Headache after coffee: what is the connection. Coffee withdrawal syndrome: why your head hurts when you refuse coffee How to stop drinking coffee without a headache

  • 11.04.2021

Coffee is a stimulating drink, it invigorates, helps to concentrate. Many simply cannot imagine their morning without a cup of strong coffee. But the stimulating effect is often short-lived, and then there are uncomfortable sensations. Why does my head hurt or feel dizzy after drinking coffee? The main reason is the direct impact of the caffeine component, but not everything is so simple.

Causes of headache or dizziness after coffee

Doctors attribute these symptoms from coffee to several factors. Some of them are the characteristics of the organism, others can be periodic or one-time. In any case, this is an occasion to think about your health and the amount of caffeine consumption.

  • Change in blood pressure. Caffeine is a natural stimulant, in small doses (a cup or two) it raises blood pressure, which causes migraines, and this is immediately felt by hypertensive patients. Caffeine causes vasospasm, cerebral circulation is disturbed, and this can make you feel dizzy. In large quantities (three, four cups or just very strong coffee), it can lower blood pressure, which is felt as dizziness and weakness. Find out your normal blood pressure and adjust the portions or strength of your coffee.
  • General fatigue of the body. If you have trouble sleeping, work a lot, and use coffee as a stimulant, there can be dire consequences. Immediately after taking coffee, it really invigorates, the heart beats more actively, you feel a surge of strength. But when the stimulation subsides, fatigue will surge even more, as the body quickly uses all the remaining reserves. The head hurts quite badly.
  • Drinking sweet coffee. It happens that just one cup can significantly increase the level of sugar, and it is excreted by insulin, which requires a lot. At the same time, all organs work as actively as possible, because of which the body is overstrained, and after 20-30 minutes after drinking a cup of coffee, the head begins to unbearably hurt.
  • Overdose and intoxication. Yes, about 100 cups of coffee for a person weighing 75-80 kg is considered a lethal dose, but even 4-6 cups of coffee drunk during the day can seriously affect overall well-being. This is especially true for strong coffee without milk. Other symptoms of a caffeine overdose are heart palpitations, flushing of the face, a feeling of cloudiness and nausea, painful cramps in the stomach, and upset stools.

If you are sick or weak, be sure to reduce your standard caffeine dose.

Headache from coffee: what to do?

Headache usually indicates an overdose of caffeine constituents. Warm mint tea or just warm water works best with this, and will reduce the concentration of caffeine. If the headache is severe, you can drink more water and induce vomiting.

Well, if there is an opportunity to take a nap or sleep. In just half an hour, the body will rest, and the head will stop hurting.

If you drink coffee regularly, don't quit! Adjust the strength, the number of cups you drink, but do not quit abruptly! Your head will hurt even more.

Dizzy after coffee: what to do?

Get fresh air, take a few deep breaths. It is better to sit or lie down, do not make sudden movements and reduce physical activity. Drink clean water. Massage of the head and neck helps a lot.

What kind of coffee to drink so as not to be dizzy and not have a headache?

Natural black coffee is the most dangerous in this regard. And if the head hurts or is spinning from it, you need to look for alternatives.

  1. Coffee with milk. Reduce the concentration of caffeine at least in this way.
  2. Instant coffee. Although there is nothing useful in it, unlike natural, it helps many people get rid of headaches after coffee. Of course, the dose should be weak, and it is better to drink instant coffee with milk.
  3. decaffeinated coffee. Contains hundredths of caffeine, so it does not cause such a reaction as natural. The taste is almost the same, especially if you drink it with milk.
  4. Chicory. Not coffee, but analogue, especially to taste. If you don’t like the effect, but the taste of coffee, chicory will be a worthy replacement for natural grain, but it will not cause a headache or dizziness.

Green coffee has just as much caffeine, if not more, than regular coffee. Do not replace natural coffee with a headache!


  • Try to drink no more than two cups of coffee a day.
  • Make coffee less strong, dilute with milk or try analogues.
  • When you are sick or overworked, try to drink less coffee so as not to overload your exhausted body.
  • Many people experience headaches or dizziness after coffee, this is not a problem, and by adjusting the dose, you can continue to enjoy your favorite drink.

The cause of a headache from coffee can be overwork. At first, after a cup of drink, nervous excitement increases, the heart begins to beat faster, the mood is fine. But here the effect of caffeine wears off, and severe fatigue sets in. Forced additional load takes the last strength. The head starts to crack.

A serving of coffee with sugar also sometimes leads to disastrous consequences. The level of sugar in the blood rises. To remove it from the body, a large amount of insulin is produced. All body systems are working hard. As a result, the body is overstrained, and, as a result, the head begins to hurt some time after drinking a cup of coffee.

Severe headache, stomach pain, nausea, and even vomiting from coffee can occur after several cups drunk at short intervals. An overdose of caffeine is not useful to anyone and leads to intoxication of the body.

2 Little good and little harm

Ground bean coffee is the most insidious. Despite the fact that it contains a large amount of nutrients and a unique set of amino acids, this drink is very strong. Contains a large dose of caffeine, nicotinic acid, alkaloids. Under certain conditions, from a portion of such a drink, the head can really get sick.

If possible, it is worth replacing it with a soluble analogue. It has little caffeine, it does not have such an aggressive effect on the body. Although there is no benefit from instant coffee. In addition, the head may start to hurt from a cup and this drink. Especially after double serving. After all, instant drinks also contain caffeine.

3 How to cure a headache

There are several ways to get rid of a headache after drinking coffee. If possible, you can organize an afternoon siesta, sleep a couple of hours. Then the tired body will rest a little, gain strength. The headache will pass.

Mint tea is a good idea. At worst, if there is no mint, you can drink plain warm water. It quickly enters the blood vessels, cleanses them of excess caffeine, improves well-being.

Reduces pressure, relieves headaches relaxing massage. An alternative can be active sports games in the fresh air. The influx of oxygen relieves spasm of blood vessels, saturates the blood with oxygen, and helps the body remove toxins. If all attempts to get rid of a headache have failed, you should drink an anesthetic.

4 Caffeine free alternative

But what if you still want to drink a cup of aromatic coffee? The well-known coffee drinks are a great alternative. Both in smell and taste, they are not much different from coffee from natural beans. But they do not contain caffeine, which excites the blood.

Without worrying about the consequences, you can afford a cup of decaffeinated coffee. The dangerous component is removed from still raw coffee beans by passing superheated steam through them. The caffeine content in this coffee is eight hundredths of a percent.

Chicory coffee can be recommended to people for whom natural coffee is strictly contraindicated due to chronic diseases. It not only does not contain caffeine, but also has many useful and healing properties.

Chicory coffee is good for the stomach, improves the functioning of the liver and the digestive system as a whole, lowers blood sugar, and is useful for low-calorie diets. It contains a minimum of calories.

Do you still think it's hard to beat a headache?

  • You suffer from episodic or regular headaches
  • Presses the head and eyes or "hit with a sledgehammer" on the back of the head or knocks on the temples

Stop tolerating it, you can't wait any longer, delaying treatment. Read what Elena Malysheva advises and find out how to get rid of these problems.

Coffee and headache - what is the relationship?

Despite the fact that headaches can be called the most common problem, few people take them seriously. In order to quickly solve the emerging problem of this kind, an anesthetic pill is taken, and the head no longer hurts. Anxiety appears only if the pain begins to recur with great frequency, which can be a sign of migraine and other diseases. A common situation is the case when the head hurts after drinking a cup of coffee. Should I be worried in this case? What problems can this symptom indicate? Why the head hurts from coffee, we will consider further in detail.

Frequent headaches

Few decide to find out the true causes of headaches, as often many decide to just take pills. It should be borne in mind that there are a lot of types of pain, as well as the reasons due to which they can occur. Pain is a symptom of a health problem. An example is migraines, which also lead to periodic headaches.

Recently, you can often come across a situation where the head hurts from coffee. In order to independently analyze the causes of a headache, you should pay attention to when exactly the discomfort occurs, how long the pain lasts, whether the problem starts immediately after coffee. Indeed, in some cases, it is not caffeine that causes, for example, migraines.

How does the drink affect the body?

In order to determine why pain may appear after coffee, one should take into account what this drink, in particular caffeine, has an effect on the body. Indeed, immediately after coffee, many feel an influx of energy and vivacity.

After caffeine enters the body, stimulation of metabolism and many other processes begins. Many compare the tonic effect with a narcotic, because if you constantly drink coffee, you can get used to this drink and the body will simply require caffeine.

Caffeine leads to:

  1. Clearing up in the head.
  2. The appearance of a feeling of hunger.
  3. The desire to breathe deeply and stay awake.
  4. The appearance of an excess of energy.

All this can be called a reaction of the brain to the fact that caffeine enters the body in large quantities. Why this can lead to head fights will be considered further.

Causes of pain

Why do some people get headaches after drinking coffee? The main reasons include:

  1. A tonic drink affects the receptors. This is because the composition of caffeine is somewhat similar to that of adenosine. This substance is produced by the body throughout the day in small quantities. It is adenosine that leads to the fact that a person after a long active day decides to rest.
  2. An increase in brain activity leads to the fact that it needs more nutrients and oxygen. After coffee, many decide to go outside and take a walk, and there is also a desire to breathe deeply. If there are problems with the cardiovascular system, then the increase in blood flow after caffeine can lead to headaches.
  3. Adenosine, when produced, affects the vessels of the brain. This is manifested by the fact that the vessels begin to expand.

A high concentration of caffeine leads to the fact that the body begins to perceive it as adenosine. With the daily replacement of the main substance, a violation of the transmission of a nerve impulse occurs, a narrowing of the vessels of the brain begins with high brain activity. With a strong spasm of blood vessels, dizziness and pain occur. Therefore, after coffee, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should not drive or perform dangerous, responsible work. Note that the problem under consideration can also occur with migraine. Therefore, with a high frequency of occurrence of dizziness and pain, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Drinking an invigorating drink should also be taken into account that stimulation of brain activity leads to the activation of many other departments, for example, the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland stimulates a number of other secretions and glands that affect the adrenal glands and produce adrenaline. That is why after an invigorating drink you can observe:

  1. Pupil dilation.
  2. Pulse increase.
  3. Frequent breathing.
  4. Change in the state of the main vessels.

With migraine and other diseases, it is impossible to meet a similar reaction of the body. However, the above points are not all the effects that caffeine has on the body.

Heart and blood vessels

Nutrients and oxygen to the brain and all cells in the body are supplied through the vessels. Vasoconstriction leads to dizziness and pain, shortness of breath, nausea, and in severe cases, you can lose consciousness.

Drinking coffee is highly discouraged for those who have jumping or high blood pressure. This is due to the fact that an invigorating drink leads to stimulation of the work of not only the brain, but also the cardiovascular system due to the release of a large amount of adrenaline. An increase in pressure leads to a headache. It is worth noting that caffeine can be called one of the causes of a heart attack or stroke in case of problems with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, you should be careful with this drink.

withdrawal syndrome

Some people decide to abruptly stop drinking this drink and face even more problems. This is due to the fact that the body becomes accustomed to caffeine and with its shortage, withdrawal syndrome begins. Therefore, you should stop drinking coffee in stages, because otherwise your head will constantly hurt, you will feel drowsy.

Summing up

The head can hurt with migraines and many other problems In the case when the problem appears immediately after drinking coffee, you should seriously think about the need to visit a doctor. A similar body reaction to moderate caffeine intake may indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. With a migraine, immediately after an invigorating drink there should not be a similar reaction. Pain pills will make things worse, as they also put a strain on the heart. In order to maintain your health, you should contact specialists in a timely manner. Take care of your health and remember that no amount of money can buy it, and it is the most important thing in our life.

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When is medical assistance required?

If these measures have not solved the problem of relieving headaches from drinking coffee, then qualified medical assistance is required.

Such moments come when the pain is caused by a stable high (critical) blood pressure.

Help recipes traditional medicine

An alternative option to relieve a headache is traditional medicine recipes. These recipes are simple, and can come in handy when the necessary pharmaceuticals are not in the medicine cabinet at home.

  • A decoction based on St. John's wort. Pour boiling water over one tablespoon of herbs (200 ml) and let it brew for an hour. Strain the decoction. The remedy is taken 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.
  • Chamomile infusion. It is required to pour a tablespoon into 500 ml of water, and boil for 5-7 minutes. After, cover with a lid and leave for a minute. Separate the infusion from chamomile. Take 50 ml every 2-3 hours.

How to avoid pain?

So that the pleasure of your favorite drink does not turn into a headache, you should know a few rules. They will certainly eliminate headaches when drinking coffee.

Chicory based drink

Instead of coffee for headaches, experts suggest switching to chicory. This is the most famous coffee substitute, which more or less matches the taste of the legendary drink.

Plus chicory - the absence of caffeine, which in some cases provokes headaches.

In addition, the drink improves appetite and heart rate, reduces the amount of sugar in the blood (the property is important for diabetics).

Decaffeinated coffee

Manufacturers of natural coffee in a wide range offer this drink without the presence of caffeine. This allows coffee lovers to enjoy the drink without fear of headaches.

Drinking coffee with milk

Milk mixed with coffee reduces the effect of caffeine on the body.

This is the optimal and tasty way to avoid headaches.

Instant coffee

The concentration of caffeine from this type of drink is less than in Arabica-based coffee. Thus, the risk of headache is minimized after drinking a flavored drink.

Be sure to watch the following video

To avoid a headache after coffee, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Reduce a single dose of coffee by throwing not a teaspoon of the drink into the cup, but a little less.
  • Do not drink more than 2 cups of the drink per day.
  • When preparing a drink, add fresh milk or cream.

How to forget about pain in the joints and spine?

Read the opinion of doctors on this issue here

Editor and expert of the site zdorovya-spine.ru. Specialization: general practitioner. More than 10 years experience. City polyclinic, Smolensk. She graduated from the Smolensk State Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine. I love my profession very much.

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I feel bad and my head hurts if I don't drink coffee. What to do?

do you measure blood pressure? It is possible that you have low blood pressure. I have a friend with hypotension, she always starts her morning with coffee, and they always have a piece of chocolate or chocolate candy with them, if the pressure jumps sharply, she has a way to improve her condition.

go to a doctor, get your blood pressure checked

You either have low blood pressure, which is normalized with the help of caffeine contained in coffee. Or develop a kind of addiction. From the same caffeine.

Start monitoring your blood pressure:

1. Measure it before drinking coffee.

3.Wait half an hour and measure again.

4. If the pressure was low, but after coffee it came close to normal, then this is the reason. Visit a therapist, he will tell you what to do next.

5. If the pressure has not changed, then try to gradually reduce the concentration of coffee, so as not to aggravate the dependence on it.

6. Measure the pressure for several days, after which you will draw conclusions.

The head can hurt for many reasons. But the reduction in pain after drinking her coffee is a consequence of the effect of caffeine on orgasm. To begin with, you can try a simple way - to replace coffee with one or two (depending on the weight and size of the body) citramone tablets. If after half an hour the headache begins to subside, then it was caused by low blood pressure. But I fully agree with the answer, which refers to the addiction of the body. It's like a coffee break. Many people who drink strong black coffee for a long time and in large quantities feel the same way before taking the first cup. Although caffeine is considered a very light drug, it is addictive in the same way as more serious ones. Unless it takes longer. So, you can try and reduce the strength of the drink, or its amount. Well, advice about measuring pressure is also far from superfluous. If you have a blood pressure monitor at home, then do not be lazy and measure your pressure several times. In the morning, after an hour or two, for dinner, in the evening, before going to bed. And then correlate it all together - and coffee, and condition, and pressure. And there you can already make a decision - it suddenly turns out that you need to visit a doctor.

Coffee, if it raises the pressure, then for a very short time.

Pilots gorged on coffee know that they will pass the pre-flight medical control just minutes after drinking coffee. Conclusion: coffee does not so much increase blood pressure as it has become a habit with you. Plus, most likely, self-hypnosis.

After all, your headache and poor health do not return to you a minute after drinking coffee, do they?

So, if you can’t or don’t want to drink coffee, you should start the morning with a run or any other physical exercise. Yes, at least dance to the music. It will help 100%.

In fact, coffee does not cause addiction. It is an excellent vascular training, unless, of course, it is abused. Your "addiction" is most likely just self-hypnosis.

I once gave up coffee, which I simply adore, on a dare, for 2 months. Since then I have been running in the morning.

Yes, after coffee :)

Coffee is a tonic drink that helps to start activity in the human body. The substances that make up coffee make the heart contract more actively, the movement of blood through the vessels accelerates, and this circulation normalizes, equalizes pressure and makes the coffee lover feel good and comfortable.

Even if the pressure is elevated, an ardent coffee lover can lower it for himself with a cup of coffee.

In addition, the amateur develops a tradition and the very procedure of making coffee becomes a healing activity. If this daily ritual does not take place, the coffee lover will yearn on a subconscious level and his health may deteriorate.

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. Headache without coffee. Why?

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I love coffee very much. Only recently I noticed: if I don’t drink a cup in the morning and “endure” until work, then my head starts to hurt on the way. With what it can be connected?

Elena Filatova, neuropathologist, professor at the Headache and Autonomic Disorders Clinic answers:

- Caffeine-dependent headache is not associated with the presence of this substance in the diet, but, on the contrary, with its absence.

It occurs if a person who regularly consumes tonic drinks skips the usual “morning” or “lunch” cup of coffee. The so-called “weekend pain” is also caused by the same reason, when someone who drinks 5-6 cups of coffee during a working day decides to lead a healthy lifestyle on Sunday, and as a result gets problems.

In order to avoid this, you need:

1) Reduce the number of cups of coffee you drink a day to three.

2) During work breaks, drink, for example, a glass of juice or a jar of drinking yogurt.

3) Drink coffee at home on weekends in the morning (so as not to provoke a headache attack), and at 5 pm gather the whole family for evening tea.

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So I started a healthy lifestyle and suffer. I hope to adapt soon)

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Coffee withdrawal syndrome is a process when a person tries to wean himself from caffeine, but as a result he gets only a headache, because you can get used to coffee quickly (it's a kind of drug), but withdrawal is long and painful.

Caffeine is an alkaloid, a powerful central nervous system stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, some beverages, and drugs. Caffeine is used in the form of tablets for the treatment of hypotension, cardiac activity, depression of the central nervous system.

Caffeine causes a headache against the background of its secondary action, that is, initially it leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels, and then the opposite effect occurs (the alkaloid ceases to act) - the vessels dilate, which leads to a headache. Dependence on coffee is sometimes a vital necessity for many, so even the thought of giving up this product leads a person to depression, stress, nausea, and severe headaches. Headache in coffee withdrawal syndrome is caused by dilation of blood vessels due to a lack of caffeine in the body.

A severe headache occurs after consuming 4-5 mg of caffeine per day. Headaches start within an hour after consuming a caffeinated product and may not stop for up to 6 days. Only when this alkaloid is excluded from the diet will the headaches go away.

With a very strong habit, do not try to give up coffee abruptly and forever. Start drinking from smaller cups, gradually reduce the amount, and then switch to varieties that do not contain caffeine. However, not only coffee leads to caffeine addiction, but also tea (it also contains a lot of caffeine), so start drinking herbal infusions instead of tea.

Nonsense. You won’t find caffeinated coffee during the day with fire, so it’s more like a habit for a certain taste.

Why does my head hurt after coffee?

For many people, the beginning of a new day begins with a cup of fragrant invigorating coffee. It energizes, tones, helps to finally wake up, cheers up. However, some people claim that after coffee they have a headache, and try not to drink it at all. Why does a person experience a headache after coffee and how to relieve pain?

Effect on the body

Caffeine - the main active ingredient of the drink, stimulates brain work and accelerates the processes occurring in the central nervous system. One morning cup of coffee is enough to give the nervous system a boost to wake up. If the work requires increased attention and concentration, this is a great way to improve brain activity.

How does this drink affect the body? He:

  • Increases performance.
  • Excites the nervous system.
  • Improves brain activity.
  • Promotes digestive activity.
  • Increases blood pressure, which is especially useful for hypotensive patients.
  • Increases heart rate.
  • Invigorates, relieves fatigue, relieves drowsiness.

Caffeine speeds up metabolism, promotes the breakdown of lipids, and is not prohibited even with diabetes and pregnancy. It is interesting that each organism reacts to this drink in its own way: if one person has a headache from coffee, then for another it is a real salvation from fatigue.

The main causes of pain

Drinking a drink made from coffee beans, even in small quantities, can cause discomfort and malaise. Experts explain this fact by the characteristics of the body. Of the main reasons why after coffee the head is spinning and hurts, the following are noted:

  • High blood pressure. One cup of a strong invigorating drink for hypertension causes vasospasm, disrupts the blood circulation of the brain, leads to headaches and dizziness.
  • Strong fatigue. When a person needs to overcome drowsiness due to the fact that, for example, he went to bed late in the evening and woke up early in the morning, coffee will be the ideal solution to the problem. You can finish before the end of the day, and go to bed early in the evening to fully relax. But when sleep is constantly lacking, and caffeine is consumed in large doses, this does not bode well. When overtired from the next “invigorating” portion, the body first revives, and then, due to the depletion of energy reserves, fatigue and weakness take their toll and the person tends to sleep. In this case, the head can hurt quite intensely.

Other reasons

There are reasons that disable a person due to:

  • Drinking coffee with added sugar. Sometimes after drinking just one cup of sweet coffee, your head starts to hurt. This is due to an increase in blood glucose, which enters the cells of the body with the help of insulin. At the same time, the pancreas tries to synthesize the hormone as quickly as possible, all organs work hard, which causes discomfort in the head.
  • coffee overdose. Problems with the cardiovascular system, disorientation in space, nervous overexcitation, insomnia, depression - this is an incomplete list of the results of a caffeine overdose. This amazing and delicious drink, if consumed uncontrollably, can cause nausea, vomiting, delusions, convulsions, hand tremors, redness of the skin. There is nothing fatal in several cups of coffee drunk in a day, but an excess of caffeine negatively affects a person’s well-being and health. Adults are not recommended to drink more than two cups of the drink a day. Children under 16 are strictly prohibited from drinking coffee.
  • Weakened body. During a cold, it is difficult for the body to work normally and it needs to drink plenty of fluids. Coffee contributes to dehydration, causing severe headaches and fever.

Some people, on the contrary, complain that without coffee they have a headache. The fact is that coffee is addictive, and the rejection of it provokes a withdrawal syndrome. There are lethargy, drowsiness, a feeling of dissatisfaction, frequent headaches. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that coffee lovers do not stop drinking coffee abruptly. It is necessary to gradually minimize the strength and number of servings of the drink.

What kind of coffee can you drink so that your head does not hurt?

Natural, properly brewed bean coffee can make you dizzy, as it is this coffee that has the greatest effect on the nervous system due to its high caffeine content. Therefore, if discomfort arises precisely because of it, you need to look for a replacement. You can drink:

  • Coffee with cream or milk - this will help reduce the increased concentration of the active substance.
  • Chicory. In appearance and taste, it is similar to natural coffee, but it has a calming effect on the body. This is one of the popular drinks that do not cause cephalalgia and dizziness. You need to drink it carefully, paying attention to contraindications.

It is impossible to replace coffee beans with green or instant coffee. They contain the same amount of caffeine and lead to the same unpleasant effect. In addition, regular consumption of instant coffee, which is not a natural product, but a surrogate, has a destructive effect on liver cells and exacerbates chronic diseases.

Ways to get rid of cephalalgia

When your head is spinning and unbearably aching from coffee, you should:

  • Get out into the fresh air or open a window and take a few deep breaths.
  • Lie down or sit down, reduce physical activity.
  • Drink a glass of clean water.
  • Do acupressure.

With overwork, relieve dizziness and headaches from drinking coffee, it is best to rest. The body will gain strength, recover, and unpleasant symptoms will pass. For some people, the best therapy option is mint tea, which cleanses the vessels, improving blood circulation.

If tea does not help, and the head hurts a lot, painkillers can alleviate the condition. It should be noted that the selected medications should not contain caffeine in their composition. The best drugs in this case are:

  • Analgin. It relieves not only headaches, but also toothache.
  • Ibuprofen. Reduces soreness of the joints, back muscles. Effective for headaches.
  • Paracetamol. Antipyretic analgesic.
  • No-shpa. An effective drug that relieves the symptoms of migraine and other diseases that cause pain.

The head can hurt not only because of the use of caffeine. When the pain is regular, growing, it is possible that a cup of coffee and the manifestation of a symptom of a latent illness coincided. The causes of the pain syndrome can be: muscle diseases, neuralgia, vasospasm, stress, diseases of the temporomandibular joints, infections, viruses, damage or other pathologies of the spinal cord, chronic intoxication of the body. In these cases, you need to contact a specialist.

Headache treatment is to find the root cause and eliminate it. An experienced doctor will refer the patient for diagnostics, based on the results of which he will be able to decide on further therapy and give useful recommendations.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and cannot replace the advice of your doctor.

I drank strong coffee and my head stopped hurting. How can such a phenomenon be explained?

The use of coffee in the treatment of headaches is associated with its vasodilating properties.

But there is one But. Coffee with sugar on an empty stomach can dramatically increase blood sugar levels and lead to the same headache.

but it is better not to abuse coffee

You were lucky that at that moment you did not have high blood pressure !! !

With a headache, it is necessary to look for the cause, that is, first of all, measure the pressure, most often the head hurts because of it ... and sometimes just from fatigue, then you can just lie down in silence and lie down with closed eyes for at least 15 minutes. ! I also sometimes get headaches when I'm really hungry.

Why can coffee cause headaches?

Caffeine is one of the strongest natural stimulants. Just one cup of coffee is enough for a person to feel a surge of vivacity, his mood has risen, and there is a need for action. Many people cannot imagine their life without this drink and get only pleasure from its use. There are also those who have a headache after drinking coffee. Such a reaction may indicate a violation of the rules for the preparation or use of the composition, the presence of failures in the body. If the situation causes significant discomfort, you need to go to the doctor and make sure that there are no hidden diseases or psycho-emotional problems.

How coffee affects the body

Caffeine is not the only active ingredient in coffee. It contains tannins, organic acids, vitamins and minerals. Together, these ingredients give the product a number of properties that have a strong effect on the body.

With the right approach, the drink helps to improve the physical condition of a person. Its main goal is to stimulate the nervous system in order to maintain a feeling of cheerfulness and activate mental abilities. Violation of the rules for the preparation and use of liquid is fraught with serious negative consequences.

The use of the drink leads to the following results:

  • stimulation of the heart;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the blood channels, in some cases, coffee causes vasospasm;
  • increased frequency of trips to the toilet due to the acceleration of the process of urination;
  • irritation of the central nervous system and the launch of its intensive work.

In small volumes, coffee has a positive effect on the human body, but only on condition that it is initially healthy (an exception is hypotension). If the lover of the drink initially has high blood pressure, a sick heart or kidneys, the consequences of drinking the liquid can be disastrous. No less dangerous is the excess of the permissible concentration of the composition, the abuse of its properties. This threatens with exhaustion and the development of a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Coffee for low blood pressure and migraines

Hypotension - pathologically low blood pressure - is one of the diseases in which coffee can help no worse than drugs.

The conducted studies have proven the effectiveness of drinking a drink in a condition caused by a chronic or one-time decrease in indicators, meteorological dependence. If you combine liquid with medication, the result will be faster and more stable. Such actions must first be agreed with the attending physician so as not to provoke a sharp jump in blood pressure. It is important to remember that coffee can be used to combat hypotension only if the patient does not have inflammatory diseases of the stomach and upper intestines.

No less effective coffee in the fight against migraine attacks. This disease is most often diagnosed in weather-sensitive people and hypotensive patients. If there are signs of an incipient exacerbation, even before taking medication, it is worth drinking a cup of a strong, fresh drink made from ground grains. To enhance the effect, add a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of fruit juice to the liquid. Relief should come within 3-5 minutes. If this does not happen, you should resort to taking medication, it is not recommended to drink coffee again.

Why does my head hurt from coffee?

Most often, cephalgia, provoked by the use of a drink with caffeine, indicates the presence of problems in the body. This is usually the result of a violation of the dosages of the composition or the rules for its preparation. Manifestations are single or systematic. The severity of symptoms can change.

If your head hurts from coffee, this may be the result of such processes:

  • increased blood pressure - in the case of hypertensive patients, the indicators can become dangerous. Spasm of cerebral vessels leads to disruption of blood flow, which manifests itself in the form of cephalgia and dizziness;
  • the result of overwork of the body - the systematic use of coffee to combat sleep does not replace rest. Artificial stimulation of the heart leads to exhaustion, one of the signs of which is headache;
  • sugary drink abuse - many people drink coffee with sugar, which leads to an increase in blood glucose levels. In response, the body begins to produce insulin, provoking an overstrain of the systems. In this case, the head starts to hurt about half an hour after using the composition;
  • intoxication against the background of an overdose - for the development of this condition it is not necessary to drink liquid in liters. Just 4-6 cups of the drink a day can cause a serious deterioration in overall well-being. The increased danger is pure and strong coffee without the addition of dairy products;
  • ignoring the characteristics of the coffee variety - roasting, grinding and brewing each type of grain has its own specifics. Before introducing the drink into your diet, you need to familiarize yourself with these nuances so as not to cause the accumulation of alkaloids and nicotinic acid in the tissues.

In most cases, to prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to adjust the volume of the drink or the frequency of its use. If a negative reaction in the form of a headache occurs even at minimal dosages, it is better to remove the composition from the diet before visiting the doctor and identifying the reasons for such a violent response of the body.

Help with headaches after drinking coffee

The occurrence of cephalalgia in response to caffeine exposure cannot be ignored. Refusal of first aid and attempts to endure can lead to an increase in irritability and tension, which will only increase the severity of the symptom. Dealing with this type of headache is quite simple. Often it is possible to manage even without the use of medications.

To relieve a headache after coffee, you need to do the following:

  • drink 1-2 glasses of drinking water or a cup of mint tea. These drinks start intensive cleaning of blood vessels, improving blood circulation, reducing the intensity of cephalalgia;
  • if possible, you need to sleep a couple of hours to “wait out” the effects of caffeine;
  • walk outdoors. This will lead to active saturation of the brain tissue with oxygen, normalize blood pressure, and accelerate the neutralization of the effect of the drink;
  • rinse the stomach if the sensations are extremely intense and growing;
  • do a head massage or a compress in the form of a lemon peel applied to the temple for 10 minutes:
  • drink chamomile infusion - it is prepared from a tablespoon of the collection and 2 glasses of water. First, the mass is boiled for 5 minutes, then infused for 20 minutes and filtered. The remedy should be taken in 50 ml every 2 hours until the symptom disappears.

If the listed approaches are not available or did not give the desired result, it is allowed to take an anesthetic. With cephalgia of this etiology, Analgin, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, No-Shpa can help. In a situation where such approaches did not give relief, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor.

To prevent the onset of headaches while drinking coffee, it is not necessary to completely refuse the drink. There are a number of guidelines to follow that will allow you to continue to enjoy the natural stimulant and not suffer from the consequences that caffeine can lead to. But in any case, you first need to make sure that the characteristic symptoms are not due to the presence of pathologies in the body.

Headache? Numb fingers? To prevent a headache from turning into a stroke, drink a glass.

Rules for drinking coffee:

  • lovers of a black drink in its pure form without additives should not drink more than two cups in an hour. Their number should not exceed 4-5 pieces per day;
  • adding milk, cream or ice cream to the composition reduces the concentration of caffeine;
  • if a natural composition brewed from a ground product leads to negative consequences, you should try drinking a soluble analogue. This option does not bring significant benefits, but copes with the functions of a stimulant. The main thing is to choose a quality brand;
  • people who just like the taste of the drink should choose a caffeine-free product. Such liquids contain only small proportions of the active substance, so they rarely provoke a headache;
  • Don't drink coffee when you're tired. After the effect of caffeine is over, the stage of decompensation will come, and the headache will become almost inevitable;
  • It is not recommended to seize coffee with chocolate. A product with a high content of cocoa is also a stimulant, so it can increase the severity of discomfort.

In extreme cases, you can consider the option of brewing chicory. This product is better tolerated by the body, does not cause withdrawal syndrome, does not provoke drops in blood pressure. Of course, such a liquid is not able to compare with coffee in terms of taste. But it does not contain caffeine, so cephalalgia is excluded. Another such product normalizes heart rate, improves appetite and reduces elevated blood sugar levels.

The situation when the head hurts after coffee requires immediate intervention. Often it is enough to reduce the amount of fluid consumed or reduce its concentration. In parallel, you should monitor the blood pressure indicators and make sure that they are kept within the normal range.

  • Do you suffer from episodic or regular headaches?
  • Does it press on the head and eyes, or “hit with a sledgehammer” on the back of the head, or knock on the temples?
  • Do you sometimes feel nauseated and dizzy when you have a headache?
  • Everything starts to enrage, it becomes impossible to work!
  • Throw out your irritability on loved ones and colleagues?

In the consultation section, you can always consult on your problem and ask questions that interest you. The consultation is conducted by Pogrebnoy Stanislav Leonidovich. Practicing physician, Neurologist. Work experience - 12 years. Employee of the Department of Neurology, Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education, Novosibirsk State Medical University. Ask a doctor

Regular exercise leads to an increase in gray matter mass in the brain.

There are cases when a stroke is diagnosed at a young age. Find out why in the article

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The headache diary kept by the patient allows the doctor not only to clarify the diagnosis, but also to plan a more rational treatment or adjust the therapy already being carried out.

And some even drink coffee throughout the day. However, you need to be very careful with caffeine: the human body can react to its use unpredictably and, despite the stimulating effect, after this drink a headache, dizziness and nausea may begin.

Reasons why after coffee you can feel sick and have a headache

This drink has a like. Causes of headaches and general health problems after drinking coffee are of two types. The first of them are associated with the individual reaction of the body to caffeine, others - with the form in which coffee is consumed. The following causes of deterioration in well-being after coffee are the most common of them.

Change in blood pressure

Coffee, depending on the strength and quantity, can both increase and lower blood pressure.

Two options are possible here.

In small doses, coffee increases blood pressure, disrupts cerebral circulation, and this causes migraines.

In large quantities (or simply), the drink lowers blood pressure, which causes weakness, nausea and dizziness.

Abuse of coffee as a stimulant will not lead to anything good

Many people use coffee for stimulant purposes - in order to increase performance and cheer up. For them, coffee becomes a real trap. Its use really makes the heart beat faster and improves mood, however, as soon as the effect of caffeine wears off, the person again feels the accumulated fatigue and suffers from a headache that occurs due to the depletion of the body's reserves.

Overwork in general negatively affects human health, and additional stimulation with caffeinated drinks can only aggravate the condition.

Overdose and poisoning

Overdose of coffee and caffeine - 100% chance to get a headache

Yes, with an average of 100 cups of coffee per 80 kg of body weight, which are necessary for a lethal outcome in case of poisoning, the number of 4-6 cups per day seems to be somewhat underestimated, but this is quite enough to feel a serious change in well-being. Especially when it comes to strong drinks.

Symptoms of coffee poisoning include headache, heart palpitations, nausea, upset stools, and abdominal pain.

Coffee beans are the first on the list of possible causes of headaches.

Despite the high content of nutrients and naturalness, ground bean coffee is recognized as the most dangerous of the entire list of caffeinated drinks. Coffee contains a large amount of nicotinic acid, which causes changes in the functioning of the circulatory system, which means it is the main source of headache after drinking.

sweet coffee

Too much sugar in your cup of coffee can trigger migraines

Another reason why coffee can cause a headache is sugar. Through drinks (that is, in its pure form), sugar immediately enters the human blood. In order to remove it from the body, the body produces insulin, and the more sugar is consumed, the more resources the body needs to spend on its digestion. As a result, already 20 minutes after a cup of drink, the body weakens and a person begins to have a headache.

Coffee addiction and abrupt withdrawal can cause headaches

It also happens that it starts to feel sick and a headache appears after a person has stopped drinking coffee. In this case, the headache is a sign of caffeine withdrawal (i.e., "brittle"). Other symptoms of this syndrome can also include a decrease in energy and general fatigue, decreased concentration, irritability, and nausea.

It is important to understand that caffeine is addictive, and you should never abruptly stop drinking coffee, especially after drinking large amounts of it for a long time.

It is necessary to gradually, gradually reducing portions and the strength of the drink.

How to deal with a headache after coffee

There are several ways to avoid headaches from drinking your favorite drink.

It is necessary to deal with a headache after it has been established why it occurs. Most often, the head starts to hurt because there is an overdose of caffeine, and in this case, reducing its concentration helps. To do this, drink a glass of warm water. With a severe headache, you can additionally induce vomiting.

With a headache or dizziness, blood flow will help. Staying in the fresh air or relaxing massage will help to normalize. It is advisable to refrain from vigorous activity and provide the body with peace.

Rest and relaxation in the fresh air is a great way to get rid of a headache

It is also helpful to take a nap for at least half an hour. Sleeping immediately after drinking coffee not only relieves unpleasant symptoms, but is also considered a very useful activity: stimulating components will not let you fall asleep for a long time, and together caffeine and sleep will help relieve fatigue and restore strength.

If all of the above methods do not help in the fight against a headache, you need to drink a painkiller and seek help from a healthcare professional.

In this case, as well as with frequent recurrence of symptoms, it is worth reconsidering your attitude to coffee and reducing its consumption. Do not forget that you need to do this gradually so as not to aggravate your condition.

How to reduce the negative effects of coffee

Milk can help reduce the negative effects of caffeine

Despite health problems, many people find it difficult to give up coffee. And if coffee over and over again becomes the cause of poor health, it is necessary to look for alternatives.

It will help reduce the concentration of caffeine and neutralize its effect.

Decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee is a good alternative for drink lovers who want to avoid unpleasant consequences.

This banal method is well suited for those who love coffee not so much for the stimulating effect as for the taste. To taste, it almost does not differ from natural black, but it contains at times and does not cause such reactions in the body.

Sugar free coffee

A lover of a sweet drink should give up sugar. Instead, you can use natural sweeteners - they do not force the body to spend so many resources on digestion and are generally much more useful.

Against the background of such effects, the human body gets used to a qualitatively new way of life and over time can no longer do without the use of coffee or other products containing caffeine. Developing.

Quitting coffee abruptly can cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, but there are some positive long-term effects. So this solution has its pros and cons.

When you stop taking an invigorating drink, withdrawal symptoms begin to appear (usually after 12-24 hours). Below are the most common signs of "withdrawal syndrome".

1. Headaches

Headache is the most common symptom observed when coffee is discontinued. The fact is that caffeine causes a narrowing of the cerebral vessels that provide arterial blood to the brain.

Caffeinated drinks are usually consumed before making important decisions, before sports or scientific events.

The positive effects are based on increased production of adrenaline in the adrenal glands, and dopamine and norepinephrine.

A sharp rejection of caffeine disrupts the production of hormones, knocks down the brain and the transmission of nerve impulses. This, of course, negatively, reduces the rate of adaptive reactions.

Stopping the intake of caffeine in the body is fraught with a decrease in concentration.

5. Decreased mood

Scientists argue that and even craving for life.

Experts from Wales found that in people who regularly consume 1-2 cups of the drink per day, caffeine is not only capable, but also the speed of performing any tasks.

The drink also increases the craving for life. While drinking the drink, there are fewer suicides than the average in the population.

With the restriction of caffeine intake, the appearance of anxiety, depressive disorders, and chronic diseases of the mental sphere (obsessive-compulsive syndrome, neuroses and neurosis-like states) are aggravated.

Depression and emotional overwhelm are frequent companions of coffee withdrawal syndrome.

6. Increased irritability

Statistics show that coffee drinkers often experience irritability before drinking a morning cup of coffee, and immediately after receiving a “dose”, negative symptoms disappear.

Irritability begins to appear again after 4-6 hours from the moment of taking coffee, which leads to a desire to take an invigorating drink again. British scientists came to a similar conclusion.

Irritability is one of the key factors that prevent people from giving up regular coffee consumption. One study conducted in the USA showed that 89% of "malicious coffee addicts" want to reduce their coffee consumption or completely abandon it, but cannot because of the withdrawal syndrome, manifested by anger and irritability.

Increased irritability is one of the key points in the development of addiction.

7. Appearance of convulsive activity

With severe dependence (against the background of taking very large doses of caffeine every day or with increased individual sensitivity), tremors (involuntary trembling of individual parts of the limbs) may be observed after refusal. Similar information is provided by employees of the National Institute of Occupational Health (Norway).

It has been established that this symptomatology is most pronounced in persons with mental disorders, manifested by anxiety, suspiciousness, obsessive-compulsive disorder syndrome.

Tremor usually affects the fingers and lasts from 2 to 9 days.

If you are used to drinking large doses of coffee and then suddenly stop, this can cause the development of tremors, which last for about a week.

7 long-term benefits

Cessation of coffee intake can positively affect the health of the body, prevent a number of pathologies (mainly from the central nervous system). Below are the main reasons why you should give up caffeinated beverages.

1. Anxiety reduction

As already mentioned, caffeine activates the production of stress hormones. This causes the development of anxiety and restlessness in between drinks. In people susceptible to anxiety, the described symptoms are more pronounced.

Korean scientists have found that frequent consumption of caffeine increases the risk of depression, which usually worsens in the afternoon.

Limiting caffeine prevents the development of negative symptoms such as restlessness and anxiety.

Cessation of coffee intake reduces the frequency of development of depressive disorders, improves the emotional background in general.

2. Normalization of sleep

Foreign studies have shown that daily coffee intake disrupts the duration and sequence of sleep phases.

As a result, sleep becomes restless, and drowsiness occurs during the day. The effect of caffeine on the brain is observed even if it was taken 6 hours before going to bed.

Caffeine, according to Australian scientists, increases the length of time it takes to fall asleep.

Regular consumption of coffee disrupts sleep, which causes a feeling of drowsiness the next day. A complete failure will help to avoid these consequences.

3. Improve nutrient absorption

Caffeine affects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, leading to a slowdown in the absorption of various vitamins, macro- and microelements.

To date, a negative effect on the bioavailability of B vitamins, calcium and iron has been proven.

The described effects, according to the scientific community, negatively affect the state of the hematopoietic and musculoskeletal systems, lead to a change in energy metabolism in the body, and worsen the health of the skin and their appendages (hair, nails).

Limiting coffee intake increases the absorption of certain nutrients that are essential for the functioning of the human body.

4. Prevention of destruction of tooth enamel

Coffee, due to the high content of tannins and caffeine, contributes to the discoloration of tooth enamel, reduces its strength and elastic characteristics, and causes destruction.

As a result, there are many problems of the dental profile: caries, tooth decay with a slight load on them. The effects are proven by scientists from the USA.

5. Improvement of hormonal levels (in women)

Caffeine alters the secretion of estrogen, a steroidal female sex hormone.

A 2012 US study found that consuming 200 mg of caffeine (1-2 cups of coffee) caused an increase in blood estrogen levels, with the effect most pronounced in the Mongoloid and Negroid races.

It has been proven that a change in the level of estrogen is extremely dangerous for the health of the body and causes the development of diseases such as breast and ovarian cancer, endometriosis.

Caffeine changes the hormonal balance in the body, which can lead to the development of malignant neoplasms of the female genital organs.

6. Reducing Headaches

As already mentioned, one of the signs of caffeine withdrawal is a headache. However, this unpleasant symptom can also be observed in between drinks, when the effects of coffee have already ended, but a new portion of the drink has not yet been consumed.

Scientists claim that regular coffee consumption (especially in combination with medications) is a risk factor for chronic headaches.

Stopping coffee intake over time leads to the elimination of such an unpleasant symptom as chronic headaches.

7. Better Digestive Health

Coffee consumption is associated with several pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. It disrupts the balance between the factors of "protection" and "aggression" in the stomach, which leads to the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis. Similar data is provided by specialists from the Royal Hallampshire Hospital (Sheffield).

There is evidence of an increase in the incidence of GERD with frequent use of an invigorating drink.

It has also been proven that caffeine stimulates the motor activity of the colon, which leads to a rapid evacuation of fecal particles, a decrease in the absorption of water and electrolytes, and the development of diarrhea.

Cessation of coffee consumption improves, prevents the appearance of organic and functional disorders.

Due to the presence of the withdrawal syndrome, caffeine restriction is an extremely unpleasant procedure that most people are unable to cope with.

In some countries, the “withdrawal syndrome” that occurs when you stop taking caffeine is even distinguished as an independent disease, for which appropriate methods of treatment and rehabilitation have been developed.

  1. Slowly decrease your intake. Every day, you should reduce the intake of the drink by 3-5%, so that the body begins to gradually adapt. This will reduce the likelihood of side effects.
  2. Drink enough water. According to American scientists, dehydration increases the manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome. It is recommended to increase the intake of ordinary water by 10-20%.
  3. To sleep more. It is recommended to sleep at least 7-9 hours, this will help to cope with side effects.
  4. Workout. Despite the development of weakness and drowsiness after withdrawal, you should maximize physical activity, as well as consume more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.
  5. Switch to other drinks. There are many . For example, black or green tea also contains caffeine, but its dose is 3-6 times lower than in regular coffee. This will help you deal with addiction symptoms.
  6. Go to . Alternatively, you can replace one of your regular coffee servings per day with a decaffeinated coffee drink (available in regular stores).

Thus, slowly reducing the amount of caffeine in the daily diet, in combination with other tips, helps to reduce the severity of the withdrawal syndrome.

Who shouldn't drink it at all?

There are certain categories of people who need to limit coffee, or better, completely abandon it. These states are described below:

  1. Pregnancy. Caffeine crosses the feto-placental barrier and causes many negative effects in the fetus. Also, this substance has a harmful effect on the tone of the uterus. Scientists have proven the following adverse effects of drinking coffee against the background of gestation: the birth of a dead fetus, miscarriage, premature birth, fetal growth retardation, intrauterine fetal hypoxia.
  2. Breast-feeding. Caffeine is also able to penetrate through breast milk, increasing the risk of developing diseases from the cardiovascular and nervous systems in a child.
  3. Depression and anxiety disorders. Caffeine aggravates the course of any mental disorders.
  4. GERD. Coffee increases the incidence of this disorder and aggravates the course if present.
  5. Gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Coffee enhances the effect of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice on the affected gastric mucosa.
  6. Taking medications. Caffeine is incompatible with such groups of medicines as antidepressants, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids.
  7. Sleep disorders. Coffee further disrupts the structure of this complex physiological process.
  8. Hypertension and symptomatic arterial hypertension. Caffeine can raise blood pressure levels. The rise in blood pressure even a few mm. rt. Art. under such conditions several times increases the risk of developing myocardial infarction or stroke.

There are also . Drinking a drink against the background of these conditions is fraught with aggravation of the general condition and the development of irreversible complications that can lead to death (perforation of an ulcer, heart attack, stroke, etc.).


Caffeine is the most popular central nervous system stimulant. Refusal of it can lead to the development of an abstinence syndrome, manifested by many unpleasant disorders (headaches, depression, sleep disturbance, irritability, decreased concentration and thinking, etc.).

Fortunately, the severity of the described symptoms can be reduced by following a number of simple recommendations.

In the long run, such a "failure" can have positive consequences.

coffee withdrawal syndrome it is a process that is accompanied by headaches when a person decides to give up coffee. They get used to coffee very quickly, it is a kind of drug. Withdrawal is slightly painful.

Caffeine is an alkaloid and central nervous system stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some medications.

Why does my head hurt without coffee?

Caffeine causes a headache when, after constriction of the blood vessels, they dilate (when the alkaloid ceases to act). Headache in coffee withdrawal syndrome is due to the expansion of blood vessels, due to a lack of caffeine in the body.

Coffee withdrawal syndrome and its symptoms

The symptoms are quite simple: as soon as you do not drink a cup of coffee in the morning, drowsiness, headache, and a breakdown occur. In other people, the opposite happens: after drinking 4-5 mg of caffeine, a severe headache begins, which may not stop for 6 days. Everything will stop if the alkaloid is excluded from the diet.

What to do if you have a headache without coffee?

You should not give up coffee abruptly, start by reducing the number of cups, then reduce their volume, then completely replace coffee with chicory or cocoa. It is best to drink not even tea, but herbal infusions, since tea also contains caffeine. If ordinary girls in bed scenes prefer care and affection, long foreplay, passionate kisses and gentle strokes, then most love it when they are taken hard by the hair, brazenly taking possession of narrow holes in the dog pose, penetrating deeper and deeper into the bosom and accelerating in depraved dance of love.