The best brands of penetrating waterproofing for concrete. Penetrating waterproofing Penetron: characteristics, application, consumption and prices Coating penetrating waterproofing: distinctive features

  • 27.06.2020

Penetrating waterproofing for concrete- this is a set of measures that prevent the ingress of water, as well as protecting the structure from the effects of aggressive environments. Waterproofing works help to avoid corrosion, wall destruction, dampness and mold. They are carried out during the construction of concrete structures - foundations, basements, floors, walls, pools, underground garages and tunnels. Also, these works can be carried out at the stage of sealing seams, joints, ceilings.

Penetrating waterproofing agents are available in powder or ready-made solution. The basis of any mixture, as a rule, is cement and fine quartz sand. The compositions of mixtures differ due to various modifiers and fillers.

Mechanism of penetrating action

Active additives penetrate concrete microcracks (water repellents) to a depth of 10 to 60 cm and enter into a chemical reaction with it. At the end of the process, crystals are formed that are stronger than concrete. The crystals of the waterproofing solution do not dissolve back into water. Outside, a durable waterproof coating appears.

Double benefit

Thus, the waterproofing solution performs a dual function: clogs pores, irregularities inside and forms a protective layer on the outside. These properties are especially advantageous for the reconstruction and restoration of concrete walls.
When water disappears, the chemical reaction stops. The next time water hits the surface, the crystallization process resumes in depth. Thus the crystals become integral part concrete structure. The degree of penetration of active substances depends on the density of concrete, its moisture content and temperature. environment.
As a result of the use of funds penetrating waterproofing You get a coating that will get harder every day.

Benefits of penetrating waterproofing


    Treatment with penetrating compounds significantly increases the frost resistance and water resistance of building structures, while the strength characteristics practically do not increase.

    Penetrating waterproofing is insensitive to damage to the outer layer, since the waterproofing properties are distributed in depth and throughout the volume of concrete.

    The porous structure of the concrete stone acquires the properties of water resistance, but at the same time continues to remain vapor-permeable (breathable)

    The classic composition of penetrating waterproofing includes only environmentally friendly mineral components.

    Waterproof crystal structure formed in the pores cement stone practically inseparable from it and continues to function throughout the life of the building structure

    Penetrating waterproofing is a volumetric material that is applied to the surface of concrete, but at the same time ensures the formation of a waterproof crystalline structure in the entire available volume of the material, which is actually limited by the size of the porous system of concrete stone and the initial supply of chemically active substances.

    The material can be used with positive and negative hydrostatic pressure and applied to both external and external surfaces. inner surface processed structure

Cons of penetrating waterproofing


    Penetrating waterproofing is used only for materials based on cement binder (concrete, reinforced concrete, plaster and other building mixtures). This is due to the fact that the components of cement stone are the basis for the formation of a crystalline structure in the pores of concrete, which provides high water resistance characteristics.

    Penetrating waterproofing is not used to prevent water from entering through technological, including cold, seams, as well as concrete cracks, because. the process of germination of the crystal structure can only develop within a single, connected system of pores. Special suture materials are used for waterproofing seams and technological openings.

    Penetrating waterproofing does not prevent water from entering through newly formed cracks, incl. shrinkage and structural defects of building structures. Therefore, when working on external waterproofing buildings and structures, the use of penetrating compounds is recommended in combination with elastic waterproofing materials.

    Penetrating waterproofing works inefficiently in porous cement-containing materials with compressive strength characteristics of less than 150 MPa.

Instructions for use (abstract) of penetrating waterproofing:

The information is intended for familiarization with general principles application of penetrating waterproofing.
When carrying out work, you must be guided by the instructions placed directly on the packaging of the material used, as well as in the corresponding section of our website.

Surface preparation:

  1. The material is used exclusively for the treatment of concrete or other bases made on the basis of a cement binder, because. the presence of calcium is a prerequisite for the formation of a waterproofing crystalline structure.
  2. During preparation, it is necessary to ensure the maximum opening of pores on the treated surface and its abundant moisture, because the presence of water molecules is another prerequisite for the formation of a waterproofing crystalline structure, and its growth and development occur directly in the pores of the concrete stone. The presence of pollution of various nature is unacceptable.
  3. The material is not intended for waterproofing joints and cracks with an opening of more than 0.4 mm, therefore, to prevent water ingress, these defects must be reliably waterproofed in advance with seam or repair materials.

Preparation of penetrating waterproofing.

  1. Only clean drinking water is used, because the presence of foreign impurities of organic and inorganic origin has a harmful effect on the course of chemical processes in modern multicomponent compositions and significantly reduces the final water tightness of the building structure.
  2. Care should be taken to fulfill the requirements for intermediate holding of the solution, aimed at ensuring better dissolution, as a rule, of a small amount of modifying or chemically active components that are initially in dry form and achieving uniform distribution throughout the volume of the solution.
  3. It is forbidden to add water to the solution in excess of the technological norm, because. the presence of excess water leads not only to a decrease in the ease of application of the solution, but also to a serious deterioration specifications material. Please note that the consistency of the solution during mixing changes significantly and until all additives are completely dissolved, it may look quite hard.
  4. With a significant deviation of the temperature of the mixing water from the norm, an imbalance of all time parameters of mixing and hardening of the solution occurs, which should be taken into account when applying the material and carrying out further work.

Applying a penetrating waterproofing solution:

The requirements for applying the solution are related to ensuring the most active interaction of the chemically active part of the solution with the treated surface.
  1. The solution must be in close contact with the base over the entire area of ​​the treated surface.
  2. The thickness of the working layer must be uniform and correspond to the material consumption rate.
  3. "Baking" areas are cleaned and processed again without fail.

Surface care.

  1. The treated surface must be kept moist for three days to ensure the diffusion of the active components of the composition into the thickness of the treated surface and maintain the dynamics of the primary formation of a waterproofing crystalline structure.
  2. The exposure time of the material before applying subsequent layers, in the general case, is 28 days, but can be significantly less. in this case, it is indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for use located on the product packaging.
  3. In the case of germination of the crystal structure on the outer side of the waterproofing coating, before applying subsequent layers, it must be mechanically removed, and the surface itself is treated with a weak acid solution to stop the crystallization process.

The foundation is one of the most important elements in the construction of buildings, and its protection from moisture and groundwater seepage is sometimes crucial. It is equally important to provide protection from the moisture of the base when laying various floor coverings. For these purposes, the use of penetrating waterproofing is most effective. These are mixtures of special cement and additives that, upon contact with concrete, seep through the smallest pores and cracks, fill voids and crystallize upon contact with water. When using these mixtures, the concrete base becomes waterproof and acquires additional frost-resistant qualities.

Application area

Due to their versatility, waterproofing mixes for concrete are used in many areas of construction:

  • when laying the foundation;
  • to protect basements from moisture;
  • for additional protection and strengthening of brickwork;
  • for waterproofing floors and walls in bathrooms and kitchens;
  • in the construction of pools and garden ornamental ponds;
  • when processing the base for self-leveling floors or other floor coverings.

Due to the possibility of using compositions not only during the construction of objects, but also in ready-made premises, waterproofing materials of penetrating action are widely used in the field of repair work. Also, mixtures are successfully used for the construction of monumental reinforced concrete structures, such as dams, bridge supports, and others - as well as for their restoration.


Although the usual use roll materials for moisture protection is more common, they are not as effective as penetrating waterproofing for concrete, because they have a limited effect and are not able to penetrate into the thickness of the concrete block. Also, in the case of constant contact with water, rolled mastic materials are deformed and destroyed, while waterproofing with a solution only strengthens concrete walls pools and wells.

Main positive traits mixtures for concrete waterproofing:

  • ensuring reliable water tightness of the treated area;
  • protection against the penetration of fungus, mold and toxic substances;
  • suitable for use in contact with sea water, sewage;
  • giving additional strength and resistance to temperature extremes;
  • penetration of the mixture throughout the entire thickness of the concrete layer;
  • ease of preparation and application;
  • the possibility of performing work in small selective places, also in hard-to-reach areas;
  • environmental safety, harmlessness to human health, non-toxicity;
  • the ability to use both for internal and external works;
  • the possibility of application regardless of the degree of completion of construction, as well as for repair and restoration work;
  • reducing the time of work - the surface does not have to be thoroughly dried for several days, as is the case with other waterproofing methods.

As a result of the interaction of the composition of the mixture with concrete, it becomes an integral part of it and therefore the service life of such waterproofing is as long as that of the structure itself. The properties of the mixture make it convenient to add it directly to the concrete at the pouring stage, providing the highest quality insulation and strengthening the resulting concrete block.


The main disadvantage of penetrating waterproofing is its price - the cost of materials and work remains quite high, although it pays off with a quality result. You also need to take into account the following negative points:

  • the composition is not always effective in places of rough joints and cracks, in these cases additional protection is required;
  • rather complex surface preparation, designed to ensure high-quality material seepage inside the block;
  • not all base materials are suitable for processing - for example, foam concrete has too large pores that the mixture cannot fill with sufficient quality;
  • the rapid setting of the mortar forces it to be used in small quantities, which makes it difficult to prepare for work.

Despite a number of difficulties, mixtures for waterproofing concrete and masonry are unmatched on the modern market of materials for construction and repair.

Popular manufacturers

Materials for waterproofing concrete began to gain wide popularity in our country only in last years, but some manufacturers managed to earn respect high level the quality of their products. For the correct selection, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the place of work - the degree of wear, damage to the surface, the purpose is also important - the mixture is used as the main insulation, or to protect the joints, as a preventive protection.


A mixture based on cement and quartz sand with the addition of active chemical compounds. Has the following characteristics:

  • It is used for concrete and reinforced concrete structures (foundations, wells, cellars).
  • Suitable for both prefabricated and monolithic structures.
  • Provides the best efficiency when working with concrete grades from M100 with a uniform surface that does not have cracks larger than 0.4 mm.
  • Not suitable for masonry and foam concrete.
  • Before processing, a thorough cleaning of the surface from dirt, paint and plaster is required.
  • Apply with a sprayer or brush.

The solution is mixed in the ratio of mixture and water 2:1, it is recommended to apply in two layers. With this application, the material consumption will be approximately 0.8 kg per 1 sq.m.


A mixture based on cement, river sand and special chemical compounds, causing active crystal growth in concrete cells as a result of interaction with calcium salts. Composition properties:

  • Versatility - suitable for all types of surfaces in contact with water.
  • It has a line of compounds designed for surfaces of various types.
  • Russian production, low price compared to foreign counterparts.
  • High resistance to aggressive environments, is not washed out.
  • Resistant to large temperature changes.

Consumption is from 0.8 kg per square meter, depending on the degree of deterioration of the base, an increase in consumption is possible.


Dry formulations for construction works Russian production. A line has been developed to perform various tasks and types of work, including restoration in case of severe wear.

  • Base of Portland cement with the addition of quartz sand and chemical additives.
  • Wide range of applications, highly effective protection of residential and industrial buildings.
  • Suitable for permanent contact with water, for example, when processing a pool bowl, well walls.
  • Increases the compressive strength of concrete.
  • The base should not have cracks of more than 0.3 mm.
  • Consumption, depending on the type of mixture, is on average 1-1.2 kg per square meter.

A big advantage is the variety of compositions - it is easy to choose a mixture for coating, plastering, seam processing. There are compositions for adding to concrete during mixing, and for treating the prepared surface.

Material Specifications

3/1 2/1

Elasticizer consumption, l/kg of dry mixture

0,33 0,5

Consumption mortar mix with a layer thickness of 2 mm, kg / m 2

3,2 3,2

Solution pot life, min

40 40

Tensile strength, MPa
without reinforcement

Reinforced with propylene fabric


Elongation at break, %

30 50

Flexibility temperature on a bar with a diameter of 10 mm, °С

–25 –35

Increase in water resistance on concrete samples at positive water pressure (on clamp), atm

12 12

Adhesion strength, MPa

With concrete

with metal


Ability to cover cracks, mm

The Russian brand, which is very popular due to its low cost and a wide range of tasks.

  • You can choose a mixture for processing roofs, shafts, basements, bathrooms.
  • The high strength of the resulting impregnation, with the formation of microcracks after processing, the material "heals" them.
  • Increases the compressive strength of concrete.
  • Environmentally friendly and can be used for processing structures in reservoirs and wells.
  • Differs in cost-effectiveness.

This composition is recommended to be added to concrete at the mixing stage. When used on a finished surface, it must be very well dampened in order for the mortar to penetrate deeper. Due to the properties of the mixture, the resulting impregnation provides a reliable anti-corrosion layer. In case of damage or chipping, the surface remains protected from moisture to the level of penetration of the waterproofing.

KT Tron

Another domestic manufacturer with a wide range of compositions presented.

  • Multitasking - you can choose a mixture for adding to concrete at the pouring stage, for processing a worn-out structure, for insulating seams, joints.
  • Suitable for both domestic and industrial, as well as for residential premises.
  • Suitable for structures permanently exposed to water.
  • Significantly increases the resistance of concrete to corrosion, suitable for aggressive environments.
  • Safety for nature and man, processing of drinking water tanks is allowed.

Material consumption is not less than 1 kg per square meter, the resulting impregnation has a very high strength, suitable for various climatic zones, UV resistant.

A wide range of manufacturers and products at affordable prices makes it possible to choose a material for any task.

Waterproofing "Penetron" - one of the most popular materials in the construction industry. Produced in the form of a dry mixture, which includes a specialized albolite and chemical modifiers. The composition is used for waterproofing reinforced concrete and concrete surfaces of structures. "Penetron" increases the resistance of buildings to moisture, low temperatures, acids, alkalis, ground, sea and waste water.

Scope of waterproofing "Penetron"

The insulating material can either act as an independent composition or be applied in combination with other auxiliary mixtures from a similar product series. The specific application depends on the type of structure.

Penetrating waterproofing "Penetron" is used when there are cracks 0.4 mm wide on the treated surface. If the size of the defects is more significant, then the Penekrit composition is also used. Both mixtures eliminate cracks, joints and wide seams.

The advantage of "Penetron" is radioactive purity and environmental friendliness. Waterproofing is completely safe for the environment and human health.

The composition is used for waterproofing monolithic and prefabricated structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete. The surface treated with such a composition better resists the effects of moisture, aggressive agents, increases its strength, frost resistance.

Benefits of building mix

Waterproofing "Penetron" today is considered one of the most effective methods from exposure to moisture.

The advantages of the composition include the following facts:

  • Penetrating waterproofing is not subject to mechanical wear, since concrete acquires all the insulating properties. The service life of the coating is equal to the service life of the structure on which it was applied.
  • More technological application. For example, waterproofing the foundation with Penetron can be carried out from any side - the penetrating properties of the solution will do their job without drying the concrete itself.
  • Dry mortar is capable of closing cracks that form during operation in concrete with a width of not more than 0.5 mm. When water seeps into the pores of the base, crystals grow, which push out moisture.
  • "Penetron" does not change the physical properties concrete mix- strength, mobility, setting time, etc. The exception is water resistance.

Branded solutions "Penetron" help even in cases where similar mixtures can not cope.

The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing

The insulation mortar is applied only to the wet concrete surface. Interacting with the base material, the mixture creates a high chemical potential while maintaining a lower potential of the internal structure of the concrete. The emerging contributes to the penetration of "Penetron" deep into the material of the insulated structure.

The higher its humidity, the faster and more efficiently this process will occur. Waterproofing components are able to penetrate deep into concrete structures by several tens of centimeters.

Unique properties of "Penetron"

Penetrating mixtures have certain characteristics that greatly simplify their application and increase efficiency.

  • Such solutions are applied to both wet and dry surfaces. Pre-drying of the base is not required, which saves cash when performing work.
  • Special surface preparation before applying "Penetron" is not required.
  • You can apply waterproofing to any. In addition, it reacts not only with it, but also with reinforcing components.
  • Ecological cleanliness and safety of waterproofing allows it to be used for the treatment of drinking water tanks.

Surface preparation

Before applying the solution to the concrete surface, it is desirable to clean it from sand, dirt, dust, old paintwork and decorative coatings. For this purpose, you can use special equipment that supplies a high-pressure jet of water.

The concrete cleaned from dirt and dust is washed with a weak acid solution and left in this form for one hour. This is done to eliminate fatty traces and accumulations.

It is worth remembering that the best effect of Penetron waterproofing can be achieved if the entire structure of concrete is impregnated with a solution and applied to a damp surface.

Waterproofing "Penetron": application technology

The process of processing concrete structures is started after the surface is completely cleaned of dirt and the required amount of the mixture is prepared. Waterproofing "Penetron" is applied in two layers with a brush made of synthetic fibers or a special sprayer.

As mentioned above, all work is carried out only with wet concrete. The first layer of waterproofing is applied immediately after the surface of the structure is wetted with water. Then they wait some time for the composition to “seize”, after which the concrete is moistened again and a second layer is applied.

The main requirement is a uniform distribution of the composition over the surface of the structure, without gaps and gaps. On average, about 0.8-1.1 kg of the mixture will have to be spent per square meter of area, however, the presence of defects and surface irregularities can significantly increase consumption. Waterproofing "Penetron" is often used in conjunction with "Penecrete" and other materials from a similar line, allowing you to eliminate leaks, seams, joints and junctions of block structures.

Waterproofing "Penetron": reviews and approximate cost

Before buying any building materials, it is important to make sure of their quality. You can do this by looking at the reviews of real consumers. one line receive mostly positive feedback, including Penetron dry mixes. The price of these building materials is perhaps the only point of dissatisfaction.

If we compare the cost of laying the gluing type of waterproofing, taking into account its operational life, then the cost of acquiring a dry mix will not be so big.

On average, for one package of Penetron waterproofing, the price varies from 200 to 300 rubles.

Maintenance of structures treated with waterproofing

For three days after applying the composition, the concrete surface must be protected from mechanical damage and impacts. The base should also not dry out - this can cause cracking and peeling. To avoid this, you can spray water onto the surface with a spray bottle or cover it with plastic wrap.

In most cases, concrete structures are finished decorative materials. When treating surfaces with Penetron waterproofing, perform the following Finishing work only possible after 28 days.

Sometimes ordinary waterproofing does not help protect foundations that are in active contact with water. To prevent the destruction of structures from moisture, it is necessary to use a waterproofing penetrating water stop for concrete. Today we will talk about penetrating compounds, consider their advantages and disadvantages. We will introduce you to the mechanism of penetrating waterproofing, advise the best mixtures for it, and inform you about the technology for using such waterproofing.

Scope of penetrating waterproofing

Waterproofing is necessary in order to protect the structural material installed in the room from moisture, increasing its service life. Water contains salts, which, penetrating into the structure of the material, begin to destroy it, reducing its strength and durability. To prevent the negative impact of water on the building, to increase the moisture resistance of the building material, a waterproofing layer is laid.

Penetrating waterproofing-cement-sand mixture using chemical additives.

The difference between penetrating waterproofing and other compounds is that it creates a waterproofing layer not on the surface of the foundation, but in its thickness, inside.

Chemical additives are able to penetrate to a depth of 10-12 cm.

This waterproofing is used in many structures with high humidity:

The principle of operation, the pros and cons of penetrating waterproofing

The material is applied to wet concrete, previously mixed with water. The chemicals that make up the penetrating materials react with the elements of the concrete mixture and form insoluble crystals.

And since the structure of concrete is capillary-porous, the crystals fill its microcracks, blocking access to water. Air can pass through it, allowing the concrete to breathe. Thanks to penetrating waterproofing, concrete becomes compacted, a high-strength film 2-3 mm thick is formed on it, and even strong water pressure cannot wash active substances out of it.

If water molecules fall on such concrete, then the chemical reaction resumes again. Substances penetrate even deeper into it, thus capturing more and more areas of it, making it highly durable and waterproof. The penetration depth of such waterproofing throughout the entire thickness of concrete is 30-40 cm, it can close cracks 4 mm wide.

Benefits of using:

Penetrating waterproofing has its drawbacks

The choice of penetrating waterproofing


One of the most popular building penetrating mixtures is "Penetron." This material system increases the water resistance of concrete by 4 steps. So before processing concrete, he withstood water pressure of 2 atmospheres. After using Penetron penetrating waterproofing, it is able to withstand water pressure of 10 atmospheres, and over time can achieve water resistance.

Chemically active substances "Penetron" penetrate into the concrete, regardless of the direction of water pressure. The movement of the Penetron elements is possible deep into the concrete and against the flow of water. Once inside, active chemical elements"Penetron" react with aluminum ions, calcium, oxides and metal salts. As a result, an insoluble precipitate appears in the form of crystals, which fill the concrete cells without letting water in. The water resistance of concrete is increased.

"Penetron" is a dry building mix, which includes quartz sand and chemical additives. This quality patented material has been used for more than 50 years for monolithic and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures. American penetrating material protects and restores old concrete with cracks no more than 0.5mm.

Its effectiveness allows the use of "Penetron" not only for industrial, but also for domestic purposes: to protect pools, bathrooms, basements. The material is not cheap - the cost for 1 kg is 4-5 dollars, and its consumption is 1 kg per square meter.

Expensive pleasure, isn't it? But it's worth it. Better buy quality material than to resume repair work. Just carefully look at the goods on the market so as not to buy a cheap fake.


High-quality mixture for penetrating waterproofing. The composition of "Crystallisol" includes river or quartz sand, special cement and active chemical additives. The manufacturer GidroStroyKomplekt does not reveal the secret of the composition of the mixture.

It is produced in Russia, so it costs less - only $ 1 per 1 kg. But she doesn't give up famous brand, and in some respects even superior.

Yes, waterproof plaster mix restores damaged concrete structures, perfectly protects swimming pools, water tanks, walls and floors of basements that are below the groundwater level.

For joints and seams produced - "Sutural" "Kristallizol", for new and old concrete structures - W12, for the walls of wells "Gidroplomba", for restoration - "Repair"


Reviews of the dry mix are the best. Consumers praise construction material for quality, efficiency and lower price than foreign analogues: 2-3 dollars per 1 kg. At the same time, it is higher than the price of the penetrating mixture of the domestic manufacturer Kristallizola. It consists of a mixture of quartz sand, cement and active chemical additives.

"Lakhta" does not exfoliate, forms a protective layer that prevents mechanical damage. Water resistance W10. Lakhta is effective even at high hydrostatic pressure. Widely used in industry and everyday life. Safe material, therefore approved for waterproofing tanks for drinking water.

Before applying Lakhta, the concrete surface should be cleaned of oil products, dirt, dust, so that foreign substances do not prevent the material from penetrating into the concrete pores.

A smooth surface should be blasted with high pressure sand and then applied with hydrochloric acid, diluted in a ratio of 1:10. This is necessary in order for the pores of the concrete to open.


Produced waterproofing penetrating "Element" in Stavropol. It costs one and a half dollars per kilogram.

It is used to protect basements, balconies, swimming pools, cellars, underground parking lots, socles, mines, hydraulic structures from water. "Element" penetrates into the concrete for several tens of centimeters.

The crystals that fill the capillaries of concrete go deeper inside, the wetter it is. And the stronger it becomes. Concrete after exposure to the penetrating mixture "Element" prevents water filtration even under strong pressure. The armoring layer that occurs when using the mixture protects against mechanical damage, chemical attack, and corrosion of metals.


Krov Trade specialists offer a wide range of building mixtures. Here, not only penetrating waterproofing, but also compounds that protect the seams and joints of structures, as well as mixtures to eliminate their instantaneous leakage.

There is a waterproof plaster in the line, which is applied to walls, additives to concrete that increase its water resistance.

The company employs specialists who are professionals in their field, who use best achievements science and technology. The main advantages of the composition of penetrating materials is the presence in them of elements similar in structure to cement. Therefore, they have the same service life as concrete. Penetrating mixtures are used in order to make structures dry, waterproof for water: basements, garages, plinths, bathrooms, industrial and energy complexes.


Penetrating waterproofing is composed of sand, cement and additives. For waterproofing the inner layer, "Hydrotex B" is used, for the outer "Hydrotex U."

Hydrotex manufacturers claim that their compounds can penetrate to a depth of 1m.

– penetrating materials made in Italy. They protect both industrial facilities and private buildings. Before using them, walls and floors should be plastered.

Aquatron-6- this waterproofing penetrates deep into the concrete by 40 cm.

Technology of work with penetrating compositions

Technology of penetrating waterproofing of joints and seams

If cracks big size, add fine gravel.

If concrete structure with traces of destruction, then the mixture is applied with a spatula in several layers. The layer size must reach at least 13mm.

After an hour, treat the surface with a liquid waterproofing compound.

Foundation processing technology with penetrating waterproofing

This technology is used to process new block or monolithic foundations, as with inside, as well as from the outside.

The composition can be applied both from the inside of the room and from the outside.

If there are destroyed foundation structures, then the mixture should be of a pasty consistency. Apply it with a layer of 2 mm.

The surface should be covered with a decorative layer only 21 days after the use of waterproofing materials.

Foundation repair technology using penetrating compounds

This technology is used to eliminate leaks with a strong hydrostatic head. Hydro-penetrating seal stops leaking by installing a waterproof plug in the crack

Today we introduced you to penetrating waterproofing, its advantages and disadvantages, told you where it is used, and explained the technology for its use.

We hope that our advice will help you protect your building from destruction, extend its service life for many years.