How to adjust a plastic balcony. How to adjust a plastic balcony door if it sagged? Common problems and why they occur

  • 27.06.2020

Currently, when arranging their house or apartment, people choose modern materials and related components. And if half a century ago a person could not even think that instead of a wooden window or balcony he would have a plastic one, today this material is gaining more and more popularity. And this is no accident, because the same door made of plastic is a cut above in its technical specifications Plus, it's easy to take care of.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to maintain the original performance of the door. This can happen for many reasons. Due to careless handling or simply wear of parts. In any case, do not rush to call the master. Often, breakdowns are petty, so that each person will be able to solve them independently. This article will discuss what to do if the plastic door to the balcony does not close.

Causes of failure

The plastic door to the balcony does not close for many reasons, but in any case, it is possible to return it to working condition. And so that such incidents no longer occur, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the “symptoms of the disease”, in other words, find out why the structure breaks.

Sagging sash

It happens that the sash sank. In this case, do not panic, because this malfunction is eliminated very simply. As for the reasons, this is simply due to wear and tear. The fact is that absolutely any double-glazed window sags sooner or later. And it is always the sash that does it first because of its mass.

To solve this problem yourself, you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • hexagons.

Worn seal

It also often happens that the seal wears out. Most often this occurs after five years of operation. But if the design is handled carelessly, this time can be significantly reduced. The first signal that the seal is worn out will be drafts along the contour. In this case, it will not be possible to return the seal to its former form, so you will have to purchase a new one in a specialized store. It is advisable to buy seals from German manufacturers. If one is not found, then Russian is acceptable, but Chinese is undesirable. The latter are extremely unreliable and will not justify the costs.

Other malfunctions

Also, the plastic door to the balcony does not close for a number of other, smaller reasons, which are much less common, but still occur. It is worth mentioning that when ordering window blocks from trusted and reliable manufacturers, the risk of encountering these problems is extremely small.

And problems can be:

  1. Breakage The reason for this is an excessively strong force applied to this element. Or if you try to open the door when the handle is closed. Breakage can be of two types: when the outer part is broken and or the inside. In the first case, it is enough to just replace it, and in the second case, you will have to restore the mechanism or completely replace it.
  2. Loop breakage. This problem is most often encountered if there are children in the family. They usually like to hang on open door, which causes the breakdown. Here, the malfunction can also be of two types: when the fasteners break or when the hinges themselves completely fail. You can understand that a breakdown has occurred, you can visually, without resorting to any manipulations.

What to do if the sash moves away?

Each person who purchases window blocks should be prepared to face the fact that the plastic door to the balcony does not close. Departs tops bottom - it does not matter. You can solve this problem by adjusting the fittings.

So, to fix this problem, you need only one tool - a hexagon. The door has special mechanism, which is located at the top. It will be visible if you open the sash. It is located at the end. Using a hex wrench, you need to turn it. By turning left or right, you can adjust the tightness of the door. In the event that the top moves away, it is necessary to pull it, otherwise, loosen it.

These manipulations need to be mastered on their own, without calling specialists, because these actions will need to be repeated periodically, since over time the mechanisms weaken, and a gap appears between the sash and the frame.

The handle broke. What to do?

If the plastic door to the balcony does not close, the handle can cause this. This problem will be obvious, and this means that the locking hardware is broken. Unfortunately, this mechanism cannot be repaired, and it must be completely changed.

Above in the text it was said that there are two options for failure. But there is only one method of elimination - the complete replacement of the broken element. Thus, if the handle itself, external or internal, is damaged, then it is necessary to buy the same one in a specialized store and install it. This operation can be carried out independently.

If the internal mechanism is damaged, you also need to purchase it at the store, but replacing it can be difficult, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to trust a specialist.

The problem with sagging

Sagging is another reason why the plastic door to the balcony does not close. Over time, under the weight of its own mass, the structure may move down, in which case the sash will touch the edge of the frame.

In order to fix this problem, you need to adjust the sash itself. It is advisable to learn how to do it yourself, since you will have to repeat this procedure more than once, because after fixing the problems over time, it will settle again. Unfortunately, this process is cyclical.

So, in the event that the plastic door to the balcony (sunk) does not close, you need to raise it higher, for this you need to open a special mechanism. It is located at the bottom of the door. It will be convenient to work when it is closed. After removing the protective caps, you need to take the hexagon and, having installed it in the appropriate hole, turn it to the right or left. If you turn it clockwise, the sash will rise, which is necessary in this case, but if you notice that you have applied too much force and the sash has risen high, you can turn the key to the left to lower it. By carrying out these manipulations, it will be possible to achieve the desired result in a matter of minutes.

The sash keeps opening

It often happens that the plastic door to the balcony does not close from the outside or from the inside. This can happen for two reasons. In the first option, the lock fittings will be the culprit - it has worn out or was simply broken. The second option involves incorrect adjustment of the door. Both cases will now be considered.

In the case of accessories, everything is simple. This problem can be attributed to the above. Her solution is simply to replace the component, but in order to adjust the door so that it does not open by itself, it is necessary to do some manipulations.

In general, all actions are painfully simple. You will need one of two tools: a mounting key with a hole for the door eccentric, which can only be found in a specialized store, or ordinary pliers. Having selected a tool, you need to open the sash. Eccentrics will be located at the end. By exposing them vertically, you adjust the pressure so that it is minimal, horizontally - maximum. Turning the eccentric, you need to align it so that the fit is optimal, and the lock fittings in the best way interlocked with each other, thereby ensuring a tight closing of the door.

Now, if the plastic door to the balcony does not close, you know what to do. As you can see, repairing it is much easier than it might seem. And it is important to learn how to do it yourself, because the manipulations are simple, and they must be repeated periodically, and not call the master because of such trifles.

V modern houses wooden windows actively replaced by plastic structures. From PVC profiles manufacture window frames and sashes, as well as similar door structures. Plastic structures have many advantages and no fewer features of operation. One of them is the need for adjustment. You can do it with your own hands, but knowledge is required on how to adjust the plastic balcony doors.

Rice. 1 plastic door to the balcony

Usually a plastic window with a balcony door does not require additional adjustment. During installation, all necessary processes are performed. Of course, experts should hang the canvas. You can hang a plastic door structure on your own, but the closing door mechanism is complex and requires careful installation. If the door leaf opens and closes normally, without causing complaints, then nothing needs to be done.

However, over time, the elements of the system begin to weaken. This is especially noticeable when the door leaf is often opened and closed. In addition, the door leaf is much heavier than the usual casement and gradually begins to sag under its own weight.

Rice. 2 How to adjust balcony door

Adjustment work is required in cases where specific defects become noticeable.

  • When a plastic balcony door sags, it begins to touch the threshold with its lower part before closing. This usually happens with heavy balcony structures in which a double-glazed window is installed. The hinges gradually loosen and the sash moves.
  • If the balcony door does not close, touches the middle part of the frame, then a shift has occurred due to temperature changes.
  • Insufficiently tight clamping of the sash leads to the penetration of cold air, i.e. blowing from the balcony door, and when strong wind the passing air howls.
  • Adjustment may be required due to the settlement processes of the new home. Shrinkage is negligible, but even a difference of a few millimeters leads to distortions.
  • If the door leaf in the open state does not remain in place, but opens or closes.
  • If the door does not open, then you need to figure out how to open and adjust the door yourself.

Depending on the specific defects, they choose how to adjust the plastic balcony doors. But before that, they find out why the problem arose, the mechanism is jammed, the door does not latch or does not recline.

Ways to detect violations

Problems with balcony door leaves are not noticeable until they become too serious. But in these cases, adjustment is not enough. It is necessary to carry out a complete repair or replace accessories. Small violations can be detected in the following ways.

Rice. 3 If the balcony door does not close well

First, open the sash to the balcony and leave it in such a half-open form. It should not spontaneously move. If it opens further or slams shut, then you will need to adjust the balcony canvas with your own hands.

The second way to detect skew is as follows. You need to take a simple pencil and stand on the other side of the door leaf so that it opens “away from you”. The door leaf is closed and the perimeter is outlined with a pencil along the edge of the door frame. When the plastic balcony door is opened, a line will remain on the door frame profile. If it is parallel to the edges, then everything is in order, and if non-parallelism is noticeable, then you will need to adjust the mechanism.

Another way to check the uniformity of the pressure around the perimeter of the sash is to use a sheet of paper. It is placed in the vestibule, the sash is slammed and the sheet is pulled out. Pay attention to your efforts. Such a check is carried out around the entire perimeter, alternately pressing the sheet. If in some areas it is harder or easier to pull it out, then the clamp is uneven and needs to be adjusted.

Features of adjusting plastic balcony doors

PVC door structures are installed in frames using special attachment points. Their design allows you to independently adjust the position of the door leaf on the balcony in three directions.

The horizontal adjustment of the balcony door structure changes the distance between the leaf and the hinge post. Vertical - changes the position of the leaf relative to the door frame vertically. Front - changes the pressure density.

Rice. 4 Do-it-yourself balcony door adjustment

To gain access to the adjusting screws, you need to open the balcony door and remove the decorative panel.

Horizontal adjustment of plastic balcony door

The position of the door leaf relative to the hinge post is changed using the adjusting screw. It is located under a decorative overlay and is located horizontally. Use horizontal adjustment in cases where the door to the balcony touches the side of the door frame or the part of the threshold farthest from the hinges.

If the plastic door does not close, touches the door frame in the middle part or along the entire length, then you need to tighten the mechanism yourself by one or a couple of turns in all hinges. If the door leaf clings only to the threshold in the part farthest from the hinges, then the screws must be tightened only in the upper hinges, the lower one is left unchanged.

Vertical adjustment

The vertical adjustment screw is responsible for shifting the door leaf up or down relative to the door frame. To adjust the plastic balcony door and lower it down, you need to turn the screw counterclockwise. Turning clockwise raises the canvas.

Vertical adjustment is required if the balcony door does not close, and its lower edge touches the threshold. It is necessary to change the height and in the presence of dents on the seals from above or below. The sagging door element must be lifted, otherwise the canvas will not open. The mechanism is tightened, and then it is checked whether it can recline, close and press.

A hex wrench is used to turn the screws. Usually a five-millimeter version is required. To adjust the position of the strikers located at the bottom and top of the door frame, you will need a two and a half millimeter key and a flat screwdriver. The main keep is displaced using a Phillips screwdriver.

Adjusting the pressure of the plastic sash in the frontal direction

The front adjustment changes the density of pressing the balcony door against the door frame. The specific process of how to adjust the plastic structure depends on the model.

In the first option, it is required to turn the eccentrics on the end of the blade. The second option requires turning the trunnion using pliers. In order for the canvas to be pressed as much as possible, the trunnion is turned perpendicular to the door block, and for minimum pressure, in parallel. In the third option, it is necessary to shift the striker using a special screw.

As a result, the canvas is pressed tightly and the closing structure will not let through cold air. In the same time pvc doors with an excessively tight fit are somewhat weakened and they will close without damaging the seal.

Door handle adjustment

Another problem with balcony doors is poor performance. door handle. If it turns tight, then this is usually due to problems with the door leaf. After adjusting the position of the balcony door, the problem disappears. If the handle remains tight, then the lock needs to be replaced.

The looseness of the hand is easily eliminated. The decorative overlay is removed or unfolded. Under it are two screws that are tightened with a Phillips screwdriver.

Additionally, plastic doors to the balcony can be complemented by a latching one. The latch allows you to close the window and the door to the balcony more tightly, especially if it blows in them. To stop blowing, special magnetic or mechanical structures are installed that allow the door to snap into place. In order for the structure to snap into place, it must be installed with high quality.

Today, almost every house has improved window frames and balcony blocks made of high-quality metal-plastic or plastic profiles. They are easy to use and, importantly, do not require regular painting, and are also distinguished by simple and quick installation. Like any other moving mechanism, plastic balcony doors need to be adjusted after long-term operation. And if such work is not carried out in a modern way, the mechanism may soon become unusable, which will require additional costs for its replacement. How to adjust the balcony plastic door you will learn from our article.

When does an adjustment need to be made?

The need to adjust the balcony door arises if:

  • the movable transom is displaced or not tightly pressed against the frame profile;
  • makes arbitrary movements from a certain point when it is in the open position.

Noticing that the balcony door plastic balcony door does not work fully, you should not postpone the adjustment work for later. There are two ways to resolve the situation: resort to the qualified help of a specialist or try to adjust the mechanism yourself, having read the recommendations of experts.

What can be a problem?

Before you figure out how to adjust the plastic balcony doors, you should understand what the problem is and why the system began to work non-functionally. The most common malfunctions include:

  1. Loose handle. Problems in the operation of this structural element arise due to the frequent operation of the door leaf. It is not possible to exclude the possibility of such a breakdown. Therefore, it makes sense to timely adjust the handle of a plastic balcony door in order to prevent its breakage.

Handle turning pattern

  1. Sagging door leaf. During closing, it clings to the threshold. Such problems, most often, arise due to the weight of the structure, which, under the force of its gravity, shifts downward.

Loop adjustment schemes

  1. Lack of tight clamping of the sash to the frame. If the balcony door does not close well and there is a draft from it, then most likely this is the problem.
  2. Transom shift to the side in such a way that during its movement it clings to the middle of the frame. In this case, the hinge holders must be adjusted. This situation may arise due to a poorly insulated balcony or the absence of any insulation at all. Hence temperature fluctuations and a decrease in the quality of the mobile system performance.

Solving problems on your own

Adjusting the plastic balcony door is not a difficult task, especially if you have everything with you. necessary tools, hands adapted to them, and clearly written instructions. As for the tools, the basic set for such work consists of a hex key and a pair of screwdrivers (cross and flat). Well what about step by step instructions, then we suggest that you consider the most common types of breakdowns and their elimination.

If the warranty period for servicing the product has not yet expired, then it would be rational to resort to the help of specialists. In this case, you still have the opportunity to get high-quality and, importantly, free troubleshooting assistance.

VIDEO: Adjusting the door to the balcony

How to adjust the door handle?

If the handle does not turn to an extreme point or does not turn well, then in order not to change it to a new one, you can try to correct the situation by performing a few simple manipulations:

  1. First of all, you need to find the mounting screws that are located under the decorative cap. The latter rises at a right angle, very carefully. After that, tighten the screws.

Mounting screws

  1. If visible problems no (the connecting pin is not cut off, etc.), then you just need to lubricate the inside of the locking mechanism with a material that does not contain acids and resins in its composition.
  2. Well, in the case when the handle does not work at all due to a malfunction of the internal components, then, most likely, it will need to be completely replaced with a new product. To do this, unscrew the screws, remove the broken handle and fix the new one in the same way.

Whole handle replacement

How to solve problems with sagging door leaf?

In the event that the moving transom clings to the lower edge of the frame during closing or opening, then in order to eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to adjust the sagging plastic balcony door. It can be horizontal and vertical.

To make a horizontal adjustment, you need to follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, the panel should be opened as wide as possible in the pivot position.
  2. Next, you need to turn the screw located at the end of the transom near the upper hinge holder. Now we take the hex key and perform two or three turns clockwise.
  3. To get to the top adjusting screw, it is necessary to remove all the plugs that act as decorating elements.
  4. The adjustment of the mechanism of plastic balcony doors is carried out as follows: a screw is located under the plug. It needs to be turned clockwise. After that, the operation of the mechanism is checked and, if the problem has not disappeared, the procedure is repeated until the sash stops rubbing against the frame.

For vertical adjustment door panel instructions are somewhat different. Trying to evenly raise the panel, we find a screw. It is located along the axis of the hinge holder on the lower end of the panel. In some samples of the locking structure, this element is closed with a plug, which must be carefully removed without damaging it. Adjusting the plastic balcony doors in this case involves turning the screw clockwise to raise the sash and counter-clockwise to move it down.

If the frame blew cold, then, most likely, it is necessary to adjust the density of pressing the sash.

On the transom there is a shut-off valve, thanks to which you can adjust the pressure. Taking pliers or a wrench, we turn these parts until the required clamping density is reached.

Experts advise adjusting the pressure density twice depending on weather conditions. In warm weather, you need to loosen the clamp, and in cold weather, make it tighter. This will avoid rapid wear of the sealing material.

What to do if the sash touches the middle of the frame?

If you notice that the transom clings to the middle of the frame, then you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • to move the transom to the loop element, you should lower it to the loop located below;
  • after that, using the adjusting key, we attract it by turning the side screw;
  • if the described measures did not help to eliminate the problems, we do the same with the upper loop holder.

After watching the video on how to adjust the balcony door, you will see that this is not such a difficult process.

How to avoid problems in the future?

To no longer resort to frequent repairs, experienced professionals strongly recommend giving preference to products from trusted manufacturers. Accordingly, cheap models do not have high strength characteristics and a long service life.

Microlift installation

The presence of a special compensator ("microlift") will eliminate the problem of transom sagging under its own weight. Especially if window block equipped with a double-glazed window, which has a large mass and dimensions. In addition, it is possible to equip the window with an additional tire, which will protect the sash from subsidence and jamming.

VIDEO: Balcony door hardware adjustment

Many plastic owners from time to time face such a problem: how to adjust the plastic balcony door. In this case, the design may not close tightly, the handle or hinges become loose. The process of adjusting the door device is not difficult. You can tighten and fix the fittings in a few minutes.

Practical and convenient to arrange access to the balcony will help plastic structures

Read in the article

Features of the design of the balcony door

PVC products are suitable option for . Such designs are characterized by resistance to temperature fluctuations and influence. Similar products have light weight and do not become a burden for exposure to moisture and temperature changes. When creating plastic doors, the same profile is used as during installation.

Plastic products have certain advantages:

  • thanks to the multi-chamber profile, they perfectly retain heat and are distinguished by good;
  • are immune to any manifestations of the external environment;
  • are environmentally friendly and durable;
  • characterized by unpretentious care.

Most often, glass top and plastic bottom are used for balcony structures. In the presence of a solid frame, the door is made using triple glazing. This allows you to create a stained glass design and enhance the natural.

The following designs are popular:

  • sliding models that move using a system of grooves. When installing them, tightness is required. Also, installation is carried out on;

  • with one and two leaves, which are equipped with hinged locking fittings. This requires adjustment of the hinges;

  • double structures with impost. In this model, the sashes open, but an insert is placed between them - an impost;
  • the shtulp version consists of two parts. At the same time, one is fixed in one place.

Furniture is of great importance. It allows you to make the clamp more dense. Accessories are divided into internal and external. Inner elements are no different from . The interior includes door handles, balcony latches, decorative trims and stationary handles.

Helpful information! The most important step is the installation of the door frame. It is installed with an accurate definition of vertical and horizontal directions. Then the structure is fixed with self-tapping screws and anchor bolts.

How to adjust a plastic balcony door: ways

Most owners of balconies are concerned about the question: how to adjust the plastic balcony door. You can configure the device on your own, which allows you to:

  • use regulators to remove sagging canvases;
  • remove shifts in any direction;
  • adjust the pressure;
  • place a plate for the ventilation regulator under the handle;
  • lubricate all moving parts.

A special oil composition is used as a lubricant, and you will also need a brush or cotton swab.

The table shows some door setting techniques:

Image Adjustment methods

Loop adjustment.

Setting the position of the trunnions.

Adjustment methods using a hex key
Pressure regulation .

Features of setting the end part of the balcony block

Clamp setting.

Upper and lower loop adjustment scheme.

Related article:

It is possible to cope with this task without resorting to a specialist. Everything you need to know about the features of the regulation of these structures, we have collected in this material.

The main problems of plastic doors

If the balcony plastic door does not close tightly, then this is easily corrected. You may run into certain problems:

  • the bottom of the panel, when opened, rubs against the plastic threshold. This occurs due to subsidence of the structure, which manifests itself in summer time with frequent opening of the sash, as well as with a heavy double-glazed window;
  • in the middle part of the canvas, the sash touches the frame element due to temperature fluctuations and drafts;
  • the canvas does not adhere to the frame sufficiently, and cold air is drawn from under the sealing material. This happens when there is insufficient pressure on the frame;
  • if you often open and close the sash, then the handle begins to stagger. At the same time, manipulations are made so that the handle stops staggering in the nest.

The pressure adjustment of the balcony plastic door is done with a hex key. To work, you will need flat and sacral screwdrivers, tape measures and plastic gaskets.

Before setting up the design, it is worth deciding on the type of problem. Most often, difficulties occur when opening and closing canvases, with distortions, with blowing and with moving the handles. If the canvas falls down or the door closes with difficulty, then an individual piece of fittings is adjusted or all mechanisms are fully adjusted.

To find out if it needs repair, a piece of paper is used. They put it on the frame and close the door. In those places where the sheet is pulled out without problems, the canvas is not tightly pressed against the box. To identify distortions, the canvas should be circled in the closed state, and then the sash opens and the lines are checked against the frame.

How to properly adjust plastic balcony doors yourself: video

It is easy to adjust the plastic balcony doors on your own, this will help special instructions.

Handle adjustment features

The following problems often occur:

  • the handle does not turn all the way or goes tight. If the setting does not help, then it must be replaced;
  • if the handle is loose, then the pad at the base of the handle is rotated 90 degrees and the two screws that are hidden behind it are tightened. To do this, use a Phillips screwdriver.

Seal replacement

If there is a warp in the door, then it is often deformed. In such a case, its with the same sectional configuration. old material removed from the groove using a screwdriver. Then the surface of the groove is cleaned of particles of glue and dirt. When installing a new seal, you need to make sure that it is tightened. Before laying, the groove is smeared with glue. This must be done in the areas where the ends of the seal will be placed.

Helpful information! For high-quality operation of the door, it can be equipped with an opening limiter and a microlift, which prevents sagging. The limiter does not allow the loops to loosen.

What to do when sagging?

Many people are interested in knowing how to adjust plastic balcony doors when settling. To carry out repairs, the canvas should be taken higher and moved to the loop in the upper part. Then a certain sequence of actions is performed:

  • sash opens in reversal position;
  • using a hex wrench, turn the screw next to the hinge. Then several turns are made to the right;
  • to get to the screw element, you need to remove the decorative caps;
  • the screw turns clockwise and door structure rises;
  • freedom of movement is checked.

Helpful information! Fitting systems can fit not only a hexagon, but also a turnkey asterisk.

Setting when touching the middle part

If the balcony plastic door does not close well, then an adjustment is made, which can be seen in the video. When clinging a section of the canvas in the middle, the sash is moved closer to the hinges:

  • the sash is retracted to the lower hinge, and then the key is inserted into the side screw and the canvas is pulled towards the direction of the hinge;
  • then the same manipulations are carried out for the upper loop.

How to adjust pressure?

Similar work is carried out using locking products in the form of eccentrics. They need to be moved with pliers. To make the setting more effective, you need to study the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Adjustments are made several times a year. In summer, the pressure should be weaker, and tighter. At the same time, you need to know how to adjust balcony plastic doors for the winter.

The adjustment is as follows:

  • the decorative cap is removed;
  • at the bottom of the canopy there is a screw with which the clamping force changes;
  • to change the clamp at the top, you need to adjust the screw itself;
  • the sash swings open and the blocker is held;
  • the hexagon is installed in the eccentric and rotated in the right direction;
  • then the blocker is pressed against the seal, and the sash is placed in place;
  • eccentrics are installed in the place where the maximum pressure is performed. In this case, the fastening bolt is slightly released, and then shifted to the desired position.

Useful advice! For better work design, it is recommended to use machine oil to lubricate the fittings.

Features of adjustment with conventional fittings

It is very easy to decide: how to set up a plastic balcony door if the fittings are standard.

To adjust the door, you need:

  • remove decorative details from awnings;
  • using a hex wrench, the screw on the reverse side is unscrewed;
  • then manipulations are performed with a long horizontal screw. For example, so that the sash does not cling to the upper part of the frame, you need to lower the upper screws and lower the canvas;
  • to check the design, several turns are made.


PVC balcony doors have become so commonplace in life that many people take them for granted. Therefore, the appearance of problems in their operation is a complete surprise for the owners. Many in a panic are urgently looking for phones of repairmen. Experience shows that in such situations there is no need to rush. It is not difficult to identify the problem yourself and fix it, because adjusting the plastic balcony doors with your own hands is not such a difficult matter.

For those who are contacting this type of repair for the first time, we present detailed instructions how to adjust the plastic door on the balcony yourself.

When to adjust the door

In the world, only accidents and catastrophes happen instantly. All other problems mature gradually. This thesis fully applies to the balcony door. As it is used, its geometry and clamping force gradually change, which over time, if appropriate measures are not taken, can lead to the replacement of fittings, completely or its individual elements. Diagnose and fix problems on early stage pretty simple.

1.The clamping force can be checked in several ways:

  • bring to closed door burning match or candle. If the flame began to play, then drafts are walking between the box and the door;
  • put paper in the gap between the box and the door leaf. If it easily pulls out from under a closed door, appropriate adjustments must be made. Each side should be checked.

It is considered ideal if the paper sheet is pulled out with the same force from all sides of the sash - the geometry is not broken, and the clamping force, if necessary, can be easily adjusted.

2. Most difficult case if the geometry starts to change at the door. There are also several ways of early diagnosis:

  • open the door to 45 o and leave for a short time. If it spontaneously, without the help of the wind, completely opened or closed, the door sagged due to the weakening of the upper hinge;
  • go out to the balcony. Close the door. Along the inner perimeter of the door frame, using its edge as a ruler, draw on the door a diagram of its fit to the frame profile. The lines should be parallel to the edges of the door, and the width of all drawn stripes should be the same. Any deviations require a new adjustment of the door hardware.

Attention: different vertical strip widths, for example, from the side of the handle 5-6 mm, and loops 3-4 mm, rather indicates a factory defect than the need to carry out adjustment work.

  • carefully inspect the seals. If the geometry is broken, some of them will be deformed (crumpled) in a different way.

If time is lost For a successful repair, it is necessary to determine the cause of the malfunction.:

  • the lower part of the door began to cling to the sill of the door frame. The reason is always big weight doors. Door fittings are designed for weight up to 120-135 kg. The door together with a single-chamber double-glazed window weighs 35-40 kg. With an increase in the number of chambers, glass thickness or glazing area, the weight of the door approaches 60 kg, which is critical for hinges of any manufacturer. The metal of the canopies during the operation of the door corny gets tired, as a result of which the sash sags;
  • the door leaf clings to the door frame in the middle. Two reasons are possible here: the door profile has been deformed outward or it is shifted to the side under the influence of high temperature (the door leaf expands, and the hinges push it onto the box from the front side);
  • door doesn't close well- in the pressed position, the handle does not lead the trunnions into the reciprocal bar (in the language of specialists - the answer). There are also two reasons here: the door has settled, as a result of which the eccentrics (hooks) of the striker plate do not reach the grooves of the answer; the profile of the door leaf was deformed inward, pulling the hooks behind it - they stopped reaching the answer, or the box bent outward with the same result;
  • the door leaf does not fit snugly against the frame. In order not to blow, it is necessary to adjust the trunnions and the otvetku;
  • handle jammed– the door was opened too quickly;
  • the handle is loose or broken. This occurs during intensive use of the door leaf;
  • cracked glass in double glazing– there was a distortion of a profile of a door leaf;
  • cracked plastic door frame or door leaf- the reason is in the shrinkage of the house, and not in the door.

Balcony door adjustment

Regardless of the reasons for which there were problems at the doors to the balcony, to adjust them you will need:

  • furniture keys No. 4 and 5;
  • slotted and Phillips screwdriver;
  • construction square;
  • pliers;
  • plastic pads.

Tools available. Now let's look at how to adjust the plastic balcony door in each case.


It is not possible to adjust the balcony door with the handle. It only removes the trunnions of the striker from the grooves of the answer (opens the door) or fixes them there (closes). Intensive use often makes this process difficult: the handle does not work well. Problems can be easily corrected by swiping self repair. The main thing is to figure out what happened. Pen:

  • loosened;
  • broke down;
  • jammed;
  • turns hard.

Loosened. Weak landing of the handle on the door (staggering in the hands) speaks of the untwisted hardware holding it. The problem is eliminated very simply: the bar covering the mounting plate must be slightly pushed towards itself, and then rotated 90 o (see photo). Use a screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver to tighten the screws until they stop. Put the plank back in place.

The handle broke. The technology process is similar to the previous type of repair:

  1. the bar is pulled back and turned to the side;
  2. self-tapping screws are completely unscrewed;
  3. the broken handle is removed;
  4. a new handle is put in the same position as the old one (depending on whether the door is open or closed);
  5. the mounting plate is attached;
  6. the pad returns to its place.

Jammed. Due to the careless, or rather, hasty opening of the doors, the locking mechanism does not always have time to work, after which the handle cannot be turned - it wedges. This situation is not uncommon, but it is possible only at doors that open in 2 planes.

The lock protects the locking mechanism from further manipulations with the open door handle - if you turn the handle in the open sash to the “ventilation” position, you can disable all the fittings.

The locking mechanism is mounted on the end of the door immediately below the handle mechanism (a number of manufacturers produce fittings with a lock at the bottom of the door leaf). At the same time, it may have different kind and a way to remove the blockade from the handle, which is perfectly visible in the above photo.

For accessories "Maco" you need to press the latch and move it to the "vertically down" position, and then change the position of the handle. For other manufacturers of fittings, it is enough to press the tongue of the lock that holds the handle to the end of the door and also turn the door handle.

Difficult to turn. The problem of a tight-turning handle occurs in one case - long time No preventive maintenance work has been carried out. Due to the accumulated dirt, the striker plates move with difficulty. Repair is simple - just clean the fittings, and then lubricate all metal parts. The process of lubricating fittings can be seen in the work: "" - it is the same as that of the eurowindow.

Important: if the handle turns hard with the sash tightly pressed against the door frame, the problem is in the trunnions and otvetka. The repair is simple - either switch the trunnions to summer mode, or put thin, no thicker than 1 mm gaskets under the strikers.


The simplest type of adjustment is to set the door pressing force against the frame. During the installation of the door, installers install a standard (medium) version of the fit of the sealing rubber bands to each other. Over time, they wear out and the balance is disturbed. You can adjust the pressure of the balcony door in 2 ways: turn the trunnions of the striker plate or adjust the striker plate (the euro window does not have this option).

Pin (eccentric) can be found on the ends of the door:

  • two or three on front side;
  • one or two on the back;
  • 1 - top and bottom (if a tilt mechanism is installed).

From different manufacturers, it has a different look, which can be clearly seen in the photo:

  • locking eccentric, regulates the pressing force - the first in the photo;
  • anti-burglary locking eccentric with adjustable clamping force - medium;
  • locking anti-burglary eccentric (adjusts the height of the hook and the clamping force) - the third.

The pin can be in 3 positions:

  • neutral or standard, with medium downforce;
  • summer - pressing is weak;
  • winter - pressing as strong as possible.

You can determine the clamping force by the mark on the eccentric or its position. At the oval, the vertical position means weak pressure (transferred to summer), at an angle - standard, horizontal - strong ( winter period). The round eccentric has a risk. If it is turned to the street - the summer version of the pressure, to the apartment - the winter one, up - the middle one.

You can change the position of the trunnion with a hexagon (furniture key) or pliers. Sometimes, to adjust the eccentric, you need to pull it towards you. pliers ( wrench) will be required for Maso products, where the eccentrics are oval.

Mechanisms of accessories "Roto" are regulated by a furniture key. Some models of balcony door fittings have the ability to adjust the pressure through the striker. To do this, she has an adjusting screw for a hex key (see photo, option "A"). Turning in the direction of the clock hand strengthens the pressure, against - weakens.

You can also change the contact force of the upper corner of the door in the hinge area using the adjusting screw on the folding scissors. To do this, the door leaf must be opened in two positions at once. First, it swings open, after which the lock latch is pressed against the fittings, and the handle is moved to the “ventilation” position. After that, the door closes a little and leans back.

There is an adjusting bolt for a furniture key on the scissors plate (see photo). Twisting it, increase downforce, twisting - weaken.

When sagging

Eliminating the problem of a door clinging to the threshold is carried out using the adjusting screws in each hinge, which are responsible for changing the position of the door horizontally. At the same time, we note that a sash with two opening modes has 2 hinges, and with one 3. Therefore, with three hinges, adjustments must be made on each of them.

To fix the problem, it is necessary to raise the lower, opposite to the upper loop, corner. To do this, the top of the door is taken away to the hinge, and the bottom, on the contrary, is wrung out from it. If necessary, the sash can be slightly raised.

Work is performed in the following order:

  • the door opens at 90 o (a smaller angle is also possible, but in this case it is rather difficult to make adjustments);
  • with a hex wrench, tighten the adjusting screw 2 turns;
  • on the middle loop, tighten the screw half a turn;
  • on the hinge at the bottom of the door, unscrew the screw one turn (against the clock);
  • close the door and look at the position of the lower corner, as well as the position of the hooks in relation to the striker.

If the door still clings to the threshold, the adjustment process must be continued, but the number of revolutions must be reduced. Often, after leveling the door, the bolt hooks either do not fit with the answer at all, or they fix the door poorly. In this case, the reciprocal bar is rearranged. The problem can be solved by lifting the door leaf up.

To do this, the screw located in the lower loop (responsible for the vertical) must be tightened in the course of the clock. To have access to it, you need to remove decorative elements loops. The hex key is inserted into the loop itself from above.

Attention: at Rehau and Veka door hinges different. To set them up, you need different tool. But the adjustment technology is the same.

When touching the middle part

And now let's look at how to adjust the balcony door if it touches the box with the middle part. The step-by-step procedure is as follows: the door leaf moves towards the hinges with the horizontal adjustment screws. First you need to tighten in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower loop, then the upper one.

The opposite problem is possible here: the hooks do not reach the gaps in the strikers. In this case, with the help of horizontal adjusting screws, the entry of the striker hooks into the grooves of the striker plate on the front side of the door is adjusted. From the back you can:

  • eliminate the deformation of the door leaf with a gasket between the double-glazed window and the door profile;
  • adjust the strikers for the hooks in a new way - put plastic linings under them.

How to transfer the balcony door from one mode to another

Balcony doors, like plastic windows, it is necessary to adjust the clamping force twice a year. Unfortunately, the vast majority of owners forget about it.

For winter mode

There is nothing complicated about how to adjust a plastic balcony door for the winter:

  1. open the door;
  2. we examine its ends from all sides - the locations of the eccentrics are determined;
  3. furniture key (pliers) all eccentrics are transferred to winter mode. Oval in a horizontal position, round with a mark towards the room.

If everything is done correctly, during the cold weather it will not blow into all the cracks and holes.

For summer mode

With the onset of heat, the clamping of the seals must be loosened. Otherwise, they will wear out quickly. To do this, the pins are adjusted on the open door. They must be set to the "summer mode" - oval vertically, round with a mark towards the street.

Preventive maintenance of the balcony door

In order for plastic doors to serve for a long time and not create problems for their owners, they need to be done regularly at the beginning of winter and summer:

  • Remove dirt and then wash. Wash the plastic first door frame and door leaf), then a double-glazed window. It is necessary to wash the balcony door both from the outside and from inside. Cleaning solutions should not contain aggressive chemicals (acids and alkalis) and abrasives. A variety of cleaning agents are used for glass. home cooking or bought in a store (“Sekunda Super”, “Synergetic”, etc.) It is better to wipe plastic parts with a soft cloth or sponge, and a double-glazed window special napkins or a rubber scraper;
  • Wash, dry, and then lubricate the rubber seals and metal parts stop valves;
  • Adjust the eccentrics for the upcoming season.


The problems that arise during the operation of the balcony door are eliminated mainly by various kinds of adjustments:

  • poor clamping of the seals is eliminated by adjusting the trunnions;
  • the sagging door is lifted with horizontal adjusting screws;
  • raise the door without changing the location of the corners relative to the box, you can use a screw inside the lower canopy;
  • deformation of the door profile is removed by a side gasket under the double-glazed window, boxes - by installing a gasket under the reciprocal strips.

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