Pregnancy at 13 weeks is all about her. What happens in the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy

  • 02.07.2020

This is a time of great change in the feelings of the expectant mother and a new stage in the development of her baby. It is this week that is considered the most informative for the first prenatal study, which is called "screening".

How many months is this?

By the 13th obstetric week, women are already well versed in how the time of pregnancy is calculated. Doctors always set a deadline that exceeds the actual one by about two weeks. This is the obstetric period, and the difference of 14 days is the time elapsed from the first day of the last menstruation before pregnancy to the expected ovulation.

If the 13th obstetric week has begun, then this means that now exactly 12 weeks have passed according to medical standards for calculating the gestational age, that is, it is 12-13 weeks, and 10-11 weeks have passed from conception. 11 embryonic week corresponds to 13 obstetric. The fourth has begun moon month(Each of them is exactly 4 weeks). In calendar terms, almost three months have passed.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Baby development

The fetal period of baby development is in full swing. It has already been 3 weeks since he ceased to be an embryo and became a fetus. With the beginning of this period, the baby every day becomes more and more like a little man. He no longer has a tail - he turned into a coccyx. The formation of internal organs is completed - now they will only grow.

Now the baby is the size of a decent onion. His height is in the range of 7-10 cm. The baby now weighs more than 20 grams.


The baby looks very thin and wrinkled. This is due to the fact that while he lacks subcutaneous fatty tissue. The skin is very thin, capillaries and larger blood vessels shine through them. Vellus hair grows on the baby’s head, they are still light in all children, because the pigment that dyes the hair in one color or another has not yet begun to be produced.

The baby's head is still quite large in relation to the body. It averages half of the total area of ​​the fetus. This disproportion will be eliminated over time, and by the time of birth, the baby's body will be five times the size of the head.

The proportions of the arms and legs begin to align. If earlier the arms were short, now this week they are noticeably increasing in length, and the legs are starting to grow. The lower limbs are still much shorter than the upper ones.

The fingers and toes are fully formed on the hands and feet, each of them is crowned with a small nail. The child has completed the formation of the ears, and from this week he begins to hear, but so far the hearing is more of a vibrational nature, because the formation of the inner ear is still ongoing. By about the 20th week of pregnancy, this process will be completed, and the sound waves will begin to transform into the sounds familiar to each of us.

The eyes, which were previously located on the sides of the head, have already moved to their proper place. The eyelids have formed - now they tightly cover the organs of vision. There is already a nose on the face, and in some children who, by racial or genetic reasons, are the owners of a prominent nose, these bones are already so large that a profile with a pronounced, well-defined structure is easily visible.

The neck is already formed - the baby can turn the head. Everything internal organs located in their places, nothing peeps out of the abdominal cavity. The appearance of the crumbs begins to acquire individual features.

Internal organs

Since all organs have already been formed, the process of their growth is now underway, and they are also “learning” to work correctly, becoming more complex and developed. The gallbladder at week 13 produces bile, and the pancreas two weeks earlier began to produce insulin. The intestines contract rhythmically, and this is almost real peristalsis, despite the fact that the baby in the usual sense is not yet eating.

A small heart in its structure completely repeats the heart of an adult: it has four chambers, but it beats much faster. Heart rate (HR) this week from 140 to 170 beats per minute. During the day, the fetal heart pumps about 23 liters of blood. The kidneys work at full capacity: they produce urine, accumulate it, and the urinary system takes them out into the amniotic fluid. The baby pees often: almost once an hour.

Nervous system

The nervous system continues to improve. At the physiological level, it is completely laid down, there is a brain and spinal cord, but functional processes are still in their infancy. Impulses from the nerve endings are still received by the spinal cord, but soon the brain will begin to do this. In the meantime, brain tissue is being formed in it, and this process is very fast: 250 thousand new cells are formed in the fetal brain at week 13 every day.

Special channels of communication between the muscles and the nervous system continue to form. The baby already has several reflex skills in his arsenal: he shudders, sucking and swallowing reflexes have already been studied, his hands are clenched into fists, there is a grasping reflex. Taste buds already “pick up” shades of tastes: if a mother eats sweets, the child will definitely notice a change in the taste of water - he will swallow such amniotic fluid more willingly.

If the waters are bitter, because the mother ate onions and garlic, then the baby will not taste very pleasant - he will not swallow them.

The movements of the baby become more and more active. Most of the time he is in a dormant state, which resembles a dream. During periods of wakefulness, the baby “has fun”: hugs himself, plays with the umbilical cord, examines his face by touch and swims. Moms do not feel any movements yet - there is enough space in the uterus.


The external genital organs of the baby are formed. The genital tubercles of the boys have lengthened, now it is a small penis. And in girls this week, the genital tubercles begin to bend and decrease, turning into the labia.

But it is still quite difficult to find out the sex - the sex differences in size are small. An experienced doctor, of course, will be able to see the difference if ultrasound is done on a machine with good resolution, and the baby will be located conveniently for inspection. But the doctor cannot yet be guaranteed to name the sex of the child - the probability of an error at this time is quite high.

At the 13th obstetric week, the most global changes occur in the reproductive system of girls. Their ovaries descend into the pelvis, they already have about 2 million eggs in them. In boys, the formation of the prostate continues.

Skeletal system

Since the thyroid gland has been diligently developing and starting to work over the past weeks, calcium deposits have begun in the baby's bones, and they become stronger. The bones of the skull and spine begin to strengthen first, followed by the bones of the limbs. Your baby will have ribs this week.

Right now, the need for calcium for mom and fetus is great. If the baby lacks it, he will begin to take calcium from the mother's bones. As a result, the quality and appearance of nails, hair, teeth will deteriorate in a woman. By the way, the rudiments of the baby's milk teeth are already fully formed, and now they will wait in the wings.

Respiratory system

The respiratory organs of the child are already developed. This week he begins to try to make breathing movements. The chest expands irregularly for the time being, but every day the respiratory contractions will become more and more regular. After the birth, the baby will intuitively know how to breathe.

The glottis is still closed. The vocal cords at week 13 are actively formed, so that after birth the baby will announce the birth with a loud cry. In the lungs, the surfactant, an important substance for respiration, is not yet produced and accumulated. The baby will begin to prepare for independent breathing in the middle of the third trimester.

What can a child do. Despite the fact that the fetus is still very small, it is actively developing its skills. Now the baby reacts to external stimuli. If the mother begins to cough or speak with someone in a raised tone, then a special vibration will reach the baby, and he will feel changes in his mother's mood.

It is still unknown how children at such a period manage to feel fear, pain and joy. But numerous studies that covered the category of pregnant women who are going to have an abortion at this time have shown that the child perfectly feels all maternal emotions, feels pain. If he is in pain, he opens his mouth in silent crying, and if he is afraid, he tries to “hide”, shrink.

Scientists believe that The connection between mother and baby is now based on changes in the composition of maternal blood. When emotions change, her hormonal background barely perceptibly changes, this is exactly what the child feels.

At week 13, the baby makes a variety of grimaces - his facial muscles are already developed enough for this. He has learned to bring his fists to his mouth and tries to suck them, he is good at yawning, hiccupping, stretching after sleep. He takes special pleasure in playing with his own umbilical cord: he grabs it and feels it.

Kid on ultrasound. Ultrasound this week is carried out as part of prenatal screening, if it was not carried out earlier. The deadlines set by the Ministry of Health for this diagnostic measure allow screening this week. This ultrasound may be the first "meeting" of the expectant mother and her baby. Now on the monitor of the ultrasound scanner it is already possible to examine in detail the profile of the crumbs, nose, superciliary arches, small arms, legs, listen to the heartbeat. All this causes a real delight in women.

During the study, the doctor assesses the viability of the baby, its size and correlates them with special tables, according to which one can judge the exact gestational age and the developmental features of the fetus.

Still informative is the KTP (coccygeal-parietal size), in fact, which is a segment between the coccyx and the crown. Some doctors do not measure KTP this week, since BDP becomes more informative, in terms of determining the term, - biparental (transverse size of the baby's head), measured between the temporal bones.

This week it is already possible to measure the length of the femur, but the bones of the lower leg and shoulder are still so small that it is not practical to measure them. SVD is not measured either - the diameter of the fetal egg, since it exceeded 50 mm two weeks ago and became too large to measure.

For a full 12 weeks and the following six days, the following norms are characteristic:

Table of average fetometry values ​​at week 13 (12-13 weeks)

Those who have measured the KTR will be interested to know if their baby meets the average standards. These values ​​for week 13 are:

KTP at 13 weeks pregnant

The circumference of the abdomen of the baby at this time is on average from 61 to 69 mm.

The placenta has already fully assumed all the responsibilities for feeding and protecting the child, and now, if necessary, a woman can take medications that were not previously recommended to her, since the internal organs of the embryo were being laid, and there was no protective barrier. The thickness of the placenta at this time is from 15 to 18 mm, but it is not yet measured on ultrasound, since its thickness will have a diagnostic value no earlier than 20 weeks and later

Feelings of a future mother

The feelings of a woman this week are ambiguous - on the one hand, she is happy and proud of her growing tummy, and on the other hand, she comes to understand that a child is serious, and, accordingly, all the anxiety associated with this appears: will there be enough strength, experience, funds for in order to grow it. This is especially true for women who are pregnant with their first child.

Since the first trimester can be considered completed, the hormonal background “calms down” somewhat.. Progesterone and estrogens accumulated in female body in sufficient quantities, now their production is not so strongly felt by the pregnant woman. Therefore, the symptoms of toxicosis begin to leave the expectant mother, her appetite improves, she becomes stronger night sleep, severe daytime sleepiness recedes a little. In general, her health improves, signs of malaise make themselves felt less and less.

If in the first trimester a woman suffered from increased salivation, now saliva begins to be produced somewhat less. Dizziness and nausea gradually go away.

The belly is noticeably growing. The belly and hips already look rounded, and many women can no longer hide their position. At this time, even superstitious women who were afraid to report their situation before are no longer afraid to disclose this important information and bring the fact of their pregnancy to friends, colleagues and relatives. Understanding the fact that the threat of miscarriage and the critical period has passed makes a woman more confident and calm.

A growing tummy begins to require a woman to change her habits. Sleeping on your stomach is now uncomfortable, and for sexual relations have to choose new positions. Many women note that it became uncomfortable for them to lie on their back for a long time - the growing uterus begins to compress the inferior vena cava. This week, the woman already understands that those things that she wore before pregnancy no longer converge at the waist, they are tight in the hips and chest.

It's time to change your wardrobe to a more spacious one, and the usual bra should be changed to a more spacious bodice with wide straps that will hold growing breasts.

The mood, which was previously characterized by instability, is now beginning to "even out", the woman becomes more balanced and calm, but she can be forgetful and absent-minded. All these metamorphoses are caused by the influence of a new hormonal background on the brain: everything in a woman's body adjusts to the needs of the child. The baby now needs a calm and peaceful mother.

And yet the woman is still quite sensitive. This week you should not communicate with people who like to talk about their difficult experience of childbirth and pregnancy, describe in colors all the horrors of the birth process and possible dangers. Pregnant women take someone else's experience too close to their hearts, especially if they are carrying their first child. Such stories can cause unnecessary now stress, tears, fears and anxiety.

You should also not “wind up” yourself about the upcoming screening. No matter how they frighten other pregnant women from the pages of the forums, there is nothing wrong with this diagnosis. If you correctly understand its essence, then the unrest will be minimal.

Domestic conflicts and quarrels should be avoided, after all, the baby can already respond to stress factors from the outside. If there is no one to talk to confidentially, right now a woman can turn to a psychologist who conducts a free appointment at any antenatal clinic.

The growing uterus begins to mechanically squeeze the intestines, which is why now the most urgent problem of pregnant women is constipation. Proper nutrition will help improve your well-being. It will also save a woman from another trouble at the beginning of the second trimester - a possible hemorrhoids. At the beginning of week 13 future mom can pay attention to the fact that she had cramps in the calf muscles. Thus, calcium deficiency manifests itself, the need for which has increased significantly at this time.

This week, women who monitor their blood pressure levels may notice that their blood pressure is dropping. This is normal, because now the body has another circle of blood circulation (uteroplacental). Usually a slight natural hypotension does not cause any unpleasant symptoms.

If the pressure falls below normal, then this may be manifested by weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

The hormone progesterone, which throughout the first trimester "tried", continues to have a systemic effect on the female body. Now most often he becomes the "culprit" of frequent urination. Sometimes women continue to complain that their head hurts in the evenings. Due to the hormonal effect on the digestive system, a woman may experience heartburn, alternating constipation and loose stools. And the property of progesterone to retain fluid in the tissues can cause a physiological runny nose in pregnant women; such rhinitis does not need separate treatment, as it passes by itself.

Slight sipping sensations in the lower back and back at week 13 can be considered quite acceptable, because the uterus is growing, and the ligaments holding it are stretched. If the lower back hurts and pulls, and this does not last long, and is also not accompanied by abnormal discharge, then there is nothing to worry about.

Emergency medical attention should be sought if the pain is severe, growing, cramping.

At week 13, it becomes much easier to wear heavier and enlarged breasts. The mammary glands cease to disturb the woman: hurt, itch, itch. The active growth of the glandular tissue is replaced by the preparation of the ducts for breastfeeding, and this process is not accompanied by pain, although colostrum may begin to stand out. If the chest has not stopped hurting this week, then you should be patient and wait another 7 days - usually by week 14, unpleasant symptoms recede in full.

Changes in the body

The main change in the female body at this time is the intensive growth of the body of the uterus. The size of the uterus increased almost 4 times, the length of the uterus grew by 10 centimeters. In multiparous women, the uterus is heavier, it grows faster, and therefore the main visual sign of pregnancy, the belly, also appears faster. In women who bear twins, the stomach is already impressive.

The location of the uterus also changes. She went beyond the small pelvis, is now in the abdominal cavity. The normal height of the uterine fundus at 13 weeks is about 11-12 centimeters.

The uterus becomes softer, more elastic, it is normal, does not come into tone, which ensures its growth, the amount of vaginal discharge also increases. You should not be afraid of this.

Light, white or yellowish discharge with a slight sour smell is considered completely normal for this period. However, a woman should be extremely vigilant and observe their character - any change in color, smell, consistency of the vaginal secretion can be a sign of pathology.

Green and gray, as well as brown discharge of a foamy consistency with bad smell can talk about the presence of infection, including sexual. thick discharge white, accompanied by a yeasty smell and itching in the perineum, may indicate that a woman has thrush. This happens infrequently at week 13, because thrush is a companion of early and late gestation periods, but such a possibility is not completely excluded.

The amount of blood that circulates these days in the body of the expectant mother has increased by about 2 times. Now the load on the lungs, kidneys, heart of a woman has become twice as large. This can be manifested by an exacerbation of chronic diseases of these organs, if a woman had such diseases before pregnancy. But even healthy pregnant women at this time feel an increased heartbeat. With slight exertion, shortness of breath may occur.

The chest is now large and very beautiful. It is not spoiled even by the Montgomery tubercles protruding on the circles around the nipples and the darkening of the circles themselves. The nipples may become white. This happens when the nipples are irritated by underwear and a small release of colostrum, which, drying up, creates such a white color. From this week you need to wash your nipples every night warm water to avoid inflammation and blockage of passages.

Weight gain at week 13 can be different. In general, it is considered normal if 2 to 4 kilograms have been added to the initial body weight of a woman. The hCG pregnancy hormone is at its maximum, peak point. From the end of this week, the level of this hormone will begin to gradually decrease, and this process will last until the very birth.

A woman whose pregnancy is now proceeding without complications looks very attractive. Mystery, spirituality and charm appear in her appearance. Her hair shines, her nails grow faster, her skin becomes smoother and healthier. In some women, age spots on the back, neck, and arms begin to appear this week. Freckles in women often become brighter, but even this does not spoil their amazing, feminine beauty.

Possible Complications

The list of problems and risks that may threaten the expectant mother at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy is noticeably reduced. The probability of a miscarriage is now already low, as is the probability of a sudden causeless fetal fading. But such risks cannot be completely ruled out. Below is a list of complications that pregnant women may experience at week 13.

intrauterine growth retardation

According to the results of the first ultrasound this week, the baby may be lagging behind in development. If no mistake is made with the timing of pregnancy, doctors will definitely try to find the true cause of slow fetal growth. A slight lag has nothing to do with the delay, but if the baby's parameters are 2 weeks less than normal, doctors talk about a probable IUGR - intrauterine growth retardation.

With a symmetrical delay, when all the proportions of the baby are equally reduced relative to the norm, they consider such versions as placental insufficiency or umbilical cord pathology, as a result of which the baby simply receives less nutrients and oxygen. Fetal developmental delay can be observed in a hypertensive mother suffering from high blood pressure, heart and vascular diseases, as well as in a woman with chronic respiratory problems.

With an asymmetric delay, when some size is in clear disproportion with the rest, the version of the baby's malformations, including genetic ones, is considered the most likely. The reason may lie not only in a chromosomal disease, for example, in Down syndrome, but also in structural defects of the kidneys and heart, if something went wrong during the laying of these organs.

The reason that the baby grows more slowly than his peers may be the malnutrition of the woman, the deficiency of vitamins in her body, as well as bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Often, by slowing down growth, the baby “reacts” to infectious diseases transferred by the mother in the first trimester.

Non-developing pregnancy

A failed miscarriage or missed pregnancy can occur at any time up to 28 weeks. With an increase in the term, the likelihood of such a sad outcome decreases. Doctors noticed that most often the fetus stops developing and dies at an early stage - from 3 to 4 weeks, then during the transition from the embryonic to fetal phase of development - from 8 to 10 weeks. The third "dangerous" period starts at 16 and lasts until 18 weeks. Despite the fact that the 13th week is not included in these periods, the likelihood of fetal fading is real at this time as well.

There may or may not be symptoms. In this case, only 2-3 weeks after the death of the baby, the first signs may appear: a brown “daub”, pulling pains, all signs of a miscarriage. If pure blood has gone, then this may indicate that a miscarriage has taken place. But most often, a frozen pregnancy is detected on an ultrasound scan, which is done this week.

Any cause can lead to the death of a child. adverse factors that a woman has undergone: infections, taking medications that are not allowed during pregnancy, malformations of the placenta, bad habits, a sudden "jump" of hormones.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency

They speak of such a pathology if the woman's cervix begins to shorten and smooth out before the set time. The task of this part of the reproductive female organ during pregnancy is to tightly close the entrance to the uterus, not to allow the child to leave it prematurely. With insufficiency of the cervix, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. If now the neck does not cope with its task, the child will die, because he still cannot live independently, outside the mother's womb.

The pathology has no symptoms, the woman may not feel anything unusual, and only on ultrasound at 12-13 weeks the doctor can detect pathological changes in the cervix. The causes of the phenomenon can be different: from congenital features of the cervix to traumatic changes caused by abortions or gynecological operations associated with mechanical expansion of the cervix. Often, pathology develops in women who have previously had a difficult birth.

There are many ways to treat a shortened neck. Of course, the short neck cannot lengthen, but it can be fixed by suturing or installing an obstetric pessary. In most cases, a woman quite safely manages to bring the baby to term.

Hypercoagulation syndrome

Blood clotting or hypercoagulation syndrome this week can be detected by the results of a coagulogram - an analysis that determines blood clotting. It is prescribed to pregnant women at registration. Too thick a woman's blood can become due to an increased load on all organs and systems, primarily on the heart and blood vessels. If a woman during the first trimester was tormented by severe toxicosis with vomiting and intoxication, then the risk of hypercoagulation syndrome is high.

At the beginning of the second trimester, hypercoagulability can occur in every second woman, and in most cases it is considered as a variant of the norm. The body of a pregnant woman begins to gradually and in advance prepare for childbirth. To prevent severe bleeding, the blood coagulation system begins to work in new conditions.

At the first detection, doctors will prescribe control over the state of the blood. If increased coagulability is detected in the future, then the woman will be prescribed treatment. Thick blood can be dangerous, first of all, with an increased likelihood of thrombosis, premature aging of the placenta.

At week 13, you should not sound the alarm, the revealed hypercoagulability can be physiological.

Analyzes and examinations

If the screening has already taken place a week earlier, then no tests will be scheduled this week. If the referral for prenatal diagnosis was issued at week 13, then the woman will have to donate blood from a vein and do an ultrasound on the same day - these are the mandatory conditions for passing the first screening.

The purpose of this study is to identify women at risk for the likelihood of giving birth to a baby with chromosomal abnormalities. In the blood of a pregnant woman, the quantitative ratio of the hormone hCG and plasma protein PAPP-A will be assessed. On ultrasound, in addition to assessing the overall development and examination of the internal organs of the fetus, they will pay close attention to the so-called markers of chromosomal abnormalities - visual signs of abnormalities. Down syndrome and a number of other diseases, the risks of which are assessed during screening, for example, are characterized by a thickening of the collar space - folds on the back of the neck.

Most genetic pathologies are characterized by flattening and deformation of the facial bones; on ultrasound, this can be tracked by the size of the nasal bones.

The norm of the collar space and the length of the nasal bones in a supposedly healthy baby at this time is as follows:

One by one, the results of ultrasound and blood tests say little. Only summary information processed by a special computer program, gives an idea of ​​how likely the birth of a sick child is. It is expressed in fractions - 1: 3000 or 1: 350. This fraction means that the chance of giving birth to a child with a particular chromosomal abnormality in a woman with similar indicators is 1 in 3000 or 350 births. Risks in the region of 1:100 are considered to be high risks.

"Bad" screening - what to do?

If screening shows increased risks of having a sick baby, then you should not panic, because the results of prenatal diagnosis are just a forecast, and not a diagnosis. Any negative "finds" on ultrasound or in the laboratory are the basis for a visit to a geneticist. This specialist will once again check all the data and may recommend that the woman undergo an additional examination, which with great accuracy can answer the question of whether the child has chromosomal abnormalities and anomalies.

In such situations, invasive diagnostics is recommended - chorion biopsy, a little later - amniocentesis. Using a special long needle, amniotic fluid or chorion particles are taken for analysis through a puncture in the anterior abdominal wall. DNA is used to determine if the child has anomalies.

These methods are very informative, but unsafe for the mother and fetus. The procedure can result in infection of the membranes, miscarriage, mechanical injury to the child. modern medicine offers an alternative - a non-invasive DNA test.

In the sample of the venous blood of the expectant mother, fetal erythrocytes are found, which begin to get there from about 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, and the baby's DNA is derived from them. The procedure is no different from a regular blood test and does not harm the fetus and mother in any way, but it is expensive - several tens of thousands of rubles.

After additional diagnostics shows the true picture, it will be up to the woman herself and her close people to decide what will happen next with this pregnancy.

If the baby has pathologies, then the woman is recommended to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons. But she has the right to consciously refuse it. In this case, the pregnancy continues as usual, and, if necessary, both the mother and the baby receive supportive therapy.

As in the first trimester, all basic recommendations remain in force, the observance of which will help a woman calmly convey and give birth to a healthy baby. These are daily walks fresh air, healthy food, healthy lifestyle. Only a few items can be added to the list of recommendations this week.


Since the need for this mineral increases with the onset of fetal bone growth, it is now advisable to talk with your doctor about the possibility of additional intake of calcium supplements. You should not buy them in a pharmacy and start drinking on your own. If a woman does not have a calcium deficiency, then such actions can lead to an overabundance of the mineral, which is fraught with complications with the kidneys and metabolism.

The doctor saw the results of a biochemical analysis of the woman's blood, he knows exactly how much calcium is contained in her blood. If you need an additional amount of the mineral, he will recommend calcium preparations and indicate in what dosage it should be taken.

All pregnant women should include calcium-rich foods in their diet this week. These include cottage cheese, milk, dairy products, sea fish, fresh herbs, spinach, nuts. In most cases, this allows you to collect the required amount of an important substance without pharmaceutical preparations.


Sex this week is not contraindicated if the woman does not have the threat of marginal chorion presentation and other complications that can lead to miscarriage. No need to be shy, because the question of whether it is possible to live an active sex life, be sure to ask the attending physician at this time. If everything is fine, then he will not have anything against it.

Sex helps a woman feel better: it stabilizes the emotional and psychological background, improves relationships in the family. However, now you should carefully consider your own feelings and the choice of posture. Now all positions with deep penetration are already prohibited, as well as the use of lubricants.


If a woman has a stomach ache or has pain in her left side or right hypochondrium, it is important to see a doctor in time and adjust her diet. At week 13, you can not eat carbonated drinks, fried, salty, fatty, smoked meats and marinades. The more vegetables and fruits in the diet of the expectant mother, the better. The intestines begin to be squeezed by the growing uterus and need fiber, which will prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

Diseases and medicines

If all security measures did not help, and the woman still fell ill with a cold or SARS at week 13, you should not worry too much. The baby is already formed, the likelihood that the temperature and medications taken will have a negative impact on him is not as high as in the first trimester. The placenta is already coping with barrier functions. This does not cancel the consultation with the doctor, but all medications should only be taken as directed.

This week you can go to the dentist and heal all the problem teeth, if necessary. X-rays also remain banned, but gentle anesthesia is already acceptable.

At week 13, another important milestone was almost overcome. The first trimester is ending. With the first day of the fourteenth week, the second will already begin. A third of the way behind. The child is fully formed. This is a real little man in miniature, only very small, and his organs are still immature.

The condition of the expectant mother is gradually improving, the symptoms that haunted during the first trimester are gradually declining. Now until the third trimester you are waiting for a "respite". Feeling better, there is a lot of energy, increases sexual desire.

Signs and symptoms at 13 weeks pregnant

Hooray! At 13 weeks pregnant, most expectant mothers finally get rid of that annoying nausea! Appetite improves. But some other symptoms continue to worry:

· Dilated veins in the legs. The fact is that the blood flow to the uterus, and therefore to the pelvic area, increases. The veins cannot cope with the removal of all this fluid, they fill with blood and stretch.

· The influx of strength and energy. Perhaps this is the most pleasant of the symptoms that many expectant mothers begin to experience by the beginning of the second trimester. Constant weakness, fatigue, drowsiness - all this goes away. Now you can safely engage in shopping, arranging a nursery and other important things.

· Increased libido. If you suddenly noticed that your partner has become much sexier and more attractive - there is nothing strange and supernatural in this. This is messing with your hormones.

· Small bleeding from the vagina. As a rule, they occur after sex, because your cervix has become more tender and vulnerable. This is the norm. But if it seems to you that the discharge is too plentiful, and they are accompanied by other symptoms, you need to see a doctor.

· The mammary glands continue to prepare for breastfeeding. They increase in size, in some women they begin to produce colostrum- a yellowish, thick, sticky liquid. She will replace the child breast milk in the first days of life.

· constipation. Three factors have a negative impact on the work of your intestines at once. First, hormones continue to do their job. They relax the intestinal wall, as a result, the movement of feces slows down. The uterus already reaches a fairly decent size and begins to squeeze the intestines. If you are anemic and your doctor has prescribed iron supplements, they can also contribute to constipation.

· Increased vaginal discharge. This phenomenon is called leucorrhea or whites. Normal discharge should be clear and odorless. Their production is enhanced for two reasons. First, the uterus is growing and blood flow to the pelvic area, including the vagina, continues to increase. Secondly, the level of estrogen hormones increases. They make the glands of the vagina work more intensively.

· Clumsiness. You may have noticed that you began to stumble often, “everything falls out of your hands” for you. It's most likely a hormone relaxin. It helps to soften the connection between pelvic bones to make it easier for the baby's head to pass during childbirth. However, relaxin also affects all other ligaments. For example, the foot flattens and increases in size because of it. At one point, the expectant mother notices that the shoes she wore before have become small. This is a temporary effect. After childbirth, the effect of relaxin will end, and the musculoskeletal system will return to normal.

· Heartburn. On the border between the stomach and esophagus there is a special muscle pulp - it is called sphincter. Normally, its closure prevents the penetration of the acidic gastric contents of the stomach into the esophagus. But during pregnancy, due to hormones, this sphincter relaxes. There is heartburn, which increases after taking spicy, fatty foods, in the supine position.

What happens to the fetus at 13 weeks pregnant?

At 13 weeks pregnant, the fetus is about the size of a lemon. Sometimes its length is compared to a pea pod. The body length of the unborn child reaches approximately 7.4 cm, weight - 23 grams. His head is now not half, but 1/3 of the total body length - the proportions are increasingly approaching those of a newborn child.

In the first trimester, all embryos and fetuses grow about the same. Starting from the second trimester, their growth occurs at different rates. Some babies are bigger, others smaller.

The baby's skin is still very thin, and there is no fat layer under it - therefore, blood vessels, the skeleton, large nerves and internal organs shine through it. On tiny fingers is already beginning to form papillary drawing The child already has their own unique fingerprint. Tiny bones begin to form in the arms and legs. The unborn child moves his arms and legs very actively (although because of his small size most moms don't feel it), sometimes puts his thumb in his mouth and sucks.

All the internal organs of the fetus are already formed, they continue to grow and mature. The vocal cords appear: after the baby is born, they will keep you awake for many nights. The baby literally “tastes” the food that his mother is now eating. In the future, this will greatly affect his taste preferences. The fetus swallows the surrounding amniotic fluid and excretes it back into the amniotic fluid through the kidneys. Yes, now your uterus becomes not only his dwelling and dining room, but also a toilet!

The intestines are undergoing major changes. In the past weeks, he strongly protruded into the umbilical cord, now more and more returns to the abdominal cavity. Although the mother's body continues to carefully provide the baby with oxygen, he begins to train his own lungs. His heart rate is slower than in previous weeks, but still very fast.

If you are pregnant with a girl, then there are already about 2 million eggs in her ovaries: perhaps one of them is your future grandson or granddaughter.

Ultrasound at 13 weeks pregnant

How to eat right?

Good nutrition is extremely important at any stage of pregnancy. All 9 months future child grows, its internal organs develop, mature, prepare to perform their functions with the beginning of an independent life. A small organism needs a lot of energy and building material, vitamins, minerals. One of the most important substances for mother and fetus is water.

Are you drinking enough liquid?

Heartburn, nausea, constipation, dizziness, weakness, headaches - if these symptoms are severe and cannot be dealt with on your own, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to prescribe certain medications that you can take during pregnancy, such as antacids(neutralizing hydrochloric acid in the stomach) laxatives.

Any rise in temperature is a reason to call a doctor.

Sex in early pregnancy - Video guide

So, what changes occur in the body of the expectant mother during this period? The thirteenth week of pregnancy for many women is like a breath of fresh air. Physical well-being improves and mood rises, new forces and a desire to create appear. In addition, the threat of miscarriage is almost over and the most difficult period has already passed. Now you do not need to be afraid for the life of your child.

Toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy practically does not bother, so women can pay due attention to communicating with the child. It is communication, because at this time the baby already hears, feels pain and even smells. Read fairy tales aloud to him or talk to him, the sound of his mother's voice is very calming for the baby.

What does a baby look like at 13 weeks pregnant? At this stage, the baby's head is disproportionately large. But now bone tissue begins to actively form and, accordingly, the torso grows. The limbs are also noticeably enlarged. From this point on, the fetus begins to acquire the features of a child. The face becomes the correct shape, wide-set eyes move, and a nose is formed.

At this stage, the fetus is still very small, about 7-8 cm, and it weighs from 15 to 25 g.

During this period, almost all the internal organs of the child are formed.. Now they are gradually starting to function. The pancreas begins to produce insulin, and the entire digestive system is put to work. The kidneys gradually acquire the ability to urinate. The olfactory epithelium is formed in the nasal mucosa, with the help of which the child distinguishes odors.

The fetus has already formed the rudiments of milk teeth, which will begin to erupt some time after its birth. The baby begins to make the first respiratory movements. They are still timid and unrhythmic, but these are only the first attempts. In addition, the child "breathes" amniotic fluid.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is still very small, so the ultrasound will not be able to accurately determine the sex of the baby. At this time, sexual differentiation only begins to occur. In boys, the prostate gland is formed, and the genital tubercle lengthens into the penis. In girls, the ovaries form, and the genital tubercle becomes the clitoris.

At this time, not only the body develops, but also the psyche of the baby. He feels a touch on his mother's stomach, hears the sound of her voice, and even knows how to smile and frown. He can already express emotions in his own way. If the mother eats spicy food or smokes, this is reflected in the amniotic fluid - they become bitter. Then the child frowns and thus expresses his displeasure.

Changes in the mother's body

During this period, the woman's stomach is rounded, and the waist is smoothed.. If you wear loose clothes, the tummy will not be very noticeable, so it's time to stock up on maternity clothes. In addition, tight and squeezing clothing can harm the health of both mother and child.

At 13 weeks there is no significant weight gain. In general, a large set of kilograms is not typical for the first trimester. But still, the growing fetus and the changed hormonal background gradually spur the body to gain weight.

To find out if your weight is within the normal range or not, you can use the weight gain calculator. You need to enter your personal information into it. As a rule, these are height, weight and week of pregnancy. It will give you the average weight gain for that period.

But still, a doctor gives a more accurate assessment, because there are many individual factors, such as the amount of amniotic fluid, etc. You will find more details on this topic in the article - weight gain during pregnancy by week -.

At the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy, sensations in the abdomen can be very diverse. With a perfectly flowing pregnancy, you should not feel any pain or cramps.. But not every woman can boast of such health.

  • As a rule, the first pains in the abdomen appear due to indigestion. If abdominal pain is accompanied by constipation, you need to change your diet. Naturally, a pregnant woman from the first days of conception of a child should eat right. But in the case of a violation of the chair, you will have to exclude many foods from the diet. such as fresh White bread, all legumes, pastries, pears, quince, rice porridge and other fastening products.
  • If it hurts on the sides of the abdomen and these pains are rare, unobtrusive and do not bring much discomfort, this may indicate a sprain that holds the uterus.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen may indicate tone. If they often bother and last a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. And in case of sharp severe pain anywhere in the abdominal cavity, hurry to the hospital or call a doctor.

At the end of the first trimester, the discharge may remain unchanged, or may change slightly.. If they become more liquid or more voluminous, no need to worry, this is normal. You should be wary if the discharge has changed color, structure or smell. For example, clots or blotches of various colors appeared, such as white thick flakes or blood clots.

Bad breath is also a sign of health problems.. In this case, you do not need to self-medicate, you can lose precious time, you just need to see a doctor. He will calm you down and prescribe the right treatment that will definitely help.

Thick brown discharge at the 13th week of pregnancy should be considered as a type of bloody discharge. If they are not accompanied by pain, there is no need to sound the alarm, just tell the doctor about it at the next examination. Sometimes discharge can be associated with harmless erosion.

At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, expectant mothers finally stabilize the hormonal background. They are no longer bothered by sudden mood swings, which were expressed in outbursts of aggression or in tearfulness and sentimentality. Women feel a surge of strength and energy.

Analyzes and examinations at the 13th week of pregnancy

The time of the first ultrasound is chosen and prescribed by the attending physician. The optimal time for its implementation is the interval between the tenth and fourteenth week. If the doctor prescribes an ultrasound at week 13, you can see how the baby moves, bends and unbends the arms. Also, the doctor will assess the condition of the woman's uterus, the position of the fetus, the condition of the placenta and the approximate date of delivery.

Ultrasound is also necessary to detect pathologies or to make sure that there are no pathologies and that the pregnancy is proceeding normally. Usually, such studies are carried out three times during the entire pregnancy. For more information about ultrasound, see the article “how often can you do an ultrasound during pregnancy?”.

At this stage of fetal development, as a rule, no routine tests need to be taken. But they can be prescribed by a doctor if he sees fit. Visits to the doctor for routine check-ups should be stable. Even if the expectant mother feels well, you should not miss the scheduled examination.

Possible health problems

At the end of the first trimester, women may experience such an unpleasant problem as thrush.. This fungal disease that occurs after stress or a drop in immunity. Often it is in a passive, “sleeping” state and manifests itself only when favorable conditions arise for it. The hormonal surges and worries that pregnant women so often experience are quite suitable in order to provoke the appearance of thrush. It is expressed in cheesy white discharge and itching or burning. At the first manifestation of these symptoms, contact your doctor. There are now many safe medicines for thrush that can be used during pregnancy.

Doctors do not associate this gestational age with the risk of miscarriage.. But depending on individual features or experienced stress, a woman may begin various negative changes in the body.

In case of bleeding and sharp pains in the abdomen, immediately call an ambulance. Do not try to endure the pain, sometimes the timely help of a doctor can save the life of you and your child. To protect yourself and your baby, read about the “threat of miscarriage.”

If you have been diagnosed with uterine tone, and you have not been put on preservation, try to lead the most calm lifestyle. Do not expose yourself to great physical exertion and try not to be nervous as much as possible. These simple tips suitable for all pregnant women, but for those who have increased tone, their implementation should become mandatory.

Recommendations for personal care and proper nutrition

  • At the end of the first trimester, the expectant mother's belly begins to grow.. Some women perceive this joyful event painfully and worry about the state of their figure. But there is no need to worry about this, this process is reversible, and after childbirth, the tummy will return to its previous shape within a short time. For this to happen, you need to follow a few rules. First, don't overeat.. The statement that a pregnant woman should eat for two is a lie. It was invented by excessively caring grandmothers. Secondly, you need to start using stretch mark cream. already at this stage of pregnancy.

  • As for cosmetics, it should be only natural and not cause allergies. If, during pregnancy, a woman's dry skin has intensified, masks can be made at home using glycerin or natural oils. There are also many natural remedies for clearing oily skin. It is not advisable to dye your hair during pregnancy, many dyes are quite toxic.
  • You need to eat right, balanced, and in no case eat through force. Also, a woman should listen to her body, and eat what it requires. Of course, if this food can be consumed by pregnant women. In the diet of the expectant mother should be lean meat, preferably boiled. But it is better to eat fatty fish, it contains a lot of amino acids and vitamins, which favorably affect nervous system. Also, do not forget about vegetables and fruits. Another important component of nutrition are carbohydrates. The most useful substances are those found in rice, potatoes and pasta made from durum wheat.

It is strictly forbidden to use such “chemistry” as chips, crackers, soda, energy drinks, etc. You should also avoid any food with a lot of dyes and flavors. Coffee should be consumed with great care, and it is better to refuse it altogether.

  • Sex at the 13th week of pregnancy for a woman is more vivid and pleasant. If the attending physician did not recommend to abstain, then it is possible and even necessary to make love. Stabilization of the hormonal background increases attraction and sensitivity. This period of pregnancy becomes the most sexually active for many couples. For the time being, a small tummy does not hinder movement, and a woman can actively have sex. In addition, it helps to improve mood, which is simply necessary for a pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, it is difficult to avoid all ailments. Sometimes a woman may have a headache, what to do in this case? Try not to take any pills, especially those containing aspirin. Almost all known headache medicines are contraindicated in pregnant women. Therefore, try to use sparing folk remedies.

Apply a cool compress, ventilate the room, try to lie down and get some rest. Choose dark rooms with good ventilation for relaxation. If you have had headaches before pregnancy, and there is a chance that they will continue, consult with your doctor about which migraine remedies are right for you.

Exercises for moms

  • A warm-up and an integral part of gymnastics for pregnant women is walking with deep breathing. Start by walking in circles and taking deep breaths.
  • Take a few steps on your heels and a few steps on your toes. Then - a few steps, leaning on the outside of the foot, and a few steps, tucking your toes.
  • Now walk around, raising your knee high, but without touching your stomach.
  • You can also do tilts forward and backward, but not with sudden movements, but smoothly lowering and rising.
  • There are several exercises that you can do while lying down.. Lie on your right side right hand pull out in front of you. Put the left one on your belt. While inhaling, slightly raise the pelvis, leaning on the right shoulder and legs. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • The exercise "cat's back" will strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back. Get on all fours and arch your back, then arch it in an arc. So, alternating these positions, do several times.

  • Do not engage in heavy physical exercise, especially with lifting dumbbells or barbells.

Video about 13 weeks pregnant

From this video you will learn interesting and useful information about the thirteenth week of pregnancy. You will learn how the fetus develops at this time, and what changes occur in the mother's body.

I ask expectant mothers to describe their feelings from staying at this period. Tell me how your pregnancy is going. Did you do the first ultrasound, and how do you feel about screening. Also very valuable for all readers will be the advice of already established mothers.

Pregnancy for a period of 13 weeks begins to please the vast majority of women. This is the time when the symptoms of the adaptation period cease to bother. The woman is already accustomed to the fact that in the near future she will grow a new life in herself.

Therefore, nausea and vomiting cease to bother. Blood pressure normalizes, dizziness worries less. For those who in the first weeks felt constant drowsiness, tiredness and fatigue, a violent thirst for activity opens up. They become active and cheerful. Sudden mood swings also decrease, tearfulness disappears. The preparation for growth is over. Now the baby needs to grow day by day. The expectant mother has the opportunity to optimize nutrition and physical activity. This will help to get positive emotions from pregnancy. Encourages and reduces the risk of premature termination. So, it starts.

13 weeks is how many months?

Obstetricians and gynecologists consider the gestational age from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding. In this case, the pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks. This method is most convenient because most women do not know the time of ovulation. And the moment of conception is known only to those who used artificial insemination. Therefore, to calculate the periods of gestation, the concept of an obstetric week is used.

A period of 13 weeks corresponds to 3 months and 1 week. The main thing in this period is the transition to the second trimester of pregnancy.

Will ultrasound show the sex of the baby at this time?

Not only pregnant women want to know the sex of the child. Future dads are waiting for news about a boy or daughter, sometimes even more! What about future grandparents, colleagues and neighbors? They have the same question: "Who are you waiting for?". Therefore, the question to the gynecologist: "Who will I have?". At 13 weeks, the baby already has genitals. They can be seen during an ultrasound. At this time, the scrotum with the penis in boys and the labia majora in girls have already been formed. It is these signs that specialists look for on the monitor of the ultrasound machine. It would seem that such a difficult thing? However, not all so simple. Several factors influence the reliability of gender determination:

  • the degree of development of the external genital organs of the baby;
  • their condition. With swelling of the labia majora and clitoris in a girl, they can easily be mistaken for male organs;
  • the position in which the baby is at the time of the study. So for the penis you can take the loop of the umbilical cord;
  • ultrasound quality. Not all devices have high resolution for imaging the genital organs at such a short time;
  • physician qualifications.

All this will complicate the diagnosis and make it insufficiently accurate. Most experts recommend sex determination by ultrasound after 15 weeks. The method reaches its maximum accuracy by 22-24 weeks. At the same time, the genitals are quite pronounced, and the baby has enough space for a specialist to see them.

Some families have a predisposition to serious medical illnesses. They are inherited. Their manifestation depends on the gender of the child. So, hemophilia is manifested in boys. In this case, the gender should be determined as early and as accurately as possible. For this it is used:

  • laboratory blood test of a pregnant woman. For a period of 13 weeks, this test is the optimal combination of efficiency and low trauma. For him, venous blood is used;
  • chorion puncture. This is a biopsy method of villi - outgrowths of the placenta. In this case, it is possible to obtain genetic material that matches the genetic material of the unborn child. The method is traumatic, it is carried out according to the doctor's prescription.

Can you feel movement at 13 weeks?

The expectant mother does a lot for the growth and development of her baby: she monitors nutrition, does exercises, changes her rhythm of life. She is looking forward to his first manifestations. Movements, hiccups, moving the baby in the stomach are his signals.

Now the baby is swimming in the amniotic fluid. The bubble in which it is located is not large enough - in it the baby is actively moving and does not come into contact with the inner lining of the uterus. Since sensitive nerve fibers are only in the uterus, and they are not in the bladder, it is not yet possible to feel the movement of the unborn child. Everything has its time. He will still show up. We need to wait a bit.

What happens to the baby at 13 weeks pregnant

Inside the uterus, a tiny organism continues to grow and develop. Every day he acquires new skills, grows, gains weight. He becomes more and more like a man. His proportions and tiny face change.

Fruit size and weight

The length of the baby according to KTR at week 13 is 6.5-10 cm. He will grow rapidly throughout the second trimester. The baby reached a record weight of 15-20 grams. This parameter will increase faster in the third trimester. These indicators of height and weight are not yet great, but they are normal. It's only the beginning!

Fetal development

In parallel with the increase in height and weight, the baby is developing intensively. He is building up his skills. Its structure becomes more complicated:

  • brain continues to improve and grow in size;
  • growth heads slows down a little and the proportions begin to approach the ratios of the newborn. The bones of the skull are strengthened;
  • baby teeth(20) completed their education;
  • skin pattern on finger phalanges becomes individual;
  • responsible for sucking facial muscles continue to develop;
  • movements appear lips;
  • larynx finally formed the foundation. It is she who will subsequently help the baby make sounds;
  • eyes continue their movement towards the nose from the lateral surfaces of the skull. Their original place is occupied by the ears;
  • in intestines the number of villi increases. It is placed in the abdominal cavity;
  • pancreas insulin is produced. Thanks to this hormone, the metabolism of glucose and glycogen in the body is regulated;
  • blood cell synthesis continues in the liver, bone marrow, spleen. The formation of B-lymphocytes begins. They are synthesized in the spleen and will become the basis of the baby's resistance to infections;
  • in ovaries girls already have about 2 million eggs. Prostate boys are actively developing;
  • sense organs are actively working. The baby sniffs the amniotic fluid, tastes it. Right now he is getting used to his mother's diet. If you use some foods during gestation, and others after childbirth, there is a high risk of the baby refusing to breastfeed. Therefore, it is recommended to follow proper nutrition, which will be continued after childbirth;
  • grow up arms and legs. Their muscles are enlarged and strengthened.

What happens to mom at 13 weeks pregnant

With the normalization of well-being after a difficult first trimester, expectant mothers begin to feel the joys of future motherhood. In the body of a woman, hormones continue to rage. This can be externally manifested by light pigment spots on the face. The color of the nipple and areola can also change. The darkening of the line connecting the pubis and the navel continues. The first tiny discharge of colostrum may begin. If this is the case, you need to take care of comfortable underwear of the right size. It must be made of natural fabrics, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid scuffs.

Uterine size

The size of the uterus at week 13 depends on many reasons. The main ones are:

  • the correctness of the course of processes during pregnancy;
  • the number of growing fetuses in the uterus;
  • the presence of infectious agents.

In a normal pregnancy, if there is one fetus in the uterus, its standing height (SDM) is determined at a rate of 11 cm. In a multiple pregnancy, this figure will be higher and will directly depend on the number of babies in the uterus.

Feelings at 13 weeks

What, besides the joy of past toxicosis, can a future mother feel? The main sensations may be:

  • It becomes a great joy reduced trips to the toilet. The uterus now takes up more space in the abdominal cavity and puts less pressure on the bladder. That is why a woman stops emptying her bladder so often.
  • Heartburn. Burning or warmth behind the breastbone may appear later. However, those who experience heartburn this early should urgently optimize their diet. A banana in your purse, cheese curds in the fridge at work, etc. will be worthy snacks. Fractional wholesome nutrition with the exception of fried and fatty foods will help get rid of heartburn;
  • Increased Appetite. A woman who ate poorly and felt constant nausea in the first trimester has a huge temptation to eat everything at once! And, at first glance, she should start eating hard. No matter how! It is suffering from a wolf's appetite that one must limit oneself. It is very difficult. For proper nutrition, you need to divide the daily food into 5-6 meals. While eating, do not be distracted by watching TV. Eat slowly. Only such behavior will help not to cause indigestion at this time. In a later period, this will not entail overeating and excess weight gain.
  • Heaviness in the legs. It seems that with such a tiny increase in weight, the legs cannot tire so much. But here again hormones play their role. They provoke fatigue, heaviness, sometimes even pulling pain in the legs. In this case, comfortable shoes will help. It is advisable to give up the heel - while maintaining your health, you will still have time to show off on stilettos after childbirth.

Mom's weight at 13 weeks, allowable gain

The baby is growing, and the expectant mother is adding her mass. How much do you need to weigh? Gaining and losing weight at 13 weeks, as well as in previous periods, will depend on how much the woman weighed before pregnancy. For thin ladies with a Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 19.8, an increase of 2.35 kg in 13 weeks will be considered normal. They gain more actively than their larger girlfriends with a similar weight. With a BMI of 19.8-26, an acceptable indicator of weight gain will be 1.7 kg. If the initial BMI was more than 26, then the desired increase would be 0.95 kg. With this ratio, thin women during a normal pregnancy will add about 15 kg, and large women - only 9. This becomes clear if we remember that weight gain is not only due to the fetus, amniotic fluid, placenta, etc. but also at the expense of stored fats for breastfeeding.

Other indicators of weight gain will be with multiple pregnancies. The more babies are expected, the more weight will be added by the mother.

belly size at 13 weeks pregnant

So the long-awaited time has come when the tummy no longer hides its interesting tenant. Now most expectant mothers are asked about pregnancy. Some have already had to change clothes to more spacious ones. Someone makes do with the old one. Whether you decide to purchase a "pregnancy wardrobe" or walk in regular models, do not allow the stomach to be squeezed and pulled. This can impair the baby's blood supply.

The circumference of the abdomen is measured by the gynecologist at each examination. This indicator in the II trimester will indirectly indicate an increase in the uterus. The doctor will be most interested to see the rate of increase in abdominal girth. On the later dates this indicator will help calculate the estimated weight of the child.

The increase in centimeters, as well as the weight of a woman, will depend on her constitutional features and weight before pregnancy. This is strictly an individual indicator. When measuring it, the following rules must be observed:

  • The measurement is made with a flexible measuring tape.
  • Measurements are taken in the supine position with extended nons, unbent at the knee and hip joint. In this case, there will be constant stretching of the abdominal wall and the state of the spinal column.
  • Each measurement should be taken after emptying the bladder. In this case, it will not cause errors when fixing the data.
  • To obtain true readings, the tailor's tape must pass from the deepest curve of the spine to the navel.

The tape should fit snugly against the skin, but not cut into it.


The baby grows and the uterus - its container, also increases in volume. In most women, it extends beyond the pelvis. At the same time, the norm of the standing height of the bottom of the uterus is fixed at 11 cm. Of course, this indicator will be correct only if the baby is in the uterus 1. If the pregnancy is multiple, then it may be larger. Twin pregnancy at 13 weeks will be manifested by an increase in the height of the fundus of the uterus by 0.5-1 cm.


Most indicators of well-being improve from the first days of the second trimester. However, this may not apply to secretions. Even ordinary (clear, viscous, odorless) odorless discharge can become even more abundant.

Allocations that differ from normal are a sign of existing problems:

  • curdled white discharge during pregnancy is often a sign of thrush. They are plentiful, with a sour smell. In addition to discharge, there is burning and itching in the vagina, aggravated in the evening. This may cause pain during intercourse. The question to treat or not to treat thrush should not be. An unequivocal decision to sanitize the vagina is made in the II trimester.
  • If selection yellow or green, abundant, with an unpleasant odor, you should consult a doctor. Accompanying them itching, burning, soreness, fever, talking about the inflammatory process. At the heart of its appearance is an infectious agent. Do not postpone treatment indefinitely. Help your baby to grow in favorable conditions. Yellow and green discharge are a sign of inflammation of various origins. This color can appear with staphylococcal, gonococcal infections. They can be provoked by Escherichia coli and Trichomonas. Signs of inflammation with them can be the same: itching, burning, redness, fever. The only way to get rid of the disease - to conduct a full-fledged treatment.
  • The appearance of blood in the discharge is the most dangerous symptom. If it is found, you should immediately seek medical help. Bloody, including brown, as well as pink, and beige discharge can serve as a sign of various pathological conditions. The most dangerous of them is premature termination of pregnancy. Therefore, do not postpone a visit to the doctor - take care of your health.

Pain at 13 weeks pregnant

Pain warns of serious changes in the body that require treatment. That is why they are so scary for pregnant women. Behind the first trimester and panic at the slightest change in state is no longer observed.

If there are pulling pains on the sides of the abdomen (usually on the right), pain localized in sacrum and coccyx, and in a sitting or lying position, it decreases or disappears, then this sensation only speaks of the intensive preparation of the body for further gestation and childbirth. The ligaments of the uterus, as well as the connecting bones of the pelvis and spine, change. They soften and stretch. This causes pain.

In this case, you need to sit or lie down, relax. Sometimes stroking the back helps. Stomach hurts and pulls, chest enlarged and coarsened, the lower back makes itself felt with every movement. Nothing to worry about. This is pregnancy. Just like fever at 13 weeks pregnant up to 37 ° C, such pains are normal.

What pains can be dangerous?

If the pains are intense, make you wake up, immediately stop the work you have begun, differ from those observed earlier, you should consult a specialist. Especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Sore throat may be combined with fever, weakness, difficulty swallowing.
  • Stomachache may begin with heartburn, nausea, or vomiting. It can occur after a certain period after eating.
  • Pain in the right side can be combined with a violation of the chair, nausea, bitterness in the mouth.
  • Pain in the ovary may be accompanied by pain in the ligaments of the uterus and be normal manifestation pregnancy. However, its appearance, combined with an increase in body temperature, fetid vaginal discharge, itching and discomfort, are not normal and require medical attention.
  • If stomach hurts along with increased frequency and pain when urinating, vomiting, fever, vaginal discharge - this is also a sign of a disease that requires treatment.
  • Pain in the hip joint occurs quite often during pregnancy. In most cases, it occurs against the background of hormonal changes, fetal mechanical pressure and insufficient calcium absorption. In this case, the pain should be perceived as an individual manifestation of pregnancy and more rest. However, if the pain occurs against the background of an existing joint disease, injury, accompanied by fever, rash and pain in other joints, this may be a sign of the disease and in this case treatment is required.
  • If it hurts back and this leads to a significant limitation of mobility (inability to turn, bend over, etc.) or there is a fever, rash, cough, you need to see a doctor.
  • Headaches can be observed with changes in blood pressure against the background of hormonal changes. We try to prevent them by the absence of sudden movements, proper physical regimen and nutrition. If the head hurts against the background of fever, cough, runny nose, etc., this is a sign of a disease that requires the attention of a specialist.

Analyzes and studies at the 13th week of pregnancy

The second trimester begins and during this period there are questions that must be controlled. The following research will help resolve them:

  • Blood test (general) with protein determination.
  • Blood test (general).
  • A blood test with the determination of a coagulogram, lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to phospholipids, to hCG.
  • A blood test with the determination of antibodies to the causative agent of rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, CMV infection.
  • Smear and PCR for infections.
  • Blood test for the determination of antibodies to Rh and group types in case of incompatibility. ultrasound.

Frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks

Termination of fetal development in the second trimester is much less common. However, against the background of infections or for other reasons, this can happen. The danger is the situation when no signs of pathology have been identified. Then there is a danger of missing the fading of pregnancy and revealing it at the stage of intoxication.

Termination of fetal development can be manifested by a sudden cessation of all complaints that appeared during pregnancy (including chest pains), cramping abdominal pain, vaginal discharge (bloody or purulent). These symptoms should be urgently consulted by a doctor. Therefore, to the question: What to do if the chest stops hurting?”, you need to answer unequivocally - consult a doctor.

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Active lifestyle.
  • Healthy sex.
  • Vitamins in food. Vitamin complexes should be taken only after consultation with the doctor.

The first trimester of your pregnancy is coming to an end, behind anxiety and dangerous periods. You have probably already been registered in the antenatal clinic, passed the necessary tests. Toxicosis has become much less pronounced, and, perhaps, completely gone. Gradually, hormonal balance is established, you become calmer, more balanced.

After the end of toxicosis, your appetite has significantly improved, and now is the time to draw up an optimal diet so that the baby receives all the necessary substances, and you do not gain excess weight.

Your tummy is still invisible, but you already need to remember that tight clothes can squeeze it and interfere with the baby. Therefore, trousers with a narrow belt should already be abandoned.

How many months have passed? Week 13 is the first week of the fourth obstetric month of pregnancy, or the last week of the first trimester. You have crossed the barrier, and basically all the baby's organs are formed. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the weight of the baby is about 15-20 grams, and its height is 6.5-8 cm.

What's happening?

The size of the uterus has already increased so much that its upper pole is clearly palpable above the pubic bones. If you lie on your back, you can easily feel it in the form of a rounded formation. The baby is about the size of a peach now. The formation of the placenta continues. Sometimes, after long walks, you may feel unusual fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in your legs. Try to dose physical activity, but also not be too passive.

Fetal development at 13 weeks gestation

Your baby is developing incredibly actively now. Despite the fact that he is still so small, his milk teeth are already being laid, the bone skeleton is actively forming, and mommy definitely needs to include additional calcium in her diet.

The gestation period of 12-13 weeks is the period when the baby's pancreas begins to produce insulin, the most important hormone that regulates glucose metabolism. Other endocrine glands are also formed.

The baby grows every day. His body still looks disproportionate, because the head is much larger than the body. But even now the rate of increase in the head is not as much higher than the growth of the body as before. Your baby is already actively moving, despite the fact that you still do not feel the movement. Muscle tissue is being formed in him, and active movements are necessary to strengthen it. While the movements are rather chaotic, however, the baby may well move in the uterus, swim up to its walls. The periods of sleep and wakefulness change quickly, and only during sleep does the baby rest and gain strength.

The development of the gastrointestinal tract is progressing: at this stage of pregnancy, villi of the mucous membrane are laid - the most important elements of digestion. The baby's intestines are completely sterile throughout pregnancy, and only after the first attachment to the breast will he receive beneficial bacteria that will colonize the intestines and promote digestion and absorption of nutrients.

By the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the baby develops facial muscles, a sucking reflex is formed. Already now he knows how to move his lips. The formation of the face continues: the eyes gradually move from the sides of the head to the center, and the ears move from the neck.

The baby's brain is improving. Now there are no convolutions on its surface yet, but the places of their formation are already being laid - small grooves.

At this stage, the eggs are laid in the girls. Now there are several million of them, by birth this number will decrease.

The baby's skin is still very thin, pink, blood vessels are clearly visible through it. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is not yet accumulated. Only in the third trimester will the active accumulation of adipose tissue begin.

At the 13-14th week of pregnancy, sound-reproducing structures are laid, the vocal cords are practically formed.

Photo of the baby at the 13th week, ultrasound

Mom's Feelings

Future mothers at this time notice a significant improvement in well-being and mood. Firstly, the toxicosis of the first trimester has already passed, and if some of its manifestations remain, then they no longer cause such discomfort as before. Improved appetite, and you can treat yourself to culinary explorations. Make sure they are helpful.

Usually, a screening ultrasound has already been performed by this time, and you know that everything is in order with the baby. And this is the most important thing for every woman. In the early stages, most mothers do not share the peculiarities of their situation with others, but now your condition is becoming more and more noticeable. The tummy at the 13th week of pregnancy is still invisible, but a change in gait, sometimes facial features, a change of clothes to a looser one, your high spirits, the rejection of heels becomes clear to many.

You may already notice that age spots appear on the face. Do not worry - after pregnancy, they very quickly pass without a trace. Also typical is the darkening of the strip from the navel to the pubic bones, areolas on the mammary glands, and the genital area. Such changes are associated with changes in the synthesis of pituitary hormones.

You listen more and more to your well-being, your connection with the baby is becoming closer. At this time, emotions are already forming in children, and it is very important that mommy talks more with the baby, strokes her tummy, which is even starting to round up.

Already at this time, your mammary glands are preparing to feed the baby, and you may notice how they have increased. Now you need to wear comfortable underwear without a frame that does not squeeze the chest and does not interfere with blood circulation. Very comfortable special underwear for pregnant and nursing mothers.

If your health allows, sign up for sports classes for pregnant women. You need to maintain a sufficient level of physical fitness in order to be in shape for childbirth, recover well, and avoid unpleasant complications. Try to also walk a lot in the fresh air, and if your friends invite you to nature outside the city, do not refuse!

If pregnant with twins

Multiple pregnancy at this time may still be no different. If you have pumped up abdominal muscles, then the tummy may still be invisible, although it will round out very soon. Mom, expecting twins, should also strictly monitor nutrition, have enough rest, walk. Enjoy this easy period of pregnancy, because very soon you will fully feel the double burden. Your tummy will grow faster than moms carrying one baby, the load on your back will be felt. Start wearing a support bandage in time - this will help relieve pain in the back, pressure on the bladder.

Pain and discharge in the 13th week of pregnancy

The end of the first trimester of pregnancy is defined by most mothers as an easy and pleasant period, not overshadowed by painful sensations. At this stage of pregnancy, any pain should alert the expectant mother.

The uterus is not yet large enough to cause pain due to compression of adjacent organs. Sometimes you may experience pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Lie down for a while, rest, and if the sensations do not go away, be sure to consult a doctor. At this time, increased uterine tone is quite common.

Normal during the period of bearing a baby is a short-term increase in the tone of the uterus. However, constant hypertension is dangerous for the baby. If you are experiencing symptoms that resemble period pain, see your doctor. You will be given appropriate treatment to help prolong your pregnancy and prevent miscarriage at 13 weeks pregnant.

Proper Diet

The manifestations of toxicosis have already noticeably decreased, your appetite has improved, and despite the fact that you want to eat a lot and not always the most healthy, you need to control your diet very carefully. First of all, you need to create a diet so that the baby receives all the nutrients he needs, while so that you do not gain excess weight. In fact, everything is very simple. You need to remove “unnecessary” foods from the menu as much as possible: those that contain light carbohydrates and at the same time have a minimum nutritional value. Eliminate or limit white bread as much as possible, replace it with whole grains. Remove pasta from your diet, preferably potatoes. Side dishes familiar to many should be replaced with more healthy cereals, vegetable dishes.

Your diet should be rich in protein products, because it is the amino acids that make up proteins that are the basis for building all the cells of the body. The source of protein is not only meat (and now you should give preference to dietary meat - poultry, rabbit, veal). Protein is found in large quantities in dairy products, especially in cottage cheese, in combination with valuable trace elements and vitamins.

Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy. Basically, they occur from the second trimester, when the uterus squeezes the intestines. But it is advisable to start their prevention now. Make it a rule to start your breakfast with a glass of kefir with prunes. This simplest method is neglected by many, but it really improves the condition of the intestines significantly. Your diet should include foods such as dried apricots, bananas, kiwi, bran. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Necessary examinations and examinations

Usually, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman is already registered in the antenatal clinic, and now you need to visit a doctor once a month. At this time, an ultrasound may be performed. The first screening ultrasound examination should be carried out at 11-13 weeks of gestation, the optimal period is 12 weeks. Ultrasound at 13 weeks of pregnancy is performed to exclude gross malformations, chromosomal pathology. At this time, it is still possible to conduct a genetic study. In case of detection of severe pathology, termination of pregnancy is possible.

The second reason that ultrasound is optimally performed at this time is the fact that now, with an ultrasound examination, a specialist will determine the gestational age of the fetus with an accuracy of 2 days. In some difficult situations, obstetricians rely on this age. After all, there are situations when the mother cannot give the exact date of the last menstruation, for example, in the case of certain diseases, or if there were spotting in the initial stages of pregnancy.

The study at this time is carried out by a vaginal sensor. On the monitor, you can already see your baby, distinguish where his head, body, arms and legs are, the doctor will show you how his heart beats. But the sex at 13 weeks of pregnancy cannot yet be determined with 100 percent accuracy. The reproductive organs are still being formed. But on the second ultrasound, they will already tell you exactly who you are waiting for - a boy or a girl.

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Questions - answers

What does brown discharge mean at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

This is an alarming symptom that indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy. Brown color discharge is due to blood leakage, and if such a symptom is detected, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help for the appointment of treatment that will prevent abortion.

At 13 weeks pregnant, my stomach hurts - not too much, but periodically after a load there is a feeling that the uterus is very tense. This is not dangerous?

The sensations described by you are characteristic of the raised tone of a myometrium. This may be normal if such sensations are not too intense and pass quickly when you lie down and rest. However, to exclude the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is better for you to be examined.

I had unpleasant pulling sensations in the lumbar region, a temperature at the 13th week of pregnancy. What does it mean?

Such symptoms are characteristic of pyelonephritis. This disease very often occurs in pregnant women, since immunity is somewhat reduced, and the risk of bacterial inflammation is high. You should definitely consult a doctor, as pyelonephritis requires timely adequate antibiotic therapy.

I have a very sore lower back after a load at 13 weeks pregnant. This is the second pregnancy, and the first also had pain, but closer to the middle of pregnancy. How can pain be relieved? Can I take painkillers?

Pain in the lumbar region during pregnancy is not always associated with a load on the back. It could be a symptom inflammatory process in the kidneys, so you need to see a doctor to rule out such a pathology. Pain can be a symptom of inflammation of the nerve roots, and in this case, special treatment is also indispensable. And you can’t take painkillers on your own - only those that the doctor prescribes are safe for the baby. If such causes of pain are excluded, you need to try to rest more. However, it is absolutely impossible to lie down all day. Go to gymnastics for pregnant women - you will be shown special stretching exercises, strengthening the back muscles, which you will need to do regularly. A light massage also helps. You can ask relatives to massage daily or sign up for a massage course at the clinic.