A beautifully flowering shrub with yellow flowers. Perennial bush with yellow flowers in landscape design

  • 18.05.2019

In spring, our gardens are filled with blossoms and fragrances. Exactly this best time, bloom fruit trees- apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, apricots, mountain ash. But ornamental shrubs also serve as decoration of the garden, many of which also bloom in spring. What ornamental shrubs to choose for garden plot? They differ in height, flower shape, flowering time, presence or absence of aromas.

The earliest flowering shrubs

Forsythia blooms first of all - a powerful tall shrub, completely covered with small yellow flowers, the leaves on it appear much later. There are various varieties of forsythia, but most often they have a height of 1.5-2.5 m and bloom in late April - the first decade of May. Such a shrub is usually used in a single landing on a lawn.

It pleases with early spring flowering Japanese chaenomelis or Japanese quince, it blooms in early May and blooms before the leaves appear with large, often bright red flowers, similar to apple flowers, but now there are varieties with burgundy, pink and white and even double flowers. This thorny shrub usually does not exceed 1 m in the Middle lane, that is, it can freeze slightly above the snow line. Most often it is used for large rock garden terraces, a single planting or creating a low hedge inside the garden.

The steppe blooms very early - a shrub 1.5-1.8 m high with small pink flowers that completely hide thin branches. It is also suitable for rocky gardens, but steppe almonds are also planted in large flower beds in the background, as a single plant at the entrance or tree-shrub groups.

May - the time of flowering of the most luxurious shrubs

From mid-May, many ornamental shrubs bloom in our gardens. The most common species is various spring-flowering spireas. These are plants from 0.6 to 2 m in height, usually with white small flowers, collected in dense flat or conical brushes. They do not have a smell, but the flowering is so abundant that it seems that snow lies on the branches. spirea van gutt, c. birch, s. oak-leaved, s. Thunberg and some others. Spireas are planted on the site singly, they are made into hedges of various heights, they are also good in group planting with other shrubs.

The garden weigela is very beautiful during flowering - a large shrub with pink and purple flowers that look like bells. This shrub has many cultivars with green, white-edged, and purple leaves. it is often planted on the lawn, in the front area of ​​the garden, in the recreation area, usually in a single planting. Not all varieties are frost-resistant; light shelter of plants is desirable for the winter. Weigela blooms from mid-May.

The queen of flowering ornamental shrubs can rightly be called lilac, it is planted in almost every garden, it has a wonderful rich aroma. Small flowers are collected in a lush brush. This is a tall shrub, reaching 2.5-3 meters, lilac bloom can last from three weeks to a month, and the flowering time is the second half of May - the beginning of June. It depends on the air temperature. There are many varieties of lilac with simple and double flowers, and the color of the flowers is a great variety: pale lilac, lilac, pink, bluish, purple, deep purple, white, yellow. There are varieties with small and very large flowers. Usually lilacs are planted singly, in a small group, they form high hedges in parks and gardens.

The aristocrats of the garden are called rhododendrons, perhaps the most spectacular shrubs, second only to roses. They are divided into deciduous and evergreen. They bloom with bell-shaped flowers collected in spherical brushes. The timing of flowering of rhododendrons is different, there are early-flowering species - r. Canadian and R. daurian, blooming in early May. But most often rhododendrons bloom from mid-May to the end of the first decade of June. From deciduous the best views- R. Japanese, r. pink, r. yellow (has a pleasant aroma), the most frost-resistant of the evergreens. Katevbinsky. The color of flowers in rhododendrons is the most diverse - white, pink, yellow, orange, scarlet, purple, red. These plants are quite demanding on the cultivation technique, they need a peat cushion 50-70 cm thick. Rhododendrons are planted in rocky gardens, in compositions with conifers, in a group. Deciduous flowers bloom well and develop in the sun. Evergreen species require light shading.

Magonia holly - undersized (up to 70 cm in height) evergreen shrub, which is decorative already in early spring with its reddening, shiny leaves, and in May it blooms with sunny yellow small flowers collected in a brush. This shrub is desirable to slightly shade in the spring from the bright sun. Mahonia is planted singly in rock gardens, in the form of a low hedge or border on the lawn. Dark blue mahonia berries are quite edible.

The barberry also blooms in spring - a shrub with curved shoots, its flowering is not as spectacular as that of others - these are usually small yellow flowers collected in small tassels, but there are a lot of them, so the shrub seems elegant during flowering. Most often planted barberry ordinary with green or purple leaves, it reaches a height of 2 m or more. But another species - the Thunberg barberry has many varieties from 0.3 m to 1 m tall with different leaf colors.

For those who love joyful yellow garden flowers, there is ample opportunity to choose among all their variety. Perhaps the easiest way to make a flower bed of yellow flowers from spring to autumn. By the way, yellow flowers help get rid of depression.

It's never too late to start building your yellow garden. The main requirement for laying such a yellow garden is your unlimited desire.

It does not matter if it is too late to transplant flowers from one place to another in order to collect all the yellow-flowering plants in one specific place. Until autumn, there is time to decide on the type of flower garden, choose the appropriate design for it, so that it fits organically into the overall design of the garden, look after the garden flowers you like, get to know them better in absentia, find out the conditions in which they will bloom best and already in the fall , and already, based on the information collected, you can start laying the flower garden.

Aquilegia remains decorative throughout the season, not only due to the original shape of the flowers, but also thanks to the openwork leaves.

viola), or pansies, is simply indispensable in the flower garden. If you are a beginner florist and do not know where to start, then viola is exactly your flower. It is easy to grow it yourself from seeds. It is unpretentious to soils, grows well in sunny places. Since viola is a short plant and weed control is a little difficult, immediately after planting the viola in the soil, mulch the plantings with a high layer of freshly cut chopped grass, this will help retain moisture in the soil. Humus can be used as mulch, it will serve as additional nutrition for the viola. It should be remembered that viola cannot be fertilized with fresh manure.

It will look great not only in group plantings. It can be planted at the foot of shrubs such as roses. Viola varieties can be used for a yellow-flowering flower bed: Rhine Gold, Golden Crown.

Heliopsis rough(Heliorsis scabga) loves slightly moist soil. Heliopsis is a perennial that is easy to grow from seed, but in this case it will not bloom until the next year. Heliopsis is not picky about soils, but if you have groundwater close to your site, then you need good drainage. Heliopsis blooms at the end of June and can bloom until the end of September, provided that you feed it. Heliopsis easily tolerates a transplant. Heliopsis Spitzeniazerin 130 cm high has bright yellow semi-double inflorescences.

Perennial ten-petal sunflower(Nelianthus desaretalus) can grow up to two meters. Recommended varieties of perennial sunflowers: Soleil d "Or and Saranok Star. If you cannot find perennial sunflowers, you can replace them with annual varieties of not only decorative, but also ordinary sunflowers. It is a pleasure to watch blooming sunflowers.

clematis)- perennial herbaceous or woody (liana) plant. Clematis is a heat-loving plant, so it needs shelter for the winter. For planting clematis, you need to choose a sunny place, the soil under clematis should be well fertilized. Remember that clematis do not tolerate acidic soils and need good drainage. Clematis can also be soloists on the site, and also serve as an excellent addition to climbing roses.

If pruning clematis and sheltering them for the winter is difficult for you, plant clematis, which are cut off in the fall to a stump, and grow back in the spring and bloom all summer. Clematis "Love Radar" and "Helios" are suitable in all respects.

14. Gelenium

Helenium(Helenium)- a perennial plant that prefers calcareous moderately moist fertile soils. With small waterings, it is necessary to mulch the plantings of gelenium. Depending on the variety, gelenium is from 20 to 180 cm high. Gelenium - autumn flower, blooms in August-September. Helenium is especially bright in cloudy rainy weather, when it rains in the morning. Gelenium inflorescences will delight you until frost.

Recommended varieties of gelenium: Waltraut, about one meter high, with golden brownish basket inflorescences and Kanari with yellow ones. In late autumn, gelenium shoots should be cut at soil level, cover the rhizomes with spruce branches and plastic wrap to prevent the gelenium rhizome from damping out.

One of the most popular garden perennials - rudbeckia (Rudbeckia). The garden form of rudbeckia dissected with double globular golden yellow inflorescences is known in Russia as the Golden Ball. Rudbeckia variety "Goldstrum" has a height of 60 cm, it has golden yellow inflorescences with a black center.

Not demanding on soils, very responsive to top dressing. It reproduces well both by seeds and by division of the rhizome in spring and autumn. Blooms in July-August. Faded inflorescences can be cut off to prolong flowering, or you can leave it: firstly, its black button heads do not spoil the look of the flower garden at all, and secondly, the rudbeckia seeds will ripen, and you will have many rudbeckia seedlings that you can always exchange with friends . Planting rudbeckia in your garden, you will not regret it! There are also annual varieties rudbeckia.

16. Goldenrod, or solidago

Already from afar shines yellow unpretentious goldenrod, or golden rod(Solidago). Its variety "Strahlenkrone" reaches a height of 60 cm, "Golden Shower" - 80 cm.

Everything goldenrods- plants are very unpretentious and very responsive to the application of mineral fertilizers. In the first year of planting solidago needs weeding, watering in drought, in subsequent years they are no longer afraid of anything, even pests and diseases are almost not affected.

Prefers moist soil and partial shade buzulnik(Ligularia). His hybrid variety"Weihenstephan" growing up to 180 cm, has very large inflorescences-baskets, collected in a large spike.

Buzulniks grow well in moist, well-drained soils, otherwise they are not picky about soils. You can place a buzulnik next to a pond, where he can become the center of the composition. If there is no reservoir on the site, then it is better to plant the buzulnik in partial shade, since the decorative effect of the buzulnik decreases in sunny, ventilated places. In one place without a transplant, a buzulnik can grow for a very long time, up to twenty years. Easily propagated by division of the rhizome and seeds. Buzulnik is practically not damaged by diseases and pests, it has high winter hardiness.

18. Yarrow

Yarrow (Achillea)- a plant that should not be neglected when laying flower beds. Its proximity to other flowers is very useful: it turned out that yarrow has the ability to extract some trace elements from the soil, including sulfur, and stimulate their absorption by neighboring plants.

Among the yarrows, there are undersized varieties that are convenient to use in mixborders, and tall ones that are used for cutting. Yarrow grows well on poor and even stony soils. The only condition for growing yarrow should be the presence of good drainage, with stagnant moisture in the soil, the yarrow will disappear.

For a yellow-flowering garden, it is better to use meadowsweet yarrow (A. filipendulina). It remains decorative throughout the season, not only thanks to the dense yellow inflorescences, but also the silvery carved openwork leaves. Among the many varieties and hybrids of meadowsweet yarrow, you can find shades of yellow for any, even the most sophisticated taste, from canary, lemon yellow, gray-yellow, the color of a pale moon, to dark yellow, and even the color of ancient gold. Best varietiesyarrowmeadowsweet: Coronation Gold , Gold Plate, Cloth of Gold. It is advisable to plant all yarrows in an open sunny place, where their decorative qualities will be fully revealed.

19. Korean chrysanthemum

Among perennial chrysanthemums, there are a lot of different highly decorative varieties. I would like to focus only on Korean chrysanthemums. They not only grow quickly and have time to bloom in the short summer of central Russia, are drought-resistant, but are also easier to care for, unlike other types of chrysanthemums.

Everything korean chrysanthemums very light-loving. Chrysanthemums are best suited for sunny places protected from the north winds. The optimal pH soil reaction for chrysanthemums is (6.0 - 6.5), that is, the soil should be neutral. To reduce the acidity of the soil, you need to make dolomite flour, fluffy lime in the fall. Peat can be added to the soil to increase acidity. For chrysanthemums, drainage is important. If groundwater is too close, chrysanthemums will not overwinter. In Korean chrysanthemums, mass flowering begins in August-September.

In spring and early summer, you can use humus, diluted bird droppings as top dressings, cow dung, nitrogen fertilizers. In June, pinch chrysanthemums. During the budding period of Korean chrysanthemums, as well as during flowering, it is necessary to fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. If all the conditions for caring for chrysanthemums are done correctly, then the abundance of flowers on Korean chrysanthemums will not show leaves!

After flowering, in autumn, chrysanthemums need to be cut. The rhizomes of Korean chrysanthemums need to be slightly covered with spruce branches and dry foliage. As a shelter, you can use humus, dry peat, a layer of earth, non-woven material - agrospan.

20. St. John's wort

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)- herbaceous perennial plant. St. John's wort is completely unpretentious, it winters well, it is not picky about soils, it easily tolerates droughts. It can grow both in sunny places and in partial shade. The only thing he cannot stand is the stagnation of water in the soil. On fertile soils, and in the presence of fertilizing, St. John's wort will give you a whole scattering of bright golden yellow flowers! Do not forget to pick off faded St. John's wort inflorescences for further flowering. However, St. John's wort can also be used as a medicinal plant: then, in the midst of flowering, cut and dry the shoots with color. St. John's wort helps with sore throat, stomach, abdominal colic.

21. Oenothera

Oenothera (Oenothera biennis), or aspen is a biennial tall plant. Evening primrose grows well on dry, infertile soils containing lime. Evening primrose should be planted in elevated places, because there is a threat that evening primrose root rosettes will rot in the spring from melt water. If groundwater is located close to the site, then you need to take care of drainage.

Oenothera Missouri (Oenotheramissuris)- perennial ground cover plant. Evening primrose Missouri grows well on lightly drained nutrient soils with a neutral soil pH (6.0-6.5).

Evening primrose Missouri is used to decorate rocky gardens, mixborders, it looks great in group plantings. The flowers of the new primrose variety African Sun open throughout the day from June to October. Thanks to such a long flowering period and very bright color of the flowers, this evening primrose variety has a chance to take a firm place in the summer flower assortment. In autumn, the stems of the Missouri evening primrose should be cut at the root.

22. Delphinium

Delphinium (delphinium)- perennial, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern garden, it is so popular among flower growers. If earlier there were only blue, blue, white, pink delphiniums, now new varieties of perennial delphiniums with yellow flowers have been bred.

Delphiniums grow well in fertile, drained soils with a neutral soil reaction. Delphiniums are very responsive to fertilizers. In the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, they need to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers in order to grow a tall and beautiful peduncle. During the budding period and during flowering, fertilizing is done with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. For delphiniums, it is best to choose a place in the background of the flower garden, otherwise they may obscure other, lower plants. After flowering, remove all faded delphinium peduncles and then in August-September the delphinium will bloom again.

Delphiniums winter well even without light shelter. Every three to four years, do not forget to divide the rhizome. Delphinium is easily affected by Fusarium, because of which its stems-peduncles can lie down. Therefore, as soon as lower leaves delphinium begin to turn yellow, treat the plant with foundationazole, phytosporin, Maxim.

23. Chilean gravilate

Chilean gravel (Geum quellion)- perennial herbaceous plant. Chilean gravel grows well in open sunny places, but also tolerates partial shade, with drained soil, very responsive to watering, resistant to temporary drought, blooms from June to August. But for the winter it is recommended to organize a light shelter with leaves or covering material. Recommended varieties of Chilean gravilata in yellow flowers: Goldball, Lady Strateden.

24. Lily

Lily (lilium)- perennial bulbous plant, from the variety of species and varieties of which the head is spinning: there are so many of them. The most unpretentious for the climate of central Russia are lilies of Asian hybrids, as they can winter without shelter. Other types and varieties of lilies need light shelter.

Lilies grow well in light, fertile soil. If the soil is clayey, add humus, sand, perlite. Close groundwater from the area where lilies grow, divert or make drainage. The best place for lilies - sunny, as flowering will be more scarce in the shade. Lilies do not tolerate fresh manure and nitrogen fertilizers. For top dressing, it is better to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Once every four years, lilies need to be transplanted and divided.

25. Gentian yellow

Gentian yellow (Gentiana lutea) is a perennial herb that can grow up to one meter in height. Gentians are plants that grow well in acidic soils. They can be planted in company with rhododendrons, azaleas. It will take a lot of patience and care to breed gentians in your area, especially for tall types of gentians.

Gentian yellow has a tap root, so they plant as small as possible, and two- and three-year-old plants are no longer transplanted. But where gentian yellow feels at home, it becomes one of the most durable garden perennials. In natural natural environment known plants 60 years of age. Plants grown from seeds will flower in twelve years.

26. Snapdragon

Snapdragon (Antirrhinum) perennial herbaceous plant. Fertile, loose, without stagnant soil moisture is suitable for snapdragons.

If you have on the site clay soil, add more organic matter, peat, sand to it in order to make the soil looser and eliminate the stagnation of excess moisture. If your site has sandy soil, add black soil, rotted organic matter, leafy soil, try to improve the soil structure so that it can retain water and stay moist longer. Irrigation of snapdragons is carried out only after the topsoil has dried.

It is better to choose a sunny place for snapdragon, but snapdragon grows well in partial shade. Snapdragon blooms from June to October, just do not forget to fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in time and remove faded inflorescences so that the snapdragon does not stop flowering.

27. Peony

Pion (Paeonia- perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant. Peonies can grow in almost all types of soil, but the best soils for peonies are cultivated, well-drained and fairly water-intensive loams. The reaction of the medium should be closer to neutral (pH not less than 6 and not more than 7, preferably 6.5).

The choice of a place for planting peonies is of paramount importance. Peonies are photophilous plants, so the site should be sunny, open for air circulation, but at the same time protected from the prevailing winds. Peonies should not be planted near buildings, it can be too dry and hot near the wall, and near trees, they will pull moisture and nutrients onto themselves.

Proper planting is also important for a peony: the buds should be at the level of the soil. Every three to four years, do not forget to divide the rhizome of the peony. yellow peony (Paeonialutea)- is no longer a rarity in our gardens.

28. Bathing suit

Bathing suit (Trollius)- perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant. The most suitable soils for growing bathing suits are light, medium loamy, structural, with a high content of humus. Bathing suits grow well on neutral soils. They winter well without shelter. In one place without a transplant, bathing suits can grow for a long time and do not like frequent transplants.

It is good to plant a bathing suit next to a reservoir, since in nature bathing suits grow along the banks of rivers and ponds. A bathing suit can quite make a company of a buzulnik.

29. Anemone

Anemone (Anemones-perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant. Anemones multiply rapidly and form extensive curtains. Anemones, or spring anemones, grow well in light, moist soils with a high humus content. Moreover, soil moisture must be maintained throughout the growing season, even after the death of the above-ground part of the plant. Anemones grow better on calcareous soils, so ash or dolomite flour should be added to the soil where anemones grow. Anemones are easily propagated by root offspring, with regular watering, anemones will easily take root in a new place.

30. Eremurus

Eremurus (Eremurus- tall herbaceous plants, representatives of the highlands, but well-established in our country middle lane Russia. The main condition for growing eremurus is the presence of well-drained areas with light soil.

I read a lot about them that eremurus are very capricious, they can get wet or freeze, but my eremurus has been living with me for five years. I found a place for him in a high flower bed, so the water never lingers there. Winters without shelter. Every year my eremurus adds one peduncle. Care is minimal, I only try to fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers for most flowers become fatal: they cause rot of shoots and buds, so I don’t use purely nitrogen fertilizers on the site at all.

In some species of eremurus, flower stalks reach three meters, one and a half of which are spike-shaped inflorescences. Eremurus begins to bloom from below, gradually rising up. The inflorescence of eremurus seems to be burning from the bottom up! And it has been blooming for more than a month, so there is something to look forward to!

31. Ranunculus

Ranunculus (ranunculus)- or garden buttercups, very beautiful tuberous plants. Be sure to find a place in the garden for buttercups. Ranunculus prefer sunny, not too damp, humus-rich soils.

Stagnation of moisture leads to the development of root rot in ranunculus, so good drainage is the key to success in growing ranunculus. Ranunculus nodules are planted with “claws” down to a depth of no more than five to eight centimeters, depending on the soil. Ranunculus are quite unpretentious.

They need to be watered moderately, periodically loosen the soil. Before flowering, it is good to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Remove faded flowers promptly. This provides a long flowering ranunculus, which lasts until the end of July. After flowering and leaf death, ranunculus tubers are dug up and laid for the winter in a dry, frost-free room. During wintering, make sure that the ranunculus tubers do not dry out.

32. Dahlia

Dahlia (Dahlia)- a herbaceous tuberous plant that grows well and blooms profusely in an open sunny place with fertile loam and sufficient moisture. When growing dahlias for better flowering, leave no more than three stems in the bush. If you leave more than three shoots, then the inflorescences on this dahlia bush will be much smaller, which is why the bush itself will be less decorative. Large dahlia bushes need support. When choosing a dahlia, be guided by your requirements, as there are varieties of tall dahlias, and very small, curb ones.

When growing perennial dahlias, there is one thing: in our climate, dahlia tubers do not hibernate, so for the winter they need to be dug up and stored in dry, frost-free rooms. Well, if there are such premises, but what should the townspeople do?

If you value dahlia varieties, then after the first frost, feel free to dig up the tubers, rinse well and dry them. Before sending them for storage, treat dahlia tubers with foundationazole, Maxim to prevent the development of rot, as well as fitoverm or actellik for pests. After that, place the dahlia tubers in a box with side holes for ventilation, sprinkle them with sawdust, shavings, sand, perlite or other material. Place a box of dahlia tubers in the coolest place in the apartment. In the spring, before putting dahlia tubers for germination, do not forget to re-treat against rot and pests.

If you do not have the conditions for storing perennial dahlia tubers, modern varieties of annual dahlias will come to the rescue, which are not inferior in size to their older counterparts in inflorescences, and even surpass them in abundance of flowering.

33. Rose stock

Rose stock (Alcea) is a perennial herbaceous plant, ideal for planting flower beds in the background, decorating walls and fences. The stock-rose is also beautiful as a single plant, soloing against the backdrop of a lawn. To plant it, choose a place without stagnant water, the stem-rose easily tolerates drought, and when watering and top dressing, it will thank you with chic flower stalks, from which chic bouquets are obtained.

34. Sedum, stonecrop

Sedum (sedum),or sedum- succulent herbaceous plant, undemanding to soils. Sedum blooms from July until frost and leaves blooming under the snow. Most stonecrops are very hardy and do not require shelter.

Tall types of stonecrops are suitable for flower beds with decorative annuals and perennials. In a flower bed, stonecrops can be planted in small groups, combined with asters, chrysanthemums, ornamental grasses or dwarf conifers. Preferring the bright sun, stonecrops are easily put up with a little shading. They retain their decorative effect even after flowering, so they can be left in the flower bed until next spring.

35. Gladiolus

- perennial bulbous herbaceous plant. Gladiolus is considered one of the most decorative garden flowers. Its peduncles, like victorious swords, are directed upwards, on which flowers of various colors are arranged in a joyful company, like a flock of butterflies.

Corms of gladioli before planting are treated with preparations from rot and pests. For planting gladioli, you need to choose a sunny and wind-protected place with light, fertile, drained soil. Gladiolus, like other garden flowers, need to be fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Gladiolus bloom in August - September. Sometimes gladiolus flower stalks need a garter to a support.

In autumn, after flowering, when the leaves begin to turn yellow, the gladiolus corms are dug up, washed well, and dried. Before storing gladiolus corms, treat with preparations for rot (foundazol, phytosporin) and pests (actellik, fitoverm). Gladiolus corms should be stored in a cool, dry place.


June is the time of entry into flowering of annuals. Annuals throughout the summer will give the flower garden desired color, intensifying and growing towards the end of summer. Without annuals, the flower garden will look a little lonely. If perennials bloom, basically, only for one month, annuals do not stop their flowering during the entire growing season, only frost in late autumn can stop them. Among annuals, it is easy to pick up unpretentious plants in care. But in order to get the flowering of annuals already in June, you will have to grow them through seedlings.

36. Petunia

Petunia (Petunia- ground cover or ampelous plant. Petunia is planted with seeds in early March. In the second half of May, seedlings of petunias can already be planted in open ground, in most cases already with color. Petunias need bright sun, although they will bloom with little shading.

Petunia is not at all capricious to soils and is drought-resistant, but if you want to achieve continuous flowering petunias, you need to constantly feed it and water it as the soil dries up. Feeding of petunias begins with nitrogen fertilizers or mullein infusion, and then until the beginning of August, with an interval of 7-10 days, they are given complete mineral fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium. Petunias can be grown in flowerpots, hanging baskets, and planters. If hanging baskets are located in the sun, it is advisable to cover the soil in the baskets with moss before closing the petunias in order to retain moisture.

37. Marigolds, or tagetes

Or tagetes (Tagetes). Tall and low, sprawling and upright with varying hues from pale yellow and lemon to golden and dark yellow with a hint of copper, marigolds are indispensable in flower beds. Their presence will significantly reduce the number of pests. Marigolds are unpretentious to growing conditions, grow on any well-moistened soil, bloom in the sun and in partial shade, are very responsive to top dressing, bloom until frost.

Or an annual, not only beautiful, but also edible. photophilous, easily tolerates both cold snap and drought. Chrysanthemum annual seeds can be sown directly into the ground in early spring. Seedlings of crowned chrysanthemum, carefully dug out during thinning, can be planted, they tolerate transplantation well and all take root. Shoots of crowned chrysanthemum can be used in salads along with herbs.

39. Nasturtium

Nasturtium (Tropaeolummajus) herbaceous plant, which is very popular. Nasturtium is a thermophilic and photophilous plant. Nasturtium prefers a sunny location, moderately fertile, moist soils. Nasturtium is planted in open ground in late May - early June.

In care, nasturtium is unpretentious, like other annuals. Before flowering, nasturtium is regularly watered, and after it blooms, watering is needed only when the soil is sufficiently dry. In extreme heat, nasturtium leaves can droop, this is not dangerous, with the onset of evening coolness, the decorative effect of nasturtium is restored.

During the budding period and during the flowering of nasturtium, only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers should be used for top dressing. Nasturtium will bloom in the garden from June until frost. After flowering, it sets many seeds. Nasturtium seeds are able to overwinter in the soil and sprout the next year. By the way, all parts of the plant: flowers, leaves, and shoots are edible.

40. Cosmos

Kosmeya (Cosmos)- very unpretentious light-loving, drought-resistant, cold-resistant plant. Cosmea grows well on loose, moderately fertile soils. Kosmeya is easy to grow by direct sowing in open ground in late April - early May. Recommended varieties: Yellow double kosmeya (Cosmos sulphureus).

41. Calendula, marigold

Calendula (Calendula)- not only ornamental, but also medicinal plant. If you plant calendula in a flower garden, then the essential oils contained in calendula will protect neighboring plants from pests, not only from above, but also underground. Marigold flowers will serve as a living barometer for you: they close before the rain. And dried calendula flowers will help you cope with sore throats and heart disease.

42. Fragrant tobacco

fragrant tobacco (Nicotiana suaveolens)- an annual very fragrant plant, completely unpretentious, responsive to watering and top dressing. When grown through seedlings, it begins to bloom in June. Gives self-seeding. Flowering increases with fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

43. Cosmidium

Cosmidium- a plant related to cosmos, or even a variety of cosmos. Unlike cosmea, the cosmidium is lower, its flowers are not so large, but the color of the flowers is so rich and bright that I decided to recommend this flower. Cosmidium flowers are yellow with a dark red or almost brown velvet color at the very middle of the flower. Looking closely at a cosmidium flower, you won’t immediately understand whether it is dry or wet: it seems that these dew droplets shimmer in the sun and enhance the color.

44. Astra

Aster annual, or Chinese aster (Callistephus chinesis)- perhaps the most multi-colored flower of all annuals. Depending on the height of the stem (from 15 to 90 cm) annual asters suitable for flower beds, mixborders, group plantings, serve as decoration for balconies and terraces. They feel good in a sunny place and in partial shade, on loamy and sandy permeable soils. Asters prefer calcareous or neutral soils with a high humus content. With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, asters are prone to Fusarium wilt, so use only phosphorus-potassium fertilizers for top dressing.

45. Eschsolzia

45., or poppy california- an unpretentious annual plant, pleasing not only with its yellow flowers, which open throughout the summer, but also with carved silvery foliage. Eschscholzia grows well on moderately moist, fertilized soils, although it can easily tolerate temporary droughts.

46. ​​Zinnia

Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) not picky about soils, but grows best on moist, humus-rich, calcareous soils. In acidic soils, zinnia is susceptible to disease. When grown through seedlings, zinnia blooms in late June and blooms until late autumn. Among the variety of varieties of this plant, you can find zinnias with both large flowers and small flowers, but in no way inferior to them in decorativeness. In order for zinnia to bloom for a long time, do not forget to remove faded inflorescences and feed every two weeks with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Zinnia can be planted in company with other annuals that match in height. Zinnia looks great in a group planting, forming islands of greenery and large caps of inflorescences.


47. Rose

What is a garden without a rose? If it is difficult for you to shelter hybrid tea or floribunda roses for the winter, you can choose park yellow-flowering varieties of roses that are unpretentious in care. For example, "Freesia" in all respects is suitable for any garden. This blooms the Rose throughout the summer, fragrant. A small shelter of the root system for the winter is enough for her. If you have been engaged in floriculture for a long time, then the choice of roses in front of you is expanding significantly both among spray and climbing roses.

48. Potentilla shrub

Potentilla shrub (Pentaphylloides fruticosa)- a small shrub that will be a great addition to a yellow-flowering garden. Potentilla blooms from June to October, easily tolerates pruning, grows well on moist drained soils, is very responsive to fertilizers and top dressing. Potentilla shrub flowers can be dried and brewed instead of tea, because it is not without reason that the second name of Potentilla is Kuril tea.

49. Rhododendron

Rhododendron (Rhododendron) grows mainly on acidic soils, if the soil in your garden is neutral or calcareous, then all attempts to grow rhododendron may be unsuccessful. Only with the annual application of peat, pine needles or sawdust, pine bark, as well as special fertilizers, it will be possible to grow rhododendrons in the garden. However, it's worth it! Just the sight of a blooming rhododendron will drive anyone crazy! But in addition to the requirements for soil acidity, many more rules must be observed when planting and further caring for rhododendron, even in autumn and winter.

50. Dyeing gorse

Gorse dye (Genista tinctoria)- a low shrub, which, by the way, is perfect for growing in an alpine hill, in borders, in small group plantings. Gorse dyer prefers sandy light dry calcareous soils. In spring or early summer, the gorse shoots are covered with yellow flowers, behind which leaves are not visible. However, gorse is not only decorative, but also a medicinal plant. During wintering, thin shoots may freeze near the dyeing gorse, but in the spring the plant quickly recovers.

51. Forsythia, forsythia

Forsythia, forsythia (Forsythia)- a shrub that blooms in early spring with beautiful yellow flowers. Immediately after the snow melts, the forsythia shoots are covered with flowers. Forsythia loves a bright and wind-protected place. Forsythia grows well in humus-rich, calcareous or neutral soils. If there is enough rainfall, then watering is not required. But if the summer is very dry and hot, then the forsythia should be watered at least once a month, 10-20 liters per bush.

In the spring, under the forsythia bush, you can put rotted manure, which will serve not only as fertilizer, but also as mulch. Every spring, all diseased, broken, weak shoots are cut off, as well as from a third to a half of faded inflorescences. Stump pruning is used to rejuvenate the bush. With such pruning, forsythia quickly grows and restores the crown, however, as with shortening faded old branches. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the forsythia root system with a dry leaf, spruce branches, as well as bending the branches to the ground to avoid freezing.

Forsythia has many decorative forms, among which the best are: dense-flowered forsythia (f. densiflora), wonderful forsythia (f. spectabilis), primrose forsythia (f. pmulina).

52. Barberry

Barberry Thunberg (Berberis thunbergii)- a shrub that is valued not only for its high decorative qualities, but also for its berries, which contain very a large number of vitamin C.

All barberries are unpretentious, they are not demanding on soils, they are not afraid of strong prevailing winds, they tolerate drought and heat, they cannot endure only stagnant moisture in the soil. Therefore, for planting barberries, you need to choose a dry place or arrange good drainage. Barberries grow well in partial shade, but for forms with colored leaves, a sunny place is preferable, where the color of the leaves is most pronounced.

Barberry is responsive to top dressing with complete complex fertilizers with trace elements. In the first year of planting, the barberry needs to loosen the soil, weed weeds. Pruning barberry is to remove weak, diseased, broken shoots.

Among all the varieties and varieties of barberry, there are yellow-leaved forms, the representative of which is the Thunberg barberry Aurea. Barberry Thunberg Aurea is about a meter high. It can burn in the sun, so it needs a partial shade location. The new yellow-leaved variety of barberry Bonanza Gold is not afraid of the sun at all, but it is slightly shorter.

P.S. Do you like flowers? For example, I love it! And everything that somehow relates to flowers - too, for example, oil paintings of flowers! In the online art store you can buy a painting depicting the most different colors, which can be hung in any room or given to a loved one and native person. You can make a custom-made painting in oil or watercolor, based on your preferences and wishes, you can order a painting from a photograph or make a copy of the painting.

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A customer survey was conducted at a garden center. To the question: "What spring shrubs are there in your garden?" Most gardeners called only lilac. This is a universal favorite, and probably not a single site can do without it. Surprisingly different. Many believe that lilac is the very first shrub that blooms in spring. In their opinion, others bloom later. And they call a very meager assortment: mock orange (garden jasmine), wild rose, hydrangea and Japanese spirea. Why little attention is paid to shrubs is understandable. They are quite voluminous, on six acres you can’t clear up much.

In addition, shrubs do not bloom for a very long time. And in the spring they come to the gardens only on weekends. So we save space for other crops that bloom longer and closer to summer. It's time to correct this injustice. Early shrubs can really only be seen for a few days in bloom. Nevertheless, they are the first to bring a feeling of spring, give a sip of good mood and charge with optimism.

Several times more beauty

A few words about the fact that shrubs compare favorably with primroses. Crocuses, galanthus, blueberries and other pretty little things are low plants. Admiring them, of course, is nice, but you need to look down. Or plant them in large arrays so that the flowers can be seen from afar.

If a shrub blooms, then it can be seen immediately. It fills the entire space with flowers, and it seems that there is several times more beauty. It is enough to look at him once a week to live on in high spirits.

Unpretentious and reliable

There is an opinion that early flowering shrubs not for us: they are more thermophilic and can freeze slightly. Here is a list of plants that will not cause problems and will delight with flowers almost every year. Only in the harshest years can flower buds die. But in a year the plants will bloom again.

FELT CHERRY. Beautiful shrub up to two meters high. It blooms profusely with white flowers with a slight pink tint. Usually felt cherry is grown as a fruit crop and it is forgotten that this is an excellent ornamental plant. At the time of flowering, the tree is literally "doused with milk." And ripen in summer bright fruits. Cherries sit tightly on the branches and look no less decorative. Depending on the weather, the felt cherry blossoms on May 2-10. For comparison, lilac is only in the third decade of May.

BLACKTHORN. Also a fruit crop. Flowers are not only beautiful, but also fragrant. IN last years blackthorn was no longer planted in the garden, replacing it with a noble plum. But unlike plums, it has higher winter hardiness and does not suffer from diseases.

GOLDEN CURRANT. Surprisingly unpretentious shrub that blooms with yellow fragrant flowers in spring. If you plant another variety nearby, you will also have berries. In taste, they are inferior to blackcurrant, but very pleasant. Shrubs stand out in autumn bright leaves, which have all shades of orange-red.

FORSYTHIA. While a rare shrub in our gardens. Many consider her a sissy. Buy forsythia ovoid and its varieties, it is more winter-hardy. For better development plant it in a sunny spot. Optimally in front of a house or a fence, so that there is protection from the wind. At a young age, the branches of the shrub bend well. For reliability for the winter, put them under the snow. With age, the winter hardiness of the plant increases. Forsythia blooms incomparably, it is a fountain of sunny, bright yellow flowers. The buds bloom in early May, in a warm spring already in April.

STEPPE ALMOND (LOW ALMOND). Sometimes gardeners are frightened by the very name "almond". Certainly, for us it is something southern, thermophilic. As for the named species, it is absolutely reliable. More than once endured snowless frosts in December and at the same time bloomed perfectly. Pink flowers are simply incomparable. At the peak of flowering, the plants are shrouded in a pink cloud. Anyone who has seen this will certainly want to plant almonds in their garden. We have more popular terry almonds, or three-lobed louiseania. But in terms of winter hardiness, it is inferior to steppe almonds. It blooms at the same time as felt cherry and is a good pollinator for it. Plant this "sweet couple" in your garden and enjoy their double beauty.

SPIREA GRAY. Wonderful unpretentious shrub with a light crown. In summer, it is an excellent backdrop for any flowers. In spring, it blooms profusely with white small flowers collected in inflorescences. On the shoots, they are very dense, and the branches resemble the white jets of a fountain. For more lush flowering, gray spirea needs pruning. Immediately after flowering, the branches are shortened by 1/3. This causes the growth of side shoots, on which the shrub blooms the following spring.

RHODODENDRONS garden aristocrats. Few dare to plant them in the garden. And in vain. Care is no more difficult than for other shrubs. Pruning is practically not needed. The only requirement is proper planting in acidic soil. Without this lush flowering you will not get. The pit is filled with a mixture of high-moor peat and coniferous forest litter (1: 1). Fertilizers for azaleas are applied in summer, they maintain the acidity of the soil. For early flowering, plant Daurian and Canadian rhododendrons.

RHODODENDRON CANADIAN. It blooms later than Daurian, but also earlier than lilac. The bush is not yet dressed with leaves, and the branches are almost invisible so many flowers. In size, they are inferior to the flowers of the Daurian rhododendron, which does not reduce the decorative effect of the bush. Airiness and lightness are given by long stamens, creating a feeling

pink cloud.

RHODODENDRON DAUR. Unique plant. It is he who is mistakenly called rosemary. It blooms very early, in mid-April early May. The leaves on the birches barely appeared, and he is already in full bloom. The pink flowers are quite large. A special charm is that they bloom on bare branches. A true symbol of spring!

So the list is set. This year, do not miss the opportunity to plant these early flowering shrubs in your garden. Together with them joy and spring will come in the soul.

This article can be found in the magazine "Magic Garden" 2012 No. 3.

Number of impressions: 7593

Ornamental flowering shrubs are an excellent option for decorating any garden plot. With their help, on the backyard territory, you can create a unique atmosphere of comfort, decorate the garden, create hedge or partial shade in the gazebo. The main thing is to make the right choice, and plant such ornamental shrubs in your garden that will fit into the landscape design of the site, and care for which will not be a burden. Plants planted with different flowering periods will decorate the garden with their flowers all spring, summer and autumn.

Ornamental shrubs blooming in spring

Very nice to plant in the spring vegetable crops in my garden among ornamental shrubs, which at this time already bloom beautifully and profusely.


One of the first to decorate the garden is an elegant and surprisingly unpretentious spirea. This one is magnificent flowering bush arnik will delight with its pink flowers. The features of spirea include:

  • long and lush flowering;
  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • fast growth;
  • undemanding to the soil.

You can plant a shrub both in sunny areas and in partial shade. Spirea is great to create hedges or shrub compositions. Its dwarf varieties can be planted along the border or in rockeries.


Blooms profusely in early spring amazing plant- forsythia. Sunny yellow flowers first appear on its branches, and only after flowering - leaves. Growing features:

  • the shrub should be planted in sunny areas with light fertile soil;
  • the plant does not tolerate waterlogging;
  • Forsythia is thermophilic, so it is mulched for the winter, and the shoots are bent to the ground.

The shrub looks good both in a single and in a group planting.


No garden can be imagined without lilac bushes. This tall perennial blooms with lilac, soft lilac or white flowers that emit an unusual aroma. The plant has many varieties and hybrids, frost-resistant and unpretentious in care.

Growing features:

  • should be planted in well-lit areas;
  • lilac is undemanding to soil fertility, but does not like wetlands;
  • every spring it is recommended to cut out damaged, thickening, dry and too old shoots;
  • Timely trimmed withered inflorescences will contribute to more lush flowering.

When planting lilacs, you need to make sure that the site is spacious. The grown bush should not be cramped, because most varieties of this plant are sprawling and tall.


Japanese quince or northern lemon is an ornamental shrub with edible fruits. It blooms beautifully at the end of May, grows up to 1 meter and is easy to cut.

Care features:

  • for lush flowering, it is recommended to loosen and fertilize the soil around the bush;
  • every spring it is necessary to carry out a sanitary haircut of the plant;
  • ten-year-old bushes require rejuvenation, for which they are thinned out, leaving only about a dozen of the strongest branches.

The figure formation of the Japanese quince can only be started from the age of five. In this case, in no case should the horizontal shoots forming the “cap” be cut off.

Shrubs blooming all summer: names, photos

The end of May and June is distinguished by a huge number of flowering plants. And, although at this time there are a lot of colors in the garden, ornamental shrubs are indispensable.

Rose hip

Everyone has probably heard about the benefits of this plant. That is why rose hips are very popular among gardeners and are found in almost every suburban area. Depending on the species, the plant has a different "appearance" and properties. Some varieties of wild rose are strewn with double, rose-like flowers, others with vitamin fruits or beautiful leaves. These low-maintenance shrubs can be planted in sun or partial shade, trimmed and made into hedges.


This one of the most beloved, and at the same time quite difficult to care for shrubs, can decorate the garden with its lush flowering all summer. Rhododendron has three types:

  1. Evergreen.
  2. Semi-evergreen (wintering).
  3. Litopadny (falling).

For central Russia, it is best to choose deciduous shrubs that will grow up to 3 meters.

Features of care for biennials:

  • careful fertilizing with nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • regular top dressing with organic acid;
  • watering with sun-warmed rainwater;
  • mulching the soil around the bush with peat;
  • regular removal of weeds;
  • shelter for the winter.

In order for the rhododendron to bloom all summer, it must be properly looked after and on time. remove dried buds.

Potentilla or Kuril tea

Shrub plant blooms profusely with bright flowers all summer. Potentilla growing up to 1.5 meters is photophilous, frost-resistant and undemanding to soil fertility. However, drainage must be done before planting. Every spring, the plant needs top dressing with mineral fertilizers and pruning of shoots by a third of the length. During the summer, care is reduced to the removal of dried inflorescences and weak shoots.

Potentilla can be planted against the backdrop of conifers, in rockeries, along paths or fences, on lawns or flower beds.

Mock orange or jasmine

One of the most common, frost-resistant shrubs that bloom almost all summer, which is suitable for gardens in Central Russia. The plant has a large number of varieties that differ in shades of leaves, flower sizes and height of the bush. Most shrubs grow to a height of 1.5-2 meters and bloom in June and July.

The most popular among gardeners are:

  • jasmine "Snowstorm", which blooms for up to twenty days with small white flowers and grows up to two meters in height;
  • compact mock orange "Pearl", the maximum height of which is about 1.5 meters, and the flowers are large and double.

Jasmine care is monthly fertilizing with mineral fertilizers or humus, removing inward or damaged shoots, and pruning off branches that are more than two years old.


The people call skumpia "smoking bush" and "wig tree". This is due to the fact that the flowers of the plant are very similar to puffs of smoke or cobwebs. This is a fairly large shrub that can grow up to 12 meters. Therefore, it should be planted in areas where it will not obscure other ornamental plants.

Sumpia blooms until frost with small flowers collected in large inflorescences, which in autumn become a rich bright shade. The shrub is very unpretentious and can grow on any soil. The plant loves the sun and not afraid of frost. Skumpia propagates by cuttings or seeds.

The root system of the "smoking bush" grows up to one and a half meters, which allows it to be used to create natural boundaries for a summer cottage or strengthen ravines.


Almost all summer, action blooms with small white-pink flowers. It grows up to 2 meters in height and is very unpretentious in care. The shrub loves fertile soil, watering, loosening and pruning old shoots. It does not tolerate frost, so for the winter it should be spudded and covered with leaves. Otherwise, the plant may completely freeze out. Planting action is recommended in areas protected from the wind and the scorching sun.

Photos and names of shrubs blooming in autumn

Majority ornamental plants blooms in summer, but there are those that delight gardeners with their flowers in autumn.


Almost all summer and autumn blooms are thermophilic, but not picky in the care of buddley. The height of the shrub can grow from 0.5 to 3 meters. To stimulate its growth, mineral fertilizers must be applied monthly under the bush. After the plant reaches the desired height, top dressing can be stopped.

In order for the buddleia to survive the winter frosts, attention should be paid to its preparation for winter. For this, the plant is spudded, and its roots are insulated with spruce branches.


On a shady, wet summer cottage, you can plant a hydrangea beloved by many flower growers. With proper care, the plant will delight for a long time with its bright inflorescences in the form of balls, located on the background of saturated green leaves. hydrangea can grow in acidic soils which are unsuitable for most ornamental shrubs. It is required to plant a plant on a site protected from the wind, in acidic, moist soil. Withered hydrangea inflorescences must be cut off. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the shrub with spruce branches.

You can use the plant in combination with other shade-tolerant shrubs or in a single planting, in flower beds or in flower beds. Hydrangea looks good surrounded by ferns and hostas.


This low shrub blooms for a long time, is a honey plant and tolerates winter frosts well. A forest plant for its growth and flowering requires the right soil, which should be from peat, sawdust, needles and sand. There are several varieties of heather. For a garden plot, you can choose:

Heather care is weekly watering with acidified water, weeding, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and bark mulching.

At right choice ornamental shrubs for summer cottages, from which you can make combinations in which plants will delight and amaze with their flowering from early spring to late autumn.

With the advent of spring, one of the first personal plot forsythia blooms - a bush with yellow flowers densely covering bare stems. She, as it were, competes with the sun and brings the first colors of blossoming nature into the still dull gray landscape. Then the golden baton will be picked up by Japanese kerria, holly mahonia, broom, shrub cinquefoil. And until late autumn, shrubs blooming with gold will echo the sun's rays and deliver a joyful mood to everyone who contemplates this beauty. And they go well with other decorative plantings, attracting the eye and effectively standing out against their background.

jasmine paradise

The very first blooming jasmine is hololithous. When it is February outside, there is snow, even frost slightly stings your cheeks, and the first yellow flower stars bloom on a jasmine bush. In the southern regions, where it never falls below -10°C in winter, flowering begins as early as November and continues throughout the winter. Therefore, the second name of the plant is winter jasmine.

The shoots of the liana shrub are long, but weak. They picturesquely droop from supports, trellises, arcs to which they are tied. The shoots cannot climb the supports on their own. The bark of the branches is green, and the flowers, reaching a diameter of 2-3 cm, are bright yellow. Leaves will appear on a bush with yellow flowers only after flowering has ended.

Jasmine hololithous looks ideal against the background of dark conifers or in combination with a pink-flowered wolfberry. It can be planted next to the railing at the porch, or you can arrange a pergola with green shoots. The main thing is that the place should be well protected. And at the foot of the bush, early flowering plants are placed: hellebore, crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils. And then the color palette of the first colors of spring will become even richer and more festive.

For the design of plots in our country, about 10 types of decorative jasmine are used, which bloom in white, yellow, pink and even red flowers. Their flowering period is also different. For example, low shrub jasmine blooms in May - June. Its yellow flowers have a delightful fragrance. There is only one requirement for growing this type of jasmine - a sunny place.

Another attractive species is jasmine lapel. It has bright green leaves and light yellow flowers with folded petals that adorn the stems throughout the summer. Its aroma is very subtle and pleasant.

Golden shower and Japanese rose

Forsythia (forsythia) is often called golden rain because of the abundance of medium-sized yellow bell-shaped flowers hanging from the branches. Leaves appear on it after the end of flowering, which lasts 20-40 days. This spring-blooming shrub looks great in both single and group plantings. Its height varies from 1 to 3 m.

Solar forsythia is very popular in Europe and our country. Some of its species are frost-resistant, therefore, in central Russia, shrubs are willingly grown, decorating their gardens and plots with a beautiful plant. Over 200 years of breeding, dozens of varieties have been bred that differ in shape, size, shades of flowers and leaves. Forsythia loves sunny places with light fertile soil and does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.

Shrubs that bloom in spring include Japanese kerria. Its lush color begins in mid-April and ends in June. Shaggy golden flowers seem papery and slightly reminiscent of roses, for which it is often called the Japanese rose. The second wave of flowering takes place in July - August, but it is less abundant. The flowers are odorless, which makes it suitable for allergy sufferers. Kerria tolerates wintering well and grows very quickly. Can be grown as a tapeworm or in small group plantings. It is combined with ground cover plants and perennials - hosta, primrose, geyhera. Does well in pots and tubs.

Barberry, mahonia and cinquefoil

There are among shrubs with yellow flowers and evergreens that do not lose their decorative effect. all year round. An example is holly mahonia with large leaves and fragrant yellow or red flowers. In spring, it pleases with beautiful flowering, in summer it is attractive with blue-black berries, and in winter its glossy leaves acquire a bronze or purple hue. Magonia berries are edible, sweet and sour, and have medicinal properties. A leafy evergreen bush can bloom a second time, in the fall. Magonia is winter-hardy and unpretentious in care.

Indispensable in landscape design and Ottawa barberry with red leaves that turn orange in autumn. Its yellow-red flowers, collected in brushes, bloom in May. The height of the Ottawa barberry is 2.5 m.

And in the summer, shrubby cinquefoil blooms, which is distinguished by the longest flowering - from June to October. When autumn shrubs lose their former attractiveness, Potentilla continues to delight with elegant flowers that have yellow, pink or white. Their diameter reaches 3.5 cm. Potentilla is a medicinal plant, which is an additional reason for planting this beautiful shrub in your garden. Potentilla height reaches 1.5-2 m. It is often used in rock gardens and group plantings.

Iris flowers - planting in open field, rules of care, use in landscape design

Such different brooms

For landscaping parks, alleys and summer cottages, broom is often used - an unpretentious attractive shrub whose height can reach 3 m. High-growing varieties create hedges, low flowering shrubs are widely used in landscape design, decorating them with flower beds, stone gardens and rock gardens.

Its yellow flowers are long lasting. Some species are grown as ornamental plants.

It is necessary to list the varieties popular and beloved by gardeners:

  1. 1. Coronal broom - the most cultivated in Europe. An unusually beautiful shrub, reaching a height of 3 meters, with thin green shoots. Refers to shrubs that bloom in spring. It blooms with single fiery yellow flowers 2 cm in diameter, which are located in the axils of the leaves. Leaves lanceolate or oval. It is grown as a single plant or in large rock gardens. It goes well with mock oranges, action, weigela and heather. However, not all of its decorative forms are suitable for growing in the middle lane.
  2. 2. Kyussky broom - a shrub only 0.3 m high with creeping or drooping branches. It blooms with very large white-yellow flowers. Indispensable for the design of rocky gardens.
  3. 3. Creeping broom - a great option for group plantings and rocky hills. Blooms luxuriantly. Flowers from bright yellow to darker tones, arranged in 3 pieces in the axils of the leaves. Frost-resistant.
  4. 4. Early broom. Medium shrub with spreading arched branches. The flowers are yellow, bright, with a sharp aroma. Blooms in May. It is used in single and group plantings.
  5. 5. Broom protruding flower. It is frost-resistant and may well decorate the rock garden of the middle zone. His distinctive features- miniature trifoliate leaves and large yellow flowers on long stalks. The height of the bush reaches 60 cm.
  6. 6. Broom blackening. Begins to bloom in June and ends in September. Yellow flowers are collected in beautiful spike-shaped vertical inflorescences. Shrub height - 1 m.

When choosing a landing site, preference should be given to calm, sunny and warm places. It is impossible to plant broom near drinking springs or fish ponds: many plant varieties emit harmful substances.