The meaning of the name Vladislav, character and fate. Famous and famous people with the name Vladislav

  • 13.03.2022


The name Vladislav is one of the few Old Slavonic names that remain popular even in our time. It comes from two words. The first in its root is "Vlad", which stands for "own" or "power". The second element is "glory", which means glory. The full interpretation sounds like "own the glory" or "own the glory".

The male name Vladislav is quite popular in the countries of the former USSR, like many Russian names, which is not surprising. Not only does it have such a beautiful sound, but it is also rare, and has a pretty good value ...

Conversational options: Ladislaus, Vlad

Modern English counterparts: Vladya, Vladik, Vlad, Vladulya

The meaning and interpretation of the name

According to legend, all boys who receive a beautiful male name Vladislav at birth grow up to be rather complex people by nature. Their character is complex, but calm, they have a strong spirit, and a willingness to cope with any problems, overcoming any obstacles. They are a little secretive and conceited, but at the same time they are able to be leaders if leadership traits are brought up in them from childhood. Also, these people are well trained. They absorb everything like a sponge, and at the same time they absorb only well, skillfully weeding out the bad and the good.

In general, Vladislav usually becomes secretive and sometimes even withdrawn, but this happens not because of weakness or pessimistic mood, but because such is the lifestyle of people named in this way. At the same time, such a person will always be a welcome guest in society ...

Advantages and positive features: purposeful, able to learn, easily perceives criticism and is always ready to learn something new, never rests on his laurels and tries to be as fair as possible in relation to other people, positive ...

Vladislav treats badly people with low self-esteem, but does not avoid them, but tries to help. He can also avoid people who dominate others, although he himself is the same ...

The name Vladislav bore a huge number of princes and kings (Serbian, Lithuanian, Moravian and Hungarian, Polish and Czech).

The nature of the name Vladislav

The character of the name Vladislav is a rather complex factor, but studied at one time by dozens of researchers. It is believed that this parameter can reward the bearer of this name with a whole bunch of good qualities, moreover, perfectly combined with each other. So. The character of a boy named Vladislav is usually endowed with such traits as determination, perseverance, perseverance, regularity, sensitivity, receptivity, generosity, kindness, integrity, responsiveness and eloquence. He is sociable and courteous, that's what his character is, but at the same time he carefully sorts out people, looking for only those who meet all his requirements. And yet, his character is such that he bestows arrogance and arrogance, but the truth is that these features are not manifested in all carriers of the name form Vladislav - in particular, it is likely that they will appear only in the spring boy ...

On the other hand, it is worth noting that the nature of the name is the same theoretical factor as fate, and therefore it is not a fact that everything will be that way. As written above. Besides. Much in this case depends on additional factors, including astrological ones, such as the sign of the zodiac, the year according to the Chinese calendar, and the time of year of birth ...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents at birth decided to choose the male name Vladislav, is overflowing with calmness and humility. Vladislav by nature is usually kind, generous, fair, calm, peaceful, obedient, compliant and systematic, you don’t have to worry about this, he always acts strictly according to the plan and in accordance with all moral standards, does not indulge and obeys his parents in everything without exception . The value of a name for this boy already at such a young age promises seriousness and thoughtfulness, he carefully weighs and thinks about his actions, never commits rash acts. He is attached to his mother, obeys her, never is rude, considers him a role model, while he simply respects his father as the head of the family. There may be problems with peers, in particular in communication - he does not like spoiled children and tries to surround himself as calm as he is. Another meaning is able to endow this boy with industriousness and determination, which are already manifested at such a young age in almost all matters - this one will never give up halfway, in no case will he throw words to the wind, he is diligent and obligatory by nature, and in the future, already at the teenage stage, these traits will only intensify.


A teenager boy, who is patronized by the meaning of the name Vladislav, can be characterized by such qualities as diligence, determination, restlessness, swiftness, perseverance, receptivity, sensitivity, sociability, friendliness, eloquence and fantasy. This is a creatively developed guy, he is always overwhelmed with dozens of new ideas, and at the same time he himself is always on the move. But he does certain things mostly not for himself, but in order to be appreciated - Vladislav loves when people from his inner circle appreciate his work. But there is also a big drawback - Vladislav is very afraid of criticism and teachings, and also reacts extremely sharply to any negative criticism from the outside, the meaning endows him with too much "ego", so large that any statement in his direction, especially negative, can hurt him dignity is so strong that he will be offended by the person who spoke out for many years. But he himself never criticizes anyone, he always tries to behave in such a way that people from his environment are happy with him, and he tries not to leave a bad impression on people - these traits can already appear at school. The meaning makes a boy named Vladislav an exemplary student - he is obligatory, executive, responsible, intelligent, enterprising, and also a kind man, of which there are few, he will never refuse to help anyone and tries to appease everyone.

grown man

Adult Vladislav, who is patronized by the meaning of this name, is already self-confident, decisive, self-sufficient, self-confident, a little selfish, but fair and kind man. He is overwhelmed with creativity and fantasy, ideas and undertakings, he does not have time for silence or sitting in one place, always on the move. But if a boy named Vladislav is distinguished by kindness, then a man is distinguished by another trait that manifests itself extremely strongly in adult life - this is idealism in the assessment of the people around him. Vladislav often attributes to his potential comrades qualities that they do not possess, as a result, he is greatly mistaken and eventually disappointed in those whom he may even have begun to consider a friend / girlfriend. And the value of a man who has reached maturity, named Vlad, grants increasing susceptibility and sensitivity - this seemingly unshakable gentleman is too offended by criticism, and especially by deceit and betrayal, but at the same time he never shows offense, he simply locks himself in , becomes closed and secretive, withdraws into itself. Although, on the other hand, Vladislav cannot be alone for a long time, and therefore quickly “departs” - the meaning promises him an actual fear of loneliness and intolerance of boredom.

The interaction of the character Vladislav with the seasons

Summer - boys born in the summer, named in this way, become good-natured, sympathetic, disinterested and faithful by nature, unable to betray or deceive. For family life, the same woman, with the same qualities, will be sought. Such become self-sufficient and self-confident, but not gullible.

Winter - the winter bearers of the name Vladislav, thanks to the meaning of Winter, grow up already, albeit kind and disinterested, but too serious, tactful. High temper, excellent charm and bright charm, diplomacy, the ability to talk - all this attracts people to the person of such a man, but there is also a repulsive factor - excessive straightforwardness.

Spring - gallant, beautiful in body, character and soul, intelligent and pedantic, responsible, honest and good-natured are born here. The only negative is amorousness and craving for change. Basically, these are fickle people who have vast experience behind them in the form of many fleeting novels and broken hearts. Ladies like this need to be more careful.

Autumn - here we are talking about a selfish and narcissistic nature, a person suffering from a lack of attention. It will always be not enough for him that his beloved woman gives him, he is always trying to get even more attention, and at the same time he shows incredible selfishness. Only a patient and wise lady who does not require anything in return for feelings will be able to pacify this. In general, he has a very complex character.

The fate of the name Vladislav

The fate of the name Vladislav is such that it promises the bearer of this name a lot of interesting things, especially in terms of relations with the opposite sex, in terms of marriage and even love as such. But I would like to remind you right away that fate, in itself, is one of the most inaccurate factors, so it’s not a fact that everything in the life of the next Vlad will be as written below ...

So, according to the legend, fate promises the guy, the bearer of the name form Vladislav, exactingness towards the ladies. He carefully sorts out potential partners, never commits rash acts and makes full contact only when he is one hundred percent sure of the correctness of his choice. Vladislav is not one of those who like stormy, but fleeting relationships, he is rather a lover of seriousness and constancy, and therefore he is looking for a partner who can become his chosen one for a long period.

Well, in addition to all of the above, the fate of this little name promises its owner a long search for the one with whom he wants to live side by side. But when he finds a soul mate, he will become for her the one whom every woman, without exception, is looking for, a protector, patron, a real husband. But there is one “but” - Vlad’s ideal relationship will develop only with the owner of a strong character, stronger than his own.

Love and marriage

A man named Vladislav takes marriage extremely seriously, and therefore is in no hurry to marry. He chooses his life partner very carefully, considering several options at once, but after the wedding, the bearer of this name will focus only on his wife.

Only a soft, calm, benevolent, sensitive and feminine girl, without bad habits and with a stunning appearance, can become his wife. Such selection criteria are due to Vladislav's clear idea of ​​​​what a real woman should be.

After marriage, the bearer of this name becomes a faithful and convinced monogamist, ready to protect and surround his chosen one with care. He also likes it when men from his circle admire his attractive and smart wife, but Vladislav will not allow anyone to flirt with her.

Like a real family man and homebody, he prefers a quiet family dinner to a noisy party with friends. In housekeeping, he often also takes an active part, believing that only a real man will not be ashamed of this. In family relationships, Vladislav does not impose his opinion on everyone, but he knows how to show and prove his case without being obtrusive.

Vladislav as a Father

Most men named Vladislav are truly loving fathers. Such dads love to spend a lot of time with their children from the moment they are born. They believe that helping their wife not only in raising, but also in caring for babies, is not at all shameful, because respect and mutual assistance are the key to a happy family.

Children are simply delighted with such a father as Vladislav, they respect him, appreciate him and do not question his authority. Most often, in some important matters, they seek advice not only from their mother, but also from their father. Together with the children, he can often prepare pleasant surprises for his wife, for example, cook dinner.

He considers the health and physical education of children to be very important points in the overall educational process. Hardening and sports he takes over. But the rest of the moments of upbringing, he lays on his wife.

Horoscope named after Vladislav


Vladislav, born under the auspices of Aries, will have a very difficult character. It will merge such contradictory qualities as the desire to be in the center of attention and the craving for loneliness, calmness and thirst for movement, the dream of a family and hatred of long-term relationships.


Taurus - this boy is the owner of an incredibly vivid imagination and an analytical mindset. This is a pragmatic and reasonable person by nature, planning his entire life every minute, and suffering from the slightest deviations from the plan. But there is a big plus - the ability to keep one's word and adherence to principles.


Gemini - boys born under this sign of the zodiac and given the name Vladislav at birth, are usually thoughtful and restrained, able to keep their word and act according to a plan, sensitive and emotional at the same time, balanced and reasonable. True, he overcomes secrecy - rarely will such a guy open up to anyone and tell about true feelings, and therefore he is far from being compatible with everyone.


Cancer - this sign of the zodiac promises the person named Vladislav incredulity, secrecy, vulnerability, lack of confidence, lack of determination. This is a hardworking sign, but any obstacle can become fatal - rarely the planned tasks are solved, and the goals usually remain unachieved for such people. Family life with cancer, oh how not easy.

a lion

Leo - a bright temperament, impulsiveness, passion, emotionality, vanity, ambition and selfishness - this is a brief description of men born under this sign, named by this name form. They are complex and hard, tough and insensitive - this cannot be touched by love or care - a firm female hand is needed.


Virgo is a rather complex symbol, promising difficult and even repulsive features. Selfishness, lust for power, the search for profit in everything without exception, and all this is only a small part of the promised qualities. However, in a career they will play an important role, bring success, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about family life.


Libra - this sign promises the named Vladislavs a subtle mental organization, indecision, not self-confidence, but a clear determination. Shyness, timidity, isolation - play against such a guy, but determination allows you to achieve goals.


Scorpio, on the other hand, is usually subject to such qualities as charm, seductiveness, observation, the ability to analyze, waywardness and sharpness. It is difficult for women to achieve this, it is not easy to achieve compatibility even with the kindest signs, but they are so successful in their work.


Sagittarius is the main feature of this sign, it is variability and inconstancy. The constantly changing mood and lack of eloquence make such a boy an outcast, but unpredictability attracts ladies, and this is already a success. There will be harmony and understanding in the family.


Capricorn - here the bearer of the name Vladislav is characterized by pragmatism, calmness, composure, openness and realistic views on being. These are correct and patient men, monogamous, falling in love once and for all, family men and good fathers, loving spouses and caring family protectors.


Aquarians, named by this name, have a refined nature and a desire for constant improvement. These are excellent philosophers who can soberly look into the abyss of reality. In addition, they have an incredible sense of purpose. To create a strong family, you need a strong and impregnable lady.


Pisces - this zodiac promises a self-critical and self-sacrificing nature. Developed imagination, calmness, gentleness and tenderness - everything is fine, but only the firmness of the spirit is not enough. He will be so happy only with a soft and patient woman who is able to surround her husband with care and love.

Compatibility with female names

For guys named Vladislav, ideal compatibility in terms of feelings, passion and love is observed with ladies who received such female names as Stephanie, Eleanor, Yana, Flora, Tamila, Galina, Irina and Iya at birth.

With the likes of Clara, Larisa, Dina and Vera, Vladik has just the best combination in terms of everything, and therefore there are incredibly great chances for building a happy and strong marriage.

Well, it’s better not to build relationships with Lina, Ninel and Antonina. Nothing good will come of it, and relationships will bring a lot of negativity and bad memories.

The name Vladislav is of ancient Russian origin and speaks for itself. It means "to own (volody) glory." According to the belief of our ancestors, people named by this name are simply doomed to become famous, and this is often justified in life. There is both a male version and a female one - Vladislav. Both versions are equivalent and are equally often used when choosing a name for a girl or a boy.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Topaz
  • Blue color
  • Linden tree
  • Plant: carnation
  • Animal: hare
  • Favorable day: Wednesday


The secret of the name Vladislav hides an impressionable nature that haunts anyone from the very first days of his life. This person is always a bright endless fountain of emotions and a variety of shades of feelings. The impulsiveness of feelings sometimes provokes inconstancy or absent-mindedness. Sometimes he is unable to complete the task, because he lights up again and again with new interesting ideas. He never loses heart, and if something suddenly does not work out, he will simply try to approach the problem from the other side.

Most often, Vladislav is affectionately attached to his mother. This does not mean that the boy subsequently grows up as a sissy. It's just that he always respects the woman who gave birth to him, and from early childhood loves to communicate with her.

His character is kind and gentle. He is always ready to comfort anyone, finding in each individual case enough compassion in his heart. An innate heightened sense of justice does not allow him to pass by an offended, destitute or slandered person.

In life, everything is possible easily due to charm and perseverance, diligence and good-natured disposition. To everything, Vladislav is usually damn lucky. And if suddenly he was unlucky, then he will definitely be doubly lucky soon.

A man is sensitive to his appearance, getting some pleasure from his own beauty. In addition, he is pedantic and in love with cleanliness and order. The representative of the name born in winter is tactful and gentle, spring - amorous, summer - disinterested, honest and sympathetic, autumn - proud and self-respecting.

Interests and hobbies

Do not stop Vladislav's impulse to learn to draw, sing, dance or play in the theater - perhaps a real future star is growing in the house.

Profession and business

He often makes a good actor or artist. A playwright or writer can also grow out of a child with this name. Vladislav is hardworking and pedantic. His love for people makes him an excellent doctor or teacher, rescuer or policeman. He enjoys working with children or saving people. It can also be successful as a lawyer or diplomat.


Vladikov often has a rather weak stomach. In addition, a subtle mental organization under the pressure of the outside world can lead to problems with the nervous system.

Sex and love

Usually Vladislav chooses the most beautiful girl from his environment, which is not surprising given his especially pronounced sense of beauty. An ardent temperament also affects in bed, miraculously combined with the boundless tenderness that a person is only capable of.

Family and marriage

Vladislav treats women very carefully and gently, carrying through the years his reverent attitude towards his mother and projecting it onto his attitude towards his wife and daughters. Girls are born to him more often than boys, and he cares for them and cherishes them until the end of his days. Monogamous, however, sometimes there are exceptions.

Meaning of the name

Vladislava is a self-confident, purposeful and energetic person with an active lifestyle. She was not used to being led by public opinion or circumstances. On the contrary, Vlada will persistently achieve her goal, and of all possible ways to solve the problem, she will definitely choose the most unusual and even extravagant. This woman surprisingly combines masculine character and femininity, toughness and kindness, uncompromisingness and responsiveness, impulsiveness and restraint in the manifestation of emotions. If Vladislava manages to competently manage her talents and abilities, then her life will turn out very well.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

Winter Vlad - Contradictory nature. On the one hand, she has a light disposition and a great sense of humor, and on the other hand, she prefers to be cautious, so she has few real friends, unlike numerous acquaintances, with whom she parted as quickly as she converges. Winter Vladislava is very demanding of herself and others, especially the representatives of the opposite sex. The ideal man in her understanding is not only a knight on a white horse and a breadwinner, but also a faithful friend, an attentive, affectionate and caring husband and father. This woman can search for her ideal for years.

Spring Vlad - a family man who values ​​traditions and lives for the sake of his loved ones. But this does not prevent her from building a brilliant career, if she so desires. And such qualities as wisdom, calmness, and the ability to compromise will help her succeed in the professional field and in matters of building an ideal family. But! Spring Vlad is a leader by nature, so others will have to put up with the fact that the last word will still be with this strong and strong-willed woman, who is used to relying solely on herself. However, she should remember that such independence can cause discord in the family, especially if Vlad's husband challenges her leadership.

Summer Vlad - a person of mood, fortunately, her mood is almost always upbeat. This is an optimist who looks at any problem with ease and ease, which helps her to endure hardships and hardships more easily. Despite her openness, summer Vlada is indecisive and unsure of herself. It is difficult for her to make decisions on her own, so there are always a lot of advisers in her environment. If Vladislava wants to live a life truly full of bright colors, in which there will be both ups and downs, she should listen less to other people's advice and learn to act independently.

Autumn Vlad balanced, smart, calm, principled and prudent. A sharp mind, assertiveness, sociability and feminine charm help her make a successful career. This woman knows how to stand up for herself, therefore, in a man she is not looking for a protector, but for a friend and partner who can share her interests. An excessive distrust of people in general and men in particular can prevent Vlada from building a personal life in autumn. Therefore, her chosen one will have to try hard to win the trust of this strong woman with a masculine character.

Stone - talisman

Jasper, chrysolite, sapphire are Vladislav's mascot stones.


This is a unique stone that neutralizes the negative external influence exerted on a person. At the same time, oval jasper is designed to purify the human energy field, while a spherical stone accumulates positive energy in the body of its owner. It was jasper that our ancestors asked to protect the house from dangers and troubles.

Jasper is a symbol of beauty, prosperity, grace and grace. This is a stone of innovators who are not afraid to open unknown horizons. In addition, such a talisman will protect from the evil eye and damage, give courage, as well as self-confidence.

It is believed that jasper of cold shades gives wisdom, enhances the gift of foresight and strengthens firmness of character, while red jasper will help cure women's diseases.

Jasper is one of the 12 sacred stones mentioned in the Bible. It was jasper that decorated the vestments of the high priests. According to Christian tradition, jasper symbolizes heaven, peace and the transformation of man.


Chrysolite is a biblical stone used to decorate the clothes of priests, as well as to frame icons and inlaid church objects. Chrysolite is believed to help resist temptation.

This stone symbolizes power, material well-being, constancy.

It is very important to properly care for chrysolite. So, it is desirable that chrysolite does not pass from hand to hand, but at the same time it is not recommended to wear it for a long time so that it has time to cleanse itself of negative energy, for which it is enough to leave it in the sun from time to time.

In addition, this amulet should be saturated with the powers of the four elements. To do this, you need to hold the chrysolite over a burning candle (and without heating it), then fan it with a fan, then dip it in water and finally put it on the soil.


It is a stone of purity, purity, nobility and tranquility, fidelity, friendliness, sincerity and modesty.

Sapphire helps to find peace of mind, to distinguish lies from the truth, to attract benevolent people into life. It protects from meanness and betrayal, as it personifies selflessness.

As a talisman, sapphire will not only bring love to life, but also strengthen family ties.





The animal is a symbol

The cat and the dove are the totem animals of Vlada.


The cat is a symbol of grace, royalty, fertility and love of freedom. At the same time, this soft and fluffy animal can personify evil, darkness, cunning, magic and misfortune (this is especially true for black cats, which have long been treated with apprehension and fear).

Among the Egyptians, the cat symbolized joy, fun and at the same time maternal tenderness.

The Greeks considered this animal a symbol of determination, aggressiveness and unbridledness.

For the Celts, as for the Christians, the cat was a funerary symbol, identified with evil forces, lust and laziness. This is a faithful helper of evil spirits (no wonder folklore is full of legends, according to which witches often took the form of cats).


This Christian symbol represents peace, purity of soul, chastity, all-encompassing love, serenity, harmony, tenderness, tranquility and hope. The dove is a symbol not only of the Holy Spirit, but also of the sacrament of baptism.

According to beliefs, evil forces can take the form of any earthly creature, with the exception of a dove and a sheep.

The dove symbolizes the renewal of life, longevity, peace and abundance.



Iris and orchid are plants-symbols of Vladislav.


Iris symbolizes courage, courage, honor and dignity, peace and tranquility.

In Christianity, this flower represents the suffering of the Mother of God.

Much in the symbolism of the iris depends on its color. So, blue iris symbolizes eternity, blue - faith and tranquility, white - purity and bright memory, yellow - happiness and abundance. Pink iris is identified with sensuality, and red - with mutual love. Purple iris symbolizes restraint and spirituality.

In general, in the East, iris is considered the flower of friendship, respect, trust and fidelity.

Europeans revere the iris as a symbol of wisdom, hope and fearlessness.


Orchid is a symbol of perfection, ideal beauty, sincere love, passion and luxury.

This flower helps to find family happiness and find a lover. In addition, the orchid protects from evil. At the same time, in China, orchid seeds were used in the preparation of a love potion.

In the Eastern tradition, the orchid is identified with rebirth, spring and fertility. It is also believed that this flower helps to relieve grief and endure loss.

The white orchid symbolizes royalty, elegance and beauty.

Pink flowers are a symbol of innocence, joy and happiness.

Yellow shades represent true friendship.

Blue orchids are a symbol of originality and uniqueness.

Purple flowers symbolize respect as well as high social status.


Copper and bronze are the metals of Vlada.


This is a metal that has long been associated with something warm and homely. At the same time, copper is a symbol of rebirth, renewal and innovation. Copper also has magical properties, namely, it is able to protect against damage, the evil eye and other evil forces.


Bronze is considered a symbol of constancy, courage, real power, strength and courage. Like copper, this metal is designed to protect against witchcraft and any negative impact.

auspicious day


Origin of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

Name translation

The name Vladislav (Vlad) is translated from Slavic as "owning glory."

Name history

The history of the Slavic name Vladislav takes its roots from the time of paganism and comes from a combination of two words - Vladi ("own, command") and slav (translated as "glory").

In addition, the name Vlad is an abbreviated form of the male name Vladislav.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common are such short forms of the name Vladislav: Ladya, Lada, Vladusya, Vladya, Vadya, Vladka, Vladok, Vladulechka, Vladushka, Vlasya, Ladusya, Vladochka, Vladushka, Slava, Slavochka, Slavunya, Slavushka, Vladislavochka, Vladislavonka, Vladislavushka.

The secret of the name of Vladislav (Vlad)

Patrons of the name and name day

There are no patron saints with the name of Vladislav in Christmas time, but men with the same name are patronized by Saint Vladislav, King of Serbia. Therefore, the owners of the name Vladislav can celebrate the name day on his birthday, namely October 7th.

Famous people

Vlad Litovchenko - Ukrainian model.

Vlada Bernard - Soviet astrologer.

Vlada Moskovskaya - Russian singer.

Vlada Roslyakova - Russian top model.

Vladislav Saurenko - Russian theatrical actress.

Vladislav Vdovichenko - Russian composer and singer.

The meaning of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

For a child

Little Vlada, like a sponge, absorbs everything that her parents instill in her. This child will not rebel or go against the will of the father and mother. Therefore, the future of Vladislava depends on the parents. By instilling in a girl a craving for knowledge, sowing kindness and light in her heart, parents will bring up an educated, honest, fair and kind person. If the material bias prevails in Vlada's upbringing, then a sympathetic and good-natured girl can turn into a vain egoist and careerist, craving only fame and fortune.

Energetic Vlad is always in the spotlight. This open, cheerful and lively girl takes an active part in all the games and tricks of her peers, because she is not inferior even to boys in strength, courage and dexterity. I must say that Vladislava quickly finds a common language with her peers, but the first one does not make contact with new guys and girls because of her natural shyness and silence.

At school, smart, attentive and diligent Vlada studies well, besides, she is able to quickly systematize and analyze information, which helps her to facilitate the learning process. But Vlada's interests are not limited to school: for example, she devotes a lot of time to all kinds of hobbies and hobbies.

For a girl

Young Vlada is active, sociable, responsive and fair. But her life cannot be called a cloudless fairy tale. On the contrary, life presents her with many unpleasant surprises, thus testing the strength of this strong girl, who passes all tests with dignity. Moreover, she will never refuse to help those who ask her, despite the fact that she herself can have a real mess in her life.

To be honest, Vlada needs a little to be happy: for those close to him to be healthy, and for a bright, interesting and eventful life to rage around, in which there is no place for loneliness and everyday life. Therefore, it is quite natural that Vladislava is expanding the circle of his friends and acquaintances day by day. However, it should be remembered that in the pursuit of originality and brightness, you can miss real feelings, lose real friends, and end up with nothing.

In general, for young Vlada, the most valuable thing is freedom, with which she is not ready to part either in her youth or at a more mature age. Saying goodbye to shyness, she turns into a sexy coquette with an army of admirers, only now Vlada herself is not ready for a serious relationship, the logical conclusion of which will be the creation of a family and the birth of children.

Vladislava is an adventurer who longs for adventure, new discoveries and emotions. All this can only be given to her by the same active and cheerful guy who will not insist on marriage.

For woman

Adult Vladislava never stops developing, she always has a lot of questions, to which she will definitely get answers. A sharp mind and a wonderful imagination help her live in harmony with herself and look at the world around her through the prism of versatility. Vlada knows how to bring bright colors to the most gray and ordinary day.

Despite her softness, Vladislava knows how to show firmness, perseverance and strength when necessary. She will defend her point of view to the end, although she will try to avoid serious conflicts and showdowns. Vlad, in principle, is a peaceful person, so she considers her word and a disarming smile to be her main weapon.

On the way to recognition and material well-being, the ambitious and emotional Vlada will have to somewhat pacify her temperament and learn to obey, and this will be very difficult to do.

Vlada has a great sense of humor and a light outlook on life, she has many friends who appreciate her kindness and responsiveness, but this woman's impulsiveness and intemperance can play a cruel joke on her. A sharp tongue and a desire to stand out can cause Vladislav's loneliness. Another negative quality that it is desirable for adult Vlada to get rid of is indecisiveness, due to which the goals set are achieved later than they could be if Vlada were more self-confident.

Description of the name Vladislav (Vlad)


Vladislav is a moral nature. Her honesty, fairness and straightforwardness can both attract and repel others.


Vlada has excellent health (even as a child, she gets sick much less often than her peers). But the owner of this name has a slight weakness - a love for tasty and not always healthy food, which over time can lead to digestive problems.


Vlada has a huge number of fans, because she is attractive, erudite and open. Moreover, if Vladislav liked a man, she can easily take the initiative in a relationship. Men are attracted by the dissonance of the external appearance of the modest and shy coyness Vlada with her passionate and temperamental inner content.

But it’s not so easy to win Vlada’s heart: she can give her chosen one her smiles and kisses, but she will give her heart into the hands of a reliable, strong, patient, time-tested and circumstances-tested man who will become her support and friend, and not just a lover.

Vladislava belongs to the category of women for whom love is an everyday necessity. They simply cannot enjoy life if loneliness settles in their soul. Love for Vlada is air, it is an oasis in the desert. But such a cultivation of this feeling can lead to the fact that she will make mistakes more than once in choosing a partner. In addition, Vlada, giving herself completely to her chosen one, expects attention, admiration and gratitude from him. But not all men are ready to give more than to take in a relationship with a woman. And this should be remembered by Vladislav if she does not want to be disappointed in men again and again.


Vladislava will have a successful and strong marriage with a man who, firstly, will be older than her, and secondly, will be able to understand and accept her without any conditions and attempts to remake her. First of all, she needs a friend and partner who will protect her from the routine of life, as well as financial problems.

If the husband will groom, appreciate, love and cherish Vladislav, reinforcing all this with all sorts of signs of attention, then Vlad will become for him a loving, economic, caring, gentle and understanding wife. Moreover, with her accommodating character, this will not be any particular problem.

Vladislava is characterized by an early marriage, because she wants to escape from the control of her parents and live an independent life. But, unfortunately, most often such a marriage fails, and the reason for everything is the frivolous choice of your soulmate.

Family relationships

Vladislava is a good housewife and a loving wife, but you should not count on her forgetting about her career and devoting herself to arranging a family hearth. And if this happens, then from an accommodating, cheerful and sexy wife, she will turn into an eternally dissatisfied vixen, with whom it will be simply impossible to live. Vladislava will show her leadership qualities not only at work, but also at home, which her husband may not like.

Vlad devotes a lot of time to raising his children, whom he loves immensely. The downside of such blind maternal love can be the complete disobedience of the children, for whom the word of the mother one day will simply cease to be authoritative.

In order for peace, peace and comfort to reign in Vladislav's family, this woman must learn to control her emotions, otherwise quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided, no matter how patient her chosen one is. Touchy and vulnerable, Vlada always expects the first steps towards reconciliation from her husband, even in those cases when she herself is wrong. Her man must remember that Vlad, regardless of age, always remains a small child in his soul, who needs to be protected, pampered, praised and encouraged.


The sexual side of the relationship between a man and a woman is extremely important for Vladislav, so if her chosen one is not a skilled lover, then she will find a replacement for him.

In the intimate sphere, Vlada is relaxed, so she expects the same from her partner. It is important for her not only to enjoy, but also to give it to her chosen one. She prefers sensual, gentle and attentive men who think first of all about a woman, and only then about themselves.

Mind (intelligence)

A sharp mind, quick wit and the ability to analyze help Vladislava get out of many difficult situations. The main thing is to learn to draw conclusions.


Vladislava has a huge creative potential, so if she develops her talents, then she will make an excellent philosopher, writer, artist, journalist or actress. Vlada will feel no less organically in the position of an accountant, banker, teacher, doctor or engineer.

When choosing a profession, Vlada is not guided by the material component. For her, it is more important that she be interested in the chosen path, so that there is no routine and monotony. Work for her is another way to assert herself and raise self-esteem, so she will give all the best to 100% so that her genius will be recognized.


Vladislava has every chance of becoming a successful business woman, but on the condition that she runs the business on her own. Establishing contacts, searching for new directions, an extraordinary approach to solving problems - all this will help her succeed. However, it should be remembered that business requires considerable time, material, physical and mental costs, and this may negatively affect Vladislav's personal life.


Vlada is a passionate nature. She loves to travel, relax in a fun company, discover new horizons. She is not averse to doing extreme sports. However, she will also appreciate a quiet rest with her favorite book in her hand.

Character type


Vlada is an optimistic, cheerful and open person, who can be strong and vulnerable, tough and tender, sympathetic and touchy. She often does not feel confident in her abilities, therefore it is extremely important for her that there is a strong shoulder of a true friend nearby, on which she can lean on, if necessary, both day and night.

The owners of this name are characterized by impulsiveness and moodiness, but it should be noted that their good mood still prevails. But if Vlad has already been offended, then she is unlikely to ever forgive her offender, although for the sake of observing the rules of decency she will definitely say hello at a meeting, but communication will be limited to this.


Vlada has excellent intuition, which she always listens to (women with this name generally have a special interest and even awe in everything related to mysticism and esotericism).

Horoscope named after Vladislav (Vlad)

Vladislav - Aries

This distrustful and withdrawn woman is quite difficult to understand, because she does not let anyone into her special world, where there is no betrayal and disappointment. Vladislav-Aries dreams of true love and devoted friendship, but it is not easy for her to open her heart: only an attentive, honest and patient man will be able to know the rich inner world of this interesting and extraordinary woman, who will become a gift of fate for her chosen one.

Vladislav - Taurus

She really looks at the world and evaluates everything that happens in it without embellishment, however, through the prism of pragmatism and practicality, she sometimes peeps through the dreaminess of Vladislav, born under the sign of Taurus, like a snowdrop in early spring. Therefore, her heart will belong to a reliable, but at the same time romantic man who can bring a real fairy tale to gray everyday life. Vladislav-Taurus can forgive everything except lies and hypocrisy, so she immediately makes it clear to insincere and two-faced people that their paths do not cross.

Vladislav - Gemini

Sentimental, vulnerable and extremely emotional, Vladislav-Gemini tries not to show these qualities of hers, hiding them behind a mask of mock gaiety and carelessness. It seems to others that she has no problems and worries, that everything in life is given to her easily and without much effort. But this is far from the case: Vlada-Gemini is on a thorny and difficult path, she just does not want to devote anyone to her problems, including parents and friends. But in vain, because if you share the burden, then it will be much easier to carry it.

Vladislav - Cancer

In the character of Vladislav-Rak there is infantilism, insecurity and indecision, so it is difficult for her to adapt to the surrounding reality, where she does not have kindred spirits who would understand her thoughts and fears. She pins all her hopes on her chosen one, who must protect her, support and inspire confidence in her own abilities. She will become an ideal woman for him, who will always understand and accept with all the shortcomings, warm and give love and tenderness.

Vladislav - Leo

This is a selfish, conceited and narcissistic nature who prefers to take everything that is possible from people and relationships, but at the same time give nothing in return. It is not surprising that others do not want to have anything to do with her, because no one wants someone to assert themselves at his expense. Vladislav-Lev likes to give advice to everyone, while he perceives criticism extremely negatively. If she does not reconsider her attitude towards people, then she may be left alone, and even with nothing.

Vladislav - Virgo

The quick-tempered and emotional Vladislava-Virgo often acts impulsively: she can offend a person close to her, express herself straightforwardly and not always correctly, after which she is sincerely offended that no one wants to communicate with her. Few are able to accept the complex nature of Vladislav the Virgin, so most of her free time she is in a state of complete loneliness. She needs an open and reserved man who will balance Vlada's temperament.

Vladislav - Libra

Vladislav - Scorpio

The pragmatic and sensible Vladislav-Scorpio does not waste her precious time on pink dreams of a cloudless future and a handsome prince. On the contrary, to the detriment of personal relationships, she devotes herself to work. A dizzying career and material well-being - these are the goals to which she is moving with confidence. And only after these goals are achieved, she thinks about creating a family. Only now it often happens too late, so the family appears with her after 30 years.

Vladislav - Sagittarius

Emotional and vulnerable Vladislav-Sagittarius is very easy to offend. She experiences all the problems, including those of others, extremely acutely, which over time can affect her health.

She just needs to learn to treat life more easily and carefree, and a cheerful and romantic man will help her in this, who can show Vladislav all the colors of the world, and these colors should be bright. With such a man, Vladislav-Sagittarius can become truly happy.

Vladislav - Capricorn

This is a calm, reasonable and balanced nature, which will never show its weaknesses in any way, although Vladislav-Capricorn has a lot of them. This is vulnerability, and sensitivity, and excessive softness. Only in a very narrow circle of the closest people is she not afraid to become herself, not afraid to open her soul. She will be cozy and comfortable with the same calm man who is not looking for adventure, but wants to live a stable, measured life, in which there will be no place for betrayal and deceit.

Vladislav - Aquarius

This is a diversified personality who does not accept routine and monotony. In everything, Vladislav-Aquarius tries to be original: in clothes, in choosing a profession, and in building relationships. Art, literature, science, outdoor activities, sports - there is nothing that Vlad-Aquarius would not be interested in. She also chooses men according to the principle - not like everyone else. And rightly so, because a man with traditional views on life and family relationships simply does not get along with such an extraordinary and extravagant woman.

Vladislav - Pisces

Shyness, shyness and excessive modesty are characteristic of Vladislav-Pisces, who suffers from insecurity and indecision. Therefore, it is very important that friends, relatives and a beloved man support her in every possible way, thereby instilling confidence in her strengths and capabilities. Vlada-Pisces will be happy only with a man who has strength of character and even toughness. A weak partner will plunge her into the abyss of even greater isolation and detachment from the outside world.

Compatibility of the name Vladislav (Vlad) with male names

Vlad and Dmitry

Initially, the basis of this couple is passionate and sincere love, but life together turns out to be an unbearable burden for Vlada and Dmitry. And the fault is the leadership ambitions of both partners, which no one is ready to give up to save the family. Quarrels, scandals, jealousy eventually lead to divorce.

Vlad and Alexander

This is a union of like-minded people, for whom love is not a passion, but a calm, deep sense of respect for each other, these are common interests and goals. Alexandra is warm and comfortable next to Vladislava, who feels support and a devoted friend in her man, whom you can rely on in any situation.

    Well, for example, Vladislav Listyev. He was a good journalist and presenter.

    Vlad Tepes. Who was named Prince Dracula. He became famous for impaling his slaves, for which he received another nickname - the piercer.

    Vladislav Listyev. This is the first host of the Field of Miracles program, as well as some program materials (the Vzglyad program and other programs included in the View program).

    Vladislav Galkin. Actor He played, for example, the youngest of the truckers in the film Truckers and many more roles.

    Vlad Stashevsky. Singer. It was at its peak in the 90s.

    Vladislav Kotlyarsky. The actor who played Karpov in the series Capercaillie, Pyatnitsky and some more.

    Vladislav Listiev, Vladislav Stashevsky. No one else comes to mind immediately) Oh, I also remembered: Vladislav Ramm. Vladislav Galkin, who also played in the Cops. Not a very popular name among celebrities.

    For me, the most, in my opinion, famous, the first personalities that come to mind are the well-known journalist, excellent presenter Vladislav Listyev, his smile and radiant eyes are still in my memory. Also a wonderful hockey player Vladisla Tretyak, who is also a pleasure to look at. And also not a very pleasant personality like Vladislav Dracula)

    Vladislav, Vlad, this name is not among the super popular, but it is still common. The name Vladislav is carried by many famous people. The first person to remember is the famous hockey goalie Vladislav Tretyak. Actor Vladislav Galkin, unfortunately, he is no longer alive. Russian poet of the Silver Age Vladislav Khodasevich. Journalist Vladislav Flyarkovsky. Politician Vladislav Surkov. Unforgettable TV presenter Vladislav Listyev. Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov.

    The name Vladislav is formed from a combination of the words owning glory although among the famous people there are not so many bearers of the name:

    Vladislav Tretiak - hockey player, president of the Ice Hockey Federation in Russia,

    Vladislav Listyev - journalist, presenter and author of TV programs,

    Galkin, Kotlyarsky - actors of TV series and movies,

    Vladislav Volkov - cosmonaut.

    Vladislav Listyev - Russian journalist, the first general director of ORT.

    Vladislav Tretyak - Soviet ice hockey goaltender, currently head of the FHR.

    Vladislav Galkin is a Russian actor.

    Vladislav Ardzinba - the first president of Abkhazia.

    Vladislav Volkov - Soviet cosmonaut.

    The name Vladislav means - owns glory

    This name has been celebrated by many people.

    1 Vladislav Tretyak is an outstanding hockey player, goalkeeper, coach. Even people far from hockey know this name.

    2 Vladislav Galkin is a popular actor, a favorite of many women.

    1 Vladislav Listyev is a well-known TV presenter and journalist, bright memory to him.

    4 Vladislav Volkov - cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

    5 Vladislav Ramm, singer, soloist of the group M-band

    Vladislav is a beautiful male name. It brought fame to many.

    1. Vladislav Tretiak is an outstanding hockey player.

    2. Vladislav Galkin is a famous actor.

    3.Vladislav Volkov-Soviet cosmonaut.

    4. Vladislav Piavko is an opera singer.

    5.Vlad Listyev is a journalist.

    6. Vladislav Khodosevich is a Russian poet.

    7. Vladislav Sokolov is a well-known leader of the children's choir.

    Plenipotentiary representative of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic Vladislav Deinego.

    Vladislav Lekomtsev - Paralympian, gold medalist in biathlon and cross-country skiing.

    Vladislav Tretyak is the President of the Russian Hockey Federation and a famous hockey player.

    Vladislav Surkov - Assistant to the President.

    Vladislav Kalitvintsev - midfielder of Kyiv Dynamoquot ;.

    Vladislav Gavrikov - defender of Lokomotivquot ;.

    Vladislav IV - Polish king and Grand Duke of Lithuania.

    Vladislav I Loketek - Prince of Krakow.

    Vladislav III Varnenchik - King of Poland, King of Hungary.

    Vladislav Jindrich - son of the Czech king, prince of the Czech Republic, margrave of Moravia.

    Vladislav I Herman - Prince of Poland, who overthrew the king and headed the state.

    Vladislav II - King of Bohemia

    Vladislav Mikhailovich Artemiev is a Russian grandmaster.

    Vladislav Ivanovich Tkachv is a French grandmaster, an immigrant from Soviet Kazakhstan.

    Vladislav Romanovich Borovikov is a Ukrainian grandmaster.

    Vladislav Yurievich Bezborodov - football referee, football player.

    Vladislav II Jagello (Jagiello) - King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania.

    Vladislav Vladimirovich Vorotnikov - grandmaster.

    Vladislav Nikolaevich Shved - public figure, Deputy Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

    Vladislav Nikolaevich Volkov - Soviet cosmonaut.

    Wladyslaw Reymont is a Polish writer.

    Vladislav Borisovich Nevednichy is a Romanian grandmaster.

    Vladislav Petrovich Zasypko - Soviet Ukrainian boxer.

    Vladislav Grigoryevich Ardzinba - former head of the Republic of Abkhazia.

    Vladislav Nikolayevich Yama - winner of the Cup of Ukraine in ballroom dancing.

    Vladislav Andreevich Starkov - editor-in-chief of the newspaper Arguments and Factsquot ;.

Vladislava is a self-confident, purposeful and enterprising person with an active lifestyle. She does not depend on the opinions of the people around her and on the circumstances. Rather, on the contrary, such a girl will stubbornly go towards her goal, and she will overcome obstacles in extraordinary and unexpected ways.

Where did the name Vlad come from?

Vladislava (Vlada) is a Slavic name that is the female form of the male Vladislav. The word consists of two components: "Vlad" - to own, have, possess and "glory" - fame, universal respect and admiration. That is, the meaning of the name is "she who owns glory."

Forms of the name Vladislav

Name abbreviation:

  • Vlada;
  • Rook;
  • Lada;
  • Vadya;
  • Glory;
  • Lala;
  • Vladka;
  • Vladok.

Diminutive forms:

  • Vladus;
  • Vladya;
  • Vladulechka;
  • Vladushka;
  • Vlasya;
  • Ladusya;
  • Vladochka;
  • Slavochka;
  • Slavunya;
  • Slavushka;
  • Vladislavochka;
  • Vladislavonka;
  • Vladislavushka.

Short forms Lada and Vlad also act as independent names. The abbreviation Slava is also used for many other male and female names:

  • Yaroslav and Yaroslav;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • Zlatoslav;
  • Miroslava and others.

When writing poems about a girl with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Vladislav - fun, setting, outpost; Vlad - joy, ballad, lamp.

Photo gallery: name forms

Vladislava - full name form
Vlad - the most popular shortened form of the name Vladislav Vladochka - an affectionate version of the appeal to Vladislav The short form Slava makes the name Vladislav related to many others: Yaroslav, Miroslav, etc.

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - VLADISLAVA.

Vladislav is not in the calendar (there is only Vladislav), so the girls are baptized by the name of the saint who is revered on her birthday.

Table: name in different languages

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name of Vladislav:

  • Glebovna;
  • Olegovna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Maksimovna;
  • Kirillovna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube or Instagram, Vladislava can use the following nicknames:

  • vlada;
  • vladysua;
  • vladka;
  • miss_vladka;
  • vladi_slava.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • loyalty;
  • generosity;
  • the ability to sacrifice many for the sake of a loved one;
  • having firm principles.

Negative qualities:

  • excessive gullibility;
  • obsession;
  • fanaticism.

Power in childhood

Everything that parents instill in little Vlada, she instantly absorbs. Such a child will not argue and go against mom and dad, it can hardly be called a rebel. For this reason, a lot in Vladislav's adult life depends on upbringing. By developing the positive aspects of her personality in a girl, arousing interest in knowledge, one can grow a cultured, humane, generous and decent person. But if material interest prevails in the educational process, a sincere and good-natured baby will become a selfish person, a careerist, whose interests will be reduced only to popularity and money.

Much in Vlada's adult life depends on what values ​​her parents instilled in her as a child.

Active Vladochka is always in the center of attention of others. A cheerful, cheerful and frank girl loves to participate in various games and pranks of her peers, not yielding her courage and dexterity even to boys. The baby quickly finds a common language with other children of her age, but is not the initiator of new acquaintances, because her natural shyness interferes with her.

At school, Vlada studies well, she is characterized by attentiveness and perseverance. She is quite quick-witted, able to quickly perceive and analyze information, adapt to different situations. The interests of the girl are not limited to school worries. Usually Vladislava has many different hobbies and hobbies.


In her youth, Vladislava is energetic, sociable, merciful and fair. She will always help and support. Even if a girl has complete chaos in her life, she is simply not capable of helping others. To feel happy, Vlad needs to know that relatives and friends are healthy.

The young owner of this name dreams of a life filled with bright events and interesting moments, without sadness and loneliness. Vladislava is open to new acquaintances and friendship, she gladly expands her social circle. The most important and valuable thing for such a girl is freedom.

For young Vlada, the main value is freedom.

How the name affects the character of an adult woman

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, Vladislava is self-confident and purposeful, has a lively character. She constantly strives for superiority in anything. The girl is ambitious, if necessary, can show perseverance and firmness. He has a sharp mind and a developed imagination. The owner of such a name has every chance to succeed in life.

According to Boris Khigir, Vladislava is demanding, knows how to achieve what she wants. This girl has clearly expressed leadership qualities, she is used to dominating everything. In dealing with men can be extremely jealous and suspicious.

Talents and hobbies

Vladislava is a passionate person. It is important for her to open new horizons, such a girl loves travel, outdoor activities, a cheerful company. Also, the owner of this name is interested in extreme sports. At the same time, she also likes passive rest, for example, Vlada does not mind reading one of her favorite books in silence.

Vladislava loves travel and outdoor activities

Career and business of Vladislava

In work for Vladislava, the material side is not the main thing. It is much more important for her to have an interesting and non-monotonous field of activity, in which there will be no routine activities. In her profession, the girl seeks to realize herself, to raise her own self-esteem. That is why she will put all of herself into the performance of official duties and will make every effort to achieve recognition.

Vlada has a good chance of becoming a businesswoman, but for this she needs to manage all the affairs alone. An original approach to solving issues, a quick search for the right contacts, following new trends - all this will bring positive results. But the girl should not forget that her own business takes a lot of time and money. In addition, it is also an additional psychological burden.


Vladislava has excellent health, in childhood she rarely gets sick, unlike her peers. The only thing you need to pay special attention to is nutrition. Girls with this name have a little slack. They love tasty, but unhealthy food, which over time can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important for Vladislav to monitor his diet in order to avoid gastrointestinal diseases.

Power in love and marriage

Vlada has a lot of Cavaliers. Men are attracted by her unusual image of an outwardly modest and taciturn girl, combined with a passionate temperament. But to achieve her love is not so easy: Vladislava can answer her partner with a smile, a fleeting kiss, but she will entrust her heart only to a strong and attentive young man. He will become for her not just an ardent lover, but also a faithful comrade, a support in life.

Vladislava belongs to the type of women for whom love is a daily need. They can be happy only when loneliness does not torment their soul. This interpretation of love makes them often make mistakes in choosing a life partner.

In intimate relationships, Vladislav is liberated, she expects the same from her partner. She wants not only to have fun, but also to give it to a man. According to Boris Khigir, in many respects the sexuality of such a girl depends on when she was born:

  • in winter - loves sex, knows how to get what he wants from a partner;
  • in spring - demanding, striving for constant dominance;
  • in summer - sexual life begins rather late, not too active;
  • autumn - intimate relationships for her are associated primarily with sensuality, romance.

The desire to live independently, to get rid of parental control leads to early marriage, which often turns out to be fragile. The reason for this is the frivolous and hasty choice of a young man as a spouse.

Vladislava is getting married quite early

A happy and strong marriage will turn out for Vladislav with an experienced man who can accept and understand her for who she is, without trying to re-educate. A girl needs a husband as a friend and partner who will save her from everyday life, solve all material issues and other everyday problems.

Vlada is an excellent housewife and gentle wife, but she will not give up her career for the sake of a family nest. If suddenly this happens, then the complaisant, cheerful and sexy girl will reincarnate into a fury who is constantly dissatisfied with absolutely everything. Living with her will become simply impossible, because the leadership qualities that Vladislav will not be able to implement at work, she will try to show at home.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityRelationship Features
Dmitry90% 50% At the beginning of the relationship of this couple, passionate love arises, but trying to live together for them turns out to be real torture. The reason for this is the desire for leadership of Vlad and Dmitry. The problem lies in the unwillingness to compromise in order to preserve the union. Disagreements, constant showdowns, jealousy, are likely to lead to a break.
Alexander100% 60% This is a pair of like-minded people. For them, the main thing is a deep feeling of love, mutual respect, the same life values ​​​​and views on the world, and not an all-consuming passion. Alexander feels good and comfortable with Vlada, and she feels support and a friendly shoulder in her partner.
Evgeny70% 50% Vladislav's relationship with Eugene is pure, full of tenderness. Zhenya is distinguished by practicality and prudence. He blows dust off his beloved extraordinary girl, who constantly surprises him. True, happy moments in their life together can be overshadowed by the everyday side of the relationship due to the fact that the girl does not like to do housework and create comfort in the house.
Sergey90% 70% The beginning of their relationship is just a light flirtation without commitment. Over time, it develops into something more serious. Together they are fun and interesting. They have a long and prosperous family life ahead of them.
Andrei100% 60% This couple is brought together by common values ​​and a philosophical approach to any situation. Andrey and Vlada create their own extraordinary world, where there are only the two of them. They are comfortable and calm together, partners cherish and cherish their quivering feelings. It is very difficult to destroy such an alliance.
Alexei90% 70% This is a tandem of strong and ambitious natures who set high goals for themselves and persistently go towards them. They can be at the head of any business, this is not just a loving couple, but real friends and partners who have no secrets from each other. They are able to build a good, strong and harmonious family.
Anatoly70% 50% The union is based on the sexual attraction of partners. Boiling passions in a couple subside after a while, but they are replaced by tenderness, serenity and confidence in each other. They are never bored together, they try to fill their living together with colorful moments and positive emotions. This further strengthens their relationship.
Yuri50% 20% This alliance is rarely successful. It is unlikely that the relationship between Yuri and Vladislav will become long and strong. When the sparks of passion go out, intimacy will disappear after them. Both partners suddenly realize that they are completely strangers with different interests, hobbies and points of view on almost everything.
Novel60% 50% Having fallen in love with the energetic and whimsical Vlad, Roman does not understand that one day he will get bored with unraveling the secrets of the soul of his chosen one. Such a man is a solid and conservative nature. He needs peace, comfort and coziness at home, but Vladislava will not be able to give up everything and become a homebody, cooking dinner in the kitchen and raising children.
Vladimir50% 70% This is an almost perfect union that nothing will overshadow and no one can break. Love and mutual respect reign in their relationship. They have the same dreams for two, which is quite rare. The calm way of family life suits both Vlad and Vladimir, which serves as a guarantee of a long and lasting relationship.
Denis50% 20% Passionate, stormy union of two emotional and independent people. But the family nest is not a battlefield, so they cannot be happy together for long. They do not know how to give in to each other, each has its own firm principles, which clearly prevents them from building strong and stable relationships.
Artyom90% 50% Relationships slowly settle down. It is practically love at first sight, but when the passion burns out, only the ashes remain, where it is almost impossible to create a prosperous family. At the same time, they work hard to develop and improve their relationship. Vlada and Artyom understand that their happiness depends only on them.
Vitaly60% 70% In this union there is harmony and love. They know how to feel and understand each other, there is spiritual closeness between them. Their family will be harmonious and strong if the partners learn to give in and consult.
Vladislav90% 80% A real perfect couple. At the heart of their relationship is love, which only grows stronger over the years. Their union is strengthened by common interests, the same goals in life. Reliable, gentle and harmonious union.

Important years of life

The most significant events take place when Vladislav turns 24 and 31 years old.

The song with this name is "Vlada" by the Shakespeare group.

The meaning of each letter of the name

B - sociable, subtly feels unity with nature. Explicitly expressed creative abilities.

L - subtly perceive the beautiful. Possess the talents of an artist, artist or musician.

A - born leaders, active people. They strive to carry out bold projects. Appreciate physical and psychological comfort.

D - they think for a long time before starting something, think through all the details. Family values, peace and quiet are important for them.

And - sensitive, kind, peaceful. They look like practical personalities, but this is just a cover for a soft nature.

C - in everything they are guided by common sense. They strive for a prosperous life and a high social status.

Table: name matches

PlanetMercuryEnergetic and inquisitive individuals. In communication compliant and flexible. At the same time, they can show cunning and resourcefulness, in order to achieve their goal, lie and weave intrigues.
Zodiac signAquariusAmong their main virtues are friendliness and sincerity. For them, affectation and pretense is unacceptable, such people cannot stand when they flatter them or other people. Erudite and inquisitive. They can be overly stubborn.
ElementAirThey learn quickly, understand almost instantly how they can apply new information to solve their problems or optimize work. Objective and smart. Their frivolity and self-confidence can create difficulties in communication.
Number5 They value freedom, love change and adventure, and cannot stay in one place for a long time. Constantly looking for new ideas and experiences. Good friends.
ColourYellowHigh intelligence, rationality, analytical mind. Solid character. They know how to distinguish the main thing from the secondary. They seem to radiate life energy.
totem animalCatGracefulness, royalty and love of freedom. At the same time, fluffy pets can symbolize cunning and vindictiveness.
WoodLindenThe personification of love, beauty and fragility. Symbol of the feminine.
PlantIrisA flower symbolizing peace, honor and courage. In the East, it represents friendship and fidelity.
MetalCopperA symbol of the warmth of the hearth. Means renewal and enlightenment. A talisman made of this metal protects from damage and the evil eye.
A rockJasperBeauty and elegance. Suitable for people who strive for new horizons, looking for innovative approaches to something. Jasper amulet gives courage and enhances self-confidence.
auspicious dayFriday

When was Vladislava born?

Winter Vladislav is full of contradictions. On the one hand, she has a light disposition and a great sense of humor, and on the other, caution. She has many good friends, the young lady quickly meets with them and partes, but she has only a few real friends. Vlada, who was born in winter, is extremely demanding of herself and other people.

Vlada, whose birthday falls on one of the spring months, honors traditions and cherishes relatives. It is unlikely that this will prevent the girl from building a brilliant career with her great desire. Sociability, wisdom, tact and prudence will help her make a career and build a strong, prosperous family.

Summer Vlad is a girl who has seven Fridays in a week. An optimist for whom even the biggest problem is solved easily and naturally. This makes it easier for her to cope with losses and troubles. Although Vladislava, born in the summer, is distinguished by openness and sincerity, she is indecisive and timid.

Autumn Vlad is restrained, wise, balanced and principled. Wit, perseverance, sociability and feminine charm will help build a successful career. This is a brave girl who will be able to stand up for herself, therefore, in a man she is looking for more of a friend and partner of interest than a defender.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA closed girl who does not trust anyone, preferring to create her own inner world, where there will be no deception, no disappointments, no betrayal. Often they do not understand her, but Vladislav-Aries is looking for sincere love and strong friendship. A sensitive, fair and attentive young man who will be able to understand and appreciate her extraordinary character will help her open her soul.
TaurusRealist, looks at the world without idealizing it. He appreciates everything that happens. However, from time to time, pragmatism and practicality are replaced by daydreaming, and the girl just flies in the clouds. Vladislav-Taurus will forgive everything except duplicity and deceit.
TwinsAn emotional, sensual and vulnerable girl who does not want to show these qualities in society. She hides under the mask of artificial fun and frivolity. For those around her, she has no worries or troubles, everything she always does is easy and simple. It would seem that Vladislav-Gemini achieves everything without putting much effort. In fact, she was just not accustomed to dedicate others to her worries.
CancerThis girl is infantile, cautious and self-doubting. It is difficult for her to adapt to the reality of a world in which there are no souls related to her. It is vital for Vlada-Raku to be understood and shared by her fears. In her chosen one, she is looking for support and support.
a lionA selfish, ambitious and self-satisfied person who takes everything she can from the world and people, but there is little return from her. She often advises something to others, but she perceives criticism in her direction sharply and negatively. If such a girl does not reconsider her attitude towards others, she risks being completely alone.
VirgoImpulsive, direct and very emotional. She can tell a person the whole truth in person, without thinking about tact. Vlada-Virgo often does not understand that by her behavior she offends others. Other people have a hard time accepting her complex nature. Because of this, she often spends time all alone.
ScalesA well-mannered, diplomatic and delicate girl who always tries to avoid any controversial situations. She will always find a common language with any person, share the latest, come to the rescue. Vladislav-Libra is respected and appreciated by everyone, but often they use her kindness. There are few sincere and true friends in her entourage.
ScorpionA practical and prudent person who knows the value of her time and does not waste it on dreams of a wonderful future and a prince on a white horse. On the contrary, Vlada-Scorpio gives all of himself to work, putting personal relationships in the background. A breathtaking career and financial well-being are her main goals in life, and she will make every effort to achieve them.
SagittariusAn impressionable, receptive and impulsive person, it is very easy to offend her. The girl takes everything to heart, worrying not only about her worries, but also about strangers, which may one day have a bad effect on her physical health. It is vital for her to learn to take life easier. In this she can be helped by a romantic and resilient life partner who will always be there.
CapricornRestrained, prudent and calm personality. She has her weaknesses: vulnerability, daydreaming, excessive complaisance, which under no circumstances will she show to others. Only with the closest people Vlada-Capricorn can be herself, not afraid to open her heart.
AquariusA serious, pragmatic and sensible person who hides her flaws from everyone. Vladislav-Aquarius is a versatile person, she is constantly developing. He does not tolerate the monotony and dullness of everyday life. She always strives to be unusual and original in absolutely everything: in her personal life, work, choice of clothes. She is interested in many things: sports, science, outdoor activities, art, literature.
FishShy, dreamy and modest. Vladislav-Pisces is often tormented by doubts and indecision. For her, the support of relatives, friends and loved one plays a huge role in life. With such people, she feels more authoritative, believes in her own abilities.

Famous women with this name

Famous women with this name who left their mark on history:

  • Vlada Litovchenko - Ukrainian model;
  • Vlada Bernard - Soviet astrologer;
  • Vlada Moskovskaya - Russian singer;
  • Vlada Roslyakova - Russian top model;
  • Vladislav Vdovichenko - Russian composer and singer;
  • Vladislava Saurenko - theater actress;
  • Vladislava Lutsevich - Honored Worker of Culture of Belarus;
  • Vladislava Malakhovskaya - member of the Union of Composers of St. Petersburg, author of chamber vocal and instrumental compositions, music journalist, public figure;
  • Władysława Markiewicz is a Polish pianist and music teacher.

Photo gallery: famous Vladislavs

Vlada Litovchenko - Ukrainian model Vlad Roslyakova - Russian top model Vladislava Vdovichenko - Russian composer and singer Vladislava Lutsevich - Honored Worker of Culture of Belarus

Vladislava's character combines male perseverance and female vulnerability, hardness and softness, restraint and emotionality. On the one hand, such duality hinders the achievement of goals, and on the other hand, it can become a unique feature that will allow one to demonstrate the necessary qualities in a given situation. If Vlada manages to use her talents, she will be able to achieve success and become a happy, fulfilled and beloved woman.