Citrus calamondin is an indoor tree with bright fruits. Calamondin: home care Calamondin does he have a dormant period

  • 17.06.2019

Citrofortunella (calamondin) is an elegant citrus tree that is easy enough to grow and propagate at home. Planting any variety of calamondin will not disappoint you. With proper care, the plant is very decorative, as you can see by looking at the photo.


Citrus calamondin comes from Southeast Asia, from where it was first introduced to the Philippines and then to Europe. It is a hybrid of kumquat and mandarin obtained naturally. It is successfully grown in greenhouses and at home.

Outwardly, citrofornutella (calamondin) looks very attractive. It is an evergreen fast growing citrus tree just over a meter high. The branches are densely covered with small rich green glossy leaves. During the flowering period, the plant is dotted with star-shaped white flowers. Both leaves and flowers of calamondin are very fragrant.

Citrofortunella looks like a small tangerine tree

Calamondin fruits look like miniature tangerines, bright orange or yellow. Their weight is 15-25 g, the size is 3-4 cm in diameter. The fruits are sour with bitterness, there are many seeds inside, both the pulp and the skin are edible.

Flowering of calamondin occurs in summer, although it can last year-round. The tree can bear fruit and bloom at the same time. Citrofortunella is a relatively short-lived plant. Its life span is from 5 (in a pot) to 20 years (at home in open field). Of all the kumquat hybrids, calamondin is perhaps the most unpretentious to care for.

Varieties and varieties

The varietal diversity of calamondin in our country is not very large. Among the varieties of citrofortunella grown by citrus growers, large-fruited and variegated forms can be found:

  • "Peters"- is valued as a highly ornamental plant. The fruits are edible, sour.
  • Tiger- small-fruited variety with variegated (milky-bordered or milky-striped) leaves.

Sort "Tiger"

  • Shikinari- large-fruited Japanese calamondin, of all representatives of the species, it has the most delicious fruits.
  • Variegata- the foliage of this variety of calamondin with milk smudges and, as can be seen in the photo, is very decorative. Fruits in an unripe state are similar to watermelons - the same striped. When ripe, they acquire a uniform fiery orange color.

Sort "Variegata"


For planting calamondin, pots made of natural materials- clay (ceramics) or wood. The depth of the pots should not exceed the width. plastic containers can also be used by pouring a thicker layer of drainage from crushed stone or gravel onto the bottom.

You can plant calamondin in a ready-made soil mixture for citrus plants or in a prepared one yourself. For this upper layer park or forest land is thoroughly mixed with river sand, humus and ash (2: 1: 0.5: 0.5). To prepare the soil mixture for calamondin, you can not use turf from under oak, poplar, chestnut.

Having bought a seedling, be sure to transplant it into nutrient soil

Calamondin is planted before it goes into active growth (at the end of winter). Drainage is placed in the pot, a layer of sand is poured, then prepared soil, leaving a gap of a couple of centimeters to the edge of the container. The root neck and bases of the main roots are not deepened, leaving them on the surface.

In the future, the plant needs regular transshipments, young - every year, adults - with an interval of several years. It is advisable not to disturb the earthen clod during transshipment.

Further care

The young plant is given a warm sunny place. Citrofortunella grows very well on a window on the west or south side. In summer, the tree is comfortable on the street or balcony. It loves direct sunlight. V winter period it is desirable to keep the plant in cool air (+ 12-15º).

Citrofortunella is very fond of spraying

Citrofortunella needs regular watering. On hot summer days, you may need daily watering, in winter - 1-2 times a week. It is impossible to allow complete drying of the earthen coma.

Advice. By squeezing a lump of the top layer of earth from the pot in the palm of your hand, you can determine the need for watering. After unclenching, a formed lump remained in the palm of your hand - you need to wait a little with watering, the soil has disintegrated - it's time to water the plant.

Water for irrigation should be separated, at room temperature. Watering cold water will lead to tree exposure.

Calamondin is a subtropical plant and does not tolerate dry air, so it needs regular spraying. Spray it with settled water 2-3º higher than room temperature. He is responsive to water procedures in the shower.

Citrofortunella after sanitary and shaping pruning is quickly restored. They are carried out until the beginning of the growth phase ( in early spring). At the same time, a crown is formed, damaged and unsuccessfully growing branches are removed. In summer, you can shorten long branches.

The plant needs regular feeding.

Feeding and fertilizing

Calamondin spends a lot of energy on flowering and fruiting, so he needs regular feeding, without which he will throw off the foliage and stop setting fruit. In summer, fertilizers are applied once every 10 days, in winter - once a month. Use complex mineral fertilizers for citrus fruits or a mixture of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride (5 g and 2 g, respectively, per 1 liter of water).

Attention! Root top dressing is carried out only in moist soil the next day after watering. Pour in the solution until it starts to flow out through the drainage holes in the pot.

Foliar feeding is also very useful for citrofortunella, since it absorbs some nutrients only through the leaves. Often, foliar top dressing alternates with root.

Tree diseases and pests

Failure to comply with the required air humidity when growing calamondin leads to attacks on it by various pests:

  • scale insects;
  • ticks;
  • thrips.

These enemies are capable of destroying an adult plant in a short time. To combat them, special low-toxic agents (acaricides) are used. Processing is carried out repeatedly according to the scheme, while providing the plant with proper care.

Advice. To prevent the invasion of pests, once a month the leaves of the plant can be washed with laundry soap. In this case, the soap solution should not get into the soil. After the procedure, rinse the leaves warm water from under the shower.

Citrofortunella is affected by fungi and viruses. The most common of them:

  • sooty fungus;
  • gommosis;
  • anthracosis.

To combat and prevent fungal diseases (soot fungus, anthracosis), regular (1 time per month) treatments with Fitosporin or potassium permanganate solution are carried out.

Inspect plants for pests

It is quite difficult to cure gommosis, and in some cases it is impossible. To prevent this disease, a number of measures are taken:

  • provide a sufficient drainage layer in the pot;
  • a rusty nail is buried in the soil;
  • the bases of the skeletal roots are not deepened into the ground when planting.

Reproduction of calamondin

Citrofortunella is propagated by cuttings or grafting. The survival rate of cuttings is far from 100%. Root them for 4 weeks in wet sand. In doing so, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions by covering the containers with film or glass. Next, the cuttings are transplanted into pots, no more than 15 cm in diameter and covered with a jar until the plant takes root. A seedling from a cutting will bloom in 2-3 years.

Citrofortunella stalk

Faster and reliable way reproduction of calamondin - vaccinations. As a rootstock, you can use any citrus plant or a one-year-old seedling of Calamondin. The grafted plant grows rapidly and already on next year starts to bear fruit.

Growing calamondin at home is not at all difficult, especially if you provide it with the right care. In response, this is an ornamental tree all year round ready to delight you with flowering, exotic fruits, and an incredible citrus aroma.

Growing citrus fruits in an apartment: video

How to grow citrofortunella: photo

Calamondin plant (citrofortunella) is valued for its decorative elegant appearance, regular abundant flowering and fruiting. In addition, among all citrus crops, this individual is most suitable for growing in winter garden or at home. The tree is especially attractive during flowering and fruiting, which, when proper care continue throughout the year. Bright orange fruits in combination with white flowers look very impressive, so Citrofortunella will decorate any interior or garden plot.

Calamondin is unpretentious in care, it develops equally well in rooms with dry air and in greenhouses. In summer it can live on the terrace, loggia or balcony.

Reproduction of citrus mandarin calamondin from the stone

The plant is propagated by seeds, cuttings and grafting. The simplest is the seed method of reproduction. For planting, seeds of fully ripe, not dried fruits are taken, as they quickly lose their germination capacity. A soil mixture is prepared in advance, composed of fertile land, peat and sand. The seeds are placed in a small container with a soil mixture to a depth of 1-2 cm, leveled with earth from above, and then watered. The seed pot is covered with glass or polyethylene. Heat is needed to germinate. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 25-28°C. When sprouts appear, the shelter is removed, the container is placed in a bright, warm place. After the seedlings grow a little, they are seated in separate pots.

When growing calamondin from the stone, the plant will begin to bear fruit in 5-6 years, in some cases the first crop appears 10 years after planting. When citrus is propagated by cuttings, fruiting occurs in 3-4 years.

Cuttings are cut in early spring. Choose apical cuttings with matured leaves and 3-4 internodes. The lower cut is dried, dipped in a solution with phytohormones, then planted in the ground along the petiole bottom sheet. To maintain optimal temperature and humidity, cover the top with a plastic bag or glass jar. During the day, the shelter is removed for 15-30 minutes. Rooting cuttings at a temperature of 24-28 °; lasts for 14-20 days. Since rooting is quite difficult, it is recommended to plant several cuttings at the same time.

How to graft calamondin

You can graft calamondin with the help of seedlings, which are most suitable as a stock, as they have a well-developed root system and drought resistance. The best time for grafting - the period of active growth of the tree, which lasts from March to August. During this time, the grafts quickly take root and begin to grow.

When using the “grafting for the bark” technique, a suitable stock is selected, the lower branches and leaves are removed on it, cut with a pruner at the desired height, and the cut is cleaned with a knife. Then a vertical incision is made on a rootstock 2 cm long. The bark is pushed apart with a knife blade and separated from the wood. After that, the branch is cut off for the scion, a cut is made with a knife on one side of the cutting. The cutting is inserted into the incision and the grafting site is tightly tied with electrical tape. The graft is covered with polyethylene to maintain high air humidity inside, which is necessary for the growth of the scion and rootstock. After a month, the polyethylene is removed, after 2 months the electrical tape is removed.

How to grow calamondin

How to grow calamondin so that the tree develops quickly, blooms profusely and bears fruit? Before planting, you need to choose the right place where this crop will grow. Despite the fact that Citrofortunella loves warmth and bright lighting, the place for growing must be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will begin to fade and become pale. The optimum temperature for growing the crop is 20-25°C. In order for the plant to bear fruit well in winter, it is necessary to provide a temperature of 12-14 ° C.

Citrus needs high humidity air, so during the day its leaves are sprayed with warm, soft, chlorine-filtered water.

Since the tree bears fruit all year round, top dressing is carried out monthly. A good effect gives foliar top dressing. The nutrient solution is sprinkled under the leaves.

Calamondin is transplanted at the end of February. Young individuals are transplanted annually due to rapid growth, adult plants once every 3 years. In order for the transplant to be successful, it is important to know how to transplant calamondin. For transplantation, a ready-made substrate intended for citrus fruits is used or a mixture is prepared from leaf humus, rotted manure, turf and coarse-grained river sand. The soil should be loose, nutritious, without clay. Pine needles or finely grated sphagnum moss can be added to the soil mixture. Citrofortunella does not tolerate transplanting with the complete removal of old soil from the roots, so it is recommended to do transshipment without destroying the earthen coma, with the addition of fresh soil mixture. When transplanting, it is necessary to make a high layer of drainage, since stagnant moisture will damage the roots and lead to fungal diseases. After transplantation, no application is required within a month, since the fresh substrate contains a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Calamondin Care

Calamondin is cared for throughout the year. Citrofortunella should grow in a well-lit place, away from drafts. With insufficient care or unfavorable growing conditions, the leaves begin to fall off. At the first sign of a tree feeling unwell, it is necessary to cover it with polyethylene, this will increase the humidity of the air. During the day, the bag is removed for 20-30 minutes so that the plant is ventilated.

If the leaves continue to fall, it is recommended to transplant the tree into fresh soil and remove the rotten roots. You can save the plant in another way. It is necessary to cut off all the fruits that take away the strength of the plant or remove some branches densely showered with fruits. To replenish nutrients, mandarin is sprayed daily with special solutions containing minerals. As a result of this, new shoots will appear in 1-2 weeks.

Care for citrus calamondin tangerine also consists in proper watering. In hot, dry periods, watering should be plentiful, in cool weather, moderate. In winter, the amount of watering is minimal, you can limit yourself to spraying the crown.

When caring for calamondin, it is important to know that if a tree sheds leaves, fruits, or flowers, it is very hot. If the plant does not bloom for a long time, it may not have enough light. The leaves turn yellow with poor drainage and improper watering. In variegated varieties of this crop, the leaves sometimes turn pale, this indicates a lack of nitrogen.

Caring for mandarin calamondin includes the timely formation of a crown. How to cut calamondin to get a symmetrical spherical crown? This work is carried out in the spring before the onset of the growing season. Too long shoots are removed in February, pinching out new shoots after 4-5 leaves during growth.

How to cut calamondin

In order to form the correct shape of the crown, the central shoot is pinched at a height of 17-21 cm. Of the side shoots, 3-4 are left, located on both sides of the plant. These are the branches of the first order. On each of these branches, two branches of the second order are left. On the branches of the second order, 3-4 branches of the third are formed. Later, a fourth-order growth will appear, fruiting begins on it.

Today, in many apartments you can find a variety of decorative trees. At home, the kumquat tree and calamondin take root perfectly. To grow such a tree at home, you need to know the basic rules for caring for it.

Conditions of detention

Caring for calamondin at home involves organizing optimal conditions for the plant.


Citrofortunella loves well-lit places. A diffused light should fall on the tree, so in the summer on hot days it is better to shade the plant. To form a uniform crown, a pot with a tree during the day must be turned to the sun in different directions.


For normal growth this variety requires a moderate temperature - + 20–25 ° C. In winter, this figure should be lowered to + 12–15 ° C. At the same time, the hybrid does not tolerate drafts well, so in winter it is best to keep the pot on a glazed loggia or balcony.


The plant grows well at low humidity (about 70%). To protect the hybrid from dry air, its leaves must be sprayed with water every day. It is important to moisten the underside of the leaf blade well. You can also place a container of water next to the pot. During the evaporation process, the moisture will increase the humidity in the room.

Irrigation Features

Citrus calamondin needs abundant watering, especially from spring to autumn (growth period). The main thing here is to avoid the situation of stagnant water in the pan, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

The introduction of water is carried out when the soil in the pot has become dry. During the winter months, watering is done once a week. For irrigation, filtered or boiled soft water is used.

Pruning and reproduction

Pruning of shoots is carried out in February. In the summer months, very dense or excessively long stems are to be removed.

Since it was used to create this hybrid, reproduction here will be carried out in a similar way. In this case, such a procedure is a rather laborious process. Reproduction in citrus fruits of this species occurs in several ways:

  • bone. It is planted in specially prepared soil. Also, fertilizing should be regularly applied to the soil to obtain a sprout, which will stimulate the bone to germinate and actively grow;
  • through vaccination. It is usually carried out on orange seedlings;
  • cuttings, which should have at least 2-3 buds.

To carry out the reproduction of calamondin at home with cuttings, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The stalk is taken with a top, on which there are mature leaves and a pronounced internode.
  2. The tip of the cut cutting is placed for a couple of seconds in a growth stimulator (for example, in Kornevin).
  3. In the prepared ground, the prepared cutting is lowered to the level of the bottom sheet.
  4. The sprout should be covered with a glass jar on top to maintain high humidity. Every day the plant needs to be aired for 20 minutes.

If everything was done correctly, then the cutting will take root in 3 weeks. Then calamondin requires routine care at home.

Disease prevention

The best prevention of diseases of this hybrid is to follow the rules of care, especially temperature and water regimes. Also, the plant can be sprayed with special solutions.

Knowing what kind of care calamondin requires when grown at home, you can get a beautiful decorative tree which will be a great decoration for your home.

Video "Care for calamondin at home"

From this video you will learn how to properly care for calamondin at home.

A piece of the sun on the windowsill - this is how the graceful evergreen calamondin tree seems to many flower growers. Growing this green pet at home has some features. Knowing them, you will not only acquire a plant with a spreading crown and fancy flowers, but also get a bright hybrid with juicy fruits. So, for all citrus lovers - interesting information, facts and tricks of care.

Let's get to know each other a little closer! This compact tree or shrub differs from other flowering plants in its small bright green leaves and glossy surface. Even at the slightest touch, the shoots reproduce a fresh citrus aroma. Citrofortunella - this is another name for this bright representative of the rue family. He came to us from the countries of Southeast Asia and firmly secured the honorary title of "golden orange".

Calamondin - evergreen obtained by hybridization of mandarin and kumquat. The first buds in the form of small white flowers appear on it 3–5 years after planting. After about 6 months, they are replaced by small tangerines, bringing warmth, light and indescribable delight into the house. With proper care, they will appear throughout the year, raising the mood and evoking memories of a sunny summer.

Interestingly, on the branches of calamondin, both bright orange, ripened fruits and blossoming buds along with emerging green "oranges" can simultaneously be accommodated. Very often, many novice flower growers are interested in whether they can be eaten. Yes, the fruits of calamondin are edible, but they cannot be called especially tasty. Its fragrant, sweet rind is combined with bitter-sour, slightly astringent flesh.

Features of growth and development

A few words about the "Asian Mandarin"! This evergreen, standard tree in nature grows to a height of 5 m. In a home flower garden, it reaches a maximum of a meter. Citrus calamondin is a fast-growing shrub with a lush crown. Thanks to its elegant appearance, abundant flowering and fruiting, he has earned the title of honored guest of many greenhouses, winter gardens, offices and home flower gardens.

Interesting! Freshly ripened calamondin fruits contain a huge amount of useful substances. But it's important to be careful here. Oversaturation of the body with vitamin C threatens strong allergic reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to add pieces of this hybrid to tea, make jam or candied fruits from it.

In the wild, calamondin lives for an incredibly long time and 50–100 years is not the limit for him. In a normal home environment, it also develops rapidly, however, it is important to follow the norms and rules of qualified care. This indoor citrus feels great on the balcony, loggia and easily tolerates dry air.

For the first time, calamondin blooms in May-June with small flowers that look like stars. At home, this process continues uninterrupted. Such flowering does not weaken the plant at all. The fruits that have appeared are firmly attached to the branches, pleasing with brightness and beauty for a long time. Overripe tangerines become friable and lose their flavor, although their decorative properties are preserved.

Comfortable conditions for the growth of calamondin in a home flower garden

Caring for calamondin at home does not involve any special permutations and hassle. It is enough to show a little attention (provide sufficient humidity, air temperature, drainage, pruning), and the plant will respond with lush greenery and year-round fruiting.


Calamondin is shade-loving, so an excess of sunlight is fatal for him. The leaves installed on the southern windowsill lose their brightness, elasticity and gradually die off. Optimal location for a hybrid - west or east in the warm season and north in the winter. In summer, calamondin is darkened and taken out into the fresh air. However, here it is important to observe the measure. By constantly and smoothly turning the crown towards the sun, you can achieve uniform growth of the tangerine tree at home.

Important! Calamondin is prone to disease, so any drafts and sudden changes in temperature are completely excluded. It is not necessary to open the window near him. A sharp breath of wind and movement of cold masses will stress the growing hybrid.

Temperature regime

Calamondin is a heat-loving perennial that easily adapts to heat, cold and any home conditions. Despite this, the place for the pot is chosen very carefully and the following parameters are taken into account. Suitable air temperature at home is 18-25°C in summer and 13-18°C in winter. Please note that even a slight decrease in these values ​​​​by a few divisions increases the flowering and fruiting rates. In this way, the growing conditions of Calamondin are as close as possible to the natural microclimate.

Humidity conditions

Calamondin is a moisture-loving green handsome man, requiring periodic spraying with soft, well-settled water. Excessively dry air affects the condition of its foliage: the shoots begin to wither and dry out. You can correct the situation by installing vessels with water, aquariums, fountains next to the plant.


When caring for calamondin at home, it is important to prevent the soil from drying out. For irrigation, only boiled or filtered water is used. This cleaning method reduces the content of toxic impurities and alkalis to zero. In the cold season, the number of irrigations is reduced by 2 times and the number of sprayings is increased in direct proportion. Thus, they balance the humidity indicators at home and bring them to stable values.

Young calamondin requires a much larger amount of watering, which cannot be said about adult specimens. As a sprayer, it is advisable to use a spray gun with good pressure. During the flowering period, the buds should be protected in every possible way from contact with water, so spraying them is highly discouraged.

top dressing

In order for calamondin to feel at home no worse than in nature, and the growing season to pass easily and painlessly, it is important to compensate for the cost of its energy by regular fertilization. In summer, top dressing is carried out 3 times a month, in the winter months - 1 time. To do this, use complex fertilizers or self-diluted ammonium nitrate (5 g of powder is mixed with 2 g of calcium and 1 liter of water is added).

Attention! It is desirable to apply top dressing to moist soil, which will speed up the process of assimilation of nutrients by indoor citrus.

The soil

Soddy soil, manure and sand in a ratio of 2/1/1 are chosen as an earthen substrate. The bottom of the pot is covered with a layer of drainage 2-3 cm thick. Calamondin transplantation in an apartment is carried out annually, with the onset of spring, or at least 1 time in 3 years.


The tangerine tree is easy to propagate by cuttings or grafting. In the first case, a part of the stem is cut off from an adult calamondin and lowered for 10 hours into a solution with heteroauxin. Then rooted in the prepared ground and covered with a glass jar. As new shoots appear, the calamondin cap is removed. The second option involves grafting the offspring to any seedling.

Diseases and pests

There is nothing more annoying than seeing a tree grown with your own hands withering or damaged by fungi and pests. What do unpleasant metamorphoses with a plant testify to and how to identify the causes by external signs?

  1. In calamondin, leaves fall or there are no fruits - a serious error in care (lack of minerals, temperature changes, constant drafts, excess moisture).
  2. Completely blackened crown - fungal infection. being treated mechanically(ugly spots are removed from the plates).
  3. The foliage turned yellow and twisted - a lack of ultraviolet radiation, a deficiency of magnesium in the soil. Feed, choose another place in the house for calamondin.

In addition, improper care of calamondin in normal household conditions can provoke the appearance of pests. Aphid, whitefly, scale insect, spider mite appear as often as diseases. To destroy, adult insects and larvae, damaged areas are treated special composition. Then the surviving shoots are covered with cellophane and the pot is moved to a shaded place.

These are all the rules that all beginner growers should know. They will help you navigate the care of calamondin and achieve excellent results. Good luck!

Citrus calamondins (citrofortunella) are Exotic fruits that can be grown at home. They usually grow up to 40-45 centimeters tall in a one liter pot, so this standard plant is great for a small space. These trees are hardy, adapt to the cold and can withstand temperatures as low as -6°C. They are hybrids of the mandarin and the kumquat (yellow-orange tropical fruit).

Calamondin is perfectly adapted for growing at home.

Calamondin trees are grown throughout South Asia, Malaysia, India and the Philippines, where their sap is used. These citrus fruits were introduced from China to the US around 1900. In the US, they are used primarily for decorative purposes. Since the 1960s, potted calamondin citrus trees have been shipped from South Florida to other states in North America to grow as houseplants.

Description of Calamondin

Calamondin trees are small, dense evergreens, from 90 centimeters to 1.2 meters in height. The woody stem of this dwarf citrus tree is densely covered with oval, glossy green leaves. You can expect an abundance of flowers and fruits after the second year of growth of Calamondin.

On the branches of growing citrus trees there are small thorns, on which white, star-shaped flowers with a pleasant aroma appear in summer. Over time, these flowers become small orange fruits (2.5–5 cm in diameter) resembling a tangerine crossed with a lemon. Fruits ripen slowly, their color changes from dark green to bright orange.

The segmented fruits are seedless and very acidic. But do not rush to collect fruit. They can hang on a tree for a long time without falling off or spoiling, so you can enjoy their beauty for several months.

Citrofortunella is one of the hardiest citrus varieties. The fruits of this plant appear in the spring months and can be stored until winter. These fruits can be used to make drinks in the same way that lemons or limes are used. They also make marmalade, jellies and cakes. You can use them in place of lemons in cooking recipes as both fruits are similar in acidity.

Calamondins are used in cooking instead of lemons.

How to grow calamondin

This hardy ornamental evergreen citrus makes a great addition to the home garden, which is why many gardeners wonder how to care for calamondin at home. If you live in a cold climate region, then this specimen is one of the few citrus trees you can grow outside. Calamondin trees can grow even in the shade. They are drought tolerant but need to be watered anyway to avoid damaging stress.

Calamondins propagate through seed sowing or by rooting thin cuttings in spring or denser cuttings in summer. They can also be bud-grafted to the stem. The flowers do not require cross-pollination and will produce fruit at two years of age, continuing to produce nearly all year round.

Calamondin bears fruit all year round

What you need for boarding

  1. Big pot.
  2. A mixture of purchased ground soils.
  3. Organic supplements or slow release fertilizers.
  4. Insecticide (optional).
  5. Secateurs.

Hint: place flower pot onto a tray with wheels or into a trolley for easy movement. This acquisition will facilitate the care of the tree.

Calamondin prefers large pots

Caring for calamondin trees at home

Although calamondin trees can be grown indoors, they are best suited for growing outdoors in partial shade or full sun. Caring for citrofortunella is to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Light. Provide the tree with as much sunlight as possible throughout the year (at least 4 hours of direct sunlight each day). Rotate the plant a quarter of a turn every week because it will grow rapidly towards the light source and its trunk will twist. During the warmer months, it is best to move the tree outdoors to give it room to grow.
  2. Temperature. The most suitable temperature is 18-24 °C. In winter, this tree can withstand a minimum of 10°C, but any temperature below 12°C will adversely affect the growth of the tree.
  3. Watering. It is impossible to flood the plant too much, so that the roots do not rot. Before watering, the soil should dry to a depth of 2.5 centimeters.
  4. Humidity. In a place where citrus grows, there should be moderate humidity. Dry air causes flowers to drop. Place the container or flower pot on a tray of damp pebbles to increase the humidity.
  5. The soil. For calamondin, any good mixture of earth is suitable, you can buy it ready-made or mix it yourself by buying soil different kind. Use a potting mix designed for potted plants, not garden soil.
  6. Fertilizer. The best and most suitable for citrofortunella is an organic fertilizer from fruit trees. It contains all the nutrients necessary for the healthy growth of citrus roots and promotes the growth of the tree and its fruits. When fertilizing calamondin during the winter, use a single-use, water-soluble fertilizer approximately every five weeks. Then add a slow release fertilizer in early spring and continue to fully fertilize the soil with a water soluble fertilizer every month during the growing season.
  7. Purity. Make sure that the leaves are not covered with dust. This prevents infestation by mites or other pests. Check the tree's foliage regularly for them. When they appear, treat the leaves with chemicals, following the directions on the package. But this must be done before the leaves begin to fall. Important Note: If you plan on eating fruit, be very careful when spraying pesticides to avoid poisoning them. Reapply natural organic insecticides whenever possible to prevent the introduction of new pests.
  8. Reproduction. Take stem cuttings in early summer. With a sharp knife or blade, cut off 10 centimeters of stem with at least 2-3 leaf nodes without flowers or fruit. Dip the end of the trimmings into the hormone powder for the soak before inserting it into the wet mixture. Then put in a plastic bag to maintain moisture. The cutting planted in the substrate will begin to grow in about 6-8 weeks, developing roots and buds.
  9. Collection of fruits. Harvest the fruits by cutting them with scissors so as not to damage the stem. Fruits are best eaten shortly after harvest or kept cold as they rot quickly at high temperatures.

Compared to other citrus trees, calamondin is easy to care for. Follow the necessary rules for growing this plant, and citrofortunella will bear fruit and bloom all year round.

Calamondin loves constant but moderate humidity.

Citrofortunella bears fruit at the age of two. Pay attention to the age of the plant when you buy it. You can buy annual seedlings for cheap, but once purchased, it will take a lot longer for you to enjoy the ripe fruit.

When the plant grows in spring, it is necessary to shorten it so that it does not become too large. Pruning long branches in spring will encourage new branches to grow just below the cut. Dried or diseased branches should be removed. Cut the stems at an angle just above the leaf node (where the leaf attaches to the stem).

Repot young trees every 2-3 years. Plants will not bloom if there is not enough space for them. At first, it is worth growing calamondins in small containers. Use a pot of about 15 cm until the plants are three or four years old. And then you should transplant them into a 20 cm container. Always use a pot with drainage hole to prevent root rot.

For fruiting, the plant must be pollinated. Calamondin trees that are grown indoors must be handled by hand.

Use a small, dry brush to fertilize each flower. Move the brush around the center of each flower, moving from one flower to another. This is how you transfer pollen from male flowers to female flowers, just like bees do.

If you moved the plant indoors for the winter, then after warming, put it on open air not immediately possible. Take the citrus outside at night for about a month. And when calamondin adapts to the temperature, you can leave it for fresh air all day. Remember that indoors, any extra light and humidity you can provide will be good for your tree.