Where are church specialists taught? Regulations on the procedure for admission of persons who have completed their studies at educational centers for the training of church specialists to higher theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church Center for the training of church specialists.

  • 22.08.2020

- Please tell us how the system for training church specialists is being created.

– His Holiness Patriarch Kirill has repeatedly emphasized that, along with the reform of theological education, the training of church specialists in the field of youth, missionary, catechetical and social work is today the most important priority for our Church.

Thanks to the care of the Hierarchy in July 2014, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church approved the “Regulations on Church Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Training of Church Specialists in the Field of Catechistic, Missionary, Youth and Social Activities and issuance to educational organizations of the presentation of the Russian Orthodox Church for the right to implement them.

It was this step that became the first on the way to the formation of a system of training church specialists.

There are ideas of creating centers for the training of church specialists at theological faculties, in some cases they will replace the fading form of theological schools. I think that many such centers will appear this year due to the transition of theological schools to a new category. If the seminaries mainly train clergy, choir directors and icon painters, then these centers will train church workers in various fields.

- What departments are included in the Interdepartmental Commission under the Educational Committee?

– In addition to the employees of the Educational Committee, the Interdepartmental Commission includes representatives of the Synodal Department for Religious Education and Catechesis, the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs, the Synodal Missionary Department, the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service.

- How many Church training centers are open today?

– As of May 26, 2016, the Interdepartmental Commission under the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church approved 29 applications from educational organizations for receiving church representations from 24 dioceses.

Church representation received: 2 academies, 16 seminaries, 5 universities, 3 colleges, 3 educational centers¹. Of these, 26 educational organizations chose the training profile "Catechetical activity", 22 - "Missionary activity", 14 - "Youth activity", 14 - "Social activity".

In total, 1114 people are trained in specialized training cycles, of which 707 study in the profile "Catechetical activity", 239 - "Missionary activity", 90 - "Social activity", 78 - "Youth activity". Of these, 137 students (12% of the total number) hold the full-time position of a church specialist.

Church representation in all four directions was received by 13 centers for the training of church specialists: at St. Yesenin, Yelets State University, Kolomna, Donskoy, Penza, Tambov, Ryazan, Stavropol, Orenburg Theological Seminaries, Saransk Theological School, as well as Orthodox Theological Courses in Novokuznetsk.

- What are the areas of training for parish workers?

- The Interdepartmental Commission under the Educational Committee conducts an examination and control of educational programs for the training of church specialists in the field of catechetical, missionary, youth and social activities.

What kind of education will a person who studied as a church specialist in the field of missionary, catechetical, youth and social work receive?

– Numerous and diverse educational initiatives taking place in the dioceses are designed to reach the bar of knowledge, skills and abilities that church specialists in the field of youth, catechism, missionary and social work should have. The competencies and qualification requirements have been developed by representatives of the relevant specialized synodal departments. The task of the Study Committee is to lay down the necessary general teaching disciplines, which should be studied equally by all specialists, regardless of the direction of study. A church worker must possess the obligatory minimum of general church knowledge.

Through the Interdepartmental Commission, we keep in touch with the dioceses, receive and study ideas about the documentation that they send us regarding the opening of training centers for church specialists. The meaning of this idea is that educational institutions get the right to issue a diploma of a general church standard, which is recognized not only by a particular diocese, but also by all others.

The church presentation is issued to those educational institutions that have a license to conduct educational activities. This is, at a minimum, a diploma from a licensed educational institution. Of course, this is not state accreditation, but in any case, the state recognizes that a person has received the necessary religious education. There are two curriculum formats. Regular is actually a bachelor's degree. Intensive - two years (four semesters); but, in any case, this is a fairly thorough preparation.

The next step after receiving a church introduction is receiving church accreditation. When a full educational cycle passes, an educational institution can apply to the commission for obtaining church accreditation - a document that would indicate that graduates have a sufficient set of knowledge and competencies. Educational institutions are interested in it, because the higher the level of their church recognition, the easier it is to attract applicants and the higher the prestige of education.

Graduates of training centers for church specialists after graduation will receive a church document giving the right to hold the position of a specialist in the field of youth, social, missionary or catechetical work in a deanery or parish.

Education in accredited educational programs of theological training and preparation for catechetical, missionary, youth and social activities can be taken into account when receiving further education in higher theological educational institutions. For graduates of these programs, in their subsequent studies at a theological educational institution, an abbreviated program with an individual learning path may be provided.

Are there any special requirements for people entering educational institutions to become parish specialists?

– Requirements for applicants wishing to enroll in a training program for church specialists are formed by an educational organization.

There are also requirements for the vocational training program. It was developed in the relevant departments, therefore, it takes into account the goals and objectives that the relevant synodal department has formulated so that all educational processes take place in a single educational field of the Russian Orthodox Church.

What steps in the development of educational programs for church specialists are expected in the near future?

The Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in February 2016 confirmed the timeliness of the decisions of the Councils of Bishops in 2011 and 2013, as well as the Holy Synod and the Supreme Church Council on the introduction and development of the institution of assistant deans and rectors of large city churches in the field of mission and catechesis, social and charitable activities , youth work.

In this regard, it seems important to motivate church specialists already working in the parish for training, establishing qualification requirements for specialists responsible for youth, missionary, social work and catechesis, putting monitoring of the compliance of specialists with qualification requirements under the control of the Moscow Patriarchate Affairs Department.

It is necessary to determine the number of persons holding full-time positions of church specialists and not having the appropriate education for the position and calculate the annual order for the training of specialists in educational organizations that have an idea for the implementation of this activity.

Depending on the number of potential students, it will be possible to determine the required number of educational institutions that have not yet received licenses, in which it is desirable to open the training of church specialists. For students from remote dioceses where there are no seminaries, a reasonable solution would be to implement training programs for church specialists in electronic (remote) form on the basis of theological academies and universities in Moscow.

¹The centers are open in 1) the Moscow City Diocese (MDA, PSTGU, RPI), the Moscow Regional Diocese (Kolomensk Theological Seminary), 2) the St. Petersburg Metropolis (SPbDA), 3) the Yekaterinburg Metropolis (Missionary Institute), 4) the Ryazan State University, Ryazan Theological Seminary), 5) Kuzbass Metropolis (Theological courses in Kemerovo, in Novokuznetsk), 6) Belgorod Metropolis (Belgorod Theological Seminary), 7) Kuban Metropolis (Ekaterinodar Theological Seminary), 8) Ivanovo Metropolis (Ivanovo-Voznesensk Theological Seminary), 9) Metropolia of Penza (Penza Theological Seminary), 10) Metropolis of Tambov (Tambov Theological Seminary), 11) Metropolis of Tobolsk (Tobolsk Theological Seminary), 12) Metropolis of Smolensk (Smolensk Theological Seminary), 13) Yoshkar-Ola Diocese (Yoshkar-Ola Diocesan Educational Center), 14) Saratov Metropolis (Saratov Theological Seminary), 15) Stavropol Metropolitan Polia (Stavropol Theological Seminary) 16) Don Metropolis (Don Theological Seminary), 17) Orenburg Metropolis (Orenburg Theological Seminary) 18) Vladimir Metropolis (Orthodox Theological School of Gus-Khrustalny) 19) Primorsky Metropolis (Theological School of Vladivostok) 20) Altai Metropolis (Barnaul Theological Seminary) 21) Kazan Theological Seminary 22) Yaroslavl Metropolis (Yaroslavl Theological Seminary) 23) Metropolis of Lipetsk (Yelets State University. I.A. Bunin) 24) Mordovian Metropolis (Saransk Theological School).

1. This Regulation regulates the admission of persons who have graduated from educational centers for the training of church specialists (hereinafter referred to as educational centers) to study at higher theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church under educational programs for the training of ministers and religious personnel (higher church education), under educational programs higher education in the field of study "Theology" (48.03.01) - undergraduate and specialist programs, in accordance with the resolution of the Holy Synod of July 15, 2016 (journal No. 63) 1 .

2. Male persons who have completed their studies in educational centers and wish to take holy orders, in the absence of canonical obstacles, have the right to continue their studies in higher theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church by enrolling in the programs indicated in paragraph 1.

3. These persons are accepted for study in accordance with the admission rules adopted in a theological educational institution and participate in the competition for admission on an equal basis with other applicants, if the admission rules do not provide for them a preferential right to enter (upon receiving an equal number of points compared to other applicants ).

4. A higher theological educational institution has the right to exempt graduates of educational centers from passing internal entrance examinations, which must be indicated in the admission rules.

5. According to current state law 2 these persons can be enrolled in the first course.

6. After enrollment, these persons can be transferred to an individual study plan and, as a result, enrolled in the second year of the undergraduate program or the third year of the specialist's program.

7. Reduction of the term of study for a bachelor's or specialist's degree program for graduates of educational centers is possible on the basis of the transfer of previously mastered disciplines 3 .

8. The recalculation of previously mastered disciplines should be carried out by a specially created attestation commission (the work schedule of the commission is determined by a local regulatory act adopted by the spiritual educational institution independently) based on a successfully completed written test in key disciplines of the bachelor’s / specialist’s educational program: “The Holy Scripture of the Old Testament”, “ Holy Scripture of the New Testament”, “Dogmatic Theology”, “History of the Ancient Church”, “History of the Russian Orthodox Church”, “Liturgy”.

9. The amount of knowledge required for the successful completion of the written test is determined by the working curricula for each of the specified disciplines.

10. In addition, it is possible to reduce the period of study due to the intensification of the educational process within the framework defined by the Federal State Educational Standard 4 . In this case, graduates of educational centers are equated with students who have abilities that allow them to master the educational program in a shorter period compared to the term for obtaining higher education in the educational program established in accordance with the educational standard.

11. The basis for refusing to transfer to accelerated education for a student and, as a result, transfer to the second year of the bachelor's degree or the third year of the specialist's degree is the unsuccessful passing of the written test in the above academic disciplines.

12. The transition of the student to accelerated learning is carried out on the basis of a personal application and is issued by order of the rector. The application is accompanied by documents confirming the validity of the transfer - a diploma of graduation from the educational center, a statement with positive marks for a written test in key disciplines of the bachelor's / specialist's educational program (see clause 8), as well as the student's written answers made within the framework of the above test .

13. A copy of the diploma of graduation from the educational center, a statement with grades for the written test in key disciplines of the bachelor's / specialist's educational program (see clause 8), as well as the student's written answers made within the framework of the above test, are enclosed in the student's personal file.

― point 4 “To note that persons who have completed their studies at the spiritual center for the training of church specialists or at the Vladikavkaz Theological School for the training of church specialists, and who wish to take the priesthood, can enter the theological seminary in the third year of study under the bachelor’s program to receive the appropriate education (including the preparatory course), subject to passing the entrance examinations, the nature and scope of which is determined by the Supreme Church Council upon the proposal of the Educational Committee.

― see Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147 “On Approval of the Procedure for Admission to Study in Educational Programs of Higher Education – Bachelor’s Programs, Specialist’s Programs, Master’s Programs.”

- The regulation of the transfer of previously mastered disciplines for theological educational institutions implementing the Federal State Educational Standard is presented in paragraphs. 43-48 of the Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities in educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2013 No. 1367.

― Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education Theology 48.03.01 (Bachelor’s level) p. III.3.3: “The volume of the full-time bachelor’s program, implemented in one academic year, is 60 CU.<…>The volume of the undergraduate program for one academic year when studying according to an individual plan, regardless of the form of study, cannot be more than 75 zł.

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In pre-revolutionary Russia, theological schools and teacher's seminaries trained teachers with theological education. Then this practice was stopped.

In the 90s of the last century, during the period of improvement in relations between the Church and the State, parochial Sunday schools began to be revived, and a need arose for educated church teachers. It was almost impossible to find such teachers then.

Then, in 1991, theological and pedagogical courses appeared in the Izhevsk and Udmurt diocese. The courses were founded by young graduates of theological seminaries and academies. At first they were one-year, then two-year.

In view of the educational reform in the Church, in 2016, diocesan courses under the auspices of the Department of Religious Education and Catechization, as well as with the support of the Republican College of Spiritual and Moral Education, received representation of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church for educational activities for the training of the laity in the field of youth, social, missionary and catechetical ministry.

steel courses single diocesan center for the training of ecclesiastical specialists. Such a center is the only one in the Republic recognized by the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechism.

Modern life is rapidly changing, and accordingly the tasks facing the Church are changing and becoming many times more complicated. According to His Holiness the Patriarch, today, when the lines between good and evil are blurring in the world, and often evil is even put at the forefront in place of good, all people should hear the word of the Gospel in order to orient their lives towards it.

“The task of the Church,” says His Holiness, “is to make modern humanity understand that the existence of civilization largely depends on how people accept God’s truth in their minds and hearts.” It is precisely this main task, set before the Church by life itself, that entailed the need in the new conditions to raise the activities of the Synodal institutions to a higher level in order to develop and improve the general church work to enlighten our people with the light of Christ. In accordance with this task, the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to change the structure of some Synodal departments, and in particular the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis.

The most important area of ​​work of the Department of Religious Education is catechesis. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill has repeatedly noted that the main task of the Russian Orthodox Church is to enlighten our people with the light of the faith of Christ. Today the catechetical activity of the Church, i.e. the implementation of spiritual and educational work with the aim of familiarizing those who turn to the Church and those who have entered it with the norms of Christian life is in the 21st century, along with missionary, social, charitable activities, the most important, integral area of ​​church service, from the implementation and development of which, to a large extent degree, the spiritual state of the members of the Church, parishes, communities and our entire society depends.

We understand catechesis, first of all, as getting rid of religious illiteracy. Unlike the practice of the Ancient Church, catechesis today includes not only the announcement of those preparing for Baptism, but also the preparation for the Church Sacraments of those already baptized. It is necessary to church people who come to the temple, to make their life consciously Christian. Therefore, catechesis is considered by us, first of all, as a full-fledged participation of people in the life of the Church, its Sacraments, familiarization with the practical experience of prayer, church public service, and not only as an acquaintance with a set of theoretical knowledge about faith.

The general church system of catechesis, including appropriate structures and measures for its development at the diocesan level, in deaneries and parishes, should cover all age categories of potential parishioners whose hearts have sought a living faith in God: children and their parents, youth and adults. It is also important to develop common principles and the most effective forms of it for people of different ages. However, it must be remembered that the best teacher is the one who teaches by example, and therefore it is very important that the word of the catechist does not come into conflict with his life.

It is precisely such "teachers" that the Center for the Training of Church Specialists is preparing today. Their most important goal is the training and advanced training of parish catechists from among the laity.

Training Center for Church Specialists of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese "Pokrov" named after Metropolitan Nikolai (Kutepov)

In 2013, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to transform theological schools that train the clergy into theological seminaries or educational institutions (centers) that train parish specialists in the field of mission and catechesis, youth and social work (Session of the Holy Synod on July 16, 2013, published in magazine no. 79). In pursuance of this decision, as a result of the reorganization of the Nizhny Novgorod Orthodox Women's Theological School, the Center for the Training of Church Specialists (TsPTsS) of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese "Pokrov" named after Metropolitan Nikolai (Kutepov) was opened.

Classes in the center are taught by teachers of secular and spiritual higher educational institutions of Nizhny Novgorod. The program includes theological and specialized subjects: the Old and New Testaments, the history of the Ancient and Russian Orthodox Church, psychology, logic, pedagogy and many other disciplines.

Education is designed for two and a half years, is conducted in full-time, part-time / evening and part-time forms. Students need to defend their final qualification work.

The center has a library. Students are provided with teaching aids, tools. Full-time students are provided with free accommodation and meals.

The possibility of employment of graduates in the parishes of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese is provided. In the future, male graduates will be able to immediately enter the third year of the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary, and also, with the blessing of Metropolitan Georgy of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas, the director of the new educational institution, to become a deacon.


  • Regency department (full-time)
    Prepares the leaders of the singing kliros. Four-year education with transfer exams after each semester for three years (six semesters), the fourth year - choir regency practice.
    Upon completion of the full-time department, graduates are awarded a qualification "Church Choir Director".
    Students of the full-time director's department of the Pokrov Central Center of Educational Centers study in parallel at the correspondence music department of the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical College, where they additionally receive state education in their specialty "Music director of the kindergarten. Music teacher at a public school.
    Training is FREE.
  • Regency department (correspondence/externship)
    It trains the leaders of the singing choir in correspondence form, organizing training as independent training with semester certification in two sessions - winter and summer. The volume of educational material takes three courses (six semesters). At the choice of the student, the terms for completing the course material can either be reduced (two courses in one year) or increased (one course in two years).
    "Psalm Reader, Regent's Assistant". Those who have a secondary or higher professional musical education can apply for a diploma "Church Choir Director" subject to good and excellent grades in major subjects. Training is PAID.
  • Sewing department (full-time)
    Trains sewing specialists for diocesan church ateliers. Two-year training: the first year - theoretical training, the second year - industrial practice.
    Qualification awarded upon completion Tailor and cutter of church vestments.
    Training is FREE.
  • Catechism department (full-time-correspondence/evening)
    Trains Orthodox catechists and Sunday school teachers. The term of study is 2.5 years with transfer exams after each semester.
    Upon completion, the qualification "Catechist and Sunday school teacher" is awarded. Training is PAID.
  • Department of Youth Work (part-time/part-time)
    Trains specialists to work with Orthodox youth. The term of study is 2.5 years with transfer exams after each semester.
    Upon completion, the qualification "Youth Worker" is awarded. Training is PAID.
  • Department of Social Work (part-time/part-time)
    Trains Orthodox social workers. The term of study is 2.5 years with transfer exams after each semester.
    Upon completion, the qualification "Social worker" is awarded. Training is PAID.
  • Missionary department (part-time/part-time)
    Prepares Orthodox missionaries. The term of study is 2.5 years with transfer exams after each semester.
    Upon completion, the qualification "Missionary" is awarded. Training is PAID.


  • icon-painting
  • Sewing
    • Gold sewing courses
    • Sewing courses for church vestments
    • Embroidery courses
  • Singing courses (Piskunova St., Avtozavod, Dzerzhinsk)
  • Courses of choir readers