's behavior in the external environment does not lead to the satisfaction of the need that has arisen, i.e. to find appropriate reinforcements.

Life without emotions is just as impossible as life without sensations. Emotions, argued the famous naturalist C. Darwin, arose in the process of evolution as a means by which living beings establish the significance of certain conditions to meet their urgent needs. Emotionally expressive human movements - facial expressions, gestures, pantomime - perform the function of communication, i.e. communication to a person of information about the state of the speaker and his attitude to what is happening at the moment, as well as the function of influence - exerting a certain influence on the one who is the subject of perception of emotional and expressive movements. The interpretation of such movements by the perceiving person occurs on the basis of the correlation of the movement with the context in which the communication takes place.


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Certainly our appearance directly related to the nervous system. You can always determine exactly what you or your interlocutor are feeling just by looking at him: when a person is angry or embarrassed, redness appears, when he is afraid - pallor. But what happens inside the body when we experience positive or negative emotions?

Doctors say that during a period of stress, when we experience a lot of negative emotions, blood flow is directed primarily to those organs that the body considers most important for survival: the heart, lungs, brain, liver and kidneys. And from other organs there is an outflow of blood, for example, from the skin, which immediately feels a lack of oxygen, acquiring an unhealthy shade. That is why a prolonged feeling of stress can not only harm your beauty, but also disrupt the mechanism of the whole organism.

It turns out that by taking care of our nervous system, we help ourselves get rid of all the negative consequences that manifest themselves primarily on the skin. Have you noticed that now the market for cosmetic services is replete with offers of procedures that cheer up and positively affect the condition of the skin? They are designed specifically to give you a feeling of comfort, joy and tranquility.


Do you like to eat sweets when you notice that you are in a bad mood? Most likely, you motivate “stress-eating” by the fact that a piece of cake or a huge serving of ice cream will allow you to increase the level of serotonin in your blood, which has received a loud name - the “happiness hormone”. But let's be frank: when you are in a bad mood, your metabolism slows down, the hormone of joy does not bring the expected effect, and as a result, you get a double portion of disorders - excess weight and skin problems. If you want to cheer yourself up and at the same time tighten your figure, then it’s better to go to the pool or the gym. Moderate physical exercise cope with a bad mood "perfectly", allowing you to splash out negative energy, tone up and relax. And all this leads to a beautiful appearance, a healthy metabolism and a beautiful figure.


Surely you have heard that, for example, pregnant women need peace and a good mood so that the baby does not worry with his mother. This is so important that even ancient india And Ancient China three months after conception, they tried to surround the woman with only exquisite things, sewed clothes for her from the softest materials, and sometimes even arranged concerts where pleasant music was played. It was believed that this contributes to the birth of a healthy and talented baby.

All this is not just so, if the influence of emotions was known in antiquity. Positive emotions contribute to the formation of endorphins in the brain - hormones of happiness - affecting the human immune system. These hormones often help us win over diseases! Do you know that, on average, 90% of diseases are formed when a person experiences negative emotions, that is, psychologically preparing himself for the fight?

The list of diseases that can manifest themselves due to experiences, stress, constant negative emotions is incredibly wide: here you have neurosis, depression, colds, and even oncological and autoimmune diseases! The nervous system is incredibly sensitive to external and internal influences, affecting the entire body. But if you tune in to a positive wave, you will immediately feel that it is much more pleasant for you to live: despondency cannot exist where there is a healthy emotional state.


Well, who wants to communicate with a person from whom you feel sheer dissatisfaction? It seems to no one. So don't let bad mood influence your relationship with your loved one, friends or relatives. If you are positive in your outlook on the world, you will surely attract the same positive people, events and circumstances to you. Look around: everything that surrounds you is the result of your own thoughts and emotions! How you look at the world is the result of your thinking. Whether you are aware of it or not, the dominant thoughts will definitely affect your environment.

How to set yourself up for positive emotions?

Psychologists talk about a few very simple, but effective ways get rid of negative energy and find the well-deserved peace and satisfaction:

    Learn to express your emotions out loud! Of course, your boyfriend doesn't need to know how much you're fed up with his best friend, and your boss doesn't need to know how much he's put on your shoulders. Better tell it to your girlfriend, who will never betray you, or say everything to yourself so that no one can hear you.

    A good idea that all psychologists advise is to start your own personal diary, where you can write down all your experiences and even positive emotions! Let your diary not be a "black book" for you, full of negativity. Write down the bright moments for which you are grateful. The feeling of gratitude improves your mood, and you yourself tune in to a positive wave.

Ready to put our tips into practice? Cosmo, together with HP, announces the launch of a new project in which famous heroes talk about the brightest moments of their lives - from the birth of a child to the first performance on stage in front of a huge audience. Follow the updates on the Cosmo website and participate in a joint competition.

  • First principle
  • Second principle
  • Third principle
  • Fourth principle
  • Emotion as an accelerator

The importance of emotions in human life is incredibly high. It turns out that emotions are a useful tool that can be actively used. It has been proven that a low degree of emotion brings disorganization, and a high degree leads to rapid exhaustion.

For each person, the basic emotion settings work, but you can organize them for yourself, create optimal modes. Let's see how it works, what are the four main laws in this area.

First principle

The higher the emotional arousal, the better the person performs his work. The effectiveness of actions increases. Gradually, emotional arousal reaches its peak, which is also known as the optimal emotional state. Then, if the emotional arousal continues to grow, then the efficiency of work performance decreases. This is confirmed Yerkes-Dodson law. It says that there is an optimal emotional-motivational level to which one must strive. If emotions exceed this bar, then a person loses the desire to learn, he is only interested in the result. There is a fear of not getting this result. Too strong emotions become your enemy, they influence the appearance of another kind of activity, they concentrate your attention not on what is needed at the moment.

Second principle

This principle explains the influence of emotions on a person, follows from the law of force of IP Pavlov. The law says that excitation can turn into extreme inhibition if strong stimuli act on the body.

One of the most powerful stimuli is anxiety. We all know the situation when, due to excitement, we cannot concentrate on doing the work, we forget elementary things that previously did not cause difficulties. For example, the first flight of a flight school cadet will be held under the strict control of the commander, who will voice all the actions for landing the aircraft. Although the cadet knew the whole procedure perfectly, he forgot everything because of the excitement. Joy can also be destructive. Too much joy from the upcoming victory can affect the performance of the athlete, and he will show a worse result than he could show.

The second principle is not so simple, there are a number of reservations here. A high level of arousal has a positive effect on the performance of simple actions. A person invigorates, ceases to be lethargic and passive. Cases of medium complexity should be accompanied by medium excitement. And when executing serious tasks it is worth reducing the influence of emotions on human activity in order to make them good.

If you feel a high level of arousal, then it is better not to start difficult tasks. Switch to something that does not require serious brain activity. Clear your desk, put your papers in order. In a calm state, it is worth paying attention to more complex matters. So it is possible achieve maximum concentration and efficiency.

Sometimes increased arousal occurs during a work or school day when difficult tasks must be completed. In this case, anxiety or tension cannot be stimulated. Try to remove the excitement. You can briefly switch to simpler actions, joke, use supportive gestures to remove the influence of emotions.

Third principle

The higher the emotional stress, the worse we make choices. The centers of excitation gain strength, they begin to dominate memory. So we stop see the right solutions. Intense emotions cause counterarguments to be ignored. The person considers himself absolutely right.

Fourth principle

This principle is similar to the reverse lane rule. There are two groups of emotions. The first is active, positive human emotions, also called sthenic. These include those feelings that favorably affect the body, for example, admiration, joy, surprise. The second group is passive emotions, also called asthenic. Boredom, sadness, apathy, shame. They negatively affect the life processes of our body. Both groups of emotions work on the principle of one-way traffic.

The work of sthenic emotions occurs as follows. If a person experiences joy or surprise, then his brain and other organs receive additional nutrition due to the expansion of blood vessels. Fatigue is unusual for a person, on the contrary, he tries to work more, to be in motion. We are familiar with this situation, when joy forces us to run, scream, jump with delight, laugh out loud and gesticulate strongly. We feel additional energy, a force that makes us move. A joyful person feels a surge of cheerfulness. Moreover, the expansion of blood vessels stimulates the brain to work productively. A person can have bright and extraordinary ideas, he thinks faster and thinks better. In all areas, there is a positive role of emotions in human life.

The opposite effect of emotions on a person is observed with asthenic emotions. Blood vessels narrow, which is why the internal organs and, most importantly, the brain are malnourished, anemia. Sadness (or other asthenic emotions) stimulate pallor of the skin, a decrease in temperature. The person may feel chills and difficulty breathing. Naturally, the quality of mental activity decreases, apathy and lethargy occur. A person loses interest in performing tasks, thinks more slowly. Asthenic emotions provoke fatigue and weakness. There is a desire to sit down, as the legs stop holding. If passive emotions have a long-term effect on the body, then all life processes begin to experience them. Negative influence(may occur depression, get out from which is not always easy).

The one-way rule mentioned above works in the case of unambiguous emotions. This rule has minor exceptions. But 90% of unequivocal emotions can either reduce human potential or increase it.

But the influence of emotions on human activity cannot be so simple. There are also ambiguous emotions that act as reverse lanes. They can have different directions, on which it depends whether the effect on the body will be favorable or negative.

To better understand the principle of work will help such an emotion as anger. If anger is used as a psychological influence on the environment, then the effectiveness of the group and its balance are destroyed. Emotions and behavior of a person in a group change. But anger can stimulate the inner strength of a person, which, on the contrary, increases the efficiency of his work.

Anger can have a positive effect on conflict situations when they develop slowly. It stimulates the emergence of disagreements that have not previously appeared, have not been discussed. Anger aggravates the conflict, which leads to its resolution. Therefore, human emotions can be divided into the following groups:

  • unequivocal emotions that positively affect activity;
  • unequivocal emotions that negatively affect activity;
  • ambiguous emotions that have a dual effect depending on their direction.

Emotion as an accelerator

The influence of emotions on human activity can significantly increase its effectiveness. Various emotions are responsible for this. The impact is not only on the intellectual sphere, but also on other areas of life. The group of emotions that positively affect activity includes:

  • Adoption. Trust begins with acceptance. Trust projects security and faith in a person, opinion, or situation. With trust, we can completely rely on the other, save ourselves from the need to control, from studying a certain issue.
  • Confidence. Trust causes many emotions, some of them polar. For example, trust can stimulate both love and hate. It can cause various conditions - both comfort and stress. The atmosphere of trust is favorable, but this feeling itself is not a motivation. Usually the beginning of work on many projects begins with acceptance and trust. They go hand in hand with performance. The lower the trust, the lower the efficiency. Its presence determines the internal atmosphere in any team. There is a positive effect of emotions on human activity.
  • Expectation. Expectation is related to our ideas about the result. It arises even before the result has appeared, it expresses the emotion of anticipation. Expectation is more powerful than acceptance and trust. It stimulates human activity, he is ready to perform any work that will be aimed at achieving the desired result.
  • Joy. This positive emotion causes feelings of satisfaction and activity. It appears very rapidly, often bordering on the strength of affect. A person feels joy when he receives a desired or pleasant gift, news, and so on. Creativity is strongly associated with joy and interest. These emotions combine to set us up for a constructive and productive creative process. Even if the joy is not related to the work process, the positive impact of this emotion can be transferred to the activity, increase its effectiveness. Joy is a strong stimulus, only surprise will be greater in strength.
  • Astonishment. This emotion is caused by a strong impression of an unusual or strange object or event. Surprise is often called the emotion responsible for clearing the channels, because. it is this that prepares the nerve pathways for activity, frees them. With the help of surprise, we can highlight and note something new and unusual for us. A person distinguishes the old from the new, stimulates attention to an atypical situation, makes it analyze. Thus, the efficiency of mental activity increases, since the brain wants to fully study the phenomenon or event that aroused surprise in it.
  • Delight. Admiration occurs for a short period of time. Sometimes this feeling is confused with delight. The difference lies in the direction - admiration appears for a specific person or object. Of all the emotions described, admiration is the strongest. It significantly affects the activity and activity, makes you work to get a result. If a person feels admiration, it means that he sees a certain positive quality. When subordinates follow the conduct of successful negotiations, they try to achieve the same heights that their leader reached. When a project delights its participants, their responsibility for the result increases. And if admiration coexists with interest, then this symbiosis is already becoming a sure recipe for success.

Having understood and understood how emotions affect our activities and life in general, we can learn to control them. Development of emotional intelligence- one of the stages in building inner harmony and a serious step towards great success.

emotions feeling upbringing

Emotional education of a person is not only one of the significant goals of education, but also an equally important component of its content. P. K. Anokhin Anokhin Pyotr Konstantinovich - Soviet physiologist, creator of the theory of functional systems, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1945) and the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1972). wrote: "Producing almost instantaneous integration (combining into a single whole) of all functions of the body, emotions in themselves and in the first place can be an absolute signal of a beneficial or harmful effect on the body, often even before the localization of effects and the specific mechanism of the body's response are determined. ". Thanks to the emotion that has arisen in time, the body has the opportunity to adapt extremely favorably to the surrounding conditions. He is able to quickly and quickly respond to external influences without having yet determined its type, form, or other private specific parameters. Positive emotions and feelings (joy, bliss, sympathy) create an optimistic mood in a person, contribute to the development of his volitional sphere. Positive emotional arousal improves the performance of easier tasks and makes it more difficult for more difficult ones. But at the same time, positive emotions associated with achieving success contribute to an increase, and negative emotions associated with failure - to a decrease in the level of performance of activities and exercises. Positive emotions have a significant impact on the course of any activity, including educational. The regulatory role of emotions and feelings increases if they not only accompany this or that activity, but also precede it, anticipate it, which prepares a person for inclusion in this activity. Thus, emotions themselves depend on activity and exert their influence on it.

In physiological terms, positive emotions and feelings, acting on the human nervous system, contribute to the improvement of the body, while negative ones destroy it and lead to various diseases. Positive emotions and feelings have a powerful effect on behavioral processes and thinking.

1) Positive thinking. Being in a good mood, a person argues in a completely different way than when he is in a bad mood. Studies have shown that good mood is manifested in positive free associations, in writing funny stories when asked on the TAT (thematic apperception test). The TAT includes a set of cards with pictures that are indeterminate in content, allowing for arbitrary interpretation by the subjects, who are instructed to compose a story for each picture. Interpretation of the answers makes it possible to judge personality traits, as well as the temporary, current state of the subject, his mood.), favorable descriptions of social situations, perception of himself as a socially competent person, a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem.

2) Memory. In a good mood, it is easier to remember joyful events in life or words filled with positive meaning. The generally accepted explanation for this phenomenon is that memory is based on a network of associative links between events and representations. They interact with emotions, and at the moment when the individual is in a certain emotional state, his memory is tuned to the events associated with this particular state.

3) Problem solving. People who are in a good mood approach problems differently than those in a neutral or sad mood. The former are characterized by increased reaction, the ability to develop the simplest solution strategy and make the first solution found. Experiments have shown that stimulating good mood (positive emotions) leads to original and varied word associations, suggesting a potentially wider creative range. All this contributes to an increase in creative returns and favorably affects the process of solving problems.

4) Help, altruism and sympathy. Many studies have shown that happy people are characterized by such qualities as generosity and willingness to help others. The same qualities are also characteristic of people whose good mood was caused by artificial stimulation of positive experiences (receiving small gifts, recalling pleasant events, etc.). People who are in a good mood believe that helping others is a compensatory and beneficial action that contributes to maintaining a positive emotional state. Observations show that people in good location spirit and noticing the discrepancy between their own state and the state of others, they try to somehow balance this inequality. It has been established that the environment also has a significant impact on the relationship of people.

Negative emotion disorganizes the activity that leads to its occurrence, but organizes actions aimed at reducing or eliminating harmful effects. There is emotional tension. It is characterized by a temporary decrease in the stability of mental and psychomotor processes, which, in turn, is accompanied by various rather pronounced vegetative reactions and external manifestations of emotions.

The emotional factor can have a very strong influence on a person and even lead to much deeper pathological changes in organs and tissues than any strong physical effect. Cases of death are known not only from great grief, but also from too much joy. So, the famous philosopher Sophocles died at the moment when the crowd gave him a stormy ovation on the occasion of the presentation of his brilliant tragedy.

Mental stress, especially the so-called negative emotions - fear, envy, hatred, longing, grief, sadness, despondency, anger - weaken the normal activity of the central nervous system and the whole organism. They can be not only the cause of serious diseases, but also cause the onset of premature old age. Studies show that a person who is constantly anxious experiences visual impairment over time. Practice also speaks of this: people who have cried a lot and experienced great anxieties have weak eyes. An aggressive feeling also has a negative effect on a person. In the structure of aggressive behavior, feelings are the force (expression) that activates and to some extent accompanies aggression, ensuring the unity and interpenetration of its sides: internal (aggression) and external (aggressive action). An aggressive feeling is, first of all, a person's ability to experience such emotional states as anger, anger, hostility, revenge, resentment, pleasure, and others. People can be plunged into such states both by unconscious (for example, heat, noise, tightness) and conscious (jealousy, competition, and others) reasons. The formation and development of aggression is carried out on the interweaving of feelings and thoughts. And the more thoughts dominate, the stronger and more sophisticated aggressive actions will be, because only thought can conflict, direct and plan aggression.

Many are accustomed to thinking that negative emotions and feelings (grief, contempt, envy, fear, anxiety, hatred, shame) form weak will and weakness. However, such an alternative division is not always justified: negative emotions also contain a "rational" grain. One who is devoid of the feeling of sadness is just as pathetic as the person who does not know what joy is or who has lost the sense of humor. If there are not too many negative emotions, they stimulate, make you look for new solutions, approaches, methods.