What is the size of the red brick - consider the standards. Standard size of bricks of all types Appearance, characteristics and purpose of the material

  • 17.06.2019

On the market today there are many new building materials, however, the most popular of them has been ordinary brick for many years. Safety, durability, beautiful appearance and the ability to retain heat for a long time are the main qualities of the product for which the consumer appreciates it.

Before starting the construction of buildings, each developer tries to calculate the approximate cost of acquiring the main material, and for this he needs to determine its quantity. At this stage, it is important to know what dimensions this product has. In our article we will consider the main varieties of this material and their sizes.

Types of bricks and their sizes

In order to make the necessary calculations, you need to know the type of brick that will be used in the process of laying walls. Having its parameters, you can determine how many bricks (pieces) are in a cube.

To date, there are three varieties of this material, differing in size:

  • single;
  • one and a half;
  • double.

Products of the first type are presented in the form of red or yellow ceramic bricks and have fixed dimensions of 250 x 120 x 65 mm. This material is used in cases where the walls need to be given the most aesthetic appearance. Knowing its standard parameters, you can easily calculate the volume of one element, which will help you understand how many bricks are in 1 m3. The volume indicator is 1950 cubic centimeters, which means that in one cube there will be 513 pieces of products of this variety.

One and a half brick differs from the previous version greater height. This group includes white (silicate) products, which are used in cases where it is necessary to significantly speed up the construction time of the building. The walls laid out of such material are not attractive, therefore, in most cases they are faced. Standard size silicate brick - 250 x 120 x 88 mm. Volume this product is 2640 cubic centimeters, so one cube contains 379 elements.

If the construction needs to be completed as soon as possible, a double brick is used. Its dimensions are 250 x 120 x 138, and the volume of one product is 4140 cubic centimeters. One cubic meter holds 255 bricks of this variety.

Determine the required number of bricks

Knowing the required amount of building material allows you to avoid unnecessary costs for the purchase of unnecessary products and to avoid downtime (in the event of a shortage of building elements).

To correctly calculate how many bricks are in 1 m3 brickwork, it must be taken into account that the elements will be connected to each other using a solution. The thickness of the resulting seams has a direct effect on the amount of material used. Practice shows that the average thickness of the seam is 10-12 mm.

When performing work with such gaps, brick walls will be strong, reliable and durable. With a decrease or increase in the thickness of the solution, the strength indicators will be significantly lower and there will be a high probability of deformation of the building. Given these data, it is possible to determine how much building stone will go per cubic meter of masonry.

Calculation of the material taking into account the seam

How many bricks include cubic meter without taking into account the solution, we already know. Now, by simple calculations, we determine the amount of each type of brick in a cubic meter of wall.

To begin with, we calculate how many single bricks are in 1 m3 of masonry.

To do this, we multiply all its dimensions and the average thickness of the seam: 25 x 12 x 6.5 x 1.2 = 2340 cm 3. Knowing that there are 1 million cubic centimeters in one cubic meter, we determine the number of bricks in 1 m 3 of the wall: 1000000/2340 = 427 elements.

The number of double bricks is determined by a similar principle:

  1. 25 x 12 x 13.8 x 1.2 \u003d 4968 cm 3.
  2. 1000000 / 4968 = 201 bricks.

Knowing the size of the silicate brick, we determine the number of one and a half building stones in a cubic meter of the wall:

  1. 25 x 12 x 8.8 x 1.2 \u003d 3168 cm 3.
  2. 1000000 / 3168 = 315 bricks.

Similar calculations can be made with all building materials that have fixed dimensions.

Don't forget the stock

When erecting walls, the calculation of building material is carried out in squares. Their number also depends on the dimensions of the product, the method of laying bricks and the selected thickness of the seam.

At the stage of calculating the cost of construction, it is necessary to take into account the fact that some part of the material may be damaged. Based on this, to the final figure (obtained in the calculations the right material) should be added about 5%.

If laying is planned complex structures(arches, curly openings, etc.), then 10-15% more bricks will be required.

Using the example of single products, we will determine how much material is required to build one square meter of a half-brick wall.

  1. According to the dimensions known to us, we calculate the area of ​​​​one element: 25 x 6.5 \u003d 162.5 cm 2.
  2. Knowing that there are 10 thousand square centimeters in one square meter, we perform the following calculations: 10,000 / 162.5 = 61.5 pieces.

For one and a half products, an example calculation will look like this:

  1. 25 x 8.8 \u003d 220 cm 2.
  2. 100000 / 200 = 45 bricks.

Similarly, the quantity for a double brick is determined.

This material calculation principle can also be used for products custom sizes. To do this, the area of ​​​​the sidewall of the product is determined, after which square meter is divided by the resulting value. If in the process of calculations it is necessary to take into account the width of the seam between the elements, 10-12 mm are added to their dimensions.

How to calculate the amount of material, taking into account the thickness of the wall

Given that bricklaying can be carried out in several ways and the thickness of the wall can also be different, the indicator of how many bricks are in 1 m3 of structures can vary. When it comes to small amounts of work, this fact can be ignored. In large-scale construction, even the smallest miscalculations can lead to a shortage of material and to a halt in the entire process.

To understand how the final figure (the required number of bricks) changes depending on the thickness of the masonry, we need to know the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall.

Using the example of a single product, we determine how many red bricks are in m3 of wall masonry, knowing that its length is 7 meters, height 3 meters, and width 510 cm:

  1. First you need to find the lateral area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure: 7 x 3 \u003d 21 m 2.
  2. Having the thickness of the wall, we find its volume: 21 x 0.51 \u003d 10.71 m 3.
  3. The volume of one single brick known to us (in cm 3) is translated into m 3: 1950 / 1000000 \u003d 0.00195 m 3.
  4. We calculate the number of bricks needed (dividing the volume of the wall by the volume of one brick): 10.71 / 0.00195 = 5492 bricks.

By the same principle, you can find out how much you need of any products for the construction of walls of various thicknesses.


Knowing how many bricks (pieces) are in a cube, you can plan your expenses for the purchase of building material as accurately as possible. Taking as a basis the project of the future building, you can calculate how many bricks you will need to build each element of the structure. This calculation will help save money and reduce the time of construction itself.

A long time ago, various natural materials, including stone, were used to build buildings. V modern world, stone is sometimes used in construction, but buildings from it are expensive. Brick has become a good alternative, it is a more durable material for construction. Bricks are made according to certain standards. There are more than 15 thousand color and texture compounds. The universal sizes of a brick allow to use in different variations. Before starting work with a brick, it is necessary to study its types, sizes and types.

Used to be bricks
made from clay, which was subsequently fired in kilns. Over time, the recipe for making bricks changed, various ingredients were added to the composition, such as straw, the drying time and the volume of water were increased. Fired blanks (plinths) have high strength, so they are used for the construction of tall buildings.

In modern brick production, clay is also used, sand, lime and various additives are also used.

There are two different types bricks:

For the manufacture of such bricks, sand, lime and binders are used in small quantities. Brick has gray white color. In production, the brick is doused with high-pressure steam. The disadvantages of silicate bricks are not fire resistance and moisture resistance, so it is used in the construction of walls and partitions indoors.

Ceramic or red. It is produced from almost one clay, the number of additives is not large. The blocks are fired. Such a brick is not whimsical, in use and can withstand up to 1.8 thousand degrees of heat.

Red brick is of two types:

Refractory. This type of brick is made from more resistant clay, it differs in the type of hardening. Such a brick is heat-resistant, suitable for buildings where high temperatures are used.

The blocks have voids, due to the porous structure, heat is retained, and the weight of the structure becomes less. From the method of application, bricks are divided into simple(for building walls and partitions) and facing(for decoration).

Initially, bricks were made by hand, and there was no talk of any technologies and norms. At the beginning of the 20th century, the situation changed, as bricks began to be produced in factories. Each plant set certain standards for its products, so the construction of facilities progressed slowly. The situation was changed by Peter I, he gave the order to make bricks according to one standard, but such a brick turned out to be very cumbersome and not convenient for construction.

Types of brick sizes

Uniform state standards for the production of bricks were introduced in 1927, and they are still used today.

There are main requirements for the manufacture of bricks:

  • Length approximately 4 mm;
  • Height is not more than 3 mm;
  • Width 3 mm and no more.

In addition to double, one and a half and single standard bricks, bricks are also made in the size of 250x120x138 mm, they are commensurate with two layings of ordinary bricks.

Sometimes blocks are taken instead of bricks, they are released from lightweight concrete with cells. The second option is concrete with expanded clay filling. Such blocks have a size of 390x190x188 mm. It will give a beautiful, finished look to the building; there are no certain standards for its size.

Silicate bricks were produced much later than red bricks; they are produced by autoclave synthesis. In the production of silicate bricks, sand, lime are used, these components are mixed and pressed into bricks. In order for the brick to have a color, and special properties, dyes are added to the composition. The formed blocks are placed in an autoclave, where the blocks are doused with high-pressure steam.

Silicate bricks come in three varieties:

  • Single. Standard, not often used (250x120x65 mm), euro version, its width is smaller and is 85mm;
  • One and a half (250x120x88 mm);
  • Double (250x120x138 mm).

In construction, a double or one and a half type of block is more often used. Silicate brick of any size, it can be hollow or solid, their weight differs by about 1 kg.

At hollow brick holes can be through and perpendicular to the bed. Depending on the material, the weight of silicate or standard bricks is approximately 4 kg. Due to the cavities in the hollow brick, its weight becomes less.

In the blocks, voids can be different forms and dimensions, for this reason, the weight of the brick must be measured individually.

Facing bricks are produced with a smooth beautiful surface especially for external finishing works and to protect the walls from snow and rain. To create unique and original buildings, they are produced with different colors.

Facing brick happens:

  1. Clinker. It is made from the best materials which have high attractiveness and durability.
  2. Ceramic. It happens with and without voids. From hollow blocks, the structure turns out to be lighter, structures from solid bricks turn out to be heavier and more durable.

For finishing doorways, windows, plinths, garden paths etc., clinker bricks are used, as it has special strength and frost resistance.

When ordering materials, you need to know their parameters. Even such a well-known material as brick has a large number of types and varieties. The good news is that its parameters are standardized. The standard brick size and its qualitative characteristics are determined.

Types of building bricks

According to the material, the brick is ceramic (clay, red) and silicate (white). By appointment - ordinary (construction) and finishing (facade). An ordinary one is used for laying walls, it involves subsequent finishing, therefore a notch can be applied to the side faces (spoons) - in order for the plaster to hold better.

Types of bricks - ordinary and special

According to the method of molding, the brick is corpulent and hollow (hollow). Full-bodied is molded from a homogeneous composition. They are used where mechanical strength is important - foundations, load-bearing walls.

Hollow has a certain percentage of voids, due to which the weight of the structure is reduced, and thermal conductivity characteristics are improved. But the presence of voids significantly reduces sound insulation performance - voids work as resonators. So you have to use them wisely.

Ceramic brick size

Ceramic bricks are fired parallelepipeds molded from clay. Quality is largely determined by properly maintained firing parameters, as well as the composition of the clay solution. Qualitative ceramic brick can be used for any construction operation: for the construction of the foundation (solid), the construction of external walls and internal partitions.

Building bricks have certain dimensions defined by standards. The most commonly used single brick size is 250 * 120 * 65 mm

The main disadvantage of this building material is some variation in geometry. It is explained by the peculiarities of clay - it can be of different "fat content", which makes it difficult to accurately predict how much the size will decrease during drying / firing.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing a red brick, you should pay attention to its color. It displays the quality of the batch along with a parameter such as brick size. It is unburnt or burnt. The second option is not bad in operation (it looks darker than usual), and it is better not to use unburned brick (lighter and looser) at all - it falls apart very quickly.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is the absence of extraneous inclusions. Most often there are light points and expanded clay. Both lead to the rapid destruction of the brick. So we choose only batches with a uniform color without any additives.

More quality criteria

That is, the requirements for ordinary building bricks are quite loyal. The presence of these defects does not affect the quality of the masonry, and the decorative component is unimportant, since it is assumed that there is a finish. Do not forget to check the size of the brick - in one batch, the run-up should not be more than 3 mm.

The requirements for finishing (facing) ceramic bricks are more stringent. Invalid:

  • Chips of edges with a depth of more than 1.5 cm.
  • There should be no cracks.
  • The ribs should not have bruises more than 3 mm wide and more than 1.5 cm long.

To meet these requirements, the finishing bricks are laid on pallets, the corners are protected with boards knocked down at an angle, the entire structure is wrapped with a film. It is transported in this way.


The optimal size of a clay brick (red, ceramic) was determined historically. It has been produced for thousands of years, as a result perfect combination lengths, which is reflected in the standard. It was adopted only in the last century. There are three standard options available:

Of the features - a single brick is full-bodied, hollow. One and a half and double - only hollow, otherwise they turn out to be too heavy for comfortable work.

In addition to the standard ones, there is a reduced brick. It is produced in Europe, but it also comes to us. Its parameters and international designation are summarized in the table.

Markingbrick sizeConsumption
D.F.240*115*52mm64 pieces/m2
RF240*115*65mm54 pcs/m2
NF240*115*71mm48 pcs/m2
WDF210*100*65mm59 pcs/m2
2DF240*115*113mm32 pcs/m2

What size is better

In the post-Soviet space, a single brick is most often used. It is very familiar to our eyes; many masonry schemes have been developed for it. It is worth learning from such material.

One and a half bricks are used less often. It provides some economic benefit. Firstly, a cubic meter costs a little lower. Secondly, since the masonry fragments are larger, less mortar is consumed. Thirdly, work goes faster. Time is saved due to the larger size. But it is more difficult to work with a brick and a half, even if it is hollow - it is hard to hold in your hand. And the appearance of the wall is unusual.

Double brick is more often called ceramic building stone. When using it, the most tangible effect is the speed of construction. In addition, the solution savings are also increased. But it will not work to grab such a brick with one hand. Therefore, it is better to work with an assistant. Appearance masonry leaves much to be desired, so exterior finishes are desirable.

If we talk about other countries, then in Europe the most popular ones are NF and DF. Imported ceramic brick NF has almost the same proportions as the domestic one. Category DF - thinner, masonry looks elegant.

Silicate brick dimensions

Silicate brick is made from quartz sand (9 parts) and lime (1 part), a certain amount of additives. This building material is best performance in terms of thermal conductivity (conducts heat worse), less weight. The technology is such that it is easier to maintain geometric dimensions, so there are usually no problems.

But it is not as hard as red brick, besides it is afraid of moisture - with prolonged contact with moisture, it begins to crumble. Because of this, the main area of ​​\u200b\u200buse is for the construction of walls and partitions. Neither for the foundation, nor for the basement floor, nor for laying the chimney, it can not be used.

The second area of ​​application is as finishing material. The base composition has a white, slightly grayish color. You can add any dye to it and get a colored brick.

The dimensions of the building silicate brick are the same as those of the ceramic one: single has a height of 65 mm, one and a half - 88 mm, double - 138 mm.

Single and one-and-a-half silicate bricks can be solid and hollow. Single corpulent weighs 3.6 kg, hollow - depending on the size of the voids 1.8-2.2 kg. A full-bodied one and a half has a mass of 4.9 kg, and a hollow one - 4.0-4.3 kg.

Double silicate brick is usually made hollow. Its weight is 6.7 kg. Full-bodied are rare - because of the large mass (7.7 kg), it is difficult to work with them.

Weight of one piece: ceramic, silicate, ordinary, facial

The weight of the brick is needed firstly, to calculate the foundation, this parameter is especially important when; secondly, for cargo transportation; and thirdly, to determine the quality and compliance with the requirements of GOST.

brick typePurposeViewNominal dimensionsemptinessWeightWater absorption
Ceramic GOST 530-2007private (worker)single, full bodied250*120*65 0% 3.3 - 3.6 kg10 -12%
single, hollow (hollow, slotted)250*120*65 30-32% 2.5 - 3.0 kg (at 6% voidness weight 3.8 kg)12 -17%
one and a half, full bodied250*120*88 0% 4 - 4.3 kg12 -17%
one and a half, hollow250*120*88 30-32% 3.5 kg (at 6% voidness - 4.7 kg)12 -17%
double, full bodied250*120*140 0% 6.6 - 7.24 kg12 - 17%
double, hollow250*120*140 30-32% 5.0 - 6.0 kg12- 17%
facing (facial)single, full bodied250*120*65 0% 2.6 kg9 - 14%
single hollow250*120*65 30-36% 1.32 - 1.6 kg9 -1 4%
one and a half hollow250*120*88 30-36% 2.7 - 3.5 kg9 - 14%
Silicate GOST 379-95private (worker)single solid250*120*65 0% 3.7 - 3.8 kg (according to GOST)
single hollow250*120*65 15-31% 3.1 - 3.3 kg
one and a half corpulent250*120*88 0% 4.2 - 5.0 kg
one and a half hollow250*120*88 15-31% 4.2 - 5 kg
double hollow250*120*140 15-31% 5.3 - 5.4 kg
facing (facial)single solid250*120*65 0% 3.5 - 3.9 kg
one and a half corpulent250*120*88 0% 3.7 - 4.3 kg
one and a half hollow250*120*88 15-31% 3.7 - 4.2 kg

In addition to standard-sized bricks, there are a large number of lightweight finishing bricks. For example, there is a silicate one and a half, which weighs only a little more than a standard single - 4.1-5.0 kg.

There is the so-called "American" - with a standard single size and a weight of only 2.5 kg. Light versions can be used for in case of shortage bearing capacity foundation. Although, it is better to use a lighter finish - facade slabs, for example.

Fireclay brick parameters

For the construction of stoves, fireplaces in the zone of contact with fire, a special fire-resistant brick is used. In its production, a special grade of clay is used - fireclay. Therefore, such a brick is also called fireclay. The production process is the same as building red bricks - shaping, drying, firing in a kiln. But, due to the special properties of fireclay, the resulting building material can easily withstand prolonged contact with open fire. In everyday life, two brands of refractory bricks are used general purpose— SHA and SB. ShA can withstand temperatures up to 1690°C, ShB - up to 1650°C, all other parameters are identical. Therefore, they have the same scope - this is the molding of fireboxes for fireplaces and stoves.

The size of the refractory brick is to be coded in the number after the abbreviation:

  • ShB-5, ShA 5 - 230 * 114 * 65 mm;
  • ShB-6, ShA 6, ShA 14 - 230 * 114 * 40 mm (bream);
  • ShB-8, ShA 8 - 250*125*65 mm;
  • ShB-9, ShA 9 - 300 * 150-65 mm;

Most often, ShA 8 or ShB 8 are used. They coincide in length and thickness with ceramic red brick, from which the rest of the furnace is laid. There is also a wedge-shaped refractory brick - to form the vaults of the firebox and smooth curves in the horizontal plane.

There are two types of wedge refractory bricks:

This is not all sizes and types of fireclay bricks. You will find more in GOST 8691-73.

Clinker brick

Clinker brick is another special type of ceramic brick. In its manufacture, a special type of clay is used - refractory slate. The molded blocks are fired at a very high temperature of 1200°C. As a result of this processing, the clay acquires the properties of ceramics, the color - from dark red to rich brown.

Clinker bricks have very high strength and abrasion resistance. From it you can pave roads, finish the porch. And they will serve for centuries. The surface of the clinker is even, smooth, shiny. That allows you to use it also as a finishing brick - for finishing facades, etc.

The shape and size of clinker bricks can be very different - there are a lot of them, since there are not only standard ones - in the form of a parallelepiped, but also with rounded edges beveled at different angles.

It is no secret that the reliability and strength characteristics of brickwork are largely determined by the type of construction, as well as the consumption of the building mixture used for its dressing. At the same time, one should not forget about the dimensions of this masonry, since they must meet all the norms and requirements of technical documentation. When making calculations, it is first necessary to find out what type a brick can be attributed to and what characteristics it has, since it exists in several variations and sizes.

Regardless of the type of building that is planned to be erected, the principle of calculating wall structures is no different from the calculation of the applicable material. In this article, we will consider in detail examples of formulas by which you can accurately calculate the dimensions for brick, as well as for stone buildings.

What are the dimensions of the brick?

In order to understand how to carry out masonry calculations, it is important to understand which standard specifications has this material. It is known that 6 surfaces are typical for ordinary bricks: 2 pokes, 2 spoons, and 2 beds. Detailed parameters are shown in the table below.

The table shows the standard characteristics of red clay bricks, as well as white brick from silicate. To carry out calculations with another type of stone, the principle is completely similar, just be sure to take into account the thickness of the seams of the selected material. Below you are offered the masonry dimensions of the brick table:

brick calculator

Brickwork is carried out in two horizontal rows. Often, the laying of stones is carried out on their wide edge, which is referred to in the construction industry as beds. But it should be noted that there is also a way to stack them on a spoon. As a result, you will get a grid of rows of stones.

Masonry elements: useful information

  • vertical seams - with the help of a solution, the side faces of the material are separated, which touch each other. It can be carried out transversely and longitudinally.
  • horizontal joints - the mortar is a horizontal row of masonry.
  • front verst - a row, which, as a result of the creation of brickwork, protrudes beyond the front part of wall structures.
  • inner verst - a row that, in the process of bricklaying, goes into inner part structures.

There is also such a definition as forgetfulness. These are the rows that are placed between the front and inner versts. The main difference between the spoon and poke series is the method of installation - with spoons or poke in relation to the outer wall surface. Each of these elements fits in a certain sequence.

The characteristics of the stone, as well as the methods of brickwork, provide an opportunity to determine typical values. During the construction of wall structures without the use of insulating materials, their parameters must necessarily correspond to those established in normative documents. At the stage of project creation, the size of the walls and columns, if any, is indicated, taking into account the thickness of the mortar layers with a maximum deviation of 10 millimeters. Thus, a section of laying of several bricks according to the bonding principle will be the same as a section with a spoon laying.

In the event that the wall has an air gap or has been insulated, these figures will vary slightly depending on the materials used. Also, after calculating the standard values, it is necessary to add the layer thickness to the obtained data.

Calculation of the height of a brick wall

Varieties of the scheme depending on the thickness of the wall structure

Experts in the construction industry recommend calculating the height of a brick building according to the same rules that were indicated at the beginning of the article. But at the same time, one should not forget that today given stone Available in two variations - with a height of 88 and 65 millimeters. In this case, the seam will have a thickness of 12 millimeters. To fix the layers, the solution is applied approximately 10-15 millimeters.

And finally, it is important to note that the dimensions of the openings for windows and doors are directly determined by the dimensions of the frames and door structures. If you are building a house according to your own developed project, then install such products after the masonry is completed. But if you gave preference to ready-made drawings, then at the moment construction works be sure to leave a gap of about 20 millimeters more than the frames and boxes themselves. This will be a kind of guarantee for further installation of structures and their insulation, as well as, if necessary, sealing.

It is defined by three parameters: length, width and height. The planes forming the sides of the brick are called, respectively, spoons, poke, bed.

Brick is a building material that carries a centuries-old history. It has long been used by ancient workers to build structures. With the development of production technologies, new types of bricks appeared, but the dimensions of bricks have not changed significantly since then.

Brick aspect ratio: 1:1/2:1/4. It is the proportional dimensions of the brick that create the necessary strength of the brickwork. An essential circumstance is the weight of the brick. There are special standards that allow using overall dimensions bricks to determine their number for the construction of any object, structure or structure.

Brick sizes determined by GOST.

The main GOST, which determines the dimensions of a brick, is GOST 530-2012 "Ceramic brick and stone". With the increase in regulations and the tightening of requirements for the construction of houses and other structures, expanded brick size range. There are the following main types of bricks:

1. Single (250x120x65 mm). European marking designation - RF;

2. Double (250x120x138 mm);

3. One and a half (250x120x88 mm);

4. Modular (280x130x80 mm);

5. Euro brick (250x85x65 mm).

Bricks are divided into:

Full bodied;
. hollow (slit);

Besides overall dimensions of a brick, there are certain permissions for deviations from the norm (defects). The size of the deviations depends on the type of building material - building or facing. More stringent measures are imposed on facing materials, because the appearance of the building depends on its properties and characteristics.

For solid bricks it is allowed:

1) The presence of dullness and chips of ribs and corners (no more than two) and no more than 1.5 cm in size along the length of the rib;
2) Curvature of faces and edges no more than 0.3 cm;
3) On the side longitudinal faces, a crack up to 3 cm long along the width of the brick is allowed.

For hollow bricks it is allowed:

1) No more than two bruises at the corners or ribs 1-1.5 cm long, provided that they do not reach the voids;
2) Full thickness cracks on the bed. In width, they can reach the first row of voids;
3) One crack each on bonder and spoon faces.

For facing bricks it is forbidden:
1) Chipped corners, the depth of which exceeds 1.5 cm;
2) Presence of cracks;
3) Broken ribs, the width of which is more than 0.3 cm, and the length exceeds 1.5 cm.

The most suitable for work is considered facing material, in which:
1) No more than 1 broken corners up to 1.5 cm deep;
2) Department of handwriting, which in total does not exceed the length of 4 cm;
3) No more than 1 broken ribs, not exceeding 3 cm in depth, and not more than 1.5 cm in length.

Modern architecture projects allow the use of bricks of various shapes and colors. The choice of building materials today is very diverse. It is possible, without harm to the reliability and strength of the structure, to combine bricks of different textures in masonry, for example, artificially aged, variegated.

In order to reduce the weight of the structure, size bricks one and a half and double are often made hollow. Greater prevalence in modern construction received porous large-sized blocks. The use of ceramic bricks simplifies and speeds up the construction process, while reducing the consumption of masonry composition, since this type of brick is lighter and warmer than usual.

Red, silicate and facing bricks - dimensions and purpose.

1. Red (ceramic) brick is obtained by firing pressed clay briquettes. The red brick is multifunctional material, it is used in the construction of walls, various structures, partitions, foundations, fences, when laying furnaces. Solid red brick grades: 300, 250, 200, 150, 120, 100, 75. The brick grade shows how much pressure the brick can withstand (kg / cm 2).

2. White (silicate) brick is produced on the basis of silicate. The characteristics of this material, in comparison with red brick: softness, lightness, low strength, versatility. The scope of application of silicate brick is narrower: the construction of walls and partitions.

By appointment, the following are distinguished types of bricks:

Ordinary brick (guarantees performance characteristics masonry);

. Clinker brick (characterized by a low degree of water absorption, high strength, which makes this type of material stable for use in various aggressive environments). Scope of application: decorative material.

. Chamotte (refractory) brick (marking - "Ш", used mainly in industry)
. Facing brick (may be chopped, smooth, etc.). Basic brick dimensions:

  • 290x140x85 mm;
  • 250x85x65 mm;
  • 250x120x88 mm;
  • 250x80x65 mm;
  • 250x60x65 mm;
  • 250x120x65 mm.

In addition to the well-known rectangular shape, the brick may be wedge-shaped. The scope of this type of brick: laying vaults and arches of radii of different curvature. When using facing bricks, it is possible to perform perfect masonry external walls, implement interior decoration premises.