Which windows are better to put: plastic or wooden. Which windows are better: plastic or wooden

  • 14.06.2019

Hello dear friends!
My name is Provorov Dmitry, I work as the head of the client department at the Just Windows company. As you may have guessed, I will talk about windows in my blog. And I'm good with windows.

There are a lot of offers on the window market: there are so many! And there are not many areas where the spread of prices for the same order would be as large as in the windows. And that's if we talk about honest companies. About dishonest and how to recognize them, I will definitely tell you in detail in the future. I'm going to boil down the essence of my blogs to one thing: how to understand which windows you need, how to recognize really useful offers from advertising "chips", and choose the best option in terms of price and quality. With all this, we will destroy marketing myths) I hope it will turn out interesting and informative.
So let's get started. Let's start with what to choose: plastic windows or wooden windows? Many articles have been written about this topic. But the whole point is that their marketers write either a company dealing with plastic windows, or their rivals - "wooden workers". Well, and, of course, marketers are very far from building physics and from practical experience. Well, I have more than enough knowledge in these areas. At the same time, I will try to maintain neutrality and objectivity of assessments.
Plastic windows, I think everyone imagines it quite clearly, since at present it is the most common option. These windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (pvc). Naturally, the composition also contains various stabilizers, pigments and so on. Many people think that this is not environmentally friendly. But I'm sure you won't find a single chemist who thinks the same way. Because all these materials strictly comply with all sanitary and epidemiological standards, guests, snips and others. However, I still do not recommend eating or smoking plastic windows, but I think you were not going to do this anyway)

A small nuance. Windows are positioned as German, English, Austrian and God knows what. It does not matter. Absolutely all pvc profiles are produced in Russia. There is, of course, the same Rehau Brilliant or Geneo, which many position as being brought from Germany itself. I know only one company that brings Rehau Brilliant from Germany, but their price will be about 25 thousand per square meter window. And I know many companies that deliberately mislead the client, simply deceiving. They can even make fake certificates.

There is nothing wrong, of course, that the profiles are made in Russia. But everyone positions the profile in their own way. And this often happens with a loss in quality in order to reduce the cost. Therefore, the company that will implement your order must be chosen very carefully. I think this will be my next post.

Everything is much more complicated with those windows that are made of wood.

They can be divided into several types: old Soviet (carpentry); new cheap ones (these are sometimes put in new buildings); wooden eurowindows; Swedish; Finnish.
Everyone has probably seen the old Soviet windows, and many still have them. They sometimes last for decades. They knew how to build! But everything comes to an end and they also need to be changed.
In new buildings, sometimes, quite rarely, they put wooden windows with installed double-glazed window and fittings, modern design. The quality of the wood and processing is simply disgusting. I myself once lived in a student dormitory, a new building with just such windows. A cold winter, then a hot summer - and the windows skewed incredibly. The cracks are so big that birds almost fly in. This option is even worse than the cheapest plastic windows from the developer.

Wooden euro windows. It is they who are meant when they ask: which windows are better - plastic or wooden.

By the principle of operation and by the porch of the sash with the frame, such windows are similar to plastic ones. Double-glazed windows are installed there the same. They differ only in the material of the profile.

Such windows are made from three-layer glued laminated timber of various, as a rule, valuable types of wood. (Pine, larch, oak). You will not find exact technical data, such as sound insulation or heat transfer resistance. Each case is individual. But, approximately, according to these two indicators, these windows correspond to the middle class plastic windows.

Everywhere they write that such windows "breathe" and are environmentally friendly. This clean water marketing. Nothing breathes there - it's not just an unprocessed solid wood, it's a three-layer glued beam. Which is carefully processed by aseptics, fire protection, painted and so on. Environmental friendliness here is doubtful, it's like inserting a wooden beam into a PVC profile.

These windows cost 3-4 times more than plastic ones.

It would seem then: why are they needed at all? But here, for example, in Germany, where plastic windows were already everywhere in the 70s, they are being replaced by just wooden Euro-windows. Here, of course, it is worth making an amendment that in Germany everything is in order with quality, but in our country they can be deceived. It is not so easy to distinguish an ordinary Moscow region pine from a Siberian larch. Although, perhaps, in our country, in 20 years, plastic windows will be perceived as Soviet carpentry is now.

In the meantime, wooden windows are a matter of image. It's expensive, it's cool. It's like inserting into a Maybach dashboard made of Karelian birch. Otherwise, they are definitely no better than many plastic ones. At the same time, more care is required.
Well, now let's move on to the exotic) swedish windows . Sweden is a country where obviously not fools live in natural conditions with a climate similar to ours. Therefore, their windows are really cool) If we talk about ordinary Euro-windows, then their design principle is approximately the same as that of PVC. Everything is clear here.

Swedish windows have a different design. There are two paired doors. The inner (the one in the room) sash is equipped with a single-chamber double-glazed window. And this sash is paired with another sash, which is 10 centimeters smaller than the inner one. And there is no longer a double-glazed window, but sheet glass. The outer sash itself is attached to the inner one and can be opened to, for example, wash windows. Doesn't this design, by the way, remind us of our carpentry?)

It turns out that the frame there is, as it were, double: one for the inner sash and one for the outer. It turns out more points of connection of the frame and the sash compared to the classical design. This, of course, is good) Plus, it turns out a wide space between the outer and inner wings. The truth is not airtight. And due to convection, it is difficult to say for sure whether it is good or bad that there will be a wide distance. But you can install blinds there)

There is also Finnish windows) They are almost the same as the Swedish ones, only the wings are not paired there. That is two separate doors. In the rest - all the same.

In my opinion, the most significant difference between Swedish / Finnish windows and euro windows / pvc is a wide box. Due to this, the slopes freeze through less. Another big plus is more frame and sash sealing points. If money allows - a very good option.

Well, again about the price. Swedish / Finnish windows will cost 2 times more than wooden euro windows. At the same time, few people in Russia are doing this. Therefore, you need to look in very large cities.

In general, a start has been made. I will be adding new posts regularly. And this is still a test of the pen. Good luck with your repair. And remember, in fact, windows are not so difficult. I would even say just

From the moment of its appearance on the market, plastic windows have become the undisputed leader in sales, and consumers have not puzzled themselves with the question of choice for a long time. They ordered this modification without hesitation. This dominance of PVC profile structures continued until the production technologies wooden windows did not allow significant improvement performance characteristics and reduce cost. From that moment on, many buyers began to doubt which windows are better - wooden or plastic?

Surprisingly, but in this matter there are no unambiguous criteria for selection. Both options are good in their own way. Wooden profile products outperform PVC windows in some ways, but they are inferior according to some criteria. The final decision is made based on the allocated budget, features of operation and personal preferences.

Structural differences between plastic and wooden windows

Wooden and plastic windows differ not only in the material for making the binding. When assembling them, different technologies and opening mechanisms are used.




Way of connecting parts
Solid weld
Tongue-and-groove and dovetail joint joinery
The internal structure of the profiles for the assembly of the structure
Hollow profile, which is divided from the inside into several isolated air chambers
solid timber
Material structure
Recently, the manufacture of eurobeams has been practiced - gluing individual plots (small planks) into a solid beam in a press, however, it is still possible to manufacture windows from a solid array
Number of tightness circuits
2 or 3
1 or 2
Fixing glazing beads
Snap into special slots
Nailed down with carnations
Sealing of double-glazed windows
Tightly pressed with the help of sealing contours integrated into the profile and glazing beads
They are insulated with transparent silicone, which is applied from the outside and inside
Hinges for hanging active sashes
Standard kit
Screw-in hinges possible
It is allowed to use handles with wrapping, slider and vertical deadbolt
The presence of universal auxiliary profiles for the assembly of structures of complex shape There is Not
The presence of a drainage system There is Not
Internal reinforcement with galvanized steel profiles There is Not
Comparison of design features will not help to unequivocally determine which windows are better to install, since these differences do not have a fundamental impact on performance. For example, air chambers are not needed in lumber profiles, since wood itself is a very warm material. He also does not need reinforcement, because a properly formed and processed timber has a high form stability.
When considering these parameters, plastic windows are superior to wooden ones only in terms of fixation, as well as sealing of double-glazed windows and glazing beads. Such a difference is felt not during operation, but during the dismantling of these elements. Beads and double-glazed windows from wooden models are much more difficult and longer to extract than from plastic ones. This nuance must be taken into account when ordering windows, since double-glazed windows have to be changed for various reasons. In addition to the problems with removing stuck double-glazed windows and removing old silicone, you need to keep in mind the need to restore glazing beads, the surface of which can be damaged during the work.

Plastic and wooden windows - which is better?

To find out which is better wooden or plastic windows, you need to compare performance characteristics. A comprehensive study of the main parameters will help to make a choice in favor of one or another material.


Wooden windows
Plastic windows
Maximum energy efficiency of the entire structure
1.35 W/m²×°C
1.13 W/m²×°C
Achievable sound absorption level
48 dB
44 dB
Structural durability
50-100 years old
40-60 years old
Number of ways to open the sashes
Durability of the outer side of the structure
5-25 years old
20-60 years*
Compatibility with auxiliary elements: blinds, forced ventilation devices and electric drives
Minimum price for 1 m² of structure**
4000-5000 rubles
2000-2500 rubles
Frost resistance
Up to -60 °C
Withstand temperatures below -60 °C***
Thermal conductivity of the frame
0.15-0.2 W/m×°C
0.1 W/m×°C
* Plastic windows without a decorative coating retain their aesthetic characteristics almost unchanged throughout their entire service life - 40-60 years. But for painted and laminated profiles, this time is reduced to 20-40 years.

**As an example, the minimum cost of pine windows is given. If larch, oak, ash or mahogany is used for the manufacture of structures, the price difference will increase.

***Since the European beam is mainly used in the manufacture of windows, it is necessary to take into account the frost resistance not of the material itself, but of the adhesive joints. Usually this indicator varies from -40 to -50 ° C, and it is enough for our climatic conditions with a margin.

As can be seen from the table, wooden windows are superior to plastic ones in some respects and inferior in others. Wood structures are more durable, retain heat better and absorb noise. But plastic windows are more resistant to atmospheric phenomena and have an affordable cost. When comparing the heat and sound insulation of structures, it should be borne in mind that the maximum rates are observed at, for more details about which, read in detailed review at WindowTrade.

Some sellers of wooden windows still claim that their products, unlike plastic ones, breathe. This is not true, because after treating the wood surface with primers and paints and varnishes, the pores are clogged. In terms of airtightness, timber models do not differ from PVC windows.

Which plastic windows are better

It is possible to compare plastic windows from different profile systems only if they are equipped with the same double-glazed windows and fittings. In this case, the characteristics of sashes and frames are considered. Subsequently, this analysis and consultation of managers will help to find out which plastic windows are best placed in different situations. The quality of polyvinyl chloride, from which profiles are made by reputable manufacturers, is approximately the same today. As a result, products must be evaluated according to the following criteria:
  • outer wall thickness (2.2-3mm) - ideally, one should strive for greater value;
  • number of internal chambers (from 3 to 9)- in our climatic conditions, it is recommended to use systems with at least 5 cameras to equip heated residential premises;
  • installation depth (58-150 mm)- the larger this parameter, the better;
  • rebate depth for double glazing- it is desirable that this size be at least 20 mm, but 23-25 ​​mm is considered the optimal value;
  • the maximum possible thickness of installed double-glazed windows (30-56 mm)- thick double-glazed windows retain heat better and dampen sound waves, therefore, in this case, you need to strive for the maximum value.
You can find out about what plastic windows are at OknaTrade from the reviews different types PVC profiles from leading European and domestic manufacturers. When considering the parameters, you need to consider what functions the structures will have to perform. For example, 3-chamber systems are suitable for glazing unheated balconies or cottages, and windows from warmer profiles are needed for apartments, cottages and offices.

Pros and cons of plastic windows

To appreciate the attractiveness of this type of product, you need everything specifications translate into a language understandable to the buyer. This is best done by listing their advantages:
  1. Durability- thanks to special plasticizers and additives, PVC profiles, with proper care, do not change their shape, color and dimensions during the period declared by the manufacturers.

  2. Minimum care- plastic windows are easy to maintain in working and aesthetically attractive condition. It is enough to clean and lubricate fittings with sealing contours in time, as well as periodically wash the surface of profiles and double-glazed windows.

  3. tightness- constructions made of PVC profiles do not allow air, water, dust and noise to pass in both directions.

  4. energy efficiency- with the right selection of the type of profile and double-glazed windows, plastic windows do not allow the slopes to freeze through and retain heat well in the interior.

  5. Versatility– these models can be adapted to any interior design. The exception is the elite furnishings in a classic style.
The disadvantages of plastic windows include the monotonous appearance of structures, the inability to use them in respectable interiors. Also, during the operation of these products, it is necessary to solve the problem of absolute tightness, which can be both a plus and a minus. A special material on OknaTrade will help to understand this issue in detail.
Since the advantages of PVC profiles are much greater than the disadvantages, they are readily purchased for installation in residential, municipal, commercial, sports and industrial facilities. These unpretentious structures can be used wherever they are in harmony with facades and interiors.

Which wooden windows are better

Although approximately the same methods are used for the manufacture of wooden windows today, the operational and aesthetic characteristics of different modifications differ significantly. They depend on several factors:
  • wood species– larch, pine, ash, oak, meranti and mahogany, which are used today for the assembly of doors and frames, have different properties;
  • window type- there are single- and double-leaf, vertically sliding and sliding models, and their thermal characteristics largely depend on the design of the binding;
  • type of paintwork- the quality of the wood surface finish determines the appearance of the windows and the durability of the protective and decorative coating;
  • type of timber– Parts for assembling windows can be made from solid or spliced ​​solid wood.
The warmest and most resistant to deformation are two-frame windows with double-glazed windows, which are made of glued eurobar. There are several modifications of such structures with different energy efficiency and ways of opening the valves. Such models are selected depending on the climate of the region, the level of street noise and the area of ​​openings.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden windows

Modern wooden windows have almost the same advantages as plastic ones - tightness, energy efficiency, durability and functionality. In addition, these products have the advantages of an individual character:
  1. fire resistance- a wooden beam impregnated with a special composition is charred during thermal exposure, and does not melt like a PVC profile. This gives more time to leave the premises through the windows during a fire.

  2. Pleasant tactile sensations– touching natural wood cannot be confused with anything else.

  3. Rich selection of decors– despite the limited number of species used for the production of wooden windows, surface finishing technologies have expanded the design possibilities of manufacturers. Through the use of various techniques, stains and paint mixtures, any window texture can be created.

  4. Respectable appearance- even products from inexpensive breeds ennoble the interior of the interior and make it more solid. In terms of aesthetics, neither plastic nor aluminum structures can compete with high-quality wooden models.

  5. Possibility of manufacturing structures with large active doors- according to GOST, an increase in the base section of a beam allows for a 10% increase in the maximum allowable dimensions of products.
The main and perhaps the only disadvantage of wooden windows is the vulnerability of their outer side to atmospheric phenomena. Impregnations against fungus and mold slow down the processes of wood deterioration, but only for a while. Moreover, after a few years decorative coating gradually begins to fade and lose its aesthetic appeal. We learned how to effectively deal with this drawback by installing protective aluminum linings on the outer side of the doors and frames. However, when installing wooden windows in a private house with a beautiful facade plane, this method is unlikely to work, so it has not yet been possible to completely solve the problem.
It is advisable to install wooden windows in cases where the use plastic structures negatively affect the interior or exterior of the facade. In addition, such products should be used, if necessary, to minimize the processes of heat transfer between the walls and the frame. However, in any case, it is desirable that there is free access to the outside of the structure. This will allow you to regularly care for the surface of the tree and keep its aesthetic appeal longer.

What windows are better to put in an apartment

To figure out which windows are better to put in an apartment, it is recommended to consider the possibility of caring for their outside. Wooden windows will sooner or later require restoration of the frame and sashes from the side of the street. On the upper floors, this procedure is quite difficult to perform even with the involvement of craftsmen for high-altitude work with special equipment. The paint layer must be applied in sealed chambers, and it is impossible to create such conditions from the outside of a multi-storey building.

In addition, high-rise buildings are usually located in the most polluted areas of the city. An unfavorable environment quickly destroys the paintwork and the wood itself. PVC is more resistant to such conditions. As a result, plastic windows for apartments are the best option. If the interior design requires the use of wooden frames and sashes, profile lamination can be performed. You can imitate the surface of natural wood only on one or both sides of the frames and sashes.

When installing wooden windows, you must immediately take into account the problems that you will encounter during their restoration. To perform a high-quality replacement of the paint layer, it is often necessary to dismantle the structure, and on the upper floors it is almost impossible.

Which windows are better for a wooden house

For installation in houses made of logs or timber, it is better to give preference to wooden windows. There are several reasons for this:
  1. Laminated PVC profile retains a rich color for decades, while natural wood gradually fades. In a few years, wood-like plastic windows will stand out strongly against the background of the facade plane of a house made of timber or logs.

  2. The proximity of natural and artificial materials often harms the interior and negatively affects the overall environment.

  3. Wooden windows are much better combined with decorative platbands, which are used to decorate openings.
Most often, laminated or mass-painted plastic windows are used for installation in houses that are lined with molded elements that imitate solid logs or timber. In all other cases, it is advisable to use the same material in construction and repair.
Regardless of the type of windows, they must be installed in wooden houses using a special technology that will eliminate distortions. This technique ensures the mobility of the frames relative to the walls, so that the binding structures do not deform even with significant subsidence.

Almost the most pressing question when repairing an apartment is which windows are better to install (plastic, metal-plastic or wooden). At interior decoration everything is somewhat simpler, a person proceeds mainly from his financial capabilities and aesthetic preferences. With windows it is more difficult: they are required to store heat. Moreover, the financial and aesthetic criteria work here as elsewhere. But you still have to solve the problem of windows.

Each type of window has its advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic windows

The main advantages of plastic windows are tightness (which means thermal insulation, sound insulation, prevention of odors, dust, insects from entering the room). In winter, such windows keep warm, in summer - cool. Extremely easy to care for, just wipe off the dust. Do not dry out, do not deform. Easy to adjust. Better for the price.

Disadvantages: windows do not “breathe”, collect a lot of dust, scratches and chips on plastic are almost impossible to fix. It is more difficult to correct design defects. The price advantage is relative, it depends on which model and which company you choose, otherwise it will cost even more than wood. Accessories must be chosen carefully, otherwise you are tormented by adjusting.

Wooden windows

Advantages: environmental friendliness, ease of elimination of defects. Wood is an excellent natural thermal insulator. Windows breathe. Wood is traditional and elegant. For many, the concept of "wooden windows" is associated either with a thoroughly blown construction of the Soviet era, or with fabulously expensive luxury interiors.

Both of these are no longer true: modern wooden windows are structurally not so different from plastic and have good tightness, and an increase in their number on the market leads to lower prices.

Disadvantages: despite all possible impregnations, wood is still inferior to plastic in terms of service life (plastic is almost eternal). Due to impregnations and protective coatings, wooden structures partly lose their environmental friendliness.

Aesthetics is a matter of taste preferences: if it comes to that, PVC windows can also be designed “under the tree”. And the price: plastic windows will continue to become cheaper due to the improvement of the production process. Natural material cannot keep up with them.

Metal-plastic windows

They have the advantages of plastic, but are much stronger due to the metal frame. Excellent sound insulation and heat insulation, allow many designs and design options, easy to adjust.

They retain the main disadvantages of plastic ones: they fog up, collect dust, and are structurally complex. There can be different options for the cost: economy class, medium range, premium class.

Tip: it is worth remembering about combined windows: wood-plastic, wood-aluminum, metal-plastic, metal + plastic + wood. Manufacturers try to combine the advantages different materials and mitigate their shortcomings. For example, a wooden frame with a metal or plastic coating on the outside of the window retains all the advantages of a wooden one, but at the same time is reliably protected from atmospheric influences.

The advantages and disadvantages of windows are largely determined not by the material of manufacture, but design features. So, for example, plastic windows equipped with inlet valves are less prone to fogging; the tightness of the window largely depends on the installation and the double-glazed window; expensive windows equipped with I-glass (UV protection, increased energy efficiency) are found in all three categories. The possibility of adjustments and the impeccability of fittings also most often depend on specific models.

Consumers think about which windows are better - plastic or wooden, when designing housing construction or planning repairs. Installation of windows is carried out in the expectation that they will serve for more than one year. Therefore, it is not surprising that all the characteristics of materials are subjected to careful analysis. The decision largely depends on the cost of a plastic window or a wooden one with similar characteristics.

Environmental friendliness

As for such a characteristic as environmental friendliness, it is worth noting that many confuse it with naturalness. In fact, the environmental friendliness of PVC compared to wooden frames will not make much difference. PVC window blocks are recommended sanitary organizations for use in children's institutions, hospitals, while wooden frames coated with special protective substances and varnish can be more harmful than metal-plastic structures.

(Only for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region), send a request to calculate the cost:

Appearance and design

The appearance of frames made of wood compared to plastic is distinguished by attractiveness in accordance with one's own preferences. plastic frame can be laminated with a film of any desired color if desired; even imitation of natural materials is possible. The tree, which is considered attractive in itself, can be coated with impregnations of any color and varnished to improve the appearance. If you want to receive a product in good quality, window block it is necessary to choose not from low-quality raw materials.

Windows made of any material fit well into different design compositions, so you need to decide which windows to choose - wooden or plastic, depending on your own desire.


Plastic profiles, unlike wooden ones, have a peculiarity: in the cold season they form condensate that oozes indoors. The passage of a large amount of moisture adversely affects the atmosphere inside the housing. There was even an expression "weeping windows".

Depending on the material, the reliability of the frame may be different, but the differences here are insignificant. The surface of PVC is able to expand in extreme heat - windows made without reinforcement are often deformed. Wooden products do not dry out and do not stick out, but they can darken under the influence of sunlight, and scratches on the surface are difficult to hide. The tree can suffer from negative environmental influences.

It can be concluded that PVC options are more reliable than wooden ones, but only in the case of high-quality execution. When manufactured from cheap raw materials, the working properties will not be up to par.

Heat and sound insulation

When considering the heat-insulating and sound-proofing characteristics of windows, most often we are talking about the quality of fittings, the thickness of the double-glazed window. For PVC products, thermal insulation capabilities are determined by the width and number of chambers. To evaluate the thermal insulation properties, the coefficient of thermal conductivity is used. The lower it is, the less heat is released to the outside. It is important that there is no air in the double-glazed window - tightness modern designs provides high soundproofing and heat-insulating characteristics.

Considering what is better - wooden or plastic windows, it must be taken into account that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a tree is determined depending on the type of wood. In oak and pine, it is the same, a little less in larch. At PVC profile indicators are higher, but they try to select the number of cameras in accordance with the climatic zone. Under equal conditions, the tree will retain heat better. Therefore, you can purchase inexpensive wooden windows or order a PVC construction of the desired thickness.

Service life

To determine the service life of window panes, different ways, up to creating a comment and receiving answers in social networks and forums. Experts give different estimates - in total, for the service life of plastic structures, they indicate the values ​​\u200b\u200bof 20-30 or 45-50 years. They may vary depending on the material of manufacture and on operating conditions. There are special windows cheaper or more expensive, designed for use in the Russian climate.

At wooden products durability also depends largely on the quality of the raw materials chosen for manufacturing. For example, larch will last about half a century, and oak structures - about 80 years. Wooden blanks are treated with special compounds to enhance durability.

Issue price

The price set on the market for wooden window structures with double-glazed windows is an order of magnitude more expensive than for plastic. The cheapest domestically produced wooden windows cost twice as much as PVC windows. The cost also depends on the type of frame wood - for products made of valuable wood, it increases several times. With the high cost of fittings, the thickness of the double-glazed window, designed for harsh weather conditions, the price also increases regardless of the material of the frames.


It is not so easy to answer the exact question of which of the windows will be best for the housing in which they are going to be installed. Considering the features of plastic windows or wooden structures, you can identify the pros and cons that matter to the consumer. The decision is best made by the whole family. Having decided which material received the most votes, we hire workers and purchase products.

Modern window structures from wood and PVC can have similar characteristics of tightness, energy efficiency, sound protection. Those who are going to purchase new windows are advised to carefully read the advantages and disadvantages of products that are offered on the market. For example, for summer country house it is hardly advisable to buy three-chamber double-glazed windows with enhanced heat and sound protection characteristics. Conversely, light wooden frames are not suitable for creating a warm climate and aesthetics in apartments.

When choosing, you can also focus on the reviews of people who have already installed frames from one or another material. But the final decision should be based on your own preferences. So the choice becomes conscious, and after a few years the owners will not regret their decision.

Wooden windows, pros and cons

The main advantage of wooden windows is that they are made using natural material. Frames are of high strength; they are warmer than the plastic version. Having carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of wooden windows, you can decide on the appropriateness of their use.

Unlike plastic, wood structures lend themselves well to staining. The surface can be treated with special compounds that enhance the stability of the material. preventive treatments and proper care help extend the life of the structure.

The disadvantages of wooden windows are as follows. The surface of the frames needs periodic updating, for example, stripping paint and varnishing. Otherwise, performance deteriorates. High-quality wood, which is able to serve without problems for several years, has a considerable cost. If you install windows made of cheap wood, you should prepare for the fact that replacement will soon be required.

Plastic windows: pros and cons

Plastic windows are more cost effective. Products are produced in a wide range, the difference is sometimes considerable. The plastic used to make windows is often cheaper than wood. But at the same time, products can be produced both in an economy class and be of a premium type.

The advantages include the good performance of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) windows.

They are durable and reliable, the color range is quite extensive, which allows you to have no restrictions when choosing a decor for your home.

If the quality of the purchased product is good, the raw materials are of high quality, then the window unit will not require additional maintenance during operation. Installation and maintenance will not cause problems.

After the windows are installed, you only need to occasionally clean and lubricate the fittings.

The disadvantages of plastic products are as follows. During operation, they form a large amount of condensate. When installing PVC profiles in areas with difficult climatic conditions there is a possibility of some deformation of the structure under the influence of severe frosts, temperature changes. The color of the frames begins to fade over time, sometimes they have to be changed due to the loss of an attractive appearance.

Calculate the cost of wooden windows from different types of wood in the company