Help in a difficult life situation. Help for those in difficult situations

  • 11.10.2019

Do you know that the state provides assistance to its citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation? For example, if you need treatment outside the republic, and your family budget cannot afford it. They can also help a large family with food and clothing. But first things first, according to

Where it is written: Decree of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) dated July 30, 2015 No. 253 “On approval of the Regulations on the provision of targeted financial assistance in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to low-income families and low-income single citizens who are in a difficult life situation.”

Difficult situations are:

- if there are no funds for food and accommodation during a forced stay outside the place of residence in connection with the departure of the patient and accompanying the child or disabled person for examination, treatment and (or) rehabilitation in specialized institutions;

- if there are no funds to pay for medical services and medicines necessary for health reasons (for health reasons) provided in excess of the territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation;

- lack of funds for the purchase of food and clothing due to disability, large families, lack of work;

- Loss of a dwelling as a result of a fire.

How much will they give:

- for examination and treatment in specialized institutions outside the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the direction of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the amount of two times the subsistence minimum, provided that the average per capita income of the family is not higher than twice the subsistence minimum;

- if treatment, examination or rehabilitation in specialized institutions lasts more than 2 months, then in the amount of the subsistence minimum, provided that the average per capita income of the family is not higher than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum;

- to pay for medical services and medicines in the amount of actually incurred expenses, but not more than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum, provided that the average per capita income of a family and a citizen living alone is not higher than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum;

- to pay for living expenses outside the place of residence for disabled people who are on permanent dialysis treatment, in the amount of five times the subsistence minimum, provided that the average per capita income of the family and a citizen living alone is not higher than two times the subsistence minimum;

- for the purchase of food, clothes:

1) a family with less than 3 minor family members, in the amount of 0.5 of the subsistence minimum per family;

2) families with 3 or more minor family members, in the amount of the subsistence minimum;

3) a citizen living alone in the amount of 0.5 of the subsistence minimum.

Provided that the average per capita income of a family and a citizen living alone is not higher than the subsistence level.

- for the purchase of essential goods for fire victims:

1) for completely lost housing in the amount of three times the subsistence minimum per family and for each affected family member in the amount of 0.5 of the subsistence minimum, but not more than five times the subsistence minimum;

2) for partially lost living quarters in the amount of two times the subsistence minimum per family.

If the average per capita income of a family and a citizen living alone is not higher than 2 times the subsistence level.

How many times?

Targeted financial assistance is of a one-time nature and is provided to the applicant on one basis once a year. Dialysis patients receive assistance twice a year.

How to get a?

It is necessary to apply with an application to the Department of Social Protection of Population and Labor at the place of registration or at the place of stay in person, by mail, in electronic form.

When will you get help?

The Commission considers the application within 30 days from the date of registration of the applicant's written application and decides on the provision of targeted financial assistance or on refusal and notifies the applicant of the decision.

Required documents:

— a copy of the passport or a copy of another identity document;

- a certificate of family composition (in the absence of registration, documents confirming the actual residence are submitted);

- birth certificates for minors and passports for adult family members living together;

- certificates of adoption (adoption), marriage, divorce;

- certificates confirming the income of family members of a citizen for the last three calendar months preceding the month of filing an application for a one-time targeted financial assistance;

- certificate of disability (if there is a disability);

- a copy of the TIN;

- account details.

If you need money for treatment:

a) a call for treatment to a medical institution of the Russian Federation;

b) referral to a specialized institution of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

c) documents confirming the examination, treatment and (or) rehabilitation in specialized healthcare institutions or institutions social service RF and RS(Y).

To receive assistance for the purchase of medicines, the provision of medical services:

a) a certificate or an extract from the medical commission of a medical institution with the appointment of medical services and medicines necessary for health reasons;

b) receipts, cash and sales receipts.

Dialysis specialist:

a) a certificate confirming the conduct of dialysis sessions (issued by a medical institution conducting dialysis treatment);

b) information from the body that carries out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it at the place of dialysis treatment, on the rights of an individual to real estate objects he/she has (have) for family members according to a certificate of family composition;

c) a tenancy agreement.

Fire victims:

a) an act on a fire of an authorized state body of the fire service;

b) a certificate of state registration of the right to a dwelling or another document certifying the ownership of a dwelling.

For unemployed citizens and non-working adult family members:

a) work book;

b) a certificate from the employment service authorities on the registration or absence of vacancies at the place of residence of the citizen.

According to the Ministry of Labor and social development RS(I)

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We give advice right and left that there is a way out of any unpleasant situation, and not even one. We tune in to the positive and try to console others that not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. But when we ourselves are overcome by troubles that are coming from all sides, the advice that we ourselves offered looks simply ridiculous and helpless.

What to do in a difficult life situation, where you see one dead end? Exist actionable advice how to proceed in such a case.

1. First of all, try to calm down and stop. No need to quickly rush into the pool with your head and take incomprehensible actions that can lead to even bigger problems. You need to pause and decide where you are and how you ended up in this position. Take some time to think about why it turned out the way it did, and not completely different. When you can find the entrance, then you will find the exit in one moment.

2. Effective advice on how to get out of the impasse is to get rid of the emotions that overwhelm you at that moment. Fear, anger, disappointment interfere with normal concentration in front of the resulting problem. Often our negative emotions, which are acquiring enormous proportions, we are making an elephant out of a molehill, and it’s done, we don’t see any way out, one dead end. If you want to smash something to smithereens - do it, if you want to scream and swear - go ahead, give vent to your anger, do not keep destructive energy in yourself.

3. When you are overcome by complete devastation, only then will bright thoughts begin to come into your head and everything will become clear from a different angle. Prepare yourself tea with lemon and ginger, or make yourself hot coffee, energy drinks will help your brain work faster. Take a piece of paper and start writing down absolutely all ideas for getting out of an impasse, even the most absurd ones, in such cases all means are good.

4. Do not think alone, seek help from your comrades and loved ones who have not turned away in difficult times. There is a proverb "One head is good, but two is better." Perhaps they will offer their own options that will be useful to you, because sometimes it is more visible from the outside.

5. The next step will be a full analysis of the proposed ideas. Consider all the pros and cons. Make three thorough plans to get out of the crisis. Plan A and B are the most effective, and Plan C is the back-up. Clearly thought-out scenarios, several options, give much more percentage of success than one.

6. In a difficult life situation, gather your strength and spirit and begin to put into action your anti-crisis plan. Going step by step, not stepping back, you will achieve what you want and get out of the troubles surrounding your life, and understanding what to do will come by itself.

7. In difficult times, people who care about you and to whom you are very dear will help you survive misfortunes. Don't push them away or isolate them from your society, let them help you. You can even ask them for help yourself, in such situations you understand who the most devoted and faithful people are.

8. In our life, we rely a lot on circumstances, while realizing that they do not bode well. You can't do that. We create our own destiny, so pull yourself together and do not let circumstances take over you.

9. Another in an efficient way how to get out of the impasse, is to exclude people with . In the environment of each person, there is sure to be such a person who will exaggerate and lower faith in yourself. Such people do not see happiness and good points, have them around one negative. If possible, avoid them, do not let them lower your self-esteem, otherwise, you will panic and give up.

10. When you are in trouble, look for something that will motivate you during the time that you get out of the current situation. Strive to associate with those who believe in you and know that you can withstand any blow.

11. In difficult moments, you should not be afraid to take risks and think about mistakes, everyone has them. It will be stupidity that you will sit idly by. Each of your mistakes will be a lesson from which you will draw useful and necessary information for yourself.

12. Do not listen to those who say that they know how you better live and be. They will constantly remind you and poke you for past mistakes. Send them away from you, let them hang noodles on the ears of others, the same losers as they are. This is your life and only you can decide if you can get out of trouble or not. Believe in yourself and you will succeed. You are not a loser, but a winner!

Sooner or later, every person has significant events in life that unsettle him, deprive him of confidence in himself and in the future. There can be plenty of reasons for the emergence of a feeling of loss, emptiness: the sudden loss of loved ones, work, other shocks. Help in a difficult life situation consists, first of all, in purposeful work with feelings, which should gradually lead to inner healing.

The main danger of such situations is that they always occur unexpectedly, leading to a dead end, depriving moral strength. A person is not ready to immediately accept the circumstances of life that led him to an internal crisis. It takes a certain amount of time for a full recovery. It is necessary to comprehend what happened, which cannot happen instantly. Thus, a whole complex of emotional reactions arises, leading to deep emotional experiences. In this article we will consider various life situations that lead to a state of powerful intrapersonal crisis, and we will try to answer the question of whether in this situation.

Loss of loved ones

This includes the death of relatives. Perhaps this is the most difficult case, since the event is completely irreversible. If the financial situation can be improved over time if desired, then all you need to do is accept it. How does a loved one feel? Confusion, depression, emptiness, acute unbearable pain. At the moment of grief, interest in what is happening around is lost, the person is focused on himself and his feelings. It usually takes quite a long time before a person finally accepts the loss, learns to live without the deceased. Help in a difficult life situation should consist of several stages.

listening. Here, the psychologist or psychotherapist must provide the client with the opportunity to speak without restrictions and any framework. Personality needs to throw out their emotions outward, fully speak out, and then it will become a little easier. At this moment, it is so important to feel that someone needs you and is not indifferent.

Active work of grief- the next difficult stage, which should lead a person to accept what happened. This requires deep work with feelings. A competent specialist will ask questions about whether a person understands what is happening to him, about what he feels at the moment.

Making plans for the future. A vision of prospects is necessary, if only because a person cannot live without hope and faith in the best. Help for those who find themselves in a difficult life situation must necessarily be accompanied by a elaboration of a vision of a future life, what kind of person can imagine it.

Loss of a loved one

Despite the external similarity with the previous case, the situation in this context can be very different. If the loss of relatives and loved ones is almost always associated with death, then the loss of a loved one can also occur as a result of divorce of spouses, treason. For many, it is synonymous with the devaluation of life. In this situation, the help of a specialist psychologist is important and necessary in order to help the individual find strength for further life and work.

Help in a difficult life situation like this should be built on the gradual building of long term prospects. It is necessary to explain to a man or a woman that life does not end there.

Pregnancy in adolescence

The appearance of children is not always a joy for young people who themselves have not yet reached the age of majority. Such news can shock both the teenagers themselves and their parents. Fear is due to the unwillingness to become parents, to take responsibility for raising a baby. In addition, often here are added material problems associated with a lack of money. Assistance to pregnant women and families in a difficult situation should be provided immediately, otherwise there is a risk of complications: abortions, abandoned children. Participation is not only desirable, but mandatory.

Military operations in the home country

War brings great tragedy in life. Whatever it is, there is always destruction, and, above all, of a psychological nature. Moral oppression, the inability to understand what is happening and where this world is heading, literally overwhelms a person, does not allow him to see the truth. When it happens big trouble, it seems that there is no one to turn to, all ideas are turned upside down, you understand that you cannot expect help from the state. The feeling of powerlessness gives rise to helplessness, self-absorption and inner bitterness. There are cases when, even after the cessation of hostilities, many people could not fully recover from a serious shock.

Help in a difficult life situation, which, no doubt, is a war, should be aimed at restoring peace of mind. We need to speak feelings, various outbursts of emotions so that a person does not get stuck at a certain stage. First of all, you need to minimize the effects of stress experienced. The psychologist-consultant needs to support the client in every possible way, to aim him at a perspective vision of his life.

Moving to another country as a result of any events

Migration is not always associated with hostilities in the home country. Even in peacetime, adapting to new living conditions can be very difficult. Lack of money, the need to draw up documents, difficulties - all this is not in the best way affects the mental state of people. If it is not possible to cope with difficulties for a long time, many subsequently develop apathy, lethargy, unwillingness to do anything. Help in difficult life situations, discussion of problems should take place systematically, until the situation is completely resolved.

Dismissal from work

It can happen to anyone. We become so accustomed to certain conditions of life that under some changing circumstances we begin to feel uncomfortable. Someone who loses his job panics, loses How to behave and what to do in this situation? After all, it undermines self-confidence, a person is afraid to try something.

What should be the focus of psychotherapy? First of all, on building long-term and short-term goals. It is important to explain to the client that losing a job is not the end of the world, but an opportunity to start a new life, build it in accordance with your goals and aspirations.

medical rehabilitation

While a person is healthy, he does not feel how hard it is for those who are bedridden. Assistance in a difficult life situation for seriously ill patients must be carried out systematically. How to do it? manifest increased attention to their desires, take into account the lack of communication. Think about how you can help your neighbor, friends or parents.


This includes earthquakes, floods, fires, and terrorist attacks. In all these incidents, the person is overwhelmed by the circumstances. Some are left homeless, without food and warm clothes. How can you not lose faith in yourself and your abilities? This is what a difficult life situation can lead to. Overcoming difficulties begins with the desire to change something in yourself, and then in the world around you.

Thus, it is important for a person who is in difficult conditions of existence to provide psychological assistance as soon as possible: support morally, help financially, assure that all the problems he has encountered have a solution.

In modern conditions, the problems of families in a difficult life situation are becoming increasingly acute and relevant, since their number is not decreasing every year, but is continuously growing. This is due to problems of an economic, demographic, socio-political nature. At the same time, perhaps the most vulnerable category are children.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, children are entitled to special care and assistance. Constitution Russian Federation guarantees state support for the family, motherhood and childhood. By signing the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international acts in the field of ensuring the rights of children, the Russian Federation expressed its commitment to participating in the efforts of the world community to create an environment that is comfortable and friendly for children.

Federal Laws "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" and "On Additional Guarantees for social support orphans and children left without parental care" it is established that the protection of the rights of children in difficult life is carried out by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The regional targeted programs implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are a kind of core solution problems of children, families with children in difficult life situations.The effectiveness of the implementation of such programs largely determines the possibility of achieving the goals and objectives of the state's social policy.



Social support for children in difficult life situations

The child protection system begins with the protection of the family, mother and child. The provision of this social sphere in Russia is one of the most developed. Education in children's institutions is based on proven programs. Its necessary element is teaching children to communicate, activities as part of a group, preparation for entering school.

Social protection of preschoolers is carried out in cooperation with medicine, pedagogy, and production. The social protection bodies of the population contribute to the rehabilitation and treatment of preschoolers, for which, for example, preferential conditions are provided for the stay of preschoolers in sanatoriums. The upbringing of preschool children solves the problems of their socialization. The youngest learn the rules of behavior, are included in group activities, and master the basics of culture.

The system of social protection of schoolchildren organically includes a variety of activities held at school, in extracurricular institutions, work with families and the public. The main result of this activity is the formation of social security for schoolchildren as a stable mental state, including confidence in their successful social and professional self-determination, as well as effective socialization. Social and pedagogical work contributes to the inclusion in productive work, the system of continuous education.

Social protection of childhood also includes the prevention of pedagogical injuries, education without losers, without repeaters, since they are characterized by mental states that depress vital activity. Social work such a plan is preventive and therapeutic in nature. Practical socio-psychological work is widely used .

An important direction in the socialization of children and adolescents is their rehabilitation in connection with deprivation (educational, psychological, moral, social, etc.), that is, the loss of important personal qualities. At the same time, personal development is diagnosed, individual plans for the restoration of abilities (perceptual, intellectual, communicative, practical activities) are built, correctional groups are organized, relevant classes are selected that allow one to acquire socially valuable knowledge and the ability to use them in work, communication, and personal life in collective activity. .

The foregoing is closely related to the problem of the so-called "difficult", maladjusted children and adolescents. It should be noted that working with such children requires combining the qualities of a social worker when dealing with those who are involved in helping children (parents, neighbors, friends or officials) and the qualities of a social educator when dealing directly with minors.

Working with "difficult" children, it is necessary to focus on pragmatism Everyday life. This helps to perceive the child in a specific living space - in the place where he lives, in the family, where his behavior, connections, personal characteristics can be observed, and living conditions, the relationship of psychological, material, social factors become much clearer, since the understanding of the problem does not close only on the personality of this child .

Needy children today can count, first of all, on material assistance. Its main task is to maintain an acceptable (necessary and sufficient) standard of living for the child and the family as a whole, who are in the social difficult situation. Financial assistance is a lump-sum payment in cash or in kind, expressed as an amount of money, food, sanitation and hygiene products, child care products, clothes, shoes and other essentials.

The main criterion in establishing the right to material assistance is poverty, as an indicator of need. The bodies of social protection of the population decide on the issue of recognizing the needy as poor and on providing them with material assistance, and the municipal centers of social services are directly involved in providing such assistance. The commissions for the distribution and provision of material assistance, created under the social protection authorities, consider the issues of providing such assistance, taking into account the financial situation of the applicant, the composition and income of the family, the reasons and circumstances that prompted the application for help. Unfortunately, in order to receive material assistance, a whole list of certificates and documents is often required, which creates significant difficulties for low-income citizens.

The increase in government spending to support families with children has played a certain role in improving their financial situation, increasing the birth rate of children. However, the share of spending in GDP on supporting families with children in Russia is still much lower than in developed European countries. It can hardly be expected that monetary regulation can radically eliminate the causes that lead to children's unhappiness.

In search of new ways to manage the process and stimulate the necessary changes in the regions, in 2008, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations was established. The Fund is a new modern tool for conducting social policy in the interests of children and families with children in difficult life situations, in the conditions of division of powers between the center and the regions.

The mission of the Foundation is to create a new management mechanism that, in the conditions of the division of powers between the federal center and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, will significantly reduce the prevalence of social disadvantage for children and families with children, stimulate the development of effective forms and methods of working with families and children in need of assistance.

Directions of the Fund's activity for 2012-2015:

  1. prevention of family troubles and social orphanhood of children, including prevention of child abuse, restoration of a family environment favorable for raising a child, family placement of orphans and children left without parental care;
  2. social support for families with disabled children to ensure the maximum possible development of such children in the conditions of family education, their socialization, preparation for independent life and integration into society;
  3. social rehabilitation of children in conflict with the law (who have committed offenses and crimes), prevention of neglect and homelessness of children, juvenile delinquency, including repeated.

The Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations focuses the attention of the regions on the need to organize systematic, comprehensive and interdepartmental work with families and children and believes that the program-targeted approach is the most appropriate tool for organizing such work .

The next type of assistance provided by the state is social services for children with disabilities at home. Home assistance is aimed at improving the level and quality of life of people with disabilities, finding children in their usual habitat - at home, protecting their rights and legitimate interests. Social services at home can be provided on a permanent or temporary basis.

At the social service centers, specialized departments are being created that deal with home care. Social workers visit their charges several times a week. The list of services provided in this case is quite wide. It can be, firstly, the organization of food, life and leisure.

Secondly, social and medical, sanitary and hygienic services (assistance in medical care, rehabilitation measures, provision medicines, providing psychological assistance, hospitalization, etc.).

Thirdly, assistance in obtaining education for disabled people in accordance with their physical capabilities and mental abilities.

Fourthly, legal services (assistance in paperwork, assistance in obtaining benefits and benefits established by the current legislation, etc.). As well as assistance in organizing funeral services .

Children can receive social services in specialized institutions on a stationary and semi-stationary basis. On the basis of full state support, services are provided to the disabled, orphans, children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, convicted, declared incompetent, are on long-term treatment, as well as in the case when the location of the parents is not established. For a period of not more than one year, children of single mothers, the unemployed, refugees, forced migrants can be admitted to hospitals.

Inpatient care for children is provided in orphanages, boarding schools, sanatorium-type orphanages, correctional orphanages (including correctional-psychological), special orphanages (for children with disabilities). These institutions perform the functions of creating favorable conditions close to home, conducive to the mental, emotional and physical development of the individual. Medical-psychological-pedagogical rehabilitation and social adaptation children; development educational programs, training and education; ensuring the protection and strengthening of the health of pupils; protection of their interests.

In institutions of social service there are departments of day or night stay. Here, minors can receive semi-stationary social services.

Day care units for children and adolescents are being set up in comprehensive social service centres. In their free time from school, children visit the day care department, where rehabilitation groups of 5 to 10 people are assembled. The activities of rehabilitation groups are carried out on the basis of group programs that take into account individual programs for the rehabilitation of minors.

During the period of stay in the day care department, children and adolescents are provided with hot meals and medicines. In the day care departments there are premises for a medical office and a psychological help office, for conducting training sessions, leisure and circle work, as well as a dining room .

The issue of street children also remains problematic. To solve this problem, the state created specialized institutions that provide children with a temporary shelter.

It is important to note that the provision of temporary shelter to children who find themselves in a difficult life situation contributes to prevention and, in many respects, prevents neglect of minors. For these purposes, specialized institutions for temporary stay are being created - these are social rehabilitation centers for minors, social shelters for children, centers for helping children left without parental care. Minors stay in such institutions for the time necessary to provide social assistance and (or) social rehabilitation and resolve issues of their further placement. Reception of children (from 3 to 18 years old) is carried out around the clock, they can apply on their own, at the initiative of their parents (their legal representatives) .

What are the functions of temporary residence institutions? First of all, this is assistance in restoring the social status of a minor in a group of peers at the place of study, residence. Facilitating the return of children to families, providing social, psychological and other assistance to children and their parents. Organization of medical care and training, assistance in vocational guidance and obtaining a specialty, etc. Institutions such as social shelters, together with the authorities and institutions of education, health care, internal affairs and other organizations, carry out activities to identify children in need of emergency social assistance. Assist guardianship and guardianship authorities in the placement of minors left without parental care .

The next type of social assistance is rehabilitation services. Different categories of children need them: disabled people, juvenile delinquents, street children, homeless children, etc.

The rehabilitation process is a complex process that includes a whole range of measures: medical, psychological, professional rehabilitation. Such measures are aimed at preserving and restoring the health of the child and his life support environment.

One of the main areas of rehabilitation is the preferential provision of disabled children with prostheses, orthopedic products, and means of transportation - wheelchairs. Today there are about 200 manufacturing enterprises technical means necessary for the rehabilitation of the disabled. It is no secret that rehabilitation services in our country are at a rather low level - there are not enough funds to provide free provision to all citizens in need; there are few enterprises specializing in the development and production of prosthetic and orthopedic products; The quality of such products also often leaves much to be desired.

Legislation guarantees children with disabilities the right to receive professions free of charge, which is realized in 42 special educational institutions primary and secondary vocational education, over 7 thousand people study there. Training is also carried out in general educational institutions. Within the framework of secondary vocational education, training is provided in modern specialties related to management, finance, banking, social security organization, etc.

Disabled children preschool age receive rehabilitation services in preschool institutions of a general type, and if this is excluded for reasons of their health, then in special preschool institutions. The maintenance of disabled children in preschool and educational institutions is carried out at the expense of the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation.

It is important to note that if it is impossible to educate and educate disabled children in general or special preschool and educational institutions, the education of disabled children with the consent of their parents is carried out at home according to a complete general educational or individual program. Training is conducted, as a rule, by the educational institution closest to the place of residence of a disabled child. For the period of study, the educational institution provides free textbooks, educational and reference literature available in the library of the educational institution. Based on the results of the training, a state-recognized document on the corresponding education is issued .

In this way, the principle of giving priority to the provision of social services to minors has been proclaimed at the state level. Obviously, taking care of the younger generation is one of the main tasks of the state. After all, timely assistance helps to return a child who has fallen into a difficult life situation to the mainstream of a normal full life. At the same time, material well-being is decisive, spiritual development and moral health of the younger generation. Ignoring the tasks set is immoral.

Pronin A.A. Socio-legal protection of childhood in Russia // Issues of juvenile justice. - 2009. - N 6. - S. 4.

Omigov V.I. Features of combating juvenile delinquency // Russian justice. - 2012. - N 1. - S. 24.