How to Successfully Pass an Admissions Interview. What personal qualities do you need to show in an interview? In banking and financial institutions

  • 11.10.2019
1 960 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to behave in an interview to get desired job.

The interview in our time is perceived as a kind of exam before "entering" a job. And even an experienced specialist is sometimes not guaranteed employment. The following is increasingly being confirmed: if you want to be hired for the desired position in a particular organization, successfully pass the interview. Here you will need self-presentation skills and good preparation. What needs to be done when applying for a job, so that you are seen as the very specialist that this company needs?

Preparing for an interview

It is imperative to prepare for the interview. The more carefully you think about your appearance, information about yourself and answers to possible questions, the more confident you will feel in the process of communicating with the employer (or his representative).

Most often, an interview is invited after reading the resume of the applicant. But even if you sent it to the company, by the time of the meeting, have another backup in paper form with you.

Be prepared for the fact that, at the interview, you will have to demonstrate what is indicated in your resume.

  • Research the organization you are interviewing with first. Go to the company's website, look at its history, structure, number of employees, information about the manager, requirements for the proposed vacancy, etc.
  • Prepare the documents that you need to take with you (passport, work book, diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc.) They should be presented only at the request of the person who conducts the interview.
  • Think about how you will look, what clothes will fit. Try to rehearse in front of a mirror key points self-presentations and answers to possible questions.

How to succeed in an interview

What impression we create about ourselves at a meeting is mainly influenced not by the information that we communicate about ourselves, but by how we do it, how we look and what actions we perform. Non-verbal (non-verbal) behavior - appearance, facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonation- has here key value because it betrays us stronger.


The main requirements for clothing in this situation are neatness and neutrality.

It must be clean, ironed and as close as possible to the position for which you are applying. The higher the position, the more business style should be chosen. This does not mean at all that its price should be exorbitant or that you need to put on some expensive accessories. Just a formal suit is enough dark color and polished shoes (for men) and a business blouse with a skirt or trousers (for women).

For specialists, line managers, casual style is acceptable (shirts, sweaters, cardigans, jeans).

Short skirts, shorts and plunging necklines are not allowed.

Representatives of creative professions (designers, artists, photographers, etc.) do not have to adhere to a business style. The main thing is neatness and compliance with the situation.

Don't wear a lot of jewelry. Try to keep as little glitter as possible on you. If there are tattoos, then it is better to hide them. There should not be a strong smell of perfume.

It is better to pick up the hair: let it be a light hairstyle or styling. Make-up should be close to natural, and not resemble war paint. And do not forget about the beauty of nails.

speech, intonation

It is important to maintain a calm, even tone of voice throughout the conversation. It is by it that they often determine how much you worry and control your emotions. Of course, most situations that may arise in an interview cannot be rehearsed in advance. Therefore, if you feel that you are starting to get nervous and it becomes more difficult to control yourself, then you can “neatly” admit this to the employer. For instance:

  • "I'm a little worried";
  • “An interesting question…”, “An unexpected turn of events” (you can react to a stress interview with a little humor);
  • “Could you repeat the question again?”

Should not be used introductory words and phrases that reflect uncertainty in the voice, such as: “I don’t know”, “maybe”, “probably” and etc.

Do not build long phrases, do not be smart. But don't be too dry. Speak more emotionally where it is appropriate, for example, when talking about your achievements or hobbies, about what you appreciate in people.

Behavior, gestures

Be sure to check your posture:

  • The back should be straight, but moderately relaxed, shoulders straightened.
  • Stay in open positions Don't cross your arms and legs.
  • Maintain eye contact with the interviewer, do not hide your eyes, do not fix them on the floor.

Together, these positive behavior signals indicate your self-confidence. It is important to demonstrate it to the employer.

When accompanying your story with gestures, keep your hands palms up. It speaks of your sincerity. If the palms are pointing down, then this indicates the desire to hide certain facts about oneself or present them in a false way.

When listening to someone, lean forward slightly. This is a signal of involvement in the conversation, indicating that you are interested and important to the subject of conversation.

In general, there should be no active gestures. Otherwise, you will show yourself as an unbalanced person.

Smile to show your friendliness and positive attitude. In no case should you appear as a gloomy, difficult person at a job interview.

What questions are asked in an interview?

HR managers are constantly applying new techniques and "tricks" to obtain all the necessary information and bring applicants "on clean water". And yet there are a number of questions that are asked in most interviews. You can prepare for them in advance.

  • "Tell us about yourself"

Here it makes sense to mention your education and professional skills. You can also talk about hobbies and additional skills that will be useful at work. The main thing is not to get lost and to answer the interviewer's question in a free, unconstrained manner.

  • "What salary do you expect?"

You should add at least 10% to the salary from the previous job and announce this amount. An increase of 30% is considered optimal. There is no need to be too modest here. But also to name exorbitant amounts too. It is important to be able to appreciate yourself. Then the employer will appreciate it.

  • "Why did you leave your previous job?"

You can refer to the inconvenient work schedule, relocation, lack of growth prospects. This option is also possible: you have fully studied your work, know all the nuances, are a little tired of the monotony in it and want something new.

In no case do not mention the conflict with the manager or other employees, even if it really took place. Otherwise, you will completely spoil the impression of yourself, and the employer is unlikely to hire you.

  • "Tell me about your accomplishments"

Achievements should not be confused with professional skills. Professional skills are what you have learned while doing a particular job or training in a profession (for job seekers without work experience). To a greater extent, they indicate the process of performing a specific activity. Achievements are significant results of work. Examples of them are: “Increased sales by 20%”, “Developed and implemented a program…”, “Participated in the opening of 5 branches of the company”.

  • "Why do you want to work with us?"

It is important to find out information about the organization in advance and answer this question for yourself. You may say that you are attracted by growth prospects or the level wages offered by the company. It is also worth noting that you trust her and believe that she is steadily developing in the market. If the office of the company is located in a convenient place for you, then this should also be mentioned, referring to the fact that you can quickly get to work.

  • "Do you have any flaws?"

This is how the employer tests your openness. Weaknesses Everyone has it, but some are definitely worth keeping silent about. Name a couple of your shortcomings that do not seem so critical and do not interfere with the desired work. For example, you can admit that you are a very scrupulous person. If the work is connected with a lot of concentration, then this can even be regarded as a plus. Or, for example, note that acquaintances reproach you for not knowing how to relax. The interviewer may think that you are used to working hard and will be a diligent employee. But the disadvantage of “I am constantly in control” can play in favor of the applicant who wants to take a leadership position.

Don't forget to follow the rule: You can be silent, but you can not deceive. Lies are revealed very quickly already in the first days of work.

  • "How do you feel about recycling?"

You can declare that you are ready for them. But! Be sure to specify how regular they are, how long they are, and whether weekend work (night time, if any) is payable. Even at the stage of preparing for an interview with a manager, it is important to weigh all per and against and consider whether too much work will interfere with your personal and family life.

  • “Where do you see yourself in 5 (10, 15) years?”

With this question, they often want to test the desire of the applicant to work in a company for a long period, develop in it and go up the career ladder. Here it is not necessary to name some higher position (and if you do, then the main thing is not to swing too high), just make it clear that you are ready to grow and achieve more even within your own field. It is important to demonstrate that you want to be useful to the company, contribute to its development and influence the results of the overall activities. An example response could be: “I want to continue to work actively in your company, to comprehend all the intricacies of work and take a higher position.”

  • "Give examples…"

The HR manager or the head of the company at the interview can ask clarifying questions about your resume. For instance: “Tell us how exactly you managed to introduce this system into production” or "Give a situation in which you showed your organizational skills."

Remember that we are responsible for every word. As spoken and as written.

Applicant mistakes

  1. Do not take the interview seriously, do not prepare for it.
  2. If the appearance, phrases, behavior in general do not correspond to the business situation of the interview. That is, if the rules described above are not followed.
  3. Late for an interview. A very gross mistake!
  4. Speak negatively about the former leader, colleagues.
  5. Be shy, look insecure and timid. Read:
  6. Communicate too assertively, take on a dominant role in the conversation, enter into an argument with the employer.
  7. Complain, demonstrate a negative approach to life, criticize everything around.
  8. To deceive or, conversely, to be too frank, to tell facts that can be kept silent.
  9. Slurred answers, ornate phrases, "abstruse" speech.
  10. Familiarity. In business, it is important to be able to keep your distance. If even at the interview the applicant cannot demonstrate this, then questions arise regarding his ability to professionally build relationships and solve business situations.
  11. Do not ask any questions to the employer. This sign indicates the lack of true interest in this vacancy.
  12. Come accompanied by one of the relatives or friends. The employer immediately has doubts about the independence of the applicant and his personal desire to work. Even if this is the first interview in your life, have all escorts wait outside the office in which it takes place. Otherwise, you will spoil the impression of yourself from the very first seconds.
  • Don't put on a pompous or over-the-top image in an effort to impress the interviewer. Above all, be yourself. You already have something to demonstrate: you have work experience, education, certain achievements. And you prepared for the interview.
  • Arrive to your interview on time, or even better, a little early. This will give you the opportunity to collect your thoughts, tune in to communication, straighten your shoulders and confidently enter the office.
  • Don't be verbose. Don't reveal too much information about yourself. Talk only about what you are asked.
  • Always ask questions during or after the conversation. It is important to find out the scope of your responsibilities, opportunities for development and career growth, and other information about the company and the content of the job. Questions reflect your interest in the job. And there is also such a rule: who asks questions, he manages the situation. It is only important that there are not too many of them. Everything needs a measure.

Don't be discouraged if you're denied a job! Each new interview is always a valuable experience during which self-presentation skills are improved. And whoever seeks always finds, because our desires work wonders.

How to pass a job interview? This question worries many people before the upcoming meeting with the employer. Employment in the desired company will depend on how the job interview goes, so it will be right to prepare in advance for this event. Everyone knows that any successful career begins with a successful interview, and in order for it to be effective, you need to come to the meeting at least 10 minutes earlier. This will give you the opportunity to navigate in an unfamiliar environment, which will allow you to behave correctly at the interview. It is not recommended to come to a meeting with an employer with a support group - friends, mother, relatives. This will give prerequisites to the conclusions about the lack of independence of a person getting a job.

You must knock on the door before entering. After being allowed to enter, you should introduce yourself to the employer clearly and distinctly. It is considered indecent to be late for an interview, chew gum, talk on the phone, look into the distance indifferently. It is necessary to smile more, show with all your behavior that you are interested in getting a vacancy and are ready to work with dedication in the desired company or firm. It is the first impression that a person makes during a job interview that will be decisive in getting the job you want. It is required to remember that a favorable impression on the employer can be made only once, there will be no second chance. Many people know this, but for some reason they neglect it.

In order for the interview to be successful, you need to try to win over the interviewer. To do this, you must be in good location spirit, clearly explain why you came, thank the interlocutor for the time spent.

It is important to know the name of the interviewer in advance or remember his name during the introduction and address strictly as he introduced himself.

It is very important to be able to cope with the excitement during the interview, because anxiety will not allow you to fully open up and present your positive features character and professional quality. A slight excitement is appropriate - this will help the employer to suggest that a person really needs this job and it is important for him to get the desired position. But you should not draw attention to your person by excessive excitement. Redness of the face, wiping sweat from the forehead, rubbing wet palms, stuttering - will allow us to conclude that the respondent is unbalanced and absent.

If it is possible to choose where to sit, then you should try not to sit opposite the interviewer, since psychologically people who want to get a coveted job tend to perceive the interlocutor as an opponent that interferes with achieving what they want. The ideal option is the opportunity to take a seat next to the interviewer, then he will perceive the respondent as a like-minded person.

If you still had to sit down at the interview opposite the interviewer, then you should take a collected and neat pose, without crossing your arms and legs, thereby demonstrating openness. Also, openness should be noted in the look. Often, respondents do not know how to look at the interlocutor correctly. Having mentally drawn a triangle between the interviewer's eyebrows, you need to look at its center. So the interlocutor will not have the feeling that the respondent is staring at him or he is not focused and his gaze is scattered.

How to pass a job interview if a person is overly emotional? To do this, it is necessary to abandon active gestures and control hand movements. Holding a notebook and a pen in your hands will help you calm down a bit.

How to succeed in an interview

So, the respondent sits, listens to the interviewer and prepares to answer the questions posed. To set the interlocutor on the same psychological wave with yourself, you need to behave in the same way as the interviewer. You should unobtrusively copy his postures, gestures, but you need to do this very carefully.

To successfully pass an interview, you need not to use slang when communicating, bypass the topic of financial, personal and family problems. Categorically losing option in the interview are the following topics covered: politics, religion, intimacy.

It will be a mistake to try to suppress the interviewer with your knowledge. It is the interviewer who conducts the interview, and it would be wrong to take away this role from him. He can become aggressive and create a negative impression of the respondent. Only the truth should be told in the interview. If during the conversation the respondent is caught in a lie, then we can assume that this is the end of a career that has not yet begun. Rarely is he able to maintain an opinion about himself that he is better than he actually is, for more than 30 minutes. If the interviewer suspects a lie, he will formulate and ask questions on the same facts in different ways and real facts still pop up.

How to successfully pass a job interview? It is required in the interview process to submit your weaknesses correctly.

A frequent and one of the "uncomfortable" questions is the question of a long period without work. Here, applicants often try to tell a lie. You don't need to do this.

At a job interview, it would not be superfluous to talk about the implementation of one-time projects in private, attending any courses or trainings. If trainings and courses are not related to work, then it is better to simply say that you are carried away by a new direction for yourself.

Often at interviews, respondents are stunned by the question of the shortest period of work and why it was so fleeting. Here it is desirable to answer plausibly. You can simply note that the working conditions did not correspond to those that were originally offered at the interview.

If the respondent worked for several months at a previous job, then in this case it can be said that the dismissal occurred without explanation of the reasons immediately after the end of the probationary period. HR interviewers know that many companies do this to save on employee salaries and such an explanation will be accepted with understanding.

If a mistake was made at a previous job and understanding that it would be difficult to hide it in front of the interviewer, then it is better to honestly talk about it, focusing on realizing this and not making mistakes in the future. You shouldn't speak badly about previous employers in an interview.

Interviewers often ask common questions, but it's best to answer them in a non-template way. If there is a question about working with clients, then you should answer it that you like working with people. This question is vague and does not carry any semantic load, except for the fact that there is a desire to get a job. It would be better to talk about the experience of working with clients at the interview.

How to pass a job interview the right way? During a job interview, you should move away from patterns: birth, study, marriage (marriage), etc.

Your story should be built on important events labor practice. At the interview, they will listen for no more than 3 minutes, so it is important to meet this time. When talking about your achievements, you should not say “our company” and not “we”, but me. Interviewers often ask personal questions. If there is no desire to answer them, then you can ask how this question is related to future work.

In the interview, many are driven by the question of the size of the future salary. It must be answered honestly, naming the real figure for this work. If you are offered to fill out forms at an interview, it is better to fill them out at home in a relaxed atmosphere, having previously practiced on a draft. According to the completed forms, a person will be evaluated, taking into account handwriting, errors and blots.

How to pass an interview? Answers to the interviewer's questions should fully disclose the candidate and confirm the suitability of the proposed vacancy.

When answering questions, you should understand what the employer wants to hear and what kind of answers you need to give in order to successfully pass the interview.

Interview questions are divided into several types:

— identification of professional competence;

- questions of a personal nature;

— questions-cases simulating the situation at work;

— general questions: experience, education, past jobs;

- questions that reveal the motivation of the candidate ( career growth, wages).

The following sample questions and answers will help you pass a job interview.

To the question “tell us about your experience, where did you work and what did you do?”, you should tell from the last place of work what functionality you had, what you were responsible for, what issues you solved. It is advisable to tell what difficulties were overcome, while not talking too much and being distracted by extraneous topics.

When answering the question about failures in work or mistakes, it is worth noting that, like all people, you also made mistakes, but in the process of work you learned to avoid mistakes or simply not to make them.

To the question “What is important for you in your work?” appropriate to answer that the possibility of professional growth and development.

To the question “How long have you been looking for a job?” it is worth answering that you have been looking for a job for a couple of weeks and there are already several final offers.

To the question “What qualities help you achieve success in your work, and which ones can interfere?”, You should answer as follows: “it helps in achieving success high level contact, openness, desire to help a friend, high efficiency, punctuality, accuracy, responsibility, diligence, and excitement, excessive assertiveness, lack of experience in an unfamiliar situation can interfere, but faith in oneself and in the importance of the importance of the matter helps to make the right decision in time.

To the question: “Why should we make a choice in favor of your candidacy?”, You need to answer like this: “I have all the necessary skills and due experience to most effectively implement all the tasks that this position will imply”, or “I am interested in your vacancy ”, or “I am ready to learn and try my hand at a new job for me.”

To the question: “How long are you ready to work in our company?” you should answer like this: "I'm interested in long-term cooperation with your company."

To the question: “Where do you see yourself in a few years?” should be answered like this: "I am interested in professional growth and development, there is a desire to eventually take a responsible position."

Here are some tips to help you succeed in a job interview:

- the respondent should not focus on possible mistakes made during the interview, he should apologize and continue his story;

- if you ask a question that has no answer, then you should say that you need time to think;

- if during the interview it turns out that the level of knowledge is insufficient for work, then you should express your readiness for training. Only this should be done not with a hackneyed phrase, focusing on the fact that we are trainable, but it is better to talk about concrete examples when similar tasks have already been solved and the level of knowledge has been raised quite successfully;

- after the end of the interview, you need to thank the interviewer;

- you can’t put pressure on pity when applying for a job, try to arouse sympathy;

- do not talk about your problems, troubles, difficult financial situation;

- you need to be confident in yourself and show with all your appearance that you are able to solve not only your own problems, but also the problems of the company;

- you should not put pressure on the interviewer with your knowledge;

- also, you can’t praise the former boss, thus, the image of the right boss is being imposed on the new boss.

If you didn’t get a job, you need to take this as an experience that will allow you to find the desired vacancy next time.

“We choose, we are chosen. How often it doesn't match. The song is not only about the search for happiness, but also work. The process of the relationship between the employer and the job seeker really resembles the choice of the second half. Like-dislike. Lucky, no luck. Marry, not marry. If there is mutual interest and sympathy between the boss and a potential employee - hallelujah! There is no contact - together they are not on the way. Such discrepancies can be called random, caused by certain circumstances. But is poor preparation for the first meeting with the employer to be considered an accident? Let's talk about how to pass a job interview ...

When did the interviews

Remember how in Russian fairy tales the tsars choose suitors for their daughters, giving them tasks one more difficult than the other? This is nothing more than an option for selecting applicants.

In ancient times, the analogue of the competition when hiring new employees were special tests that authorized persons conducted among applicants for positions.

V Ancient China wishing to become a government employee was tested. To do this, information about the candidate was collected, which was then transferred to the immediate supervisor.

In Egypt, only the best of the best were appointed priests after a multi-stage selection. The applicant had to state his biography, demonstrate the level of education and the presence of certain practical skills. At the same time, attention was also paid to the appearance of a person.

In our country, in the Soviet years, an interview for a specialist was “passed” by a work book. It contained basic information about the employee - age, education, places of work, as well as gratitude and awards received during the period of employment. The best employees were those who had few records. Those who often moved from place to place were considered a "flyer" and they were reluctantly accepted to the next job.

Candidates for positions in the security agencies underwent a thorough check and multi-stage interview. It was then that methods of conducting interviews with potential employees were developed on the territory of Russia, which determined their personal correspondence to vacancies.

Today, there are more and more opinions that the interview, which seemed to be an already established tool, is outdated. HR specialists large companies claim that more than 80% of applicants tell lies about themselves, exaggerating their merits and creating a false positive impression.

However, HR managers explain that they are forced to do this, because in the conditions of fierce competition and unemployment it becomes more difficult to find a vacancy.

Indeed, it is not difficult for a modern employer to be deceived when in front of him is a person who has learned the tricks of how to successfully pass a job interview, is able to present himself flawlessly and, moreover, is an excellent speaker. Whether he will be an equally excellent worker is difficult to discern at the first meeting.

Experts predict that in the future, the so-called trials, tests, that is, practical test tasks that need to be performed by being directly involved in the work process, may become a replacement for an interview, experts predict.

How to psychologically tune in to communicate with the employer

Like any exam, an interview is a nerve-wracking and emotionally costly undertaking. The mood is very important in it, the ability not to “burn out” ahead of time, to adequately present yourself and convince potential colleagues that you should be in their ranks.

So, you've been invited into the office for a chat with a company representative or a prospective boss. There is a small reason for joy - this is a small, but still a victory. Your resume was noticed, it was not sent to the trash, like dozens of others, but to the table of an interested person.

Keep that positive attitude going into your interview. But do not forget that now the task is more complicated - to give an attractive form to the formal content of personal data.

Remember that both parties are interested in a positive outcome of the negotiations. Not only the job seeker needs a job, but the employer also needs an employee who will start solving the company's tasks as soon as possible.

So go to the interview with self-respect. You are not a beggar with an outstretched hand, but a valuable frame.

Perhaps at the moment you need work like air. However, you should not break the rules of the game because of this. No need to put pressure on pity and persistently offer yourself. A deliberate desire to please can cause irritation and scare off the interlocutor.

Too much pressure can also be harmful. Leave shyness, a quiet voice, a frightened expression at the door. Humility matters on the first date, not the interview. Clear speech, an open look, confidence in every word cause a desire to continue the conversation, and not quickly end it.

The one who offers a job has some advantage over the one who is looking for it. However, you should not consider the interlocutor as the arbiter of fate. He has such a task, he does not feel any personal antipathy towards you. So behave with your counterpart evenly and calmly, do not expect a dirty trick from him and do not look at him as a potential offender.

Be natural (but not cheeky). Naturalness has not harmed anyone yet - neither in personal nor in business relationships. The more a person is open and understandable, the fewer pitfalls he has, the more trust and sympathy he causes. So, it disposes to entrust him with a responsible area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork.

If you are asked provocative questions to which you do not know how to respond, this may be a test of stress resistance. Do not give in to emotions, do not panic, do not be nervous, speak calmly and to the point. If you don't know what to say, choose a neutral answer. For example: "This question will require a little analysis." Even if it seems that the first meeting with the employer has already failed, do not give up - you never know how it will end.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International School of Foreign Languages ​​including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Also available are computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR.

Individual lessons with a tutor in preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school in English, which makes it possible to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English on Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and the USA. Maximum speaking practice.

Online school new generation of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. School curriculum lessons from grades 1 to 11: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often skip school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can take a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest platform for online education. Allows you to get a sought-after online profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is not limited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

How to prepare for an interview

  1. To win over the interlocutor, it is necessary to show that he is not indifferent to you. A job applicant must have an idea about the company he is going to. Read information from different sources, find out how long it has been on the market, what areas of activity it has, whether there are branches, who is on the management team, whether there are awards, what are customer reviews, what is written about it in the media.
  2. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself well with the specifics of the industry in which you are going to work. Show the employer that you are aware of the market situation in this segment, what experts think about its development, who the company's competitors are, etc.
  3. Put together a portfolio with information about yourself. This may be an electronic or oral presentation, which should include: information about education (including additional), places of work, successes achieved in previous positions held. Perhaps your participation in the business process has improved the performance of the company or brought it to the market leaders - do not forget to point out these facts,.
  4. Anticipate in advance what questions might be asked and think about the answers to them. Be clear about what you can do and how you will benefit the company.
  5. Think about what you want to ask the employer about your responsibilities, the volume and schedule of work, the degree of employment, income level, the amount of vacation, the nuances of the employment agreement and employment, social support in a team, etc.

Do not forget about organizational issues:

  • Think over the appearance, prepare clothes (it should be strict but comfortable), clean your shoes.
  • Ask about the weather. Provide an umbrella in case of rain.
  • Take with you all the documents required for the interview: resume in 3 copies, passport, diploma (s) of education, work book.
  • Calculate the route time to the meeting point so as not to be late. To avoid traffic jams, use public transport.

What to say in a job interview

First advice: avoid two extremes - innuendo and extra information. Otherwise, the employer will decide that you are either hiding something or are too talkative and do not know how to keep your mouth shut.

The following information will play in your favor:

  • List of personal and professional merits. You should not deliberately praise yourself, but hiding the objective advantages that you used in previous jobs and intend to apply in this company will help to get a better picture of you as an employee.
  • A story about what you are doing to improve your intellectual level, how you are working to increase your professional qualifications, and what steps you plan to take to achieve this in the future.
  • Real stories about what kind of problems you had to solve and how you coped with them. The summary of these stories, of course, should be positive. The story of how you tried, tried, but nothing came of it, will turn against you.
  • Suggestions for improving the work of the company. Of course, you are not yet familiar with its “kitchen”, but you can formulate your ideas based on the market situation, the state of the industry and the economy as a whole. The listener may not take the offer into consideration, but the fact that you took the time to do so and approached the interview in an informal manner will no doubt be appreciated.

What not to say in an interview

To get a job, many job seekers find it necessary to reveal as much about themselves as possible. We do not recommend doing this. Firstly, you are not a pop star so that your interlocutors are curious about your every sneeze. Secondly, if listeners of these fascinating stories get tired of their number, they will lose interest in you. Thirdly, the discussion of some topics may characterize you from a not very positive side.

Let's take a look at some examples.

  • There is no point in commenting on your resume in detail. More than what is written in it, you will not say. And if questions arise, they will certainly sound.
  • When talking about yourself, do not go to extremes - do not praise yourself in every way, as well as engage in self-criticism. Only facts and nothing but facts. A calm attitude towards oneself, the employer will certainly perceive positively.
  • Do not talk about what you can do if it does not apply to the proposed position. Information about how you play hockey well will only be useful if the company regularly participates in industry corporate tournaments in this sport and a good player does not interfere with it.
  • About what plans and goals you have in addition to work and a new position, it is also better to keep to yourself. Suddenly, you accidentally report that you have long dreamed of a house by the Mediterranean Sea. Your interlocutors will decide: he (she) needs a big salary and will cross out the name from the list of applicants.
  • Do not talk about the fact that in your work biography there were failures and even unsuccessful situations. It is better to leave a neutral impression of yourself than a negative one.
  • Do not discuss previous employers. The fact that you were dissatisfied with them, unfortunately, characterizes you badly, not them. Why? Because in the eyes of a new employer, you look like a quarrelsome, pretentious person who is difficult to please. No one will understand that this may not be so. So it is preferable to politely answer how you wanted to develop professionally, but at your last job you hit a career ceiling.
  • Do not ask questions whose answers may affect the outcome of the interview. For example, if your plans do not include regular business trips, do not ask if this will be part of your duties. If the employer raises the issue, start a discussion. It is better to answer honestly, otherwise unpleasant situations may arise in the future. Sometimes it happens that the interlocutor simply checks whether you are completely honest with him.

In general, the outcome of the interview can be unpredictable. Let me tell you one real instructive story.

One employer asked the applicant if he likes to work with people. The standard answer is always: "Yes, of course." And twenty exclamation points at the end of a sentence. But this time, the applicant for the position (PR manager, by the way!) surprised me. He admitted, “People are very hard to work with. I know a handful of specialists who really like it.”

No other candidates were invited for an interview. Later, the employer confessed now to his colleague: “I always thought and still think exactly the same as you said, but I always had to listen to some hypocritical nonsense in response to my question!”

  • Do not pretend that you dreamed of working for this company from the cradle. Nobody will believe you anyway. Admit (here you can slightly exaggerate) that you considered other vacancies, but chose this one because ... Next, name the advantages that (make a list in advance) attracted you only to the Plumbing Siberia Corporation. But do not overplay, list the "pluses" without false flattery and without anguish in your voice.
  • It is better to think over the answer to the question about the desired salary in advance. It is worth studying the average income of professionals in the industry. Perhaps in the company where you are going, there is a familiar employee who will enlighten on the topic of who earns and how much. At the interview, do not name unrealistic amounts in the hope that it will work. High salaries are awarded to top specialists who receive individual job offers. Yes and official duties they have others, corresponding to the status.

How to pass an interview without work experience

You are a university graduate, a specialist who has decided to change the scope of employment or a young mother who hastened to get out of the decree. In all cases, you don't have an impressive list of previous jobs yet. Perhaps they don't exist at all.

Here are some useful tips for this.

If you have complexes about the lack of experience, just think that the top manager of some large corporation also started his career somewhere. He did not immediately sit in the chair of the head!

Drop all doubts that you will not be taken anywhere. Be more confident in yourself, do not doubt the success of your intentions.

Don't make sky-high plans. Do not send out as yet almost empty resumes for positions that will not be given to you without work experience. Start small. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

With this initial baggage, go to the interview.

In conversation, demonstrate a willingness to learn, listen to mentors, take on various assignments, and try to do your job well.

If you had a similar work experience or internship at a university, be sure to mention it.

If the topic of a student diploma or a dissertation in graduate school is related to the profile of the company, do not forget to say or write in the resume. Perhaps the company has a job in your specialty.

Do not rush to refuse if instead of the chosen vacancy you are offered another one. Who knows where you can succeed faster.

Be sure to state your intention not to stop at the lowest rung, but to gradually move up. Young ambitious people attract the attention of the owners of successful companies who think about the future.

Do not show arrogance - as a specialist, you are not worth anything yet. Do not apply immediately for high salaries. Ambitions are best demonstrated gradually.

Despite the lack of experience, no one takes away from you the right to inquire about the terms of the agreement and the benefits guaranteed by the Labor Code.

Just like any other applicant for a position, it will not hurt you to first familiarize yourself with the activities of the company, its reputation in the market, financial performance, etc.

At the end of the conversation, you can assure the employer that you will do everything possible to become a useful member of the team. Again, say it all without too much pathos. The interlocutor will appreciate the sincerity of your intentions.

We hope you have received maximum advice on this important issue. Let's summarize all of the above.

  1. Set yourself up for a positive outcome of the event. This will give you confidence and remove many psychological problems.
  2. Hold on with dignity. Such people inspire respect and trust them more.
  3. Prepare for the interview as the main event of your life. Consider all of the above wishes.
  4. Show naturalness, do not try to please or charm the interlocutor with the help of artificial tricks. Charm must be real and come from within.
  5. Remain friendly, calmly respond to sharp and provocative questions.
  6. Be as transparent as possible with your interlocutor. Employers do not like to solve riddles. They simply don't have time for this.
  7. Demonstrate professional strengths and competencies. If you don’t know something or don’t fully understand it, don’t start a conversation about it.

The interview is like a game, a mixture of poker and chess: both parties sometimes need to think through their actions many steps ahead and maintain a “poker face” at the same time. Toward the end of the interview, the applicant struggles to understand - what opinion did the employer have about him and what decision did he make? Or haven't received it yet? What does the phrase "We'll call you" really mean? RJob asked recruiters and employers to talk about the hidden signals they send to candidates who fail an interview. After all, if the candidate realizes in time that something has gone wrong, maybe it’s not too late for him to change his behavior strategy?

Sometimes during the interview it becomes clear that the candidate is not suitable for the position, but the language does not turn to tell him about it directly. Instead of throwing the resume in the trash and abruptly curtailing the interview - after all, the person spent time on this meeting - polite recruiters change the course and mood of the conversation using special phrases or gestures. Here are a few markers by which you can read the interlocutor's thoughts about your fate in this company.

  • The recruiter speeds up the interview, trying to complete it under any pretext (an urgent call to management, an urgent need to call, etc.). The interview time is reduced from the planned 30-45 minutes to 10-15.
  • The interview takes a formal character, without talking about the structure of the department, about the company, potential leaders, and immediate tasks.
  • A small number of standard questions in a standard sequence. You are not asked about the nuances of your previous job, about other areas of life, family, hobbies.
  • The interview takes on the format "question-answer", without the "sale" of the vacancy. You are not praised by the company in which you not you will work.
  • Bypassing "acute", ambiguous issues, the discussion of which can cause a dispute.

Polina Trifonova

expert, Legal Service

Such an interview is like a “short sweet chatter” with standard questions and the same standard answers. Rather, a tribute to the fact that the candidate spent his time and came to the meeting.

  • You are not offered a test task.
  • You are unexpectedly voiced such qualification requirements that you cannot confirm.

Tatiana Lavrentieva


We always try to openly and politely inform the candidate that, in terms of a number of professional qualities, he does not correspond to the vacancy he is applying for. Sometimes we even give advice: what to work on, what areas in the industry and what vacancies to pay attention to. But sometimes it’s really impossible to refuse a person directly, and then there are several ways to “hint” about it. An astute person will understand that he is being asked not to count on a vacancy and to keep looking.

Finally, you can resort to the technique of leading questions, which will clearly show the candidate what exactly he is incompetent in. Often, the applicant quickly realizes that he will not be able to cope with his duties, and he himself is ready to give up the place.

  • The recruiter no longer asks clarifying questions about experience and motivation, and before that, in the first part of the interview, there were enough such questions and he was keenly interested in everything you said.
  • The recruiter does not ask you if you are in competition for vacancies in other companies, if anyone has made you job offers and when you need to make a decision, that is, they are not interested in your current status in the job search.

Svetlana Kataeva

Managing partner of AVRIO Group Consulting recruitment company

As a rule, candidates decide whether they “failed” or not, not by the behavior and words of recruiters, but by their personal feelings, which, of course, are subjective. Professional recruiters will never show a candidate in an interview that it is completely “filled up”. After all, the assessment of the candidate comes after the interview, in comparison with other applicants for this position.

I would like to give an example when candidates do not understand that they have flunked the interview, and the recruiter does not show it. One candidate was interviewed for a final interview with a manager for the position of his personal assistant. Prior to that, she had successfully passed an interview with a recruiter, and formally, by experience, she was quite suitable for this vacancy.

In the final part of the interview, the manager invited the candidate to ask the 2 most important questions, in her opinion. The first question is: how long can you expect a salary increase, the second: how long will you need to work as a personal assistant. The manager smiled, politely answered both questions and said this wonderful phrase “We will contact you in case of a positive decision”, but, as you understand, the interview was a failure.

  • The recruiter is clearly losing interest - shifting the papers, just looking around or at the clock.
  • The recruiter often interrupts the interview by actively answering calls or texts.

Olga Nikitina

Head of Recruitment Department, Biplan Company

I try not to convey negative information directly to the interlocutor. There were cases when we returned to the "doubtful" candidate after some time. Mainly due to the fact that everyone else turned out to be a little worse. One of the details that you should pay attention to if you are interviewing with us: tea or coffee. About 15 minutes into the interview, I ask the secretary to bring me one of the drinks. When I feel comfortable and the conversation is interesting, I choose tea. But if I'm really bored and need to cheer up, then I choose coffee.

  • The recruiter too often looks at the resume, as if seeing it for the first time. A good recruiter will prepare for the interview and review all your documents in advance.
  • The time of the next contact is not specified.

Alla Martynova

expert of the Russian School of Management

It is worth highlighting three situations, depending on who the interview is taking place with. This can be a representative of a recruitment agency, an internal company recruiter, or a direct supervisor.

The situation is similar when interviewing with the immediate supervisor, although in this case, oddly enough, a candidate who is not quite suitable may have more chances for a positive answer - the manager, when conducting an interview, is based not on formal characteristics, but on the general impression and does not seek to make a decision immediately, but wants to “see everyone”, listen to his inner voice and weigh everything carefully. And this takes time.

In any case, refusals (especially if they are justified) are an opportunity to adjust your behavior, expectations for the position and remuneration and decide on a really suitable vacancy.

Code phrases that accurately signal failure

  • We are reviewing a few more CVs and a decision will probably take some time.
  • It seems to me that you will not be interested in us, this will be a step back for you.
  • Now the search for this vacancy has been suspended, because there is a finalist candidate.
  • Unfortunately, this position has become irrelevant, but we will keep you in mind as soon as the need for such a specialist arises again.
  • Colleagues need to be consulted. (Of course, some positions require a collegial decision. But if your candidacy is going to be defended, then you will never hear these words.)
  • Phrases with "if". “If the director is interested in your candidacy, then I will invite you”, “If by the time of the next stage you are still free…”. "If" means doubt.
  • Approval of the final candidate takes quite a long time.
  • We want to find a candidate with the richest experience in this field.

Galina Evtyagina

HR Director of the consulting company "KRAM"

It happens that with a candidate during the interview, enough trusting relationship, and then there is a desire to give something in return for his wasted time. Then you can conduct a brief audit of his resume and compare the text with the goals of the candidate - because for some reason we invited him on the basis of the resume, but he still didn’t suit us ... Candidates are grateful for this, although this is a small, but help in finding the right work.

What does the phrase "We will call you" mean?

Hope for this encouraging phrase is not worth it. It can mean anything, up to its complete opposite.

  • You are interested, but there are still candidates for the position who they want to look at.
  • You are the best candidate, but the company takes the position that you need to collect Additional information recommendations and then take the next steps.
  • You are the only suitable candidate, but the company wants to convince you otherwise and takes a timeout to save face.
  • No one will call you, and this is just an on-duty phrase that removes the burden of direct refusal from the recruiter here and now.
  • You will indeed be called.

Liza Potemkina,

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Getting the desired position or job requires good preparation for meeting with a potential employer. Appearance, a story about yourself and a demonstration of key competencies allow the applicant to feel confident in the interview. In order for a positive decision to be made based on the results of the meeting, you need to think about what information and to what extent about yourself to provide.

Mandatory interview program

Having received an invitation to an interview, you can mentally congratulate yourself. After all, this means that, among others, the submitted resume was marked. If preliminary tests were carried out, then they were successfully passed. Therefore, the interest of the employer in this applicant exists. This will make it easier to pass a serious test.

The employer already knows basic information, but it may require specification:

  • what kind of work did a person previously in a previous place;
  • reasons for the decision to change employment or leave work;
  • marital status and prospects for change in it;
  • level of proficiency in specialized programs, languages ​​with demonstration of skills or examples.

An applicant for a position should be interested in communicating all his professional qualities and skills that are relevant to this position. It is good if you have recently completed seminars or courses that indicate advanced training.

At the interview, it is appropriate to talk about the fact that the real functionality differed from that which was described in job description in the previous company. It is good if this information presents the applicant in a more advantageous light, demonstrating his qualities:

  • result orientation;
  • multitasking;
  • ability to perform certain non-standard tasks, etc.

It is necessary to say just enough about yourself so that the representatives of the employer have no doubts that a person can easily cope with future duties.

Strategic map of the meeting

In order to achieve the intended goal and get the most full information to decide whether to accept the proposed job, you should consider the course of the meeting. Be sure to form logical and consistent answers, as well as a list of questions to representatives from the organization.

The overall behavior strategy should take into account the following:

  • appearance and image to be used during the meeting;
  • the speed of responses to questions from employer representatives;
  • degree of revelation about past jobs and leadership;
  • when to ask your own questions;
  • whether information about other family members should be disclosed;
  • how much it is worth talking about your hobbies and interests, since a significant number of them can create an image for you of a person who should not be offered a job.

It should be borne in mind that the appearance should not differ significantly from what the employer sees later, otherwise he will consider it a hoax. This may prevent the passage of a probationary period in the company.

If the position in the organization involves close connection with an existing hobby, be sure to talk about it. After all, a snowboarder in a store selling goods for winter activities can successfully implement the sales function.

Regardless of the level of the position for which a person is applying, his personal data, there are generally accepted norms of behavior for:

  • You can't be late. If you are not sure that the transport will deliver you to the interview site on time, you need to take a spare 20 minutes.
  • It is forbidden to report false facts about yourself. They can be easily checked, in addition, in large organizations, the security service creates an additional dossier for each applicant, where the correct information may already be posted.
  • Don't blame other leaders or organizations for your failures and job loss.
  • You should focus on industry affiliation and the format of the organization's activities. For example, speaking complex language during a job interview advertising agency, where the leader is a young man of 25 years old, is not worth it.
  • Before visiting the company, you should study information about it in order to demonstrate your interest. The management of the organization will be pleased. In addition, the fact will show that the applicant represents what he will have to do.
  • It is recommended to focus on active communication with company representatives so that there is an opportunity to express yourself during the meeting.
  • It is better to practice with non-standard questions that are designed to test the psychology, logic and IQ level of the applicant.

Potential issues of shortcomings deserve special attention. There is no person without them, so it is better to come up with those features that are not positive, but not critical for performing functional duties in the company.

It will be useful to find among acquaintances those who can tell more about the company. This will allow you to determine what is better to tell about yourself in the first minutes of the interview.

What to ask the employer?

In addition to understanding what to say in an interview, it is helpful to determine what is required to make a positive job decision for the job applicant himself. After all, both sides should look at each other. This will get rid of extra costs time in case the choice is made erroneously due to incomplete information.

Applicant questions may include:

  • about the duration of the probationary period;
  • on the level of wages, types of compensation payments in the organization, bonuses and the grounds for their receipt, dates of issue;
  • about the degree of legality of labor relations, since many offer informal employment, payment of “gray” or “black” wages;
  • about the work schedule and vacation regime;
  • about functional responsibilities;
  • about whether the position is permanent, or a person is needed during maternity leave;
  • who will obey the new employee in case of a positive decision;
  • about the geographical location of the place of work, since large companies can have offices at a great distance from each other;
  • on the availability of corporate transport and corporate identity in clothing.

It is wrong to ask about the details of future work on all fronts at once. But at the interview there will definitely be a moment when there is an opportunity to ask 2-3 of your questions.

What should you refrain from?

You can make the wrong impression about yourself very quickly. It is quite difficult to change it, because the interview time is limited. Regardless of gender, age and past work experience, it is worth taking care of neat clothes, clean shoes, and well-groomed hands. Of course, no one will expect a perfect manicure from a future auto mechanic or locksmith. But the grooming of the applicant will deserve attention.

Do not do the following:

It is necessary during the conversation to find out as much as possible about the work that needs to be done. This will help to imagine whether the applicant himself is ready for such a volume and responsibilities. In some cases, neither the prestige of the company nor high wages become motivating factors for employment. This situation is possible if a potential employee learns about delays in wages, an unfavorable psychological climate in the team in advance.

The work should become developing and loved, so you should ask about the basic conditions before entering a new place. This will motivate them to successfully adapt and get the first results after employment.