Houseplants in folk medicine. Indoor medicinal plants on the windowsill

  • 12.06.2019

Many indoor flowers have not only high decorative qualities, but also healing properties. Surely, every grower has at least one green pet, which not only decorates the home, but also brings many benefits. Currently room medicinal plants are used not only in folk medicine but also for the manufacture of various medical preparations. Many home flowers purify the air in residential premises from various toxins, harmful substances, get rid of dust, release oxygen, etc.

The most common medicinal plants for home growing

The list of useful home vegetation is quite large. Let's consider some of them.

Aloe arborescens or agave

This is perhaps the most popular and frequent inhabitant in apartments and houses. Its beneficial properties are known to many. This tropical plant is a real panacea for many ailments:

  • Gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, etc.

This medicinal houseplant is a powerful immunomodulator that promotes the healing of the whole organism. In the manufacture of medicines, the entire aerial part of the plant is used. Aloe arborescens is indicated for people suffering from neurosis, frequent headaches. Aloe-based preparations are widely used in ophthalmology as a remedy for the treatment of various eye diseases.

Balsam or touchy

Another name - wet Vanka. This is a real storehouse of useful substances for the body. During the flowering period, the plant is rich in ascorbic acid, flavonoids, alkaloids and acids. The freshly squeezed juice of balsam leaves is used as a soothing and wound-healing agent. It is successfully used in alternative medicine. This plant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the urinary system and kidneys.

With the help of balsam, gout, rheumatism and ulcers are treated. Given that these flowers are poisonous, it is recommended to take their juice or decoctions made on their basis strictly according to the indicated dosages. All scientists' research about this plant can be seen in a detailed presentation.

Indoor geranium or pelargonium

This plant is one of the most beloved in indoor floriculture. The beneficial properties of geranium have been known since ancient times.

Previously, oil was made from these flowers to relieve muscle pain and relieve fatigue. Compresses were made from their leaves to heal wounds on the skin and draw out pus. The miraculous properties of geranium are comparable to plantain. If you attach a leaf of pelargonium to the wound, you can very quickly stop the bleeding. For the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, teas based on the leaves of this plant are used. This plant, due to its astringent and relaxing properties, is used to treat gastritis, intestinal colic, and diarrhea.

Pelargonium neutralizes carbon monoxide, copes well with dampness. This flower releases a special substance that prevents the development of pathogenic microflora in the house. It can be placed anywhere. An infusion of geranium leaves is an excellent sedative that helps with insomnia and calms nervous system.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose)

The beneficial properties of this flower were discovered at the end of the twentieth century by American and British scientists. It turns out that Chinese rose petals contain B vitamins, vitamin C, nicotinic acid, polyphenols and flavonoids. This composition is very useful for people with high level cholesterol and with disturbed blood circulation of the brain. In addition, infusions based on hibiscus petals improve the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the development of malignant tumors.

Tea made from Chinese rose petals has a tonic effect. And the drink, on the contrary, helps to lower blood pressure. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as a sedative.

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, both drinks are good for strengthening immunity.

indoor jasmine

It's fragrant ornamental plant has a calming effect. Its flowers, emitting a pleasant aroma, have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieve stress and soothe. This is one of the few plants that charges the air in the room with ions.

Golden mustache or calicia

This perennial is great for many ailments. His healing properties so great that he can cope with diseases that traditional medicine cannot do.

The leaves and stems of the plant are used to make infusions. They are used to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, stabilize the work of the circulatory and respiratory system. Golden mustache relieves inflammation in the stomach, intestines and gallbladder.

This is a perennial succulent that is very popular in both folk and traditional medicine. The aerial part of the plant contains organic acids, polysaccharides, micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins C and P. The use of this succulent is very wide. Kalanchoe juice has a healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. In addition, it is used in ophthalmology, otolaryngology and gynecology for the treatment various diseases. More detailed information about this can be read in a special presentation developed by scientists.

Kalanchoe juice helps to heal stomach ulcers. It is indicated for people diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. Kalanchoe juice is used to treat runny nose, sore throat, stomatitis, eye inflammation, skin lesions and many other diseases.


A unique houseplant that is used to treat skin diseases and colds. The beneficial properties of cyperus are manifested not only in this. This indoor flower used to restore menstrual cycle.

Indoor cyclamens

These are very beautiful and delicate plants. Cyclamen tubers contain a healthy juice that helps cure sinusitis. Infusions prepared on their basis have a calming effect. They are used to treat mental disorders.

Maranta reed

All the healing properties of this plant are concentrated in the tubers. They contain natural starch. In addition, arrowroot helps to improve sleep, so this plant is often placed at the head of the bed. This flower is able to absorb negative energy. It is recommended to start it in houses where there are quarrels and disagreements.

This beautiful plant great as a residential air purifier. It absorbs formaldehyde, toxic substances, and other harmful compounds. This is a champion in air purification from toxic substances and harmful microorganisms.


This evergreen vine contains an active substance that relieves spasms and has an expectorant effect. Ivy extract is a part of many medicines for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, liver, gallbladder, etc. Each part of this plant is saturated with beneficial substances. Ivy flowers contain steroids, saponins, and fruits - galactose, flavonoids, essential oils. Ivy wood contains a substance that relieves spasms. Medications, made on the basis of ivy wood, are indicated for bronchitis and lingering cough. This plant is often used for bleeding and severe pain in women during menstruation. Ivy promotes wound healing and relieves inflammation.

Briefly about other medicinal plants

Useful plants for the home

And this is not the whole list of plants that create a cozy, pleasant atmosphere in the house and bring great benefits to the human body.

Philodendrons, anthurium, dieffenbachia - beautiful houseplants, which are able to improve water and gas exchange in the room.

Thuja, cypress and cryptomeria are room air fresheners. These are garden flowers that can be successfully grown at home.

To feel the healing effect of a particular flower, you will need to have several plants in the house at once. At the same time, it is worth remembering that in poorly ventilated rooms with a small area, it is not recommended to abuse their amount.

This is due to the fact that medicinal houseplants are able to absorb a large number of oxygen at night.

To date, there are special presentations that contain detailed information about all useful properties indoor flowers.

Many connoisseurs of indoor plants turn their own home into a real one. blooming garden capable of surprising and captivating the eye with its uniqueness colors and whimsical forms. Some people simply decorate their home with individual flowers or indoor plants, wanting to make their home more comfortable.

But indoor plants, in addition to aesthetic appeal, can also benefit the owners of the house.

About the benefits of indoor plants

  1. Of course, indoor plants are a natural decoration of a house or apartment. Many of them are rich green tint leaves, bright flowers. Psychologists say that green color very beneficial effect on the human psyche. The color of green is able to act soothingly and give a person more confidence.
  2. Even in antiquity, the positive influence was noticed various colors indoor plants on the psychological and emotional well-being of people. Today there is even a whole trend in psychology called color therapy.
  3. The second unconditional useful quality of home flowers is their bioenergetics. It represents the natural processes of nature that affect the surrounding space as a whole. Many people know that a kind and positive-minded person literally charges those around him with his energy. When interacting with him, other people's mood improves, efficiency increases. On the contrary, angry and negatively inclined people seem to draw out the energy that belongs to them from those around them. As a result of communication with this kind of people, others can feel oppression, depression, fatigue, and even headaches.
  4. Plants, on the other hand, have an unambiguous property of this kind. Indoor flowers always only give energy and never take it away from a person. As a result of this, staying in a room filled with indoor flowers, the psychophysical state of a person normalizes and improves.
  5. Indoor flowers and plants actively influence the microclimate. Being at home, we have to inhale not only dust particles, but also the so-called phenols, which are harmful substances. Phenols can be released from furniture, varnishes, aerosols, detergents, building materials and other chemical based ingredients. Most phenols are classified as carcinogenic. Obviously, they have a negative impact on human health, in particular on the state of the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys and respiratory system.
  6. In addition, indoor air can contain a large number of pathogenic bacteria, mold fungi and other harmful microelements. This, in turn, can provoke the appearance of asthma or other viral diseases in a person. Indoor plants in this regard act as real saviors. Thanks to them, indoor air is disinfected, purified and becomes healthier.

What plants to choose for an apartment?

If you decide to acquire indoor plants, then plant myrtle in your home first. Its presence reduces the number of airborne pathogens. In addition, myrtle perfectly strengthens the human immune system.

The coffee tree has about the same qualities. This plant has pronounced cleansing properties. A coffee tree has a wonderful effect on the work of the human heart.

Fans of indoor flowers have unfairly forgotten about such a useful plant as noble laurel. Its properties are truly unique. The substances they secrete can lead to the destruction of the tubercle bacillus. This plant has a wonderful effect on the human cardiovascular system.

If you are tired of fighting dust in the house, then plant ordinary ivy. This plant has been found to reduce indoor dust by forty percent. If you regularly moisten the ivy leaves, the effect will be even more pronounced.

One more useful plant, which is in many homes, is called aloe. It not only remarkably cleans the surrounding air, but also saturates it with oxygen particles. Aloe is one of the medicinal plants. It is often used for practical purposes to combat colds, purulent inflammations, or as a cosmetic.

If your house has a lot of different household appliances that work all the time, then a plant such as juniper will come in handy for you. This plant is able to absorb harmful waves emitted by technology and neutralize chemical elements floating in the air.

A lot of biologically active and useful substances, as well as oxygen, are able to release ficus leaves. This plant also has medicinal value. With the help of ficus juice, it is quite easy to eliminate warts from the surface of the skin. And if you make gruel from ficus leaves and mix it with flour and honey, then this mixture can cure mastopathy. In addition, ficuses can save a person from increased irritability to reduce manifestations of aggression. In a house where there are many ficuses, an atmosphere of calm and stability always reigns. Ficus can also give confidence to indecisive or very timid people.

Citrus species of indoor plants are also very useful. The essential oils released by them in the process of development and growth nourish and saturate the surrounding air with beneficial particles. This, of course, has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person. In people who are surrounded by citrus plants, there is a normalization of blood pressure. Also, many people feel more energized. Mental and physical activity is activated.

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Have you noticed that in an apartment filled with flowers, it is usually cozy and beautiful. Peace and tranquility reign there. Many flowering and decorative leafy plants on the shelves and window sills not only delight the eyes, but also warm and soothe the soul. Home plants are silent helpers, true friends and healers of their owners. absorbing gases and harmful substances from the surrounding air, indoor plants benefit the owners of apartments and have a positive effect on human health. In addition, they absorb the negative aura, and emit vibes of joy and happiness.

Where do harmful toxins come from in our homes? dangerous substances? First, these are combustion products. gas stoves on which we cook our food. Secondly, these are all kinds of construction and Decoration Materials- boards on synthetic resins, linoleums, polymer wallpapers, plastic panels and others that release hazardous substances into indoor air. Even natural materials in the process of aging, they begin to break down and become dangerous to human health. TVs, computers, microwaves, smartphones during operation reduce the amount of negative air ions useful for the human body.

Useful indoor plants

It is indoor plants that purify the air from harmful impurities, improve its quality, as well as the quality of life and health of people and animals living in the house. This ability is due to the fact that all plants produce phytoncides that are harmful to pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, scientists have determined that many plants with their phytoncides destroy pathogenic bacteria much faster than phytoncides secreted by garlic.

For example, in a room there will be half as many pathogens if there is a flower pot with. Creepers, asparagus and Chinese rose also work. Some indoor flowers absorb heavy metals, others reduce harm from electromagnetic radiation. Thirdly, they reduce the negative effect of synthetic materials.


Indoor plants that can harm human health

Some people believe that plants emit carbon dioxide, which is harmful to human health. In fact, indoor flowers during the day, in the light, emit oxygen, and absorb carbon dioxide. Only at night, in the dark, they emit carbon dioxide, but in meager amounts that do not affect our health.

And yet, there are plants that can, if handled carelessly, harm its owner.

Dieffenbachia is a very beautiful ornamental leafy plant, but it has poisonous juice. This flower should not be kept in bedrooms and children's rooms. When working with a plant - rubbing its leaves, cutting cuttings for propagation - wear gloves, and then wash your hands with soap and water. Make sure that the juice of the plant does not get into your mouth or eyes, not only to you, but also to your children and pets.

Oleander also has poisonous sap. Work with it with gloves, once again do not touch its stem and leaves, so as not to get an allergic burn or poisoning.

Croton is another representative of poisonous indoor plants. If its juice comes into contact with the skin, a burn or contact dermatitis may develop. Croton juice, if ingested, will cause vomiting and diarrhea. Even worse, if croton juice gets into the blood - it is poisonous, a person can die. Therefore, it is not advisable to put a flowerpot with croton in the nursery, so as not to provoke the child to tear off a beautiful leaf and put it in his mouth. Work with a flower in gloves, wash your hands with soap and water after work. Croton does not emit harmful substances into the surrounding air.


Leaves and flowers are also considered poisonous. indoor anthuriums. This flower should be handled with care, as with all other poisonous houseplants. (see above). Find a place in the house that is not accessible to children and pets - and everything will be fine.

Pachistachis is another conditionally poisonous indoor flower. It also does not pose a danger in terms of poisoning the surrounding air. It is advisable to work with the plant with gloves, although it is not as dangerous as the previous flowers. Do not take parts of the plant into your mouth, wash your hands after any manipulations with it - and everything will be fine.

Thus, with a certain amount of caution, you can safely grow any indoor plants in your home. Just take care of them, love them, take care of them like children, wash, water, feed and fulfill their every whim. After all, for human health, it is simply necessary to have indoor flowers in the house - they moisturize the air, purify it, heal it. Medicinal plants, releasing their phytoncides, increase the resistance of the body of people living next to them to all kinds of infections.

But don't force flower pots the entire clearance of the window frame - daylight should freely penetrate into the room. Then your flowers - helpers, healers and protectors - will reveal all their healing properties and give them to you!

It has long been no secret to anyone that indoor plants are not only a beautiful interior decoration, but also have useful properties. The energy of the flowers that we grow in our homes and apartments has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere of our home and affects its microflora. Indoor plants not only absorb harmful substances, but also calm the psyche, saturate the air with oxygen, strengthen the immune system, improve the aura and have a beneficial effect on health. What useful flowers are best grown on your shelves and window sills?

This plant can be safely called a home doctor. Geranium is incredibly beneficial for health, it relieves stress, destroys harmful substances, absorbs dampness, suppresses negative energy, normalizes sleep, eliminates depression and reliably protects against colds. In a room where geranium grows, you will never see moths, mosquitoes and flies - this plant scares them away.

The people called him a talisman of health, which is not surprising - the healing properties of this plant have been known for centuries. Kalanchoe relieves inflammation, cures a runny nose, destroys bacteria, dilates blood vessels, heals wounds and burns, stops bleeding and has antiviral properties. From the juice of this plant, medicinal tinctures are made that help with many diseases.

A versatile plant for almost all occasions. It releases substances that destroy bacteria, helps with sore throats and colds, calms the nerves, helps with hypertension, gives vigor and strength. Not only fruits, but also lemon leaves have medicinal properties. In the room where the lemon grows, the air is always clean, the mood is cheerful, the sleep is sound, and the working capacity is increased.

If this flower grows in your house, you can forget about fatigue, loss of strength and overwork. Rosemary helps with neurosis, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves memory and concentration, treats asthma, bronchitis, colds, purifies and moisturizes the air. This plant is dangerous for mold, which it effectively fights and destroys harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

One of the best and most useful medicinal plants for all occasions, effective in almost all diseases. The healing properties of this flower can be listed for a very long time: it helps with inflammation, has wound healing properties, healing even very serious wounds, treats a runny nose and cough, increases appetite, and helps with anemia.


The aroma of this plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves irritation and fatigue, has an analgesic effect, increases concentration and improves appetite. Mint leaves treat insomnia, relieve stress, help with heart disease and stomach ulcers, and are often used for cosmetic purposes - mint creams and masks are used to improve skin color.

An incredibly useful plant for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or in front of the TV. The cactus absorbs harmful electromagnetic radiation and reduces air ionization. Thanks to this plant, headaches disappear, efficiency increases, biological clocks normalize, and. If there is a cactus next to you, you can forget about the breakdown.

This hardy houseplant cleans and freshens indoor air by effectively fighting bacteria. It doesn't evoke any allergic reactions, so you can safely put it even at the crib. It is also believed that ficus cleanses the house of negativity, helping in solving problems. difficult situations. If you want to rid your home of worries and anxieties, just get a ficus.

A noble plant that effectively helps with sore throats, spasms, diathesis, rheumatism, heartburn and cardiovascular diseases. Many of us are accustomed to using laurel solely as a seasoning, but few people know that it is also a wonderful medicinal plant with a calming and relaxing aroma. Laurel is also used in the perfume industry, for example, for fragrant soap.

A great air purifying plant that does the job even better. special devices. In addition to the fact that chlorophytum fits perfectly into any interior, it releases useful substances that destroy harmful bacteria and molds. The unique feature of this plant is that the more polluted air indoors, the faster and better chlorophytum grows.

It's not only incredible beautiful flower, but also very useful for both home and health. The leaves of this plant secrete substances that can kill harmful fungi and pathogens, absorb toxins and purify oxygen. Begonia relieves fatigue, relieves depression, heals female diseases, helps with pain in the joints, heals ulcers, burns and wounds, and also increases efficiency.

In addition to a pleasant and aesthetic appearance, this plant also benefits health. The flower accelerates the healing process, has a strengthening effect on the lungs, helps in the treatment of various lesions and even fractures, and has a general strengthening effect on the body. In addition, asparagus destroys microbes and bacteria, and purifies the air by absorbing heavy metals.

This plant is extremely useful for keeping in the house, as it repels flies and mosquitoes, purifies oxygen and freshens the air, and destroys pathogens and toxins. In addition, this flower effectively fights depression and insomnia, calms the nervous system and improves mood. There is a belief that white pelargonium helps to increase the family, and pink pelargonium attracts love.

It is enough to put this plant in your apartment, as you will soon notice its beneficial effect. Fern releases oxygen, improves energy background, absorbs toxins and microbes. In addition to the fact that this flower will decorate any interior, it is able to establish and balance relationships in the family. If you think that you have an unfavorable zone in your house, put a fern there, and the negative will immediately disappear.

Elegant dracaena is a great helper in your home. It purifies the air, absorbs bacteria, improves energy, destroys harmful fungi and softens temperature changes. This is a very useful plant not only for the room, but also for well-being. Dracaena is able to relieve headaches, normalize sleep, strengthen immunity, cheer up and have a beneficial effect on the body.

This flower is good in every way. Judge for yourself: the plant has a positive effect on the aura and atmosphere, helps to unleash creativity, has a lot of useful properties and eliminates negative energy. In addition, camellia leaves are extremely fragrant and healthy, they have the ability to improve metabolism, break down fat, have a beneficial effect on the body and promote weight loss.

Although many people breed this houseplant for the incredible beauty of the flowers (which can be in all shades except blue), few people know about the beneficial properties of gerbera. It not only effectively cleans the air in the room and absorbs harmful substances, but also significantly improves well-being. In the house where the gerbera grows, there is always a favorable environment, a positive atmosphere and a great mood.

A plant that perfectly restores energy in the house. Brings positive, helps with stress, promotes determination and friendliness, strengthens family relationships, eliminates problems and troubles. Hibiscus is a real source of oxygen and an indispensable air purifier from microbes and. Often used in folk medicine, as it has useful medicinal properties.

And it's still far from full list useful indoor plants. But it is important for flower growers not to forget very important nuance: in order for flowers to properly fulfill their "duties", it is necessary to create optimal and comfortable conditions for full growth. It is necessary to take into account humidity, soil composition, lighting, temperature, and many other important factors. Careful care is necessary for every plant, even the most unpretentious, because, no matter how implausible it may sound, indoor flowers feel our care and reciprocate, giving health and good mood.

Have you ever thought about what plants, grown with such love in your home, in addition to creating comfort and beauty possess and other wonderful qualities?

Statisticians have found that often even very experienced flower growers do not use medicinal properties of their plants and sometimes they just don't know about them.

When we get sick, out of habit we rush to the pharmacy and buy herbal preparations, ointments and tablets prepared on the basis of natural plant materials.

Once in the forest, we collect medicinal chamomile and lime blossom, pluck the leaves of celandine and plantain. And for some reason we do not pay attention to the plants that are next to us!

Of course, everyone knows about the extraordinary properties of aloe or echinacea. Did you have to as a medicine use tradescantia, ivy, exotic citrus or olive Tree? The advantages of a pharmacy growing in every home are obvious: it is beauty, accessibility, air purification, a special favorable aura.

If you have managed to grow your home garden and create beauty, this is great and worthy of praise. Now it only remains to learn how to use it for the benefit of yourself and your family.

We have selected some of the most popular examples. medicinal plants.

Geranium (Pelargonium)

So familiar to us fragrant of course it has medicinal properties. This is especially true for one of its varieties - blood-red geranium. Leaves, flowers and roots are used for medicinal purposes.

Geranium helps from many ailments: soothes, normalizes cardiac activity, has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, fixing effect.

A decoction of this plant helps in the treatment of inflammation of the intestines, relieves sharp pains in case of peptic ulcer, treats gastritis.

Decoction of red geranium applied externally in the form of compresses and lotions from ulcers, boils, carbuncles, phlegmon.

One tablespoon of crushed roots or leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for about 5 minutes, filtered and diluted with water so that 200 g is obtained again. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. The same decoction can be used as compresses.

Geranium infusion: 1 teaspoon per 200 g of boiling water, leave for 7 hours, then strain.

Those suffering from high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders are recommended to drink a glass of infusion during the day in several portions.

With pleurisy you can just chew young geranium leaves, eating honey.

Pinnate Kalanchoe (Kalanhoe pinnata)

healing properties cirrus has its leaves, which contain flavonoids, vitamin C, enzymes, iron, aluminum, copper, calcium, manganese, magnesium.

Leaves and shoots Kalanchoe is harvested, and then juice is collected from them. First, the green mass is kept at a temperature of +5+10°C in a dark place for about 7 days.

Then they are crushed, squeezed, filtered, poured with alcohol at the rate of 5:1 and stored in the refrigerator.

Transfer all the diseases that this miraculous juice helps with are simply impossible! To name just a few of them:

  • flu and other colds;
  • polio;
  • felons;
  • boils;
  • suppuration;
  • burns;
  • trauma;
  • erosion of the cornea of ​​the eyes;
  • pigmentary degeneration of the retina;
  • keratitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stomach ulcer, etc.

The plant has bactericidal, wound healing, bacteriostatic, hemostatic, antiviral properties.

Application methods:

  • for diathesis, burns, wounds, use the gruel of the leaves;
  • for cuts, cut the sheet, apply to the wound, cover with a film and bandage it;
  • in case of eye diseases, the juice is instilled into the eyes;
  • in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - taken orally.

Saxifrage (Saxifraga)

Saxifrage- it's beautiful ampelous plant, the leaves of which have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and hypotensive effects.

With otitis media- squeeze the juice from the leaves, moisten the flagellum in it, gently insert it into the ear canal. Top tied with a woolen scarf and kept for 2 hours.

With hypertension- eat 2 leaves of saxifrage 3 r. per day 15 minutes before meals. Course - 1-2 months, then a break - a week, then a second course.

To enhance lactation- eat on a saxifrage leaf 2 r. a day before meals.

With hypertension- grind half a glass of fresh leaves and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 12-14 days, shaking regularly. Then strain and squeeze. Take 1 tsp. tincture, diluted with water, 2 r. a day before meals.

Saxifrage granular and marsh saxifrage also used for medicinal purposes. The first is used for bile and urolithiasis, hepatitis, colitis, chronic rashes, the second - for heart disease, gastric diseases, menstrual disorders and as a diuretic.

Sansevieria (Sansevieria)

sansevier, better known as "mother-in-law's tongue", according to experts studying the effect of domestic plants on the human body, is a full-fledged medicinal plant.

Possessing the ability to survive in the most difficult conditions, even without watering and care, it gives its owners a particle of its miraculous properties, increasing resistance to colds and viral diseases.

Most often this plant is used for treatment of inflammation of the appendages in women. 1/3 crushed sensevier leaves pour 200 g of vodka, place in glass bottle and insist at least 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

After strain and store tightly closed. Take 2 p. per day 1 tbsp. spoon after eating. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Ficus (Ficus)

widely known for its excellent ability to purify the air, but about its medicinal properties much less is known.

If you have this miracle plant in your house, be sure to keep the blank in the refrigerator: ficus leaves scrolled in a blender, filled with vodka or alcohol and infused in the refrigerator.

This miraculous potion can be a lifesaver for many problems.

For instance, for treatment arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis, take a hot bath with sea salt before going to bed, after which they rub the sore spots with ficus tincture and tie a woolen scarf at night.

From wen and warts you can get rid of it if you add 50 g of vinegar essence to 100 g of ficus juice.

Use carefully, 2-3 drops per neoplasm, trying not to touch healthy skin. With mastopathy you can use ficus juice with honey, a teaspoon 1 time per day, while making lotions from gruel. In addition, the plant helps with bronchitis, fibroids, tracheitis and many other ailments.

European cyclamen (Cyclamen vernum)

Medicinal properties European ones are also surprised by their effectiveness. Cyclamen tubers(pharmacists call them "dryakva tubers") since ancient times have been used to treat sinusitis. In addition, it helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and perfectly soothes.

To make a cure, you need to chop the tubers of cyclamen, pour them with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take tincture 2-3 times a day.

In folk medicine, this remedy is recognized as effective for menstrual irregularities and related nervous disorders, for digestive disorders and colic, for joint pain and severe forms of hemorrhoids.

For colds, including sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, freshly squeezed juice from cyclamen tubers is instilled into the nose. You need to sit with your head thrown back for at least 5 minutes (be sure to breathe through your nose!), And then go to bed.

After 10-15 min. after the procedure juice makes itself known: sneezing, coughing, profuse sweating and discharge of mucus from the nose begins. This condition lasts for about a day, after which the patient falls asleep and wakes up healthy.

Some interesting facts

American scientists from NASA conducted a study on the intensity of air purification by indoor plants, as a result of which they concluded that in order to remove all harmful toxins in a 160 m2 room by 90%, only 15-20 medium-sized indoor plants in containers with a diameter of 15-20 cm will be needed.

Many common household plants are removed even such toxic emissions as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene and trichloroethylene.

Norwegian scientists from the Institute Agriculture came to the conclusion that any alleviate the course of colds by about 30%, linking this to their ability to increase the level of humidity in the air and reduce dust content.

Large corporations are already beginning to study the impact of office plants on employee productivity. The very first experiments showed that the presence of beautiful green plants on the desktops and on the windows of offices increases efficiency and stimulates creative activity.

Find out and what can be done to resume flowering.

When babies appeared on the home phalaenopsis, they should be transplanted. you will find detailed description this painstaking process.

Propagation of hyacinths with bulbs can be a gardener's favorite pastime. Helpful Hints are in this article.

DIY phytodesign

V last years a special direction in interior design is becoming very popular - phytodesign. Specialists-phytodesigners help to compose compositions from domestic plants, taking into account both decorative and medicinal properties.

Phytodesign- this is the science of what flowers and in what combinations to put in the bedroom at the head of the bed, which ones to decorate the kitchen and dining room, and which ones should be in the relaxation area or next to electronic devices.

Due to the fact that such design is directly related to people's health, phytodesigner services are not cheap.

Try to compose a small therapeutic and aesthetic composition yourself. It is not so difficult when you know almost everything about your pets:

  • oregano, lavender, monarda, lemon balm soothe;
  • juniper reduce strebococcus colonies in the air;
  • rosemary officinalis releases into the air substances that are indicated in the treatment of bronchitis, catarrhs, asthma;
  • laurel helps with spastic states;
  • next to the bed it is best to put a simple geranium and a fragrant geranium - you will sleep better b;
  • composition of eucalyptus, rosemary and myrtle will antiviral and bronchodilator action.

Opportunities medicinal plants are simply limitless, you just need to learn how to use them correctly. Do not forget about your caring and loyal friends who are always happy to help you. The Green Home Pharmacy is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no breaks, all you have to do is lend a hand!