Growing freesia at home. Growing freesia at home and in a flower bed

  • 13.06.2019

Freesia is a bulbous plant that belongs to the iris or iris family. Its height is about 60 cm. The leaves are long, narrow. The flowers are funnel-shaped, of various colors, up to 6 cm in diameter. There are up to 10 flowers on the peduncle. It stands well in the cut, while retaining its decorative effect and delicate aroma. Freesia can be grown in the garden, on the balcony and in the room. It will look harmonious everywhere and decorate any corner. Freesia at home can bloom at any time, it will depend on when the bulb was planted. As a rule, flowering occurs 5 months after planting (sometimes a little earlier).

Bulb processing and soil preparation

Before planting, the bulbs must be cleaned of dry scales. Treat them with a solution of "Fundazol" or hold in "Fitosporin" to prevent fungal and bacterial diseases. The substrate is needed nutritious, breathable, you can purchase ready-made soil for bulbous. As a drainage, it is good to use charcoal with clay shards.


Bulbs must be planted to a depth of 5-6 cm. In a pot with a diameter of 12 cm, it is optimal to place 6 pieces. When creating suitable germination conditions (i.e. air temperature at 20 0 C and soil temperature of about 17 0 C), the sprouts will hatch in two weeks.

Freesia at home should be kept cool, and when buds appear in a warmer room. If temperature regime not observed, the flowers may be deformed. Growing plants need nutrition, they need to be fed 2 times a month with complex fertilizer. It is necessary to water regularly, but in moderation. It is advisable to tie the stems to a support, otherwise they may break under the weight of the flowers. Flowering lasts about a month. If there is a desire or need to cut off the flower stalks, then it is more reasonable to do this when opening the lower two flowers.

After flowering

Reduce watering after flowering. Top dressing is not reduced, but instead of complex fertilizers, phosphate fertilizers are used. When the leaves of the bulb turn yellow, it is advisable to dig, rinse, process, dry for a week and put away for storage. Freesia at home may not be dug out. In this case, watering should be reduced to a minimum, and when new shoots appear, after about 2 months, resume care.

bulb storage

The bulbs are optimally stored suspended in a room with high humidity and a temperature of 25-30 0 C. A month before planting, they must be moved to a cool place (10-15 0 C).

Growing from seed

Freesia indoor can be grown from seed. Sowing is best done in March. Soak the seeds in a growth stimulator and put in a warm place for a day. Spread the seeds in a prepared container with soil, slightly pressing them. Cover the container with foil and place on a light windowsill. Air out and turn over the film daily. Spray if necessary warm water priming. Freesia at home rises in 10-12 days. As soon as shoots appear, you need to increase the ventilation time, and after a couple of weeks, completely remove the film. When seedlings grow up, they must be planted, leaving a distance of at least 5 cm between plants. Immediately put the support (it is convenient to use 40-centimeter skewers) and tie the stems to it. There is no need to shade. But spray regularly, it is also worth ventilating the room. Feed 2 times a month. After 7-8 months, freesias will bloom. Growing these exquisite lily-of-the-valley-scented flowers at home is a lot of fun, and how much joy you will get from contemplating the beauty created!

What kind of epithets do people not find when describing the aroma of freesia. But every time they get into trouble. Because there are no such words. It is impossible to convey its magical aroma in the article, but the description of the flower, the rules of planting and the many nuances of caring for it will help you grow freesia flowers, and this is how it all looks in practice.

Freesia: flower features

Freesias originate from South Africa, and a significant part of their species come from the Cape floristic region (the extreme southwest of the African continent) - the richest vegetation on earth (not to be confused with the Cape geographical region) due to the Mediterranean climate with the reverse temporal position of the seasons (winter - June - August). Two of the freesia species have found distribution in the African tropics, and the northernmost limit of distribution reaches Sudan.

Did you know? Modern floristics distinguishes the zones of the earth's surface according to the content of flora, the difference in the features of its formation and evolution. This division is built hierarchically, and at the top of this hierarchy, the most significant objects are the floristic kingdoms, which include floristic sub-kingdoms, regions, sub-regions, etc. The Cape floristic kingdom is the smallest of all floristic kingdoms.

In the places of its origin, freesia, attributed by botanists to the Iris family, finds favorite places among the abundance of shrubs along wet shores.

Among flower growers, freesia hybrid (Freesia hybrida) is often used for breeding garden flowers. It was bred experimentally from the following varieties:

  • F. refrata- broken freesia;
  • F.leichtlinii- Freesia Leuchtlin;
  • F. armstrongii- Freesia Armstrong.
Freesia corms are covered with light brown scales; with linear leaves of tubers, with a protruding central vein, 0.15-0.20 m long, 10-15 mm wide, stem glabrous. 2-5 pieces of fragrant, narrow funnel-shaped flowers 30-50 mm long are in a branched weak one-sided inflorescence. The flower tubes are narrow and weak at the base, subsequently widening steeply, with oval, pointed lobes of the outer part of the flower and a blunt and wider central upper lobe. Three stamens are attached inside the tubule. Freesia has a three-celled ovary; three-celled, obovate, small seed pods; seeds angularly rounded, dark brown.

The genus Freesia was named after the physician Friedrich Frese (Germany, 1795–1876), who cultivated this plant. It is incorrect to draw an identity between the genus Freesia (Freesia) and the genus Frizeya (Vriesea), located in the Bromeliad family.

Where to plant freesia, conditions for growing a flower

In greenhouses and greenhouses, the necessary environment for breeding freesia is easily created, although such an occupation is considered to be only experienced and professional flower growers. It is possible to grow freesia year-round, but in the cold winters of the middle latitudes, its tubers cannot winter - they must be removed from the ground and laid down for winter storage. For many flower growers, information on how to grow freesia in the garden will be relevant. To plant freesia in gardens, you must first find a place in partial shade, also protected from the winds. There is no need to worry about the soil - any will do. The main requirement for it is looseness and drainage.

In early August, one to three flower stalks germinate from each freesia bulb. In good weather, flowering can last until October. Flowering is extended by transplanting the bulbs into a flowerpot, container or pot. When frost sets in, they are moved to warmth, and fragrant freesias will still delight you for some time.

After digging up, freesia bulbs are first stored for thirty days at 25 ° C in a room with ventilation and sufficient dryness. In the future, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the content to 10 ° C. When using other temperature rules there is a lack of formation of freesia inflorescences in many corms, a complete set of rules for planting and caring for which must be strictly observed.

Freesia and light

For well-being, freesia indoors prefers bright lighting, without shading from direct sunlight. The most suitable location for her is the windows of the east and west directions. The northern direction will not provide the amount of light necessary for normal vegetative activity. Therefore, in winter and autumn it is necessary to provide additional lighting.

Temperature and humidity for the plant

In addition to lighting control, there are other general rules, telling, especially to beginners, how to grow flowers and freesia in particular.

For correct content freesia requires fully ventilated rooms with a temperature of 20 to 25 °C. After the flowering period, the freesia comes into a dormant period (sleep), and the plant needs to lower the temperature to 15 ° C for a period of up to two months. Excessive moisture in the soil is unacceptable, otherwise the bulbs will rot. The time of keeping cool during sleep is characterized by the lack of irrigation. Dry air is tolerated by freesia normally, while hot weather requires regular moistening and spraying.

How to plant freesia

Before planting freesia in the garden, you need to understand how to prepare freesia for planting. By the beginning of March, the corms are prepared, placed in pots containing soddy soil, sand, peat and humus. For a volume of three liters, there will be six freesia bulbs, which will be in an earthen mixture for about 18 days indoors at a temperature of 25-28 ° C.

Did you know? Freesia - woman's name, possibly derived from freziya, from the Hunnic language. Men are attracted to women with this name like a magnet.

Freesia planting in open ground produced after the threat of night frost has passed. Holes are prepared at the rate of planting to a depth of 3-6 cm. The distance between large tubers is 5 cm, between small ones - 3 cm. Row spacings are located one after another from 15 cm. To protect the soil from overheating, it is mulched with needles or peat. By August, 1-3 sprouts will appear, and freesias will bloom until early October.

How to care for freesia outdoors

Particular attention in the cultivation of freesia in the open field is paid to maintaining the optimal moisture balance through mulching. At the same time, soft neutral peat is used, covering the soil with a layer of 3 cm. You can also use steamed straw for this. In addition to mulching, weeding and loosening of the soil is necessary for freesias to optimize oxygen penetration. Freesia flowering in the garden lasts up to one and a half months. They achieve an increase in this period by cutting one-third of the stem when cutting flowers.

How to water freesia

During the cultivation of freesia in the garden, gardeners provide for a special watering regimen. Freesia is watered abundantly and regularly during the period of growth and flowering, which lasts up to six weeks. During this season, the soil should always be moist. In addition, spraying is carried out on both the stems and leaves of the plant. These procedures are best done in the evening, so that the flowers have time to absorb moisture. After the end of the blooming period, the intensity of watering is reduced to a complete cessation. In the open ground in the garden, freesias are kept until frost.

Important! Freesia requires special care when planting and caring for it in the open field.

freesia fertilizer

When growing freesia, the soil should be enriched at least twice in 30 days with superphosphates (35 g per 10 l of water) or potassium salts (10 g per 10 l of water). Freesias do not have the necessary resistance to soil salinity, therefore, it is better to fertilize it only with a liquid solution, refusing to use dry mixtures.

During the active growth of freesia, it is required to apply mineral bait with a large amount of nitrogen four times. When growing in open ground, it is required to use such tactics of applying fertilizers, due to which the initial complementary feeding with a solution of ammonium nitrate (20 g per 10 l of water) is necessary when shoots appear, and then every two weeks, top dressing is carried out with the addition of 40 g for the same volume of water. superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salts.

Support for freesia in the garden

Freesia peduncles, being rather weak and easily bending, need support. A slight grace of curvature will not take away beauty from the flowers, but rather add charm, but in order to avoid breaking off with further growth, they are tied to supports. For this purpose, a net is installed, tying it with twine when the freesias reach a height of 150-200 mm.

Installing supports for freesia is necessary to help the plant maintain its vertical position, as freesias need to grow in conditions of even air distribution and light. This can only be achieved due to the absence of a strong curvature of the flower stems. When arranging the grid, one must not forget to keep the width between the cells about 10-15 cm. As the flowers grow in height, the following levels are added to the grid or simply lifted by moving it along the supports.

Important! Freesia needs support, as it is fragile and fast growing plant. Keep in mind that freesia with yellow-red flowers grows even faster than specimens with other colors.

Diseases and pests of a flower

Freesias are bothered by the same diseases and pests that gladioli are susceptible to. Improper care can cause damage to freesia by thrips, spider mites, and aphids. But most often, freesias suffer from diseases such as rot, fusarium and scab. Affected plants are immediately subject to immediate removal. For prevention, the bulbs can be disinfected immediately after digging and cleaning from contamination. Before planting, disinfection is repeated. In this case, it is recommended to use a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate.

Freesia (lat. Freesia) - perennial flower, belongs to the genus of African perennial herbaceous bulbous bulbous plants of the Iris family (Iridaceae). How to plant a freesia flower, propagate, and care rules, read our article.

Description of Freesia

Freesia flowers are very fragrant, 3–5 cm long. Garden hybrids are obtained by crossing various natural species. Plants are much larger than the original species, reach a height of 60–80 cm, sometimes 100 cm. The flowers are large, up to 6 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 10–12 pieces. The color varies greatly - from pure white to crimson and purple.

Someone thinks that the Freesia flower is unpretentious, and someone considers it capricious. In any case, it looks amazing and is worth growing in the country or in the garden. For the elegance of the lines of racemose inflorescences and a wide palette of colors, freesia is even called the flower of aristocrats, it is widely used both in garden design as well as for cutting. It has an amazing smell that can cure depression. Freshly cut freesia flowers retain their fragrance and excellent appearance for 10–12 days.

How to plant a freesia flower in open ground?

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Having decided to grow freesia in open ground, it is important to choose the right landing site. It should be protected from the wind, light. Any soil is suitable, as long as it is loose and well-drained. Bulbs are planted in early May, but not earlier, since freesia is sensitive to frost. Planting depth depends on the quality of the soil:

  • in the lung - 12 cm from the bottom;
  • on average - 8-10 cm;
  • in heavy - 3-6 cm.

How to care for freesia at home?

Weeding, loosening, watering, top dressing - this is the main care for freesia during its growth. During the vegetative period, the plants are given several top dressings: the first for seedlings is ammonium nitrate (20 g per 10 l of water), and after every 2 weeks - superphosphate and potassium salt (40 and 20 g per 10 l of water). Freesia blooms approximately 100–120 days after planting in open ground.

In August, each bulb forms from one to three peduncles. In good weather, flowering lasts until October. It can be extended by planting the bulbs in a flowerpot or container, and with the onset of frost, bring it into the house, and then a fragrant bouquet of freesias will delight you for a long time.

In October, after the end of flowering, freesia bulbs must be dug up and prepared for storage. To do this, they are cleaned of the remnants of the earth, thoroughly washed and dried. Freesia is stored in old nylon stockings in the warmest, driest room, without drafts, but with good ventilation.

Freesia bulbs should not be stored in damp areas, as excessive moisture can cause plant diseases.

The storage temperature in the first month should be at least +25 °C, then it is reduced to +10 °C. With a different storage mode, inflorescences often do not form in many freesia bulbs.

How to propagate freesia?

Freesia propagates by seeds and division of the bulbs, which is carried out after they are dug out for winter storage. Seeds are sown in the period from mid-April to June in several stages. Previously, they are soaked for a day in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, sown in picking boxes in a mixture of leaf, sod and humus soil or in a compost greenhouse. At a temperature of +20 .. 22 ° C (it is also possible in a dark place), mass shoots appear after 25 days, they are kept in the light at a temperature of about +15 ° C. Temperatures above +24 ° C delay the start of flowering.

In the 1–2 phase, the leaves are dived into paper cups and then kept in greenhouses or greenhouses. In summer, they need watering, weeding, weekly top dressing with mineral fertilizers (for 10 liters of water, 5 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium phosphate, in the second half of summer the dose of the latter is doubled). From the greenhouse, seedlings are transplanted into the soil of a light greenhouse.

In November-December, the temperature is maintained at +8..10 °C; if the plants do not bloom, it is reduced to +5 ... 7 ° C, and during the budding period it is increased to +15 ° C. Seedlings bloom in 8-9 months.

... The aroma of elite perfumery is in the air, and against the background of a winter window, like a dream about warm days, there are delicate corollas of flowers. This is freesia, a graceful native of the South African bush.

Being a southerner, in our latitudes she was known as a capricious, fastidious and even unpredictable plant, in fact, she was not. It is enough to fulfill a few simple conditions, and freesia will generously thank you for your care. Its flowers, unsurpassed in cutting, can be obtained at any time of the year, including by a certain date. Freesia growers often compare it to mushrooms. Everything is nowhere simpler - for those who understand the biology of the object of breeding.

"Blossom - will not bloom?". A few tips from an experienced grower will help bridge the gap between success and failure.

plant off the calendar

In a distant homeland, freesia blooms when something that is in Africa in the biggest deficit appears. Namely, moisture. Plants of the black continent have adapted to start growing, regardless of the length of the day, average daily temperatures and other factors that are significant for their relatives from other climatic zones. The main thing is that precipitation falls.

Life-giving rain may come a month or two earlier or later, be plentiful or not very. In any case, it will cool the hot earth and serve as a signal for the bulbs to come to life at a depth of several inches and, laboriously pushing the soil apart, the arrows of the shoots move towards the light. Favors the development of cool (for Africa) weather.

Briefly, the wake-up algorithm looks like this:

  • Dry and warm soil is the sleep phase.
  • Watering, abundant enough, is the beginning of the activation of life processes.
  • Lowering the temperature while maintaining humidity - growth and flowering.

The more evenly the thermometer stays within 16-18 ° C, the more peduncles will come to the surface. And the longer the flowering will be.

Freesia behaves in the same way at home. She is out of seasons, and this is her main advantage. The main thing is to model the natural “alarm clock” as accurately as possible, and at what time of the year it is up to the owner to decide.

Freesia on the windowsill

A close relative of the iris-iris, freesia is by no means a sissy. And how can a semi-desert plant be whimsical? The conditions she needs are roughly comparable to those in an average apartment.

Initially, she was considered an inhabitant of greenhouses, then she moved to gardens, and then to houses. It should be noted that the "home" freesia is a hybrid. At least two species participated in its creation.

  • Freesia Armstrong- tall, up to 70 cm, with large catchy flowers of all shades of red. To this species belongs famous variety Cardinal.
  • Freesia broken- miniature, less than half a meter, with light-colored corollas. It has a delicate aroma with notes of honey and plum. Popular in bridal bouquets.

The above species are also cultivated independently, but Freesia hybrida is most suitable for indoors, combining the endurance and brightness of the first with the elegance of the second.

The task became even easier when hardy varieties of Dutch selection went on sale - those that are specifically designed for breeding in indoor conditions.

So, what do you need to make the fragrant “constellations” of freesia shine at home?

Light, more light!

Freesia spends a significant part of its life underground, at rest. During the growing season, she tries to catch up. Direct rays are not afraid of its long xiphoid leaves. Southern window sills are preferable to other options, while shading can not be taken care of. Freesia likes the morning sun more than the evening sun. But if only windows of western exposure are available, then they will fit.

Tip: homemade reflectors - from foil or old mirrors - will help to collect and use diffused light. They are installed on the sides of the window opening.

However, in winter daylight hours are short, no matter how cunning. And then fluorescent lamps will help out. Light up so that the "day" lasts at least 12 hours.

When the freesia fades and begins to wither, there is no need to rush to cut off the faded foliage. Freesias need these few weeks to properly form bulbs. The leaves still need light: the process of photosynthesis goes on in them literally to the last living cell.

The soil

Freesia needs light soil - corms consume oxygen, and in addition, they grow and form children. The roots of its special penetration power do not differ - they are not designed to extract water from deep horizons, they take only what is nearby.

There are no increased requirements for fertility. Rather, on the contrary - excessive obesity will lead to an increase in green mass at the expense of flowering. Soil mixture for freesia can be made in several ways.

  • Peat, turf and leaf land, humus. Each component is equal.
  • Sod land - 40%, coarse sand, peat and humus - 20% each.
  • Two thirds of leaf earth to one third of perlite.

Suitable ready-made soil mixture for bulbs. Or just a universal soil, where any baking powder is added - peat, ground bark, perlite or well-rotted sawdust.

Commercial freesia growers make extensive use of peat as it retains moisture well and provides a slightly acidic environment that freesia likes. It is easy to remove bulbs from peat to separate newly formed ones from old ones. Corms are also stored in it, removing them only shortly before planting in order to treat them with fungicides.

Drainage is required. Its layer should occupy at least a quarter of the height of the container. Both artificial materials (perlite, vermiculite) and time-tested brick chips are used. Charcoal is good - light, moisture-intensive and has adsorbing qualities. When watering from a pan, the plants will receive filtered water.


All bulbs are responsive to potassium, including freesia. In order not to disturb the roots in the future, it is recommended to apply fertilizer directly at the time of planting, when the soil mixture is being prepared.

With mass cultivation for cutting per 10 liters of soil, the following is consumed:

  • superphosphate - 10 g;
  • potassium salt - 20 g;
  • bone or fish bone meal - 40-50 g.

At home, any fertilizer for bulbs is suitable. Or slow dissolving granules for flowering plants.

Attention! Avoid overdose. When using a ready-made soil mixture, you should pay attention to its composition: in many cases, fertilizers are already present there in the right proportion.

From the moment of germination until the end of flowering, the “appetite” of freesia increases significantly. Once every two weeks, she needs a liquid mineral supplement. Dilute in a liter of water:

  • superphosphate - 3 g;
  • potassium salt - 2g.

Spray the leaves and the surface of the soil, trying not to get on the flower stalks. You can use mineral complexes for flowering plants; in this case, the norms are reduced by half.

Top dressing continues until the aerial part withers completely - this will help form strong, healthy bulbs of the next generation.

Landing technique and timing

Freesia is a "sociable" plant. Growing in the thick of relatives, she feels much more comfortable than in the open. Therefore, they are planted not one at a time, but at least five or six pieces in a group. It is preferable to take a container low, but wide.

It is important to select viable bulbs. They are dense, without signs of rot, ranging in size from a centimeter to two and a half. For about half a month they are kept in a dry place at a temperature of 25 to 27 ° C (for example, under the ceiling, where it is always warmer).

Before planting, the tubers are soaked in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, foundationazole (0.2%) or azotobacterin (0.05 g per 1 liter of water). But the upper scales, as sometimes recommended, it is better not to clean off. There is no need to deprive the plant of its natural defenses. You can use biostimulants ("Epin", "Kornevin" and analogues). The substrate should preferably be disinfected.


  • Having placed drainage on the bottom, fill the container with soil. Not yet completely, but leaving 5-6 cm to the edge.
  • Abundantly moisten the substrate. When subsidence, add the required amount.
  • Corms are placed, leaving 3-5 cm between them (the larger they are, the more space everyone needs). Place them with the sharp end up.
  • The remaining soil is added so that the tubers are at a depth of two centimeters or a little more.

There are still two or three weeks before germination. The pot is placed where it is easiest to observe the required 16-18 degrees. As soon as the shoots appear on the surface, they are given full coverage.

Tentatively, in order to receive flowers by March 8, the planting should be done at the end of October. For different varieties, the timing may vary, so the best way is experimental.

Flowering freesia care

Even before the buds appear, you should take care of the support: the stems, burdened with large flowers, will lie on the ground without support. You can tie each one either to an individual peg or to hanging structures. For aesthetic reasons, the tapestries are masked - they are made green or they use a transparent fishing line.

The pegs are immersed in the ground before the freesia grows, otherwise there is a chance to damage the tubers. Or touch the roots, which this plant does not like very much.

Where freesia blooms, it should be sunny and not hot. Night freshness is good for her. The optimal mode provides for daily fluctuations:

  • day - not higher than 22 ° C;
  • night - from 7 to 12 ° C, drops to plus three are acceptable.

The closer the temperature is to the lower threshold, the more significantly the flowering period is extended.

Tip: to arrange freesia in a cool corner, without creating discomfort for the rest of the inhabitants of the room, you can fence off the window sill with a low polyethylene screen.

It is not necessary to artificially increase the humidity of the air, except to spray it if it becomes too warm. It is watered in moderation, not forgetting that the bulbs have already received the “shock dose” of moisture.

Subject to all conditions, the plant will give the maximum number of flowers, and this is up to eight shoots from each bulb, appearing one after another. They act with them at the discretion of the grower: you can cut it (but only when the first two buds have blossomed), or you can leave it. The flowering ones are removed, freeing up space on the support for the next.

There is a technique that allows you to initiate the secondary flowering of freesia. Pruning is carried out not at the root, but at two-thirds of the height (in greenhouses this is often done using varieties with tall, a meter or more, flower stalks). Reserve buds will awaken on the stem.

Preparing for a dormant period

A crucial stage during which it is decided whether freesia will bloom on next year? For the sake of this, it is worth giving the plant a window sill for some more time, even if it has lost its decorative effect.

Reduce watering as the leaves turn yellow. Gradually reduce the humidity level to a minimum. They keep it in the light for about a month, so that the tubers "settled".

bulb storage

Freesia is ready to go for the winter (or "summer rest" if it bloomed in winter). If there is only one growing season behind, it is most rational, without disturbing the plant, to put the container in a cool, dry place until the next season.

Most often, freesia bulbs are stored outside the soil: the pot is turned over as a whole, they are selected and sorted. For further breeding, the so-called babies are suitable - young onions attached to a larger central one. Parent bulbs will no longer be useful - the freesia development cycle takes two growing seasons. Daughter tubers are carefully separated from the old ones, dried and placed in peat or nylon stocking. The container must freely pass air.

Keeping them is no more difficult than a regular onion. The main thing is to prevent jumps in temperature and humidity, which can provoke an untimely awakening (therefore, the refrigerator is not suitable for storage). A single "false start" is not terrible if you land and care in the usual way. But several failures in a row will lead to a complete rejection of flowering.

Despite the flexible schedule of the growing season, periodicity should be adhered to. For the sake of all-season flowering, you can start several batches of tubers and plant them in turn.

It must be remembered that freesia corms attract rodents, and excess moisture can cause rot.

Freesia seed propagation

It can be propagated not only by the method described above (bulbs), but also by seeds. Growing freesia from seeds takes twice as long, but the wonderful thing is that the color of the corollas will be a surprise.

Sowing is done at any time. Fresh freesia seeds sprout, in the figurative expression of the Americans, "like mustard." That is, together.

  • The seeds are soaked in warm water for 24 hours.
  • They immediately take the container where it is planned to keep adult plants.
  • They are sown on the surface of moist soil, without covering, but only lightly sprinkled with sand.
  • Keep in a mini-greenhouse at a temperature of 25 - 30 ° C and high humidity for about a month.
  • Seedlings that have grown up to two centimeters are intensively thinned out.

The first flowers will appear a year after sowing.

Diseases and pests

Garden freesia is affected by the same diseases as irises with gladioli: aphids, spider mite, blotches and rots generated by lower fungi. To prevent infection in room conditions, the bulbs should be carefully disinfected, preferably twice - laying them in storage and before planting.

You can expel ticks and other insects by spraying the leaves with soapy water. In case of severe damage, insecticides approved for indoor use are used.

A fungal attack is easier to prevent than to treat. Leaves with uncharacteristic spots are removed, and the bulbs themselves, after waiting for a dormant period, are treated with a fungicide.

It should be noted that freesia is a resistant plant. Content in suitable conditions reduces the likelihood of disease to almost zero.

Useful advice. Cut freesia preferably in the morning, as close to the soil as possible. Then the stem is immersed in water and cut off again a little higher, obliquely with a sharp knife. In a vase, such a flower will stand for more than two weeks without losing its aroma. You can add a special flower preservative or half a tablet of aspirin.