Garden processing gooseberry currant in early spring. Gooseberries, currants and spring processing of fruit crops - useful tips

  • 04.03.2020

Gooseberries are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Therefore, its bushes can be found on many garden plots. But the culture has a significant drawback - it enjoys special love from harmful insects, as well as pathogenic fungi. Since any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it later, the focus should be on preventive measures. If, however, it was still not possible to save the bush from the disease, it is important to be able to identify it in time and know what exactly to do in this case.

The best time to process gooseberries

Gooseberries are more prone to disease than many other berry bushes. Therefore, the first time preventive treatment is carried out in early spring, combining it with sanitary pruning. Leaf buds ready to bloom and the soil around the bush are sprayed with any fungicide - these drugs kill many pathogenic fungi. The procedure must be repeated after flowering, preferably even twice, with an interval of 10-12 days.

In the spring, preventive measures must be carried out before the leaves bloom on the gooseberry bushes.

During the entire period of active vegetation, the bushes are sprayed in order to protect against one of the most common and dangerous diseases for crops - powdery mildew. The first treatment is carried out in April, the last - in September. The interval between them is 10–12 days.

In autumn, one should also not forget about prevention, this is a mandatory procedure along with pruning the bush and cleaning the near-trunk circle from fallen leaves, broken branches, fallen berries, weeds and other plant debris. Processing is best done 2-3 weeks after the entire crop has been harvested.

Gooseberry bushes delight the gardener with a harvest, but at the same time they are regularly attacked by harmful insects and often suffer from diseases.

When spraying gooseberries, it is worth remembering that any chemical treatments are carried out no later than 30 days before the expected harvest, biological preparations - 15–20 days. Also, their use is limited during flowering. This also applies to fungicides.

How to process: popular means among gardeners

Most often, gardeners use the most affordable, time-tested tools that have proven their effectiveness to process gooseberries. Many of them, not unreasonably, do not trust newfangled chemistry.

Boiling water

Watering the gooseberries with boiling water is a common measure that helps to “bring” the bush out of the winter “hibernation” and increase its resistance to fungal diseases typical of the culture. The procedure is carried out in the last decade of February or early March, when the leaves have not yet blossomed.

Ordinary water is boiled, a watering can with a divider or a spray bottle is filled (during this time it cools to a temperature of 80-90ºС) and the bushes are poured over from a distance of 60-70 cm, trying to process all the branches more or less evenly. To make your work easier, you can tie several shoots in advance (or even in the fall). You need to act quickly - from water that has cooled to 60-70ºС, there is no sense. The norm per plant is 3-5 liters.

Watering gooseberries with boiling water is carried out at the same time as pruning - in early spring or late winter

Then, with water of the same temperature, you need to shed the soil in the near-stem circle and cover it for 2–3 days. polyethylene film, pieces of roofing material. This will help destroy the larvae that hibernated under the bush, as well as eggs laid by harmful insects and spores of pathogenic fungi. Boiling water is especially effective against the bud mite, which is the main carrier of the dangerous leaf terry virus. In this case, do not pour it directly under the roots, you can severely burn them.

Watering with boiling water contributes to the "awakening" of the plant and increases its immunity, while hot water destroys spores of pathogenic fungi and pest eggs

Practice shows that gooseberry bushes treated annually in this way better tolerate the vagaries of the weather during the summer and winter cold, and are less likely to be affected by pests. The leaves on them are larger, there are more berries, they branch more intensively.

For greater effect, potassium permanganate can be added to the water (up to a pale pink shade of the solution) or ordinary table salt (50–70 g per 10 l).

Video: spring processing of berry bushes with boiling water

Copper sulfate (aka copper sulfate or copper sulfate) is one of the most common fungicides, widely used by gardeners to protect fruit trees and berry bushes from all kinds of pathogenic fungi. This beautiful sky blue powder prevents their spores from germinating. For the treatment of gooseberries with copper sulfate, a 1% solution is prepared (100 g of powder per 10 l of water), with iron - 3%. This concentration is completely safe for the bush, but effectively destroys fungal spores.

Copper sulfate is one of the most common and affordable fungicides, its effectiveness is due to the fact that many pathogenic fungi do not tolerate copper compounds.

Copper sulphate does not penetrate into the tissue of the plant, it acts only at the point of contact. The solution is washed off the bush with the first rain. If the fungus has already formed mycelium in the tissues, it cannot be destroyed by the agent, but it slightly inhibits its development.

The liquid is prepared exclusively in glass, plastic or enameled (without chips) containers in order to exclude reaction with iron, aluminum, zinc ions. It is impossible to store it longer than 10-12 hours, the effectiveness of the drug is lost. The powder dissolves better in warm water than in cold water. At an air temperature of 30ºС and above, it makes no sense to carry out processing. The finished solution should never be mixed with other drugs, insecticides or fungicides.

Solution blue vitriol can not be cooked in containers made of any metal

Plants are sprayed in early spring. It is desirable that the temperature outside does not exceed 8-10ºС. This is a guarantee that the leaf buds have not yet "woken up". Processing is carried out in the early morning or evening, after sunset. The drops remaining on the bush play the role of lenses, you can severely burn the shoots. In addition to fungal diseases, this procedure helps protect the bushes from many dangerous pests - bud mites, currant gall midges, aphids, and mucous sawflies.

Immediately after the bushes fade, the treatment is repeated. The best time for her - the early morning of a windless day. It is desirable that it be warm enough outside - 16-20ºС.

The last treatment with copper sulphate is carried out in the fall. The concentration of the drug is increased to 2%. If in summer the plant is badly affected by diseases and pests, the soil around the bush is shed with a 5% solution. But such processing is not recommended for chernozem - it negatively affects soil fertility.

Copper sulphate can be used not only as a means for the prevention and control of diseases, but also as a fertilizer. Copper, like many other trace elements, is necessary for normal development plants. Once every 5-6 years in autumn or spring, the powder is applied to the soil in the process of deep loosening of the soil at the rate of 1 g / m². Copper deficiency during the active growing season can be judged by the following signs:

  • an unnatural dark green shade of leaves, in sharp contrast with a yellowish-white border around the edges;
  • the rigidity of the sheet plate and the tip curving down;
  • metallic luster or bluish-purple tint, clearly visible in the sun.

Copper deficiency on the leaves of berry bushes is very pronounced

In this case, the bushes are sprayed with a weak solution of copper sulfate - 1–2 g per 10 liters of water.

It can also be used for disinfection. The cuts left after the removal of dry, broken, diseased branches are the “gates” for all kinds of infections. Therefore, before covering them with garden pitch, it is useful to wash the “wounds” with a 2% solution.

Video: the use of copper sulfate in the garden

Gardeners have been using Bordeaux liquid since the middle of the 19th century. It was then that the French botanist Pierre-Marie Millardet discovered that the mixture he prepared was very effective in destroying mold fungus on grape leaves and shoots.

Bordeaux liquid is a remedy known to gardeners for more than a century, its effectiveness has been time-tested.

Gooseberries are treated with Bordeaux liquid to protect against rust, scab, anthracnose and all kinds of blotches. It is impossible to overdo it with it - this negatively affects the taste of the fruit and inhibits the growth of new shoots.

Quicklime for the preparation of Bordeaux liquid must be fresh, otherwise it will not dissolve, but will solidify in lumps

Bordeaux liquid (one percent) is easy to prepare yourself. To do this, you only need water, copper sulfate and quicklime:

  1. 100 g of copper sulfate is diluted in a glass hot water, then add 5 liters of boiling water. The container should not be metal.
  2. In another container with a volume of 10 liters, 150 g of quicklime is poured into 5 liters of cold water, mixed well.
  3. Very carefully, in a thin stream, the contents of the first container are poured into the second (in no case vice versa).
  4. With the help of litmus paper, they check how suitable the solution is for spraying plants. If it turns blue, then there is too much lime, the product is ineffective. The red color indicates an excess of copper sulfate - such a solution will destroy not only fungal spores, but also gooseberry leaves. Errors are corrected by the gradual addition of lime "milk". An ordinary nail can also be used as an “indicator” - a plaque of the corresponding shade will appear on it.

The components of the Bordeaux liquid are diluted with water in separate containers and mixed only by adding a solution of copper sulphate to lime milk

The maximum concentration of Bordeaux liquid is 3% (300 g of copper sulfate and 400 g of lime). Gooseberry bushes are sprayed with this solution in early spring or late autumn. After the procedure, a bluish coating remains on the shoots for a long time, this is normal. If in the spring the kidneys have already “woke up”, turning into green cones, the optimal concentration is 1%. The consumption rate per bush is 1.5–2 liters.

Spraying is carried out in dry, cool, calm weather, before 10:00 or after 18:00. It is desirable that the solution gets to the soil in a minimum amount. It is best to pre-close it with plastic wrap, roofing material, slate sheets, and so on.

The effect of treatment with Bordeaux liquid lasts about a month

Bordeaux liquid is an alternative to copper sulphate, so processing is carried out in the same time frame. The period of its action is longer - 25-30 days, it is not washed off by rain. It is also a source of calcium for gooseberry bushes. However, the solution is more toxic, not only for plants, but also for humans and domestic animals, therefore, in the process of its preparation and spraying, it is necessary to use rubber gloves, a respirator, and other personal protective equipment.

Video: how to cook Bordeaux liquid

How to protect gooseberries from common diseases

Diseases, especially fungal ones, are a real scourge of gooseberries. Some gardeners, because of this, do not even risk planting bushes on the site. But proper prevention can minimize the risk of infection.


Gooseberry scab first appears on the leaves. They show small, as if velvety, olive-colored spots. Gradually, they increase in size, change color to dark brown, the leaves themselves turn completely yellow. Then the disease spreads to the berries. The spots on them are vague, beige, resembling a film. Over time, their surface cracks, the fruits shrivel, blacken and rot. The risk of infection with scab is especially high if the summer is cold and rainy.

First of all, scab appears on gooseberry leaves.

Often the gardener himself is to blame for the spread of the disease. This is facilitated by the thickening of plantings, the choice of an inappropriate place (lowlands, where cold, moist air stagnates for a long time or an area where ground water get too close to the surface), excessive application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Scab-affected gooseberries quickly begin to rot

Since the scab-causing fungus overwinters in fallen leaves, in autumn the soil under the bush must be cleared of plant debris and deeply loosened. Severely affected branches should be cut off and burned as soon as possible. There are also fungus-resistant varieties - Houghton, Date, African, Bottle Green, Chernysh.

The gooseberry variety Date, in addition to other undoubted advantages, also has resistance to scab

The best preparations for scab control are fungicides. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed in early spring. If Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate is used, treatment is carried out on unopened buds, other means (HOM, Oxyhom, Abiga-Peak, Kuprozan, Oleocuprit) - on freshly blossoming leaves. The second procedure is carried out 7-12 days after the first, the last - in the fall.

A solution of Kuprozan, like other fungicides, is prepared in strict accordance with the instructions given by the manufacturer in the instructions

Folk remedies are used mainly for the prevention of scab. They are not able to stop the spread of the disease and destroy the fungus. The validity period is approximately 7–12 days (or until the first rain). Then the processing will need to be repeated.

  • Salt solution (100 g per liter of water). It must not be allowed to fall on the ground. On such beds, nothing will grow at all.
  • Infusion of horsetail rhizomes. Finely chopped raw materials fill a third of the volume of a 10-liter bucket, the rest is topped up warm water. The remedy is infused for 3-4 days, filtered before use.

Horsetail is a plant familiar to many, the rhizomes of which are used to prepare an infusion for the prevention of scab

powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is the most dangerous disease for gooseberries, from which this crop suffers very often. Spores of a pathogenic fungus are carried by wind or insects. The leaves affected by the disease are covered with a grayish-white coating, similar to scattered powder or flour, after a few weeks it turns brown and “compacts”, turning into solid spots. Leaf plates are twisted into a tube and dry out. Then the fungus spreads to shoots and fruits. The skin of such berries turns brown and coarsens, they fall off, they cannot be eaten.

It is very easy to identify powdery mildew, but getting rid of it is quite difficult.

Warm weather and high humidity contribute to the spread of the fungus. Old bushes most often suffer from the disease.

Eating gooseberries infected with powdery mildew is strongly discouraged.

As a rule, the first signs of the development of powdery mildew are already noticeable at the end of spring. The fungus spreads from the bottom up, so you need to inspect the lower shoots and young shoots most carefully. There are also disease-resistant varieties - Mashenka, Grushenka, Harlequin, Kolobok, Senator, African, Ural grapes, Finnish, Yubileiny.

Gooseberry Grushenka is not only very beautiful and tasty, it also has an “innate” immunity to powdery mildew

You also need to be careful with top dressing - potassium and phosphorus increase resistance to powdery mildew, nitrogen, on the contrary, slows down the development of young shoots, making them more susceptible to it. During the summer, it is useful to spray the bushes 2-3 times with a solution of simple superphosphate (50 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g) in 10 liters of water. To enhance the effect, potassium permanganate (3–5 g) is added.

For the prevention of powdery mildew, leaf buds that have just begun to swell are poured over with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate (15 g per 10 l of water). The soil under the bush is dusted with Gaupsin, Gliocladin or Trichodermin, shed with Fitosporin solution. Then, before flowering and immediately after it, Topaz, Thiovit, Vectra, HOM preparations are used. The last treatment is in another 7–10 days.

The drug Topaz, along with some others, is used to prevent powdery mildew on gooseberries.

Gooseberries are treated with folk remedies from mid-April to autumn with an interval of 10-12 days:

  • A solution of soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water). To make it better "stick" to the leaves and shoots, you can add a little household or green potash soap, grated on a fine grater. To enhance the effect - 2-3 powdered aspirin tablets.
  • Infusion of wood ash (liter jar for 3 liters of boiling water). The remedy is insisted for 2-3 days, filtered before use. It is also an effective foliar top dressing containing potassium and phosphorus.
  • Kefir or sour milk. Diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8. The spores of the fungus and mycelium do not tolerate the acidic environment at all.

Kefir is an acidic environment, and the spores of most pathogenic fungi do not like it very much.

At the first signs of the disease, the bushes are treated with Nitrafen (200 g per 10 liters of water). Then twice with an interval of 10-12 days apply Cumulus, Skor. Bushes heavily affected by powdery mildew can only be uprooted and burned. The soil in this place and the nearby bushes are treated with the same solution.

Nitrafen gooseberry bushes and the soil under them should be treated as early as possible, upon detection of the first suspicious symptoms.

Video: how to deal with powdery mildew on gooseberries


The presence of a large number of lichens on a gooseberry bush, as a rule, indicates its aging, uncontrolled growth of the crown, or that the shoots froze in winter or received sunburn. One more possible reason- Wrong choice of landing site (melt water stands for a long time under the bush, groundwater is close to the surface).

The best prevention of the appearance of lichen on gooseberries is competent and regular pruning. The crown should be evenly illuminated by the sun, it is also important to ensure good aeration. Every five years, it is desirable to rejuvenate the bush, cutting off all shoots older than this age to the point of growth. In early spring, gooseberries are sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate (350-400 g per 10 liters of water).

Spraying with iron sulphate is a fairly effective prevention of the appearance of lichen on berry bushes and fruit trees.

The discovered lichens are cleaned from the bush with an ordinary plastic washcloth. You can also use a clothes brush, a wire “sponge” for dishes, a rough cloth like matting, or a simple piece of wood (but nothing sharp so as not to injure the wood). It is best to do this after rain. Lichens absorb moisture, soften, becoming like a sponge.

The cleaned areas of the bark are disinfected by washing with laundry soap foam, a 2% solution of copper sulphate, or rubbing with gruel from sorrel leaves. The exfoliated bark is carefully removed, the existing cracks are cleaned with a fine sandpaper. "Wounds" are covered with garden pitch, a mixture of fresh cow dung, powdered clay and wood ash or plated oil paint in several layers.

Video: how to get rid of moss and lichens on bushes and trees

Folk remedies for the prevention of diseases and pest attacks

Folk remedies are also useful, but rather for the prevention of diseases. By the way, they help to scare away from bushes and many harmful insects, which for some reason have a special love for gooseberries. At the first signs of the development of the disease, it makes no sense to use them. You can only waste time when the bush could still be saved.

But compared to chemicals, they have one undoubted advantage. Folk remedies do not harm the plant and man. Accordingly, bushes can be processed an unlimited number of times during the season. The effect of the treatment lasts for 7-12 days (or until the first rain).

As practice shows, the following means are most effective:

  • Garlic infusion. It is used for the prevention of scab, rust, repelling aphids and kidney mites. Approximately 0.5 kg of arrows and / or garlic cloves are crushed, pour 3 liters of hot water. After 3-4 days, the infusion is filtered, the thick at the bottom is squeezed out, before use it is diluted with water, bringing its volume to 10 liters.
  • A decoction of wormwood leaves. Helps protect bushes from attack by caterpillars of sucker, aphids, gooseberry moth. 100 g of dried leaves are boiled in a water bath for 25–30 minutes, an infusion of fresh leaves is added. chicken manure(1 kg per 3–4 l of water), mix well, top up with water, bringing the total volume to 10 l.
  • Infusion of mustard powder. Repels sawflies and all kinds of caterpillars. 100 g of powder is poured with a liter of water, insisted for 2-3 days. Before use, filter and dilute with water 1: 2.
  • Infusion of tobacco. Destroys spores of most pathogenic fungi, repels bud mites, gooseberry moth. About 250 g of dry leaves (preferably grown on their own) or tobacco dust are poured into 10 liters of water, insisted for 2-3 hours, filtered before use. Only a freshly prepared product has the effect; it cannot be stored, even for several hours. You can simply dust the flowering and fruiting bushes with tobacco dust.
  • Infusion of celandine. Leaves and stems (3-4 kg) are crushed, pour 10 liters of water. The tool is ready in 1.5-2 days. Dry leaves of this plant can be ground into powder and dusted with gooseberry bushes, the soil under them.
  • Infusion of onion peel. Especially effective against aphids. 200 g of raw materials are poured into 10 liters warm water, insist 10-14 hours. More than a day the product is not stored.
  • A decoction of tomato tops. Almost all pests do not like its pungent smell. 2-3 kg of chopped raw materials are poured into 5 liters of water, insisted for several hours. Then add the same amount of water, and boil for half an hour in a water bath. The finished product is cooled and diluted with water 1:4. If necessary, it can be stored in a hermetically sealed container for 4-6 months. Similarly, a decoction of tansy is prepared to help protect the bushes from the gooseberry moth.
  • Infusion of rotten hay. A third of a 10-liter bucket is filled with raw materials, the rest is topped up with water. Insist 3-4 days. Before use, filter and dilute with water 1: 3.

Photo gallery: what folk remedies can be used to process gooseberry bushes

Garlic arrows have the same properties as cloves Fresh and dry leaves of wormwood, especially bitter - a source of natural fungicides
Mustard powder can also be used in dry form for dusting leaves and soil under gooseberry bushes. Self-grown tobacco is a much more effective tool than purchased Celandine is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in horticulture The pungent smell of onion peel repels many pests Tomato leaves have a characteristic strong odor - it “interrupts” the smell of gooseberry leaves, confusing insects An infusion of rotten hay is used to combat aphids, caterpillars of the gooseberry moth

Attacking gooseberry bushes of the disease are the cause of a significant decrease in yield, and can even lead to the death of the bush. Therefore, preventive treatments in spring and autumn, as well as regular examinations for suspicious symptoms for this crop, are a must. For prevention, you can use folk remedies. But if the infection has already spread massively, only insecticides or preparations of biological origin can help.

Currants (black, red and white) are common in many farms, popular with gardeners due to their unsurpassed consumer qualities. Unfortunately, like many other crops, it is subject to a number of diseases and pests that can negate the efforts to grow it. Scientists, agronomists and just gardeners have developed dozens of methods for combating pathogens and pests, developed and produced special chemical and biological preparations. To help a beginner understand the sea of ​​\u200b\u200binformation, to show in a simple and accessible way which pests infect currants, when, with what and how to deal with them is the purpose of this article.

Treatment of currants from diseases and pests

Currants without the necessary care are often affected by various fungal diseases, mites, aphids, etc.

Photo gallery: the main diseases and pests of currants - you need to know the enemy in person

One currant bud can contain up to 1000 mites. Powdery mildew on currants looks like mold The whitefly is massively placed on the inside of currant leaves. Shoot aphids can be white, yellow, green and black. The first sign of a gall aphid attack is red tubercles on outer surface sheet

An integrated approach to caring for currant bushes will ensure their health and safety of the crop. Need to stock up in advance the right drugs, equipment and tools (garden sprayer, pruner, blowtorch, rake, shovels, etc.). Currants must be processed throughout the season - from early spring to late autumn. Each period has its own activities.

What to do in spring

Spring processing of plants is preventive and is considered the most important, so you need to treat it with particular care and responsibility. First of all, you need to focus on those pests and diseases that were identified in the previous season. With a high degree of probability, pathogens and pests overwintered in the bark, fallen leaves, in the soil.

Table: list of drugs mentioned in the article with brief characteristics

A drugGroupPestsApplication
DNOCA complex contact-eradicating pesticide that simultaneously exhibits fungicidal, acaricidal, insecticidal, herbicidal properties Application temperature not higher than +5 °C, season - late autumn, early spring
NitrafenFungicide and herbicideAnthracnose, scab, aphids, powdery mildew
blue vitriolFungicide Late autumn, early spring at temperatures above +5 °C
inkstoneFungicideMoss, lichens, gray mold, powdery mildew, septosporiumLate autumn, early spring in the absence of sap flow
Bordeaux mixtureFungicideSpotting, scab, curlEarly spring before bud break
Karbofos (Novaktion)insecticide and acaricideGnawing and sucking insectsDuring bud swelling, during the formation of a flower brush, the last time 30 days before ripening
ActellikGeneral purpose insecticide and acaricideTicks, beetles, aphidsAt least 20 days before harvest
FufanonInsecticide, acaricideAphids, mites, scale insectsWhen infested with pests, 2 treatments
Akarin (Spark-bio)Insecticide, acaricideAphids, mitesThe temperature is not lower than +18 °C. Eating berries 2 days after processing
FitovermBioinsecticide, acaricideAphids, mitesWhen infected with pests, 2 treatments, eating berries 2 days after treatment
colloidal sulfurFungicide, acaricideAphids, mitesApply at temperatures between 27 and 32 °C
BitoxibacillinBioinsecticideWhitefly, moth, sawflyApply at temperatures from 18 to 32 °C
Fitosporin - mBiofungicideFungal diseases, aphidsDo not apply in direct sunlight
SunmiteContact action acaricideTicksApply after flowering
QuadrisFungicidefungal diseasesApply when a disease is detected at least 3-5 days before harvest. No more than three treatments per season
HorusFungicidefungal diseasesApply when a disease is detected at least 7 days before harvest. No more than three treatments per season

Fungicides are preparations for fighting fungal diseases.

Acaricides - preparations for the fight against ticks.

Insecticides are insecticides.

Herbicides are drugs that kill weeds.

Pesticides is a generic term that includes all of the above.

Photo gallery: some preparations for protecting currants from pests and diseases

Bordeaux mixture - a broad-spectrum fungicide Akarin - low-toxic insecticide, acaricide Fitoverm - low-toxic bioinsecticide Fufanol - insecticide, acaricide Nitrofen is a potent fungicide and herbicide. DNOC is a complex contact and eradication pesticide that simultaneously exhibits fungicidal, acaricidal, insecticidal, herbicidal properties. Iron vitriol is a common fungicide Phytosporin is one of the most common biofungicides for all occasions.

Before the kidneys swell

At this time, treatment is carried out from wintering pests and pathogens (mites, aphids, fungi). First, sanitary pruning and heat treatment (boiling water, steam, open flame) are carried out, then spraying with potent insecticides.

The following drugs are used:

  • DNOC.
  • Nitrofen.
  • Copper vitriol.
  • Bordeaux mixture.
  • Inkstone.

When the first leaves appear

The time has come for preventive spraying from ticks, sucking and leaf-eating pests, by the following means:

  • Actellik.
  • Fufanon.
  • Akarin (Spark-bio).
  • Fitoverm.

Before flowering

Re-treatment is carried out with the same preparation as before. Additionally, you can use:

  • 3% Bordeaux mixture.
  • Colloidal sulfur (against the kidney mite).
  • Bitoxibacillin (against moth).
  • Karbofos (Novaktion).

Summer treatments

After the currant has faded and until the end of the harvest, it is undesirable to use chemicals protection. It is better to use folk methods and biological preparations during this period.

Table: folk remedies for pests and diseases

Folk remedyRecipeWho is directed toTechnology of use
Citrus infusionPeel or spoiled fruits in the proportion of 1 kg per 10 liters of water, leave for five days in a warm placeAphids, scale insects and mealybugsSpraying every two weeks if necessary
Garlic infusion200 g of chopped garlic for 4 liters of boiling water insist 7 daysWhitefly, spider mite, bud miteBefore processing, dissolve 50 ml of the solution in 10 liters of water
Onion infusion1 kg of chopped onion insist day in 1 liter of warm waterFungal diseases, mites, aphidsBefore processing, dissolve 20 ml of the solution in 10 liters of water
Tobacco infusion1 kg of crushed raw materials (tobacco leaves, stems, dust) insist 24 hours in 10 liters of waterAphids, mitesBefore processing, dilute with 10 liters of water
Infusion of marigolds1 kg of dry plants is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 2 daysAphids, mites, whiteflies, fungal diseases
soda solution40 g baking soda dissolved in 10 liters of waterPowdery mildew, fungal diseasesBefore use, add an adhesive, such as laundry soap
Wood ash infusion1 kg of wood ash is poured into 10 liters of water and infused for 4 dayspowdery mildewProcess if necessary 2 times a month
Mullein infusion3 liters of mullein pour 10 liters of water and insist 3 dayspowdery mildewBefore processing, dilute with water 1 to 3

Autumn - the end of the season

If necessary, in case of detection of signs of fungal diseases, it is recommended to apply Quadris and Horus, alternating them. These drugs are addictive, so they are treated no more than three times per season each.

Autumn, like early spring, is the time for preventive maintenance in the garden. In addition to the usual sanitary measures (cleaning fallen leaves, removing dried branches, digging near-stem circles), they carry out preventive treatment of currants with one of the following drugs:

  • Nitrafen.
  • Iron vitriol (5% solution).
  • Copper sulfate (3% solution).
  • Bordeaux mixture.
  • Karbofos.

These activities are carried out before the onset of frost in dry, calm weather.

Processing currants from the most common diseases and pests

Currant, belonging to the gooseberry family, is susceptible to a number of fungal, tick-borne diseases, aphids, etc. To avoid harmful consequences, it is necessary to timely implement a set of protective and preventive measures aimed at improving the shrub.

How to get rid of aphids on currants

Usually two types of aphids settle on currants - gooseberry shoot and red-headed gall. The first affects blackcurrant, the second - red. Finding them is easy. Blackcurrant leaves roll up into a tube, inside which the pest has settled. The gall aphid settles on the inner surface of the leaves of red and white currants, and tubercles of bright red color, called galls, form on the outer side.

Shoot aphid infects young leaves and shoots of black currant

In autumn, aphids lay their eggs under the bark of annual shoots, where they overwinter. With the onset of heat in the spring, larvae hatch, which immediately begin to eat young buds and shoots. By about mid-July, when the foliage coarsens, the aphids grow wings and fly to nearby weeds, which they feed on in the future.

Gall aphid larvae, hatched from red currants deposited on the underside of a leaf, form red bulges on the outer surface of the leaf, the so-called galls

Based on the characteristics of the aphid life cycle, the timing and methods of control are determined.

  1. In early spring, before the buds open, cut off the curves affected by aphids, the ends of young branches 10–15 cm long (this operation is usually combined with breaking off tick buds). All collected twigs and buds must be burned.
    • Immediately after this, if the air temperature allows (+ 5–10 ° C), you can treat the bushes with boiling water. Spill thoroughly from a watering can hot water at a temperature of 80-85 ° C each branch. With this treatment, the remaining aphid eggs that were missed during pruning die.
    • Instead of scalding with boiling water, you can steam the bushes. Cover the bush with a film, under which they put a bucket of boiling water. The procedure is carried out until the water cools down to 70 ° C.
    • Another method is fumigation with the smoke of burning rubber for three hours. To do this, some metal containers with rubber smoldering in them are placed near the bushes. All aphids will die.
    • Proponents of chemical control methods at this time treat shrubs with potent insecticides (insect control agents). Can recommend
      • Nitrofen.
      • Karbofos.
      • Aktara.
      • Actellik and others.
  2. Before flowering, a second spraying with the selected preparation is carried out.
  3. The third spraying, immediately after flowering, is best done with folk remedies. It is better not to use chemicals unless absolutely necessary. These can be, for example:
    • An infusion of tobacco dust (0.5 kg per 10 liters of water is infused for 3–4 days) with the addition of an adhesive - a means that promotes the adhesion of the solution, for example, laundry soap - the plants are sprayed in the evening, in dry, warm weather.
    • An infusion of onion peel (0.5 kg per 10 liters of water is infused for 5 days) or an infusion of garlic (0.5 kg of finely crushed garlic per 5 liters of water is infused for a day).
    • A solution of soda ash (1 kg of soda per 1 liter of water) not only fights aphids, but also fungi.
  4. In the summer, if, despite the measures taken in the spring, aphids still appear, you can dip the affected branches into a bucket with one of the listed (or similar) solutions. Remove weeds regularly.
  5. After harvesting, if necessary, you can return to the processing of chemicals.

It is known that ants cultivate aphids, so if these insects live on the site, you can drive them away with ordinary table salt. Sprinkle it on an anthill and the ants will go away.

Video: spraying currants from aphids

Processing red currants when red leaves appear

Red currant leaves turn red in two cases

Red currant leaf affected by anthracnose
When the first signs of anthracnose appear on the leaves of red currant, the bushes should be immediately treated with Fitosporin-M

  • With the defeat of gall aphids. The methods of struggle have been discussed above.
  • With the defeat of anthracnose (fungal disease).

If characteristic red spots are found on currant sheets (a sign of anthracnose), the bushes must be urgently treated with Fitosporin-M, Quadris can be used even during the period of berry picking.

Processed after harvest

  • Previcur.
  • Topsin.
  • Funvizol.

In late autumn and early spring, prophylactic treatment with copper sulphate or Bordeaux liquid.

Treatment of currants from kidney mites

The bud mite, as the name suggests, infects the buds of currants. It hibernates inside the kidneys, in each affected kidney there are usually up to 1 thousand individuals. It has very small dimensions - up to 0.2–0.3 mm. The kidneys affected by the mite have a rounded shape and an increased size compared to healthy ones.

On the left - healthy, oblong currant buds, on the right - affected by a tick (enlarged, rounded)

If in early spring, before bud break, you treat currant bushes with boiling water or steam in order to combat aphids, then at the same time you will destroy ticks.

An analogue of this method is fire treatment. You can use a blowtorch gas burner or a torch. A flame at a distance of 10-15 cm is quickly carried out along the branches 2-3 times. Since healthy kidneys are covered with hard scales, the fire will not harm them. Infected buds are loose and fire will easily kill ticks and aphids.

Ticks are not insects (they are arachnids), so insecticides do not work on them. To combat them, acaricides are used (the so-called anti-tick drugs), as well as preparations containing sulfur.

During flowering and immediately after flowering, shrubs are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur (10 g per 10 liters of water) or karbofos (75 g per 10 liters of water), and after flowering, the concentration of the solutions is halved.

During the season, acaricides Akarin and Fitoverm help perfectly, which can be used just two days before eating berries.

Of the folk remedies, garlic infusion helps best (0.2–0.5 kg of chopped garlic per 10 liters of water to infuse for a day), which is also used to combat aphids. Processing is carried out during the budding period and immediately after flowering.

More precisely, the timing of treatments can be determined by observing the temperature environment, since the cycle of development of the kidney mite depends on it. Usually the first exit and resettlement of tick larvae occurs at a temperature of 18 °C. It is important not to miss this moment and carry out the first processing.

Table: treatment intervals with drugs against bud currant mites

In the future, two more treatments should be carried out with an interval depending on the air temperature (as indicated in the table).

Processing currants from spider mites

The first sign of an attack on a currant spider mite is the appearance of yellow dots on the surface of the leaves, then the leaves become "marble", turn yellow, dry out and fall off. V advanced cases a web appears on the plant, in which tick nests are located.

This is what redcurrant looks like in a neglected case when it is affected by a spider mite

Preventive measures to combat spider mites are no different from the measures to combat bud mites described above.

In addition, you can cite the well-proven Japanese-made Sunmite drug. It is a contact acaricide that successfully copes with many different mites. It is equally effective at all stages of pest development from egg to adult tick. Its effect begins as early as 15 minutes after treatment and lasts up to 6 weeks, regardless of air temperature. Low toxicity to animals and humans.

Due to the fact that the spider mite is afraid high humidity, effective treatment of shrubs with water jets, well washing the inner surfaces of the leaves.

Treatment of currants from powdery mildew

Powdery mildew on currants resembles mold

The already familiar methods of treatment with boiling water, steam or open fire are effective. They also treat the shrub with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.

Marigolds and calendula growing near currants will protect it from powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

If, despite the prevention, powdery mildew still struck the currants, they are treated with gentle insecticides before flowering and after harvesting. The following drugs are popular and effective:

  • Phytosporin.
  • Potassium permanganate (1.5 grams per 10 liters of water).
  • Quadris.
  • Horus.

Quadris can be applied 3-5 days before picking berries, Horus - 7 days before.

  • Infusion of wood ash (leave 1 kg per 10 liters of water for 2 days).
  • Soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water) - treat after flowering.
  • Infusion of mullein (1 kg per 3 liters of water insist 4 days, on the day of treatment, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 3) - process 3 times.

In the autumn, before leaving for the winter, preventive treatment is carried out with a 5% solution of iron sulfate.

Safety measures when processing currants

When processing currants with pesticides, as well as boiling water, steam, a burner flame, you need to take care of safety. It must be remembered that there are no absolutely safe chemicals. They can be low toxic or medium toxic.

Safety precautions when processing currants with pesticides


  • Wear protective clothing (overalls, waterproof gown).
  • Use respiratory and eye protection (respirator, cotton-gauze bandage, goggles).
  • Before starting work, carefully study the instructions for the drugs used, perhaps additional protective measures will be indicated there, as well as actions in case of contact with the drug on the skin or in the eyes.
  • If vegetables or greens that are eaten at this time grow in the immediate vicinity of the currant, then it is necessary to cover the beds with plastic wrap, which should be carefully removed after work so that chemicals do not get on the plants.
  • At the end of work, wash your hands thoroughly, take a shower.

It is forbidden:

  • Being in the place of work of strangers without protective equipment, children, pets.
  • During work, smoke, eat, drink.
  • Work in windy conditions.

Safety precautions when processing currants with boiling water or steam, an open flame of a burner

When performing this type of treatment, you need to beware of skin burns, carry a first aid kit with anti-burn agents, hydrogen peroxide, and a bandage.

When working with the burner, take precautions to prevent fire. near the bushes there should be no foreign flammable objects (brushwood, paper, film, dry straw or hay, etc.).

Provide basic fire fighting equipment (water, sand, tarpaulin).

Currant is not an easy berry to grow, it requires systematic care, needs regular treatments, top dressing and sanitary measures. It is important to comply with the terms and quality of treatments, the use of the right drugs at the right time. Do not get carried away with chemical protective equipment, but apply them if necessary. The key to success is prevention. At the first signs of damage by diseases or pests, take urgent measures. With a systematic, competent approach to cultivation, timely processing, this wonderful plant will definitely please you with abundant harvests, rich in vitamins, tasty and sweet, berries.

Almost all modern varieties of currants are immune to fungal diseases. But if you do not follow the agrotechnical rules for caring for plants, do not treat them for diseases and pests in time, they will not be able to resist the infection.

Sucking and gnawing pests that attack the currant weaken it and reduce its resistance to critical climatic conditions (frost and drought). A plant that has not gained the vegetative mass necessary for its full development is prone to diseases and is not able to bring good harvest

It is necessary to regularly deal with pests throughout the growing season, carrying out appropriate processing. Timely prevention of fungal diseases guarantees a good harvest.

Methods for processing bushes of black, red and white currants from pests and diseases

Black, red and white currants belong to the common gooseberry family, and therefore they are threatened by the same diseases, they are attacked by similar pests. However, blackcurrants are more prone to diseases and are more likely to suffer from pests. She needs more care.

Preparation for processing

Currants must be prepared to ensure maximum contact of the solutions prepared for processing with all parts of the plant. To do this, remove diseased, dry and damaged branches.

How to handle

For processing, you can use one means of protection or use tank mixtures, which include drugs of different spectra of action:

  • insecticides/acaricides;
  • fungicides;
  • stimulants/fertilizers.

The simultaneous use of several products allows you to optimize the processing process, combining the fight against diseases and pests with nutrition and stimulation of the plant. When composing mixtures, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the components.

If, when mixing drugs, a violent reaction occurs or a precipitate occurs, there will be no benefit from this mixture.

Depending on the purposes performed during the processing, it can be:

  • preventive to prevent the "invasion" of pests and diseases;
  • medical to destroy fungus and insects;
  • point, only the affected part of the plant is processed.

The treatment is carried out using a spray gun (fine spraying), a watering can (sprinkling) or a strainer (“dusting”). One bush usually consumes from one to one and a half liters of solution, depending on the size of the plant.

Means and preparations

To protect currants from diseases and pests, preparations made on the basis of chemicals, natural substances and biogenic products are used. All methods of combating pathogenic organisms have their advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the purpose, the drugs are divided into groups:

  1. Insecticides - designed to control pests.
  2. Acaricides - the destruction of herbivorous mites.
  3. Fungicides are antifungal agents.

Chemical. The influence of chemistry on the berry garden

Pesticides, chemicals, effectively defeat pests and destroy diseases. In case of mass damage to plants, an ambulance will help - preparations Topaz, Aktara, Spark, Fufanon.

Plant stress caused by the use of pesticides should be treated with stimulants and top dressings. Quasi-natural chemicals have a more gentle effect - ammonia, salts of copper and iron, urea.


Ammonia, ammonia, repels pests with its smell. Aphids are sensitive to ammonia vapors, they affect the insect's gastrointestinal tract and cause respiratory paralysis. How to treat currants from aphids after flowering, read.

Insects have a much more sensitive sense of smell than humans. Therefore, they will smell of ammonia for a long time after the treatment of plants with ammonia.

Processing rules:

  1. We use only freshly prepared solution.
  2. Processing is carried out on cloudy days, in morning hours or in the evening
  3. Pour the bushes with a solution from a watering can with large holes.

In ammonia, nitrogen is in a form accessible to the plant. When plantings are treated with ammonia from pests, their additional feeding occurs at the same time.

Aphids often attack currants. Ants contribute to the spread of this harmful insect. Processing will also eliminate and get rid of the "accomplices" of the pest - ants.

Aphid control solution:

  • Dissolve 50 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water;
  • add a teaspoon of washing powder to the solution for better adhesion to the leaves.

Bushes are treated with ammonia throughout the growing season, starting in early spring. It is recommended to pour currants with a solution once every two weeks.

To remove closely located anthills that prevent effective fight with an insect, you need to pour a more saturated solution of ammonia on them:

  • 100 ml of ammonia per 1 liter of water.


This concentrated fertilizer containing nitrogen in the amide form is capable of destroying fungal spores, insect larvae and eggs.

Processing of berry bushes is carried out for the prevention of:

  • powdery mildew diseases;
  • aphid invasions;

Treatment with a saturated urea solution is carried out exclusively during the dormant period at a positive temperature (+5 ° C), without affecting young plants. When working with a concentrated acid solution, you must follow the safety rules - use gloves and goggles.

Solution preparation:

  • 500 - 700 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Spraying with urea in early spring can prolong flowering by 1 to 2 weeks. Fallen leaves are also sprayed in autumn; during the winter they will perepere and serve as a good top dressing for the bush.

Bordeaux liquid

This fungicide, which is a combination of copper sulfate and milk of lime, has long been used in horticulture to combat fungi. Copper has a destructive effect on the body of the fungus and its spores.

A well-chosen combination chemical elements provides a gradual release of metal ions over a period of two weeks. The protective effect after treatment lasts for a month.

Copper and calcium, which are part of the mixture, provide the plant with additional nutrition.

Ready-made packages contain copper sulfate and lime in the right quantities. detailed instructions for the preparation of the mixture is attached. For spraying plants use 1% and 3% solutions.

To check the pH of the finished mixture, instead of litmus paper, you can use an iron nail. If, when placed in a solution, it turns red (copper deposits appear on it), lime milk must be added.

Processing rules:

  1. The first treatment is carried out in early spring during the swelling of the kidneys with a 3% solution.
  2. The second treatment can be carried out in late spring, summer or early autumn with a 1% solution.
  3. The third treatment is carried out in late autumn (in November) with a 3% solution.

Processing is carried out only in dry weather to avoid burning the leaves.

Currants and gooseberries are sprayed to avoid anthracosis and rust. 1 bush will require 1.5 liters of solution.

Bordeaux liquid cannot be mixed with anything.

Copper and iron sulphate

In horticulture, ferrous sulfate (iron sulfate) and copper sulfate (copper sulfate) are used. They must not be mixed with other substances. Vitriols have several useful qualities:

  • destroy fungus and scab;
  • have a detrimental effect on insects and their larvae;
  • are a source of useful trace elements (iron and copper).

Copper sulfate is a poisonous substance. When using it, it is necessary to use special protective equipment.

Medicines can be purchased at the store. Instructions for use are given on the packaging.

These products can burn the plant, so it is recommended to use them only during the dormant period, in early spring or late autumn.

For spraying currants from powdery mildew and pests use:

  1. Copper sulfate - 1% solution.
  2. Iron vitriol - 2.5% solution.

One bush will require one and a half liters of liquid. Fine spraying is recommended.

To avoid an overabundance of trace elements, spraying should be alternated. Use copper preparations in spring, and iron preparations in autumn.


During the growing season, it is desirable to resort to relatively safe biological preparations. According to the method of production, groups are distinguished:

  1. bacterial, contain bacteria and their metabolic products.
  2. mushroom, contain fungal spores.

By way of use:

  1. Biofungicides to control fungus.
  2. Bioinsecticide/bioacaricide/bioinsectoacaricide for insect control.

Features of the use of biological products:

  1. Use a freshly prepared solution, it can be stored for no more than 2 hours.
  2. It can be applied at any stage of vegetation in dry weather in the evening or early in the morning.
  3. The treatment is effective only at air temperatures between 15 and 30 °C.
  4. Some drugs act slowly, the effect will be noticed after a few days.
  5. They do not exterminate the population of pathogens and pests, only suppress their activity.

If it is not possible to cope with pests with biological products, one should resort to potent chemical control agents.

The biofungicidal preparation contains a living aerobic soil bacterium (bacillus) - Hay bacterium (Bacillus subtilis). The bacillus prevents the reproduction of fungi and bacteria.

The systemic drug acts at the cellular level. Bacillus secretes antibiotics and substances that strengthen the plant and inhibit the reproduction of phytopathogens. The effect of the drug appears immediately after treatment.

Hay stick retains its viability in a wide temperature range: from -50 °C to 50 °C. It is most active at t from 15 to 35 ° C, at 0 ° C it goes into hibernation. The rays of the sun also induce the bacterium to change into a spore form.

Fitosporin works effectively for preventive purposes. It can be used during the growing season.

Preparation of the base solution:

  1. Dissolve the preparation in the form of a paste (200 g) in 400 ml of water.
  2. Pour into a bottle and keep out of the sun. "Base" is suitable for use throughout the year.

Bushes are treated with phytosporin to prevent the appearance of powdery mildew. They are sprayed weekly, starting in May, with a freshly prepared solution:

  • for 10 liters of water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of stock solution.


The biological product with acaricidal and insecticidal action contains the active substance Aversectin C.

It has a paralyzing effect on the pest, entering its body through the gastrointestinal tract or external cover. Aversectin is isolated from the soil fungus Stereptomyces avermitilis and synthesized artificially.

This drug does not work on eggs, larvae and pupae of pests.

Insects that eat the leaves of treated plants receive a dose of aversectin. The toxin enters the cells of the pest, and after 12 hours the insect will be paralyzed and unable to eat. Death from exhaustion will occur in 3 days. Spraying should be repeated after 2 weeks.

The finished solution is acidic. It can be combined with biostimulants (Cytovit, Epin, Zircon), fungicides (Topaz, Alirin - B). For a better “coupling”, a detergent with a neutral pH (5.5) is added - baby shampoo, dishwashing liquid.

Fitoverm helps to cope with sucking and gnawing currant pests. Bushes are sprayed with a spray bottle during the growing season if insects are found on them. One bush consumes 1 liter of solution containing the required amount of the drug:

  1. 2 ml/l - for mites.
  2. 1.5 ml/l - for other insects.


The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, var. Kurstaki. It helps to get rid of caterpillars if you start using the drug immediately after they appear. How to process strawberries from pests will tell.

Application rules:

  1. In dry weather at t up to 35°C.
  2. Re-spraying is allowed after a week.
  3. Can be used in conjunction with other drugs.

Lepidocyte is used to treat currant bushes to fight pests:

  • currant leaflet;
  • flame;
  • sawfly;
  • moth.

All preparations made on the basis of the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis have bad smell. After processing, the collected berries must be thoroughly washed.


The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Bt is used to make this preparation. It is an analogue of Lepidocyte, but has a wider spectrum of action and belongs to the group of insectoacaricides.

The drug is effective against sucking and gnawing pests, helps to fight ticks.

The drug pathologically affects the development cycle of insects. Females bring fewer offspring, the larvae develop poorly.

The drug helps to cope with currant pests:

  • spider mite;
  • leaf gall midge;
  • gooseberry moth;
  • sawflies;
  • currant leaflet;
  • moths.

The unpleasant smell inherent in preparations produced on the basis of Bacillus thuringiensis repels pests in the adult (butterfly) stage.


An insecticide containing spores of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Dendrolimus fights caterpillars. He has intestinal damaging effect, causing the death of the larva from starvation.

The drug is treated with currants for pest control:

  • gooseberry moth;
  • currant leaflet;
  • sawfly;
  • moth.

The preparation of complex action contains strains of saprotrophic bacteria Bacillus subtilis and B. Amyloliquefaciens. It increases the immunity of plants, stimulates their growth and suppresses the vital activity of harmful microorganisms.

The working solution is prepared using the stock solution:

  • 100 g of powder is diluted in 120 ml of water.

The stock solution can be stored for 3 years.

Treatment with Phytop increases the resistance of currants to septoria and anthracnose. To prepare a working solution, 10 ml of the "base" is added to 3 liters of water. Bushes are sprayed:

  1. When buds appear (once).
  2. During fruit ripening 2-3 times.


The biofungicide is prepared on the basis of the fungus Trichoderma lignorum and its metabolic products. The drug suppresses soil pathogens.

To protect against anthracnose in the spring, a berry bush and the soil under it are sprayed with a solution of the drug. For preventive purposes, during the growing season, it is advisable to treat the plant 3-4 times with an interval of 2 weeks.

Trichodermin can be used to treat bushes in rainy weather, it has a high sticking ability.

Folk methods

Gardeners have a wealth of experience using common products and substances found in the garden, kitchen, or medicine cabinet to protect crops. They are safe, affordable, and effective if applied at the onset of a disease or when a pest first appears.


Solution preparation:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of soda and 1 tbsp. a spoon detergent for 2 liters of water. He will tell about the use of baking soda as a means of combating aphids on currants.

Processing is carried out in the early morning or evening weekly until the complete destruction of the fungus.

Boiling water treatment

Bushes are poured with boiling water to destroy insect larvae and fungal spores.

Processing can be carried out only during the dormant period of the plant - in early spring or late autumn.

Having boiled water in a bucket, it must be poured into an iron watering can. When watering, the water temperature will no longer exceed 80 ° C.

For convenience, it is better to tie the branches by collecting them in a bundle. It takes about 10 liters of boiling water per bush, to achieve the effect, you need to “scald” each branch.

Boiling water will not help get rid of the kidney mite, which overwinters in a closed kidney.

Green soap

The composition of this drug includes natural ingredients: potassium salts, animal and vegetable fats, water. After spraying with a solution containing garden green soap, a film is formed on the plant that prevents the normal functioning of insects and protects it from the penetration of fungal spores and pests.

Green soap reinforces the action of previously used insecticides.

Berry bushes are treated with green soap to control aphids, mites and sawfly and to prevent rust and powdery mildew. The solution is prepared from the calculation:

  • Dissolve 250 ml of soap in 10 liters of water - to protect against insects;
  • 100 ml of green soap per 10 liters of water - for the prevention of fungal diseases.

Using a pneumatic sprayer, it is necessary to apply the solution to the inside and outside of the leaves. Processing is carried out before flowering and after harvesting.

Green soap solution can be combined with mustard, tobacco (dust) and mustard.

Sprinkling with garlic water

Garlic drives out aphids and bud mites that have settled on currants. The bushes are sprayed with infusion, for the preparation of which you can use the head and leaves of garlic:

  1. Grind cloves (400 g), pour 10 liters of water, mix, strain.
  2. Grind 100 g of fresh leaves, add 10 liters of water, leave for a day.

Tobacco infusion

  • sawfly;
  • kidney tick;
  • spider mite.
  • gooseberry moth.

Solution preparation:

  1. Mix 400 g of tobacco dust in a bucket of warm water.
  2. Insist two days, strain.
  3. For spraying, take 1 part of water and 1 part of infusion.
  4. For better adhesion, you need to add liquid soap.

Processing (spraying) rules:

  1. Spend in the spring.
  2. To combat aphids - weekly.
  3. During bud break - to combat bud mites and moths.
  4. When a spider mite appears, the treatment should be repeated after a week.

In dry calm weather, you can “powder” the bush with tobacco dust.

Infusion of celandine

The poisonous juice of celandine contains organic acids and alkaloids. All parts of the plant are used for pest control. Celandine is used for pest control:

  • aphids;
  • gooseberry moth;
  • sawyers;
  • moth.

Celandine juice can cause irritation on the skin of the hands. It is better to use gloves when working with this plant.

Solution preparation:

  1. Dig up 4 bushes of flowering celandine.
  2. Finely chop, pour a bucket of water.
  3. Insist 15 - 30 minutes.
  4. When the infusion acquires Brown color, it can be used.

mustard infusion

Essential oils contained in dry mustard irritate pests of the currant family:

  • moth;
  • sawfly;
  • spider mite.

An infusion of mustard can suppress the development of powdery mildew, blotch and rust if treated early in the disease.

Solution preparation:

  1. 100 g of powder pour 10 liters of boiling water.
  2. Insist for a day.
  3. For spraying, the infusion is diluted with soapy water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Ash infusion

Ash, a valuable potash-phosphorus fertilizer, has an alkalizing property. Aqueous infusion of ash is an alkali that creates unfavorable conditions for the development of pests.

It is used to prevent powdery mildew and to control caterpillars and adults:

  • aphids;
  • flame;
  • sawfly.

Ash sprinkled in the root zone drives away ants.

Solution preparation:

  1. 400 g of ash for 1 bucket of hot water.
  2. Leave for two days.
  3. Add liquid soap to the working solution.

You can add tobacco and dry mustard to the ashes and “powder” the bushes and the ground around them with this mixture.

Scheme processing currants and gooseberries. plant care

Gooseberries and currants belong to the gooseberry family, they have the same diseases and pests. Gooseberries suffer more from powdery mildew, and currants are attacked by pests that bypass gooseberries. How to treat gooseberries from powdery mildew will tell you.

Diseases and pests often found in currants and gooseberries

Timing. Processing calendar

Preventive treatment of currant and gooseberry bushes is carried out at the same time, using means to prevent fungal diseases and to destroy and repel pests. Processing for medicinal purposes should be carried out at the first sign of trouble for the plant.


The first spring treatment can be started at the beginning - the end of March, when the air t is set at 5 ° C. At this time, preventive spraying is carried out.


During the entire growing season, it is allowed to use preventive spraying using biological products and folk remedies. Therapeutic treatment is carried out if signs of disease or damage from pests are found.

During the flowering period, it is better not to process the plants unless absolutely necessary. Phytop can be safely used to process buds and ripening fruits.


Preventive work is carried out after harvesting in early - late November, at an air temperature of at least 5 ° C.

Processing periods

The applied treatment schemes depend on whether the plant is in a dormant or vegetative state. The dormant period for currants and gooseberries begins after shedding leaves and ends in early spring, when the buds begin to swell. From this point on, the plant enters the growing season.

When the first leaves appear

During this period, it is necessary to treat blackcurrant with bud mites and monitor the appearance of aphids. Desirable preventive procedures with the use of biological products and Bordeaux mixture. Read about currant varieties resistant to bud mites.

Processing a flowering bush

It is not necessary to carry out preventive spraying. If signs of disease appear or pests attack the bushes, biologics or folk remedies should be used. You can apply "spot" processing. Solutions with a pungent odor and preparations that are harmful to bees should be avoided.

After flowering

You can carry out, if necessary, therapeutic spraying. Preventive treatment from pests with folk remedies is desirable.

Currant processing with berries

If the berries show signs of powdery mildew, they can be treated with biofungicides. It is advisable to stop all preventive and therapeutic procedures a week before harvesting the fruits.


For more information about the treatment of currants from pests and diseases, see the video:


  1. Currants and gooseberries suffer from the same diseases, they have the same pests.
  2. Gooseberries are more prone to powdery mildew, blackcurrants must be protected from.
  3. Regularly carried out preventive treatments in the garden will not allow diseases and pests to spread.
  4. Biological preparations can be used to treat a plant at the initial stage of damage and for preventive purposes. In "neglected" cases, it is necessary to resort to potent methods - chemical preparations.
  5. It is allowed to apply "spot" treatment of the affected area of ​​a flowering plant.
  6. To get a good harvest, you need to purchase healthy seedlings of varieties that are immune to fungal diseases and able to withstand pests.

Currants and gooseberries are one of the most unpretentious garden crops. They grow and bear fruit even with insufficient care. However, large-fruited varieties require nutrition and watering, as well as spring and autumn cultivation of the bush and soil. What does the spring processing of gooseberries and currants from pests consist of? And why is it important not to miss the time and spend it on time?

Spring inspection is a kind of prevention. Properly carried out processing of the bush and soil prevents the development of diseases, the spread of pests. In order for the bush to bear fruit all season without problems, it is necessary to maintain its nutrition, watering and health.

The absence of fungi and pests ensures the health of the fruit bush. Therefore, during the season, currant and gooseberry varieties that are prone to diseases are periodically treated with biological or chemical preparations. The first treatment is carried out in the spring, immediately after warming and melting snow.

The first treatment in early spring determines the health of the shrubs and the need for future treatments. Insect pests are just beginning to wake up.

Fruit bodies of fungal diseases are hidden in isolated cocoons. At this moment, they can be removed with one general treatment, future lesions and diseases can be stopped in the bud. If you miss the time, give the pests the opportunity to wake up, occupy the buds and the surface of the branches, then instead of one spring spraying, you will have to fight diseases all season.

Instructions for the prevention and treatment of garden diseases

What to process: buds, branches, last year's foliage or soil?

The choice of treatment site is determined by the physiology of the pest. If the rot pathogen overwinters in the ground, it is necessary to cultivate the soil around the plant. If the pest pupates in the bark, it is necessary to process the branches at the base of the bush. If the cocoons overwinter in the foliage, then it is necessary to collect and compost all last year's plant residues.

What to process: boiling water, biological products or chemistry?

The choice of means for processing the plant is determined by the characteristics of your garden. If there were pest infestations in the previous season, you will need a chemical insecticide.

If the season was calm, you can get by with preventive measures, treat the bush with hot water or water with potassium permanganate. If it is necessary to increase the fertility of the soil, to feed the plant - it is necessary to use biological products. They will enhance the growth of the plant and provide it with a strong garden "immunity".

When to process: in late winter or early spring? And at what temperature?

The first processing of shrubs is planned at the time of the snow melting. This usually corresponds to a temperature of about +5°C. What in different regions happens at different times. In the south - at the end of winter, and in the north - in the middle of the first spring month.

And now let's talk in more detail about how and how to process currant bushes, gooseberries in the spring. And what to look for during the first spring processing.

Spring signs of illness

Powdery mildew on currants

In order to prevent the spread of pests, it is necessary to know their wintering grounds. It is easier to remove a small number of them in a localized space - on the bark or in a patch of soil, than after removing a large population of insects from the entire bush.

And in order to easily find wintering places, you need to know characteristics the presence of one or another beetle, caterpillar, butterflies.

What to look for when inspecting plants in the spring:

  1. Dry "burned" branches and cocoons on branches near the ground - bud pest, moth.
  2. Unnaturally large buds, similar to a head of cabbage - a kidney mite.
  3. Plaque at the ends of the branches - powdery mildew.
  4. The holes inside the branches are glass.

In any case, the places of wintering and the primary spring emergence of the pest must be removed.

Spring processing time

At the end of winter, when the cold weather weakens and the temperature becomes around 0 °, they begin the first inspection. During its implementation, everything old and dry is removed - leaves on the ground and branches on the bush. Live old branches are also cut off, doing all this before the active sap flow begins (before the leaves bloom). For pruning, use secateurs.

On a note: the tool must be well sharpened and cut easily, without “chewing” the branches.

In addition to diseased and dry branches, in which fruiting has begun to decline, are subject to removal. As a rule, these are shoots aged from 3 to 5 years and more. Also, shoots are cut out, the direction of growth of which is inside the bush. They are cut off at the very soil, so as not to leave stumps.

For a high yield, it is important to rejuvenate the branches in a timely manner and prevent bushes from thickening. The evaluation criterion will be the following: the base of the plant should be well ventilated.

The follow-up inspection is repeated a week later when hot water treatment is carried out. A few days later, the bush is sprayed.

How to treat a bush from pests?

In order to prevent most of the pests and diseases of gooseberries, currants, you can use the following instructions:

  1. Inspect the bush after wintering. Identify dry, spoiled, scaly, all unusual and strange branches, and remove them.
  2. Move away from the bush, collect and lay last year's foliage in the compost.
  3. Spill the soil around the shrub with hot water, you can add manganese or soda.
  4. Wash the branches of the plant with the same hot water - from a watering can.
  5. If necessary, if there is a suspicion of the presence of a certain pest, spray the plant with a pesticide or active biological substance.

These simple actions will save shrubs from 90% of possible diseases.

Choice number 1: folk remedies for spring processing

The most popular folk remedy is the treatment of shrubs with boiling water. This simple method brings enormous benefits to the garden and plants. In order to water the bushes, the water is heated to a boiling point, placed in a container (bucket, watering can), carried outside to the bushes.

The time of contact of hot water with the surface of the branches should be short - a few seconds. Water is poured onto the branches in small portions. The temperature of water for processing bushes in spring can be below the boiling point and be 80-90 °. For soil treatment, it is better to maintain a temperature near boiling - 95-100 °.

To enhance the action in hot water, you can add salt (natural antiseptic), potassium permanganate, soda. The concentration of soda solution is 3 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water.

Salt concentration - similar to soda, also 3 cl. spoons for 10 liters. The concentration of manganese is up to a light pink color. Up to 1 liter of hot water is consumed per branch of 1 bush. One bucket of boiling water can treat 1-2 plants.

You can use an infusion of antiseptic poisonous herbs, a decoction of dried tansy, wormwood, celandine, and tobacco as boiling water. They are brewed in a ratio of 0.5 liters of dry grass to 10 liters of water. After brewing - insist, filter, before processing the bush - heated to 95 °, poured into a watering can and processed branches and soil.

Dry tobacco and mustard are also used as an antiseptic treatment. They sprinkle the soil around the trunk of the bush. At the same time, up to 200 g of dry powder per 1 bush is used. An alternative to dry tobacco are the seeds of aromatic spice plants, which are sown next to the bush. To do this, use mustard seeds, cloves of garlic, seeds of tansy and wormwood.

What can be processed: chemistry

Modern gardening has various means for plant treatment. Their list is updated annually with new drugs. The advantages of chemicals are speed of action and high efficiency.

The disadvantage is the need to use protective measures, the danger of poisoning when misapplication pesticide. Here are some examples of chemicals that have been tested over decades.

blue vitriol

It is a poison and a strong insecticide, a complex remedy that simultaneously copes with fungal diseases and pests. It has an affordable price - it is inexpensive and works effectively.

Diluted in a ratio of 50 to 100 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water. The concentration of the solution is determined by the age of the plant and the degree of pest damage. If the bush is young and preventive spraying - 50 g is enough. If a raid of future mold or powdery mildew is found, then 100 g per 10 liters are needed.

dry vitriol of blue color added to water, dissolved until the sediment completely disappears and then poured into a sprayer. It takes from 1 to 1.5 liters of solution to process one bush.

Important: vitriol is sprayed on the plant before the buds open. You can not use this tool on green leaves, so as not to "burn" them. And one more thing: products with copper are recommended for spraying no more than 1 time per year - either in spring or autumn.

Bordeaux liquid

The name of this tool is associated with French winegrowers from the province of Bordeaux. Several centuries ago, they came up with the idea of ​​mixing blue vitriol with lime to neutralize the acid in its solution. This makes the product not so aggressive, while maintaining overall effectiveness against fungi and pests.

To prepare the solution, take 100 g of copper sulfate, 100 g of quicklime and 10 liters of water. It is important to follow the technology for preparing the Bordeaux mixture:

  1. Mix quicklime with water - 100 g of lime + 5 liters of water. It will turn out "slaked" lime or the so-called "milk of lime".
  2. Separately, mix 100 g of copper sulfate and 5 liters of hot water (warm up before mixing).
  3. Pour the blue solution of copper sulphate into the white "milk of lime". Important: vitriol is poured into "milk", and not vice versa. At the same time, a blue solution of vitriol is added to the "milk" in a thin stream, slowly and with constant stirring.
  4. Add 100 g of liquid soap to the solution - for better adhesion to the branches of shrubs.

The resulting mixture can process up to 10 fruit bushes. The solution can be used for spraying within 5 hours. After a specified time, the lime particles stick together into clods, make it difficult to spray and clog the holes in the watering can.


A chemical preparation that contains strong poisons - phenols, and has an effective effect against pests. Works against various lesions - mites wintering in the bark and aphid eggs stored in the foliage and powdery mildew fruiting bodies. It has the appearance of a paste, which is diluted with water before spraying. The concentration of the solution for treating the bush is 200 g per 10 liters of water.

On a note: pest removal is most effective during the open feeding phase. During the laying of eggs, female insects crawl out, look for food on trunks and kidneys, and become available for defeat. Therefore, in the presence of harmful larvae, caterpillars, insects, plant shrubs must be sprayed with an insecticidal agent again, during the period when insect females lay eggs.

What is better to sprinkle: biological preparations

In the past few years, biological defenses have become more effective. They combine high efficiency and safety. They do not contain toxic substances, poisons that poison the soil and humans.

They contain enzymes and biologically active substances that help the plant become strong and not be infected by pests. And also create specific protection, using insect antagonists, predators.

Available biological agents can be divided into two groups:

  1. The first are preparations with a complex of friendly bacteria. They improve the nutrition of the roots, strengthen the bush and make it immune to disease.
  2. The second are means of a specific action that contain natural antagonists of pests, those predatory insects that use pests for their own reproduction.

On a note: according to the nature of the action, the second group is biological fungicides. The first is useful fertilizers.

Let us give examples of biological preparations that have proven themselves as a means of combating and preventing fungal and bacterial lesions.


A product that contains a complex of plant-friendly bacteria. Basically, these are those beneficial microorganisms that live in the upper layers of the soil and are responsible for its health and fertility. It also contains bacterial spores that disrupt the digestion of insect pests.

Bitoxibaxicillin is a kind of drug for soil dysbacteriosis and a remedy for leaf-eating caterpillars. Among various pests, it infects aphids and moths better than others. In addition, it helps to restore the soil, improves the nutrition of the shrub.

Note: soil dysbacteriosis is inherent in many land plots due to improper land use, their depletion and environmental pollution.

For spraying, use 80-100 ml of a liquid preparation per 10 liters of water. Operating temperatures - not lower than +8°С, optimal - from +18°С. Sprayed in cloudy weather or in the afternoon, in the late afternoon.


A product that contains hay bacillus bacteria. Available in powder, paste and liquid form. Non-toxic. Its efficiency varies from 65 to 95%.

It is used in a wide range of temperatures, from -40 to +40. Powder is more suitable for spring spraying than other forms. It is diluted in a ratio of 5 g of powder per 10 liters of water. Fitosporin paste is used for spraying on the leaf. Liquid Fitosporin is also treated with vegetative leafy bushes.

On a note: hay stick perishes in bright light. Therefore, it is better to spray plants with Fitosporin in cloudy weather or at the end of the day.


The concentration of the spray solution is selected depending on the purpose of the treatment and the degree of damage to the plant. For prevention, 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water is sufficient. In the presence of a fungal infection - 200 g per 10 liters. With severe lesions - 1 part of trichophyte concentrate to 2 parts of water.

Peculiarities: trichoderma are active in an acidic environment, they lose their activity in alkali and in the light. Therefore, on alkaline soils after liming, it is necessary to use Trichophyt after abundant watering. And also harrow the ground after spraying. Or use the drug in the evening, at night.


This safe for humans, universal remedy is a biological fungicide that stimulates the work of plant cells, causes them to produce enzymes to protect and fight fungal infections.

The stimulating effect of Mikosan manifests itself for a long time, for several weeks after spraying. In addition, it forms a protective film on the surface of the branches, which prevents contact between the pathogen and the plant. In addition to the prevention and control of fungal infections, Mikosan improves plant nutrition and soil composition.

Dilute 100 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water. They spend up to 1 liter per bush and up to 8 liters when spraying land per hundred square meters. Please note: Mikosan is alkaline and therefore cannot be mixed with acid products, live bacterial cultures, EM preparations (“effective microorganisms”).

Biological protection means have a lot of advantages and one important disadvantage. The range of their use starts from temperatures good warmth, from +10° to +25°С. And the first spring processing begins as soon as the snow has melted and there is a slight warming of +5 +10 ° outside. At such temperatures, the effectiveness of biological protection is reduced.