All indoor plants in alphabetical order. Catalog of indoor plants

  • 13.06.2019

Blooming houseplants adorn not only sunny window sills. There are such indoor flowers, which basically grow and bloom in the shade and partial shade, which are used for landscaping rooms with a small amount of sunlight. Many beautiful blooming unpretentious indoor flowers are presented in this article with a description and some recommendations on their agricultural practices. Having learned the names of crops intended for growing in pots, you can confidently go to a specialized store and choose plants for your home there. Do not forget that there may be "folk" names for indoor flowering plants, so they may be known to you by other names. But this does not change their botanical essence. See photos and names of blooming indoor plants and choose those cultures that will allow you to solve your design problems with maximum effect:

The name of the first home flowering plant - (with photo)


Ehmeya's home flowering plants are bromeliads with funnel-shaped flowers and densely rosette leaves. The inflorescences of Aechmea fasciata - the most popular species - are pink, those of Aechmea chantinii are red-gold, those of Aechmea fulgens are coral. This is the first representative of the bromeliad family. Look at the photos of these plants and continue our acquaintance with agricultural technology and botanical characteristics:

    • Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Bright but not direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: All year round not below 18 °C.
  • Air humidity: Spray more often. Does not tolerate dry air in rooms with central heating.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: From April to October, moderately moisten the soil and pour water into the leaf funnel. Use only soft water. From November to March, water less.
  • Top dressing: Fertilize every 2 weeks in spring and summer.
  • Transfer: After 2 years.
  • Reproduction: Lateral shoots - children or seeds in spring at 20-25 ° С. Seeds are luminous.
  • Pests, diseases: Scale insects, root aphids.

After looking at the photo and finding out the name of this home flowering plant, you got the opportunity to find it on the store counter and purchase it in your collection, look at a few more varieties:

Allamanda - climbing flowering houseplant


allamanda escapes for a short time reach lengths of several meters. Flowers, depending on the variety, are 8-12 cm in size. Allamanda cathartica goes on sale with flowers of various colors: ‘Henderson’ (orange-yellow), ‘Grandiflora’ (lemon yellow) and ‘Schott’ (yellow). The last type of climbing flowering houseplant develops exceptionally strong.

  • Family: Arosupaseae (Kutraceae).
  • Homeland: Northeast South America.
  • Location: Bright, sunny lighting.
  • Temperature: All year round not below 18 °C. Likes warm soil.
  • Air humidity: High, about 60%.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with nutritious loam.
  • Watering: From April to October, water abundantly and spray more often. Then cut both.
  • Top dressing: Feed weekly in summer.
  • Transfer: February/March.
  • Pruning: After flowering or in spring, it is possible to shorten the branches.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings in spring or autumn at a soil temperature of about 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Yellowing of leaves, cushions, false shields.
Important! Allamanda prefers lime-free water. Carefully! All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Anigozanthos - tall flowering houseplant


Kangaroo paw is a tall flowering houseplant with lanceolate leaves and graceful flowers appearing in summer. The texture of the petals resembles wool or felt.

  • Family: Haetodoraceae (Chemodoraceae).
  • Homeland: Southeast Australia.
  • Location: Bright lighting all year round.
  • Temperature: In summer it likes warmth, in winter it likes coolness (10-15 °C). In summer, you can put Anigozanthos outdoors, in a sheltered place.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Top dressing: From March to August, fertilize weekly in small doses.
  • Transfer: If necessary, you can transplant in the spring.
  • Reproduction: In spring, division of old plants or seeds.
  • Pests, diseases: spider mite.
Anigozanthos is a light-loving plant, so it may not bloom in a “bad” summer. In addition, in a dark place, the "kangaroo paw" does not grow in a compact bush, which can be corrected by treating anigozanthos with substances that retard growth. Look at these blooming beautiful indoor flowers in the photo, which shows specimens during the period of budding and blooming of petals:

Aphelandra - a small flowering houseplant

Aphelandra protruding

Aphelandra bulge is a small flowering houseplant with dark green leaves that stand out with creamy white veins. Bright, sunny-yellow flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, consist of long-lasting covering leaves laid like roofing tiles, and short-lived light yellow tubular small flowers. The flowering time is regulated by the gardener, and we can buy a flowering plant at almost any time.

  • Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthaceae).
  • Homeland: Central and South America.
  • Location: Bright lighting all year round. Temperature 20 °C.
  • Air humidity: High. Spray more often.
  • Watering: The soil should always be slightly moist.
  • Top dressing: Fertilize every 14 days from March to August.
  • Transfer: Spring.
  • Pruning: Before transplant.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings at a soil temperature of 25-30 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, false shields.
  • Important! Drafts should be avoided. Aphelandra blooms the next year only if it is placed in a cool (10 °C) and very bright place for 8 weeks in winter.

Look at these flowering houseplants in the photo, which shows the forms of blooming buds and their color options:

Brunfelsia - blooming and unpretentious indoor flowers in pots


Brunfelsia pauciflora var. calycina are unpretentious indoor flowers, depending on the variety, blooming in white, yellow or light and dark purple large flowers. Shoots splayed, slightly branched. The winter flowering cultivar ‘Floribunda’ is interesting for its blue and violet flowers. These indoor flowers in pots, blooming for a long time, require regular fertilizing with minerals.

  • Family: Solanaceae (Solanaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: From light to semi-shady all year round.
  • Temperature: Likes warmth. From November to January, keep in a cool room (10-12 ° C).
  • Air humidity: High, spray more often.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: From March to September, water the plant abundantly with softened water. Then reduce watering.
  • Top dressing: From March to September, fertilize every 2 weeks, then stop feeding.
  • Transfer: After the end of the main flowering period in early summer.
  • Pruning: Trim long shoots.
  • Reproduction: Apical or stem cuttings in spring, at a soil temperature of 25 ° C. Rooted with difficulty.
  • Pests, diseases: Yellowing of leaves (chlorosis), false shields, spider mites, aphids.
Carefully! Brunfelsia is poisonous.

Calceolaria - the best flowering houseplant (with pictures)


Calceolus means "little slipper" in Latin. For almost 500 various kinds and cultivars bred from them, the lower lip of the flowers is characteristic, swollen to the size of a wide shoe. Flowers are monophonic, two-color, tiger-striped of various colors - yellow, red, orange. Calceolaria, due to its decorative properties, is the best flowering houseplant that allows you to effectively decorate any window sill.

  • Family: Scrophulariaceae (Norichaceae).
  • Homeland: South America. For sale only cultural forms.
  • Location: Very bright, but not illuminated by the bright sun, a spacious room.
  • Temperature: If possible, not very high (15-20 ° C).
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Abundant.
  • Top dressing: Fertilize weekly.
  • Transfer: Not needed, because This plant is grown as an annual.
  • Reproduction: In summer, at a temperature of 18 ° C, sowing seeds that do not need to be covered with soil (light-germinating seeds). Growing seedlings does not create any problems.
  • Pests, diseases: Whiteflies, aphids.
  • Important! The plant does not tolerate waterlogging. In autumn and winter, young plants need additional artificial lighting.

Look at the pictures of these indoor flowering plants, which illustrate their decorative properties:

Bellflower - indoor ampelous flowering plants

bell ( campanula isophylla)

As potted plants, the bellflower (Campanula isophylla) and its varieties ‘Alba’ (white flowers) and ‘Mai’ (blue-violet flowers) are mainly cultivated. These are excellent indoor ampelous flowering plants, in addition, Campanula fragilis (brittle bell) and Campanula pyramidalis, popularly called "Jacob's ladder", are grown.

  • Family: Campanulaceae (bellflowers).
  • Homeland: Mediterranean regions.
  • Location: Bright, sunny, spacious room.
  • Temperature: Not very tall. Wintering at 10 °C.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Water regularly from spring to autumn to keep the soil constantly moist. Campanula isophylla tolerates even hard water.
  • Top dressing: From May to August, fertilize every 14 days with a special flower mixture.
  • Transfer: Spring.
  • Pruning: After flowering, in autumn.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite, gray mold, leaf spot.
When cutting the cuttings, a non-poisonous white milky juice appears on the sections. Dip the cuttings in tepid water and it will stop flowing.

Decorative flowering indoor plants: names and photos

Consider decorative-flowering houseplants that can be easily grown in a pot culture. The names of decorative flowering houseplants presented below are not familiar to all gardeners, so the information will be useful and interesting. Look carefully at the photos and names of decorative flowering houseplants - among the variety presented there are very interesting new items:

Diosma - Coleonema calydum.

This evergreen potted plant has recently been commercialized (sometimes called Coleonema pulchrum). Beautiful leaves, similar to heather leaves, exude a spicy aroma. In spring, numerous small pink-red flowers appear on the branches.

  • Family: Rutaceae (Rutaceae).
  • Homeland: Southwestern region of the Cape Province of South Africa.
  • Location: In summer, a sheltered, sunny place on outdoors in winter - good lighting.
  • Temperature: In summer - outdoor temperature; in winter - a cool room with a temperature of 5 ° C.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Very plentiful in summer, water less in winter.
  • Top dressing: During the growing season, once every 14 days, apply a complete mineral fertilizer diluted in water.
  • Transfer: After flowering.
  • Pruning: When transplanting, pinching shoots, if necessary, more radical pruning.
  • Reproduction: From March to September, non-lignified cuttings at a soil temperature of 22-25 ° C. You can use cutting waste.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.

Columnea - Columnea.

Columns are luxurious ampelous plants. Numerous species and varieties come on the market, partly with variegated leaves. The most famous is the species hybrid ‘Stevenger’. Flowering time varies depending on the species or variety.

  • Family: Gesneriaceae (Gesneriaceae).
  • Homeland: Central America, mainly Costa Rica.
  • Location: From light to semi-shady.
  • Temperature: Prefers warmth, but during the budding phase, which lasts 30-40 days in winter, temperatures around 15°C are needed.
  • Air humidity: High. Spray carefully.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: During the growth period, lightly, evenly moisten the soil. Water less in winter. As soon as the buds reach 1-2 cm, increase watering and put the plant in a warmer place.
  • Top dressing: During the growing season, fertilize weekly in small doses.
  • Transfer: After flowering, transplant into pots for azaleas.
  • Pruning: Trim at the time of transplant.
  • Reproduction: Apical or non-lignified cuttings at a soil temperature of 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphid infestations.
  • Important! Water and fertilizers containing lime are not recommended.

Further, these decorative flowering houseplants are shown in the photo with the possibilities of their use in the interior:

Beautiful blooming and unpretentious home flowers in pots (with photo)

Choosing home blooming beautiful flowers, you always want to get the most unusual and original specimen. And there really are. Meet them further down the page.

Fat girl fiery red - Crassula coccinea.

Fiery red fat woman - home flowering semi-shrub flowers 30-60 cm high. It blooms with fragrant bright red flowers. The shoots coming from the base are densely planted with opposite, cross-shaped leaves of 2 cm.

  • Family: Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae).
  • Homeland: South Africa.
  • Location: A room full of air and bright diffused light. In summer - outdoors, in a place protected from rain. In September, bring home flowering flowers in pots into the house, put them in a bright place for the winter until the buds appear.
  • Temperature: In winter, about 10 ° C, in summer - the temperature of the outside air.
  • Substrate: Sandy soil.
  • Watering: Moisten slightly in summer, water very rarely in winter.
  • Top dressing: In the summer, once every 4 weeks, feed with fertilizer for cacti.
  • Pruning: After flowering, shorten the shoots by 10 cm to encourage a second flowering.
  • Reproduction: Shoot tips in June. Plant in sandy soil, after drying the surface of the cuts for several days.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, mealybugs, mites, soft-bodied mites, powdery mildew, leaf nematodes.

Important to remember! Dislikes the midday sun.

Dipteracanthus - Dipteracanthus.

There are about 250 species of these unpretentious flowering house flowers, but only a few of them are offered to us as indoor ones. These are low, almost creeping subshrubs. Leaves with light veins, flowers are pink or white and purple striped. Looks great as an ampelous culture.

  • Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light to semi-shady. Does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: Raised all year round. The soil must also be warm.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with the addition of polystyrene chips.
  • Watering: Moisten the soil moderately. Soften water.
  • Top dressing: From March to August, once every 2 weeks, fertilize in small doses.
  • Transfer: Transplant into flat containers every spring.
  • Reproduction: Apical cuttings in spring, at a soil temperature of 22 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Leaf curl, dysplasia, root rot, whiteflies.
Dipteracanthus is a fabulously beautiful ground cover plant for a window showcase with a special microclimate.
Look at these blooming home flowers in the photo, which shows different periods of their life and development:

Flowering plants for houses and apartments (names and photos)

Numerous flowering plants for the home allow you to create unusual floral arrangements. This is a unique opportunity for interior design. The following are descriptions, photos and names of flowering plants for houses and apartments, look and choose the ones that suit you:

Euphorbia Mil (thorns of Christ) - Euphorbia milii

Euphorbia Mil is one of the most popular representatives of the extensive, numbering 2000 species of the genus Euphorbia. In places of natural growth it is a meter-high deciduous shrub. Euphorbia Mil - unpretentious flowering plants for an apartment, they endure the dry air of a city apartment, and central heating, and burning sun rays. Its long, pencil-hard, thorny shoots can be led along supports, like trellis plants. The newest varieties grow almost vertically, in compact bushes up to 60 cm high. The color of the flowers has various options in red and pink colors and also available in white and yellow. Euphorbia lophogona, native to Madagascar, is evergreen and blooms all year round white or pink flowers. Hybrids of both species are bushy and decorative, bloom profusely and successfully crowd out pure species. These hybrids, called Euphorbia Lomi, bloom almost all year round with yellow, pink, red and purple flowers. True, they are easily affected by powdery mildew.

  • Family: Euphorbiaceae (Euphoriaceae).
  • Homeland: Madagascar.
  • Location: Very light, lit by the sun.
  • Temperature: Likes warmth.
  • Substrate: Soil mixture for cacti with a small admixture of loam.
  • Watering: Moderate, especially in winter. After flowering for one month, water a little, so as not to dry the root ball. Increase watering slightly from March to August.
  • Top dressing: Once every 2 weeks, apply fertilizer for cacti to the water for irrigation.
  • Transfer: Young plants should be transplanted every 2 years.
  • Pruning: Pruning is carried out in the spring, before new shoots appear.
  • Reproduction: Spring cuttings. You can use the shoots left after pruning! Use pieces of older shoots. Dip slices in tepid water to stop the secretion of milky juice. Dry for one day and then plant in a mixture of sand and peat.
  • Pests, diseases: Falling leaves.
Don't be afraid to keep spurge in a room with dry air.

Carefully! All parts of the plant are poisonous. The milky juice of all species of Euphorbia contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In addition, you can get hurt on sharp spikes.

Gloriosa (curly lily) - Gloriosa superba.

Gloriosa superba (Glonosa superba) - sensational liana with flowers 10 cm in diameter, fiery red, with a yellow border.

  • Family: Liliaceae (liliaceae).
  • Homeland: Tropical regions of Asia, Africa, Madagascar.
  • Location: For germination and vegetation - light.
  • Temperature: Likes warmth. Tubers overwinter in a pot at 15 °C.
  • Air humidity: Spray frequently until buds form.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: From March to August, water regularly, then limit watering and gradually let the plant wither.
  • Top dressing: March to August weekly.
  • Reproduction: In February, tubers.
  • Transfer: In March, transplant into a new pot, water.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, spider mites.

When buying, pay attention to whether the tubers have a small green top (vegetation zone). Caution The tubers contain the poisonous substance colchicine.

Beautiful flowering houseplants (photos and names)

Beautiful flowering houseplants can be quite familiar, but unusually decorated. For example, on the basis of balsam, you can form an unusual composition. A pig in a container will decorate any interior. See photos and names of beautiful flowering houseplants and draw interesting ideas for decorating your houses and apartments:

Balsam - Impatiens.

Waller's balsam (Impatiens walleriana) is a beloved year-round potted plant. Flowers of various colors, there are even with two-color petals. Meanwhile, balsam hybrids ‘New Guinea’ appeared and proved themselves well.

  • Family: Balsaminaceae (Balsaminaceae).
  • Homeland: Tropical areas in East Africa, Ceylon, India, New Guinea. Mainly cultivated farms go on sale.
  • Location: From light to semi-shady. 'New Guinea' hybrids tolerate sunlight well.
  • Temperature: Room temperature all year round. For Waller's balsam, it is somewhat cooler in winter (12-15 ° C).
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Water regularly in summer, less in winter. Avoid overwetting.
  • Transfer: Spring. It is better to root the cuttings in the fall and let them overwinter.
  • Pruning: From time to time shorten the shoots.
  • Reproduction: Top cuttings. Balsam Vallera - can be seeds in the spring.

pigs - Plumbago indica.

After the eared pig (Plumbago auriculata) found many admirers as a container plant in temperate latitudes, its “pink” relative, plumbago, or pig, Indian (Plumbago indica) spread as an attractive room culture. It forms clinging shoots and blooms all summer with pink-red flowers collected in an ear.

  • Family: Plumbagiaceae (Mumps).
  • Homeland: India.
  • Location: Lots of light, but protect from direct bright sun.
  • Temperature: Warmly. In winter it is cooler, but not below 13 °C.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Moderate in summer, very limited in winter.
  • Top dressing: During the growth period in spring and summer, apply complex fertilizer every 14 days.
  • Transfer: If necessary in the spring.
  • Reproduction: In spring, grassy apical cuttings at a soil temperature of 20 to 25 ° C.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, tormenting dew, leaf fall.
  • Important! Be sure to avoid stagnant waterlogging!

Skullcap - Scutellaria costaricana.

Tropical skullcap is a mountain plant, accustomed to a lot of light. Partly lignified species reaches a height of 0.5 m and blooms in summer with bright spike-shaped apical inflorescences with fiery red short-lobed flowers.

  • Family: Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae).
  • Homeland: Costa Rica.
  • Location: All year long there is a lot of light and air, without direct sun. The temperature in summer is about 20 °С, in winter it is not lower than 15 °С. It is important that the soil is warm.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Maintain moderate moisture in the substrate.
  • Top dressing: From March to August, weekly feed with low doses of mineral fertilizers.
  • Transfer: Every 2 years, in autumn. Better to grow new plants.
  • Pruning: Before transplant.
  • Reproduction: Apical or other cuttings, in autumn, at a soil temperature of 20 to 25 ° C. Don't pinch! Inflorescences are formed only at the tops of the shoots.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite.
Plant several young plants in one pot, so they will look more bushy.

Strelitzia - Streiitzia reginae.

The name "bird of paradise" is due to the brightness of the flowers, painted in orange and sky blue colors and enclosed in bracts with red edges. Strelitzias have long been known as cut flowers, but they are also growing in popularity as houseplants. In the homeland of strelitzia, in South Africa, there are 5 species of this plant, but only (Strelitzia reginae) has received the greatest distribution.

  • Family: Musaceae (Banana).
  • Homeland: South Africa.
  • Location: Light and sunny, from mid-May a place protected from the wind is desirable in the open air.
  • Temperature: Warm, cooler in winter (10-14 °С).
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: Plentiful in summer, scarce in winter. Water only with water at room temperature.
  • Top dressing: From March to August every week.
  • Transfer: If necessary, but preferably every 3 years, as the roots are very sensitive.
  • Reproduction: By division or seeds.
  • Pests, diseases: Shchitovki.

Vriesia - unpretentious and shade-tolerant flowering houseplant


The most famous species of this unpretentious flowering houseplant is the brilliant vriesia (Vriesea splendens). In addition to it, there are shade-tolerant flowering houseplants with green leaves and dark red and other color spike-shaped inflorescences.

Vriesia die off after flowering. Plants can be kept as epiphytes.
  • Family: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliaceae).
  • Homeland: Brazil.
  • Location: Light or semi-shaded, avoid direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: It is warm all year round, the soil temperature is above 18 °C.
  • Air humidity: High. Frequent spraying and providing artificial humidity.
  • Substrate: Flower soil.
  • Watering: With soft water at room temperature, constantly maintain light humidity. Pour water into the funnel and on whom.
  • Top dressing: Feed every 14 days in summer in small doses.
  • Transfer: Not required as the plant dies off after flowering.
  • Reproduction: Offspring, which should be no smaller than half the mother plant.
  • Pests, diseases: Growth disorders, leaf damage.

Indoor plants will add coziness to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are placed between your bed and nightstand, on your wall or window sill. These exotic beauties also purify the air from pollution. You can choose the flower you like among a wide range of species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African Violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia Pulcherrima (Euphorbia Pulcherrima) or Royal Orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of profuse flowering. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements that transform your home into an evergreen garden. But there is something you need to keep in mind, different home care requirements. Plants like succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers need to be cared for daily. Therefore, you should know in advance about the care of indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you do not know the name of the flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose the right care at home.

Perhaps abutilon (indoor maple, rope) is not one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are starting to notice the beauty of this little bush. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. His decorative look due to large, bright flowers, as well as leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x...

Agave is native to the desert regions of North America. Species belonging to this type have a different size, leaves, as well as the flowering period. Agaves are grown mainly for their ornamental leaves, although their inflorescences are also beautiful, however, agaves bloom after a very long time (tens of years). Worst of all, after flowering, she dies. Fleshy, thick leaves, collected in rosettes with sharp...


Aglaonema naturally occurs in Southeast Asia. The flower, depending on the variety, reaches up to one meter in height.


He likes partial shade and warmth, the temperature should not fall below 18 ° C, at lower temperatures, the flower stops growing. Watering is intensive, the plant loves high humidity, responds well to spraying, but does not like ...

Aglaonema changeable, or changeable(Aglaonema commutatum), belongs to the family Araceae. Of the 50 species at home, more often several species are grown. In general cultivation, more attractive hybrid varieties and even interspecific hybrids are found. Aglaonems are popular in home cultivation thanks to attractive decorative...

The correct name for Adenium grown at home is Adenium obese, or Desert rose (Adenium obesum) - unusually interesting plant, impressive with the structure and color of the flowers and the original shape characteristic of bonsai. Grown as a houseplant, in the summer it can become a decoration of a terrace or garden. Learn more about the unusual...

Among the types of ferns, it is worth paying attention to the fern, also called "venus hair" - maidenhair. The flower is cute, delicate and elegant, but due to improper care, the maidenhair will be unattractive appearance. Varieties of maidenhair are characterized by fans with fronds, with the shape of a slightly rounded triangle. The stems are thin, visually similar to hair. Adiantums are suitable for...

The species grown at home - Aichryson domestic (Aichryson x domesticum), called the "tree of love" and "flower of love", belongs to the Crassulaceae family. A small branched shrub succulent similar to Aeonium domesticum (Aeonium domesticum), differs in ellipsoidal leaves, in Aichrizon species the leaves are more diamond-shaped. Aichrizon home is easy to confuse with another ...

Alokaziya comes from the Malay Archipelago, its leaves grow from a rhizome. beautiful variety- This is Alocasia Lowe, which has shiny, dark green leaves with white veins. The leaves reach a length of up to 60 cm. The tubers of the plant reach up to 4 kg of weight, they are food for the inhabitants of Asia (only a boiled or baked fragment is suitable for consumption - raw poisonous).


Aloe is a genus that contains hundreds of plants, although the most famous species of the genus Aloe vera (Aloe vera) and aloe vera(Aloe arborescens). There are more species and varieties to which attention should be paid, the species are characterized by high decorative merit. Aloe arborescens and aloe vera famous for their healing properties, in this article first of all ...

medicinal plant, Aloe vera or, Aloe real, also called Aloe barbados. Easy to grow houseplant. Aloe has been known since antiquity, the mention of the plant was contained on Sumerian clay tablets, subsidized 3000 BC. Alexander the Great reportedly recommended giving the leaves to wounded soldiers so that the soldiers' wounds would heal faster. The plant is probably...

If with words houseplants you only remember ficuses and geraniums, which means that you are not yet familiar with the most unusual representatives of this group.

Below we will talk about growing indoor flowers, which are rarely found in our apartments. These beauties will surely surprise and intrigue your guests. And growing them is actually not so difficult!

Tillandsia blue (Tillandsia cyanea)

Tropical guest from the Bromeliad family. The original pink spike-shaped inflorescence does not need additional frills, but in autumn delicate lilac-purple flowers appear on it.

Grows very slowly. Comfort temperature content: in winter +18°C, all the rest of the time up to +25°C. Light partial shade, moderate watering, occasional spraying. High air humidity must be maintained constantly, this is one of the main conditions for growing.

Required for boarding good drainage, it is imperative to include high-moor peat with crushed bark and leafy soil with charcoal in the composition of the soil mixture. When using a different planting mixture, it may grow poorly or not grow at all.

Euphorbia tirucalli (Euphorbia tirucalli)

It is a tree plant of the Euphorbiaceae family. Evergreen succulent with intricately curved bare branches and small greenish-yellow flowers. Its juice (like all milkweeds) is poisonous, can cause a slight burn or an allergic reaction.

Suitable soil mixture for cacti and succulents. The pot should not be large, otherwise the spurge will grow poorly (by the way, it can reach a height of 1 m, and it grows well in breadth). Water moderately, do not spray. Choose a bright place, but light partial shade is also suitable. In the sun, the stems will be slightly yellowish, in the shade - a more juicy green color.

It needs a winter rest period (usually after flowering) at a temperature of +12...+15°C. In summer, you can take it outside in light partial shade.

Hypocyrta naked (Hypocyrta glabra)

epiphytic ampelous plant, a member of the Gesneriaceae family. With beautiful small juicy green glossy leaves.

It blooms from spring to late autumn with bright orange flowers of an unusual shape, which can be seen in the photo below. Dry air and temperature changes during cultivation are unacceptable. When the temperature drops, plant growth slows down.

The humidity of the air and soil should be normal, watering is reduced in winter. Likes a bright place (preferably direct sunlight during the day). The temperature in the room should be moderate, in winter it should be lower: +12...+15°C.

Lachenalia aloevidnaya (Lachenalia aloides)

It will give its owner an elegant flowering in the middle of winter: clusters of elongated yellow tubular flowers with a greenish, reddish, pink or purple tint appear on tall multi-colored stems.

After 2-3 weeks after flowering, watering should be reduced, and then completely stopped. In September, the plant must be transplanted into fresh soil (the top of the bulb should be placed below the soil level) and watered once; when shoots appear, you can continue watering.

Lashenalia loves moisture, so sometimes it needs to be sprayed. Prefers the sun, especially on the windowsills, where half the day is direct sunlight, but the heating does not accept. It develops well and blooms at a temperature of +7...+15°C. Closed balcony with low positive temperatures in winter it will be just right for her. It reaches a height of 35-45 cm.

Calathea (Calathea)

It is valued for its decorative leaves: they can be from white to deep green in color, with unusual stains and patterns. And Calathea saffron (Calathea crocata) - also for the beauty of the flowers. The plant loves care and constant care: it must be protected from drafts, direct sunlight (light partial shade or diffused light), placed in a warm room in winter and organized high humidity air. Watering is constant, reduce the frequency in winter. Repotting should be done once every 2 years.

The most popular forms of calathea:

  • Calathea Makoya(Calathea makoyana)- broad leaves front side patterned, on the reverse - purple;

  • calathea decorated (Calathea ornata)- pink stripes on top of the leaves, with inside purple leaf;

  • Calathea Lubbers(Calathea lubbersii)- light green oval leaves with bright green and yellow spots;

  • calathea wonderful(Calathea insignis)- with large (about 45 cm long) lanceolate leaves with oval patterns;

  • calathea striped (Calathea zebrina)- on leaves about 30 cm long, spectacular stains of dark color;

  • pinkish-colored calathea (Calathea roseopicta)- oval leaves with a central pink stripe.

  • Calathea saffron (Calathea crocata)- one of its main advantages is long flowering. Flowers on erect peduncles. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, the lower side is a greenish-purple hue.

Koleria (Kohleria)

The bush is quite compact, with beautiful pubescent leaves and bright flowers. It used to be extremely popular! Now you don’t see her often, and it’s completely in vain! This plant has gained its distribution as an ampelous one, so it is better to choose a flower pot or a pot on a stand for it, but with the expectation of a long time. After transplantation, the earth is extremely difficult to wash off from the leaves, leaving dark stains.

The shoots of the koleria are straight, not branching. AT room version the plant is represented by hybrid forms. It can bloom for a long time, about 2 months; flowers are delicate, fluffy, patterned. Belongs to the Gesneriaceae family, requires dormancy in winter, so the upper stems are cut off and the nodules are given time to gain strength and grow at a temperature not higher than +14°C, but not lower than +12°C. He loves diffused light and high humidity, but the air around the plant should be sprayed: if water gets on the leaves, spots form on them, as if burned. For the same reason, direct sunlight should be avoided. Our reader shares her experience of growing kolerii:.

Small-leaved columnar (Columnea microphylla)

Densely leafy ampelous plant with hanging long (can reach 1.5 m) brittle, sometimes curly shoots.

Reduce watering in winter. He loves moisture, but it is worth spraying around the plant so that the leaves do not suffer. The flowers are bright, "eared".

Prefers warm and diffused sunlight.

Stapelia motley (Stapelia variegata)

A small succulent with an unusual spotted or striped flower that smells like rotten meat, which thus attracts flies for pollination.

The plant does not tolerate transplanting: if the roots are damaged, say goodbye to it immediately. The rest is very unpretentious. Temperature for development can be +12...+14°C. Light-loving, does not need spraying.

Frisee (Vriesea)

There are several varieties with large bright racemes.

You need to transplant when the pot has become cramped for the plant. After flowering is over, be sure to remove the maternal rosettes to give the plant the opportunity to recover and form new ones.

It develops indoors at normal room temperature, in winter it should be reduced, but not less than +15°C. Determine the place is bright, with diffused sunlight. Make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, and there should always be water in the middle of the leaves of the rosette of leaves. Every few months the water needs to be renewed.

Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Another popular name for flower growers is Dione's mousetrap.

Transfer is not required. During the growth period, good soil moisture is needed (water abundantly), sometimes you can spray the leaves. A pot with a Venus flytrap is best placed on a tray with rain or melt water. It grows well in a sunny place with a slight shading from the midday sun, at normal room temperature, in winter - not lower than + 15 ° C.

Happy hunting

The plant is sometimes fed with insects: for some time it digests food with closed leaf flaps. Potential prey is attracted by a peculiar smell.

Here is a list of unusual indoor plants turned out. Maybe you want to settle one (or several) of them, or maybe one of these green pets already lives with you? Tell us!

Home flowers decorate our lives with greenery, bright colors, they can cheer up, invigorate and soothe with their appearance and beauty.

Of course, they require a careful attitude towards them, care, attention, and they themselves are always ready to respond with beauty, tenderness and love to the cares of a person, create comfort and a unique special atmosphere in an apartment, at home, in the country.

Home plants not only delight with their beauty, novelty, but also purify the air in the apartment, saturate it with oxygen, pleasant aromas, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and health.

It is especially pleasant to see greenery in the house, flowering houseplants, when there is bad weather, bad weather, slush outside the window, in late autumn or winter, when nature freezes, falls asleep, hides its wonderful colors. And at home you can arrange a small, pleasing look, garden on the windowsill, table, on a warmed loggia, in a small winter garden if conditions permit.

In communication with nature, a person rests, gathers his thoughts, analyzes, new ideas are born, life is filled with new energy.

It's good when a small piece of wildlife is in our home. It is in our power, if there is a desire, patience and love, unrealized creative passion, to create in our apartment, at home, in the country our own small green kingdom of domestic plants, where we can relax our souls from intense everyday worries. After all, man is a part of nature that surrounds our whole life.

Home flowers photo with names

- Anthurium, a genus of evergreen plants of the Aroid or Aronnikov family:

In nature, there are more than 800 species of these plants, both flowering and deciduous, growing mainly in tropical and subtropical America. Anthuriums are perennial plants with leathery leaves of various shapes and sizes. The name of the genus Anthurium, translated from Greek - a flower-tail, is given to the plant because of the shape of the inflorescences.

Anthurium Andreanum - beautiful view flowering house plants.

These are perennial herbaceous plants up to 90 cm high with rounded heart-shaped leaves, have a bract or coverlet - shiny, glossy red, pink, sometimes white, orange. They bloom from early spring to mid-autumn, are photophilous and moisture-loving, it is necessary to shade from direct sunlight. Suitable for winter gardens, as it can reach large sizes.

In nature, Anthurium Andre is common in Colombia, where it occurs above 1000 meters above sea level.

- Hydrandea, Hydrangea family:

Semi-shrub perennial plants with large leaves and large spherical inflorescences of white, pink, blue, red, lilac color. Blooms from April to November.

Flowers are named after an interesting courageous woman who made trip around the world, survived a shipwreck and became a famous astronomer - Hortense Lepot.

- Ranunkulus or Asian ranunculus, plants of the Buttercup family native to Asia Minor, beautiful home flowers:

Picture house plants Types of house flowers

Pelargonium- Pelargonium, plants of the Geranium family.

Pelargonium zonal (photo from the Internet):

Pelargonium zonal - 30 - 60 cm high with beautiful leaves, one of the most common and favorite house colors for windows. It is usually called geranium, it loves the brightest place in the house on the windowsill, on the balcony.

It blooms in red, white, pink, orange clusters of flowers in umbellate inflorescences, can bloom when proper care almost all year round from early spring to mid-winter.

– Pelargonium grandiflorum:

A plant with larger flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, the color of the petals is pink, white, orange, purple, red. Blooms from early spring all summer.

- Guzmania, a genus of plants of the Bromeliad family:

The Guzmania genus is one of the most heat-loving bromeliads, the flowers of the plant are located on spike-shaped inflorescences - bright red, orange or yellow, the leaves are collected in a funnel-shaped rosette, broadly linear. It usually blooms in April or August.

The name of the genus after the Spanish botanist A. Guzman was described in 1802.

house plants names

Aloe cosmo- Aloe, a genus of plants of the family. Asphodelic:

A herbaceous plant with a dense basal rosette of fleshy curved leaves, likes to be located on the sunny side.

Schlumbergera cactus - a representative of the genus Schlumbergera Schlumbergera of the Cactus family:

A genus of epiphytic cacti that naturally grows on trees in the tropical forests of Brazil at an altitude of 900 - 2800 meters.

The cactus, unlike its relatives, is unusual - the shoots are flat, jointed, do not have thorns. Flowers can be white, pink, orange, red, light lilac, unusually delicate and beautiful. The Decembrist does not like direct sunlight, loves moisture, watering.

Many home flowers get names associated with famous names, this cactus is named in 1858 in honor of the French cactus collector Frederic Schlumberger. The popular name of the plant is associated with the flowering time in winter - Decembrist, Christmas cactus. It is the most popular of the flowering cacti.

In the Tropical Greenhouse of the Apothecary Garden of Moscow State University you can see a variety of other succulents.

- Calathea, plants of the Maranth family:

The leaves are basal, oval or elliptical, green or variegated, always turned towards the sun. The flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences yellow, white, purple. Flowering from April to July.

Codiaum or Croton - Codiaeum, a genus of plants in the Euphorbiaceae family:

The stem is erect, branching with large leathery leaves up to 30 cm long of various shapes, brightly colored yellow, red, green or variegated. The most popular is the motley codiaum.

In nature, distributed in South and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, it grows in the form of shrubs and small trees. The genus name Codiaeum comes from the Greek word kodeia, head.

- Camellia japonika, plants of the Tea family:

Evergreen shrub with simple and double white, odorless red flowers with dark green shiny leaves, the birthplace of the plant is Japan.

Camellia in Japan is called yabutsubah, in China son-tsfa - mountain tea, grows naturally in the mountains at an altitude of 800 meters, where it is cool. When the time comes for the flowering of the camellia, a lantern festival is held in Japanese temples, which lasts for several days. Branches of blooming camellias adorn the burials of loved ones in cemeteries, which are illuminated at night with small lanterns.

Camellia was brought to Europe by a Jesuit monk, Father Joseph Kamel, the plant was named after him. It blooms in a cool room with good lighting from late autumn to March.

- Nolina, a genus of perennial tropical plants of the Asparagus family, formerly the genus belonged to the Agave family:

Other names for this exotic plant- ponytail, bottle tree, bottle palm due to appearance. A light-loving plant with narrow, long, bright green leaves with pointed ends, collected at the top of the plant and an expanding base where moisture collects.

home flowers photo

- Fuchsia, a genus of plants of the Cypriaceae family:

A small evergreen shrub with small oval leaves and long tubular drooping flowers of various colors - red, white, pink, purple. There are varieties with double color, with double flowers. More than 2 thousand withdrawn hybrid varieties, blooming fuchsias are very beautiful, when abundantly covered with flowers, they bloom for a long time.

In nature, about 100 species of fuchsia are known, distributed in Central and South America, on the island of Tahiti and on the islands of New Zealand, grow in the form of herbs, shrubs and small trees.

The genus is named after L. Fuchs, a German physician and botanist (1501 - 1566)

Yucca- Yucca, a genus of tree-like evergreens of the Agave family:

Evergreen houseplant, long xiphoid leaves are collected in a bunch at the top or ramifications of the trunk. There are stemless plants, the leaves are collected in one basal rosette. It blooms with white bell-shaped flowers in paniculate inflorescences.

About 40 species of yucca grows naturally in southern North America and Central America, mainly in arid regions.

- Platicodon - large-flowered bell:

Perennial herbaceous plants from the natural flora of Siberia and the Far East. Bell-shaped, translated from Greek - a wide bowl, bloom with large bells of pink, lilac, white, blue.

- Poinsettia, plants of the Euphorbiaceae family:

A perennial shrub that blooms in winter from December to February, it is often called the Christmas flower or the Star of Bethlehem.

The flowers of the poinsettia are inconspicuous, the bracts of bright colors adorn the plant - red, white, cream, yellow, color pink, there is a two-color variety of poinsettia.

New Year's composition from poinsettia - Christmas flowers:

Watch the care video different types home flowers:

Indoor flowers Window sill decoration video

The world of domestic plants, flowers is a huge wonderful unusual country! Some Home flowers photo with names Types of home flowers we reviewed here, other photos of home plants are waiting for us, read and see.

Take a walk around the Tsaritsyno Orangery, where a large number of ornamental and flowering plants from around the world, photo:

Dear readers, I hope it was interesting. And what house plants, house flowers do you grow, what pleases you? Share your opinion in the comments, thanks for your attention.

Be always healthy, beautiful and happy! See you in the next articles!

Under the name "money tree" hides a tree-shaped succulent with numerous rounded leaves - a fat woman, aeonium, aichrizon. They have other names: tree of luck, monkey tree, coin tree. Simple home care for the money tree and the original appearance made the fat woman popular among flower growers.

On the picture Crassula ovata- one of the most grown indoor flowers, as a money talisman...

An ancient Chinese legend says that there is a tree in the world with leaves - gold coins. When shaken, the leaves-coins fall to the ground like raindrops. It is Crassula that is most similar to that same money tree. It is believed that the plant brings financial success and prosperity to its owner. In addition to being decorative, it also has useful properties, is a filter plant.

To achieve the bright flowering of the uzambara violet, with a "hair" of magnificent flowers, the goal is tempting. An impeccable approach to solving the problem lies in creating a complete care for violets in a home collection. secrets lush flowering based own experience trial and error, each collector will discover for himself.

To avoid numerous failures in the cultivation of saintpaulias, it is recommended to master five general rules plant content. They will help you start painlessly into the many-sided, fascinating world of the violet kingdom.

There are thousands of varieties of cacti on the entire planet, and all of them are united in about 150 genera of representatives of succulents. What is the name of the type of cactus that grows in your home? Photos of cacti and a variety of indoor species and their names, botanical description...

The photo shows cacti of amazing shape and symmetry, as well as bright flowering.

To date, the choice of seeds is so large that everyone can try to grow indoor flower, even exotic, which will be in harmony with the interior and create comfort in your home. To see how a tiny sprout develops from a small seed and becomes an adult full-fledged specimen, I advise you to read “what indoor plants are grown from seeds”.

Seeds of indoor flowers can be sown almost all year round, if the room is warm enough and there is enough lighting, if necessary, you will have to illuminate with fluorescent lamps. But the most the best time for sowing seeds in anticipation of the growing season - February, March-April.

Pests such as spider mites, aphids, scale insects, false scale insects, mealybugs, nematodes and others bring the greatest danger to indoor plants. The methods of controlling the scale insect are approximately identical in relation to other pests.

The best protection for houseplants is prevention!

A houseplant, unfortunately, affects aphids or scale insects - a very small and dangerous pest. These plaques are completely attached to the veins of the plant and begin to feed on cell sap. With severe damage, scale insects secrete sticky substances on which fungal diseases develop very well. The flower is very quickly depleted, the shoots completely lose their leaves and dry out.

Caring for sansevieria consists in the almost complete absence of care! If I may say so... Sansevieria is one of the most persistent and hardy plants of the Agave family (Agavaceae). Another name for Sansevieria. They call the flower "mother-in-law's tongue" for the length of the leaves and the sharp end, "pike tail" - for the transverse stripes, it also has the name "snake skin", "leopard lily".

In the photo, sansevieria: care and features of home maintenance: watering, soil, transplanting ...

This is a real gift for beginners, it is quite unpretentious and you don’t need much to take care of sansevieria, it can stand without watering for a very long time. By the way, it still bloomed for me several times after the winter, and the heady smell, which intensifies in the evenings, reminds many of the smell of vanilla.

Often, the difficulties in caring for orchids are reinforced by the opinions of people from the network talking about their successes or failures in growing them. There is not enough detailed information on the care of flowers from a specialist. In fact, everything is not as difficult with the home maintenance of orchids as it might seem at first glance.

An article about how to properly organize orchid care at home? You will need to propagate, plant, transplant the orchid into the bark or other substrate, depending on the species. Answers to the most FAQ. Flowers are great for growing orchids in pots, just understand the specifics of caring for them.

The fact that the dracaena begin to dry and fall leaves, there may be several reasons. The main one is insufficient air humidity. It is not easy for indoor plants to survive in winter. The day is getting shorter, the air is dry from batteries, the tips of the leaves turn yellow and dry, the dracaena begins to shed its leaves, mainly the lower ones. This applies to many indoor species with a central leafy trunk, such as yucca, aglaonema, dieffenbachia ...

Despite the unpretentiousness, the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight and bright light, which is why light yellow spots appear, the leaves seem to fade. At the same time, dracaena often suffers from a lack of light. Small or, conversely, excessive watering also affects the condition of the leaves.

Well, tell me, what house does without flowers? However, indoor plants need a suitable environment and appropriate care. Flowers and plants will always decorate the interior, make the room in the house more comfortable, and the air fresh ...

How to care for indoor plants and what is home care for them? What should be the approach to keeping plants in different periods of time. Compliance with certain conditions for their cultivation.

Phalaenopsis is quite unpretentious in care, if you take a closer look at its contents, it grows well at home. These orchids are perfect for beginners…Phalaenopsis Orchid hybrids are commonly found on the market…

How to properly care for phalaenopsis in order to be guaranteed to get a blooming specimen of an orchid. Consider important points care and breeding of phalaenopsis for their normal growth and development.