Extracurricular activity "Medicinal plants". "Legends of herbs Secrets of healing herbs script

  • 13.06.2019

extracurricular activity

"Green Pharmacy"


    familiarity with various medicinal plants, use;

Educational tasks:

    consolidation in progress gaming activity theoretical knowledge gained in the lessons of natural history and biology, social orientation;

    involvement in lexicon new words and expressions;

    development of communication skills;

    implementation of intersubject communications.

Corrective tasks:

    development of memory, attention;

    development of figurative thinking;

    development of creative imagination;

    development of perception;

    increased self-esteem, reduced anxiety.

Educational tasks:

    fostering love and respect for the subjects studied;

    development of creative abilities of students;

    self-realization of the personality of a teenager in a team through extracurricular activities.

Event progress (slide number 1)

Leading: "Green Pharmacy" for many centuries was the main supplier of medicines. Today we will talk about these plants. I invite you to take part in the Green Pharmacy game. But for this we need to select the players.

I present our teams: the team - "PHARMACISTS" and the team - "HERBALISTS"

In order to start our event, I would like to introduce our esteemed jury. (jury presentation) Our jury will evaluate the participants on a five-point system.

Ahead of us are competitions and entertainment for teams. So, let's begin!

(slide number 2)

Leading: The forest is not only for fun,

He is the wealth of the whole country.

All the trees in it and the herbs

Raised for our benefit.

The forest is like a fairytale kingdom

There are only medicines around,

In every grass, in every branch

And medicine and pills.

Well, what and how to treat,

I can teach you.

(slide number 3)

Many herbs grow useful

On the land of the native country.

Can cope with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort

Competition 1. « mysterious flower » (slide number 4)

Leading: (slide number 5) 2 people from each team receive an envelope with a flower cut into pieces. We need to collect a flower. Who quickly? For a correctly assembled flower and speed, the team receives 5 points.

Fans are encouraged to think(on click)- the following riddle was composed about this plant: “The name of which flower consists of a particle, a preposition and the name of a sentry room?”

At the end of the task - check.


(slide number 6) IN traditional medicine decoctions and infusions of this plant were recommended for pulmonary diseases, coughs, skin rashes.

The jury evaluates the first competition and makes the first marks.

Competition 2. « What's first, what's next? »

(slide number 7)

Leading: (slide number 8) 2 people from each team receive an envelope with cards. Within two minutes, you need to arrange the cards in correct sequence. One of the jury members will keep track of the time. For the task, you can earn 3 points.

(slide number 9)

Job verification(on click) The correct sequence of pictures: 1,2,3,4.

Mother and stepmother

(slide number 10)

In folk medicine, coltsfoot is used for coughs, liver diseases, tonsillitis, colds (runny nose), and pulmonary tuberculosis.


(slide number 11) .

Dandelion leaves and roots are used for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, jaundice, gastritis, and constipation.

A decoction of dandelion roots tones the body, improves metabolism in case of skin diseases. Dandelion ordinary has antipyretic, diaphoretic, antihelminthic properties. Dandelion leaf tincture relieves intoxication caused by snake bites.

Competition 3. « Inside out » (slide number 12)

Leading: (slide number 13) 2 people from each team receive an envelope. In this envelope you will receive a riddle and letters. You need to make up the answer to the riddle from the letters. Let's see which command will execute faster! For a correctly composed word, the team receives a maximum of 3 points.

(slide number 14) LAIAMN - Hanging red beads
They look at us from the bushes
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears.

At the end of the task(on click)- examination.

The jury evaluates the competition, give marks.


(slide number 15)

Prepare a corrective syrup that improves the taste of children's medicines. Berries in the form of infusion are used as a diaphoretic and emollient, are part of diaphoretic fees.


slide number 16)

Tea from dried strawberry leaves for diseases of the spleen, gastritis, bronchial asthma, neurasthenia and insomnia, to improve appetite and digestion. Infusions of leaves and delicious fruits are effective in beriberi, atherosclerosis, uterine bleeding, have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Competition 4. "Labyrinth of medicinal

plants » (slide number 17)

Leading: (slide number 18) Each team is given a card with a labyrinth on the table. Each participant goes through one stage of the maze and passes the card to the next player.

You need to get through it as quickly as possible. It is necessary to put down the riddle number next to the corresponding flower. For a correctly completed labyrinth and speed, the team receives 3 points.

The jury evaluates the competition, give marks.

R omashka

( slide number 19)

Infusion of chamomile wash the wounds, make lotions, rinse the mouth and throat with tonsillitis, laryngitis.


(slide number 20)

Medications from blue cornflower is used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder.

Competition 5. « Puzzles" (slide number 21)

Leading: (on click) Be careful, now you will be guessed interesting riddles. Teams will answer in turn. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If a team cannot give a correct answer, the next team can answer.

(slide number 22)
1. Those berries are very useful, children,

And for the stomach, believe me,

Yes, and they do not interfere with the eyes,

They are included in the menu of astronauts. (on click)(Blueberry)

(slide number 23)

2. Seeds like claws
Yellow-red flowers.
Help from the throat
Who doesn't know them. (on click)(Calendula.)
(slide number 24)
3. "Cat Grass" -
Sick amendment:
Spine in the first-aid kit,
To help my heart. (on click)(Valerian)
(slide number 25)
4. The traveler often hurts his leg
Here is the doctor on the road. (on click)(Plantain.)

(slide number 26)

5. Grass that grows on the slopes
And on green mounds
The smell is strong and fragrant
And her green leaf
We're going for tea.
What kind of weed, answer! (on click)(Origanum)

(slide number 27)

6. Evil, like a she-wolf,
Burns like mustard.
What is this wonder?
Same ….. (on click)(Nettle)

The jury evaluates the competition, gives marks and sums up the preliminary results.


(slide number 28)

Grass is prescribed to increase appetite, improve digestion, with bronchitis, for gargling in the treatment of tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis.

P plantain

(slide number 29)

Competition 6. « Freeze" (slide number 30)

Leading: (on click ) Recognize a medicinal plant from its photograph. Teams will answer in turn. For each correctly named plant, the team receives 1 point. If a team cannot give a correct answer, the next team can answer.

    Linden. (slide number 31)

    Maple. (slide number 32)

    Oak. (slide number 33)

    Alder. (slide number 34)

    Pine. (slide number 35)

    Birch. (slide number 36)

The jury evaluates the competition, give marks.


(slide number 37)

Infusion of pine needles is used as an expectorant and choleretic agent, used to relieve pain in diseases of the joints.


(slide number 38)

An infusion of birch leaves is drunk for edema, kidney disease, anemia, as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

Competition 7. « Rebuses» (slide number 39)

Leading: (on click) Solve puzzles.

Teams will answer in turn.

For each correctly named plant, the team receives 5 points.

If a team cannot give a correct answer, the next team can answer. .

(slide number 40)

(on click) KALANHOE

(slide number 41)


(slide number 42)

(on click) SANSEVIERA

(slide number 43)

(on click) ALOE

(slide number 44)

Leading: Currently, there are about 600 plant species used in medicine.

Today we remembered the plants we have known for a long time.

I would like to hope that you will be able to successfully apply the knowledge gained during the game about the medicinal properties of plants in various life situations.

(slide number 45)

Thanks for attention!

The jury evaluates the competition, gives marks and sums up the final results. The winner is announced.

MR Kaltasinsky district RB Babaevskaya secondary school

Extracurricular activity on the topic

« Medicinal plants are a wonderful wealth of nature. Protection of medicinal plants»

Completed by the teacher MOBU Babaevskaya secondary school

Akhmadieva Tatyana Vasilievna


Topic: Medicinal plants are a wonderful wealth of nature. Protection of medicinal plants

Goals: introduce children to medicinal plants; compose environmental regulations collection of medicinal plants; develop thinking, memory; develop respect for nature.

Equipment : drawings, photographs of medicinal plants, herbarium, crossword puzzle, rebuses, environmental signs, recording "Voices of birds".

Lesson progress

I. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with the amazing inhabitants of the kingdom of Flora (plant world). These inhabitants are medicinal plants. You will learn what plants are called medicinal, where they grow, how to collect them correctly.

II. Eco stop.

We have an important guest in a hurry. Guess the riddle and you will know his name.

There is one such flower, you cannot weave it into a wreath.

Blow lightly on it, there was a flower - and there is no flower.


Guys, what does this ecological sign mean?

Why can't you pick flowers?(They did not have time to give the seeds.)

The most unpleasant thing for a traveler is to hurt his leg and lose the ability to move. But the Green Pharmacy can help.

By the roads grows a nondescript plantain flower with a rosette of leaves, from the middle of which a stalk with green balls of seeds rises. Tear off a leaf, apply it to a sore spot, and you will feel how the pain gradually subsides. Soon you will stop limping and forget about your savior. What to remember about him? After all, it's just a plantain.

3 Rules for the collection and processing of medicinal plants.

Students write rules and draw environmental signs.

R e a l o f o r f o r e : what to collect.

One must precisely learn to distinguish the plants to be collected from similar species. You also need to know which parts of the plants have medicinal value; some take only flowers, others take leaves, and others take stems. Fruits, berries, seeds are collected only when they are fully ripe.

Rule two: when to collect.

Medicinal plants have the most healing power in certain months. Valerian, for example, is recommended to be collected in April and September, dandelions - in May and September, coltsfoot - only in May, wild rose - in September, etc. In addition, you need to consider that it is better to collect plants in dry weather .

R u l o t e r t e: how to collect.

Stock up in advance with everything you need for collection (scoops, knives, scissors, bags), arrange with the pharmacy so that it will definitely accept the collected plants. All participants must wash their hands after collecting medicinal raw materials.

R u t f u r t u t: where to collect.

Each plant has certain places of growth that you need to know. Easily accessible gathering places, such as slopes near highways, should be avoided, because the flowers and leaves of plants accumulate harmful substances- products of car exhaust gases. It is also impossible to collect medicinal plants in those places that have been treated with pesticides. If you notice a single plant in a clearing and there are no similar plants nearby, you can’t tear it. You can not collect in those places where there are very few medicinal plants.

R e a l o f f e s: collecting, preserving.

Many medicinal plants have become rare, for example, the medicinal herb valerian has almost disappeared in a number of areas. Even wild plants a lot at the place of collection, be sure to leave a few strong, healthy specimens. Take exactly as much as you need, do not tear in vain, and know how to properly save the collected plants.

Air dry medicinal plants in the shade. Especially good places for drying - country attics.

When drying, lay the plants separately, the plants should not be mixed up with each other. Make sure that neither earth, nor sand, nor dirt gets on the plants. Then everything will go to work, nothing will be wasted.

4 Quiz "Green pharmacy under your feet."

The teacher reads the description of the medicinal plant, the students name it and talk about its use.

Description 1. I am both a weed and a medicinal plant at the same time. My Russian name comes from the ancient Russian word "koprina" - silk. From my stems, fiber was obtained for the production of fabrics. Even fairy tales talk about it. Remember Andersen's fairy tale "Wild Swans". I can perfectly stop bleeding, saturate your body with vitamins. That is why in the spring, when there are few vitamins, you can cook not only tasty, but also healthy dishes from me.(Nettle.)

Description 2. This berry is one of the favorite berries in Siberia, it is called the grape of the North. Indeed, in terms of nutritional and medicinal purposes, it is not inferior to the solar berry. In Siberia, it grows in the zone of coniferous forests. Berries are harvested twice a year - in autumn and spring.(Cranberry.)

Description 3. This is a beautiful deciduous tree with dark bark and spreading crown. The flowers of this tree are ancient folk remedy with a cold.(Linden.)

Description 4. This plant is used in medicine as an expectorant for coughs. Anyone who has been to peat bogs on a hot summer day will surely remember the strong intoxicating smell. The source is the leaves of one of the plants. Its name comes from the ancient word "bagulit" - to poison.(Ledum.)

Description 5. In the old days in Russia, this plant was considered "herb from ninety-nine diseases." By a special royal decree, the plant was brought from Siberia to Moscow. However, as it turned out, in vain. There is also a lot of it in the forests of the European part of Russia. Popular rumor endowed the grass with a "terrible" power - they say, it mows down any beast to the right and left. Hence the name of the herb. What is this herb?(St. John's wort.)

Description 6. In the old days, this plant was called soldier's grass. And indeed: it is bold, hardy, not afraid of either heat, or frost, or bad soils. It stops bleeding and heals wounds. According to legend, Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, healed his friend Patroclus with this herb. Therefore, the plant was called "Achilles grass". And how does the Russian people call this grass?(Yarrow.)

V. Rebus "Medicinal plants".

6 Summary of the lesson.

What plants are called medicinal?

How to collect medicinal plants?

Solve the crossword and read the key phrase.

Question r d y :

Sick amendment:

Spine in the first-aid kit,

To help my heart.


2. Who doesn't know you

Wild flower:

white eyelashes,

Golden eye.


3. Oh, don't touch me

I'll burn without fire.


4. Leaflets - paired,

Flowers are amber

Fruits are insidious:

They heal and hurt.

(St. John's wort.)

5. Alenka is sitting

In a red shirt;

Who walks past

Everyone bows down.


6. Steppe grass bunch simple,

It also smells dry.

And at once steppe over me

All charm resurrects ...


7. In the forest and in the swamp

You will find weed.

And on it a bunch turns blue -

A handful of sweet and sour berries.


8. The traveler often hurts his legs -

Here is the doctor on the road.


9. By the river, in the meadow,

Barefoot in the snow

First flowers -

Yellow eyes.

(Mother and stepmother.)

10. The claw is short,

And passed through the earth

Found a cap of gold.


11. Berries are not sweet,

But the eye is joy

And gardens - decoration,

And thrushes - a treat.


Key phrase: medicinal plants.

He's a weed, he's a flower

Helped me from my illness.

How to sit on the sofa

I remember yellow ... (dandelion)

light blue balloon,

Though prickly, but not evil.

And in a bouquet, he is not bad.

Who it? (Thistle)

Everyone is fighting me

Can't calm down

Everyone shouts: "Trouble, trouble!"

What's in the garden? (Quinoa)

Inconspicuous among the herbs,

She has a calm disposition.

Who is proud of usefulness?

Fragrant ... (oregano)

If something hurts

Not even the beast can resist.

With what herb to drink infusion?

With miracle grass ... (St. John's wort)

Tasty tea and fragrant,

With her, he is light and pleasant:

The leaves are torn and dented.

What are you breathing in? - The smell ... (mint)

If you cut the grass

You know, you can't wipe your hands.

Doctor of all pharmacy affairs,

Who heals wounds? (Celandine)

The sun dries the grass in the heat,

Warms dark oak forests,

And in the forest the spring is ringing,

In a hurry to drink the herbs,

Strength will give them to be reborn:

It will smell like honey ... (lungwort)

You will meet him along the paths,

You will heal wounds, abrasions,

Pluck off the leaf carefully.

Who will heal us? (Plantain)

If the stem is broken,

It's hard to wash your hands!

Yellow juice in leaves

In little flowers

That juice for good clean deeds,

And what kind of weed? (Celandine)

1. Grass that grows on the slopes
And on the green hills.
The smell is strong and fragrant
And her green leaf
We're going for tea.
What kind of weed - h ..., guess. thyme

2. In the garden, a fragile umbrella
Slowly growing up.
What is your name? "Prokop" -
Will tell us loudly...

3. Bitter in the hay,
And sweet in the cold.
What is a berry? Rowan

4. Here is a green coquette,
Celery neighbor.
Pointy-nosed old woman
We know you, ... parsley

5. Here is the green arrow
To the light, to the sun rose.
We put it in soup
After all, seasoning is ... onion

6. The berry brush is beautiful,
yellow or red,
I'm afraid to get it -
I'll prick on the thorns.
But I respect from childhood
Heart remedy.hawthorn

7. A family lives underground,
We water them from a watering can.
Both Polina and Antoshka
Let's dig...

8. A mod like this one
The earth has not yet seen
He loves very much in the summer
Show off in a downy hat.dandelion

9. This vegetable pumpkin brother -
Also looks chubby.
Lie down under the leaf on the barrel
Between the beds ... zucchini

10. Sits on a stick
In a red shirt
The belly is full
Briar stuffed with pebbles

11. There is a crooked root and a horned one,
Healing power rich.
And maybe two centuries
He's waiting for a man
In the thicket of the forest
Under the cedar pine. rose hip

12. Burn without fire
And you and me
And he lives by the wattle fence.

13. Bitter weed,
Correction to the stomach
And fragrant herself
And sweeps clean.

14. You hurt your leg while hiking,
Fatigue won't let me go
Bend over: soldier on the road
Ready to help you along the way.

I hope that solving the riddles was not difficult. After all, we are well acquainted with them. Below are the correct answers to riddles about plants and very short description their healing activities. I think that they will still play an important role in the life of each of us. But remember that each plant has not only healing properties but also contraindications. Therefore, do not forget to consult your doctor before using them.

1. Thyme . It is considered a very strong antiseptic. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, antispasmodic, mild hypnotic, used for worms.

2. Dill . It has choleretic qualities, instantly relieves headache and helps with insomnia.

3. Rowan . Recommended for atherosclerosis. Rowan phytoncides are deadly for Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella bacteria, as well as for mold fungus. It is often used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent.

4. Parsley . Parsley contains magnesium and calcium salts. In medicine, it is used for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, loss of appetite, loss of strength, to improve vision.

5. Onion . Bactericidal and antiseptic plant, improves appetite, digestion, increases the body's resistance to infections.

6. Hawthorn . It is prescribed for atherosclerosis, hypertension, arrhythmias, heart weakness, anxiety and constant stress.

7. Potatoes . - Improves metabolism, curative for burns, eczema. Its juice has a beneficial effect on gastritis with high acidity, promotes scarring of ulcers, and lowers blood pressure.

9. vegetable marrow . Contributes to the normalization of water-salt metabolism and blood purification, as a diuretic and helps to get rid of excess water and salt.

10. Rose hip . They include vitamins C, K, A, E, P, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, as well as cobalt, molybdenum and copper, pectins, sugars, org. acids, and many other elements.

11. Ginseng . Can be used for sickness diabetes Type I and II, complicating diabetes necrosis and trophic ulcers, malnutrition, chronic fatigue syndrome, to restore the body.

12. Nettle . It is used to stop bleeding, with purulent wounds and small ulcers, as it has disinfecting qualities.

13. Sagebrush . In folk medicine, it is recommended for stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, anemia, insomnia, rheumatism, obesity, flatulence, migraine, pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, hypertension, ascariasis, fever, edema, bad smell from mouth.

14. Plantain . Its leaves contain carotene, phytoncides, lemon acid, glycoside aucubin, enzymes, tannins, as well as bitter components. Plantain is used for bruises, wounds, insect bites, burns, as a means to stop the blood. It has good anti-inflammatory properties.

extracurricular activity

"Medicinal plants of the Khabarovsk Territory". 3rd grade

Teacher MOU secondary school No. 32, Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Kadykova Elena Nikolaevna


To acquaint with the famous and interesting herbal plants of our region, with their medicinal properties;

To expand students' knowledge about medicinal plants of our region;

Establishment causation between the individual elements of nature;

Development of cognitive abilities of the student, communication skills, curiosity;

Raising a sense of patriotism native nature,

careful attitude to it, protection and reasonable use of its wealth.

1. Introduction to the topic. (To the music) Slide (forest)

U: I don’t walk in the steppe,

I go to the pharmacy.

I understand her

Herbal filing cabinet.

boundless steppe,

endless steppe,

You're an unwritten strange recipe.

Here in the thickets of the forest, where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where clean air is so sweet to breathe,

There is healing power in herbs and flowers,

For all those who know how to solve their mystery.

What is the verse about? (about nature, plants)

U: Today I invite you to take a trip to the enchanted, wonderful world nature, the world of flora. Slide (Flora) There is not a single useless plant in it.

The topic of the lesson (read in chorus) is "Forest pharmacy in the service of man." Slide)

We will find out how ordinary herbs can help human health.

2. Work in pairs.

And we will travel under the motto ....-Collect a proverb and find out.

I will save my health, I will help myself. (Slide)

About 300 years ago, the first pharmacies appeared in Russia, where medicinal herbs were sold. And in ancient times, medicinal herbs were collected by specials. people. What were they called?

3. U: Guess the crossword . Slide

1. Like pines, like Christmas trees, and in winter without needles. (Larch)

2. The long-legged sisters went out into the meadow in a flock.

The word snow has cilia and, like the sun, an eye. (Chamomile)

3. What is my name - tell me, I often hide in rye, A modest wild flower, blue-eyed ... (Cornflower)

4. Golden and young in a week became gray-haired, And in two days the head became bald,

I'll hide the former in my pocket ... (Dandelion)

5. You hurt your leg on a campaign, fatigue does not allow you to go,

Bend down, the soldier by the road is ready to help you along the way. (Plantain)

6. Red beads hang, they look at us from the bushes, These children, birds and bears are very fond of beads. (Raspberries)

7. Ask a calf and a lamb: there is no tastier flower in the world, It is not by chance that it is called red porridge for its taste and color. (Clover)

8. Lives by the fence, does not recognize anyone,

Not a dog, but bites and does not give a pet. (Nettle)

Output : People, collectors of lek. herbs were called herbalists." ( Appeared on the board the word herbalist)

What unites all the words-guesses? (This is a medicinal herb)

4. "From the world of history" (student tells)

Man has long noticed that animals among many plants choose only those that help them to be treated.

Man began to study these plants and their properties. In Russia, such people were called "herbalists". So there was knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants that we now use.

The first essay on lek. herbs belongs to an eminent doctor Ancient Greece Hippocrates, who lived BC. e. He described over 200 plant species. (The word appears on the board Hippocrates)

5. Meeting with the herbalist and her grandchildren.

U: - Guys, would you like to meet an herbalist who knows a lot about the healing properties of plants that grow in the vicinity of our region?

But she will come with her grandchildren, to whom she passes on her knowledge.

Meet! (Music sounds. Enter the class)

Yegorovna: My name is Grandma Yegorovna. And these are my successors.

To learn secrets to lay down. herbs, you need to know a lot about the nature around you, be able to observe the weather, follow the rules and traditions in the house of nature.

What house are we talking about - guess!

Mystery. (Grandson)

The house is open on all sides, The house is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house, you will see miracles in it. (Forest)

Reading poetry - I (Grandchildren)

The forest is like a fairytale kingdom

Medicines are growing all around

In every grass, in every branch -

Both medicine and pills.

Well, what and how to treat

We can teach you.

All medicinal plants

We know without exception.

Just don't be lazy
You just need to learn

Find plants in the forest

What are suitable for treatment!

Grandson: We will introduce you to some of them now.

There is a curl in the forest - a white shirt,

In the middle is golden, who is she?

6. Physical

Find the answer, it is hidden near you.

Music sounds, Chamomile appears.

Slide. (With photo and text)

It's me, Chamomile. Chamomile - translates as "sweet simplicity." My homeland is America. A long time ago, like a weed, I got into the hold of steamers with grain, then I went along railway. There were gaps in the cars, and my small seeds scattered along the railroad tracks. Soon the mounds were covered with soft and fragrant grass. So I ended up in Russia.

Teacher: Dear Chamomile, how are you useful?

Chamomile: Tear off the petal and find out how useful I am.

1st - Treats cough

2 - oh - Relieves fever

3rd - Use when washing hair
4 - th - Washing with a strong decoction, the skin becomes velvety and tender.

5th - Treats toothache

7. Chamomile : Remember a simple folk remedy.

If your throat hurts.

Take 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of water and one pinch of chamomile, honey. Mix everything together, boil, strain and drink instead of tea.

Egorovna: Guys, do you know medicinal plants?

8. Try to guess and remember the medicinal properties of these plants.

Group work. (Each group has a card)

1. Plants that reduce warts. (Celandine)

2. The flowers of this tree are used as a tea for colds. (Linden)

3. Green cabbage soup is cooked from this vitamin plant. (Sorrel)

4. For the Russian people, this is a lek. the plant was called "agave".

What is its scientific name? (Aloe)

5 healing tree with a white trunk, a supplier of healing juice. (Birch)

6. Medicinal plant, which is part of almost all chewing gums. (Mint)

- Say the extra word. (Aloe)

Well done!


A thin stem near the path, at the end of his catkin.

On the ground are leaves - small burdocks.

He is like a good friend to us, he heals wounds of the legs and arms.

9. Physical - ka. (Children are looking for an answer)

Music sounds, Plantain appears. ( Slide)

10. Plantain: I am the Plantain. There is a legend about how my healing properties were discovered. Two snakes lay on the road, basking in the sun. Suddenly, a cart came round the corner, One snake managed to crawl away, but the other did not. People stopped and saw how the snake that had crawled away brought a plantain leaf to the wounded man, and after a while they disappeared from sight together.

Teacher: Dear Plantain, how are you useful?

P: And this is what I want to ask the guys.


A toothache, an eye is inflamed, a heart hurts, gums are bleeding, you get hurt, cut yourself, your stomach hurts - run to me urgently!

11. Egorovna : Listen to my folk remedy.

You rubbed your leg - about misfortune.

It is necessary to pick a plantain leaf, wrap it around a sore spot. The leaf pleasantly cools and the pain gradually disappears.

12. Music. Landysh enters. (No crown)

Mystery. (Slide)

I bloom in spring

Only the forest snow will come down.

And on every stem in a row,

Like light bulbs are on.

Teacher: Oh, who are you?

Slide with text only.

13. Lily of the valley : I am a medicinal plant, meaning "lily of the valleys," blooming in May. They call me the lifeguard human lives. I am a forest flower, but now they plant me in parks, on summer cottages. And what beautiful flowers I have - bluebells! And they smell great! But you can’t tear me - I am listed in the Red Book. (Show)

Lily of the Valley: Who am I? (lily of the valley) - puts on a crown

Slideshow with illustrations and text.

Lily of the valley is used:

For the treatment of kidneys, heart, blood vessels, for abdominal pain,

Acts as a sedative.

Girls rubbed their cheeks with lily of the valley juice to be ruddy.

Chorus! Lily of the valley is not only healing, but also poisonous. Its fruits are poisonous.

Eating it raw is deadly!

Teacher: So how is the lily of the valley different from other plants that we talked about today? (He's poisonous)

14. Poisonous plants.

Name plants that are harmful to humans, but are medicine or food for animals.

Slide. Crow's eye. (Photo)

raven eye ---- birds----medicine

Slide. Wolf's bast (Photo)

Wolf bast ------- nectar ------- bees, ants


U: Guys, let's conduct a small exam for our guests - Grandmother Egorovna and her grandchildren.

15. Exam.

1. This is a burning plant, when cooking green cabbage soup, it can replace sorrel. (Nettle)

2. A sweet substance that bees produce by collecting pollen and nectar from plants. (Honey)

3.In it a large number of starch, you can cure stomach diseases.


4. Name herbs and plants that can cure colds. (Raspberry, cranberry, coltsfoot, mint)

Well, well done, real healers!

16. Music. Rosehip, Yarrow, Lingonberry, Mother and stepmother appear.

W: Who are you? Why did you come to us?

Everything. We are visiting our friends! We are medicinal plants too!

Rose hip.

Somewhere in the more dense,

Behind the barbed fence

At the treasured place

There is a magic first aid kit:

There are red pills

Hanging on a branch.

They call me the king of the bushes

For color and smell

my petals.

Hot bush my green

Ready to hurt you

But I will help all the sick

And those who are healthy.

Teacher. We know you're a Rosehip! But how can you help?

Rose hip. Drink my infusion for prevention. It is very tasty and healthy. It contains vitamin C. And then you will not get sick with the flu!

Mother and stepmother.

The top of the leaf is smooth

But with a flannelette lining

Teacher. We know that you are Mother - and - stepmother!

Mother and stepmother. If the cough has tortured you, the inflammation has begun,

Make friends with me soon, and, I promise, everything will pass.


glossy leaf,

Berries with blush

And the bushes themselves -

Not higher than a bump.

Teacher. You are Brusnik! 7

How do you help people?


Fever, headaches, poor appetite.

Drink a decoction of my leaves

You will instantly forget about them.


A white shield on a thousand leaves, I grow on a hillock, I will help in trouble.

Teacher. How can you

help, Yarrow?

Yarrow. I, like a plantain, help people:

I heal wounds, improve my appetite, relieve various inflammations.

Let's ask all medicinal plants to go to the middle of the class and thank them for the healing properties that help a person.

improve your health.

Music (hold hands)

17. Bottom line .

I saw a young sprout,

Don't touch or tear.

Pass by, smile.

Years will pass and it will grow there

Healing herb.

Protect the green forest

Don't offend anyone!

Don't destroy the trees

Save the flowers in the forest!

Have you come to nature for help?

Be kind and take care of her.

Don't break branches, don't touch

Remember, it takes many years

So that the bush can help you again.

You, friend

Look, don't let me down!

be truthful

And good promise!

Don't hurt a bird or a cricket,

Do not buy a net for a butterfly! 8

Love flowers, forests,

field space -

All that is called your homeland!

Egorovna: I don’t want tea with cookies, with cake,

I miss taiga tea again:

With oregano, with smoke, with strawberry leaf,

But it is possible with mint, raspberries, honey.

I want to treat you all with boiling water,

With a magical, taiga, forest smell.

“I don’t go to the steppe, I go to the pharmacy
Sorting through her herbal filing cabinet."
S. Kirsanov

Initially, plants were for people not only a source of food, clothing, tools and protection. They helped a person get rid of diseases, maintain vital activity and longevity. All doctors of antiquity turned to plants. Medicinal plants were endowed with a mysterious power, their healing effect was associated with supernatural properties. There is not a single useless plant in nature. The whole green world is a kind of pharmacy.

On April 22, in the Pokrovskaya rural library, together with the Nemirovskaya rural library, as part of the all-Russian action "Library Night - 2017", an ecological holiday was held for readers of the older generation.

The guests in the library were met by Marya the herbalist (Vorotnikova M.A.), she invited the guests to go into the hall and there she shared seeds and medicinal herbs with them.
Then the head of the Intercession Library (Malysheva L.V.) spoke about the first herbalist Saint Panteleimon, about medicinal herbs Moscow suburbs and their benefits.

Then all the participants of the holiday were invited to a tea party. Various competitions were held at the table: “Find out by description”, “Tell me about your favorite recipe”. The guests listened with great interest to the story of Deputatova L.I. about the timing of the collection of medicinal plants. Everyone enjoyed reading poems about nature, about native land. It was very interesting musical competition"Sing a song about flowers or trees."

Book exhibitions, stands on the topic of medicinal plants were organized for the guests. The exhibition of the participant Sergiychik G.I. “Wonderful beads” was a great success. The evening passed in a warm and friendly atmosphere, all the guests were very pleased.

15 people attended

Prepared and held the event Malysheva L.V. and Vorotnikova M.A.

lake school

branch of MKOU "Burkovskaya secondary school"

extracurricular activity

P. Third Decider

Goal and tasks: to continue the formation of students' knowledge about the importance of plants in human life; to deepen knowledge about medicinal plants; to form skills in collecting medicinal plants, the ability to distinguish poisonous plants from non-poisonous ones; educate students to take care of their own health.

Equipment: student reports, a multimedia board for demonstrating the Green Pharmacy presentation, a crossword puzzle, riddles.

Lesson progress:

I.Teacher's introductory talk:

Here in the thickets of the forest,

Where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where clean air

So sweet to breathe

Available in herbs and flowers

healing power

For everyone who can

unravel their secret.

What does your mother do when you are sick? (children's answers)

Where do you take medicines? (In the pharmacy)

What is a pharmacy?

A pharmacy is an establishment that sells or manufactures medicines, sanitation and hygiene items.

- The topic of our lesson is "Green Pharmacy".

What do you think it is? (children's answers)

The Green Pharmacy is the oldest pharmacy on our planet, and its age is hundreds of thousands of years old. Plants are the first medicines ancient man how he used them, we will no longer know, but in the very first printed sources medicines from plants are mentioned.

A person who understands medicinal plants, knows how to make recipes, is called a Herbalist.

What medicinal plants do you know? (children's answers)

Medicinal plants have long been used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The first information about their use dates back to the 6th millennium BC. e. In Russia, herbal treatment has been known for a long time, this was done by healers, sorcerers. The greatest development of herbal treatment was under Peter I, when "apothecary gardens" began to be created. The first such gardens were created in the cities of Astrakhan and Lubny.

II. Express - students' messages about medicinal plants.(Drawing of a plant and a short story about it)

Dandelion officinalis

· Pharmaceutical camomile

Large plantain

Large celandine

· Common yarrow and others.


I am a daisy, familiar to you too

A drug friend will always help you

And if you happen to catch a cold,

A cough will bind, a fever will rise

Pull the mug towards you, in which it smokes

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction.

I am one of the most popular medicinal plants. I have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant action. My decoctions can be used for burns, frostbite, fever, allergies. For rinsing the mouth and throat, for colds. Previously used against freckles. I use inflorescences.


Plantain grows, only the time is coming

On dry and hard ground near the roads

People say good things about him:

Plantain, a humble herb, will help you.

If you cut your hand or knocked your leg

He will heal your wound and give you strength

Helping people silently, not afraid of adversity

Plantain lives on the ground next to us.

I heal wounds, cuts, stop bleeding. And my decoctions and infusions treat cough and bronchitis. The eyes are washed with decoction. Leaves and seeds are used.


On the edge of the sun I blossomed

Lilovenkie ears quietly raised

People say in the grass she is buried

Doesn't like to jump ahead

But everyone will bow to me and carefully take

I am a tricolor violet. People call me " pansies". I help with coughs, colds, allergies. Use the aerial part (grass)


Used for coughs, bronchitis, sore throats, burns, insect bites, as well as for appetite. Leaves and flowers are used.


By smell you will not confuse me with anything. I am a very fragrant plant. I soothe a headache, they use me for insomnia, for diseases of the stomach, for gargling, mouth. Also used as a condiment. Leaves and flowers are used.


I am the cat's favorite herb. Learned? I am used as a sedative for insomnia, as well as for liver diseases. Roots are used. I can be replaced by another medicinal plant - a resident of wastelands - motherwort.

St. John's wort.

I am the herb for 99 diseases. Many legends are associated with me. For a long time, people have noticed that some animals, eating me on sunny days, suffer from itching, skin inflammation, and then die. Hence the name - St. John's wort. But I help a person: they use me to treat headaches, sciatica, stomach. I improve appetite, relieve allergies. The ointment is used to heal wounds.


People call me nails. My products and infusions help in the treatment of the stomach, liver, and heart. I treat burns, bruises. Very effective rinses. They collect flower baskets from me.

III. Solving riddles.

1. He put out his thorns sharply.
His thorns are like needles.
But we will not collect thorns from him,
We will pick useful fruits for the pharmacy.

(Rosehip. Vitamin remedy.)

2. Grass that grows on the slopes
And on the green hills.
The smell is strong and fragrant
And her green leaf
We're going for tea.
What kind of weed, guess.

(Oregano, thyme.)

3. Red beads hang,
They are looking at us from the bush.
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears.

(Raspberry. From a cold.)

4. Bitter in the hayfield,
And sweet in the cold.
What is a berry?

5. I burn, not fire,
With leaves, not a tree.


6. I got out of the crumb-barrel,
Roots started up and grew.
I became tall and powerful
I'm not afraid of hail or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels
Nothing that the fruit of my chalk.

(Acorn. It is useful to gargle with sore throat, gum disease.)

7. You hurt your leg while hiking,
Fatigue won't let me go
Bend over: soldier on the road
Ready to help you along the way.


8. A mod like this one
The earth has not yet seen
He loves very much in the summer
Show off in a downy hat.


IV. Task: Find a cure.

V. Memo to the collector of medicinal plants

· Medicinal plants are harvested in sunny, dry weather: leaves and stems - during flowering, flowers - at the beginning of flowering, fruits - in the period of full ripening, roots - in autumn.

Do not collect dusty, dirty, diseased plants.

· Do not collect plants near roads and industrial plants.

Do not take medicinal plants by mouth, as many of them are poisonous.

You can not pull out the plants, they need to be cut with a knife. The roots must be dug up.

Dry medicinal plants without delay in a well-ventilated place

· You can grow medicinal plants yourself in gardens and school plots - for example: chamomile, sage, valerian, yarrow, motherwort.

· In nature, there are plants that cannot be smelled, taken into the mouth, or torn. They are poisonous!

Plant poisons in small doses are used as a medicine.


Words are given, vowels escaped from them. You must restore these words.

P __D__R_ZHN_K

VII.Summarizing. Reflection.

What did you learn about medicinal herbs today?

Is this information useful to you?

If you want to be healthy!

If you want to be healthy

Do without doctors

Eat more onions, garlic,

After all, they are of great use!

If you hurt your leg

Don't worry, don't cry

Plantain for help -

Call to yourself soon!

Blitz Poll

What is your cat's favorite herb? (Valerian)

Instead of a bandage for burns and wounds? (Plantain)

What plant can be recognized even by a blind person? (Nettle)

Decoctions of what plants are taken for colds (Linden, chamomile)

What fruits contain a lot of vitamin C (Orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit)