How to glue silk wallpaper. We save the family budget: how to glue silkscreen wallpaper yourself

  • 20.06.2020

If you want to do repairs yourself, then you can decorate the walls with wallpaper more cheaply and beautifully. To date, you can buy any product, but it is best to choose wallpapers made with silk-screen printing. In addition, before buying, you will need to learn how to glue such wallpapers.

Silk-screen wallpaper blends well with any interior and creates a versatile design.

Quality materials to get the job done

To properly glue silkscreen, you will need:

  • wallpaper;
  • special glue;
  • scissors;
  • roller;
  • bucket;
  • pencil.

wallpaper, glue, knife, brush, roller, tape measure and pencil.

Taking into account varied design and textures, silk-screened wallpapers are vinyl. They include paper and non-woven fabrics impregnated with polyvinyl chloride. In addition, the impregnation is saturated with silk threads. Next, the product is heated to certain temperature and embossing. That is why the coating is very smooth.

Why is silkscreen wallpaper so popular today? Due to the fact that threads are woven into products, silk-screen printing is very durable. As a rule, such products shine, but matte is also sold. They practically do not fade, wear-resistant and durable. And if the vinyl layer is thick, then the parameters can be even better. In addition, canvases of this type do not have any odors and are not afraid of exposure to the sun.

Modern silk-screened wallpapers look very beautiful and are presented in a wide range on the market. They have a special quality, thickness, texture and, of course, a variety of colors. When you purchase material, then consider for which particular room you choose it. For example, if you plan to glue canvases in the kitchen, then they must be dense, moisture resistant. In addition, their surface should be glossy and even. In this case, you can easily remove any contaminants from the surface without damaging anything. If you plan to paste over the walls in the bathroom, then use two-layer canvases.

The combination of silk-screen printing with the interior

Silk-screen printing looks very beautiful and elegant in the interior.

How to glue silk-screen printing so that the coating is combined with the interior? The walls in the living rooms can be covered with less demanding wallpaper, although in this case the walls are also cleaned. With the help of silk-screen printing, the interior of the house will look elegant and beautiful. It is worth noting that you can easily pick up any furniture for such wallpaper.

You can also wallpaper the hallway with silk-screen wallpaper, while you can create a bright shimmer on the walls. Thanks to this, the corridor looks original and well-groomed.

How to glue silkscreen wallpaper? It should be noted that the canvases are glued in the same way as other types of products. Only before gluing, the walls should be well prepared and leveled so that the glossy wallpaper does not have any defects. Remove dirt, mold, dust from the walls in advance.

In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room, since the canvases are glued in a closed room.

Before cutting the rolls into pieces, measure the height of the room where you will be gluing them. If the products have a sufficiently clear image that needs to be aligned, then leave an allowance of 8 cm during cutting. Next, write a number on the other side of the strip so as not to confuse them during gluing.

Gluing such segments is possible with the help of a special adhesive for silk-screen printing or any other that is suitable for heavy products. Glue is diluted according to the instructions. After that, pieces are cut. When performing the process, you need to take into account the height of the room, and also add 2 cm on each side. In addition, observe the step of the image on all pieces of canvases.

As a rule, such canvases are glued end-to-end. Glue mixture Apply both to walls and material. After that, glue the canvases and smooth out the wrinkles. A special roller will help you with this. It should be noted that drying of two-layer canvases does not take much time. And they do not emit any compounds that are harmful to humans. This method of gluing wallpaper is very easy. If you glue the canvases at least once, then in the future you will definitely not have any problems.

Among the variety of wallpapers, one can single out those created on vinyl backing silkscreen technology. Today it is one of the most spectacular ways of decorating walls through wallpaper. But, despite its popularity, a considerable number of people who previously preferred traditional wallpaper do not know all the advantages of this technology. In this article, we will correct the situation.

As mentioned above, this type of wallpaper material refers to vinyl. It is based on vinylized paper, which is the main unifying component of this direction of finishing materials. The most interesting begins further - the wallpaper is painted in a special way, a layer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is applied to them, which contains silk or artificial threads that create a certain pattern and relief. Then, under high pressure, hot stamping is carried out, allowing all layers to become one. The paper or non-woven base at the same time provides the convenience of gluing wallpaper on a variety of surfaces.

Benefits of silk screen printing

  • High strength. In the manufacture of wallpaper on this basis, vinyl is used, which makes the material tear-resistant. It is much more difficult to damage such wallpapers than paper ones. high level, as well as overall durability;
  • The rolls are wide. Many types of this finishing material rolled into rolls with a larger width, which will make the finish much more economical;
  • non-susceptibility ultraviolet radiation. high quality wallpapers with silk-screen printing can withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight without fading or physical damage;
  • Ease of care. Cleaning can be done with improvised means, including the wet method;
  • visual appeal. Both externally and to the touch, such wallpapers attract attention with their high design characteristics. Compared with decorative plaster, this approach is much more convenient, as it allows you to finish the walls quickly and without high qualification requirements;
  • Absence harmful substances. In the case of high-quality materials, no toxicity to humans and animals is present. Such wallpapers can be used to decorate children's rooms, as they do not have an unpleasant odor at all.

Important! When burning, such wallpapers can still release toxic substances. So it is not recommended to mount them in rooms with high chances of fires.


One of the most important disadvantages of such wallpapers is their high price. The manufacturing method itself is more complex and costly, which affects the final cost. The consolation in this regard can be considered the fact that due to the greater width of the rolls, the number of the latter during finishing will decrease. Well, high durability, reaching 15 years or more, will allow you not to think about re-finishing for technical reasons for a long time.

Also, a big drawback can be considered the fact that the walls with such wallpaper "do not breathe." In other words, air and vapors pass through a layer of such a finish, which can lead to the formation of mold and fungus, not to mention the violation of the natural microclimate in the room. However, problems are solved by ventilation and modern devices, such as humidifiers.

The choice of wallpaper in different rooms

The versatility of wallpaper based on silkscreen allows you to use them in the most different rooms, including those that differ high humidity. However, when choosing, you should follow some rules:

  • In the bedroom or living room, you can choose wallpaper that is not of the highest thickness, since in these rooms they are not exposed to significant external influences;
  • In the kitchen or in the hallway, you should choose thicker wallpapers with increased moisture resistance. It is better to prefer a glossy or matte smooth surface, as a rough one will adhere to dirt more thoroughly and will be more difficult to care for.

How to hang wallpaper with silkscreen on the wall

Features of the installation of this type of wallpaper material is that many of its types have a small thickness. Therefore, in order to achieve ideal performance appearance it is also required that the wall be as even as possible, so a lot of attention will have to be paid to this issue. Traditionally, this is done in several ways:

  • Surface grinding with sealing of all problem areas;
  • Complete wall plastering from scratch;
  • Mounting wall panels such as drywall sheets.

Which method to choose depends on preferences and initial conditions. Each of them has striking features and disadvantages, and is also well described in the articles on our website.

As other preparation steps, mention should be made of the need to pre-prime the wall in order to achieve the best adhesion, as well as the correct selection of wallpaper glue, which should be specially developed for this type of finish. At the same time, there is also a separate glue with which the edges of the wallpaper are processed so that the latter do not move away over time. In addition, several rules are observed:

  • In the process of work and for the time of drying, it is required to protect the room from drafts;
  • To ensure the least visibility of the joints, it is better to start wallpapering from windows or doorways;
  • It is not the wall that is smeared with glue, but the wallpaper sheet itself, after which it must be left for several minutes for impregnation;
  • Work is best done together, otherwise it becomes problematic to control smooth installation;
  • To level the sheet and remove the air cavities formed under it, you can use a special rubber roller, with which we will iron the sheet from the center to the edges.


In general, silk-screened wallpapers allow you to achieve unique visual effects on the walls, making them really beautiful and even chic. Here it should be noted that we are talking about a high-class finish, which should also correspond to the situation in the room. Therefore, too simple furniture, or errors in the style of the latter, can cause the room to look awkward. In other words, having spent money on wallpaper, be prepared to spend money on everything else, including the services of a designer who will correctly select the components of the future interior. And of course, you need to understand that quality is the main parameter in such material, so it is better to buy such wallpapers in those places where you can be sure. Otherwise, many of the advantages described above may not be relevant.

Silk-screen vinyl wallpaper allows you to make any interior beautiful and unique. These materials are a kind of vinyl wallpaper, which are glued to the walls quite simply, made on the basis of vinylized paper, painted using a rather complex technology.

Wallpaper vinyl screen printing is produced by hot stamping, applying to the base of polyvinyl chloride interspersed with threads of silk or artificial, and then using high pressure, the material is embossed. The article offers to get acquainted with the features of the material and its gluing on the walls with your own hands.

Silk-screen printing allows the dye to be applied in a thick layer of any consumable.

At the same time, the embossing technique includes several technological operations:

  • Frame tension.
  • Choice of sieve fabric.
  • Selection of colors.
  • Obtaining sustainable forms.
  • Drying.

Silkscreen and vinyl wallpaper have several advantages:

  • The production process is quite simple.
  • A variety of consumables are used.
  • The layer of applied paint has a significant thickness.
  • Coatings with bright and juicy colors.
  • For small and medium runs, the price is not high.
  • There are solutions that cannot be done using other printing methods.
  • Silkscreen wallpaper has sufficient durability.
  • They have an impressive appearance.

The screen printing technology looks something like this:

  • A canvas made of paper or non-woven fabric is impregnated with polyvinyl chloride - PVC.
  • Thin silk threads or artificial fibers are interspersed in the resulting stripes.
  • Vinylized paper is exposed to intense heat.
  • The surface is embossed under high pressure.

After completing all the operations, a canvas is obtained that looks like paper and textiles, which is associated with the use of both.

Tip: To improve the characteristics of the material, you should take a non-woven base for wallpaper, it is much better than paper.

Silkscreen Features

Silk-screen wallpaper consists of two layers:

  • Bottom made of paper or non-woven, which allows you to reliably glue the material to the surface.
  • The upper is made of vinyl with the inclusion of silk threads., its structure can be embossed or smooth, very similar to silk fabric. Silk-screen printing is made under textured plaster, leather.

In the interior, silk-screen printing and vinyl wallpaper look great on the wall. Most often, these materials have floral ornaments and paintings to imitate silk fabric as much as possible, with beautiful and clear patterns, which creates the complete impression of silk fabric with gilded threads on the walls, as seen in the photo.

Screen printing advantages:

  • High strength, which provides the vinyl used in the manufacture.
  • Increased wear resistance.
  • Durability.
  • Resistant to sun exposure.
  • Rolls are available in large widths.

Despite the high cost of silk-screened wallpapers, they are quite popular. Coating can give the interior a unique exquisite charm and luxury.

They are suitable for finishing any room in the apartment:

  • Living room (see How to choose wallpaper for the living room: designer's tips).
  • Bedrooms.
  • Kitchens (see What is the best wallpaper for the kitchen: making a choice).

The unique effect of the high cost of the material is given by silkiness and a pleasant shine of the surface.

Tip: When gluing silk-screened wallpaper in the kitchen, it must be taken into account that the moisture resistance of the material must be higher. In this case, you should choose wallpaper with a matte or glossy finish. flat surface, with a rough structure, cleaning and caring for the wallpaper will be difficult.

Silk-screen printing in the bedroom can be done with canvases of any thickness and density, they do not really matter. In the bedroom, the wallpaper is not subjected to such intensive use as in the hallway or in the kitchen.

What are the advantages of silkscreen wallpaper

Features of silk-screen printing determine the advantages of wallpaper from this material.

These include:

  • Safety for humans and animals.
  • Do not emit harmful substances for people, non-toxic.
  • Have no smell.
  • Easy and simple to clean, can be cleaned with a dry and damp cloth.
  • Service life up to 15 years.
  • Excellent appearance.

In addition to the advantages of silk-screen wallpaper, there are some disadvantages:

  • They require careful and flawless preparation of the base before sticking to the walls, this is due to the fact that the wallpaper is quite thin.
  • The material does not breathe.
  • When burned, they can release toxic substances.

Sufficiently thin wallpaper after gluing on curved or poorly prepared walls will reveal all wall defects.

Tip: Silk-screen wallpaper will create a chic and expensive interior after gluing by the master and the most thorough preparation of the wall. In this case, the canvases must be glued strictly vertically using a quality level, better than a laser one, or a plumb line.

Silk-screen wallpapers are chosen so that they are in harmony with the rest of the interior of the room. It is difficult to match them with standard room furniture (see Selection of furniture to match the color of the wallpaper: professional advice). When purchasing these luxurious wallpapers, preference must be given quality materials from a proven and reliable manufacturer.

How to stick silkscreen on the walls

The work instructions offer:

  • Choose the right glue for the wallpaper base material.
  • The cover dries fairly quickly.

Tip: To avoid problems when sticking such wallpapers, special attention should be paid to their quality. When the manufacturer saves on top coat, the material will lose its elasticity, and it will be poorly impregnated with glue. Both layers of the coating should react equally to moisture and mechanical stress.

  • All required tools and materials are prepared:
  1. putty;
  2. primer;
  3. special glue;
  4. spatulas of different widths;
  5. stationery knife and glue, for sealing seams.
  • Walls are being prepared for wallpapering:
  1. are aligned;
  2. putty;
  3. covered with primer.

This will allow, after applying the material, to avoid the presence of visible defects in the walls and bubbling of the canvases:

  • Wallpapering begins from the side of the windows to the door. In this case, the joints will be less noticeable.
  • The vertical angle between the wall and the window should be ideally even, which is controlled by the slope. When deviating from perpendicularity, a plumb line should be noted, which must be done when gluing all panels.
  • The wallpaper is applied to the corner, the length is measured.
  • A piece of wallpaper is cut off according to the marks and smeared with glue.
  • The sheet is left to soak for a few minutes.
  • The canvas is applied to the wall and with a special rubber roller, leveled from the center of the sheet to the edges.
  • The corner gap between the wall and the window is sealed.

Tip: If the sheets overlap, you need to draw a clerical knife under the ruler vertical stripe so that both sheets are cut at once. Excess pieces of wallpaper are removed.

Thus, the wallpaper is glued around the entire perimeter of the room. The edges of the wallpaper, so that they do not move away, can be treated at the joints with a special adhesive for seams and make a paper backing.

We should not forget that silk-screened wallpaper should be in good harmony with all the decoration of the room:

  • Furniture.
  • Coated on the floor.
  • Ceiling.

All interior details must match the chic environment. Expensive furniture used in the palaces of French kings in the 16th and 17th centuries is best suited for this. How to choose the right interior for silk-screened wallpaper will help video.

Today I have a day of rest from work on the computer and on the Internet - I will glue silkscreen wallpaper in the room. I already wrote that I alternate classes, and in this I find a kind of rest. I do repairs in the hall to the best of time, and, of course, financial income.

I decided to paste over another wall in the hall - I live in one-room apartment, and I have no way to either move the furniture to another room, or just move it to the center to paste over all the walls at once. Therefore, I glue on one wall when there is a gap in the work.

So what do I have? There is silk screen wallpaper- 8 rolls. For one wall, one pack of wallpaper glue is enough - I bought CMC glue. Glue pre-sprayed warm water and left to swell for a day. WHAT they write on the packaging is complete nonsense, or the manufacturer does not follow the glue manufacturing technology.

For example, I diluted the glue as written in the instructions, and got thin water, not even the consistency of liquid jelly, but even thinner.

CMC is an adhesive produced on the basis of high-quality cotton cellulose and designed for gluing all types of wallpaper on paper basis. The sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose, on the basis of which CMC glue, is an environmentally friendly product with excellent solubility.

CMC glue is universal and is intended for gluing washable and non-washable wallpapers on paper, vinyl, fabric and non-woven base on concrete, plastered, stone, wood and other non-metal surfaces.

CMC glue is a white or cream powder material, fine-grained or fibrous structure. Fibrous adhesive is used for gluing only thick wallpapers.

The main difference between light and heavier wallpaper adhesives is in the concentration of carboxymethyl cellulose: the higher it is, the greater the viscosity of such an adhesive.

It's good that I diluted a small portion of glue for testing. But even in such a liquid state, the glue kept lumps for almost a day.

Therefore, I poured it out and diluted it in my own way - I added 1.5 liters of warm 30 0 C water to a pack of glue (although 4-6 liters are written).

I made room in the corridor to settle the roll, washed and dried the floors, and while they were drying (which is 10-15 minutes), I immediately cut 4 strips of wallpaper.

This is just one 10.5-meter roll. There are 40-50 centimeters left from the roll, and the wallpaper itself is seamless, that is, it is not necessary to combine the pattern.

I prepared scissors, a sharp knife, a brush and some dry rags. Scissors - to cut holes for sockets and switches, a knife - to evenly cut the wallpaper strip to size.

How do I do it? I fold the strip at the marked place, align both edges of the strip (with this alignment, you get an equal transverse line), press the wallpaper firmly along the fold and level the fold.

Then (the walls are even, it was not necessary to putty) I glue one strip of wallpaper with glue, fold it in half so that it does not dry out while it is saturated, and at this time I glue part of the wall under one strip of wallpaper.

Glue and straighten

The next step is actually wallpapering. Here, I think, everyone is aware of how and what to do. I have plenty of experience in this matter, and I always glue the wallpaper alone, even on the ceiling. So - I use a roll of wallpaper impregnated with glue as a plumb line, so as not to determine the verticality of the first strip with a construction plumb line. It can be seen with the naked eye, whether the strip weighs evenly or skewed.

Now, after the strip is attached, but not glued, you need to press it in the middle and in the center. From this point, I run my hand up and down the central vertical axis of the strip. Then I level it - this must be done from the center to the edges with a dry rag, roller or wide soft brush.

I did it with a simple piece of cloth. While I reach the end of the strip, small air bubbles may already appear at first - I remove them too. In general, the process of leveling the wallpaper takes 10-15 minutes. Why so long?

I'd rather stretch the strip as much as possible now, than later I will pierce air bubbles on dried wallpaper. The next roll works on the same principle, and if you glued the first strip evenly, then there will be no problems with the verticality of the remaining strips.

Wallpaper silk screen printing, as, however, and all other types of wallpaper, it is glued back to back, and not overlapped. Only cheap thin wallpapers can be overlapped, but this also requires some experience. You can put a special tape under the edges of adjacent strips - it supposedly helps the edges of the strips stick better and keep up with the wall surface.

As for me - complete nonsense, tried on myself, and more than once. The maximum that I achieved was additional time costs, since the material of the tape and wallpaper never match, as a result of which the wallpaper and tape are impregnated at different speeds and one of the sides is necessarily peeled off after 2-3 minutes.

So I had to run around with a rag and constantly press the seams. If the tape is not laid, then there will simply be no such problems - a few minutes after joining the strips, I turn off the edge of the wallpaper strip and coat it again with a small brush along the entire length and to a depth of 1-2 cm.

In the process of gluing, look at the already pasted surface for the appearance of air bubbles and disperse them with a rag to the edges of the strips. And the main mistake of many is not to open doors and windows while the wallpaper dries.

That is, during the day do not create drafts in the room, otherwise the edges of the strips will begin to peel off. Not everywhere, but in many places. Now, good luck with this seemingly simple task!

Anecdote on the topic

Ouch! You have cockroaches on the walls in your kitchen!
- This is the wallpaper.
- Why is this?
- And so that the guests do not stay too long.

Silkscreen is very beautiful option room finishing. Wallpaper combines a certain zest of luxury and brilliance. In addition, the material has excellent durability parameters. Probably for this reason, many modern designers are trying to use silk-screen printing in the arrangement. modern apartments and houses.

The material is quite refined and beautiful, but it has a number of features, therefore, it is very important to correctly carry out all pasting processes. You can use the query - how to paste silkscreen wallpaper, and find a lot of interesting answers, or you can use our recommendations and make the pasting process simple, fast and of high quality.

To get a qualitative effect, you need to act like this:

  1. We carry out the dismantling of the old coating;
  2. We clean the walls from dust and debris;
  3. We carry out the process of wall restoration - we eliminate cracks and cracks;
  4. We prime the surface;
  5. We use a deep penetration primer;
  6. We carry out the gluing process

In principle, there is nothing complicated, but at the same time, if you have a question about how to stick silk-screened wallpaper, you should immediately note that in this matter, the most important thing is to properly prepare the surface.

To do all the work quickly and correctly, you will need certain tools:

  • roller;
  • tassel;
  • dry, clean cloth;
  • bucket;
  • putty knife;
  • pencil and centimeter;
  • level;
  • scissors.

All these tools are the undeniable basis for the pasting process. They are inexpensive, but they are necessary, they should be purchased in advance.

So we came to the answer to the question of how to paste silkscreen wallpaper. We start the preparation process.

  1. Dismantling of the old coating is carried out in a well-ventilated area. If the wallpaper is difficult to remove, use a sprayer, apply warm water on the surface and after 10 minutes the wallpaper will be perfectly removed.
  2. Let's start cleaning the surface. In this case, use a damp sponge to remove dust deposits on the walls.
  3. Now let's take a closer look at the walls. If there are cracks, they need to be expanded and repaired. We recommend that you use dry mixes based on Portland cement. Such mixtures are supplemented mineral additives, plasticizers and modifiers, which allows you to get the perfect result.
  4. Remember that the wall must be perfectly flat. Therefore, we use putty for leveling.
  5. When the putty has dried, we proceed to the priming process, in this case, you will need a material that is used exclusively for silk-screen printing. After that, we prime the surface again with penetrating materials.

That's all, the surface is prepared, it remains only to cut and start the pasting process.

Before starting work, it is best to ventilate the room well, but you need to glue the wallpaper indoors.

Be sure to buy quality glue, which was created specifically for this type of wallpaper.

Before application, the adhesive is prepared for 15 minutes.

Apply glue to the wallpaper 15 minutes before pasting, so that it deeply impregnates the material.

Also, glue is applied to the walls, in a fairly thick and thick layer.

Wallpaper should be cut before pasting. Immediately take all the necessary measurements and cut the material into convenient strips. To do this, use a centimeter, a knife and scissors.

All tools must be ready in advance. Floors are best covered plastic wrap so as not to blur. In principle, that's all, we glue the wallpaper in the traditional way.