Why does the stomach tighten. Why pulls the lower abdomen and lower back? Drawing pains in the lower abdomen during menstruation with congenital and acquired anatomical anomalies of the internal genital organs

  • 02.07.2020

Women's ailments are often associated with discomfort in the lower abdomen. The causes of pain are many-sided and imply both the failure of the reproductive system and the imbalance of other organs. Therefore, you need to focus on a whole range of symptoms.

What can hurt

The list of possible diseases with a symptom in the form of severe pain in the abdominal cavity for the fair sex is extremely wide. When considering the cause of the process, age, the nature of uncomfortable sensations, and their duration are taken into account.

The TOP provoking factors are headed by:

  • Dysfunctions of the stomach and intestines, bladder, appendages.
  • Violation of innervation against the background of osteochondrosis.
  • Vertebral injury.
  • Muscle strain.

A significant role is played by the constantly changing hormonal background, which triggers different phases of the cycle.

Classification of causes by groups

Pain in the lower abdomen in women is caused by functional and organic negative factors.

The first group includes:

  • Failure of the monthly cycle. In a professional environment, pathology is called algomenorrhea. Often the result of this phenomenon is spontaneous uterine bleeding.
  • ovulatory syndrome.
  • The presence of anatomical anomalies and congestion caused by them.

Possible organic causes include:

  • Violations of the structures that form the reproductive system.
  • Installation of an intrauterine device.
  • The presence of acute surgical diseases.
  • The period of pregnancy or postmenopause.

Pain can be classified according to the nature of its manifestation. It is important to understand that only a doctor is able to understand the essence of the process, who is able to adequately correlate the symptoms that form the clinical picture and exclude psychosomatics.

Video: What will the pain in the lower abdomen in women tell about and how to get rid of it?

Causes of aching pain

Unpleasant pulling sensations can be the result of such processes:

  1. Formation and growth of the cyst. The appearance of formations filled with blood or liquid is accompanied by discomfort localized on the one hand, a reduction in the number of critical days, or, conversely, more frequent menstruation. If suppuration of the pathological structure occurs, the pain becomes sharp and is complemented by nausea, fever.
  2. An aching sensation may accompany the period of ovulation, when the egg leaves the follicle. Strengthening the discomfort that occurs only in one side is facilitated by pressing on the stomach, intimate relationships. The condition may be aggravated due to weakness, nausea.
    If such a syndrome is confirmed, doctors recommend refraining from intimacy on dangerous days, since excitement is fraught with rupture of the follicle.
  3. Vaginitis, manifested by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. As a result of the action of the bacterial flora, hormonal imbalance, and insufficient hygiene, aching pains in the lower abdomen occur with the addition of a large amount of foul-smelling discharge, itching, redness, and tissue swelling. The pain is aggravated by urination and sexual intercourse.
  4. The stomach can also ache as a result of a malfunction of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the uterus and appendages. Dull pain often worries older women. Among the provoking factors include weight lifting, childbirth with accompanying injuries.
    In gynecology, the disease is called genital prolapse. With its development, both the stomach and the lower back can pull, the excretory system suffers, which manifests itself in incontinence or stagnation of urine, diarrhea, and constipation.

Severe aching pain is also due to the phases of the cycle. So, deterioration is possible in the premenstrual period and the first two days of menstruation. The cause of the negative symptom is the contraction of the walls of the uterus in order to cleanse it.

If a sharp cutting spasm is diagnosed

Sudden disturbing sensations accompany the following serious conditions:

  • Ovarian hemorrhage or apoplexy with violation of tissue integrity and leakage of physiological fluid into the abdominal cavity. Sharp pains can be given to the rectum, groin, back. Against the background of severe discomfort, dizziness, weakness, and nausea often occur, which is explained by active blood loss. If the situation is severe, prompt surgical treatment is required.
  • Mechanical defect of the cyst in the form of torsion of the leg. Severe pain is due to impaired vascular blood flow and tissue death. From the very beginning, the pathology manifests itself acutely, discomfort is localized only from the side of the inflamed structure and is supplemented by fever, vomiting, and nausea. An urgent referral to the hospital was indicated.
  • Violation of the health of the uterus or appendages with the development of adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis. Abrupt pain in the lower abdomen may appear after natural or artificial childbirth. Severe dyspepsia, fever join the list of symptoms. Left untreated, it can lead to life-threatening peritonitis.

When inflammation develops as an independent process under the influence of infection or hypothermia, the sensations are not cutting, but pulling.

Factors that provoke stabbing pain

Such a spasm signals pathologies of both the reproductive and digestive systems.

Ectopic pregnancy

Stitching pain is one of the signs of such a pathology, which is characterized by the attachment of a fetal egg to the ovary or abdominal cavity. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen can be supplemented by bloody or brown spotting, swelling of the mammary glands, and nausea. On examination, the mucosa is stained in a cyanotic hue.

The place of localization of discomfort is on the right or left side of the pubic bone. Increased pain occurs during palpation of the specified area.


Pathology is a type of colitis and is accompanied by a violation of the health of the internal walls of the intestine. Periodic relapses of inflammation are possible with the development of negative symptoms in other areas of the digestive tract.

Increased pain in the lower abdomen contributes to the act of defecation. Additional signs of the disease include nausea, stool disorders, sensation in the intestines of a foreign object, weakness due to intoxication of the body.

Acute appendicitis

The cause of local inflammation of the appendix is ​​the influence of intestinal microflora. In most situations, unpleasant sensations are localized to the right, closer to the center of the abdomen, but it is possible that the pain “spills” into the pubic region, its similarity to severe colitis. Gradually, the discomfort becomes tolerable, which is not a favorable sign.

Additional symptoms of the disease are dyspeptic disorders with diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, foul-smelling belching.


We are talking about the development of an inflammatory process in the intestinal area, where hernial protrusions are formed. In such bags, food chyme mixes with microflora and the contents stagnate. The result is pathological processes in the structures of the diverticulum and a tense state of the muscles of the anterior wall.

A sharp pain of a stabbing nature in this situation is localized in the lower left part at the site of the projection of the sigmoid colon, anus. Point discomfort persists for 2-3 days, an increase in discomfort is possible after physical exertion, laughter, sneezing, coughing.


Inflammation of the bladder mucosa occurs due to infection with pathogens. Soreness is present in the middle of the abdomen in its lower part. Burning discomfort occurs during trips to the toilet. It seems as if the emptying is partial, so the urge is more frequent. Additional signs - fever, imbalance of night and day diuresis.

When the pain syndrome occurs from time to time

Periodic discomfort may indicate such pathologies:

We are talking about the growth of epithelial cells outside the uterine mucosa. Fallopian tubes, ovaries and even intestines can be involved in the process. Due to the sensitivity of proliferating cells to hormonal fluctuations, constant changes are observed with the onset of the next cycle.

They can be judged by regular bleeding, which contributes to the transition of inflammation to nearby tissues. The risk group for this pathology is formed by women of reproductive age, in young girls it is diagnosed extremely rarely.

Periodic pain in the lower abdomen occurs only on the eve of menstruation, but over time, discomfort persists throughout the cycle and intensifies with intimacy, after emptying the bladder and intestines. Monthly discharge can be both scarce and plentiful. Additional signs are bad mood, migraines, disturbed night sleep.

A characteristic symptom is the inability of the female body to conceive a child.

The initiator is a bacterial infection, provoking factors are insufficient hygiene, STIs. After the pathogenic flora enters the vagina in conditions of high humidity and heat, microorganisms begin to actively multiply. Over time, the process spreads to the entire reproductive system, affecting the ovaries, uterus, tubes.

Spikes are able to block the lumen of organs, making it impossible for the physiological movement of the egg and leading to infertility. If the female material still reaches its destination, the risk of an ectopic pregnancy, requiring emergency surgical intervention, increases.

Pain during pregnancy

Such discomfort is far from uncommon for expectant mothers. Unpleasant symptoms accompany the first trimester, when the body adapts to a new status and carries out global hormonal changes. Pain is also disturbing in the later period, which can be regarded as a normal physiological process in the form of uterine tone, changes in the ligamentous apparatus, lack of calcium, and a sign of a threat to gestation due to increased pressure on the cervix.

A reliable remedy for malaise is the relaxation of the body, a change in its position. Some doctors recommend resorting to moderate physical activity, but only if there are no contraindications.

When in the later stages the lower abdomen becomes sharply painful, dizziness is noted, you should immediately seek medical help because of the risk of placental abruption, a dangerous intrauterine death of the baby.

Starting from the 36th week, spasms with tension of the uterine muscles may occur from time to time - training contractions. Although this phenomenon is considered the norm, one should not neglect the advice of a gynecologist.

Pain with menopause

Unpleasant sensations with the advent of menopause are localized only in the abdomen or are surrounded by a ring, spreading to the sacrum. The reasons for the negative changes are as follows:

  • development of uterine fibroids. If menopause occurs after 50 years, against the background of increased estrogen production, the likelihood of the formation of a benign formation increases. The pain is crampy or aching, and spotting is present.
  • Endometriosis. The manifestation of pathology has already been described above.
  • Chronic salpingitis. We are talking about a latent inflammatory process, accompanied by the formation of adhesions and accumulation of fluid. In the advanced stage, there is severe unbearable pain.
  • Flushing out calcium from the body. The lack of this particular mineral, due to a decrease in estrogen production, provokes back pain, malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and the brain. At the same time, bone structures are weakened, the spine suffers. Increased discomfort occurs during physical exertion, wearing heavy weights.
  • Fusion of the internal tissues of the uterus, its atrophy with a decrease in size. As a result, synechiae are formed in the reproductive organ, an accumulation of inflammatory fluid is noted. The pain is constant and unbearable.
  • development of the cancer process. If there is pain that persists for a long time, oncology at a late stage can be suspected. Therefore, women who have entered menopause should seek qualified help, even if there are complaints about periodic sipping of the sacrum and abdomen.

Prevention of the conditions listed above during menopause are considered homeopathic remedies, presented in state pharmacies by several positions. Remens and Klimadinon are especially popular.

Video: Causes of acute abdominal pain

Who to contact

Alternative methods for the treatment of abdominal pain in women and medicinal antispasmodics, analgesics are appropriate only after the cause of the pathological process has been identified and the planned scheme has been approved by a specialized doctor. In no case should you delay a visit with chronic discomfort or a sharp spasm, accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being.

Doctors of several specializations, including a gynecologist, urologist, proctologist, are able to help in solving the problem that has arisen. It is useful in the presence of signs of dyspepsia to visit a gastroenterologist. To exclude psychosomatics and infringement of the nerve processes, they consult with a neurologist. In difficult situations requiring surgical intervention, they turn to surgeons.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen are of diagnostic value. To identify the cause of the disease, the doctor needs to find out the characteristics of the pain syndrome. It includes questions: when does pain appear, where is it localized, where does it give off, what sensations does it cause, what strengthens or weakens it.

If the pain is not permanent, then it is important to know how long they last and then reappear. Some diseases cause the same symptoms and do not depend on gender, others are inherent only in men or women. This explains why patients with pulling pains in the lower abdomen are always referred to a gynecologist and an andrologist-urologist. We will analyze both general and specific reasons.

Mechanism of pain syndrome

It is believed that abdominal pain can be caused by parenchymal organs (in the lower part - the uterus with appendages in women, the prostate - in men) due to the increase and stretching of the capsule. In hollow structures (bladder, intestines, fallopian tubes) - spastic contractions of the muscle layer.

Accordingly, the nature of the pain will be dull, constant, increasing as the organ enlarges, or cramping, periodic, if the muscle tone changes. In addition, the rate of development of the pathological process matters: a rapid increase (for example, in acute inflammation) is accompanied by bursting pains, and a gradual one is accompanied by pulling pains.

Another nature of pulling pain in the lower abdomen is associated with overstretching of the ligaments (large ovarian cyst, chronic adnexitis). These are the anatomical structures that fix the internal organs. With long-term chronic inflammatory diseases, adhesions from scar tissue occur.

The adhesions themselves do not have nerve endings, but they pull the organ by the capsule

Stretching adhesions can disrupt optimal localization, reduce the lumen and patency of tubular formations. Then the pain will be sharp, accompany any movement, intestinal motility, defecation, physical activity, sexual activity. Spikes at the same time irritate the sheets of the peritoneum.

Their formation is characteristic after surgical interventions, with appendicitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, endometriosis in women. Physiological manifestations of sprains occur in women during pregnancy. Inexperienced future mothers often complain that they are pulling the lower abdomen.

Another significant cause of pulling pain in the lower abdomen is an increase in tone and prolonged tension of the organ. This symptom is observed with painful periods in girls and women (algomenorrhea).

The description of the clinic of the disease is influenced by the subjective assessment of pain. People experience this symptom differently. Therefore, additional manifestations, comorbidities, laboratory and hardware studies are important.

Diseases that are accompanied by the same manifestations, regardless of gender

It is possible to single out diseases in which both men and women equally often complain of pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Chronic appendicitis

The disease develops with self-stopping of an acute attack and the absence of surgery. In this case, the inflammation of the process of the caecum does not stop. There is a pronounced adhesive process. This is a defensive reaction of the body to limit the spread.

Frequent pains of a pulling type in the right region of the lower abdomen are sometimes the only sign of the disease. For a complete diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude the presence of diseases of the genital organs, urinary tract, and intestines. When the diagnosis is confirmed, a planned operation is recommended. This is the only way to get rid of pain.

Chronic ileal diverticulitis

The disease is caused by inflammation of the saccular protrusions on the wall of the ileum. They occur during the formation of the intestinal tube in the fetus or as an acquired pathology as a result of thinning of the wall.

Without inflammation, diverticula are not clinically manifested.

Ingestion of intestinal microorganisms, retention of contents, putrefaction contribute to the inflammatory reaction.

It is clinically difficult to distinguish from an attack of appendicitis: pulling or bursting pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever. The transition of pain into throbbing is an unfavorable sign. It indicates the formation of an encysted abscess. Complications include peritonitis, bleeding, and intestinal obstruction. Treatment is only surgical.

Intestinal obstruction

Pathology disrupts the passage of contents through the intestinal tube in whole or in part. Possible due to:

  • with mechanical blockage by adhesions, diverticula, tumor, fecal stones, foreign body;
  • damage to the motor function of the intestine by eating too heavy food after fasting;
  • diseases of inflammatory origin (pancreatitis, colitis, appendicitis);
  • uncontrolled medication, drug addiction.

The pain in the abdomen increases gradually and becomes very strong, bursting, spreading in all directions. The stool is delayed, gases do not go away, the stomach is swollen in the upper intestines, repeated vomiting occurs, false urge to defecate. According to vital indications, an urgent operation is required.

Chronic sigmoiditis

The sigmoid colon is located on the left side of the abdomen, in the side and iliac zone. Due to physiological curves, the speed of movement of intestinal contents is reduced here. The place is convenient for supporting chronic inflammation. The process causes, respectively, pulling pains to the left of the pubis with irradiation upwards, to the lower back.

A long-term disease leads to damage to the entire intestinal wall with surrounding tissues (perisigmoiditis) and lymph nodes. The pain becomes constant, aggravated by movement, after an enema, while walking. Measures of therapy often come down to a lifelong diet, anti-inflammatory treatment.

Malignant neoplasms of the colon

At the beginning of the development of colorectal cancer, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are possible. The growth of the tumor, the decay and attachment of inflammation cause severe pain in the iliac region on the left or right, in the lateral zone, bloating, constipation, signs of intestinal bleeding.

To distinguish from other diseases, endoscopic colorectal examination with biopsy cytology is necessary. Treatment is only surgical.

What diseases of men cause pulling pains in the lower abdomen?

Closest to the lower abdomen is the pelvic zone, in which an important organ is located in men - the prostate gland with seminal vesicles.

Chronic prostatitis

If a man complains that “it hurts and pulls in the lower abdomen”, then first of all there are suspicions of chronic prostatitis. Middle-aged men are more likely to get sick, especially during sedentary work (drivers, pilots). The pains are permanent, radiating to the suprapubic area, coccyx, anus, groin and external genitalia.

Typical itching in the anus, with straining, the secretion of the prostate gland drops through the urethra. Exacerbations of prostatitis are caused by hypothermia, alcohol consumption, sexual excesses.

At the same time, cramps during urination, frequent urges, urinary retention, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying are added to the characteristic pains. A man's temperature rises, dizziness, weakness, headaches, insomnia appear. Often the character changes, in the family they notice a tendency to isolation, irritability over trifles.

benign tumor

Prostate adenoma is formed by overgrown glandular cells. The disease is more common in older men. An enlarged prostate compresses the urethra. Therefore, in the early stages, the symptoms indicate impaired urination: straining to push urine out, frequent urges without a feeling of complete emptying of the bladder.

Aching constant pain in the groin, above the pubis is painfully tolerated by patients. Further increase leads to stagnation of urine and inflammation. In men, cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis are detected.

Adenoma associated with hormonal disorders

Prostate cancer

A malignant tumor of the prostate gland occurs against the background of a long course of adenoma, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs. The disease begins with pulling pains above the pubis and in the perineum, frequent urination, the appearance of blood in the urine. Further development of the tumor is characterized by rapid metastasis, pain in the bones (legs, spine, ribs), loss of appetite, and weight loss.

Physiological pulling pains in women

The physiological conditions of the female body (menstruation, pregnancy) may be accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. They disappear on their own.

During pregnancy

The pain is caused by a sprain of the ligaments surrounding the uterus and appendages. A dependence on age was noted (if pregnancy occurs at 25 years of age and older). With individual structural features of the ligamentous apparatus or increased sensitivity, pain is also disturbing against the background of subsequent pregnancies. Here, the interval between births of 7 or more years is considered important.

Distinctive signs of physiological pain from pathology are:

  • lack of connection with any action, spontaneous beginning and end;
  • brevity;
  • weak intensity;
  • there is no deterioration in well-being, such signs as spotting, fever.

Every woman during pregnancy should carefully monitor her condition, report any deviations to the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Usually, pulling pain is noticed by women during their first pregnancy.

At ovulation

The period of ovulation means the release of a mature egg in the ovary from the follicle. It occurs on the 14-15th day with the correct menstrual cycle. In some women, pulling pains in the lower abdomen last for several hours or days.

They are classified as low and medium intensity, amplification occurs during sexual intercourse. It has been proven that pain is caused by increased blood supply to the ovary, its temporary increase, which is associated with hormonal fluctuations. They differ in one-way flow.

Gynecologists advise women to be examined to exclude inflammation in the appendages. If pathologies are not detected, then it is recommended not to engage in physical work and sports during the period of ovulation, to exclude sexual intercourse. With severe pain, you can take antispasmodic drugs or put a rectal suppository with belladonna.

What pathology causes pulling pains in women?

Menstrual function is a physiological phenomenon and in a healthy woman it should not cause any signs of illness. But for some, intense pain occurs every month and the general condition is disturbed. A similar symptom is called algomenorrhea.

Gynecologists distinguish secondary dysmenorrhea caused by pathological changes in the uterus, appendages, impaired structure of the internal genital organs.


Drawing pains are combined with profuse uterine bleeding, prolonged brown discharge from the uterus. More often suffer nulliparous women after 30 years of age, suffering from infertility. With adenomatosis (endometriosis of the uterus), the internal epithelium grows from the uterine cavity into the muscle layer, "pockets" are formed.

With menstrual blood, the endothelial layer of the uterus is rejected, a mass of blood enters the "pockets", they expand and put pressure on the surrounding tissues. This causes intense pain radiating to the back, groin.

Hormonal preparations are used in the treatment. After conception and during pregnancy, obstetricians monitor the development of the fetus, prevent rejection. Women are observed by a doctor for a long time. Perhaps the formation of cysts, foci of endometriosis in the pelvis, in the cervix. It is believed that the pathology disappears after the onset of menopause.

Inflammatory diseases

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital area in women are often accompanied by pulling pains. Menstrual bleeding provokes the development of inflammation, since the blood is considered a good environment for the residence of pathological microorganisms.

Adhesions in the tube become one of the causes of infertility and ectopic pregnancy

At the same time, the general condition worsens, appear:

  • weakness;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • muscle pain;
  • temperature rise.

A change in discharge is characteristic: an unpleasant odor due to an admixture of pus. Typical neurological complaints of insomnia, stabbing pains in the region of the heart, irritability. Examination in 60% of cases reveals a sexually transmitted infection, respectively, in the diagnosis it is necessary to take into account the sexual behavior of a woman.

The risk of inflammation increases significantly in cases of:

  • transferred diagnostic curettage, abortion;
  • use of intrauterine contraceptives;
  • refusal and untimely termination of therapy for an acute disease.

With congenital anomalies, violation of the structure of the uterus

Drawing pains appear in a girl with a congenital anomaly during the first menstruation. If the defect consists in infection of the vagina or cervix, then the blood is not released, but accumulates and significantly expands the vagina, the uterine cavity.

Adolescent girls with painful menstruation should be shown to a gynecologist and examined. In women who have given birth, adhesions (synechia) may form in the uterine cavity as a result of the use of intrauterine contraceptives, an abortion, and endometritis. The delay in the outflow of blood causes retrodeviation of the uterus (bend).

The cause of the bend is hard physical work, improper management in the postpartum period, sudden weight loss

Primary algomenorrhea

It is not associated with gynecological diseases. The pain syndrome is explained by functional disorders in the pathology of the endocrine and nervous system, a tendency to increased synthesis by the body of prostaglandins that reduce the uterus, and an increase in estrogen levels. It is typical for girls with overload at school, at work, low mobility, malnutrition, increased emotional perception.

In 2/3 of cases, a diagnosis of "premenstrual syndrome" is made. There are pulling pains in the lower abdomen a few days before the planned onset of menstruation. Most intense on the first day. There is a combination with headache, nausea, fainting, vomiting, pain in the mammary glands.

Tumors of the internal genital organs

Benign tumors of the ovaries and uterus (cysts, fibroids) with their growth stretch the organ and contribute to pulling pains. At the same time, a ligament apparatus is connected to the process. The clinical picture is necessarily supplemented by severe uterine bleeding.

Malignant tumors of the ovaries are characterized by bilateral pain, since they affect both organs. The pain syndrome is expressed at II-III stages of oncological disease. There are other signs:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • metastases to the stomach.

In the lower abdomen, on one side, pain occurs with cancer of the fallopian tube. Its early manifestation is considered to be periodic copious watery discharge. The pain itself in this case is caused by impaired peristalsis of the tube.

The early stages of uterine sarcoma are accompanied by uterine bleeding, rapid tumor growth, intense pain, and metastases. For an experienced doctor, the importance of pulling pains in the lower abdomen is important for assessing a person’s condition and diagnosing. Patients with similar signs should be examined and specific causes identified.

Unfortunately, the female body is extremely mysterious and many gynecological diseases develop without symptoms in the early stages. There are manifestations of pain in the lower abdomen, most often women take these symptoms for the beginning of the menstruation cycle. So why does a woman's lower abdomen pull, what are the reasons?

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the lower abdomen in a woman can occur in localization, both on the right and on the left, as well as in the center. This is perhaps the most common complaint in gynecology.

And so the pulling pain in the lower abdomen in women causes:

  1. Rupture of ovarian tissue, medically called ovarian apoplexy. There is a hemorrhage in the ovary itself during the rupture of the vessels of the Graafian vesicle. Blood enters the abdominal cavity and pain occurs.
  2. With inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  3. Spontaneous miscarriage.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system, such as cystitis and urethritis.
  5. The passage of stones from the kidneys, or rather the passage of already released stones through the urethra.
  6. Threat of appendicitis.
  7. Pregnancy outside the uterus. Such as ectopic.
  8. Ovarian cyst.

This is not a complete list of possible causes of pain in a woman in the lower abdomen, but quite the most common. What is typical for each case, there are also other accompanying symptoms of the causes of pain, therefore, when visiting the attending physician, it is very important to tell about everything that happens to you so that it is more or less clear at once what to pay more attention to before receiving clinical tests.

Distinctive features of lingering pains in the lower abdomen.

So usually by the general definition under the lingering pain, it is customary to take aching and cutting pain. The usual localization of its appearance is considered to be a brave side. Sometimes the pain can radiate to the lower back and have spasmodic manifestations.

And, of course, the pain defect in all people is completely different, and it will not work for different people to give the same description of pain sensations, even if they are the same. This may be due to the fact that:

If the problem has not happened to the patient before, then she cannot compare with anything.

The lingering pain can also be different:

  1. sharp;
  2. Aching;
  3. Strong;
  4. Weak;

Due to such differences, the patient's feelings may not always be clear.

A person may not be objective, this is influenced by the fear of the consequences of the pain syndrome. There are frequent cases of exaggeration of pain to a large extent.

Namely, based on such discrepancies in the perception of pain syndrome, doctors have more confidence in clinical analyzes and diagnostics, which are prescribed in such cases.

Diagnosis of pain in the lower abdomen in a woman.

To establish a specific diagnosis, the patient is examined.

According to the results of the examination, treatment is already prescribed.

  • A clinical blood test, it allows you to determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Buck urine culture and general analysis.
  • A smear on the microflora in the woman's vagina.
  • Blood test for sexually transmitted diseases and fungal infections.

Also, if the tests do not give any results, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and uterus. If there is a suspicion of the formation of tumors in the body, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed.

Organic causes of pain.

These are the so-called pathological features in the body of a woman. Such as:

  • Diseases of the uterus and related organs.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Use of a spiral against pregnancy.
  • Cicatricial formation after undergoing surgical interventions.
  • Infections of the inflammatory nature of the genitourinary system.
  • pathology during pregnancy.

Functional causes of pain.

Such failures in the body are obtained when the function in the genital organs of a woman changes:

  • General underdevelopment of the uterus.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Ovulation. When a woman's body is ready for conception, the egg leaves the follicle by breaking it. Such a process can occur on either side, and may be simultaneous in both ovaries. Just in the case when both ovaries are ready, more than one egg is fertilized.
  • There may be a bend in the uterus, with this position of the uterus, menstrual flow accumulates, and stagnation forms. Which leads to pain.

Menstrual pain in the lower abdomen in women.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt during menstruation? This question worries the minds of many women suffering from such pains. Very often, you do not need to look into your diary to see the day the menstruation began, lingering pain will tell you about this. Pain may be a harbinger, or it may accompany the entire menstrual cycle, which averages about 5-6 days, less often 7 days. Every woman should understand what and why it hurts on such days, precisely so that any deviations in pain sensations could alert her and refer her to a doctor.

Menstruation is the separation of the endometrium from the walls of the uterus and its removal from the body. This process occurs before the onset of menopause in a woman's life. And pain seems to be absolutely understandable on such days. But they should not be very bright and unbearable. Such pain should subside with the use of painkillers. Pain should not accompany the entire menstrual cycle. And also the discharge should gradually decrease in volume.

Accompanying pain during menstruation.

Very often, at the onset of menstruation, bloating is observed. This factor also affects the pain syndrome. Hormones carry out a kind of struggle inside the woman's body, the uterus, under the influence of various hormones, slightly increases in contrast to its usual size. That is why the stomach can swell. Such a factor is also extremely unpleasant.

More terrible pain during menstruation is the so-called pathological. During the pathological factors of the pain syndrome, the stomach hurts like during menstruation. Very often they are characterized by extremely strong pain sensations. The pain does not subside even under the influence of painkillers. A woman is simply not able to go about her normal life normally, and very often spends the beginning of her menstrual cycle in bed.

If such pains have just begun to appear, but did not bother you before, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist. These pains can hint at gynecological diseases, as well as diseases of the endocrine system.

Types of diseases with lingering pain during menstruation.

  1. Hyperthyroidism is a condition caused by an overactive thyroid gland. It stimulates the release of a hormone such as prostaglandin into the blood. It is this hormone in excess that provokes severe pain in the abdomen during menstruation. And very often the cycle is knocked down, it becomes larger than usual.
  2. Sexual infantilism. Such a disease can be detected in the early stages, during gynecological examinations of young girls. It is characterized by underdevelopment of the uterus, and in rare cases, its abnormal location in the body of a girl. The pain caused by this disease is provoked due to the impossibility of removing blood from the uterine cavity. To eliminate such problems in the body, it is necessary to increase the elasticity of the uterus itself, a timely visit to the doctor will help in this matter.
  3. Endometriosis. This disease is characterized by excessive growth of the endometrium outside the uterus. With such a diagnosis, the lower abdomen is pulled as before menstruation, but it begins long before them. About a week.
  4. Inflammation of the appendages and the uterus itself. In such cases, a woman can observe an increase in body temperature, nausea is possible, and a feeling of chills. Even after the cessation of the menstrual cycle, the pain does not go away. The same signs can have and infection of sexual infections.
  5. The occurrence of tumors and the manifestation of cysts during the menstrual cycle. Usually, with such pathologies, the pain is more pronounced than during ordinary critical days, and the discharge may have impurities of a different color. There are also difficulties in the natural urine excretion of fluid from the body.

What not to do with lingering pains in the lower abdomen.

It is impossible to remember the most important thing, to engage in any self-treatment with these manifestations of the female body. You need to see a qualified doctor as soon as possible. You can not apply any procedures associated with heat, this can only aggravate the situation, and in case of bleeding, only increase the manifestations in the body. Take care of yourself and remember these warnings.

Cramping and pain in the lower abdomen can be a serious sign of pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Therefore, it is very important to determine the location in order to find out the cause of the pain, which can be caused by a serious disease factor.

What organs can hurt in women in the lower abdomen

The ovaries and fallopian tubes are located on the left and right in pairs. Pain in this area can be caused by cysts, ectopic pregnancy, or inflammation.

Unpleasant sensations can occur due to heavy physical exertion or after aggressive sexual intercourse.

Pain can also be caused by pathology of the urinary system (inflammation of the urinary tract, flatulence, constipation, gas formation, colitis,).

Right iliac region. If the spasm extends below the navel on the right, then appendicitis most often makes itself felt, which is characterized by sudden acute pain, but it can increase gradually.

The pain in the center can be caused by diseases of the urinary system (bladder stones, prolapse of the ureter), with gynecological diseases - (pathology of the uterus: neoplasms, cysts, endometriosis; varicose veins of the small pelvis).

Pain in the left iliac region can be the cause of intestinal diseases (inflammation of the sigmoid colon, irritable bowel syndrome, stool disorder, worms, colitis, dysbacteriosis).

Pain in the lower central abdomen

When establishing an accurate diagnosis, one of the most important factors is the localization of the tingling sensation, which directly indicates the inflamed organ.

Pain in the middle can be caused by the pathology of the bladder:

  1. - inflammation of the bladder of an infectious or post-traumatic origin. There is a cutting pain during urination, a frequent feeling of overflow of the organ, involuntary urination. May occur as a result of poor personal hygiene, hypothermia, after sex or hormonal disorders.
  2. Stage with the descent of the calculus into the bladder. This can be the result of a sedentary lifestyle, problems with the digestive system, infections, genetic predisposition, and so on. The symptoms are a slight discharge of blood or when urinating, aching pain in the perineum.
  3. bladder cancer- oncological formation in the walls of the bladder, which is characterized by the rapid development of metastases to neighboring organs. The main symptoms are bleeding, incontinence, general lethargy, a constant feeling of bladder fullness, and more.

Diseases and physiological conditions of the uterus:

  1. menstrual syndrome- pain during the menstrual period, the pain is diffuse, however, the main source of localization is the fundus of the uterus.
  2. Attachment of the fetal egg during pregnancy- spasms are centralized, sometimes pulsating. Associated with the germination of the egg in the thickness of the uterine day.
  3. Risk of miscarriage. Occurs as a result of placental abruption, throbbing pain is felt.
  4. endometriosis. With it, the cells of the uterine tissue grow, which leads to various pathologies. Usually in this area a woman does not feel any symptoms for a long time, despite the fact that the process has begun a long time ago.
  5. uterine fibroids- a benign neoplasm of a nodular form on the bottom of the uterus. Pain, as a rule, is point and is associated with the germination of the node in the wall of the uterus.
  6. Cervical erosion- inflammatory formation of the cervical canal of an irradiating nature.
  7. Cancer of the ovaries, uterus, cervix- oncological neoplasms, characterized by spontaneously occurring spasms of various etiologies, caused by a pathological process associated with progressive metastasis and destruction of the organ.
  8. Oncological diseases of the intestine- malignant neoplasms of intestinal loops, as a rule, are characterized by diffuse aching pains on the entire surface of the intestine, however, the main localization of pain falls on the place of accumulation of the tumor process and the decay of the tissue around it. If we are talking about the central region, then the sigmoid, caecum and rectum suffer.

Abdominal cramps on the right side

Sometimes a sudden side-grabbing pain attack takes you by surprise. It can lie in wait under the most inopportune circumstances, either subsiding, or flaring up with a new, even more intense force.

Causes of pain in the right side:

  1. Appendicitis- acute inflammation of the appendix, which is an appendage of the caecum. It can be both acute and chronic. The cut is localized mainly on the right side, but can radiate to the center or to the left side. At the same time, the temperature rises, nausea, diarrhea appear.
  2. And. Inflammation of the kidney and the ureter coming from it. The disease proceeds both through an infectious lesion, and independently arising (hormonal factors, sudden hypothermia, trauma). Pain, as a rule, is concentrated in a certain area, but can radiate if the inflammatory process is running.
  3. Incorrect attachment of the fetal egg during an ectopic pregnancy. The pain is centralized, often cramping, aching. Associated with the germination of the egg in the thickness of the right appendage. Similar symptoms have ovarian apoplexy. But an important difference is that spasms appear in the hip, sacrum and rectum.
  4. Risk of miscarriage during pregnancy- localization in the middle part of the abdominal cavity. It can be correlated with detachment of the placenta or chorion in this place. The pain is first pulsating in nature, then pulsating-diffuse. The irradiation background can be noted on the right side.
  5. Salpingoophoritis- disease of the appendage and ovary. The pain, as a rule, is girdle in nature, irradiation to neighboring organs is often noted.
  6. endometriosis- pathological growth of the tissue of the inner uterine layer, both inside the organ itself and outside it. In the initial stages, it may not manifest itself in any way.
  7. Torsion or other deviation of the cyst stem. Often this is a consequence of heavy physical exertion. Nausea and fever are the main symptoms of this disease.

Pain localized on the left side

Most often, many girls are faced with the problem of various inflammations on the left side. Pulling, unpleasantly aching pain causes discomfort and interferes with the usual way of life of a woman, she has to refuse to visit the gym, various types of entertainment and other active activities.

Diseases that cause pain in the left side of the abdomen:

It is necessary to pay attention to the signals of the body in time. Pain is not a cause, it is only a consequence of a disease. The best solution would be to visit a doctor as soon as possible, who will conduct the necessary examination and make a diagnosis, and then prescribe the correct treatment.

Methods for diagnosing and researching diseases

If for some time the pain in the lower abdomen does not go away, then you should seek specialized help from your doctor. After consultation, the doctor can refer to such complexes of procedures:

  1. Laboratory diagnostics. Collection of urine and blood tests to detect inflammatory processes.
  2. . Scanning of all organs of the abdominal cavity except for the intestines (examined when indicated by a doctor). Identification of various pathological changes in the liver, kidneys, spleen, blood vessels, pancreas, gallbladder, uterus and appendages. Identification of neoplasms, inflammatory processes, abnormal development of organs.
  3. Gynecological examination. An examination is carried out with a mirror and swabs are taken. The ability to detect ectopic pregnancy, cysts, the presence of neoplasms, inflammation of the ovaries, adnexitis, and other diseases of the reproductive system.

Ways to relieve stomach pain

First of all, you need to relax and listen to the general condition, measure the body temperature.

With the appearance of cramps in the lower abdomen, it is advisable to urgently seek medical help. If you do not contact the clinic in a timely manner, then the likelihood of serious complications increases significantly. However, if for various reasons it is not possible to get to the hospital, then it is recommended to try to reduce the pain.

Most women prefer to use various pharmaceuticals to reduce cramps in the lower abdomen. In this regard, pharmacists can recommend drugs for the female genital organs. It is also advisable to use general painkillers. In any case, it will help to reduce pain by identifying the root cause of their appearance. Since most women are not specialists, it is best to take a general pain medication.

If during the period of menstruation the pain is severe, then you can try to reduce it by reviewing the diet. It is recommended to include as many fruits and vegetables in the diet as possible. You should drink juice every day, and also try to refrain from fatty and dairy products.

Do not put off a visit to the doctor or going to the ambulance. Any pain that is repetitive is a call to your attention. Sometimes it requires an immediate response and even surgery.

How to qualify this type of ailment? What prompted our body to give alarm signals? There are several answers to this question.

First of all, it is a sign of pregnancy. Observing several symptoms at once (pulling the lower abdomen, it is impossible to accurately diagnose fertilization. However, such phenomena occur at an early stage in the development of pregnancy. Why does this happen? Why does the lower abdomen hurt and pull?

When the egg and sperm meet, they form a zygote. The latter must reach the uterus, moving along the fallopian tubes, and strengthen itself on its wall in order to be able to develop into a fetus in the future. Usually the "journey" lasts from six to twelve days. This is due to individual characteristics. Conception usually occurs at the time when a woman ovulates, which falls on the tenth to twelfth days of the menstrual cycle. The zygote reaches its destination at the end of the cycle. Most women feel that at this time the lower abdomen is pulled, which signals the upcoming menstruation or pregnancy.

Therefore, early pregnancy is quite difficult to determine. But even if it pulls the lower abdomen, a delay in menstruation can be triggered by other factors, for example, stressful situations, the use of hormonal drugs, infection, inflammation, trauma, the consequences of sex or examination by a gynecologist.

With an already established pregnancy, heaviness in the lower abdomen may indicate a threat of miscarriage. The uterus contracts, thereby trying to get rid of a foreign body, which is a fertilized egg. But nature took care of the safety of the fetus, weakening the protective functions of the female body at an early stage of pregnancy. But this doesn't always help. It happens that the egg is still rejected by the uterus. In such cases, a woman may not even notice that she was pregnant. Habitual symptoms: pulling the lower abdomen, tense chest, pain in the hip and lumbar region - precede the onset of menstruation. Similar symptoms allow an unsuccessful pregnancy and keep the psycho-emotional background normal.

If the pregnancy has been going on for several weeks and sharply pulls the lower abdomen, pain is given in the lower back and back, bleeding opens, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible to prevent the fetus from dying.

The reasons that pulls the lower abdomen are also:

Diseases of the intestinal tract, accompanied by inflammatory processes and constipation;

In men;

Spasms of the intestines;

Oncology of the abdominal cavity;

Oncology of the small pelvis;

Hernia in the lumbosacral spine;


Pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by mucous and bloody discharge. It is also necessary to pay attention to the work of the kidneys and bladder. If there is also nausea, loss of consciousness, pallor, pressure decreases, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, as internal bleeding may occur.

Great physical activity or a radical change in lifestyle, stressful situations contribute to the causes of malaise. Pulling pain in the lower abdomen can also be a harbinger of a hernia, which in most cases causes an overload of the body with physical activity.

Due to the numerous causes of pulling pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the possible negative consequences of this ailment, you should try not to neglect the advice of professional nutritionists and trainers if you visit a sports or gym. Overloading the body in an effort to find the desired shape can be very costly to your health. Neglecting the advice of specialists can even be fraught with the inability to subsequently conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an examination on special devices (ultrasound, mammography, irrigoscopy, laparoscopic diagnostics).