Sunflower seed. A fairy tale story about a wild or cultivated plant for the lesson “The world around us” Come up with a fairy tale story about a sunflower

  • 28.05.2019

Hello dear readers!

Today we continue our story about sunflowers. The sunflower is a symbol of the sun, joy and optimism. A small sun that turns its head towards the big sun.

Sunflowers bloom from July to August. When you see a field with sunflowers, it is impossible to pass by such beauty. We also went for a walk with the children and admired the sunflowers.

If you have such an opportunity, go with the children to the field and admire the sunny flowers, tell them riddles and just tell them about this amazing flower. I think that from such a walk you will be charged with optimism and your mood will rise.

  1. Interesting sunflower facts for kids.
  2. Sunflower legends.
  3. What is made from sunflower.
  4. Riddles for children about sunflowers.

Many people have known this amazing plant since childhood. Both children and adults love to indulge in seeds. Previously, in the evenings in the villages and villages on the benches, people clicked seeds and had conversations.

Children love to eat seeds, delicious halva and kazinaki. Do they know what they are made of, what do they know about sunflowers.

The people call the flower a sunflower, but correctly - a sunflower.

Name of this amazing plant comes from the Greek words: "sun" and "flower". The huge flower really resembles the sun in miniature.

In fact, the yellow circle is not one flower, but an inflorescence - a basket in which there are many flowers. It is an annual plant with a thick stem and large green leaves. The stem reaches a height of 2 m and above.

Why is the sunflower called sunny flower ? Because it is constantly growing and the stem becomes longer on the side that faces the sun. The stem contains the phytohormone auxin, which regulates plant growth. It is located in that part of the stem that is not illuminated by the sun and the plant is forced to reach for the sun.

The sunflower has its own interesting story. Its homeland is North America. The Indians considered him sacred plant and was used in medical practice for fever, chest pain and treatment of snake bites.

The flower came to Russia under Peter 1, who brought sunflower seeds from Holland. It was cultivated as decorative flower. But later they tried the seeds and began to grow them in vegetable gardens to get a delicious treat.

Sunflower oil was first obtained by the peasant Bochkarev, who invented a press and squeezed an oily liquid from the seeds.

Sunflower legends

According to one of the ancient legends, the gods sent sunflowers to people so that the sun would never leave them. After all, in any weather, his flower is always turned to the sun. The sunflower is considered the flower of the sun, joy, optimism.

One of the legends about the appearance of the sunflower came from Mexico.

Once there lived a little girl named Xochitl, which means "flower". She loved the sun very much and admired it from dawn to dusk. The sun appeared every day and did not hide behind the clouds. For the girl, it was a blessing. But plants without moisture died. A drought set in and people began to die of hunger. The Aztecs prayed to the gods to send them rain.

The girl went to the temple and asked the sun to hide behind the clouds. The girl's prayer reached the sun god Tonetiu. The long-awaited rain poured down. And Xochitl began to fade without the sun. And then a divine voice ordered her to go to the sacred village, where flowers always bloom and the sun shines. And there she will be called Xochitl-Tonatiu - “flower of the sun.” So the girl turned into a sunny flower, which opens towards the sun and turns its head towards it.

What is made from sunflower

Tell the children that the sunflower is a very useful plant.

Sunflower is grown all over the world. It is used in Food Industry. Sunflower oil is made from its seeds, which is rich in vitamin E. Halva and delicious kazinaki can be prepared from sunflower seeds.

Sunflower is a honey plant.

Sunflower is also used for technical needs, in cosmetology (production of paints and varnishes, paper, in soap making, creams are made).

How to grow sunflowers ornamental plant making bouquets.

Sunflower is used in medicine, tinctures and tea are prepared from it. The oil is rich in vitamin E and contains unsaturated acids. It is used to treat burns, wounds and other skin diseases.

Seeds, roots and leaves are used in folk medicine for the treatment of bronchitis, headaches, intestinal colic. Decoctions from the roots help with rheumatism and osteochondrosis.

But despite positive traits, seeds in large quantities are harmful: they can lead to stomach ulcers, inflammation of the appendix, and tooth decay.

Sunflower experiments

With children, you can experiment with sunflower seeds, to find out the properties of oil, how oil is obtained from seeds.

Take raw seeds, peel and pass them through a garlic press or simply place them on paper and press. Will remain on paper greasy spots that don't disappear. These are drops of oil.

You can learn from experiments the properties of oil. We take a glass of water and drip sunflower oil with a pipette. What will we see? The oil stays on the surface of the water. We conclude: it does not sink in water, but floats in a large drop, which means that oil is lighter than water.

If you stir a drop of oil, small droplets form. Oil particles are divided. Also, the oil is clear. If you throw coins into a glass of oil, you will see them.

Doing with children, a conclusion about the properties of oil: oil is lighter than water, it is transparent, viscous, fragrant.

Food is fried in oil, vegetable salads are seasoned with it.

In the spring with children, you can try to grow a sunflower in the garden. To do this, take raw seeds and plant them in the ground. Seedlings will appear that need to be looked after, watered, loosened, fought with weeds. And the plant will grow and delight you with large baskets of black seeds. When they ripen, you can collect and fry the seeds. Or cook delicious halva at home.

Today we told the children about the sunflower, learned what can be done from it. and also read the legend of the sunflower.

I also propose to consolidate knowledge about the sunflower, to make riddles for children.

Sunflower riddles for children

On the winding path

The sun is growing on the leg.

As the sun ripens

There will be a handful of grains.


The golden sieve of black houses is full.

How many black houses

So many white people.


In the middle of the courtyard is a golden head.


I look like the sun

And I love the sun.

I always turn to him

Your head.


And finally, our photos with sunflowers. We walked with Yulia and Ksyusha, went to the field with sunflowers.

This is how our conversation turned out today about sunflowers, the flowers of the sun.

Sincerely, Olga.

Inna Tokareva

« Solar Flower - Sunflower»

Synopsis of GCD on cognitive speech development for older preschool children.


Formation of interest in informative- research activities children through acquaintance with « sunny flower» -sunflower;

Expand View children about sunflower, as a symbol sun and sunflower, as about the plant from which they produce products: sunflower oil.

- Introduce children with a history of creation sunflower oil , with methods of its manufacture.

Raise interest and love for the native land

- introduce and make a dish of the Cossacks - "Tyurya", talk about the benefits of the components included in this dish.

FGT implementation: communication, socialization, knowledge, research, music, health.

Materials and equipment:

Photo sunflower, adaptations of D. S. Bokarev, photographs sunflower field, photo with a monument to Danil Semyonovich Bokarev, bottle sunflower oil, bread, garlic, salt - for cooking tyuri, a disc with music recording, a bag of seeds.

Lesson progress:

Educator. - Guys, Misha and

Nikita is offered to lead a round dance, let's put our toys in their places and play our favorite round dance

Children (put away toys)

Educator and children: organizational round dance "In a wide field":

In a wide field.

grew up sunflowers.

We are messengers on earth

From big sunshine.

In the sky the sun has risen.

It led us.

We follow him all day long.

We repeat after him.

Educator. - (In the group, before class, a vase with sunflowers) Guys, did any of you notice that we have changed in the group?

Children. - we have appeared in the group sunflowers.

The teacher brings children to sunflowers while reading a poem.


Gold sunflowers,

Petals are rays.

He is a son sunshine

And a cheerful cloud.

Wakes up in the morning

The sun shines,

close at night

Yellow eyelashes.

Our summer sunflowers -

How lampion.

In the autumn we are black

Give a seed.

(Tatiana Lavrova)

Educator - That's right, and they are also called « The colors of the sun» . Educator. Why is it called that and why is it so famous?

Children. (answers children) Educator. Look at the photos,

What do they show?

Children. They show- Sunflower.

Educator. Sunflower - flower, which is constantly growing, and its stem becomes longer precisely on the side that faces the sun - therefore the flower gazes steadily at the light. « solar flower» - sunflower. It grows and looks at sunshine all summer, so they called him sunny flower, and by autumn a whole basket of seeds ripens. Let's describe sunflower. Tell me what it is?

Children. Big flower yellow color , stem long green colors, the leaves are large, green, and inside sunflower seeds black. Seeds sunflower you can not only eat. from seed sunflower oil is also made, which is called « sunflower» .

Educator. - Do you want me to tell you who came up with the idea of ​​extracting oil from seeds?

Children. - Yes, we want (take their seats)

caregiver: Once upon a time there lived Daniil Semyonovich Bokarev. He was walking along the street and saw sunflower It had seeds inside. Daniel plucked it and began to eat the seeds. And the taste of the seeds was pleasant - oily. And while he was eating the seeds, he had the idea of ​​getting oil from the seeds. He planted a lot in his garden sunflowers, and at the end of the summer he carefully cut off the hats and knocked out the seeds from them. By this time, Daniel had made a device, he took a stump, hollowed out a square niche in it from the side. At the bottom of this niche, I chose a nest where I laid portions of dried seeds. A wooden peg was inserted into the nest. And with the help of two wedges hammered, the cylinder in the nest pressed on the seeds. A thick light brown liquid flowed down the groove. The serf peasant D.S. Bokarev discovered in the seeds sunflower high content of healthy oily liquid. He was the first to extract from this amber seed product colors which we call today sunflower oil.

And the oil that your mothers cook with is also knocked out of seeds.

Educator. Guys, come on, and we will experiment a little and continue our acquaintance with the properties sunflower oil, for this, take cups of water, but to make the experiment more interesting, let's color our water green and blue colors(children are divided into two groups, 1-possessing certain knowledge and 2-often ill children, little attending Kindergarten. With the 1st group, the teacher’s assistant colors the water, the teacher works with the children of the 2nd group, explaining the past material about the properties of water (water takes the color of that substance, which is added to it) the children put the colored water on the oilcloth prepared for the experiment), then the children take containers with oil, pipettes, spoons.

Educator. Guys, we're all set. Now take some oil in a pipette and drop it into a glass of water. What do we see?

Children. We see that the oil remains on the surface of the water, the conclusion is that it is not "sinks" in water, but floats on the surface as a large drop. It is lighter than water.

Educator. To remember this property, we will hang a graphic image on the board. Now stir the oil with a spoon. What happened?

Children. We see that the oil also remained on the surface, but instead of one drop, many drops appeared, because the oil particles divide when stirred.

Educator. To remember this property, we will hang a graphic image on the board. What happens if we pour all the oil into the water?

Children, (answers children)

After the experiment, the children draw a conclusion. that even pouring all the oil into the water, it remains on the surface. that it is even in in large numbers lighter than water.

Educator. Guys, now let's pour our water into one container, and the remaining oil into another.

After the children have poured the oil into the container, the teacher puts it on the table, the children stand around. The teacher distributes coins to the children and offers to throw them into the oil.

Educator. Guys, what do we see?

Children. At the bottom of the oil container, we see coins thrown by us. Educator and what does this mean?

Children. this means that the oil is transparent and therefore we can see the coins thrown by us. And the fact that the coins are heavier and therefore they ended up at the bottom.

Educator. That's right, well done. Guys, we got acquainted with the properties of oil, consolidated our knowledge with experience and graphic images.

(Children look at graphic images and repeat the properties sunflower oil(Easier than water "does not sink" in water, with stirring, oil particles are divided and many drops of oil form on the surface, it is viscous, viscous, transparent, fragrant).

Physical education - psycho-gymnastics.

(Music CD included.)

Educator. Guys, do you want us to turn into sunny flowers.

Children. - Yes

1. Yellow the sun looks at the earth, (Hands up, stretched, looked up, make flashlights like rays)

2. Yellow sunflower follows the sun. (With a turn from left to right, draw an arc with raised hands)

3. Only his yellow rays are not hot. (Tilts of the head to the left-right shoulder)

4. It grows on a long stem (Hands along the body, stand on toes)

5. With petals like horns, (Dilute hands to the sides and slightly up)

6. His head is large, full of black seeds. (Connect rounded hands above the head)

7. A breeze blew, the leaves stirred. (Children shake their hands left, right).

8. But evening came, and sunflowers close your yellow eyelashes (children cross their arms near their faces).

but in the morning it rose again sun and sunflowers opened their gray eye sockets, yellow eyelashes and stretched up their leaves, (children pretend to wake up, pull their hands up, shake their heads).So they grow and enjoy a new day, a warm sunshine.

Educator. Well, how did the guys warm up well? And perhaps a little hungry? Tell me, please, what dishes do your parents cook for you?

Children, (answers children)

Educator. And if you want the guys, we will prepare a dish that the Cossacks love very much, it is called prison. It's delicious, simple and healthy food! See what's on my table?

Children. bottle with sunflower oil, diced bread crusts, garlic, salt, large plate and wooden spoons.

Educator. Do you think the products included in prison are really useful?

Children. Yes. Garlic is rich in vitamins, bread is carbohydrates useful for growth, and butter is good for the intestines and is a source of vitamin A - responsible for body growth and vision.

Educator That's right guys, that's why our Cossacks are so strong and healthy.

Educator. What needs to be done to prepare our dish?

Children. Add garlic, salt

Educator. Good. Everything is ready, put it on a plate. And what needs to be added to make our dish - tyurya tasty?

Children. Sunflower oil.

Educator. Look, here is a bottle of wonderful sunflower oil what can be said about him?

Fly. The oil is clear, viscous, viscous. And very useful.

Educator. Smell it. What an unusual smell, fragrant, odorous. Add oil to our dish, mix.

Children. And now let's treat our guests.

Rado sun sky,

helped sunflower.

Glad to tablecloth bread

She on it like Sun.

Educator. Guys, we learned a lot today about sunflower?

Children, (answers children)

Educator. What interesting things did you find out? What was especially memorable?

Children. Share your observations and experiences.

Teacher, guys, when are you come home, tell your parents about everything you learned today and teach them how to cook prison.

Children. (statement children)

Educator. Guys, we ate with you, and on the street, near the feeders, our bird friends are waiting for us. Why do you think?

Children. (statement children)

Educator. And let's get dressed, take a bag of seeds and feed our birds. But this is another benefit of our sun flower!

Children. (statement children)

On the street, continue the topic of the lesson and the conversation with the children.

Age: 3-5 years.
Direction: Anxiety and restlessness associated with separation from mother and entry into children's team(Kindergarten). Fear of independence, general timidity.
Key Phrase: "Don't leave. I'm afraid!"

A large family of seeds lived in a garden on a tall sunflower. They lived together and happily.

One day - it was at the end of summer - they were awakened by strange sounds. It was the voice of the Wind. He rustled louder and louder. “It's time! It's time!! It's time!" - called the Wind.

The seeds suddenly realized that it was really time for them to leave the basket of their native sunflower. They hurried and began to say goodbye to each other.

Some were taken by the birds, others flew away with the wind, and the most impatient jumped out of the basket themselves. Those who remained were enthusiastically discussing the upcoming journey and the unknown that awaited them. They knew that some extraordinary transformation awaited them.

Only one seed was sad. He did not want to leave his native basket, which was warmed by the sun all summer and in which it was so cozy.

“Where are you in a hurry? You've never left home before and don't know what's out there! I'm not going anywhere! I'll stay here!" it said.

Brothers and sisters laughed at the seed, said: “You are a coward! How can you refuse such a trip? And every day there were less and less of them in the basket.

And then, finally, the day came when the seed was left alone in the basket. No one laughed at him anymore, no one called him a coward, but no one called him anymore with them either. The seed suddenly felt so lonely! Oh! Well, why didn't it leave the basket with its brothers and sisters! “Maybe I really am a coward?” thought the seed.

Rain is coming. And then it got colder, and the wind became angry and no longer whispered, but whistled: “Hurry-s-s-s-s-s-s!”. The sunflower bent to the ground under the gusts of wind. The seed was afraid to remain in the basket, which seemed to be about to come off the stem and roll off to no one knows where.

“What will happen to me? Where will the wind take me? Will I never see my brothers and sisters again? - it asked itself. - I want to be with them. I don't want to be here alone. Can't I overcome my fear?"

And then the seed decided. "Be what will be!" - "and, gathering strength, jumped down.

The wind picked it up so it wouldn't bruise, and gently lowered it to the soft ground. The ground was warm, somewhere above the Wind was already howling, but from here its noise seemed like a lullaby. It was safe here. It was as cozy here as it had once been in a basket of sunflowers, and the seed, tired and exhausted, imperceptibly fell asleep.

A seed woke up in early spring. I woke up and didn't recognize myself. Now it was no longer a seed, but a tender green sprout that stretched towards the gentle sun. And around there were many of the same sprouts, into which his brothers and sisters-seeds turned.

They were all glad to meet again, and especially they rejoiced at our seed. And now no one called him a coward. Everyone told him: “You are great! You were so brave! After all, you were left alone, and there was no one to support you. Everyone was proud of him.

And the seed was very happy.

Issues for discussion
What was the seed afraid of? What did the seed choose to do? Did it do the right thing or not? What would happen if the seed continued to be afraid?

    • Tale of a tiger cub on a sunflower
    • Type: mp3, text
    • Size: 11.8 MB
    • Duration: 0:12:53
    • Artist: Dmitry Avilov
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Yuri Koval

Tale of a tiger cub on a sunflower

In our distant Ussuri taiga there lived a tiger cub.

He was Ussuri from nose to tail, and even the stripes on his back were Ussuri.

He was friends with white-breasted cubs and with Uncle Chipmunk, who also had stripes on his back.

Only in the chipmunk the stripes went along, and in the tiger cub across. And whoever doesn’t understand, let him look at the picture where the stripes go.

But this tale is not about stripes, but about the tiger cub itself.

All summer the tiger cub played with his friends. How did they play? Very simple.

They all climbed together on the oldest and largest cedar and found there the largest cedar cone.

They tore off these cones and threw them down. They thought that the cone would crack and all the nuts would pop out. But the cone did not crack, and the nuts had to be picked out. But it was very pleasant to pick out the nuts that smelled of resin from the cone.

They called such a game - bumping.

Well, you probably know that there are such games: drawing, inattention, nut-gnawing. This game was very similar to nut-throwing-gnawing.

They played and played, and suddenly it became cold.

It snowed, winter began.

At first it was a little winter. And a little bit of snow on the grass and bushes. And then the winter got stronger, gained strength. Frost struck.

One morning the tiger cub woke up from the cold. Looks, his friends are not visible. There is no one.

Where are they?

Yes, they all went to bed, - the nutcracker bird crackled I-Don't you know that bears and chipmunks go to sleep for the winter?

The tiger cub did not know this and was very surprised. How is it so? They are all sleeping, but he is not sleeping. Weird.

And if you do not sleep, what should you do? Play.

The tiger cub began to play with the snow. He throws snow with his paw, and then catches snowflakes. Played-played - tired.

And then the blizzard began. It got very cold. The tiger cub froze so hard that he even trembled.

Are you cold, or what? he suddenly heard.

And this uncle chipmunk jumped out of his mink, which he dug under the roots of trees.

Climb up to me, - he says, - you will warm up. I have warmth.

Here the tiger cub climbed to the chipmunk. Climbs, climbs, but can not get in. The mink is small, and the tiger cub is big.

And while the tiger cub climbed, the chipmunk yawned, yawned - and fell asleep until the very spring.

The tiger cub went to yo taiga. Suddenly he hears someone snoring. I looked, and this is an old cedar snoring.

"Did you fall asleep too?" thought the tiger.

What are you! - Shouted the nutcracker. - Cedars never sleep. Here birches and aspens fall asleep in winter, but cedars never do.

Who is it that sleeps so loudly there? - the tiger cub climbed and climbed to the top of the cedar.

And there, not far from the top, there was a huge hollow. And in the hollow, a bear was sleeping with her cubs.

Brown bears sleep on the ground, in a den, but the Ussuri white-breasted bears live on trees, grow on trees, arrange a den on trees.

A tiger cub looked into this lair, and a she-bear opened one eye and said:

Are you cold, baby? Come in, we're warm.

The tiger cub climbed into the hollow and just wanted to curl up into a ball, when the bear sighed, and then exhaled so much that he flew out of the hollow. He flew, flew through the air, and then fell into the snow. But he did not fall much, did not crash, but only buried himself in the snow. And while he was flying, he kept thinking: "It would be nice to curl up in a ball somewhere to keep warm."

And so, when he fell into the snow, he immediately curled up into a ball and warmed up a little. Just as he was about to close his eyes in order to fall asleep, he suddenly saw a sunflower seed on the ground under the snow.

And the tiger cub immediately wanted to gnaw this seed and eat it, but then he thought: “You can’t eat everything in the world. I’ll take pity on this seed, because it must have frozen.” And the tiger cub breathed on the seed.

The seed moved a little. He breathed more - the seed cracked, and a green sprout appeared from it.

The tiger cub surrounded him with its soft paws, put its head on its paws, and fell asleep under the howl of a snowstorm.

And while the tiger cub was sleeping, the seed warmed up and began to grow * grow, grow, grow, and even gradually bloom.

And then a real miracle happened: right in the middle of the taiga and in the middle of winter, a sunflower blossomed.

He grew high, high, rose above all the trees, under the very sun, and already there, under the sun, the sunflower opened.

And up there, right on the sunflower, a tiger cub was sleeping.

And, of course, he was warm, because all the storms and snowstorms raged below.

Tiger cub in the sun! - shouted the nutcracker. - A tiger cub on a sunflower!

Spring came soon. A chipmunk and a bear woke up

harvest. We climbed a sunflower, and there - a tiger cub is sleeping. They woke him up.

How did I get here? - the tiger cub was surprised.

You warmed the seed, - said the wise uncle chipmunk, - and now it warms you.

So the red summer has come, the summer is hot, Ussuri. A tiger cub takes care of a sunflower, loosens the ground with its claws, bear cubs carry water from a stream, water a sunflower. Good tiger. And all the animals are fine.

Autumn has come. One evening, friends gathered on a sunflower, eating berries, nibbling nuts.

Well, how! - said the wise uncle chipmunk. - And you can see far away everything around.

If only we could all live on sunflowers!

Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! - Shouted the nutcracker. - There won't be enough sunflowers for all!

And then a cold wind blew. Sunflower swayed. Chipmunk and cubs ran home. There was only one tiger left.

And it snowed again. The sunflower bowed to the ground from the wind and from the snow. The tiger cub was sad. He climbed under his sunflower and saw the last few seeds on the ground. He raked them into a pile, pressed them to himself, and fell asleep.

And what do you think? Our tiger cub warmed all the seeds.

And a whole bunch of sunflowers grew in the middle of the taiga in winter. Huge flowers opened, and on each sunflower someone basked under the sun.

There is a teddy bear.

There is a fox.

There is a wolf.

And on the highest sunflower, a tiger cub was fast asleep.

The young sunflower stalk did not remember how it broke through the ground as a thin sprout. Some powerful force pushed him to the surface, and now he is basking in the sun, admiring the vast and wonderful world that has opened up to him, where there is so much light, where it is so cozy and warm.

“We need to grow, we need to reach up,” thinks the little Sunflower, a little drunk from the hot sunbeams. - Well, another centimeter closer to the light, again and again ... "

And life is in full swing around: multi-colored butterflies flutter, hard-working bees buzz merrily, flying from flower to flower, a grasshopper sings its monotonous song in the grass, and a fluffy cat sleeps peacefully under a lilac bush.

And what is this beautiful creature with transparent wings and huge eyes? It looks like a dragonfly. It easily falls on a neighboring flower and freezes in the sun.

- Hey there! How are you?

“Okay,” she replies. - I was in a meadow by the river, flying a race.

- And what is it, the river?

- The water in it is transparent and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow on a sunny day.

“Probably beautiful,” the sunflower thinks and looks around: everything rejoices and rejoices in warmth and light!

Here comes the hostess. Now she will take a watering can, life-giving moisture will water the earth, and all the plants will rush upward even more.

So he grew, becoming taller and stronger. Its juicy bright green leaves spread out powerfully on the sides, and its small red head was filled with seeds.

“Be like the sun, become like the sun,” something inside him seemed to say. And it stretched and stretched upward, bathed in rays of sunlight and warmth.

But one day, when the clouds covered the sun, he put his head down. There, in the darkness, the rest of the plants huddled close to each other, drooping, pale ... The sunflower felt very sorry for them, and he decided to give them all the light, all the warmth that he had accumulated. It seemed that it was no longer the sun, but he, the sunflower, warms everyone around.

And then the wind parted the clouds, gentle rays again fell to the ground, and darkness, like a snake, crawled under a high fence, because there was no place left for it on earth. The sunflower, along with the sun, gave love, and its yellow crown was visible from everywhere.

A brother and sister were standing nearby.

“Look,” the girl said, pointing to the sunflower, “little sun!

Svetlana Khrenova

Drawings: Irina Bondarenko