Do-it-yourself country decor. Photo ideas for decorating a summer cottage

  • 29.08.2019

Many cottage owners want to make their site unique. To give it individuality, it is not necessary to contact a designer, because you can create do-it-yourself decor for a summer residence. To do this, you can use various building materials, as well as broken furniture and other old things, giving them a new life.

fence decor

Fences and railings are a kind of "face" of any site, because it is by him that the landscape design of the dacha is judged.

Most often, as fences, you can see blank walls, chain-link fences and other unsightly structures. There are many ways to decorate them.

  • Vertical gardening. Along the fence, you can place a trellis and put clematis, climbing roses and other climbing perennials on it. TO wooden fence can be attached flower pots on metal holders, and plant an ampelous petunia in them.
  • Wire decor. The chain-link fence can be painted in an original way. An unusual solution will also be a grid, considered as a large basis for embroidery. Aluminum wire can serve as a thread. The pattern can be placed throughout the fence or only in some of its sections. The fence is decorated with various ornaments - geometric shapes, images of flowers or animals.
  • Painting, forging and carving on the fence. The fence can be decorated with small carved flowers, drops and other figures. Forged elements are on sale in finished form. It is enough to attach them to the fence. It is also easy to paint the fence with polka dots, stripes, flowers or depict whole pictures on it.

Mosaic table

Another option for country decor is an old table decorated with mosaic tiles and colored glass. The pattern and design of the table is chosen depending on personal wishes.

  1. To begin with, a piece of plywood is cut off according to the dimensions of the table and treated with an acrylic primer. When the plywood dries, it is screwed to the table, then the center of the table and other places are marked with a pencil, depending on the pattern.
  2. Tiles are glued to the tile adhesive around the perimeter of the table surface and to the places marked in accordance with the pattern.
  3. Fill with tiles areas that serve as a background for the ornament. This is done from the center of the table.
  4. After the glue dries, carefully level the surface by filling the seams with tile grout. Excess grout is removed with a damp cloth.
  5. After decorating the table, it is desirable to paint other parts of it with a color suitable for the mosaic.

Tire decor

For a long time, old tires have been considered a universal material for decorating a garden plot, from which you can make decor for a summer house with your own hands. Such crafts will be appropriate in a flower bed, a makeshift pond and paths.

  • Tire flowers. Old tires are painted in different colors and stacked on top of each. In such a simple way, a multi-level flower bed is obtained. You can also make a vertical flower garden, for which tires of various sizes are chosen and placed on top of each other in the shape of a pyramid. After filling the flower bed with soil, ampelous plants are planted in it.
  • Tire furniture. On the garden plot furniture made of tires made in any style and with different upholstery (leather, fabric, wire) will look great. To make seating for rest, tires are wrapped with a belt or textile tapes, interlacing them with each other. Tires are also turned into spectacular tables, chairs, fountains, planters.
  • Tire paths. It will take less time to create such a unique option if tires from trucks are used. For this, only a protector will be needed. Tires are prepared for installation by separating their sides from the tread with a knife, getting a ring. Then it is divided across - a strip is formed for the path. Also make the right number of tapes. They are laid out in length and nailed to the board. The area under the track is pre-moistened so that the tires tightly and quickly adhere to the ground. Then they are pressed into the soil, then there will be no bumps on the path.

Flower beds from old furniture

Flower beds play a significant role in arranging the landscape design of the garden. It is difficult to surprise someone with ordinary flower beds, so it is worth making original flower beds. For such a country decor with your own hands, expensive materials are not needed.

Many can be found in an apartment or in the country old furniture, which is easy to turn into a flower bed. A dilapidated chest of drawers can become a multi-level flower garden. To do this, it is enough to open all its drawers and fix them at different levels with self-tapping screws or nails.

It is desirable to paint such a chest of drawers in bright or restrained shades. It should be treated with a varnish that is resistant to moisture and the sun. The boxes are then filled with earth and drainage. It is better to plant small flowers, low bushes and grass in such a flower bed. Such a chest of drawers can also become a mini-garden if you grow greens in it.

As a flower pot, you can use the seat of an old chair, cutting out a place for a pot in it. After that, a mount is tied to it and a pot with a plant is placed there.

Country decor from old transport

At the summer cottage, you can use a broken bicycle and other means of transport as decoration. An old bicycle will make a great base for a flower garden, but enamel is first applied to it so that it is resistant to moisture.

Plants are placed on the steering wheel, trunk, and miniature pots are attached to the pedals. Often, bicycles are decorated with wicker baskets, hanging them on the handlebars. Bindweed or ivy are planted in this basket, and after a few years the bicycle will be entwined with green thickets.

Do not scrap a car that is unsuitable for driving. After all, it can make a large-scale and original flower garden. The trunk with the hood of the car will effectively decorate plants with large leaves. On the roof you can place light-loving flowers and shrubs. At the same time, the surface of the car can be covered with multi-colored patterns.

Also beautiful flower beds made from old boats. The boat can turn into a flower garden. To do this, it is filled with soil and bright ornamental plants are planted.

Flowerbeds from various old items

Almost any unnecessary items can become part of the landscape design of the site, if you approach their decoration with imagination. Flowerbeds are even made from broken electrical equipment. The TV can be freed from internal devices and your favorite flowers can be planted there. In an old gas or electric stove broad-leaved specimens may grow.

Flower beds are also created from basins and troughs. For example, a trough is turned into a flower bed in the form of a sailboat, for which a mast is placed in its center, creating the effect of sails and planting flowers of white and blue flowers imitating sea foam.

Gardeners create real masterpieces even from simple umbrellas. The umbrella is inserted into the ground in a half-open state and flowers are planted inside, after filling it with earth. Ornamental flowers are also planted around the umbrella.

Also, old teapots, rubber boots and shoes are used as flower beds. A beautiful solution would be an imitation of a fire made of flowers. For this purpose, a circle of small diameter is marked on the ground, on the sides of which bricks are dug into the ground. The resulting space is filled with soil, and firewood is placed in the center of the circle, next to which marigolds are planted - they will create the illusion of a fire. You can hang an old saucepan over such a flame and plant any flowers in it.

How to decorate a country house

With time country houses grow old and dilapidated, and even with the help of spectacular landscaping of the site, it is difficult to hide the shortcomings of the building. Therefore, it is worth trying to decorate the house in the country in simple and affordable ways.

The decor of a country house with their own hands is often made from multi-colored bottle caps. With the help of them, they decorate the facades and windows of the house, fixing them on wooden surface screws or nails. It is worth remembering that the use of glue on the street is not practical. These caps not only border the elements of the house, but also create beautiful images, for example, flowers, snowflakes, animals and other ornaments.

Those who know how to handle a brush and paints should try to paint the facade of the house. Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the facade. To do this, its surface is leveled. If there is a mud hut in the garden, then its surface is plastered, puttied, and grout and primer are also carried out. brick walls plastered and carefully leveled.

Also country house iks will look updated if they are decorated with plant pots, fixed on the surface of the walls. An unsightly building is also decorated with a low hedge planted along its walls. Even containers with flowers located near the house will enliven its appearance.

Do-it-yourself interior decor of a country house

Beautiful decor should be not only in the summer cottage, but also inside the house itself. At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out expensive repairs, if not necessary, and buy expensive decor items. Decorating your home is easy.

surplus ceramic tiles can be laid out in mosaic on a kitchen apron. To do this, the tile is broken into small pieces and a multi-colored pattern or a monochromatic decoration is created from them. In this case, the grout can be chosen to match the color of the mosaic or contrast.

Interior doors in a country house can be decorated with pieces of carpet. To do this, the jamb is first trimmed, and the door itself can be lined with curtain fabric. These materials are attached to the door on carnations with original hats or glued. Also, the doors are painted in a bright color, and the glass elements are decorated with decoupage, sticking cut-out pieces of napkins on them.

Usually in the country old furniture is used that does not match with each other. It is advisable to paint different styles of furniture in one color in order to visually unite them.

Before painting, dirt, dust are removed from the surface of the furniture and it is dehydrated. White glossy enamel and color are suitable for coloring. They are bred in two jars and applied to furniture in traces, rubbing with a sponge. This processing method will make the furniture visually aged.

Many country houses are equipped with a fireplace, which are an indispensable source of heat. You can make a fireplace with your own hands or decorate an old one. It is painted with paint, lined with mosaics, remnants of ceramic tiles, artificial or natural stone, decorative forging.

To decorate the site and the house in the country, you should not resort to expensive and difficult methods. Decorate the cottage can be easily improvised, without asking for help from designers.

Most of us perceive a summer cottage as a place where it is necessary to constantly cultivate the soil, plant and care for plants, harvest crops, and repair fences and buildings. By by and large this, of course, is true, but even ordinary things can be turned into interesting activities. Moreover, creativity to decorating the site will allow you to escape from the routine for a while.

On the picture - interesting ideas for a suburban area

Why not transform the cottage

This is not to say that you should radically revise your principles and focus only on landscape design. Just keep in mind that such works help to preserve not only the beauty, but also the practicality of the territory.

Agree, there are many moments when the work is finished and there is enough free time. So why not take advantage of our original ideas and turn the cottage into an interesting and practical corner outside the city. Below we want to offer a simple do-it-yourself decor for a summer house and a house that you will like.

Flowerbed and recreation area

Country decor is interesting in that its originality is sometimes beyond measure, although this is for the best, since creativity is only welcome here. Let's start with the idea of ​​​​decorating a flower bed - the most common landscape object.

In addition, the solution can also be used for other suitable places, such as a pond. Let's continue with a seating area and a table on it made of natural materials.

Flowerbed The idea is in an inexpensive and pretty fence, which can be made from:
  • concrete columns;
  • wooden beam;
  • old sleepers.

It is not difficult to create such a structure on your own, it is enough just to evenly lay it according to the shape of the object being ennobled. Difficulties can arise only with the "lock", but it can be made of high-density foam or metal.

It remains only to paint the decor in the colors that you consider appropriate. The originality of the design, we hope, will please not only you, but also your guests, since they are unlikely to have seen this anywhere else. The cost of the project may well be in the double digits.

Table in the recreation area A cottage located outside the city, and even in an ecologically clean place simply must have a place where everything will be made from natural elements. In this case, we will talk about a table in the recreation area.
  1. It is not necessary to hire designers to create it, who will require a decent fee for their work.
  2. We will do it ourselves, for which we need a brick or stone.
  3. Of these, we will build a cube-shaped structure with special side plates with our own hands, where we will plant plants, and plant our structure with moss.
  4. Of course, you will have to spend time and some effort, but you will have a country table unlike any other.
  5. The last chord is the installation of the countertop.

In fact, you will succeed, similar to which it is very, very difficult to find.

The second life of old furniture

A prudent and creative homeowner in our country will never get rid of old furniture if it can serve again, but already in the country. It will help bring originality to the landscape of a suburban area. For example, old chairs can be used as pot holders or flower pots.

Tip: by decorating country houses from block containers with flowers, you can transform their standard appearance.

It doesn’t matter what plants you decide to decorate old furniture with, the main thing is that you should like them. Agree that putting a pot of flowers in the seat of a chair is not difficult.

Then you need to provide the plants with normal care. To make everything look even more beautiful, you can tighten and paint the furniture, then you can use it much longer.

We decorate the front garden

Not everyone wants to take the time to care for the many types of plants that are planted near the house. We offer a simple but radical way to get rid of this - lawn grass, which needs to be sown in the soil, which will make it possible to create beauty from different elements on its basis.

Why not stop in this case on the classic design of the territory.

For example, put:

  • part ;
  • ornamented entrance arch;
  • small tyn;
  • put several wheelbarrows or carts around the site, decorating them with flowers.

Tip: nearby buildings will look interesting, which will be decorated with a variety of weaving plants or use vertical gardening for this.

Additional ideas

Carts are not interesting, then you can do modern options jewelry that can surprise and delight your loved ones.

Old shoes, wire, bamboo rod and plastic bottles:

  1. Take a broken bamboo fishing rod, 2 pieces of thick wire, old shoes and plastic bottles.
  2. Place the shoes near the country threshold, nailing them to the track with wire.
  3. Decorate it with bamboo by simply putting it on.
  4. Bend the wire so that you can pick up small planters with flowers from plastic bottles on it.
  5. Paint the structure with gold spray paint.

Such decoration is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Another way to decorate a country house is to transform its porch. In this case, you will need a lot of worn-out clothes, which everyone usually has a warehouse in a suburban area. It is usually used for dirty work as a working kit.

Now there is another option for its use, in particular, old jeans. As a result, you can make “legs” that will become a “flower bed” for perennial herbs. The idea is quite nice and does not require cash outlays.

Tip: if you are experiencing difficulties with electricity in a suburban area, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help you solve the problem.


For the vast majority of summer residents, a plot outside the city is not the only source of subsistence and food. Therefore, it can be turned not only into a place for planting and harvesting, but also into an original park where it is pleasant to spend time. To do this, you do not have to spend a lot of money, all you need is time and imagination. The video in this article will help you find Additional information on this topic.

All the owners of a summer house once think about decorating it, bringing something special into the atmosphere. Of course, you can go to specialized stores and buy whatever your heart desires. But if summer residents want their place of rest to be unique and inimitable, then it will be much more interesting to make decorations with their own hands. Jewelry made by yourself will give the owners both a creative mood and aesthetic pleasure.

We choose original ideas for giving

Each owner of a summer house, if desired, can find a lot of different ideas for decorating his site. For the manufacture of most of the scenery, it will be enough only improvised means and minimal cost. And old, unnecessary furniture and interior items will inspire creativity even more. Often, seemingly completely useless and forgotten things can come in handy. Country designers use in their work everything that comes to hand: broken old furniture, unnecessary toys, various bottles and utensils, car tires, remaining building materials and much more.

Not a single cottage design is complete without intricate interesting flower beds. You can add uniqueness to flower arrangements by planting them in old containers. It can be barrels, pots, and even carts. Many summer residents build various fences for flower beds.

Cosiness will always be added by original paths at their summer cottage. They are made from timber or stone. And the rest of the materials can always be used for the construction of the next composition.

Bottles and plastic jars are especially popular with country designers. From them it is easy and simple to build a lot of interesting sculptures, decorations for flower beds, borders. There are no limits for imagination here.

Be sure to place a bird feeder in the country. Children usually love to watch birds. And with a bird feeder, birds will be a frequent guest at their summer cottage. It can be made from a plastic bottle, and from an unnecessary block of wood, and from twigs.

Without much difficulty, you can make a variety of figures that will bring comfort and individuality to the country atmosphere. For their manufacture, you can use a variety of design solutions and materials. For example, polymer clay, leftovers polyurethane foam, gypsum and other building materials. One has only to start creative work and it will immediately become clear that nothing is impossible.

Crafts from improvised means

The most popular among improvised materials for crafts are bottles, various plastic jars and boxes. Before starting work, you should definitely think over the details so that the result is really beautiful, and does not resemble a bunch of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut, it is easy to give them the desired shape. And if you cover the result of the work with suitable paints, you get bright, unique decorations for giving. For example, you can make figures of animals (pigs, cows, bees) or fairy-tale characters. By making such decorations, you can unleash your creative potential, and each time the crafts will be more and more perfect. At in large numbers unnecessary plastic, not only crafts are made from it, but also pieces of furniture.

If there is a glass cutter among the tools, then you can make original pots from glass bottles. Such crafts look very stylish and easily fit into any design. Candle holders can be made in the same way.

Bottle caps can also be useful for decorating furniture, decorative fences, creating compositions and even curtains. You can also use chocolate egg toy containers.

Remains natural stone perfect for decorating a pond in the country. A small pond will bring a unique comfort to the atmosphere of the cottage. Around will look good flower beds, crafts or a recreation area. If the pond turns out to be large enough, then it can be decorated with an interesting bridge.

Every motorist will always have old tires. You can simply paint them and make bright bases for a flower bed out of them, or you can show your imagination and cut out various shapes.

Arrangement of a play area in the country

While landscaping and decorating a summer cottage, do not forget about the children. They need their own territory for games and entertainment. Children of all ages love swings. They can be made from ordinary boards and ropes, or you can use metal chains and old tires painted in bright colors. From improvised materials it is easy to build slides, swings, rocking chairs. The main thing is that everything is strong and reliable.

Toddlers will definitely need a sandbox. Her borders will look interesting from colorful bottles or wooden log cabins. The sandbox in the form of a ship or car will look original. It is recommended to make an awning over the sand to protect from the bright sun.

Children will certainly enjoy having their own playhouse in their summer cottage. Benches, a table or other furniture can be placed inside. Everything depends on fantasy. The house can be decorated with a bright flower bed or homemade decorations. Usually the guys themselves are happy to take part in decorating their territory.

Ideas for decorating a fence in the country

The fencing will best emphasize the uniqueness of the suburban area. The fence is not only the protection of the territory, but also the so-called calling card of the owners.

A simple wooden or iron fence is commonplace. It must be decorated. You can decorate the fence with the most different materials: flower pots, crafts in the form of animals, painted landscapes and everything that has enough imagination. For example, unnecessary bright-colored rubber boots will look original as pots.

You can decorate the fence with old discs. They reflect sunlight and look interesting in any light. Different patterns can also be applied to the discs.

The fence made of wooden round timber, painted “under colored pencils”, looks impressive. With such a fence, you can also fence off the children's territory in the country.

Any fence will look cozier if some climbing plants grow along it. There is different kinds which are growing very fast. For example, decorative beans or morning glory. You can plant vines. They grow much slower, but also look more expensive. Beyond comparison in this case, wild grapes. Grape leaves gradually change their color and retain their beauty until the frost. It looks original when the "grape fence" turns into a canopy. This design gives the fence an old look.

Flowering shrubs planted along it will become beautiful decorations for a low fence. You can combine plants with different colors and flowering time.

In the evening, different lanterns on the fence look beautiful. It is also possible to make them yourself from improvised materials. Or you can simply place candles in painted glass jars attached to the fence. The main thing is that the flame does not fall on the fence.

A lot of room for imagination will open up to those who like to draw. You can draw anything on the surface of the fence: nature, plots, cartoon characters, ornament, small patterns in the form of flowers, butterflies, ladybugs. It is easy to draw on any fence, but it is easier on a corrugated fence.

Compositions of caps, shells, stones, dishes look original. It is easy to make plastic flowers from the bottoms of bottles and paint them in rich colors - they will look beautiful on a wooden fence.

We make flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds will help transform the summer cottage and bring color to its atmosphere. When choosing plants, be sure to take into account their individual characteristics. First of all, it is worth deciding on the flowers "soloists", that is, the main plants in the flower bed. The choice can be stopped at three or four types.

The design of flowers with ornamental herbs and leaves of an interesting shape looks beautiful. With them, the flower bed will be original, even when the flowers do not bloom. But do not try to place a lot of different plants in the country. The territory of the site should look holistically and harmoniously.

Of course, it’s not enough just to plant flowers beautifully. The flower beds also decorated around look more original. The composition must be complete.

Flower beds can be decorated using any unnecessary items. The article has already said that it is easy to make small flower beds from old tires painted in bright colors. You can use a wheelbarrow, a cart, an unnecessary beehive, or even an old car. The main thing is that everything is done neatly and aesthetically. If desired, you can add decorations to the flower garden in the form of homemade bees, butterflies, interesting stuffed animals.

You can make a small fence around the flower bed. For its manufacture, it is possible to use plastic bottles or cups, a fence made of tyn, stones. The flowerbed smoothly turning into a lawn looks beautiful.

Setting up a recreation area

At the cottage, a comfortable place to relax on fresh air. This issue must be approached very responsibly. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the owners. It can be just a laid out area with a table and comfortable chairs or hammocks placed in the shade.

At any summer cottage, a gazebo will look spectacular, which can be made from the remaining building materials. Arbors look beautiful, the walls of which are decorated with climbing plants. Bright soft pillows or blankets look cozy as decorations.

Swings can be not only for children, but also for adults. It will not be difficult to build a wide wooden swing for relaxation or make hinged ones somewhere in the shade of trees. For convenience, they can be decorated with soft pillows.

In the recreation area, you will definitely need a barbecue. It can be made, for example, from an old barrel. Flashlights can be provided for the evening and night time.

When making and decorating a summer cottage, it is worth remembering that a summer cottage is a place of rest from everyday life and bustle of the city. It should be comfortable and calm, and the environment should be pleasing to the eye. It is important not to overload the territory with crafts or some kind of design solutions, everything should be in moderation. Imagine, create, surprise!

Do-it-yourself cottage design: we bring the fairy tale to life. What can be done to decorate a country house and the area adjacent to it so that passers-by turn their necks, and arriving guests instantly get excited about the idea of ​​​​acquiring a hacienda and organizing on it the same corner of heavenly rest, peace and quiet, like yours? Designing a dacha with your own hands means telling your life story with natural materials, implementing a project with a bright personality, colored by amazing impressions, favorite stories and a joyful attitude to country life.

We look in the house or from the house

First you need to decide what exactly is required: decorating the interior of a country house or interesting design the whole area? You should highlight the decor elements that are characteristic of the interior and exterior spaces, and then decide which of them you can make with your own hands.

If home interior decoration items cannot be too large, it is mainly textile decoration, wall decor and small accessories that are the accents of the premises, then the decor of the summer cottage can be divided into large-volume, medium in size and very small - the "highlight" of any corner of the garden.

It is worth decorating the entire site, starting from its features (shape, division into zones, height difference, prevailing verticals, existing groups of green spaces), taking into account the view from the window of the central room or your favorite room in the house, based on your own hobbies and financial capabilities.

Tips from more experienced craftsmen, books and master classes will come to the aid of a beginner DIYer, and “advanced” decorators should use the results of their hobby to decorate the surrounding space from improvised materials, or they can learn from knowledgeable people something new.

Wooden decor of the site

All parts of a tree are suitable for decorating a summer house, starting with its branches and ending with stumps with remnants of roots. V different options wood materials are subjected to various processing: soaked, sawn, sanded, sanded, spread on boards, covered with stain, hollowed out.

In its manufacture, a specially prepared willow vine or cut branches of deciduous trees of small diameter that are similar in length are used. The main indicator of the material used is flexibility. The weaving method creates:

  • fences, doors in the garden part of the site;
  • framing high beds;
  • baskets and boxes, as a place to store garden supplies;
  • voluminous containers for planting luxuriantly blooming letniki;
  • garden sculptures;
  • balls of different diameters, as a decorative element of strict minimalist gardens, replacing stone ones.

Advice. When creating beds and containers, lay out inner part object with geotextiles or thick cardboard so that the earth does not spill out into the crack.

Decorating with the use of natural forms. In this version, the skinned parts of logs with butt and thick roots are used to make garden benches, bird feeders, bases for children's houses in the style of Russian folk tales, and decoration of playgrounds.

To create a flower girl, the inner part of the stump is taken out, leaving a few centimeters of the outer layer, a layer of drainage, a soil mixture is laid in the recess, then flowering letniki are planted. To enhance the effect of naturalness, in some cases, the embossed tree bark is left untouched, and long-weaving plants, such as nasturtium, are chosen from plants.

Country decor made of treated wood

Boards and bars covered with stain or paints for external woodwork are allowed on benches, small garden forms - arbors, arches, pergolas, sheds for grapes.

Special skill will require the creation of a slightly inclined cart for plants and decorative pumpkins, from which blooming petunias or pumpkin "lanterns" pour onto the ground with a bright waterfall.

A do-it-yourself bridge thrown over a small stream, as an interesting accent of a romantic corner of the garden, makes it possible to stand and look at the running water - one of the three phenomena that, according to the sages, can be observed endlessly.

Beginning home crafters can start making garden decor items with less effort, time and woodworking skills.

  1. The plank framing of containers for flowers, made from any plastic, tin or enameled containers, will allow you to remove inconsistency from the garden and bring the whole decor to the same style denominator.
  2. Using wooden pallets left over from a large construction site as a starting material will clear the site of construction debris, turn it into garden tables, benches, stools, compost boxes or a seedling table next to the garden equipment house, on which it will be convenient for the gardener to dive and transplant plants.
  3. The simplest option for decorating garden elements with wood is to create harnesses from textured ropes and wood planks (trimmings work well door architraves desired length), making plastic barrels to collect rainwater, not as a foreign object that you want to remove from your eyes, but as a full-fledged participant in the decorating performance.

Houses for domestic animals: decoration and benefit at the same time

Together with people in the summer, those who walk on all fours move to the dacha. Getting "on free bread", they refuse to be constantly in the house, but demand free walking. Also, if the owners have a certain courage or desire to eat environmentally friendly, natural products, laying hens, ducks or rabbits may appear in the backyard farm.

For the self-made construction of a chicken coop or a dog house, which, in addition to practical use, can become worthy decorations for the household part of the dacha, you will need much more skills and free time. However, the pleasure that the master receives from the admiration of other people and awareness of the level of his own skill is worth it.

Projects of modern buildings for pets are castles, cottages, mansions and towers in miniature, hiding full-fledged premises behind a beautiful facade for comfortable living for those who protect, feed and relieve nervous tension of family members. Such houses in different styles The device of a flat grass roof, windows with painted shutters, a decorative balcony on the pediment or carved pillars that support a canopy over the terrace for everyone's favorite looks interesting.

Stone and concrete paths

High strength materials - stone and concrete, able to take any shape, are suitable for creating decorative elements suburban area of ​​various sizes.

Horizontal planar decoration occurs by delineating the site with footpaths, platforms and driveways. If you look at the hacienda from above, then the correct lines of the paths should be woven into a simple but harmonious pattern. On the small dachas do not recommend making straight lines or with sharp turns.

Track options available for DIY:

  • concrete (solid pouring, creation of individual blocks by mold pouring);
  • stone with a gravel frame (stones are laid on a dense base, gravel with compaction is poured into the gaps);
  • stone with a lawn frame (around the main flat stones on a layer of earth is planted lawn grass, which is cut on a par with lawns);
  • gravel (gravel is poured into the bed of the path);
  • paving stones (granite blocks or a concrete analogue of old street masonry are used);
  • pebble (large pebbles, placed on edge, are pressed into the cement mixture with a dotted pattern).

By selecting materials according to color and shape, mixing different techniques, changing the direction of laying, a true master can create paths that cannot be repeated. A chain of routes laid at the request of the owners, connecting different corners garden, organizes the space, delimits it into zones and makes it not like neighboring cottages.

Advice. When excavating for bed preparation garden path after setting the curbstones, lay high-density geotextiles on the bottom with a plant on the walls (used for paving). It will not allow the base (sand and gravel layers) to go into the ground, it will prevent the germination of weeds. Only then backfill and lay the front material of the track.

Small concrete molds

Plastic concrete can be used to create small decorative elements that can bring intrigue to the calm flow of country life and revive the monotony of remote green corners.

The main thing in the process: the choice of a high-quality mixture, accuracy in pouring, removal of internal air bubbles and careful subsequent processing, including decorating with various materials, if the master’s own color does not suit the master.

From concrete, you can make original decorations for a summer cottage:

  • the base of a fountain or small waterfall;
  • garden table and "eternal" chairs finished with stone, tiled, faience mosaics;
  • sundial on a stand;
  • baths for birds;
  • man-made stones with moss grown in depressions, stonecrops.

A bird's drinker, cast from concrete, where a leaf of burdock or rhubarb served as a form, looks very interesting. The combination of the natural pattern of leaf veins with technological material will successfully decorate the cottage in a modern style.

The main task of any owner is to make his own suburban area attractive, comfortable to live in. Even in nature, not everything is perfect, and when a person intervenes, producing construction works and breaking the harmony, decoration is required.

Some area of ​​the local area must be hidden, and the most successful perspective or cozy corner should be accentuated, presented to the viewer so that in no case does he pass by. With diligence, patience, and also some efforts, you can turn an ordinary cottage into a fairy world.

In this article we will talk about what a country decor is and what are the features of its implementation on our own using available means.

Despite the fact that country houses are being built everywhere from block containers and similar unpresentable materials, the right approach to decorative design will give such buildings a more habitable and attractive look.

Being the owner of such country house, you can use the services of specialized organizations that will develop a design project in a short time and make it a reality. But, unfortunately, the price of such services is high, and therefore it would be more correct to cope with the task with your own hands, using the tips given in this article.

Requirements for country decor

There is no doubt that the decor of the cottage should delight your eyes and set you up for a good rest.

But at the same time, the design of a country house and the adjacent area should be characterized by the following qualities:

  • practicality and ease of maintenance;
  • resistance of decorative elements to the negative impact of environmental factors, including precipitation, temperature changes, etc.;
  • aesthetic appeal and originality of applied solutions;
  • compatibility of decorative elements used with the design of the adjacent area;
  • affordable price solutions and the possibility of their implementation from improvised materials.

Let us consider in more detail the listed requirements and determine why the decor in the country should comply with them.

Important: When decorating a non-electrified country house, for operation various instrument it may be useful to buy or rent a diesel generator for a summer residence.

  • Practicality and ease of maintenance- it is fundamentally important qualities especially for seasonally used suburban buildings.
    Agree that expensive plush curtains and upholstered furniture in the decoration of the premises will look chic. But just imagine the prospect of cleaning and dusting them regularly!
    That is why the design of the cottage and the adjacent area should be the most practical and undemanding to care for.
  • Decorative figurines for summer cottages and other products that can be used to decorate a garden and vegetable garden must be resistant to precipitation and the change of season. Otherwise, with every change of weather, you will have to bring everything into the house or under a canopy, and after a certain time you will have to take everything back.
  • Despite the practicality and functionality, the decor of the site in the country should be aesthetically attractive and stylish.. Again, decorative solutions should be as original as possible, otherwise there is no point in using such elements.
  • The elements used in decorating the dacha and the site should be as inexpensive as possible and made from improvised materials.. This rule primarily applies to objects that are operated intermittently.
    Elements of landscape design or cottage design that are of material value may be stolen during your absence. At the same time, original and fresh, but inexpensive solutions, on the contrary, will not attract the attention of ill-wishers.

So, after we have decided on the basic requirements, we will talk about the most interesting ways to decorate the cottage.

Unusual fences

First of all, let's look at how decorative fences are made for giving.

  • A simple and effective solution is a fence made of willow branches. The construction of such a fence and the harvesting of branches is best done in the fall, when the wood has gained maximum strength.

The principle of weaving the fence is extremely simple.

At a distance of half a meter from each other, stakes are driven into the ground, which will serve as the supports of the structure. Weave long branches between the columns so that the previous branch alternates with the next. We tie the branches on the posts with wire or synthetic rope that will not rot.

  • A more complex option is a decorative fence made of a fence board. If the previous modification of the fence could be uneven, then in this case you will have to ensure that the distance between adjacent boards is the same, and that the finished one forms an even line from above and below.

Registration of a summer cottage

Try to arrange ornamental garden in the country everyone can, and for this it is not at all necessary to use exotic plants.

For example, vertical flower beds made of large-diameter pipes or made in the form of conical whatnots will become an original decor element.

The advantage of this decorative solution is that all plants receive the required amount of sunlight. In addition, a vertical flower bed is more convenient to water. And, of course, such flower beds not only look original, but also save space on the site adjacent to the dacha.

An effective way to diversify the look of a summer cottage, vegetable garden and garden is the arrangement of gravel paths. The price of small gravel is low, but despite this, such dressing looks very impressive.

Benches, sculptures and other wooden crafts

Talking about ways to embellish a country house and a nearby garden, it should be noted wood decor for a summer residence. Wood can be used to make many different aesthetically pleasing crafts.

The choice of wood as a production material is not accidental, since this material is different:

  • low cost;
  • ease of machining;
  • durability subject to special processing;
  • aesthetic appeal due to the pronounced texture.

The instruction for making country furniture made of wood is simple and you can find it in the relevant articles on our portal. Carving garden sculptures out of wood is somewhat more difficult, as it requires the right tool and imagination.

Important: No matter what wood crafts you make, you need to take care of their durability.
To do this, the sculptures can be impregnated with refined mining, and wooden furniture cover with several layers of drying oil and then paint.


Now that we have covered the main points that need to be considered when decorating a summer house and the surrounding area, you can put the skills you have learned into practice. More useful information can be found by watching the video in this article.