My floors competently: the rules for cleaning various surfaces. How to wash the floor at home

  • 14.06.2019

Cleaning the house is always a "holiday". In a figurative sense, of course. This procedure takes a whole day, and after a few days it becomes dirty again. In a word, the work is thankless, but necessary. Well, the most dirty and difficult to clean surface is the floor. Therefore, many housewives often face the question of how to wash the floor so that there are no stains on it, so that it sparkles and does not get dirty. The latter, of course, is difficult to fulfill: people only need to fly. But on the first two points, some recommendations can be given.

General rules

Before you decide to wash the surfaces you walk on, you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules for this manipulation. These rules apply to all floor types. Regardless of how you are going to wash the floor, with your hands or with a mop, you must first remove all objects that you can from the surface. Thus, the territory will be free, and cleaning will become much easier.

It is very important to clean the floors with a broom before cleaning. Thin twigs will help pull dust out of the far corners and crevices. It is only necessary to work with a slightly wet broom: in a bucket of water, moisten the ends of the rods a little, then shake off excess droplets with light taps on the edge of the bucket.

Now you can start mopping the floors. This is done from the most distant corner of the room, moving gradually towards the exit. These are general guidelines, but now let's figure out how to use a mop, what detergents are suitable for what types of surfaces, and how to keep surfaces clean without using a mop.

Type of floor and how to clean it

Modern floor coverings can be made of laminate, they can be parquet, they are also covered with linoleum and tiles, unpainted and painted wood. Each type of floor needs a special cleaning agent and has its own processing specifics.

Laminate flooring is allowed to be washed only once a year. The rest of the time it is only wiped with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water.

The parquet floor is cleaned in the same way as the laminate, only after a wet wipe it should be rubbed with mastic.

You can completely wash the floor with soap only if it is covered with linoleum. The water must be warm, and cleaning is allowed regularly.

Every day you can wash wooden ones. It is especially important to do this in the hallway and in the kitchen, where they get dirty the most. Such coatings are not afraid of moisture. Stains can be removed with ammonia.

If you have a wooden floor in your house, but not painted, then it is allowed to wash it only once a week. To do this, use hot water and soap. Then it is necessary to rinse the coating well and wipe it with a dry cloth.

Tiled floors are the easiest to maintain. They can even be wiped daily with a damp cloth.

Choosing a detergent

Choosing the right floor cleaner is incredibly important. There are a huge number on the market today various means for washing floor surfaces, but there is a product for each type of coating. So, for parquet it is necessary to choose a delicate composition that will not damage the floor.

Cleaners containing alcohol are not suitable for linoleum. Powdered cleaners are also not recommended. Such concentrates will darken the coating or leave whitish streaks.

Floor tiles must not be cleaned with liquid soap. It is better to rub a little laundry soap into the water or find a detergent with an acid content. Such a product will remove dirt and destroy microbes.

For laminate try to buy detergent composition with neutral pH. Abrasives must not be used for cleaning floor covering from this type of material.

Washing with a mop

How to wash the floors at home, with a mop or with your hands, each housewife decides for herself. If you need to do everything quickly, then the mop, of course, is better. But if at the same time as cleaning you also want to do exercises, then you should work with your hands. But if you decide to use exclusively a mop, then you should first familiarize yourself with modern views this tool. In stores you can find the following mops:

  • rope;
  • butterfly mops;
  • with microfiber:
  • with a sponge;
  • steam;
  • flat.

Which product to choose is also up to the user. The only important thing here is that the mop is as comfortable as possible for you.

Now consider how to properly handle this simple tool. The mop should be thoroughly moistened with water and wring out a little for the first time. They wash the floors, as mentioned above, from the far corner of the room to its exit. From time to time, the mop needs to be re-moistened with water. In heavily soiled areas, rub the mop more carefully, pressing it lightly.

When washing rough tiles or other textured flooring, the mop should be moved in such a way as if you were drawing a figure eight. Thanks to this, you will perfectly wash the dirt from the floor.

When everything is done, you need to rinse in clean water mop, wring it out and put it upside down to dry.

We wash the floors with our hands

Many housewives are interested in the answer to the question of how to wash the floor with your hands. Everything is very simple here: choose the right rag and cleaning agent. Add washing liquid to a bucket of water and dip a rag into it. Soak it well and squeeze it out. Now, in the same way as in the case of a mop, it is necessary to wash the coating from the far corner to the middle of the room. Rinse the rag, wring it out and wash the second half of the room. If necessary, wipe the washed surface with a dry cloth.

Which rag is best?

We have already figured out which floor cleaner to choose. Now we have to figure out which rag is best for washing flooring with your hands. Previously, old T-shirts and T-shirts were used for this purpose. Today, there are entire departments in stores that feature all kinds of rags. Consider their most popular types.

Viscose fabric. This material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. But when wet, it loses its strength. In addition, twisting and hot water are contraindicated for him. Therefore, it is better to purchase not natural viscose, but a viscose rag with the addition of synthetic fibers. A viscose cloth combined with polyester perfectly absorbs moisture from the floor and wipes it dry. For washing coatings by hand, this is an excellent solution.

A rag, which contains cellulose, is distinguished by increased absorbent qualities.

Synthetics (polyester) cope with pollution better than any natural materials. These rags dry quickly and are durable.

Microfiber is considered a new generation material for mopping. It consists of microscopic fibers of polyester, cotton and others. Such miniature fibers can penetrate into the smallest and farthest cracks and wash out dust and dirt from there.

Steam cleaner for washing floor surfaces

Modern housewives are increasingly wondering if it is possible to wash floors with a steam cleaner. If you have linoleum floors in your house, then, of course, you can use this unit to clean it. For any other surfaces, its use is prohibited.

The steam regulator must be set to "Two" or "Three": this way the steam temperature will be lower and will not damage the coating. After such cleaning, no traces will remain on the floor.

Folk remedies

Readers will also be interested in learning about how to clean the floor with folk remedies. If there are children in the house, then it is possible that the flooring can be painted with felt-tip pens. To wipe it off, you need to moisten a small rag in gasoline and lightly rub the “image”. Then this place should be wiped with a damp clean cloth and wipe it dry. In the same way, traces of sneakers are removed.

To make the floor covering shine, it is recommended to wash it with a solution of milk and water. Liquids must be mixed in proportions one to one. A freshly washed floor can be greased linseed oil, which forms protective film and thus protects the surface from damage.


Remember: the dirtiest place in any room is the flooring. Sometimes you can wash the floors every day, or even several times a day. No matter how cleanly you wash the surface, after a day or two, dust, pet hair and other debris will still begin to accumulate in the corners. Whatever way you decide to clean the floors, you need to do it with joy, perhaps even love, and then the coating will not just be clean, but sparkling. Your family will appreciate it, and you will be pleased to enjoy the results of your work.

Before washing the floor, it is necessary to remove all objects that interfere with the process, remove all large debris, vacuum or sweep. When it comes to how to properly wash the floor, the main thing to know is that the procedure will vary for different types of flooring, as well as the means for carrying it out.

Basic rules for cleaning and cleaning the floor after whitewashing

Before cleaning the floors cleanly, it is recommended to know about some of the nuances that will allow you to achieve the maximum result. You should start washing the floor from the baseboards, moving from the walls to the center of the room, so that it is easier to collect all the dirt with a rag or mop. The unpainted surface must be moistened with a warm solution of water and soap, wiped with a brush, and then rinsed with water and wiped dry.

On the question of how to cleanly wash a floor that is painted, it will help ammonia, diluted in water. The surface is washed out, dries for a while, and then it needs to be brought to a shine with a cloth. With the problem of how to wash the "sweet" floor, you need to add a little acetic acid to the water and carefully wipe the sticky place.

The sequence of actions for cleaning the surface after whitewashing, which allows you to avoid strong stains, is as follows:

  • Pour the entire contaminated part with a soap solution (highly concentrated);
  • After all the remnants of the repair have acidified, collect all the dirt with a rag, rinsing it often in water;
  • Add to clean soap solution table salt or kerosene, soak a rag in this solution and rinse the surface thoroughly;
  • The final step is to use warm water and rags.

Thus, the floor surface will be cleaned of repair residues, there will be no white stains on the floor.

How to properly wash various floor coverings: comments from housewives

In the question of how to wash a wooden floor, experienced housewives It is advised to use any detergent diluted with water. Be sure to clean with a stiff brush if the floors are unpainted. The resulting foam is washed off with water, and moisture is collected with a rag.

In the same way as cleaning a wooden floor, you can treat painted surfaces, but without using a brush. You can take a mop and move from the farthest corner to the doorway. For the shine of the boards, a mixture of "denatured alcohol-vegetable oil" is used.

Quick cleaning of linoleum

You can wash the floor from linoleum without leaving streaks as follows:

  • Add grated laundry soap to a container with water;
  • The rag must be squeezed well and rinsed thoroughly with water;
  • Change the water frequently;
  • You can not heat the water for washing, add soda, as when cleaning the laminate.

To avoid the appearance of cracks on the linoleum, to give it a shiny look, you need to rub the surface with linseed oil or drying oil once a month.

When cleaning parquet, it is important not how quickly to wash the floor, but how well. The procedure is practically no different from washing wooden floors, but it should not be done so often - once a month. The rag should not be wetted too much, since the parquet should not absorb excess liquid. You can add a few tablespoons of glycerin to enhance the shine when cleaning. Polishing should be done several times a month with a floor brush.

  1. Heat water, add ordinary table vinegar. Housewives use it to quickly evaporate moisture on the surface, as well as to ensure that there are no streaks left.
  2. You can wash the floor with a special mop for laminate, the rags should be well squeezed out. Move with a mop should be from the edges of the room to the exit, moving it in front of you.
  3. To remove dirt from the laminate, any gentle detergent composition for the corresponding type of coating is applied.

You can wash the type of flooring in question a maximum of 3 times a week.

How to wash other floor coverings: tiles, cork, stone

Tiles can be quickly cleaned using a steamer. If there is no such device, then you can make a soapy solution with a few drops of ammonia. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a week so that the seams are not clogged with dirt. Stone floors should be cleaned with liquid soap diluted in water, but not washing powder. It is difficult to wash off and impossible to avoid stains.

The cork surface cannot be waterlogged, so when cleaning, you need to carefully wring out the rag. Do not use powders with abrasive particles, solvents and strong detergents can damage the surface. Conventional formulations do an excellent job of contaminating cork.

At first glance, it may seem to someone that you can “not bother” about the appearance of the floor in the apartment. He is downstairs, often under the carpet, who sees him there? Walls, furniture, carpets, curtains - all this is in plain sight, catches the eye, and therefore it should be beautiful and tidy. And the floor and ceiling fall out of sight, why take care of them so much? It turns out that they need to be washed properly!

Features of care for different types of flooring

It is extremely important to regularly and properly care for the flooring.

A beautiful floor is the basis, the foundation of the interior. He is a full-fledged participant in the decoration of the room and is able to both save and ruin the owner’s attempts to achieve harmonious combination all design elements.

There are a lot of flooring options in our age of advanced technology, but before choosing one of them, familiarize yourself with the specifics of caring for and maintaining it in at its best, because only this will save you from extraordinary costs for a new floor.

How to properly wash different types of floors

Consider the most popular floor coverings and how to keep them in excellent condition.

Laminate is a popular and low maintenance floor covering.

This is a modern and really popular flooring, consisting of a wood fiber panel pressed with a paper decorative layer and varnished. The thickness and strength of the top layer determines the wear resistance of the laminate, but in general it is a hardy and not too capricious coating. The main enemy is high humidity.

Care for it should exclude excessive strong moisture. That is, wash the floor with a slightly damp cloth with any universal detergent (Mr. Proper and Muscle, any non-aggressive detergent without abundant foam). Do not use products containing sodium chloride. At the end of any procedure, the surface is wiped dry.

Laminate stains are easy to remove with glass cleaner. Pen marks can be removed with White Spirit. The stripes from the rubber outsole can be erased with an eraser. Stains left by alcoholic beverages are removed with ethyl alcohol.

Laminate flooring sins in that stains may remain on it after normal washing with water. To prevent this from happening, vinegar should be added to the water (100 ml of vinegar per 2 liters of water).

Wooden floors need constant and thoughtful care.

Parquet - beloved by more than one or two generations wood flooring which looks and is expensive, but worth it. It is made from several types of wood of varying degrees of strength, which is reflected in the appearance, wear resistance and price of the coating. The variety of types of parquet is a topic for a separate article, but you can find common trends in caring for them.

Like any wooden product, parquet is afraid of moisture, temperature changes, as well as direct sunlight, sharp objects, dust and dirt.

Parquet care differs in winter and summer time. In winter, they try to humidify the air in the room where it is located, and dry it in summer. In addition, this coating needs regular sanding, varnishing, mastic and other protective equipment. The main assistant in cleaning parquet is a vacuum cleaner, which gently and, most importantly, dryly removes dust and dirt penetrating into the cracks. Wet cleaning is carried out only as it gets dirty. In addition to water, you can use a soapy solution or a special detergent for parquet. But at the same time, the rag must be squeezed out from the heart.

Wooden plank floor

Painted wood flooring is extremely easy and unpretentious to maintain.

It can be of two types: painted with paint and varnished.

The painted wooden floor is simple and unpretentious in operation. The paint protects the tree from the negative effects of moisture, dirt, bugs and a host of other troubles. You don't even have to worry too much about scratches. Firstly, you still have to try very hard to leave them, and secondly, they are easily eliminated by re-staining.

Care for such a coating consists in sweeping with an ordinary broom and washing with any mop or rag. In case of severe pollution, you can safely use soap or detergent, in general, what is at hand. No preliminary preparation and shamanic rituals. Everything is fast and simple.

A freshly painted floor can be washed no earlier than a day later. After 24 hours, it should be washed twice with warm water and vinegar. It is recommended to do this with a soft cloth. Under no circumstances should soap be used as it may discolor the paint.

Just an ideal floor covering, if not for one BUT: such a floor also looks rustic. It is perfect for the veranda, children's room, country house. It is often laid in children's institutions, for example. As for the refined interiors, the painted floor is unlikely to find its place in them. The exception is exclusive designer floors that complement the overall concept of the interior.

Plank flooring is an environmentally friendly natural material that looks great in modern interiors.

A lacquered wooden floor looks more impressive than a regular painted one. It differs from the parquet board in that it consists of solid wood, while the parquet board is glued from several layers of wood and only the upper part is a solid wood veneer. The main enemies of a wooden floor are sand, moisture, direct sunlight. In general, the same as for parquet.

And care is the same as for parquet: vacuum as often as possible (once every two days at least), wipe with a wrung out cloth once a week. In case of damage to the varnish - scrape, and then cover with a new varnish layer and additional protective equipment, such as mastic or wax. Regularly clean the floor under the carpet, because this is where dirt and sand accumulate.

The rules for removing stains are common for wooden plank floors and parquet:

  • Wipe the grease stain with a clean foam sponge, then wipe with alcohol, and moisten with water and dish detergent. At the end, clean everything with a damp cloth, and at the very end, wipe it with a dry textile cloth.
  • A fresh stain of fat can also be covered with salt, wait 15 minutes, remove the salt, rinse the area with a damp cloth and then wipe it dry.
  • Gum and wax stains are frozen, and this is done as follows. The stain is covered with a plastic bag with ice and, after it has frozen, is removed from wooden surface without the use of special tools.
  • If traces of felt-tip pens appear on the wooden lacquered floor, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with White Spirit solvent and apply it with light movements to the problem area. When the stain disappears, wipe the area with a damp and then dry cloth.


One of the most popular and affordable floor coverings is linoleum.

The floor covering, proven over the years in Soviet apartments, is affordable and easy to install on your own. Despite the well-known low environmental friendliness, linoleum flooring is still popular, especially in economical projects. By the way, now you can find linoleum from natural materials, but the price of such a product can no longer be called low.

Main enemies: hot water, sunlight, low temperatures, bleach, sharp and heavy objects.

Carpets should be vacuumed at least once every two days.

Textile flooring, mainly used in living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms. Often carpet can be seen in the corridors and hotel rooms. It is made from both artificial and natural materials.

Care must be regular. Vacuum your carpet every day or every other day. Wet cleaning should be approached with caution, because for some types of materials it is detrimental. For example, a jute-based coating should not be exposed to water. On the whole, general recommendation for wet carpet cleaning - no more than once a month. Dry powder and cleaning foam have proven themselves to be excellent, which are removed with a vacuum cleaner at the end of the exposure. Twice a year, you can invite specialists from dry cleaning to deep clean the carpet.

Spots of any origin from the carpet should be removed immediately after the appearance. At the same time, it does not need to be rubbed, but first only to get wet with a paper or cotton napkin. Then try to remove the stain with movements from the edge to the center, then let it dry.

  • Tea, coffee, cocoa stains are best removed with a mixture of vinegar and alcohol, at the rate of 3 parts vinegar to 1 part alcohol. Press the cloth soaked with the mixture to the problem area. After the dirt has dissolved, blot the area with a damp cloth and allow to dry.
  • A stain from an alcoholic drink (beer, wine, liquor) must first be washed off with soapy water, then blotted with a napkin dipped in a mixture of water and vinegar (1 liter of water per 1 teaspoon of vinegar).
  • Traces of fruit juice, ketchup or jam are well removed with citric acid. The stain is wetted with water, and then falls asleep citric acid. After a few minutes of waiting, remove the acid along with the dirt absorbed into it.
  • It is better to eliminate fatty contaminants immediately after they appear, covering them with ordinary salt. The fat will be absorbed and all that remains is to sweep away the salt with a broom or vacuum cleaner. An old stain will require more thorough preparation. You need to take 1 liter. water, add 1 tsp to it. washing powder and 2 tbsp. l. turpentine. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle. Spray the cleaning liquid onto the stain and leave for 1 hour. Then remove the remnants of the product with a foam sponge.

marble floors

Coatings from natural stone require some care

Marble is a finishing stone, and therefore the floors made of it are strong and durable, and look impressive and rich. Marble slabs are usually laid out on floors in public areas: hotel lobbies, business and shopping centers, dance halls, subway stations and crossings and many other places with high traffic. For residential premises, marble coating is used less frequently, and is mainly installed in living rooms, kitchens, corridors, and sometimes in bathrooms. In private houses, steps, stairs, porches and terraces are also faced with marble.

Marble slabs intended for laying out the floor, as a rule, are polished to a shine. This is beautiful, but impractical, because such a smooth coating needs constant and thorough care, otherwise scuffs and scratches appear on it.

Wet cleaning of such floor is carried out weekly, and polishing - annually.

The main enemies are sharp objects, chemical dyes and solvents, abrasives and acids.

The main care is regular wet cleaning (once a week) with a soft cloth. In case of contamination, detergents without abrasive substances can be added to the water. In order to keep the marble floor in chic and brilliance for as long as possible, you should immediately acquire special solutions to protect the top layer and clean it.

Stains from marble are best removed immediately, because the porous structure of the stone will absorb dirt much faster than you might expect. It is best to do this with a foam rubber sponge with warm water.

Specialized products for removing stains from marble can be bought at the store and applied according to the instructions on the label.

Photo gallery of stain removers for marble

Cleaning cork floors does not take much effort and money

This flooring is made from cork oak bark. It is characterized by an elastic, porous structure, high heat and sound insulation, resistance to moisture. This natural material is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, provided that there is no excess of synthetic varnishes and other compounds in its composition.

The main enemies of the cork floor are sharp and heavy objects, sand and other scratching debris, as well as some types of shoes, in particular, stilettos and rubber-soled shoes. The former can damage it, the latter leave indelible marks. IN winter time it is worth humidifying the air in a room with a cork floor, because if it is too dry, it can dry out and crack.

To keep your cork floor in good condition, you need to do regular maintenance. wet cleaning(on average once a week) with a soft cloth, if necessary with the addition of non-abrasive detergents.

The top layer of cork flooring can be covered with vinyl or lacquer. Vinyl needs to be rubbed with mastic once every two years. The varnish should be updated as needed, that is, when it is scratched, dull. To do this, the old layer will have to be removed, dusted off and re-coated with polyurethane varnish.

Stains from such a floor are scraped off with a fine-grained sandpaper, after which the wiped area is varnished or waxed in several layers.

The human dwelling is a kind of living organism that has age, life cycles, mood and character. Our house lives with us, and everything new that happens to us is reflected in it. We love and appreciate our home and the efforts invested in it, and therefore we want it to look brilliant under any circumstances.

The general rule of thumb to clean up after a repair is to do it as soon as possible after the appearance of contamination.

As mentioned above, each floor covering requires an individual approach to operation and maintenance of its cleanliness. However, there are some general principles, which also need to be applied taking into account the characteristics of the materials covering your floor. So, after repair, you can wash the floor in the following sequence:

  1. Sweep, then wash the coating with warm water to remove the main dirt. The degree of permissible moisture in this case depends on the type of coating. Basically, they are all afraid of excess moisture, so try to twist the rag better.
  2. Start removing stains left after washing off the main dirt. The remains of putty, glue, paint must first be cleaned with a plastic scraper or spatula, and then treated with a solvent suitable for your coating. Please note that special products must be applied strictly to the stain, avoiding contact with a clean surface. To get rid of traces of whitewash, you can use a folk remedy: wash the dirty floor with warm water with the addition of vegetable oil(for 100 parts of water 1 part of oil), then rinse with a weak solution of vinegar (a tablespoon of vinegar in a five-liter bucket of water). Attention! Marble floors cannot be treated with vinegar, and therefore the last recipe does not suit them.
  3. If in the house Small child, you need to carefully select detergents for the floor

    If there is a small child in the house, the floor must be washed with an eye to this indisputable fact. After all, the baby spends most of his life in close contact with the floor. He crawls on it, plays, and often eats and sleeps. For this reason, cleaning this part of the house should be done frequently, preferably daily, and do not use chemical cleaners. It is best to limit yourself to plain water, if necessary with the addition of laundry soap. If the impact household chemicals necessary, thoroughly rinse the treated surface clean water.

    One more good way mopping without adding household chemicals - add salt to the water for mopping, at the rate of half a glass of salt per bucket of water. After cleaning the floor with saline, rinse it with clean water and wipe dry.

    "Salt mopping" is also perfect for rooms where cats and dogs live, as it completely kills the smell. By the way, this is one of folk ways surface disinfection. Other products with similar properties include: vinegar, ammonia, linseed oil. Of the pharmaceutical products for disinfection, Dezaktin is used. However, one must take into account the fact that Desaktin contains chlorine. And although the smell is not very strong and quickly evaporates, it is better to make sure in advance that no one in the family is allergic to this substance.

    Each type of flooring has its own gloss product.

  • Linoleum is rubbed with drying oil or linseed oil. You can also use a special linoleum polish purchased at a hardware store.
  • Lacquered wooden floors, including parquet, should be rubbed regularly with wax and oil based mastic. You can also buy a special shine spray in the store. wooden floors. You can make your own polish for shine by mixing turpentine and melted paraffin in equal proportions.
  • The laminate is also polished to a shine with specialized products (Quick-Step, Emsal, Mellerud Bio, etc.). Vinegar can be used as a home remedy to brighten laminate flooring. Dilute it at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. vinegar in a bucket of water. Wash the floor with a solution, then wipe dry. And the laminate will shine.

Maintaining cleanliness and order in the house is a constant, hard, and most importantly, underestimated work. Everyone notices dirt, only a few people notice cleanliness. But your reward will be a long and serviceable service of things that are properly cared for. The floor is constantly tested by dirt, scratches, moisture and more. And only your vigilant care will allow it to remain in beauty and brilliance for a long time.

Washing floors is a difficult, long and painstaking job, but necessary. For it to be effective, you need to be able to choose the right tools and detergents for washing, know and observe simple rules cleaning. Each flooring has its own characteristics, on which it depends how often it can be washed and which detergent is better to choose. Do not neglect proven folk remedies.

Exist general rules about how to clean the floor. First you need to remove as many items from it as possible. Including carpets (they should be vacuumed or knocked out in the yard). A surface free from unnecessary objects will greatly simplify cleaning and make it possible to assess the front of the work ahead.

First, clean the floor with a broom. Thin twigs will help sweep dust and small debris from the cracks and far corners of the room. Dust under sofas, beds, wardrobes is not as safe as it seems. Various bacteria, protozoa and dust mites multiply in it. During cleaning, they rise into the air along with dust, and this can cause the development of allergies. A wet broom copes with this problem only partially. But an open window will help solve it and ventilate the room.

After the floors are swept, you can start washing them. This should be done from the far end of the room. If you divide the room into sectors, the hostess will not miss a single centimeter of flooring.

Washing various types of flooring

There are many types of floor coverings:

  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • tile;
  • unpainted and painted wood.

For each type of coverage, there are special rules washing and cleaning products.

Laminate frequent washing is not recommended, as it is susceptible to the harmful effects of water. It all depends on the quality of work on laying such a floor and on the use of means that prevent water from entering the cracks. The optimal cleaning frequency for laminate flooring is once a year. If desired, you can wipe it with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water.

Parquet floor in the requirements for washing reminds laminate. After cleaning, it will be useful to rub it with mastic.

Linoleum can be washed with soap regularly. The water must be warm.

Wooden painted floors can be washed every day. This is especially true for rooms that get dirty the most: kitchens and hallways. The ammonia will help remove stains.

Wooden but not painted floors more sensitive to water. They should be washed no more than once a week with hot water and soap. Then it is necessary to rinse the coating with clean water and wipe it dry with a cloth.

The tiled floor can be wiped daily damp cloth. This type of floors is the most unpretentious.

Detergent selection

The market is full of a huge number of different floor cleaners. But not every one of them is able to clean this or that type of pollution and can even harm the coating.

For parquet, it is required to choose a rather delicate detergent loyal to the protective coating.

Linoleum will not tolerate cleaners containing alcohol. Do not use detergents in the form of a powder for it. Such concentrates will adversely affect the uniformity of the color of the floor, may leave dark spots or light stripes.

Liquid soap is not suitable for tiles. Effective for cleaning it will be the choice of laundry soap, which can be grated beforehand. An acidic detergent will also work. It will help not only get rid of dirt, but also have a bactericidal effect.

But for a laminate, a product with a neutral value of the medium (indicated on the package) is suitable. Abrasive substances will adversely affect the cleaning of the floor from this material.

On the packaging of each detergent its composition is indicated. Among this list should not be chlorine and antibacterial additives. There is no need to disinfect the room to the level of a medical office. Recent research in the field of microbiology shows that the microflora of the home has big influence on a person's life. An analogy is made with the intestinal microflora. The safest choice for flooring will be universal remedy. It is less aggressive, it can also be used to wash thresholds, doors, baseboards. When choosing several detergents for different surfaces, you should stop at one manufacturer. Products from different companies are not tested together and adverse reactions may occur between them. Better to avoid it.

Types of mops

The mop gives the wet cleaner a speed advantage. Especially this simple device is relevant for people who find it difficult to bend down.

In stores you can buy the following:

  • rope;
  • butterfly mops;
  • with microfiber:
  • with a sponge;
  • steam;
  • flat.

The mop will be an excellent choice for pregnant women and people with back problems. By reducing the load, it is able to maintain health and prevent undesirable consequences.

When choosing a mop, you need to pay attention to:

  • Material. Products made of plastic and aluminum are more successful than those made of wood, as they are more convenient and practical.
  • Functionality. Mops differ in functionality - one can be wrung out with a lever, and on the other, you still need to remove the rag and wring it out manually. For older people, pregnant women, the first option is suitable. It eliminates sharp slopes.
  • Design. Appearance mops vary, from a wooden stick to some futuristic machine.
  • Quality. This parameter largely depends on the price. A cheaper mop can be unreliable and not last long. However, don't go for the expensive options right away. You need to decide which mop is right for you.
  • The form. A flat squeegee will eliminate the daily movement of furniture from place to place, as the areas under beds and sofas will be available.

Now let's look at how to use this tool correctly. The mop should be thoroughly moistened with water, then get rid of excess moisture. You need to wash the floors from the far corner of the room towards the exit. In the course of work, the mop must be dipped again and again in water and squeezed out. In places that are more polluted than others, you need to rub more thoroughly and vigorously, with light pressure.

When mopping rough tiles or other textured flooring with a mop, you need to make movements similar to writing a figure eight. Cleaning efficiency will increase with this approach.

After use, the mop must be rinsed in clean water, then wring it out and put it down to dry with a stick.

Washing floors by hand

However, at home you can do just fine without a mop. All you need is a rag and hands. The advantage of this method is a higher quality of washing and excellent exercise for the hostess.

It's simple: you need to choose the right rag and detergent. If the coating is not tolerant to water, then the rag should be squeezed out well. The more often you rinse and wring out the rag, the higher the cleaning efficiency. To prevent swelling of the floor, it is useful to walk on a wet with a dry cloth.

Detergent is often quite aggressive towards human skin. Possible chemical burn or allergic reaction. The sensitivity of the hands is lost, calluses appear. This is especially dangerous for people whose professions require precise manipulations. Therefore, it is advisable to use rubber gloves.

Which rag is best?

Cleaning technique may be excellent, but it will be of no use if the wrong rag is chosen. Gone are the days of old T-shirts and shirts. Progress has taken a big step forward, and today there are not only departments that sell rags, but even entire stores. Here are the most popular materials for rags:

  • Viscose fabric. The material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. With strong hydration (filling with water) does not lose its original structure. However, it will be harmful for him to twist and contact with hot water. Therefore, it is better to choose not natural viscose, but with the addition of synthetic fibers. In combination with polyester, this material perfectly absorbs moisture and wipes the floor dry.
  • Cellulose. Rags containing such material perfectly absorb water.
  • Synthetics(polyester) is able to cope with pollution more effectively than many natural materials. It dries quickly and can be stored for quite a long time.
  • Microfiber. Represents a new generation of floor cleaning products. It consists of polyester and cotton fibers. Tiny fibers penetrate into the smallest cracks and clean them well from dirt and dust.

Steam cleaner

Cleaning the apartment with a steam cleaner is very effective. But they can only be used to wash floors covered with linoleum. And do not use high temperatures.

No other type of flooring is suitable for this cleaning method.

Folk remedies

Even before the invention of the mop, people learned to clean up with the help of folk remedies. They will help you clean up quickly and efficiently.

From traces of felt-tip pens on the floor, a rag soaked in gasoline will help. It should easily remove the "drawing". Then the place must be wiped with a damp cloth and wiped dry. A similar algorithm of actions is effective against traces of sneakers.

The coating will shine if washed with a solution of water and milk. The ingredients are mixed one by one. After treatment, the floor can be lubricated with linseed oil, which forms a special protective film.

A folk recipe for a polish suitable for any surface:

  • take a five-liter bucket of water;
  • add six tablespoons of vinegar;
  • pour four tablespoons of furniture polish;
  • mix.

Many products are made on the basis of vinegar. This substance helps to get rid of not only unpleasant odors but also from bacteria.

Ecology of consumption. Life hack: Bringing comfort to the house is the primary task of every housewife. Cleaning an apartment or house sometimes takes too much time ...

Bringing comfort to the house is the primary task of every housewife. Cleaning an apartment or house sometimes takes too much time. Sometimes you don’t have time to notice how often you need to wash the floors. If it is enough to wipe the dust 1-2 times a week, then you have to wash the floors, especially in the summer, almost every day. Washing a tiled floor is quite simple, but with other floor surfaces there are a lot of subtleties.

How to properly clean laminate flooring

This is the hardest type of coating to maintain (after parquet). Despite the fact that the laminate does not need to be polished and rubbed with mastic, it is quite difficult to wash the floor without streaks. But still it is possible.

To do this, follow a few simple rules:

  • The rag for washing the laminate should not be wet, but slightly damp. Laminate does not like moisture, even in small quantities;
  • If there is any obvious contamination on the flooring, it is necessary to apply a cleaning agent intended for laminate floors on it and remove it with a sponge after 15 minutes. Then wipe this place with a damp cloth;
  • To wash the floor from the laminate without streaks, it is necessary to use only soft rags, detergents designed specifically for the laminate. For breeding difficult spots from a laminate floor, you need to use alcohol or acetone.

By the way, you can also use a washing vacuum cleaner to clean the floor from the laminate. Only nozzles for washing should have a smooth and soft texture.

How to properly clean parquet floors

Thoroughly wash the wooden floor from the parquet should be only a few times a year, the rest of the time the parquet board should be wiped with a damp cloth.

If you still decide to wash the parquet, take a bucket of water and add special remedy for parquet floors or a solution of glycerin. To prepare a solution in 1 glass of water, dilute a tablespoon of pure glycerin. After washing the floor, let it dry and then rub it with mastic using a special brush.

If the parquet has greasy spots, they should be cleaned with sandpaper. To remove old stains, use turpentine.

How to clean a linoleum floor

Caring for linoleum floors is quite easy. It is enough to wash linoleum with warm soapy water or with the addition of any floor detergent, and then wipe it with a well-wrung cloth. Do not wash linoleum with hot water. If there are any stains on the linoleum, remove them with kerosene.

To prevent cracks from forming on the coating, linoleum should be lubricated with linseed oil once a month. It should be applied with a sponge and then rubbed with a soft cloth. published

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