Propagate female happiness at home. And plants need vitamins

  • 12.06.2019

It is far from always possible to admire some special flowers at home. Either the windows face the north side, or the loggia from above obscures the light. In such cases, you should settle in an apartment undemanding plants. Such indoor cultures include spathiphyllum, " woman's happiness- as it is often called. Due to its interesting appearance and elegance, spathiphyllum is increasingly chosen to decorate home interiors.

Translated from Greek, the name of the flower comes from 2 words and means a flower with a veil. Indeed, the plant has an unusual shape, presented in the form of an inflorescence - an ear framed in a white, green or cream-colored bedspread.

The cob itself has a varied color up to a red tint. It is a stemless plant with a short rhizome and tough leaves coming out of the ground. Typical for tropical regions. It belongs to the order of aroid plants, it was once brought from tropical Colombia.

According to legend, a house with a spathiphyllum is not threatened by female loneliness and, in general, the signs associated with this flower are mostly positive. It is believed that the flower has magical properties:

  • unmarried girls meet their betrothed;
  • peace and harmony reign between spouses;
  • in families where there were no children, a priceless gift appears - a child.

Outwardly, the spathiphyllum is an ordinary flower. It becomes extraordinary thanks to caring, loving hands, which are able to work wonders, prompting the plant to bloom. Flowers are formed as the fulfillment of a secret desire.

Where to put "women's happiness"?

The plant does not like bright sunlight that burns its leaves. For a flower better fit partial shade of the north side of the apartment or artificial diffused light. Insufficient light can lead to elongation and darkening of the flower. Excess - to the fading of foliage.

How to care for a plant at home?

During the period of development and flowering, the plant needs good watering, however, the horse system does not tolerate excess moisture. It is necessary to observe moderation in watering. It is advisable to carry it out when it dries. upper layer soil. In winter, watering is reduced, preventing the soil from completely drying out. The flower loves high humidity. In summer, spathiphyllum should be sprayed often, and in winter it is better to put a pot with a plant on a pallet with expanded clay or wet pebbles. October - January the flower is at rest.

Fertilizing the plants is carried out weekly during the autumn - spring period, in winter time in 3 weeks. Use a general purpose fertilizer or flowering plants. Feed the plant after watering according to the instructions on the fertilizer package. If the plant is poorly fed or not fed at all, the spathiphyllum will not bloom or will slow down the flowering process.

What kind of soil does a spathiphyllum need?

In nature, the flower grows in soil consisting of rotten branches, compost, fallen leaves, charcoal. At home, a similar substrate can be made up of peat, garden soil, perlite, orchid soil, which includes charcoal, gravel, bark, in a ratio of: 3: 2: 2: 3.

You can use the land of a different composition. The main thing is that it should be fertile and loose. If the soil is heavy, water stagnation is possible in the roots, which will lead to rotting of the root system. Against rot, drainage is also provided in a pot with a plant.

flower transplant

Plants under the age of 5 years are transplanted annually, then the transplant is carried out only when the root system is visible from the outside. drainage holes. The flower is placed in a pot, small in volume and depth. This is due to the fact that in large capacity the earth will begin to sour, not waiting for the root system of the plant to grow in it. The capacity for transplantation needs to be selected a little more than the previous one.

With a flower height of up to 40 cm and a pot diameter of about 20 cm, transplanting can be omitted, and sometimes only refresh the top layer of earth in a pot. Before transplanting, spathiphyllum is watered. If you need to get beautiful plant with large leaves, then the side shoots are removed, since a lot of the strength of the flower itself is spent on them. A drainage layer of about 2 cm is poured into the prepared container, then fresh earth is added a few centimeters.

A spathiphyllum is planted along with a clod of earth on the roots, filling all the voids around it in the container. If planting is done in moist soil, then it is not necessary to water the plant heavily after that. For better adaptation, the plant is not watered for 3 to 4 days, only sprayed.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum

The flower is propagated by dividing the bush in the spring. To do this, carefully, so as not to damage, detach the lateral shoots from the main plant with the roots. They are planted in separate containers with earth. Reproduction of a flower by seeds is quite complicated.

There is no guarantee that the desired variety will grow as a result. The germination of the obtained seeds is poor, moreover, it quickly disappears. They are sown in a mixture of sand and peat immediately after harvest. Crops are covered with foil. The soil under the crops should not be damp, but slightly moist.

From the foregoing, it can be seen that spathiphyllum belongs to unassuming plants. A piece of the human soul and warmth will help him show himself in all his glory and please those around him with his originality. "Women's happiness" must definitely settle in the house!

Spathiphyllum in the photo

Spathiphyllum is a flowering indoor plant, known and loved by many flower growers. Possessing various indisputable advantages, in particular, a very attractive appearance, unpretentiousness, the ability to purify the air of city apartments from formaldehyde and phenol fumes, it is also famous for its ease of reproduction. If your friends have an adult spathiphyllum, then getting a young copy from the mother plant is not difficult at all. There are three options for how to do this.

The division of the bush

This is the easiest and most convenient way, and it is also useful for the mother plant. Spathiphyllum grows very quickly, forming many young rosettes. After a couple of years, he is able to occupy the entire surface of the pot, creating dense thickets and greatly depleting the soil. Therefore, he needs not only an annual transplant, but also a periodic division of the bush. Delenki obtained as a result of this procedure are ready-made young plants that do not require additional growing or any special procedures. All that is required is to plant them in a separate pot.

- it is desirable to divide the bush before the start of active vegetation, in the spring;
- the division must contain at least three well-developed leaf rosettes and have a strong and intact root system;
- when planting in a new place, it is impossible to deepen the root neck, the soil level must remain the same as that of the original bush;
- for growing spathiphyllum, you should choose small pots, otherwise the plant will begin to actively develop the root system and increase the green mass to the detriment of flowering.

In order for the root system to be injured as little as possible during division, you can use in the following way. Before removing the plant from the pot, it must be thoroughly shed so that the root system is saturated with moisture and becomes less brittle. It is better not to cut a clod of earth "blindly", but to gently soak and blur, freeing and unraveling the roots. Then it will be possible to see and evaluate those parts into which the bush needs to be divided. It is desirable to free each finished part from old rotten or dried roots and leaves, sprinkle the wounds with crushed charcoal, give them time to dry a little and then plant them in a new pot, straightening the roots, gradually sprinkling them with earth and compacting the soil.

A ready-made specialized one for aroids is quite suitable as a substrate, but those who want to please their pet can prepare the soil mixture on their own, taking one part of peat, leaf and sod land and adding a half share of coarse-grained river sand.


As cuttings, leaf rosettes are used, cut from the mother bush in spring or summer. If they already have a small root system, young plants can be immediately planted in the ground. Otherwise, simple measures will be required to promote the rapid development and growth of roots. The simplest thing is to wait for root formation by placing the cutting socket in a glass of water, where it is desirable to add half an activated charcoal tablet, otherwise the base of the stem will quickly become covered with mucus and begin to rot.

The process of root formation in a container with water is the simplest, but, as practice shows, in special substrates it is faster and more reliable. As the latter, you can use coarse-grained river sand or perlite. In addition, high-moor peat and sphagnum moss, moistened and tightly packed around the cutting, have proven themselves well. To speed up the process, high humidity is maintained around the leaf outlet by covering it with a transparent cap or placing a pot with a plant in a mini-greenhouse.

Separately, we note that the spathiphyllum does not propagate with leaf cuttings, even if the petiole from the stem is cut off with a “heel”.

Reproduction by seeds

Seed propagation of spathiphyllum can be done by those who are important and interested in the process itself, since growing this plant from seeds is a very difficult and time-consuming task. One of the main problems of this method of reproduction is the rapid loss of germination. That is, the seeds collected from the plant should be sown immediately. And for this, you must first pollinate the flowering spathiphyllum and wait for the seeds to ripen. Neither the first nor the second can be called a simple matter, so it's easier to look for seeds in flower shops.

When buying seeds, you need to check their expiration date. As already mentioned, only fresh seeds germinate in a spathiphyllum, and even at the very beginning, the percentage of their germination does not exceed half.

The seeds are sown in a bowl with a wet substrate consisting of a mixture of sand and peat, and placed in a mini-greenhouse with a slight (up to 24 ° C) heating. It is recommended to maintain soil moisture by spraying, and the mini-greenhouse itself should be regularly ventilated, because due to high humidity mold may begin to grow on the surface of the soil and the seeds will simply rot.


When working with spathiphyllum, especially when pruning and dividing the rhizome, it must be remembered that it belongs to poisonous plants and its juice can cause various allergic reactions. Therefore, the juice of the plant should not be allowed to get on the mucous membrane, and after working with it, you need to wash your hands thoroughly.

The flower "Women's Happiness" has been in my flower collection for a long time. The plant is unpretentious, refined and very decorative. Emerald glossy leaves with white original flowers look great in the interior. Recently, a friend asked me to give her a small process.

The flower belongs to the aroid family and is considered to be native to tropical forests. South America. The plant loves heat and moisture, and is also able to purify the air of harmful vapors and saturate the space with oxygen.

The big advantage is reproduction in several ways: by seed, cuttings, dividing the bush. Reproduction with a leaf scientific literature not described.

  • If you are going to propagate the plant using seeds, then you should do it in the second half of February or early March.
  • By cutting and dividing the bush, spathiphyllum reproduces at any time of the year. The only exception is the period of active flowering. It's better to wait until it's over.

Before the procedure, it is required to prepare all the necessary materials.

  1. Scissors, pruner or knife, all items must be sharp and disinfected.
  2. Container made of ceramics or wood.
  3. Water container for cuttings.
  4. Glass to create a greenhouse.

Reproduction methods

There is nothing difficult. It is only necessary to follow all the recommendations, and then properly care for the plant. Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.


One of the most convenient ways that you can use at home to propagate this decorative flower.

  1. The cuttings themselves are several young leaves collected in rosettes and separated from the mother bush. If the cuttings have small root processes, then the shoot can be immediately planted in the ground.
  2. When there are no roots, then the cuttings are placed in water, where activated charcoal should first be poured. The shoots are placed there to sprout roots. As soon as they appear, the shoot is planted in a special substrate.
  3. The best time for rooting and propagation is spring or summer. In order for the cutting to take root faster, you should mix the soil with sand, which should be moistened. Also, moistened perlite and creating a small greenhouse for cuttings would be a good option.
  4. After a while, larger root shoots appear. Then you can already transplant the plant to a permanent place. The soil mixture can be prepared independently: in equal parts you need to take sand, peat, leaf and garden soil and humus. All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass.

The main thing is to moisten the soil well and keep warm. Do not forget that the plant is tropical, and does not tolerate drafts and cold. It is also important to support high level humidity in the room.

The division of the bush

Since the flower grows quite strongly and requires an annual transplant, this method will be timely and most popular. It is not only simple, but also helps the mother bush then grow more actively, eliminates unnecessary processes.

The plant should be examined before the procedure. It is important that it has a healthy appearance, and the root system is strong and whole.

The division of the bush is done before the flowering period, in early spring. The delenka is ready for separation when it has at least 3 independent rosettes with leaves. The root neck of a part of the flower bush should be at the same level as that of the mother plant.

  • The pot must be prepared in advance. It should not be too big, just one size of the previous one. If the root system has too much space, then it begins to grow strongly. This can delay the flowering period of the spathiphyllum.
  • The soil in the pot with the main plant needs to be wetted abundantly. Then you can pull out the flower without unnecessary injury to the root. It is advisable to do this together with an earthen clod.
  • Next, clean the roots well and gently from the ground and rinse them. Inspect the root system: all dried, affected or rotten shoots should be removed so as not to cause a fungal infection.
  • With a sharp knife or secateurs, separate the desired part from the mother bush. Places of cuts should be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, and then left for several hours to dry.
  • The young plants can then be transplanted into individual pots which should not be too spacious and deep.
  • At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to put a drainage layer of expanded clay or small pebbles. It is needed for ventilation of the root system and moisture conductivity.
  • Plant soil can be purchased at a garden store. Suitable substrate for aroid plants. You can prepare your own soil mixture: one part of leafy soil, peat and turf and half of the sand. Such a composition will make the soil loose and light, moderately fertilized.
  • Make sure that the root neck is not deeply buried in the soil. The flowering period may not begin. The temperature in the room where the procedure takes place should be about +20 degrees Celsius.

seed way

This method is considered one of the most time-consuming, and is not common. The seeds of this flower quickly lose their ability to germinate. You can use this method only immediately after collecting the seed material.

In order to obtain seed material at home, it is necessary to pollinate the flower manually with a brush during the flowering period. It will be easier to purchase ready-made seeds. According to reviews, only half of the sown sprouts. If you still decide to experiment, then you should do everything step by step.

  1. First prepare a shallow container. Put a layer of drainage on the bottom, pour a layer of a mixture of river sand and peat on top. The ingredients must be mixed well. The soil should be light and loose.
  2. Put the seeds at some distance from each other. Sprinkle a little earth on top, but do not tamp so that the seed does not go deep into the ground.
  3. Then place the container in a room where the air temperature will be at least 24 - 25 degrees Celsius. Cover the seeds with glass on top. Get a small greenhouse.
  4. Moisten and ventilate the soil regularly so that putrefactive processes and mold do not start. Seedlings may die.
  5. You need to remove the shelter daily. You need to moisten the soil slightly irrigating, so as not to wash off the seeds.
  6. When young shoots appear with several independent leaves, then transplant each into a separate pot. small size for further growth and development.

Care rules

Choice of location and temperature

For a young plant, it is very important to find a place in the room where there will be no direct sunlight and shade. Diffused light works best. Then the bush will quickly grow.

In spring and summer, the air temperature in the room should not be higher or lower than 22 - 23 degrees Celsius. In autumn and winter, you can slightly lower the temperature, but not below +16.

If the room is cold (below +10), then the spathiphyllum will die. Avoid drafts, the plant does not like this very much.

Irrigation Features

  • Water for moistening the soil should be separated and at room temperature. It is necessary to moisten the soil abundantly in spring and summer. Especially during the flowering period and in dry weather.
  • In the hot season, you do not need to wait until the earth dries out, water several times a week. The soil must be constantly moist. But pouring young bushes is also not recommended.
  • It is undesirable that when spraying water falls on the flowering part of the plant. But in the summer, it is imperative not only to moisten the soil 2 times, but also to irrigate the leaf plates of the flower with the rain method. Remember that he loves moisture and water.
  • In winter, you can reduce the number of waterings to 1 time in 7 days.

Top dressing and fertilizer

The plant needs mineral fertilizers in spring and summer. They need to be diluted at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter. Before the feeding procedure, you always need to moisten the soil in the pot.

Feed the bush constantly, at least 1 time in 14 days. If the spathiphyllum does not bloom, then do not stop fertilizing in the winter, just reduce feeding to 1 time per month.

It is not recommended to apply fertilizer during the period of active flowering. And before him you can feed with potassium and phosphorus. These substances promote flowering. After transplantation, it is also not recommended to feed the flower.

If the plant does not want to bloom, then this indicates excess fertilizer. Also, it may be time to repot the plant, as the roots are already cramped in the old pot.


  • Spathiphyllum is indeed an adornment of any home, and even brings happiness to women. Yes, and it's just a beautiful plant with beautiful flowering. It is unpretentious and does not require much effort in the care.
  • There are several ways to propagate a flower. The simplest, which even a beginner can do, is dividing the bush. The seed method and the cutting method are best used by experienced gardeners.
  • After planting, young plants need care: regular watering, fertilizing and diffused lighting. You should not fertilize the flower too much, because it may not bloom.

It is best to propagate spathiphyllum by seeds at the end of winter and beginning of spring.. But cuttings or dividing the bush at any time, except for flowering. It is better to wait until the plant has faded.

Inventory preparation

To propagate this room culture, you will need the following materials:

  • container made of ceramics, wood;
  • scissors, secateurs;
  • glass for sheltering seedlings;
  • container with water for rooting cuttings.

Step by step instructions on how a flower reproduces

Cuttings are presented in the form of leaf rosettes, separated from an adult plant.. If small roots are present, then the cuttings are ready for planting directly into the kidney.

In their absence, it will be necessary to place planting material in water with activated charcoal until they form. After rooting, the cuttings are placed in a special soil.

To do this, connect to equal number the following components:

  • perlite;
  • riding peat;
  • sphagnum moss.

After the cutting has been placed in a nutrient substrate, install it in a greenhouse or under a glass jar. This is necessary to maintain high humidity. With the onset of spring, an already strengthened process can be planted in another container. suitable for size.

The division of the bush

This breeding method is convenient and easy to implement. For an adult plant, it is also useful, as it is an opportunity to “thin out” a thick bush. The flower will grow quite quickly, and young rosettes remove all the nutrients from the soil, depriving the mother plant.

IMPORTANT: The division of the bush has a positive effect on the subsequent growth and development of spathiphyllum.

Carry out the division of the bush in early spring, even before the start of the growing season. The root system must be strong and without injury. The delenka is ready to grow on its own if it has 3 leaf rosettes which are well developed. The root neck of immature plants should be at the same soil level as that of the mother bush.

The capacity for the flower should be small, since in a deep container the root system will begin to actively develop, and this will lead to rapid leaf growth and delayed flowering.


  1. Before the procedure, abundantly water the mother plant in a flower pot. This will make it easy to extract a flower with an earthy clod and less trauma to the root system.
  2. As soon as the flower has been removed from the container, then thoroughly rinse its roots from the ground and, if possible, untangle.
  3. The prepared root system will be easier to separate.
  4. Sprinkle the cuts on the root system with sharpened activated carbon. Wait 2-3 hours for them to dry.
  5. Before each division, perform a thorough inspection and remove dried and rotten parts from the root system and leaves.
  6. Each young plant plant in a shallow and narrow container.
  7. Spread fragile roots over the surface of the soil and carefully sprinkle with a nutrient substrate. After that, compact it slightly.

To plant delenki, you need to buy ready-made soil for plants of the Aroid family or cook it with your own hands. To do this, connect the following components:

  • leaf ground - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • turf - 1 part;
  • river sand - ½ part.

Watch a video about reproduction by dividing the bush:

This method of reproduction is not easy and time consuming. The reason is that the seeds quickly lose their germination capacity and cannot be stored for a long time. Sow them immediately after harvest. And in order for them to ripen, perform pollination of a flowering indoor flower. This process is complex and lengthy, so it is better to buy planting material in a specialized store.

Even when using the freshest seeds, about half of them will not give inputs.. So when buying, pay attention to the expiration date.


  1. Prepare a shallow container with drainage. Cover it with a nutrient substrate consisting of peat and sand, taken in equal proportions.
  2. Scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil and lightly sprinkle with earth, without tamping.
  3. Cover the container with glass and install the container in a room where the air temperature will be 24-25 degrees.
  4. Watering the soil is carried out by spraying.
  5. Every day, open the glass to ventilate the seedlings and remove condensate. An excess of moisture leads to the development of mold and the death of planting material.
  6. As soon as 2-3 leaves are formed, carry out a pick, planting young plants in separate containers.

Plant care at home

Lighting and temperature

Propagated spathiphyllum requires diffused light. Only then will the plant grow large, and it will be long-lasting. In spring and summer temperature regime maintain at 22 degrees Celsius. with the onset of autumn and winter, the temperature should not be below 16 degrees.

ATTENTION: If the temperature is less than 10 degrees Celsius, the plant will die. Drafts also have a detrimental effect on the flower.

Humidification carry out all year round using distilled water. During the period of active growth and in summer, watering should be plentiful. Perform it 2-3 times a week, without waiting for the top layer of soil to dry out. If the earth dries out, the root system will die. Moisten the soil carefully so that water does not fall on the flowers.

Growing spathiphyllum at home, it is important to spray, and also mark the pot in a container with gray expanded clay. Spray the flower at least 2 times a day. Otherwise, the leaves will begin to dry out. In winter, watering is reduced to 1 time per week.


Apply mineral fertilizers from March to September. dilute them with water (1 g per 1 liter). Water the flower thoroughly before making. Top dressing should be regular - once every 2 weeks. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, fertilize it too, adding nutrients once every 5 weeks.

During flowering, fertilizers should not be used. Also, they are not needed for young plants after transplantation. For long and abundant flowering top dressing with a high concentration of potassium and phosphorus is suitable.

You will learn all the subtleties and nuances of caring for this plant in.

Possible problems and difficulties

When growing spathiphyllum, the following problems are possible:

  • Drying and curling of the tips of the leaves. The main reason - low humidity or low room temperature.
  • pale leaves. This phenomenon occurs when the light is too bright. It is necessary to rearrange the container with the flower to another place, and remove the affected leaves. Otherwise, the process is irreversible.
  • Black spots on leaves. Such a nuisance occurs if the root is sick. In most cases, this is due to excess moisture. It is urgent to transplant the flower, and clean the root system. An unbalanced diet can also affect the development of blackness on the leaves. If you overdo it with top dressing, then do not transplant.
  • No flowering. This occurs as a result of excessive fertilization. Also, the absence of flowers may be due to the filling of the entire capacity of the pot with roots.

You can read more about spathiphyllum diseases in.


Reproduction of spathiphyllum is a complex and responsible process that requires heightened attention. For a beginner, the best option would be to use the method with dividing the bush, since propagation by seeds and cuttings is an option for experienced gardeners.