Heat in the steam room: take a steam bath with benefit. How to increase the humidity in the steam room Temperature differences between different types of baths

  • 23.06.2020

Bath is a great way to strengthen the immune system, cope with a variety of ailments and relax after a hard week of work. But let's cool your ardor: this effect is achieved only with strict observance of the rules for visiting the steam room. The main mistake that beginners make - the desire to give more heat - often leads to undesirable consequences. How to choose the optimal temperature regime?

Temperature differences between different types of baths

Depending on the design features buildings, there are several types of steam rooms:

  • Russian. In such a bath, stone backfill is always inside wood stove. If you need to give a couple, open the door and water the stones hot water.
  • Turkish (hamam). In the classical version, it is a luxurious palace built of marble, decorated with stained-glass windows and mosaics. A modern hammam is a round-shaped room made of stone. Be sure to have several pools for ablutions.
  • Japanese (ofuro). It represents two wooden barrels: the first is filled with heated sawdust, medicinal herbs And essential oils; the second - with sea pebbles, providing massage of the entire surface of the body.
  • Finnish. In this bath, the stones are in an open state, and the stove in a modern design is most often electric. Often, such buildings are complemented by a pool or shower.
  • infrared sauna. It is small wooden cabinet with thin walls and a glass door; IR emitters are located under the seats. The design excludes vaporization therefore it is transferred rather easily.

The type of construction directly affects the principle of operation of the steam room and the effect it has on the body.

Russian bath: temperature regime

Such a steam room is distinguished by an insignificant level of heat (60-70 degrees). In order to prepare the room for a future ceremony, it is heated from one to several hours, depending on the size and type of stove (stone or metal). If there are any construction defects - rotten crowns, a leaky floor - it is very difficult to achieve the desired temperature regime.

Additionally warm up all muscles, joints and internal organs You can use brooms. They create a massage effect, and natural oils of juniper, oak, fir increase the overall tone of the body.

Optimum temperature and humidity in a Russian bath

The wish for "light steam" before the start of such a ceremony is not accidental. Russian bath is different high level humidity (up to 90 percent). Dense steam, formed when water is supplied to hot stones, cleanses the skin, accelerates blood flow, and improves metabolic processes in tissues.

General rule: when the humidity in the bath is high, the temperature should be lowered.

You can regulate the heat load yourself: on the upper shelves it is always higher. The lower steps are suitable for a short rest; they are also recommended for beginners and people in a weakened state. If you are participating in a bathing ceremony for the first time, limit yourself to five minutes to begin with.

Tip: you can’t stand in the steam room - this can lead to heat stroke.

The temperature of the oven in the Russian bath is determined simply: it is enough to pour water over it. If you hear a sharp pop, and a cloud of steam forms rapidly, then the stones are heated well. Comfort temperature in a Russian bath is 45-60 degrees with a humidity of 50-60 percent. In order not to harm the body and control the implementation of the procedure, there are various devices - bath thermometers, hourglasses.

Remember: the first 10 minutes of being in the steam room provide warming of the skin, the next - the internal organs.

In addition, it is important to observe the correct climatic regime in all rooms:

  • 26°C, 61% humidity - for the locker room;
  • 28°C, 78% humidity - for the dressing room;
  • 55-90°C, 72% humidity - directly in the steam room.

The difference between the largest and the smallest value should not exceed 41 degrees. Also, if you decide to turn up the heat, do so gradually.

The temperature of the pool water in the bath (font) should be 15-25 degrees. By alternating ablution and visiting the steam room, you will increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen the immune system.

Maximum bath temperature

If you visit an institution in the company of friends, it is better to agree in advance to what temperature the bath is heated. For people with poor health, women and children, high temperature conditions are contraindicated.

Table of contents:

Heat and steam have been proven to heal

Do you love bath treatments? Do you know what temperature in the bath is best for relaxing and having fun? And you also need to take into account the humidity of the air, as well as the presence of steam. The higher the humidity in the steam room, the more the person feels the heat.

Temperature and humidity in various types baths can be very different.

  1. Russian bath. The air in them has high humidity and low heat levels. Humidity in the steam room is regulated by pouring water onto hot stones that heat up in the stove. The higher the humidity of the air, the worse it is tolerated by the body. The optimum temperature for a Russian bath is 60-70 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity is 90%. High indoor humidity also has its advantages: the body warms up completely, with all internal organs and joints. Traditionally, brooms are used. They play the role of a kind of massager. It is known that massage is more useful if the body is already warmed up. In the process of steaming in a Russian bath, blood circulation increases, pores open, muscles relax, and toxins come out through sweat.
  2. Turkish bath. The air and temperature are very different from the conditions in Russian. Women like it more, because it does not tire the body and is better tolerated. The air temperature here is not higher than 50 ° C, and the humidity is almost 100%. The steam in the Turkish bath is very thick despite low level heat. You can sit in it longer than in Russian.
  3. .Humidity in Finnish saunas is much lower than in other saunas. The air is dry, the temperature rises high. Not everyone perceives such indicators easily. Discomfort brings dry mouth, burning sensation in the nose when breathing hot dry air. The average temperature in a Finnish bath is 70-110 degrees Celsius, and maybe even higher. Humidity is only 10-15%.

How does heat affect the body?

When a person takes bath procedures, his body temperature rises. In the first 5-10 minutes, only the skin is heated, in the next 10 - all internal organs. In order for the sweating process to proceed properly, sweat should be wiped off periodically.

For health - in the bath!

When blood circulates faster, blood pressure rises. The legs and arms are filled with warmth, so such procedures are useful for stagnation of blood in the limbs. But for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, going to the steam room can be harmful.

It is contraindicated to take such procedures for patients suffering from cancer, epilepsy, asthma, ischemia and brain diseases. Regular visits to the steam room and compliance with certain rules help get rid of some ailments:

  • Obesity
  • Colds
  • allergies
  • circulatory problems
  • Temperature rise

Temperature rise

There are always three sections in the room: a dressing room, a dressing room, a steam room. Each next one is hotter than the previous one. The temperature difference in the first room compared to the last is approximately 40 degrees Celsius. In the locker room - 23-25 ​​° C with a humidity of 60%, in the dressing room - 27-29 ° C, humidity - 80%, and even higher in the steam room - 50-90 degrees with a humidity of 70%. The heat rises gradually so that the body gradually gets used to the heat. In the pool, the water should not be hot. It is desirable that it be cool, 10-25 degrees Celsius, creating a contrast after hot steam.

Scientists conducted research: what is the level of heat of dry air and how long can the human body withstand. They concluded: the higher the temperature, the less time a person can sit in the steam room:

  • 71 °С - 1 hour
  • 82 °С - 49 minutes
  • 93 °С - 33 minutes
  • 104 °С - 26 minutes

A person can breathe at 116 degrees Celsius, although there have been cases when people have endured 130 degrees and above. The high temperature of water and air differ in the effect on the human body. The more a person hardens, the easier it is for him to adapt to changes in the environment.

The temperature and humidity in the bath or sauna must be monitored. To do this, there must be devices in the room that measure these readings. If there is little moisture, you can pour water on the stones, if there is a lot, open the door. When a person feels that he is hot, it is better to move to the lower shelf and away from the stove.

With a humidity of 90-100%, the heat should not be higher than 70 degrees Celsius, and 45-55 degrees is enough for the elderly and physically weakened people. At low humidity, the heat level can be high. Sweat is more intense when the air is drier.

First visits

If you already visit a steam room, then this should be done regularly, and not from time to time. The benefit to the human body is brought by constant procedures that promote sweating. For beginners, there are a few rules that will help make bath procedures comfortable.

Getting ready for the bath

  1. A person who comes to the bath for the first time is not recommended to stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes. There is no need to use brooms immediately. If the first visit went without problems, next times the time spent in the steam room can be gradually increased by 1-2 minutes.
  2. Fans of bath procedures know that you need to bathe for no more than 30-35 minutes at a time. But the procedure is not determined by time: if a person feels unwell, he needs to leave the steam room.
  3. Standing in a Russian bath or sauna is not recommended: you can get a heat stroke. The position should be such that it contributes to the outflow of lymph, that is, it is better to lie with your legs elevated. Thus, the load on the heart is reduced. If you can't lie down, sit down so that your legs are at the level of your torso.
  4. To warm up the whole body, it is good to change positions: on one side, on the other, on the back, on the stomach. You only need to breathe through your nose - it regulates the temperature of the air you breathe: hot air cools, and dry air moisturizes.
  5. It is impossible to stand up abruptly in the sauna - there is a risk of losing balance and falling. It is necessary to prepare for the exit gradually.
  6. To sweat more effectively, you can gradually drink warm tea or a vitamin drink.
  7. For one visit to the steam room, you can go 3-4 times. However, after each session, it is required to increase the rest time in the locker room or dressing room.
  8. Between visits to the steam room, contrast procedures should be taken. After the second call, you can start patting with brooms.
  9. Massage is useful for a warm body. Before him, you should not drink cold or go out into cool rooms. Self-massage takes 15 minutes, and the specialist will give you 25-35 minutes. After that, you need to take a warm shower and wash.
  10. You should dress only after drying and cooling the body. After the pool or a cool douche, you can not go outside. The body should be warm and rested.

Have a good time for the body and peace of mind in winter it is best in the steam room. But which one to choose? How to properly set the temperature there in order to really improve your health?

Comparison of steam rooms (temperature, humidity)

There are many types of different pairs. Almost every nation has contributed something of its own to the art of washing the body using steam. The most common today are the Russian steam bath, Turkish hammam and Finnish sauna. New infrared saunas are gaining great popularity. Below is more information about how many degrees are in the bath, sauna and hammam and what Maximum temperature in sauna.

Of course, this is the optimal temperature suitable for almost all categories of people. Bath attendants with experience, as a rule, prefer hotter. The comfortable temperature for them in the Russian bath lies in the range of 90-120 degrees Celsius. Coming in public bath where, as a rule, these seasoned attendants gather, be prepared to meet just such a temperature.

Russian steam bath

The Russian banya is called a steam room for a reason. Its great advantage is the absence of a big difference between the humidity in the bath and outside the window. The optimum temperature in the bath of 60-90 degrees is maintained by a heater or stove, on which water is poured to achieve the desired level of humidity.

The optimum temperature in the Russian bath lies in the range of 60-90 degrees. Bath attendants with experience can feel comfortable at temperatures up to 100-120 degrees Celsius.

The Russian bath is the only steam room with such an interesting tradition as massage with a broom. The temperature and humidity in the Russian bath are considered optimal for removing toxins in the absence of a strong load on the body. For one visit, you can stay in the Russian steam room 2-4 times for 15-20 minutes.

Finnish sauna

The Finnish sauna is not at all the same as the Russian bath. The temperature here is much higher - about 70-110 degrees, and the humidity is much lower - 5-15%.

It is optimal for one session in the Finnish sauna to visit the steam room no more than 2 times for 5-10 minutes. A break of at least half an hour.

It is believed that the temperature in the sauna is normal - 90-100 degrees, but if you feel unwell, then get out of there as soon as possible. It just doesn't suit you that dry air. Try the Russian steam room or hammam.

Well ................., I feel not to stir up revelations, then I take the fire upon myself, listen and correct.

The beginning is completely banal, I flooded it and left to do business, the door in the steam room is closed and only it is heated, and I don’t pour any water on the walls, but I turn on the dropper (0.7 liters) as soon as the gun heats up to desired temperatures, I pour wormwood into the fragrance and leave again. When the temperature in the steam room reaches 45 C, I open the door to the sink and rest room. My opinion is that salvo heating is more effective than gradual. gives just a crazy wormwood spirit. (For comparison, when pies are baked in the oven and opened for some reason, a hot wave of baked muffin arises, thick and exciting, about the same I experience when I enter the KO from the street and the wave of warm wormwood just intoxicates.). I understand that everything has warmed up and now you can start preparing the steam room. The door is closed and the surface of the walls and ceiling (aspen lining) is sprayed with hot water, the dropper opens a little more. top row vent. oven holes (Baby) and go to a short time, then everything repeats, firewood is laid, walls and ceiling are sprayed, a dropper is added and a humidifier is filled (working name) this is a board with inclined blind grooves, it holds a lot of water and gives it away very quickly. For reference, I spray with an ordinary flower sprayer on 2 liters, pumped up with a pump and watered. 3 - 4 volumes leave,

When I understand that the bath is on the way, I go to enjoy it.

After this moment, I transfer the stove to "hungry" combustion, this is when all the air is blocked and the firewood simply smolders.

The temperature is 45 - 47 degrees, the humidity is such that when you lie down on the canopy, sweat appears very quickly, and in the beginning it’s not even sweat, but condensate, which pleasantly tickles the body as it drains. You can lie in this paradise for an infinitely long time and immediately pull you to sleep. I get wet with sleep like a border guard at the post and get awesome pleasure.

Then a shower with soap, a TV chair, tea - kvass. The second entry is almost the same, but first I spray the walls again, a humidifier. The temperature is 47 - 49, everything happens without the participation of a broom, it still hangs dry in KO. and by feeling.

Finally, there is a desire to take a steam bath, the temperature by that time is 55 - 57 degrees, the humidity is sufficient. A broom is in the pipe, a couple of ladles of water on top and it is ready, and the spirit is awesome, like birch, like Oak, though not long. By the way, in a humid steam room, the smell wormwood is felt weaker than in dry and hot.

The broom is ready, the client is warmed up and the ritual begins, the sweat is no longer from the condensation of steam, but real, a ladle or steam on the heater, you scoop up fresh steam as much as possible and look after yourself until the body tells you what to do next, and then shower, exit to breathe the street, drink kvass-tea, sit in an armchair by TV.

In short, I spray the walls before, during that and together with the supply. In general, getting humidity at 45 degrees is easier than at 56 - 60. Therefore, I try to re-moisten the steam room from the very beginning, so that later it would keep the norm.

And now about the humidifier, a board, 40 kA with grooves (already wrote about it), 250 grams of water fits in and evaporates it very quickly. There is a desire to make a humidifier with an area of ​​1 sq m and look at the result.

What am I doing wrong?