Building level. Types and work

  • 23.06.2020

When buying a building level, you need to carefully study it. But in order to study it, you need to know what to study.

First of all, you need to pay attention to how the flask with the bubble is located. It should be absolutely flat without any bends. If there is even the slightest error, then during the construction it can greatly hinder.

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Secondly, if you buy a level in the store, you need to immediately test it. Bring it to the wall, floor. You need to make sure the level is showing correctly.

I will tell you about one good way, how not to make a mistake when choosing a building level, which I always use myself. You need to put it on some flat surface and mark on this surface with a marker (pen, pencil) marks as it stands.

After that, you need to turn it 180 degrees and put it in the same positions according to the marked marks. If the bubble in the flask is in the same position as it was before, then the level is correct.

You need to do the same for the vertical level. In the same way we put it against the wall, the bubble should be in the middle. Turn over and put in the same positions. If the bubble is in the same place, then the tool is working.

You should not skimp on a construction tool, as most cheap levels bend easily, which will be inconvenient when working.

  1. It is necessary to choose a fairly weighty level, it should not consist of some kind of light material.
  2. The bubble should move smoothly when tilted, without jerks and delays.
  3. There should be no foreign objects or debris in the vial.
  4. The body must be thick enough.
  5. The walls should be about 3mm.
  6. If you are working at height, then you need to buy a level with a magnetic stripe. Since it will be very convenient to magnetize it to the surface and you will have free hands.

The level must be treated carefully enough, it is afraid of falls, since the bubble may deviate.

A bubble level is essential for fine and small work. For larger jobs, you need to use a laser level.

With a laser level, everything is much easier. You put it on a tripod, and then either manually adjust it with a bubble level, or turn on self-leveling, in which it will adjust itself.

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Using a laser level, you can perform the same actions, but much faster. You just turn it on, set it up with one button and that's it, the level is ready.

Some laser levels have lasers that shine 360 ​​degrees. That is, you just put it in the center of the room and that's it.

How to choose a building level video:

Building level - adjustment, repair.

How to choose the right building level

Alcohol bubble, hydro, hydro level. Adjust, adjust, repair. Description

How to fine-tune building level. Do-it-yourself level repair. (10+)

Building level.

Purchase choice. Adjustment, repair

Adjustment, adjustment, repair of building level.

How to adjust it?

There are levels in which the possibility of adjustment is provided. The sensitive element (flask with liquid) in such levels is fixed with a bolt.

If the bolt is loosened, the sensing element can be rotated, thereby adjusting the level. Tuning is usually done in one of two ways. Either we simply move the flask with our hands (such an adjustment is less accurate), or an adjusting bolt is provided, by turning which we adjust the position of the flask (more precise adjustment is possible). Not all hydraulic levels are suitable for adjustment. There are those in which the flask is glued. If such a tool is faulty, it must be thrown away.

Adjusting the level is not a problem if you have a strictly horizontal surface.

But there is a vicious circle. To repair the building level, you need a horizontal surface, and to find a horizontal surface, you need a serviceable level. Get a horizontal surface with a broken spirit level.

We cut a stack of small pieces of paper, for example, newspapers. Find a stable (fixed) approximately horizontal surface. Let's put our faulty level on it.

Let's put a few pieces of paper under one end of the level so that it shows horizontality. Let's remember how much paper was put in this (first) time. Let's flip the level horizontally so that its right end is now on the left, and its left end is on the right. If the level is correct, then it will continue to show horizontality, since a good level shows the horizon, and the horizon is one, from right to left, from left to right. If the level needs to be adjusted, as a result of turning over the air bubble in the flask will shift, the level will show that it is no longer horizontal.

Let's put a few more pieces of paper under one of the ends of the level so that it again begins to show horizontality.

You may have to put paper under the same end as last time, perhaps under a different one. At the same time, we count each enclosed piece. Now we will remove exactly half of the pieces of paper placed in the second stage.

If there were an odd number, then round up. Congratulations, we got the true horizon.

But the level shows a deviation. We release the fixing screw, turn the flask so that it shows horizontality, clamp the fixing screw. Setup completed successfully.

Adjusting the vertical bulb is done in exactly the same way. But you need an assistant to complete it, since it is performed on an approximately vertical wall.

And on such a wall, pieces of paper and the level by themselves will not hold. The assistant will have to hold them.

From a mathematical point of view, the proposed method is not quite accurate, but for construction purposes, the error is acceptable.

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High-quality repairs in an apartment, cottage or private house is impossible without the level of the building. It is necessary to determine the deviation of the surface plane from the horizontal or vertical length.

When installing drywall, plaster walls, stretch ceilings, slopes, placement of tiles or just hanging cabinets - you will need a building level.

What level should I choose?

How to choose the level of construction? is a frequently asked question about every newcomer or ordinary citizen who decides to fix his own hands himself.

The range of these tools in the modern world is very diverse. Today the market has many different types levels from simple cheap to the most modern professionals.

But we need an accurate and reliable level. First, let's find out what their differences are and consider each of them.

Water level (water level)

Builders often refer to this as the water level. It is used when it is necessary to detect deviations from horizontal surfaces. Its working principle is based on the properties of water to establish a horizontal position in accordance with the law of communication vessels.

The water level is a tube up to 25 m long, at the ends of which there are bulbs with a scale.

The water is poured onto the surface of the water, resulting in a noticeable weight.

  • Prostate.
  • Low cost (about 100-200 rubles).
  • Ability to work with very large surfaces.
  • When the level is filled with water, it is necessary to control the absence of air bubbles, otherwise the measurement error will be large.
  • Do not use tools with heaters.
  • For horizontal surfaces only, it is not possible to work with vertical surfaces.

bubble design level

This is the most common.

It consists of a body in which several small glass flasks are closed with a liquid. Depending on the number of lamps, it can be determined by horizontal accuracy (one bulb), horizontal and vertical (containers), horizontal, vertical and inclined (three bulbs) surfaces.

The most accurate bubble level is, of course, the one with three flasks. Most often, the bubble has a level rectangular shape sizes from 200 to 2500 mm.

The choice of length depends on the size and accuracy of application to the surface.

The body of the level is made of lightweight and powerful materials such as aluminum, plastic, wood or polystyrene, and most often alcohol is poured into flasks. Some bubble levels are made with magnetic plates to help process hardware. They are also called magnetic levels. Sometimes the mark refers to one of the two levels of the bubble, for use as a ruler.

How to choose a building level bubble level type?

Of course, it's better to focus on a good brand that makes professional tools.

For example, the level of construction of the German company Stabila (costs about 600-1600 rubles). This company produces magnetic levels, as well as various devices that allow you to work with an electrician (there are special slots for marking a switch or socket).

For full scale measurements of the 600-700mm level, you don't need to buy a two-level level.

In addition to Stabile, you can also choose from Shark tools.

This indicator is not terrible to fall or hit, it will not suffer. From the goods you can still buy: Bosch, Kapro or Ermak.

How to check the level of a building?

You must place the level on a level surface.

For example, it could be a desktop or a sales window. Remember your position, then put the second level in the same place. The bulb bottle of one of them will most likely move aside. If this happens, remember the position of the bubble according to the sections of the lamp.

Rotate the tool 180 degrees and insert it into its original position.

If the air bubble moves to the same position, the level is displayed correctly. If it doesn't, change the level to a different one and try a new one. You can also check any vertical level with water.

  • Availability.
  • Prevalence.
  • Easy to operate.
  • Some allow you to measure at an angle.

Pipe level

This type of level is also a bubble, but it has some minor differences.

They have less weight, some may fold. The pipe level is designed to work with pipes and profiles, which are most often equipped with additional devices for fixing pipes.

  • Availability.
  • Prevalence.
  • Simplicity and practicality of work.
  • There is a small chance of error.

Laser levels

Laser levels are the most accurate of all the presented models.

These modern instruments are very reliable and at the same time very expensive. Their prices range from 2,000 to 18,000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and many features.

This is a very handy and compact tool with high technical capabilities. The advantage is that the laser beam reaches a length of up to 100 meters. If you are planning to purchase this type of level, it is better to choose reliable brands such as Bosch or GrossLaser.

  • Easy to operate.
  • Very high accuracy.
  • Compactness.

How to set and use the building level?

In order to properly manage the level of a building, it is necessary to properly adjust it.

To do this, read the instructions. This is an individuality for each brand and model, it contains all the necessary rules and recommendations. Some have bike setup settings, others if it's an electronic level it's likely to be auto setup, just the support system will need to be selected.

It is very important to follow the instructions, because even new level has a certain error. Correctly adjust the level.

To properly adjust the hydraulic level, it is necessary to fill with water and observe the absence of air in thin pipes up to zero mark bottles.

After that, the lamp labels should be combined. If it doesn't, there are air bubbles or the tube is transported somewhere. Do not fill the water level with ice or overwhelming water, the liquid must be at room temperature. This facilitates an even distribution of heat over the entire contour of the level, ensuring maximum measurement accuracy.

The level of the bubble requires careful treatment.

building class

This is a very delicate instrument. Do not press it hard, do not look or smear it. It is enough to simply apply it effortlessly to the surface, and if the surface is perfect, the air bubble will obviously be in the middle of the measuring marks.

Try to regularly check the accuracy of the level measurement, as it can be misleading.

Building levels: types, selection and purpose

The level is an indispensable tool when performing construction and installation work. It is necessary for correct installation doors, windows, laying bricks and tiles, checking the verticality of the walls, the horizontality of the floors. With its help, the installation of a modern household appliances, communications.

The right choice of measuring tool significantly improves the quality of work and saves time.

By design, five main types of building levels can be distinguished: bubble, electronic, pipe, hydraulic, laser. Below we will look at each of them in more detail.

Five types of building levels

bubble levels are most widely used due to their simplicity, accessibility and versatility.

They are called so because the sensitive element they have is an air bubble floating in the ampoule. The measurement error of these devices is 0.5 ÷ 1 mm/m. Domestic models are produced in accordance with GOST 9416-83, which describes the technical conditions for their manufacture. The body of the tool is a hollow box-shaped structure with stiffeners. It can have a length of 30 cm to several meters.

To reduce weight, the device is made of aluminum alloys. Ampoules with air are covered with protective glass. At the base of the case, as a rule, there is a millimeter scale of measurements.

Magnetic bubble levels are perfect for working with metal structures.

Their distinctive feature is the presence of built-in magnets that allow you to fix the tool vertically on metal parts. For masons, there are models with a reinforced cast body.

If you have plastering work ahead, pay attention to the rules with the level. They combine two devices at the same time.

Electronic levels with goniometer belong to professional measuring tool.

They have several bubble chambers to assess the verticality and horizontality of building structures. However, unlike conventional levels, such devices have a number of additional features.

One of the main features is the digital display, which clearly shows the amount of deviation in degrees.

At the same time, the accuracy of the data provided is high - up to 0.1⁰. It is possible to record the measured slopes. Sound indication is provided, which signals the achievement of 0⁰ and 90⁰.

Checking the accuracy of the electronic level is simple and does not take much time. To do this, you need to put the device on a flat surface, take readings.

Rotate the level 180 degrees to see the new values. If the reading difference is more than 0.2⁰, the device needs to be calibrated.

pipe level designed to check the horizontal and verticality of water, gas, sewer pipes.

In general, it is convenient to use it for working with beams, a round profile in various building structures. The main features of this tool are the V-shaped body, the presence of magnets.

Thanks to this, the device can be easily installed on metal pipe or support.

The pipe level, like the bubble level, is equipped with several flasks with alcohol liquid.

An air bubble floats in each of them, by the location of which the deviation from the given direction is determined.

Hydraulic level used to apply precise horizontal markings on distant objects. With its help, they beat the floor level, install the foundation, lay bricks, install various building structures in one plane.

The hydrostatic level consists of two vessels connected by a transparent tube.

Before operation, the system is filled with water so that it occupies approximately 2/3 of the volume of the flasks. At the same time, make sure that the liquid inside the tube does not contain air bubbles. They must be removed, otherwise the measurements will be inaccurate. Bends and fractures of the tube are not allowed: water must flow freely from one vessel to another.

To check the accuracy of the instrument, the flasks are aligned with each other. It is necessary that they have a common fluid boundary.

The industry produces hydrostatic levels from 5 to 25 m long. The measurement error of these devices is 2÷3 mm. It is recommended to markup from one base mark. This allows for maximum accuracy.

Laser building levels(levels) belong to the group of professional measuring instruments.

Despite the relatively high cost compared to other solutions, they provide their owner with whole line benefits. First of all, it is the high accuracy of markup. The value of the permissible deviation is only 0.1÷1 mm/m, depending on the class of the device. The technical capabilities of linear laser levels allow them to build horizontal, vertical, as well as inclined planes at a distance of up to several tens of meters from the installation site.

For home use, this is more than enough. Rotary laser levels, due to the rotation of the emitter, project beams around the entire perimeter of the room, that is, they cover the entire space around them.

What construction work is carried out with the help of laser levels:

  • leveling walls or floors;
  • installation of attachments;
  • wall papering;
  • installation of stretch ceilings;
  • tiling of premises;
  • installation of partitions, etc.

How to choose a building level

To carry out repairs with high quality, even before starting work, you should choose a good measuring tool.

Now there is a wide variety of building levels. They differ from each other in purpose, technical characteristics, workmanship and price.

What is the task before you?! If you need an inexpensive universal tool for all occasions, you should pay attention to bubble levels.

They are comfortable, unpretentious, and most importantly - have good accuracy. Their capabilities are enough to evenly lay tiles, install windows, doors or furniture. The length of the universal level is 60÷80 cm.

Electronic levels with a goniometer and a magnetic system are suitable for those who decide to take repairs seriously.

They have advanced features. First of all, this is a visual presentation of data on an electronic display with an accurate indication of deviations in degrees, percentages or millimeters. Other distinguishing features are high accuracy, the function of recording readings, as well as the possibility of electronic calibration.

If you need to level beams, poles, water or gas pipes vertically or horizontally, take full advantage of pipe levels.

Their indisputable advantage is the possibility of precise centering on these elements of building structures.

The water level will be useful when installing a floor screed, installing suspended ceilings, and building a foundation. It is useful for marking places for sockets that will look aesthetically pleasing, being at the same height.

How to choose a bubble building level

With a water level, you can make accurate horizontal markings for adjacent rooms, between which there is no direct line of sight. This is one of its main advantages. This tool is low cost and easy to use. Its length varies from 5 to 25 meters, which is quite enough for domestic use.

The laser level will be an excellent choice for those who have a large volume construction works.

It will significantly save time, while ensuring high accuracy of construction of both horizontal and vertical planes. This good tool for beating the floor level, marking the walls under Finishing work, installation of furniture and communications.

There are three main types of laser levels: point, linear, rotational. In accordance with the name, they are used to build points, lines, and markings around the entire perimeter of the room at the same time.

Before starting work, the lasers must be leveled using the built-in bubble level.

Some models have an additional self-leveling function within 2÷4 degrees. The price of professional laser levels is quite high, but there are affordable options for home use.

What to look for when choosing

Among a large number manufacturers present on the market of measuring instruments, there are those who have already managed to gain an excellent reputation in our country and abroad.

In good standing with builders, there are bubble, as well as electronic levels Stabila and Kapro. Bosch laser levels are known for their quality. However, it is best to rely on own experience to purchase an item from necessary set features for a reasonable price.

The main selection criteria: technical characteristics, equipment, build quality and materials.

By purchasing bubble level, it is necessary to examine it appearance. Is there any visible damage? What is the quality of the materials, is it neatly assembled?! Particular attention should be paid to ampoules with liquid.

They must be securely integrated into the case.

Place the chosen level on a flat horizontal surface. It should fit snugly, without gaps, to it with its base. Note the position of the air bubble in the upper ampoule.

After that, turn the device 180⁰ clockwise or counterclockwise and put it in the same place. If the bubble has moved relative to its initial position, this level cannot be trusted.

Similarly, you can check the vertical accuracy of the readings.

Methods and materials for measuring floor level
Hydraulic level
Hydraulic Level Tips
Laser level (Leveling level)
Possible difficulties with the level

For those who are going to do overhaul in an apartment, the question certainly arises of how to beat off the level of the floor so that it is ideal.

But for this, you must first determine how large the error is and understand how many materials and elements you need to purchase. Fortunately, the modern market offers many options, thanks to which it is possible to carry out alignment work with high quality and without any problems.

Methods and materials for measuring floor level

Each owner of an apartment or house independently chooses a scheme according to which the surface of the lower part of the room will be transformed.

The question of how to set the floor level is of particular importance in the case of:

  • If the surface was previously leveled, but excess raw materials remained on it and were not removed;
  • If mistakes were made during construction and the surface was initially uneven;
  • If the floor level in a private house is not sufficient for the introduction of a new coating;
  • If the house or apartment is old and the surface has been damaged due to chemicals or the influence of external factors (flooding, fungi, dampness).

In any of these situations, you can fully determine how to check the floor level to fully transform the premises of an apartment or house.

Based on the photo of the future repair of the space, it is necessary to conclude how much it is necessary to raise the level of the lower surface of the room.

There are various options for how to measure the floor level, the main ones are:

  • Level measurement using a hydro level (water level);
  • Measuring the error in the evenness of the surface with a laser (read also: "How to check the evenness of the floor: ways to check in practice");
  • And also, measurement with a level, this option is used mostly by professionals.

Each of these options is suitable for its implementation.

Hosts can choose the appropriate one based on:

  • Device pricing policy;
  • Skills and experience;
  • The technical side of the issue.

Hydraulic level

This level is a structure consisting of:

  • rubber tube;
  • Two containers at both ends of the product.

In working with such a device, it is necessary to act in pairs and step by step. As a rule, this method is most often applicable, both among experienced builders and repairmen, and among beginners.

Step-by-step actions when asked how to display the floor level:

  1. First you need to pour the liquid into a rubber transparent tube, usually pour water. The tube should be filled to the extent that it is planned to raise the floor level;
  2. Then one of the participants repair work raises its end of the tube to the required height and, where the water stops, puts a mark on the surface of the wall;
  3. How to determine the level of the floor will become clear when the second participant in the repair reincarnations brings the tube to the other end of the room.

    It is necessary to wait a couple of seconds for the liquid to fully level in the vessel. After that, also put marks at the level where the water stopped in the tube;

  4. The same manipulations can be performed with all other sides of the wall;
  5. After the marks, you can slightly lower the level if it turned out to be too high.

    To do this, you need a special meter. In this case, it is necessary to lower the level of the mark on both sides by the same number of centimeters so that the flooring does not turn out to be too high.

  • Water does not move through the hydraulic level tube. In this case, the instrument should be washed, perhaps there are some stagnant specks, due to which the liquid does not move through the vessel. You can also blow out the hydraulic level so that excess items that interfere with the normal functioning of the device come out of it.
  • Water not level.

    Such a nuisance may appear due to the formation of air bubbles. You can get rid of them by tapping on the hydraulic level tube or by re-filling with water under high pressure.

Laser level (Leveling level)

Difficulties in the question of how to use the laser level to level the floor should not arise.

The process of using this method to determine the height of a surface is very simple.

This equipment kit includes:

  • Installation emitting laser beams;
  • Tripod (nozzle);
  • Stand, thanks to which you can vary the height of the device.

Having understood the scheme of how to check the level of the floor with a laser level, the work process will not take much time at all, and this function can be performed even singly.

Step-by-step instructions on how to beat off the floor level with a laser level:

  1. First of all, you need to install the device. Depending on the cost, and consequently, the quality of the tool, the installation process may be different. In budget models of the product, the equipment will need to be directed to each wall in turn.

    The best building levels according to user reviews

    In laser leveling systems, the illumination of laser drawings falls on the entire area of ​​the room;

  2. The second step is to draw the line drawn by the laser on the wall.

    This function can be carried out using a special upholstery cord or using a ruler and a pencil.

  3. After that, you can begin the process of leveling the surface of the floor covering.

Possible difficulties with the level

Determining the level of the floor with a laser (leveling) installation, it is extremely difficult to make a mistake.

However, errors are possible in the case of:

  • If the edges of the laser directions are unevenly set;
  • If, when transferring borders to the surface of the wall, the master or the owner of the apartment of the house incorrectly applied dotted lines;
  • If the level is set too low or too high.


When choosing any of the options for measuring the level of the floor surface, the result will be accurate.

The only difference between these two measurement devices is the level of difficulty in use:

  • The laser machine is very easy to use and with it the performance of work is reduced to minimal actions on the part of the worker.

    But the cost of this device is quite high, from 5,000 to 20,000 Russian rubles.

  • The hydraulic level also allows you to clearly determine the height of the surface. This device requires a lot of effort on the part of the participants in the repair. But you can even make this installation yourself, from improvised means, which can always be found in the pantry or in the garage.

Having carefully studied all the details and nuances of using floor surface level meters, you can fully and ideally carry out the process of leveling the lower part of the room.

During the construction of a house, capital or cosmetic repairs, assembling and installing furniture, one of the necessary tools is a building level. It is he who allows you to clearly determine the deviation from the vertical or horizontal line. The building products market is replenished annually with a variety of models that differ in technical characteristics and the principle of operation. Having studied the rating of the best samples, everyone will be able to accurately determine the most suitable option for themselves.

Notable building level companies

Among the variety of offers from different companies, home craftsmen and experienced builders have identified several brands that specialize in the production of building levels. Their products have earned confidence due to the high build quality and the ability to determine the exact parameters.


The company was founded back in 1889 and from the very beginning produced building measuring devices. He has many patents and is considered one of the leaders in this field. The key advantage of the meters is the start immediately when the rulers are extended, the overall ergonomics and the price. The downside concerns electronic meters - many complain about weak batteries. And if this is not important for a house, then at a construction site or other large facility this is a serious problem.


An Israeli company that in just 30 years was able to get into the TOP manufacturers of measuring devices. The products are distinguished by ergonomic solutions, original design, high level of quality and manufacturability.


German concern with 130 years of experience in the development and production of a variety of equipment and tools. The company in the production of products uses innovative technologies, as a result of which the quality remains the reference. In this case, the measuring equipment produced for domestic and professional needs was no exception. All models are ergonomic, comfortable, small, with a minimum error, designed for operation in the most difficult conditions. It is clear that the price of Bosch is a priori high, but it's worth it.


domestic manufacturer construction equipment and tools. All products are made in accordance with ISO 9001 standards, which leaves no doubt about their reliability and durability. The stated error of the meters is up to 0.1 °, which really corresponds to the real indicators. Basically, ZUBR is criticized for a small assortment, but the quality, and most importantly the price, definitely deserves all praise.

VIDEO: How to check the laser level

The "TOP" laser levels included models that excelled good performance according to the following parameters:

  • measurement range;
  • body type;
  • accuracy;
  • type of food;
  • weight and dimensions.

In addition, among the selection criteria should include consumer reviews, as well as technical indicators - the angle of self-alignment and the number of rays.

Kapro 985D 60L

Professional, electronic type spirit level, equipped with a backlit digital screen and two polyacrylic Plumb Site capsules. The design provides for the presence of two milled surfaces, as well as built-in magnets. The instrument is 120 cm long and accurately calibrated.

The construction magnetic level is distinguished by the presence of additional options in the form of an indicator of charging the battery pack, an automated function of turning the dial and a ninefold memory. There is a special hole for mounting a tripod, and the package comes with a convenient case for transportation and storage.

Main characteristics:

  • length - 600 mm;
  • weight - 1.1 kg;
  • probable error - 0.1 mm/m;
  • price - 6500-8800 rubles.

The measurement is in percentages, as well as degrees and the ratio of inches and feet. When an angle of 45° is formed, the instrument will beep as well as in the horizontal or vertical state. As for the shortcomings of Kapro, there are specimens with uneven paintwork.

Bison "Expert"

Multifunctional electronic magnetic building level with the function of determining absolute zero, the accuracy of determination is 0.1 degrees. Constructed from durable material with increased wall thickness for long life in harsh environments. 2 high-precision (1 mm / m) measuring ampoules are made on precision equipment from impact-resistant acrylic.

Bison "Expert"

A serious plus, according to builders, is the size of the rule fits in any pocket, neat execution of the case, strength - with repeated falls, the measurement accuracy is not violated and full automation, which is especially convenient at construction sites. The price of the rule is 2795 rubles.

ADA ProLevel 40

It is used to measure the angles of inclination of individual parts, vertical and horizontal planes. A sufficiently large digital electronic display allows you to consider the deviation from the horizontal / vertical at a distance of up to 3 meters. Information about the level comes simultaneously from the built-in slope sensor (inclinometer) and built-in bubble indicators, that is, double control is obtained. At the same time, you can work separately - mechanical (bubble) and digital.

Magnets are provided in the base so that it can be fixed on metal planes. Working temperature from -20°C to +40°C, which allows you to cope equally effectively both indoors and outdoors. The price of the fixture is 2490 rubles.

The laser rule is characterized by relatively small size, light weight and great functionality. It is used, as well as other varieties, when leveling various surfaces both on construction sites and indoors


A professional measuring device will be a good helper for every craftsman when performing construction work. It stands out with a 30-meter operating range. In addition, the point unit is able to build both vertical and horizontal lines, measure angles and plumb lines.

The cost of a construction laser device is 7900-9000 rubles. Thanks to small sizes 146x57x119 mm, the device fits easily in the hands. As for the erroneous determination, there is a small probability of an error of 0.1-0.2 mm / m.

The design includes a dust- and moisture-proof housing, a reliable device, a cross-shaped sight and 2 threaded elements for a tripod for ¼ and 5/8 inches. The device is very easy to use, as it can reproduce up to 5 beams. It is also impossible not to note the automatic shutdown function when the laser level is not used for 20 minutes. This makes it possible to save energy.

Geo-Fennel Ecoline EL 168

The building level has an affordable cost, which is significantly lower than analogues. The price of the model is only 1200 rubles, while the quality is not inferior at all. Such a unit can be used not only in domestic conditions, but also on construction sites.

Geo-Fennel Ecoline EL 168

The operating range here reaches 20 m, and two conventional batteries can provide energy for up to 24 hours. In addition, the model has compact dimensions, which makes it easy to use.

The design even has bubble building levels, this allows you to use the device when the batteries are low. The disadvantage of the device is not the nominal measurement accuracy, but this is fully justified by the cost.

ADA instruments PROLiner 2V

Laser level - a plane builder used to determine the vertical and horizontal markings indoors and outdoors. The level projects a 140° horizontal laser line. To build vertical markings, respectively, 2 vertical laser lines are used. The ADA instruments PROLiner 4V model has 4 vertical laser lines.

ADA instruments PROLiner 2V

Using a plumb point and a laser cross on the ceiling at any point in the room, you can transfer markings from the floor to the ceiling. This is convenient for the construction of suspended ceilings and the development of spot lighting. The case is shockproof, the measurement error is up to 0.01°. The price of the laser device is 8990 rubles.

Before choosing a water building level, it is recommended to use the rating of the most popular pocket, corner and traditional devices.

Stanley 0-42-130

Compact liquid apparatus that fits easily into a pocket. It has a monolithic plastic body, as well as a V-shaped metal base with two capsules of horizontal and vertical dimensions. Water levels are securely fixed in the grooves, which guarantees safe transportation or worn on a belt.

Stanley 0-42-130

The length of the case is only 87 mm. In case of contamination of the capsules, their surface can be easily cleaned. Subject to operating rules tool will last long time, guaranteeing high measurement accuracy. The cost of the building level is 690 rubles. The disadvantages of the model are the scrolling of the bubble controllers.

Kapro 340-08

An angular magnetic level allows you to calculate angular deviations. Two horizontal and one vertical sensors are mounted in the housing. The model is made of plastic material, equipped with four magnets and has a folding system according to the principle of a book.

For fastening on non-metallic elements, an elastic band is used. The device weighs only 200 g, while the measurement error can be 0.5 mm / m. Kapro 340-08 is being sold at a price of 700-900 rubles.

The model is set in increments of 15o. The design does not lose its qualities with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. In practice, the building level manifests itself in the best way, it is quite convenient to carry, practical and reliable. There is only one drawback here - in the manufacture of the model, geometric accuracy is not always maintained.

Stabila 70 Mas 1411

This is a universal spirit level with a feature in the form of a measuring scale, which is applied to one of the planes. The design has two engines, with their help the required parameter is transferred, for example, to the wall. The robust box-shaped housing is equipped with sealed plastic plugs on both sides.

Stabila 70 Mas 1411

The size of the model is 80 cm, the apparatus weighs 400 gr., while an error of 0.5 mm / m is allowed. The device is sold at a price of 1500 rubles.

VIDEO: How to set beacons and form a 90 degree angle?



noun, m., use often

Morphology: (no) what? level, what? level, (see) what? level, how? level, about what? about the level; pl. what? levels, (no) what? levels, what? levels, (see) what? levels, how? levels, about what? about levels

1. level a conditional horizontal line or plane is called, which shows the boundary of the height of something.

Intermediate level. | The level of the source of the river is higher than its mouth. | The window is at shoulder level.


2. water level called the height of the rise, standing of the water.

The water level has exceeded dangerous levels. | Despite the measures taken, the water level at the site still remains above the critical level.

3. Sea level- this is the position of the water surface of the seas and oceans relative to a certain reference point.

The pass is located at a height of one hundred meters above sea level. | Systematic observations over the level of the Caspian Sea began in 1837.

4. level is called an indicator that characterizes the development, improvement of something.

The general level of development of technology. | Low level of knowledge. | The World Bank considers the level of telephony to be one of the indicators of the level of the country's economic development.

5. Standard of living- this is an indicator of the provision of people in the country with products, commodities, services, etc.

Low, medium, high standard of living. | The standard of living of the population is affected not only by the income of citizens, but also by social and living conditions.

6. level called a quantitative indicator that characterizes the quality, intensity of something.

Required level of protection, security. | Computer simulation of car flows to assess the level of traffic safety.

conformity assessment

7. If you say that someone or something (is) at the (proper) level, then this means that some person, process, training, etc. meets the requirements, has the necessary qualities, characteristics.

The athletic training of the players was not up to the mark, and therefore the team lost.

8. If you say that something (is) at the middle, (low) level, then this means that some process, fact, situation is considered unsatisfactory by someone.

Protection of rights and intellectual property is at a low level. | The physical training of the guys is at the average level.


9. level called a step in the hierarchical system of power.

Authorities of the federal and regional levels.

10. meeting at highest level - these are official events with the participation of heads of state, government.

level adj.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .


See what "level" is in other dictionaries:

    LEVEL, level, husband. 1. A horizontal plane, which is the boundary of the height of something. The water level rises greatly during floods. Sea level (conditional starting point for determining heights on the earth's surface). ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    In the OSI model, a set of structures and programs that provide processing of a specific class of events. The level acts as a unit of decomposition of the set of functions that provide information interaction of applied processes. The OSI model distinguishes ... ... Financial vocabulary

    See the degree ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. level height, degree, spirit level, point, tessitura, edge, echelon, surface, ordinar, tier, step ... Synonym dictionary

    LEVEL, listen, husband. 1. Horizontal plane, surface as a boundary, from which the height is measured. U. water in the river. 2. The degree of size, development, significance of what n. Cultural at. U. life (the degree of satisfaction of the population with material and ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Life (economic theory). U. life (translation of the English expression Standard of Life) is usually understood in the sense of U. needs. Some, however, distinguish between these two concepts, of which the second has in English. special designation: Standard of… … Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    level- Level, if you heard such, for example, the message of the flood commission: The water level in the river has increased, then know that this commission probably has flood specialists, but not in Russian, because the level can ... ... Dictionary of Russian language mistakes

    LEVEL, see equalize. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    level- LEVEL, degree ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    level 2- Data link layer in the OSI model. Responsible for receiving and transmitting packets, datagram-level service, local addressing, and error control. Computing network topics EN ... ...

    level 3- Network layer (Network layer) in the OSI model. Responsible for addressing and routing in internetworking. Computing network topics EN layer 3 … Technical Translator's Handbook

    level 4- Transport layer in the OSI model. Provides delivery between endpoints. Computing network topics EN layer 4 … Technical Translator's Handbook

In this section of the Skladom online store you can buy a building level at a low price! Our catalog contains a wide range of models. The range includes tools made in Russia and abroad. A wide choice allows you to find the best option in terms of cost and functional purpose, allowing you to solve problems of any degree of complexity.

Types of building levels

You can buy a building level from us:

        • Bubble. A special tool of rectangular shape with installed transparent flasks filled with liquid. By the location of the bubble, it is easy to determine whether the surface corresponds to a horizontal or vertical plane. The presence of the third flask makes it possible to measure the degree of deviation from the given parameters of the horizon. The catalog contains levels of various lengths and body designs: "Profile", "Rail", etc.
        • Water - a special construction tool. The level is designed to determine the horizontal location of structures or distant objects. Two graduated flasks at the ends of the hose filled with water allow you to quickly and accurately beat off the horizontal level of the foundation, screed, floor, etc.

The photographs accompanying each model, as well as an informative description, will help you choose the right level. Just go to the site page and you can find out everything about the features, benefits and distinctive features one model or another.

Depending on the type of tool, manufacturer and individual characteristics, the price for the construction level may be different. Along with professional, more expensive products, we also have budget models, which favorably differ in affordable cost and high quality.

For accurate and quick measurements, buy building levels in Skladom!