Amazing plants of our planet. The most amazing plants in the world

  • 13.06.2019

Plants appear to us as something green and boring. But it's nothing but pure water prejudice - the plants from this list are ready to compete in diversity and uniqueness with the animal world, they just need to be given a chance.

15. Rainbow Trees

Imagine walking through a forest of 60-meter trees in all the colors of the rainbow. Do you think this is possible only in a fairy tale movie? But no - Eucalyptus deglupta, or rainbow eucalyptus actually exists and is found in forests in the Philippines. These trees grow so fast that their bark peels off in strips, revealing a bright green layer that changes color to yellow, orange, red, purple, and brown as it ages.

14. Snapdragon seed pods

Snapdragon has been widely used as a model by botanists in many genetic studies. For example, Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin used snapdragons to study heredity. Distinctive feature plants are his seed pods, each like a screaming skull.

13. Jaboticaba

Jaboticaba is fruit tree with unique fruit formation. Unlike most trees, whose fruits grow on branches, Jaboticaba forms its black fruits right on the trunk. It looks like they ooze from the bark. Although the Jaboticaba fruit is popular in Brazil, due to its short shelf life, it rarely makes it to other places. The fruit can be consumed fresh, as well as in the form of jam, wine or liquor.

11. Amorphophallus titanic

This flower is the tallest in the world - its height can reach three meters. The yellow spadix in the center contains small white flowers. As soon as they are ready to spread the pollen, the cob begins to generate heat, which helps to spread a fetid odor that resembles the smell of a decaying corpse. As in the case of the corpse lily, the smell attracts flies, which are engaged in pollination.

10. Elephant yam

Amorphophallus pionolifolia, or elephant yam, is a close relative of Amorphophallus titanic. Before the only way demarcate different kinds in this group was to smell them and find out what kind of stink they exude. The tubers, which gave the plant the name "yams", are the third most popular carbohydrate source in Indonesia after rice and corn. And the word "Amorphophallus" in the name indicates the shape of the flower - literally it translates as "shapeless penis."

9. Voronets thick-legged

Voronet thick-legged also bears the cheerful name "doll eyes". It is quite obvious that the creepy "eyes" are poisonous. Just a handful of these berries can cause instant death. Of course, only a desperate brave man can dare to eat the berries that are looking at him ...

8. Bitter cucumber

Momordica charantia, or bitter cucumber, is a herbaceous vine that grows all over the world. Its fruits, empty inside, have a warty surface. They are usually eaten while they are still green because the yellowing fruit becomes more and more bitter as it ripens. However, when the fully ripe fruit opens, a sweet, bright red center can be found inside.

7. Naked man

Orchis italica, also known as the Naked Man orchid, can be found almost everywhere in the Mediterranean region. They are very popular among orchid lovers because ... well, at least because the petals look like naked men, which is incomprehensible here. The plant has about 40 varieties, so you can choose a naked man in almost any color and size.

6. Predatory pitchers

Animals eat plants. This is the natural order of things. However, some plants go against the system and fight back. The pitchers trap insects, spiders, and even small mammals and reptiles, and then drown them. Their modified leaves hold a liquid that contains digestive enzymes and chemicals. As soon as the victim enters the jug, he slides down the waxed slippery walls, which do not allow him to get out. After unsuccessful attempts to get out, the victim is immersed in the liquid, drowning, and the plant digests it to provide itself with nutrients that are not found in the soil.

5. Flowering stones

Of course, you know very well that flowering stones does not exist in nature. But it is precisely them that the amazing plants of the genus Lithops resemble. They can be found in the rocky and sandy deserts of South Africa. Plants have adapted to superficially resemble the rocks around them. This shape allows them to survive in regions with low rainfall, as the small surface area inhibits evaporation. Lithops are popular houseplants and are often sold specifically as "living stones".

4. African Gidnora

3 Albino Sequoia

Ask your child to draw a tree and you will get a brown trunk and green leaves. Everyone knows that trees are green. Everything except the albino sequoia. These trees are unable to produce chlorophyll, and without chlorophyll, they cannot absorb sunlight and produce their own nutrients. For other trees, this would be a death sentence, but sequoias have the ability to share roots among themselves. When an albino redwood sprouts, it needs to attach itself to the root system of another tree in order to extract food.

2. Red tumbleweed

Bassia broom grows in Eurasia, but somehow made it to the United States, where it received the nickname "Mexican fire weed" or more prosaic "burning bush". Tumbleweeds usually turn yellow or brown when they die, but bassia takes on a bright red hue. Entire fields of bassia can be found in Japan, where their black seeds are called "caviar of the earth."

1. Kiss plant

Psychotria sublime is known by the unflattering name of "whore sponge". One glance at the flower is enough to understand where this name comes from. The plant is found in the jungles of Central America, but despite its enticing appearance, it is gradually becoming endangered due to habitat loss. These lips would look great on Batman's rival, Poison Ivy. Especially when you consider that the flower produces a hallucinogenic substance. Oddly enough, the "sponges" themselves are not the flower of the plant. The flower protrudes from the "mouth", all covered with yellow viscous mucus. As they say, beauty is on the surface...

The title of the owner of the thinnest and most delicate leaves should, apparently, be given to a fern called maidenhair: its leaves are usually composed of just one layer of cells.

And the sharpest leaf is considered the sharpest leaf grass leaf putang, which grows in the New indian ocean Local Guinea.

Living on this Pacific island Ocean Locals Papuans use putang for shaving. coast of the Indian Ocean They say natural blades are nothing along the Indian coast not inferior to steel. However, strongly northern sedge you can cut yourself with the leaves of our sedges are the strongest northern sedge.

The strongest and most resilient leaves palm pandanus growing near the palm tree pandanus growing in tropical Asia The locals weave in Polynesia and along the coast the most leaves Indian Ocean. The locals weave Cypress favorite of God of which are strong and light favorite of the god Apollo mats and baskets.

patron god Apollo

And most of the leaves named Cypress favorite cypress. According to ancient Greek myth, beautiful mythu handsome young man a young man named Cypress, a favorite cypress According to ancient Greek god Apollo, patron of the arts, was According to ancient Greek myth turned into beautiful tree, entirely ancient Greek myth beautiful covered with scaly leaves. Experts have calculated our northern sedge that on one tree leaves of our northern turned out to be 45 to 50 slut that grows million.

The oak has 250 thousand leaves, New Guinea Living beech has no more than 200 this Pacific island thousand. And, as it was putang herb which said only one plant putang grass leaf his life does not part with considered a sharp leaf two sheets is a sheet is considered a sheet velvichia.

The leaves of the Malay tree are amazing considered to be a leaf of grass trevesia. Each leaf has its own pacific island papuans own pattern that does not repeat Papuans use the island on one tree, and some steel However strongly of which resemble enlarged However, cut yourself a lot many times snowflakes.

By the uniqueness of their leaves, perhaps you can cut yourself a lot no tree compares inferior to steel with Indian evergreen under natural blades nothing name ficus krishna. It is bred in ornamental Papuans use Putang purposes and considered sacred, so shaving How is there a myth about that natural blades that gave shape to its leaves Apollo patron of the arts Indian god Krishna.

Every day we see flowers that surround us everywhere - daisies, roses, violets, tulips, chrysanthemums, dandelions, and their beauty has become familiar to us and even somewhat banal.

But in different corners planets grow truly amazing and unusual flowers in terms of adaptability and appearance, and every time, looking at this natural miracle, you are surprised at the beauty of the plant world. Let's get acquainted with the most unusual colors of our planet:

1. Tricyrtis short-haired (Tricyrtis hirta).

This perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 40-80 cm, has flowers white color with numerous purple spots.

This one grows decorative flower in the subtropical zone of Japan, where there is shade. Tricyrtis shorthair is relatively easy to cultivate.

2. Wolffia (Wolffia angusta).

This is the smallest flowering plant on the planet, its size is from 0.5 to 0.8 mm.

These small flowers live on water surfaces. The name of the flower was given in honor of the German entomologist and botanist Johan F. Wolf.

3. Amorphophallus titanic (Amorphophallus).

It is the largest tropical flower, but, despite the natural beauty, it is a very foul-smelling specimen of the flora. The smell of decaying flesh emanates from the inflorescence. If the name of the flower is translated from Greek, then it means "shapeless phallus."

This giant flower has one of the largest inflorescences in the world, reaching a width of one and a half meters and a height of 2.5 m. Amorphophallus titanic blooms for only two days. Previously, it grew in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra, but then foreigners exterminated the flower. Today it is considered a very rare flower, and you can see it in the botanical gardens of the world.

This amazingly beautiful flower deserves the status of the most romantic and piquant flower on the planet. For inflorescences of bright red color, people also call it "hot sponges".

Psychotria loves warmth and moisture and grows in the tropics. Its homeland is the forests of South and Central America, where a subtropical climate reigns.

5. Sexy Orchid Drakaea glyptodon.

The title of "unusual" orchid was won by the "sexy" orchid - the inflorescence of the flower resembles the body of a wasp of a certain species. In addition, the orchid secretes pheromones, the same as those of the female wasp.

Interestingly, the sexual orchid begins to bloom during the breeding season of wasps, and then the males flock to the flowers and try to mate with them. This is how wasps transfer pollen from one plant to another. The place of growth of the sexual orchid is Australia.

In appearance, this amazing flower resembles a flying duck, and that is how it is called by the people. She got this appearance from nature to attract insects called sawflies.

For them, the upper part of the flower resembles a female, and, flying from flower to flower, it is pollinated. The Kalania orchid has a miniature size: the flower is 2 cm wide and only 50 cm high. The orchid grows in South and Eastern Australia under eucalyptus trees, and 2-4 flowers flaunt on the stem.

In most cases, it lives underground, but when the required amount of precipitation falls in the desert, the African Hydnora appears on the surface and fades. The flower reaches a length of 15-20 centimeters. Pollination occurs with the help of beetles that fly to the smell emitted by the flower.

8. Sundew (Drosera).

It is a carnivorous flower of amazing beauty. The inflorescence secretes droplets of mucus, which are a trap for insects.

It is the sundew that feeds on insects. The flower grows in the mountains, on sandstones and swamps.

9. Passiflora (Passiflora alata).

Passiflora or Stratoflower is an amazingly beautiful flower from the genus of the Stratoflower family.

In nature, there are about five hundred species. The inflorescence is 10 cm in diameter, and passionflower grows mainly in Latin America.

10. Nepenthes Attenboroughii (Nepenthes Attenboroughii).

This unusual interesting flower was discovered on the island of Aalavan by three scientists in 2000, who went on an expedition for this miracle of the plant world. The first information about the flower was received from missionaries who had previously visited the island. Having gone to Mount Victoria, scientists discovered huge flowers, the inflorescences of which resembled voluminous jugs.

It turned out that these unusual flowers are real predators that feed on rodents. It still remains a mystery how these flowers were able to survive to this day. This phenomenon is being studied today in the MacPherson lab. Do you think that custom-made bouquets of these flowers would be in high demand?

11. Monkey Orchis (Orchis simia).

This beautiful flower grows in bushes and forests, where there is a lot of light, in forest glades of the lower (sometimes middle) mountain belt up to an altitude of 1500 m above sea level.

This specimen of flora is the rarest species and listed in the Red Book of Russia. When the orchis monkey blooms, it exudes a pleasant orange aroma.

A flower of the genus of epiphytic herbaceous plants of the Orchid family, growing in northeastern Australia and Southeast Asia.

Habitat - mountain and lowland forests with high humidity. Some representatives of the genus are popular in indoor floriculture, botanical gardens and greenhouses.

13. Clianthus (Clianthus).

The genus of this flower, which prefers sunny areas, includes two species that are endemic to New Zealand.

Clanthus inflorescences are bright red and resemble the beak of a kaka parrot in appearance. The flower has another name - lobster claws.

The inflorescence, thanks to its festively colored flowers, in appearance resembles a bright caramel lollipop.

These unusual flowers open only in the presence of bright light, and in the evening the inflorescence, like an umbrella, folds in a spiral. It's beautiful unpretentious plant lives well at home.

The flower got its name due to the shape of the inflorescence, resembling a slipper. The original shoe-shaped form is characteristic of three orchid genera.

Most of the species grow in deciduous and located in areas with temperate climate. The bright flowers of the slippers are a kind of trap, and most of the insects get inside the lip, and you can get out of there by a way that guarantees pollination.

16. Hoya.

An evergreen liana from the dovetail family, wax ivy, which grows naturally in India, South China, and Australia.

The genus Hoya, numbering 200 species, got its name in honor of the English gardener Thomas Hoya. Creepers in nature creep, and in forests grow on tree trunks.

17. Primula "Zebra Blue".

Large primrose flowers have a yellow center, an attractive cream-colored coloring, riddled with many blue-violet veins.

During flowering in May, the primrose gives a lot of inflorescences that exude a pleasant aroma.

This copy of Flora is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Bellflower family. plant with small, broadly lanceolate flowers blue color. In the world there are 300 varieties (100 of them in Russia) of bluebells, and they grow in places with a temperate climate: in the Caucasus, Europe, Siberia, Asia, and America.

The plant grows in the forest, near rocks, in wastelands. Peach-leaved bell is a rare plant belonging to decorative species. This is an excellent honey plant, listed in the Red Book.

This flower grows in North America, and in Russia it can often be found in gardens, where it is used to create beautiful flower beds. There are 22 types of flower in the wild - these are ears of zygomorphic flowers, painted with bright colors of blue, yellow, purple hues.

Inflorescences resemble a lion's mouth or even a skull. The appearance of the Snapdragon flower, which has already faded, looks quite intimidating and resembles a skull.

20. Dove Orchid (Peristeria Elata).

This flower has a bizarre, and even unusual shape, reminiscent of a dove lurking in the open petals of the inflorescence. The flower is very capricious and requires special care: high temperature and humidity.

This unusual flower also has a second name - the orchid of the Holy Spirit, and on the Easter holiday, believing Christians of the tropics decorate temples with these orchids.

21. Grouse (Fritillaria).

It's lovely perennial flower. The Latin name fritillus means a vessel or chessboard where dice. Such names are not given in vain - they are associated with the color and shape of the flower. In Russia, the name was given because of the resemblance to a bird of the grouse family.

When looking at this unusual flower, it seems that the bird bowed its head low. The hazel grouse blooms a little - about 20 days. Moles, mice, shrews are afraid of him, so Hazel grouse is simply necessary in flower beds and beds of summer residents.

Japanese camellias are trees or shrubs that reach a height of one and a half to eleven meters. This plant is ideal for a greenhouse or winter garden with cool mode.

Camellia is native to Japan and China. It is the official flower symbol of the state of Alabama.

23. Rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii).

Rafflesia grows on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula. Inside its huge bowl, from 5 to 7 liters of water can be collected. The flower has neither leaves nor stem.

In Asia this is amazing beautiful flower white color is edible, and leaves and tendrils of almost all Trichosanth species are used as green vegetables.

At the tips of the petals are original curls. This flower has also been used for medicinal purposes.

25. Common catchment or Aquilegia (Aquilegia).

It is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Buttercup family, growing in parks, forests, meadows. The range of the species covers Scandinavia, southern and central regions of Europe.

In Russia, the flower can be found in the European part. Flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm have a bright coloring - purple, blue, pink and extremely rarely white.

26. Orchid "Great Egret" (Habenaria Radiata).

This amazingly beautiful flower has another name - Khabenaria.

Its beautiful and large pearly white inflorescence, framed by a wide fringed lip, in appearance resembles a white heron in flight.

It is a member of the legume family. The flower is often cultivated as ornamental plant in tropical and subtropical countries.

The flower grows in the tropical and wild forests of the Philippine Islands.

28. Tacca chantrieri.

This perennial plant with a developed vertical rhizome is a species of monocotyledonous flowering plants of the Dioscoreaceae family.

The inflorescences and young leaves are still used to make curries, and the rhizome has been used in Thai medicine.

This snow-white, rarest flower on the planet, growing on the islands of Sri Lanka, resembles a water lily in appearance. The life of this flower is short - it blooms at midnight, and fades by dawn.

According to an ancient legend, during the short flowering period of the kadupula, a mythical snake-like demigod creature named Nagi descends to earth. He plucks a flower to present it on the holy mountain of Sri Pada to the Buddha himself.

ShkolaLa welcomes its young readers and their parents. In an effort to continue to help you in your studies, we have prepared new material for a project on interesting plants peace."

Lives around us a large number of unique flowers and trees, blades of grass and shrubs that amaze with their size and beauty, properties and abilities.

Having collected facts about unusual representatives of the flora, we tried to compile the top five most attractive, from our point of view, " green residents» planets.

Lesson plan:

fly lover

Our top ten is opened by a plant - the hero of various cartoons called the Venus flytrap. You can’t even call it a flower, since it is a real predator, because the flycatcher feeds far from organic matter from the soil, as we used to read in a textbook on botany about plants.

The menu of the Venus flytrap includes various gaping and curious spider bugs.

The thing is that the plant has traps, which consist of leaves, all together forming a flower rosette. They smell tempting, attracting attention. The trap leaves are only three to seven centimeters long, but so sensitive that as soon as an unlucky fly or a naive spider touches their surface, two leaves slam shut like a box in less than a second!

An insect caught in a flower is doomed to death. The edges of the trap grow together and turn into a digestive organ for 10 days. Moreover, the more “lunch” resists inside, the more actively the Venus flytrap begins to digest it. During its short life, each such leaf is able to eat about three insects.

The most unusual plant in the world settles in the host with the help of a tiny seed. Scientists are amazed at how this seed manages to penetrate hardwood in order to form a bud in a year and a half, from which a bud appears nine months later.

Rafflesia is considered to be the most-most thanks to one of the largest single flowers on Earth.

In diameter, it reaches one meter, and can weigh as much as 10 kilograms!

At the same time, such beauty smells well, quite ugly! Consisting of five fleshy petals in the form of Bolshukhansky red pancakes with white warts, rafflesia radiates the smell of rotting meat.

If we humans are repulsed by this, then for dung flies it is akin to expensive perfumes. They are happy to flock to a specific smell, pollinating the plant. It is a pity that you can not observe such beauty by plugging your nose for long - rafflesia blooms only for three to four days

Bird pan

That is what the locals of the shores - the countries of Brazil and Bolivia - call the world's largest water lily, which is scientifically called Victoria Amazon.

Green water lily saucers grow up to 2 - 2.5 meters in diameter and calmly hold weight up to 50 or even more kilograms.

In order not to sink under the weight of accumulated water, the smart water lily perforated its huge leaves with weirs - small holes through which excess water escapes from the surface.

An unusual plant and unusual flowers. They are located under water and only once a year come to the surface during flowering, which lasts only two to three days. At the same time, modest creatures about 30 centimeters in size appear at night in their full glory, and at dawn they hide from prying eyes again under water.

On the first night, white flowers can be observed on the water, the next night, the Amazonian Victoria flower blooms with a pink tint, and on the last day it flaunts crimson or purple.

candy shop

What child does not dream of a mountain of sweets?! Does it happen that candies grow on trees? It turns out it happens! Moreover, you can see a sweet tree not only in other countries, but even in Russia! You can easily find it in the Crimea and the Caucasus. It grows in China, Korea and Japan.

Back in the 17th century, the candy tree, the correct name of which is sweet govenia, was grown in apothecary gardens, as it was a source of many valuable substances for medicine and health. The candy tree was known in Tibet and India and was rightfully considered a remedy for a thousand diseases. For the Greeks and Romans, magic caramels brought strength and vigor.

The fabulous plant is covered with oblong fruits, the taste of which is somewhat reminiscent of caramel barberry.

Moreover, you can eat those very caramels without directly departing from the tree itself from its branches. Confitures and jams, syrups and juices are made from the sweet fruits of govenia.

Besides useful properties and delicious bright red caramels, govenia also has an external beauty. With the onset of spring heat, it blooms with golden flowers, from which a magical aroma emanates. The tree is no less beautiful in autumn - it is covered with purple and yellow leaves.

Modest girl

Who among you did not see a flower with bright yellow lumps on the March holiday on March 8, which we call mimosa. And we don’t even think that it has nothing to do with the mimosa genus, because in fact it is a sprig of silver acacia.

But among the hundreds of species of real mimosas, there is a bashful representative.

Why is she called that? The plant got such a name not by chance. It really shrinks from shame, one has only to touch its feathery petals. Mimosa shy from awkwardness folds them, lowering the branches.

If for some time, five to ten minutes, no irritants appear around the flower, the mimosa, as if emboldened, opens its leaves again. Hide the petals from prying hands on long time the plant cannot, therefore, with strong irritation from energy depletion, the flower may die.

The touchy mimosa can be seen in tropical Brazil, where it is perceived as a weed, as well as in Central America. There is it in other warm countries. Today, bashful mimosa can be grown and how indoor plant, which throughout the summer will delight with pink or purple flowers, forming an inflorescence like a ball.

Here we have such an unusual five today!

Of course, there are many other unique plants in nature that there is not enough space to describe in this article. Perhaps we will return to this topic and continue our list. After all, the planet still has:

And on the ShkolaLa blog you will find:

And many other interesting TOPs)

That's all for today!

Until new interesting meetings!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

This cute fungus looks like chewed gum, oozing blood and smelling like strawberries. But do not try to eat it, because it will be the last "delicacy" that you will taste in your life.

The fungus has been known to mankind since 1812 and is considered inedible, i.e. once, in dark, dark times, there lived a genius who sacrificed his life for the glory of science in order to warn descendants from eating this “delicacy”.
In addition to its outstanding external qualities, this abomination has antibacterial properties and contains chemicals that thin the blood. What can I say, soon this fungus can become a replacement for penicillin (which, by the way, was derived from a fungus of the Penicillium notatum species). If you do not have enough thrills, and you intend to perpetuate your name in the annals of history at all costs (you already have the Darwin Award and the title of the most stupid suicide on planet Earth in your pocket), then just lick this miracle of nature ...

At best, this "beauty" looks like an alien weed, and at worst, like a totem dug into the ground with human eyes planted on it, which Serial killer marked the burial place of all his 666 victims.
This unusual plant is called "puppet eyes". There is also a less telling name for this horror - a white raven.
This plant does not have any features other than its appearance, you can even taste it, then tell us about your feelings.

Sometimes, contemplating such creations, you begin to think about the sanity of the creator. Of course, there are times when disgusting things turn out to be quite pleasant in taste, smell ... but this is not the case: the mushroom, called “stinking octopus horn”, not only looks disgusting, but also stinks, so that it cannot be described words.

“Devil's claw” is something like the thorns of our burdock, which, being launched by the best friend's well-aimed hand, have tangled in your hair more than once. The main difference between these two sticks lies in their appearance: if the burdock thorns are cute little lumps that just ask for your hands, then the devil's claw is more like an evil cannibal spider, which is just waiting to cling to your throat.
Once upon a time, these demonic contraptions were “found” only in Arizona, where the native Americans (Indians) wove terrifying-looking baskets from them and laid out entire “minefields” with them, which the enemies preferred to bypass. Today, "demonic claws" have already completely occupied the entire Northwest of the United States. I feel that this abomination will soon get to mother Russia, so if you don’t want to fall victim to the “devil’s claw”, then start stocking up on Roundup and building barrier barricades right now.

All the same, Batman did not accidentally choose a bat as a symbol of intimidation of the criminal population of Gotham. For these creatures of darkness are terrible: small evil eyes, thin paws with huge hooked nails, sharp teeth, a chubby body unevenly covered with hair, and huge wings - what is not a description of a creepy monster from another low-budget, but no less scary horror movie? And if you are one of those who consider them cute little animals that eat fruits, then you will surely change your mind when one of these creatures clings to your face and sucks all your blood to the drop ... but, unfortunately, it will be too late for you .
Mother nature did her best in an attempt to create the most terrible and at the same time disgusting plant, endowing it with all hallmarks bat and adding for fidelity a bundle of flagellate tentacles. This product of children's nightmares was called the Chinese mouseflower.

I don’t know what kind of crazy genius decided that this thing looks like a Buddha’s hand, for me it’s something more like hentai tentacles that are about to seize another busty beauty.
In fact, the nasty tentacles turn out to be quite an edible, one might even say tasty, citrus fruit, which is incredibly popular in China and Japan. If you recall a network of toilet-like restaurants, it is not difficult to understand why the Chinese are crazy about eating this curiosity, but I did not expect this from the stiff Japanese.
In fact, the hand of the Buddha is strange looking lemon, in which there is often nothing but the peel. Fructina attracts Eastern peoples not only with unusual appearance, but also for its aromatic properties: in Japan, tea is brewed from it, and in China they are kept at home as a talisman that brings good luck and happiness in the house, drives away all evil spirits and bestows longevity. They also make jam, marmalade and perfumes smelling of violets from these lemon tentacles.
And a little about the serious: it is traditionally believed that the Buddha can cleverly wrap, fold and turn his fingers during prayer, and at such moments his hands are very similar to these monstrous lemons.
As you wish, but if this is true, then if I had the opportunity to meet the Buddha or the good-natured Freddy Krueger in a dark alley, I would most likely choose the latter.

7. Venus Flytrap / DIONAEA MUSCIPULA
I dare to suggest that even a couple of million years ago, these monsters ate dinosaurs and were the rightful owners of the planet. But evolution is the enemy of maximalism and all the giants have either died out or acquired more earthly dimensions in order to survive, so today the flycatcher is a small plant that feeds exclusively on insects, caterpillars, slugs and frogs.
How it works: inside the mouth-leaf there are many tiny sensitive hairs. The victim, crawling onto the leaf, irritates these hairs, which, in turn, give a signal to reduce the cells of the inner part of the leaf, and the “mouth” begins to close. Over time inner part the leaf begins to secrete digestive fluid and, exhausted from unsuccessful attempts to get out, the victim begins to slowly digest (this process takes quite a long time. For example, it will take about a week for the flycatcher to digest the slug).

What turns a juicy healthy apple into a rotting lump of vile horror that harbors a whole brood of worms? If your answer is cedar-apple rotting mushroom (abbr. KYAGG), then most likely you were smart and just read this cunning interlacing of letters that adorns the beginning of this story!
KYAGG is a fungal infection that transforms apple and cedar fruits beyond recognition. At least right now, you can make horror films about this abomination: infected fruits turn into disgusting monsters in just a few months. Here's how it happens: from a tiny spore of a fungus, an impressive spherical body develops - from 3.5 to 5 centimeters in diameter, when wet, this abomination exfoliates, forming vile antennae. As a result, pine nuts and apples turn into small evil Cthulhu.


The fruits of the "rune flower" have intimidating shapes that make them look like little potato people.
The Chinese are uprooting these tiny underground inhabitants from the earth in order to use their naked defenseless bodies as a panacea for all diseases, including impotence, cancer, AIDS, dementia, etc., etc. ...
Before turning into a life-giving powder, the little men are subjected to all sorts of tortures, including: boiling, skinning, soaking in moonshine and dismemberment.
Mark my words, soon the potatoes will get tired of the Chinese oppression and will rise up against all mankind. So think twice before you decide to restore your “mojo” with the help of a “runic flower”.

Porcupine tomato is a one and a half meter monster growing in Madagascar, the leaves of which are covered with frightening-looking orange thorns. This spiky wonder-yuda has incredibly beautiful purple flowers, collected in clusters, with which it lures its victims to itself: and now you are already bending over to pick one of them and find yourself impaled on “deadly” spikes.
In addition to being thorny and poisonous, the Porcupine tomato is almost impossible to kill: most chemicals are unaffected by it and it can survive severe cold and even severe drought. As you already understood, this creation of nature is a monstrous weed that has set the goal of its existence to capture your personal plot. Per a short time one plant can spawn a whole army of Porcupine tomatoes, which in a few weeks will turn into 1.5 meter giants, each of which will fight to the last and shed more than one liter of your blood before being uprooted from the ground.