Purple wallet. What kind of wallet do you need according to the sign of the Zodiac so that money can be found in it

  • 16.10.2019

Studying ancient treatises on Feng Shui, you are unlikely to come across a mention of a wallet. But any practical teaching cannot stand still, it must be constantly improved and developed, taking into account new realities. In modern Feng Shui, the wallet acts as a kind of symbol of well-being, and it largely depends on its type whether you will live in poverty or in wealth. In addition, the wallet is like a home for your money, and the improvement of this "house" is directly reflected in its inhabitants. Another reason to be serious about choosing a wallet: this thing is in contact with you. long time(in your pocket or purse), so a constant energy exchange is inevitable: not only your well-being, but also your well-being and health depends on whether you have chosen the right wallet.

And now more about what to consider when choosing a "home" for money.

feng shui wallet

Feng Shui Wallet Shape

for storage paper money it is better to choose a wallet rectangular shape and of such a size that the banknote was placed in it entirely, in an unfolded state. Wallets that crumple or fold bills are considered a poor choice, they suppress the energy of money and prevent it from multiplying. Of course, if you have a separate wallet for coins, it can be small size, but putting banknotes in it is not recommended, and the rectangular shape still remains the preferred shape.

feng shui wallet sizes

To determine the appropriate dimensions of the wallet (length, height and depth), you will need a ruler from a Feng Shui master. All favorable and unfavorable dimensions are already applied on it. If you don’t have such a tool, it doesn’t matter, use a regular ruler, and you will learn about the meaning of certain sizes here.

On the scale of the master's ruler there are 4 favorable segments and the same number of unfavorable ones. Each of them, in turn, is divided into 4 parts, each of which has its own special meaning. Favorable segments: 0-54 mm; 162-215 mm; 215-270 mm; 378-432 mm. In principle, all sizes that fit into these values ​​are suitable for wallets. But among them there are those that are directly related to "monetary" luck, and we will talk about them in more detail.

feng shui wallet sizes

  • 0-13 mm - means financial success;
  • 27-40 mm - luck of all 6 types;
  • 40-54 mm - wealth;
  • 175-189 mm - receiving unexpected additional income;
  • 202-215 mm - success in the future;
  • 243-256 mm - increase in income;
  • 378-402 mm - inflow of money;
  • 415-429 mm - wealth in jewelry;
  • 429-432 mm - success, prosperity.

Other sizes that fit into favorable segments are also acceptable, but they are not directly related to the accumulation of wealth, and their effect in our case will be lower. Unfavorable dimensions are highly undesirable, but their negative impact can be reduced by the use of special amulets, such as a "purse extender". You just need to follow the rules: for 2 successful sizes - no more than one unsuccessful one and the sum of favorable sizes is greater than the sum of unfavorable ones. However, there are especially unpleasant options that should be avoided:

  • 81-95 mm - failures and collapse, up to imprisonment;
  • 95-108 mm - death of a wife or husband;
  • 149-162 mm - the danger of theft or robbery;
  • 270-284 mm - death or departure;
  • 297-311 mm - shame, exile;
  • 311-324 mm - a significant loss of money;
  • 324-338 mm - various misfortunes;
  • 338-351 mm - death.

Now you understand how important correct dimensions wallet - the thing that you always carry with you.

Feng shui wallet material and quality

feng shui wallet material

Buy only a quality, neatly made wallet, the best one you can afford. This does not mean that you have to pay for famous brand, just a thing must be done well. Smooth seams, high-quality leather, no protruding threads, durable color, properly installed and well-functioning fasteners - these are the signs of a thing of excellent quality. Everyone would like to live in a durable, comfortable and beautiful home, and money is no exception.

The best material for a wallet is genuine leather or suede. A wallet made of polyethylene, plastic or leatherette is a poor choice. These materials act as a kind of screen reflecting the flow of energy. In general, they will not bring you wealth. If you are on a budget, choose a fabric wallet. His purchase will not hit the family budget so hard, and he will “work” almost on a par with leather. If the funds allow you to spend money on a leather wallet, give preference to it, you should not save on future well-being. Money respects the thrifty but dislikes the greedy.

feng shui wallet color

Each Feng Shui has its own auspicious colors. They are determined depending on which element (element) patronizes this or that person and which elements are adjacent to them in the circle of Destruction. The element is calculated according to the last digit of the year of birth (exclusively according to the Eastern calendar, which does not quite coincide with ours).

  • 0 and 1 are metal, suitable colors are white, gray, silver;
  • 2 and 3 - water, colors - black, purple, blue, cyan;
  • 4 and 5 - wood, colors - brown and green;
  • 6 and 7 - fire, colors - carmine, scarlet, burgundy;
  • 8 and 9 - earth, colors - yellow, orange, beige, golden.

There are some nuances here. People under the auspices of the element of Metal should not choose a gray wallet, and those whose element is water will have a very difficult time. The fact is that all shades of blue and black are not suitable for a wallet. They carry too strong water energy and will literally “wash out” money from their receptacle. Try to choose the right color intuitively or try to make friends with red. The fact is that the red color according to Feng Shui is quite universal, and its powerful power is used for a wide variety of purposes, in particular, to activate a particular zone or enhance magical objects and symbols.

red wallet

How to tame the red color and make it bring you money? First of all, it should be a pure bright shade that evokes pleasant emotions and pleases the eye. If your mood improves at least a little every time you take out a red wallet, then its color will multiply the received positive energy and direct it to increase your well-being. Just keep in mind that this color is very demanding. Therefore, the wallet should look as expensive as possible. Best of all, if it is made of high-quality patent leather.

Talismans for the wallet

Talismans for the wallet

You can increase the flow of money passing through your wallet with special talismans.

Many people carry their first coin or banknote in their wallet. It is better if it is 1 or 100 US dollars. These banknotes, by the way, fully meet the requirements of Feng Shui - all shades of green are extremely successful for banknotes. This banknote should not be exchanged and used for settlements. You can lightly smear her with honey so that the money flocks to her like bees.

3 Chinese coins connected with a red ribbon are a real money magnet. They are worn in a wallet or placed in the Wealth sector, located in the southeastern part of an apartment or house.

A bean pod will protect you from theft and unreasonable spending. If there is not enough space in the wallet and a real pod can wrinkle and deform bills, use a picture with its image.

A keychain depicting bills helps to properly manage your funds and accept right decisions for profit. It can be hung from a wallet or carried in the same pocket as it.

According to Feng Shui, mint has an aroma that attracts money. You can apply a drop essential oil on the lining of your wallet or put a mint leaf, a bag of mint tea in it.

What should not be kept in a wallet?

Old receipts, tickets, unnecessary pieces of paper - these are all garbage, the presence of which Feng Shui masters are sharply negative.

You should not keep photos of friends, relatives, pets in your wallet, this can harm both them and your cash flow.

Torn, shabby, dirty banknotes are best exchanged for whole and clean ones.

Whether you choose a yellow, green, or red wallet, Feng Shui is all about making it right for you. There has to be some sort of connection, even sympathy, if you will. Like any thing you own, a Feng Shui wallet should be in harmony with your personality. If you don’t like something about it, you should look for another wallet with which you can “find a common language”.

Financial viability is made up of a large number components in which there is no place for chance and random actions. It is not enough to want to be rich - you need to have information on how to effectively attract funds. For example, the selected color of the wallet according to the sign of the Zodiac serves to attract money, it works like a magnet and attracts money to you, success in business and business.

It is not difficult to locate the energy flow to yourself, but here everything is like in mathematics: to obtain a result, each component of the equation must be in its place and in strict sequence.

What color wallet attracts money according to the zodiac sign? The answer is in our article!

Advice. The smallest details, which the uninitiated people will not look at, are fraught with serious significance. So, paying attention to the wallets of financially wealthy people, you can learn a lot of information, but without exception, all rich people have wallets of that colors which corresponds to their zodiac sign.

In this article, we will analyze which wallet colors correspond to different signs of the zodiac, and what color experiments it is better to beware of at all.

If you want to know what color of the wallet attracts money according to the zodiac sign, first check out the general groups:

  • Red shades- wallets are suitable for Aries, Streltsov and Lvov. These signs of the Zodiac are born under the symbol of flame, and throughout their lives their dominant hue is red and its derivatives.
  • blue shades - wallets are mainly suitable for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Not that the blue wallet could be used to attract finance, but rather to save it. These zodiac signs are best served by similar but warmer hues, such as green, to bring in a lot of money.
  • Gold and brown shades- best to use Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Due to the nature of these zodiac signs, only accurate color matching can bring material prosperity and increased wealth.
  • Silver or White color recommended Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Those born under these signs are able to attract finance with a white range of colors that match their energy.

Tips for choosing the color of a wallet (purse) according to the signs of the Zodiac

Example for Aries


Aries are bright personalities, but due to the fact that you have powerful energy, wallets of dull shades will simply be lost in the thick of the “colors” that come from you. Most of all, this applies to women and girls. Remember how often you were one step away from receiving serious amounts of money, but by coincidence, they never fell into your hands? This happened because your personal energy overshadowed the color scheme, because of which financial flows simply did not find their way.

  • Aries women. You need to have wallets in bright shades of red. Both rich red itself and catchy raspberry or bright crimson will do. To enhance the effect, it would be advisable to tie a small red ribbon to the lock, which will be an additional beacon.
  • Aries men. All you need is the crimson shades of the purse. No blue, yellow or black shades, in general, you should forget about such experiments with color schemes. Aries men are endowed with especially bright energy, but only a noble crimson is able to attract finance into their lives.
  • Representatives of both sexes. In no case should you use blue, green and black colors, as they will completely repel any money that is spinning around you. As a neutral color, it is possible to use a brown wallet or a purse with red inserts, such a solution will help to keep and save money, but will not be able to increase your financial security.

Example for Taurus


You are one of those thrifty signs of the zodiac that cannot be called spenders. Despite these qualities of yours, in order to fully accumulate all your earned funds, astrologers recommend that you purchase purses of noble brown shades with gold inserts, buckles or locks.

  • Taurus women. You would rather go for a pure gold metallic than brown. Gold will have a positive impact on your monetary energy and fill your wallet with money to the eyeballs.
  • Taurus men. You can take a look at the brown tone wallets on the store shelves. Not dyed genuine leather is quite suitable. You can use the most powerful energy of this color for various purposes, not only to attract and increase financial resources. Get a folder for documents of the same color - and soon you will notice that business has “gone uphill”.
  • Representatives of both sexes. Do not rush to change the wallet if you like it and if everything is in order with your money. Take it in for repair and restore as much as possible.

Example for Gemini


A blue or blue-green wallet will suit you, it is these shades that can increase your fortune. For greater effect, put some of your talisman, a purse mouse or a golden spoon there. Those colors that most of the signs of the Zodiac do not seem to favor at all - for Gemini they have the most positive meaning.

  • Gemini women. To increase financial energy, your choice should fall on a green wallet. Since you are characterized by such a quality as wastefulness, namely green will help you save money. And in combination with blue shades, you can not only save, but also increase your finances.
  • Gemini men. Just like women, astrologers advise you to choose a purse exclusively green or dark blue flowers, it is they who will attract material wealth into your life.
  • Representatives of both sexes. You should not choose bright shades of red, they will interrupt the financial flows coming to you.

Example for Cancer


Like all representatives of water signs, Cancers are characterized by white and silver shades. For both women and men, the use of other colors is undesirable, and the stars are very strict in this. The energy emanating from crayfish can outshine any other, and if the color of the wallet does not match the color of the energy, finances simply will not find the right path.

  • Neither women nor men Cancers are recommended to change the color of the wallet and experiment with its shades. Use any shades of white, ivory, silver. No gray wallets or bright inserts, in your case this is unacceptable. You don't want to lose your wealth because of such a trifle, do you?
  • As a decoration, you can use key chains made of natural silver or gold.
  • In order to attract large sums to your wallet even more effectively, it is best to carry a bill inside of blue color. For example, in Russia this is a two thousandth bill, put it in a separate pocket in your wallet, and do not take it out. Over time, it will accumulate enough energy to multiply the incoming funds.

Example for Lviv

a lion

Lions are leaders, bright and strong personalities. The fiery orange color of the wallet suits you best. With it, you will attract good luck and money. The shades of red and orange are the most energetically strong, and this is exactly what you need!

  • Leo women. You are not used to saving money on yourself and rightly so. You treat life like a holiday, so your accessories should also be bright and elegant. Pastel shades of flowers are not for you, why would you overshadow your everyday life with dullness? Although you can hardly complain about the lack of male attention, but it is orange that will help to achieve great prosperity and attract a man with a “big wallet”.
  • Leo men. Darker red shades will suit you. By purchasing a purse given color, astrologers promise that you will literally swim in banknotes.
  • Try putting a spelled "" in your wallet - it can enhance the effect.

Example for Virgo


You are very meticulous about money. Are you constantly wondering how to attract good luck, how to attract cash flow? The stars will help you find the path to increase wages and attraction of additional investments. Just get a wallet in bright yellow or "bright lemon" color and you will stop worrying about money.

  • For a Virgo woman, “lemon” is the most suitable color. It is well suited for graceful and romantic natures, as well as those who know how to handle money. Wallets of this color will help not only to lure and keep luck “by the tail”, but also help to avoid excesses, for example, protect you from theft.
  • Virgo men. A dark yellow purse, or black with yellow accents will suit you. It will bring you confidence in the future in terms of financial condition. You, unfortunately, have no alternatives in a different choice of color, however, yellow inserts can replace gold jewelry or.

Example for Libra


Like all Libras, you are probably haunted by constant life fluctuations. This behavior also applies to the choice of palette for the wallet. No panic! Astrologers have selected the perfect palette of colors for you: sky-colored wallets, "blue lagoon" or "blue metallic" - these are the colors that will attract money and wealth into your life.

  • Libra women. Astrologers advise you to choose light blue wallets with a predominantly metallic tint. In addition, it should be practical and elegant. But remember - the most important thing for attracting wealth, the wallet should be to your liking.
  • Libra men. Immediately after buying a purse, put it in it banknote, the stars will take this as a sign and your cash flows will increase. A design in which, in addition to blue, there are inserts of bright colors is not recommended.
  • For both genders. Try to decorate your wallet with key chains and small amulets - this will greatly enhance the magic of money.

Example for Scorpio


Put aside the skepticism that you have. Only by believing in the energy significance of the color of the wallet will you be able to slightly open financial flows and get the money that you need so much. Your color is "silver", "light steel" and light gray.

  • Scorpio woman. Your stubborn nature most often contributes to the fact that you do not have any special problems with money. To simplify the monetary tasks set for yourself, astrologers and esotericists recommend that you purchase light gray wallets with silver inserts.
  • Scorpio man. Your color steel, or silver, perhaps black with white and silver inserts is what you need. Scorpios have always been quite tough and purposeful signs of the zodiac, and they need colors to match.
  • For both sexes. Never use purple and green shades- They are not particularly recommended for Scorpios. Ideally, you want to carry a silver item in your wallet, this will enhance the effect. However, if the jewelry is not silver, but a fake, financial flows, instead of increased attention to you, may simply turn around.


Example for Sagittarius

Light red, "coral" shades of a purse or a purse are necessary for you, as air. You are always purposeful, the stars see it, and direct financial flows directly to you, however, a multiple increase in profits is possible in the case of a carefully chosen color. In addition, you are one of those signs of the Zodiac that cannot afford a wide range of colors in the selection, so we do not recommend that you experiment with antagonist colors.

  • Sagittarius women - can use raspberry without fear that cash flows will bypass them. A red, coral or bright pink wallet in your case can bring significant income and direct financial flows straight into your pocket, however, their energy will interfere with saving, because Sagittarius funds in red and pink wallets are not able to stay long.
  • For Sagittarius men, this is a little easier. It is not necessary for them to use a raspberry purse or wallet, however, inserts of red shades must be present.
  • In no case should you use dark and gray wallets for both sexes. Such means of storing cash are absolutely "invisible" to financial flows, and the financial situation of Sagittarius with wallets dark shades will leave much to be desired.

Example for Capricorn


You just have to think about the money and you have it practically in your pocket. This means that money loves you. Despite your luck, take into account the advice of esotericists, and choose a wallet for yourself in light brown or gold shades, as well as their variations.

  • Capricorn woman. So that real money rains on you, and energy flows do not close from you, choose bright beautiful golden colors for your wallet. Also suitable for bright beige shades with gold zipper or keychain.
  • Capricorn men. Everything is easier with you: choose rich Brown color purse and you will be lucky in all your endeavors.
  • For both sexes. In no case should you use cold colors: gray, blue or green. They absolutely do not suit you, and in some cases can even harm you. If you have inserts of these colors on your wallet, most likely all the problems that arise with you are due to them.

Example for Aquarius


You are the most original and eccentric sign of the zodiac. At times you are thrown from one extreme to another. You do not put money in the first place, because of this you spend it haphazardly. Astrologers recommend that you pay attention to pastel shades: pink, blue, purple, beige.

  • For both Aquarius women and men, it is recommended that when choosing, pay attention to calm pastel colors. It is this color palette that will bring you good luck in financial matters. Women can choose almost any shade, and for a men's purse, undyed natural leather or a light beige color would be preferable.
  • Beware of bright and flashy colors. In combination with pastel, any catchy and bright color can limit your financial expenses, but in all other cases, this is highly undesirable for Aquarius.

Example for Pisces


Pure bright white wallets - the best choice for representatives of the Pisces sign, because these are the shades that are good for water signs, they will bring you money luck and provide a stable income.

  • Pisces Women. The pure white color of the wallet will be a kind of beacon for money. If you listen to the stars, you can forget about what money problems. This color is able to attract financial flows better than any other, however, it is also the most difficult to manage. The combination of white and black will not be an effective beacon for financial flows, but white and red, or white and yellow, can slightly enhance its properties.
  • Pisces men. Don't skimp on wallets, and then the stars won't skimp on you. A white leather wallet is what you need. Alternatively, you can take a black wallet, but always with white inserts, and the effect will remain the same. The main thing to remember is no combinations with bright and catchy tones.


A wallet, in an esoteric sense, is a very powerful thing. It will serve as a strong conductor of energy, given the constant contact with banknotes. And in order to increase the "density" of the wallet, that is, to attract cash to yourself, you need to pay attention to its color.

Each sign of the Zodiac has its own dominant shade, which accompanies them throughout life as a beacon, it is a kind of energy conductor of cash flow. The richer the gamut of the wallet, the more attractive it will be for banknotes, however, this “saturation” differs from the synonym of the word in its usual sense.

The brightness and attractiveness of the color scheme for finance does not consist of the usual flashiness of the color scheme, but of the correspondence of the color of the wallet, which in fact will be the home for money, to the shade of the energy of the zodiac sign. The more identical these colors are, the more powerful your wallet will be for new money.

Selection: Anna S.

Choosing a wallet according to your zodiac sign, you find harmony, attract positive energy to yourself. Moreover, correct color will be able to "lure" money into the wallet.

Each wallet has unique ability- he can attract money. "Money" can become absolutely any wallet: large, small, bright or black, textile or genuine leather. The main thing - choose the right accessory for yourself according to your zodiac sign. This is a kind "wealth magic" in ancient teaching "Feng Shui" drawing money into a wallet.

In any case, it is best to give preference to wallet models made of natural materials: leather, nubuck, suede Such accessories "attract" money and provide prosperity to their owner.

How to choose a wallet in order to "carry money" in it?

What color wallet to buy for Aries man and woman?

Aries- Purposeful zodiac sign. He should carefully choose a wallet, since only strong and bright color.

The perfect wallet for an Aries

What color wallet to buy for a Taurus man and woman?

Taurus- one of the most "strong" signs of the zodiac. Taurus always know what they want and persistently move towards their goal. Taurus should choose a wallet of the color that would “muffle” the aggressive energy of this sign a little and attract money.

The perfect wallet for Taurus

What color wallet to buy for a Gemini man and woman?

Twins- cheerful, cheerful zodiac sign. Gemini people are always interested in something, they are learning something. They are always on the move, wise and experienced. The color of the wallet for this sign needs to be chosen one that would “feed” Gemini with positive energy and at the same time attract money.

The perfect wallet for Gemini

What color wallet to buy for Cancer man and woman?

crayfish wise and prudent. Often, Cancers have excessive sensuality and emotionality. They have a "thin soul", as they say, and therefore they should choose a wallet of a color that would "calm" them a little. When Cancers are calm and joyful, positive energy is attracted to them, including money.

The perfect wallet for Cancer

What color wallet to buy for Leo man and woman?

lions very energetic, active and sometimes aggressive. They attract wealth and prosperity with their strong energy. Leo should choose a wallet of the same bright and powerful color. However, even dark color will not be able to "scare away" money.

The perfect purse for a Leo

What color wallet to buy for a Virgo man and woman?

Virgin wise and prudent. They are constantly in love, very often with themselves. The same “deep” colors as their inner world will help them achieve success and financial prosperity. In addition, the shape of the purse for Virgo deserves great attention. It must be original, or the wallet must have unusual decorative elements.

The perfect wallet for Virgos

What color wallet to buy for Libra man and woman?

scales- the only sign of the zodiac that is in harmony with itself with itself. Libra is calm, slow, sensitive, they have a rich inner world. At times, they are so organized and boring that they need a "spark" that can kindle a fire inside. A bright saturated color will be able to attract money to Libra's wallet.

The perfect wallet for Libra

What color wallet to buy for a Scorpio man and woman?

Scorpion- one of the most "strong" signs of the zodiac. They have a "loose tongue". They are always in the center of attention of others. Along with this, Scorpios are often rude and aggressive. That is why the color of the Scorpio wallet should be restrained and calm, able to balance the feelings of this sign, as well as attract money.

The perfect wallet for a Scorpio

What color wallet to buy for a Sagittarius man and woman?

archers always active and energetic. They are inquisitive and sociable. Choosing a wallet Sagittarius should be of a color that could keep their mental and physical state in harmony. Therefore, cold shades are suitable, they will not only “calm” Sagittarius, but also attract money to them.

The perfect wallet for Sagittarians

What color wallet to buy for Capricorn man and woman?

Capricorn- creative individuals. They have deep spiritual world and many interests. To attract positive energy and money for Capricorns, a wallet of bedding and discreet colors will help. Original forms of products and an abundance of decorative elements are welcome.

The perfect wallet for Capricorn

What color wallet to buy for Aquarius man and woman?

Aquarius very calm and romantic. They need a very calm and deep color of the wallet, which could attract money and prosperity to this zodiac sign. Bright and "hot" colors, unfortunately, will be able to "scare off" well-being. The same applies to non-standard forms of the product.

The perfect wallet for Aquarius

What color wallet to buy for Pisces man and woman?

Fishes calm and wise, romantic and reasonable. They are silent a lot, think a lot and rarely take risks. A wallet for such zodiac signs should be chosen in a calm color that would be associated with water and depth. The design of the wallet must be restrained, classic.

The perfect wallet for Pisces

Video: "Money horoscope, how to choose a wallet by zodiac sign"

feng shui wallet- this is an individually selected wallet based on a person's fate map - a suitable color, its shape, material. feng shui wallet color selected by date of birth.

Many may say that money is not a guarantee of happiness and peace of mind, but still, they play a big role in our lives. V modern world almost everything needs financial investments- food, accommodation, training, etc. Money should be considered as one of the instruments of human freedom.

There are 3 types of luck: Heavenly luck (this is a map of a person’s fate by the date of his birth. It is given to us by nature and we cannot change it), Earthly luck (this is feng shui - where we live, work. And we can influence this type of luck), human luck(these are our actions, aspirations, etc.).

These same three types of luck apply to a person's finances. On the bazi fate chart, one can see the luck or failure of a person and what it will be like in 10-year cycles or years. Feng Shui can help us with finances if we live (work) in houses with good feng shui, with a favorable feng shui entrance, work and keep money in good feng shui sectors.

To improve your financial situation, you can start with a feng shui wallet. What should it be (color, its shape, material) in order to attract, and not scare away money?

Of course, it is difficult for us to argue about the direct relationship "a good wallet - a rich owner." But still there is an energy that is embedded in the "quality" of the wallet. With a high probability, we can say that a rich person will not have it made of artificial materials, shabby, and he will not wear crumpled money in his pants.

feng shui wallet(together with a place to store money in Feng Shui) is the main custodian of money, and therefore a symbol of prosperity.

There are a few factors to consider when choosing a Feng Shui money wallet. What should be the shape, material, size and color? And also what are the errors of selection and use?

feng shui wallet shape

A rectangular purse, where banknotes are located in an unfolded state, is very well suited for storing money. Money should not be folded in half or folded in several layers, such as in folding wallets. For small things, of course, it would be better to have a separate coin box or, in any case, put them in separate compartments.

What material should a Feng Shui wallet be made of?

As in ancient times, so now best material for the wallet will be genuine leather. Choosing it make sure that there is high-quality tailoring, and the fasteners are in good condition. If you do not have enough money for a good leather wallet, then, as an option, you can purchase from suede or cloth materials. But do not choose polyethylene and plastic.
It is better not to store old receipts, checks, etc., as well as photographs in it.

feng shui wallet color

Red, as well as its shades (garnet, scarlet, purple, burgundy, etc.) is the most popular feng shui wallet color.

There is also an individual way how to choose a wallet suitable color feng shui for money.

This is done on the basis of a map of the fate of a person by his date of birth. The color of the wallet can match the colors of one or more elements. In Chinese metaphysics, there are five elements - Water, Fire, Metal, Earth and Wood. Each person has his own favorable colors, elements-materials. You can use them to improve your financial situation.

Below is an instruction and a calculator for calculating a Feng Shui Wallet for money. And you can use this calculator to calculate the most suitable individual color.

Feng Shui Wallet Taboo: it must contain money, and they must be neatly folded, it is better to place them "face" to yourself and in order from large to small, to prevent breakage and pollution, not to store photographs, checks, etc. An old, shabby, cheap, small wallet will not bring good luck. You should not feel uncomfortable when you take it out.

You should like it, be pleasant for hands, with this wallet you should feel like a wealthy person.

Wallet by date of birth

A specialist in Chinese astrology can calculate for you those that are right for you, and then when buying a wallet, you can be guided by these recommendations. And also you can independently calculate the color according to feng shui using a calculator.

Online you can calculate BASE wallet color by date of birth. This is the color that is determined by the elements of the original map. If there are merging elements in the map, then other colors can be added to the basic favorable color.

How to find out a good wallet color by date of birth

1. Know the date of birth(it is also desirable to indicate the hour of birth, at least approximate, if you don’t know for sure).

I wonder if there is a person in the world who would not need money? Probably not. Each of us wants more money than he has now. That is why the interest in increasing wealth will never cease to be relevant.

Choosing a money store

One of the important items associated with cash flow is a wallet. It is he who acts as a receptacle family budget, which can right choice, and save it, and not let the money float away in an unknown direction.

Have you considered your wallet? If it is frayed, shabby, has holes or a broken lock, get rid of it immediately. He will not attract money, but only scream about their absence. In general, keeping an old wallet at home is a bad omen, so throw it away without regret.

So which wallet should you choose?

A number of prerequisites must be met:

What color wallet attracts money?

You should not care what color the wallet should be painted, because this is your container of money. The wallet should be a strong money magnet. As a rule, brown or black help him in this - the colors of the earth, the beginning of all beginnings. Or green - the color of what grows, increases, becomes larger. Gold and silver are also good. It is probably not necessary to explain why exactly. The red color of the wallet is a special conversation, as it is associated with fire. For a slow person, money will “burn out” in it, but for an active, agile person, on the contrary, it will multiply. So be careful with the "fire"!

And which one is not

But blue and blue are not suitable for a wallet. This is the color of water, and it is associated with something fickle, fluid, temporary. Therefore, the money will not linger in its receptacle.

What's in the wallet?

So, we figured out what color the wallet should be painted with, and now let's talk about filling it out.

Putting the first bill in it, say: “Keep and increase!” And then put the money into compartments by seniority, front side(where the portrait is) up. Remember to smooth the bills with your hand before putting them in your wallet, so they will remember you and never leave.


And in the compartment for amulets, put either a Chinese coin with a hole, or a banknote of small denominations of your country. Suitable in this capacity and cinnamon, beans or horseradish, which you yourself must dig and dry. They help amplify the energy of your money.

Now, remembering what color the wallet should be painted and what you need to store in it, you will surely multiply your income!