Which are distinguished by increased activity. Temperament types

  • 04.03.2021

a) J.-J. Rousseau

b ) Plato

c) F. Fröbel

2. Which of the great teachers of the past insisted on the predominant use of the "method of natural consequences" in raising a child, considering it the most effective?

a) J.-J. Rousseau

a) J.-J. Rousseau

b) J. Locke

4 . What principle did J. Locke set as the basis for selecting the content of a child's education?

a) freedom

b) coercion

c) naturalness

G) utilitarianism

5. At what age did he propose to start the systematic education of the child?

b) from 6 years old

c) from the age of 10

5.. Who among the teachers listed below was the first to combine education with productive work?

a) J.-J. Rousseau

6. Which of the teachers first substantiated the importance of the native language in the initial education and upbringing of children?

7. Who first proposed the sound method of teaching children to read and write?

9. Which of these teachers first substantiated didactic principles and rules?

a) J. Locke

10. Who owns the words; “Learning is good only then, it goes ahead of development. Then it awakens and brings to life a whole series of functions that are in the stage of maturation, lying in the zone of proximal development”?

11. The classification of teaching methods depending on the nature of the cognitive activity of students was developed by

12 Explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, research, problematic heuristic teaching methods are selected in accordance with

a) with the specifics of assimilation of various types of content

b) with functions

c) with sources of knowledge

d) with personality structure.

13. The principle of structuring the content of education, in which the same content is periodically repeated, expanding with new information, connections and dependencies:

a) linear

b) concentric

c) spiral

d) mixed

14. The technology of problem education involves:

a) assimilation of knowledge in finished form, without disclosing the ways of proving their truth

b) study of educational material element by element in a logical sequence

in) focus on independent cognitive activity of students in the search for new concepts and methods of action

G) equipping students in a short time with knowledge of the basics of science in a concentrated form

15. The ideas of developmental education were laid

16. Theoretical and practical foundations of cooperation pedagogy were first developed by scientists

b) Russia

in) England

d) France

17. The direction in pedagogy, which was developed in the USA in the late 50s - early 60s of the twentieth century; based on the personality-oriented nature of education and training, the refusal to use the mark

a) pedagogy of non-violence;

b) pedagogy of cooperation;

in) humanistic pedagogy;

d) pedagogy of coercion.

18. The main direction of modernization of Russian education is aimed at the implementation of:

a) creativity of teachers;

b) learning goals;

c) educational purposes;

G) personality-oriented educational process.

19. According to the Concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education, the approximate ratio of the volumes of basic subjects, specialized subjects and elective courses is determined by the proportion:

in) 50:30:20;

20. The main function of elective courses:

a) profiling;

b) career guidance;

c) organizational;

d) motivational

21. The theory of education is

a) a science that studies the ontological and epistemological foundations of education

b) a science that studies the problems of personality development

c) a science that reveals individual, age, group characteristics and the laws of development and behavior of people

G) a section of pedagogy that reveals the essence, patterns of education, its structural elements, concepts and systems

22 Fundamental in modern education systems is the theory

a) psychoanalytic (A. Gezel, Z. Freud)

b) cognitive (J. Piaget, D. Dewey)

in) behavioral (K. Lawrence, D. Watson)

d) humanistic (J.-J. Rousseau, V. Sukhomlinsky

23. If the teacher is a single subject of the educational process, and the student is only an “object”, then this

b) personality-oriented

c) humane - personal

d) free education

24. If technologies implement democracy, equality, partnership in the subject - the subject relations of the teacher and the child, then these are technologies

b) personality - oriented

c) humane - personal

G) cooperation

25. A program in which classes are conducted by the activity method, i.e. knowledge is not given in finished form, and the child acts as a researcher is called

a) "School-2000"

b) "M. Montessori»

d) "Origins"

26. Montessori education provides

a) occupation

in) developmental environment, self-control materials

d) independent activity

27. According to the Montessori system, the “education process” is

a) teacher guidance to the child

b) co-creation of the teacher and the child

in) non-intervention of the teacher in the development of the child

d) systematic impact

28. Type of educational institution, named after the ancient Greek philosophical school near Athens, founded by Aristotle,

a) lyceum;

b) gymnasium;

29. The science that studies the psychological patterns of education and upbringing is called

a) general psychology;

b) developmental psychology;

d) all answers are correct.

30. Teaching as a factor of socialization, the assimilation of the connection between individual and social consciousness is considered in:

a) physiology;

b) biology;

c) psychology;

G) pedagogy.

31. Cognitive ability, which determines a person's readiness to assimilate and use knowledge and experience, as well as to behave reasonably in problem situations, is:

a) thinking;

b) intelligence;

c) heuristics;

d) adaptation

32. The systematic use of data from all human sciences, their consideration in the construction and implementation of the pedagogical process is the essence

a) personal approach

b) a systematic approach

c) cultural approach

G) anthropological approach

33. The development of the human body is called:

a) ontogeny;

b) phylogenesis;

c) sociogenesis;

d) anthropogenesis.

34. Actions aimed at analyzing the conditions of the situation and correlating them with their capabilities in order to correctly set the learning task are called:

a) indicative;

b) performing;

c) control;

d) estimated

35. The selection and organization of the content of educational information, the design of students' activities, as well as their own teaching activities and behavior is the essence of ... the pedagogical function:

a) constructive;

b) organizational;

c) communicative;

d) gnostic.

36. The following intellectual mechanism acts as the dominant basis for the formation of skills and abilities:

a) association formation;

b) imitation;

c) distinction and generalization;

d) insight (guess)

37. The leading activity of children of primary school age is

a) role play

b) doctrine

c) communication in the system of socially useful activities

d) educational and professional

38. Studies have shown that the main types of behavior aimed at achieving or avoiding success develop at age:

a) from 3 to 7 years;

b) from 3 to 10 years;

in) from 3 to 13 years;

d) from 3 to 16 years old

39. It has been established that the material is remembered better if it:

a) is included in the conditions for achieving the goal;

b) is included in the content of the main goal of the activity;

c) is included in the ways to achieve the goal;

d) presented freely

40. Understanding the relationship between the various elements of a given situation in order to find a solution to a particular problem is the ability to

a) generalization;

b) modeling;

in) inference;

d) comparison.

41. The general concept denoting the process and result of the acquisition of individual experience by a biological system is:

a) reflex;

b) imprint;

c) learning;

d) repetition

42. The simplest type of learning is:

a) addictive.

b) classical conditioning.

c) operational conditioning.

d) complex learning.

44. The method of activating thought processes by jointly searching for a solution to a difficult problem in an atmosphere of looseness, ease, excluding criticism and self-criticism,

a) inversion;

b) discussion;

c) the method of heuristic questions;

G) "brain attack".

45. The type of thinking in which the thought process is directly connected with the perception of the surrounding reality and cannot be performed without it:

a) abstract-logical;

c) theoretically figurative;

b) visual and effective;

G) visual-figurative

46. ​​The ability of a teacher to objectively assess his own mental states and behavior, to understand how he is perceived by other participants in the pedagogical process is

a) reflection;

b) empathy;

c) identification

G) communication.

47. The most effective style of behavior in conflict is

a) avoiding conflict

b) fixture

c) confrontation, rivalry

G) the desire to solve the problem through compromise, cooperation

48. Determine the type of barrier in pedagogical communication that occurs when the teacher has the wrong attitude towards the student

a) physical barrier

b) socio-psychological barrier;

in) barrier of incorrect mindset;

d) organizational-psychological barrier;

49 Po, strong, unbalanced and mobile type of the nervous system is characteristic for:

a) sanguine people;

b) phlegmatic;

in) choleric;

d) melancholy.

50. The type of people who are characterized by increased activity, sociability, a tendency to thoughtless mischief and a frequent change of hobbies:

a) dysthymics

b) cyclothymics

in) hyperthymics

51. A state of increasing emotional stress associated with a threat to the well-being of a person is:

c) mood;

d) stress.

52. What is the name of the state of rest, complete relaxation at the psychophysiological level?

a) relaxation;

b) reflection;

c) empathy

d) initiation.

53 A state characterized by a decrease in activity, emotional passivity, indifference to the events of the surrounding reality, a weakening of motives and interests is called

a) depression;

b) apathy;

in) stress

d) frustration.

54. Behavior that does not comply with the legal, moral, social and other norms accepted in society is

a) antisocial

b) delinquent

in) deviant

55. Behavior is contrary to social ideology, politics, universal truths - this

a) antisocial

b) delinquent

c) deviant

G) antisocial

56. Manifestations of conduct are crimes provided for by legal legislation - these are

a) antisocial

b) delinquent

c) deviant

d) antisocial

57. Behavior associated with a violation of the norms of human community, social obligations, causing damage to others - this

a) asocial

b) delinquent

c) deviant

d) antisocial

58. Prevention of possible violations of the rules of behavior by a child through suggestions can be traced in the model

a) educational and disciplinary

b) operational

c) personality-oriented

d) educational reflex

59. Art therapy is a rehabilitation technology based on the use of means

a) riding a horse

b) art

c) sociocultural animation

d) physical culture

60. Turotherapy is a socio-cultural, rehabilitation technology, which is based on

a) t Uristic and excursion activities

b) creative components based on working with plastic material

c) musical games, singing, playing musical instruments

The chances of success in work increase if a person has chosen a profession that corresponds to his abilities, intellectual level, personal characteristics and interests, if he likes this work. If a person is forced to do work that is not interesting or even unpleasant for him, then this is a sure way to increased fatigue, dissatisfaction, to a gradual deterioration in health and mental well-being.

Therefore, taking into account your inclinations and interests, your personal and typological preferences is an additional powerful factor in achieving success in work.

The workplace is characterized by high demands and a variety of conflict situations; there are too often difficult situations in which people get into because of the negative character traits of the boss or subordinate. Therefore, it is important to consider the various shortcomings that can cause trouble for representatives of each type. We believe that knowing these pitfalls is essential for anyone who wants to best adapt to the demands of their job. Of course, in each of the typological profiles there are many strengths and positive aspects. And the more of them we can usefully use, not forgetting about the shortcomings, the calmer and more efficiently we will interact with others.

The internal features of the personality, through which external social influences are refracted in a specific way, are diverse. These are individual features: 1) motivation of the leading desires and interests; 2) features of value orientations, beliefs, ideals, life goals, scenarios; 3) features of self-esteem, anxiety, neuroticism; 4) features of personality typology. The most significant typologies: typology of temperaments (typological features of the nervous system); constitutional typology (asthenics, athletes, picnics); personality typology depending on the style of information interaction with the environment; extroverts - introverts; thinking - emotional type; sensing - intuitive type; perceiving (irrational) - decisive (rational) type and their correlations (16 psycho-sociotypes).

Any person from early childhood already has his own character, or rather, his own temperament, due to the innate dynamic properties of the nervous system, which determine the speed of response, the degree of emotional excitability, and the features of the individual's adaptation to the world. Temperaments as innate styles of adaptation are inextricably linked with human instincts. Instincts are a program fixed in the genetic code for adaptation, self-preservation and procreation, attitude towards oneself and others. Animals also have instincts as a genetic adaptation program, but human instincts are a qualitatively different adaptation program than animals have. The instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of procreation are basic, they ensure the physical survival of man and the human species. Specific human instincts - the exploratory instinct and the instinct of freedom - provide the primary specialization of a person, and the instinct of dominance and the preservation of dignity provide self-affirmation, self-preservation of a person in the psychosocial aspect. The instinct of altruism socializes the adaptive essence of all other instincts. Usually in a person one or more instincts dominate, while the rest are less pronounced.

From the dominance of one or another instinct follows the primary difference of people according to their type. There are 7 types of people according to the dominance of instinct.

egophilic type- self-preservation dominates, from early childhood a tendency to increased caution, to a heightened sbiotic connection with the mother (the child does not let go of his mother for a moment), a tendency to suspiciousness, intolerance to pain, anxiety about everything unknown, self-centeredness. Their credo is "Safety and Health First". The evolutionary expediency of having this type lies in the fact that, while preserving themselves, they are also the guardians of the gene pool of the genus. But the egophilic type can be one of the reasons for the formation of such a variant of a “difficult character”, which is characterized by excessive egoism, suspicion, suspiciousness, hysteria, cowardice.

Genophilic type- the instinct of procreation dominates, already in childhood the interests of this type of people are fixed on the family, and such a child is calm only when the whole family is together, everyone is healthy and everyone is in a good mood. And in adulthood, their credo is “The interests of the family are above all. “My house is my fortress”, for the sake of children and families they are ready to sacrifice themselves.

Altruistic type- the instinct of altruism dominates, since childhood, kindness, caring for loved ones, the ability to give others the last, even what he himself needs, is manifested. Selfless people who have devoted their lives to public interests, protecting the weak, helping the sick, the disabled, these are altruistic people. Their creed is "Kindness will save the world, kindness above all". Evolutionarily, this type is necessary, they are the guardians of kindness, life, humanity.

Research type- the instinct of research dominates, from childhood increased curiosity, the desire to get to the bottom of everything, endless questions “Why?” and are not satisfied with superficial answers, they read a lot, do experiments. In the end, from such children, no matter what they are fond of, enthusiastic, creative people grow up. Great travelers, inventors, scientists are people of this type. Their credo is "Creativity and progress are above all!". The evolutionary expediency of this type is obvious.

dominant type- the instinct of dominance from childhood manifests itself as the ability to organize a game, set a goal and show the will to achieve it, the ability to understand people and lead them, efficiency, later as a priority of status needs (careerism), increased need for control over others, a tendency to take into account the needs of the whole team, while neglecting the interests of one particular person. Their credo is “Case and order above all; it will be good for everyone - it will be good for everyone. Leaders, executives, politicians, organizers, but also "difficult characters" of petty fools, tyrants grow up on the basis of this type.

Libertophile type- the instinct of freedom dominates, already in the cradle a child of this type protests when he is swaddled, the tendency to protest against any restriction of his freedom grows with him. The desire for independence, stubbornness, tolerance for pain, deprivation, a predisposition to risk, intolerance to routine, bureaucracy. The instincts of self-preservation and procreation are suppressed, which is manifested in a tendency to leave the family. Their credo is "Freedom above all", they naturally limit the tendencies of the dominant type. They are the guardians of freedom, interests, individuality of each, and with this - the guardians of life.

Dignitophilic type- the instinct to preserve dignity dominates. Already from childhood, such a child is able to catch irony, ridicule and is absolutely intolerant of any form of humiliation: this is the case when you can negotiate with a child only by convincing him, and only with kindness. Such a person is ready to sacrifice his life, his freedom, his career, his professional interests, his family in the name of preserving honor and dignity. Their credo is “There were no cowards and scoundrels in our family! Honor above all! The evolutionary expediency of having this type lies in the fact that they are the guardians of the honor and dignity of the individual, and with this - a life worthy of a person.

With the dominance of one instinct, the tendencies of personality development are also one-sided. In Stalin, the instinct of domination reigned supreme, suppressing all other instincts, except for the instinct of self-preservation. Academician A. Sakharov was dominated by the instincts of altruism, freedom, preservation of dignity and research, which predetermined the creative potential, the versatility of the personality. Naturally, then there was education, environment and life, reflections and personal choice, but much in the fate of a person begins with what dominant instinct was given to him by nature. Determine your dominant instinct with the help of the test (appendix to chapter I).

The genetic development program is harmonious: a certain temperament, a certain body constitution, certain properties of the nervous system correspond to the dominant instinct. Specify your temperament using the Eysenck test (see the appendix to chapter I).

People of choleric temperament- active, purposeful, emotionally passionate, "unrestrainedly hot", courageous, uncompromising. Their self-preservation instinct is weakened and the instincts of dominance, preservation of dignity and research predominate. By nature itself, they are destined to be warriors, pioneers, explorers, leaders, and in general - heroes and knights. They are lean in constitution, wiry, hardy, have a strong unbalanced (“unrestrained”) nervous system, therefore they are recklessly hasty in words and actions, conflict unrestrained, with mood swings and performance.

People of sanguine temperament fast, easily switchable, sociable, optimistic, compromise and flexible. They are dominated by the instinct of freedom, they are focused on risk, pace, quick results, freedom of action. And therefore, on the corresponding fate, profession, as a rule, in the field of business, politics, service. Medium build and medium height, strong balanced mobile nervous system provide quick and deliberate reactions, constantly good mood, excellent adaptability to people, changing social situations, variability of interests, feelings, views.

people of phlegmatic temperament slow, closed, patient, peaceful, stable. They are dominated by the altruistic instinct and the instincts of self-preservation, procreation. They are designed by nature to be the creators, keepers, support of life. By physique, they are broad-shouldered, broad-chested, of medium or small height, have a strong balanced inert nervous system, providing a balanced mood, constancy of feelings, affections, interests, attitudes, endurance, resistance to prolonged adversity, slowness, perseverance in work, and if sanguine people get involved in wars , choleric people fight, then phlegmatic people restore cities and villages after the war.

Melancholy people prone to heightened feelings, reflections, increased sensitivity and fatigue, immersed in their own world of experiences, thoughts, possessing high intellectual, creative, sometimes artistic abilities. These are thinkers, writers, artists, dreamers, contemplators and just people with a complex sensitive nature. By physique, they are more often asthenics - fragile, graceful, with a flat chest, narrow shoulders, elongated and thin limbs, have a weak nervous system, which in tense stressful situations (exam, competition, conflict, danger) often comes into a state of confusion, slowness, deterioration of performance or its termination, stopper.

Depending on the temperament, a person is initially predisposed to the dominance of certain emotions: some are initially prone to interest, joy, surprise (sanguine temperament), others to anger, disgust, hostility (choleric temperament), others to sadness (melancholic).

Character is the result of a person's interaction with the world, a set of relatively stable acquired qualities that express a person's attitude towards himself, other people, things, society and manifest themselves in stable, habitual forms of behavior. It takes some effort to build character; need another person (parent, model, ideal to follow); means of formation are needed - external educational means, cultural means, external order, as well as internal means: self-persuasion, self-deception, one's own efforts at self-improvement.

In 20-50% of people, some character traits are so pointed, overdeveloped to the detriment of other qualities, that a kind of “skew” of character occurs, character accentuation, as a result, interaction with people worsens, the same type of difficulties and conflicts appear. The severity of accentuations can be different: from mild, noticeable only to the immediate environment, to extreme options, when you have to wonder if there is a disease - psychopathy. Psychopathy is a painful deformity of character (while maintaining the intellect of a person), as a result, relationships with people around are sharply violated; psychopaths can even be socially dangerous to others. But unlike psychopathy, character accentuations do not appear constantly, over the years they can completely smooth out, approach the norm. Accentuations of character are more common in adolescents and young men (50-80%) than in adults, since it is these periods of life that are the most critical periods for the formation of character, for the manifestation of one's originality, individuality. Then, over the years, accentuations can be smoothed out or, on the contrary, intensified, developing into neuroses or psychopathy. To determine the accentuation, you can use the Schmishek test (see the appendix to chapter I).

Any quality of character, even the most remarkable, when it gets excessive development, begins to acquire a certain negative connotation, complicate the life of the person himself and his environment, determine a “difficult”, “difficult” character. So, even such a wonderful quality as cheerfulness, activity, with its overabundance, causes "difficult hyperthymic character. These are constantly cheerful, carefree, cheerful people who are constantly in a good mood, regardless of the circumstances of life ("pathological lucky"), increased activity, energy, but often aimed at inadequate goals (alcoholism, drugs, sexual relations, hooliganism). It is very difficult to maintain business relations with such people, since they do not keep their promises, their interests are unstable, they cannot stand comments, criticism, they have no boundaries between what is permitted and what is not permitted.

The following main types of character accentuation can be distinguished:

1.Hyperactive. A person is very energetic, independent, strives for leadership, risk, adventures. He does not respond to comments, there is no self-criticism. It is necessary to be reserved about his unreasonable optimism and overestimation of his capabilities. Features attractive to interlocutors: energy, thirst for activity, initiative, a sense of the new, optimism.

For the people around him, he does not like: frivolity, a tendency to immoral acts, a frivolous attitude to the duties assigned to him, irritability in the circle of close people. The conflict is possible with monotonous work, loneliness, in conditions of strict discipline, constant moralizing. This causes the person to become angry. Such a person shows himself well in work related to constant communication. These are: organizational activity, household service, sports, theater. It is typical for him to often change professions and place of work.

2.Dysthymic (dysthymic). This type of people has a constantly low mood, sadness, isolation, taciturnity, pessimism. These people are burdened by noisy societies, they do not closely converge with colleagues. They rarely enter into conflicts, more often they are a passive side in them. They greatly appreciate those people who are friends with them and tend to obey them. Surrounding people like seriousness, high morality, conscientiousness and justice in these people. But such traits as passivity, pessimism, sadness, slowness of thinking, "separation from the team" repel others from acquaintance and friendship with them.

Conflicts are observed in situations that require violent activity. For these people, a change in their usual way of life has a negative impact. These people are good at jobs that do not require a wide range of communication. Under unfavorable conditions, they tend to neurotic depression. This accentuation occurs more often in persons of melancholic temperament.

3.Cycloid type (cyclothymic). The accentuation of character is manifested in cyclically alternating periods of ups and downs in mood. During the period of mood rise, they manifest themselves as people with hyperthymic accentuation, during the period of decline - with dysthymic. During the recession, they perceive troubles sharply, up to suicide. These frequent changes in mental states tire a person, make his behavior unpredictable, contradictory, prone to changing profession, place of work, interests.

This type of character is found in persons of choleric temperament.

4.Emotive (emotionality). This person is overly sensitive, vulnerable and deeply worried about the slightest trouble. He is overly sensitive to comments, failures, so he often has a sad mood. He prefers a narrow circle of friends and relatives who would understand him perfectly.

Rarely enters into conflicts and plays a passive role in them. Resentment does not splash out, but keeps them to himself. People around him like his altruism, compassion, pity, expression of joy over other people's successes. He is very executive and has a high sense of duty.

Such a person is usually a good family man. But extreme sensuality, tearfulness repel the people around him from him.

He perceives conflicts with a loved one, death or illness of relatives tragically. Injustice, rudeness, being surrounded by rude people are contraindicated for him. He achieves the most significant results in the field of art, medicine, raising children, caring for animals and plants.

5.Demonstrative (demonstrative). This person strives to be in the spotlight and achieves his goals at any cost: tears, fainting, scandals, illnesses, boasting, outfits, unusual hobbies, lies. He easily forgets about his unseemly deeds. He has a high adaptability to people.

This person is attractive to others with courtesy, perseverance, purposefulness, acting talent, the ability to captivate others, as well as his originality. But he has features that repel people from him, and they contribute to conflict: selfishness, unbridled actions, deceit, boastfulness, a tendency to intrigue, shirking from work. A conflict with such a person occurs when his interests are infringed, his merits are underestimated, he is overthrown from the “pedestal”. These situations cause him hysterical reactions.

Such a person is oppressed by a vicious circle of communication, monotonous work. He can prove himself in working with constantly changing short-term contacts.

6.Excitable (excitability). These people have increased irritability, intemperance, gloom, boredom, but flattery, helpfulness (as a disguise), a tendency to rudeness and obscene language or silence, slowness in conversation are possible. They actively and often conflict, do not avoid quarrels with superiors, are quarrelsome in a team, are despotic and cruel in a family. Outside of fits of anger, these people are conscientious, accurate and show love for children.

People around do not like their irritability, irascibility, inadequate outbursts of anger and rage with assault, cruelty, weakened control over attraction. These people are well affected by physical labor, athletic sports. They need to develop endurance, self-control. Because of their quarrelsomeness, they often change jobs.

7.stuck (jam). People with this type of accentuation "get stuck" on their feelings, thoughts. They cannot forget insults and "settle scores" with their offenders. They have official and domestic intractability, a tendency to protracted squabbles. In the conflict, they are most often the active side and clearly define for themselves the circle of enemies and friends. They show lust for power - "the tediousness of a moralist."

The interlocutors like their desire to achieve high performance in any business, the manifestation of high demands on themselves, the thirst for justice, adherence to principles, strong, stable views. But at the same time, people of this type have features that repel others from them: resentment, suspicion, revenge, ambition, arrogance, jealousy, a sense of justice inflated to fanaticism.

A conflict is possible with hurt pride, unfair resentment, an obstacle to achieving ambitious goals.

These people excel in jobs that give them a sense of independence and an opportunity to express themselves.

8.Pedantic (pedantry). These people have expressed boredom in the form of "experiencing" the details, in the service they are able to torture visitors with formal requirements, exhaust the household with excessive accuracy.

For others, they are attractive by conscientiousness, accuracy, seriousness, reliability in business and in feelings. But such people also have repulsive features; formalism, "chicanery", "tediousness", the desire to shift the adoption of an important decision to others.

Conflicts are possible in a situation of personal responsibility for an important matter, with an underestimation of their merits. They are prone to obsessions, psychosthenia.

For these people, professions that are not associated with great responsibility, “paperwork”, are preferred. They are not inclined to change jobs.

9.Anxious (anxiety). People of this type of accentuation are distinguished by a low background of mood, shyness, self-doubt. They constantly fear for themselves, their loved ones, experience failure for a long time and doubt the correctness of their actions. They rarely enter into conflicts and play a passive role.

Conflicts are possible in situations of fear, threats, punishment, ridicule, unfair accusations.

People around like their friendliness, self-criticism and diligence. But fearfulness, suspiciousness due to defenselessness, sometimes serve as a target for jokes, often are "scapegoats".

Such people cannot be leaders, make responsible decisions, as they are characterized by endless experience, weighing.

10.Exalted (exalted). People with this type of accentuation have a very changeable mood, talkativeness, increased distractibility to external events. Their emotions are pronounced and are reflected in amorousness.

Such traits as altruism, a sense of compassion, artistic taste, artistic talent, brightness of feelings and attachment to friends are liked by interlocutors. But excessive impressionability, pathos, alarmism, susceptibility to despair are not their best features. Failures and sad events are perceived tragically, they are prone to neurotic depression.

Their environment of existence is the sphere of arts, artistic sports, professions associated with proximity to nature.

11.introverted. People of this type of accentuation are characterized by low sociability, isolation. They are aloof from everyone and enter into communication with other people as needed, most often immersed in themselves, their thoughts. They are characterized by increased vulnerability, but they do not tell anything about themselves and do not share their experiences. Even to their close people, they are cold and reserved. Their behavior and logic are often not understood by others.

These people love solitude and prefer to be alone than in noisy company. They rarely enter into conflicts, only when trying to invade their inner world.

They are picky in choosing a spouse and are busy searching for their ideal. They have a strong emotional coldness and weak attachment to loved ones.

The people around them like them for restraint, degree, thoughtfulness of actions, the presence of strong convictions and adherence to principles. But the stubborn upholding of their unrealistic interests, views and the presence of their own point of view, which differs sharply from the opinion of the majority, repel people from them. Loneliness, obsession, arrogance and rudeness of others increase isolation.

Such people prefer work that does not require a wide range of communication. They are prone to theoretical sciences, philosophical reflections, collecting, chess, science fiction, music.

12.Conformal (conformality). People of this type are highly sociable, talkative to the point of talkativeness. Usually they do not have their own opinion and are very dependent, they strive to be like everyone else and not stand out "from the crowd."

These people are disorganized and prefer to obey, in communication with friends and in the family they concede leadership to others. Those around these people like their willingness to listen to the "confession" of another, diligence. But at the same time, these are people "without a king in their heads", subject to someone else's influence. They do not think about their actions and have a great passion for entertainment. Conflicts are possible in a situation of forced loneliness, lack of control.

People with an extraverted type of accentuation tend to be hypomanic. These people have easy adaptability to a new job and do an excellent job with their job responsibilities when tasks and rules of conduct are clearly defined.

Influence of anatomical and physiological characteristics on the socio-psychological qualities of a person. Compiling the socio-psychological characteristics of the personality, it is necessary to take into account its somatophysiological features. Psychological science, together with other branches of knowledge, came to the conclusion that the peculiar anatomical and physiological specificity of the structure of the human body predetermines the development of some of its socio-psychological qualities. So, we can talk about the existence of three categories of people - picnics, athletics and asthenics 1, which are characterized by certain features of communication, interaction and relationships with other people.

Picnics usually have a high degree of interpersonal contact and adaptability to the social environment; the desire to build relationships in a certain way with all other people, which allows them to defend their interests and passions without entering into serious conflicts with others. They, as a rule, do not pursue the goal of gaining increased authority, but at the same time, they easily defend their own positions, “without losing their face” and without experiencing great feelings.

Athletics they are very sociable and socially active, tend to be in the center of attention and win dominant positions among other people, they are often characterized by ebullient expressiveness. They may show a desire for both positive and negative social achievements, which are often perceived with hostility by other people.

This classification is based on the views of Kretschmer and some other scientists, set forth quite a long time ago and distinguished by a certain degree of naivety and research inconsistency, repeatedly criticized for the “biologising approach” in attempts to explain the “subtle” psychological phenomena of man. In the second half of the XX century. they again interested psychologists, who continued to study the problem with the help of modern socio-psychological technologies, as a result of which it became obvious that physiological characteristics play an important role in shaping the psyche of an individual and influence her social behavior.

mi, since not everyone and not always likes their impulsive and uncontrolled activity prevailing over other people's interests.

Asthenics they are usually unsociable, reserved in cooperation with other people, cautious in active relationships in a group, very sensitive to changes in their status or social position, and suffer from claustrophobia. They, as a rule, imperceptibly for others, strive to win public recognition and never allow anyone to lower it, they react painfully to any attempts of this kind.

Compiling the socio-psychological characteristics of a person, one should take into account the uniqueness of the individual dynamics of the course of his mental processes, his belonging to a certain type of higher nervous activity: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic.

Sanguine are usually in high spirits, are distinguished by fast and efficient thinking, and great working capacity. Their average build and average height, strong balanced mobile nervous system provide quick and deliberate reactions, constantly good mood, excellent adaptability to people, changing social situations, variability of interests, feelings, views. Feelings in sanguine people easily arise and change. Their facial expressions are rich, mobile, expressive. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, and creative activity, sanguine people can at the same time develop superficiality and inconstancy.

Phlegmatic as a rule, anxiety is completely alien. Their usual states are calmness, quiet satisfaction with others. By physique, they are broad-shouldered, broad-chested, of medium or small stature, have a strong balanced inert nervous system that provides stable moods, constancy of feelings, affections, interests, views, endurance, resistance to prolonged adversity, slowness, perseverance in work, and if they get involved in wars sanguine people, and choleric people fight, then phlegmatic people restore cities and villages after the war. New forms of behavior in phlegmatic people are developed slowly, but are persistent. Usually phlegmatic people are even and calm, rarely

lose their temper, not prone to affects. Depending on the conditions, in some cases, phlegmatic people can develop positive traits: endurance, depth of thought, etc., in others - lethargy and indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will.

Sanguine and phlegmatic people are quite balanced in relations with other people, rarely go to interpersonal confrontation, soberly assess their place and role in group and social processes. They strive to achieve their personal goals through equal and equal relations with members of the community to which they belong, as well as through the observance of their formal duties. True, at the same time, sanguine people, as a rule, try to control their actions and deeds with the help of intellect and the ability to deeply and correctly understand the current interpersonal situation. Phlegmatic people, on the other hand, strive to achieve social harmony and conflict-freeness through an emotionally calm, and sometimes indifferent attitude to the facts of interpersonal contradictions and conflicts that arise because of them.

Actions choleric people characterized by sharpness, impetuosity. Their self-preservation instinct is weakened and the instincts of dominance, preservation of dignity and research predominate. By nature itself, they are destined to be warriors, pioneers, explorers, leaders, and in general - heroes and knights. They are lean in constitution, wiry, hardy, have a strong unbalanced (“unrestrained”) nervous system, therefore they are recklessly hasty in words and actions, conflict unrestrained, with mood swings and performance. Cholerics are characterized by increased impressionability, excitability, great emotionality. Often look arrogant, arrogant. The sense of peace of mind that is easily given to sanguine people is completely unfamiliar to choleric people: they find peace only in the most intense activity. The manifestation of choleric temperament largely depends on the orientation of the individual. In people with public interests, it manifests itself in initiative, energy, adherence to principles. Where there is no wealth of spiritual life, the choleric temperament often manifests itself negatively: in irritability, affectivity.

Choleric people are the most conflicted personalities who always sort things out with other people. They do not tolerate any group or authoritarian pressure from the outside, although at the same time they show quite a lot of sociability and social activity.

melancholic, in turn, they are distinguished by constraint in movements, hesitation and caution in decisions. By physique, they are more often asthenics - fragile, graceful, with a flat chest, narrow shoulders, elongated and thin limbs, have a weak nervous system, which in tense stressful situations (exam, competition, conflict, danger) often leads to a state of confusion, slowness, deterioration of performance or its termination, stopper. Their reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus; external inhibition is especially active in them. It is difficult for them to concentrate on something for a long time. Strong influences often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in melancholics. Under normal conditions of life, they are deep and meaningful people. Under adverse conditions, melancholic people can turn into closed, fearful, anxious people.

Melancholic people are uncommunicative. They are also characterized by a fear of expanding contacts, a painful perception of failures in social communication and interaction.

Depending on the type of higher nervous activity, people are initially predisposed to the dominance of certain emotions: some are prone to interest, joy, surprise (sanguine), others - to anger, disgust, hostility (cholerics), others - to sadness (melancholic). Knowing the possible reaction of a person allows you to rely on his positive features and overcome the negative ones. So, it is necessary to respond to the impetuousness of the choleric with tact and restraint, it is better to counter the inertia of the phlegmatic with activity, emotionality, the sadness of the melancholic can be neutralized with optimism.

The socio-psychological characteristics of the personality are complemented by its extraversion or introversion.

extraversion(extra - outside) indicates such psychological characteristics (of an individual), when he focuses his interests on the outside world, external objects, sometimes at the expense of his own interests, belittling personal significance

purity. Extroverts are characterized by impulsive behavior, activity in gestures, sociability, initiative (sometimes excessive), social adaptability, openness of the inner world.

introversion(intro - inside) is characterized by fixing the attention of the individual on his own interests, his inner world. Introverts consider their interests the most important, give them the highest value. They are characterized by uncommunicativeness, isolation, social passivity, a tendency to introspection, and rather complex social adaptation.

Extraversion and introversion complement the characteristics of people with various types of higher nervous activity. Sanguine extrovert: stable personality, social, directed to the outside world, sociable, sometimes talkative, carefree, cheerful, likes leadership, has many friends, cheerful. Choleric extrovert: unstable personality, touchy, excited, unrestrained, aggressive, impulsive, optimistic, active, but performance and moods are unstable, cyclical. In a situation of stress - a tendency to hysterical-psychopathic reactions. Phlegmatic introvert: stable personality, peaceful, slow, calm, passive, imperturbable, cautious, thoughtful, restrained, reliable, calm in relationships, able to withstand long-term adversity without disruption of health and mood. Melancholic introvert: unstable personality, anxious, pessimistic, outwardly restrained, but in his soul very emotional, sensitive, upset and worried, prone to anxiety, depression, sadness, in tense situations, disruption or worsening of activity is possible (“rabbit stress”).

In any person from early childhood, the innate dynamic characteristics of the nervous system are inextricably linked with dominant instincts. instincts - it is a program of adaptation, self-preservation and procreation, attitude towards oneself and others, fixed in the genetic code. Animals also have instincts as a genetic adaptation program, but human instincts are a qualitatively different adaptation program than animals have. The instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of procreation are basic, they ensure the physical survival of man and the human species.

Specific human instincts - research and the instinct of freedom - provide the primary specialization of a person, and the instinct of dominance and the preservation of dignity provide self-affirmation, self-preservation of a person in society. The instinct of altruism socializes the adaptive essence of all other instincts. Usually in a person one or more instincts dominate over the others.

From the dominance of one or another instinct follows the primary difference of people. Western psychologists distinguish seven types of people according to the predominance of one or another instinct.

egophilic type- self-preservation dominates, from early childhood there is a tendency to increased caution, to a heightened connection with the mother (the child does not let go of his mother for a moment), a tendency to suspiciousness, intolerance to pain, anxiety about everything unknown, self-centeredness. Their creed is "safety and health first". The evolutionary expediency of having this type lies in the fact that, while preserving themselves, they are also the guardians of the gene pool of the genus. But the egophilic type can be one of the reasons for the formation of such a variant of a “difficult character”, which is characterized by excessive egoism, suspicion, suspiciousness, hysteria, cowardice.

Genophilic type - the instinct of procreation dominates. Already in childhood, the interests of people of this type are focused on the family, and such a child is calm only when the whole family is assembled, everyone is healthy and everyone is in a good mood. And in adulthood, their credo is “the interests of the family are above all; My home is my castle". For the sake of children and families, they are ready to sacrifice themselves.

Altruistic type - the instinct of altruism dominates, since childhood, kindness, caring towards relatives, the ability to give others the last, even what he himself needs, is manifested. Selfless people who have devoted their lives to public interests, protecting the weak, helping the sick, the disabled, these are altruistic people. Their credo is "kindness will save the world, kindness above all". Evolutionarily, this type is necessary, since its representatives are the guardians of kindness, life, humanity.

Research type - the instinct of research dominates, since childhood, increased curiosity, the desire for

in this to get to the point, endless "why". They are not satisfied with superficial answers, they read a lot, they do experiments. In the end, from such children, no matter what they look at, creative people grow up. Great travelers, inventors, scientists are people of this type. Their credo is "creativity and progress above all else". The evolutionary expediency of this type is obvious.

dominant type- the instinct of dominance from childhood manifests itself as the ability to organize a game, set a goal and show the will to achieve it, the ability to understand people and lead them, efficiency, later - as a priority of status needs (careerism), increased need for control over others, a tendency to take into account the needs of the entire team while neglecting the interests of one particular person. Their credo is “business and order above all; it will be good for everyone - it will be good for everyone. Leaders, executives, politicians, organizers, but also "difficult characters" of petty fools, tyrants grow up on the basis of this type.

Libertophile type - the instinct of freedom dominates, already in the cradle a child of this type protests when he is swaddled, the tendency to protest against any restriction of his freedom grows with him. The desire for independence, stubbornness, tolerance for pain, deprivation, a predisposition to risk, intolerance to routine, bureaucracy. The instincts of self-preservation and procreation are suppressed, which is manifested in a tendency to leave the family. Their credo is "freedom above all". They naturally limit tendencies of the dominant type. Representatives of this type are the guardians of freedom, interests, individuality of each, and with this - the guardians of life.

digitophilic type - the instinct to preserve dignity dominates. Already from childhood, such a child is able to catch irony, ridicule and is absolutely intolerant of any form of humiliation: this is the case when you can negotiate with a child only by convincing him, and only with kindness. Such a person is ready to sacrifice his life, his freedom, his career, his professional interests, his family in the name of preserving honor and dignity. Their credo is “there were no cowards and scoundrels in our family! Honor above all!” The evolutionary feasibility of having this type is that

they are the guardians of the honor and dignity of the individual, and with this - a life worthy of a person.

With the predominance of one instinct, the tendencies of personality development are also one-sided. I. Stalin was completely dominated by the instinct of domination, which suppressed all the rest, except for the instinct of self-preservation. Academician A. Sakharov was dominated by the instincts of altruism, freedom, preservation of dignity and research, which predetermined the creative potential, the versatility of the personality. Naturally, then there was education, environment and life, reflections and personal choice, but much in the fate of a person begins with what dominant instinct was given to him by nature.

The influence of individual characteristics on the socio-psychological qualities of a person. In 20-50% of people, some psychological traits are so sharpened, so overdeveloped to the detriment of other qualities, that their kind of “skew”, “accentuation” occurs, as a result of which their interaction with other people worsens, the same type of difficulties and conflicts appear.

The severity of accentuations can be different: from mild, noticeable only to the immediate environment, to extreme options, when you have to wonder if there is a disease - psychopathy. Psychopathy is a painful deformity of character (while maintaining the intellect of a person), as a result of which relationships with surrounding people are sharply violated; psychopaths can even be socially dangerous. But unlike psychopathy, accentuations of character do not appear constantly, over the years they can completely smooth out, approach the norm. Accentuations of character are more common in adolescents and young men (50-80%) than in adults, since it is these periods of life that are most critical for the formation of character, for the manifestation of one's originality, individuality. Then, over the years, accentuations can be smoothed out or, on the contrary, intensified, developing into neuroses or psychopathy.

Knowing the essential types of individual accentuation of a person's social behavior, scientists have long since learned to accurately classify the socio-psychological personality traits according to emotional, communicative and other characteristics. Of great interest to us is the system of allocation by Western psychologists on these grounds of 12 types.

ditch of personality, well known to many from practical experience.

1. demonstrative type, whose carriers are characterized by confrontational behavior, the manifestation of such socio-psychological qualities as suspicion, excessive interpersonal aggressiveness, etc., which are the reason for their eternal confrontation with respect to other people and causing pronounced dislike on the part of the latter. Representatives of this type of people strive to be in the spotlight and achieve their goals at any cost: scandals, imitation of diseases, boasting, unusual hobbies, lies. They easily forget about their unseemly deeds. They are characterized by high adaptability to people.

2. Pedantic type, characterized by increased social rigidity, a constant focus on personal predilections and orientations, a weak ability to correct their social behavior, conscientiousness, accuracy, seriousness, reliability in business and in the manifestation of feelings. For others, representatives of this type are attractive: conscientiousness, accuracy, seriousness, reliability in business and relationships. But repulsive features are also inherent in such people: formalism, a tendency to chicanery, boringness, the desire to shift the adoption of an important decision to others, obsession.

3. "Stuck" type people who are characterized by excessive persistence of strong emotional experiences and a tendency to form overvalued ideas, overestimated self-esteem of their personality compared to others. They cannot forget insults and "settle scores" with their offenders. They have official and domestic intractability, a tendency to protracted squabbles. In a conflict, they are most often the active side and clearly define for themselves the circle of enemies and friends. The interlocutors like their desire to achieve high performance in any business, the manifestation of high demands on themselves, the thirst for justice, adherence to principles, stable views. But at the same time, people of this type have features that repel others from them: resentment, suspicion, revenge, ambition, arrogance, jealousy, a sense of justice inflated to fanaticism.

4. excitable type, the characteristic features of the carriers of which are increased social impulsivity, weakened control over their emotions, impulses and actions, which ultimately lead to conflicts and difficulties in communicating with other people. Representatives of this type show increased irritability, intemperance, gloom, boredom, but flattery with helpfulness (as a disguise) is also possible. They actively and often conflict, do not avoid quarrels with superiors, are quarrelsome in a team, are despotic and cruel in a family. People around do not like their irritability, irascibility, inadequate outbursts of anger and cruelty, weakened control over their behavior.

5. introvert type, whose representatives are characterized by low sociability and isolation. They usually keep aloof from everyone and enter into communication with other people when necessary. Most often they are immersed in themselves, their own thoughts. They are characterized by increased vulnerability, but they do not tell anything about themselves and do not share their experiences. Even to their close people, they are cold and reserved. These people love solitude and prefer to be in solitude rather than in noisy company. They rarely enter into conflicts, only when other people try to invade their inner world. They have a strong emotional coldness and weak attachment to loved ones. The people around them like them for restraint, degree, thoughtfulness of actions, the presence of strong convictions and adherence to principles. But the stubborn upholding of their unrealistic interests, views and the presence of their own point of view, which differs sharply from the opinion of the majority, repel people from them. Loneliness, obsession, arrogance and rudeness of others reinforce the isolation of representatives of this type.

6. dysthymic type, whose representatives are constantly depressed mood, sadness, isolation, laconicism, pessimism. These people are burdened by noisy societies, they do not closely converge with colleagues. They rarely enter into conflicts, more often they are a passive side in them. They greatly appreciate those people who are friends with them and tend to obey them. Surrounding people like these

lyah seriousness, high morality, conscientiousness and justice. But such traits as passivity, pessimism, sadness, slowness of thinking, "separation from the team" repel others from acquaintance and friendship with them. Conflicts are observed in them in situations that require violent activity. For these people, a change in their usual way of life has a negative effect.

7. Anxious, fearful type among the carriers of which there are constantly individuals who usually overestimate the likelihood of a danger from the social environment, who have a tendency to excessive social experiences, timidity and fearfulness. People of this type are distinguished by a low background of mood, shyness, self-doubt. They constantly fear for themselves, their loved ones, experience failure for a long time and doubt the correctness of their actions. They rarely enter into conflicts and play a passive role in them. Others like their friendliness, self-criticism and diligence. But fearfulness, suspiciousness due to the defenselessness of these people often turn them into an object for jokes.

8. cyclothymic type, whose representatives are characterized by cyclically alternating periods of ups and downs in mood, tiring them, making their behavior unpredictable, contradictory, leading to adventures. During the period of mood rise, cyclothymics are persistent, energetic. During the recession, they perceive troubles sharply, up to suicide. These frequent changes in mental states tire such people, make their behavior unstable, unpredictable.

9. hyperactive type, characteristic of people with a peculiarly accentuated experience of anxiety and happiness, frequent mood swings (their rapid transition from one to another, from positive to negative), exaggerated perception of various kinds of events (for example, the manifestation of delight in connection with joyful events and despair in case of trouble) . Representatives of this type are very energetic, independent, striving for leadership, risk, adventures. They do not respond to comments, they lack self-criticism. The people around them do not like them: frivolity, a tendency to immoral acts, a frivolous attitude

solution to the duties assigned to them, excessive irritation, vitality.

10. emotive type, characteristic of sensitive and impressionable people, whose moods are distinguished by a special depth of manifestation, the “subtlety” of the flow of emotions and feelings, and social interests are primarily focused on increased attention to the spiritual aspects of social life. Representatives of this type are overly vulnerable and deeply experience the slightest trouble. They are overly sensitive to comments, failures, prefer a narrow circle of friends and people close to them and like-minded people. They do not splash out resentments, but hide them in themselves. People around like their altruism, compassion, pity, expression of joy about other people's successes. These people are very executive and have a high sense of duty.

11. exalted type, whose representatives are characterized by a very changeable mood, talkativeness, increased distractibility to external events. Their emotions are pronounced and are reflected in amorousness. Such traits as altruism, a sense of compassion, artistic taste, artistic talent, brightness of feelings and attachment to friends are liked by interlocutors. But excessive impressionability, pathos, alarmism, susceptibility to despair are not their best qualities.

12. Conformal type. People of this type are highly sociable, talkative to excessive talkativeness. Usually they do not have their own opinion and are very dependent, they strive to be like everyone else and not stand out "from the crowd." These people are disorganized and prefer to obey, in communication with friends and in the family they concede leadership to others. Those around these people like their willingness to listen to the "confession" of another, diligence. But at the same time, these are people "without a king in their heads", subject to someone else's influence. They do not think about their actions and have a great passion for entertainment. Conflicts are possible in a situation of forced loneliness, lack of control.

Relationships and socio-psychological qualities of personality. If we compare people with each other according to their inherent socio-psychological characteristics, then they differ from each other in the degree of awareness of their relationship to different

aspects of reality, as well as the depth and correctness of understanding the reasons that these relationships cause (Bodalev A.A., 1995). (These factors depend on certain character traits, which in psychology is understood as a property of a person’s personality, manifested in its relationship to the outside world, work (subject-object relations), other people (subject-subject, interpersonal relations), to oneself (self-attitude ).

Personal relationships have their own characteristics:

1) human relations are connected with his needs, since they arise as a kind of connection between the subject (person) in need, and the object (whether it be a person or an object of the surrounding world) capable of satisfying this need. In psychology, the following psychological needs are usually considered, mediating a person's relationship to himself and another: the need to establish close relationships; in control of oneself and others; the need to be included in various social groups; the need for self-esteem, a positive assessment; the need for understanding, sympathy, care; the need to be needed, significant;

2) in communication, the attitude is interconnected with the reflection and interaction of a person with a person. The emergence of a relationship is preceded by the stage of perception (reflection) by the subject of the object and assessment (based on reflection) of its potential in terms of satisfying certain needs. As a result of the personality's reflection of the surrounding reality, an attitude is formed, which then manifests itself in the forms of interaction fixed in the speech and expressive behavior of the personality;

3) attitude is both a process and a result of communication and interaction, its structure consists of cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. Based on their combination, the type and type of relations are determined. Attitude as a process goes through certain stages in its development: the formation of an attitude, the development of an attitude, the stabilization or disintegration of a relationship. The attitude as a result has certain parameters: intensity, modality, awareness, etc.

At the same time, it is quite obvious that many character traits, for example, “sociability-isolation”, “altruism-

I 5 Social psychology

egoism”, “non-conflict-conflict” in their origin and content are socio-psychological characteristics of personality relations. Naturally, all of them are represented to varying degrees and interpenetrate each other differently in different people. At the same time, their different combination determines the existence of certain socio-psychological types of people. Comparison of the latter among themselves shows that some people are widely open to the surrounding people and society, while others are too closed in the narrow circle of their worldview, in personal stable relationships with the closest community of people to them. “Some of them are creatively productive in their connections with reality, others are passive and inactive. The pivotal relation that connects around itself all other socio-psychological relations in some types of personality is a collectivistic or altruistic orientation, in others - individualism turns out to be such a structure-forming relation, ”A.A. Bodalev (Bodalev A.A., 1995, p. 206).

Any quality of character, even the most remarkable, when it gets excessive development, begins to acquire a certain negative connotation, complicate the life of the person himself and his environment, determine a “difficult”, “difficult” character. So, even such wonderful qualities as cheerfulness, activity, with their overabundance, cause a “difficult character”. These are constantly cheerful, carefree, cheerful people who are always in a good mood, regardless of the circumstances of life ("pathological lucky"), increased activity, energy, but often aimed at inadequate goals (alcoholism, drugs, promiscuity, hooliganism). It is very difficult to maintain business relations with such people, since they do not keep their promises, their interests are unstable, they do not tolerate comments, criticism, they do not feel the boundaries between what is permitted and what is not permitted.

Since many of the above socio-psychological qualities, on the one hand, are universal, and on the other hand, are inherent in certain types of people to a greater or lesser extent, it is important to determine the criterion by which they can be evaluated in specific individuals. Such a criterion can be the desire to

forever use them differently. That is why E. Shostrom singles out, in accordance with this criterion, two types of personality - a manipulator and an actualizer (Shostrom E., 1992).

For manipulators carefully camouflaged falseness in contacts with people is characteristic; the desire to falsify personal experiences with actual indifference to others; intentional prudence in the selection of means of influencing the latter; a carefully concealed cynicism about the core values ​​of interpersonal interaction.

Such a person must be closely monitored. He needs to control the situation at all costs: he imposes his will on everything, tries to manipulate any phrase, any situation. Man is not born manipulator. He develops the ability to manipulate other people in order to avoid trouble and achieve what he wants, and develops it unconsciously. Hiding your true emotions is the fate of the manipulator. The manipulator sees his main task in making some “proper impression”. Along with the need to control the manipulator feels the need for guidance from above.

Manipulation is not a necessary attitude to life and does not bring any real benefit. Too often, the manipulator uses his knowledge of other people's psychology as rational explanations for his dysfunctional behavior, justifying his current misfortunes with references to past experiences and past failures.

A manipulator is a self-destructive person who uses or controls himself and other people as "things".

Thus, it is quite obvious that the manipulator treats himself and other people as inanimate objects. He is never himself, he cannot even relax, because his system of games and maneuvers requires him to constantly play the proper role. The life style of a manipulator includes four main characteristics: lying, unawareness, control, and cynicism.

For updater characterized by such socio-psychological qualities as honesty and sincerity in relationships with other people;

pec to the latter, independence and openness in expressing one's opinions, faith in one's own strengths and in the mind of those with whom one enters into communication.

The philosophy of life of an actualizer is marked by four characteristics: honesty, awareness, freedom and trust (Table 3).

All people are manipulative in one way or another, but instead of rejecting their manipulative behavior, they should try to turn it into an actualizing one. For this, nothing needs to be discarded.

The manipulator is a multifaceted personality with antagonistic opposites. The Actualizer is a multifaceted personality with complementary opposites.

a) indicative;

b) performing;

c) control;

D) evaluation35. The selection and organization of the content of educational information, the design of students' activities, as well as their own teaching activities and behavior, is the essence of ... the pedagogical function: a) constructive; b) organizational; c) communicative; d) Gnostic.*36. The following intellectual mechanism acts as the dominant basis for the formation of skills and abilities: a) the formation of associations; b) imitation; c) distinction and generalization; d) insight (guess)37. The leading activity of children of primary school age is a) role play b) teaching c) communication in the system of socially useful activities d) educational and professional * 38. Studies have shown that the main types of behavior aimed at achieving or avoiding success are formed at the age of: a) from 3 to 7 years; b) from 3 to 10 years; c) from 3 to 13 years; d) from 3 to 16 years old39. It has been established that the material is remembered better if it: a) is included in the conditions for achieving the goal; b) is included in the content of the main goal of the activity; c) is included in the ways to achieve the goal; G) is presented in a free order40. Understanding the relationship between the various elements of a given situation in order to find a solution to a particular problem is the ability to a) generalize; b) modeling; c) inference; d) comparison.41. The general concept denoting the process and result of the acquisition of individual experience by a biological system is: a) reflex; b) imprinting; c) learning; d) repetition42. The simplest type of learning is: a) habituation. b) classical conditioning. c) operational conditioning. d) complex learning.43 A specific form of learning, the process of fixing information in memory is called: a) a reflex. b) imprint. c) imitation. d) repetition.*44. The method of activating thought processes by jointly searching for a solution to a difficult problem in an atmosphere of looseness, ease, excluding criticism and self-criticism,

a) inversion;

b) discussion;

c) the method of heuristic questions;

d) brainstorming.45. A type of thinking in which the thought process is directly related to the perception of the surrounding reality and cannot be carried out without it:

a) abstract-logical;

c) theoretically figurative;

b) visual and effective;

d) visual-figurative

*46. The ability of a teacher to objectively assess his own mental states and behavior, to understand how he is perceived by other participants in the pedagogical process is

a) reflection;

b) empathy;

c) identification * d) communication.47. The most effective style of behavior in conflict is a) avoiding conflict b) adapting c) confrontation, rivalry d) striving to solve the problem through compromise, cooperation*48. Determine the type of barrier in pedagogical communication that occurs when the teacher has an incorrect attitude towards the student a) a physical barrier b) a socio-psychological barrier; c) the barrier of incorrect mindset; d) organizational-psychological barrier;49 According to I.P. Pavlov, a strong, unbalanced and mobile type of the nervous system is characteristic of: a) sanguine people; b) phlegmatic; c) choleric; d) melancholy.

50. The type of people who are characterized by increased activity, sociability, a tendency to thoughtless mischief and a frequent change of hobbies:

A) dysthymics b) cyclothymics c) hyperthymics51. The state of increasing emotional stress associated with a threat to the well-being of the individual is: a) affect; b) frustration; c) mood; d) stress.52. What is the name of the state of rest, complete relaxation at the psychophysiological level?

a) relaxation;

b) reflection;

c) empathy

d) initiation.

53 A state characterized by a decrease in activity, emotional passivity, indifference to the events of the surrounding reality, a weakening of motives and interests is called

a) depression;

b) apathy;

c) stress;

d) frustration.54. Behavior that does not correspond to legal, moral, social and other norms accepted in society is a) asocial b) delinquent c) deviant55. Behavior is contrary to social ideology, politics, universal truths - it is a) asocial b) delinquent c) deviant d) antisocial56. Manifestations of behavior are crimes provided for by legal legislation - they are a) asocial b) delinquent c) deviant d) antisocial57. Behavior is associated with a violation of the norms of human community, social obligations, causing damage to others - this is a) asocial b) delinquent c) deviant d) 4antisocial58. Prevention of possible violations of the rules of behavior by a child through suggestions can be traced in the model a) educational and disciplinary b) operational c) personality-oriented d) educational reflex

59. Art therapy is a rehabilitation technology based on the use of means

A) horseback riding b) art c) socio-cultural animation d) physical culture

60. Turotherapy is a socio-cultural, rehabilitation technology, which is based on

A) tourism and sightseeing activities b) creative components based on working with plastic material c) musical games, singing, playing musical instruments

Regulatory framework for management

educational institution

(general part for heads of educational institutions,

applicants for the highest and first qualification categories)

1. Can the course of a disciplinary investigation of violations by a teacher of an educational institution of the norms of professional conduct and (or) the charter of this educational institution and the decisions taken as a result of it be made public?

A) Yes, only with the consent of the interested teacher; b) No; c) Yes.

2. Is a monthly cash compensation paid to executives of educational institutions - in order to facilitate their provision of book publishing products and periodicals?

A) By decision of the pedagogical council of the educational institution; b) No; c) Yes, if their activities are related to the educational process.

3. Is it provided for the distribution of benefits established in rural areas for agricultural specialists, respectively, to teaching staff of educational institutions located in a given area, and educational institutions remote from urban centers and considered as such by state authorities and administration?

A) Yes; b) Yes, for graduates of pedagogical educational institutions of higher professional and secondary professional education; c) Yes, for specialists who graduated from agricultural educational institutions of higher professional and secondary professional education; d) No.4. The federal program for the development of education is developed by a) the Government of the Russian Federation; b) the highest legislative body of the Russian Federation; c) on a competitive basis5. The mandatory minimum content of each main general education program or the main professional education program, the maximum volume of the study load of students, the requirements for the level of training of graduates are established a) by the Model Regulations on educational institutions of the relevant types and types; b) the relevant state educational standard; c) an educational institution; d) a pedagogical worker.6. What is the procedure for the operation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education? a) applies to all educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation; b) some of the articles apply only to state and municipal educational institutions, others apply only to non-state ones, there are articles that apply to educational institutions of all organizational and legal forms; c) applies only to state and municipal educational institutions.7. Who develops and adopts a new edition of the charter of an educational institution? a) the founder or founders; b) educational authorities; c) registration authorities; d) an educational institution.8. Indicate which of the documents is not a local act of an educational institution? a) regulations on the Council of the educational institution; b) regulations on the pedagogical council of the educational institution; c) internal regulations for students; d) an agreement between the educational institution and the founder (founders); e) provision on the provision of paid, including additional educational services.9. Whose competence includes the development and adoption (approval) of educational programs? a) state educational authorities; b) educational authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation; c) an educational institution; d) the founder (founders).10. The knowledge of labor protection of heads of educational institutions is checked at least once a) a year b) 3 years c) 5 years11. Is there an age limit for a student to receive basic general education? a) no; b) yes - 18 years old; c) yes - 15 years; d) yes - 18 years, but for certain categories of students the age limit for obtaining basic general education may be increased.12. When the educational activities of the institution are suspended in cases that pose a threat to the life and health of employees and students, the wages of employees are paid in the amount of a) half of the tariff rate (salary) b) 2/3 of the tariff rate (salary) c) average salary13. Licensing of educational institutions for the right to conduct educational activities under the programs of higher professional and postgraduate professional education is within the competence of a) a subject of the Russian Federation; b) in the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation; c) the Russian Federation.14. Does he establish a structure for managing the activities of an educational institution? a) founder; b) educational institution; c) educational authorities.15. What penalties can be established by the administration of an educational institution for students and their parents (legal representatives): a) for smoking at school and outside it;

b) for fights;

c) damage and loss of textbooks;

d) absenteeism;

e) fines from parents for damaging school property by students;

f) rudeness to teachers;

g) imposition of fines is illegal.

16. Do pensioners who previously worked in educational institutions located in rural areas or urban-type settlements (working settlements) retain utility benefits when they move to a permanent place of residence in the city?

A) yes; b) no; c) by decision of the educational authorities;17. The content of the mandatory part of the charter of an educational institution is determined by a) the founder; b) educational institution;

Lecture for teachers "Pedagogically difficult children"

Teenagers They are no longer children, but not yet adults. They consider themselves self-reliant and independent, and more and more try to be like their comrades.
They have a strong sense of justice and are prone to conflict and argument. Teen behavior is unpredictable.
Every teacher in his practice has to deal with the so-called "difficult" children, in the face of which all the usual pedagogical approaches cease to work. Such children are called deviants and accentuants. These include those who deviate in any way from accepted or implied norms of mental health, behaviour, culture or morals.
The most characteristic such deviations for children of adolescence and youth due to the hormonal changes occurring during this age period and the restructuring of the idea of ​​a young man or girl about themselves.
The main reason for deviant behavior is a decrease in the level of self-esteem. Low self-esteem is experienced as an unpleasant condition that you want to get rid of. Most often it is caused by a lack of parental attention and love in early childhood. As a result, children experience a syndrome of emotional insufficiency, while in some people intracerebral mental processes at the level of biochemical metabolism are broken, while in others, relations with the outside world. The feeling of self-humiliation first arises through the experience of one's inadequacy to social requirements. In this case, the problem of choice arises - either to continue their torment, or to increase self-esteem in behavior directed against these requirements. The second one is usually chosen. Therefore, the desire to meet the requirements of the collective and society decreases, and the desire to evade them grows.
"Difficult" teenagers can be conditionally divided into groups.
1) Hyperthymics are people who are characterized by increased activity, sociability, a tendency to thoughtless mischief and a frequent change of hobbies. They are kind, responsive and unforgiving. More than anything in the world, they love socializing with friends and all sorts of adventurous adventures. They do not tolerate monotonous and monotonous work. The punishment for them is the restriction of impressions and forced loneliness.
They do not like it when: - there are restrictions on their activity;
- it is necessary to perform work according to certain rules and restrictions;
- there is no free and varied communication.
In pedagogical work, it is important to develop the habit of keeping your belongings, books and notes in order. Order on the table and in your room is the first task. The second is that order in feelings and thoughts is brought about with the help of self-observation and regular diary keeping. And also develop the habit of finishing what you start.
2) Distimki - focus on the gloomy sides of reality, they are distinguished by their special seriousness and constantly depressed mood. They are touchy, quickly get tired of hard work, often looking for all sorts of illnesses. They have an underestimation of both themselves and the world around them. In pedagogical work with them, attention should be paid to the targeted improvement of their health and increased endurance.
They do not like it when: - someone criticizes their behavior and finds shortcomings in them;
- when others do not feel sorry for them and do not give them attention and support;
- when you have to perform difficult and responsible work for a long time;
- when you have to change the familiar environment and adapt to new living conditions;
- when there is no person nearby who you can lean on and who you can cry into your vest.
In pedagogical work, one can recommend every day to such a teenager to play for some time the role of a winner who succeeds in everything in life;
Make a list of your strengths on a sheet of paper and place it in a conspicuous place. Read the list regularly and add new features to it.
3) Cyclothymics are people who are distinguished by periodic mood swings. Sometimes they are active and energetic, sometimes they are sluggish and slow. In pedagogical work, one must proceed from their mood at the moment. Difficult situations for them are unexpected requests and instructions, especially if they contradict their mood at the moment. This should also include the difficulty of moving away from the usual stereotype of activity, breaking habits. Therefore, it is necessary to spare the teenager at the time of the decline in his activity. At this time, it is recommended to give tasks that distract from negative emotions. The best thing for this is simple physical work in a circle of close friends.
4) Schizoids - are distinguished by isolation, immersion in their own world, uncommunicative. At the same time, they are characterized by a good theoretical mind, stability of interests, constancy of employment.
do not like when: - someone tries to invade their inner world;
- it is necessary to establish warm informal contacts with others;
- they are assigned to lead others;
- habits and stereotypes are broken;
- Must be able to work in a team.
In pedagogical work, direct attempts to invade his inner world should be avoided and it is better to use the tactics of indirectly identifying the problems that occupy him.
5) Sensitives - people who are characterized by increased susceptibility and vulnerability. They often suffer from a guilt and inferiority complex. Their distinguishing features are shyness and shyness, avoidance of noisy games. Good performers and loyal friends. In work, the main thing for them is not the work itself, but the sympathy that is tied between colleagues.
do not like when: - they have to speak in public and compete with someone;
- ridiculed at them;
- they are under constant control and increased guardianship;
- there is no close friend with whom one could share one's experiences;
- someone has a bad opinion about them.
Educational work with such a child should be aimed at increasing his self-esteem, his awareness of his excessive suspiciousness and vain fears, training in making independent decisions. To teach a teenager not to be offended in response to someone's joke or ridicule, but to respond with a pre-prepared answer.
6) Epileptoids - people who are characterized by increased emotionality and excitability, intolerance to the slightest violations of order and any objections. Very power-hungry, like to command.
They do not like it when: - the usual routine of their life is violated;
- there is no opportunity to show their authority and show their power over others;
- they are criticized and ridiculed. In this case, they experience the strongest anger and rage, expressed in an aggressive attack on the offender.
In pedagogical work with such adolescents, it is recommended:
* give the opportunity to relieve excessive negative emotional stress through sports, various types of physical activity;
* choose a business in which the child could satisfy his need for dominance and develop natural leadership qualities.
7) Psychasthenics - adolescents who are characterized by increased anxiety and concern about their own fate. The negative features of this type are indecisiveness and constant doubts, timidity, humility, disbelief in one's own strength.
They do not like when they have to: - make independent decisions;
- quickly switch from one thing to another;
- listen to criticism in his address;
- speak in public.
When working with such teenagers, it is recommended in a situation where it is necessary to make a not very important decision, not to start thinking, but to take 1 minute to think and then act. Once you've made a decision, don't back down from it. Try to translate as many cases as possible into the category of not very important, not requiring much thought.
8) Paranoids - people who are distinguished by the utmost determination in achieving any goal. The best result is achieved by working alone, not in a group. Proving their case, they enter into conflict, not noticing it and not reacting to the feelings of others.
They do not like it when: - they are criticized;
- have to obey others;
- you have to do uninteresting business.
In communication, they often conflict because of their intolerance and categoricalness, suspicion.
In pedagogical work, a style of benevolent trust, a joint discussion of plans, and recognition of their personal significance are recommended. Invite the teenager to look at others with a friendly smile. This increases the self-esteem of the interlocutor, in response to which he begins to treat the teenager more friendly.
9) Hysteroids - these include people with a pronounced desire to constantly be in the spotlight, demonstrating to others their talents, outfits. For such a teenager, others are a means for personal self-affirmation. If such a person hears in a company how they speak well of someone, but they forgot about him, he becomes irritated and makes barbs at the person they are talking about.
They do not like it when: - they are criticized and someone hurts their pride;
- they face the indifference of others;
- in their life there are no bright impressions.
In pedagogical work, the tendency to constantly “pull the blanket over oneself” should be overcome. This is helped by acquaintance with the heroes of works of art who have a similar type of character, the awakening of interest and sympathy for others. The exit of egocentric tendencies is possible through the participation of such a teenager in amateur art activities.
10) Conformal type - representatives of this type are characterized by thoughtless conciliation with others. They strive to “be like everyone else”, because this creates a sense of security. They are not important leaders, but good executors of other people's decisions.
They do not like it when: - they are rejected by the group to which they are attached;
- a new activity is mastered without models or leaders;
In pedagogical work, it is necessary to create conditions for the manifestation of independence and steadfastness in upholding positions. It is also important to find for a teenager such an interest group in which socially significant values ​​and interests are affirmed. It can be sports sections, hobby groups.
11) Unstable - representatives of this type are characterized by disobedience and restlessness. Positive personality traits are sociability, openness. Negative - a tendency to empty pastime, talkativeness, boastfulness, irresponsibility, deceit. Such adolescents are not attracted to intellectual hobbies, as they are not able to focus on any subject for a long time due to weakness of attention.
They do not like it when: - they are required to strictly observe discipline;
- they are limited in entertainment;
- you need to focus on something for a long time;
You have to make a decision and take responsibility for it.
In pedagogical work, constant attention from an adult is required. Best of all, such teenagers are affected by physical labor and sports, which discipline them and give them emotional release.
12) Asthenic - people of this type are characterized by increased fatigue and associated irritability. Attractive features of this type are modesty, diligence, friendliness; negative - capriciousness, tearfulness, self-doubt.
They do not like it when: - they find themselves in a situation of any tension - mental or physical;
- find themselves in a situation of open conflict, when they have to defend their point of view;
- laugh at their weaknesses and ineptitude;
- are in a situation of forced communication with a large number of people.
In pedagogical work, it is necessary to create situations in which you can train their confidence, firmness and courage. Such are the situations of public speaking.
13) Labile - a characteristic feature of this type is a frequent change of mood from insignificant reasons. The positive features of this type are sociability, good nature, devotion in friendship, sincerity and responsiveness in periods of good mood. Such teenagers are difficult to predict in communication, when, in response to an innocent remark, they can either burst into laughter or burst into tears from resentment. All their behavior depends on the mood, which is influenced by the most insignificant factors.
They do not like it when: - they find themselves in a situation of rivalry;
- their self-esteem is impaired;
- no success and public recognition;
- they are criticized for misbehaving.
In pedagogical work, one should remember the need for constant emotional support for them, strengthening self-esteem. This is facilitated by the establishment of a trusting contact with such a teenager.