Killer training system, or what is crossfit. What Does CrossFit Do?

  • 13.10.2019

And so friends, hello everyone. Let's go to new level, because I don’t know what to discuss about bodybuilding ... Today, I want to tell you what crossfit is. By the way, there is practically nothing on the Internet on this topic, at least I found only the opinions of people who only do what they do to promote crossfit (well, for example, the well-known company Reebok), specifically and on the case - there is very little information. That's why, I decided to take up this sport in order to objectively tell about it, and so let's get started.

CrossFit - what is it?

crossfit- this is a circuit training without rest, you perform exercises one after another without rest (or with minimal rest). As a rule, exercises are used such as: squats, deadlifts and other various tractions, jerks, snatches, pull-ups, push-ups, etc. . all this in order to involve as many muscles as possible in the work.

But, in addition to basic exercises, free weight exercises are also allowed, that is, all the same exercises only without weights (push-ups, jumps, pull-ups, squats, etc.) + aerobic exercises such as running, rollerblading, cycling, rowing, swimming, jump rope, etc. Here the load is both strength and aerobic (because there is cardio training). In addition to this, exercises from various other sports are also used (kettlebell lifting, weightlifting, artistic gymnastics, rowing, athletics, etc.), where exercises are performed with high intensity.

Here, watch the video clip and you will understand everything:

CrossFit aims to develop athletes in the following areas:

  1. performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  2. Endurance
  3. force power
  4. flexibility;
  5. power;
  6. speed;
  7. coordination;
  8. quick adaptation to changing loads;
  9. balance;
  10. accuracy.

CrossFit training programs have both their pros and cons, in general, like other training programs in various sports. Now we will consider them in more detail.

Pros and cons of CROSSFIT

CrossFit has no SPECIALIZATION. What does it mean? For example, a bodybuilder trains strength performance (i.e. he long time can show monstrous strength with minimal rest, approach after approach), a powerlifter trains for strength (i.e. it is important for him to press with his maximum weight for one repetition), as you can see, each sport has its own specialization. In every sport, athletes try to achieve the maximum in some way (i.e. they specialize in one thing, and the narrower the specialization, the more you will achieve achievements in it).

What about CrossFit? There is no specialization in CrossFit. And it has both its pros and cons.

The disadvantages are that there is no specialization - which means that the result will not be the maximum, let's say weakly expressed (serious). For there, both strength training and endurance ..

And the pluses are that, crossfit gives you versatility (i.e. it is more common in real life person), this type of training makes you more adapted to real life situations unlike other sports. You can run 500 meters, immediately move the cabinet and go for pull-ups and then run 500 meters again, whatever, I have a weak imagination ... this is just an example.

And so friends, I hope I have interested you in this topic. I recommend that you are not afraid to try something new for yourself, look for something new .. Get out of your comfort zone, try it out, and do you like a friend? Then you won’t pull it off ... step forward and never ... never look back.

For dessert - interesting video+ training (and a lot of explanations about crossfit) from Borodach:

Sincerely, administrator.

According to the CrossFit system, they are gaining more and more popularity all over the world.

CrossFit is a system of circular training, according to the methodology of which the world and European championships have been repeatedly held. In this article we will talk about the main of this technique, the benefits and harms of classes.


This training method has a closed cycle. When training in this mode, a person constantly performs a certain. Moreover, this complex must be completed in the minimum time. In this case, the exercises after the completion of the cycle are constantly repeated.

Did you know? CrossFit was invented by American high school student Gres Glassman. He opened the first CrossFit gym in 1995.

As a rule, they are used in the complex, which contribute to the development of agility, endurance and. The training regime is divided into three components: cardio, and weightlifting. All exercises are maximally functional, and the degree of their severity depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

When doing crossfit, the trainer can prescribe the following types of exercises:

  • jerks, presses;
  • exercises with dumbbells, kettlebells,;
  • classes on,;
  • jump rope, .
Gyms for regular training are a little different from the halls for CrossFit. Often it depends on the size of the gym and the equipment that is present in it.

The training program for each individual person is selected individually, depending on the degree of physical fitness of the athlete and the equipment of the hall. The coach must build a program that is aimed at working out various physical qualities on different days.

So, if today there is training in agility and endurance, then tomorrow - endurance and strength, and the day after tomorrow - dexterity and strength. CrossFit is famous for the fact that by doing it, you can develop physically unlimitedly, pumping almost all groups. That is why in the USA this technique is used for the comprehensive training of firefighters.

Basic exercises

The closed loop training methodology has a large set of exercises that are divided into metabolic, gymnastic and strength.


Metabolic exercises are high-intensity interval circuit training aimed at quick deliverance from being overweight.

The main metabolic exercises in CrossFit are:

  • Rowing on a simulator (in the process of training on a rowing machine, almost all the muscles of your body are involved; rowing helps to cope with excess weight as efficiently as possible).
  • Jumping over the bar (Contribute to the development of the gluteal, calf and femoral muscles).
  • Double and triple jumps on a rope (classes begin with single jumps; then gradually there is a transition to more difficult jumps through low and high jump training).
  • Running (classic endurance training and systems, also contributing to the removal of excess weight during intense exercise).
Metabolic training helps to improve metabolism, which is why a person begins to lose weight. Maximum efficiency will be only when the entire complex is performed at a certain frequency.

Gymnastic exercises

Basic gymnastic exercises:

  • Exit on the horizontal bar.
  • Burpee (performing different movements from different positions in one cycle; burpee helps to tone a large number muscles in a short period of time).
  • Hyperextension (contributes to the development of the muscles of the gluteal region, back of the thigh and lower back).
  • Jumping on a box.
  • Sit-ups on the hyperextension simulator (bending the body on a bench with a high amplitude in order to pump the thigh muscles).
  • Pull-ups with the chest to the crossbar.
  • Walking on the hands and push-ups in the handstand.
  • L-pull-up (pull-ups on the bar with legs fixed at an angle of 90 ° in order to load the press).
  • Raising to the elbows on the crossbar.
  • Different variations of push-ups and pull-ups.
  • Squats on one.
  • Push-ups and exit on the rings.
  • Fold (reaching fingers of toes while lying on a bench; the exercise is aimed at working out the rectus muscle).
  • Rope climbs.
  • Sock trays to the crossbar.

Important! Distribute the training schedule correctly! Lack of rest and high-intensity training can lead to a condition called rhabdomyolysis.

Gymnastic exercises contribute not only to the development of endurance and flexibility, but also to the development of certain technical skills. In addition, gymnastic crossfit contributes to the relief pumping of the muscles of the whole body.


The basic strength exercises of CrossFit include:

  • Bench press and taking it on.
  • Throwing the ball on the floor.
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders.
  • Deadlift bar.
  • Cluster (multi-joint exercise using a barbell).
  • Mahi weights.
  • Farmer's walk (walking with dumbbells or kettlebells in both hands).
  • Push and push push.
  • Overturning a large wheel tire.
  • Walking lunges and barbell lunges.
  • Shoulder bag lift.
  • Throwing a kicking ball at a target.
Strength training contributes to the development of endurance and. In addition, such training helps strengthen joints, tendons and.

Did you know?Since 2007, the CrossFit World Championships have been held annually.

What are the benefits?

The best way to develop willpower is to train using the CrossFit method. Every time you do a certain type of exercise, your heart will work faster, your strength will go away, but you will try to reach a new record for yourself.
And when you reach it, the strength will come again, the motivation will increase, and with it the willpower that will lead you to new achievements.

Crossfit training takes place at a high intensity, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds as efficiently and quickly as possible. And if you add the right one to all this, then the result will not be long in coming. Subcutaneous fat will go away in an instant, and the muscle relief will show itself in all its glory. In addition, everyone involved in CrossFit has very strong muscles, bones and joints.

And the most important advantage is that you can practice CrossFit at home, and you don’t need to buy expensive memberships to stuffy gyms. There is no age limit for this course. CrossFit is able to lower blood pressure, which many people who have crossed the fifty-year threshold suffer from.

Therefore, training after 50 years will only benefit your body.

Harm and contraindications

There are many opponents of this training theory. And as they say, the main disadvantage of CrossFit is the high intensity of loads for beginners in the early stages of training. Sometimes this intensity can lead to other unfortunate consequences.

With intensive crossfit exercises, the risk of developing rhabdomyolysis always increases. This disease occurs when muscle cells are destroyed. As a result, the destroyed cells enter, and then into the kidneys.

Further, acute renal failure occurs, which in many cases can lead to death. Rhabdomyolysis is such a common and dangerous disease among CrossFit athletes that there is even a warning on the official CrossFit website.
Many experienced athletes claim that this training technique can destroy very quickly. The thing is that CrossFit athletes are constantly engaged in a high degree of intensity and with little to no rest.

At the same time, their pulse during training for a long time keeps in the region of two hundred beats per minute. In this mode, the myocardium lacks blood supply. As a result, coronary heart disease and myocardial hypertrophy can develop.

Important!Before starting training, you need to undergo a complete examination by experienced doctors, especially a cardiologist. After all, when doing crossfit, the heart is under a lot of stress.

In addition, training according to the CrossFit method has a number of contraindications:
  • Increased intracranial or intrauterine pressure.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Scoliosis, varicose veins.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.

From all of the above, the question arises: is it worth risking your own and doing CrossFit? Everyone must find the answer to this question on their own. And it is best to consult with experienced and athletes before classes.

Is it possible to practice at home?

CrossFit training should be done only according to pre-compiled programs that are created for both girls and women. They should be compiled by experienced trainers who take your individual physical data as a basis. After compiling the program, training can be done at home.

And you can do it at home without any worries. In addition, training at home has its positive aspects:

  • You don't have to adjust to the gym's schedule.
  • No need to waste precious time on a trip to the gym, especially if it is far from your home.
  • No need to spend large amounts of money on gym memberships and a new sports uniform.
  • Lack of embarrassment when surrounded by a large number of people.
  • No one will look at you condescendingly.

Many athletes started their first workouts at home. Therefore, buy the equipment you need for classes, draw up an individual program, and forward to new achievements.

Where to start for a newbie?

As we have already said, to start crossfit training, you need to draw up an individual training program for beginners, and do not forget to tell the trainer who will draw up the program that you will be doing at home.

In this case, he will give you some more recommendations for training at home. Then study the program in detail, buy the missing equipment and start classes.

Popular exercises

Some of the most popular CrossFit exercises are regular squats, jump squats, and single leg squats.

Such exercises tone the front of the thigh, calves, quadriceps, muscles of the back of the thigh, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, muscles, etc. Perform all three types of squats in turn, spending 7 minutes on one type of exercise.

When moving on to another type of exercise, you should try to take as little break as possible.

Did you know?There are over 5,000 gyms in the world that are certified to conduct CrossFit workouts.

Front and side plank exercises work the muscles that keep your spine straight.
To perform the front bar, you need to take an emphasis lying on your elbows and try to keep your body in a straight position for one minute. When performing a side plank, the emphasis is on one arm, while the body is kept in a straight position with a side profile.

Sprint is another CrossFit exercise that should be included in the program of every athlete exercising at home. Sprint is very popular among CrossFit athletes, so almost any coach includes it in the athletes' programs.

Sprinting involves doing fast, high-intensity runs over short distances. Typically, the length of the race is from 20 to 400 meters.
Simple push-ups and push-ups in a handstand are performed by every athlete who practices crossfit. Such exercises allow you to develop the muscles of the hands, and.

Double and triple jumps are also on the list of the most popular CrossFit exercises. They are able to tone the muscles of the legs and get rid of excess weight.

Well, the last exercise, which is included in the list of the most popular, is burpee. Burpee is a great endurance exercise at home. You don't need any equipment to do it. In addition, by doing burpees regularly, you can give your body explosive strength and lose weight.

The burpee is performed as follows: first you need to crouch, then jump back with your feet and do push-ups, then return to the squat position and jump sharply as high as possible.

Program example

All training programs for beginners include a certain list of rules that must be followed in order to maximize the effectiveness of the work done. The main rule is to carry out before training, which allows you to avoid many injuries.

In addition, each of the exercises should be performed at maximum intensity, and the breaks between exercises should be minimized in order to keep the heart rate at a constant level. Also, do not use 20 minutes before the start of training and for half an hour after their completion. When executing the program that we will provide below, you must follow all of the above rules.
  1. First workout. The first exercise to be performed for 10-15 repetitions in one circle will be burpee. The second exercise is pull-ups on the crossbar. You need to perform pull-ups with maximum impact, the number of repetitions in one circle will depend on the beginner’s fitness level. The third exercise will be lifting the legs on the bar. You need to do 10 to 15 lifts in one circle. And the fourth exercise will be explosive. You need to do push-ups with sharp jerks up 20-25 times in one circle. Perform the exercises sequentially from the first to the fourth, and then start the circle again. The training process should last 15-20 minutes.
  2. Second workout. The first exercise is a burpee with a backpack on the shoulders, in which a weighting agent (5-7 kg) is placed. Repeat 10-15 times. The next exercise will be explosive squats, which you need to repeat from 10 to 15 times. The remaining two exercises are the same as in the first workout (these are sharp push-ups and leg raises hanging on the horizontal bar, the number of repetitions is 8-16 times).
  3. Third workout. For the third workout, there is burpee, push-ups and lifting (when hanging on the horizontal bar). The number of repetitions is the same as before. The fourth exercise will be the shuttle run. You need to perform 10 runs in both directions (the distance in one direction should be 10 m) with maximum intensity.

This program is universal, and is designed to tone all muscle groups. On the first day, there is a load on all muscle groups, on the second day - on strength exercises, and on the third - on endurance and cardio loads. Such a crossfit program will allow beginners to develop endurance, quickly gain muscle mass and learn how to control willpower.

A healthy lifestyle cannot be imagined without exercise or fitness. Therefore, everyone tries to pay attention to this aspect. The motivation is different. Someone dreams of a beautiful and toned body. Someone - about the long preservation of youth and health. As a result, everyone is looking for a direction of sports that could please and satisfy their needs. Therefore, we bring to your attention a fashionable and gaining popularity sports movements - crossfit.

What is crossfit? Crossfit is a circuit training with several exercises performed one after the other. With a rest of 1-3 minutes or without it. CrossFit training involves basic exercises that include the work of several muscles at the same time. The methodology includes exercises such as squats, push-ups, pulls, pushes, jerks, etc. Crossfit is allowed, with weighting and cardio exercises (running, step, swimming, cycling).

Before you add such an intense variety of fitness to your life, you need to think about both the pros and cons of this direction.

Benefits of CrossFit

The methodology of studies in this direction with proper organization gives instant results. The advantage of crossfit is the uniform development of the muscles of the whole body, and not its isolated groups. If the goal is to lose weight, light training programs will help you achieve this. If your goal is to build muscle, then you need a sophisticated fitness program. Such results will be possible due to the combination of exercises from different sports. For example, exercises with gymnastics and weightlifting.

- Variable, they will not have time to get bored with you. Being under the guidance of a trainer, you will not know what to expect every time. When compiling a fitness program on your own, you should use a variety of exercises in your arsenal. You will also get the opportunity to do CrossFit anywhere. Gym or street - you decide.

Thanks to the combination of power and, you will increase your health. Crossfit has a beneficial effect on strengthening the heart and lungs. Allows you to keep the joints flexible and elastic for a long time. CrossFit also improves coordination of movements and reaction speed.

Possible harm when doing CrossFit

The training methodology is high-intensity, which makes the heart beat faster. This is dangerous if the load lasts for a long period. Therefore, beginners should monitor the state of the pulse during class and rest between exercises.

If you drunkenly evaluate your physical data, then the intensity and complexity of fitness exercises will lead to injury. Not taking into account the execution technique, but only focusing on speed, you will get a decrease in the positive effect on the body and the impossibility of uniform muscle development.

CrossFit takes place in groups. If you have a strong competitive spirit and you are a beginner, it is better to avoid such a system. You will do everything to defeat the one standing next to you. This will adversely affect your health.

CrossFit may be a factor contributing to the development of rhabdomyolysis. This is kidney failure, provoked by the destruction of muscle cells. Muscles from a strong load begin to tear and release decay products into the blood, including protein, which harms the kidneys.

To avoid the negative consequences of training, you need to know the contraindications to its implementation:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • lung disease,
  • injured joints and bones,
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • postoperative period,
  • cold or malaise
  • high intracranial and intraocular pressure.

Structure in CrossFit

Crossfit training often takes place in a group and lasts an average of 40 minutes. Everyone is doing the exercises at the same time. The coach oversees the technique of their implementation. He also selects the exercises that will be involved today. If you want to practice on your own, we recommend that you do a couple of sessions with a trainer before starting training. Learn the technique well in class.

The fitness training methodology for women is the same as for men, but with less intensity. The structure of the lesson often consists of 4 stages.

  1. Dynamic workout. The joints and muscles are warmed up, which will be actively involved during the lesson. Cardio exercises are also used. For example, jumping rope or jumping on a box.
  2. Strength exercises. This is not the main part of fitness training, but it is impossible to imagine CrossFit without it. The stage is aimed at warming up the muscles and preparing for the main part of the lesson.
  3. CrossFit WOD. This is what I call the program for today. Often it consists of 4 exercises that are repeated in a circle several times. For example: running 100 meters, push-ups 30 times, squats 40 times, leg raises 40 times.
  4. Stretching and hitching.

Sportswear and equipment for crossfit

In crossfit training, it is important to have comfortable and high-quality equipment. This is due to the aggressive equipment that is involved in fitness classes and the intensity of the movements performed.

For a full-fledged workout, you should have a minimum of clothing that will make it a quality lesson. First, pay attention to the right shoes. In it you will run, jump, do weightlifting. Therefore, pay special attention to the sole of the shoe. It should provide a soft landing. Also make sure that the foot is firmly fixed with shoes and does not slip.

Choose comfortable shorts or leggings and the right T-shirt or top. Clothing should not hinder movement, interfere with rope climbing or gymnastic rings. Notice the fabric. Better if it is light and breathable.

The equipment of a professional is not much different from the equipment of an amateur. We advise you to use additional accessories: knee pads, palm pads, weightlifting belts. They will keep you healthy.

You will also need a crossbar, a jumping box or a step platform, barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, and more. All this can be found in the halls equipped for crossfit. While doing it yourself, purchase or replace inventory with improvised means.

Nutrition for CrossFit

To keep the result of fitness training, follow the rules of nutrition:

  • exclusion of fatty meat and dairy products,
  • the inclusion of fruits and berries in the diet (refusing pineapples and bananas due to the increased amount of sugar in them),
  • enrichment of the diet with vegetable fats,
  • exclusion from the diet of semi-finished products and fatty sauces,
  • increased consumption of nuts and seeds,
  • removal of white bread from the diet,
  • maintaining the regularity of meals with a mandatory breakfast.

We answered the question, what is CrossFit. C rossfit is perseverance, willpower and muscles. Should you choose CrossFit for yourself? - It's up to you. Good luck choosing on the way to a healthy and happy life!

Many athletes and amateurs know about such a training system as crossfit, which leads to good physical shape in a short time. This training system contains exercises from heavy and athletics, gymnastic exercises and sprint loads.

CrossFit has caught the attention of the United States, allowing students to get into the necessary physical shape in a short time. Similar training systems are used almost everywhere to train soldiers of special units. CrossFit also contains training programs for beginners.

The CrossFit system consists of three types of exercises:

  • strength training (crossfit with kettlebells, dumbbells and a barbell);
  • gymnastics and bodyweight exercises;
  • cardio - swimming, running and so on.

crossfit program in the gym

When performing training in the gym, there will be a trainer nearby who will select the necessary complex and prompt in case of an error.

Consider a system of exercises that is designed for three days. The exercises on the first and third days are repeated.

Before you start training, you need a warm-up in the form of running, as well as jumping with leg extension and overhead clapping.

Each exercise should be performed for at least thirty seconds, there are no breaks between them. It is required to do three or four approaches, each of which is performed at a higher pace than the previous one.

Take a short break, calm your breath, and proceed to the main part.

The main part includes the following exercises:

  • shuttle run;
  • running with a high knee lift;
  • squats;
  • high jump squats.

All exercises are performed in the same way as during the warm-up, for thirty seconds without a break. There should be three approaches in total. After completing the workout, a hitch is performed for three to four minutes: forward lunges, body tilts, etc.

The second day would be appropriate to devote to cardio training. It does not include breaks and lasts no more than 25 minutes.

As in the previous set of exercises, it is necessary to do a warm-up, after which we proceed to the main exercises.

The main part includes:

  • shuttle run;
  • kicking at an imaginary enemy;
  • sprint (very fast running in place), a few squats and again running in place with knees raised;
  • high jump from a prone position, squat, high jump again and return to the starting position.

crossfit program at home

The advantage of crossfit is the ability to do it at home. Classes include such complexes that are selected individually and depend on which muscle groups you are focusing on.

Imagine rough plan which is for two days.

1 day: push-ups - 10 times, squats - 15 times, pull-ups - 6 times. It is necessary to alternate exercises and make approaches to failure.

Day 2: running at a distance of 400 meters, pull-ups - 6 times, lifting dumbbells - 17 times. The repetition conditions are the same as on the first day.

This is just one workout program for beginners that you can do at home. In fact, there are many of them, so you can try a few and choose the most optimal one.

  • There should not be heaviness in the muscles, as is usually the case during classes in the gym.
  • Fatigue should be stronger than during other workouts.
  • Don't expect instant results.
  • Use exercises that will involve the muscles of the whole body.
  • During training, you can not drink a lot.
  • There should be no breaks between exercises.
  • Exercises should not be repeated, so use new ones every day./li>

Exercises and complexes

Consider the main types of bodyweight exercises that form the basis of CrossFit.

  • Squats, which can have many variations: on two legs, on one leg with legs apart, with legs shifted, etc.
  • Jumping involves jumping to a small height, such as a high step or stool, and jumping back to the floor.
  • Lunges. From the starting position, a wide step forward is taken, after which it is necessary to return to the starting position.
  • Back extension. When performing this exercise, the legs should be fixed, the back in a relaxed state, hands behind the head. From this position, we raise our back to the level with our legs and return back, that is, we swing the press.
  • Burpee. This exercise includes the usual push-ups from the floor, but after it a jump is made and a clap is made above the head.
  • Push-ups upside down. We stand on our hands next to the wall in order to transfer the weight of our own body onto it, and do push-ups, touching the floor with our heads.
  • Rope. This exercise is known to everyone, but in crossfit jumps have some differences. For one jump, you need to scroll the rope twice, as a result of which you have to jump higher.

Exercises with sports equipment

In addition to training in which your own body weight is involved, crossfit does not exclude exercises with sports equipment. They can be called CrossFit equipment. We list five main types of exercises in which sports paraphernalia is used.

  • Rope climbing is an exercise known to everyone from a very early age.
  • Push-ups on bars. Regular push-ups, only not the floor, but the bars are used as a support.
  • Pull-ups on the rings, which also does not need commenting.
  • Pull-ups on the crossbar. Habitual pull-ups, which are performed in the same way as on the horizontal bars.
  • Corner. Having chosen any support, which can be rings, bars and more, raise your straight legs, forming an angle of ninety degrees, linger in this position for several seconds. If it is difficult to lift two legs at first, then lift one leg at a time.

Slimming program

A set of CrossFit exercises for weight loss allows you to speed up your metabolism and achieve an effect even without following a strict diet.

Training does not take much time, but will give a tangible result. You can use squats, jumps, jump rope, etc.

Here is an example of a weight loss workout, during which you only need dumbbells, a jump rope and a gymnastic mat. It includes a warm-up and five exercises for which you will spend no more than twenty minutes.

A warm-up is a mandatory step that will warm up all the muscles and prepare the body and body for the main course of exercises.

Warm up:

  1. Run in place for three minutes (at a slow pace).
  2. Improvised punches and kicks (ten times with each limb).

The first exercise is performed with dumbbells.
Stand straight, draw in your stomach, raise your arms with dumbbells above your head, slightly behind your head. Perform twenty squats, keeping your hands in the starting position.

The next exercise is also performed using dumbbells, so do not rush to remove them. The workout is like chopping wood, only with dumbbells instead of an axe.

Now put the dumbbells aside and do the emphasis while lying down. Bend one knee, then switch legs without changing the starting position. The exercise is similar to running, only lying down.

The next exercise, lie on the floor, taking emphasis on your hands and socks. Do twenty fast push-ups with a small amplitude.
Now we start jumping with a rope, but without a rope, exactly repeating all the movements.

At the end of the exercises, repeat them three or four times in the same sequence, if possible without taking breaks.

Pros and Cons of CrossFit

Like any other set of exercises, crossfit has its advantages, disadvantages and limitations that cannot be ignored.


  • Versatility. You can develop endurance in different types sports: running, pulling up, etc. If necessary, you can easily overtake the elevator. The CrossFit training program is suitable for fighters as well as girls, women, and beginners.
  • Lack of uniformity. The CrossFit workout routine involves performing a variety of exercises that are never repeated day after day. It is possible to connect and combine a wide variety of types of loads, so you are guaranteed the absence of fatigue from monotonous exercises.
  • Lack of chemistry. Crossfit classes do not require certain nutrition and the use of doping, with which the desired result is achieved faster.
  • Wellness. Although this point can be argued, with the right approach, you can develop a training system that will maintain the body and body at the proper level.


Unfortunately, they have not yet come up with universal exercises that would have only one advantage and would suit everyone without exception.

  • When doing crossfit, you will gain skills in many areas of sports (lightweight, weightlifting, and so on), but it makes no sense to compete with professionals in these areas. However, if your goal is a personal result, and not professional sports, then the disadvantage disappears by itself.
  • Slow muscle growth. Compared to bodybuilding, muscles grow several times slower, because the goal of CrossFit is to develop all the muscles at once, so this is not surprising.
  • Damage to muscles and heart. Exercising too hard can cause a muscle tear. The heart during training without rest also experiences excessive stress, as a result of which ischemia can be caused. For these reasons, you should not resort to crossfit for diseases of the cardiovascular system, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with recent surgical interventions or any injuries, with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

The main thing, when doing crossfit, is to observe the measure in everything, without increasing the load, wanting to get results faster, it is better to go towards your goal slowly but surely.

Everything flows, everything changes - this is the philosophy of life. Sport also obeys the laws of life, it develops and improves. As a result of this development, modern look sports - crossfit, which is gaining more and more popularity every day.

It is very difficult to explain in a nutshell what it is. However, let's try to figure out what the essence of this sport is.

What is crossfit?

CrossFit is a modern type of fitness training that includes an extreme system of general physical training. CrossFit involves the rejection of a specialized focus of training.

This sport scales to the individual capabilities of each. It contributes to the maximum adaptation of the body, thanks to which the athlete receives a full, uniform physical development. A complex of high-intensity CrossFit exercises combined into a program is aimed at developing all muscle groups.

Cross training is one of the most advanced types of fitness. Its basic principles allow you to tailor workouts for people with different fitness levels. The CrossFit system combines the most various types sports, namely:

  • Weightlifting;
  • exercises with your own weight;
  • weight-lifting;
  • gymnastics;
  • swimming;
  • rowing.

This approach allows you to expand the range of workouts for every day, diversify them and make them more interesting and effective.

CrossFit is used as a training method in such sports, where the complex of general physical training, SPT and technique development are separated, where athletes need to demonstrate endurance, strength and speed at the same time. For example, in boxing, karate, MMA and other types of martial arts, elements of crossfit are introduced into training programs.

It should be noted that for those sports where there is a narrow specialization and the use of maximum strength, maximum speed and endurance is required, crossfit, as a training complex, is most likely not suitable. Other methods are used to develop individual parameters.

What is CrossFit for?

As already mentioned, crossfit trains all muscle groups, in addition, it develops respiratory system, strengthens the cardiovascular system and increases the overall endurance of the body.

Most of the programs of this sport include weight training, so cross training can be a complete replacement for the gym.

In order to clearly demonstrate which muscles can be involved in training, I will give an example of a possible set of exercises. In one approach, you can sequentially perform the following exercises:

  • lifting weights;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • jumping on a hill;
  • running with obstacles.

Exercises are done at a fast pace without rest stops. The essence of crossfit is that the emphasis is not only on weight, which increases with each workout, but also on the speed of overcoming obstacles.

High intensity exercise allows you to lose excess weight, pump up all the muscles, improve the general physical and mental state, develop willpower and endurance. In addition, CrossFit promotes the development of such properties:

  • flexibility;
  • coordination;
  • accuracy;
  • balance;
  • speed;
  • force;
  • quick adaptation to changing intensity of loads.

    Basic rules of cross training

When doing cross training, you need to follow some rules. First of all, it is necessary to develop and combine such basic techniques as:

  • jerks;
  • deadlift;
  • presses;
  • pushes;
  • squats.

In addition, crossfit requires the implementation of basic gymnastic techniques, such as:

  • slopes;
  • stretch marks;
  • push ups;
  • press in a handstand;
  • rope climb;
  • various pirouettes;
  • grabs and somersaults.

CrossFit activities should also include running, swimming, cycling and, if possible, rowing.

Training is planned for 5-6 days a week and should be varied. New sports should be added periodically. The main thing is to correctly distribute physical activity. Short, but intense workouts are considered the most effective. However, this does not mean that the entire workout should be worked out.

In crossfit, there are fairly calm workouts. They give a certain load, at the same time they are rest. So, for example, gymnastic exercises for stretching, balance development, etc. can replace complexes that are performed for a while or exercises designed for power loads. This sequence allows you to relax the whole body both physically and psychologically.

As a rule, one complex is given per day, which consists of a warm-up, stretching and the workout itself. The duration of one workout should last about half an hour, sometimes 15-20 minutes are allowed. Thus, the whole complex takes approximately 60 minutes.

CrossFit also requires the right approach to nutrition. A well-chosen diet should contain products that will allow you to restore strength after a workout and at the same time not gain extra pounds. For example, the consumption of sugar is undesirable for the body. But vegetables, fruits, meat and fish, nuts and seeds are among those products that will replenish the reserves of energy expended and fully restore the body.

Who can crosstrain?

Initially, crossfit was used in the training of personnel of various law enforcement agencies. Now this training is available to tens of thousands of people. CrossFit is practiced by children, the elderly, professional athletes, the military and the police. Any person, regardless of the level of initial physical fitness, can engage in cross-training. At the same time, the essence of the program remains unchanged, only the load, intensity of training and working weight vary.

CrossFit: What do you need to do?

You can also do cross training at home. However, the presence of certain types of sports equipment is necessary. So mandatory for doing crossfit are:

  • horizontal bar;
  • rings or bars;
  • barbell;
  • dumbbells;
  • weights of various weights.

The CrossFit program involves the use of other types of equipment, but they can be replaced with the basic sports equipment mentioned above. CrossFit workouts can be done on sports grounds by adding a set of exercises with your kettlebells.

Some CrossFit complexes are designed only using a horizontal bar or bars. But such training does not correspond to a balanced CrossFit program, so they need to be expanded over time anyway.

Also, one of the conditions for training is the availability of space for running. You can run on a treadmill, in the yard, in the park, in the gym, etc.

Workouts for beginners

CrossFit - training for beginners who have no experience in sports, has its own specifics. The first month should be devoted to the study of technology. During this period, it is recommended to perform individual exercises from complexes with a minimum load. As soon as the skills to perform certain exercises are acquired, you can start training according to the basic program with minimal loads. To do this, you need to reduce the weight, the number of approaches, repetitions, speed, etc. With regular training after a month, the load can be gradually raised.