Exercises for the treatment of prostate adenoma. Exercises for BPH

  • 16.02.2022

This tumor formation caused by the proliferation of hyperplastic tissue cells. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex fall into the risk group, but in some cases, the disease can manifest itself in young people.

Photo 1: If the disease is in the initial stage, you can cope with the problem with the help of drug treatment and physiotherapy exercises. Source: flickr (centrkurort_photo).

When Exercise Is Necessary

Often due to old age may be contraindicated. Physical exercise in this case has a significant positive effect. The only condition in this case is load balancing according to age.

Note! Often physiotherapy exercises are prescribed during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

The benefits of gymnastics and exercise therapy

They allow not only to get rid of discomfort during urination, but also contribute to the improvement of the body as a whole:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • strengthen the abdominal muscles;
  • slow down tumor growth;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • activate the body's immune processes.

Note! The course of exercise therapy is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's age, physique and stage of the disease.

Photo 2: As a prophylaxis for prostate adenoma, men are encouraged to ride a horse if possible. This helps to improve blood circulation and strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis. Contraindications are particularly advanced age and the presence of significant weight. Source: flickr (Photo Doc).

Complexes of exercises for adenoma

All exercises performed with prostate adenoma are divided into static and dynamic.

  • Static. When performing static exercises, the patient is in a motionless state. Exercises especially suitable for men leading a sedentary lifestyle engaged in sedentary work.
  • Dynamic. These loads are more diverse - push-ups, squats, tilts. In order for physical education to bring results, you need to perform exercises regularly.

Sitting and standing exercises

A good result is observed when performing exercises in a standing and sitting position. To complete the complex, you need to wear loose clothing.

  1. Starting position (IP) - standing hands rest on a flat surface. The legs are crossed so that the right limb is extended forward, and the left - back. On inspiration - rise on your toes and squeeze the gluteal muscles as much as possible. The number of repetitions is at least 10.
  2. IP - hands on the waist, legs apart, socks inward. On the exhale, you need to sit down, the depth of the squat can be insignificant. As you exhale, straighten up, keeping your back straight. Repeat the exercise at least 5-6 times.
  3. Standing straight, arms along the body. Raise hands - on inspiration, then return back. Do in between other exercises to restore breathing.
  4. Sitting on a bench, hands on knees. Move the pelvis forward, hands should remain motionless. The same movement is performed in the reverse position. Repeat at least 6-7 times.
  5. IP - sitting on a chair, legs crossed b. Pull in the rectum with effort and strain the muscles of the pelvis. Stay in this position for a few seconds, the number of repetitions is 5.

Exercises in the side position

  1. Lying on your side, arms along the body. Raise and lower your free leg as high as possible. Repeat 4-5 times, over time, the number of repetitions can be increased. Next, you need to repeat the exercise for the other leg.
  2. Lying on the left side, do the exercise "scissors". On exhalation, the position of the legs changes. Repeat at least 8-9 times, do the same on the other side.
  3. IP - lying on the left side. Inhale to lift both legs off the floor, exhale to lower both legs and relax. Repeat at least 5 times.

Exercises in the position on all fours

This complex is contraindicated for men who have problems with blood vessels.(varicose veins, blood clots). Before performing them, you should consult with your doctor.

  1. kneeling, while inhaling, pull the left leg to the opposite hand, while exhaling, take the initial position. Repeat 5-7 times for the left leg.
  2. The patient is on his knees, hands rest on the floor in front of you. Inhale - raise your arms in front of you, exhale - return to the starting position.
  3. IP - kneeling, to carry out slow circular movements of the pelvis in opposite directions. Repeat no more than 5 times, no more than 3 approaches.
  4. The patient stands leaning on a bed or table, while inhaling - lunge forward. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Other exercises

  1. Walking on the buttocks- an exercise that can strengthen the muscles of the thighs and pelvis. IP - sitting on the floor on the buttocks, straight legs extended. Start moving, slightly helping yourself with your hands, without touching the floor with them. Movement forward and backward. This exercise is beneficial for


If prostate adenoma is diagnosed, then the patient is prescribed therapeutic exercises, which consists of special physical exercises.

Speaking about the traditional treatment of prostate adenoma, these are drugs. In parallel with traditional medicine, traditional medicine and therapeutic exercises are used.

Why exercise is important

Any living organism ages and the male body is no exception. Aging causes a disruption in the work of hormones, and this threatens the appearance of adenoma.

In the process of growth of the pathology, there is a characteristic sign, a regular urge to empty the bladder. Over time, urine may stop coming out. This indicates that the adenoma has increased in size and blocked the duct. Then only surgery is required.

Most often, for the treatment of prostate adenoma, surgery and medications are used. However, there is another effective way, which isexercises for prostate adenoma.

The first signs of the disease can be seen in a man who is over fifty. But when men reach sixty-five, the disease overcomes almost ninety percent of all men.

Therapy of the disease is mainly carried out in the complex, so the following measures are applied:

  • The use of drugs.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Compliance with a special diet.
  • Lifestyle change.
  • Regular exercise.

Exercise won't help cure the way surgery will. But still it will help to effectively carry out treatment by other means.

Over the age of sixty, many men cannot undergo surgery due to certain contraindications. In such a situation, gymnastics comes to the rescue with prostate adenoma.

It is able to have a positive effect on the entire body and stop the further growth of pathology. Because after doing exercises in the pelvis, blood circulation improves. This affects getting rid of the disease and is a good prevention of the disease.

Complexes of gymnastic exercises

In order to recover from the disease, qualified doctors advise their patients exercise therapy (physical therapy complex), it includes:

Complex of static gymnastics

The main goal of such exercises is to keep the abdominal muscles in good shape, as well as all organs located in the pelvic area. To achieve the desired result, the exercises should be carried out regularly, and preferably several times a day. This set of exercises is suitable for men who have a sedentary job.

After carrying out the appropriate exercises, the man will strengthen the following muscles:

  • External and internal thigh muscles.
  • Belly and press.
  • Perineum.

So, a few exercises: kneeling, rest your elbows on the floor, stay in this position for two minutes. Sitting on a chair, squeeze your knees, stay in this position until you feel that there is a tremor in your legs. Remaining in a chair, strongly draw in the stomach for one minute. Lying on your back, lift your legs vertically so as not to tear your buttocks off the floor, hold out as long as you can. This exercise will help strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Complex of dynamic gymnastics

Exercises for prostate adenoma, which are included in the dynamic complex, help a man more easily endure all therapy. In addition, they are well uplifting and energizing.

Therefore, you should do the following exercises:

  • Lying on your stomach, take your legs in your hands and try to pull yourself up. Do this as much as you want, but only so that such a state does not cause you discomfort.
  • Push ups. They can be done from any surface, but do not overdo it.
  • Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. It is necessary to walk on the buttocks back and forth, without helping yourself with the limbs.

Such physical exercises with a diagnosed prostate adenoma should be performed lying down, you can even on the couch. Raise both legs and pedal like you are on a bicycle. You can do it once a day for five minutes.

Special loads for the whole body

The load is considered optimal when tilting the body and lifting. You can do this exercise: squat down, put your hands on your knees, inhale. Then straighten your legs, and leave your hands in the same position, exhale. To complicate the exercise, you need to squat down and try to spread your knees to the side. During the exercise, the back should be even, you should also inhale, then lean forward and exhale.

In addition, there are other exercises for treatment, there are many of them. Therefore, having familiarized yourself with all, you can choose the ones that are suitable for you, which you can perform. And do not pore over the choice, they are all suitable for helping the patient.

  • In the morning and in the evening, you can do such exercises, pull in the anus twenty times while inhaling, and relax while exhaling.
  • During the emptying of the bladder, you can try to hold the jet, and at the same time, strain the muscles of the prostate. The procedure takes a few seconds. You don't need to hold the tension for a long time. You need to do this about thirty times, if you carry out such exercises regularly, the blood flow in the prostate will improve.
  • Crotch area, sit on the ball, for tennis. Helping yourself with your hands, you should keep your balance on it for five minutes. You may feel discomfort or pain at first, no need to be afraid and stop. Such therapeutic exercises can slightly replace prostate massage.
  • The most enjoyable exercise can rightly be called sex. With such a disease, the doctor does not prohibit sexual activity, only gives some recommendations. For example, one should not stop in the middle of sexual intercourse, one should not restrain oneself and delay the climax and make an abrupt stop in the sexual movements of the genitals. During the onset of orgasm, the muscles around the anus and prostate tense and relax in the right rhythm. This has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, this has been confirmed more than once, so an orgasm is a better procedure than a regular prostate massage.
  • For the treatment of adenoma, exercises of therapeutic yoga exercises are excellent. For example, the benefits of the lotus position will be if you stay in this position for about fifteen minutes. To reduce pain in the perineum, you can perform such a simple exercise as "birch". The pain will recede, because the blood will stop flowing to the gland. Twine will also be a good exercise. It should be started from thirty seconds, gradually increasing the time to ten minutes.
  • Physical education with adenoma can be different, for example, you can refuse the elevator and walk up the stairs. But walking will be a little different from usual, you need to skip one step when climbing, and then two. Such an exercise will help improve the tone of the prostate, because it is referred to as an indirect massage. In addition, it improves the general condition of the male body, it becomes more resilient, and fatigue goes away.
  • Horseback riding is a good treatment. During such procedures, a person not only becomes closer to nature, but also strengthens the muscles of the perineum. Therefore, most patients prefer just such a therapy for the disease, instead of performing various therapeutic exercises.

Disease prevention

If you follow the recommendations of a specialist and regularly carry out massage, special therapeutic exercises, visit a bathhouse and engage in herbal medicine, then prevention will be carried out in full.

Accordingly, in this way it is possible to avoid the appearance of such an unpleasant ailment, or to bring the patient's condition closer to recovery.

Many specialists, after the treatment of prostate adenoma, advise their patients not to stop doing physical exercises. Because they not only treat the prostate, but also other diseases, in addition, they are able to strengthen the body and return the patient's male strength.

The prostate, or prostate gland, is a male organ located in the small pelvis. Its functions include the allocation of a special secret, which is part of the sperm, as well as the overlap of the bladder during an erection in men.

Unfortunately, with age, most men begin to experience problems associated with the prostate gland. Most often these are prostatitis and adenoma. Prostatitis is a pathology that is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the gland. The disease manifests itself as a violation of urination, as well as problems with erection.

Prostate adenoma is an overgrowth of the glandular tissues of the organ. Because of this, the gland greatly increases in size and compresses the surrounding organs, causing discomfort. Almost all men over 65 suffer from this pathology, and for many it begins to develop after 50.

Some scientists argue that prostatic hyperplasia is simply aging of the organ, and not a pathological condition. But since it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, it requires treatment and supportive care.

Prostate adenoma compresses the urethra

For the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma, complex methods of therapy are used. They resort to medications, surgery and physiotherapy. The recovery process is usually quite long, but the prognosis is often good. The main thing is to listen and follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

In addition, physical exercises have proven themselves very well for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Their specially selected complex will help get rid of stagnation of blood around the organ and improve its condition. Physical education is an excellent tool for both treatment and prevention of problems with the prostate gland.

What are the benefits of physical activity

Almost all pathologies of this male organ develop due to stagnation of blood in it and the influence of hormones. And if it is rather difficult to influence the second factor, then therapeutic exercises for prostatitis and prostate adenoma will help to cope with the first.

Slowed blood circulation causes swelling of the gland and creates favorable conditions for the development of various pathogenic microflora. In addition, in such a situation, oxygen saturation of the organ is significantly reduced, which also does not contribute to its normal functioning. Properly selected loads will bring the gland into a normal tone, improve blood saturation, and also speed up metabolic processes.

Daily exercise will significantly improve the condition with an existing pathology, or it will be an excellent method of prevention.

Types of exercises

Physical exercises for prostate adenoma or prostatitis can be of a different nature:

  • special Kegel exercises;
  • direct or indirect prostate massage;
  • physical therapy, which will consist of static and dynamic exercises;
  • influence of temperature changes (contrast shower).

Perineal contrast shower will help get rid of prostatitis

You should seriously approach the choice of gymnastic and physical activity, it is best to contact a specialist who can choose the right physical education. In addition, the doctor will be able to explain in detail the progress of the tasks, and in some cases even visually demonstrate. If this is not enough, then the patient can always turn to the Internet, which has a lot of videos about the treatment of prostatitis or adenoma.

Kegel classes

This is a specific therapeutic gymnastics, which was developed back in the 20s of the last century by the gynecologist Kegel. At first it was assumed that Kegel exercises were invented for the female part of the population in order to prepare the muscles for childbirth. But soon scientists discovered that such a load is also useful for the male body.

  1. Contraction of the muscles that are in the pelvic floor. It is necessary to reduce and strain the buttocks as much as possible, try to retract the anal ring, as it were. Then suddenly relax everything. To begin with, 10 contractions will be enough several times during the day. But over time, it is desirable to gradually increase the duration of the workout to 50 or even 100 muscle contractions.
  2. Maintain tension. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but if there it was necessary to quickly change tension with relaxation, then in this case you need to linger the muscles in a contracted state for 7-10 seconds, and then relax. Gradually, you should increase the interval during which the muscles are tense, and also do an increasing number of approaches.
  3. Interrupted act of urination. This exercise can be performed during every trip to the toilet. In the process of urination, you need to try to stop urinating, then relax and continue. For one visit to the toilet, you can repeat the exercise 3-5 times. If at the beginning of classes there are unpleasant sensations, cramps in the lower abdomen, then there is nothing to worry about. Usually, such symptoms disappear after 2-3 days after the start of training.


There are two types of prostate massage - direct and indirect. And if the latter can be easily performed at home, then the former is best done in specialized institutions. In addition, you should entrust this matter to a specialist, since this type of massage involves finger penetration into the rectum through the anus.

Direct prostate massage should be performed by a qualified specialist

As for indirect massage, there is nothing complicated here. It should be comfortable to lie on your back, spread your legs and feel for the perineum. It is important that the temperature in the room where the procedure is performed is comfortable for the patient, otherwise it may not be of any use. Not sharply, but quite hard to press with your fingers in the middle between the scrotum and anus.

The exercise should last from 3-5 to 7-10 minutes. It is best to massage in the evening before going to bed. If pain occurs during pressure, then you should immediately stop everything and consult a doctor.

Physical training

Physical exercises for prostate adenoma or prostatitis play a big role in treatment. But it should be remembered that physical education alone will not cure you, although you cannot do without it.

There are two types of exercises:

  • static - will help keep the pelvic muscles and muscles of the abdominal wall in proper tone;
  • dynamic - will facilitate the general condition of the patient, relieve stagnation in the pelvic organs.


A few exercises:

  1. On a hard surface, get on all fours. Support points should be knees and elbows. Stay in this position for a few minutes, then slowly get up.
  2. Sit on a chair, move your knees, draw in your stomach. Try to strain all the muscles below the navel as much as possible, the legs should tremble with tension. Try to stay in this state for as long as possible, but no more than 1-2 minutes, then relax. There should be at least 10 minutes of rest between sets.
  3. Lie on your back, put your hands along the body. Raise your legs, but do not tear your butt off the ground. The angle between the feet and the ground should be approximately 30 degrees. The duration of this exercise is not limited. The bigger, the better. But you should not immediately try to hold on for a very long time, because then overstrained muscles can bring discomfort.


Dynamic therapeutic exercises for prostatitis and prostate adenoma may consist of regular push-ups. You need to perform several approaches during the day, especially without straining yourself. By the way, you can do push-ups not only in a standard position from the ground, but also on your knees, from a chair, table, and so on.

In addition, there are a number of other activities:

  1. Sit on the edge of a hard chair, hold an elastic ball between your knees. Strongly squeeze it for 7-10 seconds, and then abruptly relax.
  2. Perform the exercise "Birch". Lie on your back, raise your legs and lower body up, you can help yourself with your hands.
  3. Stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly sit down halfway and at the same time spread your knees to the sides. Perform 5-7 times for several approaches.

Performing the exercise "birch"

An excellent physical exercise for prostatitis and prostate adenoma is the so-called walking on the buttocks. To complete this task, you need to sit on a hard, smooth surface. Straighten your legs and try to move forward, moving only the buttocks. It is important that neither legs nor arms take part in the movement.

What to do after removal of the gland

Therapeutic exercises for prostatitis and prostate adenoma is an excellent method of treatment, but, unfortunately, sometimes neither it nor medications can help. In such cases, one has to resort to surgical methods of treatment, namely prostatectomy - removal of the gland. After removal of the prostate, almost all men have problems with urinary retention. In order not to experience discomfort and awkwardness, you need to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

In everyday classes, you can include the above exercises, or you can use the following:

  1. You need to roll up a towel and sit on top of it, like a rider. Then inhale deeply and arch your back (round). When exhaling, you need to straighten your back, tighten the anal ring and try to grab the towel between your legs. Repeat several times.
  2. Lie on your back, raise your arms and legs up. Lie like this for a while, the duration depends on the physical fitness of the patient. You shouldn't torture yourself.

Various kinds of physical exercises are an excellent assistant in the treatment of prostate diseases. It is also useful to resort to them as a prevention of pathologies, as well as in order to avoid complications after surgery. Just remember that it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.

Because, not knowing, you can not only waste your time, but also harm your health. Also, the reason for a mandatory visit to the doctor should be the occurrence of any pain in the lower abdomen during or after exercise. Of course, unless it hurts because of muscle strain.

disease with consequences

Prostatitis is the result of inflammation in the prostate gland. This disease occurs exclusively in men. Mostly this disease is observed in men aged 30 to 40 years, but young people from the age of 20 should seriously think about this problem. The first signs are difficulty urinating and a feeling of discomfort.

But a more serious disease is rightfully considered an adenoma - a neoplasm on the prostate gland, which is a tumor. Contrary to the opinion that the causes of BPH are hormonal changes in men older than middle age, prostatitis can be a harbinger of adenoma if it reaches an advanced stage.

Classes with complex and exhausting physical exercises from prostatitis in the acute stage, and even more so prostate adenoma, are not recommended. Although for men who feel the inevitable feeling of discomfort, this is already very difficult, and it is doubtful that at least one of them would want to do these classes.

Why do you need to exercise in identifying prostatitis? This question worries many men who have been diagnosed with the disease.

For the treatment and prevention of the disease, exercise is of great importance.

Therapeutic gymnastics helps to eliminate inflammation of the prostate gland, increases the tone of the nervous system, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Physical exercises for prostatitis help to avoid various complications and exacerbations of the disease, which significantly worsen the patient's health.

It is worth noting that exercises for the prostate are only an element of complex treatment, but by no means a panacea for the disease.

Daily gymnastics

If the frantic pace of life leaves very little time for yourself, then take 15 minutes a day for a set of gymnastics exercises for the prostate, and you will get a tangible result. Gymnastics will be the first step to eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs, especially after a night's rest. This complex, aimed at improving the flexibility of the spinal column, includes twisting the torso, head and limbs, flexion and extension, turns and tilts. During these exercises, the muscles of the hip girdle develop very intensively.

The following exercises have an excellent effect on prostate problems:

  1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Gradually spreading your knees to the side, do 5-7 half-squats.
  2. The position is the same, standing. Put your feet together, then begin to raise your knee up, trying to make it as high as possible. Complete at least 6 sets for each leg.
  3. Change position to semi-squat. Tilt the body slightly forward and begin to slowly straighten up slowly, while the arms should be spread to the side, like one leg. Changing the leg, do 6-9 approaches for each of them.
  4. Take a supine position on your stomach, lean on your hands and within 3-4 minutes try to pump your torso on a small ball.
  5. Use the same ball, sit on it, and, supporting the weight of your body with your hands, roll the ball along the crotch. Perform this physical exercise for prostatitis for at least 5 minutes, while constantly increasing the pressure.
  6. Lie down again, roll over onto your back and lift your legs up, keeping them straight. Fix the body in the "birch" position. To begin with, hold your legs in this position for no more than 10 seconds, this will allow you not to overload the muscles immediately. Gradually increase the duration of the exercise.

In addition, classes in various yoga techniques are rightfully considered no less effective.

An excellent preventive measure and an effective way to deal with stagnant processes in the body is therapeutic exercises for prostatitis. In addition, for older men, this is a great opportunity to prevent prostate adenoma or a way to stop its development and growth.

Gymnastics in chronic prostatitis improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and this is the most effective way to prevent the onset of an exacerbation of the disease.

Therapeutic exercises for diseases of the prostate

  1. Tennis ball exercises. This is a kind of prostate massage. Take a tennis ball and lower your crotch down on it. Your task is to maintain balance while using your hands. The duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes. Don't worry if you start using the feeling of discomfort and even mild pain, this is natural.
  2. Squats. Place your feet slightly beyond shoulder width, feet should be parallel to each other, arms extended forward. Slowly sit down while inhaling, not too deeply. Fix the body in this position for 3-4 seconds. It is important that you keep your center of gravity on your heels. It is enough to perform this exercise 10-12 times in 2-3 sets.
  3. Push-ups. Here, men should not have any difficulties, because this exercise is familiar to many since school. Depending on the health and physical condition of your body, you can do push-ups from the floor, chair, or any other surface. Go down while inhaling, as you exhale go up.
  4. Retraction and relaxation of the anus. Synchronicity is important here. Pull in the anus as you inhale, and then relax the muscles as you exhale, removing all tension from yourself. Repeat the exercise in the morning and evening, up to 20 times for each visit.
  5. Interruption of urination. Do not underestimate this exercise. Its implementation causes the muscles of the pelvis to strain, which is very useful for prostatitis. Performing it regularly, you improve the process of blood circulation in the prostate gland. It is recommended to perform this exercise from prostatitis as follows: straining the corresponding muscle group, hold the stream during urination, making 30 contractions in one go.

Exercises that involve the lower body

  1. Walking on the buttocks. These exercises for the treatment of prostatitis are designed to strengthen the muscle group of the small pelvis and thighs. They do not require a lot of strength and energy, and therefore it is recommended to perform them as often as possible. In addition, such exercises help to increase erection. Take the starting position, sitting on the floor on the buttocks, while the legs should be extended straight forward. The back should be straight. Try to move without using your hands. Move forward in small "steps", hands can make auxiliary movements in the air. First forward, then backward in the same way.
  2. Hip lift. This activity is good because it can be done both at home and at work. If you find it difficult to complete this exercise, try to lean on some kind of support while doing it, for example, you can hold on to a door frame. Do this prostate exercise while standing. While inhaling, slowly raise the leg, bending it at the knee, until the thigh is parallel to the floor. Next, a smooth exhalation - tighten the buttock, while not touching the floor with your feet, take your leg behind your back. Hold it in this position for a few seconds. Do 3 sets for each limb. When doing such physical exercises for prostatitis, it is important not to bend at the waist, keeping your back straight and straight, without bending over.
  3. Butt lift. Take a lying position, bending your knees, arms freely along the body. Bending your knees, plant your feet on the floor. While inhaling, lift the pelvis and arch your back, while tensing the muscles of the buttocks, fix the body for 1-2 seconds. Exhale as you lower yourself down. This exercise is recommended not only for men, but also for women, since, in addition to stimulating the work of the prostate, it strengthens the muscles of the buttocks.
  4. Scissors feet. It is performed in a prone position, while the lower back should be pressed to the floor. During the entire exercise, the arms should remain motionless. Stretch them along the body and, bending your knees, raise your lower limbs from the floor by 13-15 cm. This is the starting position. Next, raising your left leg to 45°, lower your right leg down until it is 5-8 cm from the floor. In reverse, switch legs. Move them vertically. This exercise has no minimum reps.

Chronic prostatitis and physical methods of dealing with it

Acute and chronic stages of prostatitis do not tolerate serious physical exertion, and therefore you should be very careful about choosing exercises for prostatitis at this stage.

In chronic prostatitis, exercises do not differ significantly from those performed in any other form of this disease. The only difference is that any complex physical activity should be excluded. Classes should be relatively easy, without causing much discomfort.

Exercises for chronic prostatitis are suitable for solving a number of different male problems, especially if they are performed systematically. Often, performing exercises for prostatitis, you not only normalize the process of blood circulation in the prostate, as well as the pelvic organs, but also relieve congestion in the body. After all, stagnation of lymph and blood in the pelvic organs and in the prostate area is the main problem for men and contributes to the development of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Physical therapy for chronic prostatitis normalizes the processes of defecation and urination, which are almost always disturbed at this stage of the disease. They directly affect the nerve endings of the muscles, relaxing them, as a result of which the blood and lymphatic vessels in the pelvic organs and the prostate cease to be compressed, the arterial and venous blood flow is activated.

True, there is one but. At this stage of the disease, it is important that the proctologist selects physiotherapy exercises for prostatitis, taking into account various individual factors: the stage of the disease, how the disease manifests itself, what symptoms are observed, the general condition of the body and other characteristics.

It has been proven that 2-3 intercourse per week is an excellent prophylactic against prostatitis and reduces the risk of relapse, can significantly reduce the course of the chosen treatment. Please note that the interruption of sexual intercourse, as well as the delay in ejaculation, are unacceptable in this case. At this time, condoms or hormonal preparations should become contraceptives.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


With a disease called "Prostatitis", it is necessary to perform special exercises for the prostate, and make such training the norm of everyday life. A well-chosen complex strengthens a weakened muscle, relieves a man of a number of unpleasant symptoms in case of impaired functioning of the genitourinary system, and increases self-esteem. Simple exercises for the prostate gland can be performed at home at any free time, as soon as necessary.

What is Prostate Exercise

To strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh, uniform physical activity is required. For healthy men, this is an effective prevention of prostate adenoma, for patients it is an opportunity to restore male strength and forget about prostatitis forever. With physical activity, proper nutrition and the complete absence of bad habits, exercise for the prostate is an effective method of dealing with such an unpleasant disease.

Among the additional benefits of the training complex, doctors highlight the strengthening of the muscles of the buttocks, legs and abdominal area; an effective method of combating inflammation, exacerbations of prostatitis and the chronic disease itself. The attending physician recommends performing exercises for the inflamed prostate gland regularly in order to quickly transfer the chronic ailment into remission.

Why is prostate exercise important?

With prostatitis, internal discomfort keeps a man in suspense, making him extremely nervous and irritable in the family and for others. The development of a characteristic ailment does become the cause of an inferiority complex. To eliminate or prevent fluid stagnation in the prostate gland, it is necessary to choose a training complex consisting of simple exercises for the prostate gland, and perform it in a comfortable home environment. If you use this method of treatment and prevention, positive changes in the body are presented below:

  • stimulation of systemic blood flow of the genitourinary system;
  • treatment and prevention of hypodynamia of the prostate gland;
  • elimination of problems in the work of the nervous system;
  • strengthening weak muscles of the perineum;
  • treatment, productive rehabilitation of the hip joints.

Exercises for prostatitis

With a satisfactory condition of the prostate, treatment is required to begin with a visit to the urologist. First, the specialist determines the etiology of the pathological process, then gives valuable advice on the productive restoration of the affected organ. Men at risk should choose for themselves exercises for the prevention of prostatitis and regularly hone their technique. Here is what urologists advise:

  • yoga classes;
  • exercise therapy full course;
  • implementation of the Kegel technique at home.

Physical exercise

Home gymnastics for prostatitis gives good results in the fight against a characteristic ailment. The following manipulations are shown to be carried out for 5 minutes daily, and spend 5 minutes of free time on this. Reps for each exercise - 2-3, approaches - as desired. Movements should be accurate, and breathing should be even, deep. Here are effective exercises for the treatment of prostatitis, which additionally tighten the body and muscles, remove such an unpleasant health problem:

  1. Place the torso on a horizontal surface, stretch the arms along the body to the straightened lower limbs. Raise one knee to your chest at once and hold it in this position for 15 seconds. Two - return to the starting position. Perform similar manipulations with the second leg. 2-3 repetitions are shown.
  2. Remaining in a horizontal position, bend your knees. At times - lift the buttocks area up and hold it at the top for 15 seconds. Then lower yourself down and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 3-4 more times in a row.
  3. Roll over on your stomach, arms are straightened in front of the body, legs are also along the entire length. While controlling your breath, simultaneously raise your arms and legs up, imitating the flight of Superman. Hold at this height for 15 seconds, then return to the start.
  4. Get on all fours, tighten your stomach as much as possible. Stretch your right arm forward and left leg back, freeze for 15 seconds. Return to the starting position, relax the body for a couple of seconds and repeat the movement from the opposite side.
  5. Lie on your back, take a deep breath and strain your abdominal muscles as much as possible for a quarter of a minute, after which you can relax. First, the patient begins to suffocate after 5 seconds, then he is ready to hold on for a minute.

Squats for prostatitis

With a characteristic ailment, the prostate gland is in a stagnant state. To normalize the outflow of urine and restore the functions of the reproductive system, it is necessary to regularly perform tilts and squats. There are several modifications of the last exercise, which are lonely useful for forgiveness, help to bring health back to normal in the shortest possible time. It is shown to do the exercises daily, while not paying attention to the growing feeling of discomfort. So:

  1. Take a vertical position while standing, while holding on to the back of the chair with one hand. For one - to perform deep squats, for two - to take the starting position. The recommended number of repetitions is 3-5 times.
  2. Still holding the back of the chair, perform high-quality squats, and then rise on the toes of both feet. This exercise is effective for inflamed prostate, is a safe way to prevent chronic prostatitis.
  3. The final exercise is leg raises, when you need to alternately stand on a slight elevation, while raising the gluteal muscles as much as possible and not only.


To normalize the disturbed functions of the prostate gland, it is recommended to perform daily simple exercises that are available for the prostate at home. The benefits of physiotherapy exercises are colossal, and with strong efforts, a characteristic health problem can be forgotten once and for all. Here are effective approaches for every day for the patient to note:

  1. Take a sitting position on the buttocks, while stretching your legs in front of you. Make translational movements of the booty so that the body gradually moves.
  2. Take a prone position, arms and legs at the seams. It is important not only to lie down, but also to perform the classic Bicycle exercise, which is especially useful for an inflamed prostate.
  3. In a standing position, it is recommended to spread your legs in opposite directions. First, perform 20 swings with the right foot, then the same number with the left.

Kegel exercises for men

To ensure the health of the prostate, not only physical activity and proper nutrition are important, but also a complete rejection of bad habits. Kegel exercises will not be superfluous, which are allowed to be performed in any environment unnoticed by others. The main goal is to work out the muscles of the prostate, strengthen them and prevent the recurrence of the underlying disease. For example, when going to the toilet, it is recommended to delay the jet, thereby affecting the impaired blood circulation. Other Kegel exercises are listed below:

  1. Tighten the muscles of the perineum for 10 seconds, then gently relax them. Perform this exercise for 1 minute - you get up to 3-4 approaches.
  2. Sharply strain and relax the muscles of the prostate, while occupying a preferably horizontal position. Repeat the exercise for several minutes.
  3. An effective way to restore the functions of the prostate are massage movements of the perineum. One of the main rules is the regularity of movements.

Exercises after removal of prostate adenoma

If the patient has more serious health problems than classic inflammation of the prostate, a comprehensive approach to the problem is required. One solution is to remove the prostate adenoma surgically, followed by a period of rehabilitation. To restore the functions of the affected organ, doctors recommend performing the following simple exercises at home:

  1. From a prone position, raise straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees, and then return them to their original position. Perform 4-5 repetitions of one exercise.
  2. In the same starting position, it is required to rhythmically strain and relax the toes of the feet for a minute, then take a minute break and repeat the approach. Only 4-5 repetitions.
  3. In a prone position with hands under the buttocks, strain the sphincter for 10 seconds, after which you can relax and repeat the approach again, straining and working through the rectum.
  4. Lying on your back, raise your legs to an angle of 45 degrees, and then, in such a suspended state, rotate your feet clockwise and counterclockwise.
  5. Lying on your back with your hands at the seams and legs along the body, you need to bend in an arc, and in this position it is supposed to freeze for a few seconds. Then relax and repeat the exercise 4-5 more times.