There was a smell in the refrigerator what to do. How to remove bad smell from refrigerator

  • 13.06.2019

The unbearable stench that settled in your refrigerator. Where did it come from and why was it formed? First of all, it must be said that the refrigerator must be thoroughly rinsed using a solution of vinegar.

Actually, this is exactly what our parents and grandmothers did, using growling Soviet refrigeration units. Modern appliances require completely different care - and we will deal with this now.

So, if you are a happy owner of an old refrigerator that was born in the USSR, you can safely pour vinegar on it in order to clean the internal surfaces of bacteria and kill the smell. However, imported, modern cars that not so long ago left the conveyors cannot be washed with vinegar - thus, it can be trivially ruined. For washing only a neutral detergent.

Often, after washing the refrigerator, the smell disappears only for a while, returning quickly enough. This is not uncommon - it is a given, and modern inhabitants solve this problem in a very, very peculiar way. Some owners continue to constantly wash the interior cavity, polishing the white plastic and glass panels literally to a shine. Some people get bored with this and continue to use the frankly “storage” appliance in the kitchen. And the wealthiest ones take the unit to a landfill and simply buy a new one for themselves. Well, this is the most effective, surest, but also the most expensive way.

Perhaps you have excess moisture or a small blockage in the automatic defrost system? These nodes will need to be given maximum attention.

If it is simply not possible to cope with such a problem on your own, then it's time to order the repair of Nord refrigerators - it is the master who will be able to help. The master will quickly disassemble the entire system and be sure to eliminate all causes of unpleasant odors.

Often, unpleasant odors occur due to a power outage (this is very dangerous, first of all, for old refrigerators, where fiberglass is used for thermal insulation). How do these nauseating odors come about?

Water separating from defrosting products sticks to the joints. It is she who causes the smell, which is very, very difficult to eradicate.

In this case, surgical intervention will be required - the master must disassemble the refrigerator and clean its walls from dirt, laying clean thermal insulation. Of course, this is a very complex and time-consuming operation, and it will be very difficult to find a master who will undertake to provide this kind of service.

An unpleasant odor can appear in the refrigerator for several reasons: food that has not been thrown out in time, spoiled food, food with a strong aroma that has not been packaged, and a clogged drain hole. How can you get the smell out of the refrigerator? What means - natural and store - can be used?

If you find such a nuisance, you should immediately start cleaning the refrigerator, otherwise the stench will only intensify, and it will be much more difficult to remove the stubborn repulsive smell.

First, the device is disconnected from the network and freed from products. The removed contents are inspected, the condition and expiration dates are checked. Spoiled food is thrown away, products exuding strong aromas are placed in airtight containers.

The next step is washing the refrigerator. You can use store-bought products - they are simple and easy to use, but experienced and economical housewives prefer folk ways It's safer and cheaper.

Folk remedies

If it stinks new refrigerator, then the cause may be plastic dust that has settled on the walls. Over time, the unpleasant odor passes by itself, but it is quite simple to remove it on your own. To do this, the walls are wiped with a sponge moistened with soapy water or a soda solution, and then wiped dry and left to air for a couple of hours.

most popular and budget way remove bad odor.

Vinegar is mixed with water in equal proportions, the resulting liquid is moistened with a clean kitchen sponge, thoroughly wipe all internal surfaces with it: shelves, walls, seal, drain hole.

To enhance the effect after cleaning, you can place a glass with undiluted vinegar poured into it in an empty refrigerator and leave for an hour or two. After the specified period, the chambers are well ventilated.

With the help of this fruit, an effective detergent is prepared: 1 part lemon juice is mixed with 10 parts of vodka or 5 parts of water.

All surfaces are treated with a sponge moistened with this solution.

To consolidate the result and prevent the appearance bad smell, you can put a lemon or orange peel on a shelf with products for several days.

An aqueous solution is prepared: a tablespoon of ammonia is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Stir thoroughly, wipe all surfaces with a cloth soaked in the resulting liquid. Rinse off any residue with a clean, damp cloth. Ventilate.


To 1 liter of water add a tablespoon of soda, stir. In the solution, moisten a clean sponge or rag, wipe all the shelves, corners, walls, and rubber of the seal with it. After processing, the refrigerator is wiped dry, left to air for 2 hours.

Odor absorbers

Absorbers are products that are used in combination with cleaning the refrigerator, if even after thorough cleaning and washing there is a smell in the chamber.

You need to understand that such things only absorb all odors, but do not eliminate main reason their appearance - microbes and bacteria. Therefore, before using absorbers, you should still wash the refrigerator.


Soda poured into any suitable container, placed on a shelf, will absorb all unpleasant or overly intense odors. Instead of soda, you can use other products with similar properties: salt, dry rice, sugar.

20-30 tablets of coal are crushed into powder, placed in a small container (saucer), put on a shelf in the refrigerator.

It can be stored like this for several weeks, during which it will absorb all the sharp and repulsive aromas. After this period, it is enough to ignite the powder in the oven for 10 minutes, after which it will again be suitable for use.

Black bread, potatoes, apple

Half a loaf is cut into pieces, laid out on each shelf. Instead of bread, you can spread it over a cut potato or apple tuber.

This method helps to deal with a not too strong stink.


You can also remove the smell with the help of grains or a small handful. ground coffee. In this case, the smell itself will not be eliminated, but the bright coffee aroma will mask it.

You can use other natural fragrant products: cinnamon, tarragon, turmeric, cloves, basil, thyme. A bunch of herbs or spices poured into a saucer will clear the stink from the refrigerator.

store funds

Their undeniable advantages are efficiency and ease of use.

If desired, you can use special formulations for washing refrigerators, which are sold in the household chemicals department.

To eliminate unpleasant odors, manufacturers offer several options:

  1. Odor absorbers. They are used to prevent the appearance of new unpleasant odors; it is impossible to remove already existing ones with their help. Such devices are placed on the walls or shelves, in the egg compartment. Most often, coal is used as the main absorbent. Is it worth it to overpay?
  2. Special mini air fresheners. These small battery-operated devices are quite effective, according to customer reviews.

Preventive measures

To bad smell did not settle again, it is important to follow 2 simple rules:

  1. Any food in the refrigerator should be placed in packaged form (in a container, wrapped in cling film placed in a jar with a lid, etc.).
  2. All spilled liquids, drops from sauce or thawed meat should be wiped up thoroughly and immediately.

Any refrigerator should be unplugged at least 2 times a year, washed and treated with antifungal agents. You don't have to wait for mold or bad smell to appear, it's better and easier to keep the place where food is stored clean.

No matter how hard we try to be thorough in caring for the refrigerator, sooner or later we can smell a traitorous smell from it. For its occurrence, very little is needed - just forget to cover some strong-smelling product with a lid. How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator? Can it be done quickly? What folk ways to solve this problem exist?

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator

Although this may occur very unexpectedly, the problem can be solved just as quickly. To do this, you need to know a few simple, but effective methods to combat the "aromas" of the refrigerator.
Here are the most common ways to get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator:

  • with vinegar;
  • use lemon;
  • we use ammonia;
  • activated charcoal as an odor control method;
  • soda and bread are reliable helpers.

Now let's take a closer look at which smell which method is most effective.

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator with vinegar

Naturally, if you find fetid odors in the refrigerator, the first thing to do is to wash it. Take out all the products, check their expiration date. Perhaps one of them was not hermetically sealed, or the packaging was damaged. All this can cause an unbearable smell.

After you have removed all the products and double-checked them, thrown away the missing ones, it's time to properly clean the refrigerator. How to get rid of the smell of mold in the refrigerator?

  1. Prepare vinegar solution: 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water.
  2. Wash the refrigerator with a sponge and detergent.
  3. Soak the sponge in the vinegar solution and wipe all surfaces of the refrigerator, all compartments and all rubber seals.
  4. Avoid Processing metal parts as this may damage the refrigerator.

This method will allow you to breathe freely and no longer hear the intrusive smell. But how to get rid of the smell of fish in the refrigerator? Our second method will help you with this.

How to Remove Bad Smell from the Fridge with Lemon

Lemon is an excellent natural acid that can neutralize negative odors. The lingering smell of fish also won't resist lemon. How to use it correctly to quickly achieve maximum effect?

  • Squeeze some juice from a fresh lemon onto a clean sponge.
  • Refrigerator should be cleaned thoroughly and discard spoiled food.
  • Rub a cloth soaked in lemon juice on all shelves, except for metal elements.
  • Cut the remaining lemon into small pieces and place in the refrigerator. Let him stay there for a few days. This will prevent the development of microorganisms that produce an unpleasant odor.

This natural method, completely safe for humans, helps to cope with various odors in the refrigerator.

Important! Keep your lemon fresh. Don't wait until it's gone in your fridge. Otherwise, you will have to deal with another unpleasant odor later. Be balanced.

Fighting unpleasant odors from the refrigerator with ammonia

Sometimes, when purchasing a refrigerator, many people have an urgent question: how to get rid of the smell in a new refrigerator? The fact is that the plastic from which the shelves and inner surface home appliance is a chemical. When plastic long time kept in an enclosed space, it may give off an unpleasant odour. How to fight him?

Ammonia will come to the rescue. First, wash the refrigerator with a washcloth and cool water. Add some regular dish detergent.

Prepare a solution of ammonia. Dilute a few drops in a glass of water. Dampen a cloth and thoroughly rub all surfaces of the refrigerator. Leave it open all day. The smell of plastic will disappear, and you will be left with only cleanliness and freshness.

The application of this method also answers the question: how to get rid of the smell of garlic in the refrigerator. Although the most The best way- do not store garlic there at all, but ammonia can still eliminate the consequences of your oversight.

Obviously, there are many methods that can help in the fight against unpleasant odors from the refrigerator. But how to get rid of the rotten smell in the refrigerator?

Activated carbon to combat odors from the refrigerator

The best way to deal with odors is not to promote them. Usually the most "ominous" aromas come from rotten meat, or spoiled dairy products. What if the problem already exists? How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator folk remedies?
To begin with, discard all foods that emit fragrances. Check absolutely everything in the refrigerator.

very carefully with detergent wash the surfaces, shelves and rubber bands of the refrigerator. Rinse clean water. Be sure to wipe dry.

Now is the time to use activated charcoal tablets. Crush a few powder tablets and pour into a container. It is important that the powder has a large area of ​​contact with air. That is, the container should be wide and open. Leave in the refrigerator for 8-9 hours. Charcoal will absorb the smell well and leave freshness.

Advice! If you often encounter the problem of bad smell in the refrigerator, install a charcoal filter. It will help to always keep freshness in the refrigerator.

If there is no pharmacy activated charcoal at hand, it can be replaced with charcoal. The principle of operation of such coal is absolutely identical to activated.

We learned how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator quickly at home. Now let's talk about how baking soda and bread can help clean out the refrigerator.

How to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator with baking soda and bread

Let's find out how to get rid of onion smell in the refrigerator. It happens that in the process of preparing a dish you cut an onion and put it in the refrigerator for a while. This caused the onion enzymes to quickly spread throughout the refrigerator and soak it. How do you deal with these scents?

First, wash it thoroughly. Air out by wiping dry. Now we are preparing a solution of soda.

A few tablespoons of soda should be dissolved in a glass of water. Then soak a sponge in it and rub the entire refrigerator from the inside. Leave for a couple of minutes and rinse with clean water. Wipe dry again and let air out.

Baking soda is great at killing bacteria. This is one of best practices How to get rid of the smell in the old refrigerator.

Excellent a simple means the fight against unpleasant odors is the usual black bread. If you cut it into small pieces and place it in the refrigerator, it will absorb all the unpleasant odors very soon. However, this effect is only possible if the refrigerator is pre-washed and the spoiled food is removed.

Now you know how to wash the refrigerator to get rid of the smell in it. Let's find out what can be done so that an unsympathetic smell never settles in it.

Preventive measures to prevent unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

Of course, the most unpleasant thing is the smell in the refrigerator. How to get rid of it quickly is important to know, but how to prevent it is much better!

To keep your refrigerator smelling delicious all the time, here are a few helpful tips.

  1. Clean and defrost your refrigerator regularly.
  2. Always close any food tightly that you plan to store in the refrigerator - especially those that emit a strong odor.
  3. Regularly check the freshness of the products that you store. Get rid of spoiled items promptly.
  4. Store foods in food containers or wrap them in cling film.
  5. Place a bag of soda in the refrigerator. By making small holes in it - this will prevent the development of odors. Change it every few months.

Applying these simple tips, you do not have to look for an answer to the question of how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

Video on how to deal with unpleasant odors in the refrigerator

Let's watch a video that will clearly show the most effective methods to remove unpleasant odors.

The refrigerator is designed to protect the freshness of food. But even with careful care, this household appliance sometimes begins to exude an unpleasant odor. Its appearance is most often facilitated by microbes that multiply in spoiled products. If one day you opened the refrigerator door and felt a stench, you need to act immediately. How to quickly remove an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator, will tell "Popular about health".

Causes of Bad Smell

Why does a bad smell sometimes accumulate inside the refrigerator? If it appeared, it means only one thing - somewhere in the bowels of this device bacteria multiply. Perhaps you haven’t sorted through the products for a long time, didn’t make an audit, somewhere there was a piece of meat or cheese that went bad. Microbes multiply on such food residues.

If there is nothing suspicious on the shelves, look in the vegetable compartment. What is there just not - tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, onions. If the vegetables have been lying for a long time, they could rot, especially if they are stored in bags that do not allow air to pass through. A rotten onion or cucumber spreads an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator.

If everything is clean there, then stagnant water may be the cause of the stench. Check if the water outlet is clogged. It often happens that litter gets into it and the water flowing down the walls of the refrigerator does not seep down, but stagnates, creating a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

A garlic or onion dish can smell bad in the refrigerator if it is not contained in an airtight container or covered with a film. If this is the reason, just transfer it to a plastic container. Another reason for the bad smell is the remnants of liquids on the shelves, which were formed during the defrosting of meat and fish. Carefully inspect all shelves for dirt and eliminate them.

How to remove an unpleasant smell, get rid of the stink in the refrigerator quickly?

In order for the refrigerator to smell pleasant, the first thing to do is turn it off from the network, lay out all the contents and conduct an audit. Everything that has been lying for a long time - vegetables, sausages, old sausages, cheese, greens - must be thrown away without regret. After the inspection, thoroughly wash all parts of the appliance inside - shelves, compartments for vegetables, egg holder. What should be washed? Any dish detergent or ordinary laundry soap will do. Hard-to-remove dirt, such as a broken egg, is not so easy to clean, but do not use a metal mesh so as not to damage the coating. Better wait until the dirt gets wet. After a thorough cleaning, wipe the refrigerator with a dry soft cloth and leave it to air for at least an hour and a half. What to do if the smell is still there?

A clean refrigerator smells bad - what to do?

It also happens that after washing in the refrigerator it still smells bad. What tools will help get rid of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator quickly?

1. Vinegar. Dilute table vinegar 1:1 water and wipe all internal parts of the appliance with a soft cloth dampened with this solution.

2. If there is no vinegar, use citric acid. Dissolve 5 grams of acid in a liter of water.

3. Baking soda is also good at removing bad odors. Prepare a soda solution from 20 grams of soda and a liter of water, dampen a cloth and wipe the shelves and drawers of the appliance.

4. Teaspoon ammonia dilute in a liter of water.

After treatment with such compounds, the inside of the household appliance usually does not smell. The main thing is to ventilate the refrigerator again and let it dry naturally.

How to get rid of bad smell in the refrigerator permanently?

To ensure that your “grocery treasure chest” never smells bad, always be careful not to leave old food in there. Sort out food in time, always wipe the shelves if something accidentally spills. And you can also try the action of sorbents, which literally absorb bad odors. These include:

1. Soda.
2. Activated carbon.
3. Fig.
4. Sugar.
5. Soda.
6. Lemon.

You can pour soda, granulated sugar, rice or crushed coal into a small bowl and put it inside the refrigerator on a shelf. Soon, all "flavors" will disappear, because the substance will absorb them. Lemon acts as a flavor and sorbent at the same time. Put a few slices of citrus inside in different places.

On sale you can find various devices for refrigerators that prevent the occurrence of bad odors. For example, ionizers, air fresheners in the form of aerosols, special sorbents-air purifiers. Today, all this is available to every consumer. These products can be ordered online or purchased in stores. household appliances. But it is possible to do without them, if you carefully monitor the cleanliness of the device.

So, after reading this information, you can quickly remove the unpleasant smell coming from the refrigerator. As we found out, its cause is bacteria that have spread inside, they can be on the remnants of food or in stagnant water that does not pass through the tube down. Having found the source of reproduction of microorganisms, eliminate it, wash the device, treat it with an acidic solution and ventilate it, after which the smell will completely disappear. And so that it does not reappear, place a plate with a sorbent inside.

Some refrigerator odors can be eliminated quickly, while others require repeated attacks. For example, if the cause of the stench was a sudden power outage, say, while you were on vacation, and the “aroma” managed to soak even the sealing gum. Fortunately, even the most persistent odors can be eliminated at home with the products that you have in your kitchen cabinet or first aid kit. And for those who don't trust folk methods, we will give tips on choosing a chemical odor absorber.


Step 1: Empty the Fridge/Freezer

Even if you have identified the source of the smell and got rid of it, you still need to empty the entire refrigerator/freezer. Where to put perishable or frozen food during cleaning? You can take them to the balcony (in winter), put the food in a pot, and then place it in a basin filled with cold water and ice, or put supplies in a thermal pack along with ice packs.

  • If the smell in the refrigerator is due to an unexpected power outage, don't risk saving food that may have gone bad during the downtime. The refrigerator and freezer maintain a safe climate for approximately 4 hours after being turned off (when closed).
  • If your the refrigerator has a no frost system then you don't need to defrost it. Otherwise, the refrigerator should be defrosted. How to do it as quickly as possible.

Step 2: Wash all shelves and drawers

Remove shelves, containers, bottle holders and other removable items, then wash them in the sink/bathroom in hot soapy water or a solution of water and half a glass of baking soda (per sink). If the shelves and drawers smell bad, wash them with a disinfectant solution of 1 tablespoon of chlorine bleach and 4 liters of water. You can also use recipes from . Finally, rinse the removable elements with clean water and leave to dry.

  • Removable drawers and trays are dishwasher safe.

Step 3. Wash the camera

How to remove the smell from the refrigerator / freezer compartment? Choose one of these tools.

Method 1. Vinegar 9% table or wine (for strong and persistent odors)

Mix 9% vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and wipe with the resulting solution.


Do not wipe the sealing gum with vinegar solution - this can cause it to dry out and lose its elasticity.

Method 2. Soda (to remove light odors)

This method is good to use if you want to remove dirt and at the same time get rid of a faint smell. Make a 1 cup solution baking soda and 4 liters of water. Wipe the camera with a sponge dampened with the solution. To remove stains, dip a damp sponge directly into the baking soda and wipe the stains with it.

Method 3. Lemon and citric acid (for strong odors)

Dilute a sachet in 4-5 liters of water citric acid Or add the juice of one lemon to the basin. To remove strong odors, the camera can be completely wiped with half a lemon.

  • The easiest way to spray the cleaner is from a spray bottle;
  • Do not use harsh abrasives so as not to damage the enamel on the walls of the chamber;
  • To clean the sealing rubber, use an old toothbrush. To wash the area under the seal, lift it up with a cloth-wrapped table knife. Be careful not to damage the rubber.

Method 4. Special agent to remove stubborn odors

For example, it could be SmellOFF (Smeloff) for a kitchen or for a solution sensitive issues(price from 650 rubles). There are others, but in our opinion, less effective odor removers of the brands OXY, Flat, Sumo, etc. It is important that the product is non-toxic and as neutral as possible.

  • Cleaning with special odor removers must be carried out strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 4. Flush the drain hole

This step is optional, but desirable if you want to not only get rid of the smell, but also thoroughly wash the refrigerator.

  • If you cannot determine the source of the unpleasant odor, then flushing the drain hole is a must. Musty water can stagnate in it or mold can form.

Most often, the drain hole is located in the center of the rear wall. refrigerator compartment. If you can't find it, look in the owner's manual for your refrigerator. To clean the hole, clean it first with a wooden skewer, and then pour your chosen cleaning solution into it through an enema or funnel.

Step 5. Ventilate and dry the chamber

This step will require your patience. For best results, unplug the refrigerator and leave the door open for at least one day. If the bad smell still remains, wipe the walls of the chamber again with baking soda or another product from the list above and turn on the refrigerator the next day.

Step 6. We put on the shelf a natural odor absorber for prevention

Once inner part your refrigerator is clean, put all the food back. Then, to remove the smell of the cleaner itself (such as vinegar) and prevent the problem from reoccurring, place one or two of the following odor absorbers of your choice on one or two shelves:

  1. Activated carbon. Charcoal tablets or granules can be poured into a small saucer or wrapped in a gauze bag.
  • Activated charcoal can be purchased not only at the pharmacy, but also at the pet store. There it is sold in granular form in packages of 400-1000 grams (price from 120 rubles).
  • Used activated charcoal can be renewed by heating it in an oven at 180 C° for 20 minutes.
  1. Soda. For daily deodorization of the refrigerator, soda can be poured into a small cup or glass. But if you want to remove the smell that has already appeared, it is best to sprinkle baking soda in an even layer on a baking sheet, small tray or dish.

  1. A slice of black (rye) bread. A favorite of our grandmothers, which really works even with strong odors. For greater efficiency, the bread slice can be cut into pieces and spread out in all corners of the chamber.
  2. A cup of oatmeal.

  1. A cup of ground coffee. The smell of coffee will quickly disappear, and the ground beans will begin to absorb other odors.

  1. A cup of rice.
  2. Raw potato.
  3. Gauze bag with sugar.
  4. A quarter of a lemon or orange.

In addition to natural odor absorbers, you can also use special ones. Here is a small overview of the main types.

Type of odor absorber Operating principle Price
Gel Gel in the form of granules quickly absorbs odors due to active ingredients - citric acid, algae or coal. 1 package is designed for 1-2 months of use. From 200 rubles for one package.
Balls with silica granules One ball is designed for more than six months of use. Quite effective. From 380 rub.
Egg with charcoal Compact and cute, the egg eliminates odor with charcoal. The term of use is 1-3 months. 50 rub.
Hanging dispenser The cartridge of such a dispenser contains charcoal (there are 2 cartridges in the package). One cartridge is designed for 1-3 months. 50-300 rub.
Ionizer It not only purifies the air in the refrigerator, but also kills harmful bacteria, extending the shelf life of food and preventing mold. From 2000 rub.

If the smell in your refrigerator is not too strong, one absorber may be enough to get rid of it without defrosting or cleaning the chamber. Sometimes it is enough to hold the absorber for one day to remove the odor, but most often it takes several days.

And a little about prevention

  • Store food in containers. Many foods smell strong enough to be absorbed into the surfaces of the refrigerator compartment. Therefore, every product, from cut onions to the leftovers of dinner, must be covered with a lid, foil or film, or stored in a container.
  • Inspect your refrigerator at least once every three days. So you can dispose of spoiled products in time.
  • If you are leaving for a long time (more than a week or two), empty the refrigerator and freezer, turn off the appliance and unplug it, clean the chambers, then open the door slightly. If you leave the door closed, the chamber will high humidity and insulation, mold and an unpleasant odor are formed.