Insulation inside the balcony with uzb and mineral wool. The better to insulate the balcony with foam or mineral wool

  • 20.06.2020

It makes no sense to talk about the benefits of warming the balcony and loggia. The ability to reduce heat loss, the cost of heating the apartment and get additional space is attractive to the owners of any apartment.

The process is not particularly difficult. It is necessary to choose the time to complete the work and allocate money for the purchase of materials.

It is necessary to pay attention to the study of technology, the procedure and some features of insulation.

Benefits of mineral wool

Mineral wool is a group of thermal insulation materials made from the melt of various rocks and minerals.

  • glass wool;
  • slag wool;
  • Basalt or stone wool.

Despite the diversity of composition, the term "mineral wool" usually means basalt or stone . For home insulation, it is the safest material. The characteristics of the heat insulator distinguish it from the list of other similar materials. Minvata has important advantages:

  • High heat-saving qualities;
  • Minvata is a reliable sound insulator;
  • Light weight;
  • Does not burn and does not support combustion;
  • Does not rot, does not contribute to the formation of mold and fungus;
  • Available in rolls and in slabs, this helps ease installation.
  • Relatively low price.

The only drawback of the insulator is the ability to absorb moisture, losing working qualities. The problem is solved by installing a protective membrane. Suitable Choice- warming stone wool released in slabs and mats. They are quite rigid, easier to install, do not lose their shape over time.

Preparation for work

Before work, it is necessary to free the balcony from all foreign objects, remove lamps, brackets, flower stands from the walls. Thoroughly clean surfaces from dust, residues old paint and other coatings.

The crumbling and exfoliated areas are completely removed, regardless of the depth of destruction.

Detected cracks, potholes and other flaws should be puttied, and in difficult cases- plaster. After the putty dries, the walls are covered with a double layer of primer - a deep penetration primer.

Balcony vapor barrier

Warming is done from the inside, so you need to install. It cuts off the heat insulator from the material of the walls, excluding the penetration of water vapor. An ordinary polyethylene sleeve will do, but you can buy a special vapor barrier, which will come out a little more expensive.

The film is installed in horizontal rows starting from the bottom. Each subsequent row is overlapped at least 10 cm, the joint is glued with adhesive tape (adhesive tape).

The film is attached to the wall with mastic purchased at a hardware store. You should not doubt the reliability of the glue, since it is needed only for a while.

Lathing installation

It is needed to support the heat insulator and install the skin. It is a series of vertically arranged strips, the distance between which is carefully calibrated and corresponds to the width of the heat insulator.

With a width of mineral wool slabs of 60 cm, the step of the crate should be reduced by 0.5-1 cm in order to ensure the tightness of the installation.

The material used is wooden bars or metal guides for drywall. The second option is recognized as optimal, since the guides have an ideal geometry, are not prone to rot and cracks, and do not burn. Installation is much easier, since all the necessary elements are on sale - direct suspensions, screws.

The first step is the marking of the walls and the installation of direct suspensions along the axes of future planks. The crate is built from the installation of extreme slats. They are carefully aligned vertically, the distance to the wall should be equal to or slightly more than the thickness of the mineral wool. Then, cords are stretched between the slats, which serve as guidelines for the installation of intermediate slats. This is faster than checking the position of each bar individually.

Wall and ceiling insulation

The insulation process consists in installing a heat insulator between the crate. The procedure is not complicated, but requires compliance with the tightness of the installation. It is impossible to allow the appearance of gaps, cracks and gaps between the mineral wool slabs.

To eliminate the shortcomings, it is necessary to keep a balloon of mounting foam on hand, which immediately fills all the irregularities found.

The gaps between the insulation plates form cold bridges, areas with active formation of condensate. The surface gets wet, materials and structures in contact with the cold bridge are destroyed. If they are not eliminated in time, the work will have to be redone in 2-3 seasons.

Particular attention should be paid to the insulation of slopes of window and door openings, the design of corners and junctions with glazing. In these places, cracks may appear, so it is necessary to install the insulator as carefully and tightly as possible.

Installation of mineral wool on the ceiling plate is carried out in the same way. To support the mineral wool, it is recommended to fix it with a thin wire stretched across the crate over the mineral wool.

Floor insulation

The principle differs little from the general technology, but logs are used instead of crates. A layer of waterproofing is laid in front of them with an overlap on the walls of about 20 cm. A vapor barrier is laid on it.

Then the logs are laid and fastened, with a step convenient for laying the insulation. Mineral wool is tightly and carefully inserted between the lags, another layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of it. A rough floor is laid from boards or sheet materials(chipboard, plywood, etc.). After that, you can lay the final floor covering.

Balcony decoration

Finishing work is carried out after the installation of the cladding, which is attached to the laths of the crate over the insulation.

On top of the mineral wool, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier that prevents the insulator from getting wet, which makes it lose its properties.

As a sheathing, it is easiest to use plywood, plasterboard, chipboard, MDF and other sheet Construction Materials. Joints between individual sheets and recessed screws are puttied, the sheathing surface is primed, then applied finishing layer- paint, wallpaper or textured plaster.

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Some owners prefer the installation of lining, which combines the skin and finishing and needs only a coat of varnish.

Reading 8 min.

All residents of apartments with a balcony or loggia sooner or later think that it would be nice to insulate the room. In summer, you can relax or even sleep on the balcony without fear of freezing. But with the advent of winter, an uninsulated balcony can no longer be used as an additional room. In addition, if old windows in poor condition are added to the lack of insulation, the cold from the street makes its way into the room itself.

In order to be able to rationally use the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing, and save on heating, it is worth insulating the balcony. There are various building materials for this kind of work. However, the most popular among them are mineral wool, which will be discussed in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool as a material for insulation

The name "mineral wool" combines several materials that are almost identical to each other both in structure and in production technology. The properties of these materials are also similar, so you can describe them as one.

The positive aspects of using mineral wool:

  • excellent sound insulation, which will especially appeal to people living near noisy roads or in houses with large yards;
  • insulation with this material can be done at any time of the year;
  • a fairly simple installation method, so even a non-professional can handle it;
  • good thermal insulation qualities;
  • this material is not subject to fire;
  • light weight, which is convenient both for transporting material and for carrying out work.

In addition to a number of advantages, this material also has its drawbacks, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before proceeding to repair work on the balcony.

Here are the main disadvantages of mineral wool:

  • moisture instability. When liquid enters, the material is simply deformed and crushed;
  • cotton wool tends to crumble while working with it, so you need to be careful. In addition, after the completion of the work, a lot of small debris will remain, and additional time will be required for cleaning;
  • work with this material is possible only with special clothing, as well as glasses, gloves and a respiratory mask. And after the installation is completed, it is necessary to immediately thoroughly clean the balcony using a vacuum cleaner.

Preparatory work before installing mineral wool

Before proceeding with the work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the balcony itself and assess its current condition. Otherwise, the installation may turn out to be of poor quality, and the insulation will not bring the expected effect.

The main stages of preparation for the insulation of the balcony:

Installation of insulation in the surface of the balcony

The process of warming the balcony mineral wool takes place in several stages. It is very important to strictly adhere to each of them, since compliance with all the rules is the key to the quality and long service life of the work performed.

Such an insulated and heated balcony will help expand the area of ​​​​the apartment: it can be turned into a full-fledged small room. Depending on the size, it can accommodate a couple of chairs and a table. Get a cozy place to relax. True, in this case, you will also have to take care of the lighting.

Also, an insulated balcony becomes a great place for, and with the right level of heating and sufficient space, you can make an extra bed there. This solution will be especially relevant for small and one-room apartments.

Warming with a rolled type of mineral wool is more difficult - but still possible, see how this is done in our video:

The loggia has an area that winter time it is desirable to make it comfortable for living. To do this, it is necessary to make it warm. One longitudinal side of the loggia borders on your apartment, the second one goes out onto the street, sides adjoin the walls of neighbors. Based on this, special attention should be paid to the open side on which the windows will be located.


Most of the heat escapes through the window space. Given this, it is necessary to install high-quality windows. Best to choose plastic windows with two double glazing. They are durable, practical, have good soundproofing. Their only drawback is that they do not let air into the room, which can lead to an increase in condensate. To avoid this, it is necessary to ventilate the loggia more often.

The choice of insulation method

It is necessary to decide on the method of insulation: outside or inside. When choosing an option, you should consider where the dew point will be. The dew point is the temperature at which water vapor condenses on the colder side. With external insulation, the wall remains warm, it is not lost living space indoors. The external method is much more effective than the internal one. But this option is fraught with technical difficulties, since it can only be performed by industrial climbers. When insulating from the inside, the thickness of the selected material should be increased, and the work itself should be done by hand.

Material selection

The choice of materials for insulation is very large. It can be various types of foam, mineral wool, polyethylene foam. Most cheap way- insulation of the loggia with mineral wool. Wool is a fibrous material obtained by melting different kind raw materials. It can be glass, volcanic rocks or slag from blast furnaces. In this regard, there are several types of this insulation: glass wool, stone or basalt wool and slag. These materials are good insulators, have good sound absorption, are light and easy to install, but are susceptible to moisture.

glass wool

Glass wool has a high wrinkle in the wet state, increased fiber fragility. The smallest fragments of glass wool can penetrate the lungs, eyes, get on the skin, so this material must be tightly packed in plastic bags. When working with it, for safety reasons, it is necessary to use gloves, goggles, a respirator, overalls. Cotton wool can be produced in rolls, mats and plates.

stone wool

Stone or basalt wool is the highest quality. It is non-flammable, durable, resistant to deformation, easy to install, more dense. Its shrinkage is no more than 5%. Mostly produced in slabs. It is desirable to stop your choice on it. Use plates with a thickness of 50-100 mm.

slag wool

Slag wool is good for insulation, but it is very hygroscopic and has low vibration resistance, which is why its durability is low. Therefore, it is less in demand.

Floor insulation

The floor plate, first of all, is cleared of debris. Waterproofing is placed on the cleaned floor. It can be thick polyethylene or roofing material. On top of the waterproofing layer, a crate of wooden beams is attached, having the same thickness as the material. It needs to be processed
antiseptic. The crate is attached to the floor plate with dowels. Then, a heater is placed in it, between the bars. It should be borne in mind that mineral wool with a low density will shrink. Therefore, the dimensions of its sheets should be larger in area of ​​the space where it is inserted. The inserted insulation is covered with polyethylene, which is fastened to the bars with a stapler.
The flooring can be done: - with a floorboard, having processed it with foam, which will save its characteristics. It is advisable to use a grooved board with grooves and protrusions; - OSB board. We nail the plate or attach it with screws to the crate. We put laminate on it. It can be covered with linoleum or carpet after the walls and ceiling are insulated.

Insulation of the ceiling and walls

If the floor of your neighbor on top of the loggia is insulated, then the insulation of the ceiling of your loggia disappears, but it is better to make its lining. The wall adjacent to the living room can not be insulated, as it is warm. It is better to perform electrical wiring on it for installing sockets and a switch.
To insulate the ceiling and walls, it is necessary to make a crate from a bar with a section of 50x40 mm in increments of approximately 500 mm. The installation of the bars must begin from the corners of the loggia. Attach the bars to the ceiling and walls with self-tapping screws and treat with an antiseptic. Then start the warming itself. The cut sheets of mineral wool are glued with special glue to the wall and ceiling of the loggia. The glue should have the consistency of sour cream. They need to generously lubricate the bonding surface. Additionally, sheets of insulation can be attached with dowels "fungi".
The next stage of insulation is vapor barrier. It can be done with dense polyethylene, but it is better with foil-foamed polyethylene. The foil should be facing the inside of the loggia in order to retain heat in it. After insulation, we carry out final work. We nail the finishing coating to the bars of the ceiling and walls. They can be PVC lining, wooden lining or other materials. We fix skirting boards on the floor, and install special corners to the corners of the walls and between the walls and the ceiling.
The insulation of the loggia with mineral wool has been successfully completed and your loggia is ready for living in the cold season.

Due to their design and functional features, balconies are one of the coldest rooms in the world. winter period. That is why many owners sooner or later decide to insulate their loggia or balcony with their own hands. One of the most commonly used materials for this is mineral wool.

The main advantages of mineral wool:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Versatility. Mineral wool is used both for wall insulation and for floor and ceiling insulation.
  • Ease of installation;
  • Efficiency;
  • Affordable price;
  • Resistance to high temperatures, up to +600 C;
  • High level of sound insulation.

Manufacturers divide modern mineral wool into several categories, depending on its density, namely grades 75, 100 and 125. In addition, it can be produced both in special rolls and in the form of plates.

Preparatory work

Balcony insulation can be carried out both outside and inside, but the first option is not always possible for a number of reasons. These include a violation of the architectural appearance of the building, the number of storeys of the balcony, which is due to the level of danger of the work. On the preparatory stage work should be accurately calculated required material and its layout. The technology of insulating a loggia or balcony with glass wool provides for the dismantling of all finishing materials and the exposure of the main frame of the structure in order to place an insulating material between the load-bearing elements of the loggia.

It is necessary to take care of a set of tools for carrying out such work, namely:

  1. 1 construction knife;
  2. 2 Measuring tape, long ruler or rule and level for the floor;
  3. 3 Electric screwdriver;
  4. 4 Construction stapler.

In addition to the main material - mineral wool, you should take care of the presence of wooden bars, which will play the role of a restraining frame for insulation and the basis for attaching subsequent finishing materials. In this case, the dimensions of the bar can be 50 by 40 mm. You will also need material for hydro and vapor barrier.

Important! In order to ensure health safety, special gloves and respirators should be used to protect against small fibers of cotton wool during its cutting or installation.

Installation of mineral wool insulation

Formation wooden frame on the walls for the location of the insulating material in it, it is necessary to carry out starting from the top and followed by fastening every 40-50 cm. Ceiling guides are mounted according to the same principle. Pre-prepared segments of mineral wool are located in niches and fixed with a special glue. Possible around the perimeter additional mount edges of the insulation with a construction stapler.

Special attention should be paid to do-it-yourself warming of the floor of the loggia or balcony. Here it is necessary to take care of high-quality waterproofing, and roofing material, polyethylene or special waterproofing films can be used in the qualitatively necessary material. After laying on the entire surface of the floor of the balcony with waterproofing, guide logs are mounted, which form niches for the placement of insulation and are the basis for fastening the floor covering. The distance between the floor lags can be up to 50 cm.

When conducting installation work for wall insulation with mineral wool, it is necessary to ensure the laying of an electrical network for the subsequent location of lighting fixtures, sockets and switches. All wooden elements, which act as a framework, must be treated with special substances that provide them reliable protection from decay, the harmful effects of moisture and other factors. In this case, the floor frame must be processed several times.

The need for vapor barrier

At the final stage of warming a balcony or loggia with mineral wool, you need to take care of such an important element as vapor barrier. This material provides reliable protection against the appearance of condensate in an already finished room, which adversely affects the finishing materials and the entire structure as a whole.

Mineral wool absorbs moisture very strongly, which has an extremely negative effect on its thermal insulation characteristics. The vapor barrier layer should be located between the inner lining of the balcony and the mineral wool. When insulating the floor, vapor barrier also plays a key role.

Vapor barrier is a film made in the form of a membrane. It provides control over the removal of excess moisture from the room. Do-it-yourself installation of a vapor barrier layer is simple and takes a little time.

Warming the balcony with mineral wool with your own hands will significantly save on the cost of work, and subsequently save the budget at the cost of heating residential premises.

The consequences of improper insulation of the loggia

Do-it-yourself technology for warming a balcony or loggia with mineral wool does not belong to the category complex work However, compliance with all requirements and norms is the key to a quality result. If the sequence of stages of work is not followed, mineral wool insulation, violation of technology or the use of unsuitable material can lead to such negative consequences as:

  • Condensation formation;
  • Wet walls and floors, and in winter, the formation of ice;
  • Formation of mold or fungus.

Insulation of the loggia with mineral wool is carried out if it is attached to the room.

One of the most common insulation materials is mineral wool. It is used for thermal insulation of attics, walls and other elements of residential buildings. Minvata - absolutely harmless material, not afraid of fire and does not emit any toxic substances. When choosing this material for cladding a balcony, you can reduce heat loss. Therefore, warming the loggia with mineral wool will create a fairly comfortable atmosphere.

Scheme of actions for lining the loggia with mineral wool:

  • cleaning the loggia from all sorts of things and debris;
  • glazing;
  • floor finishing works;
  • ceiling lining;
  • wall insulation;
  • electric installation work;
  • installation of flooring;
  • interior decoration.

The preparatory stage for warming the loggia with your own hands

At the first stage, it is required to clear the balcony room of all things. It is also necessary to remove the old wooden frames(if they were installed a long time ago) with single glazing, and replace them with more modern ones. To have warm loggia, it is desirable to install new double-glazed windows with two or three glasses.

The loggia can be insulated with inside and from the outside. To avoid condensation and moisture accumulation, it is recommended to insulate the balcony only from the outside, but there are cases when this is not possible (for example, so as not to spoil the architectural appearance of the building). Then it is supposed to be warmed from the inside.

To do the work with your own hands, in addition to mineral wool, you will need roofing material, special glue, a building level, a stapler.

Warming the floor of the loggia with mineral wool

To insulate the floor with mineral wool, wooden logs are first installed.

After cleaning the floor surface from various debris, roofing material is placed in one layer. The joint of the sheets can be glued with a sealant tape. Logs are installed on top of the roofing material with a step of 50 cm. In this case, the thickness of the beam is calculated as, the height from the floor to balcony door minus the thickness of the floor covering, rough material and roofing material. Legs are installed using building level, and are connected by bars.

Important! Before installation, the logs must be impregnated with a composition with protection against decay.

Mineral wool is placed between the lags with their own hands, which must first be cut into pieces equal to the size of the parts between the lags. When cutting cotton wool, it is advisable to wear a bandage so that its small particles do not get into the respiratory system.

Having laid out the mineral wool, a draft floor is placed on the logs, which is fastened with self-tapping screws. At this point, the floor insulation is temporarily stopped, and work begins on the walls and ceiling of the loggia.

Ceiling and wall cladding

The surface is carefully inspected to exclude the possibility of cracks or loose plaster. All cracks are processed mounting foam and sealed with adhesive tape on top.

If the ceiling of the balcony forms a joint slab from the top floor, then it is advisable to ask if the floor of the neighbor from above is insulated. In the case of an insulated loggia floor, there is no need to insulate the ceiling. But, in order to be completely sure that the heat will not go away, you can still do the cladding work on your part.

The walls of the loggia are mostly double-glazed windows, which, of course, do not need to be insulated. But the lower part can be made of concrete or iron sheet. In this case, insulation is required.

Attaches to walls and ceilings wooden beam 50x40 mm. Installation should begin at the border of the ceiling and walls, after which, in increments of 50 cm, the beam is attached over the entire surface.

In the case of installation of electricians in the room, it must be carried out at this stage.

Important! The switches and sockets installed on the loggia must be exclusively external.

Mineral wool is attached to the wall and ceiling with a special glue.

Mineral wool, as well as in the version with the floor, is cut into pieces equal to the size of the areas between the bars. Insulation material starts from the ceiling. Sheets of mineral wool are glued with special glue. The glue is applied very carefully, after which the sheets are pressed to the surface.

When preparing glue, it is important to make it a certain uniformity and density. After all, a very thick adhesive is not able to provide good adhesion to the surface. Liquid adhesive composition, on the contrary, can make it difficult to work, because it has a low density. Therefore, the glue must be of such a consistency that when applied to the spatula, it does not drain.

Advice! Since mineral wool is a rather fragile material, when gluing it is important not to push through it.

In the same way, mineral wool is attached to the walls. For the best grip, with the help of a knitting wire, the mineral wool is fixed with staples of a construction stapler.

And the room can not be produced, because it is already warm, so you can install all the sockets and switches on it.

After insulation, the walls can be sheathed with eurolining or drywall.

After installing the insulation, do-it-yourself vapor barrier of the room is carried out. It is necessary so that the mineral wool does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture, and the timber does not begin to rot. To do this, you can take polyethylene and attach it first to the ceiling, then to the walls. At the junction of the ceiling with the wall, polyethylene is overlapped. In places where sockets and switches are installed, the vapor barrier film must be slightly incised in order to insert electrical products into it.

After installing the vapor barrier, you can proceed to the final work.

At this stage, the ceiling is sheathed with clapboard or drywall with your own hands. Next, you can go to flooring. The walls are finished last, and in finishing material it is necessary to make holes for sockets and switches. At the end of the finish, skirting boards are placed.

The best insulation can be achieved by placing a convector in the room. Thus, the heat will not only not go away, but the optimum temperature will also be maintained.

Advantages of insulated mineral wool loggia

In a new warm room, you can make both a place to relax and a study. But in this case, it is necessary to plan the arrangement of furniture in advance in order to take care of correct installation sockets and switches.
Also, depending on the size of the loggia, you can equip the dining room with a beautiful view of the surroundings, or turn it into flower garden. That's why proper insulation with his own hands will allow the owner to fulfill all his desires.