Dad paws his 15 year old daughter's breasts. "When he first did it, I was eight years old"

  • 01.10.2020

To find heroes for this material, Evgenia Dolgaya posted an ad on social networks. In one night, 54 girls responded to her post with their painful stories, which they, most often, did not tell anyone at all. We publish five anonymous portraits that were able to reveal themselves as much as possible. While reading these revelations, it may seem that they are fictional. But it's not.

The external well-being of the family absolutely does not mean that a nightmare is happening inside. And it's not just low-income families, an alcoholic mother, or an incarcerated father who are at risk of domestic violence. Sexual abuse is usually understood as sexual harassment, involving a child in a physical act, demonstration of genitals or even ordinary porn. For adults, everything is legislatively different, but a child who is not yet 16 years old has complete sexual immunity. This means that even his consent to participate in such actions does not mean the absence of a violent component in them and subsequent punishment. The only pity is that most victims can only tell their story to a close friend or unknown journalist on condition of anonymity. These young people very rarely claim someone. It is difficult to admit that you were raped or harassed by a stranger, and it is almost impossible to tell about a close relative. But any violence entails irreversible consequences in the child's psyche: the formation of pathologies, negative character traits, a terrible shift in the value system. It is very difficult for people who have experienced domestic violence to build relationships and have children on their own. We have collected five stories of very young girls - one of them is scarier than the other. And the only thing we will add from ourselves: if something like this happened in your life, do not be silent. Only publicity and a verdict can really improve the situation.

Lana, 20 years old: “Mom said that you can’t lie about this”

For the first time, at the age of seven, my stepfather began to harass me. There were no threats in the usual sense, that is, physical violence. These were manipulative threats like “you don’t want everyone to know about this” or “mom will be in trouble if you tell anyone.” It always happened when he wasn't sober. The first time it happened like this - I was walking on the street, and he called me home under the pretext that while my mother was at work, he was responsible for me and therefore worried. He said, they say, it’s better to watch cartoons at home than you will hang around on the street. He fed me sweets, asked about my interests, about my friends. And then he invited me to watch cartoons in an embrace. I watched so often with my mother ... Why not? Those are cartoons. At some point, I became ill. I felt nauseous and wanted to sleep brutally - I complained to him about this ... He began to “calm down” me: stroking my hair, kissing on the cheek, on the lips, rummaging around under my T-shirt, began to take off my leggings and panties, wielded his tongue. He whispered that it would pass now, that it was not at all scary and not painful. Then I never passed out, it was as if in a state of extreme intoxication. I remember how his hands searched every inch of my body, I remember the feeling of sandpaper from his three-day stubble there ... He rubbed his genitals against my body. And then he covered me, and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was wildly sick. Mother then worked from six to eight, and she was not at home yet. He gave me coal and said that I ate ugly candy, so I feel bad. I didn’t understand at all what was happening and whether I had a dream about it at all - that’s why I didn’t tell anyone anything. She didn't believe it herself. And I wouldn't believe it if it didn't happen again.

The second time happened about six months later. The only difference is that there was no that comatose state. I was lying on the couch, he came up, held my hands above his head and did everything the same as last time. And then he said that no one would believe me, that my mother would have problems, and if everyone found out, no one would want to communicate with me anymore. That evening I told my mother. She made me undress, examined me and said that I was a liar, but you can’t lie about such a thing: they can put me in jail. And she added that I would not invent anything like that again. Then it was repeated with a regularity of three to five times a year. A couple of times I tried to complain to my mother, but she only reacted with scandal and assault. He twisted it himself, saying that I was imagining that I wanted to breed them. And then there was simply no moral strength. It was like some terrible dream.

When I was 16, I got my first job and moved out from my parents. Now for five years I have not kept in touch with my relatives, I come only to see my brother - I try to do it in such a way that no one else is at home.

Recently, my stepfather got drunk again and wanted to take his brother somewhere. The mother got scared and asked me to take him out of there. And I love my brother, that's why I went there. When I entered the apartment where they were, my stepfather, under the guise of greeting me, hugged me and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and shouted that I would call the police if he did not keep his hands to himself. He got scared, and I took my brother and left. When I told my mother that he had touched and kissed me, she first asked again, and then simply remained silent. She didn't say anything and never raised the subject again.

I coped with this vicious circle thanks to a close friend. She also had a dysfunctional family. Often one of us pulled the other from the abyss. I did not live in those years. Went from fantasy to fantasy. And reality has become a kind of nightmare. Watch it, and "wake up" somewhere in the vaults of Hogwarts, for example. I am registered with a psychiatrist. She tried to commit suicide seven times. I don't seem to get over it very well. I don't visit them, I don't call them. The only person I talk to is my younger brother. Thank God, this bastard does not touch him. You know, nothing and no one would have helped me then. I closed myself in - my own mother did not help me. Would someone else help me?

Margarita, 20 years old: “Until the age of 14, I did not perceive it as something unnatural - after all, it started from an early age”

Until the age of 15, I considered my stepfather to be my own father. I accidentally found out from him that I was not his own when I rebuffed his sexual harassment. He shouted to me that he took a mother with a child, that we owe him for providing us with comfortable housing. I can't say exactly when he started to rape me, but I was about six or eight years old.

He just dumped me. This happened in the absence of my mother. The soundproofing in the apartment is pretty good, well, or the neighbors didn't care about my screams. He didn't hit me, I just couldn't move. At the age of 11-12, there was various blackmail, he could simply come to my room, pick me up and carry me away, threatening to kick me and my mother, take away the computer, break or throw away personal belongings. Just undressed, clamped the limbs so that it was impossible to resist, and did dirty things. Most often, he simply removed everything from me, pinched my arms and legs and roughly produced frictions. Sometimes he did it with his hands, sometimes with his tongue. From the age of 15, I already learned to fight back, so he just molested. At 16 or 17, I thought it was all over until about a month after I came of age, he came into my room and began to “snuggle in” while I slept. Fortunately, then I flared up badly - hit him several times, shouted loudly, kicked him out and woke up my mother.

In general, a wild disgust for all this began to appear in me only at the age of 14. Before that, apparently, my psyche turned in such a way that I either “turned off” at such moments, or did not perceive it as something unnatural - after all, it started with early in life and occurs frequently.

I did not tell my mother, because from the very beginning I understood how strong and quick-tempered a mother is. She could really kill him, without exaggeration, because she always had such a trait - to erase from the face of the Earth the one who did badly to the child. And the problem was that we had absolutely nowhere to go. The mother began to have serious health problems, she could no longer work.

I went through all this for a long time and painfully, but in the end I overcame it. Mostly thanks to my friends, who were generally the first ones I decided to tell. Their support helped me first pull out what I was hiding so deeply, and then endure a long wave of exorbitant anger. Since all these memories stopped frightening and oppressing me, in a certain sense I became bolder. I really wanted to make him suffer and suffer the same way he did me, no matter how.

For the last two or three years, my mother was sick, she was weak, she couldn’t be nervous, otherwise it could turn out fatally for her. On August 31 of this year, my mother passed away, she never found out about everything. But, in fact, life has now arranged everything as it should. If before that my mother kept me here, now she does not hold anything.

I move to another city and finally begin to realize myself, collect again and mentally heal, because I can’t live here.

Well, the stepfather will now suffer alone for his mother, try not to drown in debt and learn to live on his own. Mom always did everything for him! He doesn't even know how to wash clothes. Mom looked after him like a child, and he raped her daughter. Fortunately, I had enough head on my shoulders not to kill or do something like that. I see that now he is starting to pay for what he has done - he feels about the same as I once did. He is scared, he feels bad, he is lonely, there is little he can do. I wish girls who face such horror to overcome their fear and even threaten that you will tell all the neighbors and at school. Many say: “Mom is to blame, how did she not see it ?!” My mother was my best friend, and I let her pain go through me. I would not stand it if my mother did something to him and entailed punishment. Although I myself many times imagined how I kill him. When life puts the choice of "survive or die", and you want to live, you have to grow and fight. In life, it helps to overcome everything.

Alice, 23: “Grandfather was about 63 years old”

My own grandfather sexually harassed me for three years. I was eight years old when he first did it. Then I came home from school, he helped me undress, then said that I was cold and I needed to warm up so as not to get sick. He started to “warm” me with his hands. Everywhere. Then he said that he knew one good way so that I definitely would not get sick - and he himself was completely naked. He began massaging me, rubbing my thighs, reassuring me that this was the way it should be, that everything was fine. He touched me everywhere, my granddaughter, numb with fear and horror. And then he entered me, slowly. With his other hand, he held my weak body, while telling me that it was necessary, that everything was fine. But I was in too much pain, so I started to struggle. He let go.

After that, he more than once “helped” me to undress and touched every part of my body. Due to life circumstances, I often stayed at home alone with him. Not for very long, but often. Of course, I understood that something was wrong, that I didn’t like it, but I was silent. Everything happened in a blur - I just tried to switch off at that moment when he was doing something with his tongue. He was about 63 years old.

When I got a little older and could push him away, he simply began to spy on me: he would accidentally run into the room when I was changing clothes, or go into the bathroom as if by accident. My requests to put a latch on the door were ignored by my father. It happened that grandfather simply pinched me and held me between my legs with his palm. And then he just disappeared ... He did not come home and did not answer calls. Only six months later he was found dead on the site of an abandoned holiday village, buried in a closed coffin.

Katya, 18 years old: “Father’s phrase “it’s your own fault” really knocked me out”

My mom is away on a business trip. She was gone for a month. During this time, my father did not pay for a rented apartment, and we were evicted. We went to his relatives. The first night my father's brother spent the night there, he was 40 years old, and I was only 12. All day long he talked with me about studies, about my hobbies, about friends. He told me that despite my age, I am very smart. At night I did not want to sleep and solved a crossword puzzle. He came to the kitchen, sat down next to me and offered me a bet: who would solve these scanwords faster. Until two in the morning we solved them. But it was already clear that he would answer these stupid questions of the scanword faster than me. Lost... He said I owe him a wish. His wish was to sit down 20 times. I crouched, but I remember further how he covered my mouth with his hand and lifted my nightgown. Touched me. From the knees and up to the stomach, he simply spread his arms, touched his chest, climbed into his shorts, painfully touched the genitals. I cried, choking on my tears, but as soon as I tried to scream, he let me go and ran into the corridor. I ran into my room and couldn't move. I told this to my father, but he kept silent and said that it was my own fault - and since we were visiting them, he could not do anything. Then I couldn't tell anyone about it. And dad just went to bed.

In the morning I took my younger sister and went to a classmate. Her mother was her sister's class teacher and allowed us to stay without question. I probably scared my uncle - he thought that I would get tired of squats and, frightened, I would be silent. But he did it so well...

All night I did not sleep until seven in the morning. I was afraid to tell someone about it - my father's phrase "you yourself are to blame" really knocked me out. Luckily, I never saw my uncle again. Mom quickly divorced my father, and we never crossed paths with his relatives again. Mom always pulled us alone. I didn't want to burden her with this news - she would have gone there and just killed them all there. When my mother arrived from a business trip and found out that my father had missed the apartment, and my younger sister and I were on the street, she left him. Before that, there were many situations - my father drank and a lot - but this was the last point for my mother.

Elizabeth, 22: “He was caught red-handed with another niece”

We have a big family. I am the eldest, from the age of five my mother's brother began to harass me. Touched in intimate places, kissed there, but did not rape. Only sometimes, when there was no one, he asked to “lick the lollipop”. He is ten years older. From his fifteen he morally mocked me and harassed me.

For many years I was afraid to tell my parents. This lasted until my 13 years, and at 13 he wanted more - to deprive me of my virginity. I started screaming in horror that I would tell everything, and he stopped. She was afraid to be alone with him at home - and this happened often. Later, she began to threaten him directly, overcame her fear, and he simply left to work in another city. Now, when we see each other, she smiles sweetly at me and calls me "beloved nephew." Well, I try not to see them at all.

Later, my aunt, who lived with her grandmother, got married, and I often visited them. Her husband loved beer and growing up girls. My chest was just beginning to grow, my hips were rounded. I was about 15 years old. They had a separate room, and there was a computer in it. When I was sitting at the computer, and he was at home, he came up from behind and touched my chest, legs, buttocks. It ended six months later, when relatives caught him red-handed with another niece in the same situation. In general, it was customary in my family to see violence: my father drank, my mother gave birth and stayed at home, there was a critical lack of finances - a very long story. But I grew up, and these childhood complexes influenced my life. I am aware of where and how it affects.

It seems to me that having a child is a very responsible decision, you need to be not only ready financially and physically, but also as a person. You are raising a person who will interact with society, you need to grow a personality and give it everything that you have learned yourself, and be a friend to this new person. Parents just need to be friends with their children - they are touched or offended at school, and you don't know if you are too busy or you don't have time. It is necessary to pay so much attention to your child so that he himself openly shares everything and can ask for advice.

A mother is supposed to protect her child, but in the heartbreaking case we're about to tell, it was the other way around. The woman subjected her daughter to moral and physical suffering, allowing her husband to do so. The girl grew up and told the world the terrible truth about how she was corrupted from the age of 10, and about three pregnancies from her hated stepfather.

Find out the details of a terrible nightmare that lasted for a British family for seven long years, from our article.
A young woman decided to tell the truth frankly about how her perverted stepfather constantly raped her, and her mother allowed him to do it. The girl became pregnant three times from this vicious relationship.

Rochelle Gray, 28, was only 10 years old when her stepfather Enoki Andrews (now 44) raped her for the first time. Since then, this has been repeated regularly for seven years.

The intimidated schoolgirl became pregnant three times (for the first time - at 12 years old). When she told her mother about what was happening, she called her daughter a "liar" and did not even try to stop the violence.

Enoki Andrews was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2019 on charges of assault and a number of sexual offenses. The mother of the girl, 50-year-old Mary-Louise Andrews, was given 5 years for child abuse.

Rochelle says that when the couple ended up behind bars, she finally felt safe. The girl said that she would never forgive her mother, who gave her into the clutches of a monster. The victim of violence decided to tell everything so that other women who find themselves in a similar situation would not be silent, but would seek punishment for their offenders.

The girl's mother started dating her stepfather in 2000, and at first he treated Rochelle like a princess. But five months later, the man tried to molest her while they were watching TV together. A week after this incident, mother and stepfather got married.

Since that time, Enoki began to regularly come to the girl's room, undress and rape her. The unfortunate victim was afraid to scream, she was afraid that her stepfather would kill her. The rapist had sex with Rochelle four times a week, and at the age of 12 she became pregnant. The girl told her mother that the child's father was a boy from school. The woman took her to a clinic where the schoolgirl had an abortion.

The stepdaughter's pregnancy did not stop the pedophile. Two and a half years later, the girl became pregnant again. This time, Rochelle told her mother that her stepfather did it, but Mary-Louise helped cover up the atrocities of her perverted husband. She accused her daughter of lying and simply laughed in her face. Then the woman took the girl to the hospital, where she had another abortion, forcing her to lie that the child was from her boyfriend.

The nightmare continued. When Rochelle became pregnant for the third time, her mother again took her to a private clinic for an abortion, signing the documents with her name so as not to arouse suspicion.

When Rochelle turned 17, she told her boyfriend Daniel about her stepfather's abuse that lasted for years. After that, the girl went to the police and Enoki, along with Mary Louise, were arrested and brought to trial.

In April 2019, 44-year-old Enoki Frimpong Andrews of Milton Keynes was found guilty of two counts of lewd acts, seven counts of sexual assault and one count of assault with penetration. 50-year-old Mary Louise was convicted on charges of child abuse. The judge called her a terrible mother who made her daughter go through all the circles of hell.

Now Rochelle is trying to continue a normal life, she is raising four children. A woman can never forgive her stepfather and mother for what they did to her. A broken childhood, a broken psyche and nightmares that will haunt her for a very long time - what she received instead of affection and parental care. We hope that Rochelle will be able to step over this horror and cross it out of her new life.

The terrible violence that lasted seven years, like Rochelle, was experienced by the American Colin Stan. releasing only for sexual abuse.

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Today Lena Petrenko (all names and surnames have been changed. - Auth.) is seven years old, in the fall she will go to first grade. But no one - neither mom nor psychologists - knows what will happen to her in another seven years, when she begins to grow up. And in general, will she be able to create a normal family. Too early, she learned the secrets of an adult intimate life ... Helen was five years old when she and her mother left her father.

“Dad was moaning loudly…”

Lena described her "games" with her father more than once - in the prosecutor's office, in the Moscow center "OZON", which employs the only child sexologists in the post-Soviet space. In the district prosecutor's office, her interrogation was even recorded on video. Only from the read excerpt of the interrogation recording, the hair stands on end:

“The minor witness Petrenko Elena, being interviewed during the pre-investigation check, explained that ... dad loves her very much. When mom slept in the morning, she went to dad's room. And when he was talking on the phone, she “squeezed” him for the naked “pisyun” with her hand, and dad moaned loudly, and then did “piss-piss” and asked: “What is this sea in my bed?”. She also took her father’s “pisyunok” in her mouth and bit her, dad didn’t scold her for it, he liked it ... When they played with him, they jumped naked, and dad’s “pisyun” swayed. Then dad did "piss-piss" and sent "pisyun" into her mouth and onto the carpet. What dad wrote tasted sour and looked like jelly, dad then wiped it off the carpet with a rag.

From one of the expert psychologists, the girl's mother Tatyana heard: "The more time passes, the more she will talk about what happened to her." Two years have passed, and the girl, who is observed by psychologists, is still drawing her father's penis.

And the criminal investigation was closed this year.

The perfect man

This family has developed, maybe not quite usual. Tatyana, Lena's mother, was over thirty when she met her future common-law husband. By the age of 55, Vladimir Petrenko was already married three times, he had grandchildren from older children.

Of course, I was embarrassed by the difference of 18 years, - Tatyana recalls. But he really wanted kids...

Lenochka was born when Vladimir did not live with a new family - due to problems in business, he was forced to leave Minsk. I returned when my daughter was a year and a half old. Soon things in business improved, and Petrenko healed perfectly.

I didn’t go to work in kindergarten, Volodya wanted me to only take care of the child. He spared no money - he gave gifts all the time, the house is a full bowl. I did a lot with my daughter. And when the neighbors saw how the three of us were walking by the handles, everyone was jealous ...

Mom, go!

Now Tatyana recalls many moments that, if not alarmed by Vladimir's behavior, then surprised her. Even before the birth of her daughter, a friend with a six-year-old son came to visit her. And the incredibly closed boy, who did not even make contact with his own grandmother, quickly found a common language with Vladimir, and the man preferred the company of a child to adult women.

When Lenochka was three years old, I began to notice that Volodya was playing with her in a strange way: in the evenings they even had a special ritual - to scratch their backs. He began to take her in his arms by the crotch. I remarked to him a couple of times that it was impossible to do this with girls ... My mother, who also saw this, even quarreled with him. The daughter became capricious, did not sleep well at night.

And then Tatyana's mother fell seriously ill. She spent several months in the oncology department of the hospital, Tatyana went there every day. Lena stayed with her father.

I, except for my mother's illness, could not think of anything. But when she returned home late at night, she began to hear: Mom, go away! It's like she didn't come at the right time. Lenochka changed dramatically in her behavior, forbade me to bathe and dry herself, but she began to demand that she be allowed into the bathroom when her father was washing there. What scared me the most was when I saw her get on all fours and bury her face in his crotch. And Volodya lifts her shirt and irons it. At one point, she threw her legs over his shoulders and began to demand - kiss. I scolded her so much! But, honestly, I didn’t even think about anything terrible then.

A terrible discovery came to my mother when at night in the matrimonial bed she heard the phrase that her husband kept saying to Lenochka: “Daughter, do you like it?”

I was like a cold shower doused, - Tatyana recalls.

A few days later she took her daughter and went to her parents. But before that, I tried to talk to my husband. In response, I heard only insults.

But he did not even try to justify himself ...

Two weeks later, Tatyana wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office. Two years have passed since then.

During this time, not only Lena was interrogated

Petrenko himself gave his testimony - the man categorically denied all accusations:

“I really love my daughter very much, and my daughter, seeing this, was very attached to me, loved to play with me. She liked it when I scratched her back, tummy. However, these games never went beyond reasonable limits, were not of a sexual nature or overtones. I never touched my daughter with any sexual intentions for the genitals, and also did not allow or offer to touch my genitals. Nikolaeva (Lena's mother. - Auth.) During the period of living together, she constantly found fault with me that I didn’t hold or take the child in my arms the way I paid too much attention to her, pampered her. She was also very annoyed that I paid more attention to Lena than to her. She was clearly jealous of my child. In this regard, I had a double feeling: on the one hand, Nikolaeva is clearly attached to her daughter, on the other hand, I noticed that Lena obviously interfered with her in some way due to the fact that I spent a lot of time with Lena ... "

Couldn't understand what they were doing to her?

The fact that something incomprehensible was happening to the girl was seen by the relatives the very next day after parting with her father. Five-year-old Lena began to throw terrible tantrums, get on all fours, demanded that her back be scratched, kissed. Tatyana took her daughter to psychiatrists, psychologists. By the way, it turned out that there are no child sexologists in Belarus at all. I had to look for them in Moscow.

The conclusion of the Russian experts was disappointing.

“Elena Petrenko revealed pronounced sexualized behavior; the girl, with visible pleasure and in detail, spoke about the actions of a sexual nature committed to her by her father, while she reported a number of details that could only be obtained by her from personal experience; the emotional state of the girl is characterized by instability, an increased level of aggression. The noted complex of psychological and behavioral disorders is specific to older preschool children who have become victims of sexual abuse. Given the severity of the existing disorders, the girl needs specialized help.”

True, domestic forensic experts considered that the child’s testimony should not be trusted, since “Petrenko could not understand the nature and significance of the actions performed with her. Due to her mental state, taking into account individual psychological characteristics, mental development and emotional state, she is not able to correctly perceive the circumstances that are important for the criminal case, and testify about them.

This turned out to be enough for the investigation into the case to be closed, since "the facts were not confirmed." Although the investigators had evidence not only of little Lena, but also ... the former stepdaughter of Vladimir Petrenko. Today Natasha is 24 years old, and only now she told about what happened to her fifteen years ago. All these years, she hid those events even from her mother, so as not to upset her.

From the testimony of Natalya Metlitskaya:

“I was 9 years old. Mom was driving, and Petrenko was sitting in the back seat next to me. He took my hand, put it on his knee, moved closer to me and began to stroke my palm and fingers. His fingers intertwined mine, which brought me to a new state for me. I was scared, but also very pleased. I discovered new sensations. Today I can say that it was a feeling of desire and excitement. The more he stroked and squeezed my fingers, the more pleasant I became. I was afraid that my mother would see, but I did not want to let go of my hand. I still remember his touches, my feelings and emotions. My palm is still very sensitive. His gentle touch opened something new for me. In the evenings, I lay down on the sofa in front of the TV in a night suit, he sat next to me and always offered to scratch and stroke my back. His hands stroked my bare back, under my blouse. Mom never liked it, she was always against these "strokes".

Unlike Lenochka, Natasha was already 9 years old, and she understood that there was something dirty in what was happening. But these childhood memories will probably stay with her for the rest of her life.

Now Tatyana and her lawyer are starting to fight in a new circle. True, the other day they received a response from the State Service for Medical Forensic Examinations of Belarus.

“When assessing the mental state of Petrenko, methodological violations were made. The established diagnosis does not correspond to the current international classification of diseases, which casts doubt on the validity of other expert conclusions. This circumstance may serve as the basis for your application for a new re-examination with the involvement of the necessary specialists.


Every seventh woman who comes to psychologists experienced violence in childhood

Oksana BLANK, head of the psychological assistance department of the Minsk City Center for Social Services for Families and Children:

Tatyana Vasilievna and Lena came to us in 2006. Then it was evident from the behavior of the girl that she was injured. She was very wary of all adults, made poor contact, it was difficult to find a common language with her. We do not work with sexual violence, but by studying the specialized literature and watching Lena, one could conclude that she received a sexual trauma.

Since then, this family has been our patronage. Children who have suffered such trauma are seen as a problematic category. The purpose of our classes is to correct the emotional state. Plus, in parallel, she was observed in a children's psychoneurological dispensary. Now we see positive changes in the girl's behavior, Lena has made a big breakthrough, she has become much more stable.

What will happen to her when she gets older?

Now no one will answer this question. Experienced at the age of five can develop into a fear of men or, conversely, cheeky behavior.

- Oksana Valerievna, can a child invent all this?

A child's fantasy gives birth to what is contained in his experience. A child and any person fantasizes within the framework of what he once met. If a five-year-old child sees this on TV, he does not understand anything. And this information is missing. This must be experienced.

We are now working with women who come for consultations with various problems. It's hard to believe, but every seventh experienced violence at 5 - 6 - 7 years old. And without telling anyone about it. And these women are over 30 years old. Turns out we've had it before. But no one talked about it, the problem was hushed up.

And the fact that Lena is interrogated so many times (I was present at one of the interrogations) is a violation of the rights of the child.