How to get rid of negative emotions. An exercise

  • 24.09.2019

It may be hard for some to believe, but emotions can turn into a real habit if you constantly experience them. So, if you constantly get negative and it spoils your mood, then in the end you will feel depressed even when nothing happened. That is why you need to try to keep your negative emotions under control, as this will give you the opportunity to become happier in life. After all, it is much better if you develop a positive habit that will allow you to meet even trouble with a smile. But to do this, you need to completely free yourself from negativity, and sometimes it can be difficult to do this.

stop judging

Many people subconsciously assess the situation, and if there is at least something bad in it, they automatically turn on the mode negative emotions. This is inherent in the human mind, and you will have to try hard to get rid of it. Stop judging everything superficially, you don’t have to be sad right away, because you can look for the good even in unpleasant situations.

Stop looking for excuses

It is very important to learn to let go of excuses, both for your actions and for judging the actions of others. So many people try in every possible way to find some reason why they did something wrong. No one wants to admit guilt and take responsibility, so it is much more convenient to switch the arrows and relax. But if you want to live happily, then you definitely need to be able to take responsibility for the actions that you have done and the words that you have said.

Take responsibility

As mentioned above, you need not try to justify yourself in your actions, but be able to admit that you did something wrong. Take responsibility when you are truly at fault. And when you do something, you always need to remember that any action has its consequences, and it doesn’t matter if they are good or bad, they will be caused by you, and only you will be responsible for this.

Don't listen to other people's opinions

One of the most important steps to happiness and complete rejection of negativity is to stop paying attention to what others say and think about you. When you think about everything that each person, who may not even know you, has said about you, you give him power over you. And if you do this constantly, you will soon completely leave yourself without power over your own life. Moreover, they will not even use this control - they will be the first to forget what was said - they can generally forget about your existence, and you will sit and think what they thought of you. This is your life and you can live it however you want. And the less you pay attention to the opinions of others, the better for you.

Get rid of negative habits and bad influences

Very often, your negativity can come from bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, and the bad people you associate with and surround yourself with.

Think first

There is a great saying: "Think what you say before you say what you think." If you follow this rule, you will notice that there is much less negativity in your life. Actions and words spoken on emotions do not lead to anything good.

Be grateful

Instead of constantly complaining about how terrible your life is, try to look at it from a different angle - someone doesn't even have that. So be grateful for everything you already have in life.

Get rid of the phrase "can't"

You should forget that there is such a phrase as "I can't." That is what usually limits you and makes you unhappy, because you are afraid to do what, quite possibly, you are capable of.

Let go

Well, the most important step is the ability to let go. Just let go of your negative emotions, and with them all the bad things, all the unpleasant people. Accept positivity into your life and be happy.

Emotional intellect- the most important component of a full-fledged personality.

Not only the state of mind of a person, but also his success, motivation and aspirations depend on the ability to cope with negative experiences.

To learn to interact with yourself It is important to be able to recognize and deal with negative emotions.

The essence of the negative reaction

The word "emotion" contains the Latin root "moveo".

Literally it means "move, move".

- an instant program of action embedded in the subconscious of a person.

Thus, negative emotion is a person's reaction to a situation that does not fit into his understanding of what is happening. A kind of trigger that makes enable defensive behavior.

In essence, Homo sapiens is driven by two powerful forces. This is the mind and emotions. At first glance, analytical skills seem to be much more useful than emotional reactions. However, evolution decreed otherwise.

For thousands of years, man has faced situations where emotions were decisive. In the face of danger, our ancestors did not try to analyze what was happening. Long reflections on how best to deal with an attacking predator could cost them their lives.

Instant emotions came on the scene, followed by lightning solutions- defend, run away, attack, hide, etc. Feelings, dangers and anger saved a person, gradually turning into an automatic reaction to danger.

Negative or negative emotion occurs instantly and almost automatically. It is unconscious, but it contains colossal power. An individual, driven by such emotions, mobilizes all forces - a speech arsenal, physical abilities, speed of reaction.

Modern man rarely faces a direct threat to life.

Most negative experiences today "grow" from other sources.

The ancient "This snake will bite me" was transformed into "This boss is oppressing me."

Emotions have evolved along with a person, so today negative experiences are caused by the same lack of money or an obsessive signal from a neighboring car at the traffic light.

It would seem that a banal situation provokes the same reaction that was once caused by an attacking predator. A person instantly responds with rudeness to an irritant and “rushes” at the offender.

Feeling Groups

Human consciousness multifaceted. To understand whether the experienced feeling is harming, it is important to be able to recognize negative experiences.

Any emotional state of a person is regulated hormonal background. In response to external stimuli, the endocrine system produces certain substances.

Simply put, adrenaline is released in case of danger, dopamine is released in moments of pleasure.

But the spectrum of feelings rarely provokes clear release of one hormone. Any emotion consists of many facets, like the hormonal surge that caused it.

Recognizing a negative emotion is easy:

  1. Most often, it causes excitement. Even a seemingly passive one produces an active stream of thoughts and depressing images. Nervous system excited.
  2. Impatience. Often there is a desire to act immediately. The inability to respond leads to tension. Disagreeing with the leader, the subordinate shakes his foot under the table or clicks with a fountain pen.
  3. Inability to focus. Emotions overwhelm consciousness, so logic is relegated to the background. No time to analyze, you need to act.

Types of negative emotions

Range of human emotions a vast world of feelings and experiences. It has both positive and negative emotions.

What are negative emotional states? List of basic negative feelings:

The list of negative emotions can be continued for a long time.

It is unlikely that soul scientists will ever be able to compile a complete list of negative feelings.

After all, emotions often intertwined, creating new shades of experience.

How to overcome feelings?

If in the primitive world negative emotions saved a person's life, then in modern realities, flashes of feelings can harm not only their source, but also others.

Allows full activation logical thinking.

However Don't push feelings into the background. It is important to recognize them and be able to deal with the most destructive ones.

Understanding the Source

To cope with negative experiences, it is important to understand the source that provokes them. More precisely, the source of experiences is the very consciousness of a person, but the irritant is most often the environment.

How to deal with negativity:

The proposed chain can be used not only in the described example. distance yourself and evaluate your emotions as if from the outside. Consider negative feelings separately from yourself.

You are not what you think. As soon as you learn to think not, "Here's a scoundrel!", but "I'm furious," you will learn to control your emotions.

Rage suppression

A sudden rage becomes a real hurricane that destroys relationships and worsens well-being.

Imagine a situation where you are walking on the sidewalk, and a passing car douses you with water from a puddle.

you for sure fall into a rage, after all "it was possible to go more cautiously".

The driver has already forgotten about you, but you carry your emotions home and will probably throw them out on the first person you meet.

Feeling like you're going on a rampage, stop flow of angry thoughts and look at the situation from a different angle. Break away from the belief that your opinion is the only correct one.

Perhaps the driver is in a hurry to the airport or he has just had a baby. Mix your anger with understanding or a suitable neutral emotion. It will help to extinguish the flame of rage.

suppression of unrest

Anxiety often comes out of nowhere. Excitement snowballs, and its owner plunges into disturbing thoughts. Often, anxiety, regularly fed, turns into a habit.

As soon as the excitement begins to draw images of disasters in our thoughts, we stop this flow. We mentally rewind time back and analyze the moment when the first exciting emotion of the chain arose.

Important get to the bottom of the process. Did you see the article in the newspaper? Did you hear the loud barking of a dog around the corner?

As soon as the starting point is found, we begin to discount the risk of an accident.

What is the probability what event from the newspaper will happen to you?

Are there other scenarios for the development of events? Can I prevent this disaster?

A cold assessment of the situation and logical thinking will help in the fight against anxiety. Healthy skepticism will gradually teach you to analyze possible events from a position of logic, and not from a flash of emotion.

Ways to release energy

No matter how effectively a person copes with negative emotions, when they arise, they cause damage to the moral and physical condition. lived through often settles in the mind with a heavy load. The offender was dealt with, the situation was resolved, and nervous tension still here.

How to get rid? The state of the stretched string will help eliminate simple ways:

Negative emotions - natural human reaction to unpleasant situations. In order for negative experiences not to cause harm, it is important to be able to cope with them. The fight against negativity begins with awareness of one's own feelings. Simple ways to relieve nervous tension will also come in handy.

Negative emotions - how to deal with them? 2 simple methods:

Feeling anger sometimes is normal, as long as you don’t push it, but live safely. To be in a claim to the world, when you want to control everything and everywhere, and when this does not happen - to be angry all the time - this is already abnormal. How abnormal and not able to control it. Control is to blow off steam in ways that are safe for everyone, leaving nothing in yourself and dumping nothing on others. How to do this?

Emotions are lived only through the body - analysis by the brain does not give anything. Because they live in the body and exit through the body. If you think and analyze, then I understand everything with my head, but it still infuriates me.

For example, you have a difficult relationship with your mother. And if you only let off steam and scream into the pillow, without changing anything in your attitude towards your mother, then this is pointless. This is the same as taking painkillers for a toothache and not going to the doctor. You need to take care of your teeth, right? And relationships need to be healed. This is primary. justify;"> We will talk most of all about anger, because it is not clear what to do with it and where to put it. And one way or another, in any complex interweaving of emotions, there is a lot of anger. The way out of many difficult states, such as feelings of guilt and resentment, occurs through anger. And refusing to live it, we cannot go further.

But I ask you to separate anger as a momentary emotion that comes naturally when things don't go your way (such is the nature of anger) and anger as a character trait, which is anger. Feeling anger sometimes is normal, as long as you don’t push it, but live safely. To be in a claim to the world, when you want to control everything and everywhere, and when this does not happen - to be angry all the time - this is already abnormal. How crazy and not able to control it.

Controlling anger does not mean not feeling it or suppressing it.

Control is to blow off steam in ways that are safe for everyone, leaving nothing in yourself and nothing being dumped on others. Imagine that anger is a natural waste product of the body, like overcooked food. What happens if you consider this case "dirty" and stop going to the toilet? Forbid yourself to do it? What will be the outcome? Maybe our task is to create such a “toilet” for emotions too – a place where we do something calmly and safely, without harming anyone?

And I beg you to avoid premature spirituality in emotions. This is when it boils and hurts inside, and from above we crush it all with the word “no” and delve into the reasons. Most often, this is how we treat other people's feelings, they say, I'll tell you now why you flew by karma! Causes are sought after the emotion is released. It will be much easier for you to see all this with a sober head. First, live. Or let a person live, help him in this.

And now let's get started. I want to divide the ways of experiencing emotions into constructive and destructive. Those that are harmless and those that hurt someone.

Destructive ways:

Pour on other people, especially those who "passed by."

At work, the boss got it, but you can’t tell him in the face, so we come home - and it hits the cat, which turned up under the arm, that is, under the leg, or the child who again brought the “troika”. Familiar? And it seems that you will yell and it will become easier, but then comes the feeling of guilt - after all, a cat or a child has nothing to do with it.


In the same situation, when the boss drove him into a rage, but the anger remained inside, you can not deliver this bomb to the house, knowing that it will explode there. And pour out your anger on the saleswoman who works slowly and makes a mistake, on those who stepped on your foot or crossed the road, and at the same time on those who are very annoying with a happy face. And also of little use. Even if there is no feeling of guilt, the negative emotions of another person, on whom all this is poured out, will definitely return to us one day. Again. And so they go back and forth, while we are rude to each other.

Trolling on the Internet

This method seems to be safer and more unpunished. An anonymous page without an avatar, even if with an avatar, will not be found and beaten for sure. The boss brought it out - you can go to someone's page and write disgusting - they say, what an ugly thing! Or write nonsense! Or provoke some kind of dispute on a difficult topic, pouring mud on opponents, poking them with a needle in different places to hurt. But the law of karma works here, even if the laws of the state are not yet everywhere.

eat sweets

Another way, which, by the way, we often see in films. When a heroine is abandoned by a loved one or cheats on her, what does she do? I have this picture in front of my eyes: a crying girl in bed is watching a movie and eating a huge can of ice cream. The harm of such an event, I think, is clear to many.


Another way may look like this: you get rude, and you are rude in return. The husband came to yell at you - and you yell at him too. You seem to be honest. The person is the cause of your negative feelings, you need to urgently express them. But by doing so, you only fan the fire, intensify the conflict, and nothing good comes from it. A quarrel always takes out all our strength, including all hidden reserves, and we remain devastated and unhappy after it. Even if the dispute is won.

beat someone

Again - children, dogs, husband, boss (well, you never know). Any person who is the cause of your anger or just came to hand. Corporal punishment for children, during the emotional breakdown of parents, is very traumatic. They provoke in the child both a feeling of humiliation and a reciprocal hatred that he cannot express in any way. If you hit your husband, then you can get change, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon. And I have seen statistics that about half of the women affected by domestic violence, started a fight first, not expecting a man to fight back. This does not justify men, but it does not honor women either.


There is a belief that anger is bad. The more religious a woman is, the more she suppresses anger. He pretends not to piss her off, smiles stiffly at everyone, and so on. Further, anger has two options - to explode into safe place(again at home, on relatives) - and she will not be able to control this. And the second option is to hit her health and body. It seems to me that it is no coincidence that today so many people die precisely from cancer, this is a disease of unlived emotions, which many psychologists have repeatedly written about.

Break dishes and break things

On the one hand, the method is constructive. It's better to break a plate than hit a child. And of course sometimes you can use it. But if we destroy some things on our way, then we need to understand that then all this will need to be restored. My husband once destroyed his laptop in a rage. It was a terrible sight, and then I had to buy a new computer. This is costly, and therefore less constructive than we would like.

Slam the door

It seems to me that this method is dear to many teenagers. And I remember myself like that, and in places I already see children like that. In principle, not the worst way. Only once I slammed the door so hard that the glass broke in it. And so nothing special.

Beat with words

You don't always need hands to hit a person. We women are good at doing it with words. Poke at pain points, sting, tease - and then pretend that we are not to blame and nothing to do with it. The more dirt we have inside us, the sharper and more caustic our tongue is. I remember myself, before, when I didn’t know where to put my feelings, I constantly teased everyone. Many called me an "ulcer", I could not help myself. I thought it was funny.

The more I learn to feel the feelings, the softer my speech becomes. And the less any kind of "studs" in it. Because it does not give anything good to anyone. For a couple of minutes, you can feed your ego and at the same time destroy relationships and earn karmic reactions.


Often in a fit of anger it seems that if we take revenge and wash away the shame with the blood of the enemy, we will feel better. I know that some women during a quarrel with their husband, to spite him, have sex with someone, for example. A blessed option, which many consider acceptable, especially if the husband has cheated. But what's the bottom line? Revenge only exacerbates the conflict and increases the distance between us. Revenge is different - subtle and rough. But none of them are useful. Nobody.


Not the most The best way discharge, although it is physical. Because sex is still an opportunity to show love for each other, and not use each other as exercise equipment. Our mood during intimacy greatly affects our relationship in general. And casual connections with just anyone, for relaxation, are not only not useful, but also harmful.


Women often go to the store in upset feelings. And they buy a lot of unnecessary things there. Sometimes they even deliberately spend more money than necessary in order to take revenge, for example, on their husband. But it turns out that at this time we are using the resources that are given to us for good deeds - that is, money - at random and trying to harm others with their help. What will be the result? Resources will run out. And what they were spent on will not be useful. The dress you bought in anger will soak up your condition and make it difficult for you to wear it.

The list turned out to be impressive, not entirely joyful, but nevertheless, most often this is exactly what we do. Because we do not have a culture of dealing with feelings. We were not taught this, they never talk about it anywhere - they only ask us to put our feelings out of sight. And that's it.

Constructive ways of experiencing emotions:

Let the feelings be.

Sometimes - and by the way, very often, to experience a feeling, it is enough to see it, call it by its name and accept it. That is, in a moment of anger, say to yourself: “Yes, I am very angry now. And that's okay." This is very difficult for all those who have been told that this is not normal (because it is inconvenient for others). It’s hard to admit that you are angry now, although it is written on your face. It is difficult to say that this also happens. Sometimes it's hard to understand, but what is this feeling? I remember in constellations a girl whose jaws were trembling, her hands tensed into fists, and she called her feelings “sadness”. Learning to understand what it feels like is a matter of practice and time. For example, you can watch yourself. At critical moments, look in the mirror to understand what is on your face, follow the signs of the body, observe the tension in the body and the signals in it.


In traditional Indian dances, a woman stomps a lot, it is not so noticeable, because she dances barefoot. But in this way, through energetic movements, all tension leaves the body and goes into the ground. We often laugh at Indian films, where from any events - good or bad - they dance, but there is a special truth to this. Live any feelings through the body. Allow anger to run through you as you vigorously vent it through energetic stomps. By the way, there are many such movements in Russian folk dances.

It is not necessary to go to the dance section right now (although why not?) Try to close your eyes and, having felt an emotion in your body, “give it away” to the ground with the help of stompers. Of course, it is best to stomp while standing on the ground, and not on the tenth floor of a high-rise building. Even better if you can do it barefoot on grass or sand. You will physically feel how much easier it becomes.

And don't think about how it looks. Ideally, of course, if no one sees you and does not distract you. But if there is no such place, close your eyes and stomp.


In some trainings, a form of purification such as screaming is practiced. When we scream into the floor, with a partner who helps us, we can also scream into a pillow in any other way. Some important word is usually shouted. For example, "Yes" or "No" - if it suits your emotion. You can just shout "Aaaaaa!". Take a deep breath and then open your mouth and empty your heart that way. So several times, until you feel empty inside.

Sometimes before that they do some kind of “pumping” - at first they breathe very, very quickly, exclusively through the nose.

There are weaknesses in this technique. For example, neighbors and households. The scream is very loud. And if you cannot relax and not worry, then it will not heal. The scream must come from a relaxed throat, otherwise you can seriously break your voice. It is better to try this for the first time somewhere with experienced people, then the effect will be greater.

Speak out.

Women's way. To live any feelings, we really need to talk about it, tell someone. About how the boss offended, and someone on the bus called. Not so much even to get support (which is also nice), but to pour it out of yourself. Approximately because of these people go to psychologists to get everything that corrodes their heart from there. A friend who has been working as a psychologist for a very long time once shared that most of her clients are helped by one simple way. She listens to them, asks questions so that they describe the situation as voluminously as possible, and that’s it. Doesn't give any recipes or advice. Just listening. And often at the end of the conversation, a person has a solution. Of course. It was as if the veil of anger that had been covering his eyes had been lifted and he saw the way.

Women do the same with each other, speaking out. There are only two points here. You can not tell anyone about your family life - about the problems in it. Otherwise, these problems can be exacerbated. And if they tell you something, you should not give advice. Just listen. By the way, you can organize a circle in which women share all their emotions - and then somehow symbolically say goodbye to them (which is often done in women's groups).

Be careful not to dump all your emotions on your husband. He just can't take it. If you talk to your friends, get their consent first. And don't forget to share the good things too (otherwise a friend may feel like a "toilet", which is only needed to drain negative emotions). It's great if you can cry to mom or dad if you have a mentor who listens to you, or a husband who is ready to do this.

Any of our blocks and clamps in the body are unlived emotions. Of course, I'm not talking about light strokes, but about deep work with the body, with force. A high-quality massage that kneads these points helps us cope with emotions. In this place, the main thing - as in childbirth - is to open up to pain. They press you somewhere, you feel pain - breathe and relax towards the pain. Tears may also come out of your eyes - this is normal.

A good massage therapist will immediately see your weak points - and he knows exactly where and how to press in order to remove the clamp. But often it hurts so much that we stop it - and do not move on. Then the massage becomes a pleasant relaxation procedure, but does not contribute to the removal of emotions.

When you are up to date, sometimes you want to hit someone. Husband, for example, or spank a child. Try at this moment to switch to the pillow - and beat it with all your heart. The main thing is not to sleep on such a pillow - let it be your sports equipment, which lies separately. You can cry into it. Or you can get yourself a punching bag and gloves. Also an option, however, it requires free space at home.

Beat the couch with a rolled up towel.

We all get caught up in emotions from time to time. Alas, not only joyful.

I already wrote that most of our Emotions represent Conditioned reflex.

No matter how hard we try, if some person (or situation) causes unpleasant feelings in us, we will not be able to get rid of negative emotions and avoid this reflex.

In the best case - only to reduce the external manifestation of emotion, driving its energy into oneself.

It turns out "Vicious Circle".

photo from esens.deviantartcom

If we do not show Emotion in full force, it is extinguished inside our body.

And in addition to discomfort, it causes various muscle clamps, a disorder of our nervous system.

A punching bag, or at worst - a hole into which you can shout all unspoken emotions - is also not always at hand. All this affects our mood and well-being, provoking illness and stress.

I really like one saying: Emotion suppression is a ticking time bomb. If you bury an emotion, you bury it alive!"

So what to do then?

And with less health damage?

Has it ever happened to you: you sit in some pleasant place (or in your favorite kitchen) and eat your favorite dish. You are completely absorbed in its aromas, appearance and amazing taste. You literally savor every bite, experiencing great pleasure from the very process of eating.

And you even lick your plate (in the kitchen, this is quite acceptable 🙂 Once, I saw such a picture in a restaurant :) A man “licked” his plate so deliciously that I wondered: what was he eating?).

Time passes....

And now, turning on the TV at your leisure, you see how the famous host of the cooking show tries the very dish that you ate with great appetite in a restaurant (or in your favorite kitchen) just a couple of weeks ago.

Perhaps all this will stir up pleasant memories in you, and even enhance the process of secretion of gastric juice.

But, you see, these are two big differences:
Himself Have a favorite dish! Or Watch it on TV!

The moment of enjoying your favorite meal can be compared to Associated Perception.

Watching a TV show - with Dissociated Perception.

Although, I hope that even without this, you understand the difference well.

P.S. These metaphors are a very generalized example. But in life everything is much more complicated, and depends on individual features our perception. There are people who manage even the most Tasty food eat as if there is a piece of rubber on their plate.

Main ingredients of the dish

under the name "STRESS":




The stronger Emotions we experience, the stronger our Feelings, and, accordingly, the level of Stress!

The strength of an emotion is directly related to how much we Associate with it.

We will not be able to completely get rid of unpleasant emotions, because we have not yet learned to control our Conditioned Reflexes.

But to significantly reduce their impact is easy!

To do this, you need to dissociate from them.

To do this, shift your focus not only to the Emotion itself, but also to the Feelings it evokes in you.

look, Where are sensations located? in your body?

If we compare our Emotions and Feelings, then the first is a faster process:

"Did you see what they did to your car? Some goat painted graffiti on it!"

And even if in a minute you realize that your good friends have played a trick on you since April 1, and the fright will pass, your heart will beat for some time.

Watching your Feelings, you Dissociate from Emotion, and it slowly begins to fade.

If possible, you can not only observe, but even pronounce all your Feelings.

For some people, the Dissociation skill is innate. They are also called "thick-skinned".

Is it good? Hardly. All the good things that happen to them in life, they also look aloof.

The best thing is when you know how to use Dissociation in some difficult situations when you need to get rid of unpleasant emotions or

Try the EXERCISE* "Puppet".

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With it, you will learn to Dissociate from negative emotions.

And you can use this skill if necessary!

* Exercise by a practicing psychologist M. Sandomiersky



“Elena, you often advise to work out the negative, but how to do it if it constantly haunts you?” (comment)

How to get rid of negative emotions that have settled in an annoying gum somewhere in the brain and prevent you from living in peace? I propose to master a simple technique.

If events in your life are not what you want, if you are overcome by nightmares, if you want to improve your present and future - this article is for you.

Technique for working out negative attitudes/emotions

Firstly: determine the moment that worries, "unsettling".

To do this, we ask ourselves questions: “What am I thinking about now?”, “What am I worried about?”, “What worries me?” and the like.

Secondly: answer the question honestly. Whatever the answer, it must be voiced (mentally or aloud).

There are situations in which we behave in the best way, and our thoughts are far from good, we can wish evil to people, we experience envy, resentment, etc.

“Well, how long can you wait for a career advancement! Ivanovich sat firmly in his chair. If only he quit, fell ill for a long time or retired ... "

“Katka was lucky, she got married successfully, now she is bathing in luxury. Maybe add a fly in the ointment to her barrel of honey? Seduce Vanyukha, spread gossip, but you never know the options ... "

“They again delay the salary, I don’t know what to do, I’ll have to borrow again. Why is there not enough money all the time?!!!”

These are not always plausible thoughts that can sit deep in the subcortex and "nag" us, giving rise to anxiety. They need to be voiced, that is, accepted, RECOGNIZED. It is awareness that is the most important part of working out the negative.

Thirdly: determine the emotion that accompanies the problem. We ask ourselves the question: “How do I feel?”

And we answer, trying to describe the feeling as accurately as possible. It can be: tension, fear, resentment, anger, anger, rage, longing, jealousy, envy, confusion, insecurity, etc.

Fourth: WORKING OUT CONSCIOUS EMOTION. To do this, we pronounce the following phrases in the following sequence (for example, take fear):

1. "I approve and praise myself for being afraid."

We pronounce the word aloud (you can in a whisper) or mentally chant, “stra-a-a-a-a-x”, as if passing this feeling through your whole body, trying to feel it with every cell.
Approving any of our thoughts, we accept all our qualities, including bad ones. In no case should you reproach and scold yourself.

Of course, it is not always easy to admit your unsightly actions and feelings that you don’t want to think about and remember at all. We must remember and accept!

If you scold yourself for something, you scold your Soul, which means you don't accept yourself. There is a contradiction with your very essence. Hence the incomprehensible crooked sleeping positions and adverse circumstances in life.

2. I allow myself stra-a-a-a-a-x.

Allow yourself to feel those feelings that you do not want to perceive as your own. Yes, I do not like my fear (greed, aggressiveness, resentment, pettiness, weakness, stubbornness, laziness, insensitivity, cowardice, contempt), but I allow it to be.

By allowing us to live through any state, we give up judgment and self-criticism, open ourselves to new energies, and take responsibility for creating our own life.

3. I accept my stra-a-a-a-a-x.

By accepting, we finally acknowledge our feelings. “Yes, I am aware of my feelings. They have a right to exist. I don't ignore them."

4. I release my stra-a-a-a-a-x.

At last words I imagine how I release this fear from my body into Balloon suitable color (black, red, marsh). It fills up, increases and flies up, taking with it an experience that I do not need. You can choose any other image to render.

So, memorize the main points

Let's take the problem of lack of money as an example.

1. We ask the question: “What worries me?”. Answer: "The constant lack of money in abundance."

2. We ask the question: "What do I feel?". Answer: "Tension".

3. Working out:

I approve and praise myself for na-a-a-right-I-I-same-e-e-no-i-i-e-e-e.
I allow myself to-a-a-prya-I-I-same-e-e-neither-i-i-e-e-e.
I take my na-a-a-stray-I-I-same-e-e-neither-i-i-e-e-e.
I let go of mine on-a-a-stray-I-I-same-e-e-no-i-i-e-e-e.

Pay attention to the reaction of your body. If the problem and emotion are identified correctly, the response occurs through a yawn or deeper breathing, more tears, excitement, anger.

Our Soul communicates with us through bodily sensations.. So, the problem from the unconscious area goes into the conscious.

Changing mental state

Having recognized, lived and felt the negative, we change our mood to the one we need. Well help in this thought forms (affirmations).


Lack of money:

“I am open to the flow of prosperity and abundance”, “I am rich, successful, I succeed in everything I do”.

Fear of life

“I have complete trust in the power that created me, I am completely safe, I allow myself to be myself and others to be different.”


"I love myself and approve, accept the way I am".

Compose your personal affirmation, choosing words that warm you and create good location spirit.

Or use Coue's famous phrase, which has proven its effectiveness for many generations: "My business is getting better and better every day in every way".

It is very useful to pronounce itwhen the mind has already turned off, and the Soul communicates with us directly, without its control and endless chatter.

Affirmations work great.. When we say them with confidence and often enough, new program changing our future.

“Pretend that everything is in perfect order with you. You will be surprised how effective this technique is. As soon as you manage to deceive yourself, you will literally be able to do everything in the world. ”Max Fry.

What gives us awareness of the problem?

By acknowledging hidden experiences, we create positive changes in life. If on the eve of an important meeting, conversation, event, you experience uncertainty, fear, tension, do this exercise, and then work with affirmations.

As a result, the upcoming situation will develop according to a more favorable scenario for you.


We live by accumulating negativity in the subconscious, from where it controls our behavior. We do not want to be offended, but we are offended, we do not want to be jealous, but we are jealous, we do not want to be angry, but we are angry. And we wonder why what happens to us is not what we aspire to.

By accepting any of our qualities without evaluation, whether they are good or bad, correct or not, we come into agreement with the Soul, freeing it from negative states.

Realizing our problems, approving ourselves and working out negative emotions, we change our reality for the better.