How to clean a new refrigerator. How to wash a new refrigerator before using it for the first time

  • 04.03.2020

After buying a refrigerator, some people are in a hurry to immediately turn on the device and fill it with food. Therefore, few people are interested in the information that is indicated in the instructions. And this, in turn, can lead to problems in work and even to a breakdown of equipment. First you need to wash the new refrigerator before the first use, but this should be done in compliance with some rules.

Why and how to wash the refrigerator before turning it on

Before turning on the device, it is important to examine it from the inside, as waste paper and various packaging materials can be found in the chamber, which must be removed. The second step will be getting rid of odors and dirt. Pollution can be of various origins:

  • the smell of plastic;
  • pollution that was obtained during the production of equipment;
  • dust and dirt that accumulate during storage in the store, in the warehouse and after transportation.

Even if the refrigerator is clean and external pollution were not found, it still needs to be cleaned. Plastic that has been kept in a closed box for a long time often causes an unpleasant odor. Therefore, the first inclusion of the refrigerator in any case is not possible without washing.

In household chemical stores you can find a large assortment various chemicals, and even whole sets for the care of the refrigerator.

But if there is no desire to spend money on such compounds, then you should use the usual dishwashing gel or folk remedies (vinegar, soda).

Purchased refrigerator cleaners

To get rid of the smell in the new refrigerator will help the chemical compounds that are full of store shelves. They are available in the form of a gel, paste and do a good job with the task. Liquid products must be used as follows:

  • Dilute the selected gel with water, according to the instructions on the label, and apply the resulting solution to the entire inner surface electrical appliance.
  • Next, you need to wipe everything with a soft sponge and wash off the chemical composition with water. Shelves can be taken out and rinsed under running water, and you will have to walk along the walls several times with a clean sponge.
  • At the final stage, dry the chamber with a towel and leave the device for several hours with the door open.

You can not immediately turn on the refrigerator, even if it was wiped properly. It is better if the device dries to the end on its own, and besides, during this time the smell of not only plastic, but also the chemical agent will disappear.

Pastes are used in a similar way: they are applied to the entire surface of the device, rubbed lightly and washed off with water. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night so that the equipment is dry and well ventilated.

soda and vinegar

In inexpensive models, the smell inside is so persistent that it is not so easy to overcome it. In such cases, soda and vinegar will come to the rescue. These funds have long been loved by housewives who try to avoid the use of aggressive chemical compounds.

To use vinegar 9%, you need to mix 1 tsp. funds in 3 liters. water, and wipe all the necessary areas with the resulting solution. It is not necessary to wash off the composition, it is enough to leave the chamber door open for several hours for ventilation.

Before turning on the refrigerator, you can wipe it with a solution of baking soda. This remedy is safe both for the health of family members and for the device itself. Necessary:

  • Take 3 liters of warm water into a container and dilute 2 tablespoons in it. baking soda.
  • Remove all shelves and drawers from the appliance, if possible, moisten a sponge well in the solution and thoroughly wash the refrigerator. Do not forget about recesses, trays, grates and a freezer. Drawers and shelves are also treated with a solution.
  • After treating the entire surface with soda, it is necessary to rinse it clean water and wipe dry.

But manufacturers of some expensive models still do not recommend the use of vinegar for such refrigerators.

How to take care of your new appliance

If a person has decided how to wash the refrigerator, and his efforts have brought the desired result, then you can connect it to the surge protector and enjoy the purchase. However, excellent work household appliances it really depends on how you take care of it.

It is necessary to sort out all the products that are stored in the refrigerator as often as possible. If food has been found that has begun to deteriorate or rotten fruits of vegetables and fruits, then they should be disposed of immediately.

The household appliance requires weekly cleaning, so it is necessary to wipe the surface outside and inside once a week.

Any food should only be stored in bags or containers with lids. This is especially true of food that exudes a pungent odor. It is better to put plastic bags at the bottom of vegetable boxes, and lay out food only on them.

If the refrigerator is buzzing a lot, do not immediately sound the alarm. You need to wait a bit and let him freeze well. In the case when the device does not stop growling, you should check whether the transport bolts have been removed and whether it is installed correctly. If everything is in order, then you should immediately contact the store where the purchase was made.

Thawing food should be done in deep containers to excess water did not spill. All contaminants must be removed as soon as they are discovered.

To prevent unpleasant odors from hovering in the refrigerator, you can put an open box of soda or activated charcoal tablets in it. These products will absorb all unwanted odors.

Buying household appliances is a joyful event for every family. A brand new household appliance pleases with its brilliant appearance. With time appearance deteriorates, appears inside bad smell. It is necessary to resort to cleaning the device. How to wash the refrigerator inside to eliminate the smell?

How to clean inside

First of all, for safety reasons, household appliances are disconnected from the network. Then start washing.

It is necessary to wash the refrigerator carefully, paying attention to all details. The door, shelves, containers, other parts are thoroughly washed. The grate located behind the household appliances is cleaned of dirt. A dusty grate leads to a violation of the heat exchange function, contributes to an increase in energy consumption.


Once every 3 months, it is necessary to defrost and wash the refrigerator. Before that, remove all products. Keeping food in closed containers will help prevent odors.

We wash the refrigerator correctly, regularly check the products for freshness, clean the appliance inside and out.

How best to wash a new refrigerator before turning it on

Many people are unaware of the need to wash a household appliance after purchase. Why is this procedure necessary? The fact is that the device has a specific technical smell. If you immediately place the products, there is a risk of them absorbing an unpleasant odor.

It is necessary to wash a new refrigerator, which will eliminate contamination that has arisen during the manufacturing or transportation process. Household appliances are brought to the store from special warehouses. There accumulates a huge amount of dust, dirt, settling on the surface of household appliances. Seemingly clean, they contain dust particles.

How to wash a new refrigerator before first use? There are products for washing the refrigerator inside, sold in stores. Before their appearance, household appliances were washed with ordinary soda solution. The method is environmentally friendly, cheap.

Before washing the refrigerator, be sure to unplug it from the mains.

The freezer does not go unnoticed. Together with the boxes, it is washed and wiped dry. Turn on the device after 6 hours.

If cleaning the refrigerator does not help, wipe the walls of the appliance and accessories with a sponge soaked in vinegar. Instead of vinegar, citric acid mixed with water is suitable. The rag is moistened in the resulting solution, the device is wiped inside. Four hours is enough for the device to dry completely.

How to wash the refrigerator with the No Frost system

A household appliance with a know frost function assumes that there is no ice formation inside. It does not require special defrosting. The absence of ice facilitates the washing process.

The walls are wiped with a damp sponge soaked in soapy water. Do not allow water to come into contact with electrical components. The drain hole is cleaned of contaminants with a cotton swab.

After dissolving soda with water, dirt is removed from the rubber seals, which must be washed.

No know frost function

A household appliance without a know frost function must be defrosted periodically. Defrosting allows you to get rid of excessively accumulated ice in the freezer and on the walls of the appliance.

Timely cleaning will help prevent the appearance of odors, pollution. Before the washing procedure, it must be thawed. Disconnect household appliances from the network, remove drawers, shelves. Leave until completely defrosted. Only after defrosting can you wash the refrigerator.

Refrigerator washing:

  • Remove all components, products
  • Prepare a soda solution (1 tsp of soda per 1 liter of water)
  • Wipe the components with a sponge soaked in soda solution
  • Gently wipe the walls of the device
  • Rinse several times with water
  • wipe dry


To keep the household appliance clean, different means are used.

The store sells specially designed detergents.

Helps clean up contaminants folk methods: vinegar, soda, laundry soap, Apple vinegar, lemon.

Cope, moistened with ordinary dishwashing detergent.

Removing odor and yellowness

Over time, the refrigerator begins to smell bad. It is not advisable to use chemicals inside, they are absorbed into the products. To clean the refrigerator from the smell will help:

  1. Apple vinegar
  2. Lemon
  3. Ammonia

Apple vinegar - great way clean the refrigerator from the smell. Vinegar is mixed with water one to one. With a cloth soaked in a solution, wipe all the components inside. Leave to dry for a couple of hours.

How to process the refrigerator and remove yellowness? Lemon - indispensable assistant. Lemon juice is dissolved in water. Clean the surface of the walls inside the appliance. Ventilate until completely dry.

When working with ammonia Use rubber gloves to protect your hands. Surfaces, walls and component parts are treated with alcohol. You can use it within a day. All this time the door must be open.

What and how often to wash the outside

The outside of the household appliance must be cleaned once a week. It is enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, this will save you from long-term dirt that is difficult to clean.

Helps with heavy dirt detergent, soda solution, soap solution.

Folk ways to remove the smell

In addition to special, store-bought products, you can resort to traditional methods how to wash the refrigerator from the smell:

  1. Soap use
  2. Detergent
  3. Cleaning the fridge with vinegar

Washing the refrigerator with soap

Laundry soap is great for getting rid of stains. Surfaces treated with soap are disinfected. Washing the refrigerator from the smell with a soapy solution - environmentally friendly, effective method.

Washing with detergent

Can be used to combat suffocation special means or regular dishwashing detergent. Wipe surfaces with a cloth dampened with soapy water. With a clean, damp sponge, remove the remnants of the cleaning solution. Ready.

Eliminate odor with vinegar

It is better and faster than all means to get rid of the odor. A solution of vinegar and water is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio. Wipe the surfaces with a cotton swab or sponge moistened with the solution. Leave to dry.


Maintaining constant cleanliness will save you the time-consuming effort of removing stubborn dirt. Unpleasant odor is easily removed with detergents, folk methods.

If you decide to purchase a refrigerator for your home, you should know how to clean a new fridge before you start using it. Perhaps you think that this is not necessary, because it is new. But everything is just the opposite: it should be thoroughly washed from the dirt and dust that has accumulated there during your stay in the household appliance store.

In the cool season, you may need to wash a new refrigerator about four hours, if it's summer outside, then you can handle it in an hour and a half.

Do not connect the new refrigerator to electrical power until it is completely dry.

Cleaning chemicals

The range of chemicals for cleaning refrigerators is quite wide. You can find it in any store or department of household chemicals.

And here's how to use the means for washing refrigerators, we'll tell you now:

Recently, all kinds of cleaning pastes for refrigerators have become popular, the peculiarity of which is that they have a creamy texture and do not contain abrasive particles.

Powdered cleaners are not recommended for washing a new refrigerator: you can leave small scratches on the plastic

With pastes we proceed as follows:

    • apply any of these to all surfaces inside the refrigerator;
    • after applying the cleaning cream, thoroughly wipe all shelves, trays and walls cold storage s;
    • rinse with plenty of water and wipe dry;
    • It is advisable to do this procedure in the evening, so that the refrigerator is well ventilated during the night.

Washing the fridge with soda

If you don't like using chemicals to clean the fridge you'll store food for the whole family in, there's an eco-friendly alternative to replace any cleaning product.

Surely your house has. So, it is she who is ideal for washing a new refrigerator. It will not cause harm to health, but with bad smell plastic in the chamber of the new refrigerator will do just fine.

So, take baking soda, a soft sponge and warm water, and then carry out the following manipulations:

    • dissolve in one liter warm water a few tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate;
    • completely soak the sponge in the resulting solution and treat all surfaces inside the new refrigerator (do not forget about shelves, drawers, trays and grates);
    • after soda treatment, thoroughly wash the refrigerator with clean water;
    • Wipe dry with a clean cotton towel or let the refrigerator dry on its own by opening the door slightly.

Do not forget about the freezer, because before you start using the refrigerator, you must do the same procedure with it.

Before buying a new refrigerator, remember that the material should not emit a pungent odor. If, upon opening the door, you feel a strong smell of plastic, it is better not to buy such a refrigerator. Even treatment with chemical detergents will not destroy this smell in the chamber.

If there are extraneous smells of aromatic products in the chamber of the new refrigerator, it means that the employees of the home appliance store have already tried to eliminate this problem. It is better to refrain from such a purchase.

After the new refrigerator is completely dry, you can connect it to the electrical network. Now you can safely send food to the camera. Keep your food fresh and tightly packed. Otherwise, in a week you will again puzzle over how to wash the refrigerator.

How to wash a new refrigerator before first use? In the joy of acquiring a new thing, many buyers do not ask such a question, filling the device with food immediately after delivery. This is a fundamentally wrong decision, since the refrigerator definitely needs to be cleaned.

Exists whole line conditions that determine the need to wash a new refrigerator after purchase. Among them, the main ones are:

  • technical smell;
  • pollution obtained during production;
  • dust and dirt deposited during transportation and storage in a warehouse.

A new household appliance needs to be cleaned in any case due to the specific smell present in all devices. That is why it is imperative to thoroughly clean the refrigerator before using it for the first time. Otherwise, the unpleasant aroma will be absorbed into all the products that will be in it in the future.

It should be remembered that the manufacture of household appliances is not the production of food, therefore, it does not take place under conditions of the strictest sterility. Even a clean-looking refrigerator is far from clean. Dirt and dust can accumulate on the surface of its walls, shelves and drawers. It should be borne in mind that the device does not enter the trading floor immediately from the production workshop. After manufacturing, household appliances are transported to production warehouses, where they can be stored for a long time. When necessary, the device is transported to a point of sale, where there may also be a warehouse. Do not forget that the equipment is transported to the buyer's house in a certain order. Of course, any refrigerator is well packed at the factory, but this packaging is not vacuum and does not exclude dust and microbes from entering the device.

What and how to wash?

A new refrigerator may also have a fragrance smell. This option is not the norm. Manufacturers of household appliances do not treat their products with any substances. This can be done by the seller in order to eliminate any defect or to give the equipment a marketable appearance. Since there is no data on how the device was processed and how harmful it is to the health of the buyer, this situation may serve as a reason for making claims to the store. For cleaning, you can use both special detergents and general funds for cleaning. Not so long ago, before such a variety of household chemicals appeared on store shelves, every housewife washed her refrigerator with soda. This one is simple but effective way still considered effective.

Regardless of the product chosen, I wash the refrigerator very carefully, paying special attention to the little things. In addition to the walls, you need to thoroughly rinse all shelves, grates, drawers and other accessories. Don't overlook the back wall. The freezer and all the drawers included in it should also be washed well. The doors must be cleaned no worse than the rest of the parts. After all the elements are washed with clean water, they must be wiped well with a dry cloth.
After 6 hours, you can turn on the device and fill it with food. If the corrosive smell has not evaporated from washing with soda or special means, it is necessary to wipe all parts with a sponge soaked in vinegar or citric acid. You can turn on the device after such a procedure after 4 hours.

How to take care of the refrigerator?

To keep the refrigerator in good condition, it is enough to follow the basic rules. It is worth checking as often as possible. This includes checking the expiration date of products, disposing of expired food, and keeping the shelves in order.

The outside of the device should be cleaned at least once a week. It is not necessary to use special detergents for this purpose. If the procedure is carried out in a timely manner, it will be enough just to moisten a cloth a little in water. The exception is the presence of stubborn stains. In any case, stains that appear should be wiped off immediately after they form, but dirt such as oil smudges will require the use of detergents.
To prevent the smell of food from being absorbed into the device and not mixed, you should store all food in packages or in tightly covered containers. It should be remembered that the dishes that are placed in the refrigerator must be clean. The bottom of the boxes should be covered with paper or thin cotton napkins. You can lay plastic bags. This is necessary so that the husks that fall off the vegetables do not leave any contamination.

If there are stains, smudges, you need to remove them with a damp cloth. Food transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator for defrosting should be placed in a deep dish with high walls.

Once every 3 months, you need to defrost the device and carry out its general cleaning.

The device and all its elements must be thoroughly washed with a detergent. Particular attention is paid to seals, trays where water flows, as well as to the condenser spiral.

If an unpleasant smell nevertheless made its way into the refrigerator, there are several ways to eliminate it. The cardinal option, which will give a 100% result, is the purchase of special air cleaner filters.

You can also use one of folk remedies:

  • sprinkle open containers with soda;
  • put pieces of black bread on a saucer;
    cut lemon slices;
  • put a few activated charcoal tablets or tea bags on the shelves.

One of these products or several should be immediately laid out on the shelves of the refrigerator, they will have to absorb all the unpleasant odors. If this does not help, then you will have to use special cleaning products.
Before using the refrigerator for the first time, be sure to clean it. In addition to the initial cleaning, you should keep the device clean and periodically carry out general cleaning inside and outside the refrigerator.

« How to wash a new refrigerator and should it be done before the first use?”- a question that every housewife asks at least once. The fact is that after manufacturing at the factory, household appliances are almost immediately packaged in tight boxes without normal access. fresh air. During the stay in the box, the refrigerator acquires a rather unpleasant smell of plastic with an admixture of the aroma of production.

Many people ask if a new refrigerator needs to be washed inside and out before using it for the first time, and the answer is definitely yes. Household appliances do not just need to be washed, they need to be disinfected. In the process of washing, the unpleasant odor will also go away.

Reasons for washing a new refrigerator:

  • pollution that appeared during the transportation of household appliances;
  • specific smell of a new product;
  • technical dust and dirt resulting from production.

In the article we will look at how and with what you can wash a new refrigerator at home. household chemicals and improvised means.

My new refrigerator before the first use

Washing a new refrigerator before turning it on for the first time is quite simple, because only the purchased equipment does not have serious contamination obtained during operation. That is why washing household appliances is quite simple.

Household chemicals

Today, there are a lot of different household chemicals that are widely used for cleaning various surfaces in the House. In the store you can even buy special detergents exclusively for the refrigerator. With this tool, you can also wash household appliances before using them for the first time.

Instructions for use are identical for almost all detergents:

  1. The first step is to install the refrigerator and clean it with a dry cloth from dust and small debris, if any.
  2. Next, you should dilute the purchased product in warm water. We collect liquid in a small basin, add detergent and stir it.
  3. With a soft sponge or cloth dipped in soapy water, carefully treat all surfaces inside the refrigerator, especially wiping plastic trays and shelves from all sides with high quality.
  4. After cleaning with detergent, the new refrigerator must be additionally rinsed with clean water to get rid of soap stains.
  5. At the final stage, we wipe the walls and shelves with a dry towel so that there is no water left.

After washing, leave household appliances alone for several hours by opening the doors of the freezer and refrigerator. In this case, household appliances will ventilate by themselves, and the unpleasant smell of new plastic will disappear. Until this moment, you should not turn on the household appliance in the network and certainly should not put food on the shelves.

There are three main types of household chemicals for the refrigerator: liquid, helium and pasty. Do not use abrasive detergents containing acids. In this way, you can damage the plastic walls of the refrigerator.

Folk remedies

You can also rinse and disinfect the refrigerator after purchase using folk remedies. The easiest and most effective way is to use baking soda. Such a detergent is affordable and completely safe, as it is not an allergen.

For correct processing refrigerator with baking soda, follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. First of all, as in the case of household chemicals, the refrigerator must be cleaned of dirt and dust with a dry cloth.
  2. Pour a liter of warm water into a small enameled basin, add about one hundred grams of baking soda to the liquid, stir the liquid thoroughly.
  3. If the refrigerator is equipped with shelves that can be removed, then we do this and wash the elements of household appliances separately. Use a new soft sponge or flannel cloth to clean the walls and shelves.
  4. Be sure to wipe the inside of the refrigerator with a dry cloth to get rid of excess water.

After treatment with soda, it is not necessary to rinse household appliances with clean water, but this can be done if desired. We ventilate the refrigerator for several hours, and then turn it on and use it for its intended purpose.

Baking soda is an all-purpose cleaner that not only cleans and sanitizes the inside of your refrigerator, but also completely absorbs bad odors.

Note! In the process of washing the refrigerator and freezer, you should very carefully wash rubber gaskets so as not to damage them. Otherwise, you can ruin household appliances even before the first use.

With an unpleasant smell in the new refrigerator, a solution of nine percent vinegar will help to cope. We dilute a few tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water at room temperature, after which we treat the shelves and walls of household appliances with liquid from the inside. The acid will eliminate all unpleasant technical odors, and airing will help eliminate the smell of the vinegar itself.

Do not put food in the refrigerator immediately after turning it on. Wait until the temperature in the cells returns to normal, which can take about half an hour. After that, fill the refrigerator with food.

Remember! If, when choosing a refrigerator, you felt that a very strong and persistent aroma comes from household appliances, this is definitely a reason to abandon the chosen model. In this case, the manufacturer used low-quality materials to reduce the cost of production. Surely you will not be able to get rid of persistent technical aroma even after several years of using such a technique.

Having studied the proposed material, now you know how and with what you can properly wash a new refrigerator at home before turning it on for the first time and whether it needs to be done.