Insulation of the outer wall of the loggia. How to insulate a balcony for a living room? Do-it-yourself insulation of the balcony with polystyrene foam

  • 20.06.2020

If the apartment or house has a balcony, then you should definitely use it, as this is an additional, and sometimes just a necessary area. If you approach the issue with imagination and think through all the nuances, you can get a small, but very cozy room. In order for the balcony to serve as a room, it must be insulated. How to insulate the balcony inside is decided by each owner independently, taking into account their financial capabilities and urgent needs. But a few words should be said about the nuances of the process and the materials used to insulate the balcony. It is necessary to choose these materials very carefully and pay attention to all the characteristics.

It is necessary to begin the development of any balcony with an objective assessment of its condition. If the apartment is located in a new house, recently handed over to residents, then you need to pay attention to the material from which the balcony structure is made. Also in new houses, it is necessary to pay attention to what the balcony of the neighbors is trimmed with. Often in such houses, neighbors try to adhere to a single style.

We make masonry from foam blocks

But if the balcony is far from new apartment and it has always been used as an open space, then work will have to start with balcony reinforcements. Strengthening is understood as the reconstruction of the concrete platform of the balcony, and the strengthening of the metal handrail. Also, such an event as strengthening the lower part of the upper balcony can be included in this process, this should also be taken into account. After resolving all these issues and choosing the material for the exterior cladding of the loggia (balcony), you can proceed to interior decoration. To simplify this stage, you can lay out a wall of bricks or foam blocks up to half of the balcony, directly to the double-glazed windows. This will save on insulation.

Tip: If all stages of insulation are carried out at the same time, then it is better to immediately install double-glazed windows in the windows, since one glass gives heat loss in cold weather by 70% more.

Preparing for insulation

To start warming the balcony inside with any materials, you need to prepare. Having chosen the material for insulation, it is necessary to create a special wooden crate under it, on which it will then be attached. The exception is rolled materials that can be mounted under the crate. This frame is made of beams with a cross section of about 4-5 cm. The transverse and perpendicular beams must be fastened so that squares of 50 by 50 cm are obtained. Also, the crate can be made of a metal profile, but this material is somewhat more expensive than wooden bars. The main advantages of a metal frame are the ease of construction and ease of use.

Note: When calculating the necessary insulation for a balcony inside, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of the walls, but the floor and ceiling, since these two positions also need to be insulated.

Material selection

In a crate with inside the balcony is laid insulation, which can be:

Styrofoam insulation is one of the most common ways of thermal insulation of balconies and loggias.

Styrofoam. The cheapest of these materials is plain white foam, 5 cm thick. If the room is insulated in cold latitudes, then you can take a thicker foam, it can reach a thickness of up to 10 cm. It can be easily cut into the required number of parts, and you can not additionally strengthen anything, but immediately lay the crates in the cells for finishing materials. The material is absolutely safe both when working with it and during subsequent use. The insulation is completely odorless, does not emit toxic substances, and styrene fumes in small quantities do not affect people's health. The installation of the material occurs without the formation of dust.

Warming with mineral wool

mineral wool. Mineral wool is a little more expensive, but its soundproofing performance is much higher, so if you need to get rid of extraneous sounds, it is better to use it. This material is completely natural and completely fireproof. combustion temperature mineral wool starts at a thousand degrees. The inconvenience of laying mineral wool briquettes lies in the obligatory observance of safety measures. The material in its composition contains small particles of glass, which cause itching of the skin. It is necessary to carry out installation in protected special clothing, goggles and a respirator.

Expanded clay. The material is an environmentally friendly insulation. The word "expanded clay" is translated from Greek as "burnt clay". The material is often used for floor and ceiling insulation. It is not entirely profitable for them to insulate the walls, since in addition they need to prepare a metal mesh as a support.

The installation of high-quality double-glazed windows plays a big role in the insulation of a balcony or loggia. - you will find the answer here.

Penofol. This material is one of the heat-insulating means that has a reflective effect. Represents a layer from the made foam self-extinguishing polyethylene with the closed air pores. Coated with high quality aluminum, 14 microns thick and 99.4% pure on one or both sides. Penofol is a universal material with steam, hydro, wind, and soundproof properties. The material has the appearance of a thin, flexible, light and environmentally friendly structure. It can be used as an additional vapor barrier, it is very convenient for them to work, as it is sold in rolls and can be easily cut even with ordinary scissors. This material protects the room from moisture from the outside and saves the room from condensation.

Penoplex. It is a new material specially developed for warming rooms. The material is very easy to install due to its light weight, so its use on the balcony is now relevant. It is produced in the form of rectangular plates of different thicknesses, which are easily cut with a clerical knife. It is also possible to produce "sandwich panels" by pouring. Insulation with a rough surface makes it easy to attach and glue them to other materials.


Izolon. It is also a versatile material in terms of use. Confirmed safety in use as a heater and vapor barrier element. Excellent soundproofing characteristics.

The degree of thermal conductivity is compared:

  • with 15 cm brickwork
  • with 4.5 cm wood
  • with 4.5 cm mineral wool
  • with 1.2cm styrofoam

Reduces noise by at least 18 dB.

These are the basic materials for creating an insulating layer, which are now easy to find in any hardware store. We hope you now have more information about how to insulate a balcony from the inside and then we'll see how to do it.

How to insulate

One of the best methods for laying insulation is layered laying:

  • Surface waterproofing first.
  • The next layer is the selected insulating material, which is also fastened with appropriate fasteners. It can be nails, self-tapping screws, plastic fasteners with wide caps.
  • Then a vapor barrier is laid, which is fastened with a construction stapler.
  • At the final stage, a finishing material is attached to the crate using special fastening materials.

Styrofoam sheets are installed in the crate, and the joints are smeared with mounting foam

You should get a layer with a thickness of approximately 60 - 70 mm, this is the distance from the outer layer to the finishing one. Depending on the climatic conditions this size is subject to change. It must be understood that any layer of insulation requires financial costs and labor, so it’s better to immediately make a balcony in good faith and not try to save on trifles.

In a situation with floor insulation on the balcony the sequence is also the same. If it is decided to fill the floor with concrete, then first expanded clay is laid and a solution is distributed on top of it. Concrete mortar must be carefully distributed special rule and try to make the surface as smooth as possible. Then on such a surface you can lay ceramic tiles or other finishing materials. Under the final finish, you can lay rolled heated floors, and this will give additional warming to the room.

Video instruction for self-assembly plasterboard ceiling available at this address

If the option of a wooden floor is chosen, then first the guide logs are laid, between which the insulation is laid. Then a finishing board or chipboard is laid on the logs. Laying chipboard is necessary if further installation of laminate or linoleum is carried out. It is also worth noting that under the laminate it is necessary to lay special substrate, which will provide additional thermal insulation. When the walls and floors are finished, skirting boards are installed that hide the joints of the finish.

In the complex of works on the insulation of the balcony, attention must be paid to the ceiling. The process of insulation is carried out in the same way as the walls and floor. The task will be complicated by the moment when the balcony or loggia is on the top floor and there is no ceiling. In this case, you need to take into account the additional costs for the installation of the ceiling and roof.

When working on the insulation of the balcony, one should not fuss and rush, this can lead to an unreasonably large consumption of material. If you approach the matter with attention and carry out constant calculations, then you can get a full-fledged additional room for little money.

How to insulate a balcony from the inside video

We invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article “Insulation for a balcony inside - choose materials”, which shows in detail the entire process of insulating a balcony using penoplex and penofol.

Until recently, the balconies of city apartments served as a kind of storerooms - people kept conservation and various things there. What is there, on the balconies they carried everyone junk, which was a pity to throw away. Today, however, these spaces are increasingly being used as additional living space. And in order to realize such an idea, you need to take care of the insulation of the balcony.

If you insulate the balcony, you will not only be able to expand relatively cheaply living space apartments, but also significantly reduce the heat loss of housing. The fact is that it is through the balconies that most of the heat leaves. But in order for everything to be done efficiently, you need to know where to start. With a well-designed scheme, it will be much easier to turn a cold balcony into a small, but almost full-fledged room.

So first sketch rough plan works - it will include:

Important information! The balcony can be insulated both from the inside and outside. But in view of the fact that you will do the work on your own, that is, without the help of specialists, it is better to resort to internal insulation.

Stage number 1. Choosing a heater

There are a lot of heat-insulating materials on the modern construction market, but it is more suitable for a balcony:

As for foam plastic and XPS, the laying of these materials is carried out using almost the same technology (the only exception is the form of adhesion - it is better for XPS due to the use of grooves).

It is better not to use mineral wool for a balcony - the installation procedure will be more laborious, and the condensate that inevitably forms on the balcony is undesirable for this material. Expanded clay, for obvious reasons, can only be used for floor insulation (insulation technology will be described in detail below).

And if we add to all of the above the fact that the balcony should in no case be overloaded, then it becomes obvious: the most suitable option- this is a foam plastic 4-5 cm thick, which is cheaper than polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

Stage number 2. We carry out glazing

If your balcony is already glazed, you can skip this step. The glazing procedure itself largely depends on the parapet installed on the balcony. If we are talking about an iron crate, then you must build it up using foam blocks or ceramic brick. It is important that the wall thickness as a result exceeds the mark of 10 cm. And if you have a reinforced concrete parapet, you can immediately start installing windows.

Today, many (especially admirers of environmentally friendly building materials) prefer double-glazed windows with wooden frames. It is worth remembering that such structures need to be processed antiseptic and paint regularly. You can learn about the installation of double-glazed windows with wooden frames from the video below.

Video - How to install a wooden window with double-glazed windows

However, most consumers still buy PVC windows. When buying, choose a special plastic profile, characterized by increased rigidity and strength indicators. In addition, the profile must have good thermal insulation performance.

Also, plastic windows should have:

  • 5-chamber profile;
  • 2-chamber (if you live in middle lane) or 3-chamber (if in a more severe climate) double-glazed window;
  • reinforced reinforcement.

After installing the PVC structure ordered according to the dimensions of the balcony (specialists should do the work), you can proceed directly to the insulation.

Stage number 3. We warm the floor

Consider how to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands using foam (although the technology described below is also suitable for polystyrene foam).

Table. Floor insulation on the balcony

Steps, no.Short descriptionIllustration
Step #1First, prepare the work surfaces - seal all the cracks found in the concrete with mounting foam, as well as at the joints between the slabs and the wall.

Step #2Mark the floor for the subsequent construction of the crate. At the same time, it is important that the pitch of the crate exceeds the width of the insulation sheets by about 10 mm.

Step #3According to the previously made markings, lay the slats (the approximate size of the bars is 4x4 cm, however, it is necessary that their width matches the thickness of the insulating material). The first and last rails should recede from the walls by 50-100 mm. Connect the rails with self-tapping screws.

Step #4Lay foam sheets between the battens, gluing them to the floor liquid nails or special glue. Blow out all the voids formed as a result of this with mounting foam.

Step #5Lay on top of the insulation Lay a vapor barrier layer on top of the insulation (required to increase thermal insulation and prevent condensation). If you use ordinary PET film, then in no case lay it on the "cold" side of the insulator. If you are laying foil insulation, then do it with foil to the foam.

Step #6Fasten sheets of plywood or chipboard from above, and the thickness floor covering must be at least 20 mm. Attach the sheets to the rails with self-tapping screws.

Step #7It remains only to lay the finish coating, for which you can use carpet or linoleum.

Important information! There is another way to insulate the floor on the balcony with foam: foam sheets are attached to the leveled and cleaned surface, and a thin screed is poured on top from a previously prepared dry mix solution. Ceramic tiles can be used as a finishing coating here.

Alternative option. We use expanded clay

As noted earlier, the floor on the balcony can also be insulated with expanded clay. This material is also inexpensive, and its installation is not difficult. Let's get acquainted with the algorithm of actions.

Step #1. First, lay a waterproofing film on the floor with a 10 cm exit to the walls.

Step #2. Arrange beacons around the perimeter in increments of about 25 cm, while being careful not to lean them too much against the walls.

Step #3. Fill the floor with a layer of expanded clay 15 cm thick, evenly distribute the material over the surface.

Step number 4. Moisten expanded clay with cement "milk" (this is an aqueous solution of cement).

Step number 5. Pour expanded clay with a layer of concrete or self-leveling mixture. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the structure of the insulator.

Step number 6. Wait for the screed to dry completely. After that, you can start laying the finish coat.

Stage number 4. We insulate the walls

The technology here is almost the same as for floor insulation. Do the following.

Step #1. Mark the future location of the rails on the walls (as for the floor).

Step #2. Attach the slats according to the given markup.

Step #3. Apply mounting foam to the surface with wave-like movements. At the same stage, holes for dowels should be drilled.

Step #4. Attach the styrofoam sheets using plastic mushroom dowels.

Step #5. Blow out all the cracks formed with mounting foam, then glue with mounting tape.

Step #6. Lay a waterproofing layer on top - for example, penofol, which at the same time will also serve as thermal insulation.

Step #7. Seal the seams at the joints with foil tape.

Step number 8. Mount the counter-lattice on top of the foam foam and install the finishing material.

Stage number 5. We insulate the ceiling

This procedure is also performed using a similar technology, but there are still some differences.

  1. First, mark up where the hangers for attaching the rails will be installed.
  2. Install the suspensions themselves, necessary for fixing the guides (use a galvanized profile or timber as the latter).

  3. Cut small holes in the insulator (styrofoam or XPS) in appropriate places for hangers.

  4. Next, fix the insulation boards using the same mounting foam.

If the insulation weighs too much, then you can use dowels for fastening. Fill the cracks with foam. Otherwise, there are no significant differences.

Finishing Features

In most cases, balconies are lined with clapboard or profile from the inside, but drywall is also used, followed by wallpapering. PVC panels are also used for cladding. Concerning exterior finish, then it is better to entrust it to professionals, especially if your apartment is located higher than on the ground floor.

Important information! It is forbidden to conduct central heating there, so if additional heating is required, you can lay a film "warm floor" under the linoleum.

Even on the balcony you can install a socket to which an electric heater will be connected. The described room is small, so heating will take a minimum of time. We also note that a double-glazed window weighs quite a lot, so the rest of the materials (including the insulator itself) should be with a minimum weight. By the way, this is another reason why it is better to give preference to XPS or foam boards.

Video - Instructions for warming the balcony

Now you know about the strong and weaknesses materials suitable for insulating the balcony, as well as the technologies for laying foam and expanded clay. So it's time to get straight to work! Moreover, there is nothing complicated here if you are armed. step by step instructions and all necessary materials. If you do everything right, then turn the balcony into a full-fledged living room with all the ensuing benefits.

The balcony is the most vulnerable room in the apartment, which often suffers from severe frost and wind. And if earlier it often served as a kind of pantry, storing all the necessary (and often even unnecessary) things, now many people are turning the loggia into a full-fledged room.

The only difficulty that residents face is that it is almost impossible to be on the balcony in winter - frost and strong wind create a beautiful picture outside the window, but a cold atmosphere on the loggia. However, today this problem can be prevented. A huge number of thermal insulation materials make it easy and quick to insulate the balcony with your own hands.

Preparation for warming the balcony

In any repair or construction process, everything begins with the preparation of surfaces and territory. Therefore, before how to insulate a balcony with your own hands, you will have to get rid of all the trash that is there. By the way, things that you still plan to leave afterwards also need to be moved to another room.

After the balcony is completely cleared of unnecessary things, you need to fully inspect the room. First, it is important to understand which parts of the loggia require more thorough insulation. In addition, you need to pay attention to cracks and chips that let through cold air.

Important! Some balconies have a rather small area. And the thermal insulation material takes up the space of the room. In this case, it is better to immediately determine the so-called "cold" and "warm" zones of the loggia and insulate only those that are more susceptible to frost and wind.

Balcony parapet especially needs to be insulated

Right now it is desirable to get rid of significant defects on the surfaces. Large gaps can be sealed with putty or foam.

At the same stage, you should decide on the type of insulation for the balcony and stock up on all the necessary tools. We will talk about thermal insulation materials a little later. And now let's look at what tools you need in order to insulate the balcony.

Balcony insulation tools

Insulating a balcony with your own hands is a fairly simple and understandable process. The main thing is to understand the sequence of work and stock up on the necessary tools. These include the following basic materials:

  1. Insulation in the required amount (the calculation takes place in accordance with the number of layers and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony).
  2. Facing material for external finishing.
  3. Mounting foam.
  4. waterproofing materials.
  5. adhesive mixtures.
  6. Wooden or metal beams (for the frame).
  7. Dowels, screws, nails of different sizes.
  8. Metallized adhesive tape for sealing seams.

In some specific cases, you may also need:

  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • scissors;
  • a hammer;
  • building level;
  • rollers;
  • spatulas, etc.

Everything here will depend on finishing loggias.

Balcony insulation restrictions

Since the process of insulating a balcony is highly complex, in order to carry it out, you will need to obtain permission from some authorities. Indeed, some methods can greatly increase the load on the building itself. As a rule, you should contact the government agencies involved in housing redevelopment for confirmation.

Also, do not forget that the warming of the loggia is a rather noisy process. So better warn your neighbors about upcoming repair work. This will help avoid many misunderstandings in the future.

However, even after obtaining permission, you cannot dispose of the balcony as you wish. There are some prohibitions that apply to the insulation of the loggia. So, for example, you can't:

  1. Remove load-bearing walls and partitions.
  2. Install water heating on the balcony.
  3. Turn the balcony into a bathroom (due to the lack of necessary pipes in the loggia). Organizing a kitchen on the balcony is a more realistic solution. However, it requires additional permissions.
  4. Change the height of the ceiling on the balcony.
  5. Violate the original architectural appearance of the building.

The better to insulate a balcony: the main materials for insulation

To date, there are a huge number of options than to insulate a balcony from the inside. The choice of one or another option may depend on many factors:

  1. How much are you willing to spend on insulation?
  2. climate.
  3. Building type.
  4. your personal preferences.
  5. Material resistance to frost, wind, moisture.

One way or another, before proceeding with the insulation of the loggia, it is important to study in detail all the popular materials. This is the only way you can choose the option that suits you best. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common heaters.

It is made of clay, therefore it is considered an environmentally friendly and safe material. Expanded clay is a small and light porous granules. A similar weight and structure of the material can be achieved thanks to a special clay firing technology. The raw material is first heated to about 1000 degrees, as a result of which voids are formed inside, providing heat and sound insulation. Expanded clay is used to insulate walls, floors, ceilings or even the foundation of a country house.

Mineral wool

The most common insulation for walls and floors. Outwardly, it resembles a thick canvas, which consists of many randomly intertwined molecules. The raw material for mineral wool is glass, rocks or slag. In order for the fibers to be securely connected to each other, they are impregnated with special mixtures based on oils and alcohol. Mineral wool itself is divided into several other types:

  • glass wool (consists of glass, stove and limestone);
  • stone wool (made from basalt rocks);
  • slag wool (produced from blast-furnace slag).


Perhaps the lightest thermal insulation material. It is a foamed mass, which is more than 90% filled with air. It is thanks to this technology that it is possible to achieve a good result and qualitatively insulate the balcony. The popularity of polystyrene foam as a heater is also due to the large choice of material. It is divided into the following categories:

  • sheet;
  • polystyrene in balls;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (which we will talk about a little later);
  • liquid foam;
  • foam formwork.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Today, many people prefer to insulate the balcony with polystyrene foam. This material is a subspecies of foam and is also characterized by low weight and good thermal insulation properties. Comparing polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, it can be noted that the materials have both common features, and some differences. For example, the texture of the latter is not granular, but more even.

polyurethane foam

The basis for polyurethane foam is a subspecies of plastic, which has a foamed structure. Like some previous heaters, this material is 90% composed of a gaseous substance with which all its cells are filled. The use of various technologies helped create several types of polyurethane:

  1. Elastic (in other words - foam rubber), which fills sofas and armchairs, and is also used to make washcloths, shoe linings, etc.
  2. Rigid - actively used for heat and sound insulation at home.


It is one of the most innovative heaters for the balcony. This material consists of several layers:

  1. Polyethylene foam self-extinguishing.
  2. Aluminum foil.

Unlike previous heaters, penofol is not able to absorb heat. Thanks to the foil, it works according to a different principle, namely, it reflects thermal radiation. The material, in turn, is divided into several types:

  1. Type "A" - the foil is on one side of the insulation.
  2. Type "B" - with foil on both sides.
  3. Type "C" - with a special self-adhesive insert.

Balcony heaters - comparison table

As you can see, there are a lot of materials for insulating a balcony. To determine which option is right for you, we recommend comparing all of the above categories:


Affordable cost.

Long service life.

Resistant to mold and mildew.

The ability to take the necessary form.

Light weight.

Increased degree of moisture permeability.

Pretty complicated setup.

Expanded clay is used primarily for floor insulation and is not suitable for other surfaces.

mineral wool

Low thermal conductivity.

Compliance with all fire safety standards.

Unaffected (deformed) by sudden changes in temperature, heating and cooling.

Resistance to chemical and mechanical damage.

Vapor permeability.

Easy to install.

Moisture permeability (which can be reduced with special water-repellent agents).

Big weight.


Low cost compared to other heaters.

Light weight material.

Good thermal insulation properties, allowing the use of a thinner layer of insulation.

Versatility (suitable for floor, ceiling and wall insulation).

Long service life (up to 30 years).

Resistance to the appearance of harmful microorganisms.

Easy to install.

Release of toxic substances during combustion.

Bad vapor barrier.

Selection harmful substances even at high temperatures (for cheaper options).

Absorbs moisture.

Not resistant to mechanical and chemical damage.

Attracts rodents (some even equip minks in foam).


Low vapor permeability.

Material strength.

Lack of water absorption, which allows the use of expanded polystyrene without prior waterproofing.

Low degree of thermal conductivity.

Compliance with all fire safety requirements (incombustibility).

Resistant to high and low temperatures.

Environmental friendliness.

Easy to install.

Resistance to mechanical damage.

Bad vapor barrier.

High material cost.

Instability to the action of sunlight (corrected by special processing of the material).

Additional costs for the arrangement of the frame or the purchase of glue.

polyurethane foam

Mounted on any material (concrete, metal, glass, wood, brick, etc.).

Light weight that does not weigh down the surface.

Able to significantly strengthen the surface.

Resistant to sudden changes in temperature, extreme heat and frost.

Compliance with all fire safety requirements.

Thanks to the one-piece construction, no seams or joints appear on the surface.

Not resistant to sunlight.

Although the material does not burn, it begins to smolder strongly in an open fire. Therefore, you should not install polyurethane foam in rooms with a high risk of overheating or fire.


Versatility. The material is used to insulate the walls of the floor and the ceiling of the balcony. In addition, it is great for both indoor and outdoor decoration.

Low vapor permeability.

Provides high-quality sound insulation.

Light weight and fine structure.

Easy to install.

Environmental friendliness.

Compliance with all fire safety standards.

Rodent resistance.

Due to the high softness, penofol is not used for wall insulation under plaster.

Some types of penofol require fastening with special glue.

It will not be able to protect against severe frosts and is installed mainly as an additional insulation.

Ceiling insulation

If you plan to insulate the balcony with your own hands, then it is best to start from the ceiling and move further from top to bottom. Of course, if the ceiling of your loggia is the floor of your neighbors, then the process of protecting the room from frost and wind is much simpler. However, if the roof is independent, then a little effort should be made to insulate it.

For the best protection of the balcony from cold and wind, we recommend that you perform work in the following sequence:

  1. Spraying or special film for sound insulation.
  2. Balcony ceiling waterproofing. In this case, the most popular materials are PVC or polyester.
  3. The special membrane protecting from wind. It freely passes the steam that is released from the insulation, but it helps to completely isolate the ceiling from the wind and drops that can enter the room with it.
  4. Anti-condensation material that protects the insulation from the formation of water droplets.
  5. Frame (metal or wood of your choice). The crate is an optional element. Insulation can be installed using special glue. The main thing is to make sure that the mixture does not contain toluene. For greater reliability, when fixing the sheets, use dowels.
  6. Insulation for the ceiling of the balcony. We recommend that you use polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool. They provide good protection from the cold and are easy to install, which is especially important when insulating the balcony ceiling.
  7. Vapor barrier for insulation. It does not let water vapor inside, due to which the thermal insulation properties of the material are significantly increased.

We warm the floor on the balcony

The initial stage of warming the floor of the balcony is the installation of waterproofing on the surface. Polyethylene or penofol will do an excellent job with this role. Be sure to hide all the joints between the sheets with adhesive tape. This way you can be sure that the balcony is protected from moisture as much as possible.

Advice: If you are using single-sided foam (type "A"), install it with the reflective layer down.

Another popular option for waterproofing the floor on the balcony is bituminous mastic. However, do not forget that such material dries for about 24 hours.

After waterproofing, you should install a frame or in another way - logs. To do this, use wood or metal. The main thing is to choose the highest quality material that can last for many years.

Advice: If you are installing wooden beams, make sure that the moisture in them does not exceed 12%. Also for that. To prevent the appearance of fungus, we recommend that you treat the beams with an antiseptic or a special primer.

The bars are laid at a distance equal to the width of one sheet of insulation. As for the height of the beams, it is usually 10-15 cm. To prevent gaps that appear between the lags and the balcony wall, an ordinary polyurethane foam.

After installing the lags, you can proceed directly to the installation of insulation. Make sure that there are no even the smallest gaps between the sheets (or plates) and the frame. Otherwise, your work will not bring the desired result. In some cases, the insulation is laid in several layers (for greater protection). Then it is important that the seams between the plates are not in the same place. That is, you need to lay the material with a slight offset.

Wall insulation

In the process of insulating the floor on the balcony, it will not be superfluous to immediately take care of the walls. So, for example, making out a waterproofing layer, sheathe the entire room around the perimeter with it. This will make your future work much easier.

  1. Create a frame from wooden beams. The distance between them and the width of each beam should be related to the dimensions of the insulation.
  2. Install thermal insulation material. For walls, traditional options are most often chosen - mineral wool (or glass wool), polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, penofol (or isolon). For greater reliability, we recommend combining several thermal insulation materials (for example, foam plastic and mineral wool).
  3. In the presence of cracks and large seams, polyurethane foam is used. With its help, you can reliably protect the balcony from cold and wind.
  4. Do not forget to install a vapor barrier on the insulation.

Important! Most often, the wall that connects the balcony and the room (living room, kitchen, etc.) is insulated with one layer. At the same time, at least two layers of insulation should be installed on the outer walls, or a denser heat insulator should be used.

How to insulate windows on a balcony?

If you want to insulate the balcony from the inside as efficiently as possible, in no case should not forget about the windows. After all, even the highest quality thermal insulation materials for walls, ceiling and floor will not bring any benefit if the wind breaks through the cracks in the window opening.

If all this time your balcony has not been glazed, you should pay special attention to the wall that protects it from the street. The parapet (namely, this is the name of this wall) must be strong enough to withstand the frames and double-glazed windows. In some cases, it is better to further strengthen this part of the loggia. There are two options for strengthening the parapet:

  1. brick. The simplest method, which, however, is not particularly reliable and durable.
  2. Reinforcement with steel bars. Use thick iron bars and cement. This method is a little more complicated than the previous one, but several times more reliable.

Before glazing the balcony, it is necessary to choose the material from which the window frames will be made. Of course, the most popular today are PVC structures. However, some modern manufacturers they make wooden or aluminum frames, which are in no way inferior to plastic ones (except that they are more expensive).

Classic wooden frames practically not hermetic. Therefore, with their help it will be impossible to insulate the balcony. Therefore, they are best used in areas with a warmer climate.

As for aluminum structures, they are able to retain heat much better than wood. In addition, they are also resistant to rust and corrosive processes. However, the most optimal option (if the criterion is the price-quality ratio) are plastic windows. They are not afraid high humidity and temperature fluctuations. In addition, such structures are distinguished by good thermal conductivity. Therefore, if you want to insulate the balcony, choose PVC windows. The most common types of structures today are:

  • hinged windows;
  • windows with two-chamber sash;
  • extended profiles.

Panoramic PVC windows

Advice: If you do not have the time or financial ability to update the balcony glazing, you can try to insulate the opening with special materials(mounting foam, foam rubber, etc.).

Additional methods for warming a balcony

If you live in an area with a cold climate, one heater on the balcony may not be enough. After all, even the highest quality heat insulators are sometimes not able to protect against severe frosts. Therefore, on cold winter days, additional insulation of the balcony can be arranged.

For example, install an ordinary electric heater. For greater effect, it should be placed near the wall connecting the balcony and the apartment itself.

Important! Never place a heater near windows. The condensate that will be released during the process can greatly damage the double-glazed window.

If you do not want to install additional heating devices, and it is strictly forbidden to carry out central heating on the balcony, you can install the "warm floor" system on the loggia. It will serve for decades, creating comfortable temperature even in the cold season. In addition, today many such systems are equipped with a special thermostat that helps you choose the most optimal mode.

Another option additional insulation is air conditioning. In addition to the fact that he will heat the loggia in winter, he will also be able to cool the air in summer days. However, the use of an air conditioner has one rather important disadvantage - it will not be able to heat the floor on the balcony with high quality. Therefore, the warm floor still wins.

Advice: Installing underfloor heating is another cost item. You should not rely only on your own strength, since installing the system is a rather complicated process. It is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Protecting the room from cold air and strong wind, do not forget that on the balcony it is also important to organize good ventilation. With hermetically sealed gaps, this will be a little more difficult. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically ventilate the loggia for a more comfortable stay on it.

If you live in a cold climate, pay attention to ventilation system"breather" type, supplying purified air from the street, preheating it to the temperature you need.

Common mistakes when insulating a balcony

Organizing the insulation of the balcony on your own, you can not take into account the many important nuances. As a rule, people make fairly predictable and common mistakes, including:

How much does balcony insulation cost?

It is quite difficult to calculate in detail the cost of warming a balcony. Since this process includes many stages. Especially today, with a rather unstable exchange rate, prices for materials and works of craftsmen are constantly changing.

But in any case, you can make an approximate cost of warming the loggia. The main thing to remember is that the final amount can change in any direction (although, as a rule, it only increases in the course of work). Therefore, allocating money from family budget, it is better to take a little more than it is written in the estimate.

total cost internal insulation balcony consists of the following separate items of expenditure:

  1. Balcony glazing. Most often it is the largest percentage of the total amount. High-quality double-glazed windows and their installation will be quite expensive. But the effect of them will be much more noticeable than when using cheap options.
  2. Heater cost.
  3. The price of others building materials(wood for logs, mounting foam, glue, etc.).
  4. The cost of the work of professionals (if you plan to order the services of masters).
  5. The cost of finishing and filling the balcony (finishing materials, furniture, etc.).

When insulating a balcony, it is better to choose only quality materials and use the services of glazing professionals you trust (regardless of the cost of their services). The only expense item that you can save on is the services of loggia insulation masters. With full glazing of the room, you can sheathe the balcony with insulation yourself. And since the work of masters is expensive, you can save from 5000 hryvnia and more.

Warming the balcony with your own hands is a rather laborious process. However, with a little getting used to, you can do all the work without resorting to the help of professionals. Thus, you will be able to save an impressive amount and at the same time make the loggia warmer and, as a result, more comfortable.

To create a comfortable functional room in the loggia, it is necessary to carry out work on its high-quality insulation. On the market today are the most different materials, therefore, it is possible to insulate the loggia with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and other types of heaters. The choice of insulation depends on many factors. It is very good if there is an opportunity to consult on this matter with experts.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool insulation is the traditional and most common option.

This material can provide enough high level thermal insulation and sound insulation.

At the same time, it is recommended to use mineral wool for insulation only if there is no load on the insulation. In addition, the insulation material must be protected as best as possible from moisture and condensation on it.

Mineral wool insulation works are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, waterproofing of all surfaces insulated from the inside is performed. This stage is preliminary. To create a high-quality waterproofing layer before insulating with mineral wool from the inside, it is best to use special insulating impregnations. They can be bituminous and polyurethane mastic, special paints and varnishes. In addition, rolled polyethylene materials are often used as an insulator (sold at any hardware store). What kind of insulator will be used does not really matter.
  2. Then you need to perform the crate device. The step of installing wooden bars should be about 1 cm less than the width of the mineral wool sheets. In addition, it is necessary to select the bars in such a way that their thickness is slightly larger than the thickness of the heat-insulating material slab. The elements of the crate can be fastened to the draft surfaces with dowels and self-tapping screws.
  3. To install mineral wool slabs, you need to select and dilute a suitable adhesive composition (which one does not matter). It is applied to the surface of the slab from the inside, after which it is placed in the cell formed by the crate. The slabs must be adjusted in such a way that they are slightly larger in size than the dimensions of the cell. This will avoid unnecessary voids.
  4. As soon as the adhesive composition dries, it is recommended to additionally fix the heat-insulating material with your own hands using fungal dowels.
  5. The surface cladding can be made with any suitable materials. For this, any type of finish is suitable, which will not create a large load - plastic panels, plywood sheets, lining ...
  6. Finally, surfaces are cleaned and decorative works. Work in this case can be done with any finish.

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Warming your loggia inside with polystyrene foam gives quite good results. This material is produced by mixing polystyrene and special foaming components. The mixture is heated, subjected to high pressure, then foamed and carbon dioxide is added.

For insulation of the loggia with polystyrene foam, plates with a thickness of 45-50 mm are perfect.

  1. They are fastened with dowels, double-sided tape and glue (which type of fastening to choose depends on the material of the walls). When insulating the loggia with polystyrene foam from the inside, it is best to place the material plates in a checkerboard pattern so that they do not move under their own weight during operation.
  2. In order to prevent the occurrence of cold bridges, seams, gaps and docking zones must be filled with building foam with your own hands (when insulated with polystyrene foam and polystyrene, the problem of cold bridges is especially relevant).
  3. As soon as the mounting foam dries, you need to cut off its excess with your own hands.
  4. To provide additional insulation, which is required when insulating with polystyrene foam and foam plastic, it is imperative to lay a layer of special polyethylene foam 5-8 mm thick. In this case, the foil layer should be located inside the loggia. Such an approach will allow you to form a high-quality vapor barrier layer with your own hands and ensure heat reflection. The seams must be glued with construction tape with your own hands.
  5. On the heat-insulating layer, you can fasten a wooden crate (for this, it is better to use small bars that have been pre-treated antiseptic formulations). In addition, instead of lathing, often from the inside, the loggia is finished with plasterboard sheets.
  6. On a wooden crate or plasterboard sheets, any finishing materials can be applied with your own hands.

You can do without crates and use a mesh for reinforcement, for a fine finish.

Penoplex and penofol

Very often penoplex and penofol for insulation are used in the same insulation system.

One of the best stuff.

These are high-quality insulating materials that have a lot of positive working and technical characteristics. Many experts recommend using them specifically for warming loggias from the inside. The use of such a heater for the loggia will allow you to create a comfortable environment indoors and maintain an optimal microclimate on the coldest days.

Penofol for the loggia.

Insulation works using these materials are carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, do-it-yourself preparation of all insulated surfaces: floor, ceiling, walls, parapet. The old finishing material is completely removed, all traces and debris are removed. After that, you need to carefully check the integrity of the structures from the inside so that they do not have cracks, holes and other defects through which cold air can penetrate into the room. It is important that the loggia is completely sealed from all sides.
  2. Then, the installation of vertical logs is carried out. It is necessary to fasten the material with a certain step, the size of which will depend on the thickness of the insulation used.
  3. Further, penofol is fastened directly to the lags. To do this, you can use any suitable adhesive compositions that are suitable for use inside residential premises. During the installation of the initial layer of penofol, it is required to direct the foil outward.
  4. After that, the installation of penoplex is carried out (the best option for a loggia is a material with a thickness of 20 - 25 mm). Laying slabs from the inside of the loggia can be done independently - there is nothing complicated in this process.
  5. Finally, you need to glue another layer of penofol. In this case, the material must be positioned so that the foil layer is directed inward. As a result, we will get a kind of pie in which the main heat-insulating material (foam) will be protected by foam on both sides.
  6. All joints that arose during the installation work from the inside of the loggia, it is necessary to glue it with construction adhesive tape.

What thermal insulation material to choose for warming the loggia?

You need to understand that do-it-yourself loggia insulation work can be done from the inside and outside. Of course, it is much easier to make insulation inside the loggia. For this, a variety of thermal insulation materials can be used. Their choice will depend on the design features, operating conditions, the nuances of the installation work, so in each case, the choice of insulation should be given special attention.

It will not always be justified to buy the most expensive heater on the market.

For example, if the loggia has high-quality glazing, high-quality construction, and no defects are observed, then the simplest materials can be used. In addition, the choice of insulation for the loggia will depend on whether heating is planned.

In most apartments, balconies require additional insulation, on which comfort throughout the apartment directly depends. With basic finishing in summer time it is very hot on the balcony and cold in winter. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to insulate the balcony with your own hands. step by step photo and the video from this article will help you properly conduct insulation at minimal cost.

Where to start warming the balcony

The method of insulation and the type of materials directly depends on the location of the apartment. If the apartment is located on the top floor, the roof often overheats in summer, creating a strong the greenhouse effect, which contributes to overheating of the balcony.

If the balcony was made of low-quality slabs, they crack and let moisture through.
In any case, the balcony is insulated if it faces the north or south side. The south side provokes heat on the balcony, and the north side does not warm up in winter.

During thermal insulation, the balcony further improves the quality of sound and moisture protection.
Qualitatively insulated balcony makes it possible to use it at your discretion. There are practically no disadvantages of such thermal insulation, and the advantages are noticeable immediately.

Balcony floor insulation scheme

Before insulating the balcony from the inside, the surfaces are prepared with their own hands.

  • Cabinets, shelves, fasteners, cabinets are taken out.
  • Ceiling, walls are cleaned from exfoliating particles.
  • If there is a floor covering, it is removed.
  • After that, the integrity of the balcony slabs is checked. If the plates have a lot of cracks, chips, they need to be removed.
  • These areas are then covered with cement mortar.
  • The end result is a rough ceiling, walls and floor that are ready for further insulation.
  • In some cases, finishing plaster is carried out before insulation. This is necessary if the surfaces interfere with the installation of insulation and have irregularities.
  • Photo of a balcony with foam insulation

    Before warming the balcony must be glazed. The best option for glazing the balcony there is a double-glazed window with argon filling. At severe frosts, it is better to install three-chamber double-glazed windows.

    Step-by-step instructions for warming a balcony

    Loggia insulation is divided into several steps:

    Step 1. After installing the windows, all the cracks are filled with sealant, foam for installation. If there are large potholes and gaps, they need to be repaired.
    Step 2 For waterproofing balcony surfaces, roofing material, bituminous mastic, liquid formulations deep penetration.
    Step 3. The insulation material is fixed, and then the vapor barrier.

    Step 4. Do-it-yourself balcony decoration.

    Step 5. The floor covering is installed.

    How to insulate a loggia with penoplex

    Penoplex insulation allows you to protect the balcony from cold and dampness. This material is mechanically resistant. The side part can be ribbed or smooth. The first option allows you to more effectively fix the plates together.

    Photo of foam insulation

    If the average annual temperature is low, material up to 7.5 centimeters thick is used. If in winter time the temperature does not fall below -25 degrees, a material 4 centimeters thick is required.

    Penoplex fastening methods depend on the further finishing. When finishing from drywall, lining, fastening is done on dowels-mushrooms. If the surface is plastered, then the foam is glued.

    To carry out the insulation of the balcony with penoplex, follow these steps:

    • Plates are fixed on the primed surface.
    • Penoplex is fastened in a tongue-and-groove or butt-to-butt manner.
    • On top of the plate are fixed with special dowels.
    • The joints are sealed with adhesive tape.
    • The joints are filled with mounting foam (composition without toluene).
    • From above there is a vapor barrier, crate and surface finish.
    • Insulation with foam plastic can be done after the installation of the crate.
    • Insulation is placed between the bars.

    An interesting article: how to insulate a cottage with your own hands

    Do-it-yourself insulation of the balcony with polystyrene foam

    Penoplex is durable, but if this indicator does not play an important role, then you can use standard foam to insulate a balcony or loggia.

    Photo of foam insulation

    Styrofoam for insulation is produced in the form of sheets with a thickness of 5 to 15 centimeters.
    To insulate the balcony from the inside, sheets 10 centimeters thick are used.

  • Before insulation, the surfaces are coated with a primer with deep penetrating properties.
  • Glue is applied to the sheets.
  • The sheet is pressed against the surface and fixed with plastic dowels.
  • Joints are sealed with mounting foam.
  • The seams are closed with tape.
  • A reinforced fiberglass mesh is fixed to the glue.
  • On top of the grid, you can do any kind of finish.
  • Styrofoam can be mounted on the principle of foam in the crate.
  • How to insulate a balcony with a clapboard with your own hands

    Clapboard insulation cannot be of high quality if the balcony does not have sufficient heating. If there is no heating, then a base insulation material is placed under the lining.

    Photo lining on the balcony

    To install the lining, a wooden crate is required, which is mounted horizontally. Styrofoam or foam plastic is fixed in between. A lining is installed on top of the insulation. It is fixed on the crate. Such insulation can be carried out on a durable, reliable balcony.

    Mineral wool for balcony insulation

    Thermal insulation of the balcony with mineral wool makes it easier to design. This material allows you to protect the surface from cold, heat and moisture. Poor installation worsens the properties of the insulation by almost half.

    Photo of mineral wool

    A crate is stuffed onto the surface covered with a waterproofing compound. The plates are fixed with special glue and dowels. In the corners, fixing is done with extreme care. The insulated surface is closed with a vapor barrier.

    Balcony insulation scheme

    Then the surface is ready for finishing. When installing any insulation material, compliance with certain rules guarantees high-quality insulation of the balcony. Before starting work, carefully study the features of the selected material and how to properly lay it. Remember that the heat in your apartment or country house directly depends on the insulation.

    How to insulate a balcony with your own hands now you know and can choose suitable material for thermal insulation work. step by step photogood helper during a DIY repair. If you learn how to insulate the loggia with high quality at home, then you will have a new profession that is in demand today.