The brain as a biocomputer and its epistemological capabilities. Biocomputer of consciousness

  • 02.08.2020

It has been reliably established that the human body reacts both to changes in the natural geomagnetic field and to the impact of electromagnetic radiation from various and numerous anthropogenic sources, leading to pronounced changes in health status and genetic consequences.

body che l veka carries out its activities through a number of complex processes and mechanisms, including the use of intra- and extracellular electromagnetic information and, accordingly, th bioelectric regulation.

Information is fluctuations, that is, an invisible force field, which, among other things, contains a plan for the construction of a biosystem, determining its shape. Information energy is very weak, but it is characterized by a certain combination of frequencies - specific information that can be perceived only by those structures that vibrate at the same wavelength, and therefore enter into resonance with it.

Back in 1942, S.Ya. Turygin discovered human radiation in the microwave ranges, and P.I. Gulyaev and co-authors registered a low-frequency electromagnetic field. In recent years, more and more supporters of the theory have appeared, according to which electromagnetic fields in biological systems play a regulatory and informational role. In particular, P.P. Goryaev suggests that low-power fields are probably a wave genetic information channel that connects the genomes of individual cells of the body into an integral continuum that works like a biocomputer.

Cells communicate a variety of information to each other, including essential, non-negotiable orders. Having received such an order, the cell instantly rearranges its work: it stops synthesizing one thing, and begins to produce another one to a greater or lesser extent. Moreover, in the presence of such an order, the cell does not evaluate its expediency, but only fulfills the task.

What happens to a cell if it receives dozens of mutually exclusive, conflicting instructions at the same time...

Right. Failure of the program of our biocomputer.

This is how our cells react when we are in a space for a long time, where several devices are operating that create electromagnetic fields.

A magnetic storm of great intensity is the effect that this situation can create.

What happens to a person caught in a magnetic storm is well known to many. Pressure surges, headaches, disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system.

And all this is just the visible tip of the iceberg. Because the most serious processes, up to irreversible ones, occur inside the cells.

Obviously, EMF (electromagnetic fields) affect any vital processes in the cells of our body. This means that they also affect the systems responsible for aging: the genetic apparatus of cells, protein synthesis, the transfer and use of energy, the state of cell membranes, etc.

Moreover, electromagnetic radiation arising from sources created by man is a real intervention in the life of the cell and its "well-being".

As a result, there is a violation of cell functions, their number in tissues and organs decreases, “understanding” of each other worsens, without which the normal functioning of the body as a whole is inconceivable.

This endows the electromagnetic factor with destructive power, regardless of the power of the impact that accelerates aging.

Unfortunately, the cells of our body are able to "remember" the effects of EMF. Therefore, the biological effects of the influence of electromagnetic fields "tend" to accumulate, leading to degenerative processes in the nervous system, leukemia, hormonal disorders and oncological consequences.

Man is a complex electromagnetic system operating in various frequency ranges:

1. Basic frequencies - 7.8 and 14.1 Hz, frequencies of alpha and beta brain rhythms. They practically coincide with the fluctuations of the Earth's magnetic field discovered by the German physicist W. Schumann. Thus, in the process of evolution, nature protected a person from failures of biorhythms, resonating with them and, like a tuning fork, synchronizing them with the Earth's electromagnetic field. However, the frequencies given by nature under the influence of “electromagnetic pollution of the environment” cause a “failure” of the program. So with an increase in frequency above 8 Hz, the pineal gland ceases to synchronize the work of the left and right hemispheres, control over the subcortex fails, and as a result,

production of male and female hormones. The production of the hormone melatonin is disrupted, which provokes breast cancer.

2. Supporting frequencies - 750-850 Hz.

According to some authors, electromagnetic radiation at these frequencies is dangerous for the human body, since they coincide with the frequencies of its energy centers. The frequencies of the field of individual organons were determined. For example, for the heart it is 700 - 800 Hz with an increase in angina up to 1500 Hz, for the kidneys - 600 - 700 Hz with an increase in inflammation up to 900 Hz, for the liver - 300 - 400 Hz with an increase in inflammation up to 600 Hz. It has been established that in oncological diseases, the frequencies change to a lower region.

3. Frequencies of energy-information (EI) cell exchange - 40-70
I Hz, (GHz - billion oscillations per second), one of the most important
for human frequencies. In the center "Polytech", it was proved that each
the human organ has its own frequency. Thus, the presence of electricity
magnetic fields that differ from this frequency, enhances or slows down metabolic processes in the body.

A stable (steady) signal from biological objects (cells, systems, organs) was called biologically significant or a signal that provides informational homeostasis.

Energy-informational exchange characterizes the relative dynamic constancy of the internal environment (blood, lymph, tissue fluid) and the stability of the basic physiological functions (circulation, respiration, metabolism, etc.) of the human body.

Interaction within the body by complex, regulatory, coordinating and correlating mechanisms involving nervous, humoral, metabolic and electromagnetic fields at extremely high frequencies generated by cells.

Cells, communicating with each other at frequencies of 40-70 GHz, form a common torsion field, which attracts and orients them in a certain position in space, creating various cellular

associations: organs, bones, muscles, etc. The general torsion field of a person is usually called ethereal. According to academician V.P. Kaziacheev, the field form of a living organism is primary, organizing, and the molecular protein-nucleic essence is only a consequence of this organization. Therefore, violations at the level of energy-information exchange of cells lead to violations at the physical level. Dr. Harold Burr from Yale University discovered that the weakening of the vital field precedes the disease, which means that computer diagnostics of the biofield is able to assess the state of human health, make a prediction, i.e. anticipate disease and take preventive measures to prevent deterioration of health.

In this regard, the technogenic electromagnetic habitat can actually be considered as a source of interference in relation to life. On the scale of evolutionary progress, the colossal increase in EMF intensity can be viewed as a one-time jump with biological consequences that are difficult to predict.

Dear readers, you keep tossing and doubting, torturing yourself with questions, but meanwhile there are people in St. Petersburg who already know everything and can answer all questions. So says the scientist Valentin Karelin, who, according to him, rediscovered the way to connect to the world biocomputer, or the Higher Mind.

Bible - instruction

Thirty years ago, Valentin Karelin, a techie scientist involved in robotics, discovered a clear illogicality in life. “Any electronic system comes with instructions to understand why it is needed and how it works. Man is also a system, like the whole world. Where is the instruction to man and to the world? Not? This does not fit in with the expediency of the world, ”the scientist thought.

At the same time, another disorder was tormenting. People are drowning in a sea of ​​books and information, we cannot physically comprehend them.

But this is illogical, there must be somewhere the focus of all knowledge. Moreover, there is “indirect evidence”: scientists often make their discoveries after they are visited by a thought that came from nowhere. Probably, they are opening the door to some repository of knowledge.

In search of instructions for a person and "information storage", the scientist took up the Bible and suggested that it needed a new decoding. It took years, but the result was "an amazing scientific work" that explains the structure of the world as a system and subsystem called "man". In addition, it explains how to connect to the very “repository”, where there are answers to all questions. It is called - the Higher mind, or biocomputer.

Heavenly Internet

In the Bible, the scientist revealed a lot of ambiguities. What does the phrase “the earth was formless and empty” mean when there was no earth yet, or “let there be light, and there was light” when the sun and moon had not yet been created? When I deciphered it, I understood everything. In the Bible, similar verbs alternate: created, created, did - in fact, these are three different actions. He created - this is an act in the mind, created - these are actions in the spiritual world, well, he did - this is in the material world. The process of the birth of the world has acquired a new interpretation.

“It is said: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” That is, he has not done anything yet, he only thought about them. Of course, the earth will be formless - it does not yet exist.

– Deciding to make heaven and earth, HE says: “Wisdom, come here,” and she came. HE called it the light of reason, and it became light. He drew a circular line across the face of the abyss, and wisdom filled everything. He says okay, that's enough. What is enough for? In order to design the whole world and then manage it all. Wisdom is that same biocomputer.

We are so arranged that we can turn to it. The icons depict the human soul with eyes, ears, mouth and brow. That is, in the spiritual world we see God, hear, speak with him and understand him with a mind similar to God's. But the mind is not the brain under the skull.

– The brain is a visible organ and controls the body. Thoughts are invisible, and they are produced by an invisible organ, namely the mind. When the soul is placed in the body, the mind is in the middle. In the Bible, mind and heart are one and the same. The heart is not physical, which is just a blood pump, but invisible (it is called so because it is in the middle and center), and is located in the solar plexus.

According to Karelin, our mind is, so to speak, a personal computer that can join the global mind. It fills the entire atmosphere, is billions of times more powerful than anything created by humans, and is readily available. In the Karelin center, they teach to establish a connection with the Higher Mind in four days. The main thing is to understand the instructions hidden in the Bible. It takes three days, and on the fourth day the skill will come, and only technical details will remain.

We are the first in touch with the sky

The communication process, according to the scientist, is akin to intuition, only here it can be called consciously. A person formulates a question, asks it, and then reads the answer on the mental screen. All this together is called thinking, more precisely, thinking. After all, the word “thought” means “we have merged”, that is, we have established contact. Such a connection could have been established before. For example, the Egyptian priests possessed "biocomputer" literacy, but they did not let everyone access the knowledge they received, for which they paid the price - contact was lost, their civilization disappeared. Moses was also an "advanced user" and with the help of a biocomputer created a Jewish nation from the Bedouins. The Greek philosophers had this skill. And, finally, Jesus raised this knowledge to a new height, put everything on the shelves and left the New Testament. We have lost his knowledge for two thousand years. And in the third millennium, a new discovery of the Bible and the biocomputer took place in Russia.

Why do we have? Karelin has his own historical theory. God experimented with Russia for a long time. First, he destroyed the Romanov empire to its foundations, so that, as an experiment, people built an empire (USSR) from scratch with idols (leaders) instead of God. Then he destroyed this empire, again cleaning it up so that we could build a third one that would surpass the rest of the world. The second reason for our leadership is in the Russian language, where all biblical words have two meanings: material and spiritual. Reading in Russian makes it easier to understand the instructions in the Bible.

Geniuses in packs

The most "revolutionary" result of working with a biocomputer is the ability to find out the purpose of a person. Each of us has been given a task for life in the material world, where we are, as it were, on a business trip from the spiritual world.

- Gogol said that there are two troubles in Russia: fools and roads. A fool is not a stupid person, but a person out of place, a mouse in a lion's chair, a lion in an eagle's nest, a crystal vase with which nails are hammered. And he goes in the wrong ways, here are the roads for you.

The one who does not follow the destiny suffers, encounters obstacles, and as a result dies earlier - God recalls the one who failed. If a person goes to his destiny, then everything works out for him, and he is called a genius. Finding out the purpose in a biocomputer is very simple. You enter the name, surname and patronymic of a person into it and immediately you get his “task”, abilities and the presence of “God's gifts”.

- It is necessary to find out at the birth of a child. And then in accordance with the appointment and lead him through life through special schools and institutes. We are different now. I examined the first year of the Polytechnic University, 1200 people. Of these, he identified about 80 supergeniuses. Seven of these studied at radio engineering. Everything would be fine, only they are brilliant in another way: they would have made brilliant writers, healers, shepherds, teachers and even trainers - but not a single techie.

The situation must be corrected, the scientist believes. If everyone is led to his destiny, then we will reach incredible heights. In the meantime, Valentin Karelin is going to present three hundred geniuses for the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, which, as it turns out, can be grown like roses in a greenhouse.

Danila SOEV

In the 1960s, after the creation of the first computer, consciousness began to be considered as a property of an electrocolloid computer (biocomputer) simulating the human brain. How does a biocomputer work?

The substance of the brain is an electrocolloid suspension. Surface tension, acting in any colloidal substance, pulls the molecules together, forming a so-called gel. On the other hand, colloids repel each other in the sol state due to the presence of electrical charges of the same sign in them.
The "gel-sol" equilibrium maintains the existence of a colloidal suspension and thanks to this, life continues. Any excessive deviation to one side or the other - and life stops. Any chemical that enters the brain disturbs this balance, thus affecting consciousness.
It is possible to radiesthetically check the electrophysiological state of the brain by asking the subconscious mind: The degree of violation of the electrophysiological function of the brain? The answer according to fig. 12.
If > 0, then the underlying cause is found, identified and eliminated by the vibrational series. And then the question is asked: Degree of sufficiency? Answer according to Fig.12.
If not enough, various means are involved (herbs, homeopathy, careful selection of nutrition, medicines, etc.) (see Fig. 39) or an additional vibration series is compiled that restores the electrophysiological function of the brain.
It is known that a general-purpose computer is an electronic machine that the operator, with the help of special commands, can transfer to any state available to her under any acceptable initial conditions. All types of machine behavior are under the control of the operator. The program, together with the machine, forms a system that can move from one state to another, and this can be considered as behavior. Such a generalization largely resolves the main problem of the brain in that part that affects its objective behavior.
Every computer has two parts known as hardware and software (information is included in the software).
The hardware of a conventional (solid-state) computer is real, localized in space and consists of a processor, monitor, keyboard, disk drives, etc.

Speaking of the human brain as a biocomputer, the location of the hardware is inside the skull.
Software consists of programs that can exist in various forms, including the completely abstract. The program can be "in" the computer - that is, it can be recorded in the processor or on a magnetic disk inserted into the computer. It can also exist on a piece of paper if the program entry is left there, or in the user's manual if that program is standard; in this case it is not "in" the computer, but can be entered "into" it at any time. But the program can be even more immaterial - it can only exist in a person's head (if he has not written it down yet or has already used and erased it).
Speaking of the human brain as an electrocolloid computer, we can say that the software that is in the human brain also exists outside of it, for example, in the form of a book that he read many years ago, a conversation with teachers, parents, and everything that when either passed through his brain.
If consciousness were only an indiscriminate mixture of timeless and spaceless software, we would have no individuality, no center of "I".
How does an individual emerge from this global ocean of software?
Since the human brain, like the brains of all animals, operates on the principle of an electrocolloid rather than a solid-state computer, it obeys the same laws as the brain of any other animal. This means that the program in the form of electrochemical bonds is introduced into it discretely.
Each set of programs consists of four main parts:
1. Genetic imperatives. Absolutely hard-coded programs, or "instincts".
2. Imprints. More or less rigidly set programs that the brain is genetically obliged to accept only at certain moments of its development, known in ethology as moments of imprint vulnerability.
3. Air conditioning. Programs superimposed on imprints. They are set less rigidly and can be easily changed by counterconditioning.
4. Training. Even freer and "softer" programs than air conditioning.
As a rule, the initial imprint is always stronger than any subsequent conditioning or training.
An imprint is a kind of software that is inextricably merged with hardware, imprinted on neurons at the moment of their special accessibility and vulnerability.

Imprints (software fixed in hardware) are an integral part of our identity. In the infinity of possible programs that are potential software, the imprint sets limits, defines the parameters within which all further conditioning and learning takes place.

While it is too early to talk about the onset of the golden age of mankind, there are still many developments, the appearance of which is only planned. Some of them will be discussed further.

Biocomputer - a new facet of the future

At the end of August 2015, an article appeared in one of the most authoritative journals of the scientific world "Science" with the results of the study, which created a lot of noise not only in the scientific world, but also among the inhabitants. An international team of scientists led by Matthew Bennett, a professor at Rice University in Houston (USA), managed to create the first prototype of a biocomputer. Several strains of Escherichia coli bacteria, interacting with each other, imitate the processes occurring in the human body. Of course, for you and me, this study may seem insignificant, but for scientists, this is another step towards the development of computational biotechnologies.
Here a logical question arises: why did we give up these biocomputers, because we manage just fine without them? There are several answers.

1. "Moore's Law"

In 1965, Gorodon Moore (one of the founders of Intel) announced the law: "Every 24 months, the number of transistors on a microprocessor doubles." Based on it, it can be calculated that by 2060, while maintaining the current size of computers and processors, the size of a transistor will be equal to the size of an atom, which is virtually impossible. Thus, he predicted a halt in technical progress, but the development of a biocomputer would make it possible to bypass this law. For example, according to preliminary calculations, by 2020 the total amount of information accumulated by mankind will reach 40,000 exabytes. This is about 5000 gigabytes of information per person, taking into account newborns and the elderly (a modern home stores from 500 to 2000 gigabytes). At the same time, all this information can fit on just 100 grams of DNA.

2. Impossibility of calculations

Unfortunately, modern computers cannot carry out some types of calculations, or they require too much resources and time to carry out. Biocomputers have a completely different approach, allowing hitherto impossible tasks to be solved.

According to Professor Matthew Bennett, already mentioned above, biocomputing has gone much further than it might seem at first glance. “The creation of fundamentally new computing systems, without exaggeration, is a matter of national importance, and many developments are not made public,” says Matthew in his interview. The fact that the results of research are not in a hurry to leave the laboratories is also evidenced by the fact that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (USA)) pays great attention to developments in the field of biocomputing. Huge amounts of money are allocated annually for these purposes, and every year they increase, which means that there are successful developments in this direction. In addition to the state, large corporations, such as Autodesk, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, etc., are also interested in developing a new type of computer. The chances that in 2016 they can introduce a desktop PC with a “bioprocessor” are, of course, small, but it is completely excluded not worth it. In the comments, you can express your opinion on this matter.

Augmented reality - now I see everything and even more

Unlike biocomputers, devices with augmented reality are not the near future, but the present. Already in the first quarter of 2016, the sensational HoloLens from Microsoft will appear on store shelves - glasses that expand reality. Undoubtedly, many readers have already had a number of questions: “What are the advantages of HoloLens?”, “Why is another “reality” needed, and what does it even mean? I will try to answer these and other questions in order.

Using Augmented Reality in Practice

In films, you can often see how various information enters the glasses or eyes of the characters in the form of graphs, tables, maps and other graphic elements that help them in solving certain problems. In most cases, all these images are superimposed on top of what the hero sees, thereby completing what he saw. For example, when looking at a mountain, a hint pops up about its height, size, air temperature at the foot and at the top, and other parameters. In fact, these hints are an additional reality that allows you to expand the scope of the information received. The "HoloLens" mentioned above will allow you to work with 3D models and graphics using gestures and voice commands. The company also declares the possibility of using this device to control rovers. It is enough to watch the presentation video to marvel at the scale of this device.

In addition, Google's "long-term construction" is on the way - the sensational Google Glass, which promises to bypass Microsoft's brainchild in terms of functionality and capabilities.

Rotten eggs and flying cars - what is the connection between them?

Everyone is familiar with fantastic stories about cities floating in the sky, flying cars and motorcycles, they may soon become a reality. In early August 2015, another stunning discovery was made - a superconductor capable of functioning at terrestrial temperatures. Until that time, all known superconductors could fully operate only at -196°C. But an international group of scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Chemistry (Germany), led by Mikhail Yeremets, discovered the superconducting properties of hydrogen sulfide (it is this gas that is responsible for the specific smell of rotten eggs) at a temperature of -70 ° C, and this is the temperature of some areas of Antarctica. At -70, hydrogen sulfide crystallizes, turning into a metal and acquiring superconductivity. Now Yeremets' team is working on the creation of superconductors capable of functioning even at room temperature.

What will the discovery mean for humanity?

There are a lot of options for the use of materials with superconductivity (zero resistance to electric current), from the creation of levitating aircraft, which are based on powerful magnetic vortices, to "eternal" phones. Now the development of superconducting technologies is limited to low temperatures, at which one or another material acquires zero resistance. Often, the cost of cooling does not pay off, but nevertheless, such materials are being introduced into our lives. In 2008, a power line using superconductors was opened in New York. The launch of the first thermonuclear reactor with their use is also close. But while the production technology is very expensive for mass use. Although 2016 can bring a lot of interesting things in this regard.

The last century marked the strongest leap in the development of mankind. Having passed the difficult path from the primer to the Internet, people have not been able to solve the main riddle that has tormented the minds of the great for more than one hundred years, namely, how does the human brain work and what is it capable of?

Until now, this organ remains the most poorly studied, and it was he who made a person what he is now - the highest stage of evolution. The brain, continuing to keep its secrets and mysteries, continues to determine the activity and consciousness of a person at every stage of his life. So far, no modern scientist has been able to unravel all the possibilities that he is capable of. That is why a large number of myths and unsubstantiated hypotheses are concentrated around one of the main organs of our body. This can only indicate that the hidden potential of the human brain has yet to be explored, but for now its abilities go beyond the boundaries of already established ideas about its work.

Photo: Pixabay/geralt

Brain device

This organ consists of a huge number of connections that create a stable interaction of cells and processes. Scientists suggest that if this connection is presented as a straight line, its length will be eight times the distance to the moon.

The mass fraction of this organ in the total body weight is no more than 2%, and its weight varies between 1019-1960 grams. From the moment of birth to the last breath of a person, he conducts uninterrupted activity. Therefore, it needs to absorb 21% of all oxygen that constantly enters the human body. Scientists have compiled an approximate picture of the assimilation of information by the brain: its memory can hold from 3 to 100 terabytes, while the memory of a modern computer is currently being improved to a volume of 20 terabytes.

The most common myths about the human biological computer

The neural tissues of the brain die during the life of the organism, and new ones are not formed. This is a fallacy, the absurdity of which was proved by Elizabeth Goode. Nervous tissue and neurons are constantly updated, and new connections come to replace the dead. Studies have confirmed that in the foci of cells destroyed by a stroke, the human body is able to "build up" new material.

The human brain is open only by 5-10%, all other possibilities are not involved. Some scientists explained this by the fact that nature, having created such a complex and developed mechanism, came up with a protective system for it, protecting the organ from excessive load. This is not true. It is reliably known that the brain is 100% involved during any human activity, just at the time of any action, its individual parts react in turn.

Superpowers. What can surprise the human mind?

Some people who do not outwardly show signs of having incredible abilities may have truly incredible abilities. They do not appear in everyone, but scientists say that regular enhanced brain training can develop superpowers. Although the secret of "selection" of people who may have the right to be called a genius has not yet been revealed. Someone knows how to competently get out of difficult situations, someone on a subconscious level anticipates the approaching danger. But more interesting from the point of view of science are the following superpowers:

  • The ability to perform mathematical operations of any complexity without the help of a calculator and calculations on paper;
  • The ability to create ingenious creations;
  • photographic memory;
  • Speed ​​reading;
  • Psychic abilities.

Amazing cases of revealing the unique abilities of the human brain

Throughout the history of human existence, a large number of stories have appeared confirming the fact that the human brain can have hidden abilities, adapt to changing situations and shift certain functions from the affected department to the healthy part.

sonar vision. This ability is usually developed after loss of vision. Daniel Kish has mastered the technique of echolocation inherent in bats. The sounds he makes, such as clicking his tongue or his fingers, help him walk without a cane.

Mnemonics- a unique technique that allows you to perceive and remember any amount of information, regardless of its nature. Many people master it in adulthood, and for the American Kim Peak, this is an innate gift.

gift of foresight. Some people claim to be able to see the future. At the moment, this fact has not been fully proven, but history knows many people whom such an ability has glorified throughout the world.

Phenomena that the human brain is capable of

Carlos Rodriguez lost more than 59% of his brain at the age of 14 after the accident, but still lives a completely normal life.

Yakov Tsiperovich, after clinical death and a week's stay in a coma, stopped sleeping, eats little and does not age. Three decades have passed since then, and he is still young.

Fenias Gage was horribly injured in the middle of the 19th century. A thick crowbar went through his head, depriving him of a good part of his brain. The medicine of those years was not sufficiently advanced, and the doctors foreshadowed his imminent death. However, the man not only did not die, but also retained his memory and clarity of consciousness.

The human brain, like its body, needs to be subjected to constant exercise. It can be both complex, specially designed programs, as well as reading books, solving puzzles and logical tasks. At the same time, one should not forget about the saturation of this organ with nutrients. For example, HeadBooster has a lot of them. But still, only constant training allows the brain to constantly develop and increase its capabilities.