Is it possible to crunch joints. Causes of crunch in the hip joint

  • 22.09.2019

Or not, there is a huge amount of controversy. So is cracking your fingers really bad?

Let's crunch!

This is what the American scientist Donald Unger draws us to. He believes that such a hobby cannot lead to anything bad. On the contrary, finger crunching only has a positive effect on the body. For this experiment on himself, Winger even received certain awards in the field of medicine. The fact is that throughout his life, despite the warnings of his mother that crunching can earn you arthritis, Donald continued to crunch the fingers of his left hand. The right one remained unused in this experiment. Having lived to the age of 83, Winger made a statement that the sensations in his right and left hands are identical, no arthritis is observed, and everything is fine with him. So this person recommends that everyone should not be afraid to crack their fingers, because it is completely harmless. But here the question may arise as to why they crunch, if there is no benefit from this action? After all, Donald Winger claimed that the sensations in the hands are the same.

Stop crunch!

Looking for an answer to the question of whether it is harmful to crunch your fingers, readers can find a huge amount of information about what not to do. Why? Almost all scientists agree with the statement that when you crunch your fingers, gas bubbles that have accumulated between the bones simply burst. But what is this gas, where did it come from? This interest Ask. When a person cracks his fingers, he dramatically reduces the pressure in the interarticular fluid. Gas is formed in the form of bubbles that burst. At the same time, we hear the corresponding sound. All this, in principle, is not so scary, but not entirely harmless. After a while, everything will fall into place, the pressure will normalize, but at first the balance of the interarticular fluid will be disturbed in the hand, and it is precisely because of this that the joints of the fingers are loosened. So is cracking your fingers bad? If this is rarely done, then this lesson will not harm the body. But if you get carried away with this procedure and daily expose your joints to such an effect, you can do harm. At first, everything will seem to be normal, but after about 10-15 years, you can feel that the joints on the fingers swell, and the fingers themselves acquire an ugly, crooked shape. Constantly cracking your fingers, you can loosen the joints so much that it will be fraught with frequent pinching of the nerves, various inflammatory processes and, as a result, arthritis.


Having figured out whether it is harmful to crunch your fingers, having chosen a suitable theory for yourself, you should also pay attention to the fact that finger joints can be trained daily by performing various dynamic exercises. So, flexion and extension of the fingers, clenching them into a fist and into a lock will be useful. You can also make clicks in the air ("clicks") with your fingers. Such are simple exercises can perfectly replace the crunch with your fingers and will definitely benefit the body.


After reading the article, one can make a logical conclusion that scientists have not yet found a single answer to the question of whether it is harmful to crunch your fingers. It's up to everyone here. Knowing the consequences of this act, everyone must simply decide for himself whether it is possible to crunch your fingers, or whether you should not do this.

Many people are extremely annoyed when someone who is present nearby cracks their fingers. Most believe that this is an addiction that should definitely get rid of, while adherents of this habit themselves are not completely sure whether cracking fingers is harmful, and it is possible that these assumptions are deeply erroneous. There is no definite answer to this question, but most orthopedists are sure that this can provoke destabilization of the joint.

What Happens When Crunching

All joints serve to provide maximum bone mobility. At the junction of 2 bones, there is articular cartilage enclosed in a special capsule filled with synovial fluid. Thanks to it, friction and stress at the articulation of the bones is reduced. At the same time, the joint does not lose its mobility and elasticity.

There is no exact definition of what happens when a person cracks their fingers. However, research in this direction has not stopped so far. Not so long ago, scientists from England conducted a rather interesting experiment, during which 20 volunteers were involved. The patients' fingers were gradually stretched with the help of a special apparatus. At this point, an x-ray of the sprained joint was taken, which was then evaluated by specialists.

Empirically, it was found that at the maximum tension of the joint, the pressure at the junction sharply drops. At the same time, the movement of synovial fluid is accelerated, reaching the effect of "boiling". At this time, a gas bubble forms in the joint capsule, which is tightly sealed in the joint.

When the pressure changes, the bubble enters the synovial fluid, where it bursts, accompanied by a characteristic click (crunch). As a result of this cause, an imbalance in the fluid occurs, which in turn leads to “loosening” of the hand joint.

Bubbles of gas, which, when falling, are accompanied by popping sounds in the form of a crunch

Doctors say that the desire to crunch the joints is due to the constant static stress resulting from the strong compression of the joint surfaces. During the crunch of the fingers, a sharp drop in the pressure of the interarticular fluid is observed. Most experts recommend that you fight this habit, as with regular stretching of the joints, a serious destabilization of the joint will occur.

Of course, not in all cases, crunching is a serious problem for human health. In one more innocuous case, rhythmic clicks can be performed by striking the middle finger against the palm. Another option is more dangerous, since the crunch occurs due to the movement of the joints.

Crunch cons

In order to understand why it is impossible to crunch your fingers, you need to compare all the pros and cons of this habit:

  • regular crunching provokes loosening and destabilization of the joints;
  • salt deposition provokes hardening of muscle fibers and cartilage, which leads to a decrease in the mobility of the fingers;
  • in some cases, there are anomalies in the structure of the joints, accompanied by their increased activity. When moving, the bones can diverge and return to their original position, causing a crunch;
  • when crunching, the bone structure of the joint is disturbed, and they can go beyond the joint box at the junction, which leads to acute pain;
  • crunching can lead to inflammation of muscle tissue, as strong pressure is exerted on them;
  • crunching threatens the development of arthrosis, which is characterized by the gradual wear of cartilage tissues. At the same time, flexibility and mobility of the fingers are lost;
  • cracking your fingers is very harmful, as accidental injury to the joint is possible, especially after sprains, fractures and dislocations. In this case, the tendon ligaments are stretched and further relaxed, which increases their vulnerability.

If crunching occurs regularly, then this desire becomes obsessive, which leads to psychological problems.


Despite many negative points that accompany this bad habit, there are certain advantages:

  • crunching is useful for people with increased emotional excitability, who, with such an action, relieve tension and put their thoughts in order;
  • during a click, the bones are able to return to their normal position, which protects them from excessive loads and associated dislocations;
  • systematic repositioning of displaced bones prevents stretching of the joint capsule;
  • crunching can prevent local muscle spasms, preparing the hands for the upcoming loads.

This habit has much more negative qualities than advantages, so experts recommend getting rid of it. Finger snapping occurs on a subconscious level, especially in stressful situations when a person is not able to control his actions.

To enhance self-control, patients are recommended auto-training sessions and a set of special exercises that are performed if you want to crunch your fingers.

A set of exercises for the fingers

In order to get rid of the habit of crunching your fingers as early as possible, you need to resort to special gymnastics.

The conditions for its implementation are quite simple:

  • fingers relax with light shaking;
  • fists are sharply clenched and slowly unclenched;
  • fingers interlock into a “lock” and rotate in different directions;
  • first, each finger is massaged separately, and then the entire brush;
  • the finger of the left hand is gently placed on the opposite hand and massaged clockwise;
  • kneading in the hands of a small rubber ball or cube helps to relieve tension.

Each exercise is performed at least 5–7 times, and with the regularity of their performance, a person’s desire to crack his fingers decreases. It should be noted, however, that in the absence of own desire on the part of the patient, it is impossible to achieve a positive result.

A person should make every effort in the fight against this bad habit. In order to distract yourself, it is recommended to buy a rosary and sort through the beads between your fingers, roll metal balls in your hand, etc.

Do I need to see a doctor

With a crunch of the joints, a consultation with a doctor is required, since in some cases such symptoms can indicate very serious diseases, as well as congenital pathologies of the joints.

First of all, the patient needs to visit an orthopedist, so that he can exclude a number of concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In some cases, in addition to a visual examination, it is possible to carry out a number of diagnostic measures aimed at finding out the root cause of the pathological condition.

When destructive changes in the cartilage and bone tissue on the fingers are detected, specific therapy is prescribed, including taking medications, a complex of physiotherapy exercises, dieting, normalizing the rest and work regimen.

Possible consequences of finger crunching

As a rule, people begin to think about the dangers of finger crunching at a fairly mature age, which is due to the natural aging of the body and the wear and tear of joint tissues.

European scientists have conducted numerous studies, the results of which confirm that systematic finger cracking is dangerous and can lead to fragility, frequent dislocations and pinching of nerve endings.

The load on the joint during the crunch can lead to grinding and crushing of cartilage with their subsequent destruction and pathologies of the joint.

Habits such as finger-cracking can lead to arthritis and swelling of the hands with a decrease in grip strength.

Crunch Prevention

In order for the crunch in the fingers to appear much less often, preventive measures should be observed:

  • recommended to adhere proper nutrition including in daily diet a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is not advisable to consume foods that contain proteins (milk, meat, etc.);
  • it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen, drinking at least 1.5 liters of water during the day, avoid hypodynamia and not abuse physical activity;
  • it is desirable to avoid stressful situations and emotional upheavals, since this is what leads to the fact that there are problems of a psychological nature, during which a person nervously cracks his fingers;
  • with a long stay in a forced position, it is necessary to periodically do a warm-up and shake your hands.

At a fairly young age, any problems seem insignificant, and most people begin to think about the dangers of finger crunching only when joint problems appear. The opinion of scientists on this matter is extremely controversial, but most of them admit that this is bad, especially for the health of the musculoskeletal system, recommending getting rid of this bad habit.

What happens when you crack your fingers?

Why do fingers crackle and how does it happen?

When a person tries to forcefully bend their fingers, it has a devastating effect on the joints. They are out of their usual position. Often such actions lead to pinched nerves and other unpleasant consequences.

A crunch is heard at the moment when the gas bubbles that form in the joint fluid collapse. The appearance of such gas is associated with joint stretching and a decrease in pressure in it.

In some cases, cracking fingers can be caused by diseases. Among them stand out in particular:

1. Joint injuries. Any, even microscopic, damage can lead to similar consequences.

2. Lack of synovial fluid in the joints.

3. Arthritis.

4. Deforming osteoarthritis.

If you begin to notice a crunch of fingers that was not there before, this is an occasion to seek the advice of a specialist and undergo a medical examination.

What happens if you crack your fingers?

It has been proven that it is dangerous to affect the joints. Frequent crunching of the fingers can lead to limb deformity. During strong flexion of the finger, the distance between the parts of the joint increases greatly. If such manipulations are carried out constantly, then over time the joint capsule will simply stretch.

Such actions can eventually lead to serious consequences, the destruction of cartilage tissue is very likely. In addition, eversion of the joints can trigger degenerative changes.

If you have a predisposition to arthritis or other joint diseases, then finger crunching can be extremely dangerous. This can lead to bone destruction.

There are many more safe ways relax the brush and remove its flow. You can use specialized expanders with which you can do a little hand gymnastics. Try to include as many calcium-rich foods as possible in your diet. After all, it is the lack of this substance that most often provokes discomfort in the limbs.

Now you know why you can't crack your fingers. Take advantage simple advice and you will be able to get rid of this bad habit forever.

Crunch in fingers

Crunch in fingers- a common phenomenon in almost all age categories of people. It can be observed from infancy to old age.

The causes of the crunch are varied, we will name the most common:

  • Strong physical activity provokes excessive stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, joints and bones;
  • Sedentary lifestyle leads to atrophy not only of muscles, but also of the bone skeleton;
  • Joint stress occurs when you stay in one position for a long time;
  • Congenital pathologies of the joints, when the joints are located freely relative to each other, clicks are heard when the bones diverge and return to their original position;
  • Immoderate carrying weights;
  • The crunch may indicate about diseases of the joints: bursitis (inflammation of the synovial bag), tendinitis (inflammation of the tendons), arthritis (inflammation of the joints), arthrosis, rheumatism, etc. in this case, the crunch will always be accompanied by pain;
  • Received injuries can also be the cause of the crunch;
  • Salt deposits, salt contributes to the hardening of cartilage, reduces the elasticity of tissues;
  • Flaw calcium, liquid;
  • Bad habit to relieve emotional stress, if necessary, focus on any process, making important decisions;
  • Mental disorder varying severity.

The human skeletal system is designed specifically for movement. But any load should be moderate and reasonable for a particular organism.

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The norm is a natural crunch or physiological, which is observed during movements, movements, sharp turns, physical exercises. As a rule, such a crunch is almost inaudible.

And if it occurs This is beneficial for the joints, as the necessary, natural relaxation of the skeleton and muscles occurs. If the joints, cartilage, tendons are in a healthy state, then even with sipping and other natural sprains, there should be no crunch.

Crunch can be normal when it occurs at physical activity, or after tension, if it is not accompanied by pain symptoms, swelling, stiffness of movements, redness and other unpleasant symptoms

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  • Relieves pain syndrome
  • Promotes cartilage regeneration
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  • Fights swelling and eliminates inflammation


Pathological crunch delivers pain, swelling appears, puffiness is a sign of deformity of the joints.

If this is a symptom of a disease, or hereditary pathologies of joint development. Only a qualified orthopedist or surgeon can diagnose a disease or pathology.

When finger crunching is not a symptom diseases or pathologies, and the lover of crunching manifests himself in this way, tries to attract the attention of others, or crunches precisely at the time nervous tension. A person with sore joints is unlikely to crack his fingers for show.

The desire to crunch for the public testifies about a possible mental disorder. After all, you can find more adequate ways to express your personality. And drug therapy may also be indicated. A consultation with a psychotherapist will help in solving this problem.

The mechanism of occurrence of a crunch in the fingers

In 1947, Canadian scientists conducted a study on the mechanism of the appearance of a crunch in the fingers. The tests were carried out on volunteers who stretched their fingers to a crunch and at that moment recorded what was happening in the joints using MRI.

The output was the following: with natural or artificial stretching of the joints between them, the pressure drops sharply and a cavity is formed, which is filled with gas bubbles, with a sharp bending of the joint, the bubbles burst with a specific pop.

Orthopedic doctors believe that the crunch occurs as a specific reaction of the joints and tendons to a sharp flexion.

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crunch benefits

In the medical environment there is no consensus on the benefits or harms of this action. There is no benefit at all. Some scientists and doctors speak not about the obvious benefits of crunch, but about its harmless effect on the human body.

Allegedly, those who like to crunch in this way relieve tension, relax, and do not bring any threat to health.

There is a well-known example of a Californian doctor who crunched the fingers of one hand for 60 years, and after 60 years did not notice the difference between the hands.

That is, both hands were healthy. But this is an isolated case. It would be unreasonable to draw global conclusions on its basis. You can talk about the benefits of crunching when it accompanies morning sips and exercises, or after a long work in one position.

Stiff muscles and ligamentous apparatus are stretched and thus tension is relieved. Or when long work on the computer, you need to unload your fingers.

Harm crunch

Most doctors and scientists speak out about the obvious dangers of crunching. Proving that uncontrolled crunching leads to deformation of the hands, loosening of the joints, deficiency of synovial fluid, infringement of nerve endings, dislocations, subluxations, swelling and swelling, inflammatory diseases of the joints.

It is known for sure that systematic crunching leads to fragility of the joints, and this can lead to more serious consequences. But the aesthetic side of the issue: the crunch unequivocally causes a repulsive impression, it raises doubts about the adequacy of the lover to crunch incessantly.

The consequences of the crunch

As you know, each organism lives and develops according to its individual laws. No one can guess whether there may be consequences of a crunch or not. If you deliberately crunch your fingers several times in your life, then nothing terrible will come of it.

But if it becomes a habit for many years, it can certainly have the most negative impact on the condition of the joints. The constant unnatural load on the articular mechanism cannot pass without a trace.

The articular and ligamentous apparatus is destroyed very slowly, throughout life: at first it loosens, loses elasticity, cracks appear, there is a deficiency of articular fluid, from which the joints rub against each other, causing pain

And all this leads to serious inflammatory diseases of the joints.. In young years, no consequences of bad habits are visible, you will have to reap the fruits of your thoughtless actions in adulthood. If there is at least a small amount of risk to health, it makes sense to think about whether to ruin your health.

How to get rid of this habit?

If scientists are still arguing about the benefits and harms of crunching, it would be wise not to experiment on your health. And do not annoy other people with an immoderate crunch.

If doctors have diagnosed that crunching is not a symptom of a disease or pathology, but a bad habit, then you need to gradually abandon this habit. The main thing should be desire.

It is possible to replace the crunch with:

  • Massage fingers, gradual rubbing of each finger from tip to base;
  • distraction maneuvers, collect a Rubik's cube, twist the pen or balls in your hands;
  • brush charger, clenching and straightening of the fists, rotation of the hands clasped together, alternate flexion and extension of the fingers, relaxation of the hands by shaking;
  • Baths with sea salt or extracts of chamomile, sage, pine;
  • Swimming. A wonderful sport that is indicated for various diseases, primarily of the bone apparatus. It also relieves psychological stress, relaxes muscles, strengthens the immune system.

Prevention of crunch in the fingers

Of particular importance is the complex of preventive measures useful for people who have a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the joints, athletes and everyone who wants to maintain painless mobility of the bone skeleton until old age.

Let's list the main events:

  • healthy food, be sure to include foods rich in calcium;
  • Keep track of your weight excess weight loads the bones and joints beyond measure;
  • Consuming the right amount liquids, up to three liters in summer, up to two in winter;
  • Move more, movements block stagnation in the skeletal system;
  • safe sports, choose the sport that will benefit the body;
  • Avoid injury and heavy physical exertion.

Answer to the question- is it possible to crunch your fingers on your hands, it will be like this: yes, you can, but first evaluate all the likely risks to your own health and the peace of others.

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There are as many disputes on this issue as there are disputes on the topic "Who was the chicken or the egg before"!

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If you wish, you can find a lot of articles proving that this is a completely harmless habit or, on the contrary, a dangerous procedure, the consequences of which you will face in old age. Many can calm you down, while others, on the contrary, scare you with arthritis.

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And anyway, why do people crack their fingers?




It is interesting that in ancient times in the Middle East it was customary at funerals and as a sign of mourning for a dead person, to crunch your fingers loudly, and at the same time wring your hands. But for some reason, really grieving people, like the widow, never got to crack their fingers. Therefore, it was necessary to hire special mourners, who, among other things, were obliged to "wring their hands."

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Now some people just love to snap their knuckles. The sound made by the joints is very unnerving to others. Maybe that's why people get pleasure from such actions?)))


Sometimes, a person thinks that this the only way stretch stiff hands and relieve tension. Gradually, such “relaxation” develops into a bad habit, because the more often you crunch your fingers, the more often there is a desire to repeat the “procedure”.



So to crunch or not to crunch?


Let's take a look at the pros and cons of finger crunching together. You can read the opinion about the harmlessness of crunching fingers of very many elderly, authoritative people, for example, such as California physician, Donald Unger. In his books and publications, he mentions that from childhood he crunched the knuckles of his left hand day after day. Naturally, he often heard a warning from his mother that arthritis awaited him in old age. But having lived to be 83 years old, he claims that the sensations in his right and left hands are the same.


From his point of view, with this procedure we stimulate the tendons, relax the muscles and loosen the joints. But then I would like to ask a question to the respected Mr. Donald Unger. If, as he claims, finger-cracking is not only harmless, but also beneficial, then why are his hands in the same condition in old age? Shouldn't it left hand feel better than the right one? Do not forget that Donald Unger received his award in medicine not for proving the harmlessness of the habit of crunching fingers, but for an experiment carried out on himself!



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But what actually happens in the joint?

Roughly speaking, a joint is a junction of two bones, surrounded by a joint bag that is filled with fluid. When we crack our fingers, we expand the space between the bones. The joint fluid becomes insufficient to fill the resulting gap. Therefore, the pressure inside drops, a bubble filled with gas is formed. It bursts, and we hear a characteristic sound.

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The second photo shows that when the joint is stretched, a cavity forms in it.

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Orthopedists against crunch!


Leading orthopedists strongly discourage finger crunching. Doctors agree with the conclusion that the sound we hear when our fingers crack is bursting gas bubbles. But I want to figure out what kind of gas it is and where the bubbles come from in it.


When a person cracks his fingers, he sharply reduces the pressure in the interarticular fluid and the gas in it releases bubbles, and they, in turn, burst and we hear it. In time everything will fall into place, but until it does, in the joints of the fingers, the balance of the interarticular fluid is disturbed and because of this, the joints are “loose”.

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If you “crunch” your fingers a couple of times in your life, there will be nothing terrible, but if you do it all the time?


At first, you may not feel any harm from “loose” joints, but after 8-12 years of this addiction, you will notice that the joints will begin to swell, and the fingers will take on an ugly shape.

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With prolonged finger crunching, you can destabilize the joints, and this in turn can provoke dislocations and pinching of nerve endings, and then lead to inflammatory processes in tissues.

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And the next step is the appearance of arthritis.

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The famous doctors Castellanos J. and Axelrod D. while writing their book "Chronicle of Rheumatic Disease" (1990) conducted research on the effects of finger crunching... based on x-rays, it is proved that this habit leads to swelling of the joints and deformity of the fingers.

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Conclusion - any crunch is harmful!




There are people who love to crack their knuckles. Most often, such a crunch occurs when the fingers are bent, although the crunch can also be done with the help of the neck, spine, and so on.


It is believed that if you often crunch joints, vertebrae and other human accessories that can make a crunch, then soon the ligaments in these places will stretch more and more, and functioning will decrease. Two camps appear here: some say that arthritis is guaranteed to you, while others completely deny it. Okay, all this is great, but some answer is needed - is it harmful to crunch or not?

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Harmful! Therefore, quit this bad habit, i.e. crunch on purpose. On the other hand, if you periodically engage in exercises or stretching there, then a crunch in the spine is inevitable, but it is unlikely to hurt. On the contrary, it is useful. And then you might get the impression that you need to give up any physical exercise with a note: "no matter how something crunches." So it is very undesirable to crunch your fingers and, especially, your neck, because sooner or later it will backfire.



Leading specialists in orthopedics and traumatologists, if the need arises to “crunch your fingers”, suggest replacing this procedure with dynamic exercises or pampering your fingers with baths with the addition of sea salt.

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Dynamic exercises for finger joints:


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  • 1. Bend and unbend your fingers into a fist, while performing this movement, do not forget to strain your fingers. This exercise should be done 4-5 times.
  • 2. Imagine that you flick someone on the forehead. Such virtual clicks should be performed with each finger. This exercise should be done 2-3 times.
  • 3. We squeeze, in turn, fingers, starting from the little finger and ending with the thumb, then we do the opposite. This exercise should be done 2-3 times.
  • 4. Cross your fingers in the manner of the scissors exercise. This exercise should be done 4-5 times.
  • 5. Lock your fingers together, raise them above your head and lower them sharply down, each separately. This exercise should be done 3-4 times.
  • 6. Connect your fingers into a “lock” and make a “wave” with them. This exercise should be done 4-5 times.

These simple and painless exercises will replace finger crunching.


But if the exercises help the fingers, then, unfortunately, they will not help get rid of the habit. Try to distract yourself when you feel the urge to crunch your fingers. For starters, you can just massage your hands. If that doesn't help either, play small balls or a pen between your fingers, or better yet, get yourself a Rubik's Cube and collect it when you feel like crunching your fingers. And it should be remembered that at a young age it is much easier to get rid of a bad habit than in the elderly.

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But if you really want to crunch, then why not crunch?

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Crunch right!




1-Close your palms together. Let's say as if we were holding dice between them. This is the first stage.

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2- Sharply straighten your fingers and press on the joint of each phalanx. It will be easy to crunch with the lower ones, more difficult for the upper ones, but it is also possible. The force with which you press should be enough to crackle right away.


Sometimes it doesn't help. If you keep pushing and pushing, if your finger is already sick, and not crunchy - leave this finger alone!

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3- Another option is to clench one palm into a fist. Then, accordingly, you need to rest your other palm on it and press. So you can crunch all at once!


You can turn your hand a little and put pressure on the upper joints too. By the way, you will have to get used to this, and at first it also hurts.

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4- Crack one finger at a time. Make a fist, as required for other methods, but now concentrate on one finger at a time. If all the pressure is directed to one finger, then it can crunch well, just very loudly!


With the palm of one hand, hold the one on which the finger you will apply pressure. Press on this finger with your thumb. Press either from above or below your finger - the main thing is that one at a time. Experiment and do not clench your hand into a fist. Instead, fold your palms as if you were praying. Your fingers and palms should touch each other. Then spread your palms ... and keep your fingers still pressed against each other! Press your fingers against your fingers harder, spreading your palms until it crackles.


This may require a little fiddling with your hands. The middle and ring fingers should crunch immediately, the index and little fingers - after a while. 6-Learn to crunch by twisting your fingers.


There are two options here:


Grab your finger with one hand, keep your finger straight, and start turning your hand. Over time, learn, it will turn out well!


So you can crunch with the upper phalanges - you just need to take it a little higher.


Grab the top of your finger and twist your hand. In other words, you will not twirl the crunchy hand, but twirl the hand while crunching at this time.

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7-Learn to crunch your fingers without touching them at all. Tighten your fingers and begin to slowly bend them forward. This might work if you find crunching easy at all. However, for many this is an unattainable dream.

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Even fewer people know how to squeeze a crunch out of a finger that has just crunched. If this does not work out for you, do not worry - in 5-10 minutes it will work out.


There are many ways to squeeze a crunch out of your fingers: twist your fingers, type them, and then pull them sharply ... most importantly, pull harder.


You can crunch with each finger separately, and you can even find that the fingers crunch at one angle or another. Experiment by twisting your arms!


With your thumb and forefinger, hold the finger on the other hand by the middle phalanx, squeeze it, turn it back and forth - and you will not hear a crunch, but something like a “click”.


You can strongly press the bottom of the finger to squeeze the crunch out of it. Believe me - it will work, although not immediately.


Relax your fingers, then grab one of them and start arching to the sides.
