We reveal the secrets of how to choose glue for paper-based vinyl wallpaper. Vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis: we glue it without problems

  • 17.06.2019

Among the huge variety of types of wallpaper produced by the industry, all of them, regardless of the complexity of the production technology or the number of layers, have either a paper or non-woven base. Depending on this, an adhesive is selected that corresponds to one or another basis. The selection of glue for vinyl wallpaper on paper bases requires special attention. Why you should pay special attention to the selection of glue, specifically for this type of wallpaper, we will answer in this article.

Wallpaper has been and remains the most popular means of decorating walls in residential areas. This is especially true of living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms. Wallpaper is less widely used in hallways, kitchens, and toilets. Almost never used in bathrooms.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper became widespread in the late 80s - 90s of the last century. The growth in popularity and widespread use was facilitated by the novelty of the product in the post-Soviet market, the brightness and durability of color, attractive appearance and ... perhaps the main thing at that time for the average consumer was their phenomenal wear resistance and the ability to wash off dirt with a damp cloth.

In order to save money, vinyl wallpaper, with the prospect of their possible “renewal” by washing, began to paste over everything indiscriminately in apartments - from children's rooms and bedrooms to bathroom walls. The practice of using vinyl wallpaper very quickly showed the fallacy and inadmissibility of such a thoughtless use of "vinyl".

It became difficult to breathe in the apartments; for a long time, a specific smell from the wallpaper remained in the rooms. On some surfaces, the wallpaper began to flake off and fall off in whole strips, while on others, cracks began to appear between the joints of the wallpaper, which greatly spoiled the appearance of the room, especially if the wallpaper was of dark tones.

The reason was ignorance of the features of the use of vinyl wallpaper. There was practically no information from foreign manufacturers about the product and the composition of wallpaper adhesives that should be used for sticking this type of wallpaper.

Texture of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper is nothing more than a thin, mass-dyed, polyvinyl chloride film applied to a paper or non-woven base. There is a kind of vinyl wallpaper - “foamed” - this is really a foamed polyvinyl chloride mass, usually highly embossed, also having a paper or non-woven base.

Based on these features of the structure of vinyl wallpaper, one can distinguish a number of their properties:

  • The ability to stick depends on the properties of the substrate: paper or non-woven layer.
  • Vinyl wallpapers have more weight compared to other types of wallpaper due to the severity of the polymer coating.
  • Vinyl wallpaper absolutely does not let air and moisture through.
  • Requires special preparation of the surface for gluing.
  • Requires special wallpaper adhesives.

Surface preparation

Features of surface preparation for sticking vinyl wallpaper are due to the fact that the top - vinyl layer, absolutely does not allow air and moisture to pass through. Therefore, the drying time of the glue applied to the paper base increases several times compared to paper, non-woven or fabric wallpaper.

Painted walls are absolutely not suitable for sticking vinyl wallpaper. oil paint, which also does not allow moisture to pass through.

wall under vinyl wallpapers must have flat surface, be completely puttied and processed sandpaper wrapped on a sanding block to remove small sagging and bubbles on the putty. After grinding, the wall is treated with a primer to give the surface density and eliminate traces of construction dust.

Only in this case, when the wall comes into contact with vinyl wallpaper on paper basis, there will be sufficient air exchange, which will allow the adhesive to dry quickly and evenly.

Glue composition

Currently, in construction stores you can find a fairly rich assortment of wallpaper glue from various manufacturers and for various types wallpaper. Therefore, the question of which glue to use is not worth it.

The question is which one - should not be used!

You can try to use archaic means for sticking vinyl wallpapers - such as paste, PVA glue or Bustilat, if you are pasting over a shed or chicken coop and do not plan to make any repairs in them in the next 25-30 years.

Paste made at home from potato starch or flour - a very unstable adhesive composition, which, moreover, is loved by various types of mold fungi and cockroaches.

PVA glue or Bustilat is for those who do not think about the subsequent possible repair or change of boring wallpaper. Both adhesives create a strong airtight film that is almost impossible to remove from the wall surface without completely removing upper layer plasters. Think about the time and effort it will take to remove the old wallpaper from the wall in the event of a subsequent repair before applying these “non-wallpaper” vinyl wallpaper adhesives.

The most acceptable are the compositions of well-known world brands: "Cleo", "Metylan", "Quelyd", or domestic production "Moment".

When choosing among manufacturers, it is better to focus not only on the price of a package of glue, but also on the number of rolls of paper-based wallpaper that can be pasted using 1 package (indicated on the glue package), drying time and, most importantly, what types of wallpaper this glue is intended for.

All of the manufacturers listed above have a range of wallpaper adhesives for different types of wallpapers. Ideal - would be the use of glue for "vinyl wallpaper". In the absence of glue for vinyl wallpaper, it can be replaced with glue for "heavy wallpaper".

All modern wallpaper paste compositions are based on modified starch, with a large number of various additives that not only increase the adhesive properties of starch, but also prevent the formation of mold, termites and other insects from eating wallpaper. The possibility of easy application to the surface with a roller, adjustment of the wallpaper on the wall due to its high sliding properties, as well as quick removal of the wallpaper during repairs without the use of steam or spatulas.

It is for these indicators that the French wallpaper glue "Quelid" is out of competition. True, and the price category is one of the highest.

Any more "heavy" category can be successfully used as glue for paper wallpaper or lighter types. It is better to dilute it more strongly than the standard recipes indicated on the package.

Features of applying glue to vinyl wallpaper

When sticking paper-based vinyl wallpaper, prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package, apply the adhesive both on the wall surface - in the first place, and on the paper-based wallpaper. After applying the glue, the wallpaper strip must be folded in such a way that the surfaces smeared with glue come into contact with each other. Then roll up into a loose roll and leave for 15-20 minutes to evenly impregnate the paper base.

Only after such a “hold” will the strip of wallpaper lie evenly on the wall, no air bubbles will form and, when smoothed with a wallpaper spatula, it will not stand out from under the edges of the wallpaper a large number glue.

Tip: Never smooth the wallpaper with a cloth or your hands. This does not guarantee complete removal of air and excess glue from under the canvas. Used when wallpapering a wide soft plastic "wallpaper" spatula.

Wallpaper sticker is perhaps one of the few construction and finishing works that every adult has not done at least once in his life.

Summing up

The right choice of wallpaper paste for paper-based vinyl wallpaper is not only choosing a manufacturer that is affordable for you, but that you take a few minutes to read the information on the adhesive package and make sure that it is intended for sticking vinyl wallpaper. And in the future - it will be better to strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for the preparation of glue, without trying to improve or speed up the dissolution process - brewing with boiling water (instead of cold water) or "increase" stickiness - diluting 2-3 times thicker than recommended by the manufacturer.

Vinyl wallpaper is a very common material for decorative finishes walls. But before describing the technology of their gluing, it is necessary to consider the varieties of this finishing material.

There are two main categories:

  • paper-based;
  • non-woven base.

Paper based vinyl wallpaper has two sides. One side is paper, it is to her that the material is glued to the surface of the wall. The second side is polyvinyl chloride, it serves as a decorative finish for the room.

Non-woven vinyl wallpapers have non-woven backing instead of the paper side. The other side, as in the first case, is made of polyvinyl chloride.

What premises are intended for

Vinyl wallpapers are very resistant to moisture, in addition, they can be washed. One wet cleaning and there will be no dirt.

Vinyl wallpapers are suitable for rooms where there is a high probability of high humidity. They can be used in public places where there is a risk of contamination.

There are several types of materials:

  • without embossing;
  • with hot stamping.

Hot embossed wallpaper

Embossed wallpapers, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • chemical embossing (inhibition);
  • compact vinyl;
  • silkscreen;
  • heavy vinyl.

Heavy vinyl is a great solution for rooms that have uneven walls. Such wallpapers perfectly hide all the defects and emphasize the dignity of the room.

Heavy vinyl is suitable for hallways and commercial spaces because these are the areas where wall defects are most likely to show up. Compact vinyl is also great for such needs. Many varieties of compact vinyl have a texture natural materials and hide defects.

In addition to the fact that with the use of such wallpapers the walls will acquire an aesthetic appearance, they will also have a unique finish.

Silkscreen is better for rooms. It is smooth, aesthetic and light. Before pasting, you just need to remember that it is better to process the walls for such wallpapers properly. If irregularities remain on the surface, then the silk-screen printing will not hide them, but only emphasize them.

Inhibited wallpapers are perfect for both corridors and commercial premises. They can be glued in the apartment, but in order to keep the surface of the walls of the rooms clean, a simple silk-screen printing is enough. Distinctive feature wallpaper with chemical embossing is resistance to moisture and various radiations.

Wallpaper without embossing

Vinyl wallpaper without embossing has a uniform structure. Their top layer consists of polyvinyl chloride without a pattern. These materials have their own merit. Firstly, they perfectly hide even quite serious surface defects. Secondly, such a coating looks very intriguing and even gives a certain charm. In addition, such materials perfectly cope with aggressive influences. They can be washed and wiped with a damp cloth. They are not afraid of moisture at all, although you should not experiment with their wear resistance.

Wallpaper without embossing can look strict, so with their help you can create the appropriate atmosphere in office space. Today, however, many offices have switched to more technological Decoration Materials. However, plain vinyl allows you to create a solid environment.

Stages of work

Adhesive selection

Before repair, you need to choose glue. The master can purchase either a composition of a universal type, or a special glue for paper or non-woven varieties of wallpaper. Other compounds will not work, because vinyl materials have their own specifics.

Better buy quality glue and don't worry about the consequences. It is better to buy compositions in trusted stores to avoid fakes.

Sticking to the ceiling

When choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account their properties. It is important to remember that wallpaper for the ceiling must have a slippery surface for a good joint between the seams and actually stick to the ceiling. For these purposes, vinyl wallpaper is best suited.

Secondly, you need to prepare workplace. Safe movement under the ceiling itself should be ensured. To do this, racks are assembled at the same level with each other so that there are no obstacles, and the risk of injury during work is minimized.

In order for the wallpaper to adhere well to the ceiling, and the seams are firmly connected to each other, the glue must be in consistency like thick sour cream. For these purposes, Quelyd glue (Kelid) is best suited.

You will need the following tools:

  • construction knife;
  • metal tape measure or centimeter;
  • container for diluting glue;
  • roller;
  • the ruler is larger than the width of the wallpaper to cut a smooth edge;
  • metal spatula;
  • brush for applying glue;
  • plastic spatula;
  • a plastic small roller for pressing down at the junction of the wallpaper.

When all the right materials and tools at hand, you can start gluing.

First, glue is applied to the ceiling using a roller. Then, unwinding the roll, apply its edge to the ceiling smeared with glue, with one hand continue to unwind the roll further. At the same time, with the other hand, smooth the canvas with a spatula. At the end, the sheet can be cut off, leaving a small margin, and finally leveled with a ruler or a metal spatula.

The first strip of wallpaper is pasted without much difficulty, since it does not fit with anything. If the wallpaper needs to be driven under a baguette, then a slight overlap is made, and when the canvas is well fixed on the ceiling, it is carefully cut to fit the ruler. You need to try to ensure that the first strip of wallpaper is glued evenly.

Subsequent canvases should be glued in the same way, only with the difference that the joints must be carefully connected to each other, and also pressed down well with a plastic roller so that over time the wallpaper does not peel off and the seam between the canvases is not noticeable.

Meter wallpaper has the following advantages:

  • Firstly, money is saved, since the cost of one roll of wallpaper with a width of 1 m is lower than the cost of two rolls of a regular width of 53 cm.
  • Secondly, you can significantly save time and effort when gluing canvases, since fewer canvases are required for pasting walls.
  • And, finally, thirdly, the number of joints between wallpaper sheets is reduced, and thus there are practically no seams, which in general decorates the interior.

It should be remembered about the shortcomings when using meter wallpaper.

  • It is required to prepare surfaces with high quality so that uneven walls do not affect what the joint between the canvases will be, even if the work is carried out with wallpaper of a single color that does not require the selection of a pattern.
  • Also, when working with meter-long wallpaper, you need an assistant, while wallpaper with a standard width of 53 cm can be glued on your own.
  • If the room is non-standard, it may be difficult to fit the canvases due to the lack of wallpaper length.

The following tools are required:

  • glue;
  • primer;
  • construction knife;
  • scissors;
  • long ruler (meter);
  • rubber roller;
  • plastic roller for joints;
  • wide brush;
  • plumb;
  • pencil;
  • clean rag.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the surface of the walls. First, a primer or more liquid wallpaper paste is applied to the walls (you can use the cheapest one). It is necessary to treat the walls with a primer in order to improve the properties of the adhesive and ensure a snug fit of the canvas to the wall.

Styrofoam cornices must be fixed before the pasting process begins.

First you need to measure a distance of 1 m long, and then draw a vertical line in this place using a plumb line, a long ruler and a pencil.

Then the height of the wall is measured from the curb or ceiling to the floor, it is advisable to add 5-10 cm as a margin. To find out the number of sheets, the length of the roll (indicated on the package) is divided by the measurement obtained. If the wallpaper contains an image, then when cutting the canvases, you must remember that you will have to combine the pattern.

The technology of pasting walls with meter wallpaper

  • Pre-prepared glue is applied to the surface of the walls.
  • The first sheet of wallpaper is adjusted to the marked line and the height of the ceiling, without protruding beyond the line. Only then can the canvas be glued to the wall.
  • Then it is necessary to squeeze out air from under the wallpaper with smoothing movements using a rubber roller.
  • Next, using a construction knife or a metal spatula, cut off excess wallpaper. Wet wallpaper must be allowed to dry and only then trimmed, otherwise they may tear.

How to dock

  • If the wall surfaces are even, then joining the next canvas is not difficult.
  • When gluing the second canvas, it is necessary to join it with the previous one along the entire length, leveling the wallpaper and pushing out the remaining glue.
  • To make the joint even, you can not pull the wallpaper with a roller. The joint will disperse immediately after the canvases dry.

Work in hard-to-reach places

  • When pasting the corner, an overlap of 2–3 cm is made on the wall to be pasted. Excess wallpaper is cut to right size with a construction knife.
  • When pasting the wall under the batteries or above the door, you need to measure the required distance and cut the desired length of the strip, without disturbing the drawing when docking.

Vinyl wallpaper in the interior

Vinyl wallpaper will help create a unique style in the room. With their help, you can decorate any interior. This is possible due to the fact that there are a great many types and colors of these wallpapers.

For example, in order to give the atmosphere an exclusivity and individuality, you can use strict plain vinyl, which immediately captivates with its mystery. In the rooms, wallpaper with floral embossing is used to add luxury to the atmosphere. Vinyl materials can be used even in a nursery. The range allows you to choose materials for any premises. In this case, such wallpaper can always be cleaned. Therefore, they will serve for a long time, if only they are glued with high quality.

A photo

Video: instructions for sticking vinyl wallpaper

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Wallpapering is an important part of any renovation. This process is laborious and complex. Many people are interested: how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper. At the same time, it is important to choose a high-quality glue, since when using a low-quality composition, everything will need to be finished again. Features of gluing depend on the selected material. Vinyl panels are popular, which are characterized by reliability, wear resistance and UV resistance. Before you purchase the material, you should find out the features of working with this material.

Finishing with vinyl-based canvases provides an opportunity to apply unusual design techniques in the interior.

Gluing consists of the following steps:

  • walls are being prepared;

  • a primer is applied, with the help of which shortcomings are repaired and miniature irregularities are hidden;

  • glue is diluted in the container. You should get a solution without lumps and clots;

  • using a level, a line is drawn for gluing the first sheet;

  • electricity should be turned off in the room, and all switches and sockets should be removed from the walls;
  • each roll is cut into strips;
  • an adhesive composition is applied to the workpiece, while it is impossible to leave dry places;

  • a solution is also applied to the surface of the wall;
  • sheets are glued end-to-end, without allowance;

  • excess glue is removed with foam rubber or a soft cloth;

  • the edges are trimmed with a clerical knife.
Helpful information! There should be no drafts in the room. The fabrics will dry for two days.

Related article:

Secrets of the correct gluing of the ceiling

The ceiling surface must be glued before pasting the walls. In this case, it is worth choosing lighter materials.When processing the ceiling, it is worth taking out all objects and carpets. If items cannot be taken out, they are covered with plastic wrap.

Note! Vinyl is an excellent conductor of electricity, so it's important to remove any exposed wires.

How to glue the material in the corners?

Corners require special care. When the distance to the corner zone is less than the canvas, the sheet is cut off with an overlap. This part will move to the perpendicular wall surface. Then the second layer is overlapped. Sheets are passed by a special roller.

How long does paper-based vinyl wallpaper dry?

The drying time of the canvases depends on the dryness of the working surface and temperature values. If the humidity is exceeded and the temperature is slightly lowered, then the finish will dry for a long time.

Also, the drying time depends on the type of glue, the amount of solution used and the microclimate in a particular room.

Non-woven surfaces can dry within a day, and paper surfaces for a shorter time period.

Helpful information! When drying, the canvas with a paper base can shrink significantly, so you need to make sure that the seams do not move out.

With the help of vinyl wallpaper, you can create a stylish and original interior. When choosing a texture and pattern, you should use the original design solutions and various combinations.

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With the development of interior design technologies, many various kinds wallpaper. Today, vinyl material, which has a paper base, has become very popular. Such canvases have a high density, do not lose their attractive appearance for a long time. give the walls beautiful view you can, knowing how to properly paste them.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis

It is not recommended to glue paper-based vinyl without surface preparation and the material itself. To meter wallpaper lay down beautifully and evenly, held on for a long time, you need to take a few preparatory steps:

  1. First, clean the walls of previous coatings: old paper and plaster.
  2. The surface on which you want to stick the wallpaper, consisting of vinyl and paper, must be flat. Be sure to straighten it special materials.
  3. Fill cracks and patch uneven areas using putty mixture.
  4. Eliminate the risk of mold by treating the walls with a primer against fungi.
  5. Please note that there are no drafts in the room, there are no air conditioners turned on. Such measures are required, since paper-based wallpapering requires absolute dryness of the surfaces.
  6. Before you start how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper, cut them into canvases. required size, leaving 10 cm in stock. Put front side down, start applying glue. The surface will be well saturated if you fold the cut in half for a while with the adhesive mixture inside. If the pattern on the material is repeated, number each cut so as not to spoil the pattern.

Sticking paper-backed vinyl wallpaper

After completing the preparation of the material and leveling, priming the surfaces, proceed to gluing. To do this correctly and evenly, instructions on how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper will help you:

  1. You need to start gluing from the corner of the room. It is important to draw a straight line on the wall along which the first strip should be glued. You can mark it using special tools: level and plumb.
  2. Glue the wallpaper strip on top and start aligning down vertically. Smooth the surface of the canvas with a roller in the same direction to remove air bubbles and unnecessary glue.
  3. Making movements with the tool from the center to the edges of the cut, secure the edges.
  4. Wipe off excess adhesive with a clean cloth. If the border of the cloth does not stick well, brush a little with a thin brush, dipping it in glue.
  5. Wallpaper created from vinyl, by analogy with other heavy types, must be glued end-to-end.

What glue to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper

When sticking these canvases, it is recommended to use only a special mixture. The packaging of this composition indicates that the product is intended for vinyl or heavy materials. It is necessary to prepare the adhesive mass, strictly following the instructions indicated on the pack. It is important to maintain the correct ratio of powder and liquid so that the adhesive does not turn out to be too thick or liquid. Mix the required amount of the contents of the package with water and let it swell a little.

A good wallpaper adhesive for vinyl can be selected according to the following criteria:

  • it is easy to dilute with water;
  • there are no lumps during cooking;
  • has a subtle, unsharp smell;
  • adhesive mass provides slip, which will make it easier to align the cuts when pasting;
  • the composition includes a component that prevents the appearance of fungi under the paper;
  • does not provoke the formation of spots;
  • may remain usable for up to 2 weeks.

In today's markets, vinyl adhesive is represented by several famous brands:

  • "Moment";
  • "Express Vinyl";
  • "KMC-N";
  • Metylan;
  • Kleo;
  • Fintex.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

It is not very difficult to attach cuts to the protruding corners in the room. To do this, you just need to wrap the edge of the canvas over the ledge. But this technology is only suitable if the corner has smooth edges. Otherwise, you need to fix a strip of paper on one side of the wall with an allowance of 3 cm. The stock must be wrapped and attached to the opposite part of the corner. Cut the fixed allowance with a clerical knife so that a small edge remains. The next canvas is glued with an overlap, which should not be more than 5 mm.

How to stick vinyl on inner corner:

  1. Attach the first wallpaper to the wall with an allowance of 5 cm, which should be located on the opposite surface.
  2. Lubricate the protruding piece with PVA glue. Glue the second strip so that it does not touch the wall nearby.
  3. Smooth out the place of gluing with a special wide plastic brush or roller. If the adhesive comes out, wipe it off with a clean cloth.
  4. When the adhesive dries, use a paper cutter to cut through two layers of paper at once from the bottom up.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper back to back

Technology, how to glue paper-based vinyl wallpaper end-to-end:

  1. Having well glued a piece of paper with glue, attach it strictly along the line marked with the level.
  2. The sticker must be carried out so that there is a supply of paper of about 5 cm, located above and below.
  3. Sticking vinyl is complicated by the fact that the material has the ability to shrink during drying and high extensibility when glued. Therefore, when you press and smooth them, avoid stretching in width so that cracks do not form during drying.
  4. Glue the next cut exactly to the previous one so that the edges touch. Carefully roll the seams with a small roller.
  5. If, after drying, you find small gaps, try to eliminate them by slightly bending the edge of the canvas, smearing it with glue. Pull the wet vinyl up to the seam line.

Video: paper-based vinyl wallpaper sticker

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 7 minutes

Due to its strength, durability and attractive appearance, able to fit into every interior, vinyl wallpapers are very popular. This wallpaper material has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account in the process of gluing and operation. Step by step instructions and helpful tips will help you understand to the smallest detail how to properly glue one of the varieties of vinyl wallpaper - on a paper basis.

Features of vinyl wallpaper based on paper

  • When working with a paper-based coating, the adhesive is applied directly to the canvas, as with.
  • The base paper stretches a little when glue is applied to it, but it is not necessary to attribute this to the disadvantages of this type of material. Due to this property, the strips can be wrapped around large irregularities or protrusions without being cut.
  • Vinyl wallpaper on a paper backing is not the best solution for rooms with high humidity, since after impregnation with moisture and subsequent drying, the joints of the canvases may disperse over time.
  • In the process of gluing, you need to act very carefully, since the paper layer impregnated with the adhesive composition can tear, and the top one can accidentally get dirty.

Important! The canvas smeared with glue should not be left for a long time: it can be deformed.

First step: preparing the walls

Before sticking any wallpaper, you need to carry out, sometimes tedious, but still necessary. The procedure is as follows:

  1. . Sometimes the previous wallpaper is difficult to completely remove, but in the case of gluing wallpaper material with a paper base, this is not as critical as for non-woven.
  2. If the wall has strong drops, level them with. Smaller defects will help to hide dense wallpaper with embossed pattern.
  3. . For this, the following composition options are used:
  • diluted wallpaper glue;
  • a special mixture designed for surface treatment before gluing;
  • universal primer.

Note! Careful priming of walls is especially important for concrete and wooden bases, which tend to strongly absorb glue.

Before proceeding to the next step, it is imperative to wait for the primer to dry completely.

The second step: we select the optimal set of tools

To glue vinyl wallpaper based on paper, you should prepare fixtures and materials from the following list:

  1. Rolls as needed.
  2. Suitable wallpaper paste.
  3. Container for diluting the composition.
  4. + + narrow for applying glue to wallpaper.
  5. Plastic spatula, wide and narrow pressure rollers (one for the main, the second for joints).
  6. Old newspapers or plastic wrap.
  7. A sharp knife with a retractable blade (construction or large clerical).
  8. Pencil, ruler, plumb line or level, tape measure for marking stripes on the wall.
  9. Sponge or cloth to remove excess adhesive.

A few words about glue. For vinyl canvases on a paper backing, you need to use not the usual composition for paper wallpapers, but a special, more durable one designed for vinyl. This is especially true for heavy varieties, such as hot stamping wallpaper. It is desirable that the composition contains an antifungal additive. You can also use PVA, which provides excellent adhesion of the canvas to the wall. However, in this case, the wallpaper will stick “tightly” and it will be difficult to remove them in the future.

Third step: sticking

Work order:

  • Using a level or plumb line, mark a vertical line on the wall that will serve as a guideline for leveling the first canvas.

Advice. If there are uneven ceilings in the room, it is better to navigate not by level or plumb line, but by any large vertical elements, such as a doorway or corner.

  • Measure the first strip corresponding to the height of the wall, adding 10 cm of margin. If a material without a pattern is selected that does not need to be joined, you can cut the entire roll into strips at once. If you want to match the pattern, you will have to pick up the pieces as you go, applying the unwound material from the roll to the just cut strip.
  • Spread the first sheet of material face down on the floor or table and liberally apply adhesive to it.
  • Fold the sheet in half or three so that the smeared surface is aligned, and wait for the time indicated on the roll package.

Important! Try to apply glue in the same layer on all canvases and maintain equal periods of time before gluing them so that the degree of stretching of the material is the same and the joints are even.

  • Focusing on the drawn line, place a strip of material on the wall. It is most convenient to work with an assistant, especially if meter-long wallpapers are glued: while one is applying the top of the sheet, the second will support the bottom.

Important! Vinyl sheets with a paper backing can stretch when wet and shrink again when dry, so when aligning the strip on the wall, handle it as carefully as possible, avoiding excessive stretching.

  • With firm pressure, flatten the wallpaper from the center to the edges to expel all the air. If the material is smooth, use a plastic spatula. In order not to damage the delicate foam pattern, perform this step with a large roller.
  • Carefully press the canvas at the top at the ceiling and at the bottom at the floor so that the overlap cut line is clearly outlined.

Tip: before starting work floor plinth better take it off. If for some reason this has not been done, you can insert the wallpaper into the gap between the baseboard and the wall, cut off the remaining piece of the bottom edge and stick a narrow strip to cover the seam and part of the baseboard.

  • Additionally coat the outgoing places.
  • Roll the joints with a small roller.
  • Wipe off excess adhesive.
  • Cut off excess wallpaper near the baseboard and ceiling along the ruler with the sharpest tool possible, a blunt knife will crush and tear the canvas.
  • Glue the following strips end-to-end, not forgetting to align the pattern.