Color harmony. Harmonious color combination Examples of harmonious color combinations

  • 04.03.2020

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Scheme No. 1. Complementary combination

Complementary, or additional, contrasting, are colors that are located on opposite sides of the Itten color wheel. Their combination looks very lively and energetic, especially with maximum color saturation.

Scheme number 2. Triad - a combination of 3 colors

The combination of 3 colors lying at the same distance from each other. Provides high contrast while maintaining harmony. Such a composition looks quite lively even when using pale and desaturated colors.

Scheme No. 3. A similar combination

A combination of 2 to 5 colors located next to each other on the color wheel (ideally 2-3 colors). Impression: calm, relaxing. An example of a combination of similar muted colors: yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green.

Scheme No. 4. Separate-complementary combination

A variant of a complementary combination of colors, only instead of the opposite color, the colors adjacent to it are used. The combination of the main color and two additional. This scheme looks almost as contrasting, but not so tense. If you are not sure that you can use complementary combinations correctly, use separate-complementary ones.

Scheme number 5. Tetrad - a combination of 4 colors

A color scheme where one color is the main one, two are complementary, and another highlights the accents. Example: blue-green, blue-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange.

Scheme number 6. Square

Combinations of individual colors

  • White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.
  • Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.
  • Gray: with fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.
  • Pink: with brown, white, mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, baby blue.
  • Fuchsia (dark pink): with gray, tan, lime, mint green, brown.
  • Red: with yellow, white, brown, green, blue and black.
  • Tomato red: blue, mint green, sandy, creamy white, gray.
  • Cherry red: azure, gray, light orange, sandy, pale yellow, beige.
  • Raspberry red: white, black, damask rose.
  • Brown: bright blue, cream, pink, fawn, green, beige.
  • Light brown: pale yellow, creamy white, blue, green, purple, red.
  • Dark brown: lemon yellow, sky blue, mint green, purplish pink, lime.
  • Reddish brown: pink, dark brown, blue, green, purple.
  • Orange: blue, blue, purple, purple, white, black.
  • Light orange: gray, brown, olive.
  • Dark orange: pale yellow, olive, brown, cherry.
  • Yellow: blue, mauve, light blue, purple, grey, black.
  • Lemon yellow: cherry red, brown, blue, grey.
  • Pale yellow: fuchsia, gray, brown, shades of red, tan, blue, purple.
  • Golden yellow: gray, brown, azure, red, black.
  • Olive: orange, light brown, brown.
  • Green: golden brown, orange, lettuce, yellow, brown, grey, cream, black, creamy white.
  • Salad color: brown, tan, fawn, gray, dark blue, red, gray.
  • Turquoise: fuchsia, cherry red, yellow, brown, cream, dark purple.
  • Electrician is beautiful in combination with golden yellow, brown, light brown, gray or silver.
  • Blue: red, grey, brown, orange, pink, white, yellow.
  • Dark blue: light purple, sky blue, yellowish green, brown, gray, pale yellow, orange, green, red, white.
  • Lilac: orange, pink, dark purple, olive, grey, yellow, white.
  • Dark purple: golden brown, pale yellow, gray, turquoise, mint green, light orange.
  • Black is versatile, elegant, looks in all combinations, best with orange, pink, salad, white, red, lilac or yellow.

Which of you, having once painted or wallpapered a room, was horrified by the result? Why did a color so beautiful in a jar look so different on the wall? How to correct the situation and not repeat the mistakes again?

Let's understand what color is. What is its effect on a person. How to revive a boring interior with flowers. How to combine colors in the interior, because there is such a variety of shades around us.

Amazing but indisputable fact: color affects every area of ​​our life, penetrates our body and brain. The reason for its so important influence is that of our senses, sight is the strongest. Our mood, health, hormone levels largely depend on color and light. But our attitude to certain colors is individual. Color preferences are determined very early. Toddlers stretch their hands to bright orange, yellow and red toys. Older children are beginning to like shades of blue and green color spectrum. Upon reaching puberty, a person is determined with color preferences and retains them throughout life.

It turns out that long before we took up the alteration of our home, we decided which colors to love and which to hate. But before you paint the whole room in your favorite pink, you should imagine how it will look. When choosing a palette for your interior, there are things that you should think about in advance.

Primarily need to analyze the room. Biggest Influence color perception is affected by light, especially sunlight. It is the amount of reflected and absorbed light that determines how we perceive color. The shade will look different depending on which side of the world the windows face and the time of day. If the windows face north or east, there will be little sun during the day, and the room will be cold and gloomy. For such a room you need bright revitalizing colors. In a room facing west or south, there is enough light, and muted cool shades can be used.

In addition, the color in the room should be combined with a hint of reflected light from the window. This is often forgotten. The greenery of the foliage outside the window will give an acidic tint to yellow warm walls. And this is not necessary at all.

The geography of residence is of no small importance. Light cool shades will be appropriate on the south coast, and in the industrial northern region they will look terribly boring and depressing.

Another practical tip: pay attention to the type of paint. A matte surface will absorb light and look darker, while a glossy surface will reflect light, making the shade lighter.

You have determined where the light comes from and where it is directed. Time choose a color palette? No. There is one more rule: you need to determine what the room is intended for and how it will be used. Whether it will serve for sleep, relaxation, family communication or work.

It is important to remember that for each room there are certain suitable shades: saturated and bright ones are not suitable for rooms in which we spend a lot of time, but they will certainly decorate the hall, it’s not good to sleep well in a bright red or rich orange-yellow bedroom succeed, when such combinations are more than successful for the kitchen, the noble and calm gray-blue will be out of place in the nursery, but suitable for a small bathroom.

The effect of color on a person

color physically affects the body. This fact must be taken into account when planning interior design.

Red- blood, war and fire. risk and heat. Identified with power, anxiety and danger. Causes excitement, excitement, anxiety, sexual desire. Physiologically increases muscle tension, increases arterial and eye pressure.

Yellow- sunlight. Creates a feeling of joy, happiness, fun. Stimulates vision, increases its sharpness and speed of visual perception. Increases appetite, improves digestion, stimulates vigorous activity. Tiresome in large quantities.

Green- nature. Perceived as fresh and moist. Soothes. Normalizes blood pressure, reduces the pulse rate, has a weak analgesic effect, not much, but for a long time increases efficiency. This is the color of calm, self-sufficient and contented people.

Blue- the color of the sea and sky. Associated with the abyss, cold, space, space. Reduces breathing rate, reduces tension, relaxes muscles. Overuse can cause fatigue headache, a feeling of longing, which does not prevent him from being the most popular and beloved.

Violet- color-mystery. Combines the effects of red and blue. It attracts and scares at the same time. Suppresses rational thinking and sharpens intuition. Increases working capacity, improves sleep, stimulates the need for spiritual development. With prolonged and excessive use, it irritates, depresses, up to the onset of depression.

So: you determined the type and purpose of the premises, learned the influence color shades, made a choice, guided by their own preferences. You know where the windows go, where the light comes from. It's time to decide on the color palette of the interior. A long time ago, when only natural dyes were available to mankind, the choice was very limited. Today it is a multi-industry with huge profits, offering thousands of colors and shades. How not to make a mistake with the choice? How to choose the right color combinations and not be disappointed with the result?

Choosing an interior color palette

Despite the variety of shades, thinking through the details of the interior, people traditionally choose calm shades for wall decoration. Beige, less often - pale yellow and blue. This is partly because a person is afraid of making a mistake and getting an undesired result. Suddenly, the shade of the selected paint or wallpaper does not fit, and you have to redo it. However, armed with theoretical and practical knowledge of color and harmonious combinations, you can accurately select bright and rich palettes, transforming a boring, inexpressive interior.

Can be given three practical advice to help you choose:

  1. When deciding which color to use, never look into the jar. What you see in a jar or on a sample will be very different from what you get on the wall.
  2. Instead of leaving small strokes of paint, paint over large areas thick paper or cardboard and apply in a corner where both light and shadow can be appreciated.
  3. Make sure you apply at least two coats of paint to the sample so that the background does not show through or change color.

Of course, you will not limit yourself to only one color, but will use several. How to determine what colors match with each other, and which ones do not fit at all? Without knowing the basic rules for combining colors, it is quite difficult to solve the problem. Let's go back to the color wheel.

Any chromatic color by similarity can be attributed to one or another color of the spectrum. There are six of these colors. Three of them are basic: blue, yellow and red. These are the colors of the first order. Three complementary colors are derived from each pair of primary colors: green, orange, and purple. These are second order colors. If we continue mixing, we get six more intermediate - colors of the third order. These 12 colors, compiled in a certain sequence, form the so-called color circle.

Color circle

Let's consider it. Conventionally, it can be divided into two halves: warm, consisting of yellow and red flowers, and cold blue-green. Colors, diametrically separated from each other, make up pairs of contrasting or opposite colors. For example: red and green, yellow and purple. Colors that are next to each other on a circle are called related or same-family because they have similar characteristics. Red, purple and blue are the colors of the same family. The same for yellow, orange and red. Blue, yellow and green are also related colors.

Harmonious color combinations

Colors form the following harmonious combinations:

  1. a combination of related colors;
  2. a combination of related-contrasting colors;
  3. combination of contrasting colors;
  4. a combination of colors that are neutral in relation to kinship and contrast.

Groups of harmonic combinations of related colors can be obtained by combining the main color, the adjacent secondary and the color of the third order between them. There are six such groups.:

  • yellow-orange;
  • orange red;
  • red-violet;
  • blue-violet;
  • blue-green;
  • yellow-green.

When using colors located in one half of a circle divided by a diameter, it turns out related-contrasting combination colors. Table below:

  • yellow - purple - red - orange;
  • yellow - purple - blue - green;
  • blue - orange - red - purple;
  • blue - orange - yellow - green;
  • red - - green - yellow - orange;
  • red - green - blue - violet.

Combinations of related-contrasting colors include combination three colors : one main and two intermediate, located on both sides of the main. In relation to the main intermediate colors are related, and among themselves - contrasting. Color combination table below:

  • yellow - green - orange;
  • red - orange - purple;
  • blue - green - purple.

Groups of harmonic combinations produce contrasting colors located on the same diameter:

  • yellow - purple;
  • Red Green;
  • blue - orange.

Groups of harmonic combinations of colors that are neutral in relation to both kinship and contrast in the following table:

  • yellow Red;
  • yellow - blue;
  • Red Blue;
  • yellow - red - blue.


The amount of light in a color determines its tone. If you want to combine several colors of the same family, make sure that they are the same tone, i.e. equally dark or equally light, and then they will certainly look good in the interior.

Using different tones of the same color, from pale blue to deep blue, for example, you can create stunning monochrome interiors.


But what if you find it difficult to use different contrasting colors or experiment with light saturation? What happens if you simplify everything and stop at choosing shades of the same color? There is a danger of getting a boring faded interior with minimal color differences. Texture is the salvation. The combination of matte and glossy surfaces, the structure of linen weaving next to velvet, the relief of the plastered surface will create the necessary differences in color perception. Otherwise, how can you know where the sofa ends and the wall begins?

“Where are the white and black colors in these schemes?” - you ask. They are not here. The fact is that black and white are achromatic colors. Essentially this the presence or absence of light. White, black, shades of gray, neutral beige serve as a background in the interior, shading and emphasizing the expressiveness and beauty of chromatic colors.

This article continues the series The Complete Guide to Color Theory for Knitters. If you have not read the previous articles, then I recommend that you read them before continuing to read this article.

Part 3. Harmonious combinations

In the first and second parts, we examined the color wheel, learned that it consists of primary, secondary and tertiary colors, figured out the characteristics of color. In this article, we will look at the main color schemes that the best way combine colors and examples of the use of these schemes in the work of designers from the popular site of knitters

Traditional color schemes

There are six basic color schemes for harmonious combinations. Consider how they can help in the selection of yarn for knitting our products.

We have already talked about complementary colors in the first part of the guide. Let me remind you that complementary, or complementary, colors are those colors that are in opposite rays of the color wheel. For example, these are purple and yellow, red and green, lime green and red-violet, and so on. These colors perfectly complement each other, emphasizing and enhancing the color. The greatest contrast of these colors appears in the pure spectral shades of the color. Most often, these colors are not used in equal proportions, but only as an accent in the form of trim or small inclusions. Using washed out or darker shades from complementary colors, you can combine these colors without fear of prying out the eye, and in greater or almost equal proportions.

Taiga by Svetlana Volkova

In this example, we can see how the designer used equal proportions of complementary colors, but in their blurry form, the colors on the color wheel are close to the center. Remember that you can use any shade from the complementary color beams.

Separated complementary colors - this is the use of a color from a ray adjacent to the complementary, both on one side of it and on the other. Using this color scheme also has very strong color contrast, but with less eye strain. The choice of such colors can be used in pairs in any combination, and in a trio of colors, choosing one color as the main one, and the other two to place accents in the pattern. This color scheme is especially good for beginners as it always looks great!

The Life Aquatic by Serena Murphy

In this example, the designer used one of the separated complementary colors as the main one, and the second of his pair and the opposite one as an accent to compose the pattern for the coquette. The sweater looks fresh and is not overloaded with color.

Colors that are in the triple of adjacent rays are called similar. So similar colors would be red-violet, red and red-orange or red-orange, orange and yellow-orange. The countdown of the triple of similar colors can be started with any color. Summing up, the scheme of similar colors will be any color from the ray of the color wheel and two adjacent colors. And here you can choose any shades from these rays.

Kiyomi by Barbara Gregory

In this example, you can clearly see how very similar colors are combined with each other. In order to knit jacquard from such colors, pay attention that they are contrasting in terms of lightness (brightness). If this contrast is not enough for you, then the contrast pattern will simply be lost. If you doubt the correct choice of color, then simply link the sample, take a picture of it and convert it to a black and white image in any editor. If the pattern is pronounced, then you are not mistaken and you can safely knit the product with the selected pattern in the selected color combination!

The triadic color harmony scheme uses three colors equidistant from each other on the color wheel. If you connect points equidistant from the center in the rays of these colors, you get an equilateral triangle. Combinations of these colors are quite vibrant, even if you use desaturated or faded tones from this color scheme. Therefore, process colors in patterns should be carefully balanced, with one color dominating and the other two used as accents.

Byzantine Pullover by Tanis Lavalee

In this example, we see that in the triadic color scheme of the ornament, blue-green was chosen as the dominant color, while yellow and purple were chosen to accent the ornament. So that the sweater is not overloaded with color, the designer placed the ornament on a neutral gray color.

Tetraid harmony uses four colors and consists of two complementary pairs. If you connect the points on these rays with a line, you get a rectangle. This is a very rich color scheme. But one must be careful when choosing such a scheme in work, so as not to overload the work. The colors from this color scheme are difficult to balance equally, so it's best to choose one dominant color and the rest to soften it. In addition, you should pay attention to the balance of warm and cold tones.

Summer In Tokyo by Marianne Isager

In this example, you can see that the color orange dominates, although very little of it is used. The rest of the colors balance it with their proportion. In addition, we see here a balance of warm and cold tones: cool pale blues and purples bring down the intensity of warm oranges and yellows.

Monochrome harmony combines all the colors from one ray of the color wheel, these are shades of one pure spectral color of varying degrees of brightness (lightness and darkness). It's a soft, balanced color scheme that always produces great results when used with colors of any degree of contrast.

Teal Colorblock Sweater by Melissa Leapman

In this example, three monochrome shades are used. The most remarkable thing is that this color scheme can be easily used and not mistaken when using different textures and thicknesses of yarn, different yarns in composition: fluffy and smooth types of yarn, loose and tight knits, using Lurex for finishing.

So let's summarize all of the above. We looked at six basic color schemes that represent harmonious combinations.

1. Complementary or complementary colors - two colors located opposite each other in the color wheel. Quite a bold choice for combinations, you need to use in unequal proportions or diluted shades.

2. Separated complementary harmony - three colors, two of which are located next to the opposite color on the color wheel. Softer than complementary harmony combination.

3. Color schemes of similar colors are very harmonious and use three tones located side by side on the color wheel.

4. The triadic color scheme forms a triangle of equidistant colors. Combinations from this color scheme tend to be bright and dramatic.

5. Tetraid color schemes use two sets of complementary colors. This color scheme can be difficult to work with, but with the right approach, quite rich combinations result.

6. Finally, monochrome harmony - soft and win-win, uses shades from one ray of the color wheel.

We examined the basics of color theory, color characteristics and color schemes of harmonious combinations. In the next article, we will talk about the so-called neutral tones used in fashion design and how to use colors and neutrals together in a few classic combinations.

There are several generally accepted approaches to creating harmonious color combinations in clothes, as well as the interior or somewhere else:

  • » Monochromatic color combination. In this combination, only different shades of the same color tone are used.
  • » Achromatic color combination. To create a composition in this style, black, white and numerous shades of gray are used.
  • » Complementary (contrasting) combination of colors. These are combinations of additional pairs of colors, based on the representation of the color wheel.
  • » A combination of three equidistant shades. This combination uses three shades on the color wheel, located at the same distance from each other. To achieve this, you can fit an equilateral triangle into a circle and twist it in different directions.
  • » Total look in one color. To create a composition, only one color is used for the entire outfit. Small inclusions of a contrasting color in accessories are acceptable.
  • » Combination of warm and cold tones. These are complex combinations that can be recommended to people with a well-developed sense of style. To simplify such combinations, the introduction of a third achromatic color into the ensemble will help.

Instructions for combining shades in clothes

Let's look at all the nuances of these techniques in relation to the compilation of a stylistically consistent wardrobe, as well as some specific methods for selecting matching colors.

Monochromatic color combination

Monochromatic color combination means a combination of three or more shades of the same color. Clothes in this color scheme leaves the impression of a rather simple, but at the same time soft, fashionable, feminine and noble. It is important to note that in some cases very close shades within the same tone can merge and create disharmony. To avoid this, it is worth considering not only shades within the same tone, but also consonant shades of an adjacent tone. Let's take a look at specific example. The blue tone has several shades: cyan (blue-green or “sea green”), azure, neon, ultramarine, cobalt blue, etc. Since these are all shades within the same tone, any combination of them is called monochromatic. Now let's remember the children's rhyme: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting." It lists in a certain order all the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. So for of blue color adjacent are blue and violet. And we will look for an additional color for our ensemble precisely among the variety of shades of blue (aquamarine, turquoise, electric, etc.) or purple flowers(indigo, lavender, purple, etc.).

Achromatic color combination

As you know, achromatic colors are devoid of tone. There is only one maximum black and one maximum White color and an infinite number of light and dark shades grey, which can be expanded into a continuous scale between white and black. The undeniable advantage of achromatic colors is that they are an excellent background for any other tones.

Achromatic colors are compatible with almost any chromatic color with a few exceptions.

White color weakens the brightness of adjacent colors and makes them darker, black, on the contrary, increases their brightness and makes them lighter. You also need to know that white and black colors greatly increase the contrast of the chromatic colors that are next to them. And playing on very contrasting shades should be done with great care.

Neutral gray is a characterless, indifferent achromatic color that easily changes under the influence of contrasting tones and colors. Any color can immediately bring gray out of a neutral achromatic tone into the color range, giving it that shade that is complementary to the color that awakened it. This transformation takes place subjectively in our eyes, and not objectively in the hue itself. Gray is a barren, neutral color whose life and character depend on the colors that surround it. At the same time, gray is the basic color of our world. We distinguish facial features, individual strands of hair precisely because of the gray shadows that reflect the relief. Grayscale changes help us to recognize the texture of the fabric, like many other phenomena in the world.

Thanks to this versatility, regardless of the "color" and "season", each of us can wear dark gray (charcoal) clothes, but only in the company of colors from the seasonal palette.

Complementary color combination

On the one hand, complementary colors that stand side by side lead each other to maximum brightness. This technique is often used by artists, playing with additional colors where the emphasis should be placed. On the other hand, the same colors mixed together produce gray. This is very important from a physiological point of view. The human eye is designed in such a way that in order to feel at ease, it needs to see a neutral gray color. This is one of the principles of color harmony: two or more colors are mutually harmonious if their mixture produces gray. Our eyes see gray in two situations: when mixing yellow, red and blue, or from complementary pairs. Moreover, any shade simply needs a complementary shade for integrity and harmony. This is easy to verify by doing a little experiment. The fact is that the human eye, as it were, generates an additional color where it is lacking. There are two squares in front of you. Look at the red square for one minute, then close your eyes and you will see the complementary green square. This experiment can be done with any color. Each time you will see its complementary color.

In addition, it must be remembered that colors that are as far apart from each other as possible do not always look good together. Such colors, which have great saturation and brightness, often hurt the eye with their contrast. Therefore, if you are attracted to opposite tones, then it is better to choose their muted shades. Sometimes a technique helps when a shade of an adjacent tone is selected for one of the complementary colors and introduced as the third in the ensemble. It is designed to soften the perception.

If the contrasting details in your wardrobe are small against the general background, for example, a belt, gloves, a scarf or a hat, then they can also have a fairly rich and bright shade.

A combination of three equidistant shades

Next take- choice of three equidistant shades. This method creates an impression of variegation, strength, determination. This can be done as follows: enter an equilateral triangle into the color wheel and twist it in different directions. In this case, the vertices of the triangle will always show three equidistant shades. In this case, the most pronounced color contrast will be given by three colors: yellow, red and blue. And the intensity of the color contrast decreases as the selected colors move away from these three colors. So, orange, green and purple are already much weaker in their contrast than yellow, red and blue, and the effect of third-order colors is even less pronounced.

Total look in one color

An outfit that is designed in a single color looks stylish and harmonious, and small details and accessories have a shade that contrasts with the main tone of the ensemble. Wearing one color speaks of a classic, simple and formal look.

Combination of warm and cold tones

If you want to combine in one ensemble cold and warm colors, it is important to know that cool colors give the impression of transparency and lightness and, in most cases, are used too light, while warm colors, due to their opacity, are used too dark. And some achromatic color or its shade will serve as an excellent conductor between these two poles. Using this simple technique, you are very likely to immediately discover a good harmonious color combination.

Active colors - yellow and red, always have an advantage over passive ones - blue and green, so it is advisable to use them in small doses. But when choosing the color of accessories, red is more suitable than blue and green, which are not so “striking” to the eye.

good, harmonious color design depends not only on the sense of taste. To a much greater extent, it also depends on the specific colors chosen, on their ratio in the surface to be painted, on their mutual comparisons and oppositions. It happens that incompatible color pairs can be made harmonious if you change the texture of fabrics.

What is harmonious composition

Harmonious composition is always a proportional composition, in which the size of the color spots is inversely proportional to their effective brightness. The lighter and brighter the spot, the smaller the area it should occupy. In a harmonious color composition, dissonances are unacceptable, psychologically negative colors that cause a feeling of disgust are impossible. In it, all color spots are distinguishable without difficulty; too subtle nuances are undesirable here, as well as sharp contrasts. Here, medium contrast is preferable.