Processing cucumbers from a tick in a greenhouse. Methods of dealing with spider mites on cucumbers in the open field

  • 04.03.2020

To fight the enemy, you need to know him by sight, so carefully consider the tick on the cucumbers.

In appearance, these are small, only half a millimeter long spiders that have a color from orange to brown. There are four pairs of legs on the body.

Development includes 5 stages:

  • Egg.
  • Larva.
  • Nymph first stage.
  • Nymph second stage.
  • Imago.

Female pests hide for a cold period of time in secluded places of rotten trees and in the ground. If the weather is hot and the humidity is right, they grow very quickly, about 3 days.

You can find the tick on the underside of the leaf. With the help of a thin proboscis, he pierces the leaf and drinks the juice of the plant. Thus, the leaves are left without the necessary nutrients and chlorophyll.

What do affected cucumbers look like?

Spider mites on cucumbers are very difficult to spot. The size of this insect is about 1 mm. The color can be different: milky whitish, yellowish green, reddish orange. After penetrating the greenhouse, the tick first approaches the bushes, which have the largest and juiciest greenery. Sucking the juices from the cells of the plant, leads to its drying and death.

Is it possible to recognize the signs of the appearance of a pest? The pest is most often localized on the inside of the leaf, since it is there that the most nutrients are located. You can recognize a tick on cucumbers in a greenhouse by the appearance of the plant. Moving along the leaf, they leave gray-white spots, which eventually turn into white stripes. The tick, destroying the cells and vessels of the plant, leads to a stop in its growth. The cucumber leaf turns yellow and curls.

After 2-3 days, the pest females begin to lay eggs, the number reaches up to 400 pieces. And after 7-8 days, the number of insects increases significantly. If a web began to be observed on cucumbers in a greenhouse, then this is a sure sign of the appearance of a whole colony of insects.

Ticks unfold their vigorous activity if it is warm and dry. For the winter, the tick burrows into the foliage, into the remains of the tops after harvesting, hides in the corners of the greenhouse or manure. It can be carried by gusts of wind. For the human body, this small insect cannot do harm, but can destroy all cucumber beds. The insect, devastating the inside of the leaves, leads to a decrease in immunity.

Most often, the mite becomes the cause of the development of gray rot. Large brown spots are found on the leaves, and a gray coating appears on the fruits. You can treat rot in a greenhouse with chemicals (Hom, Oxy), you can use biological products (Sodium Humate, Stimpo) or use folk methods (iodine or soda solution, composition with whey).

You can notice the pest with a careful examination of the culture. Clear signs lesions appear already with a significant number of colonies. The spider mite feeds on different stages development of plant sap.

helper plants

Nice and absolutely safe method struggle - sow marigolds around the plantings, plant potatoes or tomatoes, onions or garlic, they will scare away spider mites. You can plant cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage together.


Excellent treatment of bushes with biological products helps. For example, the biological product Fitoverm, they can remove ticks. It is almost safe for humans and animals. But it eliminates mites and aphids. But, unfortunately, eggs, as well as females that have gone into the soil, do not fall under its action. Because of this, processing is done several times.

To spray the bushes with Fitoverm, you should choose a day without rain and wind. It is necessary to evenly spray the drug. It acts on insects for a week, and then spraying should be done again.


The most commonly used acaricides are:

  1. You can exterminate pests with Floromite. Its active ingredient is biphenazate. It affects insects upon contact with them, as well as getting into their intestines. Make a solution by adding 4-6 milliliters to a ten-liter bucket filled with water. This composition is enough to process 10 acres.
  2. Apollo. It eliminates eggs and larvae of ticks, and adults stop reproducing. The agent is carefully sprayed on the foliage. It does not harm other insects and bees.
  3. Flumite. 2 milliliters of the drug is poured into 5 liters of water, everything is mixed. After the solution, the affected parts of the plants are carefully sprayed. This composition also sterilizes female ticks.

Cucumbers are a popular vegetable that is grown in open, closed ground everywhere. Harvested for the winter in almost every household. Spider mite on cucumbers is the main pest that can destroy the entire crop. A colony of microscopic mites spreads very quickly. To prevent the appearance of pests, to destroy after the appearance, an integrated approach is needed.

Folk remedies

Difficulties in getting rid of a tick

    Other means of prevention

What does a spider mite look like

Spider mites are a separate species of mites from the spider family.

Pay attention to this fact, because insecticides, insect control preparations, are not suitable for getting rid of mites.

With the help of tenacious paws, they move along the web woven by them. Hence the name - spider mite. They are carried by the wind over long distances.

From the eggs laid by the female, larvae appear, which transform first into a nymph, then into a tick. The female matures and is ready for fruiting within four days, the clutch reaches 350–400 eggs.

Note! Short terms of puberty and the number of eggs laid explains the rapid spread of the population.

The tick feeds on the cell sap of cucumber leaves. After its destruction, it moves to the stems and inflorescences. So the whole bush is destroyed. Spider mite on seedlings - dangerous phenomenon, a young plant reacts more painfully, dies faster.

Not only adults feed on plant sap, but also faces, nymphs.

Causes of the appearance of spider mites on cucumbers in the open field

In greenhouses, the tick hibernates in secluded corners, crevices. At the end of the season, it is recommended to dig up the ground, treat the greenhouse with pesticides, and pickle with smoke.

Symptoms of damage to crops

From the moment of planting seedlings, plants should be inspected every 3 days. Definitely - leaves on the back. Early detection of a tick is a guarantee of success in the fight against it.


    Initially, the cucumber spider mite infects the leaves. The first sign - the appearance of a cobweb - a signal that a pest has wound up. Individuals are immediately difficult to consider due to their small size and scarcity. Looking closely, you can see small dots. First, small, then extensive yellowish spots appear on the outer side of the leaves. The disease spreads, more and more yellowed foliage grows on cucumbers, the plant weakens, becomes covered with a web of cucumber mites. The leaves dry, pests crawl onto the stem, inflorescences, plants begin to die , weakens or stops fruiting. The last stage is the defeat of the entire bush.

Note! They begin to actively fight the pest from the first, maximum second stage, until the cucumber bush has weakened.

Insect control methods

An integrated approach in the fight against cucumber mites is the key to a good harvest.

    preventive; prophylactic; the use of biological preparations; chemical agents; folk methods.

Preventive, prophylactic methods prevent the appearance of pests. Folk methods help at an early stage and repel ticks. Biological drugs mainly destroy mature individuals, so they need to be applied in cycles. Chemical agents affect the entire population, including egg laying, larvae. They are effective, but also more toxic.

Biological products (acaricides, insect-acaricides) affect not only ticks, but also destroy aphids, thrips and other pests.

Take note! Before you start spraying cucumbers, harvest. The instructions indicate how many days to wait until the next harvest (the instructions include the wording "waiting periods").


Spider mite attacks the plant in open and closed ground. In greenhouses, the intensity of plant disease is higher due to crowding, a high concentration of cucumbers per square meter. m.

The advantage of biological products is their relative harmlessness. Processing is carried out after 5-7 days at least 3 times. It takes about a month to "treat" a cucumber bed. The optimal processing time is early in the morning in the evening, better in calm weather at a temperature close to +20⁰С. If after spraying it rained, you need to repeat the processing of cucumbers. Apply the product on both sides of the sheet.

It affects the pest within 10-16 hours, immobilization occurs, the tick cannot suck the juice. Active death of the population occurs on the second day, the peak of action on the fifth day.

Attention! The drug is diluted in a liter of water immediately before treatment. The proportions are indicated in the instructions.

"Aktofit" and "Fitoferm"

"Aktofit" - a yellowish liquid preparation, various packaging from 10 ml to 4.8 liters. Fitovert is packaged in sealed glass ampoules. They differ in the concentration of the active substance.

Aversectin (DV) is a neurotoxin that paralyzes ticks.

"Aktofit" is diluted before use in 2 stages, first diluted in 1/3 of water in the proportions indicated in the instructions. Dissolve until emulsified. Without stopping stirring, add the second part of the water.

"Aktofit" and "Fitoferma" are natural means of pest control. When used correctly, they are harmless to humans and pets. Ticks do not adapt to aversectin.

"Kleschenog" and "Kleschevit"

"Kleschenog", "Kleshchevit" infects a spider mite within eight hours. AI: Aversectin is a long-acting neurotoxin. A week is stored on cucumber foliage. Harmless to plants, humans and animals.

Sold in sealed bags.


AI: bacterial spores, protein crystals, exotoxin (Bacillus thuringiensis var. Thuringiensis).

Affects the intestines of pests, reduces fertility, vitality of individuals. Belongs to the category of harmless means of combating ticks.

Etomophagi - biological enemies of the spider mite

An arachnid insect under the Latin name "Phytoseilius persimlis", eats cucumber mites, larvae, eggs. Insects are planted on an infected cucumber bush. They eat the pest population. Neoseiulus Cucumeris is a predatory mite that eats spider mites. Individuals are placed in water before being sold.

They put a ladybug in the greenhouse, she feeds, among other things, on cucumber mites.


Chemicals are toxic, so you need to provide protective equipment, body, respiratory tract, mucous membrane.

Protective measures:

    Before breeding, picking up a chemical, be sure to wear gloves. Protect the body, mucous membranes, eyes. Use goggles, a respirator. Spray at a distance of 30–40 cm.

Toxicity - disadvantage chemicals. The advantage is efficiency. They act totally, they kill individuals of the entire biological chain.

Organophosphorus compounds (OPs)

"Karbovos" with DV malathion. Various form of release (powder, granules, solution, emulsion). It is advisable to dilute before use, in a closed vessel retains its properties. Has a pungent odor. Substances that repel domestic animals are added to it. It acts on spider mites instantly, but only on those that have been poisoned. Decomposition time -10 days. During this period, you can not harvest cucumbers.

"Aktelik" (DV - perimiphos methyl). Validity - 3 days, decomposes up to 10 days. Dilute in the proportion of ml per liter of water. The disadvantage is that it is toxic to bees, evidence must be isolated, as well as birds, fish.

"Fufafon" (DV - malathion). Slightly toxic, acts as a fumigator, in contact with the gastrointestinal tract. Processed at least 20 days before emergence and harvest.

The series of organosphoric compounds include: Antikleshch, Kinfos, Ditoks.


A group of synthetic products of artificial origin. Neurotoxic poisons strike instantly. Affects the intestines, is transferred by contact. Advantage - not phytotoxic, harmless to humans.

"Clipper". DV - bifenthrin, contact-intestinal effect. The main substance has a prolonged action. Can be used in the complex treatment of cucumbers with other drugs.

Karate Zeon. The active substance is encapsulated molecules (lambda-cygolotrin). The effects are instantaneous, nervously paralytic in nature. Does not decompose under the influence of moisture, UV rays. Aqueous suspension.

Fundazol. The same name of the active substance. White powder with a characteristic mild odor. Toxic, requires careful handling. Prolonged exposure (7 days). Kills cucumber spider mites, larvae, egg laying, non-phytotoxic, can be used in combination with other agents.

Other effective pyrethroids: Vertimek, Masai.

Other means

A new generation of drugs, combined effects, has appeared. The combination of several toxic substances has a complex effect on nervous system, intestines of mites, the ability to fertilize.

These tools include: "Anticlesch Max", "Twix", "Keeler", "Oberon Rapid" and others.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used as a prevention of infection of cucumbers with spider mites, at an early stage of the appearance of pests.

Decoctions - a time-tested method, completely harmless. We offer several working recipes:

    White elderberry. Proportion: 1 kg per 10 liters, pour, leave for 10-12 hours. Dilute in a decoction of 50 grams of liquid soap. Dandelion. 0.5 kg of leaves, 0.3 kg - roots, 10 liters of warm water. Pour and insist 3 hours. Sprayed before and after flowering. Gray alder. 2 kg per 10 liters of heated water. Pour for a day. Pharmacy chamomile. 3 kg per 10 liters. Infuse for half a day, add liquid soap. Garlic. 0.5 kg per 10 l, add dissolved soap 40-50 gr. Onion peel. 200 gr per 10 l, withstand 10 days.

Another folk method control of spider mites - sprinkling plants with ash. A mixture is prepared from household, green, tar soap (per 10 liters of water). Laundry soap is dissolved in the whey, cucumbers are watered.

Difficulties in getting rid of a tick

The spider mite quickly adapts to pesticides and biological preparations. It is recommended to change the means of processing, to combine them.

Lesion prevention

The ideal weather for the cucumber spider mite is high temperature (25–30⁰) and low humidity.

Preventive measures:

    frequent watering and spraying; transferring the beds to another place for the next season; cleaning foliage, weeds; digging the soil; after the end of the growing season, burning foliage; regular inspection of cucumbers.

If a spider mite is found on cucumbers, on one or more leaves, you need to pluck them and dispose of them.

Other means of prevention

Sprayed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia (0.3–0.4 ml per liter of water). Greenhouses are fumigated with smoke after the end of the season. Fill in places where pests can appear on next year soda solution.

The spider mite is a dangerous pest. It multiplies rapidly, adapts to different drugs. It needs to be dealt with comprehensively, with repeated cycles. You need to save the plants as soon as you see the appearance of a web, a yellow spot, at least on one leaf.

Suren Aganesyan

Studio owner landscape design. Residential building specialist

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Since it is very difficult to comply with high requirements for the microclimate in greenhouses, pests and infections sometimes develop in them. The reason for the appearance of pests and the activation of pathogens may be incorrect temperature regime, unsuitable air humidity, untimely harvested crop residues, excess or deficiency of fertilizers and contaminated soil. In this article we will tell you where the spider mite comes from on cucumbers in the greenhouse, what means are used to destroy it and what preventive measures help protect the greenhouse from this pest.

Description of the pest

spider mite - an arachnid arthropod of red, orange, yellow-green or whitish color, usually less than 1 mm in size. These sucking pests settle on the underside of the leaves and feed on the cell sap of the plant. Ticks are incredibly prolific: in one season they can give up to 20 generations. The main danger of these pests is that they are carriers of the cucumber mosaic virus.

As soon as spider mites appear in the greenhouse, they spread very quickly, and as a result of their vital activity, the leaves of the plants are depleted, dry and die, which negatively affects both the development of cucumbers and their fruiting. The most comfortable temperature for these pests at an average indoor humidity of 23-33 ºC, that is, greenhouse conditions are just perfect for spider mites.

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Signs of the presence of mites on cucumbers are:

  • discolored dots and spots on the leaves;
  • barely noticeable web;
  • slow growth and development, yellowing and drying of the leaves of the plant.

Prevention of spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse

If you don't want to fight ticks on cucumbers every year, take preventive measures:

  • at the beginning of each season, disinfect the greenhouse with a sulfur bomb: this way you will save the room not only from ticks, but also from other pests, as well as fungi and viruses;
  • after harvesting, remove all plant debris from the greenhouse, and at the beginning of the next season, change the top layer of soil 20 cm thick on the beds;
  • alternate beds of cucumbers with beds of tomatoes: on tomatoes, mites do not multiply so quickly;
  • plant marigolds between the bushes, the smell of which ticks do not tolerate;
  • regularly fight weeds and take them out of the greenhouse: it is on weeds that pests settle first;
  • strictly observe the agricultural practices of the culture and try to leave slightly larger gaps between the rows so that the ticks do not spread so quickly;
  • maintain high humidity in the greenhouse - 80-85%. For cucumbers, this is a normal level, but ticks with such indicators will be damp;
  • regularly inspect the plants so as not to miss the moment when ticks appear: the sooner you find them, the higher the chance to get rid of them quickly;
  • if ticks are found, immediately start processing cucumbers with folk remedies: plants are sprayed every two weeks, and if ticks have bred, weekly treatments will be required;
  • you can kill spider mites with their help natural enemies phytoseiulus - predators among ticks, it is enough to spread several leaves with phytoseiulus around a bush affected by mites;
  • if folk remedies could not rid the cucumbers in the greenhouse of spider mites, use acaricidal preparations.

Folk remedies against ticks on cucumbers

Folk methods for the destruction of spider mites, of course, are not as effective as chemical acaricides. The advantage of herbal preparations is their low toxicity to humans and the environment, so in the case when there are few pests, try to do without chemistry. In the fight against spider mites, you can help:

  • a solution of 30 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water: wipe the cucumber leaves and spray the greenhouse with the solution;
  • wormwood infusion: pour 800 g of dry wormwood grass into 10 liters of water, leave for 2 days, then boil for half an hour, cool, strain and dilute 1: 1 with water - this composition will help you get rid of many pests in the greenhouse;
  • decoction of tomato tops: pour 4 kg of chopped tops into 10 liters of boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes, then strain, add 30 g of grated laundry soap for every 2 liters of decoction and stir well - the decoction is effective against ticks and aphids;
  • garlic infusion: insist 150 g of dry leaves and garlic husks in 10 liters of water for a day, strain and immediately process the bushes;
  • mustard infusion: pour 200 g of mustard powder into 10 liters of water, leave for half a day and strain;
  • infusion of potato tops: pour 1.5 kg of chopped tops for 4-5 hours with a bucket of water, strain and use for spraying.

Treatment of cucumbers from a tick in a greenhouse with chemicals

Since ticks are not insects, but arachnids, not insecticidal, but acaricidal chemicals are used to destroy them, the most effective of which are:

plant pin- an agent for combating ticks and aphids, which is produced in the form of sticks: they are stuck into the soil around plants, during watering they dissolve and release the active substance butoxyraboxime, which affects ticks. The drug is intended for the destruction of pests at an early stage of plant damage, the protection period is 1-1.5 months;

Etisso- a drug produced in a form similar to Plant-Pin and with the same characteristics, but with another active substance - dimethoate;

Actellik- a highly effective insecticide used to kill many pests. The product is toxic, so follow the safety precautions when processing plants;

Phytoferm- an effective drug against many pests, but it can be addictive.

In addition to those described, the preparations Karbofos, Apollo, Iskra-Bio, Bitoxibacillin, Akarin, Vermitek, Aktofit, Flumayte, Agravertin and BI-58 do a good job with spider mites. They are quickly absorbed by cucumber leaves and protect them from ticks for three weeks.

The smallest dirty trick is a spider mite on cucumbers, capable of exterminating cucumber crops with its voracity and fertility. It is difficult to get rid of it because of the rapid addiction to chemicals. The methods of struggle collected here will become an effective help for vegetable growers - each proposed remedy has been tested on successful repeated experience.

Green cucumbers that crunch so pleasantly in the mouth and leave a fresh aftertaste - that's why they are massively grown among the people. This vegetable is delicate and fastidious, sometimes it brings a lot of trouble, but the harvest for the flight table and for harvesting for the winter is worth it.

One of the important problems is the formation of a spider mite on cucumbers, the measures to combat which we will analyze, since not everyone is able to effectively deal with an insidious pest.

Who is a spider mite and where does it come from

To understand the ways in which spider mites appear on cucumbers and how to deal with a horde of these gluttons, you need to know their habitat.

Spider mite on cucumbers

  • A small harmful insect, which is to be fought, is about 0.5 mm long, painted brown or red and endowed with 4 pairs of articulated legs in the adult stage and 3 pairs in the larval stage.
  • It develops in 5 stages - egg, larva, 2 stages of nymph and adult.
  • Larvae and nymphs are greenish with dark zones on the sides.
  • Females hide to spend the winter in the ground.
  • He loves dry hot air, under such conditions quickly - within 3 days - the larvae already hatch.
  • The tick does not live long - less than a month, but manages to breed well, which complicates the control measures.
  • Settles on reverse side leaves, pierces their pulp and sucks the juice from the plant, depriving it of chlorophyll.
  • Leaves behind damage to the foliage in the form of a marble pattern - whitish lifeless spots and a thin, but dense milky web.

Spider mite larvae

Recipes for dealing with spider mites on cucumbers, as well as measures to prevent it, are largely based on the ways the pest appears.

  • A spider mite crawls on cucumbers, usually from the ground after wintering, when the soil warms up enough, attacking the growing greenery.
  • Weeds that grow in the garden before cucumbers become a breeding ground for ticks.
  • Seedlings from greenhouses and greenhouses are another likely gateway for infestation of cucumbers by hordes of pests, there is an excellent environment for their habitat.

For your information! The spider mite, in addition to its own damage, can “reward” vegetables with gray rot spores. It is better to prevent its appearance from the very beginning than to try to get rid of it later - to deal with it, alas, is really laborious and not always successful.

What means will help rid cucumbers of spider mites

The choice of remedy for spider mites on cucumbers is best based on the degree of damage that he managed to inflict on growing vegetables.

Important! Before spraying cucumber bushes, you need to remove the tick web - it will retain drops of liquid, and they will not fall on the surface of the plant!

For your information! Acaricides are toxic to humans and should be used as a last resort when other control measures fail.

Improvised means for getting rid of spider mites on cucumbers

If the defeat of cucumber foliage is insignificant, and the owners do not know how and how to get rid of spider mites on cucumbers, they will need the means that everyone has at hand.

Such simple measures without the involvement of chemistry will neutralize the threat of extermination of cucumber bushes by ticks, if applied in time.

Plants - assistants in the fight against spider mites

Infusions with decoctions of herbs, which cause the absolute death of the spider mite, can be used in the pollination of cucumber bushes. Justified itself in the use of such vegetable raw materials for the fight against small ticks.

  • Datura- decoction: 1 kg of dry plant without roots / 2 kg of dried / 3 kg of fresh boil for about 3 hours and dilute with 10 liters of water; infusion - pour 100 g of a dry plant with a liter of water and leave for a day.
  • Dandelion- infusion: pour 0.5 kg of fresh chopped herbs with 10 liters of water and set aside to infuse for 3-4 hours.
  • Calendula- infusion: 0.4 kg of flowers withstand 5 days in 4 liters of water.
  • Sorrel- Soak 0.3 kg of chopped rhizome in a bucket of water for 5 hours.
  • yarrow- 0.5 kg of dry raw materials must be brewed in boiling water, and then the volume should be brought to 10 liters.
  • Onion and garlic- 0.2 kg of a mixture of their husks insist in a bucket of water during the day.

The use of these poisonous solutions by the drip method helps gardeners fight the spider web pest with natural means, without harming the purity of the crop.

Important! Irrigation should not be done in the active sun - morning or evening, otherwise unstable toxins in the liquid will quickly disintegrate under the sun's rays.

Biological products against spider mites

An excellent substitute for poisonous chemicals is modern biological products that act pointwise only for pests that devour the greens they have processed. Microorganisms, on which the mechanism of biological poison is based, inhibit the vital activity of the spider mite at all mobile stages, when they suck the juice from the cucumber.

In addition to eggs, females that have gone into the ground may not fall under their action, so the irrigation frequency is usually 3 or even 4 stages.

    "Vertimek" with the active ingredient abamectin - it is most often praised for its effectiveness.

"Kleschevit" and "Akarin"

"Aktofit" and "Fitoverm"

Biological products do not instantly kill the tick, but only after 8 - 12 hours.

Biological poison is prepared strictly according to the enclosed instructions, and all prescribed safety rules are observed at the working stage.

Acaricides that destroy spider web pests on cucumbers

Acaricidal chemicals are "heavy artillery" for the spider mite, affecting not only nymphs, larvae and adult insects, but also egg mite clutches.

The only downside is that they quickly develop immunity to poisons, since 3 generations are replaced in a season. Therefore, you need to change the drug, focusing on the composition, and not another name.

Observations suggest that only 50-70% of ticks will die out in one treatment, up to 90% in two, therefore, 3 treatments are carried out with a break of 4-6 days, depending on the weather - the hotter and drier, the shorter the break.

Such acaricides showed their "lethal" power.

  • "Floromite", where the substance is based on biphenazate;
  • Flumite, where the substance is flufenzine;
  • "Oberon", where the substance is based on spiromesifen;
  • "Sunmite", where the substance is pyridaben;
  • "Apollo", where the substance is clofentezin;
  • "Nisoran", where the substance is hexythiazox.

Important! When working with a chemical poison, you need to be especially scrupulous in order not to get poisoned - the drugs are relatively toxic to humans too!

Preventive measures against spider mites

A spider mite is a scourge that is easier and faster to prevent than to fight destruction later. Preventive actions against it are simple and reliable, if carried out thoroughly.

They are based on accounting comfortable conditions for accelerated reproduction and transformation into new phases of the spider mite (and this is dryness and heat), as well as conditions for successful wintering.

Let's consider what can be done to prevent the tick from getting to cucumbers in greenhouses and hotbeds, as well as on open garden ground.

Prevention of spider mites in greenhouses and greenhouses

The microclimate in greenhouses and hotbeds contributes to the comfort for the spider mite - it is dry and warm there. It is able to settle down perfectly in greenhouse conditions, feed itself, give a start to offspring and spend the winter in greenhouse soil.

How to prevent a spider mite, spoiling the habitat?

  • Make the humidity above 70%, because already at 60% the tick dies.
  • After the crop is harvested, remove or thoroughly dig up the top layer of soil, especially in the corners - female ticks like to hide there for the winter.
  • Enrich the soil with phosphate fertilizers in the form of mixtures.

For your information! It is good to disinfect the frame and trellises in the off-season - some individuals, when the temperature does not drop below 0 ° C, do not go into the soil, but climb up plants, frame elements, trellises.

Preventive measures in the garden against spider mites

At the height of summer, especially in hot dry weather, in 3 days out of 100 eggs laid by the female, a new hungry spider mite appears in the larval stage, which is no less voracious. Therefore, the tick horde multiplies many times, and it becomes more and more difficult to overcome it.

To protect your cucumbers from such a misfortune, a number of simple measures should be taken.

  • When the cucumber crop is harvested, the entire plant must be completely dug up and burned - some individuals may settle on the stems and top.
  • Before planting and after removing the bushes, the soil is carefully dug up.
  • Timely removal of weeds is a guarantee of the absence of spider mites on your cucumbers, because since spring weeds are the first food for the tick after hibernation.
  • Planting marigold flowers between bushes will prevent tick invasion.
  • Found affected leaves should be cut off and burned.

For your information! Planting mixed cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage will save cucumbers from the misfortune of spider mites!

The damage to cucumbers from spider mites is enormous - the affected plant becomes defenseless against other diseases - fungus and rot, the crop also suffers. It is only in the power of the gardener himself to minimize such damage.

Controlling spider mites in a greenhouse is not an easy task. Neither “onion water”, nor laundry soap, nor “triple” cologne, nor spraying the leaves of affected plants will help get rid of it. The insect is quite tenacious, but the most dangerous thing is that in just a few weeks it can destroy the entire greenhouse crop, most often settling on cucumbers. The easiest way to destroy a tick is to create uncomfortable conditions for it to exist. In the most extreme cases, aggressive agricultural chemistry (pesticides), which destroys the insect with the help of toxic effects, will save.

Uncomfortable conditions for the tick

So, the fight against spider mites should begin with the observance of agricultural technology for growing plants in a greenhouse. For example, if cucumbers are grown in it, then they should be alternated with tomato seedlings. The latter just scare away the pest, as they are unsuitable for laying eggs.

Still unacceptable for a tick high humidity at the level of 80-90%. For plants, including cucumbers, this is the natural environment for germination. Therefore, careful watering for 5-10 days can really drive ticks out of the greenhouse. But this is not always true, since the pest can be noticed already when the leaves of the plants begin to turn yellow. And this is actually "clinical death" for them. That is why the tick in the greenhouse should always be looked for. To do this, you just need to inspect several plants every evening for the presence of insects 1-2 mm in size. At a cursory examination, it is almost impossible to notice them.

You can still fight the spider mite in the greenhouse with the help of phytoseiulus. This is a different type of mites, which is a natural enemy of spider webs. However, for plants, it is not at all dangerous. Moreover, it will disappear immediately after the "victory" over the pest.

And, as practice has shown, the spider mite rarely starts in greenhouses and greenhouses without weeds. It is on them that he is able to winter and endure even the most very coldy. So the absence of pests should be taken care of in advance, starting from the planting period. Seed treatment with pesticides is also effective, but only a specialist agronomist can do this.

Means used when a pest is detected

What to do if a tick is found and some of the plants are already entangled in “cotton wool”? As soon as possible, all plants in the greenhouse (including weeds, if any) should be treated with special preparations.

Among them:

  1. "Plant Pin" - universal remedy, thanks to which the spider mite in the greenhouse is removed in just a few days. After that, the manufacturer of the drug recommends actively watering the plants before the start of the fruiting period: this will reduce toxicity (although it is already weak).
  2. "Etisso"- also a good drug with a similar effect. The difference is in the active ingredient. In addition, "Etisso" is intended for root feeding of the plant. That is, it is much easier to use it. It is recommended to use for prevention (during the appearance of the first growth of fruits).
  3. "Aktellik"- a rather toxic drug, but it will get rid of ticks instantly. It does not affect the plant itself in any way, the fruits do not make poisonous. But you need to use it very carefully, observing safety measures.
  4. "Fitoverm"- cheap, effective remedy, however, insects get used to it, that is, after repeated use, such means of dealing with spider mites will not work. The manufacturer claims that this effect occurs after three applications.
  5. "Vermitek"- its action is based on the defeat of females and laid eggs. Already after one spraying of infected plants, the number of pests in the greenhouse will drastically decrease. After the second time, the tick will completely disappear. But there is a small probability of its reappearance just a few weeks after the initial use of the drug.

These are not all methods of dealing with spider mites. There is also a more effective agrochemistry, but it is not freely available and is sold only to large farmers who have an agronomist.

Folk methods of struggle

Oddly enough, there are a lot of folk tips on how to deal with spider mites, and many of them really work. For this purpose, tinctures from acaricide plants are used, which adversely affect the entire tick population. These include:

  • cow parsnip (any type),
  • nosed aconite,
  • creeping mustard,
  • dope ordinary (even just sprouting in a greenhouse, it repels a tick),
  • wormwood carpezium.

All infusions of these herbs are best prepared from a fresh base, which should be filled with medical or technical alcohol. After 2 days, you can process the greenhouse. It is recommended to spray the plants themselves with a 15-20% solution (that is, add 5 parts of water to the concentrate), but the greenhouse (in particular corner connections and joints, soil) - concentrated. Processing is recommended to be performed 2 times a month. This advice suitable for both control and prevention. In the latter case, the processing of the plants themselves is not necessary.

The most "strong" plant to combat spider mites is blue cyanosis.

Even a 10% alcohol solution is capable of expelling all ticks from the greenhouse in a few hours. In this case, eggs can be eliminated with some kind of pesticide such as Vermitec. However, experts still recommend collecting all damaged leaves and stems entangled in cobwebs and immediately burning them as far as possible from the greenhouse.

Destroys ticks and Dalmatian chamomile. Unfortunately, this plant is not found in all regions. Russian Federation and is not medicinal. Therefore, it is not so easy to get it. The advantage of this chamomile is the effect on the eggs of the pest. For processing cucumbers, a 2% solution is used. For other vegetables - 4 percent.

Unfortunately, if a spider mite infects seedlings, then folk advice on how to get rid of the pest will not help. Only aggressive agrochemistry comes into play. The affected plant dies in just a few days, completely drying out and covered with cobwebs. Just one affected leaf is enough for the seedlings to be spoiled.

As practice shows, ultraviolet light can also help in the fight against ticks. But it should be used as an additional tool. And keep in mind that prolonged "warming up" of unprepared plants under the sun's rays can destroy the entire crop. Therefore, it is recommended to use artificial ultraviolet radiation. Fortunately, such lamps are sold in almost every lighting equipment store, they are inexpensive and consume a small amount of electricity, covering a fairly large area of ​​the planted crop.

It should be noted that in order to prevent infection of nearby greenhouses, it is enough that the distance between them is at least 1 m. However, if a spider mite is wound up on the site, then you will have to deal with the processing of all greenhouses. Otherwise, pests will simply run from one greenhouse to another. It is unlikely that in such conditions it will be possible to count on good harvest greenhouse vegetables.

Pest control in greenhouses (video)

The spider mite is a pest from which many horticultural crops acquire dangerous diseases. Only on tomatoes it almost does not appear, but pepper, pumpkin, eggplant, melon, and, of course, this dirty trick loves cucumbers very much.

Know the enemy by sight: a tick on cucumbers in a greenhouse

This is a very tiny insect no more than 2 mm, its mouth has a piercing-sucking function. There is a tick milky-transparent, orange, yellow-green, red. Females of these pests lay up to 400 eggs per day. It turns out that in a greenhouse a tick can give up to 20 generations. One tick lives 20-50 days.

Already at a temperature of +12, mites develop, and when the temperature rises to +25, and humidity rises, mites become active at full strength.

It doesn't matter how the tick got into the greenhouse. Even on a tool borrowed from a neighbor, or work clothes, you can bring a tick to the site. Therefore, absolutely no one is immune from such an uninvited guest. What does this mean? And this means that you do not need to wait until he begins to command on the site, you need to prevent his appearance altogether.

Preventive control of ticks on cucumbers in the greenhouse

It is considered useful to rotate seasonal crops in one place - that is, not all the time on this particular piece of land to plant cucumbers. One year tomatoes (to which the tick is indifferent), another time cabbage, and the third time cucumbers. And the tick looks more into unkempt greenhouses: where the earth is not loose, and weeds grow, and watering is clearly not enough.

Prevention of the appearance of spider mites:

  • Spring disinfection will help, the same one, “grandfather's” - sulfur bombs and bleach are used.
  • If a pest has already entered the greenhouse in the fall, leave a larger distance between the rows in the spring.
  • Pests prefer medium humidity, and when the humidity rises to 85%, the tick does not like it (but cucumbers do not hurt).
  • So that the tick does not move from one greenhouse to another, it is possible to plant cereals between greenhouses, this is a barrier for the pest.

Diseased parts of plants must be destroyed. And for this, regularly, once every three days for sure, inspect the leaves, the back side. Avoid mass contamination of the culture.

Effective measures: spider mites in the greenhouse

If the tick appears when the fruits are already tied and ripening, the use of chemical preparations is not recommended. But folk methods of struggle will do just fine. Moreover, they are also effective.

How to "popularly" deal with ticks:

  1. You can arrange a pest shower from the infusion of potato tops. Take one and a half kg of potato tops, cut finely, pour 10 liters of water. Infuse this solution for 2.5-3 hours. Then it should be filtered, and immediately sprinkle the leaves from the back. Within three hours, the spider mite will die. But his eggs are tenacious, so repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Onion peel. Take 10 liters hot water(but not boiling water), pour it into half a bucket of onion peel. You need to insist for a day. Then the infusion is filtered, diluted twice with water. Do the same with chamomile, it will work for sure.
  3. Infusion on tops of tomatoes will also help out. Pour the same 10 liters of water with 450 g of finely chopped tomato tops, boil the mixture for half an hour over low heat. After that, mix 30 g of laundry soap into 2 liters of the resulting liquid, and the pest can be sprayed with this composition. By the way, this mixture is detrimental not only to ticks, but also to aphids.

What other plant is great for mites? You can bring garlic extract, alder, oriental goat's rue to the fight. Only spraying should always be plentiful, thorough. The mite is still a spider, its web is an insect shield, retaining all solutions on itself. Therefore, no superficial spraying - carefully, so that it will work for sure.

How to deal with a tick on cucumbers in a greenhouse

It is not always possible to use folk remedies, sometimes there is nothing suitable, but you can buy drugs quickly. And already seriously attack the tick. Such drugs are called acaricides, they fight not only with ticks, but also with thrips, aphids, caterpillars.

Such preparations as Flumite, Actellik, Vermitek, Appolo, Fitoferm, etc. are used. If you use the drug three times, but there is no desired result, then the tick has already adapted to it, change the remedy.

Plant-Plin became popular. A good option: this drug is produced with sticks, they are buried in the root zone. When you irrigate, the substance quietly dissolves itself, and after a couple of days it acts on the pest. Etisso does the same.

Methods of dealing with spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse (video) (26 ratings, average: 4,39 out of 5)

In contact with

Cell sap acts as the main food source. The more ticks, the faster the plants die in greenhouses. In this case, photosynthesis is disturbed, there is a lack of chlorophyll. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, a web appears, and the ovaries do not develop or deform due to disturbed intracellular processes.

negatively affects fertility.
In the photo, a damaged cucumber leaf

Where does it come from?

Inside the greenhouse, the pest is detected earlier than on the open ground. This is due to the creation of comfortable conditions for it (temperatures of + 12 ° C and more in early spring). The tick is spread by humans and animals. It is small, and therefore more often travels through the cobweb (scatters in the wind), but also independently crawls onto healthy plants.

The pest spreads through soil and seedlings.

Signs of defeat. Photo of affected leaves and fruits

Spider mite on cucumbers in a greenhouse is detected by a number of manifestations:

  • the appearance of dots on the sheets;
  • against the background of infection with a tick, gray rot often develops;
  • cobwebs are found on plants.

The web of the mite is clearly visible on the underside of the leaves.
A neglected case - young cucumber leaves are completely shrouded in cobwebs

Consider all possible methods. The main options: treatment with biological products, acaricides. Additionally, home remedies, agrotechnical methods are used.

If possible,

resort to biological methods.

The photo shows that the tick has entangled the young leaves and inflorescences of cucumber

Folk remedies and recipes

Such a measure can only be considered as an auxiliary one. Home remedies are ineffective for severe infestations. They are used to enhance the therapeutic effect when treating plants in a greenhouse with stronger means, for prevention and for initial stage infections.

spider web pests folk remedies do not work.

The photo shows all stages of development: eggs, cobwebs and adults.

Garlic tincture

In hot water (10 l) add 30 g of garlic crushed to the state of gruel. A day later, the agent is filtered, and then immediately used for its intended purpose (against the spider mite).

Hot peppers

Use 100 g of fresh raw materials, it is added to water (1 l). The product is boiled for at least an hour under a closed lid. Then you need to wait 2 days, after which the pepper is crushed, the solution is mixed and filtered. This concentrate is added to water of a larger volume - 10 liters.

Decoction and infusion hot pepper used to kill spider mites on cucumbers

Hydrogen peroxide (3%)

Affected plants should be sprayed antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide is taken at a concentration of 3% (2 tablespoons), it is added to the liquid (1 liter). To increase efficiency, another antiseptic is added - iodine (no more than 25 drops). This folk remedy for spider mites on cucumbers is used for prevention.

tobacco dust


Prepare a solution: 1 tsp. ammonia, 1 liter of liquid. The product is used for spraying 3-4 times. And between the procedures make a break of 5-7 days. Do not increase the dosage of ammonia, this can cause plant burns.

Has an unforgettable scent

Tar soap

Dissolve 40 g of chips of this agent in water (10 l). You need to wait until the consistency of the liquid becomes uniform. You need to spray the plants in the greenhouse with the product or process the leaves by hand. Then the plaque must be removed with a damp cloth. You can remove tar soap with a fine water shower.

Tar toilet soap "Stork"


Prepare a solution: take 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, the same amount of cloves, 2 tsp. provencal herbs. Pour boiling water (1 l) into a container where spices are already located. When the product has cooled, add garlic (2 tbsp gruel from ground teeth). After 1 hour, the mixture is filtered, a little liquid soap is added and the cucumbers are processed in the greenhouse.


Take milk and water (the amount is determined by the ratio 1:10). Add 10 drops of iodine. To prevent the appearance of a burn in the sun, the treatment of affected plants is performed in the mornings or evenings.


The tool is used in its pure form - it is scattered over cucumbers that have begun to look bad (turned yellow, changed shape). This is done after treatment with other preparations or top dressing of the soil.

Ashes and ashes are sprinkled directly on the plants


In water (0.5 l) add 2 tbsp. l. vodka. It is necessary to treat the leaves with a cotton pad or rags soaked in the prepared solution.


Prepare only 1 tsp. raw materials, pour it with boiling water (1 cup). When the product has cooled down, it is used to clean the leaves from ticks (you need to process each leaf). Do it on garden plot problematic, respectively, celandine is usually used to treat indoor plants.

A decoction of celandine is sprayed with problem areas of the greenhouse


You will need a solution of brilliant green (1 tsp), peroxide (2 tbsp), 1 liter. water. A tool based on brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide is used for multiple treatments (at least 4 times), the interval is 5 days.

Laundry soap

Prepare 1 bucket of water, laundry soap (200 g). You can replace the detergent with tar or liquid soap. But the household is more accessible for use, usually there is always at home. The finished solution must be sprayed on the plants in the greenhouse. To improve the properties of the finished product, it is recommended to leave it at rest for 3 hours. When it is infused, further actions are taken.

Plants are treated with a solution of laundry soap


This remedy should not be confused with ammonia. Ammonia is a concentrated substance. Alcohol is made on its basis. This means that the finished solution should be much less concentrated. Use 30 ml, dilute in 1 bucket of water. The tool is used to treat leaves from 2 sides with moistened rags.

Table: folk remedies for spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse and recipes

Some herbs exhibit insect repellent properties. For this reason, they are planted in the area between greenhouses or inside such structures.

As a result,

Treat plants

such preparations can be used when necessary, as they are not phytotoxic.

predatory mites

This method of struggle refers to biological. It is advisable to use it in agriculture, and not in everyday life. At the same time, the number of some predators that eat spider mites artificially increases.

A tick of the family Phytoseiulus persimilis eats a common spider mite

Table: spider mite enemies on cucumbers in greenhouses

When you need to get rid of one pest, you need to be aware of the risks of destruction of plants by other dangerous arthropods. They attract such predators that may be near cucumbers, but will not destroy them.

The name of the predatorAppearanceFeatures of life
PhytoseiulusThis is a type of tick. The body color is red, but the larvae are lighter. The length of the pest is not more than 0.5 mm.Lives at temperatures above +21°C. The predator prefers a humid environment. A female lays up to 100 eggs in her lifetime.
neoseiulus californicusThese are ticks, the body length is not more than 0.1 mm. Males are even smaller. It is almost impossible to detect eggs without a magnifying glass (0.04 mm). Coloration of adults varies: pink, peach, pale orange or transparentFemales lay about 4 eggs per day. Six-legged larvae emerge from them. They do not need to eat to develop. The next day, a nymph appears (passes through 2 stages), and after a few days - an imago
ladybugsBody length: 0.8-18 mm. The back is red with regular black spots. Predator has 6 limbsDestroys various pests. The beetle hibernates under leafy litter, and individuals gather together to keep warm. Such pests are activated in the spring


The drug "Aktellik"

Table: main helpers - getting rid of ticks in greenhouses

Before buying, the properties of acaricidal agents are studied. Some drugs are presented in the table.

Tool nameMain componentMechanism of action on ticks
FufanonMalathionIntestinal-contact action. The agent affects the nervous system of the tick, disrupts motor activity, causes death
KarbofosMalathionThe principle of operation of such a tool does not differ from the previously considered
ActellikPirimiphos-methylThe active ingredient belongs to the FOS group, therefore it affects the nervous system of pests
ApolloClofentazineContact principle of operation, hazard class 3. The product destroys eggs, young pests and adults
DemitanPhenazakhinThe duration of the prolonged action is 40 days. This tool is not toxic to plants, does not cause resistance in ticks.

Agrotechnical measures to combat spider mites on cucumbers

If it is important first of all to ensure the high quality of the cucumber crop in the greenhouse, a number of safe measures should be taken:

  • crop rotation;
  • moderate plant nutrition;
  • weed cleaning;
  • in the greenhouse, plants are planted as far apart as possible;
  • increase in air humidity up to 85-90%;
  • regular cleaning inside the greenhouse;
  • digging the soil in autumn and spring, it must be disinfected before the onset of cold weather.

Prevention of spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse

  • hot steam treatment of the soil before planting, after the procedure the soil is covered, left for 3 days;
  • regularly inspect the plants, pay special attention to the leaves from the back;
  • inside the greenhouse, you can use a sulfur checker to clean the soil and various surfaces;
  • soil mulching;
  • use folk remedies to prevent the appearance of pests - they process leaves or spray toxic substances;
  • in the fall, the remains of plants are removed.

Enlarged photography - red spider mites are clearly visible on the back of the cucumber leaf

Rubric question-answer

Given that pests multiply rapidly, it is better to consult a specialist before starting treatment. There is an opportunity to ask questions online.

Are cucumbers completely resistant to mites and aphids?

Expert opinion

Galanin Valery Alexandrovich

If cucumbers rot, is it always due to spider mites?

Anna Sitnikova, 39 years old, Novomoskovsk: “Recently, a gray coating appeared on the plants. I think it's rot. What is the reason? Is it the ticks? They're on the move right now."

Expert opinion

Bragin Evgeny Igorevich

Specialist entomologist, scientific work experience of 19 years.

“There is such a possibility, because plants weaken against the background of infection. This contributes to the development of other diseases, for example, gray rot.

Cucumbers weakened by spider mites may be susceptible to other diseases.

Do ticks survive in frozen soil?

Varvara Timofeeva, 33 years old, Tomsk "When ticks hibernate, can they freeze to death?"

Expert opinion

Galanin Valery Alexandrovich

Acarologist, Research Institute employee, specialization arachnids

Many gardeners, unfortunately, are faced with one of the main pests of cucumbers - spider mites. This small insect, barely visible to the eye, can cause great harm to cucumbers in a greenhouse, reducing their yield by more than half. And although it is not easy to get rid of it, there are still methods of struggle that have been successfully tested by many summer residents and farmers.

What is a spider mite and what does it look like

The spider mite is a small representative of arthropods from the class of arachnids of the mite family, which has an almost oval body 0.2–1 mm long. At the same time, males are much smaller than females. The body of insects is covered with a structured cuticle that forms folds, dots or tubercles.

The color of ticks varies from very light to yellow-green with translucent on the back. internal organs. In anticipation of winter cold, adult females acquire an orange or red hue. There are species with a bright scarlet color.
On the thin legs of ticks there is a claw device that helps them cling to leaves. The oral apparatus of arachnids is adapted for piercing the surface of plants and sucking out the internal juice.

Important! The active development of spider mites is facilitated by a dry and hot atmosphere. Under such conditions, the time period from egg to adult takes only 5 days.

Most mite species spend the winter as eggs in the soil or harvested compost. At the beginning of the new season, when the air warms up to +15°C, small six-legged larvae emerge from the eggs. For several days they feed on young greens, after which they lie in a shelter and molt into the first stage of nymphs. Nymphs go through two more stages of molting, after which they become sexually mature adult spider mites. The pest easily spreads throughout the territory, spreading by air currents with fragments of its web.

Signs and main causes of defeat

The spider mite loves potatoes, strawberries, radishes, celery, gourds and others, but if there are cucumbers planted on the farm, they will choose them first. At the same time, the pest prefers the most unstable varieties to its effects.
Particularly attractive to spider mites are those cucumbers that grow in a greenhouse. This is due to the fact that favorable conditions are created in it:

  • lack of rain and wind;
  • warm and humid atmosphere;
  • lack of natural enemies.

In such an environment, mites actively multiply, settle mainly on the lower surface of the leaves and feed by piercing the leaf and sucking out its juices. Gradually, pests move to the stems and fruits of plants, damaging and destroying their cells.

Signs and consequences of damage to greenhouse cucumbers by spider mites:

  • light dots and spots on the outer surface of the leaves;
  • growing web on cucumber leaves;
  • yellowing, drilling, drying and dying of leaves;
  • slowing down the development and reducing the yield of cucumbers;
  • reduction in size and the appearance of non-standard fruit shapes.

Did you know? In our country, many prefer tuberculate cucumbers, considering them "real". In the West, on the contrary, they prefer smooth fruits, calling pimply specimens cucumbers in a “Russian shirt”.

How to get rid of spider mites in a greenhouse on cucumbers

You can fight spider mites on greenhouse cucumbers as folk ways and with the help of chemicals. Using the second method can be dangerous to humans if the poison does not have time to decompose before the harvest of the crop treated with it, so you should always follow the instructions for using chemicals.


Unfortunately, the widespread use of chemicals has led to the destruction of many natural enemies of ticks, in addition, pests have begun to develop resistance to various pesticides.

Nevertheless, they are still actively used, especially in large farms, where the main means of control is spraying with insecticides (pesticides and acaricides). These drugs are not harmless to humans, so they should be used only in case of emergency, strictly following the instructions.

  • Iskra-BIO;
  • "Karbofos";
  • "Fitovermon";
  • "Bitoxibacillin".
Usually, repeated treatment with these preparations is necessary, and the higher the temperature in the greenhouse, the more often the plants will have to be treated.
The minimum time between treatments: "Bitobaxicillin" - 14 days, "Fitovermon" - 20 days. Spraying is best done in the evening so that the light does not destroy the drug on the leaves and give it time to act on pests.

On the early stages, when only single individuals of ticks appeared, the Plant-Pin preparation proved itself well. The stick should be stuck into the ground near the stem of the cucumber. When watering, the active substance dissolves, is absorbed by the root system, enters the plant sap and destroys pests. The action of the stick is designed for 45 days.

Did you know? The ancient philosopher and physician Avicenna believed that the cucumber has medicinal properties. He advised to use this vegetable in diseases of the liver and stomach, and even use it as an antipyretic.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes are also quite effective, although when using them, getting rid of spider mites may take a little longer:

Video: How to detect and defeat a spider mite

Ecological methods of struggle

Such control measures are suitable for those gardeners who do not accept any "extra" effects on plants.

  1. Remove and burn all affected leaves and stems. Do not use them for compost so as not to spread the infestation.
  2. Separate the infected areas by pulling the roots between the infected and healthy specimens.
  3. Wash the cucumbers abundantly with strong water pressure (without damaging the plants). Try to grab the bottom surface of the leaves.

Important! In the fight against spider mites, its rapid reproduction should be taken into account, therefore it is better to focus on the destruction of both adults and eggs and larvae.

What diseases can a spider mite cause on cucumbers in a greenhouse

In addition to external manifestations in the form of cobwebs on cucumbers, there are more serious threats. So, the growing web interferes with photosynthesis and causes oxygen starvation of plants. Over time, necrosis develops on the leaves, manifested by light dots, spots and complete death of the foliage.
All this leads to a significant decrease in the quality and quantity of fruits. If you do not pay attention to the first signs of cucumber disease in time, their treatment can be quite long. And in advanced cases, the death of plants and the complete loss of the crop are possible, so you should respond in a timely manner to the appearance of pests and immediately begin to fight them.

Prevention measures

When growing cucumbers, one should not forget about the prevention of damage by spider mites. Basic measures to prevent infection:

  • carefully remove weeds in the greenhouse, especially nettles, shepherd's purse and quinoa;
  • at in large numbers remove weeds and disinfect the topsoil or replace it with fresh;
  • handle all greenhouse structures blowtorch or gas burner;
  • in the fall, fumigate the greenhouse with a sulfur checker and disinfect all inventory;
  • plant pest-resistant varieties of cucumbers, they usually have thick leaves with stiff hairs on the back surface;
  • water the plants in a timely manner, because with insufficient watering they are more susceptible to infection;
  • use a rare planting of seedlings, which prevents the rapid spread of infection to neighboring plants.

So, inspect the cucumbers every 2-3 days, and if you notice that a cobweb has appeared and the leaves are turning yellow, do not hesitate and take measures to get rid of ticks. The sooner you start fighting, the more likely it is to prevent the further spread of the pest and to fully preserve the crop.