The leaves of the wet vanka turn yellow what to do. How to deal with Balsam pests and reanimate a diseased plant

  • 02.04.2021

First, let's talk about what this plant is. Balsam is a member of the family of annual or perennial herbaceous plants of the Balsam family, although some species of this plant may be subshrubs. Balsam comes from the subtropics and tropics of Africa and Asia, also certain species can be found in Central Asia.

Since its introduction to Europe in 1596, it has been the most popular houseplant. The plant itself has long erect stems, reaching a length of up to 50 cm and is a long-flowering plant. Stems are smooth and branched.

The leaves can be lanceolate and oval in shape, and also reach a length of 8-12 centimeters. The color of the petals in nature is red and pink, while hybrids have all colors except yellow and blue.

On a note. Popularly nicknamed "Touchless", because of the sensitive seed pods, which, at the slightest touch, shoot seeds at a distance of up to 2 meters.

Balsam leaves can be lanceolate or oval in shape. They are also quite fleshy and have jagged edges. The color of the leaves is either green or purple-bronze. They are large and can reach a length of up to 12 centimeters.

Almost everything can be determined by the leaves, which is explained by their high sensitivity.

Also the leaves are quite fleshy, this is due to the supply of nutrients in them. But what if they wither, the plant drops them?

What causes this disease?


There are many reasons associated with the yellowing of balsam leaves. Further, they will be listed in descending order, that is, from the most common to the least common.

  1. Pests. The most common pest that can cause leaves to turn yellow is a spider mite (read how to deal with a spider mite on a balsam). The main problem is its "corrosiveness", that is, it is very difficult to remove it. This is due to the rapid spread of its larvae, which, in the state of the larva itself, are very resistant to all kinds of means.

    When trying to destroy this pest, it is necessary to treat the plant at least 3-4 times a week.

  2. Air humidity. The problem is due to the fact that most flower growers put balsam on the windowsill, and under it there can be batteries, heaters, and so on. All these heaters dry the air, which is very critical for a moisture-loving plant.
  3. Wrong watering. Here it is worth starting with the fact that drying out of the leaves can be associated with both insufficient watering and its excess. therefore, the correct amount of water to water for each flower is supported by experience.
  4. Old soil. With a long stay in the same soil, the balsam absorbs all the minerals from the earth. This begins to deplete the soil and increase the acid level.

    Important! Balsam must be transplanted at least 2 times a year.

    Transplantation should be carried out in the middle of spring and at the end of summer.

    Also, drying out of the leaves can also be associated with the poor quality of the earth, so the grower himself should mix the earth.

  5. Excessive lighting. Balsam is more close to being in partial shade, but direct sunlight on the plant should be avoided altogether. With excessive lighting, the leaves of the balsam will begin to dry out.
  6. Too big pot. The pot should not exceed the root system in size by more than 1.2 times. Immediately there is an interweaving with watering, when watering from the edge of the pot, such watering leads to the accumulation of water and, as a result, rotting of the root system.

Prevention - what to do?

Actions to save the plant follow from causes. Therefore, the treatment will proceed from the correction of problems. Pests, as described above, are enough to pickle, and the remedy must be strong.

A good option against a tick would be a remedy that is in ampoules in the form of a powder.

As practice has shown, such a tool is the most effective. Diseases such as "Gray rot" or "Powdery mildew" are treated by changing external conditions. For instance to combat dew, the grower needs to “dry” the air.

The humidity of the air can be changed by moving the balsam away from the heaters, or you can use a dehumidifier, as they work in both directions, that is, both dry and humidify the air.

How to correct watering was described above, the correct amount of watering is determined empirically. The problem with lighting, as well as with air humidity, can be corrected by rearranging the plant in the northern or western part of the windows.

Reference. Things are more complicated when the roots rot and when the soil is depleted. In these situations, you will have to transplant the balsam.

Experienced growers before transplanting an already diseased plant, I advise you to cut off all the inflorescences. You should not be afraid, after transplanting, the balsam itself will begin to bloom, and the healing process will go much faster, because all the substances will go to restore the leaves.

Prevention can be attributed to the early improvement of the conditions for the existence of balsam.

  1. The grower must maintain optimal humidity, and the temperature in summer should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, in winter the temperature should be about 10 degrees Celsius.
  2. At the same time, it is necessary to feed the plant in spring and summer, and due to the fact that the balsam has a poorly expressed period of calm in the winter, that is, it can bloom in winter, it is worth carrying out weak top dressing.
  3. Transplantation should be carried out in spring and summer, while preferably in the ground, mixed by the grower himself.
  4. Watering should not be excessive, but you should not forget about it at all.
  5. Lighting should be weak.

If these conditions are correctly observed, the leaves of the balsam will stop falling off., and the plant itself will be very bright and delight the eye of the owner.

If nothing helped

Unfortunately, if the grower has launched his plant very strongly, then all of the above tips may not work. The last resort is to remove the damaged foliage, and also remove the rotten parts of the root when transplanting. The only thing left to do is hope for a miracle. In any case, it is very difficult to bring a plant to such a state, so one should never forget about the plant.

In conclusion, I would like to say that balsam is quite whimsical, so we do not recommend keeping all problems until the last, because in this way the grower can easily kill his plant, and this obviously will not amuse him.

Although the balsam has a very pleasant bonus for those who will follow it with special sensitivity, namely, the flower will endow the caring owner with wonderful beauty, it is not for nothing that balsam has had the status of the most common house plant since the 16th century.

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So, who here has not read about the conditions for the departure of "Vanka wet"? Let's deal with the most common growing mistakes.

So, you have purchased Balsam and now you want to know about the possible difficulties in growing and the pitfalls that you may encounter during its maintenance.

There are several common flower maintenance mistakes:

  • Insufficient watering. It is worth watering it abundantly, but do not allow the water to stagnate in the pot, as well as the soil to dry out (it should always be wet). If the flower does not have enough moisture, you can not wait for the appearance of buds. Also, a set of green mass occurs only if sufficient watering is observed. As soon as the flower feels deviations from its usual content, it will immediately begin to drop flowers and reduce its aerial part (to save energy). Periodically, 2-3 times a week, it is worth spraying Balsam leaves, avoiding drops of water on the flowers. This approach will help maintain an optimal humid climate, as well as prevent the appearance of pests such as spider mites, which we will discuss below.
  • Excessive watering is just as harmful (as it is with most other plants) in which case the roots will begin to rot. The first sign will be yellowing and watery sprouts near the ground. This will be a sign of rotting roots, as well as their death. Due to lack of strength, the leaves will fall off. This is a very difficult case, to solve such a problem, it is necessary to urgently carry out resuscitation: remove the flower from the pot, clean the roots from the soil and carefully examine them. In the presence of rot, cut off damaged tissues, and treat the cut points with garden pitch or activated charcoal.
    The pot itself should also be cleaned of the soil, thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water in order to get rid of rot spores. If the roots cannot be restored, you can try the plants, it may be possible in this way to preserve the look you have.
  • Poor lighting leads to the fact that the leaves of the plant begin to curl up into tubules, wither, turn yellow.

    When you see that the Balsam flowers fall, do not be upset, this is normal. However, you can get the maximum benefit from the flowering of Vanka wet. In order for the flowers not to go to waste, you can pollinate them and get seeds. Take a match and wrap cotton around it, or use cotton swabs. Carefully transfer the pollen from the stamens to the pistil, do not be upset if the first time does not work out, over time it will not cause you any trouble. You can also leave the pollination process to insects by taking the flower out into the garden. After pollination, over time, boxes with seeds are formed on the stems, they need to be collected after blackening, then they will be mature.

Buds and leaves fall on balsam, balsam leaves turn yellow, other plant diseases - how to treat and prevent. Why do balsam leaves fall?

The balsam leaves are falling, the balsam has dropped its buds. There can be several causes of balsam disease:

  • if the plant was bought recently, then it goes through an adaptation period. It will last up to 1 month. It is very important to provide normal care during this period. This is normal watering, fertilizing, spraying. A sign that the plant has not died and has adapted to new conditions of detention is evidenced by new leaves and the tone of the stems;
  • soil drying. Overdried soil can crack and lag behind the edges of the pot. Balsam sheds leaves for lack of moisture. In some cases, the balsam leaves turn yellow, in some cases they dry out without losing their color intensity. In some cases, balsam leaves curl. Proper watering of balsam - 1 time per week, before the next watering, the soil in the pot should dry out, but not dry out, which will adversely affect the health of the flower;
  • waterlogging of the soil is the most possible reason why the leaves of the balsam fall off, it sheds buds. The soil is considered waterlogged when on the second day, after watering, it does not dry out from above. The ideal option is when the soil in a pot with a diameter of more than 17 cm dries to the bottom before the next watering for 1-1.5 weeks. If the diameter of the pot where the balsam grows is less than 17 cm, then the soil in it should dry out in 1 week. If the leaves of the balsam fall due to waterlogging of the soil, then the plant must be transplanted into a pot of a smaller diameter. Before planting in the ground, balsam roots are examined for rot. Rotting roots are removed, cuts are treated with crushed activated carbon. Soil for planting balsam, which dropped the leaves, is taken universal, for flowering, indoor plants. Experts recommend adding a root preparation powder to the soil for balsam, for example, Potassium Humate, Root, Kornevin. They can also be lightly sprinkled with live balsam roots. After transplanting, watering must be adjusted. A flower is planted in slightly moist soil, the first watering is carried out after the soil dries. It is recommended to add Zikron to the water for irrigation every other time (2 drops per 1 glass of water, 5-6 drops per 1 liter of water). Top dressing can be carried out only after a month after transplantation.

The balsam withers, its leaves fall. A light cobweb is visible on the stem of the plant. Balsam leaves are covered with yellowish speckles, later the leaves curl and dry.
. Balsam disease: spider mite. This pest, up to 2 mm in size, lives on the back of balsam leaves and feeds on its juice. Treatment of the disease: isolate the plant. Then treat it with a solution of the drug (optional) Agravertiv, Aktarin, Avertiv, Aktellik. Processing is carried out 2 times a week. Treatment is carried out up to 1 month. Since the cause of the occurrence of spider mites on balsam is high air temperature and low humidity, it is recommended to spray the flower regularly. If the balsam blooms, then it is not necessary to spray it. It is enough to put a bowl with water or moistened expanded clay next to the flower. To quickly cure the plant, he needs to arrange a cold shower, while the water temperature should not exceed +17 degrees. IMPORTANT! during such a shower, you need to cover the soil in a pot with polyethylene. Cold water can damage the roots.

Balsam wilts on one side
. The cause of the disease: waterlogging of the soil. Control measures: normalize watering. So that the leaves of the balsam do not wilt, it should be watered only after the soil has completely dried. How to save the plant is described above.

How to grow balsam from seeds can be read in.

Balsam leaves wither. Brown spots appeared on the leaves in the form of circles.
The cause of the disease: waterlogging of the soil. Balsam is watered after the soil in the pot has completely dried. If the diameter of the pot reaches 17 cm, then watering is carried out 1 time in 1.5 weeks. If the diameter of the pot is less than 17 cm, then the soil in it dries out faster, and therefore watering is carried out more often. Wet soil is a favorable environment for balsam diseases. To prevent their development, Fitosporin-M is added to the water for irrigation every other time.

Fast growing, almost continuously blooming and always elegant, balsams are considered one of the best houseplants for beginner gardeners. Bright touchy-lights, which still delighted our grandmothers, and today are welcome residents of window sills, loggias and garden plots. They respond to simple care with the formation of new buds and the brilliance of foliage.

But even this unpretentious plant sometimes becomes a victim of insect pests and pathogens of various diseases. What dangers threaten the balsam flower? How to identify them, and, if necessary, provide treatment for ornamental plants?

Most often, the reasons for the weakening of a green pet, its withering or cessation of growth are non-compliance with the required conditions of detention or lack of attention. In nature, balsams live in regions with a warm, fairly humid climate, where there are no sudden changes in temperature and, especially, frost.

The minimum temperature allowed for a balsam flower is 13 ° C, but if a room or garden specimen is decorated with variegated foliage, then the air should not cool below 15 ° C. The optimum temperature for flowering is 18–20 °C. In a hotter room, the flowers fall faster, and the formation of new buds slows down.

Save the life of the plant! Balsam treatment methods for major diseases with a photo

In addition, other serious problems are inevitable.

It is not for nothing that the balsam is called Vanka Wet from time immemorial. Plants are not only extremely critical of the drying of the soil, but also love moist air.

Asking the question: “Why do balsam leaves fall?”, The grower must analyze the conditions in which the flower is located. Operating heating devices affect both the temperature in the room and the humidity of the air. The lower it is, the stronger the evaporation of moisture from the leaves, and the balsam weakens faster. Frequent drying of the soil also leads to this, especially during active growth.

As a result, flowering and the growth of new shoots are inhibited, and the leaves, starting from the bottom, turn yellow and fall off. This situation is often used by insects and mites.

An excessive decrease in air temperature is also an unfavorable factor. Balsam does not tolerate even short-term cooling, therefore it is better to clean the plants taken out into the garden or onto the balcony from the second half of summer at night.

Balsam diseases and their treatment

At low temperatures, the need for moisture decreases, so watering must be reduced. If this is not done, the appearance of rot, others, as in the photo, diseases and pests of balsam cannot be avoided.

Among balsam diseases, downy mildew causes the greatest harm to outdoor plants.

Why did the leaves begin to change color, become unhealthy and yellow? — Balsam is very hot, it is necessary to water more often. In the summer, in the heat, the foliage noticeably turns yellow at the balsams, you need to water it almost daily, spray it, try not to get direct sunlight. Maybe you need to feed him.

Is it possible to cut off the tops of the balsam to make the bush more magnificent?- Many balsams "do not like" pruning. After it will grow clumsily. There are dwarf varieties of balsams that grow only 5-8 cm in height, and go more to the sides. It turns out a very thick and wide bush, all in flowers.

What causes balsam buds to fall off? — Balsams are all moisture-loving plants. By dropping buds, it most likely reacts to a short-term overdrying of the substrate (this is possible if the substrate is very light and water is not absorbed during watering, but flows down the walls of the pot). It can also be from a lack of nutrition, from temperature changes, from too many buds - the plant cannot feed everything and sheds some of them - this is called self-regulation, and from many other reasons. Read information on caring for balsam on our website at the link: balsam

Why does balsam rarely bloom and produce very few flowers?- Flowering may be weak when large dishes or excess nutrition.

Why aren't the buds blooming?- If the buds do not bloom, there may be several reasons: lack of light, lack of nutrition, excess nutrition, too low temperature, drying out of the soil, dry air or transplant. A change in the shape of the leaf is observed with prolonged cooling, irregular watering and pest damage. Check what your plant is missing. More about the plant: balsam.

What to do if the leaves began to become covered with white spots? What's this?- Spots can appear when spraying with hard water - then this is lime on the leaves, and not a manifestation of the disease.

Diseases and pests of balsam - symptoms and methods of control + Video

The leaves become stained when sprayed with water in bright sun - sunburn. The cause of stains may be other violations in care, as well as pests and diseases.

How to get rid of spider mites on balsam?- If the balsam is affected by a spider mite, then spray the leaves on both sides 1-2 times a week with Agravertin (Akarin, Avertin), Aktellik, Neoron, Fitoverm. You can wash the leaves on both sides several times a month under a cold shower (water temperature + 15-17 ° C). Do not water the soil with such cold water, otherwise the plant will die !! It is necessary to spray all available indoor plants, even cacti.

On the balsam, some droplets periodically appear and disappear, what is it?- Balsam (or Touchy, Vanka-wet) is distinguished by such a feature - in cloudy weather and before rain, it releases a sugary substance on stems, twigs and leaves, which quickly crystallizes in air. Thus, this plant to some extent can be considered a home weather forecaster.

What are the benefits of balsam at home?- First of all, balsam is valued for its decorative effect, it gives aesthetic pleasure. Improves the microclimate of the room. Information about balsam can be found by clicking on the link: balsam

How to save balsam if the roots are festering?- In case of signs of decay, it is necessary to immediately carefully remove the plant from the pot, very carefully remove the acidified soil from the roots or rinse with water and transplant into fresh, light, water- and breathable soil with plenty of drainage. When mold appears on the surface of the soil, you can remove the top layer of the earth and pour fresh, with a lot of sand. If, as a result of rotting, the leaves have lost turgor, become lethargic, then it is better to cut the plant, since rot can quickly destroy the plant.

Cucumber mosaic virus. Balsam is stunted, the leaves are wavy, with occasional irregular yellow spots and holes.
Control and prevention measures:

Circular mosaic virus. Ring patterns appear on the leaves, similar to fingerprints. The veins become woody, the leaves crack. Plants lag behind in growth, wither and die.
Control and prevention measures: Sick plants are destroyed, sticky blue traps for thrips are hung in plantings, which spread this virus.

Leaf bronze virus. This virus causes growth retardation and leaf deformation. The leaf tissue is partially discolored, small holes appear. The leaves are rough and wrinkled in places.
Control and prevention measures: Affected plants are destroyed, sticky blue traps are hung in greenhouses. The virus is spread by thrips.

Viral mosaic. Growth is extremely depressed, the leaves are wavy, with yellow spots.
Control and prevention measures: Sick plants are removed. Affected plants are destroyed. Prevention consists in the fight against aphids and thrips, which carry the virus.

Spider mite. Yellowish speckles appear on the leaves, later - extensive discolored and dried areas. Small (0.2-0.5 mm) mites live on the underside of the leaves among the thinnest cobwebs.
Control and prevention measures: Affected plant parts are removed. The appearance of ticks is promoted by high temperature and dry air. With a slight lesion, plants can be treated with soap or mineral oil. In case of strong treatment with Fitoverm, Akarin, Vertimek, Lightning, etc.

Miscellaneous mites. The leaves harden, twist, do not grow, often twisted around the edges. Small, about 0.3 mm, glassy-white mites appear at high temperature and humidity.
Control and prevention measures: Mother plants are regularly inspected for the presence of mites. Treat with Fitoverm, Akarin, Vertimek, Lightning, etc.

Pests and diseases of indoor plants

Thrips. Young leaves are deformed, the growth point is curved. Flowers with spots; petals turn brown at the edges. In flowers, especially in the region of stamens, thrips actively multiply. This tripe is a carrier of leaf bronze virus.
Control and prevention measures: Affected plant parts are destroyed. For prevention, sticky blue traps are hung in greenhouses. This is especially important for young plants, as even single insects can disfigure them. For the complete destruction of thrips, early and repeated application of insecticides is necessary. Sprayed with preparations Aktara, Aktellik, Fufanon, Fitoverm, Tanrek, Iskra, etc. After 4-5 days, the treatment is repeated, since insecticides do not act on all stages of development of these insects.

Brown rot. It mainly affects seedlings and cuttings at the age of several days or weeks. The base of the stem turns brown and thins. Under fallen leaves, long threads of mycelium develop.
Control and prevention measures: Spray cuttings immediately after planting with Rovral. Seedlings should not be planted too deep. After planting, spray with low pressure to keep the base of the stem well moistened. Shed under the root with biological preparations Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B. When planting and transplanting, use the biopreparation Glyokladin.

Aphid. Leaves, buds and flowers curl, turn yellow, with a strong lesion, sticky secretions of aphids are visible on them.
Control and prevention measures: On solitary plants or with a weak infestation, aphids are washed off with water and soapy water; in case of severe damage, they are treated with Antitlin, Tobacco dust, Actellik, Fitoverm, Akarin, Aktara, Decis, Tanrek, Spark, Bison, Biotlin, Commander, etc.

Verticillium wilt. The leaves wither, then dry up and remain hanging on the stem. Brown vessels are visible on the cut of the stem. The roots are not damaged.
Control and prevention measures: Affected plants are destroyed. Plants susceptible to verticillium are no longer planted at the site of lunges. For prevention, treat plants with Alirin-B, Gamair.

Whitefly. On the lower surface, and sometimes on the upper, of the leaves, adult white-winged insects 2-3 mm long and their wingless pale yellow larvae are visible. In the tobacco whitefly, the wings are folded in a “house”, while in the greenhouse whitefly, they are more flat. With severe damage, the leaves turn yellow. They have sticky discharge.
Control and prevention measures: They are treated with preparations based on potassium soap or preparations such as Aktara, Actellik, Iskra, Inta-Vir, Karbofos, Fufanon, Tanrek, Zubr, Biotlin, etc.

Downy mildew. Light spots appear on the leaves, exactly between the veins, and a dirty white coating of sporangia is visible on the underside. The disease develops rapidly, quickly leading to the death of the plant.
Control and prevention measures: Reduce air humidity, prevent night dew, less frequently moisten foliage.
Sick parts of plants are removed if possible. To prevent the spread of the disease, the plants are sprayed several times with Ridomil Gold or Alet.

Diseases and pests of balsam - save a delicate flower!

Sounds like you have a spider mite. Balsam is one of the favorite treats of the spider mite. As a rule, its appearance is provoked by dry air and close proximity to other plants. The main sign of the appearance of a spider mite is barely noticeable cobwebs on the leaves of plants. The tick is quite easily removed by careful double spraying with such preparations as Actellik, Neoron, Agravertin.

Whitefly. With strong yellowing and falling leaves, it is necessary to check the reverse side of the balsam leaf for the presence of whitefly larvae. The whitefly itself is a tiny white flies that fly out of the bush when shaken. But not adults harm the plant, but their larvae, similar to aphids. Turning over the leaf of an infected plant, you can see on the back of the leaf many small insects that secrete sweet juice, like aphids. This makes the leaf feel sticky. The whitefly is also removed, like the scale insect, by careful (on both sides of the leaf) double spraying with such preparations as Fitoverm, Aktellik, Neoron, Agravertin.

You will have to spray all the same (in the bathroom, on the balcony), otherwise the flower will die.

soapy water, if the leaves are large, wipe with a soapy cloth. then spray more.

Balsam - diseases, effective treatment

spider mites form on plants if they are not sprayed.

my grandmother in such cases dilutes laundry soap (which is brown) and sprays it with this soapy solution

spider mite! buy a product, sprinkle in the bathroom and cover with a bag, it will pass in a day. otherwise the plant will disappear.

From phytoverm, there will be no harm to pets, but you can spray it with a soapy, preferably green soap solution

It's a red spider mite...

I agree with Assol - phytoverm is completely non-toxic after 2 hours. And recently I read about one more way: with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, wipe the affected areas - it helps against spider mites and shield (I already checked it myself on my flowers!), But I’m not sure about balsam, its stems and leaves are very tender , you can try on one leaf, if after a few hours there are no burns, then you can process the whole plant).

mite. you can treat with a cat leopard from fleas, after diluting it with water.

It's a spider mite!

Be sure to treat with ACTELIK and FITOVERM (to strengthen the plant's immunity), alternating these preparations.

You can spray it outside, then cover it with a bag for 1-2 hours. And everything will be great!

Read the instructions for the drug carefully.

Well, this chemistry is not terrible for animals! You are not going to bathe them in it! Take the plant to the bathroom, spray "Aktellik" in the bathroom - this is your spider mite! Spill the earth with "Aktara". I have a cat too, so what?

Spider mite: often affects balsam, especially when the air is too dry - cobwebs appear on the stems in the internodes, the leaves become lethargic and fall off.

Control measures. Wipe the plant with a soapy sponge and wash under a warm shower. Spray regularly. With a very strong lesion, spray with a 0.15% actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water).

Buds and leaves fall on balsam, balsam leaves turn yellow, other plant diseases - how to treat and prevent. Why do balsam leaves fall?

The balsam leaves are falling, the balsam has dropped its buds. There can be several causes of balsam disease:

  • if the plant was bought recently, then it goes through an adaptation period. It will last up to 1 month. It is very important to provide normal care during this period. This is normal watering, fertilizing, spraying. A sign that the plant has not died and has adapted to new conditions of detention is evidenced by new leaves and the tone of the stems;
  • soil drying. Overdried soil can crack and lag behind the edges of the pot. Balsam sheds leaves for lack of moisture. In some cases, the balsam leaves turn yellow, in some cases they dry out without losing their color intensity. In some cases, balsam leaves curl. Proper watering of balsam - 1 time per week, before the next watering, the soil in the pot should dry out, but not dry out, which will adversely affect the health of the flower;
  • waterlogging of the soil is the most possible reason why the leaves of the balsam fall off, it sheds buds. The soil is considered waterlogged when on the second day, after watering, it does not dry out from above. The ideal option is when the soil in a pot with a diameter of more than 17 cm dries to the bottom before the next watering for 1-1.5 weeks. If the diameter of the pot where the balsam grows is less than 17 cm, then the soil in it should dry out in 1 week. If the leaves of the balsam fall due to waterlogging of the soil, then the plant must be transplanted into a pot of a smaller diameter. Before planting in the ground, balsam roots are examined for rot. Rotting roots are removed, cuts are treated with crushed activated carbon. Soil for planting balsam, which dropped the leaves, is taken universal, for flowering, indoor plants. Experts recommend adding a root preparation powder to the soil for balsam, for example, Potassium Humate, Root, Kornevin. They can also be lightly sprinkled with live balsam roots. After transplanting, watering must be adjusted. A flower is planted in slightly moist soil, the first watering is carried out after the soil dries. It is recommended to add Zikron to the water for irrigation every other time (2 drops per 1 glass of water, 5-6 drops per 1 liter of water). Top dressing can be carried out only after a month after transplantation.

The balsam withers, its leaves fall. A light cobweb is visible on the stem of the plant. Balsam leaves are covered with yellowish speckles, later the leaves curl and dry.
. Balsam disease: spider mite. This pest, up to 2 mm in size, lives on the back of balsam leaves and feeds on its juice. Treatment of the disease: isolate the plant. Then treat it with a solution of the drug (optional) Agravertiv, Aktarin, Avertiv, Aktellik. Processing is carried out 2 times a week. Treatment is carried out up to 1 month. Since the cause of the occurrence of spider mites on balsam is high air temperature and low humidity, it is recommended to spray the flower regularly. If the balsam blooms, then it is not necessary to spray it. It is enough to put a bowl with water or moistened expanded clay next to the flower. To quickly cure the plant, he needs to arrange a cold shower, while the water temperature should not exceed +17 degrees. IMPORTANT! during such a shower, you need to cover the soil in a pot with polyethylene. Cold water can damage the roots.

Balsam wilts on one side
. The cause of the disease: waterlogging of the soil. Control measures: normalize watering. So that the leaves of the balsam do not wilt, it should be watered only after the soil has completely dried. How to save the plant is described above.

How to grow balsam from seeds can be read in.

Balsam leaves wither. Brown spots appeared on the leaves in the form of circles.
The cause of the disease: waterlogging of the soil. Balsam is watered after the soil in the pot has completely dried. If the diameter of the pot reaches 17 cm, then watering is carried out 1 time in 1.5 weeks. If the diameter of the pot is less than 17 cm, then the soil in it dries out faster, and therefore watering is carried out more often. Wet soil is a favorable environment for balsam diseases. To prevent their development, Fitosporin-M is added to the water for irrigation every other time.